February Grab Bag

Maybe it is just me, but there seems to be an edge to everything of late, like everyone is a little more mad about things than normal. I feel it in myself, which is why I have decided to decouple from the news entirely next week. I suspect it has something to do with the Jusse Smollett story. Not in a direct way, as no one is surprised by the result. Well, the media is pretending to be surprised, but no one else. This is one of those events where there is the above the waterline story and a below the waterline story.

The above the waterline part is the fact that everyone knew it was a hoax and the people in charge bothered to acknowledge it. Usually these hoaxes get broomed and the only people following them are the weirdos who cater to the woke Dirt People. Without Steve Sailer, no one would know about Haven Monahan. Heck, most people still don’t get the reference or they have forgotten it, along with the whole story. That’s how good the media is at controlling the minds of most Americans. Propaganda works.

The below the waterline story is that Smollett is going to get away with it. Some BoomerCons will wave around this petty charge as vindication, like they are doing with Trump’s fake wall declaration, but people on our side know better. If it had been two white guys attacking a black, they would be facing life in prison. This clown, who cost the city millions and perpetuated this blood libel against whites, will end up with probation and a boost in his career. Notice he has not been fired from his job yet.

A growing anger is the price for people becoming aware of what’s happening to them, but it makes for a tense environment. A lot of CivNats are slowly realizing they have been conned, duped by people they trusted. This is not America, at least not the America with laws, rules and equal justicet. We’re a lot closer to where the Russians were 40 years ago than where America was 40 years ago. That’s both scary and infuriating, but that’s inevitable as our people wake up from the American Dream.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below. I have been de-platformed by Spotify, because they feared I was poisoning the minds of their Millennial customers.

This Week’s Show


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5 years ago

I don’t feel so bad now. Even the rock steady, unflappable Z Man sometimes loses his patience with these people, and gets angry! HAR HAR HAR! You are absolutely right about Leftist running the game, and how idiots will play and lose every time. That was me, for years. Then one day the game wasn’t fun anymore. The lefties won, and I left the playground to go do something else. I don’t have cable TV, I have no subscriptions to the mass media, and when they waggle that stick and make to throw it – I just say ‘No thanks… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

We have run plumb out of distance.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

Carl, correct. We’ve run out of distance. I used to be of the same mind as Glen. Living in AZ and looking at CA, I used to think “sucks being you”, but then they moved here. Now it sucks being me. 2020 elections are likely to turn the State blue (it’s now purple at best). You can buy time—perhaps even until you die—but they’ll follow you wherever you go, if for no other reason than to escape the shitholes they’ve created.

Sean Detente
Sean Detente
Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Feel ya. I was born and grew up in Sedona.

5 years ago

The Virginia Lt. Gov. double rapist is going to walk and probably keep his job too.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Well, he can’t be helped if he resigns and grovels. The only meaningful comparison is to the right winger who stands his ground

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

It would be nice if conservatives groveled over something important, like the Iraq War or deregulating the banks.

How much do you think David Frum and Max Boot have donated to rehabilitating the veterans wounded by their wars?

Reply to  Karl
5 years ago

The GOP actively seeks out the kind of candidates who are likely to grovel. It’s a badge of honor for them.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I’ve heard form two different people that were seriously considering a high level political run that the r party wanted a detailed list of all the dirt that anyone could possibly dig up on them through oppo research – under the guise that it was needed in order to defend them. Both balked at doing that and were blown off by the party ptb. My take is that the party wants to have material to blackmail officeholders to control them. So unless youre rich enough to self finance you have to put the noose around your own neck. I’ve also… Read more »

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Those are rigged events. All of those cucks are poseurs exploiting the fact that a liberal can pretend being a conservative, a conservative cannot pretend to be liberal. It’s how they keep playing failure theater and getting invited to all the gayest clubs in DC.

Any right-winger who isn’t fake eventually figures out that this asymmetry, the inherently skewed signaling game, is how republics actually work. They stop working because they can’t keep everyone fooled indefinitely. The solution to this is to become an empire.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

The new NJ Governor got a for-real attempted rape by a staffer buried last year.


Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

I don’t believe women who go to the media, but don’t go to the police. (I presume they are outright lying or misrepresenting the facts)

That woman # 1 waited for years to cry assault, and female #2 waited until it was already fashionable to accuse the guy, are further red flags.

Reply to  A-Bax
5 years ago

I agree – that’s the interesting thing with the NJ incident – she immediately called the cops..

5 years ago

So very true about the rising anger. Almost to the point where I wonder if it’s bad for my health.
Smollet, the VA Gang, all going to get away with it.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Presbyter
5 years ago

Hey, you can deliver a beat-down on a “conservative” in Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley, have it broadcast on TV, and still get away scot-free. “Conservatives” don’t fight back evidently. The GOP is the “Pussy Party.”

You would think by now “tense” would = “Mag-dump.” Instead the Left violently steamrolls their “opposition” with the overt sanction of the State apparatus. And most of the attackers are WHITE for Crissakes.

Good luck, folks. You’re gonna need it.

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

The media gaslit society into thinking there is a “Neo-Nazi” threat, which for members of older cohorts stirs recollections of the 90s “militia threat” and OKC.

Many of us have this strange idea that Trump should have boldly endorsed the Proud Boys. As if they are ignorant of the polling data post-Charlottesville and the openly voiced coup threat from the Joint Chiefs.

The morality boxes must be checked or we will be left adrift.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

The “Right” of the West post-1945, outside of the extreme margins, is entirely bourgeois (and classical liberal, and thus not of the Right in my personal opinion). They seek peace, material well-being, career advancement, and respectability (from society, whose norms are mainly provided by our elite overlords) above all. The Left has their energizing myth of the egalitarian heaven on earth they’re going to build, the “Right” wants to go shopping. In my opinion, the only true, and at least temporarily successful in modern times (I’m thinking of Europe in the interwar years) Right have been non-bourgeois (at least the… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Loved the bit on Owning the Libs. It’s an amazing smack to a Lib’s face when you simply reject their morality. They’re left defenseless and shaken. Normies are stunned as well. It’s never dawned on them (just as it didn’t dawn on me for far too long) that they don’t have to play the left’s game. The Left needs the us to play along. They’re not happy alone. They’re only happy when they can prove their moral superiority over Bad Whites. If Bad Whites don’t show up to play, the left has nothing. This is a seed that will help… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

It’s an amazing smack to a Lib’s face when you simply reject their morality.

These days, one of my favourite phrases is “what’s wrong with being a racist?” Regressives are convinced there are racists lurking under every couch, but when you say “Yeah, I’m a racist, deal with it” they are stunned to silence. Like a puppy that finally catches his own tail and then have no idea what to do next.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Yeah, I do that as well, especially if it’s just me and a Lib. It’s a bit tougher when there’s normies around. I have to soften things up for their sensitive ears. Sometimes, I go with attacking the Prog but stating the truth and telling them that “racist” is a coward’s word but used by wimps to bully people. That’s pretty popular with normies who know it to be true and are getting tired of getting pushed around by soy boy Leftists. But when I admit the truth, I love to attack the stupidity of not being a racist. “Everybody… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Well, to be fair, I suspect it’s easier to get away with this in Denmark; the regressives are not violent, they still pay lip service to free speech and resolving differences peacefully, and racism doesn’t carry quite the same stigma. Another good line from Taylor is this: “I prefer my own children to those of my neighbour. It doesn’t mean I hate all other children.” And Muhammed Ali – eloquently – said much the same in this epic interview: the BBC audience laugh like retarded children at Ali’s ebonics and his based logic, and the host laughs along with them.… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Apropos Taylor: some dude on the internet made this Taylor-tribute:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alR7ASDzJuQ (3:11)

He also made this masterpiece which, unfortunately, didn’t age so well:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTq9LhDEuVM (3:40)

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Damn fine. The Dissident Right definitely humor on its side, if not much else. Well, we have the truth and, eventually, the truth wins. The question is whether they’ll be enough of us around to pick up the pieces.

The Trump/Frozen clip is bittersweet given Trump’s slow decline.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

The Dissident Right definitely humor on its side, if not much else. Deadliest weapon in the arsenal, humour, that’s why they come down so hard on it. But we also have truth on our side, and that’s why our jokes sting so badly. In the next twenty years, we’ll open up an entirely new era of genetics: a few months back, they caught a infamous serial killer by matching a DNA sample against one of those 23&me-outfit databases. And even if the murderer – wisely – had not volunteered his genome to a bunch of Jewish ne’er-do-wells, enough of his… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

“Well Leftie – it sounds like you want fascism – just only on your terms, am I right?”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I’m glad that you and Felix admitted, somewhat, that it’s actually hard to say the lines you suggested, in public. Especially in the USA. Because it IS hard. You say this stuff where people gather, and you’re in for an onslaught, and the owners or employees will tell you not to come back again. Trust me on this. The phrase “what’s wrong with being a racist” does not fly. 1982 was probably the last time you could get away with that. Or still, only amongst family and friends. Otherwise, where strangers gather, no more. The Left has jumped ahead very… Read more »

George Orwell
George Orwell
5 years ago

Please note Roger Simon has a gay son, is a Hollywood screenwriter, and is Jewish. Trifecta for winning prog credentials while claiming to be conservative.

Reply to  George Orwell
5 years ago

Full disclosure would have helped there from him.

5 years ago

Zman comes off more angry than usual in this podcast. Kudos! The anger is justified. It’s the only rational response one can have to the increasing insanity of our culture.

Johannes Topp
Johannes Topp
5 years ago

Pretty salty this week! Gotta say that I enjoyed that. More importantly, I wanted to say that I really appreciate your take on the Amazon story. I tend to default to business being an end in itself, and several things you have written or said lately have got me rethinking that. Even Carlson has been saying that capitalism should be seen as a tool and not an end in itself. I’m still wrapping my head around that— it’s not easy or quick to change one’s conditioning and worldview. You have got me thinking of fundamental things in a new way.… Read more »

Robert de Visée
Robert de Visée
5 years ago

It always brings a smile to my face to hear Cyndi Lauper during the Power Hour. I am currently pursuing a post-grad degree in a performing arts field and you’d be amused and befuddled by some of the stuff I have to read – several times it has taken all my willpower to stifle hysterical laughter during class discussions of academic readings. You can take a lot of positions regarding these writings, but open derision is not one of them. You say some of your listeners object to Xirl Science segments, but please add a +1 to the “more xirl… Read more »

Reply to  Robert de Visée
5 years ago

Totally agree. Xirl Science is some of the best proof of the rampant stupidy and viciousness that plagues society. It really ramps up the hate in this Anglo-Saxonist. Please, more wood for the pyre.

5 years ago

My employer moved from the middle of NJ to a crappy city right across the river from NYC in return for big tax breaks. Shortened the CEO’s commute, made everyone else’s terrible.

So now the office is almost empty as most people work at home – except for the IT department which seems to be made up exclusively of Indian indentured servants.

5 years ago

I despise everyone involved in the Amazon story. NY has horrible taxes and regulations – partly to raise money, but mainly to keep upstart peasants under control. So they gladly will forgo those taxes for a big corporation that lines up perfectly with their own feudal values. They will just crush the workers with personnel taxes. It’s all a show. Anyone searching for a place to grow their own business would end up in a place like New Hampshire, Florida, or Texas. But the urban Ivy League types who run GE and Amazon don’t want to live in those kinds… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  Drake
5 years ago

Austin TX is a tech hub, though with high real estate costs. But lower cost San Antonio is not far away, and “diverse”. But as we would know, that’s the wrong kind. The right kind is Asian H1B serfs. Bezos actually has his space project in Texas, and he grew up in that state. They chose to expand facilities in Nashville (conservatives are not allowed self-determination) rather than concentrate everything in DC for the headquarters. Not sure what incentives TN gave them, but they should get nothing. The corporations have forgotten their end of the bargain, pro-business legislation is to… Read more »

DeBeers Diamonds
DeBeers Diamonds
Reply to  DeBeers Diamonds
5 years ago

Clear eyed example of Boomercon stupidity. (To be fair. Rep. King is neither a Boomer, born in 1944, or a conservative as he thinks only police should have guns)


Amazon doesn’t employ many “blue collar” workers.

5 years ago

Thanks for the elucidation on the whole Amazon deal. I have a civnat friend start going off about the young socialists and the only response I was had was it’s just the bad guys against the bad guys and I don’t care.

5 years ago

I think the whole issue with Bari Weiss and the Neo cons and all the other flavors of Jewish people is they have an ancient visceral hate of Christendom. So that includes white Americans, Russian Nationalist, fascist, the Nazis and 100 other groups that has popped up over the last couple thousand years. And it’s why they’re cool with the Muslims even though they pray 5 times a day to kill them. It’s completely irrational but like you said after the revolution it’s not going to matter. In the meantime though, Martina Navratilova going after trannys is pretty funny huh.… Read more »

5 years ago

Allow me to connect some dots. The survival instinct is ancient and very strong. In our modern period of extreme affluence, US society carries a lot of dead-weight. Hence, Xirl science is an anointed means of earning a living for those in the dead-weight category (even the stupid have a survival imperative). This is a double negative in that the dead-weight is not being purged (as fitness selection would otherwise dictate), and conversely it incentivizes the persistence of stupidity. What happens when society can no longer afford to incentivize stupidity or the accumulation of dead-weight?

Here Niemand
Here Niemand
5 years ago

Iron Maiden as the closer?
Right on, Z!

5 years ago

I’m happy to go on record as a fan of the “Xirl Science” bits. Until the revolution actually starts, all we can really do is mock their bullsh*t. Keep it up.

5 years ago

‘Bout time we got some real, honest-to-God news:

Probably going to delay both his upcoming talk show and his future Senate run. This is without doubt the most racist, oppressive administration ever!!

5 years ago

In defense of Herf, he writes: “President Trump is not a latter-day Hitler. Nor does he have elaborate ideas about authoritarianism and the ills of liberal democracy, in the manner of German conservative chancellors such as Brüning or von Papen.” But he does write: “[T]he Emergency Act (Notstandgesetze) was incorporated into the constitution by vote of the German parliament in May 1968 in response to student demonstrations of the time and in the face of significant protest them. These laws were never invoked, even in the face of terrorist attacks in the 1970s and 1980s … Nor were they used… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I don’t know Herf’s mens re, but I sure hate it when someone mentions Lincoln, but he is the appropriate historical precursor in the US context for a declaration of national emergency.

5 years ago

This is only the latest in a long series of nigger hoaxes aided and abetted by the jew media. This one will die off by next week until the next hoax starts the process all over again.

Reply to  Truth-hammer
5 years ago

Next week? 48 hours dude.

5 years ago

Well, we’ve reached the point where one side has not only declared themselves exempt, but they’ve aligned the media and legal system to carry out that exemption. That’s the best outcome from Smolette, VA, NJ, etc. It’s one thing to be a hypocrite now and then. It’s quite another when one side is fully exempt from norms and laws. Clinton wasn’t let go. She was declared exempt. Andy McCabe talking coup d’etat, lying to investigators, and walking around free while Manafort is dying in prison? Exempt. That system is unsustainable. If the right can get its shit together and self-deplatform… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
5 years ago

I note they’re doing a full rollout of two “sex scandals!!”: Big Important News About The State of Heterosexual Morality In This Country!! in order to get the lying faggot off the page.

He’s headlined events with Kamala, Nancy, Chuckie Schumer, even with the Black Jeebus, Barak Obama Himself. Got to memory-hole that sh*t like, yesterday!

joey junger
joey junger
5 years ago

“Jud Suss” is based on the true story of Süß Oppenheimer, a court Jew who helped finance the Duke’s ambitions but was put to death for sleeping with a Christian woman (the movie, incidentally, was made by Veit Harlan, the uncle of the woman who married the Jewish director Stanley Kubrick). Jewish historians like Fritz Stern have always been candid (if not always honest) about the Jewish role in financing Europe’s wars. No, it may not have been a conspiracy, but the reason all these various “Houses” like the Rothschild’s still exist and flourish is because of massive profits made… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
5 years ago

Our present state of being has Soviet comps but to my mind the progs are aping the Chicoms pretty closely.

5 years ago

grrrl science made me laugh out loud this week. Thanks!

5 years ago

On a lighter note, here’s the web comment of the day:

“…making Nancy pee her Depends, while AOC’s bugeyes swivel like a chameleon”

5 years ago

That “Becoming” stuff in the last paper sounds like Heidegger. Or someone trying to sound like Heidegger.

Sean Detente
Sean Detente
Reply to  Chiron
5 years ago

Yappitty military spouse. She has about as much to say regarding anything military as a hamster does it’s cage. About as much of a view, too. Now, Colonel Griggs himself would be interesting to listen to.

Reply to  Sean Detente
5 years ago

Except the Hamster didn’t choose the cage.

5 years ago

“Global pirate ship” – great metaphor.

5 years ago

To underscore Z’s point about liberal hypocrisy: Years ago, I was impressed when conservatives argued that the leftists were the real racists/sexists. Like I did, cons must ask themselves why these arguments have proven so ineffective.

As Z pointed out, it is because the left’s primary goal is overthrowing traditional white America. If a conservative shows their argument to be hypocritical, they don’t care. Their only question is, “Did this argument further damage my enemy?”

Once you accept this, you see that they are not people who make sincere arguments but people who want to see our heads on spikes.

5 years ago

I like the new, angrier Zman. The thing that I wondered about in the xirl science section is whether anyone actually reads this crap, at least more than skimming through it to make sure it hits the buzzwords. It isn’t like people are responding to and interacting with these published papers, at least as far as I can tell. The whole thing is just a scam and they probably whipped these papers out in afternoon. Does anyone have a better gig in America than university profs? You barely work a few hours a week, you publish a paper or two… Read more »

5 years ago

My father was a navitgator in a B24 in the war, flying from Italy. As they moved north, they would train to the next base. He told me about a hard assed crewman who left the train at a station and robbed a liquor store with his service revolver. After that they could only take their side arms with them when they were flying… Great Amrerican. That spirit is dying. God, please give it back to us, before it is too late.

5 years ago

Regarding “equal opportunity,” yes that was a liberal idea back in the day. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created in the 1960’s to… well, whatever, its purpose has…evolved since then. I’m sure the NRO folks are all on board with the new mission. Which is…

nation of jizzlam
nation of jizzlam
5 years ago

Z, you got me to try to watch the highlights of the Rogan/Weiss interview to see the once in a lifetime event of Rogan outsmarting somebody, but I couldn’t make it through more than a minute. Watching two caved-in-heads verbally joust is like watching a bumfight. It might be funny but it leaves you feeling a little dirty, too.

Liberal Disdain
Liberal Disdain
5 years ago

I’m a simple person, lazy by nature, so I just think about things in obvious ways. I have always looked at the Jewish situation simpilton fashion. I thought, if I were forced tomorrow to relocate where would I rather live, New Dehli, Shanghai, Mogadishu, Mexico City, Damascus, Riyadh (on and on ad naseum) or Tel Aviv.

Then its easier for me decide what I need to obsess over.

Reply to  Liberal Disdain
5 years ago

I wouldn’t want to live in any of the non-white cities you list but that doesn’t disprove that many Jews want to dispossess whites in our own countries, force us to accept degeneracy, and use our militaries to fight endless wars for their benefit.

The people loyal to Tel Aviv have done orders of magnitude more damage to white countries than the inhabitants of the other cities you mentioned.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

“Orders of magnitude”. That sounds like a Triumph album. Which always sounded like those names the Pentagon gave their wars. Or some mission Rumsfeld dreamt up.

Allied Forces
Progressions of Power
Thunder Seven
Never Surrender
Edge of Success

Fight the Good Fight is a good song. Probably my favorite power ballad.


Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Your insight is devastating. I did see Triumph’s “Progressions of Power” tour and all my future political beliefs can be deduced from this event.

It was all that feathered long hair.