A Gay Old Time

The Democrat primary season is living up to its promise of being a stinging indictment of modern democracy. Thus far, they have staged two election shows. The first one was a disaster, as the party was unable to properly rig the results, so they effectively cancelled the whole thing. The second time they instructed the media to spend all their time celebrating the king, as it were, of participation trophies for his exemplary participation in the New Hampshire primary, while ignoring the winner.

Putting aside the clownishness of the show thus far, the New Hampshire primary is rather symbolic of the ruling class decay. Biden was propped up for almost a year as the face of the party center. He was supposed to be the guy, who was the moderate’s first choice and everyone else’s second choice. Blacks would support him as a proxy for Obama. The remaining whites would support “Working Class Joe.” Even the Bernie Bros would fall in line behind a traditional left-wing candidate.

In reality, Biden was a doddering old fool, who said embarrassing things in public when he had all of his marbles. No amount of media support and fake polling was going to convince people to support a guy about to keel over at any minute. Instead, the various tribes of the party were left to seek their own standard. That’s what we have witnessed this far. The Democratic coalition is coming apart as the camps dig in behind their candidate to the exclusion of others.

Pete Buttigieg is the millennial candidate in every way. Most likely his support came from his age cohort. Further, it was heavily female, with the male portion being the sorts, who support the case against consuming soy products. On the other hand, Klobuchar is picking up the old Hillary vote. These are the old hens, who think having a female president is the only thing that matters. Her bitchy obnoxiousness reminds them of every fight they won with their ex-husband.

That is the democratic coalition right now. On the one hand it is spoiled, entitled millennial voters. On the other it is their divorced mothers. Sure, blacks, Hispanics, legacy whites and bronze age communists are there, but the people who run the party are of the two groups rallying to Buttigieg and Klobuchar. Those other groups are just accessories. They always have been, but now it is becoming explicit. None of the top-tier candidates have any appeal outside honkyville.

The obvious exception to all of this is the Sanders tribe. For most of the 20th century, this group was carefully sidelined by a party that understood they needed their support, but could never let them on the stage. The Bernie faction was like the alcoholic brother that no one discussed. They were not hated, but everyone in the party hated the embarrassment they caused in polite company. The restraints are off now, so those freaks and weirdos are free to run wild in the public square.

In fairness, there is a parallel between the Bernie Bros and the populists who came out for Trump in the 2016 primaries. Much of Trump’s support was rooted in the decades of broken promises from conservatives. Similarly, the Bernie Bros feel cheated by a party that has promised them the worker’s paradise for decades. There is a strong anti-establishment vibe to the support for Sanders. The difference is that Trump was a genuine novice, while Sander is an old political warhorse.

That’s an important thing for dissidents to remember while watching this circus play out over the next few months. Some people in our ranks will talk about how the Bernie Bros are headed for a great awakening about modern politics. It will be analogous to what some on our side have learned in their disappointment over Trump. That’s self-indulgent nonsense. The invisible army of disaffected whites that came out for Trump was never under any illusions about him. They knew he was a protest vote.

Further, the Bernie Bros are not going to have their red pill moment when their guy gets robbed of the nomination. If he somehow gets the nomination, the Bernie Bros will not wake up to the reality of the Left when they run their “The Case Against Sanders” post in the New York Times. Unlike disaffected whites, the Sanders faction actually enjoys being treated like dirt by the party. They are the dog that barks like mad at the mailman from behind the door. The door is what really matters.

Putting all of that aside, the brewing chaos in the 2020 election is not a sign of a system breaking down, but the natural result of a society being destroyed. The project of pitting one group of whites against another can only end one way. That is a war between whites resulting in a fracturing of the white demographic. This plays to the interest of minority groups, which become just another tribe in the neighborhood. The two-party system cannot work in a balkanized, minority rule society.

More important, perhaps, is the cosmopolitan ruling class cannot function as designed in such a society. The managerial state needs the illusion of popular support and meritocratic success. That’s hardly possible when the only thing the people agree upon is their hatred of the ruling elite. The system cannot hold up when the various tribes are not permitted to have their guys in the system. It turns out that what allows the managerial state to establish itself will be what destroys it.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

“Her bitchy obnoxiousness reminds them of every fight they won with their ex-husband.”

Sorry, no point to make other than this is a great line. Classic Z.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

I was going to quote the next two lines – the ones about the spoiled millenials and their divorced mothers [Damn right!] – and pay essentially the same compliment. As to that latter I’ll borrow a line from R.L. Dabney and declare that they constitute what he defined as “that most abhorrent of all phenomena – an infidel woman.” As to the former, I’ll paraphrase the same author and declare that, given the circumstances of their upbringings, it is no surprise at all that they more closely resemble a race of demons than of human beings.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

It is, had me chucking

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

With both “bitchy obnoxiousness” and “their divorced mothers” as top contenders, I’m rooting for “the dog that barks like mad at the mailman from behind the door. ”

Even so, it’s “The project of pitting one group of whites against another” that takes the win.

Tyler, the Portly Politico
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Yep. Definitely one of the most quotable Z Man pieces ever. The dog barking at the mailman behind the door was also classic.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

This was the best Z man post in awhile. Concise and biting. Several lines are worth quoting repeatedly.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

How about this reference to Pete supporters: “…the male portion being the sorts who support the case against consuming soy products.“

Another classic!

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

The Democratic clown show of degenerates shows why a full democracy is ruinous. We have effeminate males, gays, and cat-ladies pushing the direction of candidates who will be responsible for the long-term stability of our nation.
Think of how different it would be if the vote was limited to people with multi-generational skin in the game, specifically minimally third-generation Americans, married, with children. Literally 80% of the Democrat coalition would vaporize overnight.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Thinking about restricting the franchise back to the original intent is nice, but it’s not happening, so wishful thinking isn’t very helpful in the here and now. We’ve got a shitty hand, and we’ve got to play the cards we’ve been dealt. That means in practice encouraging and fomenting division among the leftist coalition, not with a goal of making them conservatives or part of our coalition, but simply causing chaos. Anal Pete is the closest thing to “normal” the Democratic Party has, because it’s increasingly clear Joe Biden is too old and too prone to losing his temper to… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
4 years ago

Agreed it’s never going to happen, But we can convince our more civnat families that the Democracy they live under has no legitimacy.

It’s well established in the DR we’re not voting our way out of this. The goal is to get Bill and Monica down the road with their three kids to come to the same conclusion.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

Ms. Monica-down-the-road, along with the ladies in my family all watch 60 Minutes and network news. Thus they are skeptical of right-wingers and all of their supremacy and gun-violence.
How in the world to get them to even consider turning off the T.V.?

Reply to  Goetz
4 years ago

Patience and persistence. When I met my wife, she had just voted for Obama in 2008. Now she can’t get enough Trump, but is still a bit stuck in flag waving, civnat mode, which I have been slowly steering her out of. The other day I told her she could be a race realist without being racist. She said, “Race realist? I really like that phrase.”

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Women may occasionally flirt with the thrill of the “bad boy”, but as oft pointed out here, are risk averse and will gravitate toward “the norm”, safety and social acceptability. The trick to peeling them off the poz wagon is to illuminate the increasing threat to their offspring, exposing them to a community of like-minded people, and showing them you personally don’t jeopardize their safety. For most white women, all the reasoning in the world won’t override that basic social/survival hardwiring. To that end we must build community, power, and legitimacy. None of these things initially run counter to the… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

PM, good point. I’ve met very few women who could handle outright iconoclasm, particularly in the face of public social pressure. The ones who could handle it were Coulter-types and for every functional one of those there are a dozen Gone Girl sociopaths – same spectrum. I’ve said before that worrying about “women in our movement” is putting the cart before the horse. That said, having them anywhere around our movement will require a parallel social ladder for them to climb and parallel social circles to shine in. Those will come with time. This is going to be a boys’… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
4 years ago

Status before safety at this point. Our guys need to be built-up in a community that elevates their status based on those character traits and actions that serve the interests of the community and the natural order. Team truth and beauty. Strong men of status. Women will attach to those men. The problem is how we do that as dissidents. Most young women are safe but not in the right ways. Coddled from reality and consequences of the prevailing toxic beliefs and behaviors. Yet their hindbrains know the score; they are also afraid and full of cogdis driven anxiety. Strong… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

PM, Exile and Screwtape, good points all around. Women naturally want to be in good graces with the tribe, but they also want a strong man and a strong tribe. Right now, white women view their tribe as TPTB and thus carefully look for signals as to how to stay in good with that tribe. We need to create a competing community, a community with the kind of men they want. Women will take on the mores of that community in a heartbeat if they believe it gives them and their children a better shot. Women will not come to… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago
John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Oh dear gawd, Chet. My mother is one of those old biddies. She watches The View and takes it seriously. She’s run her friggin mouth to the point I won’t put up with her. Those women live in a different world. It’s like when the guy cornered the fake indian biddy and asked her if he’d be reimbursed for an education he had to save an pay for, that she was goin to give away for free if she got elected. The old bint vapour locked, and then just dismissed everything because reasons. She didn’t even slow down to think… Read more »

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

When the taming of shrews was banned because misogyny, not only did the shrews take over the town square, but nobody got to marry her pretty and feminine younger sister Bianca. So she went into marketing and binge-drinking instead. With no shot at Bianca, the dutiful beta males realized that their path to high status was to appeal to the shrew. Thus began their steady diet of soy and signaling compliance. They would never be as high status as the fags but boy would they try. Meanwhile, Chads Tinder the daylights out of Bianca but will never marry her because… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Leg day!

We were unloading fresh greens on the sidewalk, south of Tribeca on Canal Street.

This is a gentrified district of art shops with big picture windows and organic grocers (us).

With our bunch of guys doing guy stuff, the girls in their long shirts and black leggings started mysteriously appearing nearby.

They would primp and preen with their reflections in those big picture windows, never -quite- glancing our way.

Giuliani was mayor, and it was April in Manhattan!

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

The amount of unmarried childless white people (all people, really) in their 30s is pretty staggering.

Gen X divorcees are now using tinder and other apps to sleep with dozens of these mid to late 30s washed up whores. Very easy I’ve heard.

The USA fertility rate is going to continue to plummet but asymetrically. Seems like everybody knows somebody from a religious family with 6 kids these days. Their share is going to grow quite quickly.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

You don’t even need Tinder.

There’s some kind of “five stages of grief” process working out generationally with respect to the trauma of widespread divorce. Gen Z may be the first generation that’s learned to cope with the nuked family, albeit dysfunctionally. It’s more complicated than just “daddy issues,” but not a lot more. The girls in that 30’s age range over the last few years seem hardest hit, even more so than their 40-something shrew-sistas.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“with respect to the trauma of widespread divorce. Gen Z may be the first generation that’s learned to cope with the nuked family”

No men around.
That’s also the complaint in the Black community. No men to tame and teach the young men how to be providers and pillars.

The feminists got rich off of divorce lawyers, robbing the seed-corn of families, and now they teach woke female judges in university law school.

This is a vicious circle.
I can’t blame Zoomers for learning what we taught them- which is how to betray your own kin.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

And now, the young? They steal from Granma *first*. That would be unthinkable a generation before.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

There are still men “around” in the ‘white community’ but it’s sort of a communal parenting thing, with many kids having 2 or more dads and 2 or more moms. Maybe this is how we lived 1500 years ago as north european barbarians, I don’t know. Either way we are looking like savages compared to the Mexicans, Chinamen, Indians, Filipinos, Thais, Arabs etc. all the 2nd tier type people. We are not as bad as blacks but to be honest I see the majority of whites as uncivilized savages who can’t even be bothered with the basic foundation of their… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

“I see the majority of whites as uncivilized savages”. Exhibit A – ThePeopleofWalmart.com

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

I am sitting on a cruise ship in the Caribbean right now and this could not be more true. I go because wife wants warm weather on “vacation” and to be honest the resorts are even worse. I feel so out of place around the drunk and gluttonous. I really have no idea why she loves this shit so much. Its so meaningless and vapid.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Its heartbreaking Exile. Its not just the divorce but also the expectation of impermanence, coupled with the vapid transactional nature of intimate bonds that works its way into everything. A lot has happened in one generation. Its easy to see those boundaries between “good girls”, cam girls, strippers, and hookers as hardened moral fortifications. But they are maginot lines at best. Progress and technology have rubblized them in a blitzkrieg. A cynical man, having closely engaged with this cohort for going on a decade now, would come to recognize the various patterns of divorce-transaction imprinting such that he might be… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Gen X males are pushing degeneracy on their own children – I know many examples of fathers encouraging their 18 to 21 year old children to sleep around and “bring girls over”. Quite honestly alot of Zoomers seem okay with chilling in the basement playing videogames but the Gen X fathers who are living like 25 year old crazy bachelors want their kids to be like them. Maybe a form of coping; bring more people into the degeneracy they know is wrong? Anyways, having divorced parents is one of the worst things and it actually gets worse as I age.… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

Funny and insightful prose, Screwtape

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Larry Auster and many of his commenters used to argue for the following minimal electoral qualifications: Married *men*, with children (I’m not sure anyone ever argued for a specific or minimum number of children, but the plural “children” seems to imply more than one), who is also a net-taxpayer (meaning of course a man [or a family] who pays more in taxes than he receives in benefits – this would eliminate government employees, of course, and rightfully so.). So add the male qualification along with the net-Taxpayer one, and I’m with you 100%. Never going to happen in my lifetime,… Read more »

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

I would change that qualification to “married, white Christian males with children paying more in taxes than received benefits”.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I’ve considered that before – the white, Christian part – but it’s almost a moot point when you think about it.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

I think Epaminondas just trolled us.

That’s in the original Founding arguments, isn’t it?

GC Mandrake
GC Mandrake
Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

Epaminondas, I don’t think we want children paying taxes.
You might need an extra comma in there.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

What you say would all come under the heading of “earned suffrage”. Since the unworthy would never give up suffrage, it will take a complete collapse of the old order. I suspect a reimplementation of limited democracy as put together from an autocratic, ruling body when things calm down.

Reply to  T. Morris
4 years ago

The government employee versus “net tax payer” cannard is just libtardian bullshit. Is POTUS, who receives $400K per year of government salary, free digs and the use of a plane etc. to be disqualified from voting for his own re-election? Or is a public defender to be denied a vote, but a private attorney under government contract is somehow distinct? Perhaps our roads should be privately run and our garbage collected by regulated private utilities like electricity and telephone providers? You can see how well entrusting the internet to Google and Facebook has unfolded. God forbid that a man receive… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

If you work for the government, whether as an elected official, an employee, or a contractor, you already have vastly more influence over national policy than the average American, long before you step into the voting booth.

T. Morris
T. Morris
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

The government employee versus “net tax payer” cannard is just libtardian bullshit. Ha, ha. Get out of here with that nonsense. As the old adage goes, ‘you can’t shit a shitter’, man. As to your question about the POTUS: yes, of course he would be denied the franchise. Duh. Well, I take that back somewhat – he might (might!) be allowed to continue to vote in the local elections during his Presidential tenure, but that would be up to the good folks at the local level from whence he comes. Otherwise, hell no! As to “private” businesses (so called) who… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Remember, all this came under representative democracy and not “full” democracy. Even the blacks, when given the opportunity to vote on the subject, voted like 90% against gay marriage. Outside of gibs, I don’t think they care too much about much else. Most of the evil came out of the courts. But I agree about skin-in-the-game. Not just at the federal level either. Nobody who is in a locale less than 3 generations should be able to vote for the local dog-catcher. 3 generations at whatever level the vote is at..ie 3 gens in the town for the local, 3gens… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

There is something about democracy as practiced since WW1 that is just not working. A lot of people here seem to have similar ideas to mine; women and loser men voting will not work. But aside from that Im not really sure what the ideal system should be. Peter Hitchens, the brother of Chris, once made a point that I think is very important; democracy and liberty are not only not identical but often directly at odds. He chose liberty. So do I.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

We had that, and as all democracies do, it mutated into the current system. The system may have been sound but the rhetoric was flawed. Since the masses are more easily swayed by rheotric than dialectic, we have the current situation.

Democracy is the problem, not the solution. More aristocratic or monarchical elements and less egalitarianism would do us good.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

I sure hope that “aristocratic” is a euphemism for “fascistic.”

John Smith
John Smith
4 years ago

I am not disappointed in Trump at all. You have to remember, he is up against half the country. And – he is not an amateur in dealing with people – he’s actually damned good at it and has proven it on countless occasions. Turn it around: with all this lunacy going on, why is the dissident right still skulking in the shadows? Not trying to pick a fight or be a dink – I am just saying that we have to manage our expectations. Trump got the country talking about immigration, the deep state, and other stuff that was… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Something about Trump—whether intentional or not—when he says certain things, brings out the crazy in the left. They reveal themselves for the whole normie-world to see.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

That really is his super-power and the best we are going to get at this time.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

If he made full use of his super-power, in one of his speeches, when he’s crowing about low black unemployment, he slipped in something about whites as a group, in a postitive way. That would cause more pointing and shrieking from the left than a billion “It’s Okay to be White” flyers.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 years ago

He did, in his comment about Charlottesville, that there are good people on both sides.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Is it a superpower? Or just plain speaking without considering the other side’s “feelings”. Most of us have spent a lifetime among people who don’t give a rat’s ass about our feelings. The Left has been guilty of this and, by and large, receive deference to their provocations by the Right. One set of rules for them, another for us. After generations of this treatment, the Left assumes that’s the way it is. Well, it’s not. 🙂

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Exactly. I think one of the dissident wanks – probably one of you guys – put it best when quipped about speaking truth to idiocy…😆👍

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Many of us have made preparations already. I long ago severed relations with people I thought would end up actively trying to destroy me sometime in the future. It turns out they are more firmly entrenched in their delusions than they were 25 years ago.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

And to think, we laughed at the Victorians for their silly sexual obsessions.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

I’m sorry for what’s happening within your family. Politics, especially now that it’s heavily-crafted theater, produced by plutocrats and gangsters, should be well down the list of what matters. Never lose hope. FWIW, I’m not on speaking terms with 90s me. 😉

4 years ago

The Dems right now are like the Gillette Marketing Department. Among themselves they are cooking up what they think will be an absolutely brilliant new campaign. In a few months they’ll reveal it to the entire country (most of whom are paying no attention so far) and get the same reaction that Gillette did.
“That’s it? A small-city homo mayor? Or old commie, or bitchy Senator?” Whatever the final product that comes out of the convention, it will repel normals with the power of tons of rotten fish.

4 years ago

The invisible army of disaffected whites that came out for Trump was never under any illusions about him. They knew he was a protest vote. Almost all normies know Trump is a blowhard. They are used to dealing with that type of guy. As long as he mostly delivers, it’s fine. I think that is the point many dissident right people miss. Trump was never the guy to radically change the system. Anything we get from him is a win. His winning and blowing up the neocons is worth something. The unmasking of the deep state is a positive. His… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Nomally i would be happy to see Democrats move towards populism just as Trump drags the GOP away from neo cuckery towards a more populist, less anti-white politics. If your political opponents are forced to adopt your ideas thats called winning. Yet i worry that Sanderism-a leftist, woke, anti-white populism will prove the easy, go to populism for white weaklings and give the woke gate keepers a device to split the populist vote, retaining a working anti-white majority with a few more taxes and tarrifs tossed in to appease the Bernie Bros (who at least wont be called racist).

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Always liked the Trump-is-the-Mule” analogy. The Mule upset the apple cart for awhile, but was eventually neutralized by the Foundation and society was guided back to “the plan” shortly thereafter.

I expect the same when Trump is gone, be it this year or four years from now.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I see Trump more as an Aleric type figure. He was an outsider who came to power by playing the barbarian card. The empire didn’t collapse straight away because of Aleric, but after him it could never go back to the status quo anti.
Like Aleric Trump has re written the political rulebook. Some people say that Trump is one of a kind and nobody else can pull off a similar stunt but I’m guessing that in 4 or 8 years time someone will try.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

That doesn’t explain pre-candidate, or even Candidate-Trump’s reversals. Congress voted against giving Saudi Arabia sensitive military technology. Who overrode that vote? The same guy that railed against SA from 9/11 until he was sworn in. That doesn’t bother anyone?

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

HRC staying loose in the bullpen for just such a moment when Bernie needs a reliever.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

What I notice lately is the fragility of the coming generations. The capitalist corporate world is ever demanding and piling on multiple jobs into one employee while the next generation calls in sick because their dog died last night and they just need time to absorb the pain. In the meantime the number of reliable competent employees keeps shrinking. Trumpism in a way represents the get it done corporate cut throat culture while the Bernie bro’s and the divorced mothers and gay son’s of Klobachar and Buttigieg represent the new American workers coming the capitalists way. No wonder they want… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Your first sentence is an excellent point. I cite the Sarah Lawrence cult as an extreme example of how fragile the coming generations are: https://www.thecut.com/2019/04/larry-ray-sarah-lawrence-students.html Short version: Motivated 60 year-old Boomer ex-con takes complete control over the lives of 6 or 7 Millenials as well as many of their parents. Boomer manages to extract hundreds of thousands of dollars from the parents, wreck two or three marriages, and sleep with at least one, possibly two of the Millennial women. At least three of the Millenials involved are still under the Boomer’s spell to the present, with one serving as a… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

I couldn’t get too far into that, I have a low tolerance for “stupid people and their stupid adventures”, but yes your absolutely right.

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

I couldn’t either. The “the divorced mothers and gay son’s” certainly seems to be connected, along with gullible, twitchy daughters. Dammit, I was raised by a single mom- not her fault or dad’s either- and we were mortified by the thought of disappointing that tough old bird. She kept us and all the grandkids together, sane, and we all worked. Now, this was a girl from literally the wrong side of the tracks. I found out near the end about our strange and terrifying toddlerhood. Anyone connected to a certain dead President- as in “Mac and Fitz, two Irishmen who… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

In the land of men without chests, the high T sociopath is king.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Just wanted to add that I think GLG is also correct about: 1) Corporate America overloading/understaffing its employees. I read a lot of STEM job descriptions, and in many of them I can often detect two, sometimes three actual jobs. I’ve also experienced this at work, and I’ve seen others experience this overloading. This is not viable long-term. 2) The number of competent, reliable employees is shrinking. This is a symptom of Boomers beginning to retire without credible replacements. GenX, as always, was largely forgotten about. Most Millenials seem to have been encouraged to pursue passion, rather than practical degrees.… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

The only two women I ever hired (in the mid 90s) called in sick for 3 days for their dog’s funeral. Ridiculous children. I fired them and have never hired another woman since. As a side note, it’s become very difficult to fire people these days, so employers must be extremely discriminating in hiring to begin with and then carefully “encourage” an unsatisfactory employee to leave of their own accord, by reducing their hours, scheduling them on days they do not want and so on. CA actively stirs up a needlessly adversarial relationship between labor and management by encouraging employees… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Your diagnosis of the polity is a reasonable one; but it neglects an underlying reality that much of America’s economic activity is simple make work. The Pareto Principle is a powerful heuristic because it has proven accurate over so many domains, i.e. that 20% of the effort results in 80% of the outcome. Much as public school education has become a proxy for free day care rather than a means of successful pedagogy, many corporate and government jobs are simply the funnel for wealth and income distribution to sustain consumerism and tie the neo-serf class to the system. We can… Read more »

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Bingo. Better for each and every one of us to do that which Nature has designed us for. There are exceptions around the edges to be sure, but by and large we are happier and more productive when in our niche.

4 years ago

Sanders, or someone holding his core positions (excepting his previous, recently revised ones on funs and open borders) is the future of the Democrats as their golems take over. Aging boomer fossils like Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer will ‘go to the farm in the country’, and be replaced piecemeal by the squad and people like them. The DNC has more secret levers to stop Sanders in 2020 than the RNC had against Trump in 2016, but they may be smart enough to know that 2020 is a lock for Trump at this point, and throw him up as a cannon… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Klobochar’s more unlikeable than Hillary, if such a thing is possible. Amazing this field is so thin that she’s managed to hang around.

The only thing that could make her more unlikeable is a strahng black wahman on the ticket. Klobuchar-Abrams is a ticket Don Jr. could beat.

I still think Orange Man Bad For Us, but the Dems don’t have anything they care to offer that’s any better. All of their candidates but Tulsi are “accelerants” and the DNC is fitting her for a cement surfboard.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’ve touted Kamala, I’ve touted Abrams, but would white women really vote for that loud black b*tch that beat them up in high school?

Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

“The DNC has more secret levers to stop Sanders in 2020 …”

This assumes that they have someone competent and sane to pull those levers. The embarrassment of the strzok-page texts show that is not true and it’s only getting worse. I don’t doubt the levers are there and somebody is going to pull them but it’s just going to be at the wrong time or in the wrong direction are some other equally nonsensical ending. On the upside it could end up being amusing

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

This is probably YT’s last stand in the DNC; definitely if Trump wins. Picking a VP from the field would be smart but it won’t be Tulsi. If Bernie buys the farm in office we’ll then have a non-interventionist in office. Never again…I would expect Pete or Amy. What will be most interesting about this election will be to observe whom the oligarchs put upon the stage from the Ascendant Class. Someone palatable to whites or a true blue race warrior like Stacey Abrams. This will tell us something about the degree of control they have on their coalition and… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

“This election is beginning to strike me as more and more of a place holder election, waiting until the Ascendant Class is ready for center stage or can no longer be held back.”

Concur. It’s the Oscars at this point.

Kudos to Beans, too. That’s more classic Z-goodness right there. Impudent as he!!.

Darn it, though, I was really looking forward to seeing Peter kissing the First Husband onstage. A looong, loving tongue-kiss.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

AOC’s definitely being groomed for Potemkin Wokeness. Watch for her in 2024. She’s a 99% non-Whiter version of Liz Warren, all the populist rhetoric, all the backroom wink-wink. And note the careful distancing from da Squad nowadays.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

She has a constituency of 85 million Hispanics to help her get there.

A couple of days ago Counter-Currents had a link to a demographic breakdown that included illegals. The best estimate is that both legal and illegal Hispanics are already 85 million. At the current rate it will be approaching 95 million by 2024. They are already more than double the Black population.

There is a useful multi-colored table near the end of the article.


Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

Love the image of foreign-born nursing home aides filling out absentee ballots! Huge potential for fraud. However, that’s not the full picture as there are several steps in the procedure which make it difficult for one individual to screw up. For the last ten years I have worked at my county’s board of elections on Election Day, party primaries and county elections, too, as a member of the Absentee Counting Board. We do see the occasional quavery hand-writing of an elderly person. The thing is, you as a registered voter, have to request an absentee ballot, and if it’s for… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
4 years ago

This is already happening in my family – caretaker “took care of” the ballot in 2016 and 2018. It was something I always did in person with my parents but the caretaker beat me to it these last 2 elections. Caretaker is gay and waaay too touchy to approach about something like this so I let it go. My sister in law mentioned they found staff collecting absentee ballots in the mailroom where her father lives in the midwest, where it might matter.

Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

“That said, a Sanders/Tulsi ticket is their best chance in the general.” A 79 year-old angry socialist in a booming economy, with no minority base? Nope, I plan to vote for Bernie in the primary, hoping for a Fall wipeout. Which is probably what the Dems need to return to sanity. The brown leftward lurch of the party will then be held back by the financiers. They might not be able to steer it back until they face a McGovern like loss.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

No minority base? Pay closer attention to the pics of his rallies or those from the Iowa caucus. His platform is essentially ‘gibs from whitey’. I don’t think he has a snowball’s chance in the 2020 general, but the split would be closer. Think of him as John the Baptist, but for the antichrist. Bloomberg’s 13-50 soundbite will probably hurt him less than expected, even among blacks, but he’s just a spoiler in any case. Whoever the DNC nominates, brokered or not, will be a one shot and will disappear from the national stage the day after the election. As… Read more »

Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

About that shiv- steal some saran wrap from the camp kitchens.

Wrap it tightly, melt it with a lighter or fire (gotta get those too), keep wrapping and melting it.

Sharpen it on the concrete.

A little advice from San Quentin.
Just in case.

Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

Look at the blacks in MAGA hats behind Trump. All staged for effect. Minorities are always ushered to the front row. Any Dem will promise gibs to blacks. They still have to get excited enough to show up. Bernie is promising to raise everyone’s taxes and eliminate 180 million health care policies. His interview in the 70’s about women’s rape fantasies hasn’t even been covered. Electoral blowout, Senate, maybe House.

Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

I keep telling people that Bernie was a fairly responsible mayor of Burlington, VT. Of course that was when spending was dependent on taxation. That no longer applies. Anywhere in the US.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  BeansAndBandAids
4 years ago

” By the time the DNC puts up a Mugabe or Guevara, they’ll be pushing daisies or trapped in nursing homes by their imported aides (who will fill out their absentee ballots).”

Damn. That parenthetical thought gives “remembers every fight they ever won with their ex-husband” a run.

4 years ago

Two-party winner-take-all societies more commonly resemble South Africa than South Carolina. The “first past the post” model breaks down fast when the two parties’ agendas strongly diverge or they otherwise lose their common ground. It’s one thing to differ over the capital gains rate – it’s entirely another when 51% of your neighbors vote to nationalize your garage to house Abdi and Juglas. Muh Constitution 1.0 was supposed to prevent the latter overreach by limiting what government in general could do, but this was a systemic pipe-dream. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and elite hearts want what they… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

In re: South Africa. “One man, one vote, one time”

Terrifying to hear “serious” people discussing abolishing the electoral college in favor of a simple majority vote. Or the complaint that it’s “not fair” that my large state Senator represents millions more constituents than your small state Senator and their votes count as equal.

When those firewalls fail (and they will), the “One man, one vote, one time” election will end the republic. Democracy, which is tyranny, will rule.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Agreed. In a multi-culti polis the three-legged stool of Aristotle’s rhetoric is broken irretrievably. No shared major premise or enthymeme; thus no logos. Culture-based moral relativity; thus no ethos. All you’re left with is the emotive wailing of pathos: Orange Man bad, white people evil, black lives matter, #metoo, etc. Debate aimed at consensus on policy becomes impossible. Your only choice is to eat the soy and become woke or eat the meat and become deplorable. Make mine rib eye, served rare.

4 years ago

“the Sanders tribe” The Sanders tribe is not the Tribe, which is a key point. I see two (or three) major impediments to Sanders getting the nod. 1. A Sanders administration would range from nothing accomplished to utter disaster. No one wants the first Jewish president to be a disaster. 2. Sanders embodies too many negative Jewish stereotypes: the heavy Brooklyn accent, the appearance, and of course the socialism and the lack of ever having held down a productive job. Much Harry Reid infamously said about Obama having “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one,” meaning that the… Read more »

Reply to  Mike_C
4 years ago

Obama’s election took much wind out of the “America is fundamentally racist” sails.

I don’t see that. The “America is racist” engines got turned up to eleven during the Obama presidency and have never come down.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

True, but it took the wind out of the sails of those who once said/thought: “I’ll vote for a Black man and prove to everyone I’m a modern, enlightened “good White”. It proved to those “good Whites” that there is no redemption, no indulgence that can be obtained, for the sin of being White.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

A very liberal friend of my wife’s said, “I thought electing Obama would put race issues behind us.”

Let’s ignore the monumental stupidity necessary to pronounce such a comment and focus on what she said next, being a Church Lady and paraphrasing Jesus, “I guess we’ll always have the race issue around.”

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Compsci said what I was trying to. Only much more clearly.

Agree that institutional anti-whiteness remains amped up. But increasing numbers of people are not only noticing, but actively disapprove. Interestingly, recent immigrants (nonwhite, but high IQ ones) are among the most likely to articulate this.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Now it’s “official policy.” Everywhere.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Europeans who follow American politics see no chance for the Democrats in this year’s elections. The candidates are too old, too out of touch and all of them are a bit weird and creepy. The real question is who will follow Trump after his next term ends in 2024? Republicans don’t have much lined up in the wings and odds are the few that go up against Trump in the 2020 polls are just straw men with zero chance of anything more than writing in their own names on the ballots. What I’d like to know who is Trump, or… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Not only no worthy successor to Trump, but we have a ruling class that will seek to bury his bones and salt the earth holding them. The organized mandatory retributionary drills are going to make denazification look tame.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Dunno Ron DeSantis in Florida looks like he has promise, but time will tell. He has done a lot against the prevailing state level DS bureaucracy. Like DJT, he is independently wealthy and that will sway the CivNats

Reply to  UpYours
4 years ago

DeSantis is another one who signals one way to the voters (Yay! E-verify) then subverts them by signing watered-down legislation that doesn’t apply to Big-Ag or businesses employing fewer than 150 people (in other words, the places that employ illegals.) Also, Israel First, or else!!!

Reply to  UpYours
4 years ago

De Santis signed Florida’s new BDS law from Israel. He’ll have all the money he wants if he decides to run but he’s certainly not going to be independent in any sense.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Ain’t that the truth! What I don’t understand (at all) are the people who supported candidate-Trump going all-in against candidates who support the same policies candidate-Trump supported, because President Trump has reversed course?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

But after Trump?

My money’s on Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Odds are VP Pence, but that probably won’t win an election, but is typical of a successful party of the current election. What is needed, and could happen is another “non-political”, but recognizable candidate, ala Trump.

So if you want to see what the sea of possible successful candidates holds, look outside the party and generally political office holders. Trump broke the mold, others to be sure are looking towards a grab at the gold ring without doing their time in the trenches.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

another “non-political”, but recognizable candidate

Tucker Carlson?

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Does Kris Kobach still have any juice? He’s not “non-political; but I do like the cut of his jib on immigration policy.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Devin Nunes? Rand Paul?

Reply to  Ripple947
4 years ago

The last thing the dissident right needs is a Libertardian as POTUS, so that’s a big thumbs down to Rand Paul.

Reply to  Dukeboy01
4 years ago

I remember Lew Rockwell saying Rand isn’t his father. It stuck with me that a leading libertarian wasn’t comfortable with the guy. True he leans that way but he hasn’t been stupid about, as far as I know.

Walrus Aurelius
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

He might not be, but if so it’s because he has the exact wrong bent. Remember he tried to bill himself as a “Detroit Republican” back in 16, and has a love of the free market that made him try and take on Trump a few times at the debates, to embarrassing lack of effect.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Trump is not right wing, which is unfortunate, but neither is Trump Republican, which is good. No reason to look to Republicans to replace or improve on Trump. That is simply not who they are or ever were.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

It’s almost as if the Democrats didn’t get the globohomo memo. None of the fools on offer, aside from Pete the Gay Mayor, are a Trudeau, a Macron, a Varadkar, a Sanna Marin (PM of Finland) et al. That is, young and woke. Damn that constitutional age requirement. If only AOC were four years older. Maybe the circus of wokeness will still be playing in America in 2024; but in Europe it already seems to be folding the tent.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

Rand Paul? He has the Paul name, a learning experience from ‘16, he’s been a pretty staunch supporter of Trump and MAGA, and most importantly he’s been in DC for a decade but doesn’t reek of establishment.

I’d bet on him for GOP. Dems I have no idea, they’re a wreck and either someone comes out of nowhere in the next 4 years or they’re toast again.

Paul. It’s the only name I get a feeling about. But don’t quote me on that 🙂

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
4 years ago

With the preface this sounds melodramatic, I truly believe this will be the last semi-free and fair election in the United States and even it will be loaded with fraud and cheating. The Ruling Elite plans to do away with actual elections, full stop, after someone they view as dangerous (in the sense they cannot assassinate him without consequences) is out of office. There will be old Soviet-style affairs to give the imprimatur of legitimacy to “winners,” but most people will realize it is a sham and do little in response. There will be dissolutions here and there, sort of… Read more »

4 years ago

According to the exit poll, the Democrats in New Hampshire were 58% women and 63% over 45. The ones making decent money split between the non Bernie options. White men are continuing to abandon the Democrats. Blacks are not voting for the gay guy and black men have already demonstrated they won’t vote for the angry white woman. I don’t see an option they have to nominate that could keep their coalition together.

Reply to  Barnard
4 years ago

White women will eventually realize they’re swimming in a shark tank. Eventually. Even re-education can’t beat their desire for safety.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Women will trade a mere promise of safety/security (backed by strong men) over freedom every day, guaranteed.

It is a fundamental difference between men and women, and worthy of a discussion about the wisdom and viability of women’s suffrage in a polity where “freedom” is supposedly the highest ideal.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

So when enough white women realize they are in danger, we will see changes.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

When we run out of “good schools” to run to. Saw that one with my own eyes, as the whitest teachers’ neighborhood in town turned into a brown renter’s trap.

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

A woman once called Rush Limbaugh to say that she voted for Clinton in 1992 and 1996, but for Bush in 2000. Why? She married, had a child and realized that it was her husband’s job to take care of her, not the government. What a patriarchal sentiment! The breakdown of the family and massive increase in the number of single individuals, especially single mothers, is a boon to the Democrats. The majority of White married women vote Republican. George Will once wrote that the greatest act of conservatism was to have a child, the next was to buy a… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
4 years ago

The freedom at all costs stuff sounds good n’ all until you’ve got crying babies and no food. Darn straight women value security, that’s what we are SUPPOSED to provide for our kids.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

From wiki, about Klobuchar

…her relationship with her father was not fully restored until he quit drinking in the 1990s

The democratic primaries are going to be two overloaded express trains of daddy issues, Klobuchar and Buttigieg, slamming right into each other at full speed. As entertainment I’m getting almost giddy. I just wish political power and nuclear codes were not even theoretically involved.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

A television series that parodied Democrat politics would be a huge hit and ratings bonanza. Each season could highlight one of these psycho train wrecks. Lead off with Uncle Joe, the closet pedophile with Alzheimer’s disease. The plot lines are endless.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

First American democracy was a drama, then it became a tragedy, later a farce. And now to one-up the old Greeks, it’s a sitcom….

Walrus Aurelius
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 years ago

Isn’t a sitcom just a farce with extra steps?

4 years ago

Another difference between the 2016 Trump-right and the 2020 Bernie Bro-left is how each side handles a defeat. For all its piss and vinegar, the Trump-right will bitch on various media outlets but do little more. The Bernie Bro left may actually try and start a revolution. They will march and burn cars and cause actual mayhem.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Skeptical. We didn’t see that with Hillary, and Bernie will refuse to hoist the black flag no matter how badly he is cheated. He is fundamentally a weak man, and a weak man can not galvanize a mob to insurrection.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

A Bernie Bro shot up the Republican Congressional baseball team. If he had been a decent shot, several Reps and Senators would have been killed. Last week one of them drove a van through Republican voter registration tent in Jacksonville Florida. His followers ARE violent.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

They have the capacity, but judging by their lack of success, and pathetic physiognomies, they are only a threat under the following conditions. 1. Masked up, operating in numbers, with support from authorities or professionals. (Read Rex Applegate’s Kill or Get Killed for a chapter on how communist mobs operate.) 2. They catch you unprepared. Fact is, any attack against serious armed opposition would end up like Rorke’s Drift with Antifa in the role of the Zulus. This is because their organization is made up of a few professional handlers, and lots of bored college students, bums, and mentally ill… Read more »

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

Yes – capacity / not competence.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Organization and competence beat numbers nearly every time.

Reply to  TheLastStand
4 years ago

Damm. We can’t go to the moon anymore, and we can’t even pull off a proper riot, bombing, or public shooting without professional help.

I don’t think even Basketball-Americans have celebrated a win lately, have they?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

No doubt he is weak, but his Bernie Bros are spiteful. They will stay home, and maybe even some will pull the lever for Trump just because. I would not be surprised if that did not factor somewhat in 2016.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

I think I may agree. You have to keep in mind: the right has been tolerating the left for a long time, and actively conspiring with them on some occasions too. Our cucks still are. The closest they’ve come to an active boogaloo was the gun protest in Virginia – and for some reason that one went peacefully against Lefty all the way. I wonder if the presence of thousands of armed and pished-off Americans might have had something to do with it? 🙂 I think Leftie is a paper tiger myself. Queers, wahmen, and low IQ/low skill vibrants make… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

I agree. Essentially the WASP-white minority has been brought up w/ good manners, which makes us “sneaky little shits” (hat tip “Animal House”/Dean Wormer) and this can be a powerful tool when dealing with people nobody “likes.” Wasn’t it Hillary who recently said that “nobody likes him” about Bernie? His spittle-flecked invective is just so lower class and no one wants to be reminded of THAT! He will raise money from a distance/checks in the mail, but not at Park Avenue cocktail parties the way Barack Obama did.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

“I think Leftie is a paper tiger myself.” Yep, their relentless puritanism and owning the media makes them appear invincible.

Reply to  John Smith
4 years ago

Paper tigers? How can they be winning?

Because they’re human shields to The Powers That Be, easily expendable.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

They will march and burn cars and cause actual mayhem.

They’ll only do that as long as they have globalist sanction. The moment these idiots are not useful anymore, they’ll disappear overnight – their funding will run out and the police will start policing them.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Yep. Haven’t seen much of BLM lately.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The street level thugs do. Some get elected AG of San Francisco.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

And yet Trump has designated–not the Cartels–not Antifa–but wypipo as terrorists on the same scale as ISIS.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Exactly! Portland and Charlottesville were “exhibit A”. Compare and contrast that to what happened in Berkley, where antifa got their asses beat good without police protection.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Agreed. The Bernie Bros, Antifa, BLM, etc., last only as long as the money flows and that money comes from GloboSchlomo. Turn off the spigot (and let the also bought and paid for police know that they should start arresting these guys) and the show ends.

As I’ve said many times before, sadly, the only group that isn’t fully controlled by GloboSchlomo (besides Jews) is Muslims, at least in Europe. They push back without authorization. Interestingly, GloboSchlomo either doesn’t care or can’t stop them.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

They push back without authorization. Interestingly, GloboSchlomo either doesn’t care or can’t stop them. They want a war between the Mohammadan and the goy, so they play one side off against the other. On one hand, they have the usual suspects calling us Nazis if we don’t love and admire our dusky brethren, on the other hand they always choose the most repugnant Wahabis when they pick a “spokesperson” for the “community”, and they allow Moslem hate speech against whitey to run rampant on social media. They big up Mohammadan terror attack as if they were the Blitz rather than… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

See Stina’s comments, late yesterday.
Brussels, Belgium, capitol of the EU in a country without a government, is a no-go zone after 5 o’clock when the government workers leave for home.

Globoshlomo by day, Muslim by night.

It’s a strange sort of an equilibrium, but an equilibrium nonetheless.
They hold their territory against the restless natives and serfs.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

They are having fun larping violence, like they are in their parents basement playing a video game. Once it becomes real, they will go back to the basement where it’s safe.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

Watch Rufio Panman on YouTube. After he decks a communist swinging an asp baton at him, he turns to pick up the baton. A woman associated with Antifa acts like she is gonna swing on him but as soon as she sees him winding up to strike her, she immediately goes submissive.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Agree Mr.Z Must refer to earlier Z post; nothing is inevitable – my point being do not count on inertia to destroy ruling class. Get out there and organize folks. Organize something, anything, any group of men. For something. Nothing is inevitable, but something is… FAR WORSE; Who or What replaces our falling elites? No, it won’t be the guys with the best ideas. It will be the strongest organization. In 1917 that was the Bolsheviks. In 1933 that was the Naxis In 1865 it was The Union In 1789 that was the Jacobins In 1776 it was Sons of… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails

Don Jr needs to hit the weight room and bulk up.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

Don the Lesser (who FWIW never stood at a school bus stop or even interacted with us great unwashed) slams Americans in his book.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

Don Jr needs to crawl back to his pretty wife and five kids and beg their forgiveness, on his fricking knees.

4 years ago

This woman is using the guillotine as an image for her campaign against Susan Collins in Maine. Shockingly, the media doesn’t seem too worked up about it. Here is her bio “Bre Kidman is a queer feminist lawyer, mermaid, writer, activist, and artist. Originally from “away,” Bre has called Maine home since 2012. They have been facilitating dialogues about sex and queerness since that time in the third grade when they drew a vagina on the chalkboard during indoor recess. They seek to use novels, poetry, music, performance, community, education, and (yes, Virginia,) even law to broaden the intersection of… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Lemme guess – a weirdo Masshole carpet bagger. That should really play well in Greenville, Machias, and such places.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Carpet muncher, too, sounds like.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Oh my gobs, Whitney.
No. No. Say it isn’t so.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

The nice white ladies, like Collins and my Mom, need to understand that their niceness and good intentions will not save them from being guillotined by the Woke.

And the funny thing is that this Bre person will eventually meet the Reign of Terror for being white. I laugh now imagining it.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Collins is Tribe.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Z hasn’t mentioned this video, but watch the reaction of these nice white ladies to a pretty truthful response about this whining Mexican, at a school DIE meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHPcDv409c

Once the cartels are in power these white ladies will be slaughtered faster than you can say gringo, regardless of how much faux outrage they have.

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

Or when an activist threatens Nancy Pelosi’s challenger, “I actually want you dead. Because you’re racist. I can tell by looking at you.”


4 years ago

“No amount of media support and fake polling was going to convince people to support a guy about to keel over at any minute.” I wasn’t so sure, given that is exactly what they did for Hillary in 2016.

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

If/when Bernie is the nominee, we then need to focus on his running mate, who will most likely be the president before Bernie’s term expires (should he be elected). I’m not too worried about Bernie’s effectiveness, if in office—Supreme Court aside. He’ll have to contend with a Congress against him as has Trump—including many in his party—as has Trump. What Trump needs is a plan for his next 4 years, not a “Morning in America” retrospective of his past 4 years as worked for Reagan. Bernie’s supporters are genuinely left out of the general economic recovery. I’m never for simple… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I think he could do something about the college scam to perhaps take some wind out of the sails of the youthful left, though he probably thinks, with good reason, that it’s not wroth the time since those people won’t vote for him anyway (though he seems to believe black people will so who knows).

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

I second that. One simple plan might be to apply the same standards for loan approval as are “currently* applied to the for profit institutions. The ABC Beauty School needs to report to the Fed’s wrt what they are teaching, graduation rates, placement of students after graduation into jobs, and so forth. Otherwise, no Fed student loans. Let’s hold the not for profits to the same standards. I believe 40% of students don’t finish their first year in our institutions of lower learning.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

There was even video of a collapsing Hillary being tossed in a van like a sack of potatoes and half of the electorate didn’t care.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

From my favorite album,
Nazareth- Hair of the Dog:

She just sits there smilin’
With a whiskey in each hand

Got to think of somethin’
Don’t know how much I can stand

That whiskey-drinkin’ womannn…
She’s makin’ a poor man outta me

4 years ago

Anyone see the House Banking Committee hearings yesterday? Perfect reminder why Maxine and pals signed up for this committee! They guilted the Chair of the Fed about inner city “investment”, Community Reinvestment Act, diversity In lending, and all sorts of crap completely irrelevant to the Fed. Basically, shakedown. Powell could have reminded her about CRA lending crashing the economy in 2007…. Everyone used to know full well that “investment” was the polite term for spending and giveaways – one of those niceties Republicans played along with in order to keep the peace. Now it’s become received Truth, after decades of… Read more »

4 years ago

When it comes to women seeking safety after the status- and virtue-signaling needs are met, I found this tweet: “Women today represent just 12% of all Computer Science graduates. In 1984, they were 37%. Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1990 creating the H-1B visa program. Soon, wages started to stagnate & Americans were being displaced in STEM” U.S. Tech Workers @USTechWorkers Our girls, when they got their shot, were betrayed by globo-multiculturalism. Betrayed, right from the get-go. (And please spare me the bromides. Women have always worked. The first protests against the Irish was because they were taking women’s… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Americans are not willing to pack 8 or 10 people into a one-bedroom apartment at H-1B wages. This is one of the reasons that the H-1B program is so horrific for America.

The lone exception for Americans in STEM is the Defense industry, where almost all STEM positions are restricted to US Citizens. This is not necessarily that positive because there are tons of make-work jobs and programs in Defense and enormous amounts of waste that consume at least 50% of every Defense dollar spent.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 years ago

Quite so. I remember black drug dealers in D.C. telling me about those Defense jobs in the 90s.

The smart bombs weren’t assembled by union guys making 30 bucks an hour, they said.
They were assembled by their relatives making 30 cents an hour- in the Federal prisons of Louisiana.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Guys in prison assembling smart bomb components? You’d have to present a bit more evidence for that. Raytheon designs and assembles here in my town. I know more than one of the engineers. Those jobs, even the assembly line ones, are highly paid and sought after. Folks in that industry are solid middle class.

Perhaps one should listen to more reliable sources than Black drug dealers before passing such information on.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Not sure if the tweet is correct or not wrt percentages, and if those percentage declines are in fact directly caused by H1b VISAs. Women in CS have risen and fallen with the economy as so many other tech jobs have. Certainly, the percentage of women in CS majors has never been near 50% or even 60% (as matches their numbers now in University). After immense effort and government grants and special programs, women in CS majors peaked at about 30+%, then steadily declined as per the tweet. However, male CS majors did *not* follow this trend! If H1b VISAs… Read more »

4 years ago

Yes, Yes, a thousand times Yes to the clarity of this post! Now add in that this insanity infests half of our population. And they aren’t going to change, because they can’t. This is the seminal problem of our age and culture. Half of us are fucking worse than worthless, they are dead-weight pulling down the species.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Unfortunately yes. We need to buy peace and time for such understanding to take hold and “remedies” implemented. We didn’t get this way over night, the beginning of the end is not yet even in sight.

4 years ago

Entertaining post but some major flaws. 1. Klobuchar may be able to beat Trump and may even may be able to win in a landslide. It is too early to tell who will get the nomination, her or ButtPlug, but she is a vast improvement over Hillary. A lot of nice white women in swing states are going to prefer her to Trump especially since he puts children in cages. Bogus issue but one that resonates with nice white women. The press will also likely create some kind of hoax like Zimmerman to get blacks to the polls. 2. A… Read more »

4 years ago

If the commie pig Bernie gets the demokrat nomination you can bet your ass that the entire media -esp. the NY Times- and all the dems will go all out for him. First off, the dems are in fact communists or very near communists; they literally hate capitalism. They also hate absolutely everything about the USA, which they consider a racist, imperialistic, homophobic world class trouble maker. And most of all, they hate Trump more than anything; it’s a real visceral contempt for him that they have. Honestly, if the democrats, all of them, could remove Trump at the cost… Read more »

Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

It is interesting to me that any site referencing WW2 is loaded with comments about the parallels between moustache man and orange man, and how orange man is just waiting to pounce and go all fascist. There are quite a few people who are really sick in the head.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

If Trump were more like Bad Uncle than Mike Pence, I’d consider voting for him again.

Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

Not just communism, but a race war against White people. Ironically enough, Jews have been in the forefront of political radicalism and cultural subversion dating back to the 19th Century, but non-Whites regard them as White. They’ll be victims, too.

Reply to  Ris_Eruwaedhiel
4 years ago

“ non-Whites regard them as White”

Indeed, David Cole (a Jew, but cast out as a ‘Holocaust Revisionist’ for asking whether it was something like 4.5 million instead of SIX MILLION) wrote of this in Takimag: “Flinging poo at a Jew”. It’s worth a read.

And Cole’s message applies to those idiot East Asians at Ivy universities claiming to be oppressed POCs. Here’s a hint, you moronic bints (it’s usually females): the negros hate you more than they hate whites. Because you’re proof that nonwhites can get ahead. You make them look bad.

Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

What? You’re not celebrating Black History Month and the Tulsa Holocaust?

Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

“The greatest threat any representative democracy faces is the voters voting for a national suicide (see Venezuela).”

See the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 immigration act.

Reply to  JohnTyler
4 years ago

I take comfort in the fact that, as in the Soviet Union, most of the people the Communists are shooting and dumping in mass graves will be their fellow Communists. It’s much harder for commies to kill people who know the commies are coming to kill them.

De Ferres
De Ferres
4 years ago

Mark my words, Bloomberg is going to win this thing. When these clowns have all self imploded, he will activate his superior local political machine on super Tuesday and roll these clowns. Not to mention the millions of ads impact on low information minorities that sit around watching product all day.

Reply to  De Ferres
4 years ago

Haven’t heard anything from the Left about “too much outside money in politics” lately…

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

That trope is dead. And nowhere more prominently than the Democrat Party, where the rules are changed as frequently as most people change their socks to engineer the desired result. This is what people object to: the phony process. Rich people with no constituency can buy their way in. And it just happens to be the same MIC/Corporate/Bankster/Deep State interests that dominate every election. Weird, huh?

Reply to  De Ferres
4 years ago

The long-standing American preference for height would put Bloomberg at a serious disadvantage in the general. Plus, even though nobody says it I doubt America is ready for a Jewish president. Distrust of Jews is probably the most unspoken political reality out there. In 2020 you go after Trump by going after his wealth and capitalism. What does Bloomberg bring to that table?

A Bloomberg nomination would be a disaster. Not that any of them would be strong. But yeah, it stands a good chance nonetheless.

Reply to  De Ferres
4 years ago

That’s why they knifed him this week with his old (truthful) comments about black crime. He’ll never get the black vote needed to win a general election.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

A minor disagreement, but I think Bloomie keepin’ it real will win the black vote.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

He was mayor of New York, so it stands to reason he knows how to appeal to black voters. Then again, black on Jew violence is lately a thing in NYC, so I hear. Does that mean something’s changed, or is it an anomaly?

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Oddly enough, he handled the stop and frisk question honestly and adroitly. His explanation is one that I could expect from any poster on this blog. 😉 On the other hand, he did not fail to claw back his comments like the worm that he is. In that manner, he also did not fail to impress me. 🙁

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Yup…. no matter how many apologies he makes… His problem is he’s going to have to repudiate everything he did in NYC. The left will have no shortage of talking points to throw against him, Creating endless apology sessions… he’ll never win.

Reply to  De Ferres
4 years ago

If you mean Dem primary, maybe. But POTUS? Can’t see Bloomberg. He can’t talk his way out of a paper bag. He’s pushing effeminate in what I’ve seen. He’s also a rich White fascist. Even his unopposed ad’s fail to inspire and he appears weak in them. Wait ‘til the negative ad’s begin. He can’t buy his way into the position.

4 years ago

all of these nothing but distraction from reality


Meanwhile FBI, the imperial guard declare public enemy no.1
and this time not a bank robbery
its white nationalist, but we know what is actually mean
you know those guy fought for World War 2 against Nazis?
they and their grandchildren are the Nazi now, surprise!

4 years ago

A Sanders or Bloomberg candidacy should provide a lot of naturally-occurring opportunities to start redpilling MAGA people who are already moving in this direction.

Even if only one in twenty is reachable that is still a lot of people.

I wonder what would happen if we paid black men at Trump rallies to wear It’s OK To Be White shirts.

4 years ago

Great essay and as usual the sting in the tail

It turns out that what allows the managerial state to establish itself will be what destroys it.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of scum. Although what succeeded Louis XVI in France was worse, nobody could argue against the fact that the existing power structure in 1789 got what it deserved, good and hard.

Reply to  UpYours
4 years ago

The thing about Louis XVI (et ux) is that they favored reform, but the “second estate” (aristocracy) invariably opposed these reforms. The rest, as they say, is history.

Reply to  UpYours
4 years ago

Louis the Sun King and his Lafayette bankrupted themselves helping us win our Revolution.

Where is your gratitude, man?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Helped “us” win? Yes, but was it because they loved those plucky American rebels and their revolutionary ideas; or was it because they still hated the English implacably? For the French, the American Revolution was merely a continuation of the Seven Year’s War, that little conflict known on our side of the pond as the French and Indian War and where George Washington earned his spurs fighting for the British side.

Walrus Aurelius
Reply to  UpYours
4 years ago

Louis XVI was an unexceptional king in exceptional times which, sadly, is the worst crime a Monarch can commit. He and his wife deserved exile, at worst.

You can argue that Napoleon was a more legitimate ruler than the Bourbons, and that the transition to Emperor Bonaparte was a necessary pivot. But the Jacobins? Every single one of those rats got exactly what they deserved, I only wish I’d been there to do it myself.

4 years ago

PS- that afternoon, a trio of Greek art traders, fresh off the boat and first time to the U.S., came up to ask me if I would consider transporting fine statuary, vases, and artworks for them.

After we spoke, the headman turned to his proteges and said, “I love America!”

Grand old New York was still Grand Old New York! This kid from a tiny, dusty town in Nevada still feels the romance of the East.
They ain’t takin’ my country from me without a fight.

4 years ago

[…] confusion among the lovable Gen X bug men over at the Z Blog as to Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s generation is typical of blind men groping the tame elephant […]

4 years ago

This primary season seems no more heavy handed than usual. The establishment has put its gloved hand on the scales in every election since party politics began. Where can one find actual macro level instability in the imperial state? Impeachment was so without practical consequence that it can scarcely be described as desperation. The ruling elite appear unmoved.