Money Matters

A favorite expression is “pressure reveals character.” Anyone who has played sports has probably used the expression. It is one of those truths of life that turns up all over, but is most obvious in sports. Guys can look like heroes in practice when everyone is loose and there is nothing on the line. In the game, they perform poorly, unable to perform under pressure. It’s why the military performs live fire exercises. It’s a way to see how men will perform under the extreme pressure of combat.

A public crisis like the current panic over the virus is where we see how people operate under pressure. More than a few people, who we thought to be steely-eyed cynics, have been revealed to be hysterical ninnies. Nassim Taleb, who really likes to tell everyone he is a man’s man, has gone so far as to post a one page paper explaining how best to throw your dress over your head and run around shrieking like a girl. He brings to mind this classic scene from the movie Airplane!

This graph gets to something else that has been revealed during this crisis. Those inclined to left-wing politics are more easily frightened than those attracted to more sober minded approaches to public policy. It is something to keep in mind when looking at how our guys have reacted to this crisis. For example, many of the old alt-right people now sound like one of the girls from the Huffington Post. It is a good reminder that there is a left-right axis within dissident politics.

Another thing the pressure of the moment has revealed, something I touch on in the show, is that many of our guys are wholly ignorant of economics. Given that the rejection of the neoliberal economic order is one commonality on this side of the great divide, it is a bit surprising that many of our guys do not have the first clue about how the system actually works. More than a few of our guys have taken to sounding like one of the girls from the Democratic Socialist camp.

Of course, much of this is the result of people living outside the system that most people take for granted. The typical college professor, for example, spends his life in the adult daycare center we call the college campus. He lives in a fantasy world. Eventually, his understanding of reality is warped by that fantasy world. It’s easy to demand we pull out all the stops against this virus when you feel as if you are immune to the consequences of pulling out all the stops. It’s easy to be generous in behalf of others.

Similarly, people completely invested in politics can also become divorced from the daily reality of life. It is surprising just how many well-known figures in dissident politics don’t have jobs and never had jobs. Maybe they kicked around the publishing world or the academy, but that’s not real work. In the world of political theory, staking out an extreme position has no cost. In fact, it is often the point. In the real world where people live, staking out the extreme position has a cost, a big one.

This is why the stimulus bills that get passed during each crisis get bigger. There’s no benefit to prudence, so no one considers it. There is a benefit to showering favored constituents with cash, so everyone tries to be the most generous. It’s also why these efforts never amount to much. The people crafting them don’t have the slightest clue how the retail economy works. Small business is as alien to them as everything else about the people over whom they rule.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Economics
  • 07:00: The Human Costs
  • 17:00: Markets Versus Main Street
  • 27:00: Economic Illiteracy
  • 37:00: Middle Man Leverage
  • 47:00: The Good Stuff
  • 57:00: Closing

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joey junger
joey junger
5 years ago

It’s funny you mention the live-fire exercises. They’d discontinued a lot of that by the time I cycled through basic training. I remember after some time in theater, though, I noticed that all the guys with muscle beach physiques and barbed wire tattoos and the Under Armor shirts worked in Finance or as Quartermasters, whereas all the infantry guys were lanky and unassuming. I only found out later that they looked like scarecrows because 1). It’s impossible to meet your calorie needs on operations, even eating high caloric MREs 2). They didn’t have time to sculpt their bodies in the… Read more »

Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

While never in the military saw the same in the Fire/EMS business. Remember years ago at the academy seeing guys that showed up to Basic school with “no fear” stickers and similar shit on their newly issued helmets. These were all volunteer schools–but in this part of NY departments were very strict about certifications and training. One of the first truck company exercises was to stick a 100′ aerial up at a 7 degree angle in middle of thetraining ground. You had to climb it, hook in at the top with a ladder belt and stand up with both arms… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  joey junger
5 years ago

Joey, I noticed something similar. We had two guys rotate into our Airborne unit from posts in Korea and Germany respectively. Both were body builders and looked like Adonis. Neither could road march or break brush for more than a couple klicks before dropping from exhaustion or literally passing out. Most of us were lanky sinuous and could hump a ruck all day. I’m sure both men would have been an awesome spectacle in hand to hand combat if the need arose, but there was no way they could actually get their bodies to the fight. Both transferred back to… Read more »

Tax Slave
Tax Slave
5 years ago

The left = emotion driven (female)
The right = reason driven (male)

Any surprise there?

Reply to  Tax Slave
5 years ago

But can you so easily separate the two?

5 years ago

Where I live, the walking trails are packed. I noticed everyone looks so happy.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ToM
5 years ago

Thank you for an unusually to the point daily blog. Yes of course there will be enormous economic damage. But you pessimists overlooked the wonderful role of rescuer that the government will be able to play. Think of all the public works and distribution of money that will come in coming months for them to assuage the very damage the policies caused in the first place. 😯

Reply to  ToM
5 years ago

A lot of that where I am too. The spring weather helps, as does the closing of ski hills and everything else, but there is more behind the different behaviors. I think the axis of right/left reveals under pressure in all kinds of ways that may not perfectly mirror party politik, but do seem to track along a more fundamental set of attributes. There seem to be two groups emerging here: the concerned but productive; and the panicked and unproductive. The panicked seem to revel in the situation, as if their panic, which is always just beneath the surface, is… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

Screwtape, I think there is an underlying gratification element for the panicked and unproductive as well as those with an opposite bent. Except for the past 100 years in the West, humanity as a species has always had it rough, it’s in our DNA to expect toil and turmoil. We seem to need it. It’s there whether we face it stoically or run around screaming that the sky is falling. The panicked-bent people as well as the productive seem to be getting a little charge out of this pandemic. For the former it’s a little dark thrill and I’ve noted… Read more »

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

This keeps striking me in the face. Major of Chicago says you can walk but you can’t run 5K. She’s now the fun police? My niece, repatriated from her junior year abroad in Italy two weeks ago, got out of home quarantine today. They did it by the book: my sister hadn’t even hugged her yet, after not having seen her in person for six months. Knowing her parents and sibs, I’ll cover bets that she never got within six feet of another person during those two weeks. She ran a 10K every day to stay in shape. When I… Read more »

Reply to  ToM
5 years ago

Grazed cattle are much happier than those kept in the feedlot. /sarc

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 years ago

Painter, true enough. Supposedly, happy cattle taste better too. Spooking them during slaughter sours the meat.

Regardless, I’d rather be the rancher.

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

Some like the taste of fear (so I hear), some happiness. If we’re food I’d rather be happy. But yes, you can be your own rancher if you’re willing to give up some of the perks of civilization. Not too many, I’m finding out. It IS possible. It’s all about the division of labor. If you depend on farmers for food, police for security, carpenters for shelter, etc., you’re cattle. Fancy, wealthy cattle, but nonetheless. The farm is called civilization. It has its perks, it has its downsides. Everybody has to decide what’s important to him. The fact we’re losing… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  ToM
5 years ago

My wife and I went to local park and I predicted there would be more nods, and hellos. There were, but on another walk on the local city streets, three separate cases of women stepping off the sidewalk, nearly walking in the streets or just freezing in place.

Yeah, women but also an older guy walking as if the Andromeda Strain had been released with a scarf and makeshift hazmat suit.

Reply to  David Wright
5 years ago

David, i’ve seen some of that too. A soyboy walking his dog actually looked terrified as we approached on the sidewalk. He veered 10’ off the path to avoid me. I laughed.

Dogs are the big winners in all this. Never seen so many people walking their dogs, playing with them in the park. And everyone is home too. These are the dog days of corona I guess.

Trapped on Clown World
Trapped on Clown World
5 years ago

Stolen from an UNZ comment at Sailers blog: “The problem with the HBD crowd is they don’t have any loyalty to us. It’s almost a borderline sociopathic mentality. They’re interested in what you have to offer in terms of IQ and traits, but that’s about it. So concepts of loyalty to a particular group is alien to them. They tend toward the “civic nationalist“ approach. They don’t mind if you’re replaced, as long as the new person has a solid IQ. As you can see, they do spaz out about their own personal health. But the health of their people… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Trapped on Clown World
5 years ago

That’s what drove me away from Unz Review and, particularly, Sailer (though probably more his commenters). They notice average differences among races/ethnicities and how those differences impact societal outcomes. However, instead of that leading them to embrace those differences, to discover a love for your own people and to understand the need for good fences, they descend into an atomized world where high IQ trumps all. I’ll never understand how Sailer reconciles Citizenism (civic nationalism) with his beautiful definition of race/ethnicity as an “extended family.” If your race is your extended family, why would you let others into your family’s… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Well said. The fatal flaw of “High IQ” nationalism is that there are other bonds that bind people together more tightly than high IQ.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

They have the unhealthy obsession with IQ that you find with smart but unaccomplished people. It’s all they got so they make that the measure of a man.

Universities are filled to the brim with these folks.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Luke Ford BTFO.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Citizen, it might be that smart people (or those who think they’re smart; or those for whom being smart is the highest value) are a class unto themselves, with their own interest and instinct for self-advancement and self-preservation. They have (or believe they have) more in common with each other—even across national, ethnic, familial lines—than with “lower IQ“ people of their native group.

As I think about it, that’s close to being a motivation for a James Bondian evil mastermind. No wonder they can’t be trusted.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

The example I use is Rhodesia. The Bantus didn’t say – “Gee, those whites sure have a high IQ! Let’s just roll over and let them rule over our people”. Instead, the fought as a people. And today, Zimbabwe exists and Rhodesia / Rhodesian whites do not. Who won there, the high IQ, “rational” people or the Bantus? The IQ fetish is just another way of proving they’re not racist. Since Asians supposedly have a higher IQ than whites on average, they always say “Well actually what I’m saying isn’t racist, because Asians are actually better than whites!” Total cucked-out… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Cross cultural competition meant that some societies prospered and others died out – often because their more successful neighbors killed them. Over time the traits of more successful tribes became enshrined in traditions and religious values. People often did not know precisely why a lot of these traditions worked though. Why is inbreeding “bad”? Most societies have enforced taboos against it for millennia before modern genetic science elucidated the dangers of double recessive traits though. Likewise loyalty, bravery, honesty, defense of one’s homeland. These things all just worked for people long before modern evolutionary biologists came up with ideas about… Read more »

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Trapped on Clown World
5 years ago

Agree, but Unz serves a useful purpose.

5 years ago

I downloaded/read the paper. Talib is a coward, pure, plain and simple. His cowardice is of a magnitude approaching (if not exceeding) the magnitude of Hitler’s megalomania. He is also a confirmed collectivist. His justification for his cowardice is some amorphous collective good which to this observer is really just an excuse for Talib not to expose Talib to any sort of risk. But then the ZMan perfectly characterized Talib’s sort. Talib is an academic; an ivory-tower academic totally divorced from the real world. I once had a professor like that back in my college days. He had multiple Master’s… Read more »

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
5 years ago

Most people in the world are tribal. If you disdainfully reject the idea of collective good then you will be an individual who is picked off one by one by a tribe. Good luck with that.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Those with neither tribe nor nation are easy meat for the cooperative foreign predators.

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
5 years ago

For a man who wrote a book called “Antifragile”, NNT doesn’t half seem brittle at times.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Charlie_U
5 years ago

Any criticism or reasonable question on twitter – Taleb blocks you.

He has some good points. Calm isn’t one of them. He’s right about skin in the game; apparently not his own skin.

You can also gain insight into the Civil War in Lebanon from observing this man’s behavior; his civics lessons should be weighted accordingly.


just block him and post what you want. he wont see it.

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
5 years ago

Bill. He might have done you a favor, rather than blackballing you in secret. But you did get screwed. The public often thinks an advanced degree is something like a class test—objective. Nothing can be further from the truth. It’s more often like a membership application to an exclusive golf club—you have a lot of social hurdles to over come. And it gets even worse when you attempt to apply for a faculty position. I remember I had to get minor committee members on my dissertation defense from Statistics dept. Went to the dept head for a meeting, he was… Read more »

Reply to  Bill_Mullins
5 years ago

I’ll White Knight for Taleb a bit here. He’s an autodidact floor trader by background, not an academic. He’d spit nails at being called one. He describes himself as locally communist, regionally socialist and nationally libertarian. He’s not Our Guy but he’s not Their Guy either.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Taleb may indeed be said to be his own man.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

there is little evidence he is a trader and even less so that he was a floor trader. Taleb is more of adviser and PR guy to funnel l ppl to a fund one of his business partners runs.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Yes, very clear Mullins hasn’t read Taleb at all. If he had, he’d genuinely like how Taleb regards the Ivory Tower.

NJ Person
NJ Person
5 years ago

Nassim Talib wrote some interesting and insightful books, such as Black Swan and Antifragile. However, he disappoints and comes across as an intellectual bully. Yesterday I talked with a Person of Color who is afraid of his wife being unemployed. There seems to be little sympathy from our ruling class for such people. Although I am extremely reluctant to call persons with different world views “evil”, John Derbyshire’s “Good Whites” currently seem to be pushing the envelope. Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine has a great article today on the arrogance of the media, which can be viewed as one… Read more »

Reply to  NJ Person
5 years ago

I’ve come to the conclusion that Taleb really doesn’t understand what point he is trying to make with The Black Swan and it makes me wonder whether any value in that book is accidental. The point I THOUGHT he was trying to make is that certain outcomes are completely unpredictable given your decision making framework and the available information (“unknown unknowns” in the terminology of a well known war monger). Nobody’s ever seen a black swan so no one can possibly determine whether it exists or could exist or what the likelihood of it existing is. And more importantly, there’s… Read more »

Reply to  RDittmar
5 years ago

Fwiw, William M. Briggs has some good stuff on the flaws in NNT’s thinking:

Reply to  Charlie_U
5 years ago

I saw a link to that guy’s site in the comments the other day and it’s great. I’ve bookmarked it to start visiting regularly. From what I’ve read of his site, he appears to be a Bayesian and those guys do tend to be cultists. At the same time, non-Bayesians have a lot of problems too as Briggs rightly points out in trying to attach some kind of “truth” to the results of their tests. I’ve worked with statistics for years, but I like to think of myself as a mathematical rather than statistical person so I can do what… Read more »

Reply to  RDittmar
5 years ago

He isnt even Bayesian – I guess the easiest way to describe him is a “logical probabilist” maybe. His book, Uncertainty, is excellent. Bascially he is of the opinion that we are far to certain of pretty much everything.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  RDittmar
5 years ago

I can’t speak on the current discussion, but Talib was pretty interesting when I read him several years ago. Black swans really do exist I think in Australia. And in one of his books he talks about totally unexpected outcome like the unfortunate incident that happened to Siegfried and Roy with the tiger back in the 90s. More to the point on social Decay, he also talks about part of his life in Beirut. as a civil war there slowly progressed, people adjusted their expectations to fit the new worldview, Even so everything eventually fell apart. I guess you could… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
5 years ago

Shanghai too at least is lousy with black swans. We visited some friends there last year and there were flocks of them living in the pond/lake behind their apartment building.

5 years ago

I hope many mayors, governors, and other politicians lose their jobs over this. Wait until all the tax revenues go substantially down, it’s going to get fun.

Can we now start the flatten the unemployment curve virtue signal?

Reply to  Josh
5 years ago

60-90 days from now, Find all the pictures of cute homeless children you can, and post then on normal social media with lines like “Hope it was worth it, curve-flatteners”. And “flat curvers kill children.”

Let’s use the weapon of the enemy against him, for once.

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Psychopaths don’t shame easy.

But that’s not bad messaging for all the normies watching the exchange.

Reply to  The Babe
5 years ago

You’re never arguing to persuade Them – impossible. You’re arguing to persuade those listening to the argument.

Reply to  Josh
5 years ago

It’s also going to be a reason to do the lawfare equivalent of carpet bombing of those people. Gun stores are already prepping the class action suits and will be joined by a zillion other retailers large and small who suffered from this shutdown. If you’re not suing someone you’re behind the curve. Better Call Saul!

5 years ago

It’s all about boundaries. In the real world, there are always boundaries, financial, social, job requirements, time commitments, responsibilities to others. Those who fly out to strange ideas and unrealistic concepts are those who do not have the boundaries to keep them in place and level headed.

Bloomberg’s little business news station continues to harp on climate change as “the defining issue of our time”. Good one, cloud people guys. You just keep banging that drum. That’s the kind of unintentional comedy that lack of boundaries is capable of generating.

NJ Person
NJ Person
Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

Odd how “defining issues of our time” (e.g., budget deficits, terrorism, climate change) recede from the collective consciousness.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Not to pile on (and the usual caveats that he’s one of our greats and I will continue to send him money each month), but Steve Sailer is not showing his best side. His post yesterday about procrastinating on making the call as to when the lock down will end shows a blatant disregard for business owners and workers.

Where’s Steve’s deft statistical analysis and snarky humor?

It’s gone, replaced by emotional appeals that have no semblance balancing both sides.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

My sister is trying to decide whether to lay off her employees and break her office lease because her business is running out of money. She’s trying to decide whether to order certain perishable products if she does keep the doors open so to speak. Should she pay her business insurance bill, which is an annual bill. Etc., etc. Knowing when this will end would be sort of useful. But Steve and that crowd just tell people like her to figure it out. Steve writes: “Right now we are flying fairly blind.” THEY’RE flying blind. BS. They have a tremendous… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Just tell her to keep her business in “suspended animation” and that she’ll soon “bounce back.” In the meantime, enjoy The Superdole

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

It will be an early summer, then. The Blue State governors and Blue City mayors will tax the hell out of the people they forced into poverty before giving up grift and welfare programs. The thorns will go off the rose when that happens.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

100% of nothing is nothing. When unemployment skyrockets, it will simply be impossible to tax anyone as almost no one has anything to tax. Round two though comes with the next flare of this disease or the next one after that. November will get us hit again and there will be more after this. Flailing around or authoritarian measures that destroy the economy can be tolerated for a while but not forever and it only takes one or two screw ups to make things dicey. My guess is that UBI will be implemented if we last that long and if… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The economic hit could well be our Chernobyl not that this is entirely a bad thing. Maybe we need a bunch of new smaller States to replace this one. Problem is when it happens, folks like you stuck in Lagos or wherever are humped. I guess we’ll find out if shutting society down for a few months to save some lives and maybe the health care system, maybe, was worth it. I honestly don’t know . While my guess is total casualties from this disease and spillover effects of the health care system implosion might have hit as much as… Read more »

David Davenport
David Davenport
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

I think that you may be overthinking Steve Sailer’s situation in life. He’s in frail health, and has been so for years … a semi-invalid and quasi shut-in. … probably as hypochondriacal as can be, if we knew up close and personally.

Since he seldom beyond his house and back yard, he should be safe from the Yellow Peril Plague. But no, Steve doesn’t want to die!

5 years ago

It’s double curious that the old alt-right types, who all wanted a collapse of the (((economy))) and culling of the sheeple in favor of ubermenschen, are the least chill about corona-chan. This could be your moment, fellas.

Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

Being right on this topic will increase Z’s influence exponentially…

And if you’ve been saying the same thing IRL, it will do the same for you. Take those sticks and stones now.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

How will we know who was right?

Reply to  Sleepy
5 years ago

Time will tell. From what I have seen nobody really knows anything. People are changing their stances on a dime, then changing them back again. The only thing that is clear is that western society has become incredibly fragile. Compare how people dealt with the consequences of a world war and a Flu pandemic much worse than this (1918) to how people deal with a flu much less lethal with no world war. We have become incredibly soft and fearful as a society. Hopefully the resultant fallout from this thing will toughen people up some. That’s the only silver lining… Read more »

Reply to  FashGordon
5 years ago

I been consistent (though essentially silent) from the beginning: I know nothing. 🙂
FYI, the point of my post a question of logic: If we do X, then how can we ever know that if we did Y it would have turned out better/worse? Folks can do studies, write articles, pontificate, etc., but really…

5 years ago

>>> . For example, many of the old alt-right people now sound like one of the girls from the Huffington Post.<<<

For the record, Andrew Anglin, the only person to learn from and take responsibility for what happened in Virginia three summers ago, has consistently been on Team Sanity.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

The problem is that it’s not intended as over-the-top satirical comedy. He’s serious. Yes, some of his content fits the bill, but I don’t recall ever telling a joke that required 10000+ words to get to the punchline – and I’m not exactly laconic.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

He’s not worth beefing over – seems to be the epicenter of a lot of drama – a daily storm worth.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Anglin has said many times that DS is a satire site, with the satire used to bring people over to our side.

When he writes an explicitly serious piece, he’ll preface it as such.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

He’s not calling guys feds and white-knighting Weinstein for lulz. I know satire when I see it. Agree to disagree.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

I encourage the group here to read Anglin’s response re: Weinstein, as it’s an important topic for our movement.

Also, note how when Exile and I disagree, we don’t call names and keep it constructive. That’s how iron sharpens iron.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

This is stupid. Everyone involved with hollywood is trash. Taking a side in a fight between a sleazy jew producer and the prostitutes who whored themselves out for fame is asinine. They all deserve to be shipped off to leper island.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

the amount of $ these people make is more than most realize. huge bitcoin wallets , donations, memberships. it’s a business

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Consistency is not a word I associate with a guy who’s covered every fringe ideological base from cartoon Nazi to White Sharia to MAGA. Don’t get me started on Weev et al. YMMV.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Best case scenario Anglin is just a troublemaking pot stirrer. Worst case, he’s an plant. Read the series Hunter Wallace had on him at Occidental Dissent. This asshole turned on a dime from being #1 Nazi to Nazi hunter. Screw the little bastard.

Reply to  ronehjr
5 years ago

You’re using Hunter Wallace, costumed retard #1, to make your point?

If you want to talk about doing damage to our side, let’s talk about his “White Lives Matter” freakstravaganza in TN two months after C’Ville.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Hunter Wallace no such thing. And to blame him for the fact that dissident politics is filled with broken people is hardly his fault. The same problem that plagued C’ville, costumed weirdos that were not actually part of the main group, was something beyond his control, and for all we know part of discrediting ops that 9our govt. agencies have been doing for decades. And obviously, since you haven’t read his articles on Anglin and Weev, you have no ability to argue this point, beyond the fact you have a big f*cking mouth.

Reply to  ronehjr
5 years ago

But here’s the thing: Wallace actively organizes costume marches. That Tennessee thing, post-C’Ville, was 100% his! He even went on TDS to promote it!

Wallace writes some great stuff and he’s very articulate. But the fact is, he thinks costume marches work. They do not, and we’ve got decades of evidence as proof.

His work on historical revisionism is top notch. But that does not make him the leader he fancies himself.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

The DailyStormer gang are arsonists. They disrupt to revel in the chaos, they burn to roast a few jokes. Sometimes that works in our favor and at other times it does enormous damage to our side. They’re a mixed bag but the balance sheet usually comes up negative. A lot of the younger crowd in our thing came through their site, that can’t be ignored or go unappreciated. They operate like a monkey that’s been taught to perform brain surgery. It’s a skill they can master. What they can’t seem to learn is when not to perform brain surgery. Pull… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

I sat through one Paul Watson video about the Chinese flu. Couldn’t believe it when he sneered at the “it’s only the flu!” stance. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say I “couldn’t” believe it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
5 years ago

” It is a good reminder that there is a left-right axis within dissident politics.” I prefer “authentic” and “phony.” We have seen who fits where and will remember. While I have been as pissed as anyone about Trump’s failure to push harder border controls and suspend immigration, during this manufactured crisis he has moved into the authentic category and he has never claimed to be a member of the Dissident Right and in fact opposes much of what we support. Odd how many of his DR critics have fallen into the phony category. It’s that actual employment thing you… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 years ago

As I mentioned here a few posts ago, this “crisis”, which, by the way, is not producing anywhere near the numbers necessary to qualify as a pandemic, has shone a bright light onto many writers I once deeply respected, and who now look utterly weak and flaccid in the face of sustained media generated hysteria. A week ago, the Imperial College in England issued a dire projection about the spread of this virus, leading one to expect masses of bodies piled up in the streets. They have since backed off of that nonsense completely, and are estimating maybe 20,000 may… Read more »

Reply to  Dave
5 years ago

Vox Day, Roderick Kaine, Steve Sailer, even Brett Stevens, all seem to have succumbed to the hysteria. Z, Briggs and a few others have kept their sanity.

Reply to  Hun
5 years ago

i thought vox is part of second crowd. He has said since this began that most cases are mild and that most deaths are limited to elderly. i have not detected any alarmism from him.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

He may be more balanced than the others, not sure, but the last time I looked he seemed to be taking the official stats and the supposed need of “flatten-the-curve” measures at face value.
He published a post asking people to wash their hands every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. That seems a little OCD excessive to me.

Reply to  Hun
5 years ago

Ben Shapiro surprisingly has dialed it back and is now on the anti-panic side.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
5 years ago

Grace under Pressure You can think of Hemingway as a writer or of his character and politics anything you want but you cannot deny the man When he decided to self isolate he put the bullet through his head I do not remember who said that the problem of today man is the fact that he can live all his life without knowing if he is a coward Well such no longer is the case They are many who these day realized it,the more they did the more they screech and call for a “compassionate” society Trying to turn their… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Of course people are hysterical about the virus. They have been conditioned over the decades to be hysterical girls no matter the sex. Multiple cards on the table/reasons why. There are no dire consequences for bad decisions! People used to die due to bad decisions. Now everyone is rescued by Daddy Sam. Seriously. If you lived Little House on the Prairie, you Knew your decisions meant life or death. One of the consequences of living in a modern termite mound. Another card on the table is we have too much soft free time. Honestly, we get into mischief if the… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Speaking of hysterical

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

RFF, I appreciate your perspective. We are HUGE fans of LHOTP. ” If you lived Little House on the Prairie, you Knew your decisions meant life or death”. Your decisions, and labor, were in the constant balance of life or death (maybe long and slow, but certainly premature). The only production value Michael Landon missed was the dirt. I’m confident everyone was really dirty all the time.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Beautifully done.

5 years ago

Its funny but “stay at home” social distancing type orders have simply made my regular lifestyle common. Who the hell wants to be out with all those damn dirty annoying people anyway. A friend of mine called and asked me how it feels to now be mainstream…..

Reply to  LibDis
5 years ago

Center for Disease Control: It is imperative that you stay home and avoid people.

Introvert: I’ve been preparing for this my entire life!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

We all carry around with us a bucket. Being social animals, we need to collect and store social experiences in our bucket. Extroverts have large buckets, while introverts have smaller buckets. Not filling your bucket daily can make one feel unhappy and lonely. Introverts can fill their bucket with small talk, a handshake, and a few emails. Extroverts need parties, hugs, and shopping malls.

5 years ago

If nothing else the bailout packages are going to be a fascinating exercise in monetary theory. It reminds me a bit of the hypothetical the Keynesians posit about the tourist coming to town where everyone is broke, dropping a $50 bill on the hotel desk to reserve a room, then leaving briefly before taking the room. In his absence, the hotel clerk swipes the $50 and pays off the hotel’s debt to the caterer, who then takes the $50 and pays the butcher, and round and round the $50 goes until the town prostitute pays back her debt to the… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

I’m pretty sure I’ve heard the Keynes tourist example before but I don’t see how the tourist can take back his $50 if the hotel clerk used it to pay off his debts.

I searched for “Keynes tourist” but didn’t find an answer.

If the tourist used a credit card to pay the $50 and was able to successfully withdraw the $50 payment later then wouldn’t the credit card company or the hotel have to assume the $50 debt?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Sorry if I was not clear. The hooker brings the $50 back to the hotel to pay her debt to the hotel. Hooker leaves the $50 on the desk right where the tourist left it. Tourist returns, takes the $50 he left, unaware that it has traveled about town, and leaves.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

You didn’t listen to the podcast did you? Z uses this example.

Reply to  David_Wright
5 years ago

Not yet. Working.

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

It doesn’t alter anybody’s net credit/debt position, just lowers the aggregate level of both. The benefits lie in the interest rate differential between the parties and the change in credit risk: which is where scumbag Bankers like me swoop in.

5 years ago

Well, two good things about the ChiCom Flu are:

1. People have suddenly discovered the value of firearms. Should not be long before they discover the 2A.

2. Schools won’t be needed much longer since everyone can stay at home and learn from technology. Even poor people have cellphones.

Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

As far as 2nd Amendment and firearms—every damn incident produces what is termed record sales. Fine, but who the hell is buying them? Are there that many is this damn country without a firearm who wants one? Yeah, I know the reported stat’s. Just have a hard time believing such.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

My guess is that anyone who would stand in line either does not have a firearm, or thinks he doesn’t have enough because he hasn’t bought any in 10 or 20 years. Now, try telling this new group of concerned Americans, who wish to buy firearms in a crisis real or imagined, that you were going to take away or limit the right to own a firearm. I hope the political consultants working for the Republican Party and its candidates will fully magnify this to attract more voters.

Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

A person we were doing business with (dog boarding) off handedly remarked her neighbor was a redneck with more guns than teeth. I replied, here in AZ that’s common in the rural areas, like with me, except I have all my teeth. She had to think about that one.

Reply to  ProUSA
5 years ago

I hope what gets through to the 2A crowd is the supply chain problem. Yes, you as an individual could ignore anti-2A laws, but can you make your own ammo or guns? One emergency declaration and we’re all inside and “non-essential” gun stores are gone.

Reply to  Tykebomb
5 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I’m still hoping for more votes, particularly new ones who have suddenly seen firsthand that gun rights and freedom are inseparable. Even liberal—left gun owners might not vote for candidates who want to grab their guns. I mean their NEW guns.

5 years ago

It’s amazing how revealing this is. Nobody can wear a mask. What’s really amazing is how little pressure it took. Society is remarkably fragile. It takes a lot of sacrifice to maintain that noticeably few people seem willing to make. That’s the salient point: it’s not about tweaking or devising a new scheme. The lack of social capital, as it’s called around here, is the fundamental problem.

The future belongs to the barbarian. Down the road we can worry about high civilization. Better get on board!

5 years ago

You can mark the ones unfit for leadership by this sign: they are the ones using this crisis as an opportunity to engage in infighting rather than anything constructive (or at least destructive to the Enemy).

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

It becomes in-fighting when guys start questioning motives rather than tactics and strategy. Some guys are a personal mess and/or net-negative strategically or tactically, but I tend to suspect those who cry “Fed” first – probably another reason I don’t care for AA. Denouncing your denouncer before he reads your name from his list is as old as the National Razor.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Might have had something to do with Jayoh being an actual Fed, but hey….

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Screenshot or it didn’t happen, Meme. We’re not getting anywhere with this. I’ll walk away when you do.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago


Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Saying everyone is a Fed is the quickest way to make people scared to say anything that challenges power. If you are going to make accusations, then provide some proof. It’s the same principle behind why whites are scared to stand up for themselves, they never know who is a shitlib white who is gonna tell on them to daddy and get them fired or worse.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Does anyone know how Spencer is getting funded? I would have thought whatever sources he had would have dried up long before now. How is he able to keep going?

Reply to  Barnard
5 years ago


Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I’m pretty sure Spencer recently tweeted something positive about Hillary Clinton. If so, that says quite a lot about him, I reckon.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Charlie_U
5 years ago

He did. He said Hillary, if she had been elected president, would’ve handled this Covid-19 crisis better than Trump. It’s not that surprising when you understand that Spencer likes to shock. Maybe it’s also because he’s not getting attention these days or maybe it’s because of his leftist girlfriend, or both. I also think he despises giving takes that are remotely associated with normie conservatism.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

I do not understand why Dutton does Spencer’s show.

Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

Bruce Charlton, who’s a smart man, may well feel the same way, since the YouTube stream that he did with Dutton a few months ago no longer seems to be available.

Reply to  Vegetius
5 years ago

spencer ‘s audience is the neet-nationalism crowd, versus trad-nationalism . that is the big divide in the alt-right, since it began.

Reply to  greyenlightenment
5 years ago

Spencer has an audience because the media made sure that everyone in america knew who he was. It has nothing to do with the man himself. It has to do with the media exposure he was given by globohomo. If he was effective, they would never have given him airtime. He is a foil.

5 years ago

Todays stats

• We received 2 COVID test results today; 2 negative and 0 positive.
Total tests sent: 107
Positive: 3
Negative: 99
Pending: 5

Reply to  roberto
5 years ago

I am thinking of all those people sick NOT with corona…must be the best sick ever.

Reply to  roberto
5 years ago

Thank you. Please keep reporting these numbers, if possible.

Can you disclose the general metro area? I believe you said West Coast?

Reply to  Guest
5 years ago

Portland OR VA med center

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  roberto
5 years ago

Thanks Roberto, please keep posting.

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
5 years ago

This is a wild story. It is amazing that all this happened so short a time ago and the world replayed it knowing that it had just happened. Wild. “Initially the coronavirus outbreak started with 186 persons and 38 died, a ghastly shocking mortality rate of 20.4%. A public health emergency was considered. “Right away World Health Organization (WHO) authorities realized doctors weren’t prepared to manage such an urgent situation. Patients were crowded in emergency rooms and multibed hospital rooms; family members visited freely, facilitating a second spread of the virus. Doctors narrowly focused on treating patients rather than managing… Read more »

Reply to  Mark Stoval
5 years ago

Not sure of ownership by big Pharma, but “lying” with statistics is quite easy when you really are not conversant in the area. Most folk are not—including “researchers”—which unfortunately is heightened when papers in the area are not peer reviewed and data analysis rushed to get out to those in the field. Analysis and conclusions are often not supported or have alternative explanations.

5 years ago

The upside is, now we know. There are guys I would’ve gone to the mattresses with pre-Wuhan Flu; now I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them. You can even use Kung Flu to tell who’s a Liberal-by-convention, vs. a true believer. I say “gosh, isn’t it funny how the same people who tried to impeach Trump for being a dictator just three months ago, are now mad because he’s not being enough of a dictator?” The ones who chuckle uneasily can still be reached. The ones who stare back uncomprehendingly, or tell me to go eff… Read more »

5 years ago

I’ve been reading that unemployment benefits are going to get supplemented with a $600 weekly stimulus check on top of unemployment. So, in my state, UE tops out at like $450 a week, so this is basically $1050 a week. So if you are making 15/hr, you will actually be making more money on UE as you could working your job. Now, as you make a lot more money, this effect goes away. But even someone making $20/hr is going to be getting a pay increase if they get laid off. $800/wk before taxes will max you out on UE… Read more »

Purple Dank
Purple Dank
5 years ago

I was totally on the Nick Fuentes train until this Coronavirus thing happened. He’s gone full on statist. He is a little baby who makes 500K per year without going outside and can sit inside playing Animal Crossing and regressing into his childhood while our freedoms (such as the right to do commerce) are taken away. Nick Fuentes and his Groypers are a useful force when it comes to activism and needed political change, but I can hardly listen to his ideas anymore when things are at a standstill like they are now. Fuentes would probably gladly hand our country… Read more »

5 years ago

FTN has been frustrating to listen the last couple weeks. They straw man the back to work argument pretty hard.

Also if America loses reserve currency status, this money printing will come home to roost. These guys who are MMT fans seem to miss that the cornerstone was of MMT in the case of the US is that the dollar is the reserve currency.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Same. I always enjoyed their work but their 180 on Trump seems to have infected everything else. They have donned the Orange Man Bad goggles that were once a favorite – and worthy, target. This virus thing has them particularly spun up. But like so many, especially leftists and media hairdos, their position seems to be more about their dislike of Trump as opposed to a rational assessment of the threat and the realistic options available. And like all those prone to TDS, they avoid the difficult task of taking an actual position, instead favoring deconstruction and milking memes. The… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

They’re trying too hard to keep justifying the 180. We all got fooled by Trump, no shame in it, my dudes. I can sympathize – I despise being jilted like this.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Re FTN and Trump, Z… I get your point. Sometimes a gun fighter is hired to clean up the town and be a bull in the china shop. Don’t expect him to spout poetry, speak like Churchill or be stately. That’s fine….he makes NPR crazy….yes! He’s only an okay gunfighter and no Tom Doniphon. And to use a High Noon analogy, he discovers late in the game that no one in town will support him or stand with him to clean out the town. He wasn’t paying attention to his own Deep State problem. Plus his wife is a New… Read more »

Reply to  Range Front Fault
5 years ago

Range – you have quite a turn of phrase there. ” . . . growls, grabs the flag, and rushes to watch Laura Ingraham.” God yes, same same here – but less as time goes on. He turns on Fox, I hear Hannity’s voice and put on my hearing protection. But hubby’s coming along, just a bit slower than I am to shake off the shackles of the past. He’ll always listen when I want to read him a Zman post.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Hope is a hell of a drug. I fell for it too, shouldn’t have. He’s an actor after all, like Reagan, willing to say the things people wanted to hear without really meaning them. He did have the effect of moving the overton window though. Ultimately, and unfortunately I think what has happened is that he’s functioned as more of a pressure release valve than a chaos agent, at least in the medium term.

Reply to  Screwtape
5 years ago

How about dislike of Trump AND banging on about the Jews behind it all? Tiresome.

Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

Exactly. MMT works because the dollar is king. Once the Chinese Yuan (or God knows what) becomes a solid competitor, the US economy will fall into an area somewhere between Greece and Zimbabwe’s.

NJ Person
NJ Person
Reply to  Marko
5 years ago

Interesting. There must be some point were MMT fails. But no one probably knows where. Are we at the edge or do we still have a few (or many) more trillions to blow? As the intellectual bully Nassim Taleb might say, we are in Black Swan territory.

Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

Who’s hosting FTN nowadays? I heard Ethnarch took off.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
5 years ago

Jazz & Alsup. Good guy.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Allsup getting Shoah’d from YouTube was tragic…he made tremendous, normie-friendly content.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Most of us cringe when we think of ourselves at 21. I find those young guys like Fuentes and Allsup pretty remarkable at how much they’ve figured out by now. And conversely how dull and incurious people 40 and older are.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

I meant to say “how dull and incurious A LOT of people 40 and older are.”

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

FTN has been appointment listening for me every Sunday for my weekly 9 mile hike, which takes up the entire episode. I agree that the last couple of shows are a difficult listen. Also where’s Ethnarch? He’d be a welcome addition these days as a voice a reason, and to balance things out a bit.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

Supposedly the dude lives, or lived, in east Asia, and presented himself as a sort of quasi-Sinologist, so maybe he’s caught up in the Corona problem. A few good hosts have disappeared from TRS over the last year with no warning. Not just them, but the best members of the paywall community seemed to have jumped, too. Not something easily quantified, but the other side of the paywall has changed tone quite a bit.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 years ago

I feel like I’m listening to Beevis & Butthead with FTN. Ethnark was good. This duo is constantly giggling. And maybe the “stonks” meme was funny at some point for someone on Earth, but damn is it old now.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

We’re better off with a multi pronged approach of hearing what we want to hear and what we’d rather not hear. I disagree with FTNs take on Trump. He’s still useful to us. He buys us time, anyone who supports him gets labelled a nazi so in a way our enemies paint everyone white as Alt Right and he gets under the skin of our enemies to the point where many engage in unforced errors. Hearing from Cassandras forces you to justify your more optimistic or different positions and also in a way keeps other options open and in mind.… Read more »

Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

The irony as I look at this dispute is that Trump’s actions in the face of the coronavirus outbreak (shutting down the economy via shelter in place directives, etc., and pumping in trillions of dollars to keep things afloat) seem generally in line with FTN’s prescriptions (though they would want the $$ to go directly to people rather than to the banks, etc.). At the same time, those here that are critical of FTN for bashing Trump and offer qualified praise for him, including Z Man, by and large seem to be critical of Trump’s actions, i.e., grinding the economy… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Chart from Malcolm Pollack showing concern wise COVID is a Dem disease.


concern over terrorism is a republican disease. hence patriot act. news at 11

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Wuhan is the replacement for Detroit. This was about $4T and counting to bail out the Just Too Late Again supply lines of grossly over-debted corps and banksters. Now that they’ve got their Trillions and realize they crushed the not online consumers the MSM is reversing course. MSN carried a story today that perhaps the shutdown and recession has gone too far, critically mentioning the actual cases don’t meet the ‘models’ – models of course cited to incite hysteria. This may be another nail in the coffin of expertise; the Medical Dr Dooms not only got it wrong but did… Read more »


As has been pointed out, another vaulted “institution” gets poz’d and bites the dust. Medical “experts” will never be treated with the same respect again.

5 years ago

One of the best pools to fish once the actual costs of this thing are being felt is the blithe young (and not so young) whose inheritances are going to be liqiduated.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Yes- Big corp just got bigger
Woke capital just got stronger

5 years ago

Z-Man, I have to thank you for linking to that great scene from “Airplane!” Even knowing what’s coming up, it always cracks me up.

When they pan down the line, to the two black guys (armed with boxing gloves and monkey wrench) and that old biddy with a gun, it kills me.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

You hit on something important here at beginning Z; we’re a Federation.
It is vital for a Federation to not betray its various groups- ours has. Part of this is an ongoing and ultimately failing and retrenching struggle of centralization. This is perhaps their last great gasp. Spasm really.

Does this mean breakup? Not one that would last, No competent power in possession of North America would settle for less than atlantic to pacific.
Its a question of how much war and suffering it would take.

5 years ago

zman, taleb is usually full of crap, especially about IQ, but he is right in this regard that more aggressive action should have been taken in the early stages. Such as contract tracing and closing of all borders and most intl flights.Now we’re stuck with a big problem that in theory could have been smaller. a 1-3%mortality rate is high enough that this is not a trivial mater by any stretch, and the fact it was rampant in Wuhan demonstrates the potential problem it could and has caused elsewhere. The panic we are seeing now is the secondary effect of… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Actually we just do live fire exercises for practice. The more practice, the more repetition the more training takes over in combat.

There isn’t all that much pressure.

5 years ago

Re: the lessons of Uncles past and Third Position politics in general, judge the policy by its merits, not the mythology. There are lessons to be learned from how Germany grappled with similar problems only a century ago. 20th Century Germany’s a helluva lot closer to the modern Anglosphere than the Romans, yet we still take cues from the classics. That doesn’t mean everyone in the DR has to dedicate themselves to rehabilitating Hitler’s ghost. Third Positionism is bigger than Hitler (see Mussolini and Salazar, for instance). Don’t bury 3P with Bad Uncle and don’t let Shlomo Overton your reading… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

There’s the problem. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from 20s and 30s Germany (and Italy and Russia), but the minute that you start talking about the era, the crazies come out of the woodwork – on both sides. The optics for Joe Normie are terrible even if you try to keep it on topic. Fall of Rome is safer, if less relevant at times. That said, I notice that with very young people, the ghost of the early 20th century is fading. Teenagers (correctly) view WWI, WWII, Hitler, Stalin, etc., as just another period in history,… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 years ago

Citizen, I tend to disagree. Talk about these events in history with most any HS grad and I bet you get blank stares or gibberish in reply. We simply don’t teach these things any more and students don’t study such on their own.

Reply to  Compsci
5 years ago

A failure to teach these things allows us patiently to take over that ask and teach the way we want do. They learn our narrative.

Non STEM education is essentially storytelling after all.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

That’s the rub, Z. We’re still in the adolescent stage of “anti-Semitism” and there are a lot of guys who just like telling oven jokes that haven’t been boiled off yet. The post-Zoomer generations (Generation AA?) will have more historical distance and fewer Shapiros in their favor.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

That’s what I alluded to above. For teenagers (if they know about history at all), WWII and the Holocaust are just another history lesson. It’s not some mental morality play. Sure, their teachers give a few extra Nazis were bad, but these kids hear that about all kinds of things – slavery, colonialism, etc. Nazis, Jews and the Holocaust just don’t stick out in their minds. They’re not obsessed with it and they don’t feel any guilt about it. As to fewer Shapiros, you got that right. They’re out there but there’s way more Changs and alphabet-soup Indian name kids… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

On paper, Our Thing is messy, ill defined, seen as fundamentally evil, and as pie-in-the-sky. What little of it that has been implemented, here and there, has worked out pretty well in the real world, until it gets hijacked by the weirdoes.

Their thing is great on paper, but consistently disasterous in the real world. Every time. Even though it feels like Our Thing is pushing against a string, what else have ya’ got to go on?

Reply to  Dutch
5 years ago

On the bright side, reality is already robbing the crazies of their influence. See: libertarians, progressives. We’re just about to the point where the willingness to play extremist games evaporates.

In the 19th century, STEM was going to change the game of life. The future was whatever humans wanted it to be. In the mid 20th it started to hit the wall, leading to skepticism. Soon it’ll be cynicism.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

To a certain extent I think that a correct historical framing of Hitler goes hand in hand with advancing a 3rd position.

Until the cartoon villain image of Hitler is corrected, the Jews and their ilk will always use that to beat us back.

I don’t think you need to wave a Nazi flag, but I do think it is important to push back on caricatures of National Socialism. I acknowledge that it puts you in some bad optics situations, But I see this thing as more of a marathon than a sprint.

Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

Flair, I agree – it’s a balancing act. Revisionism is most needed in debunking the Holocaustian faith – it’s integral to Second Founding mythology in America and globohomo worldwide. Time is on our side on that.

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

Exile, this also presents a point of common ground with non-whites. Jewish landlords are hated in New York for a reason. When I lived there I was one of the only white men at a company filled with minorities (lol) and none of them liked Jews. One black guy confided in me that he believed one day “the white people would wake up”. I think the ridiculousness of many anti-BDS activities provides an opportunity her. One note on the JQ – something I’ve noticed is that it often defaults to negative positions rather than positive ones. Fighting against something rather… Read more »

Reply to  Chad Hayden
5 years ago

Chad, no reason we can’t do both. Positive identity is a lot easier to focus on when someone’s not stepping on your neck and wrecking your kids.

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Reply to  Flair1239
5 years ago

In order to get people to begin listening to an alternate view on that part of history you have to get them to start thinking about identity politics. Once they have a team, they are open to hearing about whether their team’s allies were in a fight before.

I think moving the ball on “us versus them” is the first priority. The rest will pull itself together after a critical mass is reached.

Johnny Smith
Johnny Smith
5 years ago

I recall my horror and disgust watching those videos playing ominous background music, in the early days of youtube, about our Evil Overlords that promoted “Eugenics” in the early part of the last century.
After watching the reaction of the public over this mess, I’m starting to re-think my aversion to the idea.
The Elite’s disgust with humanity has become more understandable.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

Here comes the next bailout
and frankly, horribly it makes sense in a world of UBI for banksters.

1 year Break on mortgage payments = shit rolls UPHILL = MBS’s can’t get paid= rolling bankruptcy = no 401K =
Equals we have to bailout the MBS, means another bailout.

And frankly with all due respect to the sainted and holy 401Ks …I ❤️ The idea of shit rolls Uphill, and trickle up economics.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector

Gonna add; I’m not against retirement funds, but the larger point is we cannot continue with socialism for the top, crumbs to the bottom and destroy the middle. We cannot have socialized Trillion dollar payday loans aka REPO and QE, liquidity injections and the rest and tell the masses to eat welfare cheese. Doing nothing for small business. That is such a formula for Revolution that even our idiot elites get it. As far as 401Ks mr Z; I haven’t trusted them since Financial Crisis. They’ll haircut them ala Cyprus, Poland if they dare. If they must. At one time… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
5 years ago

UBI is an inflationary, bad idea.
Unless you already have UBI for a generation for Banks and “the market” to the tune of now $40 Trillion and counting.

In which case some of the same love for the little guy is a really good idea.
Unless you think keeping your head literally is a bad idea.

5 years ago

OT – having a James LaFond bug-in fest this weekend while lurking in the Inland Empire – check out his Myth of the 20th pods. To whoever mentioned it before, I agree – he has a somewhat similar style. Probably b/c both of us are of an age-ish and read a lot of REH.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago


I agree that LaFond is a fascinating guy. Sadly, since he devoted all this time to writing, he’s living close to homelessness.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 years ago

Robert E. Howard (Conan) – a close friend and correspondent of noted rayciss H.P. Lovecraft. Shot himself, died poor. Painter’s line upthread about barbarians could have been written by him.

Listening to the Mot20th pod LaFond did on sportsball right now – good stuff.

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

gotta link?

Mike Ricci
Mike Ricci
5 years ago

[Those inclined to left-wing politics are more easily frightened than those attracted to more sober minded approaches to public policy.]

True enough, but the Right is famous for crashing its sober minded plans with laziness and stupidity.

5 years ago

“Maybe they kicked around the publishing world or the academy, but that’s not real work.” Yeah, Spengler, Aristotle, Evola, Kevin MacDonald, wtf do girls like that know? And Einstein, a patent clerk! When did they ever meet a payroll, cut open a buffalo for shelter from a blizzard, or put their hand in a pile of goo that used to be their best friend’s face? Seriously, ZMan, we get it; as Tom Wolfe would say, you have beer barrels hanging between your legs. But you really need a new lens to view the world with. This post reminds me of… Read more »

5 years ago

Anyone who thinks a white population will solve all of our problems need only go to the most white state in America, which is West Virginia. Last I checked, WV was the whitest state in America and is also near the bottom on just about every measure (probably not violent crime though). Why, exactly, this is the case, I have no idea.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Yes, Hello from Montana as well.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

Coastal areas have and probably always will attract population growth, especially the talented; the weather is better, opportunities greater, etc. You see this in even “cozy” places like Japan where Yokohama/Tokyo are crowded almost beyond belief while Hokkaido has to bribe families to move there. Combine those factors with a rough geography hostile to infrastructure and being part of a country that hates it, West Virginia then has a lot of adversity to work through.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

Appalachian culture is mostly poor Scots Irish and they have been poor even back in Great Britain days. They occupied the poorer areas of Great Britain. Now they are in the Appalachians. West Virginia is one of the centers of that culture. We ain’t the same white folk as Puritan New England. White people really are different, a white ethnostate might have less small crime in it but we whites would not get along. It would be fighting from the start. America is fortunate the whites have held together as much as we have let alone flooding us with the… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

The anti-Appalachian bigotry really gets under my skin. The stereotypes all come from Hollywood and the media. NY and Hollywood Jews who absolutely hate those people and see them as stupid and backwards because they aren’t like them. It is just a sub category of anti-white bigotry and hatred. It is near universal among these types that the white people in Ky, WV etc are stupid or inbred or some other defect. You will notice there is NEVER the excuse making that exists around blacks and other “brown” people who have significantly lower average IQs than Appalachian whites. We are… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Kephardt really emphasizes the clannishness. Anyone here who preaches family, kin, clan and community who is squeamish about muh hillfolk is straddling a fence. This is clannishness, guys – the good and the bad.

There’s still a lot of good in many, no thanks to the Yanks who spit on us now that Richmond is pacified.

So close to Washington, so far from God.

Reply to  thezman
5 years ago

Good for them, because the way things are going, all white people in the year 2200 will have a patriarchal attitude toward women and a shoot-on-sight attitude toward diversity. Like the North Sentinelese but with better weapons.

Liberal whites are destined to die without issue, stabbed in the streets and pillowed in nursing homes by their beloved diversity. Not being racist means you think your DNA is no better than anyone else’s, so why bother having children?

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 years ago

I do not hold Appalachian culture in contempt. Part of my family has roots there. It’s just a fact that a lot of that culture has a history of struggling financially. Doesn’t mean they are not proud and a great people.
And it’s true the usual suspects make them an easy target.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

That’s my adopted fam, SE Ohio, born about 50m north of WVa, spent a lot of time in both VAs as a kid. Check out “Our Southern Highlanders” by Ohioan (ed. Pennsyltuckian) Horace Kephart – Prohibition Era, little dated, but as the book shows, most things about the American Sardaukar are anachronistic. We don’t do peace well. Mostly Ulstermen who came over to fight the Indians for the Deutsche-cuck Quaker pacifists. Peace turns us into the Wild (less than) Wonderful Whites in about 2-3 generations. It’s been all downhill since we won the War of Northern Progression for the wrong… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
5 years ago

My dear friend was born in West Virginia, although her family moved to Ohio as she grew older and then Texas. Her mother is the youngest of 25? (I think – by the 2nd wife) and she has literally hundreds of cousins, all of whom keep in touch. When I mentioned the Dunbar Number to her she just laughed! Family’s roots go back to early Virginia settlers and England proper before that. She’s as sweet as could be but has a backbone of steel.

Reply to  3g4me
5 years ago

Sounds like hobbits.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

I don’t believe that a white ethnostate “will solve all of our problems,” only that it will remove many problems.

Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

Many whites aren’t all that into civilization. There I said it 🙂

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tarstarkusz
5 years ago

When I lived in Virginia, West Virginia was the state for the butt of our jokes. We used to think it led the nation in chewing tobacco rate. I just looked it up and turns out that’s not true. But it is in second place, after Wyoming.