The Usurper

Origins myths are a natural element to all human organization, whether it is a great family, an enterprise or a nation. The founder of the great family is lionized as not only good at making money, but also as a great man. In fact, his great wealth is seen as a result of his great deeds. Similarly, the successful business will celebrate the founders as something more than hard working men who got lucky. Usually they are cast as plucky underdogs, who beat the odds because they were moral men.

For a people, the mythologizing gets more grandiose. The origin myths not only explain the founding of the nation, but justify the current order. The social arrangements, the type of government and the people in charge are the work of providence. The celebration of national holidays are part of reinforcing the founding myths and most especially the moral order. In America, the endless flag waving and saccharine patriotism is a daily reminder that the current order is God’s will.

The reason for these myths is that all authority comes from usurping it. The great families of a nation arose because the founders of those families knocked off the previous great families. In England, for example, many of the great families made their fortune fighting for the king in the 100 Years War. They went over to France, killed a bunch of rich people and took their wealth back home to England. For most of human history great men rose to fame by putting other great men to the sword.

The successful business is less bloody, in most cases, but the founders were still usurpers who made their name at the expense of others. Maybe their business success came at the expense of established companies in the field. Maybe they used connivance or trickery to out-compete their rivals. It does not matter as wealth does not spring from nothing. As in all competition, there are winners and losers. The great company was founded by men who usurped existing great companies.

Because all societies begin low and violent, purity and grandeur arise from distance from their origin. The rulers and the people must put distance between themselves and the origins of their people, in order to give purpose to the perpetuation of their people, but they can never be disconnected from their origins. Instead, they mythologize them in order to both disguise the reality of their beginnings, but celebrate themselves as part of the natural order. The origin myth is a pretty lie that keeps us looking forward.

The most obvious example of how this works is the Lincoln fetish we see with our ruling class in America. Both sides venerate Lincoln and the Gettysburg address, The Civil War has been cast as the second founding, a purification ritual that addressed the original sin of slavery and republicanism in the founding. Rather than being seen as a break from the founding, which is surely was, it is a continuation of it. Lincoln the usurper, is replaced with Lincoln the saint, who saved the republic.

The Gettysburg Address now holds more emotional power for our elites than the actual founding documents. At some level, Lincoln certainly knew he was a usurper and that speech is pretty good proof of it. He allegedly jotted it down without much thought, but it shows all the signs of a man who knew he destroyed the old order and was now tasked with creating a new one. Starting with a lie about his own motivations was the most obvious place to start. It was the usurper announcing his victory.

The great compromise after the Civil War was to allow the defeated to hang onto their heroes in symbolic form. In order to avoid a genocide, which is what abolitionists surely desired, the South was allowed to exist as a conquered people, but with their memories and some of their customs intact. Whether it was conscious or just an inevitable result of the war, a grand compromise evolved that allowed the South to retain its unique identity, but subsume it into the overall identity of the new nation.

Of course, this is why the current ruling class is obsessed now with erasing all traces of the South, by toppling over statues, desecrating graves and erasing images of the actual founders of the United States. These are people haunted by their own illegitimate claims on power, so they are removing anything that reminds them of a past in which they played no part. It’s also why the past is being systematically colorized to write in strangers to the family tree of America.

That’s why these acts are so compelling to the emerging multicultural ruling elites. For them, this is not about revenge or spiting people they hate. They are, in fact, a consecration of their own authority. They are symbolically giving birth to their new nation by destroying the old. For the usurper, the victim is only important in so far as he has what the usurper desires. It’s not vengeance that drives these people. It is a desire to mythologize and legitimize their own authority.

The implication here is that the die is cast. It is no longer a question of if America is taken over by the coalition of the ascendant, but rather how long this process will play out and how it will end. There is no restoration of old white America. That door closed decades ago, when the borders were flung open to the world. If this emerging ruling elite is to be toppled, their power will need to be seized by a new usurper, a group that seeks power and legitimacy by whatever means are available.

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5 years ago

Our side lacks the fanatic drive for power-for-its-own-sake which the bad guys possess. The Dissident Usurper will have to imbue this fanaticism into his followers. I would assume that stoking fears of annihilation would be one of the tactics. Another would be to point out that these people will not stop with memorials to Confederates or Founding Fathers. They will come for Normie’s liberal white heroes, too. Monuments to Europeans everywhere are simply reminders of the Diversity’s limitations and paucity of achievement. This needs to be stressed.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

In April, the Philadelphia Flyers pulled down a statue of Kate “God Bless America” Smith because she sang an offending song in the 1930’s. A song that a black singer also recorded. The pace of the erasure is truly stunning to behold.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Judge Smails
5 years ago

Yeah, how fast it’s going is amazing. And to think it’s only the beginning. They’re going to uncover all kinds of “offensive” things to erase. And then there are the things that are right there in plain sight that will be deemed racist or offensive or something, like Mt. Rushmore. Boom goes the dynamite.

Reply to  Judge Smails
5 years ago

In fact, the black singer was commie left wing saint Paul Robeson.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

So true. There is a stage production here in town about the neighborhood where I currently reside. On the surface it is about ‘gentrification’, which is of course just another code word for anti-white, but the play goes much deeper into the left’s brown coalition of perpetually aggrieved and how their story is really ‘our’ story. The new American ‘future is female and brown’ is not about the occasional cortex upstaging pale males, but rather about how she actually represents Real America. The one that has always existed. Well, since 1965 anyhow. But who wants to read all those old… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

The wealthy goodwhites are going to be shocked when the gates are pulled down from their communities and the POCs move in uninvited. They think the POCs just want some gibs, including some emotional gibs, and have no idea the POCs want them dead and gone.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

The POCs and their enablers want us enslaved. It is their ultimate goal.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Let’s not ever forget who the enablers are…

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Writers of poems, spinners of dreams. Swords rust, stories don’t.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Utred paid a bard to keep his story of conquest alive.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

The Helots have to do the work after all, since nobody else is.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

The sooner this happens, the sooner it will be possible to turn the tide. The ruling ‘elites ‘ won’t understand until they suffer the joys of diversity in the form of raped and abused elites.

the Russians
the Russians
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

lol, I envisioned starting petitions to have the perimeter security of all gated communities removed. This would be a great campaign move for the dems.

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

I love how they refer to these neighborhoods as ‘historically black’ when nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that they started turning black during and right after WW2, at least in the North where I am located. They have the nerve to call “Germantown” an historically black neighborhood! The whites were pushed out with violence and crime and racism. If a black moves in to your neighborhood, any attempt at molesting that black will be met with criminal charges, possibly even federal charges for denying them their civil rights. But if the blacks burn the house… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

The goodwhites love of “Hamilton” is explained by this as well. The musical character and the historical man have only the name in similarity.

the Russians
the Russians
Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

“The goodwhite progs are more than eager to help sweep away their racists origins in exchange for some goodfeelz on facebook.”… And everything is racist, like every great going out of business sale, EVERYTHING HAS TO GO!

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

It’s not a pretty process, but having some friends and family members literally hurt or killed by the enemy is the usual way underdogs fuse together and become zealots, prepared to fight for generations, if need be. America’s pretty close to this (minority commentors celebrating the murder of cops on YouTube or Twitter). Walter Lübcke just got killed (a mainstream politician) in Germany in part for his stance on importing immigrants who’ve been running amok for years now. It could be an isolated incident, but it could be a harbinger, like the killing of Walther Rathenau (guys named Walter have… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

I’m not suggesting we become fanatics like ANTIFA thugs. But it’s going to require a grim determination in order to acquire the political power to survive what’s coming.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Today’s theme says start low to end high.
How do we start low in a place we built? We don’t hate our own house.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

We didn’t make the mess and this mess isn’t what our ancestors fought for I think though the reason the Right dissident and otherwise has so much trouble is they lack any ability to see a vision of something better Left or Right you must have an ideology and a vision before anything else “leave me alone” is a temper tantrum and “the original constitution.” is ghost dancing If you lack a vision, try this or do better 85% or more White , basically no more immigrants, a nation of small business owners and landowners instead of renters and employees… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Why not be fanatical ? Once the shooting starts, no reason to let mercy and kindness direction action

war to the knife, knife to the hilt

And for those all worried about economics, think of it as opportunity to restructure the economy and move back to the small business focused nation we used to be . You can always rebuild anyway

Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

Most of today’s action is on the economic battlefield. Having just endured an Amazon customer service shitshow today, I can attest that “Make Customer Service White Again” could be a cultural inroad we could exploit. Dawn the obvious White Becky was a diamond in the Bezos rough of cheap Pajeets and Lings. Finding a way to monetize our unfortunate tendency toward out-group empathy could help monetize our tribes. Some businesses already covertly signal this with “American Only” customer service. If we were more explicit, “Whites Only” customer service could fill a niche of based consumers.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

The way technology SHOULD have worked out is: Corporate Call Centers should be located in small American towns! This way, wages are still manageable, Customer Service is REAL, and in freaking ENGLISH, Actual Americans have not only jobs, but opportunities to advance, commutes are cross-town, instead of cross-State and Corporations have an expanded pool of people to promote from within! Maybe we need tariffs on foreign Call Centers, too!

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

I read about that Walter Lübke story on Gates of Vienna. It’s really incredible. They were totally blaming him for his views.
The Germans have had a bad run of things since well before WWII. But the really deep-seeded re-education came after WWII, which is why they are mostly all clinically unable to say “No.”
And the men who do stand up, (like Lübke) will / may be struck down.
It’s getting worse over there, and it breaks my heart. But they, too, have made their own bed and now must lie in it.

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

Worry about fanaticism later. Worry about cowardice now. It will never be the right time. Never. Act Black and see if it helps. They respect strength. Just stop white=Coward. You need a model – there. We have a very different view of the IRA by the way. 1916 was quite a mess. Never mind 1969. They started in 69 with 3 guns, one of which was a lever action 19th century pistol. That was after the Prots burned Derry and the legacy IRA was mocked by the Catholics as “I Ran Away.” Right time me bollocks. If your a virgin… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Epaminondus, I’d say they already have come for Normie’s liberal white hero’s. Seems, we’ve pretty much eliminated Columbus. Jefferson and other Founders are regularly tested wrt candidacy for elimination. Of course, one could say such are not normie *and* liberal so don’t fit the bill. I guess we’ll have to wait until Roosevelt gets reconstructed or better yet, Kennedy.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I wish we had a Lincoln maybe we would win like he did,lol!!

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Patriots do indeed value Order and rule of Law. Radical Globalistas mistake this for weakness. We don’t tend to operate in “cells” like the Left does, but when (finally) given the LEGITIMATE order, we WILL “get -r done”! Because we NEED to be DONE with this, so we can live our lives in PEACE. It is our Enemy who needs constant conflict because they have no sense of life or purpose without it. God forbid THEY win, but if they do, in keeping with EVERY Leftist Revolution ever, the Radical conflict-addicts who were indespensible to their leaders will then be… Read more »

5 years ago

We will need to be pushed to the brink of destruction before we fight these people. The South took as much as they could and were destroyed when they fought back. Amicable divorce will not be an option going forward. Lincoln was a psychotic ass hole.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  JMDGT
5 years ago

“We will need to be pushed to the brink of destruction before we fight these people. ”

The next two presidential elections will provide this condition.

What most of our tribe don’t get or refuse to acknowledge is that the United States is done. But this doesn’t mean that the Americans (Europeans) are done. They hang onto the USA and all of its accumulated baggage believing we cannot exist without it. Once enough legacy Americans separate those two we will stop being reasonable and nice.

Our enemies will drive us to that brink sooner than later.

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Once whites are free of the United States, it’s effectively no holds barred. Please see 500-1600 AD for reference. They will have no one to blame but themselves.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  M. B. Lamar
5 years ago

A Clovis before a Charlemagne.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Clovis was awesome. Put his faggot pagan LARPing aside and kicked ass on behalf of the Prince of Peace.

Da Booby
5 years ago

The Booby has no sympathy for the new usurpers, but oh well. The new usurpers aren’t taking over because they’re strong, but because the old order became weak and decadent. It took only one generation. One generation of “peace and love” spouting spoiled brats. When mere sit-ins are enough for half-witted radicals to take over campuses you’re already done as a civilization. We rightfully praise the WWII generation for its sacrifice and hard work, but we face the reality that they also parented the generation that would eventually destroy the West. It’s a tough reality to face up to. Who… Read more »

Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

The average baby boomer was 9 or 10 in 1965. We have to be honest about when the rot set in. A lot of the professors that oversaw the hippies were young communists in 1930. You can see the rot setting into movies during the 1930 and 40s as well. The Hayes code hid most of it but the subject matter was already there. The fact of the matter is that the people truly responsible for the collapse of America were teenagers by 1930. By the late 1960s, they were in charge of the country. The 89th Congress, the most… Read more »

Reply to  Da Booby
5 years ago

Again with the “rot set in after ww2” ?

It set in WAY before that.

The fact that people don’t realize this is yet another reason why you’re gonna lose.

Da Booby
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Politicians come and go, as do laws.

The complete takeover of academia, however, didn’t occur until after WWII, and it’s permanent. There’s no going back, and the state is in the hands of academia and their disciples. There’s nothing any election can do about that.

That’s when we lost control of the state, in the 60s. But yes, Marxism was ascendent well before WWII, but at least there was still hope then.

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

One can speculate endlessly re inflection points in the rate of rot, but IMHO the rot went parabolic when the Jefferson-Jackson Democrats finally were excluded from power, and both US parties became wholly owned subsidiaries of Wall Street. Woodrow Wilson, of course, being the smarmy flower of evil.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar, AOC, Stacey Abrams, Rashida Tlaib….those are good examples of the political elite of the future. Except there will be many more like them. No doubt some will be worse. All driven by anger towards whites, traditional America and our heroes. Intent on righting “wrongs.” Isn’t our new country going to great?

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

A couple of quotes; first Mencken on Lincoln: “The Gettysburg speech was at once the shortest and the most famous oration in American history… the highest emotion reduced to a few poetical phrases. Lincoln himself never even remotely approached it. It is genuinely stupendous. But let us not forget that it is poetry, not logic; beauty, not sense. Think of the argument in it. Put it into the cold words of everyday. The doctrine is simply this: that the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg sacrificed their lives to the cause of self-determination – that government of the people, by… Read more »

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

But the lesson to draw is that no one on the Confederate side (and I’ve read plenty of their memoirs and letters) ever argued that brief with similar economy and eloquence. And frankly the Southern aristocracy was rotten to the core.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

So what?
This entire civil war was about economic dominance by an aristocracy on both sides, the only difference being the Southrons were honest about it

5 years ago

If nothing else, the old WASP elite put their own skin in the game. Oliver Wendell Holmes caught a bullet in the throat at Chancellorsville, to give but one example.

The new elite, like the decadent Carthaginians, uses someone else’s army to fight. As Z has said many times, they have no connection to the people they rule.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

TR Jr. volunteered to go ashore as the only general officer in the first wave on Utah, despite crippling arthritis and a heart ailment. He is credited with re-orienting the attack axis and ensuring success. His son was landing on Omaha at the same time. Love or hate the family, they were “hat and cattle” when it counted.

Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

The fact that our political leaders are never tasked with walking into the front lines of a battle is a real problem with our system. It’s very easy to send other men to their deaths from a continent away.

I’ve long advocated that any time the U.S. puts troops into dangerous zones, all members of Congress, the President, the VP and the cabinet members must commit to 3 months per year of front-line duty patrolling directly with troops in danger. No sitting back at the FOB.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

My family has been fighting Americas wars since Saratoga and Fort Montgomery, my Dad and uncles were Korea vets. But he really soured after Vietnam. Lot of kids from his hometown got wasted over there all so politicians could put up numbers on the nightly news. Still remember watching “Huntley-Brinkley” every night with him in the 60s and how pissed off he would get when they would announce the casualty numbers. And this was a guy that was a hard right Republican all his life.

William Williams
William Williams
Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

It’s pretty easy to get pissed off at taking casualties in a war of choice you’re not trying to win.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

The WASPs get alot of shit, but the fact is, they knew how to run stuff, and ran it well. It wasnt until they grew too greedy for power and their solidarity split that the usurpers were able to get a foot in the door.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

They did such a great job running this country they caused the entirely unnecessary death of half a million Americans just so they could control Southern Cotton and virtue signal and than not soon after flooded the US with European migrants from low trust and Catholic nations

Oh and lets not forget the the WASP participation in the NFA (which would essentially banned handguns for regular citizens) 65 Immigration and 68 GCA oh and the rest

Fuckt hat noise.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  A.B Prosper
5 years ago

As a Slavic Catholic, I resemble that remark. Since the 60’s, feminists have been running the show. Of course letting a bunch of single women and closet lesbians ruined our family structure and made the Church less acceptable to men. So the bishops keep the coffers and pews full by importing Hispanic replacements.

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

Right about the same time the usurpers started fleeing the Cossack’s hoofbeats…

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

We believed them. Gods help us all, our greatest crime was ignoring strangers.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Say what you will about Royalty, they still have skin in the game. Prince Andrew served as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands War and Prince Harry was in Afghanistan. The old landed aristocratic elite had a sense of noblesse oblige to their people and nation.

The last time our elite served was in WWII. George H. W. Bush was a Navy pilot shot down over the Pacific, but Dubya Bush only served in the Texas Air National Guard.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaehdiel
5 years ago

Yes …. but….. they serve that way because they know damn well their heads might well be on the chopping block if they don’t. I can’t testify to the exact accuracy of it – but the Netflix series “The Crown” spends a decent amount of time making the point that the Windsors were informed by Prince Phillip’s experience as a member of the Greek royal family – and what happened to them. The Windsors are originally of German paternal lineage. So they’re not really “English”. Point here is: the Windsors have acknowledged the hot breath of death that breathes down… Read more »

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
5 years ago

Suppose the implication here is that, absent a competing vision, we are simply fighting a rearguard action that ultimately ends in defeat. As a tail end Boomer, my generation simply does not have it in them to create an alternate vision. Do have some hope, backed by evidence that the youngest generation may have what we lack. I see signs. My own kids are in the teens/20s range and they and many of their friends, having grown up in the “multi-cultural” world have a much harder and realistic edge about them than I would have expected. They see the reality… Read more »

Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

This is the appropriate place for me to inject my #checkthebox program. The most meaningful program the right can implement now is to encourage white people, especially high-school age kids, to check the box for Hispanic or Black on their college/job/financial aid applications.

Tell your kids to #checkthebox.

5 years ago

I will give the usurpers of all ages credit, their system does work and pretty simple to follow. Just keep up the BS and knock down all comers. Us, live and let live types don’t have a chance.

Yes, America is toast as we knew it. Fixing it it’s present form is never going to work. A break up into smaller countries probably is in the offing. I myself welcome all to my new land, conceived in liberty: Rustbeltia!

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

I think Z’s adoption of Kersey’s “because we live here” gets the job done nicely. All the legitimacy we need. My Randian baggage isn’t entirely useless – she did find a grain of truth in the idea that man’s happiness is dictated by his nature. She just got the nature wrong. If we start from the idea that we have evolved as a group of social primates best suited to Dunbar-number scale, using reason as social glue rather than a truth detector, we can get a lot right.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

One of the mistakes of the USA was to value fidelity to a process, the faithful implementation of the rules in the Constitution, over the flourishing of a specific group of people. Next time, we need to be explicit that our highest goal is the flourishing of our people. The systems that serve that end are only instruments.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

I like Aristotle’s mixed political system which incorporated aristocracy. To a certain degree you need someone motivated and empowered to dispose of process for a desireable result, like the 6-month Roman dictators or the office of tribune. I said back in the day that Barack Obama could have reached new levels of adulation by sitting in New Orleans and cutting through red tape during the oil spill. I hoped Trump would be that kind of guy, but…

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

I thought the same thing about Obama’s response to the oil spill. Instead of setting up a command center providing direction and oversight he spent less than 24 hours at Panama Ciy Beach, Florida, did a quick photo op splashing around in the water then left for three weeks at Martha’s Vineyard.

Reply to  Judge Smails
5 years ago

What else could Obama do—he is an incompetent who never directed a thing, created nothing of value, never competed against others in a competitive market. In short, an AA puppet.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

Blacks don’t seem to have a problem being AA figureheads – someone else does the work and they get the attention, title and money for doing very little.

That’s something that I noticed about Blacks – no other group on the face of the Earth is as prone to going through life with one hand stuck out expecting a handout and other with a clenched fist. The something for nothing attitude is so pervasive.

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

One has to question whether this improvement you seek is even possible. Are people in power ever stymied for long, by words on parchment? Given enough time, all human institutions turn to shit.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Line, indeed. The smart contingent of the left understand this, which is why every aspect of their story can be reduced to an anti-story of us. We cannot be allowed to exist as a people. Its that simple. Our consciousness cannot be allowed to coalesce around the flourishing of our people. Erasing and re-writing our shared history is foundational to their efforts in this regard. As is weaponizing against us the instruments and systems created by our people for our people. The problem is, our people have abandoned our natural claim to blood and soil in favor of these unnatural… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

The United States was ALWAYS made up of disparate peoples. The original colonies often did not have much in common other than their predominant English/Scottish origins. But there were always French mixed in there, and some Spanish – and all of the native American tribes. The “Join or Die” flag was a graphic way of illustrating to the different colonies that they had some interests in common. What is “our people” anyway? The American Civil War went as far down the rabbit hole as pitting family against family. The North used recent Irish immigrants – to put down people who… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Calsdad, admirable rejoinder

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Had we remained an Anglo/Nordic People, this probably would not have been a big deal. Fidelity to process is in our blood.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

It’s glossed over, but there is a big difference in the temperament between, say, a German and an Italian. Among other things, Germans are more law-abiding and civic-minded. Never heard of a German mafia. America was fortunate that she was first settled by the most moral and high-minded people on the planet – northern and northwestern European Protestants. Compare the US with other all White countries or regions such as Uruguay or Quebec. Our highmindedness, fairmindedness and individualism are weapons used against us by tribes with a very different ethos. Tribes that are only out for themselves and hide their… Read more »

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago


Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
5 years ago

Working at GE, the fetishizing of Edison reached almost the point of parody. Everyone but the clueless true believers at the company knew what a scumbag the guy was.

No one said anything, of course. What would it get you for making an autistic point that would just piss off the true believers in power?

You see the same dynamics with woke capital.

5 years ago

I guess many on this side appear to have given up. With popular culture and social media the way it is, I can see why. Most appear to have lost faith with their fellow citizens based on the actions of the animals that inhabit the cities and the coasts. I think we need see Trump an an opportunity, not an aberation. He calls out the gutless Left on a daily basis. They may be cunning on some level but much of the elite on their side are pampered weaklings. Their pawns amongst the minority classes may prove to be the… Read more »

Reply to  Mountaindogsix
5 years ago

>>>I think we need see Trump an an opportunity, not an aberration<<< The problem is that Trump looks ineffectual in doing this, which just makes him look clownish. This in turn pushes the Overton Window to the Left, not the Right. Let’s go back in time a little: If FDR has been as utterly ineffective as Trump, is American Society permanently re-oriented Leftwards as it was? Almost certainly not; if the New Deal has failed a pro-worker Right would have soon arisen from the ashes of Depression. Trump (and before him W) is the best thing to happen to the… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

You don’t fight with the allies you wish you had, you fight with the allies you do have. Trump has seriously harshed their mellow. Keep on truckin’, Donny!

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I focus on preparing the current generation. My wife and I reproduced at 2x replacement and they all seem to have the right mindset. Though they think their old man is a little kooky in referring to some of these bastards as “Commies”.

Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

That’s OK if they think you’re kooky for using the accurate description of the Left. Sooner or later, the more they learn, the more they’ll see that you’re correct. And hopefully in that “more they learn” category, will be included some self-guided study (or intellectual curiosity) about the attributes’ similarities of what we’re seeing today, with what Comm. and Soc. truly is. We’re here. At least in the 20’s, 30’s and 1940’s, the West had the intellectual honesty to call a Communist, a Communist. But not any more. I’m with you: I call them Socialists, myself. Currently reading “Witness” by… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mountaindogsix
5 years ago

I guess there is one thing that will always leave room for hope: incompetence will eventually destroy the Left. It may take a long time, and take many down with it, but it is inevitable.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Mountaindogsix
5 years ago

Mr. Mountaindogsix. I admire your spunk but lets be realistic ok? The war between the states was a different time and a vastly different technology. Any group of rebels fighting today would have to be masters of the techniques described in sun tzu’s art of war. Attempting any other course of action would be absolute suicide. None the less I gave you an up vote cuz I like your style. 😀

5 years ago

The ascendant usurpers have virtually total control over all means of powere/indoctrination: MSM, all facets of public education, pop culture, embedded lifetime leftist bureaucrats, the courts and social media hegemony. Dissidents can only fight back against these usurpers with water pistols under this environment. I don’t need to be Jimmy the Greek to tell you who’s going to win this battle at least in the short run, which could run a hell of a lot longer than anyone thinks.

Reply to  JZs
5 years ago

If there’s one thing the Dissident Right gets that the CivNats and Cuck Right doesn’t, it’s that the war is already over and we lost.

Accepting this means we can move on to creating effective insurgency tactics. As we do this, people will take notice and confidence in the system will be undermined.

The CivNats and Cuck Right still hold as a core belief that the system works and deserves their loyalty. Nothing changes until they (or their children) believe otherwise.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

We will not be voting our way out of this.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I’ll add another one to my previous post. Google is not making me send my kids to school. Where their heads are filled with all manner of leftist bullshit (and I’m forced to pay for it all BTW). Bring this up with the average CivNat or Cuck rightist – and they’ll go apeshit defending the public school system. An effective insurgency tactic is: removing the batteries from the damn Matrix. I want the “libertarian” right to remove my child’s brain from leftist mental infection, so that I don’t have to spend all my free time countering all the crap that… Read more »

Red Forman
Red Forman
Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Homeschool or die, man. Are there not any Christians where you live?

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Red Forman
5 years ago

Homeschool your kids, and the rulers mark them down as “persons of concern.” They’ll be identified and weeded out of the system.

Reply to  Red Forman
5 years ago

There is homeschooling and some measure of Christians. But it’s MA – so it’s not as prevalent as other areas of the country.

That still doesn’t solve the issue that I’m forced to pay for the public school system, which at least in this area consumes the majority of most town budgets.

5 years ago

What you are seeing is a change of dynasty, not in the sense of a new family taking power, but in the sense of a new regime taking power. It is similar to the dynasty changes in Chinese history. The Washington Dynasty is being overthrown by the Obamanid Dynasty. And the new Dynasty has to ritually denigrate the old dynasty and efface its symbols in order to legitimize itself. Once they feel secure, they will ease up, and even rehabilitate some of the formerly discredited figures. After all, they will have to rule, and to rule you need stability. I… Read more »

Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

100 upvotes. We need spoiler delaying actions to buy our great-grandchildren time.

Trust your people. We are still White.
We are unlike any who have come before.

Ignorant, bigoted peasants built the Notre Dame.
The children of slaves from the slums and prisons of Europe built the Americas, Canada, and Australia.
Even the slaves of the Soviets reached space, first.

Red Forman
Red Forman
Reply to  Dirtnapninja
5 years ago

This is the best thing I’ve seen in a while. It’s why “peace in our time” is in the Book of Common Prayer. Civilization step one: have great grandchildren that look and think like you. Civilization step two: first do step one. Demographics is destiny. Everything else. EVERYTHING ELSE serves demographics.

5 years ago

The next usurper (as you put it) will simply be the guy who manages to gain sole control over the cudgel of the federal government and then ruthlessly swings it to crush anyone that opposes him. This is a story as old as evolution itself. How long this person remains in power is an open question. If the system he imposes “works”, then potentially a very long time. If not, then on to the next usurper. Once upon a time, brute strength made you King-of-the-Hill. Now, intelligence and cunning are equally important, if not more so. But fear not, technology… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

He who controls muh shekels controls the Empire. Government employees’ willingness to thug out on veterans and Tea Party Beckys b/c muh paycheck demonstrates where the power lies.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

“At some point, a President will defy the courts.”

Of course, this has been done before when Jackson told the court to stuff it. But never in modern times. This is the event I have been waiting on, the tripwire that will be the signal for “fundamental change”. So, yes, I agree.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Obama’s DACA Executive Order was blatantly unconstitutional. He openly admitted so prior to issuing it, and the analogous program for adults (DAPA) was struck down by the courts. He did not openly defy the courts and proceed with the DAPA program; he just stopped enforcing immigration laws sub-silento. Trump is going to have multiple opportunities to openly defy the courts in cases that are political wins. The immediate opportunity is to defy the Supreme Court’s idiotic ruling that the US can’t include a citizenship question on the census. AG Barr is stating publicly that the Supreme Court was wrong, and… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

“Trump is going to have multiple opportunities to openly defy the courts…” Trump has already had multiple opportunities to do a lot of things, but he never does any of them. He could have easily created opportunities for defying the courts and then went about defying them if he wished. For example, Trump could simply refuse to let people enter from Mexico. Now, people enter the U.S. and we let them in and let them stay until (supposedly) they have hearings,etc. Of course, they never leave and aren’t really ever deported. When a court would say, “No, you have to… Read more »

Reply to  Federalist
5 years ago

I think Trumpy still wants to be liked, on some leve.
Or, someone(s) has some intel on him, which is why your example of “Nope, don’t let them in” is so salient.

Reply to  Federalist
5 years ago

Trump doesn’t have a party totally under his control. Should he defy the courts, that would give his anti’s an excuse to vote with the Dem’s wrt impeachment. The process here being one of convincing the people that their vote for impeachment is a vote for the people’s rights, a vote for democracy—yada, yada—rather than a personal one against Trump.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Oligarchs can wage soft warfare using control of the financial system, media communications, indoctrination channels, and bribery; but when things get existential, nothing beats the power of direct tyrannical oppression (read gulags and genocide).

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

What “real power” does Google or Amazon have? They have no police. They have no taxing power that they can ENFORCE – in the end all they’ve got is what you give them. Google isn’t regulating my guns. Google isn’t taxing my house. Google isn’t forcing me to get my car inspected every year. Google isn’t telling me I can’t work on my car in my driveway. Google doesn’t have the power to seize my safety deposit box. Google doesn’t make me put a license on my dog. Google doesn’t demand a percentage of my paycheck. Google doesn’t make me… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

High-ranking members of the FBI had those ideas, too.

When you wrote “hoof into the river,” is that a reference to Caesar crossing the Rubicon?

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

There is an unprecedented wildcard in the deck, and that is the heavily-armed peons, including much knowledge and example of 4th generation warfare (and yes it’s true, “those who drone, will be droned”). The future is bound to be pretty interesting…

Reply to  Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

Heavily armed means nothing without the will to use those weapons against tyranny.

Reply to  DAN III
5 years ago

“Will” is very easy to introduce. Go to area where people are passive and not resisting said tyranny’s forces. Blow up bridge, train track – or assassinate a military officer or political apparatchik. Quickly skee-daddle back to your own AO after said operation is complete. Forces of tyranny will roll into town and ask who committed these atrocities. Nobody will admit to knowing what happened – because nobody will know what happened. This will infuriate the forces of tyranny. People will get herded into a church or local warehouse – and it will be set on fire. Before doing so… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

You just described Oradour-Sur-Glane.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Z Man said: “There is no restoration of old white America. That door closed decades ago, when the borders were flung open to the world. If this emerging ruling elite is to be toppled, their power will need to be seized by a new usurper, a group that seeks power and legitimacy by whatever means are available.” Nicolás Gómez Dávila said something like ” A man truly matures when he realizes politics won’t save him.” And Bertrand de Jouvenel said: ” But there are no institutions on earth which enable each separate person to have a hand in the exercise… Read more »

5 years ago

The origin myths not only explain the founding of the nation, but justify the current order. Denmark was created when a Swedish king promised the goddess Gefion all the land she could put under plow in a day. So she went to Jotunheimen, got pregnant with a giant and gave birth to four sons. These sons she turned into oxen and harnessed them to her plow. The ploughshare bit so deep that at one point she ripped a piece out of Sweden’s soil and dragged it into the sea, creating the island of Zealand – ancestral homeland of the Danes.… Read more »

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

If I was not going a Catholic, (considering a switch to Orthodoxy) I would be an Odinist. Viking mythology is awesome.

Reply to  The Last Stand
5 years ago

I don’t actually think you can be an Odinist, at least not in any shape that’s authentic. We know next to nothing about Viking cult, we only know a bit of their mythology. Modern Odinists – at least here in Denmark – are herbal-tea-swilling, tree-hugging, sweat-lodge-dwelling, sackcloth-wearing, quinoa-munching, immigrant-loving hippies. None of that barbaric nonsense about dying in battle. I had a conversation with a Mohammadan on the subject, and he had the nerve to compare Norse cult with Mohammadanism, since they were both warrior cults. I told him that the difference was that in Islam, you can buy yourself… Read more »

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

I would basically treat it the same way I treat the Iliad now. Think of the characters and draw inspiration from their feats for my own life. However I would also incorporate some of the symbolism such as Mjolnir into my lifestyle.

Reply to  The Last Stand
5 years ago

The thing is that the mortals in the Norse sagas are, well, normal men with normal motivations much like in the Iliad. They’re mostly assholes, but they’re human. The gods, however, are weirdos and often downright evil, especially Odin. Medieval chronicler Saxo Grammaticus, relates how Odin is taking a stroll in Midgard when he comes across five harvest hands at work. Odin produces a whetstone – an invention these puny mortals have never seen before – and whets their scythes. The farm workers are profusely grateful, but as the Allfather continues his voyage, he throws the whetstone on the ground… Read more »

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

In short, not much different from the Greek pantheon. All I really know are some of the myths surrounding Ragnarök.

Reply to  The Last Stand
5 years ago

In short, not much different from the Greek pantheon. True. The Greek gods are evil, bloodthirsty bastards as well, they kill for fun, rape people as a matter of habit and instigate wars and blood-feuds out of boredom. If not for the intervention of Aphrodite, the Trojan War would’ve ended with Menelaus splitting Paris from crown to heel, but noooo…, that would be cutting the fun short, so Aphrodite whisks Paris from the battlefield and teleports him into Helen’s bedchamber and the rest is mayhem and the wailing of widows. Every time the Trojan War seems to wane, some god… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Felix: LOL love it. xoxoxoxoxox

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

I’ve done the Wiccan/Neo-Pagan gig and I agree that it’s a pseudo-religion constructed from cast-off bits of re-imagined paganism and negative anti-Christian identity. I think Jung was on to something when he pointed to dreams as our interface with the spiritual. Our ancestors are our gods, mentors and guides in that world. Odin himself was most likely a great mortal chieftan and teacher before he was a god. Rather than trying to breathe life into an old, almost entirely forgotten faith, we should ask our own forefathers to fill those shoes over our coming centuries. Tomorrow belongs to us (and… Read more »

Reply to  The Last Stand
5 years ago

Have you considered turning your life over to heavy metal?

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

And get possessed by the devil? Next you are gonna suggest I play Dungeons and Dragons and break out the Ouji board.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Huh. I wondered how Denmark came into being. Are those giant guys still around? We could use them to do some plowing around the Bay Area.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Giants are from Norway, so I don’t think they’d be able to get a work permit in the US – I suggest you dial up Paul Bunyan, he has some pretty impressive livestock too, and a great, big axe to boot.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
5 years ago

National myths can be created quickly. The stories about the American revolution being popular and an ordinary revolt by the common man are false. Only 3% fought, maybe 10% supported them, and 1/3 overall were sympathetic to the American Revolution. Fact is, the British elites alienated the local elites. The American elites made good use of local incidents and created their own. They also avoided antagonizing ordinary Americans unlike the British. The Americans won so they became the heroes. When the streets are still and the final battle ended, we will write a new mythos, about how we overcame internal… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Last Stand
5 years ago

What’s that old saying – he who controls the past, controls the future; he who controls the present, controls the past.

5 years ago

Eradicating human suffering is the basic tenet from the dawn of time that under-girds all thought both on a conscious and unconscious level. We strive for it here on earth and in an afterlife. The usurpers will always promise baubles or structure to alleviate suffering. All our current ills stem from this very simple concept, thou shall never suffer. Of course this is ludicrous as we all will be faced with suffering. I get the feeling in reading all of the posters here is that all of you understand that life without some sort of sacrifice or suffering is not… Read more »

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
5 years ago

Speaking of replacing stories, people getting upset over a black mermaid are missing the point. The original Disney movie was already pozzed. The new one most likely will be even worse. Aiming it at women of color instead of white women can only be good for us.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  The Last Stand
5 years ago

Hollywood continues the trend of remaking movies replacing white actors with POC. This is just another part of erasing Caucasians from the culture. To future generations, the latest version of movie is the default one. I am sure the plan is to destroy the old movies at some point.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Judge Smails
5 years ago

That is why I collect as many DVDs, bluerays, books, CD’s and tapes as possible.

However​, I am not going to shed any tears about a feminist, species-crossing movie being targeted towards our competitors.

The Last Stand
The Last Stand
Reply to  Judge Smails
5 years ago

Being upset about this case is the opposite of not seeing the forrest through the trees though.

5 years ago

Guyenot has a piece up at Unz “The Arabian Cradle of Zion.” Good illustration of how founding myths operate. In researching how tribes and unifying myths form, I’m spending a lot of time researching muh Exodus and a lot of what I’ve found tracks with Guyenot’s post. The Old Testament is a tale of usurpation and pre-emptive legitimization b/c Chosen, and having read muh Koran in my Robert Spencer fanboi days, I can definitely see how Mohammed would have seen himself as a reformer and perfecter of the true Abrahamic faith. Abrahamic “hard” monotheism can be seen, through a lens… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

The good news is that the physical mechanisms of what we call the super-natural supports you.

Religion’s job is social organization.
It speaks in dialects.
I think it’s time to actually answer the questions it asks.

Our sages gain status arguing creaky geocentric hypothesis.
The new model, rather than wasting breath “disproving” one or “proving” the other’s supremacy, includes them all.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

“I want our new founding mythology to recognize spirits of clans, tribes and peoples…”

That’s Northern European, Germanic, Paganism. There are plenty of believers and followers already.

Ian Smith
Ian Smith
5 years ago

Z Man: I’d love to see you do an article on books that have a heretical view of the Civil War (or recommendations in the comments.)

5 years ago

As an aside, remember when those US Marines peed on the dead bodies of those Taliban and there was an uproar over the desecration of the bodies? Those same people have no problem desecrating the graves of Confederate soldiers.

5 years ago

Now they’re tagging antebellum DESCENDANTS (i.e. the founding population) as immoral/illegitimate!

Reply to  cloudswrest
5 years ago

Cocaine Mitch is about to get Betsy Ross flagged. Things are accelerating.

Any coincidence that this comes out less than 24 hours after some Dem candidate announces she is running against him for the next election?

Calling people on their antebellum connections is actually an easy game for their side, as the white males are loaded with antebellum connections, and the POCs mostly not at all.

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Swallwell dropped out today, Biden is every feminist’s version of men, Spartacus is as gay as a French bicycle, and here we have another G.I. Jane stepping to the plate to challenge beer-glasses Mitch.

They’re serious about giving us our first woman President. The future is indeed female and brown, because white women will vote for it.

That’s quite a sea-change, actually. Is usurpress a word?
The old bulls are getting knocked off the hill, but by the heifers.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

PS- the three Norns on the Supreme Court! When did that happen?

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Alzaebo said: “The old bulls are getting knocked off the hill, but by the heifers” This is the kind of crap that happens to every civilisation that falls into disrepair. Here’s a vid by a guy who goes by the named “Black Pigeon Speaks.” He can be a bit of a crackpot sometimes, but he makes great high-quality videos.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

The liberal women have more testosterone than the liberal and cuckservative men.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
5 years ago

If the “good whites” were removed from the playing field by the “bad whites”, by any means necessary… what becomes of the POC ascendancy? Would the sturm und drang in the media coverage be all that loud? Would the POC ascendency even care if once again the white folks were sorting themselves out again by the sword. I’m just curious if they wouldn’t just cackle and laugh at the bloodshed and eat popcorn. Would they even realize that the only thing holding back the storm of angry and displaced bad whites are their allies, the “good whites?” I imagine that… Read more »

5 years ago

Rene Girards The Scapegoat is an interesting and compelling book about origin myths and what they mean

5 years ago

Zman, you are right.

joey junger
joey junger
5 years ago

Looking forward and looking back need not be mutually exclusive, and the future’s very much tied to the past in successful nations. The idea of “Restoration” doesn’t exist for no reason. So no, we’re never going to get non-whites to Admire any of the founders, but if we win I’d still rather have Ben Franklin’s face on a bill than Richard Spencer’s. But to really fix our problems we need to go back much further, as Nietzsche said, to before that “damn farmer showed up” (he meant Martin Luther, but the German word for farmer, “Bauer” doesn’t quite translate, since… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

Luther, whatever your feelings about him, did not fall from a clear blue sky. The abuses of the Church were real and significant and it was no longer capable of meeting the needs of its lay parishioners.

Selling indulgences and never cracking the cover of a Bible wasn’t going to cut it by the 16th Century. If Luther hadn’t come along someone else would have.

joey junger
joey junger
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Luther’s Theses worked more meme magic than Lincoln’s Address, I’ll give him that.

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

Don’t forget that one great invention, the printing press. Without it, folk would still be listening to priest’s interpretation.

5 years ago

TNR is alarmed at effort to apportion districts based on eligible voters. 2016 Ewenel decision in Texas. People mock conservatives but they are getting something concrete done. Is it enough? No. Near certainty not. The actual answer is probably a repeat of 1861-65 and reversal of 1965 at the least. But Reaction is mostly griping and too often about other Rightists. other than the alt-right Twittersphere/meme wars -which were quite valuable in securing the flanks in 2016 and remain an effective counter to SJW – reaction isn’t doing anything. Reaction shouldn’t criticize insufficient action of others as it remains… Read more »

5 years ago

Yes to all-and they need to go for us to live.

So organize.


5 years ago

Tons of stuff you write is On The Money. Here’s a rare example of missing the mark:

“Similarly, the successful business will celebrate the founders as something more than hard working men who got lucky.”

Uh… almost universally people who found successful businesses *are* something more than hard working men who got lucky. They are driven, focused, brave, resilient winners who almost all overcame naysayers, competitive disincentives in the corporatocracy out there called The Real World, economic hardship, and (frequently) past business failures.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Love your stuff. Keep on keeping on.

rented mule
rented mule
5 years ago

Finally trying to subscribe, the subscribe star site seems to be problematic, at least at this time.
Z-man you are a treasure, and you deserve the support
Ill try again later.

5 years ago

Historians Strauss and Howe refer to the period of history which we are now in as a “Fourth Turning”, as were The American Revolution, the Civil War and the Depression/World War II. These periods of crisis start suddenly, with a distinct event (Boston Tea Party, Harper’s Ferry, ’29 Stock Crash, ’08 Mortgage Crash) and they “catalyze” (catch fire) with another (Lexington/Concord, Ft Sumpter, Pearl Harbor). We have yet to see what will catalyze our Turning, but SOMETHING WILL. Best it happens with Trump, our “Grey Champion” in power! But the outcome is NOT pre-ordained, regardless of demographic or any… Read more »

Oscar Berg
Oscar Berg
5 years ago

INSTEAD OF GETTING A LOAN,, I GOT SOMETHING NEW Get $5,500 USD every day, for six months! See how it works Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card?? Make up you mind before applying, straight deal… Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us via email address::{} We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our… Read more »

5 years ago

I for one wish we had a leader like Lincoln he won ,lol!!!!

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

all authority comes from usurping it Money quote, and probably true. It strikes me as related to the postmodern maxim that there are only power relations in this world. Either you have power and you can do something with it or you dont and you then got the wrong end of the stick. But this also leads to the conclusion, wrong or not, that morality is just a hoax. I cant square this w the Lincoln hatred though. If all authority is usurped, none is (b/c you usurped it from someone who usurped it from someone who usurped it….leads to… Read more »