Failure Analysis: Alt-Right

With the leaked audio of Richard Spencer’s embarrassing tantrum after the Charlottesville riot, the book can finally be closed on the alt-right. If there was anyone still using the term as anything but an epithet, they will no doubt drop it. The first political movement to grow out of internet culture has come and an ignominious end. While it may no longer be a thing, examining what they did right and what they did wrong, especially what they did wrong, can be useful for dissidents.

The primary reason the alt-right failed was that it was never a coherent movement with an intellectual center. It was just a ragtag collection of people with a gripe about something going on in the culture. There were those who recently discovered Kevin McDonald, so they worked that angle. Others had discovered race realism and figured out why libertarianism was a dead end. Then there were the boys who did not like what was happening with feminism. The alt-right was a grievance society.

Reaction to social trends can certainly be the starting point of a cultural or political movement, but it can never be the end point. If the whole point of your politics is to stand in opposition to something, you’re not part of a movement. You are part of an obstacle that will eventually be removed. That is what literally happened to the alt-right, piece by piece, over the last few years. One tribe of the alt-right after another was anathematized and then marginalized by the Left. Now it is gone entirely.

Now, some would argue that the concept of the ethno-state was the vision of the alt-right, but that was another reason it failed. Richard Spencer would have been more successful claiming he was going to lead the alt-right back to the Shire, so they could reunite with their hobbit brothers. Setting your goal as the creation of a what is basically white Wakanda is not serious. As a theoretical construct to use as a critique of multiculturalism it could have been useful, but as a goal it was absurd.

The thing is, racial nationalism is not a new thing. Arab nationalism was a legitimate movement in the middle of the last century. There was a pan-African nationalism that rose up in the later years of colonialism. Both failed in their stated goals, because race is a terrible way to organize people. Loyalty starts with family, then extended family and finally the extended family of ethnicity. Race is a general grouping of people that corresponds to the big geographical groupings. Race is not ethnicity.

This is why American dissidents need to be careful to acknowledge the geographic diversity of occidentals in North America. The old stock Yankee living in New Hampshire may share the same opinions on biology as a Southerner, but they will remain men from different tribes. This diversity among white people in America is why the people in charge have been so successful. They exploit these differences to turn a majority population into a hated minority. That reality must be respected.

That brings up another failure of the alt-right. It never had intellectual heft. Richard Spencer liked to cast himself as a philosopher, but he was always a dilettante, more concerned with media attention, than thinking about politics. He was a lot like Barak Obama, in that his fans would say he was inspirational, but they could never tell you anything he said that was memorable, other than the gaffes. His innumeracy prevented him from making an affirmative argument about biology.

Otherwise, no one filled the intellectual void at the center of the alt-right. Some of the writers for Counter Currents gave it a go, but they were always a bit wary of what was going on with the alt-right. Others would turn up with an essay here or there, but the movement never attracted anyone who was well read and prepared to articulate the main ideas that allegedly animated the alt-right. Instead, it was Spencer rambling on YouTube videos about Faustian man and the ethno-state.

Of course, one reason the movement failed to attract smart people toiling in the intellectual fields of bio-diversity is the movement had a lot of cranks. In fact, the alt-right seemed to be a crank magnet. It was a freak show of e-celebs, who were never all that interested in politics. Guys like Milo and Cerno are good examples. For them, politics is a vehicle to internet stardom. Serious people interested in serious politics will not get involved with a movement that welcomes freaks and weirdos.

That is the one great lesson from the alt-right. No organization can survive incompetence at the top. Whether you are forming a local group to clean up a park or you are organizing for a larger political goal, you have to have high quality people at the center of it. The alt-right made a fetish of not purging people, but that became a doggy door for the worst sorts of people to enter their movement. No matter how cheeky or clever your internet memes, you can’t win counting on losers.

Self-policing, of course, gets a lot easier in real life organizing. On-line, people are free to play any character they like. In real life, people quickly sort the wheat from the chaff, so excluding grifters and lunatics gets easier. Good people tend to boil off the bad people, through the natural social mechanisms. That is the most important lesson of the alt-right. The internet is not real. It cannot replace real life organizing. If there is going to be a resistance to what is happening, it must happen in the real world.

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4 years ago

Nope, I’ve got to stick up for the ethnostate. That is the hill to die on. In fact, it’s the whole ball game. The opening of the post correctly points out that alt-right was initially too negative. But one of the only clear, positive ideas to come out of the new right is the ethnostate–so why smash it down, when you don’t propose anything in its place? Especially when the thing that you propose as the center of political life is “the extended family, the ethnic group.” Ethnic group, ethnostate–same root word, same biological root. Remember, it’s an ethnostate, not… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Spencer’s interpretation of a Huwite Ethnostate was always pretty cringe. The great Lawrence Murray wrote a fantastic article (sadly no longer available) about how a North American Ethnostate might work in practice. I’m sure there’s a handful of fellow posters here who recall it.

But yeah, Duginism is dumb.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Agreed, Spencer is certainly a tone-deaf idiot, and possible a fed. But to be fair the the ethnostate guys, the Jewish Wakanda seems to be working out pretty well for them, despite being made up of lots of different kinds of Jews. It’s probably not the way we want to go, but its not inherently stupid or unworkable, IMHO

Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

Jew from Israel here While I love being in my native home land, the way this place is run has much to be desired What normal ethno-state allows a hostile majority to live in its borders? What normal country taxes it’s citizens to the bone while letting its sworn enemies live tax free? Israel is far from an ethno-state It’s more of elitist ogliagarcy bolshevik tyranny with a majority of its citizens who happen to be Jews PS I’m all for white ethno-states I grew up in the UK before moving to Israel I’m only 30, so I’m too young… Read more »

Reply to  Joshua Shalet
4 years ago

Interesting take, thanks for the info. Maybe some of us on the Dissident Right over-romanticize Israel as an ethnostate (as odd as that might sound…)

Reply to  Joshua Shalet
4 years ago

Lol, might as well stayed in England

Reply to  Joshua Shalet
4 years ago

Kahane was right. But he wanted all aid to be cut off from USA and Germany (along with other organizations) and stated he wanted Jews to “learn to work” and be a productive Capitalist nation standing on its own feet. He also wanted to pay Arabs to leave. This is what got him killed. I’ll never believe otherwise.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Recalled: some of the g0ys going full Sykes-Pico, drawing maps, all that.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

OK, we’re cool, Z. To be honest, I could never listen to Spencer, because of his oddly effeminate voice and pretentious speaking style. My intuition told me he wasn’t quite right. Which turned out to be correct.

Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

Yes but our enemies will never let him go away, too much use to them. Funny, Taki describes his first meeting at his NY apartment to interview Spencer for an editor’s position. Fancy boy upchucked all over the bathroom before starting.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Of course, that wouldn’t put Taki off, at least not if it was due to over indulgence in alcohol…

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

…or if fancy boy brought some sweet young things along for Taki to ogle

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The universal honky paradise Spencer envisions may be a result of him being a man from nowhere. Where is he from? I believe he grew up in suburban Dallas and also N. Virginia. There’s a lot of white people like him. Geographic distinctions, especially in urban and suburban areas have been decreasing for many years. There’s been a flattening out due to things like Interstate highways, plane travel, job transfers, globalism, mass media, etc. On top of all that, we’ve been flooded with migrants from all over the world, which helps to minimize the perception of distinctions between different tribes… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Wolf, I’ve always believed it was because he was married to the interpreter of an oddball Russian Philosopher who said more or less the same things re: a pan-White Europe.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I think that’s another reason for his grandiose vision. I remember on a podcast years ago where Richard and Greg Johnson disagreed on this. After Richard spent several minutes enthusiastically describing his dream of a pan-White Europe, Greg said, “I veto your dream.” It then got a little tense. To this day they both dislike each other.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

His whole gimmick is to (over) intellectualize certain ultra “bad optics” ideas from standard WN or NS, to try and get people to think beyond RamZPaul style hobbit nationalism, where everyone is neatly sorted in their little ethnostates and nobody exerts power over everyone else. He isn’t always effective at this, but it’s usually what he’s trying to do. He is correct that power matters and it extends beyond the neat little national boundaries. To some significant extent, either your group is ruling, or other groups are ruling you. If you just give up on ruling the globe and others… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

I remember going the Ashville for the first time, expecting to be different from Orlando.

I was so disappointed. The only difference were the hills. Same food, same franchises, same billboards.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Spencer’s position on the ethnostate was always a ultra-minority position within the Alt-Right, he took that position as part of his standard strategy of counter-signalling to stand apart from the mainstream position. Almost everyone disagreed with his position to some degree or another and it was intended to be provocative. The core position is: Over the long term, as the American empire breaks down, American Whites must seek and eventually obtain a country or countries of their own, where they are sovereign. Going forward we can’t have any kind of big tent, where half the people disagree with this proposition… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Spencer = Alt Right

Alt Right = Charlottesville

Spencer = Charlottesville

This is bigger than anyone’s individual experience at, or opinion of, Charlottesville.

And the boneyard is full of indispensable men.

Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

I’m more concerned about being “genocided” by white progressives. I cannot fathom the possibility of non-whites organizing themselves effectively for anti-white ethnic cleansing. The ones with the organizational chops, cerebral ability, and reckless arrogance are the white progressives. They may FOMENT non-whites to do the dirty work but white progressives are the ultimate enemy. They’re not traitors to our race, they’re just the enemy, and they’re not going to be won over to the dissident side. No talk of dying on hills for an ethnostate until we see this clearly.

Reply to  Hilltop
4 years ago

Re: “White people need countries of their own”. Even this statement seems a bit cucky to me. Sounds a lot like begging for a homeland – when the reality is that we already OWN THEM. When the Jews started emigrating into Palestine – they said things like this “Jews need a homeland of their own”. Part of their rationalization was that Israel WAS theirs – they were just kicked out of it a long long time ago. The REALITY of white homelands is we already have them. They’re being taken from us. Saying “we need homelands of our own” seems… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

We may claim them but we no longer own them in a meaningful sense. You don’t have to convince anyone here of our “right” to this country but we’re undisputedly not the ones running it anymore.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

In the US I might say the statement ” we claim them” has some merit – seeing as how it’s fact that the white man is a latecomer to the human history of this continent. There is no “claim” to the landmasses that make up Europe however. They own them pure and simple. Like I already said: there is archeological evidence of tribes in the Nordics going back 20,000 years. How far back do those cave paintings in France go back? The people that make up Europe now – can trace their ancestry back tens of thousand of years. The… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

I suspect we’re only differing on semantics. No matter how strong your evidence is, possession & control are nine-tenths of the law. In fact, Europeans are being dispossessed of Europe by their own laws & the guns backing those laws today. Recognizing that reality isn’t cucking. Waving your evidence around and all-caps-ing about muh claim doesn’t change that. As I said, no one here has to be convinced we have a right to our homelands. but In real-world fact, our ownership is not only “in dispute,” it’s gone. We have to find a way to re-assert it, and the people… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

The Selustrians were here 20,000 years before the red Indians as well as other European people’s, their remains and relics have been found in burial mounds all over North America, the red Indians genocided them. This is always covered up, we were here first.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Brahma
4 years ago

Unlikely. They arrived in very small bands coming along the ice flows, so survival depended upon ingratiating themselves with the locals. Given that they came with the Clovis point and a higher intelligence, this would be a sounder strategy for survival than battle. 17th century settlers noticed that several tribes had a distinctly European look.

Reply to  Calsdad
4 years ago

Hear! Hear!

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 years ago

The Yankee from the Northeast, and the Southerner may be of different tribes, but our enemies see them as one tribe.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Theoretically, we should start seeing each other as the same as the attacks intensify but about 50% of white people are traitors. I don’t know how you identify them. We need a shibboleth

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

They aren’t traitors, they are the result of group brainwashing. Indoctrination by leftists for at least 12 years as kids will do that to people.

One of Many Georges
One of Many Georges
Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

That’s a good point. We have to have some sympathy for the white people who will never see the world through their own white eyes, but who have been trained to see themselves through the eyes of their enemies.

Practically speaking, however, we have to perform triage, and divvy up the brainwashed whites into two groups:

(1) Those who can still be saved.
(2) Those who have to be written off and left behind.

Reply to  One of Many Georges
4 years ago

Exactly so. Some traitors can be saved.

Reply to  One of Many Georges
4 years ago

The problem with ones you say have to be written off – is that they can’t simply be left behind – unless they are actually left behind and SEPARATED. If you do not separate them you’re going to be stuck with a perpetual fifth column in your midst. The 60’s radicals were not thrown into a dark hole and forgotten about. They were let out of jail and got positions in the institutions of “higher learning”. So for the last few decades they’ve been allowed to pollute the minds of succeeding generations. Bill Ayers Wiki entry should have had a… Read more »

Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

Hoagie, I get what you’re saying about brainwashing/indoctrination, but they’re still traitors.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

Brain washing explains the act without excusing it. You can condemn an act even if you understand why it was committed. White Leftists are traitors.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 years ago

the public school system in America is at the root of problems along with women working and voting. if the children aren’t taken out of these abusive indoctrination centers nothing will change longterm.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

The word “shibboleth” has a frightening provenance. I agree.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

There’s more to Jewish cohesion than shibboleths.

The Anti-Gnostic
The Anti-Gnostic
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Equally as important, your enemies see themselves as one tribe, at least so long as they are attacking you.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

FWIW, “Yankees” are a minority even in New England, with Maine (20% English colonial heritage) having the largest percentage. Irish and Italians make up the highest percentage sub-groups in MA, CT, RI and NH.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Don’t forget the French Canadians (Catholics — or at least they used to be) who came to work in the NE mills.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

This matters a lot. Yankees broadly were the only group interested in the system the founding fatheState rs envisioned. Everyone else was after money and if they can get it from spoils so much the better. Now the ship of state that would allow for a tiny government has long sailed despite the best efforts of the Know Nothings, properly the American party who were shouted down by the pro immigrant mob of their day. What we can do is to work make the US 80% White again and much more Right wing. Not an easy task but for now… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

Buddy, your white ethno-state will still slide to hell, only with a lower velocity, right now the majority of frauds and grifters in D.C. and Hollywood are white. Until you tackle that issue not a single damn thing is gonna change.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Good point. If you to spend some time reading how the white tribes will stop at nothing to destroy each other – spend your time here:

Once you understand how the other white tribes have tried to utterly destroy the Germans – it starts to make sense on why the (German) white homeland is being flooded with diversity.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

This is what I was thinking also. When our enemies demonize us, they demonize all whites, not just the southern whites. They don’t distinguish between whites of northeastern European descent and eastern European descent.

I am one of those whites who absolutely believes that in order for us to survive, we will have to establish a white ethnostate for ourselves. I firmly believe that this is possible, but it will take time.

Reply to  Stefania_Says
4 years ago

Fun Fact: Many more whites have been killed by other whites than by non-whites. WWI and II, Thirty Years War, Hundred Years War, Boer War, the list goes on and on. BTW, Europe was a white ethno-state till 1960’s. How did that work out for ya? Add the body count in Europe from say 500 BCE to 1945 AD.

John Smith
John Smith
4 years ago

If I had to critique them I’d say that they were their own worst enemies. But.. They got people talking about the exact things the SJW crowd are desperately trying to stifle. The Alt Right message is one that the majority of white Americans are still not ready to accept. Sure, the cranks and performance artists didn’t help but they were not the cause, IMHO. I think dealing with Normie American is like dealing with a drunk: he has to hit rock bottom before he’ll do anything about the problems that are destroying him. Z, YOU could have led that… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

It all depends on if (and it’s a huge if) whites will stand for their own interests or not. The Third World hordes are very unimpressive on their own. Even with their numbers, they have to be led by SJW whites and/or Jews. A united white minority could utterly dominate a society.

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Federalist, it took 200 British to run the Sudan, an area as large as Texas.

The Brits were also in vast India for 400 years, bringing it back from 1000 years of Islamic devastation.
Not that Ghandi ever thought to say thank you, par for the course.

29 American Marines, with local auxiliaries supplied by the Bey’s brother, brought down the monstrous Bey of Tripoli, ending centuries of white slave raids.

Spain’s Cortez in Mexico?
200 conquistadors, 30 horse, against 40,000 maddened, bloodthirsty Aztecs per day-
for 93 days straight. And they won.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Correct. The Jews and neoliberals pandering to the usual suspects are great at pandering and community organizing… but when it comes to running practical concerns like a city or a military, they inevitably fail dismally. So badly, in fact – that the vibrants themselves do better under white rule and even outright slavery than they do with self gov’t. During the natural disasters in Haiti, for example, whites had to dig latrines for the blacks and make them use them. Without white intervention Darwin and Murphy would have put an end to the vast majority of them right there with… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Sorry, not the same whites

Ian Smith
Ian Smith
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

You won’t hit bottom until you stop digging.

4 years ago

Our primary goal should be simple: positive white racial consciousness. Our enemies want us to have a negative racial consciousness, so we should promote the opposite. If enough of our people embrace a triumphant view of our race, all other significant details will work themselves out. First and foremost we must win the war of psychology. We are disadvantaged to the extent that our enemies control the megaphone. However, we enjoy a major advantage in that virtually all people, no matter what their race, wish to think well of themselves. We must leverage that universal predisposition.

Reply to  Wkathman
4 years ago

I like the thought, but that approach would quickly get labeled as “white supremacy” and crushed. Only unsuccessful races can have pride.

4 years ago

As AltitudeZero pointed out, we are attacked as a race and so must meet the enemy on that battlefield.

It is true that there are significant disagreements between the subgroups of the whites. I hope that whites can face our enemies as a united group while allowing the subgroups to live separately in a federation. Further, there are subsets of whites that are anti-white or communist and must be expelled.

I disagree with Z that the idea of the ethnostate is silly. We need a goal, even when it is distant, to guide our tactics.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

It won’t happen for several reasons. As our blog host has pointed out, blacks cannot exist in any civilized way without whites. As the old nickel goes, if you give a white man a pile of bricks, he’ll build a house. If you give a black man a house, he’ll leave it a pile of bricks. Further, their masters are socialists that cannot feed the monsters they are creating without your money. Like it or not, you are a vital meal ticket and an essential cog in their new Utopian society. They will not let you go willingly. There will… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

True. Dividing us up by ethnicity is exactly what our our opponents want to do. If you ask a leftist why it’s legitimate for blacks to have organizations to represent them but not whites, his story is going to be that blacks have no way of knowing which country their ancestors came from, but whites are already well represented by organizations representing the Irish, Italians, Germans, etc. That happens to be true, but the point is that none of those groups on their own are sufficiently large or powerful enough to have any substantial influence. And this is exactly what… Read more »

4 years ago

Start with local communities, then build out. If the small communities get big enough they will eventually start to overlap and merge. Until we have enough people on our side there is no point going out in public and larping in the streets.

Build parralel societies that gives members a positive alternative to the mainstream one. They have to have reasons to prefer our parralel society. Muslims do this well.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

I’ve often said that Muslims provide a good model to study, as, of course, do Jews. You have to form communities, communities that look out for each other and refuse to tolerate people who don’t abide by the community’s morals and teachings.

Muslims don’t accept or listen to the MSM. It’s not their people. Do anyone think that a Muslim would listen to some NYT Jew lecture him on his beliefs. Hell no. They create parallel communities that exist in the overall society only as a way to make money, that’s all.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“They create parallel communities that exist in the overall society only as a way to make money, that’s all.”

Yup, I’m a blind idiot.
I fall for that facade all the time, thinking they could be allies.

No, they just think their supply of white people will never run out.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Exactly so. I live near the Amish … don’t want to be one but they do community right. I’ve learned a lot from them. Biggest lesson-learned for me is that when you believe in something worth dying for then you don’t give a rip about what others think. Second lesson is their cradle-to-grave loyalty and faithfulness to one another.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

The overwhelming majority of every European ethnic group you can name operated like the Amish until a couple of generations ago… then everything went to shit very fast.
I’m old enough to remember when white people who married outside their ethnic group or religious denomination was a big deal. For example, Irish marrying Italian, or Catholic marrying Presbyterian, was not favored by older family members, and could lead to marital problems down the road.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Ha – I guess I’m old enough to think it’s STILL a big deal.

4 years ago

The real problem with the Alt-Right, no matter what you do with leaders, is that you might as well be NAMBLA. Hell, even NAMBLA is not as hated as right wing dissidents. Having morons and grifters as the public face didn’t help, but I don’t think anyone could have done better, at least pushing what the Alt-Right was pushing. Look at Jared Taylor. Jared is about as respectful as you can get. He is Yale educated, worldly, speaks multiple language, a published author, speaks with elegance and is clean cut and well presenting. Respectable people do not want to be… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

The judicial/legal system is pretty much as bad as everything else. It may be that there is some value in it, but it’s not as easy as our side just getting lawyers. The lawyers that our side would get still have to operate in the judicial system. That’s the judicial system as you pointed out in which lawyers line up to represent child molesters for free. And believe me, lawyers don’t usually like to do shit for free.
Just like we can’t vote our way out of this, we can’t litigate our way out of it either.

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

Playing the system is useful for guys already ensnared in the system – to some extent you already have to play the game when you’ve been shanghai’d into it, and you’ve already taken most of the downside damage (doxxing, etc). It’s not a “solution” in a movement sense, though.

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

A big part of why the legal system is so mucked up is that if there are sensible right wing lawyers, they keep their mouths shut. If we try to meet in public these antifa-freaks show up and start brawls and if you so much as defend yourself, the legal system comes down on you. This all comes back to how disreputable our views are. That must be countered. Cucking doesn’t work. They just move the bar to who counts as being a Nazi. These freaks show up with Cernovich and Shapiro! I used to think that the left would… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

It’s possible that we’re just coming out of an intense 2-year or 3-year period of huwhite panic, where an increasingly irrelevant and out-of-touch elite has directed its impotent (but well-funded) rage at white nationalism and the redpilled brigades, which have grown in recent years. They do it because of the anti-Semitic bent, and because they CAN do it. The new right has no financial security and it’s radioactive for any normie in power over, say, 30. There will come a time when people like Peter Brimelow will again be invited to stodgy conservative conferences. But it may have to wait… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Excellent, but

All of the de-platforming going on is happening, in part, because we can’t get lawyers.

It’s happening because we use enemy platforms. If you have a YT-channel, you work for the enemy so don’t be surprised when the enemy screws you out of your money or fires you.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago


Yep. I stare in disbelief when people on our side complain that a movie or Netflix show they’re watching shows whites in a bad light.

No fu*%ing sh!$, you idiot! You watch a movie/show financed by people who hate you, produced by people that hate you, written by people who hate you, directed by people that hate you and acted by people who hate you. And you’re surprised that it shows people like you in a bad light.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

Tars, you’re on to something.
We certainly did litigate our way INTO this.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

There are a few firms out there – one of the TRS sometimes-guests Kegs4Kavanaugh has talked about his firm’s projects to recruit lawyers willing to work for Our Guys. I’m trying to help by putting together a “pro per toolkit” for my site rollout, sort of a Nolo Press type resource for guys in Our Thing covering some common legal issues we face and giving them some idea of how to handle themselves in a legal fight without having a full-time lawyer on their case. It’s of limited scope and random usefulness depending on your luck of the draw with… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“a Nolo Press type resource”, that’s the ticket! Wracked my brain trying to remember that name.

4 years ago

The reason it’s easy to describe why the alt right failed – or really ANY political / social movement that has failed – is because they failed. One you have 20/20 hindsight, then everything is obvious. It really is the political/social analogue of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics which asserts a physical system can simultaneously exist in all possible configurations, but only by observing the system will the system be forced to exist in only one state. (Shrodinger’s Cat thought experiment showed this idea was not applicable to “large” objects; like cats). This is also true of movements that… Read more »

4 years ago

This points to the larger question I’m struggling with concerning relocation. Thomas Chittam’s “Civil War Two” has my state in the “get out” column, due to high percentage of blacks and diminishing whites. After a great deal of research on alternative states, and soul searching, we are staying put. While an Ethnostate makes for fun intellectual tennis, it seems there is no perfect state here in the States (no longer United). So I’ve shifted family efforts to fortification, training, and general durability (food, water and security). And also putting my toe in the (perceived?) dangerous waters of organizing in meat… Read more »

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

BZ. This is absolutely the right approach … I’m persuaded it’s the only approach. I particularly like your “ruthless discernment” criteria; if I’d had that 10 years ago I wouldn’t be as snarky & cynical as I am today. Don’t let anyone into your Society that doesn’t bring something to the table. Here’s how I’ve learned to evaluate candidates: the more they talk the more I’m suspicious. Make sure you emphasize OPSEC and staying gray. Look forward to hearing updates.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Check out JQP’s latest pod where they discuss “co-ops.” There are a lot of infrastructure elements we can replace even in small communities – food, schools, health insurance, even banking with credit unions etc… Everything we make part of our underground infrastructure denies funds and leverage to the Empire, a two-fer benefit for us. I really like the disaster aid idea – great way to leverage the prepper infrastructure we’re laying in for dual purposes and present a positive face to the normie community.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Good luck with that plan of action … I wouldn’t,t have the grit to do that.
I do recommend a robust Plan B, just in case.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Like Obama, Spencer never wanted to do on-the-ground grunt work. Here’s my quick sketch of what needs to be done. Action Plan 1. Create or join real life small communities a. Political campaigns/groups lead to secret handshake groups b. Form a non-political group of guys – meet for beers, play golf 1. Keep politics out until you get to know each other. Take it very slow. 2. Eventually move towards creating community 2. Grow groups to create a (very) private community of people who are proud of their heritage (but not against other heritages) and culture a. Start to protect… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Z thinks we have 50 plus years to suss out a movement. He’s dead wrong. We will not have decades for this. Probably 4 years at most.

Once Trump leaves office the Left/Globohomo will declare war on us and start ripping the guts out of the U.S. the way they are doing here in California.

Just imagine what will happen when the Left opens the Southern border completely It will be x10 worse than it is now. Economic and social collapse on scale you can’t imagine.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

I dunno about collapse, but repression is coming, it’s already here but the scope will expand

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago


Yep, the repression will move from being tolerated by the government to being enforced by the government. It will be expanded to housing, taxes, criminal enforcement, etc.

It also will be our greatest recruiting tool.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

I have a Jewish friend, since childhood, always in touch as we are interested in dozens of things in common. He’s conservative as far as one such could be. (Funny, I mistyped ‘such’ and it auto-corrected to ‘shtick’.) The other day we were talking about ‘see something, say something’. He said he’d reported an obvious Arab when the guy checked a bag, then got into a car and left the airport (tiny airport, easy to see all this without going out of your way or even having to move other than turning your head). And he felt bad, saying, “I… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago


He has faith in the U.S. because his people have running it. He assumes that his fellow tribesman won’t let this get out of hand.

Maybe. Maybe not. You can see them struggling already to keep control of the Dem Party. Not a good sign.

Regardless, he has back-up homeland. He can afford to be sanguine. We don’t have that luxury.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

The choice for whites:

1. See something. Say something. Get pilloried in the press as a racist. Lose your job. Lose your house. Lose your ability to feed your children.
2. See something. Move along. Nothing to see here.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

You should have pointed out that since the FBI’s been trying to depose Trump they haven’t had time to manufacture any Exploding Mohammads.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

What’s to stop them?
Globohomo won’t even have to change their commercials.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Predicting the future is a very uncertain business with a poor track record of success. A lot our Our Guys seem to hope for impending collapse as a deus ex machina to solve our Empire problem. They’ve already declared war with Trump in office and the sky has yet to fall. Let’s be ready for the worst but put some eggs in the long-term strategy basket too. I’ve been hearing “the end is near” since the 1990’s and it seems the Empire still has a lot of ruin left.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

South africa. 20+ yrs black communist rule. Still crippling along. Still has white liberals, albeit fewer than before.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I upvoted you too as I agree, in the main, with your suggested approach. It dovetails with my experience. I have taught religious ed, coached multiple youth sports – volunteer, and do indeed play golf. All that which brings me in contact with a wide variety of people. Nothing ever political nor religious. They get to know you, like how you go about things … and a natural curiosity arises. It also helps having raised successful kids – when said Normie contacts are lamenting their own children problems. Great marriage, while they piss and moan about their own marital/divorce problems.… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  HomerB
4 years ago

Yep. It’s a slow process, but sometimes I can’t help myself and I push a few buttons to have a little fun. The other night I was talking politics with a politically-active Nice White Lady liberal, who, surprisingly, is a friend through our kids. I knew that I had to be careful, so I said that she should relax, that demographic trends guarantee that the Dems will take over in time. “That’s great,” she said, a bit surprised that I seemed to be on her side. “Kind of. Except that suburban white women are kind of the odd man out… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Very good. One addendum: #7. Invest in lead. Don’t know if anyone has noticed but right now powder/primer/brass/ammo is available. Not cheap compared to pre-Obama prices, but AVAILABLE. If you can’t defend it you don’t own it.

4 years ago

I disagree with some of Zman’s analysis. ‘[R]ace is a terrible way to organize people’ and always leads to failure? Tell that to the Zionists. ‘Setting your goal as the creation of a what is basically white Wakanda is not serious.’ Why not? The US was essentially a ‘white Wakanda’ prior to 1965. So were most of the nations of Europe, though they would not have described themselves as ‘White’, but ‘French’ or ‘German’. ‘White Wakanda’ can exist because it did exist, and not all that long ago. ‘Race is a general grouping of people that corresponds to the big… Read more »

Sir Balin
Sir Balin
Reply to  HamburgerToday
4 years ago

He would consider Zionism an ethnicity I suppose. For that to be an effective organizing principal, the identity group needs to be small enough to claim victim status. The Han Chinese and Japanese do just fine with racial nationalism as a principal though, it seems.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Jews described as a “tribe” seems about right to me. The Mormons are a tribe as well. First loyalty is to the tribe, as the tribe looks out for you, while you look out for them. Another interesting tribal characteristic seems to be the need to venture out undetected. Catholics and any number of Protestants and Protestant denominations make a point of posting bumper stickers on their cars. Mormons, Jews, and various flavors of Muslims not at all. All seem to like going grey.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago


A little OT but I recall seeing an article fairly recently wherein they described a test in which people were shown photos of random subjects and Mormon participants were able to correctly guess the photo subject as another Mormon at a much higher rate than non-LDS participants. Decades of inbreeding? Clean lifestyle giving some younger-than-actual age characteristics to the photo subject? Dunno, just thought it was interesting.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

I’d guess there’s a subtle new phenotype from some combo of those genetic traits predisposing people for Mormonism that’s been amplified by endogamous marriage. There’s a lot about non-verbal signalling we don’t appreciate b/c Big Brains plus we’ve spent decades trying not to see such things.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

I’m not Mormon but I can usually pick long term Mormons, not converts out on sight. They have a certain look both body and in the eyes.

Mama Prosper calls that “the glaze”

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

I submit that the alt-right could only be construed as a failure if you were expecting them to evolve into an institution. While they are certainly dead as a movement, I note that their views are well represented in comment sections anywhere they aren’t censored. People are routinely expressing views that were unthinkable even five years ago White identity politics was never going to emerge through writing polite articles in respectable periodicals. If it was going to surface at all, it had to be through rudely upsetting the apple cart. Yes, they made a lot of enemies. But they also… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Richard Spencer had potential. I still read his “Ghosts of Christmas Past,” every Christmas season. He seems to have had some personal problems, but I genuinely hope that he can overcome them and become an asset to a future dissident right movement. Someone capable of writing the “Christmas Past” article may someday be worthy of inclusion.

Who among us can say that we saw Charlottesville coming? My crystal ball wasn’t very clear.

But I heartily agree that European-origin people need nations, as do other people. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn put it: “Nations are the wealth of mankind.”

4 years ago

Spock says, in Star Trek VI: “Logic, logic, logic. It is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end.” I’ve always liked that quote. Then Z says “Reaction to social trends can certainly be the starting point of a cultural or political movement, but it can never be the end point.”

This is key. Whatever flag of the dissident right you fly (NazBol, NSM, AmRen, WigNat, etc. etc. etc.) it is your jumping off point, but a mature person always has the larger goal in mind.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Since whites are being attacked as a race (and not usually as Irish, Scots Germans, etc), we have to defend ourselves as a race, up to a point. But that’s a beginning point for a new country, not an end.

Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

Look at how the Muslims operate. There are blacks, brown, and olive skinned Muslims. They would band together to defend Islam if it were attacked as a whole. However, one they have reached the freedom to practice the religion, they break off into in-groups. Even at the mosque, there is not a whole lot of inter-group communications, all have mutual respect for each other but ethnic lines are strong. Similarly, we need to secure a future for ALL white people; once this has been achieved we can go back to Yankees and Southerners and Westerners etc. We can still have… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Arab saying “Me against my brother; me and my brother against our cousin; me, my brother and my cousin against the world.”

Reply to  c matt
4 years ago

Awesome, since you alt-right types love Arab culture so much, why don’t you move to Saudi Arabia, Inshallah?

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Riiiiight, for all whites including the Bidens, Clintons, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and millions of white globalists and traitors on Hollywood and Wall Street right? Yup yinz gotta secure a future for Robert DeNiro and Leonardo Di Caprio. You are just as cucked as the civnats you abhor.

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  AltitudeZero
4 years ago

Excellent point. The enemy has brought us together as a people, when we were never a ‘people’ before. Call it a temporary alliance, like the Greek city-states beating off the Persian invasion.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

“The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason”


And my quote is from an actual person as opposed to someone that was created to be a propaganda tool

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Fictional people have their uses

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Never objecting when you put words into their mouth being a major use of them, as well as being part of a narrative that conveniently proves them right or wrong as the author wishes.

Xtasorcery (
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Intellectual men enjoy having others of sharp wit disagree with them; that is the purpose of blogs and of soap opera boxes. But nobody made a profit out of being _too_ abstract. There is a sweet spot in the middle, the descent into the valley, where flowers of thought spout, rainbows of concepts broaden, and gold coins dance for our well-being.

Reply to  Xtasorcery (
4 years ago

Cool story.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Is there a problem with using punctuation at the end of a comment

It is distracting and contributes to the dumbed down USA culture

See what I mean

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

I think you’re reading too much into it

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Same thing but worse when it comes to tattoos. The black ghetto culture leaked up into mainstream white culture just as the lowlife tattoo culture worked its way up at the same time. Tattoos were once reserved for sailors and ex-cons. They are realities that many people are OK with but they are at the same time terrible developments.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

From Laura Wood at The Thinking Housewife in her post titled, “Tattoos and the Worship of Ugliness”: “Laura writes: “Thank you for your appreciation. “Tattoos and body piercings are among the most obvious manifestations, along with extreme immodesty, of a return to tribalism and barbarity. We are surrounded by technological wizardry and Stone Age culture. “Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, but the more advanced cultures condemned them. The Romans and Greeks reserved tattooing primarily for criminals, slaves, and prisoners. The Hebrews followed an Old Testament prohibition against the practice.“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh…or… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Wow, that’s a lot to read into people getting tattoos.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Thank you Madam.
The whole physical personal uglification as a symbol of spiritual personal enlightenment thing mystifies me.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

On cultural assault: “Communism is gone, but the cultural Cold War continues, now packaged as the “liberation” of states deemed not suitably “democratic.” America has its own version of Trotsky’s “permanent revolution” which US strategists call “constant conflict.” Maj. Ralph Peters, a prominent military strategist, formerly with the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, appears to have coined the term. Peters has written of this in an article by that name. Peters’ statements definitively show “culture distortion” to be a contrived strategy for global domination; he reminds us that the regime of the culture distorter now has… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Maybe so. But is it so hard to end the sentence with a period or question mark or exclamation point? Not doing that is disrespectful to the reader and damaging to our culture in that we’re not willing to uphold simple standards. It’s a small thing that, taken with all the other lowering of standards, really start to add up to a crappy culture. We can do better, right? It’s not hard. Like stopping at stop signs. Simple. Civilized.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

step slowly away from the punctuation and tattoo obsessions

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

You think our people are good with all the tattoos? And we need more illiteracy than we already have? It’s SCUMMY. A sign of a defeated people, in the gutter.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

I think the suicide rate and the drug addiction is more of a sign of a defeated people. The tattoos are just a side effect.

I used punctuation for you.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Ok tattoos just a side effect


Thanx sorry i hurt your feelz will try to be more with it

Pride in scumminess

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

you didn’t hurt my feelings. It’s hard to come across in a comment but I was trying to be nice to you

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Whitney – I don’t know if you’re familiar with Laura Wood aka Thinking Housewife, but I used to read her. She has some solid content, but she is an absolutist about whatever she believes – for example, while I fully agree girls shouldn’t dress like sluts, Wood believes even sleeveless tops are too revealing.
Ursula appears to have that same all or nothing mindset on even peripheral issues.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago


Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

The proper response is “meow”.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

No it just adds seasoning to the fabric

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

God gave us mathematics as a sandbox where our pure reason can exhaust itself on harmless ‘discoveries’. Newton himself looked back on his brief career as a pure mathematician with regret: He’d frittered away his intellectual energy on baubles, on ‘collecting shells on the seashore’. Man isn’t the rational animal; he’s the animal who happens to possess rationality, as cats possess retractable claws. He is not defined by his reason, and certainly not governed by it. It’s just one of those things he has, like wisdom teeth, and he makes way too much of it. Reason gives us hydroelectric dams;… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

We are a damaged people. Unlike our European brethren we have no access to our civilization’s political and cultural institutions. Beggars can’t be too choosy. Spencer has a lot of faults and is not a real leader but what happened in Cville was not his fault. The great error in Cville was mistakenly thinking that America was damaged when it was dead. If anyone needed that underscored, having it all capped off with a 5 century prison sentence for a traffic accident should have finally driven that point home. His outburst is understandable: look at the betrayals and extreme tensions… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Our movement leaders are worried about ‘optics’ because we have no politically or economically powerful sponsors who could counterbalance the political economic power of our enemies. Thus ‘metapolitics’ — the politics of ‘hearts and minds’ — needs to be pursued and that requires attending to ‘optics’. For example, at this point in time ‘Historic American Nation’ (HAN) is better formulation for public discourse than ‘White Nationalism’ (WN) because it carries less baggage. But ‘HAN’ is very closely allied with notions of WN (not all, notions, but some). At some point, one way or another, ‘optics’ will matter less than it… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

NEOTR has an implied NAxALT – there are always outliers who are beyond the pale. Maintaining a discreet distance from some of our harder guys is different than being hostile to them. The vanguardists should know we’re not their enemies but realize their style is a fringe thing that we have to keep some distance from unless and until chaos breaks out for real.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Ignore the freaks on our side as we should be ignoring the freaks in clown world. But don’t ostracize people who are willing to pull their weight and are capable all because they’ve made mistakes. As you’ve pointed out – small groups of people you can trust close to home with some contact in larger orgs. A few years from now we may be facing levels of attack that will be much worse. Burning bridges with people who have demonstrated commitment and a willingness to act is a mistake. Our enemies are discussing denying healthcare to dissidents. Antifa types will… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

In a broad sense I’m there with you but let’s not disdain optics too much. The longer we maintain a low profile and are considered a negligible threat, the better. Even more importantly, the better regard the populace has for us, the better to recruit and/or blend in when needed. No one’s going to succeed in overt hot conflict with the Empire at this point. Think about cells of dissident thinkers, artists, craftsment, business people & other civilians at this stage rather than commandos or militia.

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The Enemy respects learning and culture. My program over the last few years has involved study of languages and literature, as well as plowing into the delights of classical music. Talking casually with the better-educated end of the Borg, straying far from the political, it’s delightful to correct them on points of music and culture. They accept me as a human being well before the naked truth – that I do not agree with them – comes out. It weakens and confuses them, and I’m getting rather good at it. It’s fun.

Reply to  Pimpkin\'s nephew
4 years ago

Partial agreement on your first sentence. My impression is that they respect credentialism: what college you went to, which grad school and what degrees, but not necessarily actual knowledge. Much less a deep understanding of history, philosophy, or literature — IF it contradicts what they know to be “true”. (Not that I claim to have a deep understanding of those.) But I agree on interacting in a friendly manner on less political matters. Not all (nor even most) of those seemingly opposed to us are deliberately bad people. Many actually mean well, even though their actions are foolish and harmful.… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Mike C – agree with you that they value credentialism as opposed to knowledge, and disagree that many of them are well-meaning people. I have all the credentials and despise those who value them.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I’m surrounded by them, it’s all about status and maintaining their positions. They’re amoral and only loyal to themselves.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

I think of the alt-right as the Sex Pistols of political movements. They mostly produced publicity, never had any hits, and imploded in tawdry mutual recriminations after threatening to take over the world. In the end, they only succeeded in beclowning themselves.

But look what came through the doors they blew open…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

That’s a great analogy. First came the tea party, proto-punk, that wave crashed, but created the seeds for the next wave, the Alt right wave came and went, each one altering the landscape a bit, and there will be a third and fourth and fifth wave, carried along by events, fate, bizarre political surprises and twists. But one thing is for certain, there will be more and more fed up people and the waves will get bigger and start taking out structures that have been in place for decades.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Richard Spencer was the Sid Vicious of the Alt Right.
Not sure who the Johnny Rotten was, Mike Enoch?

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
4 years ago

Yeah, but they left one hell of an album for us to remember them by. It turns out the loutish fools made a completely classic album, far more important and listenable than the stuff their supposed betters in the 1977 dissident music scene were producing. Listen to Television’s “Marque Moon” or the Talking Head’s “77”, both seem boring and pretentious now. And they were right about a lot of things too: “there is no future in England’s dreaming” Maybe there is a lesson there. With the clarity of years passing it’s often the case that the authentic, sincere guys with… Read more »

Da Booby
4 years ago

“Reaction to social trends can certainly be the starting point of a cultural or political movement, but it can never be the end point.” Anyone interested should read Revolt of the Public… by Gurri. It touches on this very thing. At no time in recent memory has a book so accurately interpreted the goings on of our age, while simultaneously missing some the greater implications and causes. The Booby’s copy is littered with notes, beginning with “Yes” or “Exactly”, only to be followed a paragraph later with notes beginning with “Bullshit” or “No”. Still a great read, though. The Booby… Read more »

4 years ago

At the root, you must first determine if your culture/society is redeemable. IOW, have you passed the tipping point? If the answer in no, then a movement to change culture/politics has a chance of success. If yes, then you may be wasting time and resources on a fool’s errand when you could be preparing for the next evolutionary cycle after the fall and the ashes have cooled. Perhaps the herd is headed for the cliff and the naysayers are desperately trying to turn it. Will they succeed in time?

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

You’re right Tom, but what metrics do you propose to use? How do we know when we have reached the tipping point? We just lost VA. Do we need to lose TX too? Once we lose the White House, our decline will accelerate rapidly past any reasonably placed tipping point.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

I think the key metrics will include an assessment of the quality of citizenry. At the time of the Revolutionary War (late 1700s), our citizenry largely consisted of highly self-reliant and hardworking men and women. Nowadays, the Millennials are typically wimpified sheeple addicted to cell phones and soon to be incapable of wiping their own ass without an AI-assisted robot. That does not bode well.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

I live in a gentrified area, spot on!

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

I just took my morning black pill. The madness will stop when the left gains power and no longer has use for the brown hordes they have imported and manipulated. Unfortunately, that is quite a ways down from here.

4 years ago

I may have similarly sounded like that on one of those dastardly Ikea assemblies or the three hours of work lost on a computer crash.

The way I see it, there is nobody left to assume the mantle but you Z. Start assembling a coalition.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

LOL! We’ve all been there, friend. Which is why I refuse to jump on this most recent bandwagon. I honestly don’t know enough about RS to have formed an opinion one way or another, but I think whoever made/released the recording hasn’t exactly covered themselves in glory either.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

Spencer is a soft faced man-child with very wealthy parents.
He lacks the gravitas to lead men. Men with real lives and real families will not follow a guy like him, or a Cerno, or even a Stefan Molyneux.
Too bad Jocko Willink or Tim Kennedy aren’t dissident right, because most guys would rally around men like that in an instant.

happy merchant
happy merchant
Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Jocko Willink or Tim Kennedy

Ex-military grifters are still grifters.

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

If it weren’t for the Z blog, ‘Richard Spencer’ would be unknown to me. It’s almost the same with Shapiro, except as an old Andrew Klavan listener I happen to know about him as ‘the other guy’ on their site. Klavan is a sharp and thoughtful guy, but you never hear him talked about. It’s all Shapiro. Why why why?

Reply to  Pimpkin\'s nephew
4 years ago

Klavan doesn’t display the ambition and chutzpah of Shapiro and doesn’t have the powers that be drumming up a synthetic leadership role for him. Klavan didn’t try to inject himself into Michelle Fields …(cough)… the Michelle Fields soap opera during Trump’s campaign to steal glory. Klavan doesn’t have astroturfed salons like Quilette christening him the hot new youth edgelord of the Dark Web. Ad nauseum..

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

All true, but Klavan is still another gatekeeper, in his own way – another pushing the Judeo-Christian myth and denying White European identity as legitimate, natural, and moral.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

With great respect to you, David_Wright, I disagree in this instance, the timing is not right. Too soon and Z Man would be martyred. That’s a loser plan. Stay anonymous, Z Man, and keep doing what you’re doing. Of course, the authorities already know all about Z Man and all of us frequenting his blog and commenting. The best options may be to go to Bitterroot Valley or the Ozarks or anywhere else dissidents are trying to create new communities and create the kind of communities or towns that white people would like to not just live in but thrive.… Read more »

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

And how about dissident mixed race families? Not all are 100 percent European.

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

When we had a 90% or even 80% white country, the talented people from other races and cultures were just a wonderful seasoning that added to our national fabric. I imagine the same for these small towns, all depending on the inhabitants’ druthers.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

Yea, that’s like saying that a small amount of turds in the punchbowl just adds a wonderful spice…

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

Divided loyalties and uncertain identity makes for a poor and weak beginning.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

“… all depending on the inhabitants’ druthers.”

Reply to  Veth
4 years ago

American Apartheid. Core ethnic areas should be pure Euro, suburbs for mixed and the big cities can stay largely as-is, politically spin them off as free cities & keep them in check by controlling their surrounding territory & strictly controlling travel between these “zones.”

4 years ago

Lawfare can only work for us within very limited circumstances for the foreseeable future. The left harnesses law because they assumed control over the institution and better organize their communities to support lawyers who argue their causes. The left’s senior lawyers are well paid typically even if indirectly in relation to a given action. I cannot understand why some of you believe lawyers should work for free. Do you work for free? If you want to pursue lawfare, establish legal defense funds specifically granting compensation to the serving lawyers and then take your income, your inheritance, your windfalls and pay… Read more »

Reply to  FlyOnTheWall
4 years ago

“My kids will be kicked down the stairwell at school and the faculty will rally behind the pusher (already happened to an unwise colleague and his otherwise thriving daughter).”

JFC. Blessings upon the girls and you dads.
Wise, wise words.

I hate Candy Corn
I hate Candy Corn
4 years ago

Another guy loses his cool in a recorded rant and crosses the Jewbicon, to be promptly crucified. As a nobody, his head will be left on the pike to rot as a warning to others. Charlie Sheen was enough of a degenerate goof to be allowed to slink into obscurity. St. Mel had enough cred to be allowed to claw back into the fringes of his industry.

Reply to  I hate Candy Corn
4 years ago

St. Mel is uber rich and talented.

Reply to  I hate Candy Corn
4 years ago

OT: Your profile photo. WTF *is* that?

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

It is what you want to be, a Naked Mole Rat. One of the ugliest things to ever exist. However… it is of extreme scientific interest and is studied with great detail because it has some rather odd properties. 1) It is exceptionally hard to kill and has regenerative capability. 2) It is immune to cancer and highly disease resistant 3) It has an absurdly long life span for its phylum of like creatures (rats, mice, etc) Scientists hope to unlock the genetic secrets of these traits for obvious reasons but yeah, it is a damn ugly thing and I… Read more »

I hate Candy Corn
I hate Candy Corn
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

It’s funny that you mention that because I just threw in a trash handle and fake email and that photo came up. I thought Z had thrown that in as a joke for one of the privacy blockers I use, but I suppose it’s possible I hit a real email.
Monkeys and typewriters and all that.

Speaking of which, one of my plugins hates this comment section.

4 years ago

What are you suggesting? The other day you said that the days of organising in public are over.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
4 years ago

The all-time worst opening for a comment is, “I have nothing useful to add, but … .”

I have nothing useful to add, but I’d like to say it does my heart no end of good to read thoughtful people on this site discussing strategy for victory against the leftist Establishment. How refreshing compared to the standard “conservative” practice of griping, viewing with alarm, and black-pilling themselves into defeatism.

Now I think about it, maybe that is useful to add.

4 years ago

It was just a ragtag collection of people with a gripe about something going on in the culture. That was a feature, not a bug. It made for a big tent and it turned Leftie strategy against themselves: mocking and jeering everything they hold dear, giving them an acid whiff of the Culture of Critique. Reaction to social trends can certainly be the starting point of a cultural or political movement, but it can never be the end point. Perhaps so, but we’re not close to the end point yet. Our guys can’t even congregate peacefully without being harassed by… Read more »

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

We don’t burn down their castle. We make them burn down their own castle. Trump is rather good at making that happen. Jujitsu.

Reply to  Felix_Krull
4 years ago

If you start nailing theses onto gates, you’re a progressive.
Luther was.

4 years ago

Thank you,

“ The internet is not real. It cannot replace real life organizing. If there is going to be a resistance to what is happening, it must happen in the real world.”

4 years ago

Government at all levels needs to be quelled. Are we working to change the State? The culture? Both? Will changing one change the other? Surely it will. Is that all that needs changing? We would be better served with an amicable separation from the progressive Marxist Socialists than to try and “coexist with them. Is dissident realism our tribe? Is the tribe of one race only? The non agression principle is not enough to perfect our culture. Neither is the creation of an ethnostate. Is nationalism just part of the journey or the desired end. Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism nationalism culturalism… Read more »

Reply to  JMDGT
4 years ago

“Amicable separation“. Like the Irish did? The Serbs and the Bosnians? The Turks and the Armenians?

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

The North and the South? How amicable the separation is will be up to the Progressive Marxists. A non violent separation is preferable. We should be prepared for any eventuality.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I believe the gold standard is the Czechs and the Slovaks. The so-called “velvet revolution*.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  JMDGT
4 years ago

Traveling around the country, I see everything east of Denver as not my people.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Restrict your travels. A new take on how to win friends and influence people.

King Tut
King Tut
Reply to  JMDGT
4 years ago

There may be separation but, rest assured, it will be very far from amicable.

Reply to  King Tut
4 years ago

It is not a strategy but I hope you are wrong. If you are right, so be it.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

I don’t think you can mention Milo without mentioning Gavin McInness, as they’re from the same egg carton. And I don’t think you can mention McInness without mentioning the stupidly named Proud Boys, which is what I think of when I think of the Alt-Right, at least how the media paints it. I’ve always found both of them to be amoral opportunists who saw a market for something, which was atomized white males with no social structure. The Moose Lodges and Elks clubs were in free fall by the 70s, killed off by old cucks. So they created this ridiculous… Read more »

4 years ago

What was the Alt-RIght exactly? I would say it was an attempt to meld three streams from the dissident right into one. The first stream was the legacy of paleo-conservatism. Recall that Spencer got his start as an editor at The American Conservative, the magazine founded by Pat Buchanan for the old gang to have a platform to launch attacks on Buckley and the Neo-Cons at the outset of the Middle Eastern wars. That’s where Spencer did his woodshedding. At some point TAC split off Taki’s Mag, and Spencer went there, where he picked up a more light-hearted and ironic… Read more »

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
4 years ago

“No organization can survive incompetence at the top. Whether you are forming a local group to clean up a park or you are organizing for a larger political goal, you have to have high quality people at the center of it.”

– Thus spake Lenin. Nothing can be accomplished without the firm hand of ‘high quality people’, the vanguard, the knowers.

Pimpkin\'s nephew
Pimpkin\'s nephew
Reply to  Pimpkin\'s nephew
4 years ago

We had a successful local road clean-up five years ago run by a virtual clone of Parsons, Winston Smith’s hapless and stupid neighbor from 1984. Let’s not confuse local competence with that larger competence, the kind exhibited by Big Brother, Lincoln, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, et al – for organizing political goals.

4 years ago

Look at England for example. When the Roman legions left in A.D. 410, their multi-cultural diversitopia swiftly collapsed. By A.D. 500 the country was 100% Anglo-Saxon and its old capital Londinium had reverted to cow pasture.

Despite this racial homogeneity, another 500 years would pass before one man could legitimately call himself King of England, and there would be many wars of succession after that. Choosing a good leader and uniting the people under his rule is really hard.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  DaveA
4 years ago

Britain was zero percent Anglo-Saxon when the Romans withdrew. The cause of Briton backwardness was that they were somewhat stupid. The Angels, Saxons, and Danes, later only added up to 10% of the Briton gene pool. The British became intelligent over the next several centuries due to at least three major influences–regular execution, manorialism, and a prohibition upon cousin breeding.

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Expelling the Jews in 1290 helped too, because when one endogamous tribe monopolizes all the high-IQ professions, it keeps everyone else stupid.

4 years ago

The alt right would have been crushed anyway because Trump won so the alt right was seen as a threat to the plan. Spencer has been kept around to fill the role of boogeyman for the jews. All you have to do is look at how the Proud Boys were labeled white supremacists then crushed by the Trump administration. They committed the sin of physically standing up to Antifa and then that was that for them. But Z is right, the alt right was a mess. They loved infighting and got too full of themselves after Trump won. Instead of… Read more »

4 years ago

OT but I figured some ya’ll might be interested to see some of the most amazing footage ever captured in human history. Curiously, very few people have ever seen it. Keep in mind, this takes place 1,100 times further away from Earth than the International Space Station. And we went there, landed men, and came back 6 different times.

Reply to  JescoWhite
4 years ago


Careful, the “moon landing was a hoax” was started by an EST, their proxies have latched onto it.

The Jamaican told me he rejected the moon landings, and believed strongly in rising seas.
I told him I hoped Kingston was still there.

4 years ago

This essay views the “alt-right” as a “movement” or an “organization”. But more often it is used simply as a description or generic taxonomy, like “white people” or “sub-Saharan African”.

That generic description being, “That faction of the right that publicly rejects or disavows the doctrine of biological human equality.”

4 years ago

“Loyalty starts with family, then extended family and finally the extended family of ethnicity. Race is a general grouping of people that corresponds to the big geographical groupings. Race is not ethnicity.” As much as I harp on White unity and pan-Europeanism, I see this as an undeniable fine-grain truth. “Whiteness” is in a sense our proposition, our civic nationalism – the most general commonality between our different tribes. We can best operate in the future as a loose confederation which respects a common European legacy of culture, history and achievement but we’re not going to be bonded on the… Read more »

4 years ago

That recent statistic that 67 million us residents don’t speak english at home sent me into some amount of despair. On one hand it doesn’t seem so hard a task, just convince whites that there is coordinated anti-white program afoot and that it is moral and good that they advocate on their own behalf. That it is ok to be white. Maybe we should be glad that this age holds it own challenges. That end of history business did sound boring. Our enemies don’t seem particularly formidable, certainly not one on one. within living memory the communist were able to… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m not feeling optimistic today and wonder if anything will get accomplished before the crash.

4 years ago

>>>The alt-right made a fetish of not purging people, but that became a doggy door for the worst sorts of people to enter their movement. <<<

This, exactly.

“Never punch rightward” was the worst advice we ever got. It brought in maladjusted Fruitcakes like Cantwell and Nehlen and destroyed effective voices like Ricky Vaughn.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Ricky Vaughn 100% destroyed himself, by picking fights with other people while in a vulnerable position and by trying to “purge”, “bully” and financially exploit people who, as it turned out, had substantial leverage over him.

He also worked for a GOP consulting firm…

Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago

So Ricky Vaughn disagreed with people, and thus deserved to be doxed and has his life destroyed?

This mindset is exactly what Z was referring to.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

“Deserve” has nothing to do with it.

It’s not about what should happen, in a just world.

It’s about what did happen, in a fight he started.

He started a conflict but did not anticipate how the people he went after might respond.

As it turns out, when people have power over you, antagonizing them and trying to “bully” them can backfire.

This also illustrates limitations of trying to “purge” internet racism.

All you can really do is control your own associations.

Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago

People like you are why I’m not in an IRL group. You’d dox me the moment we disagreed about the most trivial thing.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

It’s not about me, I wouldn’t dox anyone, I don’t go in for that kind petty nonsense. But if you join a IRL group and give people your information, you should 100% be thinking about how THOSE people could use it against you. And even if they don’t intend to use it against you at the time, what they might do if they were placed under immense pressure. It’s just a sad fact of the world we live in. Just recently Augustus Invictus doxed two dudes who joined his campaign for making fun of him. Was it wrong, yes. Does… Read more »

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Crud Bonemeal
4 years ago

I dunno if there are statistics on this, but people who have been around for a while often claim MOST doxes are right wing vs right wing

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

If you want to know people IRL they have to know a lot about you . Otherwise you end up like Bundy and the others Malheur ranch debacle, most of the people around you are infiltrators from the government or the left. This means you have to trust the people around you enough and get along with them well enough to avoid petty infighting. The .alt right made this mistake by trying to create a movement made of people with maybe at most “we like White people and private guns.” in common and who otherwise have nothing in common and… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Every statement in politics should be taken with an implied NAxALT. “Never” is shorthand rhetoric for “Almost Never” or “Never unless there’s a f-ing good reason.” People are too literal with these slogans.

4 years ago

William S. Lind auteur of 4th Generation warfare says Impeachment means likely 4G warfare in USA. Also he can read a map (Red vs Blue).

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Worrying about impeachment is retarded. Instead the MAGAfools should worry about Arizona, Georgia, and Florida demographics.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Fighting for MIGA is the worst mistake anyone could make.

In fact, many of those who put their asses on the line for MIGA are already in jail, and MIGA isn’t even lending moral support to them, let alone using institutional power to help them.

Still, it’s good news if there is infighting between two enemies. Get the popcorn ready.

Vic St Jean
Vic St Jean
4 years ago

I’ve always considered Buchanan, Taylor, and Coulter to be the spiritual founders of this thing. Maybe 100s of years from now there will be a place for you Z on the new Mount Rushmore. Understandably, we don’t know what you look like. I’m assuming sort of a Greg Johnson that worships at the temple of iron.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Vic St Jean
4 years ago

Any Mount Rushmore of this thing has to start with Sam Francis. Number two is Pat Buchanan. The next two are arguable.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  Vic St Jean
4 years ago

Ann Coulter was a neo-conservative only recently, she got (partially) red pilled by something, long, long after the founders had been active.

That book she wrote was helpful, admittedly.

4 years ago

Spencer–and his other “ironical” Nazis–destroyed the alt-Right by co-opting it and corrupting it. This a recurring problem in the Right since it lacks “immunity” from such attacks because, as you rightly recognise, the Right does not stand for anything as much as it is a grievance society. Anyone can join as long as they bitch about the status quo. It’s interesting to see that Andrew Anglin has now become “Christian”. What appears to be happening is that the dissident right is splitting into its atheist and christian variants and I get the impression that the Christian variant is more of… Read more »

Reply to  Slumlord
4 years ago

There do seem to be a lot of freshly minted Christians. Roosh is the only one who seems serious. Given he has been reading spiritual and Stoic books for the last few years and writing extensively about them, his taking the God pill is believable. Andrew seems to be one of the ones who have adopted Christianity as part of a cultural package.

Reply to  Slumlord
4 years ago

Even if he didn’t have so much other suspect history & baggage (his goblin familiar Weev, for instance), Anglin’s rate of ideological mutation would make him suspect. Physiognomy is real. He’s what Ed Dutton calls a “spiteful mutant.”

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

So was the Mule and he took down the Foundation.

Anglin doesn’t have the chops for that but spite is a very very powerful emotion.

4 years ago

Somehow the Alt-Right became coopted by shekel grubbers and racist liberals. The clown show at TRS is the perfect example of how to run a movement into the ground while sucking every last drop of money out of it. The ADL, SPLC, and Koshernostra can’t exist without a boogeyman. So who’s funding the boogeyman?

4 years ago

The alt-Right provides lessons in the perils of success, hubris and negative identity. Its only tangible goal was electing Trump. In succeeding, we largely lost our purpose at a very young age. A fresh-faced cocky kid standing on a Big CIty corner with nothing to do is ripe for turning out. The flesh mechants of the professional political class soon made quick work of our naive meme-dreams and put us to work turning (((tricks))) and recruiting more fresh meat for their new MAGA/Turning Point stables. Thinking that we could beat these guys on their own turf at their own game… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago


An enduring movement needs positive identity, an established goal, and as much patience and purpose as ambition and spirit. And the next time we think we’ve won, we need to pay more attention to finishing off the enemy and vetting our ranks for camp-following carpetbaggers, turncoats and enemy deserters.

4 years ago

One of the big problems of any dissident group today (and there are some on the Left as well as the Right) is that they are not thinking through the concrete reality of how current-day organizations and institutions actually (mal)function. A year ago, my wife and I found out that our primary-care physician was fabricating our medical records, in quite bizarre ways. He claimed to have done exams he did not do. He gave me various diseases that I have not had and that he never discussed with me. Six months ago, my daughter was assaulted and injured in her… Read more »

4 years ago

Since I’m one of those lunatic fringe cranks, I verified today that I am nothing but a liability.
Not ready for prime time, that’s for sure.

With apologies to Penitent, I’m going to have to put a lid on it. I fear I drive the Christians away, and they have far more practical advice in the real world.

We’ll virtue signal ourselves to death, but this dissident thing can’t be forced.

The two Christians had some very good advice, though: Be still, and listen.

In other words, “Shut up, they explained”.
That, and feed all the stray cats, bigot.

4 years ago

Armchair quarterbacking and Boomer harrumphing from the Zman. He’ll be blogging anonymously about good optics when whites are being killed openly a la the Khmer Rouge. Talking about the Alt Right as if it’s those silly people that you have nothing to do with. You think any on the left or mainstream makes a separation between you and them? Oh no – the Left closed ranks and shut down a small emergent dissident movement! Gadzooks, those sillies had bad optics and they weren’t totally ideologically conformist! You have no answers, others may not have either but they have gone ahead… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Not a special agent, but an emissary from that 99.999% part of the world that isn’t a fanboy ready to lap up your pronouncements

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

While trolling in a different Anon, Kevin D tried the “If you were a man you’d use your real name” trick on me – an evergreen meme with them. Enemies say more about you than *fanbois” & Z seems to have the right enemies. Good enough for me.

4 years ago

On this, “Arab nationalism was a legitimate movement…” When Gamel Abdel Nasser positioned himself as the leader of the multi-nation, Pan Arabic movement, he brought upon himself a “moral” pre-emptive war. We have all read and heard the narrative about the legitimacy of the Six Day War, for decades. Heroic military actions in abundance. However, if in fact this pre-emptive war was so “moral”, why was Israel placed in a ‘defensive stance’ in 1973? Gullt? Public relations? If the latter, what leader risks the fate of their nation on PR? Was Pan Arabism nothing more than an Arabic version of… Read more »

Reply to  HomerB
4 years ago

Freedom of association and freedom of speech are dead. The “don’t yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre” prohibition has been expanded to criminalize any word spoken or grouping of people that upsets some member of a protected class of persons somewhere. In one or five years, the hammer comes down. Build out your personal network of trusted grey man contacts now, while you can.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I upvoted you for obvious reasons – we are on the same page. And not alone, I can count a few dozen gray men I know – young ones, early 20’s – to middle age and a couple 70+. Guys that are not anti-woman – engaged, dating, and recently married – who are red pilled and understand the nature of women. And that understanding makes for better relationships and marriages – and more stable families for children to be raised in properly. These guys know the woman in HR is bs, how to work her while not letting her rat… Read more »

4 years ago

Richard Spencer has been known to be deep State for some time, which explains why he gets so much publicity with so few followers…The real alt-right is now the Nationalist right, as opposed to the idiot Civ-Nats who dominate Conservatism, Inc.which recognizes that continued population replacement will destroy our nation and is growing rapidly. Spencer’s rants are pretty much irrelevant….

Reply to  pyrrhus
4 years ago

Spencer, for all his flaws, means what he says. He’s not an operative. People who know him know this.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I agree, he’s not a deep state operative.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Agreed. Have you seen any evidence of this in dissident circles, Z?

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The Alt-Right was nothing but ZOGbots all along. It is understood that Dickie Spenthwer’s mother is one-quarter jewish from a grandmother named Eckstein, a Vienna jew family allied with Sigmund Freud. Thus Dickie is a mischling and rumored homosexual of Anglo-semitic roots. Dickie was also a member of the “lawfare” organization known as the Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas / ZOGbot Poverty FLaw Center which would hold up the state universities to allow Dickie to peddle its brand of narcissism to around 20 followers and 100 antifa. Now the members of this “Foundation”, Attorneys Bryan Reo, Kyle Bristow and… Read more »

4 years ago

The demorat party is a party of morons and freaks and millions of dead and alive people support them. The alt-right started out as an edgy intelligent phenomenan and imploded due to adolescent millenial stupidity. Andrew Anglin was the driver and turned the movement into a whiny boomer bashing homosexual incel thing that became a joke. Down to him.

4 years ago

It died due to the censorship. And because Trump won, now an unfortunate event.

Spencer is an imbecile, but he didn’t kill the movement – the movement expurged the shysters exhaustively.

Also, one thing I resent is not engaging with the late big wave of Libertarians that started appearing before people vanishing.
People should wake up to the economics of the Founding Fathers and Aristotle, laid out in the book Web of Debt and The Lost Science of Money.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Name
4 years ago

You can’t wake up one morning and build a movement. It has to happen organically, like the morning dew. The tea party, in its first 10 hours, was an organic movement. The GOP then swooped in for the kill. People are motivated by their own wallets first, and white people are known to vote for their wallets more than any other group worldwide, and in all of human history, because white people are transactional in nature, not relationship based. It’s a mindset that allows for prosperity and efficiency, unlike other groups, but only in a world of rules. Black people… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

So JR. “White ppl need to understand one thing. The system has decayed to a point where the “rules” are fading away”.

So what? We come to that understanding of that one thing. Many of us have, long since. Now what? Enlightenment doesn’t mean anything w/o action. We need a leader, a Buddha, a Ghandi, a Alexander, or a Moses.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

Waiting for Superman hasn’t worked. I’m done waiting. We have to do this ourselves. We’ll find who can lead by watching them in action.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

Most white people still think they can get a fair shake, depending on where they live, it’s a big country. The people here on this forum know whats up, but this forum is not a random slice of white people. They have to feel the pain of a system that failed them before their minds can wander in this direction. And it will happen. And it won’t be Trump or any other imbecile like that that saves them. I’m not waiting for superman (below). I’m living my life in the current system and preparing for whatever comes my way. The… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

JR Wirth: “Most white people still think they can get a fair shake . . . ” Even my husband, when I complain about the latest outrage, inevitably responds “They can’t do “X” because it’s illegal/unconstitutional/will be challenged. And I keep reminding him the rules are what those running things say they are, and they change with their whims. As difficult as it is to shake that trust in the system, people have to stop resetting to that default. There is nothing left to trust.

Reply to  Name
4 years ago

The economics of the Founding Fathers were mercantilism and protectionism. Libertarian economics are poison and have no constituency in the dissident right.

4 years ago

On this: “Richard Spencer would have been more successful…”

This guy, programmed FBI honey trap “resistance leader” gets on TV. Does the blogger here get on TV? Isn’t getting on TV the Normie American bellweather of whom is and is not “successful”? Based on that metric, programmed resistance leader and FBI honey trap Spencer is “successful”.

Crud Bonemeal
Crud Bonemeal
Reply to  HomerB
4 years ago

Actually, people can get on TV for racism pretty easily.

They may not benefit from the kind of coverage they receive however.

(It’s up for debate about whether it’s worth trying to benefit from negative media coverage, some people say it’s impossible, but I’m not so sure.)

Kevin Gold
Kevin Gold
4 years ago