No, It’s Not The Flu, Bro

After the Saudi attacks on the World Trade Center buildings, we had a week of panic and confusion, mostly in the ruling class. Whether it was true or not, they carried on as if they were caught completely unawares by the attack. They shut down the airlines and closed the stock market for a week. Many people stayed home to watch the news and get their heads around what was happening. Most of America got back to normal within a few days and everyone waited for the ruling class response.

More than a few people have noted that the vibe in certain parts of the country has the same feel as the days after 9/11. Then and now, the northeast was most affected by the aftermath of the event. New Jersey shutdown after 9/11, but North Carolina carried on pretty much without interruption. We see a similar pattern now. The mad scramble by the rulers is also similar. Even the propaganda organs have been disrupted, having to depart from their normal barrage of hatred for the rest of us.

The important thing about this comparison between this event and the days after 9/11 is what followed it. Twenty years ago, the first step was to increase the importation of Muslims into the country. Immigration across the board increased in the aftermath of the Saudi attacks. Then, of course, we launched a never-ending crusade against concepts like terror and extremism. This necessitated a roll-out of the surveillance state and the expansion of domestic spy agencies and domestic spying.

This trip down memory lane is a useful corrective to the claim that this panic is just a two-week lock-down in response to the flu. The one-week shutdown that followed 9/11 brought with it a massive reordering of American society. In 1999, we did not have secret courts and warrantless surveillance. Before that event, no one thought they would ever see the FBI and CIA conducting domestic espionage against politicians, much less trying to overturn an election.

This month-long lock-down, and that is what they are planning, by the way, will bring with it a massive re-ordering of society. Think about what is happening. The government is willy-nilly telling businesses to shut down. People are being locked into their homes on the orders of local officials. In the fullness of time, what we see happening will make Julius Caesar’s crossing the Rubicon river in January 49 BC look tentative. In a decade, the world of just a few weeks ago will be a foreign country to us.

If this sounds alarmist to you, consider this. When Bush launched the forever wars, there were two camps opposed to it. The Left suddenly discovered its anti-war attitudes and responded with parades and puppet shows in major cities. It was an extended holiday for their freaks to go wild in the streets. The leadership, however, chanted absurd slogans about multinationals like Halliburton, but otherwise went along with it. The bipartisan uniparty always hangs tough during tough times.

The other opposition came from the paleocons. They correctly pointed out that this was worse than folly, as it would take generations to fix. The roll out of the surveillance state would probably require a revolution to overturn. The wars themselves would end in tears, as the people in those countries were incapable of sustaining modern liberal democracy, even if they had an interest in it. Then, of course, there was the price to paid for handing over foreign policy to our greatest ally.

It should be noted, the same people mocking skeptics about this current panic, the people derisively chanting “It’s the flu bro”, could not wrap their heads around why the paleocons were so upset with Bush. Back then it was “better to fight them over there than over here.” It was not an answer to the skeptics, but a signal for the herd to come closer together in mutual defense against a threat. Then as now it is the sound that sheep make as they are being herded into a new pen.

Barring a collapse or revolution, no one reading this will see an unwinding of the changes that resulted from the panic of 9/11. This panic is orders of magnitude worse than what followed 9/11. The one-week shutdown of the economy gave us a nice recession that required lots of government intervention. A month long shut down of the economy will change the world forever. Just look at what is planned after a few days of this panic. The Republicans are now devotees of Andrew Yang.

The crusade Bush launched against concepts like terrorism and extremism is still with us, because you can never beat an imaginary enemy. The war against unapproved microscopic life forms will also never end, How can it? Just as every snow storm brings demands for people to shelter in place, every flu season will result in school closures and demands for people to self-isolate. Just as corporations harvesting your personal information has been normalized, what we are seeing now will be too.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. We have no way to know what comes from stopping a 20 Trillion-dollar economy in its tracks. It’s never been tried, because no one has ever been so insane as to contemplate it. Then you have the corresponding global shutdown. Maybe everything fire back up like new starting in May, but that means everything the experts have been telling us about the economy was wrong. There will be massive government intervention in the economy.

We are back to the point the paleocons unsuccessfully made back in the Bush years regarding the war or concepts. The trade-offs involved were monstrous and unacceptable. In order to keep the free flow of Muslims into the West and protect Israel from her neighbors, the American Empire would become a police state. Whatever benefit could possibly be gained from the war on concepts was dwarfed by the cost of it. 9/11 was terrible, it was not worth destroying the country over it.

Today we are seeing the same argument. In order to “flatten the curve” we need to obliterate what’s left of civil life. We have to hand to the state the power to shutter businesses, lock people in their homes and reorganizes society as they see fit. The price of flattening the curve will be a never-ending war on civil life by a thoroughly corrupt ruling class. So no, it is not just the flu bro. It is not about the stock market or the economy either. It is about what comes after the flu decades after it is gone.

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4 years ago

Once our ruling classes decided that being nice to minorities was more important than freedom of association, the handwriting was on the wall. Welcome to your new statist utopia.

Reply to  Epaminondas
4 years ago

So true. From that point on “community” meant white submission to Progress.

If this thing drags on and the noose tightens, the urban blue bugs are going to see the ROI of all those years of nice white lady routine. They will get to see, finally, “who we are”.

Remember, white mans rules are for whites. White man’s nice things and dead presidents on the other hand…

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

the two most dangerous types of people are
those with nothing to lose
and those with everything to lose.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

Laughter vs panic. That’s how you’ll know them. And if there are heroes it’ll be the people laughing right now.

edit: genuine laughter, not machismo.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Norm Macdonald does standup about coronavirus.
Always liked that guy.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

Other than Norm, I can’t think of a single stand up act/joke that I’ve laughed at for the past 30 years. The guy’s head and shoulders above every other comedian out there.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

You may want to see a therapist.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Do you know of somewhere on the internet where we can have these discussions in an instant messenger sort of way?

Our enemy is quick; therefore, we too must be fast. Doesn’t our survival hinge on successful integration into their cybernetically fucked up reality anyway?

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

Hey! If it saves even one life, it’s worth it! LOL Seriously, though, I ask myself as an older at risk person, would I sacrifice my life for the sake of the economy? Hell no. But you’re saying, ” OK Boomer, why should we, who aren’t at risk, sacrifice anything for your sake?” Because you have it coming for being Godless cretins. St’ Aquinas pointed out, “A disordered mind is its own punishment.” The same is true of a disorder society. The hammer will fall. Now seems as good a time as any.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Johnmark7
4 years ago

I have to wonder if the Wuhan flu is going to act as a pry bar, working itself into the fissures in our society, and springing the jammed together segments apart. One can hope, even knowing that it might get unpleasant in the extreme. This country can’t live together anymore.

Reply to  Johnmark7
4 years ago

Johnmark7. I hear ya, but assume you are a bit over the top to make a point. As an at risk oldster, I’d like to say that we run risks every single day and this one—CoronaChan—is not different, and it therefore should not be subject to such extensive government “prevention” methods. Actually, I don’t believe in the general knock posted here that Boomers or “oldsters” are the cause of this chaos. I believe the general public, if polled, think it’s their ass on the line as well. They may even admit, old folks are heavily burdened, but the reality is… Read more »

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

What you wrote reminds me of a poem © Copyrighted by Colin Ryan (2010) When Men Become Truly Free There comes a times in the lives of men When the ruthless and the criminally insane Who rule the masses for their own gain Make the fatal mistake of enjoying too much Their psychopathic entertainment They lose control in their lust for blood And take too far their need to tread men down By destroying any sense of a secure life And taking away each and every freedom Stealing the last piece of wealth they possess So they cannot even care… Read more »

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
4 years ago

Interesting. Compare Ryan’s thoughts of 2010 to Macaulay of the early 20th century wrt Ancient Rome.

Lays of Ancient Rome

Thomas Babington Macaulay


For Romans in Rome’s quarrel
Spared neither land nor gold,
Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life,
In the brave days of old.


Then none was for a party;
Then all were for the state;
Then the great man helped the poor,
And the poor man loved the great:
Then lands were fairly portioned;
Then spoils were fairly sold:
The Romans were like brothers
In the brave days of old.


4 years ago

I would submit for consideration that that this “crisis” is really something all of us here probably have hoped for. A) It’s relatively benign. Even in Italy, which is being portrayed by the media as “horrific” and “a nightmare”, there are only 27,000 cases in a country of 60,000,000 which is (outside of Japan) perhaps the largest senior citizens home in the world. Therefore, any consequences in real numbers are quite low. B) The media has lost whatever grips on reality it once had. Recall this all began during the fake impeachment, which greatly damaged media credibility. This “crisis” serves… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

Yes to optimism as the means to enhance your survival prospects. Cowering indoors and whining is not going to improve the species. Better to maximize your preparedness and harden whatever shelter you call home (or better yet, relocate to a more secure haven).

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Those who can, will. I bought more ammunition, though every day is a good day for that, and made sure we were stocked with the right kinds of supplies. Not everyone has a bug-out location. I think we’ll see a couple of weeks of more-or-less voluntary cooperation by the public. Once the cases peak (probably early April) we’ll have a week or two of watching cases ramp down, and things should get back to normal by late April or early May.

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

That’s my guess as well. We’ve become so soft and hive-minded that people leap into exaggerated fear as a tonic for boredom and low self-esteem. When the final stats for 2020 are written, it will be shown that more people died of regular flu than COVID, and both will be less than automobile accident carnage.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

TomA, Frustrating thing is (as has been noted) that being wrong and crashing the economy will bring no consequences. The same song and dance response they always give will be—if wrong, “See, our extreme measures stopped a catastrophic event”—if right, “You, should have listened to us sooner”.

Tails you win, heads you lose. And we accept such duplicitous positioning every damn time.

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

How many Presidents can run on saving MILLIONS of lives?

I’m pretty sure Trump has seen Ghostbusters.

Dr. Peter Venkman: If I’m wrong, nothing happens! We go to jail – peacefully, quietly. We’ll enjoy it! But if I’m *right*, and we *can* stop this thing… Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Venkman was right.

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

I don’t think we’ll see victory on every one of these points, but we’ve got to push for as many as possible.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

This moves the ball decidedly in our direction.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

I subscribe to Z’s blackpillish outcome, but do acknowledge these also are a possible outcomes. In fact, if it doesn’t pan out like I expect it will, this polar opposite outcome is the most likely. The odds are something like 70/30 and that nearly one-third is not insignificant. There won’t be a splitting the baby result.

eta: Obviously the Ruling Class will have to yield on China. If they do not, then the odds change in the optimistic direction. I may be assuming more rationality on their part than is warranted.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

China is done, whether they yield or not. It is already a foregone conclusion that national-security related manufacturing is going to be coming back to US soil. The Chinese cemented that when they threatened to withhold medicines a couple weeks back. You can see it in Trump’s eyes when he goes out of his way to call it “the Chinese virus”. They are so effed, and I’m going to love it.

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

We must be cautious as to avoid surrogates taking China’s place. I could care less if Vietnam makes my shirts or lawn ornaments, but moving essential industry there is another matter.

China 30 years ago made jack s*^t which we cared about. Already South East Asia has a large industry making our semiconductors and disk drives. They of course want more—that’s where the future is—Vietnam sells lots of plant pots in the local Costco. Keep it that way. They want first world manufacturer status, let them invent their own products.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

Hok; Outstanding survey. I agree that any and all of the positive developments you list is possible, even likely. We should all work to make them happen. I’d add one: E.1 Leverage: Learn that it can be poisonous to your prosperity, particularly during a panic. The older you are the less leverage you should have in your life. This means, aspire to have your home mortgage paid before you retire. Work to get your small biz to ‘cashflow’ (gozinta’s = gozouta’s). The old rule of thumb for investments was that the % of fixed assets in your portfolio should equal… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

Watch out, those MLP and REIT funds consist of highly leveraged assets; they get one into the same problem one does by carrying a lot of personal debt, it’s just invisible on that account statement.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Good detail, thanks much Al d’North.
Is an MLP like an oil conservatorship?

(fixed income on an established producer, versus a penny stock on a wildcatter drilling pilot holes)

Shoot. This year I was hoping to pay off the credit lines, my buffer and lifesaver, and get to gozinta. Next year, the nickel slots at last!

Same as every year, they pull another fast one.

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

Yep, I agree. Much like the housing crisis in 2008…people realized it’s not such a hot idea to use your house like an ATM machine and borrow far more than you can afford.

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

Hokkoda, I was thinking this might break their secret superpower, the power of Storytelling.

They’ve lied one too many times, and now are lost in the maze of their own lies.

Good, good stuff, H.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

(Side note: “portfolios”-
Ha. Haha. Hahahahahaha.
Boomers, go figure)

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Not a boomer, but a funny point!

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 years ago

The main fallout for this is Big Tech will gain more moral authority to expunge resources deemed a threat to public safety. Facebook is ruthlessly purging any articles that do not fit the official narrative, even ones entirely fact-based. Once there is civil unrest, they will crack down based on even more nebulous criteria. Google will soon crack down on bad-think even more with its search algorithms. Surprisingly, Twitter is being most tolerant of dissident thoughts regarding the virus. As much as people rag on Gab, Torba and company are one of the only people making products and services that… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Indeed. Look how quickly orange man sidled up to the google for ‘help’ in organizing and communicating key information on an official level. The convergence of private tech as a means for gov’t control and surveillance is only outpaced by the publics expeditious willingness to comply with the incremental creep toward house arrest. A crack of lightning has most of the sheep walking themselves into the paddock. Its quite easy then to chain the gate shut behind them. If there were ever a couple generations ready to self-isolate and rely solely on their phone and apps for instructions and entertainment,… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

A reason I’m stuck on disruption as a consistent tactic is because of a stock-picking site I follow.

They recommend “disruptors”- mostly large-cap corporations that are readying to disrupt a sector.

Google, Amazon, Facebook, Disney- now, what do their CEOs and policymakers have in common?

(Hint: potential dual citizenship- but, these tactics can be successfully copied by the ruthless of any persuasion. They work.)

Would national economies be considered sectors? I’m asking my fellow consumption units of Economic Zone 7.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Look for non-conformist tech like Gab and perhaps even Twitter to disappear within the next few months.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

I don’t think Gab will be taken out. Even better is their commenting app, and now browser, Dissenter. That was a brilliant idea. It is too bad more people don’t use it.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

lower stock price , virus, recession, panic, etc. is hurting them though.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Side note, Chet: just in time for the ubiquitous placement of 5G coverage.

5G, incidentally, may bathe us in 13 million- capital M- times the emag radiation we wash in now.

But the odd thing is, Wuhan, China is the world’s #1 hot sink for 5G radiation. That’s apparently where they test the tech.

Don’t free particles dislodge organic molecular chains, a cause of mutation?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

I would need to see some evidence of this. 5G is basically the telecoms’ way of saying “millimeter band radio”. So basically radio waves that are on the order of 1mm from peak to peak. Current cell technologies use centimeter bands, basically the same as your microwave oven. What’s so great about tiny little waves? Well, essentially the data rate you can get using an electromagnetic wave varies inversely with its size. The problem is that as wavelengths get smaller, radio waves behave more like light than what we’re used to with radios. It didn’t matter that your walkie-talkie was… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Pozymandias, you are a treasure.
That is exactly the type of detail I need (for other purposes). Can’t thank you enough.

I wish we could talk. I must learn.
I need this.
What disciplines or sciences do I study?

(Ooh. That video. Bad doggy.
Bad, bad doggy!)

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Glad to help. Well I studied physics and math in college. I got sucked into IT at one point and am trying to reinvent myself now. As for the tech scene I now watch in bemused horror as tech oligarchs, gibbering Pajeets, and other masters of the Engrish Ranguage butcher facts they barely understand themselves to regale teenagers from 5-105 about how “this changes everything”. Hint, whatever “this” is today, it changes nothing. The gibber-gabber and flim-flam people know this but they also know that their customer base has a stone age mentality and their uncle just died and left… Read more »

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 years ago

Tech’s power is having their hands on the kill switch and as the Lucky Pierre between the oligarchy and the hoi polloi. Anything beyond that is an illusion.

A year ago? Two? A 90 lbs Iranian female waif had the might gugoolag on lockdown for hours.

If the mighty tech giants ruffle enough feathers they will generate a lot more trouble than they are capable of handling. Even if you stick the national guard on their turf most of these people are so fragile that the stress would paralyze many if not most of them.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

As you noted, what ties all of these boogeymen together is that they are unseen and, often, not even defined.

Terrorism, extremism, racism, white privilege and, now, a virus.

There’s a mystical quality to it all. When your enemy is nowhere but everywhere, you can demand any authority to fight it. Even better, the enemy can never be defeated so TPTB will never lose their jobs or their power.

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Brilliantly put and very true. After all, the war on poverty, the first of the ineffables, marches on, 55 years later. And thus the war on microbes shall never end. When there is no more blood in that turnip, the war on… fnord?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Exactly. I am waiting for TPTB to tie in Climate Change. These pandemics, like hurricanes, “are happening more often and are more severe…”. So its time to change everything!

Of course the cogdis of overpopulation and human impact on climate coupled with a natural eh hem, “solution”, to too many old (white) people, is awkward, but certainly manageable to those who celebrate abortion as the most sacred human right.

Stranger in a strange land
Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

I expect you won’t have to wait very long on the Climate Change tie in. Afterall, the science is settled, just like it is for CV19 – dontchaknow.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

I think it’s done already. Been hearing about diseases once thought eradicated returning due to warmer climate—Global Warming. For example, malaria and West Nile virus in Southern US. How difficult will it be to extend to CoronaChan?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

And now for the bad news. After witnessing what the FBI/CIA are capable of, does anyone doubt our overlords’ capacity to introduce viruses into the general population in order to maintain their control?

Reply to  DLS
4 years ago

DLS, the number of biosafety level 4 labs has near doubled after 9-11, from 30 to 57.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

When we hit a wall like we just hit we should go back in time in the political mainstream. Who was the Jeremiah 30 or 40 years ago warning us of this and who are the false prophets since? Paleocon candidate Buchanan was that Jeremiah. So was Ross Perot. “ the giant sucking sound”. The false prophets have been Clinton who gave us NAFTA and fellatio in the White House. But it’s “ only sex” Bush who gave us forever wars for our best buds in the Middle East and a spy state back here. Obama who gave us racial… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Incidentally, the Trump fortune started in the Yukon- Grandad Trump opened up a lodging and bordello for the loggers.

Not sure which one drew the customer traffic.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Not sure it will work, either…but you were on a he11 of a roll. Why’d you stop?

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Here in France you can’t leave your home without a certificat stating the reason why you’re out. Along the lines of these Z-man post, I doubt that the French authorities will want to give up that kind of “stop, question, and force citizens to show their papers” kind of authority. They’ve even closed the churches! I suspect, however, that there will be very little enforcement of these requirements in African and Arab neighborhoods: these people are unlikely to submit meekly to interrogation and police probably don’t want violent confrontations, especially when they know the government is on the side of… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I forgot to add that they’re postponing the second round of municipal elections from late March until June.

And I haven’t see one sign that any of this is being debated in the National Assembly–we’re just living under the ukases of a drama-queen dictator.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I also suspect that there will be very little enforcement of these requirements in African and Arab neighborhoods – because the French secretly hope they all get sick and die.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

As someone pointed out yesterday, oppression of the law-abiding and turning a blind eye to criminality is a hallmark of anarcho-tyranny. Many of us are rethinking where we chose to live.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

How would you know if the churches are closed?

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

They closed the churches they didn’t burn down?
There sure have been a lot of grand old cathedrals spontaneously catching fire in the last two years.

500, 700, a 1000 years, then poof! for no reason at all. White people don’t build to last.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

I see this month as us switching from a decades long slow motion decline to a rapid decline. The real decline will be in the purchasing power of the dollar over the next few years. Also, the people who have created this depression, and it will be a depression, are sheltered people who make good money and minimally have the ObamaCare gold plan. No American alive today has really had to deal with a real depression, sure some were kids back then, but few understand the consequences. My neighbors are skipping their housekeeping this month because they don’t want them… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

JR, it’s bi-partisan. No matter which party loses any given election, the winners are always the same: Wall Street/MIC/Bankers.

4 years ago

Lots and lots of meetings and calls the past few days. The small ray of hope I have is that if you actually discuss any of this in a one-on-one setting, in total privacy, everyone agrees the measures taken are pointless.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

I have had the same experience. People here think the official and public response is way overblown. My hope is that many people treat the shelter in place/social isolation thing the same way that 2A people treat any gun-grabbing legislation…with righteous disregard.

Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

Much like a Trump 2016, anyone who questions the official narrative has gone quiet on social media.

Silent Majority indeed.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

And their wives are probably all-in on the hysteria. At least that’s the pattern I’m seeing.

Reply to  ChetRollins
4 years ago

The more working-class the woman, the less she buys into the panic. This, like so much else wrong in our society, is a result of the AWFL (aka the Nice White Lady).

Talking with working class white women I know, they are all mad about how this is affecting both themselves and their sons & daughters. Most Nice White Ladies don’t know *anybody* that works as a waitress or a short order cook.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

I went to the store last night. Aside from not being restocked on a few items (ground beef, paper products), they had milk, eggs, fresh bread, baking supplies, etc. Lots of produce and bakery cookies and cakes as well. What is going on is madness. My current boss is super happy that the Ohio governor is closing everything down because he thinks it will ‘flatten the curve’. I’ve never lost my respect for someone that I thought I knew and respected faster.

Reply to  BadThinker
4 years ago

Opposite here – I popped in two stores to check for bread (I have plenty, just not the particular type my son prefers). Still totally cleaned out. Even all the pallets of water and other drinks that usually make the entrance of the store a maze were entirely gone. Saw a Han with a cart brim full of cans of veggies. I need nothing so bought nothing, but the stores’ shelves here in DFW are bare.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Well, you live in the shadow of the imperial capital where all the brain-damaged geniuses flock.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

So far, the majority of people I interact with are either up in the air or are bewildered at the insanity of everything. I’ve not talked to anyone who thinks this is the big one. Then again I’m not on Facebook, nor do I live in Lagos.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Newsome is talking martial law in California. He’s finally rounding up the homeless now that they are a threat to him, Tom Hanks, and Kevin Durant. Important people.

Now Trump is part of the Yang Gang.

We need political judo. The powers that be have been unleashing the vibrant upon us. Let’s start rumors that unleash the vibrant upon them. Make that alliance unsustainable.

Imagine a horde of vibrants raiding Malibu. Beautiful man beautiful. We can make that happen.

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Whiskey – “I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. Pleasure-barges on fire off the shore of Malibu, bright as tiki torches… I rode on the back decks of a wignat longship and watched Rob Reiner’s house glitter in the dark as its embers ignited Cher’s shake-shingle roof…”

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

We’re all ‘dreamers’ now 🙂

Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

Newsome had been planning that round up for month and decided not to let a good catastrophe go to waste I guess.

Good riddance. People who can’t function at all, not “can’t work” but are utterly useless piles of refuse infested with typhus or worse need to be wards of the state.

It would be nice if we could hang our way free of drug dealers and thus reduce the number of addicts but its not doable and this is at least a full measure.

The lesson here is power when used works.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whiskey
4 years ago

We probably don’t have to start rumors. Newsome and company know bank robbers go where the money is. This part is delicious although my expectation is a rapid descent into totalitarianism.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Cabin fever brings out the wild in the dindu.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Coming from a land with a distinct lack of cabins will do that.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Related! If you lock a forest Pygmy in a room for a week, he will die. Just curl up in a corner and expire.

A week in jail for a misdemeanor is a death sentence to them.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

All cities are at risk of becoming cauldrons of chaos, but Lagos could well become a war zone in the blink of an eye. When the first few shots are fired, stupid hormonal males will go ape in no time. It’s hardwired in the genes.

Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

Lagos is an interesting case. I doubt the whites living there have many firearms and that those who do will feel emboldened to use them, given the likelihood that the state will lock them up. That could get interesting.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Offer to buy them a Kindle copy of the Harvard Classics. That should occupy their time and keep them out of trouble.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Zman, hope this doesn’t unnecessarily delay your departure from Lagos. Keep safe from the real threat, not the imaginary petri dish one.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I am wondering if this is a manifestation of the Flyover Country v. Imperial Capital divide. It could also be bias selection on my part because I tend to avoid the crazy. That said, if you actually have a job in Flyover Country and are in the business of “doing something,” you have to regularly consider the unintended consequences.

Ann K.
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

It’s not influenza—it’s a coronavirus.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago


All this scaremongering about the flu is ridiculous! Why, don’t you realise that if we cancel concerts and close schools, literally millions of people will die! The fields will be as though sewn with salt! When the aliens land, the smoking ruins of America will serve as testament to our folly!

It’s just a depression, bro

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

Keeping people in their neighborhoods under these conditions is giving them the time and need to interact with their neighbors. Add to that the decay in general trust in our leadership and the increased sense that we have been on the wrong track for some time. On top of all that we have the decline in the quality of the people who are now going to be given the task of organizing and selling these new arrangements. They will light more fuses than they put out.

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Plus, we have 156 plants in the US making toilet paper, over 90% of our supply. At least we’ll be well stocked!

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

My wife waited in line at Wal-Mart yesterday and got one large pack of toilet paper and one roll of paper towels. I now know what true inner peace feels like.

Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

I am seeing the same splitting maul amygdala effect as all the other media-leftoid initiative: a dimensional split where two opposing realities exist in close proximity. Half the people are annoyed with the reaction and shutdown. The other half are still screeching that orange man didn’t shut things down soon enough. And we will become italy. Bodies will be everywhere. People who leave their homes are a threat to us all. Its actually scary to see how quickly the swollen amygdalae of the leftist hivemind becomes agitated and disorientated. Which makes sense given the threat detection function of the hindbrain.… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

This helps us sort the Stasi from the normies from the prospects. For anyone not invested in the status quo, this is a year of opportunity. This is well beyond “Change we can believe in.” This is “Change we can’t stop that doesn’t give a sh*t about what you believe.”

This is real. This is happening. And if it started as glowbug false flaggotry, it’s slipped the leash.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Today is the day the shit gets real. People are freaking out today, even as they held it together through yesterday.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ConservativeFred
4 years ago

Similar experience. The enforced conformity only occurs in public (I don’t do social media and assume it is the same there). If the Cloud People impose the uber police state I fully expect, they will be ruling people who know they are monsters and liars. They have been ruling people who had doubts.

4 years ago

I’ll be frank, not bashing anybody. The majority who will obey this are not long for this world. In a decade, the sheep will be in the decided minority. This will not endure. It is the last desperate attempt to maintain control by a ruling class that’s on the outs.

So stay optimistic, don’t panic, get prepared, and take note of who is panicking. That’s who you have to worry about.

It’s going to be a bumpy ride. You might as well get excited about it because it’s coming whether or not you want it to.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Absolutely agree. Monitor those around you. Panicky folk should be noted. In a pinch they will pull you down like a drowning man. Reach out to those who complement you.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Now that I’m thinking, it might not be the last attempt. Things could get a lot darker, but let’s hope sanity prevails and the guilty parties are brought to justice. It’s time for perp walks. Getting sick of this.

4 years ago

People sometimes ask me, as a historian, how stuff like the Salem Witch Trials happened. Now I have a clear example to give them. Puritanism was a great creed for survival in an incredibly harsh new land. But you can’t tell people they’re doomed to hell all day, every day without psychological repercussions. There was tremendous social tension by 1692, but nobody could really pinpoint just why…. the Witch Trials were a giant psychological pressure release valve, and when it was over, the old Puritan world was gone, and the new Yankee world was born. We — anyone born after… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

“The point of the panic isn’t to do anything about the disease; the panic itself is the point.”

Damn fine analysis. There was a pent-up demand for panic. As a historian, and one obviously familiar with the Salem Witch Trial period, when did the colonists come to realize the panic was unwarranted and how did they react when it became obvious? Knowing people they probably just moved on, but maybe not?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The trials ended when the girls started accusing the wives of the colony leadership. Which is why I say this is over in a week or two,when Karen out in the suburbs realizes she’s stuck with her kids indefinitely.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

We — anyone born after about 1960 — grew up hearing how horrible awful no good very bad terrible America is. We got it everywhere. It’s weird, because I somehow missed out on all that. I was born in 1963. In all my many moves as a kid, we always seemed to land in some little suburban area where they were still preaching old fashioned American patriotism. My first exposure to “America Bad” was a pretty weak version in a largely Jewish neighborhood in central Jersey from 7th grade on, but by then my internal compass had been set, so… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I am an East TN hillbilly born in the early ’50s. We heard that the f’ing Yankees were evil. We rarely talked about America but rather “the south”.

I still think when it all comes apart and the SHTF; the Appalachian people will hold the mountains against all others. I think only nuclear annihilation could beat us.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

It’s easier to be magnanimous in victory than in defeat.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

It happened at different rates in different places. I grew up in a big city in the New New South; all my teachers were crusading Yankee transplants, so I probably got it faster.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

In that video that Z linked to last week, Edward Dutton seems to argue that the Salem Witch Trials were a sign of a society protecting its collective fitness.

Life is complex, so the phenomena could have multiple causes, including a release for guilt-induced religious zeal and social hygiene.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

I never understood why nobody gives any weight to the idea that the reason the Trials ended was that they got all the witches. 200 accusations and only 30 convictions sounds pretty sober to me.

4 years ago

This month-long lock-down, and that is what they are planning, by the way, will bring with it a massive re-ordering of society.

Unfortunately, I think this is a wildly optimistic take. They fully intend to extend the lockdown all the way ’til November and the election. If they can’t panic enough people into realizing Orange Man Bad and voting him out of office, then they’ll close polling stations in certain areas and/or call for “online” voting or some such that will allow them to cheat.

Reply to  RDittmar
4 years ago

Cancel the elections months early?

I fear you’re right, you may be right.
Then the Revolution is already accomplished.

“Defense Production Act”?
Are they kicking in the NDAA?

Reply to  RDittmar
4 years ago

This will not happen. This is Q stuff.

Totally rigging a US election is much easier than all this. If this started as some kind of false-flag op, it’s gone wrong for Them as well as Us.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

All those ballots found in car trunks weeks after the election. . . . You’ll notice neither party ever challenges the “chain of custody” of said ballots. No one is ever called to account, let alone prosecuted. It’s theater.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

It is sort of a “false flag,” although that isn’t a perfect description for what has been done. It’s far more than simple exploitation of a crisis since the virus is quite real albeit not the killer or threat claimed. But there was and is extraordinary coordination among the propaganda outlets, the Chinese, and the Cloud People’s political apparatchiks. People avoid the word “conspiracy” for obvious reasons, but sometimes it is a conspiracy, straight up. My guess is the Empire’s vaunted 17 intelligence services have known of the virus since late November/early December, kept that tight to the vest, consulted… Read more »

Reply to  RDittmar
4 years ago

We’re already seeing breadlines…if this goes beyond 30 days, look out for riots.

4 years ago

Our culture has been taught to subjectively judge, based on emotions, rather than objectively observe, based on logic. Such a way of thinking will take us to bad places we can’t even imagine now. C-virus is simply the catalyst, we were heading there quickly already, wherever it is that we end up. Buckle up.

4 years ago

All due respect, but your column might be on a bit higher level than lots of people out there can grasp. When I say “It’s just the flu, bro” — and I do, a lot, when speaking with people — I’m fully aware that the freakout will have horrible consequences. It’s a good, short, pithy way of putting the dilemma to them, of highlighting the freaky nature of the freakout: Do you really want tanks rolling down Main Street to “fight” the 97%-of-people-completely-recover-virus? Sadly, as it turns out, a lot of people really, really do, because they somehow think that… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I know, and I agree. Those people kill me. But those people are unreachable anyway. The brave new police state will come as a complete shock to them, like it will to my former buddy.

Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

Severian, the police state will not come as a shock—it will come with applause. That’s have it always happens. But your sentiment is right on.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

To quote from that tremendous Berger column linked here yesterday, people crave totalitarianism. “It’s just the flu, bro” simply means submission. And many if not most are ready to submit.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

People of a certain age need to come to terms with the fact that they will die one day. To risk impoverishing millions of families with young children by possibly throwing the World into a depression in an attempt to give the Grim Reaper the slip for a few more years is unconscionable. I am in my 50s by the way so I am getting up there.

De Beers Diamonds
De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

We are a low trust society that will require authoritarian solutions to manage.

I suggest we stop carrying on about the lost opportunity for consumerism, and adjust to the reality of scaling up Singapore to a continental level.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

The problem with that is Singapore is essentially an ethnostate, and the people trust their rulers to represent them. Do an authoritarian state here, and you could end up the best of MSNBC running things.

Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

I may be confusing the islands, but I’m pretty sure Singapore is anything but an ethnostate and that the founder said “in a multi-ethnic society, all politics is identity politics”

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
4 years ago

Without looking up the history, my recollection is Singapore split from Malaysia about 60 years ago. It’s essentially Chinese. They had one very smart, very tough leader, Lee Kwan something, who was very frank about race. Your statement is correct, In a multiethnic state, you vote your skin.

Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

The Indian and Malay populations in Singapore are not insignificant. English, Malay, Tamil, and Chinese (Mandarin and Min Nan) are widely spoken.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Apparently Chinese are 76% and Malays 15%

Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

Sounds about right. Noted should be the lack of Blacks and Browns.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

To Han Chinese, Malays ARE vibrant browns. Not to mention mostly Muslim.

Then again, to most of Southeast Asia, the “Overseas Chinese” (theoretically Han, but often mixed with local stock) serve the same role as Jews in Europe circa 1800-1940.

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Not insignificant, but they do not have any real power. The Han run things and they carefully control immigration to ensure Singapore stays that way. Of course, that’s assuming today’s leaders have the smarts and understanding and balls that Lee Kwan Yew had – he resented the British but also admired them and consciously modeled certain changes in Singapore to civilize the Han population.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Singapore is full of competent bureaucrats paired with a Confucian society. American bureaucracy is not uniformly competent, and we have to deal with random diversity hires (like our Surgeon General). What makes up for the lack of competence is the police state. Do we want smart totalitarians or midwit totalitarians weilding police power? That’s the question.

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago

I think the applicable autocracy would be the Soviet Union. Submit to rule by the nominally meritocratic, worship the State, deny your eyes and ears, espouse the orthodoxy, or the Black Marias will come in the wee hours and take you away.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  M. B. Lamar
4 years ago

Ummm, isn’t that where we’ve been the past forty years?

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

I feel like only very recently have I been unable to voice my once-uncontroversial opinion in public.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Marko
4 years ago


Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

Philadelphia has stopped locking up thieves. Should provide a lot of fodder for a Law and Order campaign.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

Veg; About to get a dose of wokeness, they are. Just another example of Z’s point about COVID Panic providing petty politicians with an excuse to do stuff they’ve always wanted to do but were politically constrained from doing. Endpoint for demanding consequence-free behavior for all, it is. We’re about to see a realtime experiment re ‘broken windows policing policy’. Hypothesis: Hassling feral teens for small criminal infractions is/was rayyysiss oppression and it is completely unjustified and unnecessary. So no looting or rioting will result from abandoning even the pretense. *Maybe* it’s possible, and I’d like it to be, but… Read more »

Reply to  Al from da Nort
4 years ago

That’s why Cuomo is essentially nutting himself every day. He’s got the power to do any damn thing he wants.

Reply to  De Beers Diamonds
4 years ago

While it has several races Singapore has one family/business, the Lee’s in charge and they are of one ethnicity. It can’t scale to the US . As much as I admire the late Mr. Lees willpower and acumen, he isn’t us and what’s right for that island is wrong for us. Is your freedom worth so little to you? While the Dissident Right isn’t Libertarian or especially like the Liberty movement it also isn’t That authoritarian either. Its Traditional more than anything. Authority is used to restore traditional; values like family stability and work when when technology makes alternatives impossible.… Read more »

4 years ago

Stanford professor says the flattening the curve strategy actually prolongs the draconian lockdown:


Reply to  JZs
4 years ago

Everyone who has run the math on it has come to the same conclusion: flattening the curve leads to economic ruin AND high infection rates. This whole exercise is increasingly stupid, and like the Paleocons before, level headed commentators like Z and Denninger remind me of the scene in Titanic where they shoot the flare in the air.

Reply to  Sandmich
4 years ago

Tut-tut, Dirt Person, you say “economic ruin AND high infection rates” like they’re a *bad* thing.

Reply to  JZs
4 years ago

You spend more money paying down a loan than you do paying cash, plus the financial constraint of making payments. Same principle. Less pain in the short term causes more pain in the long term.

Reply to  JZs
4 years ago

Physician friend (normally clear headed and rational guy) as well as dissident website I read (ER Doc SoCal) totally in end-of-life-as-we-know-it mode. Panic is largely driven by panic among the medical types. Logical, I suppose, as they are the ones who have to deal with it daily, and in person, and so are likely to encounter positive CV-19 people, as well as those yet showing no symptoms who they see for non-flu reasons. But they seem to have become bleating sheep, rather than steady sheepdogs. 1.5 million plus dead?? How does this square with other, radically lower projections? My doc… Read more »

Reply to  PrimiPilus
4 years ago

Good point. I’m seeing hysterics in the medical community as well. But the talking heads on radio are not far behind. Today’s opening commentary from one, “…we have to do this as no government can stand by while *millions* of its citizens die from disease…”.

That’s the talking points these days, all FUD, all the time.

Reply to  JZs
4 years ago

Yes, of course, but the effort is not just to flatten it, but to shorten it too. Which, I guess I thought was a given, but here we are. If you look at China, S.K., and now Italy, this virus seems to peak-out in 4-6 weeks from when they hit the panic button. China hit the panic button at the end of December, and by mid-Feb their total new cases was dropping off. People are going back to work there now, stores are opening, etc. South Korea? Smaller country, better testing, earlier steps to get people to stay home. About… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

I can only speak of what I experience. The State of AZ is officially shutdown. School is planned to be cancelled for the rest of the year. No restaurants open to sit down traffic. Movie theaters, other events, closed. Grocery stores with empty shelves. You know the story…

Yep, we are winning the war against this plague—total cases recorded, 21. One death. Complete economic collapse, 21 cases of the virus. Tell me about the cost benefit again? Trump getting re-elected will have to be one hell of a benefit to offset our economic collapse.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

It’s about the same in Louisiana. Six corona deaths in Louisiana – all in New Orleans, meanwhile 27 people were shot to death in New Orleans just in January and February. (A larger number were shot but survived).

Reply to  Federalist
4 years ago

And it is unlikely that this will cause influenza and pneumonia will crack the Top 6. There are a lot of things we would all love to see get done in a Trump 2nd Term. A President who can credibly claim to have saved millions of lives is going to have a lot of power to get the right things done. As if restructuring the ENTIRE global supply chain away from China wasn’t good enough. Leading causes of death, 2019: Heart disease: 647,457 Cancer: 599,108 Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936 Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383 Alzheimer’s disease:… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

This is like a hurricane that hits the entire country. Very few, if any, Americans die in hurricanes. But, how President Trump responds to the hurricane matters quite a bit. I don’t like the hysteria either, but the best crisis response to hysteria is action. Telling people they’re stupid just pisses them off and makes the hysteria worse. The economy isn’t going to collapse. There will be a weird 45-day “recession”. “Let them die,” is not a viable strategy for a virus that is 100x more lethal than the flu and as much or more contagious. It’s only a viable… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

hokkoda…The disease has *not* been shown to be 100x’s more lethal. That is scare mongering. No where—even Italy, have such figures been compiled. Flu for this year has some 40k+ deaths and an estimated 1/10% fatality. If the COVID-19 disease were to be 100x’s more lethal, that would be a 10% fatality rate. No where in the world has any death compilation even approached that rate. There is very good reason to assume that the official estimates of 1-2% TFR are high due to inexact estimates of the total prevalence of the disease among the populous. That is to say,… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Pardon the extra 0, I meant 10x. Of the people we know who get it, the TFR is between 3-4% globally. Italy (I haven’t checked it lately) is around 7%. The US is around 1.3% last I checked. Let’s say there are 340,000,000 Americans and a 20% infection rate. Seems fair based on observable evidence and past pandemics. Of that 20%, assume half are sick enough to notice and report. And assume that the 1.3% TFR holds for cases we know about. That’s still 340,000 dead. The end times? Hardly. 10x the flu? About right. Estimates vary between 12-30K for… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

TFR of 3-4% is 30 times more lethal than regular flu.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  hokkoda
4 years ago

Just the crisis and the stock market crash (if it remains down) have greatly lessened Trump’s chances, alas.

Reply to  JZs
4 years ago

Well of course it does. Flattening the curve makes perfect sense if you think there’s a simple and quick way to make a vaccine and deploy it widely. There isn’t though – Notice how the even low estimate of 12-18 months relies on using “untested techniques”. Shutting down the economy for even 12 months is basically economic Armageddon but I suppose we can console ourselves with the notion that we dragged out the suffering (physical and economic) for as long as possible and eventually the last potential victim, John B. Alzheimer, age 94, of Plainfield NJ, Sanders delegate, and… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
4 years ago

Well said. And I hope to outlive John Alzheimer myself. 😉

4 years ago

Fuel for the acceleration debate:

If a Democrat was in office right now, quarantining 2A guys and talking about suspending elections, controlling travel, etc… the Right would be howling.

Instead, the American Right is mostly Trusting the Plan. It’s a Thatcher Effect (

DIssident Right fortunes correlate to the Democrats in America, inversely with the GOP on a more shallow curve. The GOP acts as a drag on us whether they’re in or out of power. But the more seats of power Dems hold, the more our ranks swell.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Ready to get downvoted to like -100?

But in all seriousness, you are of course dead-on as usual.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I regret that I have but 100 upcummies to give for my people. Oven me, lads.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

The likelihood of me down-voting (well, anyone) is practically nil. The likelihood of me down-voting the account that gave us “The Powers that Reeeee?” (I still laugh about that.) Not happening. When all is lost we still have humor.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Ahh, upcummiez. How I miss the TRS Boards.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

if it posted it it would probably be down-voted to whatever maximum the forum software will allow

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Downvoting a well expressed, well intended opinion is unworthy (IMO) of the level of discourse usually found on this discussion section. Perhaps I’m misinformed, but if I don’t buy into Exile’s opinion, I respond or I ignore. If he made a good call, I upvote. If he made an excellent observation, I commend him directly.

Downvoting to me should be saved for obvious trolls in the hope of saving others time and effort in response. But that’s just me. To Exile’s credit, I don’t believe he’s ever been downvoted—I do recognize votes are averaged out.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Bravo, Compsci.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Just don’t every question the ZOG Emperor. That will bring the downvotes every time

#TrustThePlan WeAreQ

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

And what have your ranks accomplished with the Dems in power? Nothing other than choking on your black pills.

4 years ago

So what time is Tom Hanks’ Funeral?

Will CNN stagger their coverage to make sure they can fit in the Kevin Durant memorial as well?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Lol the twitter/insta vids of celebrity infection reeks of PR spin. Modern pravda. Interesting too, how they seem to have all been tested even though they were either asymptomatic or showed low-end symptoms that under normal circumstance would not warrant an appointment with the doc, let alone expedited testing. I know two people who have gone in with flu symptoms and have been denied testing by their docs because it would be a “waste of a test” because they were not in the “danger zone”. So cue Kenny Loggins and hopes and prayers that these American treasures of cinema beat… Read more »

Senator Brundlefly
Senator Brundlefly
4 years ago

It’s like global warming. People fixate so much on the only solution to it being a mass reorganization of society. This leads to conservatives denying that it exists at all. Second order questions of “okay X exists so what is the next prudent move given our values and the other hard realities that we must navigate around?” get skipped over completely. Coronavirus is a problem. But we’ve skipped over the second order questions of how do you deal with it without wrecking the economy? Is the economic damage worth it? How about our civil liberties? This is the problem I… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
4 years ago

5.7 earthquake in Salt Lake, Wasatch fault system, depth 7 miles in loose unconsolidated old lake bed and alluvium waste from nearby Wasatch range. EQ waves slow down in unconsolidated soils and gain vertical acceleration. Lots of aftershocks. Gas and water main breaks, brick off buildings, damage at airport, trailers off foundations. I’m 4 hours from Salt Lake and no effect here, and am experienced with years of California earthquakes. The statue of the Angel Moroni on top of the Salt Lake Temple dropped his trumpet! Mormons in this state will lose their collective minds! Already talking about signs and… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

the Angel Moroni

Always thought that name was a little too obvious.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Z… are sanity in the midst of the destruction of our culture and economy.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

The earthquake will kill more people in the 801 area code than WuFlu will

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Range, isn’t that like the Seventh Sign or something?

Preppers – what’s a good way to filter blood from water? Any good locust or frog repellents I can hoard?

Xtians – does bleach deconsecrate holy water?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Locust and frogs are good eatin’. Just scoop em up. Fry the locusts whole and just the legs for the frogs!

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I love frog legs. Bullfrogs are invasive in CA, so no limits, no season.

Haven’t tried the grasshoppers. Les Stroud says they’re tasty.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Tarantula, anyone?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Taran…. oh no, Exile’s been shopping at the wet market again.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Suggestion, but no personal recommendation?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

If Survivor Man says so . . . ( but I prefer to never find out.)

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I don’t think I could get past the appearance or crunch. Even knowing they don’t bite or sting, they’ve always made me uneasy – like crickets. Sorry, I’d rather eat grass. When do we start hearing about everyone’s weight loss on the Corona diet?

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

Those damned crickets and grass would set my whole body to hurting. I’ll stick with large ruminants, thanks!

Reply to  Range Front Fault
4 years ago

Some how all this talking of eating bugs leaves me cold, having actually seen how seriously some of the Lefty climate change folk actually talk about changing to this diet so we no longer eat beef products.

Scary part is they would use such as supplements/mixtures, rather than straight eating of crispy little things with visible wings and legs—and our capitalistic system will give it to us in a NY second when they sense a buck to be made.

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Insects are not kosher, so some will be exempt from the Helot Diet.

It’s not humiliating, it’s liberating!

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

“Insects are not kosher”
You just have to cut their tiny throats with the appropriate tiny knives.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Let’s see…hmmm….oh, don’t forget famine, storms-crappy weather, fire, the Jews will rise to be a great nation and they will believe in Jesus. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

4 years ago

Most of the people ruling us have never progressed past the High School phase of intellectual and emotional maturity. At best they remain the scolding pompous ass pedantic parent with all the good intentions they need to totally f¥€£ us all up. Bless their filthy stinking rotten hearts. Bastards.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

The talk here is often about how the rulers, elite, or sky-people hate us. I must certainly agree with that idea. But the real problem is that ANYONE who wants to rule should not EVER rule over us. And if you buy that then you see the problem. The system draws evil people and then the evil ones use the levers of power to inflict their evil upon us. This crononavirus farce is a perfect example. The numbers tell us that this is a mild flu at best. And yet, the media and the politicians have scared most people into… Read more »

4 years ago

The grocery stores are still being emptied here in the high desert of Los Angeles county, even the local AF bases are having the same problem.

Trump and those “doctors” managed to created this mass panic/ and have managed to destroy the economy in the process.

The stupidity on parade is just astounding.

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

you mean that CDC speech last week or so and travel ban? That was bad optics in retrospect. The ban did nothing but make ppl scared. Too late for bans. The window was in feb.,

Reply to  Rwc1963
4 years ago

AZ grocery store update—shelves even more empty than on Sunday. Good news, oldsters get to shop at 5 in the morning and be disappointed before everyone else. 😉 So what is gone—all paper products, all noodle products (like for spaghetti), can goods like beans and such pretty much gone, no rice, no hand soap, bleach, or other disinfectants. So what is newly gone—milk, eggs, lots of bread products (the kind from commercial bakery, loaded with preservative), chicken, and now hot dogs. Cuts of beef stocked as most markets have butcher shops. Milk gone is particularly disheartening as today there are… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

I scored some bananas at Wal Mart yesterday afternoon, showed them to my wife, calling them “victory bananas”. Then mentioned that this was all so third-world. Will we get to go back, or is the really spectacular grocery store thing with full shelves and nice presentations permanently over?

4 years ago

So, the proposal to send out $1,000 checks to everyone has Politico interviewing Andrew Yang. “Woo! UBI! You were right!” And bemoaning that it is, so far, a one-time payment. A one-time payment would cost about $330 billion. It is an imperfect solution to a government-caused problem — forcefully putting people out of work. I agree that it is better to give the money to the people than to the banks, but they’ve already done that too, to the tune of $1.5 trillion, if I heard correctly. People understand that the government doesn’t have $1.5 trillion or $330 billion… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Students of the French Revolution will recall that socially, people were turning a bit all-against-all, driven by rumors and accusations. Then the government ran out of (real) money (but not the printed paper stuff), as a recession hit and tax revenues fell. They tried to tax everything that moved, and fund everything they could think of, and then the Revolution was off to the races.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Yup. I asked on another forum recently “In the US 2020 replay of the French revolution, who gets to play Marie Antoinette and who gets to play Robespierre?”

“Let them eat takeout!”

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Sort of OT, but does anyone know teapartydoc , who used to post quite frequently on the FRev?

Reply to  Major Hoople
4 years ago

teapartydoc was one of the Greats here in the early Z-days.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

We are now in the golden age of MMT. They’ve wanted to do this for years. Never let a crisis go to waste – make it your own crisis.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

All this money is pure fiat, so none is really real. All is based on faith in .gub and its iron fist. Take our dollar for your oil or get liberated. Decoupling dollar from gold to pure fiat needed something tangible, so we promised to be besties with Saud if they made sure everyone used dollar for oil purchases. The petro dollar was born, and politicians we freed from the shackles of basing the dollar on a barbaric relic (no, I’m not a gold bug). Yang’s UBI appeared to me as a soft landing for the jobs lost to automation.… Read more »

Reply to  JustaProle
4 years ago

so here is free money to pursue your interests

There is no such thing.

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

A task for each of us: Get out, away from the city, away from the news, and the people, and the traffic, and the internet. Surround yourself with silence, punctuated by the clicking, chirping, whirring sounds of nature. Look up at the sky, and off to the horizon. Take deep breaths. Before they lock you in. And think about what is really necessary, and what you really need to enjoy another day. Stock up on what you need, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Get rid of what holds you back or takes you away from what really matters. Turn your… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Hardly a rant, Dutch. More like the greatest sort of poetry: evocative and inspiring. Thanks. I’ve pencilled a drive into the outback for our next sunny day. Be well.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Three Dog Night expressed the same sentiment in the 1970 song “Out in the Country.”

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

Three Dog Night posting. I love it.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I love it. I’m trying to impress this very same notion on my family. Today, after work, I’ll take them down to the shores of Lake Erie to hunt for beach glass.

I’ve mentioned it before, but I think there are real opportunities to open people’s eyes. Everyone here needs to ponder how to exploit them, how to make your voices heard beyond this small community. If people want to make demands, fine. Let us make ours.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

Whole Earth Nationalism?

Take that, Pine Gang.

Reply to  Dutch
4 years ago

I’d also add that this things really seems to even further accentuate (as if that was possible) the difference between Flyover Country and Shitlibstan. The craziest news stories are all coming from the coasts and Illinois. Girl Governor Barbie Pompom declares Total Double Super Lockdown, Mayor Skylar Genderbend of Hippytown, CA declares town a “gun and ammunition free zone”. And of course there’s always CA Governor Nuisance himself providing comic relief almost every day. Personally, I was already committed to moving away from the PNW to a saner area before anyone had heard of this virus. Then again I’m an… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Biggest problem there is that the machines do the work and guess what happens? The State fill in and the best people stop having kids.

US TFR sans immigration has been below replacement for 48 years and while divorce plays a large part, its more likely to be lack of well remunerated work.

High urban costs, finance based economics and a 50% decline in wages along with all the economies of scale mean inevitable population decline.

Eventually the Gods of the Copybook heading’s will indeed have their day but they’ll take modernity down with them.

Go long on buggy whips.

Reply to  JustaProle
4 years ago

Trumpbuxx, beeches

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Recommendations from the Taiwanese government today included limiting the use of currency, especially coinage, and promoting the use of electronic payments. How long until the banks and big tech get our government to wag that dog?

Reply to  KGB
4 years ago

Oh yeah, KGB, I try not to touch cash now.
(I disinfect what I use for tolls and tips.)

All chip card. Even the $1.56 coffee.
Turns out the cashiers cringe at handling the dirty cash too, they thanked me.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

too many mouths. not enough productive people . this is the problem with any govt program for large populations, be it food, UBI, healthcare, etc.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
4 years ago

Most people have an IQ of 100 or so, maybe slightly less for Mestizos and Blacks. This isn’t enough to be useful enough in modernity for us to be willing to pay them enough to live on. That takes 120+ IQ And sure some will take trades, we don’t need than many tradesman if we build stuff correctly in the first place. Even after an immigration freeze and/or repatriation none of the options you have are good for anybody. You can #1 Pay people not to breed and allow your population to decline by half or more. #2 Go for… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Yang was clever marketing, planting the seed in the popular vernacular.

Broke: you break it, you buy it.

Woke: you break it, you OWN it.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

I never believed UBI was a sustainable economic system.

I just want to normalize politicians bribing voters directly for their votes, auction-style. Cut out the party middlemen.

A lot of praetorians retired on the proceeds of succession. Whitey deserves his share of bust-out America (since he paid for all of it) before the dindus loot the last shelves at Uncle Sucker’s Gibs Warehouse.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I cannot even begin with how many whites I’ve encouraged to enroll on government programs. Future applicants may have to provide a picture, of course.

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

$1,000? If they have $1,000 to hand out. You know they have 10x that they are not giving us!

Say, Mr. Fed, it would be a shame if something were to happen to that nice economy of yours. While yous at work all day printing money I will be just sittin here minding my own business with my fellas here. Have a nice day now.

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

The Feds can mint near unlimited money and right now the risk of inflation is very low.

Normally all that extra cash sluicing through the system would risk heavy inflation but the global trend is to massive massive deflation so minting a few trillion is nothing.

It still won’t work. More than a month of two of this means the entire economy is tits up probably for many years to decades and when it does recover , consumerism is DOA other than prepping.

The lies will fly of course but trust your eyes.

4 years ago

If Corona is a chronic rather than acute thing, Z’s collapse scenario seems a pretty good guess at how They will spin this. This is a time of testing for dissidents – can you watch the Empire spiral and burn and see it as an opportunity rather than just a disaster? Can you reach the point where you feel, deep down, that what’s bad for Them is good for Us and act on it? If you’re anywhere near that power level, the Empire’s shambolic response in the face of nothingburger/armageddon (YMMV) is a net positive. They never let a crisis… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

For starters, I’d like to thank the Zman for giving us a heads-up: we’ve got to hang on for a month without pay or re-supply.

I was calculating how long, for myself.
If they pull a Meltdown and cut credit card limits to what you owe, that’s gonna hurt.
(It hurt a lot worse in 2009, disastrous.
My biz runs on cash flow and credit cards.)

Nonetheless, I hope like hades /ourguys/ can hold for 4 weeks. Or at least til April when the Sweet Meteor Of Death hits us.

4 years ago

This is spot on. The masses are our worst enemy. Without them, the wealthy would have no one to enforce their will on everyone. The wealthy can be singled out and terminated. The masses cannot be singled out and terminated even with a Super Virus.

The masses need to be taught that there are evil people in charge and they are out to murder and enslave us.

4 years ago

This is the endgame of “safety” at the expense of all else.

4 years ago

I was thinking about the end of WWII when there was a massive pent-up demand for goods like cars and the economy boomed for years. The difference was that the economy had been repurposed for 4 years, not shut down. So as soon as the war was over, the factories making planes, guns, and tanks immediately switched back to cars and dishwashers (albeit 1940 models at first).
This economic pause is unprecedented and I doubt it will be peacefully tolerated more than a month. Once small business start to go under, anger is going to flare.

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

These things cascade. I was talking to the guy who owns the local feed store on Monday, and there were rumors that it was going to be shut down. Fortunately that didn’t happen, but imagine any break in the chain due to all this. I depend on the feed store for my ranch. The feed stores and feed mills depend on truckers. I told the feed store owner that I’ll be coming to get grain whether he’s open or not. If someone tries to keep him closed, I will confront them. If he has no grain because truckers and distribution… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
4 years ago

Dagnab. One goal was to buy a grain trailer and actually take delivery of that commodity contract for 5000 bushels of #2 red durham wheat.

(And an oil tanker to take delivery of that 5000 gallons of winter blend diesel.
Gas stations pay COD.)

Curious- the packing house is the local exchange for farmers; is the auction lot the exchange for animals?

Who puts a paycheck in the rancher’s hand?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

The auction house cuts me the check. But I also sell direct to people who want feeder calves and replacement heifers.

Bigger producers bypass the auction , I assume and have direct deals with meat packers. I don’t run in those circles.

A friend of mine runs his own feed lot and has direct deal with a slaughterhouse. So his cattle go pasture->feedlot->slaughter and he markets the beef himself as specialty organic, non-gmo beef, because people will pay a premium for that.

4 years ago

So it turns out Communism was inevitable after all…

4 years ago

All of this is accurate and non-trivial. The best analogy is an addict embarking on a terminal bender. If he’s fortunate, he hits a high bottom and rebounds. But more likely, he plunges into the abyss and removes himself from the gene pool. You only need to look at the makeup of Congress to see where we are headed. Fully half of our representatives are functionally morons or covert criminal grifters. There are no adults in the room any longer. Observe, analyze, predict, and prepare. Then Simple, Secret, Solo, and Spontaneous. It’s the only way to be sure.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
4 years ago

I grew up near DC. One of my childhood friend’s dad was a typical government consultant. By the 1980s, I was in my 20s, befriended the Dad and rented a room at his house. He was quite eccentric himself, but somebody with a Masters in EE from MIT is no dummy either. He once said something like “Half of the staff [at EPA, where he’d consulted] are certifiably mentally ill.” That was 35 years ago! Does this reflect the entire Federal workforce? Maybe. I doubt it’s gotten any better.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

“The real “pandemic” is a pandemic of lies by government “health officials.” After I blogged this morning about a ludicrous Florida TV “news” story of a 95-year-old man in a nursing home with heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes dying of “Covid-19” a friend from Texas writes of a report of “the first Texan” to supposedly die of this — another 99-year-old with already-severe health problems.” — Thomas DiLorenzo His earlier post explained how the local news screamed about a man dying of coronavirus there in south Florida. After the break they told that he died of pneumonia. So they… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m in So Cal, so the situation here is particularly sketchy. I’m keeping a finger on the local pulse through FB, and the Next Door app. Now I access both from a desktop, so my view is a little skewed. If there is anything remotely encouraging it’s this: both FB, and ND are full of people trying to stem panic, and spread common sense. Many people are offering help to those who need it. Many more are encouraging their neighbors to stay level headed, and not give in to fear. Most see the real danger is not from the virus,… Read more »

Reply to  jwm
4 years ago

I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen “Common Sense” and “NextDoor App” in the same sentence.

Interesting times we live in.

Reply to  jwm
4 years ago

Ditto here. Rarely use FB, but keep an account for times like this. People are getting edgier. Next week will be interesting since the weather is improving and the “vibrants” in the municipalities around us will have been loose from school for two weeks.

4 years ago

On a lighter note, for those of us who were worried that Trump wasn’t going to become a dictator…. here’s his big chance! Really puts the Wuhan Flu in perspective, don’t it. How much of a police state are you willing to tolerate, if it means Nancy Pelosi et al get sent down to the countryside for reeducation? (Which will never happen, of course, but we can all write some fanfic while we’re in quarantine).

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Severian
4 years ago

I still think God saw the Super Bowl halftime show and, seeing no redeeming value left, pulled the plug on us.

4 years ago

The frightening aspect of the surveillance state is that few remember that it arose after 9/11. Perhaps if more did, they could ask if we still need this intrusion, not that our uniparty in Washington would listen. Much the same with endless war. Weren’t we fighting in the Middle East and Afghanistan because we always fought there? Certainly we’ve always been at war with Eastasia. As for death rates from the coronavirus, we simply do not have enough deaths and recoveries to make a valid estimate. This is why there are range estimates all over the map. When all is… Read more »

4 years ago

Ironic that with all of Trump’s battle with the deep state that they probably will be empowered even more now.

Now we also have to endure the schooling and guiding hands of our betters like Ivanka showing mothers how to reacquaint themselves with their children. Mostly people who will be financially unaffected by all of this.

Good interview with Tucker if you can stand the weasel who is interviewing him :

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

The argument that “if you battle with the king, be sure you kill the king” is often applied to Trump. It can also be applied to Trump’s battle against “king” deep state. Trump has not come close to killing the king (not for lack of trying).

Reply to  David_Wright
4 years ago

Great interview. Thanks for linking it.

4 years ago

The headline speaks for itself:

“Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents To Stop Shooting Each Other So Hospital Beds Can Be Used For Coronavirus Patients”

But have the whole piece anyway.

Stay safe Z-man.

4 years ago

FWIW: If you’ve got kids, and the schools are closed, here are a couple of links for downloadable coloring pages from hundreds of museums of all kinds that you can incorporate into your home-school lessons., Get out your Crayolas and Prismacolors.

4 years ago

Best as one can tell, the most conservative parts of the empire that do actually approximate “it’s just a flu,” in attitude, are faring the best. It is, therefor, for all intents and purposes, just a flu.

4 years ago

I’m reminded of a phrase I first heard in the YUK during the Thatcher regime.
“The action is in the reaction” relating to IRA terrorism. Very little action is needed to achieve a great deal of reaction.

4 years ago

I’m beginning to believe this is virus is contrived idiocy. The panic has been worse than the symptoms. More people will die of staph infections from hospitals or medical mistakes or car wrecks.

4 years ago

Well, it’s official here in San Antonio.

city officials ordered that, effective midnight Wednesday night, dine-in services at restaurants will be suspended; additionally, others “non-essential” businesses such as bars, lounges, nightclubs, taverns, indoor commercial amusements businesses, theaters, gyms, bingo parlors, bowling alleys must close.

How the flaming hell does a city mayor have the power to freaking ORDER private business to close? Ask them to close; that I can see. And what sort of club could could a mayor possibly have to enable him/her/it/zer/ enFORCE such an order?

Shit’s getting deep, folks. Shit’s getting WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY DEEP!!!!!

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
4 years ago

Just got word from a friend at national guard. 30 day lockdown ttristate

4 years ago

After 911, the logical thing to do was kick out the Muslims and not let them back in. Instead we open the doors to them Muslims while creating a monstrous new federal agency and forever war.
With Corona virus, the logical thing to do is lock down all the retirement homes. Instead they want everything else locked down.
“99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says”

Reply to  Drake
4 years ago

After 911. the logical thing to do was to find out who did it.
Here’s a clue: It wasn’t a bunch of Saudis who were still strolling around a month later.

4 years ago

Oh, it’s a lot worse since 9/11. When 2 muslim yahoos with a pressure cooker can shut down a whole city it’s bad. Now they don’t even need that. Thanks to all the disaster movies and tv-shows shows america has DOOM burned into their psyche. And yet the gas stations, supermarkets, post office, etc all open and doing business as usual. You called it Z. This is a giant nothing burgher. However sadly the damage is already done. They got away with their test run for martial law. Like the liberty’s stripped from us after 9/11 it will only get… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

Perfect. It is easy to describe the current moment as “dangerous,” and that grossly understates things. This is past an inflection point and now permanently dangerous. Remember the world prior to this month because you never again will live in it. The whole last four years has been a buildup to imposition of a totalitarian state. Multiply what we have seen by a thousand and that’s what the former West will resemble in the next year or two. It’s a solid bet we won’t be able to exchange ideas even here before the end of year; “our” Congress just reauthorized… Read more »

4 years ago

I was warning that the government should stock up on two months’ masks and quarantine all foreign travelers for three weeks. But that would be disruptive, you see. We sewed the wind, and now we shall reap the whirlwind.

Reply to  Calvin
4 years ago

**sowed, damn it

Reply to  Calvin
4 years ago


Reply to  JMDGT
4 years ago

I don’t knew.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Calvin
4 years ago

Freudian slip. We “sewed it” too. 🙂

Reply to  Calvin
4 years ago

“The whirlwind” being the 19th Amendment?

Reply to  Calvin
4 years ago

As far as masks are concerned, the military just announced they are releasing 5M from their emergency stocks. It’s what I said a couple days ago. The military has tremendous reserve wrt medical facility. All are being directed back to US immediate needs. We just need to stay out of hot conflict for awhile.

4 years ago

It’s not all bad news. The government has been trying for years to get us all worked up about some threat from Iran. What they are seeing now is that folks are a lot more concerned about having a good supply of toilet paper.

NJ Person
NJ Person
4 years ago

People rightly make comparisons between the current hysteria and that of 9/11. Another contributor mentioned that Republicans now support Andrew Yang’s guaranteed annual income scheme. Interesting. Another comparison might be that to AOC’s “Green New Deal”. That was criticized for collectivizing and destroying our economy in order to deal with the global warming existential threat. Are we more similar to our political enemies than we would like to think or admit? Another thought is whether hysterias are a constant of human nature. Remember the nonsense that led the European powers into WWI and the near destruction of European civilization? The… Read more »

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
4 years ago

If you want to see how flight travel is affected in Europe, you should go to Flightradar24 and pan across Europe. Italy is nearly dead, especially Milan. Oddly, despite the lockdown, Paris is still quite busy.

Reply to  Karl Horst
4 years ago

What, now Macron is just flying the Turks’ “refugees” in?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

This is surreal. No other words. Grab some physical gold.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
4 years ago

Well, on the hopeful side, we had a worse (so far) repressive state under W Wilson and the Proggies during our brief participation in WWI. The giant war state got shut down, immigration was halted and Commies from the Steppes got deported back to their Motherland. You can say what you like about the old whyte yankee elite, but they’re the ones who stepped in and did this, starting with shutting down the proto-UN. Are the current Cloud Folk competent to do something like a ‘return to normalcy’_? I’d say no, but I’d also say that they are likewise incapable… Read more »