Wither The Bernie Bros

Lost in all the excitement of the government crackdown this past six weeks has been the fact that the Inner Party crushed the Bernie Bros. The party did not just outmaneuver them like they did in 2016, but they humiliated them. Their champion was forced to endorse the first Alzheimer American to run for president, while hiding in one of his mansions during the crackdown. The party made clear that they will not tolerate any more nonsense from the Bernie Bros going forward.

It was an impressive performance by the Inner Party. Once they decided it was time to end the Sanders nonsense, they wheeled around after the South Carolina primary and eliminated everyone but Alzheimer Joe, forcing each candidate to endorse Biden in a well-choreographed media blitz. They also had the media ready to promote each event through all of the official channels. Compared to the fumbling and bumbling of the Outer Party performance in 2016, it was a masterful show.

From the establishment perspective, the matter is resolved. Much as the Outer Party believed they had eliminated Buchananism forever in 1996, only to see themselves eaten alive by the cancer of Bushism, the Inner Party is sure they have put their crazies back in their boxes for good. They will tolerate brown bomb throwers like Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, because they are useful decorations. In the new, hip Inner Party, Maxine waters is replaced with wacky New Arrivals.

That said, what Sanders revealed in his two presidential runs is there is a substantial portion of the Democrat coalition that is uninterested in neo-liberalism. Like many people flying the White Nationalist banner, these people don’t like modernity very much, but have no way to look past it for an alternative moral framework. Instead, they look backward to a long gone past for an alternative. For them, it is industrial age socialism. They dream of being serenaded by folk singers as the rally against capitalism.

Unlike the people drawn to the former alt-right, the Bernie Bro world is much more colorful and culturally diverse. The alt-right was almost exclusively suburban, middle-class white boys. The Bernie Bros are disaffected young working-class whites, left-wing Jews and educated New Arrivals. The New Arrivals have benefited greatly from the current system, but are frustrated that they are slated to be nothing more than decorations for the Inner Party, so they are looking elsewhere.

The Inner Party is betting the New Arrivals will choose to stick with the plan, as being relegated to the outer darkness of political obscurity does not pay as well. People like Rashida Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez are not giving up the endless attention to lock arms with the dumpy and depressed children of old white working-class America. Instead, they will be the party spear throwers. The Inner Party will feed them new ideas to champion and they will sell them on party media platforms.

The radical Jews in the Bernie Bro movement are small in number and easily dealt with, as they are a permanent feature of the American Left. That leaves the white working-class element. Like the hard-core greens, who followed Nader out of the party, but sort of drifted back in, these voters seem less willing to fall in line with the Inner Party mandates. Many voted third party in 2016 or voted for Trump. This time most of these voters will simply abandon the election entirely

Now, the numbers for this cohort are not easy to figure, as there is not much in the way of polling to determine the size and characteristics of these voters. Since the Inner Party just wants them to die, the polling outfits and media are not allowed to look too closely at their issues. We’re left to guess by using what we see on social media and from the primaries in 2016 and 2020. Against Clinton, Sanders got 16 million votes. In 2020, he got half that in a truncated crowded race.

That means the size of the cohort is between those two numbers, but once you strip away the New Arrivals and adjust for other factors, the real range is between 5-10 million people or about 3-6% of the total vote. In other words, it is not an insignificant portion of the voting pool. It’s why Trump continually makes overtures to those voters whenever he talks politics or economics. It’s also why the Inner Party is now anathematizing the Bernie Bro media personalities.

That’s probably the best way for the Inner Party to handle these people. If they marginalize their leaders and media personalities, they have no rallying point, so they cannot organize themselves. All of those “dirt bag left” YouTube characters better get familiar with D-Live and other fringe social media platforms. They also better get ready to be treated like lepers at the Democrat convention. They will be purged from all sanctioned platforms. The valley of the damned will be getting crowded.

Now, it must be mentioned that the kookier elements of the now defunct alt-right think they can build a red-brown alliance with the Bernie Bros. Counter-Currents did a long post on the ridiculousness of these ideas. The “wignats” as the author calls the remains of the alt-right movement, are delusional. Too much of what defines the Bernie Bros is an opposition to crackpots embracing fascism. The grand Red-Brown entente is as likely as a Muslim – Zionist grand bargain to rule the West.

One amusing aspect of the Brown overtures to the Red side is the Browns are using the language of Marxism to do it. They try to explain to the Red that they are suffering from a false consciousness and need to examine who really controls their lives. It’s not a lot different than Breitbart types trying to own the libs by showing how much more anti-racist they are than the Democrats. Instead of “Dems Are The Real Racists” it is “White Nationalists Are The Real Socialists.”

In the end, the most likely result for the Bernie Bros is the same that we have seen with the patriotic white working class. Unable to move in any direction without compromising something vital to their identity, this group has just faded from the scene. Trump brought them out of the shadows to some degree in the 2016 general election and may do so again in 2020, but after that they will disappear from the electoral map. The Bernie Bros will follow the same path into obscurity.

The reason for this is that political movements based only in grievances are short-lived and ones based in incoherent grievances are even shorter lived. That is the common thread to the proposed Red-Brown alliance. Both sides answer to “what are you rebelling against?” is “what have you got?” They don’t know why they are unhappy and they don’t know what they want if not the present, so they rummage in the past for the trappings of meaning, fraternity and purpose.

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4 years ago

I am not sure why you think that grievance movements are short lived and ineffective. The forces of GloboHomo have successfully used almost exclusive grievance politics to grind the entire western world into a third world invaded realm of fags and hysterical harpies for 50 years. They sure do not look to be going away anytime soon. Grievance on the contrary can be endlessly fueled and turned into a bludgeon. As Solzhenitsyn points out it was hatred and grievance politics that fueled the Cheka and its recruits. Picking the most disaffected and slighted members of the population and tying it… Read more »

Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

GloboHomo have been updating the list of fashionable grievances every few years. That is why they seem to be getting ever more insane.

Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

we just need the right grievances, but then also to build an alternate system addressing them. playing the anti-left works, but only if you have alternatives. otherwise you repeal but don’t replace, you lose steam, and a McCain can sink you with one vote. also, we need the right megaphone to air them alternatives. we have to wrest that from (((them))). that is where Breitbart was right, we have to exert communicational power. in fact, not enough – a whole new natural-artistic-interactive paradigm must be implemented, constructed from earlier parts that still work but given the present/future power both to… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 years ago

What you are describing, really, is the final expulsion of whites from the American Left. While the left-wing Jews and educated non-whites are attached to the Bernie Bros., it is largely cosplay that can seamlessly embrace Joe Dementia and the Establishment. The white working class is numerically dominant among the Bernie Bros. but its race condemns it to marginalization. Politics ultimately is about addition, and at least for now, the Inner Party is ignoring this ironclad rule. Frankly, the intentional sacrifice of the white working class is short-term insane, but as a longer turn strategy it makes an infinite amount… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Exactly. That’s the way it must evolve. However, it would seem to me that there are or will be too many non-Whites to be supported by the Whites remaining. When does the “smart fraction” dip below support level for a 1st world, technological society? Decline will undoubtedly be slow and less perceptible at the time of occurrence, but inevitable.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

Well, South Africa is still around.

Actually, SA terrifies me because it shows how far whites are willing to fall and not fight back.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

South Africa also shows just how few whites it takes to keep a society alive

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

I’ve socialized with a few South Africans in the past, and blacks in SA are well aware of who is keeping the lights on, despite the crap being spouted by their “leaders”.
Same with blacks in America.
Despite what most say in public, when they feel comfortable around you and let their guard down, many will admit white people keep everything running and that black people can’t replicate what we’ve built.
That knowledge drives many of them insane with resentment and rage, but it’s a truth that they can never truly run away from.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

Black people are exceptionally good at replicating themselves! Just look at total fertility rates of African countries.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Surprises me as well, however there are numerous reports of the infrastructure failing due to Blacks in “charge”. Cape Town without running water. Farms not producing enough food. Electric grid brown outs now the norm. This can not last.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

”Actually, SA terrifies me because it shows how far whites are willing to fall and not fight back.” Yep, it’s discouraging, but we have to remember, that if the whites in SA would rise up against the rainbow tyranny, the globohomo empire would crush them. It was outside pressure that forced whites in SA (and in Rhodesia) to accept black rule, and it’s the same outside pressure that prevents them from getting back to power. But when whites become a minority in the US, there will be no outside pressure to keep them in check, because the US is the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

The lesson is not how few whites it takes, but how long. The inertia keeps it going. Look to rhodesia. It does sink back into steady state eventually. The whites in SA will rise. It is inevitible. Our job will be to run interference for them. What would the west do if they started kicking ass? If i were a young guy i would consider heading down to SA. Alot of opportunities are going to arise. Of course, i would never say this in front of my boys lest the idea enter thier heads. lol

Reply to  Compsci
4 years ago

good question. there are many factors. geography for example. you have enough room in America to keep the welfare class isolated enough – in fact, so much that some whites think that the “smart fraction” they usually meet is just like the rest of the welfare class, so it can be counterproductive. but, if you believe in segregation/secession, it’s easier to handle than say the banlieues of Paris.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Maybe. But the economic grievances the Bernie Bros. voiced were and are quite real. The internalized egalitarianism and the blank slate are only strong when the Bernie Bros. think their lives will improve if they embrace this nonsense.

I can’t disagree with the idea that the Inner Party intention is to have the Bernie Bros. (and eventually the white professionals) submit rather than be expelled but the eventual outcome will be self-expulsion.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I agree that negative identity is a dead-end long-term, but it can be a useful short-term motivator that pushes you toward a positive identity. The bullied kid who decides to start working out and learning to fight was motivated by his hatred of the bully, i.e. negative identity. But the confidence he gains getting stronger and being able to defend himself can change how he thinks about himself and the world. He begins to view the world as a confident young man, i.e. positive identity. In the end, he may no longer even think much about the bully because he’s… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Great points. I suppose my belief is once negative identity becomes too expensive to maintain, economic realities will lead the white Bernie Bros. into new directions to fill their actual needs. We may see soon enough.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Zman said, “Bernie Bros would rather lose than be associated with people that hate, even if those people agree with them. That’s the problem with negative identity. You sacrifice agency for identity.” That’s an important concept that Zman has mentioned before, i.e. you “define yourself” by indiscriminately hating some group. Bernie Bros hate perceived “haters” so bad that they’d rather lose than ally with “haters” who agree with them. Indiscriminate anti-Semites are similar: They’d rather lose than ally with Jews who agree with them, even if the alliance were only strategic.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The concepts of negative vs. positive identity have some use in identifying whether you’re reactionary vs. proactive in politics – merely opposing vs. proposing – but labeling an entire constituency as “Negative” or “Positive” is a facile binary.

Bros have an agenda beyond “hating capitalism/Whites.” Voting for Joe Biden doesn’t empower them, it co-opts them, just as a Trump vote has done and will do to Righties.

What’s the ooga-booga in appealing to Bros with a common enemy on our backs?

What do we hope to accomplish in coalition with lolbert-con MAGA trannies?

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Given that the possibility of complete societal collapse rises every day we stay closed, IRL networking with with MAGACons strikes me as a good idea.

These people have two things we’ll need to not die: guns and numbers.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

“Guns and numbers.”

These are the priorities. MAGA has both elements. The white Bernie Bros. have a little of both. Both groups need to be deprogrammed, something they are likely to do on their own to some extent. Add as many from each camp to a focused movement ahead of societal collapse. There will be more from the former group than the latter no matter what we tell ourselves but a body is a body. To act otherwise is stupid.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The Moogas May be caved-in stupid on certain things, but they aren’t bad people.

The Bernie Bros? Well, there’s a reason it’s called the “Dirtbag Left.”

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Meme, what’s wrong with having a message that appeals to the better elements of both Right and Left?

I’m more interested in breaking the Red-Blue sportsball politics frame. Reinforcing the MAGAs good, DemoKKKrats bad binary just makes Red-Blue stronger.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile, you raise a point worth discussing. My personal thoughts on it are colored by the very real possibility that we’re living in the dying days of the Ancien Regime. If we are, then Red/Blue won’t matter, aside from when it’s time to pick teams for WTSHTF. The pre-condition for the S hitting the F is government no longer enjoying a monopoly of force. (Note I didn’t say government was gone, just that their monopoly was gone.). In that case, I’ll take the heavily armed Team BoomerCuck. If the S never hits the F, and we pull out of the… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Meme, in that kind of scenario I agree. I’ve said here before that punching Right is something I try to avoid in part because WTSHTF, I want some pagan-gang Norse outlaws in my “set.” 2A gun-gang are welcome as well.

I’m probably a little skewed in how I look at Bernie Bros because I know more than a few in the USMC and Navy who don’t fit the antifag profile.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

continuing the SHTF scenario, wonder how many of those Bernie-Bros in the military would obey a hypothetical order from President Newsom in the late 2020s to disarm the MAGApedes and the armed citizenry in general for some random school shooting. some in the rural areas might resist, but i’d be afraid most would not.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

agreed, however one has to walk a fine line carving a third position, else either extreme of the fake duopoly can try to take over. just as the ziocons try to take over MAGA, the degenerate Marxoids try to take over the few sane redistributionists and seculars on the left. and even then, playing “the righteous middle” is not enough, as this hypothetical third position also needs a clear worldview of its own that attracts elements from elsewhere in the political spectrum, on its own ideological strength. else you become Reform Party 2.0, or useless LibDem in the UK. which… Read more »

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

yes, had forgotten about the bernie-bro belief in only a centralized (and as of today, multiracial) police force as means of law and order.
of course the MAGA crowd with its 2A addicts is a better ally for us. (that said, they must be reminded that the “bearing arms” is not an end in itself, but rather the means to attain the protection of their bloodlines, communities, and traditions).

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago


I agree. I think any movement, any group, is a combination of negative and positive identity. We reject the current order (negative) and wish to build a new order, one based on our tribe and its cultural history (positive).

I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that building a community is the key. We can’t recruit without offering an alternative. We’re not going to win the political game anyway. That ship has sailed.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Warms my heart to hear that Brother and glad more and more are waking up to that fact…If you get a chance to bring your family out west for a visit your welcome at my place…

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“What’s the ooga-booga in appealing to Bros with a common enemy on our backs?”

I would say the more pertinent question is what are you going to achieve by appealing to them. The dissident right has limited amounts of time, energy and resources at its disposal. I think it’s much more useful to spend those in building our own communities than trying to win over a few effing commies.

Reply to  Make
4 years ago

Make, I’m not talking about tailoring efforts to them, we can just refrain from leaving our lane to sideswipe them. See Meme’s comment above for an example of what to avoid.

In terms of efficient use of limited resources, what are we gaining by counter-signalling the Dirtbag Left for the 6 gorilllionth time?

Do we all need to cover the same ground as every other gatekeeper and gateway to the DR?

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Make
4 years ago

Numbers. Both in recruits and fewer opponents.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

no they don’t have such agenda beyond that. if we get into a coalition, they won’t start getting married and giving bonuses to large white families. they will just throw us under the bus, give the UBI to nwords and pretend all is well while they get the vote from both the nword and the bernie-bro, and rule a thousand years. secular rootless ideologies in the end are about power for their enforcers. the Bernie Bros also aren’t only white dudes who can’t do much with their community college AS degrees, it’s also the college administrators that set up whites… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Submission is right. And the scary thing is a lot of people want to submit. It’s less scary not being in charge. The constant tension of being responsible for your own actions and survival is removed. Look at all these people who so obediently stayed in their homes and turning into online scolds to anyone that questions them. It’s going to be really hard to get them out of their homes because they think they’re heroes for sitting in their comfy chairs and ordering online from Amazon and instacart. If people start leaving their houses and everything is fine they… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

It’s horribly disconcerting to watch self-proclaimed free people avoid public scrutiny lest they be exposed as falling short at social distancing. As I pointed out above, submission is the easiest route until it becomes too expensive. We may soon see this tension play itself out.

Of particular interest, as sort of a non-sequitur, has been the terror regional/state independence has inspired. Will the feds try to force states into line if their reopenings are deemed too dangerous? Will the states and regions even give a damn what the feds think about their actions?

james wilsonb
james wilsonb
Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Whitney, you have touched on one of the few things Tocqueville penned that was difficult for me to completely absorb without greater personal experience. “I can see two ideas which are as incompatible as they are disastrous. Some people can see in equality only the anarchical tendencies which it engenders. They are frightened by their freedom of choice and are frightened of themselves. Others, fewer in number but more enlightened, maintain a different viewpoint. Alongside the road which starts with equality and leads to anarchy, they have at last discovered the path which seems to lead men to inevitable enslavement.… Read more »

Reply to  james wilsonb
4 years ago

With as much acclaim as de Tocqueville gets he is still vastly underappreciated. I just read a biography of Sam Houston and the only reason I picked it up is because I happened to read de Tocqueville’s opinion of him. And by the way, that famous House Divided quote of Lincoln’s. He stole that from Sam Houston.

Reply to  Whitney
4 years ago

Actually, it’s from the Gospels.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

True. Houston would have gotten that quote from the Bible but there was more to it in the speech than that.. I can’t remember all the details but it was a speech that Houston gave in the the US Senate about the slavery issue that was powerful enough that they made pamphlets of it and gave it to all the Senators and Abraham Lincoln was a junior Senator at the time. So he could have coincidentally use the same line later but I don’t think so.

Reply to  james wilsonb
4 years ago

equality to what?
freedom for or from what?
fear of what, to fight whom?
of course you needed greater personal experience to ascribe biased meaning to these vacuous terms. whiggism.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

The Whites remaining in the Democratic party are those so deeply embedded in the State that no alternative is possible: The threat to the teachers/colleges/rent seeking corporation deadweights and direct employees of the state that the Republicans present may be minimal but it’s all they’ve got.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

I don’t see the rhetoric makes any sense for Jim Crow equivalence.

The Jim Snow quip sounds pithy but most people realize why the former existed, even if they don’t admit it.

Using this is falling into the intrinsically negative self labelling trap of whites being as disfunctional to society as blacks that segregation is required.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Jim Crow has been replaced with Jim Snow. Lo! That is a stone brilliant phrase, one that could birth a monumentally powerful meme. I’ve never seen or heard it before this very moment.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Derbyshire used “Jim Snow” about five years ago but I don’t know if he coined it.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

They rail against the White Man’s Burden but secretly thats the only way their desired world works.

Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

more than that, Mister Zman, i can tell you what a world it would be, because i lived it south of Rio Grande. it would be a world where it’s not even for the benefit of nonwhites, but just whoever is in charge, whether neocon globozionists (outer party) or neolib globorainbow (inner party). the tribes would meanwhile be considered even in all respects, in the name of father democracy and xer daughter equality and the holy universal rights of, erm, peoplekind. any triumphs of the inferior will be rubbed in the face of the superior, and every triumph of the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 years ago

The white professional, white-collar class is being destroyed right before our eyes, through H1B programs. I cannot believe how many whites still trust Indians. It’s like the Negro magic but from Indians. They are liars, bullshit artists and incompetent con-men. Whites still love hiring them though. At least the white working class put up some resistance over the years. The white-collar cucks are going to be wiped out in less than 10 years. Took over 50 years for the blue collars to go. The US economy will soon be a brown underclass (Mexican, etc.) doing the “dirty work” with a… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

@UFO – It is amazing how strong the preference for Indians is in analytics & IT. My current speculation is that it is the result of the con: whites in these roles tend to be hierarchical and focused on their results and sorta difficult to work with. That is, they take all this stuff seriously. Indians are happy to be part of the process and, for whatever reason, they love all the team-building stuff that the white IT guys notoriously hate. The price for this agreeableness is that they aren’t very good. And they have a very strong bias in… Read more »

Reply to  BTP
4 years ago

An Indian guy from IT was apparently tasked to set up my work number to be forwarded to my personal number. I get a call from my office number and answer “Hello” to which he responded “Hello how are you?” in that classic voice of Apu from the Simpsons. I replied “I’m well and you?” He never responded just hung up. I guess he was confirming the forwarding number was active but he never even asked who I was. Odd and alienating. They’re not like us. P.S I loved computers as a kid and would have gone into IT had… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

You are so pessimistic. Even if the white race vanishes totally, there are plenty of other races that will discriminate against the melanic hominid 😀

4 years ago

Most White People would rather die than be explicitly racist. So they are.

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Most white people would rather keep their jobs than speak their badthink thoughts, so they don’t. What people think and what people say are often two entirely different things. Especially if there are dire consequences for saying the wrong things.

Reply to  FashGordon
4 years ago

When Normie Whites start to starve, they’ll have no problem with expressing what they’ve always noticed about the Blecks.

And they’ll have no problem noticing that Shlomo is doing just fine.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  FashGordon
4 years ago

Applicable to race realism or anything related: Denial and delusion are features of the human mind. I’m not sure what “survival value” they create, but they probably have a purpose. But yes, I agree that when opportunity allows, gently present difficult facts for the brainwashed to process. Cognitive dissonance can only do so much, and sometimes reality can invade a consciousness.

BTW, what is this with downvoting my comments? I feel like WTI oil futures lately 😀

Reply to  FashGordon
4 years ago

yeah, that explains all the revolutions among whites against their employers… not. which is why i fear only a mass traumatic event can shake up enough whites for race-realism to become a tendency (lest we forget, when about 20% of people adopt something, the rest of the group will wanna try at least). already mentioned mass brown crime-riots, and add to that the corona depression. maybe this is Trump’s 64D-chess in action, creating a white-cultural-revolution with Orange Guards culled from the millions of disaffected “furloughed”, cleansing the American establishment from globalists and other non-based-ones? not even Mao could have thought… Read more »

4 years ago

They Democratic Party isn’t going all in on Biden, they are going all in on the VP candidate that the Democratic Party selects for Biden.

Reply to  MikeatMikedotMike
4 years ago

100% agreement. Can’t wait to see who they pull out of their hat.
Biden has already said Michelle Obama is a possibility.
Growing numbers of blacks and Hispanics were actually starting to warm to Trump. Not a majority of them, but enough to give the DNC the vapors.
Thus, they plan to stick a black woman in there to rally the troops.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  MikeatMikedotMike
4 years ago

Biden won’t be the nominee. That’s my prognostication. You heard it here first!

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Jim Smith, he might give his delegates away. Soap opera fans love surprise reversals, the script depends on those cliffhanger moments.

The story wheel could also indicate a “post-test” anticipation, of course. To Bernie the Biden means he goes out a fallen hero, winning back some Bros.

To who, though? I think we need some Hollywood people’s advice here.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

Cuomo. Andrew. No question. Actually, it’s a guess.

Reply to  MikeatMikedotMike
4 years ago

Careful. Biden’s kids all married J…. er, the Usual Suspects.

Bernie was too front-and-center, too Noticeable, too accurate a caricature.
He was probably just an act, meant to defuse the left wignat deplorables, a dark mirror Trump. Anything to keep the majority left and right White from finding common ground.

The throne is meant to be a human shield, the real power stays behind the curtain.
The libs will hate on Ivanka, but never on Jared.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

indeed, a whole lot of ruse seems visible now in the second Bernie campaign. the first one he seemed like a gentle martyr, now he had it harder but also you would have thought he learned his lesson not to trust the Dems. but he did and still does. so perhaps it was always a ruse, at least if you’d think Bernie should not normally be that dumb and docile (he just might be, i’ve met socialists elsewhere and they tend to do whatever the party/union says). specially if on the other hand Trump now has an excuse not to… Read more »

M. B. Lamar
M. B. Lamar
4 years ago

White patriots are obscure only because they are suppressed and demonized, forced underground. But they aren’t fading in numbers, only visibility. Grievance nurtures revolution, indeed.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  M. B. Lamar
4 years ago

That’s one of the things that happens when you oppress a group: You drive them closer together. You unite them. To the oppressors that’s a bug; to the oppressed, it’s a salutary feature.

4 years ago

Bernie bros sell out their culture and heritage for the ‘diversity is our greatest strength’ or they sell out their culture and heritage for the gibs me dat too. Often both. They look to the ‘insanely consistent’ (h/t midwit joe rogan) bolshevik zionist grifter to lead them into a brave new world where the accomplishments of whiteness and masculinity are the greatest evil, but where their own whiteness and fledgling masculinity is cleansed by their lack of identity or accomplishments. Seems legit. At least the alt-right boys were smart enough to grasp that destroying ‘who we are’ to appeal to… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
4 years ago

speaking of looking backwards, i’d also add that the bernie-bros don’t want to return to a world of nations. they don’t wanna go back to before 1939, they want to go back to before 1989 and try to fix where Gorby went too far. in that aspect they are even worse rummagers than the alt-right, because the alt-right at least has not been proven wrong, rather was squashed while being proved right (WW2 being yet another tribal Germanic war with a religious component, proving that nations and traditions materially exist). international socialism was instead proven wrong, but not squashed, because… Read more »

Felix Krull
4 years ago

They try to explain to the Red that they are suffering from a false consciousness and need to examine who really controls their lives.

But they are.

“Dems teh real rasiss” is not a valid comparison, since there’s nothing wrong with being a racist. “Globalists are our real enemies” is a perfectly true and sensible statement.

“White Nationalists Are The Real Socialists.”

I don’t see the problem with that statement either, Socialism only works in a nationalist framework.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

Not at all. Everybody was deeply hostile to the disright ten years ago. The white segment of the BB is materially separated from us by little else than race realism.

90% of all white people have almost identical economical interests in common, only incessant party politicking keep them at each others’s throats – which is, I suspect, the whole point about political parties.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Common issues:

-Drain the Swamp
-No more wars for Israel
-Kill all bankers
-Protect American workers

Let’s get that done, then we can hash out the rest afterwards.

We don’t need to tell them about the camps right away, but if they’re anything like Eurobros, they’ll take to them like fish to water.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
4 years ago

They’ve been programmed, they can be de-programmed. I suspect half of them already would have, if YT, FB and Twitter weren’t controlled by the usual suspects.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix_Krull said: ” They’ve been programmed, they can be de-programmed.”

Ha! You think it would be as easy as that? Maybe in a Chinese style reeducation camp. Here’s a short clip of an interview with an ex KGB agent named Yuri Bezmenov talking about ideological subversion in America.
Remember, this interview was back in the 1980s.

Reply to  Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

OBT – what’s the state of the DR today vs. the 1980’s when a half-dozen guys were meeting in community-college basements sharing mimeographed newsletters?

Contra your Doomer-posting, people do change their politics over time.

If not, what’s the use of commenting about politics? Just enjoy your certitude and f*ck the future.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Exile said: ” Contra your Doomer-posting, people do change their politics over time. ” Hahaha! Sweet. Open your peepers Exile, the doom is everywhere. Do you have any idea how many SJWs you’d have to wade through to find one who likes being Caucasian. Seriously man, I live in the cesspool by the bay. And I’ve been around those freaks for years. It’s not just politics for the anointed, it’s a religion. It’s who they are to the bone. Someone once said that you can’t use reason and logic to talk a person out of there position if they weren’t… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

“We don’t need to tell them about the camps right away”
Great line, Felix. I had a good laugh.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Z’s right. To the BB, racists are evil beyond comprehension. Brad Pitt once said that he would rather play a murderer than a racist and that to him, racism would be “much more unsettling for me than a guy who shoots another guy in the face.”

That’s the level of lunacy and hatred that people like us face when talking to BB and other liberal whites. The vast majority will be beyond deprogramming and even that will take decades.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

To the BB, racists are evil beyond comprehension. BBs are about fighting the man, they already believe they are the bad guys in the eye of the establishment – they LOVE being evil. I think the key is to convince them that mass migration is a crime against migrants (as well as the locals), and that’s not even half-wrong either: they’re being lured away from their beautiful, non-racist and authentic homelands to be slave workers for Evil Industrialists and manservants for Racist Rich Bastards. And migrants themselves (or rather migrant activists) will be the first to tell you that America… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

“”…..A program of helping poor people….””

We tried that back in the 1917. Probably everybody knows how this ended up. White liberals hate because of hate and this makes every rational cooperation impossible. Liberalism is mental disease, not political standpoint. Our people made this mistake 100 years back. They thought that liberal or as we call them communist is capable of rational thinking. At least in the brink of biblical disaster. Well, liberals like biblical disasters like 50 million dead.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Sorry, Felix, but you are really downplaying the lure of the gibs. The ‘migrants’ themselves don’t want to return to their authentic homelands, unless those homelands achieve not merely American/European economic success , but also endless welfare and entitlements and . . . White women. Grievance is an enormously powerful emotion.

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

The ‘migrants’ themselves don’t want to return to their authentic homelands,

But we’re not trying to appeal to the migrants, we just need to convince the Bros that we know what’s best for the migrants, namely not to live in a racist country.

We tried that back in the 1917.

Likewise, we don’t need to actually help poor people, just have a program with a nice name. That’s how it works already. It will cost us some extra money in “aid”, but freedom isn’t free.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

it would work if the bernie bros didn’t have AOC among them seducing them into handing out more green cards. it’s as simple as that.

Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

I think you meant, “Unless they can get free shit”.

Stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

That’s logical. Ergo, it’ll never work.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

except that when we tried helping the third world (Alianza para el Progreso, Peace Corps, OAS, NATO, etc), we just get messy with the local elites and end up being hated by everyone for intervening. besides, the migrants want their cake and eat it too. they hate that America doesn’t have universal healthcare, but would never run back to their countries that do. they don’t even realize it, but they legit want the white man to pay for everything. or at best they think iq doesn’t exist and they will catch up and take over the US once the white… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Citizen- Brad pitt is a hollywood actor who was likely raped by gay versions of weinstien and then adopted 12 african children. I don’t think he is representative of anyone other than himself. I used to be brainwashed into thinking racism was terrible too when I was younger and more naiive.

Attitudes like yours are why WN 1.0 never went anywhere. We need to continue growing. They were programmed, they CAN be deprogrammed.

Reply to  FashGordon
4 years ago

they can be, yes, but it will take a lot, much more than just saying “socialism only works among whites” or even “socialism requires a single ethnicity/culture”. the bernie bros are proud to have read DECADES of material denying race and ethnicity and religion, to the point that they think the Chinese (and other third worlders) are only allowed their nationalism because they tolerate universalism and propose anti-Westernism for everyone else; while only allowing the worship of their beloved state as well as exclusively state-created/top-down culture with only the trappings of being authentic (which is why liberals only love movies… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Always found it striking that so many in the West think rape of women should be punished with death. Men are thrown to the wolves in prison to be raped and it’s funny to most people. That’s more primitive than an eye for an eye. Or that some 16 year olds are charged as adults and some as children but we’re all equal under the law. You have to admit men and women are different under the law and that purging bad genetics is a necessity of civilization to logically support either of those ideas. The West is a dysfunctional… Read more »

Reply to  JescoWhite
4 years ago

the phony enlightenment, it always comes back there. before then, all rape was death-sentence. and a lot of other things, so criminals died a lot sooner but had safer buttholes, and sodomy was thus less widespread

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

yep. we pretty much have to wait for them to die out. hope it won’t be too late.
or, a mass racial trauma, maybe something akin to mass riots that make every brown seem unsafe. i mean, it sounds ridiculous, but so many white people are that in denial about race. lest we forget the guy who didn’t mind that his daughter’s Mexican rapist-murderer was set free, as long as he wasn’t deported.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix – My hairdresser (if she’s still in business after the lockdown) is a proud Democratic Socialist and was an ardent Bernie Bro. She has admitted, in past careful discussions with me, that economically we are not too far apart (i.e. we can agree on kill the bankers and protect the workers) but she wants a yyuuge safety net for everyone because fair, and my race realism is a total deal breaker for her. She will not accept the term ‘race,’ but grudgingly considers ethnic or geographical historical ancestry okay. She has agreed that I’m not totally cold-hearted and evil,… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
4 years ago

refusal to acknowledge that borders and HBD are crucial for protecting workers, mean we have no middle wherein to meet Yes. Race realism is the Rubicon the Bros need to cross, but once they’re past that, the work is largely done, the rest is details. Free healthcare is negotiable for my part – America already has the most expensive healthcare system in the world by a quite substantial margin, so there’s that. Free tuition is a bit different because muh Communist indoctrination, but most of that could be fixed by making Mickey Mouse degrees private and have government pay only… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

race realism to them is more like an Amazon to cross. or, a Red Sea, lol. everyone agrees healthcare is too much, even 00s libertarians that thought the insurance companies would play nice… not. however the bernie bros have been sold on full nationalization, and not even most countries in Europe have that. those who do are in shambles (British NHS) or have endless revenue when compared to small population (Norwegian oil money). even the sissy French allow some degree of private insurance. i’d simply cover the hole between Medicaid and private insurers with an optional cheap/near-free public plan, which… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

All good but you forgot Mass Repatriation of Not Americans.

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

I would add: push back against cultural degeneracy (globohomo). Seeing children chemically castrated and sexualized has turned many to us besides shocking the conscience. Push back against the pathological anti-white animus at every opportunity. Even the jews are starting to reconize this and think it goes to far. I fuckking love UNZ.

Reply to  SidVic
4 years ago

Ron Unz lost tremendous respect when he wrote recently that a bloody civil servant in California may have saved *millions* of lives in that state because she took Covid 19 more seriously than most others at the time. Ron ain’t what he used to be, if indeed he ever was. This morning I reviewed comments on a blog affiliated with my alma mater, Michigan. An alumna mother reported her previously straight A student-athlete daughter was not responding well to the lockdown back in Michigan. The mother has connected the daughter with a psychologist and consensus seems to be the daughter… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

Felix is right. Bros are no further from us than racist libertarians like RamZ, race-denying EMJ Trads or civ-nats (arguably the most resistant of these 3 groups to DR messaging as they drink both the capitalist and anti-racist kool-aid). Appealing to the Bernie Bros = apostasy to those still clutching their capitalist priors. It’s ooga-booga. Just a year ago Tucker was universally praised in DR circles for attacking capitalism. Now that the system is actually taking damage, a lot of guys are rushing to Lady Lieberty’s defense. If some people want to cover the same ground as the other right-side… Read more »

Behind Enemy Lines
Behind Enemy Lines
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago


For practical purposes, we can set aside the argument about whether the Bernie Bros can be deprogrammed, and pick up the argument about whether we can persuade substantial numbers of them to vote in ways that advance what we have in common. For example, a few million disaffected guys writing in Bernie for President could change the election.

I also suspect that (as usual) a good 80% of them are just along for a ride on the strong horse . . . without realising that they are the horse, and being ridden hard.

Reply to  Behind Enemy Lines
4 years ago

it’s much easier to convince them to fight the neoliberals than ally with us. that makes more sense.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

we can court some few of them, no doubt. but by the same graph you mention, you definitely see more red on the right upper quadrant than left upper quadrant, even if it is a moderate spread across both. also, by this graph, Trump wasn’t based, he was centrist. if he had ran a based campaign, he’d have gotten a broader spectrum from extreme to extreme on both the upper quadrants, from Nazbols to monarchists, and less in the middle. and, he’d have probably lost as bad as a 3rd party candidate. the yellows also seem to be specially congregated… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 years ago

The problems are that while you’re correct, you’re hitting people with too much, too fast. They won’t accept it.

Start by finding areas where they agree with you.

You: You shouldn’t discriminate on the basis of race, right?
Joe Normie: Of course.
You: But colleges and business discriminate against whites and Asians. Are you okay with that?

You can’t overturn decades of indoctrination in one conversation.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Especially when they don’t even know it. It wasn’t put into their brains in such an obvious and direct way. It is the bad guy always being white. It is the shortcut of identifying a bad guy by his being “racist” and a hundred other tiny things you don’t even think of, but that get into your consciousness. They react in a completely emotional way to any push back against egalitarianism. Check out Colin Flaherty over on Minds. He has video after video after video of white people being victimized, often in pretty brutal ways downplaying the racial angle (despite… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

The conditioning is far stronger than reality.

Their brain rejects it as not really being real as it can’t possibly happen and therefore has not, even if it has, otherwise their entire cognitive structure would be impossible, so reality itself is impossible.

There is no thought to evaluate this. The cognitive neural structures have been physically formed through the conditioning and therefore there is no other outcome.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

We’re basically trying to deprogram a cult member. It takes time.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

another example is the Joker movie, where (((they))) portray a gang of brown teens beating up Arthur in the beginning, but later show neutral or non-antagonist browns like his psych and his neighbor that he has a crush on. it’s as if saying “it’s only the brown kids being poor and oppressed that makes them do this, look at the wise black psych and endearing black single mom and oppressed black archives worker instead”. ergo the real oppressors are then the wall street jocks that he shot for being cocky with a young latina on the subway (nevermind that he… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
4 years ago

Btw, when I say finding areas where they agree, I don’t mean political stances. I’m talking about deprogramming them. I’m talking about gently and slowly making them notice their cognitive dissonance to open cracks in their worldview.

Before you can try to form an alliance with someone, they have to stop thinking of you as something worse than Satan.

4 years ago

Young people today know that they have been screwed by decades of insane government spending (hello $100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities) and the cupboard will be bare when they get old. Ditto for most government pensions, which simply cannot be paid at the promised levels. In a tangible sense, every young person has entered life with a 6 digit debt bomb attached to their ass, and they have responded by gaming the system (borrow all you can and live in the present cause ain’t no way that debt is getting paid back). That is institutionalized hopelessness and despondency, and the… Read more »

4 years ago

OT, but a good antidote to black-pill overdose. This is an hour-long interview of Victor Davis Hanson on the Wuflu. His insights are sober, realistic and informed by his views of classical history. The concluding remarks are upbeat. I know some in the DR don’t cotton to him because he writes for NR, but I find him to be wise and rooted in common sense. Give it a listen and see if you don’t agree. https://youtu.be/KqCudv-JQ2o

Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

I agree Maus. VDH one of the wisest guys around. You will enjoy this interview too:


Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  Maus
4 years ago

Hanson has impressed me recently. He was a big warmonger and registered Democrat not too long ago.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

As someone who frequents this website, V Dare, Paul Ramsey and the main TRS sites while they all can be identified as “dissident” I don’t see much demographic overlap between the first three and the last one. The TRS people are more embittered because, as part of my age group, they’ve led more embittered lives. While my brain definitely with the first three, my heart is with the last one because I’ve seen the end results in my age group of what happened in our demo so many years ago. Watching a cul-de-sac full of 1980s baby boomers, who had… Read more »

The Babe
The Babe
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

It’s a crude schema (and Freud is basically a fraud) but I think of the TRS guys as the “id” of our thing, whereas the other guys you mentioned are the “ego.”

(Maybe we lack “superego” types, and that’s a problem, because we can’t match the left’s shrieking self-righteousness?)

Harmonizing–or at least developing a working relationship among–our id, ego, and superego is a challenge for our thing.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

very true.

Reply to  The Babe
4 years ago

Yep. There’s so much to disagree on. Especially with Dissidents being the confident types. Take Covid19. Many DR commenters on the web say they’re “not listening to so & so again” because of his position on Covid. Amongst ourselves, Covid’s not even a moral issue really. Amongst ourselves, it’s more a test of one’s judgment or perceptive abilities. However you want to cut it, it’s not worth forswearing some of our best Dissident Righters over.

4 years ago

If the conservative movement is anything to go by, Ron Paul was to the GOP what Sanders is to the Democrats. Paul ran in 2008 and 2012 and in many ways was very similar to the Sanders’ campaign of 2016 and 2020. He had a sizeable following of extremely enthusiastic males (almost 100% white though), mostly young who were disaffected and saw nowhere to go until the Trump campaign. Frankly, I don’t think Trump could have gotten out of the primaries without this group working tirelessly behind the scenes and on social media. Trump had very little money and no… Read more »

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

“While nobody could have possibly foreseen Donald Trump as the legacy of Ron Paul in 2012, there is little doubt that Donald Trump is the successor to Ron Paul.” Yes. Very true.

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Totally agree. The Zman keeps trying to steer us to the possible. Just look at the untapped market demand here.

Jason P
Jason P
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Agreed. I was one of those Ron Paul kids.

The pattern I’ve noticed:

Tea Party 2009 = Occupy Wall Street 2011

Ron Paul 2008 & 2012 = Sanders 2016 & 2020

Trump 2016 & 2020(?) = …what exactly?

The explicitly anti-white campaign Jack Dobson mentioned up-thread?

Jason P
Jason P
Reply to  Jason P
4 years ago

I believe it was Trayvon Martin and Black Lives Matter more than anything else that turned those young Paul people into ready social media foot soldiers for Trump. Quite a few blogs and commenters in the Paul/libertarian scene had just sort of disappeared by the time Ferguson was in the news.

I’m not sure if the Bernie Bros have been shocked by something like that yet.

Reply to  Jason P
4 years ago

No doubt BLM did more to help our side than probably anything else in recent history. Funny how BLM dried up literally overnight. One day it was everywhere and the next, memory holed. Blacks started getting the idea they could just break out in a “Black Lives Matter!” chant and everything following would be excused away. There was a guy who was an Iraq veteran, whose heroism was made into a bronzed statue. He was eating in a McDonald’s in DC when the fellas started chanting “Black Lives Matter!” and he ended up being beaten unconscious. That one got memory… Read more »

Mark Stoval
Mark Stoval
4 years ago

I still think right-wing populism would be a winning idea to push. Much of what Pat Buchanan pushed would still resonate with both the Normies and with those on the far right in my view.

No more welfare. No more quota system giving the advantage to women and minorities at the expense of white men and then calling that “fairness”. No more newcomers. No more tax give-aways to big businesses. Break up the big corporations that got big because of government favoritism.

Oh hell, I’ll stop there and just say end corporatism and collectivism.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Populism doesn’t actually mean anything, though, in terms of ideology or policy. It’s just whatever the whim of the populus is at the time. Whatever whips up the masses. You say “No more welfare,” but I seriously doubt that would be the policy choice of a movement dominated by the populus. A majority of the population is just fine with gibmes.

Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Stop quotas for blacks and black hiring scales down to a trickle. Black poverty multiplies by 50. Riots. Unending mayhem. At that point, if the government isn’t willing to crush them into eternal silence, then we’ve got to keep the quotas.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Mark Stoval
4 years ago

Just one problem, Mark, universal-franchise democracy. How are you gonna stop the party when gibbering idiots make up the majority, and they vote?

End of the Bernie Bros
End of the Bernie Bros
4 years ago

In addition to Robert Hampton’s post, Counter Currents has three really good “The Bernie Bro Question” posts by Travis LeBlanc on the bitter dead end of universal blank slatism (Bernie Broism), which is some of the best analysis I’ve ever seen. Sometimes a meme really is worth a thousand words, and this one perfectly captures the response Bernie Bros will get in Every. Single. Election. Going. Forward. They better get used to it. Because all the brown hordes already have socialism, there is no need for Bernie Broism in a majority-brown world, and because the universal blank slatism of the… Read more »

Reply to  End of the Bernie Bros
4 years ago

End of BBs, I love the meme.

I have wondered what will happen to the BBs. They have only 2 choices really. Literally “Man Up” and join our thing OR die; i.e. remain virgins workIng at Starbucks wondering how their college years went so wrong. I can see a lot of Columbines coming in the next 20 years.

Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

I don’t see that at all. The politics for the mass market middle-class revolutionaries is a combination mind programming/fashion thing that one internalizes in whole form. Like the beard/tattoo hipster thing or any number of total attitude fads engineered since the 50s. As with sad old punks, some will age clutching their Das Capital in a shitty apartment, but most will just swap skin suits for the next mass market mind programmed fashion cause, as if their previous life never happened. The social conditioning is so strong that there is no choice in this. It just depends on what the… Read more »

Reply to  End of the Bernie Bros
4 years ago

I am *this* close to making that a Hundred Hands sticker. That’s a goshdam Sistine Chapel for our time. Inspiring!

Mathematician's Apprentice
Mathematician's Apprentice
4 years ago

“The Bernie Bros are disaffected young working-class whites, left-wing Jews and educated New Arrivals.” You are right about all three of these groups being part of Bernie’s coalition, but look at the exit polls out of almost any state. Biden wins ~55-60% overall of men and women, of blacks, whites, and Asians. But then when you divide by age, you can see that Bernie wins blowout margins (often as much as 60+%) among those under 40, and especially under 30, of almost every race and gender, and Biden wins blowouts among those older than 40. Biden won because those under… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Mathematician's Apprentice
4 years ago

May I suggest again to all; Organize. Something totally legal. IE contingency food banks, tool farms, neighborhood help committees, anything. Organize, Organize, Organize. Remember viruses that are innocuous and cause no trouble spread far and gather no notice….as for mutation into something else…nature provides. Don’t doubt your hominid nature. It’s right there, you are no blank slate. Training? You’ve been “training” for 2 million years. (PS; I actually place a premium, hell I pay out of pocket premium on training and tools, but I think you take the point on hominid nature provides the raw material; you). But.. nothing and… Read more »

4 years ago

For the near future, economic issues will loom large in the Bros minds for obvious reasons. As the only faction Left or Right that’s willing and able to level credible criticism at Capitalism 2020, history should judge us poorly if at least a good chunk of these guys aren’t “radicalized” by 2024’s next donkey-show. That said, despite the usual “muh wignats” shade being thrown at CC* and other DR outlets recently, a “Red-Brown Alliance” is not The Thing to everyone in the DR willing to damn capitalism brown in tooth but still red in claw. Majoritarian politics is a White… Read more »

Chad Hayden
Chad Hayden
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Upvoted on the jobs skeelz point. I would like to see more of that. In this age of information glut I trust takes from our guys more than most other sources.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

“For the 100th time, first you get the power, then you get to do things. For the 200th time, power isn’t solely grounded in statehouses and D.C. It’s also in the grassroots.” Both points can’t be emphasized enough. Particularly now, someone from the DR can have infinitely more influence on the school board or city council than they ever will on a state and national legislature. Getting that seat has to be the priority, and even though it is attainable it will be difficult. The economic realities that led to the Bernie Bros. are still there and likely to get… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

>>> I’d like to see more articles and posts in the DR on building financial independence, jobbing-up our young guys without gilded sheepskins and helping them work through the WQ without losing sight of the JQ. Matador, cape – know where to aim.<<<

Good points. You know who’s NOT doing those things? Wignats.

All Matt Heimbach Will be able to give them is a how-to about f***ing your mother in law.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

You know who doesn’t give a shit about Matt Heimbach? Everyone but those invested in counter-signalling.

We have to discuss these been/never-was dumpster fires b/c ??? exactly?

If it wasn’t for the determined efforts of brave tone-policers out there, Heimbach would be forgotten already. Stop doing antifa’s clown-suit fittings for them.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Do you apply that same standard to Alabama Fatso’s non-stop punching at Anglin and the Brave Little Mexican? Or does he get a free pass?

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Apple-orange, Meme. I’m not an in-fighting fan in general, but my point was “if a guy is a net-negative-nobody with shitty optics, you don’t give him 02.” Antifags would love for us to keep Heimbach and Spencer relevant in every thread because it makes it easier to LARP them as the “face of muh movement.” Lefties don’t obsessively counter-signal their retards and dumpster-fires, they memory-hole them. It’s even more important for Our Guys to practice that level of discipline because we don’t control the Megaphone. FWIW, I don’t see Anglin et al as “irrelevant,” so it makes no sense to… Read more »

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

That’s an awful lot of words to say “Hunter Wallace is on my side of the optics debate, so he gets a pass.”

“Don’t punch Right” can be traced to every single misstep that destroyed the AltRight.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Tie in those essential trades jobs to real environmentalism- the kind practiced by family farmers, ranchers, and hunters- and you’ve got a solid, winning vision there.

Let us fill the bugmen’s heads with visions of Alpine valleys. Tell them truly that they have unrecognized potential.

4 years ago

“The Bernie Bros are disaffected young working-class whites”

Proof, or at least suggestion? Bernie fans seem to me to be more centered in the colleges and the children of the upper-middle class.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Even a bake…no. I can’t go that gay.

Someone organize; pot luck dinner.
Or raffle.
Or here’s one; political betting pool?

Here is the difference between organized and disorganized; A Whale is an organism, it is organized biology.

Plankton is atomized biology.
Vast in overall biomass, but helpless before the more organized whale.
We are utterly atomized on the Right.

The Left is the whale, we are the plankton.

But if we organized we could get an upgrade, say to Piranhas.

Wouldn’t you rather be a school of Piranhas then a mass of Planktons?

I would.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

To my way of thinking getting the Bernie Bro’s coming our way is much more difficult than getting the Trumpsters and Civ Nat’s heading into our camp. Why go after a herd of possible Bernie Bro’s when we got a herd of Mr. and Mrs Conservative Inc Shawn Hannity and Rush Limbaugh types watching their guy Trump fumbling around with the doctors and being pulled into a trap that will destroy the livelihood of the Trumpsters? Our thing should not spend a lot of time on the Bernie Bro’s in my mind. It’s too difficult and harder to pull them… Read more »

4 years ago

“Compared to the fumbling and bumbling of the Outer Party performance in 2016, it was a masterful show.”

Call me crazy but I honestly believe that Trump wouldn’t have run and won the Presidency if he wasn’t being backed by a solid but invisible part of the ruling establishment, a good part of the American elite who didn’t want the Iran Deal went nuclear with Trump.

Reply to  Chiron
4 years ago

There is truth in this. There are factions of the ruling class, and the military, situated in the South and MidWest, that are still patriotic and nationalist. Not in the same way as folks here, but enough so that the idea of collapsing the U.S., and turning it into a giant, third world slum, was disturbing enough to back a guy like Trump. Also, conservative Jews who like Trump’s commitment to Israel, and all that crap. These kinds of folks have power and influence and money, though not as much as the Titans of NYC/LA/DC/SILICON VALLEY. They benefited from the… Read more »

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

I noticed this in Canada too, during the 2019 election. There were strange “deep state” type things coming out in favour of the Conservative candidate – old scandals, oppo research coming out, blackface scandal. They got crushed and Canada is quickly becoming a full blown socialist, brown, corrupt police state. The “right wing” military style elites are the most dangerous, because they are smarter than the NYC/LA elites and also benefit by maintaining the current system. Basically, if they had their way Globohomo would continue, but at a slower place so that things didn’t fail as quickly. Likely better to… Read more »

Reply to  UFO
4 years ago

on one hand one could say some of these center-righters are genuinely scared and trying to help, at least in their bourgeois antiquated way. for example bringing up old “leftist wearing blackface” scandals, which would work if there weren’t many more examples of conservatives doing so. if anything, it’s another “Dems are the real racists” trope that only speaks to the 15% of hardcore Republican faithful, but doesn’t do anything for the 10-15% of independents in play – of which independent bernie-bros must at least be a fourth or third, the other parts alt-righters and assorted undecided moderates. that said,… Read more »

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Chiron
4 years ago

I’ve read the rumours that elements in military intelligence outmaneuvered elements in the CIA to install Trump over Hillary. Given the insanity that has ensued amongst the establishment since November 2016, I am inclined to believe that there is some truth to these rumours.

Reply to  Chiron
4 years ago

also the Religious Right that wanted the conservative judges. which haven’t done much, but at least got us the Muslim ban and allowing the start of the wall (temporary measures, but set good precedent); as well as preventing continuing Obama-era degeneracy like legal polygamy and lowering the legal age to 15. [President Hillary and her Dem Congress would have called it “The Jeffrey Epstein Memorial Act”. oh but who am i kidding, he’d still be alive and kicking.] of course, we want more action, but “conservative judges” means they just lazily react and defend like a Prot, trying hopelessly to… Read more »

Tranny Conversion
Tranny Conversion
4 years ago

I would never dismiss any rare Bernie Bro that truly wakes up to race realism, but it’s true we should focus our limited resources and attention where we get the most pay off: we’ve converted many more normiecons than we ever will dirtbags. Can you imagine a dirtbag ever comprehending the horror of this scene: “I was walking through the mall when I saw an incredibly foreign-looking woman, wearing what must have been traditional attire in Somalia or somewhere similar, screaming in a foreign tongue at one, or several, of her six, incredibly dark-skinned children. Two of these little brown… Read more »

Reply to  Tranny Conversion
4 years ago

Conversion, how in hades do we get that CC article on Am Thinker, Townhall, or Breitbart?

More from the article:
“it was so very nice to be around just my own…

Much of the Western world is experiencing what is being called a “loneliness epidemic”; we have fewer friends and fewer meaningful interactions than ever before. 

Now, where can young people of our stock go to enjoy and congregate? It’s no wonder millennials are the loneliest generation and so many struggle to find any meaning in life”

Reply to  Tranny Conversion
4 years ago

Since when are Progs called “Dirtbags”? I’ve never seen them called that till I read your comment. Isn’t it too close to the “dirt people” on our side? The Left doesn’t deserve any word as down-home tough as “dirt”. They’re something slimy.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

Chapo Traphouse is the leftist podcast analog of TRS. They call themselves the “dirtbag left.” Their job is to prevent young white men from leaving the left.

They are not often funny. A typical bunch of trust fund revolutionaries who think simply using profanity is comedy. I was amazed at how untalented they are and I was prepared to be sympathetic. They are incredibly well paid and praised.

Last time I checked in, maybe a year ago, they were forced to have a woman co-host, to deflect criticisms of sexism, and she tone polices them.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. I’ll have to check them out just for the cringe.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

I know two Sanders supporters, one a relative by marriage and the other a friend from high school. Both are gay and in their 60’s. I think both will vote for Biden in November. They hate Trump and don’t want him to appoint any more judges. The judge issue keeps many voters on their respective reservations. It is why I voted for Bush, McCain and Romney despite my dislike of their immigration positions. I predict Tucker Carlson will start a populist nationalist party at some point. Tulsi Gabbard (who supported Bernie in 2016) will be a part of this party… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
4 years ago

I have no idea if he could pull it off but a Tucker Carlson led coalition and party would at least read executive orders before signing them and Tucker would not have Jared and a Ivanka and Goldman Saks parsing everything Tucker does.
Trump is a disrupter. That’s about the extent of his purpose.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Trump/Pence get re-elected.
Pence Resigns.
Trump appoints Bannon as VP; confirmed by Senate.
Trump resigns; Bannon becomes President.
Bannon names Tucker Carlson as VP; confirmed by Senate.


Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr.
4 years ago

Tucker is a Prog’s worst nightmare. He’s been ripe for assassination for a good 5 years now. The minute he starts talking about a possible presidential bid, he’d better hire Pope, Oprah, Zuckerberg levels of security, and then some.

Reply to  Frip
4 years ago

He is totally against the system. Having a promoted multi-million dollar contract on a globalist entertainment station.

I can see how he slipped through when the smallest non-entity view on some random knitting forum is hounded relentlessly by the authorities for a bit of a thought crime.

Makes total sense.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 years ago

Trump showed that there is a constituency for America First issues (what we used to call the Pat Buchanan type issues). Hopefully, Tucker or the next one we elect will make solid appointments and do some actual draining of the swamp.

4 years ago

Bernie gave up when his entire platform went mainstream in the Covid age. Must be a dream come true for him.

Reply to  HalfLife
4 years ago

Maybe that is why he suspended.

Probably thought that as we now have mass unemployment, house arrest, a nation of wannabe Stasi informers, mass surveillance and arrests for being “white outside without a reasonable excuse” there was not much left for him to achieve.

Might as well kick back in the 3rd house and enjoy the ad spend vig.

Official Bologna Tester
Official Bologna Tester
4 years ago

Z Man said: ” In the end, the most likely result for the Bernie Bros is the same that we have seen with the patriotic white working class. Unable to move in any direction without compromising something vital to their identity, this group has just faded from the scene. Trump brought them out of the shadows to some degree in the 2016 general election and may do so again in 2020, but after that they will disappear from the electoral map. The Bernie Bros will follow the same path into obscurity. ” Compared to the ” hard left” in the… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Analysis of above; The alt right was…young and white male… What, they ceased to exist? They and their core interests vanished? No. But it would be nice if they did, and became DR, right? I agree with the neolib wish list, and see clearly the “DR” wish list. I guess it would be nice all around if the kids shut up and listened to their elders, or nice all around for the elders. I just can’t think of any good reasons that the young White men should. I can’t think of any reason the Browns, Reds, B-Bros, or even the… Read more »


Upvoted for the brainstorming, vxxc.
The Zman has us flummoxed, again.

This hurts as much as when Rwc, (a diagnostician, not an Indian chief), points out we can’t so much as organize a bake sale.

The most powerful Right wing movement in the country, the Radio Right, had voters melting down the Congressional phone lines whenever immigration came up, yet still we got bupkis.

This isn’t looking so good- we’re all Iraqis now. Heck, we’re Middle Eastern Christians.

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

we are worse, we are Mideast Christians pretending to be good Iraqis. or Syrians. or Palestinians… or even Israelis.

and with no NGO desperate to give us refugee status elsewhere.

and perhaps even those Mideast Christians at least honestly know they are doomed and offer their martyrdom to God, or otherwise return the other cheek hard enough to save themselves from extinction somehow (there are still some Arab Christian militias; some we backed and others destroyed, as always).
the whites, they are blissfully unaware because they feel materially safe in their managed doom. again, the need for roots/first things/Uncaused shows…

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

“We are determined to protect our African American, Hispanic American, and minority workers who have been hit so hard by this hidden enemy”

Hidden Enemy lol What about White Americans asshole, is there such a thing in your Lysol tremendously infected brain?
Oh yes Whites, they are going to pay for it, them and their children and grandchildren


Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

There was no alliance between red in brown in Germany, on the contrary there was a war to the extinction
We know who got extinct, alas just for 12 years
There will never be an alliance between brown and red even if we clone Stryker in 100 k copies
There should never be an alliance, those who sides in any way with leftoid lunatics are the quintessential enemy of the civilization and by extension mine

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  Balkan Fanatic
4 years ago

As for BBs I am still to find a single unit in the cohorts who would remotely resemble to a Man
If they were all to disappear in Gulags tomorrow that would be a small step for Gulags but great one for humanity

4 years ago

The “Lost Tribe of Bernie.” The Bernie Bros; wrong century, wrong tribe.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  ExNativeSon
4 years ago

🤣🤣🤣 wrong century, wrong tribe.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
4 years ago

Alibi : post script; When the lockdown lifts there will be a period of transition.
Transitions are always periods of vulnerability for the prepared or the opportunistic. See Civil Rights.
See all military Tactics and history- transitions now in the military such as relief or passage of lines are very detailed; its great time to be attacked.

“Don’t sleep past dawn. Dawn’s when the French and Indian’s attack.” – Roberts Rangers Maxims.


Rogers’ Rangers

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
4 years ago

“The Bernie Bros are disaffected young working-class whites, left-wing Jews and educated New Arrivals.” There’s an elephant-sized question mark there: To what extent might each cohort pivot to voting for Trump in November? Only the left-wing Jews seem entirely predictable: No Way! But the young working-class whites and the educated New Arrivals? Could they surprise us and vote in a significant way for Trump? Or, nearly as salutary, refrain from voting entirely?

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

Four more years.

Record minority employment, record legal immigration, record National debt, house arrest, mass surveillance state, prison reform, endless Israel support, record women and “minorities” in senior govt.

I can hardly wait to see what the next four bring.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tristan
4 years ago

If we get a severe recession or depression, one “good” thing for our side will quite likely be tens of millions of unemployed Americans (e.g. the kind of people who actually worked for a living, not the parasites) suddenly becoming aware of the number of legal and illegal immigrants holding jobs. There could be a powerful anti-immigration movement. Interesting times!

Reply to  Jim Smith
4 years ago

I can (barely) give a Righty the benefit of the doubt in voting for Trump as a lesser evil, but the idea that anyone to Trump’s Left will shift their votes to him is MAGA fan-fiction. Trump’s given them even less incentives to vote for him than Our Guys have. Look for Bros to mostly write-in their Bernie vote or otherwise stay home.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Have you ever heard ‘don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good?’ For all of Trump’s faults, he is way better than the alternative. Not just in the ‘lesser or 2 evils’ way either. Every radical leftist has bitched and moaned about how their leftist politicians weren’t moving fast enough. You would be hard pressed to find a leftist publicly thanking the likes of Obama, Clinton, Pelosi et al going back a generation or 2, yet here we are in clownworld. All the leftists complained and even call these people right wingers. Yet, despite all the kvetching, we… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

I practice before the federal judges Drumpf has been appointing. On the whole they are a better lot than those installed the prior decades. Judicial appointments, including replacement of the fishmonger on life support, are the only reason I intend to vote for Drumpf. Once we are shut out of the courts permanently, it’ll be ripe for the guns or the formal, permanent enslavement and I am not looking forward to being flogged by Kunta Kinte and Kizzy.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

It’s closer to; Don’t let the evil and the insane be the enemy of the basically good if seriously flawed.

For at least he helped us some, showed us another world is possible.

Putting Blue in Power after they’ve now tasted true dictatorship with COVID is a mistake akin to Ludendorff putting Lenin in power in Russia. Even worse, had Germany then not thrown away her chances on the Western Front Lenin at least *might* have remained a German client for a time.

Trump stumbles. Blue would march us into with bold strides and whips into Venezuela, or worse.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
4 years ago

A Red-Brown Alliance is a Kardasian-Kardasian Alliance: Enough of the right stuff defined by the ugliest of aesthetics, arranged in the right way and all will be well…at least until something hard to define drives them to go stuff hunting again and again and again. Crisis to Alliance to Crisis to Alliance to Crisis to Crisis to Crisis to Death. A flattened Earth, its flattened civilizations and all flattened curves have left Man looking for fulfillment in only what he can touch and taste. Science and technology are the demigods of this horizon, the only ones allowed. All serve not… Read more »

Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Unreconstructed Bernie Bros are not ready for Our Thing and have to meet us halfway but it doesn’t hurt to leave a light on for them.

I don’t need to stray from my lane to appeal to them, but I’m willing to let them merge.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

There’s a lot more cars in the “teenaged children of MAGAtard” lane.

Mr. Fuentes has built them an on-ramp.

Reply to  MemeWarVet
4 years ago

Amen. This is the most fertile ground.

Basically they don’t trust muh librul media and might here some basic civnat stuff, maybe even an occasional rayciss slip up from their parents.

They need a community, we need to start building for them.

Yves Vannes
Yves Vannes
Reply to  Yves Vannes
4 years ago

Present interests are still too deeply held. Everyone is play acting. We will all limp through the summer months. How this screw turns will become clearer come the fall. No one will be changing lanes until things get serious. I’m less concerned with the BBros than I am with our own people who still seem to need to keep a tire in the kosher lane.

I agree Meme, the kids of MAGALand parents end up in TRSLand. Not all but a lot of them.

4 years ago

Progress is dead. There are people trying to not lose it all in their lifetimes and people trying to get it over with so they can have some kind of life in the aftermath.

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

Seriously. We have parasitic elites. Their great-great-great grandparents may have been productive but these people only know how to consume. They will consume us non-elites to maintain their position, moving up the socioeconomic ladder until there’s rebellion or collapse. The trillions upon trillions of stimulus, lockdown, flat curving, whatever, are just efforts to hold on. That’s how it’s going to be. There’s no trick to get out of taking the medicine. You can either fight for your pampered slavery and selfishly hope your kids suffer the consequences or you can get it over with and let the healing begin, let… Read more »

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Paintersforms
4 years ago

I don’t recommend allowing that future to just happen…


I’m reading that a couple of different ways 🙂 Let’s say getting it over with is not allowing it to happen. Rip off the band aid.

4 years ago

Alt-Hype did a good video on why the white-brown alliance is so dumb and based on lies anyhow.

Heimbach, in a desperate attempt to remain relevant has joined up with one of these brown-power groups. Alt-Hype smacks him down pretty good.

As long as Heimbach is associated with progressive leftists, you can expect any coverage of him to completely disappear.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

As long as straw-demon Heimbach lives rent-free in the minds of right-flank tone policemen, he will never lack for coverage.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Tone policing? The only way anyone should even know who Heimbach is, is through an appearance on Maury Povich finding out who the father is! Tone police? More like embarrassment police.
Every time you try and talk to someone about, say, race and the natural push back they feel, remember, they are thinking you are your buddy Heimbach.
When the media needs a dancing monkey to ook about black people, they call him up and he dons the suit and starts jumping around.

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Saying someone is an irrelevant straw man and fright doll is hardly being their “buddy,” Up your game and stop doing antifa’s work for them – you are vastly more worried about Hamback and the other cartoon-characters than anyone in White Nationalism or the DR in general. You’re the one giving him O2, not me.

“As Matt Heimbach said…” = words I’ve never spoken. Stop trying to fit me for your clown-suit.

Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

You misunderstand me. I draw attention to him to share in the LOLs. FFS, the guy is appearing on a leftist YT channel denouncing his former “far right violent extremism.” You cannot pretend that these people don’t exist either. The best way to deal with them is to make fun of them. The jokes practically write themselves! If you got into a fight with your son-in-law, would you drive over to Walmart and call the SPLC? For better or worse, this guy claimed to be one of the faces of the right. The people with the megaphones said ‘hey, when… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
4 years ago

Tars, you mean give them a target? Every movement needs a Devil, and if this is the backstabbing asswipe that arranged the C-ville discreditation show, denouncing traitors is bloody red meat to the marxist lite. It’s prime steak. You can see how effective this is on the visuals of Good Morning America. Turn off the sound. First the upbeat black leader lady, then the earnest, kindly Latina, last the dumpy, stupid, low-rent white neurotic woman with bipolar fibromyalgia. That image of ourselves. Nobody wants to be the trailer trash redneck. All the Lefty sh*tshow is a status competition. Let’s give… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 years ago

>>> if this is the backstabbing asswipe that arranged the C-ville discreditation show,<<<

Heimbach’s group, the Tradional Worker’s Party, handled security; they were the ones with the shield walls.

So yeah, Heimbach was a huge part of it.

vxxc💂🏻‍♂️😉 Toxic masculinity vector
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

Hmm. I’ve + you 3X today.

We should do COVID more often.

4 years ago

Has someone mentioned that Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Sanders and was prominent at many of his events?

Reply to  MBlanc46
4 years ago

Follow the CC link. She spent most of the rallies talking about herself – more than the usual female amount – and none about Bernie.

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

Suckerfish have to get across the oceans by means other than swimming on their own.

Reply to  Tykebomb
4 years ago

which says even more about Bernie and his ilk letting run her run wild on all his appearances. so very based, they are just one Jew joke away from joining us… not. that said, maybe when his star wanes some few of his personality-cult followers will wake up. few, because so few of them are tolerant of race and tradition as valid concepts, but would help counterbalance the white capitalists enough, as there are many more white moderates than white capitalists in the movement already. just like the based Christians or “honorary Aryans” of other races help balance out the… Read more »

4 years ago

It is less important to appeal to white Sandernistas than it is to act in such ways as will provoke the other members of the Bernie group to drive them out of the coalition for us, and towards us.

Balkan Fanatic
Balkan Fanatic
Reply to  Vegetius
4 years ago

What would you do with them?
Put them in boot camps?
These soy boys were long passed their formative years thoroughly indoctrinated with the most lunatic of ideologies, they are effeminized beyond repair, weak in body and mind they are destined for a long futile existence on the margins of Greta Thunberg cult

4 years ago

A special kind of disfunction must exist in the limited thinking of those outside the dissident right. It is surely a form of mental illness. Delusional psychosis is part of their mindset. We have seen the enemy and it isn’t us.

Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

The situation described in the Z-man post strikes me as subjet to mobilization by a charismatic and ruthless leader. I’m thinking along the lines of Benito Mussolini or Huey Long. I don’t see any such man on the horizon, as the Swamp is good at co-opting such people. But the more and the longer this group is suppressed and excluded, the greater the chance that such a leader may emerge. I remember Steve Sailer writing once that if George Washington had received the British Army commission he craved, American independence would likely never have happened. But the British came close… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

In reflecting further, Steve Sailer has also noted the behavioral similarities of present-day American whites with American Indians: a defeated people. Tthere’s an unpleasant possibility that anyone trying to rally the people Z-man describes might be replicating the efforts of Metacomet in King Philip’s War, Pontiac, Tecumseh or Wovoka (Indian originator of the Ghost Dance).

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 years ago

I used to think that The People of Wal-Mart calanders I have gotten as useless Christmas gifts in the past were pretty funny. This year it was my thought exactly, looking at those obviously mentally disturbed whites, I am looking at a defeated people currently on a trajectory with a very bleak future. I don’t find it so funny anymore.

Reply to  Judge Smails
4 years ago

The indians actually were defeated though; we just refuse to roll out of bed.

4 years ago

as of now the problem seems is that for both the patriotic culturalist and the bioleninist redistributionist (which are two sides of the same unhappy rootless westerner coin), the rummaging and reactionary time should be done. the descriptive and “creationary” aspect should take forth, and from there on symbols and platforms adopted. with vanguards and the whole jazz. futurist patriarchal-leninism, technobiochristianity, tradnationalist populism, call it whatever. as long as it’s new structures and new leaders with a base in national traditions. otherwise, we are going to keep pushing less than perfect vessels of the past that are not in sync… Read more »

4 years ago

(that’s so frustrating to know, each time I write on your comments, there’s always a ton of comments before mine, so I’m, like Sisyphus, condemned to never get answers. On the other side, I easily admitt than writing a long article every day PLUS reading and answering all comments is a “mission:impossible” job ^^)

4 years ago

Dear Z-Man, you wrote “Instead of “Dems Are The Real Racists” it is “White Nationalists Are The Real Socialists.” As far as I agree with the first part of your phrase, I deny the “absurdness” (forgive me if this word don’t exist) of the second part. And I will use a very simple exemple : consider the Danish welfare state. Add to it the ethnostate politics. What’s illogical, or impossible in this combination ? Does it seems more fanciful than a mix between Paul Ryan/Koch Brothers economics + ethnostate ? Obviously not. So yes, nationalists R the real socialists, but… Read more »

Chester White
Reply to  FrenchRoyalist
4 years ago

The Nazis were can certainly successful at creating zero unemployment. The problem is when the only thing you can do with your product is blow it up, you don’t create any wealth.

4 years ago

The fail of Bernism was written on the wall, as you said. Thus, this wonderful article published years ago.

On the other side, the fail of trumpism don’t signify than evil ryanism will prevail. (or it could preveil if Republicans consider than blue victories don’t matters, at last “we preserve our free-market principles, and TWWA)


4 years ago

The fail of Bernism was written on the wall, as you said. Thus, this wonderful article published years ago.

On the other side, the fail of trumpism don’t signify than evil ryanism will prevail. (or it could preveil if Republicans consider than blue victories don’t matters, at last “we preserve our free-market principles, and TWWA)


4 years ago

Dear Zman Dear Zman,You have no complaint
You are what your are and you ain’t what you ain’t
So listen up Buster, and listen up good
Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.

4 years ago

Dag-nabbit. Note to Self: Read Article First. Then re-read article, before yammering. This is a funeral dirge, and the Bros won’t save us Brownshirts. Welp, I guess that whole BNP/George Lincoln Rockwell thingie goes right out the window, then. We can only wait for the Boomers to die, as their post WWll conditioning is too calcified, and the Enemy’s position is too entrenched. We can’t expect acknowledgement, but neither did the lonely few who kept the candle-glimmer of the truth of the Big Lie alive. No awards, okay, but as long as Mark Levine keeps mentioning the Fauxlocaust every third… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 years ago

If you ask a white nationalist “what are you rebelling against,” he would reflexively say “Jews…and my CPA father.” If you ask a Bernie Bro what he’s rebelling against he would likely say “hiring managers who see no value in my Sociology degree….and my CPA father.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
4 years ago

Any other hot Freudian takes?

All anti-feminists have “size” issues, right? Anti-homos are all secretly gay?

This is a cucked-down version of RamZ’s recent “one side hates…” kosher fence-straddle.

At least RamZ recognized that one side was anti-White. The best you can muster is “they’re against muh capitalism b/c stoopid librul arts major.”

Race is real. Biology > culture > politics.

There’s plenty of room over at Breitbart & Townhall for civ-nats still in denial.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Exile
4 years ago

I’m just stating fact. If that upsets you perhaps there is a Freudian issue after all. Yes, biology is very important, no Tyrone or Shanequa ever built a civilization, but both groups appear to have unstable upbringings with weak door-mat fathers who were seen as nothing but money machines for selfish women who were never told what’s up.