The Break Up

Not so long ago, societal collapse was a big topic of conversation among critics of the current world order. Usually it was centered on economics, as the financial system has become so complex that no one can explain it. The run-up to the mortgage crisis had lots of people promoting economic collapse theories. A decade earlier, the Y2K panic ushered in theories of technological collapse. Of course, the zombie apocalypse movies and TV shows are a regular part of the pop media rotation.

Societal collapse, however, is probably not in the cards. The best known treatment of the issue is by Joseph Tainter. In Collapse of Complex Societies, Tainter makes the point that collapse in the modern age is unlikely, as all complex societies are dependent on one another. Therefore, when one society begins to fail, the rest will provide support to prevent the rapid disintegration of the failing society. In other words, the modern age is a network of reciprocal relationships between complex societies.

In the case of America, the rest of the world needs America in order to remain intact, so a crisis in America will be met with a response from Europe, Asia and even South America. The internal response to crisis will include global support for repairing the internal problems of America. This network of relationships may not arrest the decline, but it will prevent collapse. The rest of the complex societies will ease America into the autumn of its existence, thus buying themselves time to adjust.

An alternative to this analysis comes from John Michael Greer. He wrote a paper on what he termed catabolic collapse. The general theory is that all human societies create complex institutions and social structures that require maintenance. Over time, the cost of maintaining them begins to exceed capacity. The solution is a deliberate downsizing where these complex systems are abandoned in order to focus resources on the core functions of society. Complex societies don’t collapse. They downsize.

Greer’s idea is a variation of the Tainter theory, in that it focuses on the material aspects of society. In the Tainter view, collapse is like bankruptcy that ends in a liquidation of the society. Greer’s view is a bankruptcy that leads to a reorganization of society going through bankruptcy, so it can reemerge simpler and more viable. In reality, both ideas are working from the same assumption. That is, human societies grow inefficient over time and that inefficiency eventually reaches a tipping point.

One issue that is a problem when discussing these theories of societal collapse is we tend to think of collapse as something that happens relatively quickly. That is, it happens not just in our lifetime, but overnight. One day things are going along just fine and the next day the wheels are coming off the cart. It is the image of Rome at its peak compared to the image of hairy barbarians scaling the walls. We naturally want to think of collapse as the sudden, unexpected death of society.

Collapse is most likely experienced in fits and starts, with those fits and starts spanning lifetimes. For example, the men who founded the American empire in the early 20th century passed out of this world seeing their creation in the throes of the cultural revolution of the 60’s and 70’s. The so-called greatest generation that inherited the empire from the founders, were re-engineering American society so their rotten kids would stop rioting in the street and burning the college campus.

The generation that founded the empire probably thought it was headed for collapse, but by that point they were too old to care. It did not collapse. American society stabilized, regained its footing and started to recover in the 1980’s and 1990’s, with the great economic and technological boom. Ironically, the baby boomers are experiencing what their grandparents experienced as they head for the void. They are seeing what appears to be the collapse of American society in a spasm of multicultural rage.

A half century ago, California was the epicenter of the cultural revolution that threatened to collapse society. It is the test bed for the multicultural favela the rage heads in the ruling class have planned for the nation. Today, they have rolling blackouts in a third world effort to keep from setting the state on fire. Their efforts to manage air pollution, a great crusade in the 1860’s and 1970’s, is beginning to fail. Their pension system is effectively bankrupt, just waiting to collapse in the next decade.

In other words, the spasm of decline and near collapse of a half century ago was part of a cycle of decline. This crisis will probably be followed by some correction, where things settle for a while, but never return to the prior normal. Just as the 1980’s never reached the level of social accomplishment of the post-war years, the next period of tranquility will fall far short of the 1980’s and 1990’s. It will simply be an interregnum between one period of crisis and the next, another step down the ladder of collapse.

At some point, the old social capital of the prior greatness is exhausted. The Romans were a spent people for over century before the collapse. In fact, they were arguably done in the third century. The real question about the late Roman Empire is how it managed to stagger on for so long. That may be where we are now in present day America. The next step down the ladder of decline may be so unstable that the weight of past error crashed society through to the bottom.

The case for this theory of collapse is the rapidly shrinking white middle-class. It’s not just shrinking as an economic institution, but as a cultural one. The dominant culture today is one that celebrates degeneracy and barbarism. Bourgeois culture remains, but unlike the 1980’s, it is not front and center, offering a stabilizing point to arrest the cultural turmoil of the day. The antidote to what’s happening today is not a man in a sundress demanding the rest of us pretend he is a girl.

In addition to the shrinking influence of bourgeois white culture, there is the growing sense that what’s left of America is not worth saving. Everyday, more and more white people come to the conclusion that the people they see in politics, the media and popular culture are incompatible with the world they want for themselves and their decedents. That old bourgeois white culture is looking at America like the family exhausted by an alcoholic relative. It’s time to cut our losses.

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The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

One useful heuristic is to ask the opposite question: “Are we on the way up?” The answer is so obviously no that the question is virtually rhetorical. There have been times in American history where people really did seem to have that Promethean, we-can-do-anything, the-sky’s-the-limit feeling. The thing is, if the shitlibs really believed that diversity is our greatest strength, then they would have that feeling right now. They would be exploding with optimism and confidence and shouting from the rooftops all the great things we’ll do. That fact that they aren’t shows that they know full well that diversity… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Well said.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Most leftists through revealed preference have never believed that ‘diversity is a strength’. It was social status signalling the cost of which was paid by others unfortunate enough not to have enough money to avoid the diversity: deplorables and dregs and such.

Reply to  Horace
4 years ago

Absolutely correct, Horace. Intelligent libshits and conservative liberals utilize high median home prices and an enhanced police presence to minimize diversity in their neighborhoods, churches, and schools. They care not a fig for whites trapped at the bottom of the hill.

The neighborhood’s occasional Americanized African beneficiary of diverse hiring practices provides additional opportunities for virtue signaling.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Well said Babe…

4 years ago

And what is a rational person to do in light of all that is described in this post. First, recognize that miracles are very rare and burying your head in the sand while waiting for one is not likely to guarantee your survival. Second, talk is cheap and you can’t eat it if food becomes scarce. Third, friends matter for local self defense, but only if they’re robust and capable. Like-mindedness alone is just another mouth to feed. Societal collapse isn’t the clear and present danger. It’s rise of tyranny due to a diseased culture and degenerating population.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Excellent bottom line analysis.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

TomA, you succinctly outlined my dilemma: 1. Something is going to break. There is no stopping it. WHAT breaks first (economic, race, Just In Time ______, civil war), no one knows. 2. For survival of my family, stored resources, community and location will be the key to surviving the WHAT. 3. Rural appears heavily favored over Urban. 4. Keeping my head down (grey man), for now, is a strategy but public “tests” seem to be more prevalent. Eventually, no one will hide their bad thoughts, so I recognize this is a time-limited strategy. So what to do, now? I’m surrounded… Read more »

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

4. Keeping my head down (grey man), for now, is a strategy but public “tests” seem to be more prevalent. Eventually, no one will hide their bad thoughts, so I recognize this is a time-limited strategy. We have talked about this before Brother I think grey man is a bad strategy right now and here is why…If no one knows you right now because your grey then why would they ever trust you to band together later when you will truly need friends and allies…The time for making connections is right now when things are somewhat stable so when chaos… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman. Yes, you’ve been a solid voice in this mental exercise of mine. Thank you. Trusted community is key and yes, we lack it…could building an enclave, on the fringe of a smaller city (very, very vibrant), be worth the effort? Or, does opportunity cost suggest investing heavily in relationships AFTER relocating? I think that’s the crux for me. Dig in, or liquidate and start building elsewhere… Based on our conversation, Lineman, I’ve got the “elsewhere” fairly outlined. Are Urbanites more likely, statistically, to be awake to the DR? Part of my equation weighs the time of finding and connecting… Read more »

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Lol at least your thinking about it and not oblivious to what’s going on around you so your ahead of the game… I will let you in on a little secret and that is trying to build Community with your neighbors who are not awake is an exercise in futility…The only way is to have neighbors who are awake to what’s going on and then it’s still hard work because of the trust issue so it takes time which is why I push the way I do because time is a precious thing and we just don’t know how much… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

My experience bears this out as well Lineman. When it comes down to it, most of the awake whites in my blue city are most concerned with trying to figure out how to plug back into the matrix – just at a higher level. The are upset at being left behind or not getting their slice, less about the rot itself. They can see the clownworld but they are still chasing the dragon; they can’t quit the striving that the urban environs fosters. They want to join cloud city more than they want to destroy clownworld. After seeing these people… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Yea I hear you Brother…Blood and Soil…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

O/T…Lovely to see someone using “awake” properly these days.

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I plan on keeping one foot in the Empire, one foot in the sticks for as long as I can. Those of us with lopsided skill sets best suited for the urban hellscape will best serve as recon, rescue & recruiting agents who can step inside and out of the wire. I can handle myself outdoors but there I’m aspiring to be average. I’d like to see us build networks that can make use of everyone’s “shade of grey” – from normies who covertly fund us to anon-memers to prepper “WGTOW’s” to monkey-wrenchers to vanguardists who educate and train actual… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Same page Brother Same Page… Imagine what you can do and where you can go with a hard hat and a set of keys to the city…😉

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Yep Tom food will be a key point in whether or not your group survives or not which is why I try and store up food for my neighbors as well as myself just in case they didn’t store enough…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

California will look like Barter Town in no time. Although I don’t see Kamala Harris as the Tina Turner character. I will eventually go north when the looters come.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

SOJ? JR, why not exit CA? I don’t know anyone here to do a start up, from the ground floor, starting with food storage. When I find a new state, that is the first thing on my list.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

You can’t just unplug from the Matrix at any time without a life disruption. I have to make more green pieces of paper down here before I go up north and raise real estate costs for the locals. I won’t be putting CA decals on my car though. The important thing is that I know I’m in the Matrix, and know I need to find a juncture in life where I can make the big change and unplug from the Matrix.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Yep. Our future isn’t the collapse of Rome but 1920s and 30s Russia with whites being the kulaks.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

There are a lot of parallels between between stalinist Russia, Mao’s China and now with white people in the precarious position but I don’t think it’s going to hold up over time. Those society’s were ethnically homogeneous even though they were still killing off large swaths of people. Also they were closer to pre-industrial Society so they had an understanding of how they got to the complexity that they were in. The real difference between chaos and complexity is understanding how you got to where you are. I don’t think there are enough people left anymore that understand how we… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

And what is a rational person to do? I’d say know history, and then hunker down. Civilizations and empires rise and fall, and this usually doesn’t happen peaceably. I’m not anticipating the collapse of the US nation-state as much as the collapse of virtue, and the consequential degradation of all that’s good, true, and beautiful. For well over 10 centuries now, the Western virtue has been the defining line between civilization and barbarism, good and evil. Here’s the thing … Western virtue doesn’t have to be destroyed in a democracy – it just needs to be nudged into the minority.… Read more »

Ayatollah Rockandrollah
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

I have sounded out lifelong friends over the last few years, and not a single one is robust or capable. In fact, they are hostile. It’s been crushing to me to discover just how isolated I am. Only over the last few months has my spirit returned, and even then, I have blackpill days. Turning the page on one’s entire life is brutal. None of these people will survive and I likely won’t either, because this is the world I fashioned for myself. I have no one to blame but my own choices and judgment.

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

As long as you’re on this side of the grass you can work towards a different future for yourself Brother…

Reply to  Ayatollah Rockandrollah
4 years ago

” It’s been crushing to me to discover just how isolated I am.” Chin up. You are not alone. Not by any stretch of the imagination. The last few years I started making a point of chatting with all sorts of people I meet to try and gauge where they stand on various issues. It’s mostly routine and mindless pleasantries, but if possible I drop in a line or two to see if the person is into Our Thing, or amenable to it. I can say with assurance that well more than half are at least partly congruent, on at… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Keep networking and building friendships.It’s good policy no matter what. Stock up on food. With our JIT logistics system it is one hiccup away from the supermarket shelves going bare and within a day a you will have food riots and worse. All it takes for the JIT logistics network to go down is a power outage or the highways getting shut down due to sabotage. We are very lucky the Muzzies never figured out this angle. Food is also a bargaining/barter tool. in times of crisis.Have a few CARE type packages for locals in need ready. Doesn’t hurt to… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

The muzzies have figured that out which is why you see so many as truck drivers…Just wait until they have enough to shut it down and then they will…My advocacy for Community stems from knowing the fragility of the grid, transportation, water, and food production etc and the need to be having all that under local control…

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

They have figured it out lol. They are able to wait it out, though, time and demographics are on their side. One single truckload of produce could so easily be contaminated – and it would kill thousands. A lot of the truckers are Sikhs; whom I don’t think are as dangerous as Muslims, though they way they drive suggests they don’t value white (or any) life very highly… But yeah… right now, there are tens of thousands of Muslims working in meat packing, driving trucks, stocking shelves, and working at airports. If whatever grand Mullah ever decides it’s time to… Read more »

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
4 years ago

From the perspective of having had alcoholic relatives, banged it square on. Observation around here is that people are simply doing a strategic withdrawal. Pulling in the lines to a defensible perimeter a focusing on what they can control. If uncle Joe wants to spend the days in an alky bar, so be it. Just look at our local politics. Republicans were fighting some pretty good rearguards, but the sheer number of lefty nuts and fact that they will “nationalize” a dogcatcher election makes the whole exercise exhausting and pointless. One of those nuts who happens to be a friend… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
4 years ago

But as humans, we *need* social networks and local institutions to survive. So while we cut out the crazies, we need to simultaneously find a way to make other non-crazy connections.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

That is what I mean by “defensible perimeter”. Find the like minded, strengthen your relationships. Even as small as directing your money to those who think like you. Any local contractor I use for my house has to meet the “our guy” test, for example.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Half the parents in that town are grinding through the Newhall Pass at 8mph to their jobs in Burbank in some attempt to provide material comforts to their kids, running on very fast treadmills. It’s amazing that that area doesn’t have a shooting like that once a week, as the kids have no social structure to speak of. Just a house with a tile roof and a lawn mowed by Juan. And plenty of anti-depressants for everyone in the house.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

And they’re lucky if their jobs are in Burbank.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Depends. Introverts need little-to-no contact; we go happily along for years drawing that circle as close to us as possible and let go of much of life’s drama that way. Only prob –, can be hard to observe without personal, emotional reaction, even when it is not shared or discussed.

Reply to  Saml Adams
4 years ago

It’s possible to “cut your losses” when the troublesome actor is a minority in an otherwise functioning system. I’ve cut bad people and bad family out of my life. But the situation now is that we’re in some weird Twilight Zone where almost everyone around us is a crazy person or alcoholic. And they don’t want to leave us alone. Our existence is an offense to them. Even out here in nowhereland, people have learned to repeat the offical party line: “Racism is bad. Homophobia is bad. Islamophobia is bad. All people are equal. We’re a nation of immigrants.” It’s… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Yeah, I’ve noticed over the past decade or so, that even redneck and rural whites seem to have been converted. It jars me to see some white guy wearing a seed company hat saying that we shouldn’t see color.

Now, what he really believes is another story, but that’s what he’ll say in public. In government meetings, even small town stuff, we have no defense against the Goodwhite or the POC rep.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen I’ve seen the same thing. But it’s mostly superficial. They know how they’re supposed to think and talk but if you get into the nitty-gritty with them they revert to type. Discuss the rape of white women by foreigners.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Listen to modern “country” radio… that’s all you need to know.

Redneck country people are sometimes some of the biggest cucks – they have an inferiority complex and are quick to try to show that NARednecksALT.

Saml Adams
Saml Adams
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

That is the conundrum. As Capt. S points out above there are none of the geographic solutions to strategic withdrawal. Professionally, I do a lot of turnaround work, both small and larger scale. Often, to save a business, the first step is to cut out the ventures that are unprofitable or consume resources beyond any future return. Strengthen the core and expand from a stronger base. Locally, trying to marshal resources to keep fighting a lemming like mentality that believes a highly competent local office holdert needs to spend their time “disavowing” national political issues or be replaced by a… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Balkanization won’t work because GloboShlomo will never allow it.

Would it work if we were allowed to do it? Probably, yeah. But it’s not something we are going to be allowed to do, ever.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

No empire has ever “allowed” its own Balkanization – at best they’ve pretended to after it already happened on the ground (Rome, Britain, USSR).

Magic All-Powerful Jew Theory.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

You don’t ask for permission in such situations, you get strong and take what you want either politically or sometimes other ways. The conceptual problem that people are having is a fix may require a nightmarish revolution to get and the reward is largely minimal and long term. A good argument could be made that all you get is work and suffering to build a society you’ll never see and for people not yet born. Even Y/T doesn’t usually think in those terms unless he can see at least green shoots, like you have grandchildren or great grandchildren already. Yes… Read more »

Reply to  Saml Adams
4 years ago

In contrast to you having alcoholic relatives, my relatives have an alcoholic.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Saml Adams
4 years ago

You can’t be nice to people like that. You begin by calming her down. “Listen bitch. I said listen. It was Santa Clarita. The song Teenage Wasteland may as well have been written about that town.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

And at least that’s better than “NigNog Wasteland.”

Mister DNA
Mister DNA
4 years ago

This post is an interesting one, because it touches on what I have long considered to be the only viable path to preserve some semblance of higher civilization in the Western world. That is to say, a divorce between people who want to live in a society that we would recognize as functional and desirable, and those who want to continue to live the hedonic and soul-eradicating lifestyle that we see so many of our neighbors doing in practically every area of the country. But how is this breakup practically going to happen? It’s not as if American whites are… Read more »

Reply to  Mister DNA
4 years ago

If the federal government or any other group went hot on people just because they moved to MT to get away from Idiocracy then at least the rest of America would see that the government has lost all legitimacy and would either rise up or die off… Thing is I don’t think they would do anything because the optics would be to bad for them to cover up and counter…Look at the Bundy affair and they only had a couple hundred not two million and they backed down because of bad optics of killing Americans…They want you to fear them… Read more »

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman I’m with you in that the fear of something should not paralyze movement toward something better. The challenge is less about cutting the losses and more about how to weave a new social fabric with a people who have let those skills go stale – and to produce effective community tendrils that work outside the shadow of federal – and likely state power, that can grow organically. The problem is not necessarily the federal government going hot, but it is the federal government’s monopoly on violence that backs the globohomo collusion with private industry and the legal system. The… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

I suppose I would argue the growth is coming whether you like it or not.
That’s the key right there Brother and we want those like us moving here rather than those who hate us…So much I could discuss f2f with you that I can’t over an open forum but just know good people are needed and they are slowly trickling in…

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

IMO it is going to be smaller cells, spread out and somewhat grey and indescript. Capable of moving on if circumstances require it. Defensible situations with limited access and, frankly, no reason for anyone else to even notice them or bother with them. Probably a pipe dream on my part, as they will never, ever leave us alone.

Reply to  Mister DNA
4 years ago

The closest analogy to the problem of cultural decline in society is a cancer that debilitates one’s general health, and thereby weakens the immune system and allows other opportunistic pathogens to invade and ultimately cause death. You cannot talk your way out of a societal metastasizing disease, but you can tangibly improve your individual robustness, move to a safer environment, and act with intelligence.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Mister DNA
4 years ago

You can’t look at any scenario like that through the eyes of what we’ve always known. That the government will always be flush with cash. That the government will always be able to pay people to stop things from happening. That people will be loyal to it having lost their (insert benefits). It’s hard to know what will happen until we get there.

Reply to  Mister DNA
4 years ago

You’re describing a variant of the Free State movement.

They did achieve some limited success. But obviously didn’t win their battle as NH is slowly trending blue.

Sgt. Joe Friday
Sgt. Joe Friday
4 years ago

“Idiocracy” was supposed to be satire, not a documentary.

Reply to  Sgt. Joe Friday
4 years ago

The same could be said for the scifi story “The Marching Morons” written in 1951 by Cyril Kornbluth.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

That was a fun story. One of my favorite things about today is if someone in a comment thread mentions a short story I can just go read it right now. It really is amazing

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

The Outstation by W. S. Maugham

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

That was a good one also. Anyone else have a recommendation? I’m enjoying short story Saturday

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

An Official Position…also by Maugham.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Glad someone still appreciates Maugham. The academic lit twits sneer at him, hipsters (if they’ve ever heard of him) think he is racist. Maugham’s personal life seems to have been increasingly sordid as he aged, but his writing is a model of clarity with lashings of wisdom.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Whitney: Anything by O. Henry, the American master of the short story genre. As a bonus, he wrote well before political correctness became a thing.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Assume most have read Vonnegut classic, “Harrison Bergeron”? “Blood Music,” by Greg Even was a good ‘un.

Known Fact
Known Fact
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Harry Harrison’s short classic By the Falls is online, and very apropos to any discussion on societal collapse

The Right Doctor
4 years ago

Permanently OT, I’m afraid: Imagine Aristotle returns. You are showing him around. He of course can understand anything you can and more, if you develop the background sufficiently. You show him your phone and tell him that with this device you can access almost all of the information accumulated by mankind, and you can communicate more or less instantly with pretty much anyone, anywhere. He is astonished! The Olympian gods themselves would envy it: they had to send messengers back and forth. “What do people do with it?”, he asks. Well, most people use it to look at funny cat… Read more »

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

He will say what Tocqueville said–Philosophic systems that destroy human individuality will have secret attractions for men who live in a democracy. The more social conditions become equal and the less power individuals possess, the more easily men drift with the crowd and find it difficult to stand alone in an opinion abandoned by the rest. Men are much alike, and they are annoyed by any deviation from that likeness; far from seeking to preserve their own distinguishing singularities, they endeavor to shake them off in order to identify themselves with the general mass of the people. What concerns me… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
4 years ago

Prioritizing individuality is part of what got us in this.mess Individuality, as you and I conceive of it, is only possible in a white country. Therefore, race > individuality.

Paradoxically, we need an overwhelmingly white community before we can have individuality, and that individuality must not be allowed to harm the community.

4 years ago

I just finished watching the Amazon original series about Hugh Hefner and the cultural wrecking ball he created. It is a very well made and entertaining retrospective that chronicles how we got from 1950’s America to where we are now. I highly recommend it to this audience. Z’s vinegar drinking scolds haven’t changed much. They were just as angry and unattractive fifty years ago minus the tats and fishing tackle. Betty Friedan… good Lord, one look at that face and it’s no wonder she was bitter and angry. It was also interesting to play spot the Jew and watch how… Read more »

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

I guess in this respect I’m a vinegar drinking scold. I’d like to live a community where pornography was either illegal or extremely restricted and that had some enforcement of modest dressing.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

That’s why in the old west there was always two sides of town or the other side of the tracks…

William Williams
William Williams
4 years ago

>>>there is the growing sense that what’s left of America is not worth saving.

Bingo! The money quote.

4 years ago

comment image

Hopefully the link shows it. The man on the left, the old world, the one on the right, our new cucked man.

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

I’m shocked the Don Cherry story didn’t get more play among our guys. Guess it’s the aversion to anything that reeks of “Sportsball.”

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Love don but he’s a Civnat at heart… loves to talk about how his parents were hard working, Irish immigrants. He loves to go around talking pictures with brown people. As long as you like tough hockey, love Canada, and work hard, Don supports you.

He probably realizes now that it was a failure, though. I bet he’s turned into a full on ethnonat, tbh. His hometown of Mississauga is jam full of Pakistianis, Africans, and Arabs. Surprise surprise, they never were too interested in tough hockey and talking like “good Canadian boys”.

4 years ago

It’s time to cut our losses.

What’s that mean? Last I checked I was pretty much stuck here.

Garry F. Owen, Trooper
Garry F. Owen, Trooper
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I won’t presume to speak for the Z Man, but perhaps one way to “cut our losses” would be to Balkanize into a less perfect union. There’s no other nation state in which to run, so a grand resettlement within the FUSA. One great amicable no fault divorce might be the best case scenario, and one that would be acceptable to the rest of the globe to whom we owe so much money. Either that, or they step in and take ownership.

One of Many Georges
One of Many Georges
Reply to  Garry F. Owen, Trooper
4 years ago

For me, it means you have to psychologically disinvest in the country (I mean the formal polity, not necessarily the people), and start thinking about what comes next.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Garry F. Owen, Trooper
4 years ago

Other than China, no one can step in and do anything. China is a big threat worth discussion on its own but IMO it’s gradually moving to its usual historical condition of being the middle kingdom, a high civilization and culture with no need of the outside barbarians. They won’t really give a crap at a certain point as their tech base will equal or exceed ours and they can turn inward to deal with local demographic issues. As for the other “great civilizations” our vassal states in Europe and Japan they can’t bail out the empire as they haven’t… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
4 years ago

China has never considered itself the “Middle Kingdom”. That is a deliberately incompetent translation, probably to salve Western egos. The meaning of Zhong Guo is CENTRAL NATION. Much as Boston calls itself “The Hub of the Universe”. “Middle Kingdom” implies mediocrity, of being nothing special. “Oh, Sally’s just the middle child.” You may be assured that China (regardless of whether it is run by an emperor, a politburo, or even by Sacred Democracy) considers itself inherently superior to any and all non-Chinese (for which read “non-Han”). To a Chinese, China is the root of all worthwhile culture, and of all… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

After working in a number of various Asian-American communities, I can confirm that what you are saying is completely correct. Then, from the point of view of some of the others (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese), it all gets stood on its head, and the Beijing/Shanghai Chinese get viewed as overbearing and thinking of themselves as way over their station in life. Things get complicated.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

I understood Middle Kingdom as “between Heaven and Earth” rather than the way we see the term in the West As I understood it that term denotes the same importance you mention. This doesn’t mean I disagree with you mind, just so there is understanding of what I meant. As far as the fentanyl issue, unlike China during the Opium wars we have the ability to do something about it. The entire problem is caused by our leadership. Anyone with a brain knows that China is a low trust country and that you’d need to inspect everything from there The… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

@AB: understood; I certainly wasn’t criticizing you. And everyone uses the Middle Kingdom translation. I just happen to think it’s somewhat misleading. @Dutch: also agreed. Plenty of peoples dislike the Chinese. The Japanese of course consider anyone non-Japanese subhuman (just as do the Chinese, only the Japs are smoother about it). The Koreans aren’t wild about either the Chinese or the Japanese. Vietnamese I don’t know enough to have an opinion, much less insight. And on the off chance anyone cares, I personally don’t endorse the “Chinese View of the World” outlined above, but I think it’s fairly accurate as… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

I appreciate accuracy especially as my Mandarin is very limited.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Yep, we’re stuck. For me, though, it means cutting out the personal time/energy/resources that might go toward reforming our unreformable, irretrievably corrupt institutions. E.g. Pull the plug on public schools, don’t vote for “lesser evils”, don’t rely on The Fed to get us out of the next financial crisis, etc. Anything/everything that I can do “underground” I will, and my time/energy/resources are invested in ever-increasing concentric circles around my own house – i.e. my family, my community, my people.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

The Fed is behind most of our financial crises. Their policy of QE is a strategy to make the debt problem seem less than it is via spurring inflation.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

CAPT S: Your concentric circle paradigm has been and always will be the right way to go. Think concentrically.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

it is a steady decline in progress and there has already been losses.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Don’t make it official. Don’t advertise. Keep it sub rosa. Populate an area. Gain local political control – school boards, city councils, mayor, governors. Gain control local media, TV, radio, newspapers. Build churches, civic organizations. Don’t force a confrontation. Deny what you’re doing, just do it!

Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

For collapse literature, I can recommend Eileen Power’s Medieval People. The early parts are most relevant to this discussion–and most terrifying. Basically, there were still large swathes of the western Roman Empire where people lived on for hundreds of years after the main collapse, and didn’t really even realize (or in some cases didn’t want to realize) that a collapse was happening. Essentially, they didn’t really know that a new age had already started. The creepiest thing is the parallel to our lifestyle. A lot of the late Romans (a) weren’t having children and (b) were so preoccupied with indulgent… Read more »

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

That kind of reading provides me the motivation to push forward with Community Building not one of despair…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Exactly. The part of the story that’s missing is how Western Civilization made great leaps forward during the so-called Dark Ages. So Rome collapsed … and then life went on for everyone else. It sucked to be in urban Rome during the collapse but elsewhere things flourished – economically, artistically, scientifically. Yep, there was the Little Ice Age and the devastating Black Death, but there were many good things about the dismantling of the Roman empire. There are positive parallels for those willing to cobble together interdependent relationships with capable neighbors.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

I am going to read that.

The most unsettling thing for me is that people in pre-industrial societies were not dependent on complex or artificial structures to survive. You did the king’s bidding and tried not to die of famine or disease. Now there is so much complexity and diversity – even in rural Minnesota – that I fear collapse will not be gentle like the Roman Empire’s, but more furious. I mean, nobody knows how to live off the grid. If clean water and electricity were to go tomorrow, then we are immediately in Max Max.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

I just got that on Audible. That looks like it’s going to be a fun listen. And I enjoy books that were written before the “Woke Ages”

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

The most terrifying thing is that it was originally written in 1924.

That’s a recommendation in itself. You have to go back before the war to get anything resembling intelligent and interesting reflections on Western culture.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

Good find, Mr. Adjacent. Thanks.

I’ll be reading by the fire it this weekend while the snow flies.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I’ve never quite understood this belief in a big, quick societal crash that wipes the slate clean. You need only look around to see many examples of our future. California, Texas, Mexico, Brazil, they all function to varying degrees. Are they sh!tholes or on their way to being sh!tholes? Yes. But have they collapsed? No.

Hell, even South Africa with what, ~15% whites, still functions, sort of – though for how long is debatable. Waiting for the big collapse is a fool’s game. Don’t wait. Start building a community now.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Waiting for the big collapse is a fool’s game. Don’t wait. Start building a community now…
Exactly right Brother don’t wait on anyone or anything just start doing what you know needs to be done that way your covered no matter what happens…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Building a local community works no matter what happens in the future. The worst case scenario is that everything turns out fine (not going to happen, btw) and you have a group of close friends and hobbies that you enjoy.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

That’s been my point for some time now…The benefits of having Community is priceless no matter what happens…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

I agree with community building. A real salesman could go from church to church and preach it, but he’d have to disturb them first. Also, if the community wants or needs firearms to protect their resources, the state of CA would take that away. I wonder if churches are beginning to think of this. The church that I was brought up in wants more in the collection basket for the poor brown people.

Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

That’s one of the problems with big churches is that they take care of the world while their people suffer…There is a bunch of verses in the Bible that talk about that very thing…

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

We’re functioning on debt. We don’t currently feel the pain of what’s happening because the debt markets ameliorate it. CalPers (CA state pension system) is like a Pompeii waiting to explode. Goodbye first world services.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Correction. The fiat money and debt system are the engine that funded I’m from the government and I’m here to help you. That’s the service that services itself. Most government is two people doing the job of one which should never have been necessary in the first place. Failure can’t happen soon enough.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Well, all I can say is that if I don’t get the CalPERS pension I sweated 20+ years to earn, then no damned Mexican illegal is getting any free health care or education on my watch. It’s easy, too easy, to be generous with OPM in times of prosperity; but when SHTF, charity dries up and family comes first.

4 years ago

“… a man in a sundress demanding the rest of us pretend he is a girl.” Leadership of the left in the West has been transformed by transnational finance so that the ‘mission’ of the left has been changed from opposition to excessive oligarch rape of European working classes to opposition to the mere existence of European working classes. Normalization of degeneracy is part of the effort to destroy European peoples. Communists with their long institutional memory (mostly funded by European working class taxes supporting universities) have never forgiven European working classes for not following their lead during the Communist… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

I agree many people are detaching from today’s ersatz culture, but that doesn’t mean the old anglo culture of quality is dead. It’s still going strong, it just isn’t in the media’s glare. Go to a symphonic performance and it will be 90% white (and 10% asian). Same for a play. It doesn’t matter if there isn’t much new culture being produced now, because there is so much already existant. And for all I/we know there are lots of young anglo artists toiling away, that younger folks do know about and support. From my vantage point at the epicenter of… Read more »

Reply to  Karl McHungus
4 years ago

I agree Karl my GenZ kids and their friends can’t stand the degeneracy and the snowflake culture…

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Exactly the same for me; re: kids and friends. If I didn’t have kids, I would have no clue to all this covert resistance.

4 years ago

Are there some historical parallels to ‘cutting our losses’ that we could look to for any kind of guidance? Rome is always an interesting case study but the tribal invasions of the past are somewhat different than the one we face today. Perhaps the slow decline of Alexander’s empire and it’s splitting into multiple factions? The decline of Spain in the 17th century? Which core nations were successful in protecting themselves from the collapse, and why? I’m not a historian but I would expect we could find something useful in each of these examples?

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

The Senatorial families all married into the Germanic nobility. Peasants probably didnt know the empire had fallen. Life just got materially worse.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

I’m curious about this as well, but I’m also not sure to what extent historical parallels are accurate. I imagine cutting losses in the past was less difficult since the people weren’t nearly so psycho-spiritually hollowed out and the rulers trying to hold everything together didn’t have as many tools and methods for doing so. The scale and technological level is unprecedented.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Kindola
4 years ago

Good point. Rulers of the past couldn’t have dreamed of having the kind of mind control that ((TPTB)) have over us. Life was local back then, with wisdom being passed down from family and real life, not TV.

It will take a lot to overcome that.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The “rec room” at your local psych ward runs MSNBC/CNN on a big screen TV all day. That “it will take a lot to overcome that” is a massive under-statement.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

This country is one big psych ward with MSNBC/CNN turned up and the on/off switch removed. The outcome of the Louisiana governor’s race proves that. How did that state elect two relatively conservative senators and then re-elect a screaming mimi socialist? I was feeling relatively serene about 2020 until this development.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
4 years ago
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

The parallels I can think of all had an option that we no longer have – “new worlds” to discover and civilize. In the past it’s also not “core nations” or empires that protected themselves. They come and go. But there are people-groups who’ve been successful in preserving their ethnicity and traditions … that’s where we need to look.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Capt S…I’m looking!

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Roger – I saw one of your earlier posts awhile back that you’re going to “make it happen” right where you are. Good on you brother.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

I am, Capt. but the background noise of “is this the best use of time and energy for the payoff?” never leaves me…
Several authors make solid cases for retreating to build on an enclave, with existing and projected demographics being the primary decision driver.
For me, the white-pill process seems to be carrying with it the pain of letting go of so much assumption and bias that Americana can be saved. Tearing that part out, while looking ahead at the future I will build for my offspring, is my “crossing the chasm” perspective.

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Live in Red America Localism can work when the local gentry put in the work and lead, and put their time and money where they live. I can think of two examples; where I grew up (and moved back to) and lets say an upper middle class white rural area in the great lakes region. 1. Promote local business. 2. Promote local events and organizations. 3. Emphasize to all that mom and pop stores are rooted in us, not corporate HQ. Great example-health care. Mom and pop pharmacy and providers help your mother and aunt as champion stakeholders to negotiate… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Why not mention some of this when you’re black-pilling in the comments below?

We can have a constructive debate about whether the “stay and work the system” approach can work, but when you start Boomer-posting on everyone else’s ideas & rubbishing the host, you come across as a troll. Pick a side and stick to it.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Taki has a great article called “Myth of Boomer Privilege” this month. Talks about alienation of natural allies in the coalition. Makes good sense, but Taki always does.

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

When I speak of ‘nations’ I mean ethnicities, not states. The Biblical ‘nation’, or the ‘First Nations’ of the American West in the 18th/19th century. So we want to look at, say, the Basques, the Amish, and the Québécois, who have managed to preserve themselves?

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

Analogy. Second law of thermodynamics. Order, the most unlikely state of affairs, tends to disappear. The maintenance of order requires that work be done on the system. In the absence of work, order disappears. As we replace more productive people ( engineers and scientists) with less productive people (journalists, career politicians, bureaucrats, unskilled foreign labor) less productive work gets done and disorder increases.

Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

So basically Douglas’ Adams story? “These tales of impending doom allowed the Golgafrinchans to rid themselves of an entire useless third of their population. The story was that they would build three Ark ships. Into the A ship would go all the leaders, scientists and other high achievers. The C ship would contain all the people who made things and did things, and the B Ark would hold everyone else, such as hairdressers and telephone sanitisers. They sent the B ship off first, but of course, the other two-thirds of the population stayed on the planet and lived full, rich… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
4 years ago

“new worlds” to discover and civilize”

We’ve got an entire solar system
If we can muster the capital to get off this rock ..

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

A better example may be the Ottoman Empire which was slowly carved up by regional players in the centuries of its decline after the failed siege of Vienna. Pieces of its empire became protectorates, or wholly independent while that which made them whole became more and more of a faded memory. Through it all the European powers strove to keep the empire alive to use as a crudgel against each other. Even in the end they weren’t too keen on Atatürk’s plans to end the empire because they couldn’t imagine a world without it. As an aside it’s been mentioned… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Cast down your bucket where you are.

Or move – and America is closer than Mars. Here’s the racial dot map.
White people are Blue.


Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

You would never believe that watching American TV and movies. One might think America is mostly black and mostly gay.

Reply to  Duke
4 years ago

Even if you move to a Maine or Vermont you’ll still be at risk from the resettled refugee crowd. In the midwest and south you’ll be at risk from the illegals employed by big Ag.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  ReturnOFBestGuest
4 years ago

Large areas of New England are completely free of diversity, and much of New England is too rural and too expensive for poor immigrants. Stay away from Boston, Providence and Connecticut in general and you’re good to go.
The bulk of Vermont, as well as New Hampshire, is almost pure whitopia. The North Country in Upstate New York on the border of Vermont and Canada is also good.
Very beautiful this time of year.
Sublime, even.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Manchester, NH has ever-increasing numbers of Africans and Afro-Caribbeans. This summer I even saw a man from South Sudan. Then again, Manchvegas-on-the-Merrimac also has a nontrivial problem with opioid-addicted whites. Lewiston-Auburn, Maine is infested with Somalis. Something like 9-10% of the population is Somali now. Portland, Maine has had influxes of “refugees” recently as well. It’s true that well over 90% of the populations of ME, NH and VT are white, but there are steadily growing pockets of lovely, vibrant diversity wedged in by the usual suspects. And “usual suspects” in this case is NOT code for the eternally unfairly… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

The fact that they’re contained in relatively compact urban areas just makes the cleanup-operation-to-come-later that much easier.

Most cities have relatively good rail access. Which solves the transportation problem. Congregating together in public housing makes the collection problem more efficient.

Just sayin…………..

Reply to  Another Dave
4 years ago

Glad to hear that! Seriously. And many, many areas…lots of nice, old-timey, small towns… in the Midwest have no Big Ag workers –or else they’re doing all their shopping by internet and never go out.

Alter Kocker
Alter Kocker
Reply to  Duke
4 years ago

Why are you still watching TV and movies?

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Did not mean to vote that down! Hit the plus — took one off. Sorry. That’s a “like.”

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Great Britain. They are a few generations ahead of us. They were once powerful and self-assured, now they are overrun, insecure, and submissive to foreign powers. Our Gulf of Suez may have already happened. We have Enoch Powells in our midst, but the government is ignoring them. Just wait. The US will be subservient to one or more foreign powers, just as Britain is. It will not be able to break free. And we will become someone else’s economic zone.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Er, no.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Er, yes, you limey filth.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Their govt is just as open-borders globalist as ours. But they’re still just under 90% white and 60% self-identifying Christians. Their ethnic minority populations tend to congregate together in the big cities.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  ReturnOFBestGuest
4 years ago

Sixty percent of British are self-identifying Christians? I don’t think so. The quasi-Marxist, materialist state and Muslim expansion have nearly swept the board. In Britain, vast numbers of churches have been turned into restaurants, snack bars, recreation centers for inner city “youth,” and mosques. Reportedly many C of E congregations have shrunk to a remnant. The Spectator says, “… between 2001 and 2011 the number of Christians born in Britain fell by 5.3 million — about 10,000 a week. If that rate of decline continues, the mission of St Augustine to the English, together with that of the Irish saints… Read more »

Reply to  Gravity Denier
4 years ago

I can only tell you what the surveys/census reported. The last one was in 2011. You can look it up for yourself. Don’t go by me.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

If evolution proceeds primarily by natural selection and migration, then the global replacement of white people by POC and Asians will be the outcome, as white people are unwilling to resist. Past success does not guarantee future success without a fight.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ifrank
4 years ago

White people in the West are unwilling to resist. Whites in Eastern Europe and South America seem less interested in disappearing.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

We need to dispense with historical parallels, IMO, and think in terms of our psychological and philosophical evolution. We have different times, different technologies, and different philosophies than the Romans, the Ottomans, or the Imperialist powers of Europe. As we should, we are different people. For most of our recent history, we looked at the world through the lens of God’s divine will. If the monkeys beat us in a battle during the crusades, God was angry with us and teaching us a lesson. If we trounced them, God was pleased with us and rewarding us for our virtue. In… Read more »

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Yes, the Bible. But also spiritual literature from Vedanta and Buddhism, plus Christian and non-Christian mysticism. Maybe the Bible is as good a place as any to start, but it should not be the end of seeking for truth.

4 years ago

Interestingly, I saw on the Twitter today that the boy of the hour, Nick Fuentes, had posted this distinction between the alt-right and his thing: “We are not the Alt Right–AR was a racialist, atheist, post-American, revolutionary, and transnational movement. America First is a traditionalist, Christian, conservative, reformist, American Nationalist movement.” His summary of the “alt-right” is actually pretty fair, and in fact describes my politics. (Though of course the label “alt-right” has to be jettisoned.) Sadly, the post-America part is something I reluctantly accepted a few years back. But once you’re “post-“, it’s hard to go back. Although I… Read more »

Reply to  Doppelbadger
4 years ago

How can you push demographic arguments without being racialist?

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

The arguments of Nick and the groypers are that:
1. massive immigration hurts the wages of existing Americans.
2. most immigrants do not vote conservative.

This is true as far as it goes, but even if we stopped all immigration tomorrow, the USA is still going to break up for largely racial reasons.

I don’t know how much Nick holds back what he really believes, but his angle is a useful bridge to bring people closer to a dissident, race realist perspective.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

There’s a video clip of Nick responding at length to the cookie monster baking 6 million cookies in 5 years riddle. I reckon he’s holding back.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

“The next step down the ladder of decline may be so unstable that the weight of past error crashed society through to the bottom….” When a civilization or a community built by Peters and Beckys collapses or more often decays…there are still Peters and Beckys there to stem the rot or collapse and rebuild.  They have a genetic interest in doing so …in behalf of the Beckys and Peters they are raising and for the community to which they are intricately entwined.    Jaquinta, Xtlotalle, Nonnenntatee, and Chen aren’t them and will never be them.  Make an effort for whom… Read more »

King Tut
King Tut
4 years ago

Divorce may be the only option but I am struggling to see how it can or will be amicable and peaceful. The invaders and their sponsors may be able to function in a world without access to white people but they certainly don’t want to. I can’t see them meekly agreeing to just let the white people go.

Carl B.
Carl B.
4 years ago

….a crisis in America will be met with a response from Europe, Asia and even South America. The internal response to crisis will include global support for repairing the internal problems of America.

I don’t see that ever happening. No way.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

I agree. Most Americans have no idea how much antipathy the misconduct of our ruling elites have generated towards us. Most of the rest of the world will kick us in the teeth rather than offer a helping hand, even if they would be worse off doing so.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

I don’t know Carl, I could see them ‘helping’ us much like how we help spread democracy to countries with pipelines and resources and populations ripe for Disney and Iphones and high finance a la tales of an economic hitman. China is already propping up our housing market casino and addiction to stuff funded by debt. Perhaps chairman meow could just buy our highways and the Brussels can pick the bones of Big Ag or something while Mexico can rally more invaders to do jobs Americans won’t do. We are but an economy anyhow so the idea of global support… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

The problem is that they’re broke as well. It’s a product of decades of central bank coordination and the dropping of the gold standard by 1971. There will be much rue to go around world wide.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

His book was written before the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Berlin Wall, something very few Westerners could predict. The author certainly didn’t.

That said, I agree as well.The European states are even worse off than we are. And imagine what happens when we’re not there to buy SOME $170 billion in goods. Economic implosion that’s what.

China is no better off if we had a civil war or collapse of some sort. It would take everything the Chinese Commies have to keep their state from imploding give how export oriented their industries are.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

China might well fracture before the US if things went south for us. Multiple regions want out from under Beijing. Obviously the western muslims want to break away. Hong Kong clearly wants to avoid being placed under Chicom law (odd how little we hear about that in the news, eh?) But in addition to those, Guangzhou/Canton thinks it can go it alone, as does Shanghai. Keeping the fractious regional parts of China under one political umbrella is more than a full time job even now; it would be massively more difficult in the event of an actively failing US.

4 years ago

We already have some dissolution in the form of local governments refusing to cooperate with ICE and, lately, different places saying they won’t enforce certain gun laws if passed by the state governments. It becomes de facto when the central government implicitly recognizes that it has no interest in a wide array of decisions. If you’re looking for a Roman parallel, Clovis was very happy to be named a consul by the emperor and implicitly recognized his subjection to Constantinople. Similar thing was going on in Spain, where manumission documents under the Visigoths conveyed the various rights of the former… Read more »

4 years ago

What amazes me is how quickly events are moving in the current age. Take history in chunks of ~100 years. The people at the beginning of the century live mostly like the people at the end of the century for all human history. How long were we hunter-gatherers, 20000 years? Recent history has given us the discovery of the hereditary material, DNA and the tools to manipulate and engineer the DNA. The Green Revolution, and an understanding of nitrogen fixation. The understanding of the atom to the point that it can be exploited for energy or powerful explosive. Rocketry and… Read more »

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

OT: Homo Sapiens were hunter gatherers until the development of agriculture 10-12000 years ago and became a distinct species roughly 350,000 years ago. It was the development of agriculture and animal husbandry that ultimately allowed humans the spare time to create the world as we know it. It was also the genesis of all our modern woes. There are many fascinating books that explore this irony. As an aside, I highly recommend the book The Vegetarian Myth for the vegetarian or vegan in your life. It was written by a former luney leftist vegan and gives a fascinating insight into… Read more »

Reply to  BerndV
4 years ago

Whoa, I was off. 350000. Stand corrected thanks bernv

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

It amazes me that I have living memory of the first personal computer.

Yes. You sometimes hear that technological development has stalled; it flabs my gast that someone living in the middle of the Internet Revolution can manage such a preposterous analyses. I consider myself privileged to be alive to witness it.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

The break-up of the Soviet Union was a good example of a complex society hitting the skids. The Soviets, although socialist, weren’t some African backwater. Any country with a space program can be seen as complex enough to see a pattern, and it wasn’t so long ago. The USSR staggered on despite being in terminal decline. Budget deficits were out of control. The Ruble was affected. Nothing really happened until the bills came due. Until all those civil servants had to be paid from accounts with no money, and factory workers had to be paid in what they were making,… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

The USSR is the best model for how I see US decline happening, for all that our reserve-currency status & hard-power edge means a longer wind-down.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Any country with a space program can be seen as complex enough to see a pattern.

A lot of people inside the Soviet Union saw it coming – Mihail Gorbatchov’s perestroika/glasnost-program was an attempt to stave off the implosion.

What’s most remarkable is that nobody in the West saw it coming until a few months before the wall fell. I bet a lot of Kremologists are real happy that this was before the internet so the plebes today can’t easily go back and read their doom-ladden prognostications on the subject.

4 years ago

Z has always been a thought provoking read but his posts have shown a more mature outlook lately. He is no longer touting the revolution. In all fairness though he was never deranged about it like Vox Day. Z is even walking back some of the boomer hate. Another thing that will make the collapse a little slower than most of the Dissident Right would prefer is that the tribe will make sure that the collapse doesn’t get in the way of their cementing their power and making money. However Z is right that many whites, me including, think the… Read more »

4 years ago

Show-pony California gets all the publicity but plucky gelding Illinois has an inside track to beat us to the bottom in the Progressive race to Lean Forward over the cliff’s edge – and track conditions are wet & slick. One of the reasons I’m an ambassador for the Hank Williams, Jr. lifestyle* is that our big cities are where Greer’s style of collapse is most likely**. Detroit is our most advanced example – arguably the most prosperous and productive city on Earth in the 1940’s-1950’s, now a poxy patchwork quilt of gated castles garrisoned by private armies, surrounded by gubmint… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

CA doesn’t even make it to the “bottom five” of fiscal irresponsibility: IL, CT, NJ, MA, KY. It’s just that it’s so big.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

This person thinks it all comes crashing down very soon, but because of Peak Oil theory. Do you agree with that?

4 years ago

From Greer’s piece – “A society in a depletion crisis does not inevitably proceed to catabolic collapse.”. He posits that only through the introduction of new Capital, can society either stabilize or expand. Does he allow for Innovation? Specifically, newly discovered Capital from existing or commodities (thinking about nuclear energy, or silicon)?
Also, not to nitpick, but he also misses the reality that Human Capital is provided from whites almost exclusively. So his closed loop formula, when inputs are generalized, seems to miss serendipity.

If there is one thing history proves regarding human adversity, no body MacGyvers like white people…

Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

“no body MacGyvers like white people”

It’s a genetic trait that we all inherited. It arose as a result of fitness selection in the environment of northern Europe in which extreme seasonal climate variation necessitated innovation in order to survive and thrive. We owe it to our ancestors not to waste that inheritance.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Orwell from the Road to Wigan Pier.

“For almost every modern Western man has his inventive faculty to some extent developed; the Western man invents machines as naturally as the Polynesian islander swims. Give a Western man a job of work and he immediately begins devising a machine that would do it for him; give him a machine and he thinks of ways of improving it. “

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  MossHammer
4 years ago

Greer at Ecosophia calls this a Faustian society. In any case progress might slow the decline but fact is you and yours will gradually grow poorer and measured as percentage GDP lost roughly 1% per year since 1973! Y/T’s inventiveness didn’t save Rome and its certainly not going to help the US when its not majority White and so much our efforts are spent on hostile “fellow nationals” Also our education and finance driven economy gut progress. On top of all that much progress is actively harmful. I make labor saving technology, unless that or other tech makes more jobs… Read more »

AC this is broken
AC this is broken
4 years ago

“An alternative to this analysis comes from John Michael Greer. He wrote a paper on what he termed catabolic collapse. The general theory is that all human societies create complex institutions and social structures that require maintenance. Over time, the cost of maintaining them begins to exceed capacity. ****The solution is a deliberate downsizing where these complex systems are abandoned in order to focus resources on the core functions of society***. Complex societies don’t collapse. They downsize.” —– What we’re actually seeing is the opposite of this. Those useful ‘core functions’ of society are being sacrificed to prop up the… Read more »

4 years ago

Society already has collapsed as your California example shows. Typhus, Feces on the streets, water rationing. This is like the Men v. Women versions of the Survivor shows. The women always end up in terrible shape while by the 3rd day the men have fire, structures, and systemized food gathering. So the producers typically exchange a few men and women. The women end up being taken care of but contributing little to the Men’s island, but the men are shocked when the women basically have run out of everything and are starving and the few men have to try to… Read more »

4 years ago

There is a counter to collapse. Take it back ALL OF IT. The Bolivians did it, so can we. The Left is in a terrible tizzy about all this BTW. CHRISTO-FASCIST COUP IN BOLIVIA “Although the story has yet to gain much traction in the American press, a far-right Christo-fascist group assumed power in Bolivia last week, exiling socialist President Evo Morales, the first indigenous leader of a nation whose inhabitants are two-thirds indigenous. Multi-millionaire populist leader Luis Fernando Camacho invaded the presidential palace only hours after Morales fled to Mexico. With a Bible in one hand, he vowed… Read more »

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

The Left helpfully provides the Bolivian Blueprint. There’s even an Irish RW gunman (in fairness the Irish are attracted to conflict).

Here ; the plan amidst a river of leftist tears.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Morales cancelled Bolivia’s big lithium contract with a German outfit about a week before the coup. I would love to know who actually owns that German company…I can make a good guess or two.

4 years ago

I would love it if West Civilization could keep itself glued together. My comfortable, easy and soft lifestyle depend on it. However, I believe human primordial levels of emotion will override higher levels of intelligent driven levels of cooperation/organization in a multi-cultural, multi-ethic, multi-racial, multi-linguistic, multi-traditional hodgepodge of tribal groups with nothing in common. Take for example two roughly equally sized countries S. Korea vs. Tanzania. The former has one people-language-culture and a viable economic system. The latter, 100+ languages-tribes is one of the poorest countries on earth and a complete effn $h!hole. Whether we are headed for a closer… Read more »

4 years ago

If CalPERS is not bailed out we may indeed see an abrupt mini-collapse with knock-on effects in places like Coeur d’Alene and Santa Fe and Missoula and Durango and Bend.

It’s going to be 21st Century reverse Joad-ism.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

So strange that I mentioned CalPers right above you and just saw this. Yes, a lot of out of state retirees will be belt tightening for sure. It’s so unsustainable. This state did nothing to reform its pensions. Sacramento clowns retiring by the thousand dependent on that anchor baby on WIC to feed that pension income. It’s not wonder that the Franchise Tax Board is pretty much a thug shake down operation. I don’t know one business owner who doesn’t have a second set of books.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

CalPERS will be bailed out under the guise of “retirement security” which, in fairness, will become a serious issue in the United States. The most likely vehicle will be legislation that establishes a federal pension trust with the authority to issue bonds backed by the US government. All Americans in the plan will be entitled to a minimum monthly pension. There will be a window of time in which entities can opt to surrender their pension assets to the federal pension trust which will, in turn, assume their pension liabilities. Those entities which refuse to opt in will be forced… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

I find this to be a very logical conclusion. I believe something like this will happen. The 401k scenario already happened in Argentina. The problem is you have states like Nebraska, TN and Indiana that are doing it right pension wise. Will their Senators go along with this? More likely this will be done by the Fed, as it will be an arms-length political maneuver. The big problem is that once it is done it will be a direct injection of credit into the system that will be mind boggling. Another nail in the coffin of the dollar. If this… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

It will be done by the fed right after a crash and they will guarantee to give you in bonds what the value of your pension or 401k was before the crash and everyone will be on board…Which is another good reason to have a LLC IRA where you have control of your money…

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

I need more info on such a concept. Something tells me it all winds up being simply universal income. I’ve been looking for a person like you for about 5 years. No luck until now.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Really try telling people with six figures in their 401K’s that the fed is going to take it from them and give them a pittance so to make millions of worthless state pensioners whole. You will have people taking up arms real fast and killing every Federal official and fat cat retiree they can find. Now killing off state pensioners would be a good thing since most are nasty liberals who have managed to poison every state they live in. As a Californian I’m well aware of what they did to Oregon, Seattle and NV and now Idaho. It would… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

They aren’t going to straight-up take it. They will impose a progressive, asset-based tax on your 401k assets if you choose to opt out of the penion trust program. Initially, it might be 0% for all 401k assets under $100k, then may graduate up to 2% for assets above, say $5MM. In 5 or 10 years rates will rise to something like 3%-5% for assets above $2MM or $3MM. I can already hear Elizabeth Warren screaching that you didn’t build that 401k balance yourself so it’s only fair that you make a small contribution to help fund the plan for… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Lots of folks really don’t get how the elites boil the frog. There will be no armed revolution. The middle classes just take it slowly, like they always do, for fear of losing any more of what they do have. Too much to lose, still.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

Yeah, I get it. Lots of bitter taxpayer’s moaning about public employees sitting on their fat asses doing make work jobs with their snouts in the trough. It must feel good to consign them to penury and death. Well, I am one of those public employees, with 20+ years as a prosecutor in California. There are literally hundreds of vicious, filthy felons rotting in prison who no longer victimize the public because of my work. And I paid taxes on every cent I earned and spent my paycheck at the local grocer, the barber, the auto mechanic etc. I could… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Maus, clearly you are not the surly DMV clerk or city hall paper shuffler being referenced. Many public employees do essential work. Thank you for your service.

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

(Some of us) hear ya. Loud and clear and right there with ya. Some of us spent years in the state sector in positions where we could influence minds and by working against the tide, we know that we have. 14.5% of each paycheck going into mandatory pension fund; no one but worker (no family members) covered by insurance, so that comes off the top, as well. We know exactly whereof you speak.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

No, it won’t be a federal bail-out. The parasites of Cali will go without their porridge.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

The federal deficit is > $1 trillion. The federal debt > $23 trillion. Federal unfunded liabilities are > $200 trillion. QE continues, and it becomes increasing difficult to see a way forward given the number of people who believe the economy is “good.”

Reply to  ReturnOFBestGuest
4 years ago

I laughed when I saw that the Dow had reached an historic high. I hope this will make non-elites realize how irrelevant these economic measures are to the quality of their lives.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

One thing I took to heart this week was from Henrik at Red Ice. He said something to the effect that we can’t expect folks to go from “A” to “Z” without persuading them to first make the baby-steps to “B” then “C” etc. That’s true. Listen to folks how they perceive their situation where they are. Offer them an alternative with a healthy dose of community.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Whom do you see bailing out a Cali pension fund…in the next 5 years? My point being, maybe they shouldn’t have shit on Trump because he will certainly block any such help. As will all the non-fukked states. No, there will be no joy in Muddville, where Calpers is concerned.

4 years ago

The speed of these things depends on the speed of information. Look at the time between changes- -the fall of the Romans to the Magna Carta, to the constitution, to today’s voluntaryist movement. When things go faster- – quill and parchment to printed word to the internet, change is happening exponentially faster.

While I believe collapse won’t happen the way many think, such changes will also happen faster. We exceeded the last 5,000 years of technological change in the last 200, and social change will match.

4 years ago

The “collapse of Rome” – the decline from its zenith under Marcus Aurelius to the nadir under Gregory III took six centuries.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
4 years ago

Don’t forget that the east survived, shrinking and being overrun in one place or another, for nearly another thousand years.

4 years ago

Paradise awaits us all in Whitekanda.
Go Galt if you can.
Bonne chance, mes amis

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
4 years ago

Not sure if this is OT or not, so….

Zman, how do you think racial ID intersects and interacts with class based ID? For example, someone like Obama or Holder are pure class associatives, that use race based rhetoric as camouflage. A lot of the non-elite whites seem to have had their racial affiliation ‘flipped’ somehow, so they hate their own race — while still following white leaders like baby lemmings.

4 years ago

I disagree. Sophisticated and integrated things go very fast and with loud bang. Soviet Union was complex centralized society and when one part of this complex quit then it switched off all other society mechanisms as well. Independence and decentralization is the key survival mechanism. Swamp knows this well and for example EU is built especially very integrated. Nobody dares to crash this because damage and chaos is biblical and may last for decades. So here we are like Titanic passengers. EU is too big to save and there is nowhere to run. We just keep printing money and nobody… Read more »

4 years ago

Let’s see how the malignant dwarf handles this piece from Taki ” BEN SHAPIRO’S EDITOR: “JEW-HATRED IS INHERENT IN THE EUROPEAN DNA” Josh Hammer is the extremely gay-looking Editor-at-Large of the Daily Wire, a site established by five-foot-tall surly Zionist Ben Shapiro. Like Shapiro, he has no problem talking about ethnostates and his “people” so long as they are Jewish. Also like Shapiro, he condemns the idea that white people so much as deserve a collective identity, much less their own ethnostate. Last Tuesday, Hammer tweeted the following statement: Jew-hatred is inherent in the European DNA. Ooh, let’s unpack that… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

AG Barr clarifies the political conflict.
PJ media

“ Atty General Bill Barr enunciated the anti-liberal manifesto at a speech before the Federalist Society. Barr offers an ideological explanation for the rebellion against the establishment in a way Trump, being Trump, never could. As such it is the first genuinely post-Trump political development in conservative ranks. The Barr declaration means the attempt to isolate the causes of the 2016 rebellion to one man has decisively failed. It is now a cause of it’s own, bigger than Trump.“

4 years ago

Tainter’s work is illuminating but the real analysis is in Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West”, required reading for anyone interested in this subject.

Chimp Sackless
Chimp Sackless
4 years ago

I tend to think that we are at the beginning phase (3-5years) of lone wolf snuff-jobs of propaganda whores (anyone involved in corporate media), talmudic-usurist-jewish-bolshevik lawyers/judges/politicians + their white-liberal-goyim dupes, fanatical LEOS/FLEAS and third/turd world parasites — I know – “it can’t happen here and if it could – it’s too soon…” — willing to bet your life on it? I was planning/hoping on enjoying my late 60’s and 70’s: the salad days (I’m in my mid 50’s and in pretty good shape) in somewhat relative “comfort” (more or less “leave me the f-ck alone – my sh-t’s paid for:… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Good thinking and analysis, Zman! “They downsize.” Do our Ruling Overlord also downsize the number of people?! Very concerning as this is part of the process and direction of Agenda 21. Here in the West, there are more and more government land grabs. See Range Magazine for updates. When I lived in Great Smokey Valley center of Nevada, the area briefly dodged a bullet from one of two land grabs. The Yucca Mountaun nuclear waste repository plan is on hold but no doubt will come back to life. What isn’t said is a large “border” of land will be taken… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

It’s called agenda 30 now Range😉

Jason P
Jason P
4 years ago

I solidly agree with your assessment here.

Do you follow John Michael Greer’s blog Z?

The last few weeks your posts seem to be arguing with his, from a dissident right perspective.

That’s where I’m at in regards to JMG’s ideas, so it’s been very interesting for me.

I know there’s overlap between his blog and the DR. My impression has been that people are reluctant to mention it just because of how weird a lot of the stuff he talks about is.

4 years ago

“Collapse of Complex Societies” was written about 30 years ago. In historical terms, that might as well have been yesterday, but in technological terms in 2019, it’s ancient history. I posit that what took the Roman Empire 300 years to do (collapse), the US empire will do in 30. When that 30-year period started is anyone’s guess, but I believe we’re well into it. The US empire was propped up for longer than it otherwise would have been by having the world’s reserve currency and control of the petro-dollar. These two factors allowed the US to create as much money… Read more »

4 years ago

We cannot just ‘cut our losses’, because there is no where else to go.

4 years ago

>The dominant culture today is one that celebrates degeneracy and barbarism.

And the accompanying ass twerk is like a death rattle!

4 years ago

With this overcrowding of people, dependency on ” just-in-time delivery ” and the growing animosity towards one another it’s not hard to see why people might predict a collapse.

Along with the Deep state jamming these ridiculous laws down our throats they seem to be encouraging the whole thing towards a boiling point.

Most likely coming in after the collapse like saviors and installing even a more Draconian state. Will be interesting to see what the Brown horde does. Will they continue to be obedient or turn on their Puppet Masters ?

4 years ago

OT: Article about Fuentes and the Groypers in a mainstream outlet:

Conservatives seek to stifle new ‘alt-right’ movement steeped in anti-Semitism

Reply to  Ripple
4 years ago

Nick is in a difficult position because his defenses rest upon semantics.

He is charged with being racist and anti-semitic. His channel shows that he believes in racial differences and doubts the logistics of the holocaust. To most people, these beliefs make you a racist and and an anti-semitite.

Certainly, you can believe in racial differences and not hate non-whites and you can doubt the holocaust without hating j3ws. But others have tried and failed with this tactic before.

He also pivoted to making Christianity his foundation. I am not hopeful that this pivot will succeed.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Are Fuentes and Co. actually converting anybody, or are they only providing giggles for themselves and those who already agree with them?

Reply to  Lorenzo
4 years ago

They’re definitely converting people. I’ve seen thousands of them so far.

4 years ago

Pittsburgh Catholic adoption agency closes – same as Boston.
And now I hate the fags.
This is happening all over.

I can safely hate the fags because they’re safe to hate. Not a serious opponent, so they can be safely hated.
Normally emotions are a mistake.

Reply to  vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉
4 years ago

Thanks for the link. Do they really want to adopt a child or do they have a bigger agenda? G-dam them! They are patently evil!

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  ProUSA
4 years ago

Well in this case they were never once even approached by a same sex couple requesting adoption.
The legislature pandered in advance.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Very good analysis. We get up and turn on the news to see the clown show staring at us and assume we are nearing the end. But as Winston Churchill said it may only be the “end of the beginning”
Of course little did Churchill realize his British Empire was also going to end with the German government.
Look at a stock on Wall Street on its way down in decline It’s usually not straight down but down then up a little then down some more, never returning to previous heights.
The Z is probably right.

4 years ago

If it all goes to shit and we have a civil war, the world will invade. Look at Africa, Europeans created the borders without regard to ethnic composition. Nations are born in genocide and war. Africa skipped that step and any attempt to correct their borders (boko haram, Rwanda, etc.), has been stopped by Western powers. The same will be true of America. The nation will fragment but Europe, China, the UN, Mexico and Canada will freeze the battle lines to ensure ethnic conflict continues. And to secure mineral wealth for their corporations. Wven after that we’ll “need more workers”… Read more »

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Well I think if we go, those governments are going to be focused on keeping their populations from rising up also…Their economy is going to be crashing as well since everything is so interconnected… Nothing happens in a vacuum…

Rio Grande
Rio Grande
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Europe didn’t stop the genocide in Rwanada.

Your second paragraph reads like the idiot musings of a 14 year old socialist/conspiracy theorist. As does the first.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Rio Grande
4 years ago

Rwanda has been booming after the genocide and is now the most dynamic economy in Africa. It makes me wonder if God likes genocide and considers it to be a natural part of the human experience. Who can do nihilism better than God?

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

By what standard? I loathe the GDP people more than you can possibly imagine, but I can’t locate a single metric score from Africa where Rwanda is in the economic top five.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I’m just spitballing here, but if Rwanda is indeed booming post genocide, could this be because of Western guilt leading to an excess of investment, outright subsidies, or at least highly favorable trade deals?

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

I would actively support a full-blown Chinese takeover of the United States. We’re already governed by (((foreign elites))) who detest us. At least Chinese elites would reverse our cultural decline into degeneracy and would put an end to importing third-world morons. Murdoch Murdoch already nailed this: Sadly, I don’t believe we’ll be so fortunate. America has relatively little mineral wealth. The reality is that 20% of the population of the US generates 80% of the economic output, and that output is largely based on the intellectual capacity of the top 20%. A colonial takeover of the US would sideline… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

Actually it would be better being second place to the Chinese then fourth place behind Africans Mexicans and Jews

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

That’s precisely the point of comedy made in the video, and it’s funny because it’s true. Most whites, and certainly most white men, would fare better under Han Chinese rule than under the thumb of the multicultural mulatto mafia.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

That was probably the best episode of MM ever (their newest one, mocking King Nick, is WigNat trash but that’s another story).

The Chinese aren’t big on military conquest, but they love economic domination. They’ve fully colonized Vancouver and are now snapping up everything worthwhile in Orange County.

One plus is that the Chinese do value aesthetics, so the beautiful places along the Pacific Coast should be protected and not turned into Mestizo toilets as the interior will be.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

You have to be joking. We’re less than human in their eyes and maybe if we are lucky our women will end up as their sex slaves and we males get stuffed in their slave labor run factories.

Reply to  Guest
4 years ago

1. “support a full-blown Chinese takeover of the United States” 2. “One plus is that the Chinese do value aesthetics, so the beautiful places along the Pacific Coast should be protected” 3. “We’re less than human in their eyes and maybe if we are lucky our women will end up as their sex slaves” Regarding 1) see my earlier comment above about how the Chinese view the peoples of the world: Anyone not Chinese (i.e. Han) is at best a contemptible barbarian unworthy of true respect. Except Africans, who are subhuman and not even barbarians. As to 2) while the… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

The Chinese would not be any worse than our current foreign occupiers and would probably be better.

And they don’t claim that our Savior is boiling in shit.

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Europe won’t do anything. It’s an aging country that lacks the will to enforce anything. The young are needed to maintain empire; Europe no longer has the sufficient young people

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Sameguy
4 years ago

As I noted earlier the median age in Germany is 4 years older than our oldest State (Maine) Upside we won’t have the troops soon enough. Our fertility rate per woman of childbearing age, regardless of race is the lowest level ever in US history Also a great many of the young people simply can’t qualify. 71 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds (the military’s target pool of potential recruits) are disqualified from the minute they enter a recruiting station H/T American Conservative This will get worse and of those who serve, many aren’t loyal , have ulterior motivations (no record but want… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

I see the opposite. What we have is a free shit invasion. When the free shit ends they will be more likely to return to their tropical environs rather than continue coming here. Half of Africa’s problem is that a complete moron can still pick a banana from a tree and never get frost bite.

4 years ago

All human organizations tend toward the Tower of Babel.

The 1787 Constitution is an attempt to beat the rap.

Progressivism is an unwinding of the feedback loops that kept the Tower in check.

The Convention of States is about the only thing in view that has the potential to unwind the Progressive unwinding.

Reply to  smitty
4 years ago

The Convention of States, eh? When the Jewish delegate from New York and the transgender delegate from California team up with all the other prog delegates to add the Right to Gender Confirmation to the glorious new Constitution, what will you do then?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

You still need 2/3rds of states to agree on anything to go forward. That’s a tall order. I don’t see Wyoming and Alabama liking what they would propose.

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

I don’t see 2/3rds of the states liking anything anyone proposes.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

You kick them into a deep pit like Leonidas.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Then you cease to have a Convention of States and have a revolution, or a civil war. NTTAWWT

Bob Lee
Bob Lee
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Well, that’s just two states that express a weird view in public. One state, one vote. As a fading CIVNAT I have some modest hope for the Convention of States process. I do ‘red team’ that convention process to guess the ways that those who are in charge now will fiddle with the convention to see that they stay in charge. Hope springs eternal. Maybe we just can’t vote ourselves out of this demographic, globalism/consumer, non-spiritual societal mess. In the 1700s and 1800s, Europeans couldn’t vote to fix their messes of interminable war and public strife, they migrated away to… Read more »

Reply to  smitty
4 years ago

A Convention of States would be a nightmare. I’m sure the Left already has several strategies ready to go to derail and co opt it. Once it gets thrown open, anything is fair game. (Think repealing the 2nd Amendment or others in the Bill of Rights) The only real options we have are some form of withdrawl from the present system, a variation of the Benedict option on a super local level, or a larger level if you have the right people organizing it.