The best thing about the future is you can say whatever you like about it without fear of being wrong, because it has not happened yet. That is, unless you are foolish enough to remind people of your past predictions. Even though none of us can see around corners, we like to imagine what the coming year holds. Even if it is just for amusement, making predictions at this time of year is a fun exercise. So, once again here are what the omen in Lagos are telling us about the coming year.
The forecast for the Democrat primary is a three cushion shot. First, Buttigieg pulls the shocker and wins the Iowa caucus. Sanders comes in second. Biden and Warren both fail to reach expectations as minor candidates nibble away at their support. This carries into New Hampshire, where Sanders wins, but Buttigieg comes in second. This makes him the darling of the cat lady media. The Warren campaign is effectively over, but she staggers on. Biden plans to make his stand in South Carolina.
People forget that Sanders gave Clinton a run for her muumuu in the Nevada caucus in 2016, despite the party cheating like mad on her behalf. Sanders will win the Nevada caucus this time, but Buttigieg will come in second with Biden a close third. This will setup the big showdown in South Carolina. Biden, having been weakened by three bad showings will see his black support slip. The result will be a three way jumble, which will turn the race into a Buttigieg versus Sanders battle.
This will be the great shredding of the Democrat coalition. Blacks are not all that fond of Sanders or Buttigieg. The remaining working class whites are not fond of these two either. The donors who run both parties will not want to see Sanders top the ticket, so they will swing hard for Buttigieg. What will become clear to the various tribes of the Democrat party is they are not all that important to the party. They will learn what conservatives are starting to learn about the Republicans…
The chaos of the Democrat primary will have one benefit and that will be a lightening up of the tech censorship. They will be much too concerned with the primary to go troll hunting for blasphemers. There’s also the fact that a lot was learned by the good guy in the great banning wars. Just as people learned to communicate bad thoughts during the Soviet Union, dissidents are now adopting language and postures that allow bad ideas to be transmitted in spite of speech codes….
The decline of Conservative Inc. will become acute as National Review begins to look for a white knight to keep the publication going. The fact is, the readership of that publication is being decimated by the actuarial tables. The typical reader is now over 70 years old. They never recovered from 2016 and more important, they have not been able to find their footing in the age of Trump. Like the rest of Conservative Inc., National Review is a legacy operations with no natural constituency…
In sports, the Premiere League will have its first trans player…
Not only will Brexit finally happen, it will be something closer to the hard exit that the usual suspects waved around to scare people. What will become obvious to the EU and Boris Johnson is that a clean break is the best. A new trade agreement will be hammered out similar to what the US currently has with the EU. At the same time, a free trade deal will be quickly negotiated between the UK and the US. The Anglosphere will move one step closer to becoming an economic bloc…
Nancy Pelosi will send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate on the agreement that there will be no actual trial. The right thing for the GOP to do is have a public trial and let Team Trump make their arguments about the seditious plot and the Democrat connections to Ukrainian corruption. This would destroy the Democrats in the 2020 election and give the GOP a shot at winning back the House. It would be a public relations catastrophe for the political establishment.
That’s why McConnell will never allow that to happen. Instead, it will be a closed door session, where they do nothing, then a public vote. There will be a few GOP traitors like Mitt Romney who will vote to convict, but otherwise it will fail. This will give the Democrats enough cover with their base, but also give the GOP leverage to force Trump into concessions. They have several amnesty bills, for example, ready for his signature. Impeachment will be good for The Swamp…
In January, Bill Barr will announce that he is looking to some things about the FBI scandal, but is waiting on yet another inspector general report. In March he will remind everyone he is still looking into the FBI issue. In June rumors will float around about Durham doing something. By fall, the election will require putting all of it aside as that would be seen as an unnecessary distraction. The point being is that nothing will come of the Durham investigation. The whole thing gets broomed…
Finally, the big item of the year is the election. Trump will be running from behind again, but this time he will not be sneaking up on anyone. Pete Buttigieg will make sure to sashay around the Rust Belt promising everyone a fabulous economy. While having a twink president of clown world would make sense, the result this time will be similar to last time. Trump wins a slim majority in the popular vote, as blacks stay home. In one of life’s ironies, the racists are saved by the black man…
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Interesting prognostications Sir Z. I agree that Sanders or Buttigieg will be the D nominee and I agree that blacks do not like either of them. They have never liked Sanders and they do not like gays. However, all that needs to be done is to pick Stacy Abrams as VP and blacks will be onboard. It is black women who get out the vote. I totally disagree that Trump wins the popular vote and I think that there is only a small chance (maybe 25%) that he wins the electoral college. I worked extensively in two D presidential election… Read more »
ExNativeSon said : “I worked extensively in two D presidential election campaigns” = what the frack?
Forgive me brother for I have sinned.
When I got red pilled in 2014 it was to the bone. To be honest sometime I wished I had taken the blue pill. Life in the Matrix was so pleasant for the most part. But while my family is relatively well off financially the day of reckoning is coming for all whites except the very rich.
And I deeply love my children.
Two quotations: “It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in is for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.” –J.R.R. Tolkien And, “You cannot love a thing without wanting to fight for it.” –G.K. Chesterton I am 53. How different will be the span of my years from 53-78 than that same span for my father.… Read more »
M: Excellent quotes. Thank you and I will be using those in the future. Awesome perspective on your father. He is lucky to have you. I am so happy I have a family and actually we all get along very well even though I have shocked them with my huge recent change in perspective. My oldest (feminist) daughter, with whom I am very close although we can’t discuss politics anymore, says “Dad, it is not your job to try to save us. You are not Liam Neeson in the movie Taken.” I say, “Girl, that is the only job I… Read more »
My crystal ball re gun grab…. Concessions to the proposed bill include a grandfather clause (if you register) and a clause allowing ex military to be exempt. The first will seem “reasonable” to middle of the road types. The second will take the steam out of a large group in the state who could pose a voting bloc issue. Some examples will be made of non compliant husbands and fathers, who will be paraded around so that the holdouts can imagine it is their wife and children left destitute. There will be nothing but a whimper.
“Some examples will be made of non compliant husbands and fathers, who will be paraded around so that the holdouts can imagine it is their wife and children left destitute. There will be nothing but a whimper.” ———————————- That will be the trigger. Most gun owners will see the writing on the wall and start shooting at that point. The reality is that the democrats don’t want just some guns – they want them all. In addition, you stupid dirt people have far too many rights and freedoms and most of them will have to be curtailed too. Lefty has… Read more »
This is absolute fantasy. While some gun nuts might shoot at the cops at their front door, large scale organized resistance is not gonna happen. Even if they weren’t too afraid to get into a fight with law enforcement (it would not be military), there is nobody who has any recognized authority with “patriots” around the gigantic nation of ours. Even if there was somebody, the police state makes mass resistance near impossible. The cops wouldn’t be fighting a unified enemy, rather a bunch of small isolated groups. Americans are neither subjects or citizens, we are nationals. Kingdoms have subjects… Read more »
It’s, perhaps, not even that complicated. These are people who can’t even keep themselves from supporting globohomo in even little ways. So these people who can’t even keep themselves from buying Starbucks are suddenly going to think that political violence is a preferred course of action? C’mon, that might require getting out of bed early.
Interesting point about nationals.
Gun grab; probably farce, possibly wild card.
Tars, tell me what some guy is going to do when six heavily armed guys in body armor kick in his front door, unannounced, at midnight, backed by bright lights shining in his face and an armored vehicle outside. That will be the pattern, with precisely the frequency, secrecy, and target selection that keeps people from arming up and congregating in the streets to “do something about it”. It is calibration of response on their part, always calibration.
It worked for Stalin, even without the hardware.
Once that happens Brother the Pandora Box is open and it’s a free for all…It’s one of the reasons though I advocate for Community because then your Sheriff is on your side…
No, they use flashbangs for dynamic entrances now. Basically small hand grenades without the fragmentation. Very nasty. That said, it goes both ways at that point when they start openly murdering us. Officers get a call to go to some domestic disturbance which is a set up and the smurfs go down without a peep. Now you are right, most whites will just roll over and accept a bullet in the head or a boxcar ride to a quarry rather than fight back. BTW this is why I also laugh at the DR who think that if they do nothing… Read more »
A note: no attempt will be made to disarm Moslems or blacks in VA. Whitey only. It’s whitey the commies fear. And it’s Whitey who won’t shoot back no matter what he says.
100% this. The VA AG already has tried to have a law passed that would basically make it illegal for whites to say anything about race except “Thank you sir. May I have another.”
They’ll make so that any white who protests losing his land as either insane or a terrorist and thus should lose his right to have a gun.
Never talk about guns outside the family. If your wife or kids rat you out to the authorities, they deserve to be left destitute.
In a totalitarian society, always keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.
I wouldn’t bet on that exemption for ex-military.
Some of the people the lefties are most worried about – are ex-military.
They’re often the most pissed off , and they have actually been trained on how to use their guns.
There’s been a steady stream of news reports over the last couple of years or so about military veterans getting their guns taken away by reports of mental health issues.
The simplest answer for the Democrats — brokered convention. Not quite so simplest answer is that Biden does indeed become the nominee. To explain, The Machine always wins, Biden will promise anything for their support, The Machine needs the govt goodies and they know Biden can deliver.
Far fetched? Look at what went down in Ukraine.
It may actually be that Biden’s Ukrainian trouble guarantees him the Democrat nomination. They are already making the case that his being a candidate protect him from investigations, in spite of the obvious contradiction that such a thing did not apply to candidate Trump. This may be their last attempt to keep the lid closed on the exploding Ukrainian allegations with respect to the Democratic party Obama Etc.
Oh hell no.
The Booby’s prediction for 2020? Not that anyone asked, but here it is anyway: Someone will win the presidential election. It won’t matter whom. The universities and colleges will continue to ensure that 90%+ of the graduating lawyers are fanatical leftists, many of their predecessors from the radical leftist graduating class of 20 years ago will become judges. The schools will continue to preach Greta Thurnberg instead of reading and math. The media will double-down: If Trump wins they’ll go even crazier than they are now. If the Dems win they’ll fawn over the new candidate in ways that would… Read more »
You pretty much nail it the booby. Tick tick tick. Election? One trillion dollar deficits or two trillion dollar deficits? Tick tick tick. Hear that? That the ticking debt bomb. When the delivery of free stuff stops, KAPOWIE! That’s my prediction.
Prognostication is a tough act with last night’s festivities still 1812’ing in my head, but here goes. Tchaikovsky knew his audience, BTW – more fireworks here last night than July 4, and well past 3:00 am. Happy New Year to all you laggers on US time. I’m in broad agreement with a lot of Z’s takes, but Orange Man is my Black Pill. Bootystuff will be more sassy than many imagine and it will turn a lot of Blacks further off to politics, to the point where even a free ride to the polls and a carton of Newports won’t… Read more »
It ain’t the double shots that are making you see that Trump will probably lose.
The term often used by the judges pronouncing the sentence of death on deplorables is, “may God have mercy on your soul.”
May he indeed.
Damn exile, you’re a dour one. I’ll take a stab at some predictions. Unexplained suicides continue, including Bruce Jenner and Comey. A Black Swan event in China causes markets to crash. Two more synagogues get attacked. The dissident right attracts a billionaire benefactor. The last one may be wishful thinking.
Your optimism is infectious.
Sid, I’m having fun thinking of who the Based Billionaire would be. I think all of Us who write at all have played around with the idea as a story before. Trump coulda been that guy, what a sad fail…
Caitlyn offing xyrself is just playing decent odds – how many trannies don’t at least try? That said, millions of dollars beats SSRI’s for muh depression anyday. Xe will probably stick around.
Even if Trump miraculously wins it will be quickly undone. Shlomo, Shlomo & Shlomo didn’t like the results of 2016 so they undid enough of that election until they could get the results they could live with. Trump’s reelection might buy us some time but nothing else. On the other hand a defeated Trump facing endless litigation in his post-presidency…with 2 months in control of the presidency? He could do a lot of damage to the current arrangements. Trump lashing out to get back at enemies and to protect his own skin could be a period of major acceleration. Even… Read more »
YY: While I hope you’re right on some of this, I think once Trump leaves office, whenever and however it happens, he will kibbutz with Sheldon, Chuckie Kush et al and leave goyish politics entirely. I think part of his Zio-cuckery represents angling for an honorary J-pass, including (in his own head, not gonna happen) the right of his clan to make aliyah to escape his enemies in the US. Yahweh knows he never passes up the opportunity to remind his erstwhile Tribe how much he’s done for them. Sorry Donnie, you silly goy you. The Tribe might thrown lavish… Read more »
Our greatest ally in this is the JLeft and their pet bioweapons who will demand a blood sacrifice. We should exploit the civil war going on in LittleHatdom to our advantage in the same way they do to us.
He could resign in early Jan and have President Pence grant a blanket pardon.
Of course, the second they are rid of Trump, that will probably be the end of it. Frankly it’s a bit surprising that they were able to keep up a level 11 hysteria this long. They have been in a tizzy over Trump since 2015!
I’ve called Pence “Fredo” since he was put on the ticket for a reason. He would promise to pardon them then give them the knife in the back. Pence is David French with a better resume – never trust that guy.
I think the democrats are gonna get fuggin FLOGGED.
Americans don’t like losers and at the end of the day – that’s pretty much the lay of the land over there. Geriatric boomers and young weirdos. If I had any money and could pay my debts if I lost, I’d bet good money on it.
The best Trump election meme I’ve seen so far goes something like:
“TRUMP 2020: Because F*** You Again!!!”
If nothing else, Trump drives our enemies insane… which is more than te other cucks and lickspittles will do….
I still like Trump. I think he’s done well all things considered, then again I tried to be realistic about his personality and what he’s up against. Actually a lot better than what anybody could’ve reasonably expected. The recent EO granting victim status, a disappointment, will have unintended consequences. What those are I can’t predict but every group that has had government protection gets demoralized and resented in the end. That’s all I know about that. It doesn’t matter anyway. There are historical forces at work bigger than Trump or any other politician. The financial interests ran the car into… Read more »
Spot on. I don’t see Trump winning with almost nothing to show his base after 4 years in office except a pile of tweets. He burned his base, rallies not withstanding.
Trump also mortally hurt our side with his bullshit and betrayals. He convinced a lot of Whites to stay the course even though it means their demise.
It would have been far better if Jeb had won and screwed the pooch so bad the GOP would end up alienating almost all whites.
How is the UK more cucked than the US?
Structurally the UK is less down the road than the US,Canada, or Australia. Demography, social indicators would indicate the US is much more neo-liberal than the UK. And I wouldn’t write off Trump.
Or is this more about your gut-feeling, that breezy pessimism which caused you to run away from your own country!
“In sports, the Premiere League will have its first trans player…”
I’m really hoping a transgender breaks into women’s tennis and makes all the girls cry.
101% Whitney. I’d love to see “Pat Sampras” or “Regina Federer” unretire in a dress just to smoke Serena-T Williams.
Some Australian guy who is ranked like 200th in the world beat Serena and Venus back-to-back and he was smoking and drinking the whole time. It does not take the best to beat all these girls but it does take someone highly competitive who is okay with putting on a dress and undergoing some sort of chemical castration. The rewards are pretty good though. A lot of money and you go from the bottom of the victim pile to the top of the victim pile…and the humiliation of your enemies.
There’s a no-name tennis guy who beat both the Williams’ sisters on the same day a few years ago. Hard to dig the cites out now, of course.
It might be a hoot for him. Federer once said that any man who played tennis for a living would beat any woman. That was in the pre-woke days, of course.
I am storing up a ton of LOL for that tennis moment. I hope zhe needs a shave.
Oops. I blame it all on spell check which doesn’t believe in the word “zhe”
I was wondering what was meant by this prediction. I doubt a T-Man (chick who things she’s a man) makes the cut, as the skill level and stakes are just too high (unlike American sports, if your team sucks enough you get tossed to the minor leagues). Perhaps they bring one on as a perpetual bench warmer, with a few token “injury time” appearances to woo the crowds with the novelty act. I doubt the top six or anyone in relegation danger would do it, but a mid tier team could do it get attention. As for a T-woman, well,… Read more »
The Democrats understand they do not need to go anywhere for votes. They own the people who COUNT the votes. And they are the only ones that matter!
For quite a number of years now, the hives have reported vote count totals SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER than the number of voting eligible people who live there. Neither “Law Enforcement” nor the “Legal” system have done ANYTHING about that.
Hey MM here is a little something to get your BP up…
Great post Z-man. I love predictions and you gave us some good ones. I will take a small shot myself. I think the situation for the right and normies continues to get worse. Much worse. But in that happening there may be a silver lining. I predict more normal people start to reject the fake-conservative ideas of Conservative, Inc. and move more to the right. I predict that many will even see that the blacks and browns are far more racist than whites ever were. (and that everyone prefers their own tribe — everyone) Christianity and “the church” is dying… Read more »
Regardless of who the Democrat nominee is, I predict the Dem VP nod will go to Stacy Abrams of Georgia in an attempt to solve the black voter apathy issue you discussed. I suspect she will be seen as appealing to virtue-signaling suburban white women as well. She is sufficiently noxious that it might help Trump, an uppity fat black chick might red-pill for few more normals.
Yes, she is a lock, for whoever is nominated.
And if Biden is the nominee Abrams has a better than 50% chance of hitting the big time,
That should scare ol Whitey. I’d almost rather have a yid.
I can’t say as I am one, but there could hardly be a better result for an accelerationist than to have the angry black woman who is throwing chairs at Popeye’s installed as President.
Milestone and bilejones, that’s the plan. Get a decrepit moderate (well, moderate to their side) elected, have him fade out quickly, and then have the harpie who never could get elected otherwise, step in to the role. Biden was born for his role, and the question is whether the media and the Dems can keep Weekend at Biden’s vertical for long enough, and get him elected.
No matter who wins in 2020, there is a very important conceptual arrangement that I would hope we could all agree upon, and all agree to vocally promote. I would especially like to see the DR pundit class promoting this concept in a United front, if they can be so persuaded. The concept is this: whoever the Democratic nominee turns out to be, if that candidate wins, that victory is illegitimate (a priori), and that alleged “President” is not the legitimate president, and MUST be removed from office immediately. This can be justified for any number of reasons: blatant voter… Read more »
Does anyone else find it interesting that LOSERS continue to politically resonate? In previous time a political loss sent someone to the bench for a few years. Now we have has-beens like Beto and harpies like Abrams, who should be licking their wounds and running for county sanitation supervisor showing up as contenders for POTUS. Shoot, even Hillary’s name keeps coming up.
I suspect some of the appeal of losers is a sense that they were somehow wronged by their loss, that they were somehow entitled to win but the forces of Evil somehow stole their rightful victory. My sense is much of Leftist rage can be explained by their disappointment that Black Jesus failed to deliver the Final Victory that they expected. Beto/Abrams likewise teased another step towards Final Victory, so they’re seen not so much as losers as wronged victims. And the left loves them some victims.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Biden/Abrams is Plan A, and Buttegeig/Abrams is Plan B. Plan A gets her in the Oval Office in 2022 or so when he gets carried out, and Plan B gets her there in 2028 after softening up the electorate. Note how Biden and Buttegeig are lining up with the language on the issues of voter fraud, slabery, and gibs. All the specific word choices that Abrams has been spouting off with for some time now. Obama is laying low and Hillary has disappeared. Sanders and Warren are just flapping their wings. This is all choreographed, and what they are saying… Read more »
My main prediction is that in 2020 we will see the first casualties of political violence when someone gets killed by antifa throwing a rock at their head or something, or perhaps someone attending a rally fights back and kills some soyboy. The election stuff is going to be window dressing for the most serious stuff going down. I can’t see Buttpirate winning the nomination, too many people still rightly find it distasteful to for a dude to sodomize another dude. What is his actual platform other than “Vote for me, I have sex with men”?
Something I’ve never been able to understand is why some people – a minority, but definitely a large group – are so down with worshipping buggers. Seems to me that the natural human reaction is revulsion, but I guess we’ve done such a good job of indoctrinating the “Judgment is mean” ethos that they can’t physically bring themselves to judge anyone except for “haters” and “racists”.
“Why are some people sympathetic to f@gs?”
Most white people feel bad judging a person for a quality that the person didn’t choose. Further, people feel good about themselves when they defend such a person.
If you believe that homos are “born that way” then you may feel virtuous defending them.
Me, I think that, even if they are born that way, the toll they impose on society when tolerated is unacceptable.
Which is precisely why they compare themselves to the black civil rights movement, so they push the “born that way” story and piggyback on the sympathy taught in public schools. The difference being, that the only thing they are “born with” are urges, just like any other human being. And just like any other human urge, the behavior itself can be resisted and/or punished if society so desires. A significant portion of Normal America has let itself get swindled by the Cat Ladies so that they no longer understand the difference between a trait and a behavior. For a very… Read more »
The gays have been trying to ride upon the black civil rights movement for decades now. I’ve always thought their arguments aligning themselves with black civil rights were bullshit. In the past I’ve gotten into arguments over this with leftie acquaintances – until I came upon a good way to illustrate the difference: Imagine you are standing at a crossroads somewhere out in Kansas. You have clear line of sight in all directions – and coming down the road towards you – a few miles out , you see a distant figure. You pull out a pair of binoculars and… Read more »
IMO homosexuality is merely an appetite. Can be strong or weak, like ppl have strong or weak appetites for food, drink, entertainment, etc. Societal norms pointing away from homosexual behavior are a protection.
I have a cousin who has gay face; I have my suspicions about him. But he’s religious, married, kids, hard worker, very fit, as far as I know faithful. He’s a very good man. Imagine all the misery he sidestepped.
“Something I’ve never been able to understand is why some people – a minority, but definitely a large group – are so down with worshipping buggers.”
Especially women and and even more especially, young women. Surely the proliferation of globohomo is directly contrary to their deepest and most primal desires and needs? Why aren’t there roving mobs of splenetic women lynching homos from lampposts? Why aren’t Southern trees bearing strange fruits?
Instead, we have just the opposite. Young, fertile woman are globohomo’s most impassioned and fanatical cheerleaders. I don’t understand the world.
I am still unsure how to pronounce the ghey candidate’s name. Is it “Booty judge”?
His last name begins with “butt” and his chosen degenerate’s name is “Chasten”. If SNL was funny, they would be making skits about that all the time.
If SNL were funny they would have a skit where Pete literally judges booties, rating them 1 to 10, and maybe asking for favors from the contestants to increase their ratings.
Fash the Nation has a more impolite way of pronouncing his last name.
I just pronounce it as “Buttgag”.
All the Antifa assault crews to date have either received a slap on the wrist or had their charges dropped entirely. DOJ is apparently uninterested in prosecuting. Of course this will embolden them, why wouldn’t it?
The “sex with men” thing has a weird resonance among the women, and the non-soy men would never vote for him anyway. The gay mafia has lots of money and a primal need to push their thing to the front and center, so the little guy keeps rolling along.
My guess, and it is only a guess is as follows. Women still want romance and a family, but feminist theory views both as oppressive. Therefore a couple of degenerates doing degenerate things scratches that itch vicariously while being completely non-threatening to the actual misandrists.
someone gets killed by antifa throwing a rock at their head or something
Perp gets off with a wrist slap.
someone attending a rally fights back and kills some soyboy
Perp gets absolutely crucified a la James Fields.
Nothing much changes.
National Review begins to look for a white night
LOL, I think the Zman takes dancing lessons every day just to be ready for National Review’s grave.
a lightening up of the tech censorship
Wishful thinking and alcohol are a dangerous combination.
I am also drunk, so I will forgive.
YYoouu aarree nnoott sseeiinngg tthhiiss iinn ddoouubbllee vviissiioonn..
I know someone in the Conservative Inc. fund raising world. She tells me they are in deep trouble. The rumor in the business is they are not long for this world.
I’d be surprised if they weren’t. They weren’t flush with cash when Bill was still pissing in traffic and they’ve gone noticeably downhill in every way ever since.
I still occasionally go to the Weekly Standard home page to view the corpse. I will enjoy doing the same with NR.
National Review online currently has an article up called, “Creating Conservatism, Inc.” Laudatory, not critical or ironical.
LD – they also thought “taking ownership” of the term “cuck” was a brilliant strategy as well. This is a standard response of midwit cucks to effective memery. I can see it playing out in some Big Brain confab at their offices – “what’s wrong with corporations? Let’s own Con, Inc, loud and proud!”
Most of these “conservatives” grew up in Rand-land, reading the Mises Institute’s “What’s wrong with Scrooge?” piece every Christmas. Contrarian stupidity is part of their lolbertarian heritage.
The collapse of Conservative Inc. could be a black swan event for the dissident right.
If NatRev goes under, how best to humiliate them?
If NR goes down, it will be the first time I can think of that a Member of the Tribe took over a media entity from it’s goy founder and got his ass handed to him instead of milking it all the way to the bank…
Broadly similar to my views at least in terms of the outcome.
I’m tired of current year so I’ve been binge watching Thames TV news programs from the 1970s and 1980s. So much more fun and I know how things end anyway.
Hope that this next year is a damn sight better than last.
Happy New Year and may it bring positive things for the Z-man, this blog, and all his readers and like-minded folks.
Avanti 2020!
“The right thing for the GOP to do is have a public trial and let Team Trump make their arguments about the seditious plot and the Democrat connections to Ukrainian corruption. This would destroy the Democrats in the 2020 election and give the GOP a shot at winning back the House.” Don’t forget who controls the media. Facts don’t matter much, as it’s the spin and the lies that do. Even if Team Trump provided strong evidence that water is wet, those in control of the “news” will obfuscate, lie, manipulate, and spin dry the story. Mere facts will not… Read more »
Yep. Reality bites the big one.
Also, there’s just the fact that Trump is simply too undisciplined to be trusted to stay on message during a trial. There’s no telling what he and his flunkies might say. Think Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men.” It’s not worth the headache, especially since the media would protect the Bidens and other Dem swamp creatures anyway.
What about the gun grab in Virginia, Z?
This will launch the Soviet Union style collapse. Soviet Union collapse was started also sanctuary everything neighborhoods. For example, in my hometown people were angry that visitors buy the food and bombed municipality until town Executive Committee printed something like food buying stamps and ordered local shops not to sell food to people without them. This was illegal, but nobody cared. Later other areas begun make their local rules and in the very end we had country filled with “sanctuary whatever” mess and central governing became impossible.
I fear that you are hoping for too much from the “cold dead hands” crowd. I guess that they will make loud threats as they do exactly what they’re told. A whole generation of empty boasts, for all to see.
They conserved the guns and the second amendment.
Name anything else that was conserved.
Good point. I don’t see much equality between the issues when you compare the results of how the gun rights crowd has fared – vs. other “conservative” issues like say abortion, gays everywhere, govt. fiscal responsibility – etc. The 2nd amendment has been mostly nibbled away at around the edges. No more machine guns, have to have a license, red flag laws – etc. But recent ATF releases indicate that there is something like 400 million KNOWN guns in this country right now. When I first started paying attention to the gun thing 20 years ago – I seem to… Read more »
Well, depends. Actually what I think Is widespread silent ignorance. Like we had in the Soviet Union. Officials don
t do, police don
t see, courts have no time. low rank clerks losing papers. I don`t believe that herd will fight. But herd can just walk away. It will be like Ferguson effect but yuuge.Agree on widespread silent ignorance. Mind you we’d be as bad as Britain if we were disarmed.
I have not been following it close enough to have an opinion. If the lunatics do a gun grab, the gun owners will go along with it. it will end up in Federal court and drag on for a decade, so nothing will happen.
I’m not sure about that. NY and CT *potentially* created a lot of felons after Sandy Hook. Many gun owners didn’t comply, and the states didn’t do anything about it.
Edit: walking on eggshells
I think Juri, above, is correct.
America’s future is a big Greece. The legislatures will pass laws for virtue points, which will promptly be ignored by everyone. Our commies don’t have the guts to see through enforcement, and anyway the cops hate their guts and they hate the cops.
They may go for a few “show” busts, odds are 50-50 on those blowing up in their faces from general apathy and incompetence. But in the main the laws will just be ignored by everyone.
The laws being unenforced and ignored is already well under way, and is a good thing. Men should be their own laws.
There is some level of gun owners that *may* go along with a government edict to “turn them in”. Past history has shown this to be true. But the gun owners who typically go along and walk their property down to the police station are Fudd types who are turning in their old 30.06 hunting rifles – that they probably haven’t fired in 20 years anyway. They’re old and their wives browbeat them about it enough that they just give up. One of the key things to understand about a large portion of the population that buys “assault weapons” –… Read more »
I think the legislators will settle on “universal background checks”, the rest will not get enough support. I think more than half of them will be too afraid to vote in favor.
Then “universal background checks” will be tested and fail in the courts. The courts will see and appreciate that the peasants have pitchforks.
Empty posturing. The courts will not allow it. The courts wouldn’t even uphold the DC gun ban. It’s almost as ridiculous as the abortion bans which the courts will strike down even if all 9 judges were Republican appointed. They may be cucks, but they don’t want to get shot. Guns are the one thing I think conservatives might actually fight for. I’m not even really sure of that. They might not ever use them to stand up to tyranny, but it makes them feel good. Taking their guns is like taking a pacifier from a baby. Who wants to… Read more »
The possible gun grab Virginia is a possible wild card event that pushes things our way in dramatic fashion. Also something flying under the radar also in Virginia is a foreign born brown Democrat pushing a bill outlawing single family homes. I agree with Z that this is probably a generational fight but there is always the possibility of something happening out of the blue that changes everything overnight.
Outlawing single family homes is like the forced busing of decades past. However it plays out in the real world, it will be “clarifying” for a lot of normies.
And the identity of the clown proposing it makes it possible to hang a lot “who do these foreign fuckers think they are? When will we stop importing them?” sentiment on a vastly unpopular idea.
The Left is more farce now than the GOP (now GOP is due to Trump).
But its a wild card if they actually went to enforce it.
In my opinion lower level forces are driving towards violent civil war in both VA and the NE. In the latter, Blacks claim the “Purge” privilege, the ability to kill Whites at any time, and this is against a long standing, decades long, desire of both the Upper Class Whites and Blacks to enable Black violence against Whites at any time. [See the movies “Funny Games” where Upper Class Whites in masks torture/kill a nuclear family for being bourgeois ]. There will be no arrests in the Tessa Majors murder, the stabbing lunatic will be released after a wrist slap,… Read more »
They’re not gonna do a “gun grab” per se. They’re gonna outlaw all future semi-auto and hi-cap sales and require registration of existing guns. People won’t comply with registration, they’ll simply hide the gun in the closet, but they’ll get picked off one-by-one when their wife or GF calls the cops for a domestic.
That is already being done.
Depends on a lot of variables. The Virginians are probably the only white people with a sack who can fight back if the Dems go full Potato. My guess the state Dems will back off a bit until they get a Democrat in the WH then drop the hammer on whitey via executive orders and stacking SCOTUS. One thing about the Dems is that they are very good at playing the Long Game. And they play for keeps. Once Trump is gone I suspect the gloves come off They’ll gut the 1A and then the 2A. Then enact a slew… Read more »
Not sure if I agree with the predictions about impeachment and Durham, but I definitely agree that the Cat Ladies will want a gay this time to check off another box now that they’ve had a black and a woman at the top of the ticket. But the blacks ain’t voting for a white guy fag and the Dems can’t win without their votes. Ergo, Trump wins reelection pretty easily. For that matter, I personally believe that a VAST majority of Americans – even Democrats – aren’t down with the gay worship and won’t vote for him either, so if… Read more »
I am going to take a more white pilled view of Barr and Durham. I think some people go to jail. Not Obama or Hillary but maybe Brennan and low level FBI? Someone has to be sacrificed for normie conservative to continue his buying into the system. Too much risk not to convict someone. Is the national government ready to expose itself as completely outside of Saun Hannity viewership and Rush Limbaugh’s listenership control? I don’t think so, not yet. And I think Trump wins again in 2020. And like most second term Presidents in the modern age. Trump will… Read more »
I’d love to see it but I think Brennan’s a spook too far – the upper-echelon Deep State would see it as an infringement on their prerogatives unless he has pissed off a lot of his peers (ala Epstein).
After months of hype Barr & Durham will report “exceptionally poor judgment” for the well-known honchos, but the heinous crimes will be pinned on fanatical GS-15 cubicle warriors going by names like Hank Smith and Sue Miller. Remember Hillary’s emails? Remember investigations into the likes of Sandy Berger?
That’s the pattern – it ALWAYS works for them, and they’ll stick to it.
If (big “if”) Trump gets re-elected, I suspect a scorched earth policy on his part. He is smart enough to know that they will go after him and his family, forever, no matter what, and he is a vindictive SOB with a long memory. He may or may not get anywhere with it, but I suspect he will throw-down go after his adversaries. He is all about paybacks and pressing any advantages he has, and term limits means there is no tomorrow after his next term.
One thing left out of those predictions is the perennial wild card: the economy. We are way overdue for a recession or worse. It’s not hard to imagine the economy tanking while Trump keeps up his shtick, and everyone, even his base, gets totally repelled. I think the only shot the Dems have for the white house is a recession. Makes for a nice conspiracy if you believe in those.
Agree, and I’m a true-believer in the conspiracy that outed itself with Obama’s promise to “transform” America. The predictive question is whether they leave Trump holding the economic bag in 2020 or the entirety of the GOP in 2024. My bet is on the latter. Even if the Dems can grab the WH in 2020 they probably won’t turn over the Senate, and may very well lose seats in the House. But if the progressives push their agenda out 4 years, that gives them ample time to orchestrate new Trump scandals, start a war or two, and instigate a deep/lasting… Read more »
I think that Pres. Trump will be reelected.
We’re in a low-level civil war right now and it will get worse. The mid-2020s will be when it gets real bad.
if we want to Trump to win, we better hope the economy continues to do well. That is a major part of his platform. The dems cannot hold it against Trump for lack of progress on immigration, but will hold a market crash against him. I am optimistic the economy and market will do well for the rest of his first term and second, which should help his successor too.
What Trump needs is for the MARKET to continue to do well and interest rates held to near-zero, which are very different things from the actual economy. Markets and financial data can be (and are) massaged all the time, but not so much things like the Baltic Dry Index. So if the massaged data and market tickers continue to be favorable that will signal that Big Finance wants a 2020 win for Trump. It will also signal that we’re in for an economically devastating 2020-24. In the meantime it’s important that dissidents wake up to the economic house of mirrors.… Read more »
I dunno, in the Greenspan era he could bump interest rates up a quarter a point and cause enough of a contraction to make Bush 1 to lose. Powell has had ample opportunity to do the same but not only has Trump made it known to all that he will call Powell out on it, the Fed is now tied to making sure it can absorb all the Federal debt being issued. If he played with the rates it might be enough to bankrupt the big financial institutions and it would certainly curtail the liquify of the primary dealers to… Read more »
It’s possible the economy is so fake right now, one could spin it as “great” or “lousy”, depending on some metric. I do think that by September, if Trump is polling well, you’ll start hearing about being in a recession. It will come rather suddenly, and will not feel like one, and possibly not even be one, but mainstream news will be trying to sell one.
We’re already there. The phony economy is being propped up by money printing and deficit spending. I follow Layoffs News ( and it’s not pretty. Meanwhile Trump has caved to the donors and increased every category of work visa. Companies that lobbied for tax cuts are forcing their American employees to train their foreign replacements or just pocketing the savings while laying off thousands
“ Buttigieg pulls the shocker”
Please do not put Butt, pulls and shocker in the same sentence again.
Thank you.
No, DON’T think about it.
My prediction. More of the same. The not so slow slide into destruction and the normal people pretend not to notice.
More hostile foreign faces, more opioids and wars to destroy young white kids, more degeneracy and more insanity.
The only wild card is whether Trump eeks out another four years or if the Democrats brazenly steal the election and we all pretend what we saw was not what we saw.
Sanders or Warren will get the DemonRAt nomination and will get trounced. Trump will win a 45 State landslide. There will be blatant and massive vote fraud in the half of States. This will take a year or more to fully unveil, but the investigation into it will begin immediately. There will not be full impeachment trial in the Senate, but a vote and a summary dismissal. I agree on hard Brexit. I agree on Trade. And finally, I am cautiously hopeful that Barr and Durham are actually doing their jobs. This one is so important, and deep and wide… Read more »
Longbow thinks that the death of the rule of law will kick off violence, but I’m not so sure.
More likely, if many see in full living color that the rule of law is dead, they will embrace the Dark Side and begin to act as if following the law is optional, especially when dealing with the organs of the State.
Less chance of getting shot and quietly satisfying.
A stable polity absolutely depends on a vast majority of people self-policing and obeying most of the rules.
I see the task of Barr and Durham as landing the impeachment/coup plotting plane with the least damage to all concerned. Find that middle ground that looks not-too-bad for anyone, but satisfying to no one. Look at Barr’s history, he is a capable behind the scenes “fixer”, and always has been.
If Trump wins, what happens if the democrat party, which will retain its majority in the House in 2020, declares through the Speaker that the House of Representatives as a body refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election returns? Democrat governors making similar declarations in support of the Speaker? Pelosi’s House then chooses a president? A threat to paralyze the ability of the federal government to function is the only card left to the resistance and they will play it.
A Successful New Year For All of Us Dissidents…May we this year find or build the Community we would like and get prepared for whatever the future holds…
I predict that finally the JQ will be answered.
I predict that the answer is 110.
I denounce myself for laughing.
I highly doubt this year but if we get our acts together anything is possible…
Highly unlikely. Best case is that (((they))) go underground or kvetch on TV and nobody pays attention. I like what Mike Enoch says: just say no to them.
Happy New Year to all you dissidents. This place has become a regular daily stop for me, and a much needed community of like minded. Its nice to know we are not alone.
The summer Olympics are in 2020, setting the stage for a guy pretending to be a woman competing in the Trials or the actual Olympics. Since winning medals is a big deal, it’ll be interesting if one of those guys wins a medal to see the world’s reaction. Clown World on the biggest stage.
There is a way to defeat this farce (man as women athlete). Any sport where a man competes as a women, he competes alone. All women athletes simply refuse to participate. Yes, the man wins by default, but the victory is hollow. The winner is simply an asterisk in the records book. The press has a field day, the spectators are stunned, and the “winner” (by default) is shamed. What’s the alternative, for the true women athletes to come in 2nd, 3rd, 4th. With the 2nd place women pissing and moaning about “he’s not a women” and a parade of… Read more »
” ” “In one of life’s ironies, the racists are saved by the black man ” ” ” Guessing this is meant to be tongue and cheek ? Mocking the left is effective and fairly safe ( at least for now ) . Just hate using certain parts of their narrative as they are soulless, screaming lunatics and fail to see sarcasm or just simply ignore it and keep wailing about racism. Enjoyed the review of past predictions and this year’s predictions more or less reflect my sentiments as well. The one prediction that always comes true. . . .… Read more »
My impeachment prediction: Trump confounds progressives by saying that he self-identifies as “unimpeached.” They have no basis on which to disagee.
Folks; While I know that tomorrow = today is the best way to bet, most of the prognostications above give no scope for the Cloud Folly (TM) we’re seeing ever-increasing evidence for in 2019. Several black swan events are therefore likely to be brought about by Cloud Folly, past, present or future in 2020. The folly is now predictable, but not the results thereof. To recall, folly is doing something you actually know (or strongly suspect) is inimical to your self-interest but you do it anyway, because reasons. Or you imagine that the easily predictable results will somehow not happen… Read more »
I had to laugh at VA’s allocation of a tidy $50k exactly to five different means to up the 2A ante. How much additional incarceration space or prosecutorial talent does $50k buy? At some point, going through all the meaningless motions (talking to you, Greta) has an effect all its own, exposing the Clowniness of Clown World for all to see.
>The decline of Conservative Inc. will become acute as National Review begins to look for a white knight to keep the publication going. The fact is, the readership of that publication is being decimated by the actuarial tables. The typical reader is now over 70 years old. They never recovered from 2016 and more important, they have not been able to find their footing in the age of Trump. Like the rest of Conservative Inc., National Review is a legacy operations with no natural constituency…
can’t say it will be missed
I am somewhat new here, but have enjoyed your blog the past couple of months. I agree with most of your predictions, but think the presidential race will be a squeaker. Assuming the economy stays strong and no new wars, Trump should prevail. I agree with you that Buttigieg is the most likely opponent. The Dems know they will need a large black turnout so he’ll run with Stacey Abrams. Men (moderate whites plus a handful of blacks and Hispanics) will give a higher percentage to Trump this time around. Buttigieg will get the Seinfeld treatment. “Did you know he’s… Read more »
Well, it was a damn close run thing, but your hometown did you proud (again)
A few GOP tax incentives for inner city entrepreneurs would fix this problem in no time!
I predict that Tranny Mafia will continue to take over Feminism’s rackets. That’s all that’s happening with this Tranny panic. Biology wins, Fags are stronger than Hags.
As for father’s who won’t protect their children; good riddance to them and their spawn. Weaklings shouldn’t breed.
Z, What about the the ME? War with Iran?
The Great Howie Carr:
The gun grab is probably all show.
If it’s real a wild card.
But probably another not enforced except on FFL license holders/gun stores farce.
Regardless of who the Democrat nominee is, nationalists need to be prepared to endorse Trump publicly as the best candidate for white people on or about October 1. I mean endorsements just like those in the newspaper. Even if these are a lukewarm or qualified endorsements, 2020 is an opportunity to begin putting “Is This Good For White People?”-type rationales out in front of those still asleep or only beginning to wake up. It would be good if the media takes the bait and amplifies these in an effort to damage Trump or rile up nonwhites. The key is to… Read more »
If Trump was good for Whites, I could endorse this. He isn’t. He’s our version of the “Thatcher Effect.”
The idea that “we have to vote for this guy because the other guy is worse” is what keeps kosher sandwich politics in business.
You have to willing to say “I’d rather skip this meal than eat slop or sh*t.”
The key to defeating the kosher sandwich strategy is realizing that there is always a third way beyond the false binary choices they give you.
And that way would be….
Comp, see everything I’ve written here in the past. I’m not doing a reprise for every post.
All you do is moan and talk out of your a s s in a falsely confident tone.
If you’re not going to complete the point why bother posting it in the first place? As I see it, we have no other option if you’re going to vote. If you aren’t going to vote, then you haven’t made a choice
What it appears Exile is saying is that the only way not to lose at a rigged game is to not play. There is something to be said for that.
However, is there is also a time for the Alamo effect. Stalling your opponent is sometimes the best option available.
I am talking about an approximately five-week conscious-raising effort, not a fundamental re-orientation. If we can’t manage that, we’re less far along than I have imagined. Unfortunately, some of highly influential people in this thing have painted themselves into a corner over all this, whether from sour grapes or some other reason, I don’t know. I reject the comparison with Thatcher. Thatcher was an ideological neoliberal, Trump is at best a half-assed civic nationalist. I don’t think his effect has been anything like Thatcher’s on nationalist sentiment in the US, such as it was before 2016. In fact, it has… Read more »
I can safely predict UK FT doesn’t get Brexit yet.
“There was a dour prediction for manufacturing in the UK.
The editorial statement said: “The manufacturing sector will be devastated without the access to foreign markets that allows factories to take advantage of economies of scale.
“Britain will no longer be able to participate as easily in continent-wide supply chains in car-making or aerospace, nor will regulatory approval for chemicals and pharmaceuticals be automatic.”
Shrinking ie nationalizing supply chains is the point. As is reducing “economies of scale.”
Our Global ruling class are idiots.
In the scenario where Pete B is nominee, even a slight weakening of the economy will be the undoing of Trump, you will have 1976 repeated with a narrow Dem win, come think about it Pete B is closest to being current cycle’s Jimmy Carter. My prediction of how this narrow Dem win will be:
2018 elections showed strong residual Rep strength in IA/OH/FL which will keep them on their side, but the results were too strong to ignore a strong Dem lean for AZ/MI/PA, they go and with the elections to Dems.
The stock market will crash in Q2 and a medium sized bank will be allowed to fail. Trump will be hyperactive on Twitter but it won’t help. Butti will be paraded around as proof that we live in the gayest time in history, but Biden will be the Dem candidate, because he is the only one acceptable to most donors.
Two things: don’t you mean knight as in medieval warrior in “ white night ”? And is Bloomberg out of the campaign?
Bloomberg out?
Far from it.
I meant I think Bloomberg will have some impact and deserves a mention, so I assumed the lack of mention meant he had dropped out of the race, but I hadn’t heard that. He will probably serve to weaken Biden, as he checks most of the same boxes. Not sure what that will do overall to the nominee.
Conflating Trump supporters with racists is wrong. If you filled a room half with whites (and you can limit them to Trump supporters if you wish) and half with blacks, 80% of the racists in the room would be black and all of them would be “progressives”.
I think the Durham report will come out, later than it should, soon enough to make the fur fly before the 2020 election.
Want to bet a few mBTC on it?
Damn. I rarely disagree with the Zman, but here’s a clean miss: “The right thing for the GOP to do is have a public trial and let Team Trump make their arguments about the seditious plot and the Democrat connections to Ukrainian corruption. This would destroy the Democrats in the 2020 election and give the GOP a shot at winning back the House.” Not so: The elite ruling-class scum controls the MSM, the federal government and entertainment (Hollywood and television). A prolonged Senate trial allows additional lies by the Left to be magnified and incessantly broadcast as “true” 24/7. Facts… Read more »
Agree. This entire Impeachment is just a smear op now.
Clearly however the criminal activity from USA to Ukraine and back is ongoing however, hence the panic.
Basically they’re using Impeachment as leverage over Trump. Not that anything will come from Barr or Durham, or Rudy.
If Rudy was AG maybe – but he won’t be.
Impeachment is like Mueller; the guilty making accusations to cover their tracks.
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