No More Weirdos

A couple of weeks back, National Review was doing one of its ritual denunciations of the Four Bads. Those are the things our betters have declared to be the worst things possible for anyone to allow into their minds. They are racism, sexism, homophobism and, of course antisemitism. These are the mortal sins of the current age. Someone calling himself Zachery Evans posted this column about the alleged rise in antisemitism in Brooklyn. Supposedly it is on the rise over the last year.

Now, it has to be mentioned that the writer is not an American. He is an Israeli whose bio states he is a “veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces and a trained violist.” It’s hard not to suspect that this person is a Hasbara operative. His lack of a social media presence is a bit suspicious. That and these writers go heavy on the networking, hoping to climb the media ladder. This guy is probably on the payroll of a pro-Israel, white box content operation that places material in sites like NRO.

Putting that aside, the column comes with a picture of a young fellow in the typical outfit of the super-orthodox Jews. They dress a lot like the Amish, except for the long curls of hair and the tassels. There are variations on the costumes. Some wear enormous fur cylinders on their heads. Others wear different headgear. Presumably these things all have meaning inside the cult. These outfits are both a tradition and a way to separate themselves from everyone else.

The use of costumes as a form of self-ghettoization is not exclusive to the super-orthodox Jews. Black American cults have used the uniform as a form of separation from the main. The Black Panthers are the most obvious example. The Nation of Islam and their bow ties are another. The Black Hebrew Israelites, who have been in the news of late, dress in white robes and white head dresses. The point of these outfits is both recognition and separation. They are not us.

Now, the article itself is reasonable about the harassment of these super-orthodox Jews in Brooklyn. The media likes to say it is due to white nationalism or the rise of the KKK or something, but that’s insane nonsense. The real issue, one the writer alludes to in his piece, is the local blacks and now the imported Muslims. Blacks have never liked Jews in general and they really don’t like the ones in funny outfits. They see these people as just another gang, one they can easily push around.

Then there are the imported Muslims. Since 9/11, the United States has responded to the threat of Islamic terrorism by scouring the earth for Muslims of every sort to import into the country. The theory is that by importing tens of millions of Muslims from places the American military has bombed for decades, the miasma that is causing Muslims to commit terrorism will dissipate. It’s lunacy, but the result is places like New York City suddenly have a new class of weird foreigner.

Inevitably, these various weirdos, imported and domestic, will not only agitate against the main, but begin to attack one another. The old rule of diversity plus proximity equaling violence is what you see in that NR story. It is one non-white tribe of outsiders attacking a different tribe of outsiders. The only role white people play in this at all is in the madness of importing these people into the country. Otherwise, this problem is not a white people problem. It is a diversity problem.

A fundamental axiom of group dynamics is that you get rid of the people who cause disharmony in the group. The people who stir up trouble, don’t fit in or simply cannot behave themselves, are removed. This leaves the like-minded to get along with one another with the minimum of friction. In the current age, this has been turned on its head so the opposite is the goal. Our rulers import weirdos from all over the globe and put them in close proximity with us and one another.

If one were to sum up the demands of the populists in every country of the West, it would be “no more weirdos.” If every mainstream political party of the West, even just one major party in each country, embraced this simple dictum, most of the populist unrest would subside. The native populations are simply tired of having to make excuses and accommodations for the foreign weirdos. People are simply exhausted from having to tolerate these people and their weirdness.

Think about it. Imagine if these fur cylinder guys were packed up and sent back to Eastern Europe of Israel. On a different plane were the various brands of Islam imported over the last decades. That alone would make the tri-state area more livable for actual Americans. No more disputes with the orthodox Jews trying to take over local neighborhoods. No more Muslims trying to blow themselves up in public. Two big problems would go away for the people of the region.

It’s not that these people are hated. Most Americans have no idea why the orthodox walk around with giant fur cylinders on their heads. They don’t understand anything about Islam. They don’t want to know. They should not have to know. These are foreign to a Western nation in general and very foreign to America in particular. There is no reason to have these foreign people here. They are weird and they will never fit in with the rest of us. It is immoral to demand we accommodate them.

That is what makes the simplicity of the “no more weirdos” idea so beautiful. It does not tax anyone, by requiring anything from them. They are free to be themselves, in all their weirdness, just not here around us. If the fur cylinder guys want to parade around Tel Aviv, best of luck to them. If Mohamed wants to pray in public, let him do that in a Muslim land. If Mr. Abdillahi wants to do whatever it is, he does in Somali, as long as he does it in Somalia and not Maine, no one needs to care.

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Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Normal everyday Americans generally don’t like the weirdos, but they can’t even entertain the thought of sending them back. A conversation about that makes them uncomfortable. They think America is supposed to import people from all over the world. “That’s what America is about—a Nation of Immigrants!” They’re very uninformed about our immigration history, such as 1965, 1924, Naturalization Act of 1790 and all the rest of it.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

What normies are mostly uninformed about is how smoothly the great immigration went. It was rocky, with different ethnicities in close quarters often at odds with each other. And, it should be said that the vast majority came from European, Christian societies, and even at that there was much friction. In addition, no welfare state! Not to mention that about 1/3 of the people that came here between 1870 and 1925 went home. No one goes home to stay today!

BTW- much of this misinformation is spread by us History teachers!

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ganderson
4 years ago

Great point. The Northern European-descended people and the new imports from Southern and Eastern Europe and Ireland were significantly different enough to cause conflict. But those differences are virtually nothing compared to our new imports, the Somalians, Pakistanis, and Guatemalans et al, who can’t be more ill-suited to live in Western Civilization. Yet you still hear nonsense like “that’s what they said about the Irish,” when you complain about our new 3rd World imports.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Some Norwegians, like Lindsey Vonn, never assimilated…
comment image

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Lindsey’s from Minnesota, one of those high-trust, welcoming Scandinavians. “Minnesota Nice.” Or should it be “Minnesota Naive?”

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Minnesota Naive

Reply to  beau
4 years ago

Minnesota Mudshark. Totally brainwashed, now ruined.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

There’s a Zulu-Valkyrie couple-poster plastered all over every bus and tram in Norway, some shill for the transit services to the effect of “this is Norway.” Fortunately, I saw comparatively few real-life versions of this. My sample of Norwegians is going to tend toward Based, of course, but most of them derided Upper MW Scandis as cucks during my Yule carousing.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

this is her third (that I know of) charcoal briquet .

bart simpsonson
bart simpsonson
Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Serial, as it were. Another example is the KarGASHian skanks…….

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

That’s absolutely disgusting.

Nicholas Digger, Sr.
Nicholas Digger, Sr.
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

It’s revolting to look at that photo, and it reminds me of a song by David Allan Coe: “Nigger Fucker”

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

How in your twisted irrationality do you equate Irish with /southern and Eastern Europeans!. Doubtless you are some homophilic cuck of the Bohemian turnip pediatric Saxe-Gotha-Cobergs. While you worry about your superiors, the Irish, your women and girls are being sodomized and degraded by the swarthy Muslims you’ve so submissively given your ur country to

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

When I was an undergrad, we had a few Vietnamese refugees in the dorm. All nice guys, but straight of the boat—so to speak. One day we had a complaint about cooking in the room. Went up and the two Vietnamese we had put together were cleaning and cooking pigeons over an hibachi grill. Seems they wanted to make their food allowance stretch and would go out with home made blow guns and kill pigeons under the stadium. Welcome to the third world.

Reply to  Ganderson
4 years ago

Normies don’t even understand the roots of the nation they live in – even though they yell “Constitution!!” at every turn. Hell – they don’t even understand why the nation is named United STATES. The 13 colonies were pretty much distinct nations unto themselves. The founders understood this – and the Constitution that was crafted was forced to take this into account. That’s the root of where all the SJW bitching about slavery and “blacks were 3/5 of a person!!” comes from. Massachusetts – as what amounts to a separate nation – couldn’t dictate terms to Georgia. “Separation” was a… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Send them back? Here’s a couple of stories where our govt brought back previously deported, convicted, non-citizen drug-dealers and made them citizens. In 2019. MAGA!

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

What they are uncomfortable with = they will acquiesce to…

Yes. As long as they don’t have to do the dirty work. That’s why they’re uncomfortable.

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

When they try to justify our insane, suicidal (and externally imposed) immigration policies by quoting Magic Statue Poem and saying “that’s our tradition, these are our values” remind them very bluntly that Magic Statue Poem was written by a wealthy slave-owning Jew. (Well technically an heiress to a Jewish fortune built on slavery, but the point stands. She didn’t give her Jewish millions back to any Africans, so there you are.) Yep, I am quite sure that nobody understands America better, or has a better right to speak for the spirit of America, than a foreign hostile Asiatic Tribe who… Read more »

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Yes, and the notion that my ancestors who came to this land in the 16th and 17th century were “immigrants” is absurd and ridiculous. Equating them to the hordes of brown people flooding here in the current year is insulting, to say the least. But too many of my people are deluded and lost. As so here we are.

Reply to  Duke Norfolk
4 years ago

My ancestors were explorers, pioneers and conqueres not immigrants/migrants.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

Normies are imbued with IKAGO (I know a good one) and that seems to be their basis for such decisions. Christmas with the brother-in-law was such an example. He continued to bring such examples up. Usually a fellow at work or a guy he goes off roading with. I finally lost it as he wasn’t listening to the studies I’d cite, but rather countering with anecdotal experience. Finally, I got his attention and asked, “Just how many of these minorities have you interacted with—a dozen, two dozen, less than a hundred?” He paused, and thought and then said, “Definitely less… Read more »

george 1
george 1
4 years ago

Trump recently signed an executive order allowing states to decline refugees being settled in their states. So far none of the Governors in Red States have taken him up on the deal. In fact, a few of them have made a big deal about not taking the deal.

The Governor of Kentucky announced proudly that “refugees are welcome in Kentucky”. He is not alone. In all probability none of the Red States will decline the invasion.

Happy suicide!!

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

Traitors need to start being treated as such.

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

They’re just doing what their cheap-labor hungry donors want. The fact that the imports are a net drain on society doesn’t bother them in the least.

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago


Hopefully we’ll vote out the posturing Dem presently trying to impose this ruin on Montana.

Reply to  Reziac
4 years ago

Rez, TN is high on my relocation list so I hope they boot that idiot soon.

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

George, it’s hard to overcome plutocrat bribery.

Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

Trump keeps doing things that expose how bought off the politicians of all stripes actually are. A series of accidents, or a grand plan, or some of each? In the end, it doesn’t matter, and the growing realization as individuals see it for themselves, one by one, is delicious to watch.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  george 1
4 years ago

Just wrote Utah Governor Gary Herbert a scathing email saying No More “Refugees” imported to Utah. This is the open borders globalists Mittens Romney and his cronies making a buck. They don’t care if they flip the state.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

That VDare article is great, which includes a current list of the traitors. I’m amazed that my governor has not sacrificed us yet.

“My theory is that for many (if not most) Republican politicians, political victory is not the goal. The goal is what comes after a career in politics, namely a job on a corporate board or as a lobbyist.”

Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

To me, multiculturalism is just the the Left’s newest murder machine after communism. Crafted by the same people, with the same purpose.

Communism killed 100 million people. To me, the only open question about multiculturalism is: will multiculturalism kill more or less than that?

Except for the fanatics, people now know that communism doesn’t work. And in 100 years, most people will know that multiculturalism doesn’t work. But I feel like that lesson lies on the other side of a huge mountain of corpses.

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

Absolutely. There has been no genetic mutation in the last 100 years so communist is still communist and immigration is the new Red Army. They even do not hide it. I always wondered, why after 100 million deaths, people in the West call them “snowflakes” . Lot of Eastern Europeans think that senator McCarthy was the greatest American ever lived. He understood the white liberal communist problem and fought back alone. One god advise also. There were no public schools or TV in the 1789 France or in the 1917 in Russia. So forget popular myth like brainwashing or culture.… Read more »

Reply to  Sperg Adjacent
4 years ago

It is not “the Left.” It is not “Communism.” It is a specific ethnic group attacking another ethnic group aided by a mercenary army of white traitors.

Raymond R
4 years ago

Bringing in the weirdos is one way for the Cloud People to show their contempt for the rest of us

4 years ago

It seems crazy to look forward to Balkanization but I am!

I went into a pet store yesterday and the person helping me was I’m not sure what. Covered in tattoos, white, I’m pretty sure it was a female but it had a beard and a deep voice so I’m thinking there hormones or a transition going on there which means some sort of profound mental illness. Speaking of weirdos that need help or Institution or in other words separation away from us….

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

In the darkness of diversity, urban white weirdos have spring up like fungi. This is the other side of inviting weirdos to live among us. The perversion of “tolerance”, destruction of beauty, and demonization and subversion of normal white culture leads to all kinds of self-destructive impulses. The movement to erase all whiteness, but for the evil boogeyman, too often includes a race toward weirdness among our youth. Its understandable. Embracing weird and mixing among the global circus clowns is a kind of baptism of Progress. This is the utopian future they have been told is righteous. And inevitable. So… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Ya it’s freaky to see what younger urban whites are doing. All kind of trendy stuff I don’t understand. Basically the high t whites are into hookup culture; destroying women and giving themselves STDs, and the low t whites are into weirder alt culture stuff. Seems like normal people (like me) are the freaks but I’m not convinced that’s true. Balance in lifestyle has completely gone out the window. I don’t really see anything wrong with some fun at the club or artsy stuff but urban whites, devoid of culture or personality, launch headfirst pathologically into whatever “community” is inviting… Read more »

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

“Ya it’s freaky to see what younger urban whites are doing.”

And, of course, it’s bleeding into the rural whites as well. Tatoos are increasingly frequent among this set. And piercings, etc. It’s depressing to this 56 yo man who has watched it slowly overtake us and been ignored in his objections all along the way.

Reply to  whitney
4 years ago

Bring back the stocks!

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

In the age of diversity, you’re going to see more and more weirdos and fewer normals as everyone decides to self-ghettoize to escape the nihilism of mainstream culture if things don’t collapse, and for basic survival if it does. As the imperial machinery continues to falter, they’re going to have a harder time subverting and absorbing the new tribes and institutions that are going to crop up. The future will probably look like the Phyles in Neal Stephenson’s Diamond Age that will self-segregate based on shared values, ethnicity, or common religion. These societies will find a way to trade with… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

We will not be allowed our own communities like those of the Orthodox Jews. That will be seen s too much of a threat. Besides one of the unwritten laws of our woke land is that everyone has a right to live among whites and blame the whites for all the shortcomings in their lives. Section 8, government lawsuits,forced settling of invaders, banishing from financial platforms, and media shaming /doxing campaigns are just some of the tactics already being employed to destroy any semblance of a traditional space especially if it is white. Even the boy scouts couldn’t stay heterosexual… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  My_Comment
4 years ago

We won’t be allowed anything.

We have to take and hold it, and not with lawyers or politicians.

Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
Reply to  My_Comment
4 years ago

Most orthodox Jews in Israel are pro white

I’m on your side

A white nationalist sympathiser if you will

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

The future will look like 1865.
Or 1933.
Make sure we’re on top.

4 years ago

This Star Wars Cantina of International Wierdos are just the underbosses in the lower levels of the game.

Never take your eyes off who the final boss at the end of the game is.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Shang T’shlomo FTW. Finish him, fam.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

comment image

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

Could everyone please stop using the fake word “gay” for homosexuals? It’s a perfectly serviceable word for people having a good time. Mortality tables, disease vectors, suicides and other statistics tell us homosexuals aren’t (although NAHALT). Let’s respect our language: The word “gay” for homosexuals is propaganda; it was imposed by their lobby starting in the early 1970’s.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Yep, Globohomo, sounds better than Globogay anyway.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Your post reminds me of two other linguistic victories by our enemies.

“Affirmative action” instead of ‘racial discrimination against whites” is an amazing verbal sleight of hand.

“Anti-Semitism” conceals the population in question in a crowd of Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians and Phoenicians.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

‘Degenerate’ is a cromulent epithet.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

“The Good Ole Song” at the University of Virginia dates back to around 1895. The football fans sing the song after every UVA touchdown. In part the lyrics are: “We come from old Virginia, where all is bright and gay, Let’s all join hands and give a yell for the dear old UVA.” After the word “gay,” thousands of fans will chant “Not Gay.” This infuriates the cultural Marxists who run the University. Lately, they have started a propaganda campaign to tamp down on this spontaneous outburst of truth. Before the game, on the jumbotron screen, they run a series… Read more »

Reply to  Homer
4 years ago

Flintstones: We’ll have a gay old time

Deck the Halls: Don we now our gay apparel

Reply to  Homer
4 years ago

Eventually students will be id’d with facial recognition tech and hauled before kangaroo courts for heresy. Non- students will be banned and trespassed from the stadium.

The Babe
The Babe
4 years ago

Reminds me of the Balkan mess throughout the 20th century. When borders don’t match ethnic nations–when you’ve got two ethnies within one country, or one ethny across two countries–you’re in for a disaster.

The nightmare thing is, the leftists are deliberately trying to recreate the conditions that led to World War I. Only psychopaths would do something like that.

The key is borders. The recipe for peace is: one ethny per bordered country. But They don’t want peace. That’s why destroying borders is one of their top priorities.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Those psychopaths worry that somehow, somewhere, we are living happy lives in safe spaces, and that just can’t be allowed. Kind of like Cindy Lou Who in the Grinch story. (When you watch that thing, written by a Jew by the way, with a Noticing eye, all sorts of creepy stuff simply jumps off the screen at you. It’s like the flip side of the Peanuts Christmas story, which simply and naively walks through its paces spouting the old school White kid version of things).

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Slightly on topic, but one time when I was driving through Michigan I saw a Arab-Muslim guy pull over on the highway berm and whip out his prayer mat. I thought he was facing the wrong direction, but then again the earth is round so I suppose it doesn’t really matter.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

When they colonize Mars how will they orient the prayer mats I wonder?

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Merfolk
4 years ago

Are you proposing shipping them to Mars? Mars for Muslims?

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

At this point Whites should hitch a ride to Mars with the Chinese and let the Blacks drown on this rapidly heating ball.

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

My guess about the next 50 years is that America spends the whole time arguing about whether manned spaceflights should restart with a black trannie or a gender fluid quadriplegic while the Chinese and Russians divide up the solar system.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
4 years ago

Slightly less on topic, but from the PM file of “Hilarious Sh*t I’ve Witnessed in My Travels”… so read if you like. I spent a six month stint in Saudi Arabia in the 90’s. They had two sets of “law enforcement” at that time (perhaps still do) whose police vehicles were marked differently… blue for legal enforcement and green squad cars for religious enforcement. What the blue car driving guys did, I have no idea because traffic enforcement was non-existent and all the civilian men drove at top speed with the im’sh’Allah attitude that if Allah wanted them to get… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

What makes one think that the sharia police will stop at enforcing their “law” on only their co-religionists? With enough momentum they’ll start beating on anyone failing to pray. Though I suppose one might be able to skate out by showing their receipt for having paid their jizya, thereby acknowledging their inferior status as a “protected” kafir.

I don’t want to see ANYONE beaten by the religious police, because I don’t want ANY religious police to exist anywhere, but especially not in MY country.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Lighten up Mike, it’s a funny story… at least I thought so. Then again I have a soldier’s gallows humor.

They shouldn’t be here at all, and that may work itself out in the long run. If they aren’t returned to their proper place under the sun… I for one would like to see them try that here, in rural America. Then the entertainment would be circa AD 1150 and we’ll bring more than popcorn.

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

How come the religious cops weren’t busy getting their own mats out?

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago


Good question. Don’t know. Maybe shiny badges grant special exemptions there too. I was all of 20 and too busy laughing. If it works for them there… who am I to judge?

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

So Vizz…do the religious police in your neck of the woods measure the rattlesnakes you guys dance around with on Sundays?

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

That was so damn funny. I think I woke the family with my laughing. Thank you.

4 years ago

If all we had to deal with were the weirdos who present themselves as “other,” we wouldn’t have much of a problem. Any sane, reasonable white person looks at the misfit majority of Moslems, Jews, and Africans, and wonders why they have to be here. The bigger problem is the members of these groups who assimilate and therefore legitimize race-blind civic nationalism. How do we get normal whites to see the suit-and-tie weirdos as equally if not more damaging to the country?

Reply to  Armin
4 years ago

The only reliable way I know of to break that conditioning is to experience the consequences of average diversity and not the functional fifth.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

“Wise men learn from their mistakes, wiser men learn from the mistakes of others”.

If only our rulers were wiser, rather than ego masturbating virtue signalers educated beyond their hat size.

My theory of our rulers behavior: 1. moslem oil money supporting pols and educators 2. divisiveness and keeping the peasants under control 3. eco fascist nihilistic urge for population reduction and ‘war powers ‘ for govt. (crowded city dwellers naturally hate the crowds) 4. idiot ideologies, which are more a cover for greed than a motive force themselves.

~”Selfishness and stupidity are the motive force of history”.

Reality Check
Reality Check
Reply to  Armin
4 years ago

People need to be taught the difference between micro and macro. That would go a long way….

4 years ago

When do we get to the point that it’s worth sacrificing everything to speak out? Your job; your family; your very freedom, if the fellow in Iowa is any evidence. Not yet, despite the clear threat to our future. So we will never speak out. We will secede. The Mountain West beckons.

Reply to  Lamar
4 years ago

As long as your idea of the ‘mountain west’ doesn’t include Colorado. Nil Sine Numine (nothing without the deity) is now “nothing without Progress”.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Beachheads can be pushed back into the depths from whence they came. CO will be the Dunkirk of the Soros minions.

4 years ago

Drudge ran a story today about antisemetic hate crimes in NYC. The story, here: ( ) reports that this guy: was one of the men who committed one of the “hate-crimes” Of course, they made sure there were no pictures of the assailant or descriptions. Just one set of vibrants against another. Of course all of this kvetching is about 5 alleged hate-incidents. Blacks commit over 10 thousand felony crimes against whites every single week. Over a 1000 a day. Some, even most of this is just black dysfunction, but there are certainly more than 5 hate crimes… Read more »

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

The latest joke around here is Red Bill De Blasio’s formation of a NYPD “white supremacist task force”. Now I recall there was one murder a few years ago by some sort of proto-Klan guy that drove to NYC just so he could kill a black. But otherwise the days of the Irish kids in Bay Ridge or Howard Beach beating the crap out of minorities that wandered into the neighborhood are over. Instead, every one of these crimes turns out to be vibrant on weird. All the alleged white on vibrant hate crimes I recall have turned out to… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
4 years ago

When I first saw the photo of the Muslim guy in NYC, driving a car painted up like the NYPD, community patrolling to enforce sharia law, I thought it was a bad joke. But it’s a real thing. Jeez.

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

The clumsy but sadly effective media propaganda coming out of fakenews networks about the rising anti-semitism is one of the more egregious lies of late. The efforts to link the ghost of the kkk to some funny hats getting beat down by local youths lol should be evidence enough for normies to see that anti-white hate is fully entrenched in the system. Same goes for all the gentrification propaganda. The silver lining of the media’s increasingly clumsy and stupid antics is that the strings are getting easier to see for even the sleepiest of consumers. Burying the lede is old… Read more »

Reality Check
Reality Check
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Steve Sailor, Mark Dice…

Reply to  Tars_Tarkusz
4 years ago

The only story that Drudge will promote more than a pro-tranny story is a story of anti-semitism.

4 years ago

Unfortunately, part of the catechism of the woke is that the weird have a right to be here — even moreso than the original inhabitants. They’ll just add weirdophobic to the list of unpardonable sins.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Too late. The country will be majority minority in a few decades. Quite soon, we will be the weirdos.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

A minor quibble, but the country will be majority minority within one decade or less. We will see fifty million enter first year following federal government proclamation of open borders and god knows the mayhem to follow that. Yes, the feds and states will be completely overwhelmed, but they are overwhelmed today yet still espouse the importation of additional weirdos.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The point of importing weirdos is that they sow disharmony. Of course, earlier weirdos have helped engineer such importations. There’s some karma here as a result. The upside is something that cannot go on forever will stop. In this instance, the first brake will be that earlier and increasingly skittish foreign group. Those largely blended weirdos are already on the ropes and a post-Trump nationalist leader without his family baggage will not take directions from them. In fact, much of the madness we witness today is this highly influential out-group’s realization it increasingly is irrelevant and the long-due upcommance draws… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Of course, earlier weirdos have helped engineer such importations.

Lots of normies like to talk about the Irish, Italian and Jewish immigrants and say “But see? They turned out to be normal Americans!”

But did they? They brought organized crime at levels never seen in the US before. The Mafia is still a problem. The main authors and proponents of the Immigration Act of 1965 were children of Irish and Jewish immigrants.

They changed the national character, and not for the better.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I’m not in agreement with many here on the general outlines of the JQ, but the Irish and especially the Jews were well represented in organized crime. Meyer Lansky was perhaps the most powerful mobster in America between 1940 and 1970.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The Irish also became police, firefighters, soldiers, patriots.
The Irish hierarchy and church hierarchy went full assimilation machine.

Most of the others prior to probably the 1970s at the earliest did as well.
Don’t assimilate is 1960s idea forward that doesn’t become broad policy until 1980s. People keep projecting now onto then.


The Irish also brought us machine politics and as much street violence as the Italians. I’m half-Mick myself but let’s not sugar-coat this.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

And let’s not forget Teddy Kennedy and the other rapists of his family.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I can imagine what the other half is, Exile.


“The irish became police, firefighters, soldiers.” The police are not your friends, and have not been since as long as ive been alive. At best, they have no obligation or intention of helping you. Having a ready pool of people to this day who look like us fill the stormtrooper slots for the cloudpeople’s enforcers is a bug, not feature. Actual fires in the US have been on a steeply declining trajectory since W T Sherman (an irishman) retired. Firemen are now primarily a welfare system to provide free taxpayer emergency health care to the homeless. Again, no thanks, not… Read more »

Mike Ricci
Mike Ricci
Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

You’re making rednecks look bad with this stupid take.

Reply to  Mike Ricci
4 years ago

I’m a Georgia Cracker and a cop. You must be from the big city, because here in south Georgia cops are your best friends when folks like us are experiencing diversity first hand… Painting with a broadband ain’t ya?

Reply to  Educated.redneck
4 years ago

Yup.Tax parasites all.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The FBI says the perp was an Italian anarchist.

The bastard killed a horse, too.

D.L. Doctorow wrote the excellent book RAGTIME about this wild time in our history.

James O'Meara
James O'Meara
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Sen. Gearey’s character arc in Godfather II, from “I despise you and your whole fucking family” to singing the praises of Italian immigrants at the Senate crime committee hearing is XXth century America in a nutshell.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  James O'Meara
4 years ago

True when “The Godfather” was released in 1972. Now it would be the senator’s grandson railing against the Papists and Jews who betrayed his grandfather, and that would be meant as a slap. We’ll likely have our first Dissident Right film release in the next year or two, and the attempts to suppress it will be lit AF.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

From “The Revolution Was (1938)” … by Garet Garrett : “It took off from a revolutionary base. The design was European. Regarded from the point of view of revolutionary technique, it made perfect sense. Its meaning was revolutionary and it had no other. For what it meant to do, it was from the beginning consistent in principle, resourceful, intelligent, masterly in workmanship, and it made not one mistake. ” He’s talking about how the FDR administration went thru the form of the government and changed it out for the function of a proto-communist one. He’s pointing out that the… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

A www, Vizz…you’re just pissed off at the Irish because they kicked your tapeworm hosting, illiterate, inbred hillbilly confederate ancestors’ ass during the CW. As for fat Teddy Kennedy, he is far from exemplifying the Irish race and their manifold contributions to this great country.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Where I live it’s heavily German. They brought us beer, chocolate, pretzels and sauerkraut. So diabetes, basically. And well-kept properties. And an extreme distrust of outsiders.

On the bad side, a simmering, gritted-teeth silence that eventually boils over in potentially uncivilized ways. Wish they’d speak up.

4 years ago

I’m not sure whether people understand or not that America is no longer America once the white people move out. Sure, the people who move in benefit from the taxes and laws for a while but the community, traditions, trust and sense of purpose are gone. I laugh at the imports who claim that things will be great once the white people are gone. At least the parents of the imports dealt with the horrors of the third world. Their smug children are wholly unprepared for life in New Haiti or New New Delhi. Even more bizarre is that white… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I work with some middle class blacks and the subject of movies entertainment came up this holiday season. Several of the blacks were watching HBO’s the Watchman where “white supremists” are the evil villains. Also the Tulsa race riots seem to be big in black folklore right now. Pitched by the media of course. The point is the leftist usual suspects promoting various “weirdness” now have complete control of most of the entertainment coming out of Hollywood. The plot of this show Watchman makes no sense except it’s anti white. White male villains seems to be the most important thing… Read more »

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Was there a “24” series, ever, in which the Bad People did not turn out to be evil white men (man)?

Vegan Shark
Vegan Shark
Reply to  Daniel K Day
4 years ago

Has there been a movie or TV show in the past 30 years with a black villain, unless he was neutralized by a Magic Negro?

Has there been a movie or TV show since 9/11 with a Mohammedan villain, unless he was neutralized by a Loyal, Upstanding Mohammedan?

Dissidents urgently need their own media.

Reply to  Vegan Shark
4 years ago

I was shocked that the teen drama series The Greenhouse Academy had a Black villain and mostly White protagonists the first season. There were also no LGBT characters at all. Somebody slipped up on their indoctrination quotas. It’s still a terrible, pozzed show, though.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Watch the numbers. As blacks become a smaller minority, the adjustments will be made as to their status as oppressor or oppressed. The upside is White America is tuning out the (((pop culture))).

Reply to  Vegan Shark
4 years ago

Training Day. Black bad cop neutralized by white good cop. Also the first Kingsman movie, which in addition to Samuel L. Jackson’s evil genius being dispatched by white secret agents, featured an obvious President Obama’s head exploding once the white secret agents stopped Samuel L. Jackson.

That’s all I’ve got for black villains with their own agency not being manipulated by white devils. As for Muslim villians since 9/11, the only franchise I can think of is the Liam Neeson “Taken” series.

Reply to  Daniel K Day
4 years ago

You miss the point of these shows. The routine villainization of white men is secondary, though inevitable. The purpose is to normalize behavior by the State that would have been unthinkable just a few decades back, “24” was there to normalize torture- and succeeded. The latest head of the CIA proudly supported and personally perpetrated torture. This went unopposed at her Senate confirmation. Chicago PD is there to normalize and humanize the astonishing brutality of the Chicago PD. It is no coincidence that in the UK the highest court has decreed that the “Security Services” may legally commit murder,… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

G we will never address it scattered hither and yon which is why I shout from the rooftops to be building Communities…

Reality Check
Reality Check
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

I find it astonishing how no matter how blatant the propaganda is, most normies just don’t see it…Also, when trying to educate people who are right-leaning a lot of them are cool about it until the subject of race realism comes up. When it comes to that, it’s like the powers-that-be have reached right inside their bodies and seized their very souls with an iron grip. Problem is, race is at the root of everything so no matter what else they accept, if they won’t accept that then they just aren’t much help…

Reply to  Reality Check
4 years ago

You can get places using economic arguments against immigration. Housing prices, wages, social security, etc. But ultimately, we don’t want them because they’re not our people.

I plant seeds using this stuff and they agree. But you are correct, when anything about race comes up they totally enter failure shut down mode. Not sure how to get around it.

4 years ago

The push for assimilation was so great that I cannot speak the language of my grandparents. When visiting the old country my cousins are happy to have me yet mildly annoyed I can’t speak the language of my ancestors or have a greater awareness of it’s customs and history. Yet here in this country I must accept all the invasive customs and religion of the invading weirdos. To point out the hypocrisy only brings the usual chorus of racist / phobia garbage. Even friends and family get quiet, roll their eyes and give me the ” there he goes again… Read more »

Kentucky Headhunter
4 years ago

I like Clint’s look in this movie:
comment image

Can we go with this?

Mad Celt
Mad Celt
4 years ago

America is ran by everyone but genuine Americans who cherish her.

Reply to  Mad Celt
4 years ago

That’s because the Americans that cherish her have been effectively brainwashed into not banding together and standing up for themselves…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Lineman nails it. We have been trained from birth to ignore many things that are right in front of our eyes, and to accept as real many things that are simply not so. One must be willing to trust what we see and feel. Our “betters” work 24/7 to distract us from all of this, and to plant false truths. Who are your friends, do they stand for you, are they who you are, and will you throw in together, even as times get tough? The questions answer themselves, if you keep your mind clear.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Makes my stomach churn Brother of how many sons and daughters of ours have been slaughtered for a goal of our destruction…I’ve shed many tears over history books showing how many of our peoples bloodlines that are now erased fighting in wars that had no good use for our people…Then of course the righteous rage surfaces for all the Innocent Blood that has been spilled for the never ending thirst of those that hate us and everything good and decent…

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

The USA is done. A great war is coming and there does not seem to be anyway to avoid it. As private school teacher, I can talk to my students and try to inoculate them against the craziness they will be subjected to at the next level. I often tell them that the best way “to help the poor” is to not become one of them. They understand that concept almost immediately. Well, the USA can no longer be the “city on the hill” or the “beacon to others” after it has become a third world shit hole also. And… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

The only way out Mark, is secession. We can’t vote our way out. Not likely we can fight our way out, witness the gun confiscation in VA. Some kind of secession, hopefully de facto, or some legal mechanism. Maybe this time Lee defeats Lincoln.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Good to hear you’re involved in private schooling. That’s a lot of the future. The U in USA is due for retirement but it’s a return to what we were supposed to be, contra Lincoln and our Second Founding mythology. Fortunately in modern circumstances we may have a few decades to loosen Big Nanny’s apron strings w8thout existential security issues. Providentially Union may have served us better than the original founding ideals to defend Us in an era of great game politics but now that we are the sole remaining superpower it’s time for us to return like Cincinnatus to… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

The problem is not as daunting as it appears. The number of people that created this mess is relatively small compared to the population as a whole. That is where the disease lies and a focused remedy can be both quick and highly effective. The solution will flow from the dictum of “smarter, not harder.” Cowards, bullies, and tyrants are all cut from the same cloth, and they will not be missed.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

You really think a bunch of individuals can take on the collective??? I hate to burst your bubble but take a look at history and see what happens…What you get is a Solzhenitsyn quote… And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city,… Read more »

4 years ago

OT:Conservatives playing the “Who loves the Jews more?” game again:

Dance, Goy, dance.

Funny thing about Soros. Lots of Jews play the “not one of us” card with him, and apparently he’s hated in Israel, but Jews heavily support the same causes Soros funds with his Open Society Foundation.

Plausible deniability?

4 years ago

Sitting in a major city airport terminal. GD what happened to my culture, country and civilization???

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  2A_Practitioner
4 years ago

It died.

Reply to  Carl B.
4 years ago

No, ’twas murdered.

4 years ago

I wish most black Americas would go back to some African country. You know, the ones who whine about da rasis everything is here but won’t leave. If had a campaign for a Congressional seat, one of my slogans would be ‘F diversity already!’. I could probably win on that alone.

4 years ago

OT: Two ousted from National Guard over supremacist ties Activists uncover links between service members and religious group Associated Press ATLANTA — Two men have been kicked out of the Army National Guard after liberal activists uncovered their membership in a religious group with white supremacist ties. Brandon Trent East told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the Alabama National Guard sent him a separation notice on Dec. 14. A spokeswoman for the Georgia National Guard said Dalton Woodward is no longer a member. She declined to comment on the terms of Woodward’s separation. Woodward didn’t respond to a request for comment… Read more »

Reply to  Ripple
4 years ago

Goes right along with what I’ve said about it’s the good whites that are the real problem…We could make short work of the others if we didn’t have to contend with the suicidal whites that would rather kill their own to virtue signal that they are one of the good ones which won’t save them in the end but I guess will make it so they are eaten last…

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Ripple
4 years ago

No country for free White men.

Anonymous Reactionary
Anonymous Reactionary
Reply to  Ripple
4 years ago

Jews can be God’s “chosen people” and Hindus can have castes, but whites can’t be secure in their existence and have a future for their children.

Somehow this is “supremacist”.

Reply to  Ripple
4 years ago

We’re going to have to adopt their tactics. Get Blacks drummed out for association with Nation of Islam, Black Panthers or Black Hebrews. Get Mexicans drummed out for La Raza associations. Get Jews drummed out for … hahaha, no, the Jews are immune.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Weirdo multiculturalism is how a weak opponent invades and weakens a stronger opponent. There are 2 fronts in this war. The first is the intra-civilizational war. Because the naturally evolved symbiotic social structure has steadily rotted away during the past handful of centuries cultural institutions that maintained that order now exist in name only. Groups within have decayed into economic units competing in the same arena with the primary rule being winner take all. Since the new economic rulers are in direct competition with everyone else they need mercenaries to keep everyone else at bay: a well socially conditioned Middle… Read more »

4 years ago

Careful Z-Man…you risk being labeled as an “anti-weirdo racist.”

Reply to  Arthur
4 years ago

Weirdophobia, the newest manifestation of wyte supremacy.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Arthur
4 years ago

There’s a comedian who says he knows what to do about all of the problems diversity causes: get rid of all the different people. His audiences think the idea is hilarious. I don’t.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
4 years ago

The RD explain what you mean Brother…Is the comedian black and he is wanting to get rid of white people and that’s why you don’t find it hilarious?

John Smith
John Smith
4 years ago

I remember when FIFO was in vogue… but I think the concept has pretty much been discredited. As you and others note – race is real and it will manifest itself.


Diversity + Proximity = GENOCIDE.

4 years ago

It has to get worse before it can get better. The elites that rule over us live in isolation of the consequences of the policies they impose on everyone else. The cynical reason for the diversity forced upon the untermenchen is that it weakens social trust within dirt people communities and partially (they think) offsets the firearm disparity. IOW, they expect us to war among ourselves rather than focus on the power players behind this insanity. The fish rots from the head, that is where the remedy lies.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

The one thing this new year I wish people would realize is the need for Community…That way whatever the future holds good or bad we can face it together with Brothers on our right and left and the women,elderly, and young holding the fort in the rear…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Agreed, but community is about shared defense primarily. The rot must be attacked using a different paradigm. The Deep State is well prepared to suppress a grassroots or militia-based revolution. But in the age of technology, the invisible man can be an effective antidote to tyranny.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Your missing what Community is all about TomA and an individual might be able to throw sand in the gears but will never be able to get rid of the machine…That will take a collective action…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

It begins and ends with community. With it, we can’t lose. Without it, we can’t win. Simple as that.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

A housing project in every Cloud zip code, and an underclass black scholarship for every Cloudie private school. Thats my kind of diversity.

Reply to  Michaeloh
4 years ago

Minneapolis has voted to end single-family-only housing codes and they are trying to do the same in Oregon.

This is a YUGE opportunity for Our Thing partisans to introduce the concept of Skin-In-The-Game to virtue signalers by developing multifamily housing in the leftie’s own backyard and renting them out to Section 8 tenants.

At a profit!

Diversity is our Strength!

Reply to  Firewire7
4 years ago

Slumlording in the blue zip codes. Doing good while doin right! Next we need a scholarship fund for poor blacks to attend Cloudie’s private schools. We can pay Sharpton to lead protests at the schools until they adopt inclusive admission policies.

4 years ago

Or to use the old term for “wierdo”, “unassimilated”.
Alien, like accents, are something different.
The less you tolerate any diversity at the core, the more you can tolerate at the margins.
Peter Thiel and Ambassador Grinnel aren’t trying to bring Drag Queen Story Hour and Trans bathrooms. But many “straight” white, male virtue signalling SJWs are.

4 years ago

I remember when it was all the rage with Shitlibs to go seek out the weirdo’s restaurant and glorify its wretched cuisine. When I was living in LA, Ethiopian food was popular with the hipsters. My running joke to them was always, “have you ever had Ethiopian food?”…crickets, or no response…”well neither have they!” Hahaha. Well the hipsters screwed that up when they started saying yes, we’ve had it on Fairfax. Ethiopian food consists of piles of brown gruel stew, heavily spiced and served on top of a sour, buckwheat pancake and eaten without utensils. It’s revolting and utterly devoid… Read more »

4 years ago

Of course no mention is made in the NRO piece about the anti-Semitic “wave-making” machine: See “In early 2017, a wave of more than 2,000 bomb threats were made against Jewish Community Centers in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Norway and Denmark. Two arrests were made in connection with the threats and Michael Ron David Kadar, a dual American-Israeli citizen, has been convicted.[ He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.” These threats are still counted in every Inner Party-endorsed mention of the “rising wave” of anti-Semitic violence. No better source than from the Trojan Horse’s mouth:… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You know Brother most people’s conditioning is so entrenched that they wouldn’t change even if they experienced it first hand…I’ve heard on other sites of people not visiting this site because of all the jewhate on here which is nonsense because I’ve seen very few times where hate for the Jews is even mentioned and it is in response to the hate that is directed at us…It’s sad that people who see what the gov is doing to us can’t see who is directing the show…

Reply to  Lineman
4 years ago

Amen. Criticism of Jews isn’t hatred. The paranoia and aggression it takes to treat all criticism as hatred is a telling measure of the price Jews have paid for those extra 5-ish verbal IQ points. This is also the source of their propensity for massive “preemptive retaliation” and genocidal threat response, a genetic-cultural-historical feedback loop that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of distrust, resentment and ultimately expulsion, 109 times and counting. I hate any person only in reciprocity. We’ve been given due cause, 109 times, but still we seek only separation, not genocide – which would be the actual reciprocal response… Read more »

Reality Check
Reality Check
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Normies have no idea that what you describe, is even happening…

4 years ago

From the New Mainer’s Guide to Greater Portland: “Some Countries of Origin of Recent New Mainers: Afghanistan Angola Azerbaijan Belgium Bulgaria Burkina-Faso Burma Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Chad Congo Cuba Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Guatemala Honduras Iran Iraq Ivory Coast Kazakhstan Mali Russia Republic of the Congo Rwanda Somalia Sudan Syria Tanzania Togo Ukraine Uzbekistan Vietnam Many More!!” How the heck did the Belgians squeak through?

Doofenshmertz Evil, Inc.
Reply to  ReturnOfBestGuest
4 years ago

“How the heck did the Belgians squeak through?”

Those wouldn’t be real Begians, those would be “Belgians,” viz Africans and Shitistanis whose passports are marked “Belgium,” just passing through, on their way to the place wif better gibs and more White girls to rape.

I mean, really. Ever go looking around in downtown Brussels for a White girl to rape? Ain’t hardly any left! Maine, here I come!

4 years ago

Encourage direct action by nonwhites against usual suspects.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

“Let’s you and him fight”.

Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

“Did you hear what that guy said about your mother?”

4 years ago

The race mixing on commercials has reached absurd levels. Always prominently featuring black male /white female combinations.

Or whites are portrayed as bumbling simpletons with the noble negro bailing them out every time. Why this obvious ” in your face ” agenda isn’t called out more often ? I have no idea 🙁

Reply to  sirlancelot
4 years ago

It’s unbearable! Like others here have said, you’d think we live in a majority black country based on the demographics of the TV ads. Gross. The bottom of the barrel, elevated as the popular in our dying, degenerate culture. Very sad and nauseating.

Reply to  Ursula
4 years ago

I’ve been watching a lot of commercial compilations from the early 80’s. 95% Pozz-free. Inside the lifetime of nearly everyone reading this, this country’s been taken to the taxidermist.

Reply to  sirlancelot
4 years ago

If these people can be deceptive, dishonest and manipulative in portraying life in America, why would you trust them to be fair and honest enough to buy their products? Black men make better mates and Acme soap makes your hands cleaner? I’d prefer brand X.

4 years ago

Weirdoes are all around. Kanye West and his wife, Kim Kardashian, have bought a huge ranch outside of Cody, Wyoming. Talk about fish out of water. Kinda ruins the place for me. With any luck, the cowboys will explain a few things to them and they’ll go back to L.A. On the other hand, Kanye seems to be on our side. I don’t really know what to make of that.

Reply to  jackalope
4 years ago

Blacks, no matter how much they may wish, can never really be on our side. The cultural gap is just too great.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Non-whites have a strong instinctual commitment to their tribe. Blacks, even more so.

Even if we let in only the most high IQ, low crime blacks, they or their children would soon be resentful that there was not a greater number of their kind in our country, and would angrily demand more of their tribe.

Further, they will resent the lack of their kind in the ranks of the most successful, even if they claim to accept IQ differences, and they will blame whites.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Reversion to the mean in succeeding generations, along with the cultural changes that occur when pioneering people of a different persuasion invite their friends into the new neighborhood, mean that it will never, ever work out for good, over time.

4 years ago

With the Boomer-Dammerung upon us we need these Neo-Americans.
Who is going to live in all those retirement communities when the Boomers check out?
we don’t need to import weirdos, we have plenty home grown idiots right here. We should repatriate the foreign weirdos and throw in our domestically cultivated weirdos for no added charge. This country is a Giant house party that’s gone on while daddy was out of town, when daddy gets home he’s gonna be pissed. Hope I’m alive to see the day.

One of Many Georges
One of Many Georges
4 years ago

LOL, the Zblog is my ghetto.

We just need a costume.

4 years ago

Hear here! *claps*

4 years ago

Start printing pamphlets and leave them in middle class neighborhoods.

4 years ago

I wonder if we of the dissident right should take a page from the playbook of the orthodox and adapt a characteristic garb or habit? We could wear muscle shirts or cutoffs. Perhaps in conjunction with the shaving of one side of the head or Mohawks. I myself, as a well heeled patriot, am going to start donning a large golden Thor’s hammer pendant earring in the left lobe. We need a means by which we can know one another in a crowd.

Reply to  Merfolk
4 years ago

I thought that’s what MAGA hats were for…

Gerard vanderleun
Reply to  Merfolk
4 years ago

Penis gourds. I’m thinking penis gourds.

Reply to  Gerard vanderleun
4 years ago

Nah, can’t be penis gourds. They don’t grow them large enough for Our Tribe.

Then again, the ladies have shown us the sublime usefulness of plastic surgery.

Reply to  Merfolk
4 years ago

We could wear muscle shirts or cutoffs.

Oh, hell no. those only look good on pretty girls between the ages of 16 and 24.

Reply to  Merfolk
4 years ago

Bowl cut and a fred perry shirt, if thats your thing. Personally, i think its goofy, but its there if you want it.

Reality Check
Reality Check
Reply to  Merfolk
4 years ago

This is a great idea. I think subtle is better though..

Reply to  Merfolk
4 years ago

Maybe Z needs to be selling some merch that is subtle but would be easy to spot if you are a daily reader…Maybe a hat with the letter Z or something of the sort…That could be in conjunction with a fist to the heart gesture to confirm or something along that line…JMHO

4 years ago

Joe Biden (Feb 2015): “Not only are Muslim communities but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities, and the wave still continues. It’s not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of. … “So there’s a second thing in that black box. An unrelenting stream of immigration, non-stop, non-stop. Folks like me who were Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50%… Read more »

4 years ago

the ‘weirdos’ are imported for one reason: stir up trouble so the ‘importers’ can then rush in and ‘cure’ the problem they, themselves, caused. that it will take more of our money and less freedom for us to achieve ‘desirable results’ goes without saying because it is so ‘normal’ for this to take place.

4 years ago

I agree we need to tighten things up but on the other hand I see certain internet personalities, their paranoid purges, and their mindless parroting followers, and it makes me a little queasy. Not a perfect analogy but all the same I guess it comes down to finding stable leaders.

4 years ago

Everyone kept begging Zman for ‘a solution’ – then shazam! He delivers. It’s a Festivas miracle…

4 years ago

Heh. Here’s some Christmas cheer. Enjoy the leftist freakout in the comments over this van spotted in Brooklyn:

4 years ago

OT: Have you ever heard this paean to Lagos on the Chesapeake from 1968, Zman?

Reply to  Ripple
4 years ago

Great tune. Carefree, trippy feel with marimbas at the end.

The song also points out a problem with a “No Weirdos” policy. I guess that most Balts did not want the weirdo hippies, the subject of this song, around. How do we adjudicate the “expel weirdos” policy?

I suggest a system where new arrivals can be rejected by community vote. Votes are weighted by how long a person has lived in the town. I’d love to live in a town where you could reject new arrivals, even if it meant that I would be rejected sometimes.

Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
4 years ago

Token orthodox here: I like your plan. I’m all for a peaceful transfer of people


Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
Reply to  Joshua Shalet
4 years ago

Orthodox Jew

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Trump goes on offense against NY, CA “homeless” problem. Feds can help, but ask Politely.

This is good politics. He’s not gonna carry either state but Dem voters will stay home.

Of course people here will be upset he didn’t send Heydrich to gas the homeless but Trump plays the actual cards he has very well.