Spring World Tour

As this goes up, I’m leaving Lagos for less vibrant lands. I’m heading off to Europe for an extended visit. As a result, there will be no show next week, as I will be driving through the Finnish countryside on Friday. I’ll be posting travelogues this week, so the blog will not go silent while I’m away. I’m looking forward to posting travelogues. I think I missed my calling, as I like writing travel posts and I seem to do a good job with them. Whenever I post about my trips, those posts get a lot of action and people seem to like them.

That’s probably why TV shows about travel are always popular. It’s a a way to learn about some foreign land and the weird inhabitants. Rick Steves made a career out of going to strange places and writing about the nuts and bolts of the experience. Most people are uninterested in how a bus station works, unless it is in a faraway land, then the bus station suddenly seems like the most interesting thing in the world. Maybe on my travels I’ll take the time to explain the rail system between Finland and Russia.

I suspect travel writers are at their best when they are visiting somewhere new. They are seeing things for the first time and taking nothing for granted. I remember the first time I walked around the city of Boston. I was with a local and I’d notice things that they had never bothered to notice. Most likely, those thing just became part of the background, like white noise, because they were unimportant to them. It’s more evidence that our mental model of the world is a simplified version that just has the basics to get around.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below. I have been de-platformed by Spotify, because they feared I was poisoning the minds of their Millennial customers.

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Britain (Link)
  • 12:00: The Netherlands (Link)
  • 22:00: Sweden (Link) (Link)
  • 32:00: Venezuela (Link)
  • 42:00: Brunei (Link)
  • 47:00: Ghana (Link)
  • 52:00: Euro Censors (Link)
  • 57:00: Closing (Link) (Link)

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Full Show On Spreaker

Full Show On YouTube


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6 years ago

Bon Voyage, Z Man! Have a spectacular trip, am so excited for you! Very much looking forward to your travelogue. Do avoid “No-Go Zones” with concentrations of vibrancy. And keep your eyes open for a lovely young lady you could make Mrs. Z and make smart, beautiful little Z’s with. Thanks for continuing to crank out such high quality posts and podcasts while you are so busy. You are THE Best Teacher ever. Thank you.

6 years ago

Sadly you wont meet good old uncle Jared in Europe:
Banned from Europe and will be deported tomorrow

“The officer at passport control in Zurich airport had already stamped my passport and waved me through to my Stockholm flight when she called after me to come back. She stared at her computer screen and told me I had to wait. She didn’t say why. In a few minutes, a policeman arrived and told me there was an order from Poland that barred me from all 26 countries in the Schengen Zone.”


De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  guest
6 years ago

I recall some time last year that Jonas Nilsson of Sweden (Palaestra on YouTube) was banned from Poland, which is saying something as both are Schengen Area.

The rube bait of “international far-right terror networks” is a tough bullet to dodge. Further evidence that our movements need to go underground and build our own platforms.

6 years ago

Take care Z – and avoid the travellers trap: spouting off as an expert based on little exposure to the country. My brother in law went to Ireland for a month and became an expert not only on Ireland – but Scotland and Britain too! His arsehole father went on vacation in Arizona and the next thing ya know he’s an expert on America and Mexico too. Gawd, I’m glad I don’t have to listen to Proggie Geopolitics anymore…

Da Booby
6 years ago

The Booby wishes you safe travels.

6 years ago

no wonder the venezuleans still support Maduro , nobody wants giardia. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/giardia-infection/symptoms-causes/syc-20372786

JR Ewing
JR Ewing
6 years ago

I was in Paris a few years ago as part of a two week multi-country trip and needed to do laundry. I still think of finding the laundromat – schlepping my dirty clothes through the streets of Paris – and then actually doing the laundry -as one of the most exotic things I’ve ever done.

Sergeant Snorkel
Reply to  JR Ewing
6 years ago

Ha, I misread your first sentence as meaning you were on a multi-country trip, and the only reason you went to Paris was to do your laundry. Which is getting to be truer and truer. Que viva Budapest!

Safe travels, Z. Don’t forget to have dinner in Helsinki’s Kitchen.

Reply to  JR Ewing
6 years ago

The best part about doing laundry at a laundromat is getting to talk to strangers whom you might like. Some of them might even be bad-thinkers!

6 years ago

Travel safe – tell Greg Johnson and Jared Taylor that the ZBlog readers say hello & thank you!

Reply to  MemeWarVet
6 years ago

Zman, hope you have better luck than Mr. Taylor. He’s been detained in Zurich and will be deported tomorrow.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
6 years ago

If you get to Karelia, stop and pay respects to Simo Hayha.

6 years ago

I look forward to your travel tales. I love travel writing but good travel writing is hard to find. Most travel writing is selling dreams. Women are the worst because the underlying message is how awesome they are to be doing such awesome things.

I find the best travel writing gives you a peak into the culture and daily life of a country. There are a few writers who do that well. Theroux and Gimbell come to mind.

I think Z has what it takes to join that list so write away.

6 years ago

I like how you pronounce uihgurs. I’d like to see us come to an agreement with Sweden to take ours.

6 years ago

Thanks again. The Zman on one of his bad days is still awesome. Have a good trip.

I love your European overviews. I wonder if “independents” can listen to European political discussions like this one with a more open mind.

Talking about American politics with them is useless because they already know what “good-whites” are supposed to think and they are compelled to think that.

If they can understand the problems in European countries, perhaps that can begin to pry their minds open to the same problems in America.

6 years ago

Cool. Zman isn’t around so we can do whatever we want. Some of you might not have heard a Luke Ford discussion last summer with Z and a mouse named Ecce (pronounced kinda like ‘icky’) and another guy who barely talked, but got along with Z, then afterward ran to the comment section and dissed Z there like a coward. (now deleted). He’s represented in the “hang out” as a child with no face. That’s not weird at all… Anyway, Luke Ford is ok I guess but he’s odd. Like, he’s cloaked in an unpenetrable, unknowable veil of oddness. I… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

I heard that podcast and yes Z bullied Ecce badly. I think Ford is a mentally ill narcissist. I like his podcast but probably would not trust him to babysit or invest my money. You’re funny as hell frip. Out of pure curiosity, what generation are you ? millennial?

Reply to  SidVic
6 years ago

Sid thanks. I’m not a millennial. Older. Another funny part of the Ford hangout was when Ecce first came on and said hello to Z. It reminded me of when I was a teenager and walked through the kitchen with a long-haired girlish looking friend. And surprisingly to us, my dad was home and sitting at the table. My dad’s a tough guy. At first glance he probably thought I was with a girl. Then he realized it was a guy. My dad would usually get up and firmly shake my friends’ hands and make conversation. Kinda sizing them up.… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
6 years ago

Ha! I listened to that podcast a while back and found Ecce Homo hard to listen to. You could sympathise up to a point but he just banging on about the same points which had been well put to bed. I would have thought he went home to flaggelate himself but who knows Frip, he probably scourged himself after a sneaky wank.

The Babe
The Babe
6 years ago

In right-wing heaven, TV and radio play nothing but the Zman talking about wiggers in China.

6 years ago

Regarding Sweden, I saw somewhere (on Gab, I think) a post of math test scores for 15 year olds or something close, and Sweden has now fallen BELOW the United States. That’s pretty shocking, because we all know we don’t have good schools. Is it that a huge fraction of those students are immigrants or have all standards gone away or both? Whatever the cause, seems like a big deal to me.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Max
6 years ago

If you are using averaging, just bringing in a really, really dumb decile will yank things left pretty quickly.

Reply to  Saml Adams
6 years ago

It’s not just that. It’s a lot harder to teach when half the class doesn’t speak the language and isn’t smart enough to keep up anyway.

Reply to  Max
6 years ago

It is a less well kept secret that if you back the numbers of the blacks out the scores, the US stacks up nicely on those international math tests. Japs got us beat about no matter how you slice it however.

6 years ago

Zman, warn your Finnish hosts …… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E25xEf30bis
this guy is odd , but this video is quite interesting .

Reply to  thezman
6 years ago

I’m reading his little book right now! How to judge people by what they look like. It’s a very enjoyable and informative and I’m sure highly triggering to all the right people

Reply to  Whitney
6 years ago

I saw that book too and thought it looked interesting. I’ve tried to suppress the instinct in myself to judge ppl based upon looks. But the faces of ben shapiro and adam schiff seem to trigger some deep instinctual repulsion deep with my base lizard brain. I begun to suspect that it may be an evolutionary adaptation heh.

Reply to  miforest
6 years ago

The cravat is a red flag. I’m becoming jealous of Z He living the life. I also have begun to suspect that Z has a face made for radio but i suspect that my envy talking

6 years ago

Bon voyage! Don’t let TSA molest you!

6 years ago

Far gesaeliglice!

5 years ago

Muh Uighuzz . . . got Giardia!

the Mamas & the Pepes
5 years ago

Hey Zman! Thanks for the shout-out. Safe travels!

Diversity Heretic
6 years ago

Watch yourself while traveling, Z-Man. According to the Amren website, Jared Taylor has been banned from Europe, based on a Polish complaint.