A Book Of Contradictions

When reading Yoram Hazony’s book, The Virtue of Nationalism, the image that keeps coming to mind is of a man working a puzzle, only to keep arriving at an unsatisfactory conclusion. There’s the period where it feels like it is all coming together, then that moment when he realizes the emerging answer is all wrong. Not factually wrong, but unacceptably wrong. After a brief moment of terror, he then throws his work into the fireplace and begins again with a fresh sheet of paper.

The point of the book is to make the case for nationalism, but not just any old form of nationalism. Hazony sets out to craft a new definition of nationalism that is essentially Zionism, without the overtly Jewish attributes. It is a nationalism that any people can embrace, but not every people can have. He then compares this form of nationalism with the alternative, making the case that this form of nationalism is superior. In the process he makes some interesting claims that are worth exploring.

The book starts with the rather interesting claim that imperialism is a political system that “seeks to bring peace and prosperity to the world by uniting mankind, as much as possible, under a single political regime.” This a curious way to describe empire that makes imperialism sound like a hippy movement from the 1960’s. While it is true that empires grow from a desire to create peace for the conqueror, the prosperity and happiness of the conquered is never a concern.

This odd way of defining imperialism is a part of his rhetorical sleight of hand. What he seeks to do is redefine imperialism away from its biological and material motivations, to something that is ideological. The empire is not about putting one tribe ahead of all others or the material benefit of the emperor. It is about imposing a politics and culture on all people. The reason this is important is it allows Harzony to claim that Nazism is imperialistic, not nationalistic, in its fundamental nature.

Few scholars of fascism would agree with this, even though they would acknowledge that Nazism was expansionist and probably necessarily so. This is the result of the geopolitics of the period, not the inherent logic of fascism. That’s not the point. What Harzony is doing is inoculating himself and Zionism against the charge that is always leveled at nationalism. That is, it the logical endpoint of it is Nazism and that inevitably leads to war, genocide and barbarism.

That is the real argument of the book. Harzony puts no effort into explaining how his conception of nationalism could be applied in Europe or America. Instead, his argument is that Zionism, Jewish nationalism, is both the pure form of nationalism and the best form of human organization. It allows a people to chart their own destiny, but also prevents one nation from meddling in the affairs of another. A world composed of naturally occurring nation-states would be peaceful and prosperous.

He is not wrong. Judaism is the purist expression of nationalism. On the one hand, you have a collection of people, who not only share a language, history and religion, they share a common ancestor, hand-picked by God. Not only that, the Lord picked a land for his chosen people. To be a Jew is to be a member of a timeless tribe with an unrivaled link to the heavens and an unrivaled claim on the land. It is a sense of nation that transcends time, place and boundaries.

This is where Hazony reaches that point where the emerging answer to the puzzle he is working terrifies him. If a nation is a people with a common language, customs, history, territory and ancestors, then how is it wrong for a nation to not accept foreigners into their ranks? If France is for the French, they should have the right to deport the non-French from their lands? More precisely, would they not have a duty to deport these people, as their patriotic duty is to preserve the nation for future generations?

To get around these obvious difficulties, Hazony compares the nation to a family with lots of adopted children. Some reviewers think this sort of equivocating is a bow to the ideological realities of this age, but a closer reading suggests he is concerned with a different part of his audience. If a nation can decide who it allows in, based on its own internal logic and customs, then there can be no moral basis for opposing racism or antisemitism, as both are just natural extensions of nationalism.

Of course, the other problem with nationalism for the Zionist is the case of the Arab minorities in the Levant. If a nation is defined as a people with a common language, history and territory, then why can’t the Palestinians have a country? Why are their claims against Israel not valid? In chapter 17 Harzony resolves this by refining his definition of nationalism to limit it only to those who can attain a nation. In other words, everyone can have a nation, if they can get it and keep it.

In chapter nine we get another one of those moments where you can imagine him pulling up short as he realizes the implication of what he is writing. He starts out making the case for the biological underpinning of human society, then realizes where that is headed and swerves into the guardrail of civic nationalism. Then in the following two chapters, he makes the dissident case against social contract theory and the case against the materialist view of society peddled by libertarians.

If you can ignore the whiplash, the book has some excellent points to make that dissidents would be wise to read. In chapter 15 he carefully explains how federalism cannot work, using the case of America leading to the Civil War. He then compares that to the internationalist dream of a world controlled by supranational bodies arbitrating disputes between states. In the following chapter, he eviscerates the arguments of Ben Shapiro, without actually naming him.

Chapter 16 is his best chapter and one of the strongest arguments for ethno-nationalism you will find, outside of dissident circles. That chapter would not look out of place in Greg Johnson’s White Nationalist Manifesto. It is both an argument against multiculturalism and an argument in favor of ethno-nationalism. He is careful to avoid directly mentioning the biological aspect of nationalism, but no rational person can read that chapter and no think Hazony assumes a biological root to nationalism.

The last section of the book, which most reviewers apparently skipped, offers some very interesting insights into Zionism. In chapter 22 he writes about the shame Jews feel over not having fought back against the Nazis and how this is integral to Jewish nationalism and national identity. Instead of Jews being a people whose men and women stood helplessly as their children were murdered by the Nazis, Israel is a nation of armed men and women defending their children.

Similarly, chapter 24 offers insight into why Jews see criticism of Israel as a form of racism and antisemitism. On the one hand, they see the West adopting the Kantian model of nations, which holds white nations to a higher standard that non-white nations, like the Arab countries surrounding Israel. That’s the racism. On the other hand, the imperialist opposition to nationalism, which is what defines the Jewish people, is a hostility only aimed at Israel. That’s the antisemitism.

As is to be expected with polemical book, The Virtue of Nationalism will drive the pedant mad at times. Hazony makes some odd claims about the Thirty Years War. His view of Catholicism is weird and comes close to bigotry. As stated at the beginning, his definition of imperialism is hard to accept. Of course, the equivocation on the biological foundations of nationalism, especially Jewish nationalism, will strike a certain type of reader as predictable. That said, it is a good read for the dissident.

Finally, something that is not touched on by Hazony, but is implied in all Zionist discussions of nationalism, is this basic reality. For Israel to exist as currently constructed, it needs a robust relationship with a robust America. That America can only exist as a majority white and chauvinistically white. This inevitably puts the Zionist on the same side as the white nationalist. It turns out that the great irony of this age is that the fate of the West may ride on ancient enemies finding common ground.

Support the media that supports you. While all of us toiling in the fields of dissident media are motivated by a sense of duty, having a place to sleep and food on the table still requires money. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. Or, you can send money to me at: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. I now have a PayPal setup for those who prefer that method to donate. Thank you for your support!

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The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

You’re a braver man than I, Zman. Writings by the Gatekeepers are an exhausting tangle of shifting definitions and special pleading. My energy is limited. I’ve discovered that for these guys, there is no “truth” except the truth of the moment, which may change the very next moment–the “truth” of the moment being identical with their self-interest. Rigorously logical Jews who give their own guys no special breaks–Paul Gottfried, Ron Unz, etc.–are perhaps literally one in a million. We should appreciate their work but can’t get NAJALTed by them. For Israel to exist as currently constructed, it needs a robust… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Extra props for doing steely-eyed bio-reaction on weekend mornings.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

You should read “The Wandering Who?” by dissident Jew Gilad Atzmon. Judaism and the Jew people were optimized for the ghetto and started to crumble when liberal government allowed Jews to access the mainstream of society. Jews want this access but don’t want to be assimilated and become normal Western people. This tension between assimilation and isolation explains modern Jewish history. For example, the participation in Communism or Zionism. After the WWII, Holocaust filled the void. It allows Jews to be separated (because they feel they are in danger) while making the most of Western society (no need to follow… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
5 years ago

“Judaism and the Jew people were optimized for the ghetto and started to crumble when liberal government allowed Jews to access the mainstream of society.”

If only your nations could be so fortunate as to crumble in like fashion.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I’ve always just assumed that the Jewish Holocaust as taught to Jews* was, naturally, the ultimate emotional scar. In particular, they would be ashamed that they didn’t fight back, prompting them to become extremely militant to any perceived threat. In addition, they would now believe that “we’re playing for keeps” against white goys, particularly Christians. This is a fight to the end, two groups enter, one groups leaves. At least, that’s how I’d look at things if I was taught what Jews are taught. ——– Note: I’m not trying to cause a stink here. No need to read further. *Based… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

If your people were largely responsible for killing 10s of millions of European Christians, the smart thing to do would be to form and maintain a narrative (reinforced by fellow tribesmen in the media, government, academia) that showed the very opposite, that your people were the ultimate victims and are people who should be protected by all peoples of the world, especially the bad whites responsible for victimizing them.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Z: “For example, there are only two people I know who have written about the emotional impact of the holocaust on Jewish identity. Me and Hazony.” You cannot be serious. There’s enough books and articles on the subject to reach to the moon and back. I must be misunderstanding you, because that’s one bizarre boast.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Ron Unz…..Jewnicorn

5 years ago

I can only hope ZMan’s quixotic quest for the “good Jews” fails completely. Opening up the WN movement to Jews will make Charlottesville look like a dissident master stroke. The Hazony types are trying to open an escape hatch since they’re fearing we’re about to hit the other side of the Jew/Nazi cycle.

If all goes well he’ll have White identitarians agitating for nuking Tehran for the “White race.” They’ll subvert our movement the way the old Right was subverted by the Kosher conservatism of the Kristols and Podhoretzs: free markets, war for Israel, and the 14 words, goy!

Reply to  Nathan
5 years ago

They’ll subvert our movement the way the old Right was subverted by the Kosher conservatism I doubt that’s going to work. Once you’ve started down the road of ethnic nationalism, there’s no turning back or stopping half way, and the Jews themselves make it abundantly clear that they are not European. That’s why they’re coming down so hard on ethno-nationalists, even if that should be their natural, political inclination. You can see the tendency in the kosher-right websites: they rile up the goys against Islam, but conspicuously fail to even mention authors who’re not solidly civic nationalists and they go… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Jews in the Anglosphere and West Europe don’t move to Israel because it means a quite sizeable drop in living standards, and the peril of being drafted.

If the geopolitical winds shifted that the US loses its reserve currency status, and possibly even fractures internally…well I doubt 2 years in the IDF looks that scary.

Mass emigration from the West would also have an interesting echo in Israel, adding a bunch of secularist Ashenknazi English speakers.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

See below. If the Schnitzelschnitt cost you ten years in jail, a lot of Jews would leave.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Eh, I figure any country that did that would catch an economic blockade, if not a nuke or two.

An Dem Congressman in America already threatened to nuke the red states if they resist a gun ban. So the die may be cast.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

It would probably have to come from Europe, where circumcision is a strictly Judaeo-Islamic practice. Last time they polled on the matter in Denmark, 80% were for a ban, and that’s counting the 8-10% Mohammadans. Even if most Americans have a personal… stake (sorry!) in the issue, I figure it wouldn’t be too hard to get an anti-circumcision movement going in the US, the think-of-muh-children card is pretty strong. Circumcision has no religious significance for heritage Americans, so a few graphic videos could probably do the job. And never mind the physical pros and cons, but it’s a pretty gruesome… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

In my experience circumcision in the US is pushed as a choice – and a health issue. There’s also very little connection made to Judaism – but a lot of connection made to “everybody else is this way and I don’t want my kid to be different”.

It’s almost become force of habit.

happy merchant
happy merchant
Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Felix – there is a nascent anti-circumcision movement in the U.S. You’ll occasionally see bumper stickers that say things like “I wish I wasn’t circumcised”, and there is a documentary on Netflix called “American Circumcision”. Circumcision has no religious significance for heritage Americans This is less true than it should be. Americans in general take “Judeo-Christian values” to be a real thing, and evangelicals especially tend to view Judaism and Christianity as two sides of the same shekel. Generations of brainwashing by disinterested (((doctors))) led to very widespread circumcision among Protestant Americans. I’ve wondered sometimes if the Great Swarthening of… Read more »

Reply to  Nathan
5 years ago

I ask again, “How is Z different from the Republicans who welcomed the neo-conservatives because the neocons were anticommunists?” Why does Z think that the results will be different this time?

If we welcome the based Alt-Jews because they dislike Muslims then we must support the idea that the USA is a proposition nation whose purpose is to protect Israel. That doesn’t sound like progress to me.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

There is no masthead or editorships to be awarded, for starters.

There is also no purity spiral big enough that ends in the expulsion that many want. Rather, the feds would round people up long before they have a chance of sniffing power.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Are you supporting my point? Why would Z support Alt-Jews if they can’t give him an editorial job? I agree with you.

Lester Fewer
5 years ago

If Zionism were authentically Jewish nationalism, in an honest sense, then that would have been best for everyone, but sadly it is not the case. For Zionism to be truly Jewish nationalism, it would mean that ALL of the Jews, worldwide, would all finally pull up stakes internationally, admit that their alleged diaspora and “exile” was finally over at long last, and then they would all actually go back home and live in the Land they claim as their mystical birthright, while the rest of us breathed a sigh of relief. They did not do that, and will not do… Read more »

Valley of the Daleks
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

That’s not the reasoning at all. A lot of Irish people left Ireland, often as slaves (see, for instance, Iceland), and generally became a part of the countries they went to. The “Irish” in America are actually just Americans with a few sentimental attachments to the Auld Sod, like a shamrock kitchen ornament or a cable-knit sweater collection. A generation back they had some ethnic rackets going on in the cities, like all the ethnics did, and some of them gave money to the IRA, but mostly they just drank Guiness, griped about Bobby Sands, and watched American sportsball. They… Read more »

Valley of the Daleks
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

This line of “reasoning” is just not going anywhere; you’ve followed a trail of Logic Breadcrumbs into the Forest of Reductio ad Absurdum. I’m not going to try to argue you out of it, I’m just going to honk the car horn so you can tell where the highway is. Ireland and Israel, or the Irish and the Jews, are simply not things one should be comparing in these terms. Your super-powers are far better put to use on other matters. btw, if the Irish who are /in/ Ireland don’t “get their Irish up”, and rather damn soon, about mass… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Up here there’s a ton of Irish. I grew up in a mostly “blue collar” town that seemed to probably be about 75% Irish-Italian. If Jews stick together because of their religion and their heritage – I really don’t think you can compare them to the Irish. As far back as middle school I picked up on the fact that the kids who were the least religious – were usually the ones being sent off to Catholic high school. Having grown up around a Catholic majority – I really don’t see how most of them feel any sense of tribal… Read more »

Reply to  Valley of the Daleks
5 years ago

Up in this area there’s an awful lot of “Irish” who are actually about 50% Italian. Tough to feel nostalgic about Ireland talking with your dad – when mom is serving up a plate of spaghetti for dinner.

No No
No No
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

If sending the Irish back is the cost of sending the Jews back, I think about half of American-Americans would support it, and the other half would be looking to raise the Italians back to Italy and African-Americans back to Africa as part of the package.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

One more point. There’s a going theory that Israel can defend itself because it has nuclear weapons. Generally, that;’s true. But the demographics of the middle east make Israel a drop in an ocean of people. One day you’ll have an Arab leader (maybe a post monarchical Saudi Arabia) who’s so crazy he’ll say, you know what? Yes, Israel can kill about 10 or 20 million of us with their nukes, but they’re going straight to Allah, and there’s 80 million more where that came from. It’s enough to drive them into the ocean, a small price to pay. Israel… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

Agreed. The problem is not Jews or Muslims. The problem is us. Every people wants to maximize their chances of sucess…except us. Every people prefer the in-group to the out-group…except us. Every people defens their ancestral religion (even if they don’t believe in it)…except us. If you play a soccer match and your team doesn’t do anything to win, then don’t whine that the other team is full of meanies because they scoring once and again.

TL;DR. The West is a dead body. No wonder that all kinds of microbes take advantage of it.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  imnobody00
5 years ago

imnobody00 said: “Agreed. The problem is not Jews or Muslims. The problem is us. Every people wants to maximize their chances of sucess…except us. Every people prefer the in-group to the out-group…except us. Every people defens their ancestral religion (even if they don’t believe in it)…except us.” Here’s just a few of our problems. A 100 years of pacification and corruption through industrialized consumerism, 80 years of cultural marxist demoralization, an abandonment of most of the ancient values and virtues, the pleasure principle, a firm, ingrained belief in the American civil religion and Democracy, a creeping, insidious belief that government… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
5 years ago

So your counsel is despair and capitulation? Even doomed causes win sometimes if they keep fighting.

If surrender is your advice, please say so clearly.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

LineInTheSand said: “If surrender is your advice, please say so clearly.” The man who would fix a toaster, needs first to pinpoint the malfunction.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

I don’t think that is his counsel – doomed causes do win sometimes if they keep fighting. His observation appears to be that, present company excluded, we haven’t even begun to fight. We do need a certain critical mass activated, and it is hard to tell where we are on that scale. The 2016 election provided an interesting barometer (which seems to have spooked tptb). 2020 should provide an interesting measurement of progress/regress.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

JR; You’re right that wars start when deterrence fails. And nukes are an excellent tool for deterrence. And, under the scenario you posit of fanatical leadership, even nuclear deterrence might fail. But I doubt it. Most people in the West don’t seem to understand that most elites for most of history were deterred by the prospect of *their own* demise, period. Casualties among the hoi poloi were/are just an unfortunate byproduct of business as usual. The Acela Corridor elites during the Cold War hated Mutually Assured (nuclear) Destruction as a deterrent strategy because it made *them* hostages and not those… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Al from da Nort
5 years ago

Nort: I think what you are saying is too objective and reasonable for that region and that religion. Yes, almost all leaders are about self preservation first, but if you are a true literalist of the Koran, a true believer, nuclear deterrence will fail. Every line of that book is about self sacrifice (alien to Westerners born after 1930) for allah the moon god. The soviets were atheist, this was it for them, 20th Century Moscow was their heaven. All blackness after that. Nuclear conflict would be anathema to that line of thought. Interestingly enough, getting home from church today,… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

Nice read. It seems the enemy these days are the so-called “Judeo-Christian Religions.” The unholy alliance of Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, etc., Mormons, AND Jews in promoting Cultural Marxism, Unlimited POC Migration( Legal & Illegal), and One World Government is destabilizing the West at an alarming rate. The Church was the main instigator of the last civil conflict leading to the destruction of the Republic as founded and to the South itself. And now with secular Jews controlling many of the levers of cultural, governmental, and economic power in America, stirring the pot as it were, the outlook going forward is… Read more »

5 years ago

Jews spend their entire lives being educated about how badly white people treated them in Europe. The ultimate lesson in this is the holocaust, which is now the basis of secular Jewish identity.

As to the need for a robust America, the Jews have a strategy to defeat China. America is going to throw open the borders until it has enough POC invaders to outnumber the Chinese. The NeoCons dream of a “billion Americans” to die in the forever wars against the Chinese, Russians and Iranians.

Valley of the Daleks
Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

“how badly white people treated them in Europe”

I was reading this fascinating book the other day. It’s called “The History of the Jews in Europe: Two Thousand Years of Not Taking a F!cking Hint”.

Oy vey, the poor oppressed Wandering Jews, experts in wandering, could somehow not figure out how to wander back to the Middle East, where the Islamic regimes routinely welcomed them as bother Semites and staunch monotheists.

Instead, they stayed and “suffered” in Europe — as loan sharks, extortionists, tax farmers and slave dealers. Like it says in the Torah: Location, location, location.

Carson Napier
Carson Napier
Reply to  Valley of the Daleks
5 years ago

There’s a book called Early Medieval Jewish Policy in Western Europe by Bernard Bachrach, which aims at combatting the “lachrymose conception” of Jewish history during the Middle Ages. Im surprised it’s never been reviewed by OO or related sites. In short things sounded not much different from how they are now. For example, sometimes if Jews wanted to control a particular marketplace, they would take up arms and drive the Christians away!

happy merchant
happy merchant
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Z – if you’re still considering private content for the paycucks, extensive book reviews like Cochran does would probably be popular.

Reply to  Valley of the Daleks
5 years ago

Valley: re: “suffering” in Europe: it’s what they do.
From a cultural/relational perspective, they enjoy (consciously or unconsciously) the suffering.
The martyr complex.
Similar to Catholics. (And I am one.)

Interestingly, in my experiences, I have found we (Jews and Catholics) have lot of cultural similarities, except for the one major one (Christ, savior of then world, alive in the Eucharist) that prevented me from ever marrying in that direction.

5 years ago

“This inevitably puts the Zionist on the same side as the white nationalist.”

I can just see Jews attempting to join white supremacist organizations. The KKK would soon become the Jew Klux Klan. No more Grand Wizards. Instead, we would see Grand Rabbis leading mobs of sheet-clad men who go around burning the Star of David on black lawns.

Any day now.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

Judah P. Benjamin. Most Jews then backed the Confedaracy to the point that Grant and Sherman banned Jews from theatre s of operations.

Reply to  Whiskey
5 years ago

I’m aware of this history. But it can’t happen in the post-Holocaustianity period.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

It’s been argued, successfully in my opinion, by Z Man that modern American blacks can’t exist without American whites. I’m wondering if the same can’t be said about modern Israeli Jews, and if this book would be a head nod to that while attempting to add fig leaves to cushion the blow. A country that’s 50% latino, 12% black, 15% Asian would have as much interest in Israel as Brazil, maybe even less.

5 years ago

“It turns out that the great irony of this age is that the fate of the West may ride on ancient enemies finding common ground.”


Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

Actually I’m kind of enjoying that part. European Jews might hate white Christians but they’re not the reason Jews are leaving Europe

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

A big problem with being yoked to jews is their tendency to shoot themselves in the foot.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

Rogeru said: “WE’RE DOOOOOOOMED!!!” Indeed. But not just because we may, in the end, have to link arms with B’nai B’rith. Z Man said: “When reading Yoram Hazony’s book, The Virtue of Nationalism, the image that keeps coming to mind is of a man working a puzzle, only to keep arriving at an unsatisfactory conclusion. There’s the period where it feels like it is all coming together, then that moment when he realizes the emerging answer is all wrong. Not factually wrong, but unacceptably wrong. After a brief moment of terror, he then throws his work into the fireplace and… Read more »

Reply to  Rogeru
5 years ago

How long do we have to wait for our fellow white Godot to appear before we can declare the enterprise a fool’s errand?

In the meantime, it might be wise to stoke the actually existing suspicion and dislike of our future allies among blacks and latins.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

He implies an ethnic basis for a state but makes an argument that its function as a proposition nation outweighs ethnic concerns. Really? And where did the sentiments for those ‘propositions ‘ of the proposition nation arise from? He ignores his implication:biology. 80% of Jewish males and 50% of females can genetically trace their origin to the Middle East. An Ashkenazi Jew living in Frence for 1500 years is closer genetically to a Sephardic Jew living in Morocco than he is to a Frank. Does he really believe that biology does not manifest itself as the driving force in group… Read more »

Valley of the Daleks
Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

This Hazony guy is not worth reading in seriousness because he’s not writing in good faith, he’s just doing due diligence and hedging his people’s bets. Like all matters regarding Jews, he’s simply making sure both sides of the street are covered, so that no matter which way the coin drops on the nationalist question (or any question, really), the Jews come out on top, and the shekels continue to flow. Can’t blame him, I suppose. But all the same, it’s high time that any time any Jew opens his mouth on matters regarding the disposition of the West and… Read more »

Carson Napier
Carson Napier
5 years ago

Oh god, the Children again. Zionism as a defense of the Children.

5 years ago

I admire the courage of the dissidents in noticing the 600 lb. Jooish gorilla in the room – and their willingness to talk about it, to it, and question it. Nobody else is doing that out of fear of summoning demons of the 4th Reich and invoking You-Know-Who.

Let us test our character and mettle further: what would you have us do about this particular gorilla, Z?

Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

what would you have us do about this particular gorilla, Z?

I have a couple of ideas: prohibit circumcision and dual citizenship.

Otherwise, we should keep on doing what we’re already doing – it’s working. As Jared Taylor noted, before social media, American Renaissance would reach 4,000 subscribers, today they are read regularly by about 100,000.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Ban usury and porn.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Ban usury and porn.

I used to scoff heartily at the latter suggestion, but to my amazement, I’m coming around to your point of view, and I’m not that old.

If by usury, you mean rent on money, I’m not on board. Banks are immensely useful institutions, the problem is that they’re currently in the hands of our enemies.

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Good luck with that.

You’ve got a population that thinks that having the Federal Reserve print funny money is perfectly ok – and you’re going to eliminate usury?

That’s going to be a very long hard road…………..

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

Good, Felix. If there is one thing I am sick of, it is hyphenated Americans and Canadians…

Reply to  Felix_Krull
5 years ago

The dual citizenship thing is a good place to start.

Far too many examples of Israeli affiliated individuals exhibiting disloyal behavior while holding dual citizenship.

Up in this area I’ve even seen people run for office and BRAG about the dual citizenship thing since they obviously think it’s a selling point.

Seeing this behavior has peeved me off about the dual citizenship thing for probably a good 15-20 years now.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
5 years ago

Use of “Jooish” is virtue signalling to people who hate you.

5 years ago

Meanwhile Hazony is valiantly defending himself from charges of catering to “blood and soil” nationalism at this conference, which is pretty funny. The odds of antifa showing up are getting better by the minute.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Arthur_Sido
5 years ago

We should welcome Antifa protesting an explicitly Zionist conference. We love saying that “anything to the right of Bin Shapiro” will be banned. Well, maybe if Shapiro was banned it would start the alarm bells ringing.

The whole idea is that this Woke Mob will be controlled, but what if it isn’t. There are some signs that Antifa is becoming less disciplined.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

De Beers Diamonds said: “We should welcome Antifa protesting an explicitly Zionist conference. We love saying that “anything to the right of Bin Shapiro” will be banned. Well, maybe if Shapiro was banned it would start the alarm bells ringing.” I can certainly sympathize with your ideas. But there’s an old adage in the sports world. “Kill the head and the body dies.” Here’s a quote from Sun Tzu, “The Art of War.” “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for… Read more »

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Antifa is made up of “anarcho-communist” that organize in “collectives” which form into the black bloc. They formed out of existing anarchist, anti-war groups. One might be tempted to call DSA their “civilian wing”.

They benefit from benign neglect from the system, and the interference of the National Lawyers Guild “green hats” which prevent them from getting felony convictions.

The structure of antifa makes it difficult to defeat, but rather easy to disrupt.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

@De Beers Diamonds. So the DSA and National Lawyers Guild are part of the support mechanism for the Anarcho-Cesspit. Well then, a little light but steady disruption should make them regret their affiliation. It’s what I like to call the horse-fly tactic. Every little bite counts.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
5 years ago

Antifa have not been a problem in Denmark since the nineties. Back then, a referendum had not turned out the way they wanted, so they proceeded to burn down a borough of Copenhagen. The police opened fire with hard ammo and later went around the emergency rooms, arresting gunshot victims. If they were too poorly off to be moved, they were handcuffed to the hospital gurney. Now, the cops had fired more than 100 rounds into the crowd, but nobody had actually died, so the upshot was that they upgraded their sidearms from 9mm full jacket to 10mm hollow-point. Antifa… Read more »

5 years ago

This sentence is troublesome: “If a nation can decide who it allows in, based on its own internal logic and customs, then there can be no moral basis for opposing racism or antisemitism, as both are just natural extensions of nationalism.” Can’t tell from the context who is making that statement but I assume it’s your take on Harzony. Sounds like Harzony is conflating two very different things. Regardless, making the moral distinction between nationalism and racism is important. There’s no hate in repatriating Haitians to Haiti, or Cubans to Cuba, as I spent the bulk of my career doing… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

While that is all true, it’s also true that being labelled a “racist” today will have a very negative impact on one’s life, such as ending a career, destroying ties with family/friends, etc. The reality is, one cannot promote the idea of race realism by calling it “racism,” that word has strong negative connotations to it. Semantics, but important. Maybe “biological reality” or something like that could be reachable for normal folks? The subject is a raw nerve for many. Hazony may be trying to wisely signal to his tribe that caution should be exercised in destroying white Christian culture,… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

Nobody here had any idea the term “racist” had negative connotations. Thanks so much.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Well if we’re supposed to argue that “racism cannot be immoral” just thought an equally ridiculous reminder might be due… But thank you.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

“Just note who is steering all discussion of it. (As usual.)”

Must disagree here. Do us goyim have no intellectual agency of our own? Because that’s the implication. I see it as more a case of “MeToo” rather than “This way, Goyim”.

Reply to  King Tut
5 years ago

I was referring to the powerful media, without which we cannot easily impact the issue, at least not in a way that is portrayed favorably. The public platform is provided for those like Hazony and Horowitz who teach us all the proper way to think about nationalism.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ursula
5 years ago

To avoid such negative impacts, simply rebrand “racism” as multiculturalism. Isn’t that what nationalists want after all – a place for each culture, and a culture for each place? The ones forcing the Haitians to stay here are the true racists, denying them fulfillment of living in their own country, among their own people. Progressive champion the ultimate form of cultural appropriation, stealing Haiti from Haitians by bringing them here, just so we can enjoy the occasional jerk chicken sandwich.

5 years ago

Z great post. Now what’s good for the goose is good for the ganders. But I am beginning to get a feeling, a hunch…that grows… That if we live long enough we’ll see Israel repress the Jews. A hunch. That’s all. Israelis are a healthy, vigorous people and the Diaspora is not. The American one is certainly not. Israel wants to live. The Left everywhere however wants Western Civ to die. This is essentially a negative goal of annihilation. I don’t think they’re to blame for our problems. We are. We are weak minded and soft. Someone was going to… Read more »

5 years ago

Z man, would love your opinion on Whiteshift. The book left me dissatisfied. Kaufman acknowledges that in multicultural America, whites have interests like all other groups and should not be held back from expressing them. He then also states that whites as group are shrinking in size. They will then have two choices-preserve themselves in white enclaves or miscegenation. He favors latter and believes we will have a new breed of latte Americans who will identify as white who will honor America’s past and culture. He then goes on to blast both multiculturalism as too disunifying and civic nationalism as… Read more »

Reply to  Peter
5 years ago

The author is a moron. Everything in modern America elevates non-whites and is constant war with the past. You get government goodies for the mere fact of being non white. Safely tucked in Academia, Kaufman builds his thesis on the idea of white privilege. If white is a privileged group, then non whites will want to be white. Instead, we have aryan Mexicans declaring they arent white becuase their great grandfather marched with Santa Anna. Normies think that the ability to tan means you aren’t white. So we have three forces acting against the white shift ever happening: Affirmative Action,… Read more »

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

Tykebomb said: “So we have three forces acting against the white shift ever happening: Affirmative Action, the Democrats One Drop Rule, and the war on history. It boggles the mind that so many on the DR can’t see this very obvious sociology”. As I said above “…a lazy approach to education and keeping ourselves informed about what the hell is going on in our own freaking country.” There’s a general laziness about education to be sure. But in white people it’s particularly ugly and dangerous because we are the scapegoat. White people will continue the be blindsided by the current… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

Using the term “the levant” implies that there are many legitimate claims to Israeli territory, and hence anything else written will be considered anti-Semitic, and thus taboo.

c matt
c matt
5 years ago

For Israel to exist as currently constructed, it needs a robust relationship with a robust America.

But like the scorpion, they can’t help but act according to their nature.

5 years ago

Re: ” The last section of the book, which most reviewers apparently skipped, offers some very interesting insights into Zionism. In chapter 22 he writes about the shame Jews feel over not having fought back against the Nazis and how this is integral to Jewish nationalism and national identity. Instead of Jews being a people whose men and women stood helplessly as their children were murdered by the Nazis, Israel is a nation of armed men and women defending their children.” There is also evidence out there that at least some of the Zionists actually cooperated with the Nazis initially… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
5 years ago

Like i said:

From AP:

“Religious leaders across the country used their pulpits Sunday to quell concerns in immigrant communities and spring into action as nationwide immigration enforcement sweeps loomed.”

Know your enemy. And he is not Donald Trump.

5 years ago

Ah no Sir.

Their fate rests with us.

That’s the way it must be, and the way it is. Israel knows this.

In exchange they welcome their troublesome prodigals back home. We’ll all be healthier and safer.

And if they don’t like it there’s nothing they can do.

I’m not in favor of group punishment or mass expulsion for the group but that is probably a wish too far.

As may be, respectfully, this post’s conclusion.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
5 years ago

Every non-white group affirms group punishment and almost every non-white puts tribalism above universalist values. How do you guess this scenario will play out for whites who try to find common ground with non-whites?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

The common ground is we have power. Everyone else here on sufferance.

And I said; I’m not in favor of group punishment.
Not that we find common ground.

5 years ago

Of course, the other problem with nationalism for the Zionist is the case of the Arab minorities in the Levant. If a nation is defined as a people with a common language, history and territory, then why can’t the Palestinians have a country? Why are their claims against Israel not valid? In chapter 17 Harzony resolves this by refining his definition of nationalism to limit it only to those who can attain a nation. In other words, everyone can have a nation, if they can get it and keep it. The implication of Zionism (and is Biblical) is that God… Read more »

Reply to  Stina
5 years ago

It might also be relevant to add that another implication of Hazony fully committing to this logic of rising and falling nations, he admits that the fall of Israel in 70 AD was just.

5 years ago

Just brilliant!

5 years ago

“Of course, the other problem with nationalism for the Zionist is the case of the Arab minorities in the Levant. If a nation is defined as a people with a common language, history and territory, then why can’t the Palestinians have a country?”

Now do the Cherokee, Sioux and Don Cossacks.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

Z Man said: “That is the real argument of the book. Harzony puts no effort into explaining how his conception of nationalism could be applied in Europe or America. Instead, his argument is that Zionism, Jewish nationalism, is both the pure form of nationalism and the best form of human organization. It allows a people to chart their own destiny, but also prevents one nation from meddling in the affairs of another. A world composed of naturally occurring nation-states would be peaceful and prosperous.” Nicolás Gómez Dávila said: “Peace does not flourish except among moribund nations. Under the sun of… Read more »

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
5 years ago

“The good old U.S. of A.” Man it’s been so long since I’ve heard that. In a non-mocking, non-ironic sense. Such a happy wholesome phrase. I want my 1976 back. I love spicy food but I’d accept only mayo again for the rest of my life if they’d just give ’76 back.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Frip
5 years ago

Frip said: ” I love spicy food but I’d accept only mayo again for the rest of my life if they’d just give ’76 back.” United States Bicentennial. Sunday, July 4, 1976. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6pPfJGREtU

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
5 years ago

Zman, I like your review of this book. I’ll have to go out and get it.