The Madness Of Anti-Racism

Every liberal society must have a civic religion and it is fair to say that the prevailing religion of current year America is anti-racism. For sure, things like anti-sexism and anti-antisemitism are in the mix. On a regular basis people are condemned for not liking homosexuals or people of mysterious origins. The list of “bads” is very long. All of these other “isms” that make up the set of official “bads” all have the same root as anti-racism. That is, they are twisted around the pole of biological reality.

The place to start is with the dictionary definition of racism. According to Merriam-Webster, the first definition of racism is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” defines racism as “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.”

Now, within living memory, racism was an act. A racists was someone who would not hire people of a certain race or would deny people of a certain race access to goods and services. Then the definition shifted to include words. If one said disparaging things about someone of another race, they could be a racist. The assumption being that to think poorly of another race must inevitably lead to acting poorly toward people of another race. Racism was now a state of mind.

Of course, this is now true of all the bads. If one is not sufficiently worshipful of homosexuals, for example, it is assumed you must be homophobic. The days of “hate the sin, but love the sinner” are long gone in our secular theology, assuming such sophistication ever existed or was even possible. With all of the bads, one’s virtue on these matters is an A-B test. You’re either sufficiently worshipful of the protected group or you are an apostate, possibly a heretic, who must be condemned.

The thing is, racism is not empirically verifiable. In fact, it is not something people thought much about until recent. The best one can do, as far as making an empirical claim about racism, is that it is verifiable under a set of logical rules. If someone believes these things, then they are racist. Those rules, however, are cognitively meaningless. That is, they are not true in and of themselves. Those rules exist because the people in charge have wished them into existence.

That’s the truth of all moral codes. They don’t exist naturally. They may arise from observation of nature or as a result of some qualities of man. People do not want to be killed, for example, so human societies have evolved moral codes against killing people inside the society. The moral codes of a society may have evolved in response to universal or particular facts facing the people, but they had to be conjured into existence by the people in charge of society. Therefore, racism is a social construct.

There is a slow shift going on with the definition of racism. The first part of those common definitions now says something like “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.” In other words, the moral codes that define racism now include an assertion of fact. That is, race does not exist. After all, to say that people have shared traits that define them as a people is what is considered the primary definition of racism. To be a racist is to acknowledge race.

Racism is well on its way to becoming a form of magic. The racist mind is now one that perceives things that are not real, like sub-Saharan Africans having dark skin. The epicanthic fold not only cannot exist, noticing it suggests the person seeing it is possessed by the demon of racism. There really is no other way to interpret the emerging definition of racism. In order to resolve the conflict between the definition and nature, they must introduce some supernatural element.

The problem, of course, is that there are characteristics and abilities specific to race, ethnicity and sex. People are not amorphous blobs that can be shaped into whatever the ruling class favors at the moment. In fact, it is impossible to maintain a functioning society without accepting biological reality. Otherwise, the differences in outcome, for example blacks in sports or Jews in business, can only be explained by theories of nefarious forces operating in the shadows at the expense of your group.

Now, in fairness, they still tag on the old modifiers about superiority. That’s the thing though, those modifiers are now in the back. Given the behavior of science deniers in the mass media, it is not going to be long before those modifiers about superiority are dropped entirely. One has only to look at the conflation of the terms “white nationalist” and white supremacist.” The ruling cult now uses them interchangeably. To notice that whites are different from other groups is to be evil by definition.

Even if they figure out that those modifiers must be maintained in order for the definition of racism to have coherence, there are those differences between the races. It is an undeniably truth that sub-Saharan Africans perform differently in physical competitions than other races. In fact, they are superior at sprinting and at extreme long distance running events. These differences are rooted in those common traits. For people to be different, it means they must be better or worse at various quantifiable things.

In the fullness of time, anti-racism, and the whole basket of bads that come along with it, will be viewed as a madness that took possession of the ruling classes. The need to see all people as equal, a requirement of democracy, has led the ruling elites of the West down a dark journey into a madness. The denial of physical reality can only be tolerated for so long. Reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it. Soon, reality shall return and wash the madness away.

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The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

The key point is that racialism (which will of course simply be called “racism” by our enemies), the inborn and normal sense of “us” and “them,” is good.

Racialism is the immune system of a people. It keeps them from being invaded and destroyed.

And that’s why they’re attacking it so hard: they want to destroy our immune system, which will, of course, destroy us.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

Very broadly speaking, immigration is genocide.

One people brings their guys and their folkways into the the land of another people, and if new guys are stronger, their people and folkways drive out the old guys and their folkways.

That process is incipient against our people.

Do we lack the technology to stop it, like primitive peoples against more developed nations? Of course not.

We lack the group spirit, the racial spirit.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

We didn’t believe absurdities when we rushed into WWII, as they hadn’t been tacked on yet.

We were simply homogenous.
The Pharoah called, the men mustered, and we attacked.

We mustered for the Space Race as well.

Now that we are sundered, no longer a People, we haven’t won a war since- or gone back to the Moon.

Who are we bringing glory to?
We don’t know that anymore, either.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

My great regret is that we are not colonizing space.

No doubt, if the White Man had stayed true to his spirit, we would have colonies on at least the moon by now.

Instead, Toronto looks part India, part China, part Africa, and part Pakistan. We have been colonized by an alien elite (and our own WASP elites) and by 3rd world peoples.

White man needs to explore.

Space was our next frontier.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
5 years ago

We’re supposed to celebrate diversity. But don’t you dare point out diversity. Except for pointing out diverse, not equal outcomes caused by whites. That’s okay.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Whites are supposed to celebrate (and facilitate with ever-increasing enthusiasm) the de-whitening of everything. Racist=white. The details of such are merely a chinese (racist!) menu of contexts and situations convoluted to solve for whiteness. Funny thing is, actual White superiority, relative to most but not all of the POC union, is the only real part of the equation. The lynchpin of reality that holds the entire gallows of the Progressive anti-reality together is that whites repeatedly demonstrate superior pro-civilization attributes. Envy, covetousness, and resentment in groups who are less capable, inclined, or otherwise thrust into environs vastly incongruent with their… Read more »

5 years ago

The American Psychological Association has been addressing racism as a likely mental illness for 20 years. In the late 90s they established their National Conversation on Psychology and Racism. Whenever I hear “national conversation” I know that people like me are excluded from the conversation. Where this is going – racism (however they choose to define it) will likely become one of those nefarious red-flag laws … “racists” (i.e. whites) will have their guns confiscated, will find themselves unemployable, and probably criminalized. Where the APA often goes, so goes the culture within a couple generations. In 2050 pedophilia will be… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

If current trends continue. But remember, “If something can’t go on forever, it won’t.”

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Pithy response but inadequate. I think our views on where current trends are headed are shaped by the community in which we live. I live in a community of rural whites whose “trends” are still shaped by FDR’s New Deal … if they’re really, really modern then the “good ol’ days” was the Clinton administration. These are people who fly the same flag as your avatar – they go to truck-pulls, hunt, drink cheap beer, and generally good red-blooded Americans. So based on what I’m seeing, current trends SHALL continue, because most whites I encounter are go-with-the-flow people. There’s a… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

I’ve got idiot relatives who have swallowed cultural Marxism and don’t even know it. But they pray over their food and pull for their favorite laundry on TV as though nothing had changed. They have been cut out of my will.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

It’s amazing how inundated we are on a daily basis. You walk through the cereal isle and see Ellen Degenerate on a box of Life Cereal etc., or some insurance poster with the mixed racial couple, etc. ,they don’t even spot it. My boycott list is now so long I’m going to need to put it on a spreadsheet.

If propaganda didn’t work it wouldn’t be all around us.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Capt. Most Heritage White Americans have sold their birthright’s for a bowl of porridge (bread and circuses)…

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

Amen brother. At least Esau got a good bowl of lentils out of the deal … we got a bowl of turd-stew.

Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

That, foreign hordes, not having enough kids plus homosexuality places the Western world where Roman empire was about 2000 years ago.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Yes, I recall Caesar disdaining the call to become emperor; “Rome, he said, is but a shithole”. Remember how he moved to family friendly Jerusalem, so his kids could grow up in a morally sound atmosphere?

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Lineman
5 years ago

… for a pot of message.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

“If there’s a top-dead-center for the average white person being fed up I’m just not seeing it. Maybe you are?” Yes. Maybe because I’m not white. I.e. somehow it’s not racist if an Asian person says it. (Which is funny, because East Asians are not protected by the game laws. No affirmative action for you, Chow Mein Boy!) Of course I’m careful about the people I speak to openly about this sort of thing. That said, I’d say that a lower bound on “normies” sick of the pozz in general is about 35-40%. If you add in those who reject… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

Good post Mike. I should be more clear though. I do know a lot of people who are fed up, sick of the pozz, etc. I just don’t know a lot of people who are doing much beyond whining and voting. When I try to explain the random acts of secession and independence that we can do on a daily basis I get blind stares. Contrarian and concerted lifestyle changes – MOXIE – is what I’m looking for before before I get my hopes up.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

“When I try to explain the random acts of secession and independence that we can do on a daily basis I get blind stares.”

Ah. Now I understand. And often have the same experience.
Some days it seems sheer cussedness is the only thing that makes me keep at it.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Capt S. I see what your saying. But fat and happy does not move the needle. An admixture of stressors and want is necessary for ending lethargy and obsequiousness. You haven’t seen that yet. There is always a breaking point.

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Penitent Man – Roger that – I’m with you; I don’t think we’re talking past each other. Here’s the thing I’m concerned about though – our people are probably the least ready for that “admixture” in American history. Throw stressors at our previous generations and they had the skills and community to pull through. When I contrast what my grandparents’ generation endured – real hardship & deprivation – they just pushed ahead. These were hardscrabble people who built their own houses, made food come from the ground, and had generations of cumulative wisdom on how to thrive amid world wars,… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Amen on that Brother…So many things to get in order but they think the food times will always be rolling…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Capt S, I understand more now. Thank you for the clarification. A suggestuon if I may on the locust after the winter has started problem… I got this from an old army buddy when we were discussing the problem. He tells the people he likes that say to him they are coming over to his house after TSHTF. “Of course you are welcome to. I like you. Once you are there I will turn over all the food, ammo, medical supplies, shelter materials, water, sanitation and water purification items you have brought over to me prior to the catastrophe and… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

PM – Yep, that’s a great answer. This conversation makes me wonder how much more effort we should put into persuading the clueless wonders. Maybe now is the time to transition – help the people that “get it” to learn survival skills. I met a lot of people who were “prepping” when Obama was in office but then gave it up when Trump came on the scene. As your army buddy has it figured though, it’s easier to find people who nod their head and agree than people who will put their nose to the grindstone.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

The reason current trends can or cannot continue has nothing to do with the popularity of the trends or the nature of the people who embrace or go along with them. The current trends cannot continue because they are a path to disaster. Belief in the felicity of those trends, or failure to oppose them won’t ward off the disaster.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

But will they end?

How long did it take reality to reassert itself in Russia? 70 years, plus another 10 of a transitional nightmare?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

You’ve pretty much answered your own question, there.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Good point Meme.

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

It poisons everything. A couple of kids, 10 and 11 years old, got in a fight with a black girl on a school bus, called her names. Ended up a four-day story here, with even the governor getting his two cents in the mix. Kids on a bus! The media, a local tv station, blew it up, because they are the good people, and the deplorable need educating. There will eventually be a reaction against this, I’d like to think…..

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

It’s how it ends that concerns me, Vizzini.

Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
5 years ago

Badly. Like most things.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

Yea wait until the plagues hit then we will live in interesting times…

Extra Anonymous
Extra Anonymous
Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

Well, I know the Zman is a bit touchy about the JQ, but my dear old dad, a good old-school white guy, was actually a central figure in the compiling of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and after he retired he told me about how Parenthesees would lobby to have things classified as mental disorders based on their own agenda. You know how people are calling this Ukraine thing a “second coup”? Actually, it’s a third coup. People might have already forgotten the well-coordinated campaign to have Trump declared “mentally unfit” for office. That was actually… Read more »

Reply to  Extra Anonymous
5 years ago

Stop being an anti-Semite. We all know there is zero coincidence of the number of God’$ Cho$en People in the media, judiciary, banking the current problems we have now. :LOL:

Reply to  Someone
5 years ago

Don’t forget to also blame high # of Jews in medicine and on right leaning internet sites among other shameful things.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

I know a crazy, radical, Zionist Jew who is a dentist. I’ll bet there are more like him in medicine. Breitbart and Gateway Pundit are “right wing” in the sense that Vermont is “vibrant”.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

My husband is a retired (horror) Zionist dentist. Zionism means that Jews r entitled to their own historic homeland. I know it would be better for so many people if we moved to the Moon. But after we would make Moon a blossoming place you would demand that we turn it to a favorite group du jour

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

This is rich. If one opposes Jewish interests in one’s country, or even notices that those interests dont align with one’s own, then one must be an anti-semite who wishes the Jews would decamp for the moon? How dare they! Poor, pitiful you. OTOH history does prove you correct that were Jews to colonize the moon Whitey would barge their way in. Just like they have in Israel. And, lets face it, i am sick and tired of whitey’s long, long history of pursuing Jews in each of the latter’s nations, buying influence with the latter’s elites to protect usury… Read more »

Reply to  Michaeloh
5 years ago

Feel free to hate the Jews. So did Ukrainians forever. They were so proud of themselves that they closed all roads thru which Jews could get professional jobs. No Jews were allowed to work in Chernobyl atomic station. Ukrainians really showed them Jews who was the boss.
They should’ve been careful what they wished for because the rest was history.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

I’m sure you have plenty of references for these insane assertions.

Reply to  Epaminondas
5 years ago

I lived thru them

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Funny how so many jews seem to live through these genocidal atrocities where million of jews were killed.

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

If it was so anti-Semitic, then why wouldn’t they have just blamed Jews for Chernobyl anyway? Why does the anti-Semitism never seem to make its way into the official story, despite saturating all levels of culture and society in these backward, bigoted lands?

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
5 years ago

There were a lot of Jews among first responders in Chernobyl. About 5000 of them are still alive in Israel (some Jews, some spouses of Jews). If Russia keeps a record of survivors among first respondents I am not aware of it. Probably when anti-semites become desperate they accept Jewish expertise and good will. A new Ukrainian president who is Jewish is another prove of it. Growing up in Ukraine and experiencing their genetic anti-semitism from the early childhood I would never believe that they would overwhelmingly vote for a Jew. From the tens of thousands of comments I read… Read more »

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Good grief!! The moon!! My god how many more billions of dollars from the U.S. are we going to have to pay to put the chosen on and maintain the facilities on the moon?

We pay Israel enough already. It’s a joke Anna. I don’t hate Jews. I just don’t want the U.S. to keep financing Israel.

Reply to  george
5 years ago

Israel is not even a major beneficiary of American military aid, The real costs include American boots on the ground in host countries. There are 150,500 American troops in 70 countries. This costs American taxpayers $85-100 bill a year, according to David Vine , a professor @ Am. University. In other words about 1000 American soldiers stationed abroad represent over $500 mil in aid to the country in which they are stationed. Thus the largest aid recipient is Japan with over 48,000 stationed. This translates into US military aid package of over $27bil. Germany 37000 troops—$21bil South Korea 27000 troops—$15bil.… Read more »

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

“Figures don’t lie but the liars figure”

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Well if that’s the case then they should help out their stalwart ally and friend and return the money. We need it.

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
5 years ago

They do. Bulk of this money is used to buy American military technology.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

In that case we should not have one soldier in the ME. Israel should be able to provide for their defense quite nicely.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

I’ll take that deal. You give me the money and I will buy your house. Deal?

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

“And that American military tech is highly lethal!”

— The 34 killed and 171 injured officers and crew of the USS Liberty.
Bombed and strafed, then napalmed, then torpedoed. By our greatest ally.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Agreed. Most of that should be stopped as well.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

And a large amount (probably the vast majority) of that military expenditure is spent on crushing and/or destabilizing Israel’s regional rivals.

Reply to  Matt
5 years ago

Israel is presently allied with majority of Sunny ME countries in the region. Regional rivals presently are Iran and its satellites like Hezbollah and other Shiite entities. I realized that the only reason I argue with anti-Jewish attitude here is a desire to see this country protected. We all know from history what happens to Jew hating nations: Germany, Soviet Union (especially Ukraine) Venezuela being the latest historical examples. US has been the best thing that happened to the Jews in 2000 years of exile and G-d blessed it like he promised Abraham. I want it continued. That said I’ll… Read more »

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

“Israel is not even a major beneficiary of American military aid…” This is just astonishingly dishonest. To compare the money spent on America’s defense, whether overseas or domestic, to welfare granted to Israel is just a special kind of stupid. Shall we also argue that blacks are really “not even a major beneficiary of American” welfare because we spend so much more on Criminal Justice and fire fighting than we do on welfare for blacks? The point, in case you missed it, is that Criminal Justice and Fire fighting are not welfare. National Defense is not foreign aid. And National… Read more »

Reply to  Extra Anonymous
5 years ago

Extra Anonymous: Statement of the year, right there, re Juda mind tricks

Like Ursula’s Flowerman project, EA has supplied the smoking gun(s)

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

So Israelis all have a mental disorder. Good to know.

5 years ago

Zman: “The assumption being that to think poorly of another race must inevitably lead to acting poorly toward people of another race. Racism was now a state of mind.” I’m as race-realist as they come, believe in HBD and the power of heritability not merely in regards to intelligence or physical appearance, but also habits and behaviors. I also harbor antipathy towards other races for invading what was once a primarily White nation, and for all the crimes and debasement they have inflicted upon it. Yet yesterday, when the Negro woman in the car in front of me at the… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Agree. Civil, polite interactions make me happy, regardless of the races involved. I can open a door for an old non-white lady, smile at her, and still wish she wasn’t here.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

If only manners had been taught with the same zeal as grievance-mongering, the people in this country would be a good deal better off.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

See – that’s why you’re called civilized. Now let me reverse the story. Just driving today in a residential area, mostly black, at 30mph. I’m cruising through at 25mph. A car is backing out of a residence … doesn’t slow and apparently doesn’t look out the window. I slow even further, avert to the opposite lane almost off the road and toot the horn. She finally stops, and appears to be cussing up a storm whilst delivering the 1-finger salute. Did I mention she’s black? Did I even have to?

Reply to  CAPT S
5 years ago

There’s that tax again that Z mentioned…

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Mighty white of you, dear. Standing O!

5 years ago

“Soon, reality shall return and wash the madness away.”

Well, we need to start doing “reality dances” to bring on a downpour of realism. And we need to do this soon.

When I was just a ten year old child, my father took down an encyclopedia and made me read the article on “race”. This was in the early fifties when there were still shreds of truth left in such books. I will always be grateful to him for making me immune at an early age to the bullshit of do-gooders and self-seeking politicians.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Anti racism is not about racism. If that were true it would be applied equally. Every single non-white group operates as a group…seeking group interests. All of them in opposition to the founders and builders of the West. The entire diversity racket is a war upon whites and everything they have built. Most of this is being driven by envy and avarice masquerading as a moral crusade. Anti-racism is specifically targeted at white people, white civilization and white social standards. It is anti white racism. Racism, an increasingly meaningless term, is simply group competition in seeking group control of resources… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Religious storytelling- moral code- is ‘self’ programming, an operating system.

Invaders always seek to supplant the old ways that supported the inhabitants, with the new moral rule sets that support the conquerors.

What better way to conquer than to change the software? Make the meat machines do what you want.

If a few glitch, there are always more.
Why shoot at your enemies, if you can program them to shoot at themselves?

Reply to  Yves Vannes
5 years ago

Cheezy as it is, the mantra is correct :
Antiracist is code for antiwhite. Bob Whitaker was way ahead of us.

I don’t see it much anymore, but it used to ubiquitous.

One of Many Georges
One of Many Georges
5 years ago

…a madness that took possession of the ruling classes…soon, reality shall return and wash the madness away. Well, the genius of anti-racism (from Satan’s point of view, not ours) is that it wipes out its target race. (And I mention in passing the obvious fact that “anti-racism” is of course extremely racist. It’s textbook inversion. Read this brilliant thread before it gets nuked. Communism, for example, killed one-hundred million people, mostly in China and Russia. But at least when the madness was over, at least they were still China and Russia. But when this madness is over, will there… Read more »

Reply to  One of Many Georges
5 years ago

One of Many Georges, here’s that thread from Twitter before it’s gone. moo moo cow @i_am_cattle 4:45 PM · Sep 17, 2019 1. How inversion magic works: First they start by implanting the notion in people’s heads that equality = justice and that any instance of inequality between two groups is created by an oppressor group which has achieved some unjust privilege by “oppressing” the other group 2. What they are doing here is claiming that there is a force (an oppression) causing inequality in one direction (from group A to group B) The implication is that this evil force… Read more »

5 years ago

Stop buying into commie wordplay. What is a phobia? pho·bi·a /ˈfōbēə/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: phobia; plural noun: phobias an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Is your dislike of homosexuals “irrational”? Well then why use leftie words to express how you feel? The column is about how the word “racism” has been twisted to leftie ends – well descriptive words about dislike of homosexuals are following the same pattern. When you use the words “homophobia”, or “islamophobia” – or any of the other phobia words that the lefties like to throw around – you’re cucking… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
5 years ago

Add “anti-Semitism” to that list. Then for extra credit, look up the ADL’s definition of anti-Semitism, specifically how it applies only to Jews and not other Semitic peoples. And how it was a Nazi-invented term meant to be derogatory.

If all that is true, then why would the ADL continue to use it? As a constant reminder of how the world is against them, and to keep the resentment smoldering, of course.

Reply to  Mike_C
5 years ago

ADL is headed by former Obama staffer and is more concerned with political correctness than protecting the Jews. As a matter of fact not a word from them on the numerous ongoing attacks by blacks on Orthodox Jews in NYC.
ADL is widely criticized by Jewish bloggers like Daniel Greenfield and others.
As people who are justifiably proud to be whites why do you share with blacks a hatred toward Jews? If you have common enemy you have plenty in common.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Jews have been agitating and manipulating blacks in America since the early 1900’s. Communist jews, including financiers and lawyers, occupied every single prominent office of the NAACP, including the presidency, until the 1960’s. Jews are at the forefront of the militant feminist movement and support the “LBGT…etc” agenda. Whites do not have common cause with jews.

Reply to  Lars
5 years ago

“Jews are exactly like other people only more so”

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Late Jean Paul Sartre would be devastated you disapprove of his opinion about the Jews.

Reply to  Lars
5 years ago

Anna – If Jews like yourself would like to gain more support I suggest making sharp distinctions between the those who quietly practice their religion and the rambunctious, destructive, devious Zionists. I try to make similar distinctions between biblical Christianity and the various wayward sects of evangelicals who plant “Support Israel” signs in their yards. Words matter, and carefully defined positions matter. There are some here who would have zero problem with a Jew practicing their religion in the US, but as soon as they start agitating to influence US domestic and foreign policies as a hyphenated American, most will… Read more »

5 years ago

I don’t even think we’re all the same species. I mean the story is that the Earth was populated with a couple dozen different hominid species and then 50 to 25,000 years ago Homo sapiens sapiens took over the planet but of course we all look completely different and act completely despite the fact we are just one species now. I’m calling shenanigans

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Sorry Whitney but that’s like saying all canines are not the same species because wolves and dachshunds look and act completely different.

Pat Hines
Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Wolves and domestic dogs are NOT the same species. Being able to breed does not prove “same species” at all.

When a negro miscegenates with a white, the offspring will not be able to obtain a DNA match for organ transplants, some medicines kill negroes while whites can take them with little to no side effects. There is a mountain of evidence in support of the facts I’m asserting.

Reply to  Hoagie
5 years ago

Wolves coyotes and dogs can interbreed and produce viable fertile offspring but they’re not considered the same species. Maybe they are. Maybe we are. Maybe we should let Neanderthals join the club. Or perhaps there are breeds within populations. The Danes don’t look like the French and the Ethiopians don’t look like the Congolese.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

My gosh Whitney what a breakthrough, a world-changing insight.

Many varieties, shading into one another.
Across epochs of time.

Instead we argue over who was First Man and First Woman, or if we were brought from somwhere else, or other varieties of Sudden Appearence.

Pat Hines
5 years ago

Blacks and Muslims have been and are being weaponized by the (((tribe))).

Reply to  Pat Hines
5 years ago

All mass immigration (or any migration where one group is privileged over another by “law” or conquest) will displace the founding/established group. That’s the history of migration going back millennia.

Reply to  Pat Hines
5 years ago

Muslims had been weaponized 1400 years ago by Mohammed. Blacks have been weaponized by their leaders by inflaming their very strong racism. How does it feel to see a Jew in every corner?

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

“How does it feel to see a Jew in every corner?”

Well, they indeed are in nearly every corner that matters, that is to say, where fake money is conjured and channeled or where political power and cultural influence are brokered. As for how it feels to see this reality…for me, late in life, it was a very harsh awakening.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Correct. As we all know the NAACP was founded, organized, led and financed by rich and powerful African-Americans. But whatever, anti-semites! Dont let a fact get in your way.

Reply to  Michaeloh
5 years ago

Should we also blame Americans for the way Liberia became?

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Dear Anna, there are Jews of the Torah and Jews of the Talmud. The latter is bad medicine. We know what it teaches about Christians and Christ. Shame!!

Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

The only Jews who rejected Talmud are called Karaims and there are only few thousand of them in the world.
Unfortunately I became exposed to my own history and religion late in life and know very little. But one of the things I learned in Talmud: it’s a bigger sin to cheat a gentiles than to cheat on another Jew.
Give me an example in Christian texts which is that considerate of others.

Reply to  Anna
5 years ago

Anna, please point us to the section of the Talmud where that is written. It would contradict a lot of other parts.

Reply to  Matt
5 years ago

As I don’t have a structured Jewish religious education I learned it in several classes under guidance of a Hassidic Rabbi who moved since . It will take me some time to locate the quote and this thread will be closed by then. But I’ll try to contact you after I know.

Reply to  dad29
5 years ago

They now teach Talmud in South Korean high schools. It’s like chess or math and not everybody can succeed in this study. Hope I didn’t turn anybody against Koreans/s

Reply to  Pat Hines
5 years ago

Hines, they have, you’re talking a history that goes back near 5,000 years. Close in-breeding has reinforced it as a trait. Every few thousand years, our solar system intersects the Taurid asteroids, and death rains down from the heavens. We watch the stars to find the signs. A period of meteor strikes drove the New Thinkers, frontal-cortex Aryans, into the lands of the hindbrain thinkers east, west, and south. Those same meteors shattered the east and south. We merged in the west, were subsumed in the east- and were revolted against in the south. We could not be defeated, but… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s an accusation without a defense, i mean how do you prove your heart is pure? I guess they could throw us into rivers like witches, but then again most whites can swim, screwed again!

Reply to  guest
5 years ago

That made me laugh.

Reply to  guest
5 years ago

Google noyades

The Babe
The Babe
5 years ago

This great quote from Jim’s blog is a good supplement to today’s post:

“One of the many hurtful effects of a state religion that requires you to disbelieve in what is seen, rather than merely believe in what is unseen, is that it drives the adherents mad and makes them stupid.”

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
5 years ago

“A nation is a community of people who share a common language, culture, values, traditions, ethnicity, descent, and history.” Your tribe in other words. Your extended family in fact. I love my tribe. We are Appalachians. My Welsh ancestors were here before the revolution. So, does that make me a racist? Sure — EVERYONE IS RACIST. Everyone. American blacks may be the most racists people on the planet at this point in time. Of course the fact they are hollering about racism gives them welfare and many other preferences is a big part of it for them. (the Japanese don’t… Read more »

5 years ago

Racism will prevail because it is essential to long-term survival. Without the prejudice that your DNA is superior to that of some African living in a mud hut, why bother having children?

Thus white liberals contracept themselves out of existence, leaving their black and brown pets to starve or be killed by racist whites.

5 years ago

First the basics. What we call “race” is simply a shorthand term for the collection of traits that differentiate one cohort of our species from another. Why does this differentiation exist? Because each race evolved in a different environmental setting and adapted accordingly. For example, dark skin is an adaption to a climate with persistent high solar exposure. The superior/inferior judgement is simply about whether any particular racial member is located within his/her ancestral evolutionary environment. If so, then their racial traits will serve them well. If not, then they may have a tough time of it. Blacks are not… Read more »

Pat Hines
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Blacks are not the same species as whites, the sooner all whites learn that, the better.

Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Sub-Saharan Africa was the white man’s graveyard until the discovery of quinine

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

You’re using the term species incorrectly.

Pat Hines
Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

@Penitent Man

No, I used species exactly as it’s intended to be used. Negroes are NOT the same species as whites, never were, aren’t now.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Pat Hines
5 years ago

@ Pat Hines,

No Sir, you are not. Taxonomicaly, etymologically, scientifically or hell, just plain old web’stahs dicshunary correct. No.

I’ve never been course once with a person on this forum. You win the prize. Today’s date is September 28, 2019.

Yoi are a utter moron.

Nuh’uh arguments, simply aren’t. Maybe you can double down by now calling me a “n****r lover” to really show me up.

Raise your game or f**k off please.

Bless your heart.

Pat Hines
Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

As a health care professional, complete with all the science knowledge that goes with that, I maintain my assertion.

So far, you’ve not made a counter argument based on science. You’re welcome to try.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Pat Hines
5 years ago

As a consumer of meat products and a fan of 19th century napoleonic military uniforms I disagree. Point is, you haven’t made an argument either. You do the research, I’ll not regurgitate here for you. Stating an unverifiable credential is not an argument. Doesn’t matter. I should not have cursed at you. That was beneath me, inappropriate as a guest here, and unfair to you. Your initial post sounded like the stupid stuff posted over at the Daily Stormer type outfits. I’ve grown accustomed to nuanced and intelligent ideas from posters here and, perhaps I’m wrong (and you are welcome… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Penitent Man
5 years ago

Wow, that didn’t take long for you to downvote Pat. Must’ve really chapped your hide. Oh well, sincere apology delivered. The rear is up to you to get over. I’m done with you Sir. Go with God.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Correct, without quinine Africa was considered a possible death sentence for European officials stationed in sub-saharan Africs and the Caribbean. See how the Irish forced into servitude there. An interesting read.

Many processed food products were originly fortified with vitamins to combat anemia in sub-saharan african descendants living in New England due to lack of sunlight.

Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

Quinine has a very interesting history, too. It was a key that opened the southern hemisphere to us, almost lost as a Spanish explorer’s forgotten notes. Britain, France, and Spain were in the midst of a science war, searching for the secret of longitude. Spanish scientists were lugging delicate, yet 300 pound, pieces of iron measuring equipment up and down the Andes, trying to measure the range of curvature from one mountaintop to the next. When asked why they didn’t suffer as much from the mosquito sickness, the Indian porters pointed out the bark of the quinoa tree as a… Read more »

Sam Detente
Sam Detente
Reply to  TomA
5 years ago

Nice, succinct explanation given by someone who evidently holds the older ethos, if not spirit, of western anthropology in higher regard. But ah, identity politics and group identity, especially, is a thing. Gotta be honest – it’s extremely hard not to feel a smug superiority to coffee-colored people who can justify tossing little kids from the second-floor of malls.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

New York City bans calling someone an ‘illegal alien’ out of hate.. It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien” when motivated by hate. The restrictions — violations of which are punishable by fines of up to $250,000 per offense — are outlined in a 29-page directive released by City Hall’s Commission on Human Rights…. “In the face of increasingly hostile national rhetoric, we will do everything in our power to make sure our treasured immigrant communities are able to live… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

Which reminds me that NYC also has a Snitch program..
so far it’s limited to rewarding people who snitch that they’ve seen a car idling its engine for more than 3 minutes (did you know it’s illegal to let your car’s engine idle for more than 3 minutes?).. you can receive a $2500 reward for snitching on the driver. Just send in video or photographic evidence with time/date stamps and locations.

I can’t wait until they start a Snitch Reward program for turning in raaacists.
Man, I’ma gonna clean up.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

I also notice that this ban on calling someone an illegal alien was not a NYC regulation that was debated and passed in the City Council, and then signed by Mayor DeBlasio (his actual name is Wilhem Warren, BTW); it’s a directive released by City Hall’s Commission on Human Rights…. just one person creating “law” out of nothing more than their power to do so.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

Browsing the Daily Mail a few days ago I recall seeing a report on an Iowa man (I think), White, 63, who was charged with 2 counts of hate crime for criticizing a Mestiza’s Puerto Rico shirt and asking if she was a citizen. The photo of the poor old guy showed him looking utterly bewildered. Standard normie. He doesn’t realized just how the rules have changed and his country has been taken from him. And yet I guarantee his government-educated children will all tell you they don’t see color. Sorry but not sorry. They’ve been warned and still refuse… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

The incident occurred in a Chicago suburb.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

If I report myself, do I get the $2500?
Ha! Take THAT!

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
5 years ago

It’s so obviously a 1A violation. My hope is that one of the local “Angel Moms” takes them to the cleansers.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 years ago

“It is an undeniably truth that sub-Saharan Africans perform differently in physical competitions than other races. In fact, they are superior at sprinting and at extreme long distance running events.” —–You know who said that years ago? Jimmy the Greek. One of the first casualties fired for stating a stark racial reality. He may as well have been saying “The sky is blue.” And this was in the late 80s. All of this nonsense will fall by the wayside when democracy itself cracks open like an egg and we go back to natural strong-man run governments like Putin. this whole… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 years ago

While Jimmy the Greek was fired for giving his opinion on black racial superiority, what he actually said was that slave owners picked out a big black man and a big black woman to make a big black kid, which is why they tend to be better at sports. He said nothing about evolution and natural selection. This was in 1988, not that long after Time magazine ran a cover story on black dominance in sports. As a side note, it’s interesting to me that West Africans and East Africans, specifically Kenyans from the Rift Valley are polar opposites when… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Bantus dominate sprint, limit 400 meters. Non-Bantu east Africans dominate distance. Their differences are pronounced.

5 years ago

“Jews in business”

When the young Jewish lad asked his pop for $50, pops replied, “Thirty dollars! What in Hell do you need five bucks for?”

5 years ago

The ruling class cannot think that far ahead, Z. Never ascribe to maliciousness that that can be explained by stupidity. The left has spent three generations stoking the flames under the American melting pot… and it’s all they can do to keep a lid on it. But every day the pressure builds as the state religion increasingly conflicts with observable reality. That lid is coming off, one way or another. When have to be ready when this thing blows. Jim said it best: those that can be filled into believing absurdities can be also gulled into committing atrocities. Buy AR15s,… Read more »

5 years ago

” Soon, reality shall return and wash the madness away.”

That day cannot come soon enough. What have we come to though, when we have to pray for “our masters” to acknowledge tangible, measurable reality?

5 years ago

It sounded like a great plan in the beginning. Written constitution. Divide up the power among 3 branches of government. Bill of rights to protect our basic freedoms, including right to bear arms as a protection against tyranny. Great plan. Wrong species. Fatal flaw. “All men are created equal”, which is so obviously untrue. Some are lazy, ambitious, feeble minded, smart, strong, sickly, male, female, selfish, selfless, hetero, homo, confused… Life is so unfair! So we pass laws to make it fair ignoring the fact that we lose freedom in doing so. Success is punished. Failure is rewarded. Basic charity,… Read more »

Reply to  IFrank
5 years ago

The quality of the plan never matters so much as the will of the people, and we began to lose ours around 1945. By the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, it was gone. Some like to focus on Jewish perfidy, but the lesson of history is clear: without a meaningful purpose, a nation destroys itself. The Jews knew this 2700 years ago: “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. I hate to quibble with zman’s beautiful final paragraph, but history will see our radical egalitarianism for what it is: an aspect of the long slow suicide of… Read more »

Reply to  Marcel
5 years ago

By the way, the Bill of Rights is fine and all, but a constitution for true Americans would include the following (in order of precedence):

1. Blood is thicker than water.
2. A man’s word is his bond.
3. Live and let live.
4. War to the knife, and knife to the hilt.

Also, an extra vote for every ancestor born here, another if you’ve served, and two more if you’ve seen action.

Now is that too much to ask for?

5 years ago

Heh. Touched a nerve on this one:

Sanders is proposing a wealth registry and exit taxes.

The party line signaled to the faithful in the post is that exit taxes are bad because Hitler (no, seriously, that’s it)

I opined that I have no problem with the morality of exit taxes.

Of course the libertarians come out of the woodwork. The state doesn’t own me! They have no right to steal 60% of my money.

Like I care, when you are turning tail and abandoning the nation that nurtured you. You are no longer my countryman.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 years ago

I would support financial incentives for Paper Americans who go back.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
5 years ago

There are absolutely no consequences to falsely accusing someone of racism. That needs to change.

Reply to  Spud Boy
5 years ago

There are absolutely no consequences to accusing someone of racism. That needs to change.


An accusation of racism is merely the enemy giving away his position.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Spud Boy
5 years ago

What needs to change is the thought that the word has any meaning.

5 years ago

Are you using an older paper dictionary for your research or an online neo-dictionary where SJWs now hold the pen?

Reply to  Outis
5 years ago

My follow-up question for fellow Z readers.

When was racism added to the dictionary?

Webster’s did NOT include racism in their 1913 edition per this site:

Reply to  Outis
5 years ago

The current Webster’s dictionary says the first known use was 1902 but fails to cite it properly. It just takes you back to the top of the page.

First Known Use of racism

1902, in the meaning defined at “sense 1” which takes you to

Circular reference 101

Reply to  Outis
5 years ago

Great question.
The other half of which is “and by whom”
But we probably can guess.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  bilejones
5 years ago

How can you not know that it was Leon Trotsky, goyim? Consider yourself expelled from the Order of Anti-Semites.

Reply to  Outis
5 years ago

My library has the OED. Racist (n) Etymology: French raciste (1895 as adjective, 1924 as noun) An advocate or supporter of racism; a person whose words or actions display prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of race. Also in extended use: a person who is prejudiced against people of other nationalities. First Use: 1922 H. LICHTENBERGER Relations between Germany & France (Carnegie Endowment for Internat. Peace) 88 A campaign was even planned to expel from the Nationalist party the agitators of the extreme right known as ‘Germanists’ or ‘racists’. No statement of when it was first added to the OED… Read more »

Reply to  Outis
5 years ago

The OED also has this form which might be useful.

Raciology (n)

The characteristics of a race or races of humankind; the racial constitution of a place. Also: the branch of knowledge that deals with these.

Alter Kocker
Alter Kocker
5 years ago

I think that there’s no real qualitative difference between human race denial and creationism. In biology, there are no sharp boundaries. Hence the eternal war of lumpers and splitters. Creationists claim the fossil record doesn’t show any transitional forms and SJWs claim phenotypical and genetic traits can’t be sharply defined among humans. So creationists say you can’t lump and split in the fossil record, and SJWs say you can’t split (humans). The modern biological understanding is that there really are no essential ‘species’ as we used to think of them, but just populations that can more or less interbreed.… Read more »

Reply to  Alter Kocker
5 years ago

The creationist intellectual arguments have a lot of force when you look at the Cambrian explosion

Alter Kocker
Alter Kocker
Reply to  Whitney
5 years ago

No, it’s just that for the pre-Cambrian explosion, we don’t have any clear idea as to what caused all that speciation, it’s basically lost in the annals of time (as opposed to the mammalian radiation after the Chicxulub impact). Ironically, both creationists and SJW biologists (Gould) look at the pre-Cambrian explosion as something special. So many new phyla appeared, as Gould said, so many new body plans. That’s somthing special. No, it’s not, the ‘new’ phyla are just snapshots of populations at that time, specifically some time after evolution of body plans. It’s very likely that when body plans diverged,… Read more »

Reply to  Alter Kocker
5 years ago

Darwin himself and Louis Agassiz knew at the time when origin of the species was written that the Cambrian explosion was a problem to the theory. Darwin’s thought it would be solved as new fossils were found which it hasn’t been and Louis Agassiz rejected it when it was written

Reply to  Alter Kocker
5 years ago

I see an immaterial template, the ‘spark’, not a Master Plan.

For me, the Forces of physics are enough; those who see Design are asking, “why then do we suffer?” Rightly so, too.

Reply to  Alter Kocker
5 years ago

Were we all 3 listening to the sweet Christian show “Points of View”, yesterday?

They had a ‘Creationist Minute’ about the new rules in place since Noah’s Ark.
There, I learned of the word ‘baramin’.

The idea is that, from the level of family in taxonomy, the God has given animals the gift of adaption within changing environments.

I thought it was a nice, gentle blend of concepts. No burning churches or rampaging mobs, I don’t think we can afford that anymore… between ourselves, that is. Ahem.

5 years ago

…all moral codes. They don’t exist naturally.

That’s a claim rarely made. Are you disputing the existence of conscience, by which even 5-y-o chilluns know when they’ve crossed a line?

5 years ago

That’s the truth of all moral codes. They don’t exist naturally. They may arise from observation of nature or as a result of some qualities of man. People do not want to be killed, for example, so human societies have evolved moral codes against killing people inside the society. The moral codes of a society may have evolved in response to universal or particular facts facing the people, but they had to be conjured into existence by the people in charge of society. Yes, moral codes have always existed and The New Testament witnesses to that in relation to how… Read more »

5 years ago

I guess to clarify, I see differing genetic clusters, demographics or “races”, as having subtly different neural circuitry, sensitive to shading grades of the immaterial DNA spectrum we call Spirit. Different bodies, different brains, different ‘gods’. The White mutation is most sensitive to Highest so far, the filtering vessel spirit is attempting to reach, with the others hearing ‘lower’, more bestial frequencies. Ones that cannot penetrate the barrier of the ionosphere. Bodies are the seeds generating and filtering spirit. Spirit, once filtered, is the transmission vehicle of bodies: the Seeding, or how life spreads across impossible distance. I call Spirit… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Our ancestors may have been monsters, but we changed. The others have not, or less so, only tenuously.

That is evidence that the Hand of the Increate, in us, may have found its tool.

5 years ago

Before we abandoned reasoning, we could distinguish correlaton with causation and could recognize the difference between intellect and will. It applies to sex as well as race. So “racism” was the irrational and without evidence belief that individuals with certain physical characterisics were necessarily superior or inferior. And that even with a disadvantage in strength or smarts, that perseverence and integrity was more important. Even Stefan Molyneux compartmentalizes the latter, noting there is a problem around IQ 85 for crime – but the Sisters of Mercy (St. Mother Theresa’s order) generally aren’t smart but don’t do crimes. Yet he believes… Read more »

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
5 years ago

Your observation, “Racism is a social construct” is more than just a clever quip. It is one of those pithy, incisive lines that can be used as a weapon in the struggle — much like “it’s okay to be white.”

Its inclusion of the words “social construct” is a hook for the intellectual and marginally educated population and also carries the explosive charge.

5 years ago

Conscience did not evolve God put inside EVERYONE. Lots of people know how to ignore it, society did not do shit. We all know what is right and its why there had to be schnapps at Austwitz.

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
5 years ago

“Soon reality shall return and wash the madness away.”

“As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return.”

5 years ago

I don’t think the following is the best way to express the reality of racial differences: “characteristics and abilities specific to race.” I prefer the way John Derbyshire (who really likes you btw) has expressed it. Races, ethnies, societies (and other categories of humans) can be thought of as being the vector sum of the individuals abilities, personalities, etc. I don’t think “blacks dumb”, “Asians slow” whatever is as precise or rhetorically useful a way to summarize it. Blacks can think/reason and Asians can run. Maybe what I’m trying to make is a distinction without a difference. The Derbyshire quote… Read more »

5 years ago

This conversation just came up yesterday. Lost my temper a bit ( sorry old friend ) Just had it with white people being apologists for the black scourge. Can remember years ago racists were supposed to be poor white southern folk. Depicted as drooling, slack-jawed yokels and what good white would want to be associated with that ? Come to find out after traveling I like Southerners and have more in common with them then my northern white liberal neighbors. The white man is waking up. I don’t argue with my friends and their families anymore . Just plant the… Read more »

5 years ago

Egads. Hijacking the Z-blog is causing problems at my end, so ta for now and thanks, Z-fam

5 years ago

By a weird twist of politics, Blank Slate became our religion. A spy for the secret police, Saul of Tarsus, was searching for the surviving Apostles, but the Jewish Christians wouldn’t talk to him. His Roman speechwriters, Simon and Lucius, prepared his propaganda, and he went then to the non-Jewish Christian communities, sending out feelers in their many toungues, their languages. (Mission accomplished- the Apostles publicly executed- he then wrestled with Prince Jesus’ brother James and common-law wife Mary the Magdalene for control of the nascent “Jewish Cult”, as the Romans called it. But that’s another story.) Saul/Paul had greatly… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

(Note to Vizzini: if the nonverbal “right brain”, hearing Spirit, will attempt to speak using Tarot cards or bird livers, would not Spirit use such a deep well as Scripture?
Thanks for the insight.

Note to readers: but this stuff comes in dreams! Doesn’t that make it a brain burp?

No. The partition space, the draw of hearing Spirit, usually entails such a massive draw on neural resources that the body must be in a state of repose.

Sleep, prayer, meditation, recuperation.
Familiar repetiton, distraction, or focus, the ‘zone’, likewise reduce the bodily draw.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Atheists, when the faithful say God speaks to them through the Word, they’re telling you true.

They’re using different neural circuitry, a different operating system, that’s all.
Let us end this war between us.

Other peoples have different circuitry as well, and different gods.
Let us then defend the ashes of our fathers and the temples of OUR gods.

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 years ago

Sorry, one more. I believe the cortex thinkers, the Whites, “hear” more of the Higher, the necessary end of the force that the Christians put a face on as the Creator. The hindbrains hear more of, well, something else. Something low and feral. They are limited. “Christianity” was a White expression, of course it can be adopted as can any language. If they can speak our tech code to run a water plant, they can speak our social code to run a court system, or at least try to. Our kind must survive, to seek what the Christians are trying… Read more »