The War On Nature

Since the French Revolution, the enduring feature of all radical movements, has been a war on nature. Whether the radical movement calls itself communism, Marxism, libertarianism, socialism or Progressivism, at its root is a war on nature. The radical looks around at the world and says it should not be this way. He then conjures a system that will bring society back to what he imagines to be the ideal. The fact that the people are unwilling to go along with this new order is proof of its validity.

For the longest time, perhaps due to the shadow of Christianity, the radicals justified their new conception of society as getting back to the natural order. Rousseau imagined his world as being at odds with man’s nature. “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains” was the rallying cry of radical movements throughout the 19th century, because they assumed that the present order was a corruption of the natural order. Getting back to that natural order would set men free.

Of course, this conviction justified the slaughter of millions. After all, to fight against the imposition of the new order was to fight against freedom. The reactionary was worse than a slave owner, he was the tool of the slave owner, an enemy of the people who deserved no mercy. If the natural end of human society is a return to the natural order, it must therefore mean the elimination of those who oppose the natural order. Marxism turned mass murder into salvation, a blood sacrifice to the new man.

In the current age, arguing that radicalism is rooted in man’s nature is no longer possible, as science now tells us otherwise. We know that man has never been what the radicals imagine, so the radicals have been forced to take a different tact. Instead of arguing that their cause is a return to man’s natural condition, they now argue that nature is imaginary, an optical illusion, socially constructed by the people benefiting from the current order. Nature is now the chains of man.

This is where post-nationalism makes its entrance. The people arguing for open borders and the end of nations, whether they are libertarians or Progressives, start from the assumption that nature is a social construct. You see that in this Atlantic piece squealing about Tucker Carlson. The writer is one of the cheeky dullards Jeffrey Goldberg uses to churn out click-bait for his site. They serve the role of court jester, except their purpose is to mock reality, thereby proving it does not exist.

The arguments, such as they are, rest on the claim that America is not a nation, but simply a social construct, like a social club that is required to grant admission to anyone who applies. By this logic, Carlson is less of an American, according the writer, than Ilhan Omar, because he rejects the idea of American being a concept. In other words, a complete stranger has a greater claim to being an American than an actual American, because the stranger does not believe there is such a thing as America.

Conor Friedersdorf, like most libertarians, lacks the sophistication to fully understand the implication of post-nationalism. Progressives, on the other hand, are eager to argue that nature is a social construct. It is why the main stream media is littered with women claiming that biology is an optical illusion. They understand that their fight is not with an alternative ideology or with a specific group that stands in their way. Their fight is with nature and anyone who accepts biological reality.

It’s why nationalism has become the bogeyman of all radicals everywhere. As Yoram Hazony argues in his book, The Virtue of Nationalism, the nation is the largest natural organizational unit possible. It is a collection of tribes bound together by a common language, a common history, a common struggle and a common ancestor. The nation is the fullest expression of man’s nature, therefore it is the fullest expression of everything the radical fears about the world and himself.

Conservatives, as in Buckley conservatives, are a useful canary in the coal mine of Progressivism. Because they fully embrace Progressive morality, but seek to point it toward other ends, their arguments are helpful in understanding the radical mind. This piece on immigration is a good example. The author makes the case that immigration will not solve the economic troubles looming on the horizon. In other words, open borders are great, but they can’t solve every problem.

Nowhere in conservative arguments against open borders will you ever find the basic argument that a nation has the right to decide who enters their lands. The answer to foreigners demanding access to your land does not have to be any more than, “You cannot come in, because we live here and we say so.” No conservative would ever dare utter such a thing, because it violates Progressive morality, which says biology is an illusion, so nationalism is not a valid argument against open borders.

This long super-cycle, which began with the Enlightenment and will conclude at some as yet undetermined point in the future, is a long war on nature. Each generation of radicals conjures a new world and new war on biological reality. Rousseau said, “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” This is the radical’s creed, but nature has a creed of her own. That is, reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it.

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Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

Reality has no place in America today.

In the meantime, “Conservative Firebrand” Sen. Ted Cruz is ripping Gov Lee of Tennessee as racist for designating a “Nathan Bedford Forrest Day” in Tenn.

Trad America has no leadership and no representation in government. We are alone in a sea of pandering mediocrity and cowardice. Hooray for the Red White & Blue.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

What’s happening in meatspace is not as frightening as the fringes world the media falsely presents us. We are meatspace based organisms – just a reminder.

The war on nature will fail.
It will fail sooner and with less suffering the sooner we stand up.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

Whites are now set, w mathematical certainty, not counting something ‘very dramatic’, to become a minority in the US. W all the love for whitey you hear, why on earth would that worry anyone?? Well, I can think of a few reasons actually….

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

So? Whites have always been a minority in the world, but that’s never stopped us from creating the greatest civilizations and the highest culture ever seen. Even when it comes to killing, numbers don’t outweigh the advantage that comes from being white. Just wait and see.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
5 years ago

Yeah well we used to not be a minority in our own damn places. How did that change? Is that also some part of ‘white genius’ to first burn down the house and then get serious??

I find mindless, unsubstantiated optimism insufferable.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

In regards to unsubstantiated optimism, there’s a reason I read the Breitbart Facebook comments section daily. It reminds me of just how unprepared “our side” really is.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

The strong survive, the weak perish. That is Nature’s Law.

Not; the smart survive.

As for Civilized that’s working against us.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Gracious! No human life has mathematical certainty. Never mind demographics. There is this certainty; you must fight to survive. if you are weak you will be eliminated sooner or later as will your offspring. This is the way it should be per Nature. This is Nature: the weak are culled from the pool. No matter their “intelligence.” No matter how many “children you have” which is of course woman’s victory not a man’s. TBH what I read in neorxn makes me hesitant to breed with a white woman. I value strength and bravery over “Intelligence.” Somehow we ended up with… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

No human life has mathematical certainty.
Never mind demographics

Have you heard of statistics? Technically you re right, statistics is not mathematics. But that’s not what you meant.

Meat and potato time, in every generation born from 2010 and since, non-whites are in a majority in the US. That makes non-white majority a – I ll humor you – statistical certainty.

About breeding, no comments, suit yourself.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

The future is statistical certainty.


I’m actually not in favor of manifestos for our side, but what is the Black Pill manifesto?

Because the Black Pill manifesto (and script) seems to be affirming the Progressive manifesto but as “fellow doomed white people.”

Where are you Black Pillers going with this and why should we follow you?

I politely await the answer.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

Okay, legit and good question I think. When I say that whites will be minority in the US in the future, I dont mean it in a black pill, ‘it’s hopeless, let’s just all give up’, sense. I just mean that it is something so crushingly probable that it should be assumed to be something that will happen. B/c denying that this is so seems increasingly like a delusion. Whether you are in the US or in Europe, there are undeniable demographic changes happening. And we must acknowledge them, b/c they are part of the reality we are going to… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Thank you for the answer. My answer is we fight. That’s what we do. Because I already factored in the migrants. In 2015 most of those flooding over the border were military age males. They’re not here to vote. Or even get on welfare. Those aren’t refugees, they’re reinforcements. This was of course the height of the Democrats shoot cops to get out the black vote campaign drive. Their position now is openly more extreme on Open Borders – they all endorsed opening the borders and have added in free health care. Why? Because they don’t care about elections. They… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

vxxc, when did widespead circumscision become standard in our hospitals? It causes permanent and irreversible changes in the brain, even in male infants.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Yes well…

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

I’m no fan of Forrest. And in fact almost am not here because of him. But if they want to have “Nate Forrest Day” so be it–let the chips fall were they may. He wasn’t much of a human, but a damn good cavalryman. Had Lee had him, instead of that peacock, Stuart, at Gettysburg, Buford never would have been able to dictate the disposition of the fighting ground.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

Forrest may not have been “much of a human” as you say but he was a helluva man. He came from nothing, was fearless, and could fight. Trad America could use a trainload of NBF’s today. Instead we have weakling cucks who just passed a law forcing the US military to accept transgenders.

America is dead.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

He was one helluva soldier that’s for sure.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

No we’re not.

And on the black pill, et al…

Far from not factoring in the migration I concluded years ago they have chosen war and genocide. The migrants are to deliver both.

That’s why I get on about the Black Pill, or the Pink Pill of cringe. Not because I dispute the facts but because I dispute the despair. I dispute the passive resignation to our doom.

Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

Lee should have refused battle. Forrest was no doubt a great cavalryman.

Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

Designating a Nathan Bedford Forrest Day is as stupid as the Proud Boys marching in Portland. Zman has written about it several times.

Reply to  MikeCLT
5 years ago

What would be smart?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

Ted Cruz is and has always been a charlatan. Joel Osteen already cornered his schtick in religion, so he had to go into politics.

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

That and Ted is a self-righteous dick that no one likes on a personal level.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

So he’s another Rick Santorum, eh?

blue collar dave
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Not to mention inelgible for the presidency on natural born citizen grounds.

Sean Detente
Sean Detente
Reply to  Carl B.
5 years ago

Who is Nate Forest and why should I care?

Reply to  Sean Detente
5 years ago

NBF founded the KKK, this is the limit of Prog knowledge about him. But NBF founded it as a fraternity and left the group before it became a violent racial militia. Hes just another Confederate war hero, the kind of figure that every nation needs. The only reason Tennessee made it an official holiday is to trigger the Progs.

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

He was very good at being cavalry, and a hero.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Sean Detente
5 years ago

Because you’re white and not a cuck?

Reply to  Sean Detente
5 years ago

If you’re a true American – you should know your history. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a Southerner – or a Northerner.

That’s why you should care.

5 years ago

I don’t think the Left is so much at war with nature as with the understanding and recognition of it – that is, with science. A good example would be the fact that there is now essentially no objective, skeptical study of homosexuality in the Western world. Around 1970 the psychological profession (which admittedly always followed dubiously unscientific methods, see Freud, Jung, etc…) abandoned the idea that there could be *anything* bad about it. Today the subject is dominated by the pseudo-sciences of “queer theory” and “gender studies” taught/preached as a new religion in universities all over. Civilization itself is… Read more »

5 years ago

Ironically, the idea that “reality always wins therefore my realistic views will win” was much more consoling when I was a CivNat libertarian. Tea Party Me believed in the BoomerCon view of “Manifested Destiny” best expressed by the awful patriotard pandering of Trump’s 7/4 speech – Eternal Ascendent Exceptional America. Red-pilling includes acceptance of the idea that we can lose, our race/culture could be effectively wiped out ala Amerindians. It also includes the idea that we’re part of an ecosystem of races/cultures, all rising or falling according to circumstances (of which evolution and history are the most determinative). It requires… Read more »

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Well said. Not long ago got into a mini-debate with a lefty who was decrying the treatment of native Americans. My comeback was “why we they not morere welcoming of the rich diversity and enrichment the European settlers, who were mostly refugees from oppression, brought? Sounds like the Indians were cultural bigots to me”. Poor thing did not know how to counter that.

Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

The indispensable Horus riffs on this theme. His videos are a treat.

Reply to  Samuel Adams
5 years ago

I have added this response to my arsenal. Thank you for that!

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Reaction may be more brutally candid – but it is also far less brave than the Tea Party ladies.

For our men have become women, and our women men.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

Brace strong wahmen being let down by weak men? I suggest you check out Dalrock’s blog re: chivalry and white knighting. If there had been more based Christian men like him pushing back against the brave gun gurls meme pushed by thots like Dana Loesch back in the day, the Tea Party movement might not have been cucked by grifters like brave Jenny Beth Martin ($400k annual salary) and fellow travelling shills like Beck & Levin.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

So many women my age fall into the Dana Loesch camp. They’ve never been told what’s up. Good luck having a Dana Loesch make you dinner when you get home from work.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

But the men didn’t stand up. The women did- and moved the Ball considerably before the Left pincer of Federal IRS and the Right Flank sellout collapsed them. That’s the nature of dissident politics BTW.

Dalrock has no courage so he has no real convictions.
We can get wailing and bitching from the women too. My main point is where were the men?

blue collar dave
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Amen, Exile.

If we allow ourselves to be eliminated as a. people, qed, we deserved it.

Not blackpill, pure redpil thinking.

Lester Fewer
5 years ago

The great problem of our time is that the Left has finally figured out how to induce mass moral paralysis in its victims: this time the invaders are unarmed, and they use their women and children as human shields and as biological weapons. No normal person wants to shoot a bunch of begging, pleading, wheedling, unarmed paupers. The Left is counting on this, they are using your very decency against you. It is, one must admit, a very potent weapon. Nobody has yet figured out a morally permissible way to counter it. Think of it. The Nazis, the Imperial Japanese… Read more »

Reply to  Lester Fewer
5 years ago

Well we can be innocuous too. Meanwhile we organize. Practical Organizing. Our only flaw on the Right is organization. But how to do safely? By keeping it light. Groups can quite organize along the lines of food banks, community self help and other innocuous matters. The key point is organization. Organizing builds skills. Organizing builds organizations. Organization is our potential fatal flaw. The Left is very organized. That’s the key to the Lefts success. Money, numbers are off far less importance then organization. Organizing events that involve traveling, logistics, etc is the key deficiency we are trying to solve. Any… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
5 years ago

“Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains”

My purely anecdotal observation is that man is born naked, squalling and helpless. To the extent he acquires any freedom at all, it’s through being socialized into a society interested in defending those kinds of things.

5 years ago

Great post. As a Christian, I completely agree with your premise but would state it slightly differently – radical (i.e. fallen) man is at war with God and His order. But leaving aside the tenets of Christianity, the natural law worldview necessitates something transcendent, a “Divine Providence” that established objective truth, laws of logic, and human rationality. These are metaphysical, non-material concepts that don’t biologically evolve; science can’t begin to explain them because science RESTS on them. Our Founders, whether Christian or deist, grasped this, along with the paradox that in order for imperfect man to be free he must… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Does God allow whites to live separately, refusing entrance to whomever they chose?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Cultural integrity and “separateness” are foundational biblical assumptions of the nation-state.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Aquinas thought so, but what does he know about Christianity compared to Russell Moore (agribiz lobbyist who LARPS Baptist leaer on weekends)?

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Would that be the same Russell Moore who worships a plagiarizing Communist pederast?

blue collar dave
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Line in sand…
Of course he does.
He himself separated the nations at Babel, confusing their tongues so they couldn’t communicate, one nation with another.
God’s will is that we be seperate nations.
Globohomo is clearly satanic by pushing a one world. government.
Which is why the EU headquarters is designed to resemble the famous painting of the Tower of Babel, the in crowd know the final result of their globohomo push, and it is proudly, boisterously, emphatically, and unapologetically satanic.

5 years ago

Meanwhile we are assured that the Left is the political center of science as the same time that they are telling us men can menstruate and human beings are cognitively indistinguishable by race.

5 years ago

Another fantastic post Z, you’ve really been hitting them out of the park this month.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

The rejection of nature by the left is less a reasoned position and much more of a rationalized excuse for their aggression and usurpation of the West. Reason is a rare commodity, rationalization is the standard in human affairs. There is a very good evolutionary reason for this: group cohesion and the ability to define in-group vs out-group needs and interests. Characterizing the evolved natural order of the West as not bio-historical but as social-constructivist exploitation in the service of the worst of humanity (cis white males)…gives moral ascendancy to an enemy who cannot simple march in and conquer what… Read more »

5 years ago

Nuts and bolts matter. Waves of illegals are still streaming here despite the rhetoric of the Trump Administration, and Democrats are highly incentivized to cheat in the 2020 election in order to reclaim the Supreme Court. It is likely that literally millions of illegals will vote in this upcoming election. Whining won’t make it better, and we’re not going to talk our way out of the coming crisis. Analyze, predict, plan, and prepare. Do it now.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

When the Left gets 1600 back, their looniest fringe will start offing SCOTUS judges. There will be no punishment. Prepare accordingly.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

In the days when process might have still mattered, a based POTUS should have packed the court with 5 nominees, forcing a Constitutional crisis that would have in turn forced a debate on the scope of judicial review and Congress’ failure to use jurisdiction stripping authority to de-fang Justice Marshall’s hellspawn. Given that our last chance to do soemething like that was the HW administration, it’s a moot point for weekend musing now. It’s true that Congress’ abdication of its responsibilities in return for shekels is the root cause of our present Constitional collapse, but as Z has discussed before,… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I hope they go for Roberts first. Serve him right.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Analyze, predict, plan, and prepare.

We all spend a lot of time analyzing and predicting. On the whole, we’re pretty good at it. Planning and preparing? I have to admit, I don’t know what they entail. Please share your ideas for how.

Reply to  Gravity Denier
5 years ago

Gravity, here is where I’m at with that now: -Hide in plain sight. -Use leaflets to say obvious truths that can’t be spoken in the current year -Social Media socks have some value, but can’t be counted on to last (never go online without a VPN!) -Don’t challenge the Left in the open. We’ve lost that war. Follow Law 22: Transform Weakness into Power. (This is what Z calls “sand in the gears). -So called “prepping” is nonsense charlatans sell to part Boomers from their Social Security checks. There will be no TEOWAKI. -Stay flexible. Conditions change quickly. -By no… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

TEO[T]WA[W]KI. The End Of THE World As WE Know It. The Christian God begs to differ with you; though I don’t dispute that “prepping” is largely a waste of time and energy. I, for one, am ready for the Four Horsemen to be unleashed.

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

Every generation of believers has believed they are the last one, yet none has been. No one knows the hour of his coming; it is conceit to think otherwise.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

To the point, when you import enough Mexicans, Somalians, Guatemalans and Hondurans, you eventually find yourself living in Mexico, Africa and South America.

Reply to  george
5 years ago

Or we could fight. Victory would allow rapid demographic change in our favor. You may not be ready. I’m a vet. You’re never ready. Not at first. Migration; Those aren’t voters, welfare recipients from Mexico. They’re military age males, 80% in 2015. Those aren’t refugees, they’re reinforcements. The Dems know they’re finished with elections. So they’ve dispensed with them. AoCortez isn’t Lenin but she has a sound plan. The open borders signaling from the debate isn’t to win primary votes- its giving the bureaucracy their orders along with the NGOs, teachers, churches and the rest. They’re betting on war and… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Practical Organizing. Our only flaw on the Right is organization. But how to do safely? By keeping it light. Groups can quite organize along the lines of food banks, community self help and other innocuous matters. The key point is organization. Organizing builds skills. Organizing builds organizations. Organization is our potential fatal flaw. The Left is very organized. That’s the key to the Lefts success. Money, numbers are off far less importance then organization. Organizing events that involve traveling, logistics, etc is the key deficiency we are trying to solve. Any explicit manifesto or statement of values or probably any… Read more »

5 years ago

Reality may win over the long term. But when you have a para-military police force, academia and a judicial system on your side to dictate what is and what isn’t. Reality can go take a hike for a long time. Lysenko knew it and do modern Lefties. This is why we have the Gender Unicorn teaching our kids about how fluid sex is, etc. Or go on a public venue and state there are only two sexes and dressing differently does not change it. and see what happens. You won’t get arrested(yet) but you will get doxed and most likely… Read more »

Reply to  Rod1963
5 years ago

All the more reason to support Universal Basic Income…quicker we crash the plane the better

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

The ultimate black pill is to realize we’re already aboard Flight 93.

Reply to  Maus
5 years ago

As someone said yesterday, “Trump was the shot at the king and it missed.”

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Pres.Trump was never going to be able to clean house. It’s way to late for politics. By about 40 years.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

MemeWarVet said: “All the more reason to support Universal Basic Income…quicker we crash the plane the better.” That’s the “Cloward–Piven strategy.” It was cooked up by two commie professors teaching at Columbia University school of social work in 1966. Here’s the Wiki link.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

So what? Leverage the enemy’s tools against him.

If we continue playing on this chessboard, we get genocided. The bird has to get tossed over and re-set for us to have a shot. Make our enemy do it to themselves.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Here’s my problem with “Universal Basic Income.” Were on the Titanic and the Democratic Socialists don’t think it’s sinking fast enough so there going to break out the dynamite and blow a bigger hole in the ships hull. I’m not entirely convinced that’s going to be helpful for team white.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Bologna, here is where I am at with that analogy:

Right now, all the spots on the lifeboats are being given to blacks and browns. I’m of the opinion that, if we all get cast into the water at once, Team White will be the only ones smart enough to figure out how to swim.

We stay on the Titanic, we watch Paco and Shoqueesha sail away to safety.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I’m lost at sea with the Titanic analogy translating into an actual plan or method. Can you assist?

What are you saying we should do?

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

Yeah, like the excellent comment of “Exile” above but put more bluntly, it’s very clear that one element of nature in human life is violence.

I think there is some sort of delusion on our part that once you’ve done the violence bit, and set up a deliberative, procedural political system, that it will run forever, like a perpetual-notion machine, and violence will never be needed again.

Nature suggests that this is a delusion. Sometimes you’ve got to, ah, weed the garden. Or else the weeds crowd out the flowers.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Jefferson, for all his flaws, had the water the tree part right. Like economics needs a periodic debt jubilee, politics needs to circulate the elites (h/t Pareto). Burnham’s “Machiavellians” covers Pareto’s thought on this and also other realthinkers, including one (Mosca, IIRC) who expressly said that the threat of violence is a necessary corrective to political corruption and decadence. Essentially, the theory was that Karl Roves and Sheldon Adelsons wouldn’t exist in a populace which knew the rope and pitchfork have valid roles in maintaining a just and happy society.

5 years ago

I respectfully disagree. I’d say that liberalism or progressives or the woke or whatever you want to call them are far more in tune with nature than we are: they are the footsoldiers of the new dynasties. Just as Communism just made a pseudo-scientific aristocracy and its own (worse) Ivan the Terrible in Stalin, or Mao, or Pol Pot, our progressive/woke stack is basically nothing more than dynasty after dynasty, mostly allied with weird foreigners with weirdo foreign obsessions (like Saikat Chakrabarti’s weirdo foreign obsession with weirdo “Nazis for Brown People” Chandra Bose). The Soviets lasted as long as they… Read more »

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

That’s pretty good, Whiskey. I like the medieval and dynasty connection. The modernists are more Dionysian, more into the irrational which is certainly a big part of Nature. That said, they make unnatural, abstract architecture. So, there’s a kind of disconnect there.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

The problem is democracy itself, which breeds its own dynasties (See Kennedys, Bush family, various representatives who are the sons or daughters of previous ones). The dynasties that democracy breeds are feeble ones, just as feeble as Louis XVI, maybe more media savvy and better liars. Putin is actually the happy medium, a lower middle class (by Russian standards) kid from the St. Petersburg projects who rose to greatness, all the way through the ranks. Those are the leaders you have to take notice of. A mix of brutality, realism, and craftiness. In any altercation, diplomatic or otherwise that we… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

Good comment, thanks. Related to this, in my view, is the perennial attraction of socialism. I agree with you that right-wing societies tend to be flatter and more meritocratic which is fine if you believe yourself to be among the meritorious. But not everyone does. In fact, it is probably only a minority that do. If you lack merit (or perceive yourself as lacking merit) then that is a decidedly grim prospect because you’re likely to spend your whole life rattling around at the bottom end of the pecking order. Who votes for that? Nor is there any shortage of… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

Many people who love socialism have poor genes and are using hired guns, through the electoral process, to compensate for that by stealing more resources for them. It’s reverse darwinism…for a time, but when the public purse is used up the tide comes back in and corrects the equilibrium.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

I dont think you re right but it’s a good comment and hard to put my finger on why I disagree. I believe leftie is less hierarchical than we are. They are fighting for a decadent ‘screw, party and be happy.’ We want a more orderly society where good things happen to people earn them. And that is the part they hate, that you must earn your wins.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

“Freedom” is an interesting word. The radicals always cry freedom as their motivating factor. Even the Soviet Union was about “liberation” of the workers. But when you sift through those words you get the real reason, coined by TS Elliot a hundred hears ago.–“They constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within by dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good. But the man that is shall shadow the man that pretends to be.” The French Revolution is fascinating. They no only overthrew the king, they re-drew France into perfectly square precincts, they… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

It wasn’t the sans-culottes that really reformed France, it was The Emperor (PBUH).

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Strange, I just mentioned him above.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
5 years ago

Rousseau said, “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”

Allow me to translate: Sanity has its limits; insanity is boundless. And how true that is.

5 years ago

We need to steal a word from the Japanese: Kokutai. We Americans have a kokutai, just as the Japanese do. We’re fighting for our kokutai. (Of course, there’s already a great word in a European language for this concept, but Volksgemeinschaft just sounds soooo scary).

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Wikipedia, for the curious:

Kokutai (国体, “national body/structure of state”) is a concept in the Japanese language translatable as “system of government”, “sovereignty”, “national identity, essence and character”, “national polity; body politic; national entity; basis for the Emperor’s sovereignty; Japanese constitution”.

And a smack upside the head for all who use untranslated foreign terms.

P.S. Did you ever do your “greatest hits” at Rotten Chestnuts, Severian?

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

That’s the point of the untranslated foreign term, though — why DON’T we have a term for this? “Kokutai” is “Japanese-ness.” There once was a thing we could call “American-ness,” but it’s gone, killed off by the word “privilege.” Any attempt to bring it back would, of course, be rayciss. So we need a loan word. (Re: “Greatest hits,” I have no idea what a “greatest hit” would be. The stuff I write that I like, nobody else seems to; the stuff other people seem to like, I can’t figure out why).

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

American-ness? LOL, we should just use “whiteness,” and see if we can wrestle the term away from people who hate us. Like the queers did with “queer.”

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

I have commented on this before. Some time in the 1990s the word “queer” went from being a below-the-belt insult to a badge of honour. Now we have LGBTQ proudly emblazoned on the battle flags of the Globohomo army.

Things can be changed.You just need the will to do it.

Lester Fewer
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

We /do/ have a word for this –several, in fact: one is “commonwealth,” and another is “republic” (literally res publica, meaning “the public, viz. shared, common, affairs or goods or stuff). Another such word is “patria”, the fatherland — literally “having to do with fathers”, viz the land (which is tangible, and has a fixed, defined reality) of our fathers, viz the men who were OUR fathers, not just anybody’s father. We’ve allowed ourselves to become so deracinated that we no longer recognize the basic meanings of very common words in our own language. And it was Somebody, meaning not… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Reply to  Severian
5 years ago

Bertie Wooster referred to “a certain thingness”, which would be so inexplicable I think the Left would have a problem figuring out an angle of attack.

5 years ago

at its root is a war on nature. The radical looks around at the world and says it should not be this way.

Yup. Eve, then Adam, thought that they should be like God. Note: nothing has changed since then. Whether attempting to master the climate, sexuality, inequality of IQ (etc.) in various men….It’s all a war against nature.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

Agree, and that is actually perverse to say. Nature says we should feel pretty strongly about 60 yr old men preying on minor girls. But hey, nature is a social construct so cool it and let Mr Epstein and others play a little. That’s where their perversions naturally lead, and to many other outrages as well of course. They are at heart evil.

5 years ago

To steal and slightly twist a brilliant statement made in the last week somewhere on the Internet, the rest of us are expected to go into therapy in order to deal with the issues of a loony lefty.

5 years ago

If only we could fight back and make our voices heard!

What’s that, social media is a private entity and don’t you ever forget it, goy?

It’s almost as if Orange Man has been a complete and utter failure on every single level….

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Because he has, except for annoying progressives. It’s my only satisfaction, watching them go nuts.

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

It will be us that the progs take their revenge upon, not Jared’s father in law

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

If I am out on the streets and shoot down an Antifah member who just bashed me across the head with a baseball bat – it’s highly likely my ass is going to jail. But if that Antifah member doxes me and shows up with a few of his friends at my house and breaks in and threatens my wife and infant child with weapons – even here in MA I do stand of chance of getting away with shooting them down. In fact most self defense experts will tell you : If you’re going to shoot in self defense… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Antifa has an army of (((lawyers))) behind them. They may be degenerate drug addicts, but they have training and organization.

They aren’t going to break into your house so you can shoot them. They will hit it with multiple Molotov cocktails while you sleep, and shoot you if you’re fortunate enough to wake up and flee. And the befuddled keystone kops will mysteriously find no actionable evidence.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Guess you’re beat.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Look – if that’s where you think this is going – you need to stop with the “they’re all out to get us” bullshit and realize that the violence IS going to go both ways. I’m not a big cop defender – but the ones I do know – and I’ve talked with a few – would beat down Antifah clowns with a smile on their face. And (again) – that is out here in MA. If the cops are not going after Antifah – it’s because the the street cops are being told by the higher ups to stand… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

I like that.
If the police are offered respect and neutrality they’ll take it. All one can ask is 🙈🙉🙊. But what more is needed?

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Would these be the same “rank and file officers” that pushed law abiding people minding their own business into Antifa’s maw?

GloboHomo, the cops, and Antifa all work for the same side. Prepare accordingly (or Boomerpost about muh guns, your call.)

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Why are you afraid of soyboys? Especially since you know they want us all dead. We’ve all had time to accept that we’re marked for doom. I don’t dispute black pilled facts BTW, just their resigned despair.

Knowing what you know why not smile and be a happy warrior? Think of yourself as already dead and enjoy life.

And fight back.

5 years ago

I thought this was pretty interesting about why corporations have decided that makes fiscal sense to deny biology

5 years ago

a nation has the right to decide who enters their lands.

Much as the current Pope (and many of the Bishops) disagree with that, the Church’s catechism says exactly that, too. No surprise, as that’s Natural Law.

Reply to  dad29
5 years ago


Officil Bologna Tester
Officil Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Z Man said: “This long super-cycle, which began with the Enlightenment and will conclude at some as yet undetermined point in the future, is a long war on nature. Each generation of radicals conjures a new world and new war on biological reality. Rousseau said, “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” This is the radical’s creed, but nature has a creed of her own. That is, reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it.” Here’s an artical from the American Renaissance website called “The Rise of… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Officil Bologna Tester
5 years ago

I said: ” I Watched the Concervitives get the evangelical churches involved in politics which was a terrible mistake. Because it left the church wide open for infiltration and subversion by the progressives.” Obviously this needs clarification. Psalm 146: 2.” I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” 3. “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. 4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.” Here are 3 websites that say it… Read more »

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Church started dying in earnest when it no longer had a core mission of essential support for its old, its young, its moms- its flock, as a leg in the three legged stool of home, school, church.

Public programs replaced, jobs moved, and third world waifs beckoned.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Z Man said: “…so the radicals have been forced to take a different tact. Instead of arguing that their cause is a return to man’s natural condition, they now argue that nature is imaginary, an optical illusion, socially constructed by the people benefiting from the current order. Nature is now the chains of man.” Unfortunately for the PC freakshow we still don’t live in the tightly controlable world there striving for. Even in the Soviet Union there were lots of people that weren’t completely zombified. Look at Alexander Solzhenitsyn. For those white dissidents who have the resources and expertise, there… Read more »

5 years ago

So happens it fits very well with your essay, so I stole this from a Dreher column. (He will be VERY displeased to know that it’s re-posted here, I’m sure. Good!)

At the heart of all the totalitarian regimes is the idea of correcting the Creator and stealing your freedom so we can build the new world. –Czech dissident Vaclav Benda

King Tut
King Tut
5 years ago

This a little OT so apologies but British press is reporting that Orange Bad Man has told the Somali congresswoman to “go back to her own country” or words to that effect.

Is this true? You cannot trust the British press. If it is so, then has he just broken some taboo?

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

Trump told her, AoCortes and her squad of 4 to all go back. Here. Trump on AoCortes Squad. In a series of tweets on Sunday morning, Trump wrote that it was “so interesting to see ‘progressive’ Democrat congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. “Why don’t they go… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

Thanks. In that case, DT has just crossed a line in my view. Something is unsayable until it is said.

5 years ago

Z: “The answer to foreigners demanding access to your land does not have to be any more than, “You cannot come in, because we live here and we say so.” fuckin’ a. Back when the border “caravan” was a developing news story, I overheard some guy virtue boasting about “why SHOULDN’T they be allowed to come here!?” Like it was some philosophical question that required a rational answer. I boasted back, “because we don’t WANT them here!” He didn’t respond but just stared at me dumbfounded. Like he hadn’t heard such a thing since childhood and had forgotten that such… Read more »

5 years ago

This long super-cycle, which began with the Enlightenment

Actually, it began with Luther.

Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

It’s funny how dudes on our side have their pet era or person that denotes the *real* start of things going to hell. My pet catalyst is Rousseau, as he unleashed both the drama queens and the drama queens who weep for the drama queens. (Pretty much everyone now except us.) The further you reach back for your pet watershed moment, the more utopian you are. If you think it all started going to hell with freakin Wycliffe or Plato, you’re just butthurt about mankind in general.

Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Let’s all put our personal choices for “moment it all went to hell” in the comments below….

Here’s mine: Late 19th Century mass immigration of Ashkenazi Jews.

Would love to hear everyone else’s picks.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

First caveman who shared his steak with another caveman.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

IMHO, everything was going just fine until a few trillionths of a second after the Big Bang and then it all started going downhill from there.

5 years ago

Nature returns. Get out of our country PC barrier breached. Trump tweet war Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 13h So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, “RACIST.” Their disgusting language…. ….and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged. If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even… Read more »

5 years ago

Far from not factoring in the migration I concluded years ago they have chosen war and genocide. The migrants are to deliver both.

That’s why I get on about the Black Pill, or the Pink Pill of cringe. Not because I dispute the facts but because I dispute the despair. I dispute the passive resignation to our doom.

5 years ago

start private space exploration company. leave earth. build synthetic wombs, ditch females. onward!

5 years ago

Pentagon top floor leaderless and in churn.

The beneficiary is…

The Commander in Chief.
Who now has less layers of bureaucracy between Troops and himself.

Speculation… but hmmm…

5 years ago

What is the Black Pill manifesto or plan?

Because the Black Script is to affirm the Prog Agenda from the “friendly” entry of “Fellow Doomed White People”….

Just curious.

5 years ago

The Thousand Deaths are The Thousand Degradations. Cowards die a thousand deaths, the brave man dies but once. But cowardice is not a path to survival. Public Degradations are the case being made to our very natures, our biology that we deserve extinction. What the poet meant was not 1000 deaths but 1000 Degradations. Death you do not believe in nor will you until the light fades in your eyes. We’re well over 950 on the 1000 degradations. By the way… but back to death. You do not really believe in Death. But you can believe in Degradations. You are… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

Short version: them making whites public cowards is making the case to our common human nature that we must be destroyed. And its working.

The 1000 deaths a coward dies are the 1000 degradations that justify to our very human natures the pressing urgency of the cowards removal.

Man up. Details above post.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

PS we’re over 950 of the 1000 deaths. Final installment comes suddenly nigh…

Wan Wei Lin
Wan Wei Lin
5 years ago

Z… “Nowhere in conservative arguments against open borders will you ever find the basic argument that a nation has the right to decide who enters their lands. The answer to foreigners demanding access to your land does not have to be any more than, “You cannot come in, because we live here and we say so.” No conservative would ever dare utter such a thing…”

Mark Levin had been saying this for years. Our immigration laws allow this, but for the Progressives and Republicans obstructing our laws and telling illegals how to break the laws this should be SOP.

Reply to  Wan Wei Lin
5 years ago

The state that bans plastic soda straws instructs its law enforcement employees to hinder the enforcement of immigration laws.

Another real world example of Anarcho-tyranny.

5 years ago

Libertarians are less so for saying nature is a social construct. It seems they don’t consider nature at all, or natural law. But write thousands of pages of scholarly articles where they explain their wished for utopia where everyone rides unicorns. Tom Woods might be emerging, but it is hard to tell. He has said “Maybe the French might not adopt 2nd amendment ideas” (paraphrased). What he has failed to say is that if 1 in 100 French wants to own a gun they should and would have shot the terrorists at the rock concert. But at least it is… Read more »

5 years ago

People need to get out of the ether and look around. There has never been news of the normal. We’ll never have normal behavior internet.
(I must add if China succeeds I’ll retract).

What’s happening in meatspace is not as frightening as the fringes world the media falsely presents us. We are meatspace based organisms – just a reminder.

The war on nature will fail.
It will fail sooner and with less suffering the sooner we stand up.

5 years ago

If anyone wants to discuss The Black Pill manifesto, plan beyond “fellow doomed white person” I’m around.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
5 years ago

As usual, you got it the wrong way around. Nationalism, as opposed to global government, IS more compatible with libertarianism. All human institutions are bureaucracies, the bigger they are, the more bureaucratic they are. Decentralized nationalism implies a future world of a 1,000 political entities. You don’t like one, you can go to another as long as they are willing to take you in. The possibility of exit exists. Global government is, well, global. There is no “exit” from it since it, by definition, would be everywhere. This is the reason why every libertarian worth their salt ought to support… Read more »

5 years ago

No conservative would ever dare utter such a thing, [that nations may control entrance] because it violates Progressive morality

Actual Conservatives WILL say such a thing. Do not confuse Actual Conservatives with money-mongers such as the Chamber of Cuck-tus, nor with Republicans–who generally are Progressives (see Bush, Bush, Ryan, Romney, e.g.)

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
5 years ago

There is one reality of human nature that libertarians are well aware of and that all non-libertarians seem to ignore and that is the nature of bureaucracy. All human institutions are bureaucracies. The larger the institution, the more bureaucratic it is. It seems to be a law of human nature that bureaucracy, in general, is dysfunctional. The larger the human institution, the more dysfunctional it is. Libertarianism, with its emphasis on decentralization and individual autonomy recognizes this reality. All non-libertarian world-views seem in denial of this reality of human nature. As Murray Rothbard once said: If all humans are by… Read more »

Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle
Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 years ago

I would think men would be in competition for access to beautiful women. And real estate is like a beautiful woman, she doesn’t sleep with poor, ugly men.

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 years ago

Besides being wrong, Libertarian writing, posts, comments, just make me tired. So tedious and boring. Every sentence is a long wind-up to yet another boring sentence.