Spooky Stuff

One of the things that make dystopian science fiction fun for the audience is the understanding that it will never happen. It could happen, but only a long time in the future, when everyone seeing the warning is dead. Worst case, the “boot stomping the face” stuff happens when you’re ready to kick the bucket, so you’ll live to see it, but never really have to experience it. This adds a camp fire quality to it, allowing the creator to lay it on a bit thick to make his points. Horror movies often work the same way.

The same is true about doom and gloom in public commentary. The market predictor guy on TV, who thinks the market is about to tank, is not getting much traction if he claims a mild downturn is coming. If he warns that fire will rain down from the sky and Lucifer will rise from his pit somewhere on Wall Street, then people pay attention. The people consuming such content do so with an understanding that it’s not really going to be that bad, but it is kind of fun pretending it will be as you stock up on MRE’s.

You see this with the bogeyman of AI and his posse called automation. Any day now, so the story goes, the algorithms will come alive, enslave the population and replace every job with a robot. What usually follows, depending upon your inclination, is either the libertarian fantasy of a world where everyone smokes weed and plays hacky-sack or the dystopian sci-fi vision of a world like The Matrix or The Terminator. Most people assume it will not happen, but it is fun to pretend it will happen.

Of course, the one thing that rarely gets mentioned is that the future is never the nightmare people imagine. We know this because we are currently living in the nightmarish future imagined in the past. Orwell’s 1984 was nothing like our 1984. In fact, our 1984 was a lot better than Orwell’s 1948. London was still in rubble at the point. Food was still limited and general living standards were poor. Relative to life in 1984 London, life in 1948 was about as bad as Orwell imagined forty years or so on the future.

Probably the most relevant test case we have for this is 20th century Marxism. China and Russia underwent massive social experiments attempting to usher in the Marxist future of a worker’s paradise. At times, life was pretty awful for people in both countries. The purges of Stalin and the Cultural Revolution of Mao were dystopian nightmares for many of the people at the time. Yet, most buggered their way through. Their present was not our future. Instead, our future and theirs was our present, which is not so bad.

Still, the example of China and Russia show that even though things tend to work out for humanity in the long run, the short run can be quite terrible. It means were probably better off worrying about what’s right in front of us, rather than what lies far down the road. A good example is what is coming from behavioral science and genetics. The former is about establishing statistical patterns of human behavior in order to model it. The latter is about finding genes to explain the features of life, including human life.

On the behavioral side, China’s social credit system is a great example of the spooky future stuff happening in the present. The same tools China is using are now being applied to social media and public discourse in the West. The British cop sent out to investigate an offensive tweet is applying the same techniques China is using when they throttle internet access of dissidents. It’s a combination of shame and reduced access, intended to alter the behavior of people viewed as disruptive.

The Twitter cops are not just people sitting around reading tweets. The social media giants are using techniques from behavioral science to narrow the focus to those most likely to be a problem. China’s social credit system works the same way. It’s not predicative in the narrow sense, but more of a profile. When the cumulative score of someone’s activity reaches a certain point, they gets closer examination. The social media giants use this same approach to throttle users with the so-called shadow ban.

On the genetics side of the dystopian present, this will become increasingly common as the science gets better and cheaper. Future parents will soon have a chance to increase their child’s cognitive score, so to speak, rather than leave it to chance. What parent would not want their child to be smart or tall or handsome? If science can increase the odds of that happening, people will embrace it. Think of it this way. If science could tell you which fertilized egg was most likely to be the best, which would you choose?

Of course, Stephen Hsu cannot guarantee your child will be a genius. In fact, he can’t guarantee anything as no such guarantee is enforceable. His clients will not know if his technique worked until their child is well along in development and no one is going to enforce a return policy for children. That said, it is not about guarantees. It is about probabilities. What these techniques offer is better odds of getting the best genetic mix from the parents. It’s like moving closer to the target at the shooting range.

If that’s not enough, genetic research is slowing moving toward a time when minor corrections after the fact are possible. It’s unlikely, highly unlikely, that science will ever be able to rewrite the code of a living human, but they are starting to tinker. These techniques will no doubt be applied to artificial insemination, in combination with what Stephen Hsu is offering. Pick the best embryo, make a few tweak and the odds of your child being a combination of the best his parents contributed goes way up.

None of this is part of some dystopian future. It is spooky stuff happening right now. The most worrisome is probably the stuff coming from behavior science, as it allows for that dystopian future, where the authorities act as puppet masters. The genetics stuff is less spooky and less worrisome for now. Still, the point is we have plenty of monsters walking around in the present. If we want to be worried or have a reason to put away some more MRE’s, you just have to spend time on Twitter or talk to Stephen Hsu.

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5 years ago

You know sometimes I think the Bible is actually a manual how to avoid systematic collapse of your culture put together after the Bronze Age collapse. Don’t let the women get in charge , don’t let the homos get power, keep the degeneracy in check, don’t let the children rule over you. Maybe there are some things that last forever but not cultures and civilizations. Im sure the Hittites would be surprised to found out they were completely forgotten for thousands of years except for a couple of references here and there.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Yes, it codifies ancient wisdom.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Well, if your list is correct (and it is), Muslims, despite their copious flaws and low IQ, are looking good.

I suspect that every once-successful civilization on the decline marvels at how they’ll eventually lose out to such obviously inferior people. Muslims and Africans, peoples who could barely organize a neighborhood BBQ, will overtake a people who harnessed the power of the atom.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Well, who was more advanced than the Romans? And they didn’t lose to an invasion by a super-advanced civilization, they were overrun by foreign yokels. I think this is the norm.

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
5 years ago

The Romans were fairly primitive, they coasted on Greek, Persian and Phoenician scholarship. Few people could name three Roman inventions without googling, and their contribution to math and science is parsimonious as well. Some dude on the internet argued that the Romans had all the tools to ignite a steam-powered industrial revolution, but their incuriousity and their dependency on slaves, saw them stuck with virtually unchanged technology for a thousand years. The West might fall, but not to a culture that can’t build a petrol engine, even when you give them the blueprints. The Mohammadans are only a threat in… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

True, Muslims and Africans are only the tools being used by the globalists, but they will grow in number in Europe and, to a lessor extent, the United States.

Either there will be mass violence, killings and forced expulsions larger than anything seen in WWII, or there will be tens of millions (if not 100 million) of Muslims and Africans in Europe in 50 years. (Their children in Europe already number tens of millions.) They won’t just quietly die off over winter.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

“I’ll take ‘Mass violence, killings and forced expulsions’ for a $thousand, Alex.”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Citizen, the fastest growing black group in the U.S. are blacks in MAINE, formerly at least 95% white. That rapidly growing contingent would be the “refugees” placed there via the globalist U.N. to replace white folk, i.e., Somalians who have 4 – 8 children per family. We in the U.S. do not have the equivalent of Germany’s AfD party (pro-national, anti-immigrant, also found in Italy, France, Sweden, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia). In the U.S., Trump just signed a spending bill this past Friday that essentially reinforces open borders and amnesty. The old white Christian U.S. is LOSING. In fact,… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

The U.S. as formerly constituted? No. But the world changes. Civilizations and countries come and go. Will we vote our way out of this? No. But always remember, the other side is weak. Yes, they look incredibly powerful now, but their castle is built on sand. Blacks and Muslims are utterly useless, incapable of maintaining anything close to a civilization on their own. (Hell, they can’t even live in civilizations.) Mestizos are dullards. They can marginally maintain a civilization with the help of a white ruling class. Our opponents – Good Whites and Jews – are going to rely on… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

That’s super-hero, comic-book thinking. It will lead to loss. We whites are getting our asses kicked. That’s all. And we all go back to contentedly munching on our chemically laden crap food.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

True. My point is that there’s a path. Will we take it. Don’t know. But there is a way out. I’m not talking about some childish civil war fantasy. I’m saying that it takes some time for people who have been on top for damn near twenty generations to realize that they might need to put on the gloves again. Look, 15 years ago or so, I was your typical libertarian, colorblind cuckservative. Now look where I’m at. It’ll take some time for whites to wake up, but there’s no doubt that we are, albeit slowly. We won’t wake up… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

I know that the Romans had the pipe organ. It was used during amphitheatre entertainments, and was reputed to be so loud it could be heard miles away. As for advanced, I meant Rome was advanced in comparison with the other competing civilizations of its time. And it doesn’t matter if the Romans were themselves gifted in original innovations; like Americans, they were adept at taking what was good from other cultures and making good use of it. Now, I don’t know how they stacked up against the Chinese or Hindu civilizations around at that time. But those weren’t in… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
5 years ago

I know that the Romans had the pipe organ.

Invented by the Greeks. By Archimedes himself, some say.

And you’re right that the Romans were superior to their contemporaries on many accounts – they didn’t rule the known world for no reason – but my objection was only to the notion that the Romans were particularly advanced compared to their barbarian neighbours.

They had better troops, better bureaucrats and better engineers, but their scientists sucked and their art was also rather underwhelming for the greatest civilisation in European history, where almost everybody was literate.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Romans also didn’t seem to go in much for philosophy. The Romans seemed to be an extraordinarily practical people. They enjoyed building things and organizing things, but didn’t think too much about it.

I will say this for them. They were really good about incorporating other people’s inventions and maximizing them.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Yeah but the Muslims have a widespread problem with pedophilia and child rape so the degeneracy is not in check. Of course , they aren’t offering up their infant as human sacrifices so it’s hard to tell who’s worse . I think the whole thing is coming down and thousands of years in the future when they’re going through the archaeological record they’re going to find a billion cell phones and call it the Black Box collapse.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

They do offer up the children of others though through terrorism and a “doesn’t count if they’re not Muslim” attitude.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Bible was right on wrt human behavior as early hunter gatherer man became urbanized settled man. Technology has obviously changed, but human behavior not so much. Years ago I was treated to a thought experiment. Suppose we were to go back in time to the ancient Greek agora of Socrates. Further, we convinced Socrates to accompany us into the future of the 21st century. He’d arrive in our time travel machine (let’s assume it looks like a telephone booth for fun) and step out into our “space-time travel” experimental lab. A modern looking building with lighting, a/c, plumbing and the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Good point. And the New Testament is a codification of Greek philosophy mixed with Hebrew mysticism. They seem to fit together quite well.

5 years ago

The social credit angle is the one that disheartens me the most. I am no libertarian; but I do want just enough power (money/connections/juice) to be left alone to pursue my idiosyncrasies, like one of those desert-dwelling hermits on the fringes of the declining Roman empire. I do not want the power of an oligarch. But I can envision an approaching society which actively applies punative sanctions for refusing to use social media to parrot the approved Progressive religion. Just as refusing to burn a pinch of incense to the emperor could lead to martyrdom, failure to display the proper… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Yep, Progs control the choke points of society – tech and finance. They already have the infrastructure to un-person any of us, i.e. I’m not talking about the distant future. If you get on the Prog Shit-list, you could lose your access to credit cards, banking, loans, barred from all social media (not a big deal for most of us), etc. You might be banned from many stores. What if airlines won’t sell you a ticket, car companies a car? Normally, you’d think the government would have an issue with that, but I suspect that a Harris Administration would be… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Citizen, right on the money. Seems we have a model for such a dystopian scenario today with Social Media removing badthink folks from their systems while the government remains silent. However, I’m not so sure we can build an “alternative” network for badthinkers. Infrastructure involved is more than social media software packages, it’s the communications links as well. I seem to remember that at the top levels here, ISP’s, domain name servers, and such, banning folk has already happened with little reaction from the government.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

I agree that the task is almost impossibly hard, maybe even impossible. But that doesn’t change the fact that if we don’t, we could become helots. It’s our only peaceful way to freedom. That’s what TPTB doesn’t seem to get. Yes, they control the choke points, allowing a very small number of people to control society. But that’s also their Achilles’ Heel. Their power only exists so long as the whites remain non-violent. A few targeted attacks against tech executives, and they’re in trouble. I’m not advocating that; I’m simply saying that their power is more fragile than they think… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

The current crop of Social Media is dying and Right Wing friendly options are on the way. I expect to see a properly running Social Galactic “Right Wing Twitter” up and running in a few months The future will be censored of course but you’ll go to the place where you are wanted and welcome , a loose example, Twitter if it makes it for the Left , Gab for ass-hats and full free speech and Social Galactic for Right As for ISP’s and such, I’ll note that the main target of these are still around. Its also possible and… Read more »

Pat Wreck
Pat Wreck
Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Wishful. Thinking.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Pat Wreck
5 years ago

You should search for articles on Facebook losing the younger audience and replacement of twitter with Instagram I remember My Space and yes even Friendster and they went away. Big Social will join them As far as alternatives, Infogalactic , a fork of Wikipedia is up and runs very well and Socialgalactic was up a few days ago There were a few a issues with the companies software and speech policy. The later isn’t what you think. Socialgalactic is meant to be heavily modded for Conservatives and the company whose software was used, were free speech absolutists I expect Arkhaven… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Umm, genius most of those shitlibs are white Americans. Normally I am not a fan of David surrendermonkey…er. French, but this column is right on the money. Globullism is a beats fed, midwifed and reared by white Americans


Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

If you want spooky stuff happening right now, look no further than birth statistics. They are the future, and they are dystopic.

United States: Less than 50% white
France: 20% Muslim, 10% African (at least)
England: 25% non-white, 10% Muslim

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

When I point that out to my friends, they think I’m crazy. Talk about burying your head in the sand.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

England is much more whiter than the U.S but are much further along the road to perdition than America. The Rat voting base is the close to 100% white states of N.E, Oregon and Washington. AOC has a white male BF. The dissident right’s race fixation will be its undoing

Reply to  UpYours
5 years ago

Uh no. Whites, especially white males, vote solidly Republican. Non-whites vote overwhelmingly Democrat, to the point of near unanimity among blacks. Everyone knows that the future of electoral math in America is 100% predicated on non-whites swamping white voters. Sure many whites still vote Democrat for nostalgia or because they are a sexual deviant or want to murder their offspring in the womb. The establishment Right’s willful disregard for racial politics will be its undoing and our nation along with it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

True. It’s the GOP that I save my hatred for. The Left was doing what you’d expect them to do. It’s the “conservatives” that I want under my knife.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  UpYours
5 years ago

Yeah, other races are completely color-blind and never think about race.

In multi-racial societies, race becomes your uniform. It’s not a fixation, just recognizing the enemy. The fact that many whites believe the propaganda or want to pretend that it’s still 1980 doesn’t change this reality.

Reply to  UpYours
5 years ago

I’d say the US is further down the road than England: most social metrics are worse in the land of the free. Critical race theory, micro-aggressions, PC , Affirmative Action are all of American origin.

Still,comparing the US to the UK is comparing two leprotic geriatrics.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Don’t know where you dredged up those figures but I can tell you that Britain is still around 85% white or more. Our problem is the same as yours; which is to say that the white shitlibs are running the show.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

The 25% is births, not total population.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

So, births in England are 75% white! Black and Muslim numbers in France will overlap somewhat as well.

The US….

Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

Calizuela, Detroit, St. Louis, Newark, the Rust Belt, Phoenix, etc., etc. Yeah, I’ve seen Dystopia – and it is real. I ordered 10 more 30 round mags today.

Pat Wreck
Pat Wreck
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

After 30 long years spent in one of our esteemed armed forces, I chuckle a little at “lock and load” guys who are betting on a personal armory to get them through the coming racial reversal. Once the sword of the state is held securely in non-white hands, and the all-seeing eye and cached data of US intelligence agencies belongs to the formerly oppressed, it really won’t take long for them to track down those of us who have expressed “bad thoughts” over the past few years, or have not public uttered RightSpeech – they’ll probably need help from smart… Read more »

Deplorable BTP
Deplorable BTP
Reply to  Pat Wreck
5 years ago

How did that work out in Afghanistan? Held to a stalemate by a bunch of goat herders.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Pat Wreck
5 years ago

Tell it to the VC and the Afghans.

Pat Wreck
Pat Wreck
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

Nice retort, but I’m pretty sure you guys aren’t living in a cave or a tropical jungle. I’m guessing you have a numbered street address, a trackable mobile phone and a very thorough paper and digital footprint that won’t be so easy to shake – plus eventually you’ll need to get those prescriptions refilled. And besides, maybe “winning” isn’t the point of being in Afghanistan – not that I’m for it, but there are arguable rationalizations for having a de facto permanent imperial outpost there. If the Chinese communists (and many other contemporary examples) are any indication, it’s one’s own… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Orwell (1984), Huxley (Brave New World), and Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451) were all very good at seeing into the future. But maybe the most prescient of all was Jean Raspail (Camp of the Saints) who saw a West simply getting overwhelmed with a massive flood of Third World Brown People.

Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

If the coup d’état against President Trump by the Deep State/Media FBI/CIA/NSC/US Congress(without consequence for the various criminal actors) is not “dystopia,” I don’t know what is. It was an Air Raid alarm signal of the death of the American Republic.

And 99% of the Deep State criminals are Upper-Class WASPs and (((You-know-who))) . This is more than “spooky.” This is a three alarm fire. The Totalitarian Dystopian Nightmare, led by “elite” WHITE people, is just around the corner.

After Trump – the Deluge.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

I have to say, I never thought much about the “Deep State” before Trump. I heard people talk about it but figured that they were the tinfoil hat crowd. Was I ever wrong.

Since Trump, I’ve seen the power and collusion of Deep State, Big Tech and the wealthy Elite. They are an organized force, and they are playing for keeps. What’s more, they were caught off guard by Trump and have been working hard to not let that happen again.

If we were woken up to them, they were woken up to us.

5 years ago

Z: “On the behavioral side, China’s social credit system is a great example of the spooky future stuff happening in the present. The same tools China is using are now being applied to social media and public discourse in the West.” Yes. And to branch from your point. The tools of calculating social credit, as everyone knows, don’t even require hi-tech. I was watching Colbert and his guest was the astronaut Scott Kelly, who’d famously spent almost a year in space. Near the start of the interview Colbert asked him, “Given the state of the Earth, do you ever wish… Read more »

Monty James
5 years ago

“His clients will not know if his technique worked until their child is well along in development and no one is going to enforce a return policy for children.”

I hope you’re right, but the state of New York makes one wonder what the abortion laws will be like in thirty years.

Reply to  Monty James
5 years ago

Along in years would seem to be fairly short. We are using IQ tests and proxies at 11 years for intelligence measurement for example (assuming that aspect of embryo selection). What might take longer is sample size in order to reach acceptable significance. We’d need large numbers of folk doing such and most folk don’t need implantation to have children.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

The U.S. is doing a bang-up job supporting poor brown women pumping out babies. These are our replacements, and we’re paying for them.

5 years ago

A Brave New World gets less attention but is much closer to reality than 1984. We are not quite to the Road Warrior stage yet but we also aren’t as far off as many might want to believe. What concerns me is how fragile the system really is and how incompetent and flat out stupid so many “leaders” we depend on are. A threat of snow can strip grocery stores bare in hours, imagine a more significant event leaving stores empty for a week. Does anyone think that we have more than a handful of people in D.C. or even… Read more »

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

I what way do you depend on “Leaders”?

Who is this “we” of which you speak?

Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

A Brave New World gets less attention but is much closer to reality than 1984.

Just so. No need for jackboots stomping on human faces, when you can have the proles pacify themselves.

5 years ago

IMHO , as genetic science begins to better understand human make-up, the more they will uncover the complexity and “non-linearity” of the human genome. That is, if they tweak gene “A” to produce a certain desirable trait, genes “Q and R” will respond to “A’s” change – as will other genes in a cascading sequence – and cause some undesirable or unexpected trait to manifest itself. Look at the effort and cost to bring a legit. drug to market; 9 of 10 new drugs fail in clinical testing, yet no drug gets to the clinical testing phase unless it looks… Read more »

5 years ago

The Russians and Chinese were put through their dystopia by other (largely in the case of Russia) other Russians and Chinese. We are facing something very different : attack and replacement across a genetic boundary. Not sure if this has ever actually happened before, at least on a civilizational level. This site has been under attack for a couple if weeks. Various ISPs are blocking it. And the walling off is being ratcheted up. Until a few days ago I could still use the IP address. No longer works. Some gateways run by comcast no longer even ping the address.… Read more »

Reply to  Oldvannes
5 years ago

Attack and replacement across a genetic boundary. The Romans tried that late in their story (Goths). How’d that work out?

I’ve noticed this site being blocked into non-existence a lot lately, too.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
5 years ago

The AI thing is a bunch of geeks trying to usher in there ‘resistance’ fantasy as you alluded to re: Terminator. It ain’t happening for a LONG time for a variety of reasons. Power and Energy concerns chiefly among them, but there are more. What you SHOULD be worried about is the here & now creeping surveillance state which is nearly complete at this point. We are living in an open air prison and most people are either too oblivious / stupid or simply do not care. Hot off the heels of this topic here are two more ‘bricks in… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
5 years ago

Read “Data and Goliath”. Surveillance is everywhere and far more than most folks realize.

5 years ago

People always want to try to figure out what is “going to happen”. Red light or green light. Instead, it is generally a set of probable outcomes, sometimes narrowly differentiated, and sometimes widely so. The probability set constantly changes over time. Once you look at the world as an array of outcomes rather than simply “this” or “that”, the world you see is a different one. That said, I don’t recall a world with such a broad array of potential resolutions over time as the one we are living in today. I believe the wide array of potential outcomes is… Read more »

5 years ago

On AI and automation, I suspect the holdup will always be the fear of lawsuits (we already have stories of robots crushing someone at an Amazon warehouse) and the human revulsion at the inevitable accidents. Like with self-driving cars, even if statistically there are fewer accidents with them, the ones that do happen tend to bother us more. If a human falls asleep at the wheel or is drunk, those are things we can understand, even if we disapprove. When a computer-controlled car just barrels over someone crossing a street, it feels more like an alien invader coldly wiping out… Read more »

5 years ago

Complex systems don’t take to tweaking very well. There are lots of outcomes to genetic modification we haven’t nor will be able to consider because of the number of interactions.

This will not end well for those involved.

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Alex
5 years ago

The people doing those don’t care, Techies as a broad category don’t care about downstream consequences of the tech they produce.

This is why nerds have to be kept very low status and without power and as a social science nerd, I applaud those who do this.

I love my fellow smart people but far too many of us have no ethics or common sense and as such are nothing but trouble.

5 years ago

Behavioral science is a benign, neutral term that doesn’t fully express the current threat. Much like it was just “nuclear science” taking place at Los Alamos in the 1940s, the weaponization potential is the elephant in the room. The tools of behavioral science are now being used in this Brave New World to proactively make systemic changes to the dominate behaviors of target populations, and this is being hyper-accelerated by modern communication technology and it’s handmaiden, cell phone addiction. These changes tend to be insidious and opaque, but they are real and impactful nonetheless.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

An off-topic poast of interest:

Amateur Xirl science


The obvious unspoken trend here is that a lot of women desire the imposition of the Chinese social credit system to deter low-value men from existing in their “curated” Big Social space. The lesson here is to get off of Big Social, and if you must use it to never say anything negative about a woman.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

This is what they refer to. It’s rather amusing


We’ve got viral mobs that get agitated at a few drops of Boomer conservatism. It would advise many of our people to truly shut up and show humility. Crazy leftists with cultural power should be given a wide berth. So I unironically agree with them, starve feminists of attention.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
5 years ago

Aw, you went all sciencey on me at the end! I was hoping this was going to be an End Times thread! The predictions of novelists like Orwell might not be coming true, but there are still a lot of creepy religious visionaries whose predictions are getting more convincing all the time. I just discovered one named Alois Irlmaier who predicted a fascinating WWIII scenario, including details like people using little rectangular boxes to talk to and view images (iPhones?).

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

As I’ve said before about A.I. , you don’t need true A.I. to end society. You just need enough automation. We have that now and nearly 50 years of below replacement fertility to prove it Bringing in foreigners to serve as labor and consumers can only go on so long, they either cannot sustain the society or end up with the same problem Hispanic, all categories fertility is 1.8 with Puerto Rico weighing in at 1.3 Cities +not enough ,money ends modernity. Its just a slow moving apocalypse Thank goodness for that and idiocracy too. Outside of some medicine and… Read more »

Reply to  A.B. Prosper
5 years ago

Fair point. Spandrell made a point on his blog bloodyshovel.wordpress.com a few years back that with the advances in automation and globalisation, societal stability needs to range between the poles of autarky and or butlerian jihad. What I worry about is the steady insidious advance of woke capital into every aspect of communication and commerce. That black Proud Boys chapter head who had his personnal account banned by Chase is a prime example. The nightmare is a hyper pozzed version of China’s social credit model. Say what you will about a traditional Authoritarian but you know where you stand with… Read more »

A.B. Prosper
A.B. Prosper
Reply to  Shane
5 years ago

The Right could do to be more like Franco or Pinochet or hell Norsefire from V Vox Day is fond of noting he isn’t in favor of free speech. Its largely because its intrinsically harmful to good order (more or less paraphrased) and given no one else supports it, why should he.? This is a very good point. Given we are going to have blasphemy and obscenity laws no matter what , wither by woke capital or the State might as well be our side that sets them. Libertarianism is just allowing the Leftist cuckoos into the proverbial nest by… Read more »

5 years ago

I mentioned to Audacious E yesterday about how the “Green New Deal” is reminiscent of Trofim Lysenko.

5 years ago

Improving cognitive capabilities: Nice counter point to “At our wits’ end”.

5 years ago

I was fortunate with my children, they seem to be the best of my wife and I. More her, of course, with the mitochondria and my smaller Y to the boy.
The need for varieties of traits to face unexpected selective pressures makes me think leaving evolution alone is preferable.
I am quite old fashioned and won’t have too long to put with the next superrace.

5 years ago

Visit to the local geneticist.


5 years ago

It seams to me that one of the reasons that the Soviet and Communist Chinese (Maybe Nor Ko today) systems were relatively stable is that they did provide a better, improved life for a majority of their subjects, at least for a while. They certainly sucked from our POV, Will material deprivation and tyranny from government. But the preceding structure of Imperial Russia and China sucked even worse for the peasantry.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Zman, so much to take on here. You look at only one side of the coin, there is another side (as there always is). But to be brief, let’s take WWII and the Russians. In short, a very good case can be made that Stalin brought on the war in Russia. He purged the best of his officer core in his paranoia before the war—10’s of thousands gone. He then added at each level a corresponding political officer to watch and oversee those remaining. He signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler, starting WWII and invaded Poland along side Germany and… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

I don’t remember exactly where it was I read this – but I remember reading something recently that made claims that Hitler launched his invasion of Russia – to pre-empt the Russian invasion of Western Europe. The claim was that one of the reasons why the Nazis did so well on their initial thrust eastward was because the Soviet military forces were caught off guard and in positions to attack westward. Wish I could remember where it was I read this. But it was laid out very plausibly. And I don’t think the true story of how WW2 went down… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The problem there is that without the commies in charge – there might not have needed to be a defense of the motherland in the first place. Pat Buchanan has made the point before that Hitler’s real war was against the globohomos of the day – which was the communist part of the Soviet Union. l Of course it was the Germans who got Lenin back into Russia – and started off the whole commie revolution in the first place. So what comes around – goes around. Which is why I think the founders of this country were smart –… Read more »

Reply to  Joshinca
5 years ago

The hive model works for bee colonies. Do you want to become a drone bee? Because the odds of you being selected as the Queen Bee are pretty small. Chavez, Maduro and his upper echelon cronies stole much of the nation’s treasury as their tribute for imposing benevolent socialism on it’s people. Fear not, the same thing is happening right here.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Government officials are always out to steal the wealth, to some extent or another. Private sector operators are, too, but are held back by the marketplace and the ability of their customers to shop elsewhere for a better deal. The genius of our system was to structurally neuter the ability of the government officials to scoop too much, through elections, and also to allow the “customers” (the citizens) to shop amongst the various states to get the better deal for themselves. The fault is not the system (ours is better than most, at least in theory), but in human nature.… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

If we want to see the Idiocracy dystopia in the present, we don’t have to look far.


Every person on that list is a shameless grifter, and the vast majority are more devoted to Zionism than their own countries. But yet this is what is gleefully consumed as the “new punk rock”.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Not all, but some. Being successful and popular does not equate to grifter. Perhaps you’d like to produce an alternative list of non-grifters for discussion/comparison. Or at least define why you classify them as grifters.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Every one on that Top 10 is a merchant of some sort. Look at the return we’ve gotten out of them and honestly ask if it was worth it. DSA gets results, our e-celebs get lifestyle. Selling books, snake oil and camgirling for Patreon bucks does nothing to advance the Right. It separates foolish Boomercons and beta males from their money. And every person on that list has counter-signaled us. I respect the left for the fact that there are no “Chapo thots”.

Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

You obvious don’t really follow these folk in any substantial way. You simply don’t agree with them. Or seem to feel they have let you down. Fine. But they are more influential than you or I will ever be. As I’ve stated before, they have reached more people with ideas we agree with (not all, some are IMO “grifters” and a pimple on our ass) than we ever will around the dinner table or at the local bar. They are useful as entry points to the movement.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

I’m debating efficacy and morals. I don’t think we are well served claiming to defend the “white working class” while misleading people with poor impulse control into buying things. Our persuasive ability is strongest among our peer groups. Public support of right-wing ideas leads to social marginalization in many areas. And grifters prey on that.

Sean Detente
Sean Detente
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

White is right. There’s your efficacy. “Morality”, as you loosely swing it about, went out the window years (decades) ago, and such you don’t get to necessarily choose the soldiers that deployed in this fight of ours. Molyneux might be a crypto-libertarian in sheep’s clothing, Lauren Southern a crypto-THOT, Paul Watson a closeted gay dude (or has he come out? I don’t follow the guy), Cernovich should change his name to “Cernobitch”, etc. you can find fault with everyone on that list. 20, 30 years ago similar people were saying pretty much the same things, but relegated to the underground… Read more »