The Plague Jab

Note: Last night I watched the classic bad film Reefer Madness. The review and commentary is behind he green door.

In ordinary times in ordinary countries, the prospect of a vaccine for even a nuisance ailment like the Chicken Pox would be welcome news. After all, one measure of society is the technology to improve human health. In a technologically advanced society, members not only live longer, the quality of life is better. An extra 20 years as a feeble old man is not exactly a reward for a life well-lived. Therefore, the promise of a Covid-19 vaccine next year should be welcome news.

As with everything else, it seems, the news of a possible vaccine just reveals how deranged and bizarre life has become in the West. The majority of Americans are highly skeptical of the vaccine. If people were honest, you would find large majorities unwilling to take the vaccine at all. Even in the medical professions, where faith in their own skill is beyond reality, close to half distrust the vaccine. It does not help that the rulers feel the need wrap the vaccine question in their racial madness.

That is the first gate in the vaccine story. Since few people have the knowledge or aptitude to assess the risk involved in a medical treatment, it comes down to how much they trust their doctor, the drug companies and the system. If your doctor has always been prudent and reliable, then you trust his judgement. If your doctor has an unpronounceable name and looks a lot like the guy working at the convenience store, you are less likely to trust his judgement.

In the case of the vaccine, there is no reason at all to trust the government. They have simply lied too often about too many aspects of this virus. Compounding it is their communications organs have been staffed by demented sociopaths who lie for the sheer pleasure of it. The only way anyone we could trust the media is if they are the first to be inoculated. Even then, it would probably be a fake vaccine, so we would need some way to ensure they are getting the real jab and not a fake.

This is why the vaccine will be mandatory. Another aspect of liberal democracy is the rulers respond to well-founded distrust of them with coercion. In this case, we will be getting the Orwellian freedom passes. In the U.S. they will have some bland bureaucratic name because our managerial elite is functionally illiterate, but the Brits retain their pithiness, despite it all. As a result, these new internal passports proving you are up to date on your Covid jabs will be used to compel compliance.

What does this mean as a practical matter? What they are plotting is a system where everyone is issued an innocuous looking card with a vaccine stamp and date. When you get your booster shot, you get a new stamp with an expiry date. Oh, you are unaware of the regular booster shots required? You see? This is why this vaccine is a miracle. It will require you to give Big Pharma a check several times a year. Your doctor at Acme Hospital System Inc. will also be getting her beak wet.

If you think you can just blow this off, think again. For starters, there will be a massive public relations campaign to shame skeptics. Old people will be shown lining up for the jab and famous people will demand you get the jab. Soon, private business will demand proof of the jab before they accept you as a customer. Want to fly on a commercial airline or ride public transport? Papers please. Want to attend a public event like a sporting match? Papers please.

What this will become is the terms of service for citizenship. In fact, it will probably be baked into terms of service edicts. If you want to use Netflix you will have to prove you are up to date on your jabs. Of course, Big Tech will be there to make this simpler with tracking software for your now mandatory smart phone. That paper card they will be issuing will be replaced with an app for your phone that will be required if you want to function like what passes as a normal adult.

If this sounds a lot like fascism, you would be right. This idea vexes the anti-Semites and neo-Nazis, because they demand fascism only mean cool uniforms and camps for people they don’t like. In this age, it will mean dreary clothing styles and camps for the people the managerial class does not like. It’s also going to mean the implementation of technology to control every movement of the population. You cannot organize a proper resistance if you cannot organize at all.

One novel aspect of managerial fascism is the promotion of cranks and kooks to discredit legitimate opposition. Over the next six months, the media will promote kooks insisting that the vaccine is a mind control devise or that it alters your DNA in order to make you docile and compliant. These paranoids will be promoted, because most people will dismiss them. This tarnishes all resistance to the new regime. It is a tool of managerial fascism that works every time.

What the Covid-19 panic has revealed, and continues to reveal, is the managerial elite has no respect for things like the rule of law, individual liberty or any of the other foundation items of consensual government. To protect democracy, they will rig the election process. To keep us free they will strip us of our rights. In the name of inclusion and diversity they will exclude anyone who disagrees. What we are seeing is that the real plague on our society is the ruling class.

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3 years ago

I don’t know. I am shocked by the number of normies who are super excited about a vaccine. I can’t hear tell you how often I hear can’t wait for the vaccine so we can get back to normal. I don’t know what world these people are living on but they’re my neighbors

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Yeah, it’s a goddamn fantasy land out there. It really is, I just want to smack these people about, quite honestly. The weakness and fragility is epic. But the more that the lie is repeated, the more the gullible will fall for it.

It is like dealing with children.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

If the people were adults rather than children, they would not be susceptible to such nonsense.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

It’s not too wide of the mark to say that “America” is the largest nursery school in history.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I am having a very hard time trusting even sources that I once considered solid. As a rule of thumb it seems that individual bloggers at least aren’t hampered by editors and other officials getting them to toe the line. Of course they can be de-platformed. Another good rule of thumb is whether the subject is heavily politicized. Sort of why the Wikipedia entry on aero-elasticity is no doubt much more trustworthy than the one on FDR. Peter Hitchens, even though The Mail on Sunday is compromised on many things still seems solid on most topics he is allowed to… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

you piqued my interest, so I checked.
Wikipedia DOES NOT HAVE an article on aero-elasticity.
but there is this…
“The use of carbon-fibre lay-ups, designed to reduce aero-elasticity of wings, has allowed CFRP gliders to be designed to cruise at much higher speeds than those with wings made from fibreglass”.
(aero-elasticity is the fluttering of rigid wings, due to turbulence in the air stream, exacerbated by inadequate structural stiffness).

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

My spelling mistake. Fill your boots.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

it does have an entry, but its all one word, no dash.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Wholesome_Hombre
3 years ago

Damn Hyphens!

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Oh, look!
they cover hydro-elastricity also.

I’ve been on quite a few boats that vibrate when they get above a certain speed.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Isn’t “Trust Hard” the name of the new Bruce Willis movie?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I think a big part of the escapism is really just “If you I do what you want will you please piss off and leave me alone?”

I mean, they won’t, but that’s what the hope is. Our new global anthem should be _Let’s All Make Believe_ by Oasis

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I may end up finding one of those doctors with the unpronounceable name. You know, the kind that would okay 19 year olds medical marijuana cards for glaucoma. You don’t think Dr. Serengapatam won’t be happy to take $50 or your insurance money and then sell his now spare dose to someone else. Like the masks, there are advantages and disadvantages to the new clown world paradigm.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

In the same way women used to try to find shady doctors to perform abortions, we’ll recruit shady doctors to fake vaccinations.
Ironically, the problem is it will be arguably more legally dangerous for the shady vaccine doctors.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Fake vax will only work until they roll out some kind of dye that glows under a combination of wavelengths or nanoscale biochips that work like miniature RFID tags.

Same with the cards. Cheesy paper cards are for quick rollout and rapid conditioning of the rubes.

They are feverishly working on adapting chip-based cards and a central database to ensure no one can fake the vax card.

Eventually they will be able to code your vax status into the biochip mentioned above.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
no ribbon for you
no ribbon for you
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

will the same process work on E-verify?(cackling–)

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Ironic – it will be harder to fake the vax than fake the vote.

I know, that is by design.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

These quacks have more to lose than you do and their avarice is legendary. They get paid AND they can sell off your unused dose?

Clown world wants to import these pretend doctors, I’ll use them to pretend to comply.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

They’re going to be reimbursed by the dose administered.

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Each vial or dose will be barcoded to ensure “product integrity”.

For our safety.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Kentucky Headhunter
3 years ago

That’s fine. Chuck it in the trash can Dr. Arapaiamanesh and put the number down on my travel doc.

Systems, like anything else built by humans, are easier to circumvent or destroy than they are to build or maintain.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

If you find one, lemme know. I fear it will be much more than $50 to escape being branded with The Mark.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

A gift and a threat go further than just a gift. So I’ve heard.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Exactly. There’s also an opportunity for the forgers that sell docs to the illegals. Growth industries.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

There is no “after covid”.

This is the new normal.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The cards are really on the table when the political elite are officially allowed to gather, party and so forth while the plebes will still be distancing and masking. They will make this law because necessity.

Reply to  The Right Doctor
3 years ago

Doctor, what are your current beliefs on the seriousness of covid and the efficacy of masks and lockdowns?

If you were medical dictator, what would you do?

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

A society of Cyphers. “Just put me back in the matrix…” These are the same people who complain about the wuhan getting politicized as they call for moar coercive gubmint regulations to help rationalize their fear feelz. The growing “great divide” is becoming less metaphor and more of a reality every day. The big jab in the arm for all of us will be in having to come to terms with the facf that people close to us are choosing the gubmint issue “juicy steak” and that in doing so they not only exist in a different reality but that… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

they not only exist in a different reality but that they are demonstrating that the comforts of that antireality are something they will protect at all costs and are thus a threat to us and ours.

A few hours after an extended family chat on Sunday, this reality landed on me hard. They (elder parents, sibling and their kids) are irretrievable. And worse, they become enemy combatants when things get hard. I’m still wrestling with how that’s going to play out. It’s good we don’t live near each other.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

It all comes down to trust. We don’t trust the media or politicians or these so-called experts and they do.
If you trust these people and believe what they say, your neighbor’s attitude makes perfect reasonable sense.
Trust is the covid divide.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

After the couplection, how could anybody trust anything issuing from the Power Structure?

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

It will all work to our advantage the first time—after vaccines become freely available—masks and lockdowns are required for the “season”. At which point the normies (some anyway) will see they’ve been played.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

They aren’t excited about the vaccine per se, they’re excited about the return to normalcy. The vaccine has more or less ended the justification for masks and lockdowns.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

We’ll see. I think some people will actually want to keep wearing the face diapers to feel “safe”.

The Right Doctor
The Right Doctor
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

No. It will be “I got vaccinated for me. I wear a mask for you.” Meaning – wear your damn mask!

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

The government relinquishing control, or a program, seems the way of unicorns.

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Ill believe the government relinquishing control when I see it, too. That said, my point is strictly that normies want a return to normalcy and the vaccine will likely provide it.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

That’s what I’m seeing too. Normies are super excited about there being a vaccine out there. I think it’s important though to not touch the third rail of conspiracy theory stuff – and start talking about things like sterilization. There’s more than adequate and indisputable information out there to inject a high level of distrust into the typical normie head. I usually do something like the following: ” you know …. this vaccine was rushed into production. It usually takes something like ten years to get a new vaccine fully tested and into full human use – this one is… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Are you kidding? Screw the Normies. Let them go ahead and take the vaccine. The best thing we have going is this thing’s probably a disaster and people are going to start having really severe symptoms and and then something else unpredictable will happen but let them go first. More of them the better. It leaves less vaccine for you and me

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Mi General!

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

No – I’m not kidding. But I totally agree with what you’re saying: the more normies take the vaccine and then end up dead because of it – the better it is for me. But…………. I also think that is a bit of a sensitive line to balance – you need to have a sufficient population of idiots willing to off themselves – as well as a sufficient population of people willing to push back on the whole thing once the die off starts. What I think trolling normies like I’m suggesting is doing – is giving a shove to… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Calsdad
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Calsdad- I am a nurse at a large hospital in the US. Lots and lots of research going on here with regard to COVID, the vaccine, etc. I do not know a single nurse who wants this vaccine right now, if ever. It is critical that we steer clear of conspiracy theories. There is an abundance of reasons for people to refuse this vaccine. When people ask my opinion, I talk about: How hard the scientists have worked to create the vaccine BUT a year ago, few even knew about this virus and it takes YEARS to know how drugs/vaccines… Read more »

3 years ago

In rural Canada, there are alot of pissed off-looking white guys. And they just seem different now… very quiet, determined, and ready (but we don’t know for what). A different attitude than the ignorant sportspuck redneck one that was so common before.

How much resistance will happen? I’d imagine our 3rd world doctors could be easy to bribe. And some churches will try to resist the mandatory vax. Anyways, it seems like Alex Jones and co. (Or maybe the book of Revelation) were right all along.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I notice the same grim determination in areas of the States. Everyone senses a showdown is coming.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

It’s like the old Bushido code is new again: we are already dead. What now?

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago


Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I laugh as I write this but it seems given enough time Alex Jones is proven right about most things.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

People will get fake vaccination cards so they’re going to do the MARK OF THE BEAST eventually: Revelation 13:16-17 KJV 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 14:9-11 KJV 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead,… Read more »

Reply to  TammyFan
3 years ago

Tammy who? Tammy Bruce?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The First Lady Of Country Music: Tammy Wynette

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Just yesterday our lefty neighbors were complaining/ridiculing that citizens of our deep red state would riot if we were mandated to “lock down”. My husband responded with “but don’t you remember that ‘silence is violence’?”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

It won’t happen, of course, but it would be hilarious if Obama, Bush and Clinton did take an actual vaccine on national television and fell to the floor, wreathing in agony before they were taken to a Bethesda care facility for the remainder of their worthless lives. On a more serious note, if the vaccine kills or maims people, expect targeted assassinations to become wildly popular. They probably would be anyhow, but this would increase the appetite for them. Non-astroturfed riots and violence will ensue immediately if this vaccine proves fatal or harmful. Let’s hope the “right” areas of cities… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I saw that they are already reporting a fair amount of adverse reactions in Great Britain already and they started vaccinations yesterday.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago

Good Lord. It will end in mass violence if people start to lose their children.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Adverse effects of the vac will be treated like election fraud. The media and the bureaucracy will stamp it out as conspiracy. While pharma has long had immunity from damages, the gubmint will on occasion compensate someone or their family. This practice may have to increase. Whats a few more prints? I can also see how it would dovetail nicely with UBI just as medicaid or SSI “disability” does. What will be a interesting to watch – and perhaps provide an opportunity for our side to stoke division and disruption, is the “intersectionality” of the wuhan pox and poc victim… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

All I can say is thank God this is disproportionally killing men. According to some statistics (yeah, I know) you could almost call this a man’s disease. Nobody really cares. Were it killing even a slightly higher percentage of women than men we would never hear the end of it. There would be endless girl-power, save the girls, strong girl survivor… signs, drives, commercials, billboards, etc. We already get enough Lookee-Me-Me-Me women shit in this society to gag an elephant.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Was it that traitorous twit Piers Morgan who took an actual flu shot live on tv then got sick a few days later? Haha. They’ll never leave something like that to chance again.
I can see personal grocery shoppers as a growth industry (there’s always opportunity in war!) since that activity is one of the true necessities that will probably be targeted as verboten for those not having a “Freedom Card”. Evil bastards.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peabody
Jeff Albertson
Jeff Albertson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I had a similar reaction to that announcement, only in my version, the three fall to the floor writhing in agony and then lying still for a couple of beats, then jump up laughing and say “psyche!”
These people are just too serious. We need a president with a sense of humor, now that the tv comedians have lost theirs.
Trump, bitches!

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

No one believes senior politicos will get this vaccine.

Their staffs/visitors are screened, they don’t go out in public with the great unwashed, and they get top notch medical care at Bethesda with Drs who’s names end in “-stein”.

I’ll believe it when one of them dies from vaccine complications.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

How the fudge is it that only Trump’s close allies are getting infected?

John in the
John in the
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Because the actual transmission of a sufficient load of virii to infect someone is hard to do, and it helps if the intended victim is an “at-risk person”.
The September Florida Co-vid deaths (149 for the whole state) had a median age of 83. That is, as many older than that as younger.
A recent N.J. study of two hospitals with high Co-vid death rates showed that of those who died, over 80% had Do Not Resuscitate orders in place. That is, they already knew that they were dying BEFORE they got the Wu-flu.
John in Indy

3 years ago

>we start a war in Afghanistan and to “win” allow the “good” warlords to sell opium to finance the war >lots of that opium makes its way back to the US >high school friend develops heroin habit and is forced to go to rehab >friend comes out of rehab and joins marines to turn life around >friend goes to Afghanistan several times and kills lots of “bad guys” >friend comes back and copes with war by getting back into heroin >friend dies of heroin overdose >bad orange man tries to end war in Afghanistan and is stopped because orange man… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Yak-15
3 years ago

Heh. Covid again. We had an electrician come in to do our PAT testing, and I was speaking to him about this. He seemed to agree that it was all an overreaction but then fell back on the old crux of ‘well, it _is_ real, I have a friend who knows someone who died of it.’ I countered with the epic suspension of freedoms we use to have (remember when you could get together with all family members at Christmas?)… his response was ‘tell that to someone who can’t breath.’. I would never dream of crushing other peoples freedoms or… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Ha. I’d love to have played that card, but I was foolish even broaching the subject to begin with. The work environment may not be too appreciative.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“I can’t breathe”

Anyone want to talk about the anaphylactic reaction some of the vaccine test subjects are having?

Looks like the Epipen sales are going to go through the roof…

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Reminds me of the chemistry teacher in NoVA who was recently suspended after asking a question about the element with atomic number of 10, along with the hint: ““George Floyd couldn’t breathe because a police officer put his ____ George’s neck”
Answer: neon

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I think you and I know the same electrician. He came onto my property about six months ago to do a job OUTSIDE…and wore a mask. I told him he didn’t have to wear a mask for me and that I preferred he not wear a mask on my property. We’ve known each other for a decade, yet he insisted on wearing it. We parted company on less than good terms and I don’t plan on hiring him again.

Last edited 3 years ago by Epaminondas
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

what is PAT testing?

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

At work we have an electro-mechanical model of Pat Buchanan that walks around the office reciting some of Pat’s gems from days gone by. Need to make sure he’s working.

In the UK, PAT testing is ‘Portable Appliance Testing’, got to do it on all the laptops, adapters etc.

Mark Auld
Mark Auld
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Every office,hell, every public space needs a PAT walking around spouting truisms.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Count me in as a vaccine skeptic. Mass governor Charlie Parker err… Baker, in his presser closing the state back down yesterday told a story about two couples who were supposed to be meeting at a restaurant for dinner, but the outdoor seating was full. One couple, Charlie’s pals, made the decision not to go inside, leading to an acrimonious parting. Well, the couple who went inside…wait for it… tested positive for COVID! I don’t know if he opened up for questions, but mine would have been- “Are these people actually sick?” And “could we have the contact info for… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Ganderson
Liberty Mike
Reply to  Ganderson
3 years ago

Charlie Parker aka Too Tall Deval.

Reply to  Ganderson
3 years ago

Heh. The wife used to work in a fast food joint. She loved it. Hard work but good camaraderie. The thing with the vaccine is: don’t force me. I don’t like being forced to do things for threats that are invisible to me. I’ll take my chances. Problem is, as we all know, when the democracy is voted for and staffed by children we get dragged along in the current. This is why focusing on a simpler, less consumer driven life and adopting the mental mindset of scarcity is so important. It is the first step and can save you… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

people die from colds, flu, everything, all the time. doesn’t mean we all have to wear masks and shit down the economy. i bet this guy is a bad electrician,,,

3 years ago

I met up with college and old friends over the weekend; both engineers. Both were very excited about a vaccine rolling out. I asked if they found it odd that a vaccine, something that usually takes years to work out all the kinks and make sure side effects aren’t worse than what you’re trying to cure, went from concept to deployed in under a year. Would he sign off on a bridge design that normally would take several years of construction but was built in six months? Would the other trust a database that had been allowed to skip the… Read more »

PGT Beauregard
PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

I am always reminded of the saying (Z will remember by who) that all wars could be avoided with the judicious killing of just 100 people.

The mossy oak militia adds conscripts every day as the unemployment lines grow.

Dont expect any sympathy from the 80 million Trump voters when CNN announces that an armed mob overan the NY Times headquarters, shot it up, burned it, and left no one alive.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

Don’t expect sympathy if a 9/11-type event happens, either. Expect a combination of skepticism and glee.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

heh. I laughed when some CNN cockroach said something like “Trump’s refusal to concede is going to cause another 9/11!”

NYC had the sympathy of us all on that day. Now, when it happens again, I’m rooting for Mohammed. He is but the lesser of the enemies attacking us. If it weren’t for the globalist vermin in NYC (alas, metastasizing into the rest of the country as the filthy creatures flee their fouled nest) , we wouldn’t have an Islamic problem at all.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Horace
3 years ago

It wasn’t Mohammad; to the contrary, it was Moshe.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

sure it was. retard.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Karl McHungus
3 years ago

How are things in Tel Aviv, jewboy Kosher?

Reply to  PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

Don’t expect any sympathy from the 80 million Trump voters when CNN announces that an armed mob overan the NY Times headquarters, shot it up, burned it, and left no one alive.

Yeah, sympathy is the very last thing I would feel.

Reply to  PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

Muslims have no hesitancy when it come to this type of thing. The Charlie Hebdo shooting was over some stupid cartoons. As a result, they are pretty much left alone.

Reply to  PGT Beauregard
3 years ago

That saying comes from this classic:

The Pig Trap

The taxi driver’s passenger, an ‘executive security’ honcho:

“These people are playing with matches… I don’t think they understand the scope and scale of the wildfire they are flirting with. They are fucking around with a civil war that could last a decade and cause millions of deaths… and the sad truth is that 95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the fucking head.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Excellent link, thanks.

3 years ago

You do not have to pass a law to make something illegal. I am glad that you nicely articulate my views – that the vaccine will be mandatory to do anything. There will be no law (probably), just soft tyranny. For those who are concerned about the technical side of the vaccine, those will never be addressed by media. As you articulate, certainly they will parade kooks to discredit any reasonable objection (in the same way Flat Earthers are used to discredit anyone who believes in elite collusion). I am no expert, but I am beyond the average prole in… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Eloi
Reply to  Eloi
3 years ago

Also, the nanolipids that are used to protect the mRNA as injected are not being studied at all for safety. If I am not mistake, they are trademarked secrets that we cattle are not even allowed to know about. This reminds me of the Roundup issue. It wasn’t so much the glyphosate that was dangerous; it was equally the solvent that allowed the chemical to penetrate the waxy layer around the leaf. But since the solvents were listed as ‘inactive ingrediants’, no study of their safety was ever done, and glyphosate was approved by studying it in isolation, not the… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
3 years ago

Reminds me of 5G. A read a fairly reasoned piece where the author said that it might be possible that 5G radiation is bad for the eyes, basically baking the delicate tissue there since it is not nearly as robust a barrier as skin. I went looking and could find…nothing, no one even bothered to check. I suppose when people start getting eye surgeries 10 years earlier it will be just “one of those things” or they’ll blame it on the hole in the ozone.

Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

If true, China will get there first.

US 5G is a joke. China installing stations at something like 100 or 1000 to one compared to the US.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Geez. Soon even my toaster will be spying on me.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

‘Bigoted man becomes first person in history to be denounced by toaster.’

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

“In an affadavit by the toaster, it claims that the bigoted man only wants white bred, not brown toast”

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  Eloi
3 years ago

After “Theranos” anything is possible. (Did anyone go to jail for that particular scam?)

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

I thought Elizabeth Holmes and her pet wog both did?

The Theranos idea is interesting and I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes reality at some point in the next few decades, but that entire debacle illustrates just how gullible the elites are that run our country/world. There’s surely a lesson for dissidents in there, a blueprint for the Trojan Horse that gets us behind the levers of power.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Eloi
3 years ago

Anyone who states even factual objections will be labeled a “kook.” It really shouldn’t be a factor in one’s decisions. Increasingly it appears both Beijing and their puppets in D.C. introduced this virus intentionally into the United States. Of course, such speculation is “kooky” until it isn’t, then it becomes “dangerous.” About the latter, they are correct.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Chinese spies are very imbedded in the US system. This cute little honey trap named Christine Fang was sleeping with Eric Swalwell and a bunch of other so-far unnamed elected official including an Ohio mayor. Seems like they just shipped her around the country to compromise weak men.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Remember all those Confucius Institutes?

Sharing Chinese culture and studying for degrees were never the real goals.

The real goals were studying Western society for weak points and relaying any valuable info to the motherland.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

How hard could it have been to sink her fangs into a pedoface like Swallow-well?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Eloi
3 years ago

They don’t need laws.

They can dump the enforcement burden on private businesses and make examples of resisters one-by-one.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Not even enforcement, just free market. The hammer and anvil of public-private joint-venture control over “the market” assures that the prole consumer buys product, buys license to buy different product, or pays tax to defer buying of product until later. Free market has many choices for consumer. “Private” health insurance providers will simply price-in the not-mandatory vaccine. Gubmint subsidizes cost of vax to bake in profit to them and they pass that on to us in the form of “free” covered vax. Gubmint backstops vax badness for both pharma and insurance. Meanwhile if you don’t vax, congratulations your premium is… Read more »

3 years ago

It is funny that the places where I see the most rebellion against masks are places heavy in farmers and ag workers — the livestock auction, the feed store, etc. And it includes a really high percentage of older farmers who are in higher-risk categories.

I suspect there be a fair number of vaccine rebels in that group, too.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I’m noticing the same thing in my area.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

If anybody understands pandemics, herd immunity, hygiene, supplements, and vaccination, it’d be cattlemen. Tell ’em about treating the herd for pinkeye.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago


The entire mask and vax hysteria is based on normie ignorance about viral transmission.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Less topical, but also ask the farmers about monoculture. If we’re going to become Kalergi’s mud blob to end racism, that- monoversity- violates Mother Nature’s iron law.

In a monoculture wheat field, one blight, plague, or rust will kill the entire field.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Talk to a Kindergarten teacher when it comes to conjunctivitis.

Locust Post
Locust Post
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

I’m one of those older farmer types and I can tell you that my cohort doesn’t buy the BS. Probably because we’ve had lifelong harassment from the EPA and other agencies. And the agencies just show up, drive onto your property without permission, investigate whatever and put you through hell with fines. Since the Obama years, the agencies are diversity staffed–full of the clueless, radical and resentful.

Old Knight
Old Knight
Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

We’re getting a similar issue in Australia with African and Middle Eastern health inspectors that will actually make stuff up to justify their positions.

Reply to  Old Knight
3 years ago

Not far from the mark. Way back when, I worked in a factory on the production line. We were told that OSHA was coming by for inspection. We were cleaning up the various “messes” that would get us crosswise with the Fed’s, when the production manager told me to leave what I was straightening out alone. I later found out that there were several instances of such minor “violations” than were *always* left for OSHA to “find”. This was because OSHA always dug deeper and deeper to find something to cite in any inspection. Give them a few minor violations… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

I like your production manager’s thinking. We can use that sort of thing going forward in Our cause. Hide in plain sight. Bait and switch. Diversion. I’ve been studying up on British deception operations in the world wars as a lark. Such a clever bunch. It’s hard, as a man that tries to be truthful, to think like that. Alas, we may have to become adepts.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

When I worked in a butcher shop, the idea was to leave a couple of obvious but meaningless violations in plain sight. The inspector would write them up, call it a day at that point, we would fix them, and everyone went their merry way. They would dig until they found something, so give them something easy and meaningless to find. Not posting all the required health/employment posters was an easy one.

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

Why does it not surprise me that the government does random things to make food production more difficult.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Random? They came out with an entirely new set of rules, the Food Safety Modernization Act, a few years ago that greatly enhanced their ability to shut down your place of work. They no longer have to find evidence of product adulteration, they merely have to posit that you were producing under conditions that might have led to adulteration, a completely subjective conclusion.

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

Since the Obama years, the agencies are diversity staffed–full of the clueless, radical and resentful—mediocrities!”

There, fixed it for you.

Locust Post
Locust Post
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Thank you.

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

At least Toad Tossing is a thing of the past, amirite?

Reply to  Locust Post
3 years ago

You are not kidding. In my business dealing with the strength that is empowered diversity is a major problem. And it seems, like TV commercials, wall to wall diversity. I shudder to calculate the cost in manpower hours to these low IQ BIPOC, I mean POX.

3 years ago

This is going to be the death knell of the travel and leisure industry. Which is what our rulers probably want.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Exactly. Travel limits are the totalitarian wet dream. We may get a wall at the southern border after all, but it won’t be to keep people out.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Well sure. They’re tired of having all the pretty places filled up with ugly people. Now they won’t have to worry about the hoi polloi messing up their View.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

That’s right.

Why should Brad Pitt have to stumble over us plebes in St. Tropez every summer?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The horror!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

That’s ok – let him pay quadruple for his trips.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Wasn’t Harry Reid overheard complaining about having “to smell the tourists” lining up to see the US Capital Building. Years ago I remember reading about the well heeled growing tired of lower class day trippers crowding up Aspen.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Pretty much

Intentional or not, every rule an reg in California has the effect of driving up home prices so they become ever farther out of reach for the dirt people

Gunner Q
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

In Cali it’s blatant class warfare. Home prices go out of sight while middle-class residences are turned into high-density worker ghettoes.

They might outlaw beef but never the concept of the cattle ranch.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

They’ll keep the ghettos for their pets but live in sprawling Hearst style estates. We kept thinking the Reconquisda would be driven by hordes of illegal Mexican peasants. Actually, it’ll be the return of the Old Spanish Californios noblemen… they’ll just have yid and Punjabi sounding names this time.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The rulings in California and NY serve one purpose. Drive the existing population into surrounding states so they act like a spreading infection. They are well aware that these people are the same twats that welcomed in all the reality denying BS and will promptly go and vote in the same people that caused them to leave in the first place because feelings. They are nothing but locus of infections in the same way universities are. Cuomo and the others don’t give a shit if the city become a smoking ruin. It will spread the poz plague and that is… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Right. Its these same vermin that have marred the rural production areas of California with endless wind turbines but squashed the ones proposed off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. The culling cannot come soon enough.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

I have no idea what you mean. I have, however made sure to get rid of all cullottes from the homestead…

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Definitely. The cloud people despise the fact that all of the cool, interesting places on earth are easily accessible to middle class travelers. That’s all going to come to an end. Can everyone here believe that just a year ago we were all significantly freer than we are now, and most of the population is simply going along with it? I knew most people were sheep, but only when it’s in your face every day is one overwhelmed by the realization that our society is built on sand and the high tide is rolling in fast. And why the rush… Read more »

Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

It’s everywhere, on all levels. There are no more secret swimming holes, fishing spots, hunting places, special outdoor groves only you know about and how to get there.

The smart phone, and the search engine, killed the joy of discovery.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

bingo. I was watching the notebook on Sunday and I noticed that that type of story couldn’t happen today with all the technology.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

“The cloud people despise the fact that all of the cool, interesting places on earth are easily accessible to middle class travelers.” Meh. My wanderlust experiences have shown that Normies either don’t go outside at all or go to the AAA-rated places in order to take selfies. Neither they nor Elites want to JOURNEY. This in 2019, not just 2020. I’ve also been to those Aspen mansions of the Cloud People. Nobody lives in them. They’re just investment properties. The Cloud People want to possess all the good things of life but they are unable to enjoy them. I was… Read more »

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

Most people don’t like walking more than a half a mile from their car. Any tourist hotspot has a big clump of people near the cars or bus/train station.Walk for more than 10 minutes and you’re free of the madding crowd.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Damn, no more basic bitches who say “travelling is my personality” on their tinder bios.

In seriousness though – upper middle class shitlibs hit the hardest by retarded measures, as usual. They’re gonna find out real fast that they are NOT part of the elites (I’m sure they’ll rationalize it though).

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

So long as they have a way to identify with the elite/aggressor—by consuming what they’re told, by relishing tales of hurt done to loser-class Americans—they’ll think they’re in on it.
We’ve seen them celebrate when tech & finance ban normie-cons, when 130 IQ farm boys are quota-ed out of the good schools, etc. They feel themselves doing it.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Dammit! So close- the dream is to make a check, hit the airport in whatever city I’m in, throw a dart at the map, buy a ticket, and just GO.

I was finally this close, dammit dammit dammitall, man!

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

When asked to show your vax card, slip people a few bucks to look the other way

Works pretty much everywhere

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Falcone, I believe that the immense scale of bribery… think almost Nigerian levels could be a nice little upside for us. Trying to balance complete and efficient totalitarian control whilst having a subpar third world populace always on the take could open doors…

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

totally agree

Not going to be easy running a 1st world compliance system with the BLMers they have working for them

Brings to mind the grocery store with all the fancy bar code readers etc. You get a Latina girl in there flustered by a flood of multiple items and she can’t keep up and ends up letting things slide through and giving you things without ringing them up.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Good point B125. You say I may see an end to the endless girl-news stories about how “she is traveling in her converted school bus” (or towing her tiny house). “Alone with her dog, a roadtrip discovering herself across this great nation…”

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Yeah but that will also do away with the truly uplifting & hysterical ones about how she and her life partner got decapitated because they thought biking through Turkey was a strong play. Cannot stop laughing whenever I hear those.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Somebody hasn’t taken their mandatory virtual vacation to the Maldives. An Amazon Travel Experience Concierge has been dispatched to your location to help facilitate your many happy memories.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Sigh. Yes.

Diverless cars won’t work until the unpredictable human drivers are off the roads. Traceable, “ride share” Uber ONLY societies are a totalitarian states wet dream.

Travel is freedom. Must. Curtail. Freedom.

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

It will be like the “housing bubble,” where the same people who allowed/created the problem scoop up properties for pennies on the dollar. Cycle. Rinse. Repeat. Wealth transfer upward accomplished.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Was in Newport, RI with wife. Pointed out mansion row, and that those people snapped up distressed properties galore during “the Great Depression”.

3 years ago

We’re already in the early stages of a covidian dystopian nightmare – people are going bonkers and will gladly clamor for the jab while obediently continuing to wear their face rags. It’ll be solidified pretty much forever if we don’t deviate from this highway to hell. God help us.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

nothing’s forever

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

The ‘dream’ of 1984 was that the totalitarians had finally found the “secret sauce” to perpetuate their oppressive system indefinitely, which is unrealistic, fortunately. Part of the reason we’re even in this mess is that even an oppressive place like China cannot get their people to stop eating bush-meat or use semi-modern animal husbandry techniques.

Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

“Part of the reason”… The other part is that the Wuflu virus just might have been weaponized with “never happen in nature” aids-like grafts into the virus, which is what some Indian researchers claimed early on, before they were shut down and non-personed. These days, given all the controls over the permitted narrative, I am not ruling it out.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

Since Fauci owns 4 patents on the damned virus, and directed the building of and research at the Wuhan lab, “weaponized” is a certainty.

They were eating bats from a cave 900 miles away in winter? Pangolins?

Guailo please

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

They started eating bats in China cuz Mao starved them.

3 years ago

The Daily Mail had a article a few days ago about how the Pfizer CEO isn’t even sure it prevents transmission of the virus. Yet they are positive about the effectiveness of the vaccine against adverse affects of the virus. I asked my libtard brother how it was possible that a vaccine could have one property without the other- it would make it the first vaccine in human history to prevent death but allow transmission. He had a bizarre theory about it being a mrna vaccine, but I think occum’s razor suggests the opposite. The simplest explanation is it just… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by SoSlob187
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I had Coronavirus back in March/April; I had virtually no symptoms .. I felt like I was coming down with a cold for about six hours one day, then it subsided. My wife had a moderate fever for ten days, stepson had mild/moderate pneumomia on and off for a few months. Neither was hospitalized. Both tested positive via nasal swab (in April). Both had weird sense of taste & smell (still do, nine months later). I’ve had nasal swabs and blood tests since early August (couldn’t get unrelated medical care without being tested), nasal swabs always negative, blood antibody tests… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

I expect that the vaccine will have a higher mortality rate than the virus did.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Yeah they will true-up those corona deaths one way or the other.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

The rushed flu vaccine of 1976. Read about it. I would love to see this blow up in their faces with class action lawsuits.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

They may indemnify the makers through some Congressional action. Let’s not forget our legislators are whores for the most part.

An ersatz example: you can discharge debt through bankruptcy but you cannot discharge your student loan. Something along those lines.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

The Congressional backstopping was in place before vaccine development got underway. RFK’s campaign against forced vaccination has real merit. The very first value-added activity for his bloodline.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

This is OT, but it used to be the case that student loans could be discharged in bankruptcy. It was so abused that the law was changed. (Back in the 70s/80s there was a point where the entire Boston City Council were defaulters.)

Randian Supremacist
Randian Supremacist
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Yeah, several young recruits in basic training had their lives destroyed by it. Of course their families were screwed over by the pentagram.

They made sure to get exemption from all liability though. They know they won’t be punished for their crimes.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Won’t. Can’t. Big pharma generally immune to lawsuits stemming from vaccines.

Pharma gets the profits when they develop/sell it; taxpayers fund the payouts when they F up. Isn’t it fun to write the laws?

Normal vaccines are covered by Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. (NVICP). Payouts courtesy of the US Taxpayer.

Covid Vaccines covered by similar program: Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) – much the same; taxpayer funded, big pharma immune.

Interesting reading available on US Gov HRSA site.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

You see the slip and fall shysters on TV every day. They are licking their chops over this “vaccine.”

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

A class action lawsuit.

This touching belief in the law, this pure and simple faith in rules.

How sweet.

This will no doubt happen after SCOTUS demands and rules a recount in the swing states.

A case SCOTUS will refuse to hear on procedural grounds, with no dissent, 9-0.

Reply to  Lawpilled
3 years ago

I’ve just realized Law is our Stalin.

“If only Stalin knew…”

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

I’m certain the side effect will be on fertility. The Gates family passion is population reduction.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

We don’t even know what the true mortality rate is – it’s all been corrupted by the fact that hospitals are getting paid to check off Covid-19 on the reason for death.

Even the mainstream news though can’t get around telling some tidbits of truth that should really make you question what is going on. For instance – I have noticed multiple newscasts over the last few weeks where the ” Average age of Covid deaths is 81″ is quickly scrolled by on the lower panel.

You don’t really seem them expounding on that little fact very much though.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

And the average lifespan in the US is, what, 77 or 78?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I think it’s something like 78.4 – it is different for men and women. Point is – the AVERAGE age of death – is 81. You can also go look at the population distribution by age – and the numbers are very heavily weighted towards younger people. So …. when you factor that in as well to how that 81 years old average could have been calculated – it shows pretty clearly that there is very little risk amongst the younger age groups. If you also factor in that many of those deaths attributed to Cornholeya virus were likely because… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I was agreeing with you, BTW.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Yep. And it won’t even be close. Of course, that will be a censored hatefact.

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Btw, I knew several people who died;
an elderly mother of an acquaintance.
a 4th-stage bone cancer victim, shunted between hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice.
two bar owners late 60s- early 70s, unknown if they had comorbidities.
neighbor’s brother in California.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Another piece of the puzzle to consider – is that I have seen evaluations done of the overall death rate – and what they found is that the expected overall death rate – has not budged. In other words – there doesn’t appear to be any “extra” deaths out there – because of Cornholeya virus. I should probably save this stuff when I run across it – so I can bolster my points. But honestly trying to keep ahead of all the bullshit just gets tiring at times. I run across the articles – read them to see if I’m… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Sounds like you read that Johns Hopkins study that was spiked. It made a shambles of the notion that a quarter million “Americans” have died of Kovid.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

“mild pneumonia”?!

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Karl McHungus
3 years ago

that’s my description of it..
he was prescribed antibiotics and steroids.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

A good friend of mine who was in her 50s and healthy caught the disease in March and was sick for six months. She needed to go to the emergency room several times (although she never had to be hospitalized overnight), and still isn’t back to 100%. This isn’t most people’s experience, but it isn’t that rare either. So the disease deserves respect.

Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

It’s literally the flu. If you have never done anything to take precautions for the common flu but want to mess your panties over covid, you are either a moron, a liar, or you have been duped by moronic liars. I know J. Stewart was a fancypants boy, but at least live up to the bravery of your moniker’s namesake and be a man.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

So let’s see, who should I believe here: a good friend I’ve know for decades; or some internet rando who tells me it’s “literally the flu”? Who to believe… 🙂

Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

You know, the same ones who compulsively lie to us.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

The same “experts” that demand we believe that “men” have menstrual periods.

Beetle McTurk
Beetle McTurk
Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

Well, let’s turn your question around, shall we? An acquaintance of mine committed suicide last July. He closed up all the garage doors, started his car, and asphyxiated himself. Death certificate read: COVID-19. The local jail had close to 100 ‘cases’ over the last 9 months. Why, they did super official, brain swabbing ‘tests’ and everything! They quarantined these cons in their own wing. Not a single one was seriously ill, just the usual cough and sniffles you would expect from head colds and the flu. No high fevers, no shortness of breath, no loss of taste and smell. Not… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Beetle McTurk
Reply to  JEB
3 years ago

Anybody who is concerned that this disease is not being taken seriously – should squarely point the finger of blame at the authorities and ALL of those people who are trying to ride on the back of this virus – to shove their own agendas down people’s throats. The amount of lying going on is truly spectacular. And I spend much more time on this than most people do – reading articles – trying to figure out what is REALLY going on…. etc. Given the potential massive downside to believing the crap coming out of the elites in charge –… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

We’ve got a fraudulent health crisis, just had a fraudulent election and are plagued by a fraudulent media establishment. We live in a simulacrum, not a society.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

I find it very interesting that you say your wife and stepson both had a weird sense of taste & smell . I have a toddler in daycare – and last year I think I came down with pretty every single illness known to man because of that exposure. It’s something the pediatrician warned us about, but it was just sort of brutal being sick all … of …. the …. time. One of the last things I caught was some sort of weird cold or flu around mid-November 2019. The thing was – this was obviously some sort of… Read more »

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

my wife reports that celery tastes like gasoline; as do most foods with fat in them .. butter, cooking oils, cheese.

Beetle McTurk
Beetle McTurk
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

And people given Tic Tacs they believe is medicine recover fully.

Subjective claims like the gasoline Celery are not terribly convincing in the midst of this War of the Worlds psychological assault.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

For a virus with a 99% survival rate.

This ain’t about a virus.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Dec 2: President-elect Biden “This virus will kill 250,000 by January. Because people won’t listen” (paraphrasing, but very close)

That’s one more than Vietnam’s worth of deaths every week for 4 weeks.

Clearly not happening yet…where are the mass graves? Where are the ecstatic adulations of Biden successfully getting us to “listen” and drop the projected deaths?

Something doesn’t add up here. 250k over and above other total US normal death rates is an 11% spike. It would be totally obvious…everyone who be losing a loved one or family member.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Well once you factor in the delousing camps for the dissidents, they may get 50k dead per week.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

250k over and above other total US normal death rates

Who said it’s “over and above”? It’s a matter of difference of which box gets ticked.
The WHO changed the rules back in March. A death certificate (a document that’s been standardized globally, it seems) has two sections. Section one lists the events and actual cause. If Section 2 of the death certificate includes covid, covid killed them according to the new WHO fatwa.

These instructions on how to fill it out in the UK explain the difference .

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Yes. That’s the part about “numbers don’t add up here”.

Total death numbers in the US lag about 2-3 years. We won’t truly know how much the deaths “spiked” until at least 2023. If ever.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Because “people aren’t listening” is the perfect excuse. It’s vague, sanctimonious, and impossible to remedy — gov’s sublime triad. They’ll just keep saying that we’re in trouble because we’re “not listening” to them. First, People are indeed listening, often at the cost of their livelihood; second, are they even listening back?

jo blo
jo blo
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

This mRNA technique is experimental and hasn’t been used on humans before. Virus vaccination is usually an injection with a dead or weakened virus, mRNA “vaccine” is injection with some crap they whipped up in the lab, in this case they did it in a huge hurry – 8 months development and testing rather than the usual 10 years for a much simpler “dead virus ” type of jab. – look for the summary at bottom of that page. Vaccines are great, but I don’t want this one till everyone in government has tried it for a couple years… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by jo blo
Reply to  SoSlob187
3 years ago

Is it permitted transmission that meant we would not have to wear a mask anymore and we wouldn’t have to social distance so they can’t have that happen because then we can organize

Kentucky Headhunter
Kentucky Headhunter
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

According to our betters there are and will never be circumstances where we are not required to wear masks or social distance ever again.

For our safety.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

What whitney said. If they’re vaccinated, they should be immune and unafraid, right?

But then, I saw the billboard in Albuquerque- some AWFL saying “I wear the mask to protect my little brother with asthma.”

You just don’t CARE enough, do you?

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I mean, sure you can; they’re just going to have an electronic record of everyone that attended and everything that was said….

Reply to  SoSlob187
3 years ago

I think we will be lucky if the vaccine does nothing.

What’s more likely, is that the vaccine causes sterilization, or death, or cancer, or something. Perhaps only for certain races. It would likely build up slowly over time, every “booster shot” builds up to eventual infertility.

Or perhaps a 5G microchip. I would not recommend taking this shot if at all possible.

Last edited 3 years ago by B125
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I wouldn’t put any of it past ’em. The Zman is right and makes a great point about us kooks, but he is also far too trusting.

Actually, if it’s just a totalitarian grift, that’ll be the good news.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

That’s my suspicion: BigPharma has this, thus far, unused vaccine tech that they’ve wasted buckets of money researching and they finally have an opportunity to cash in on it. The fact that every authority of any sort is just a sock puppet for them makes it easy to pull off.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I’m sure they try but are too incompetent to pull it off.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Stacy for Covid Czar!

James O'Meara
James O'Meara
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

There are all kinds of “conspiracy theories”. TPTB will always promote (secretly) the dopiest, so as to discredit them all. For example, Oliver Stone was conned by Fletcher Prouty into incorporating the silliest JFK theory — Jim Garrison’s “rogue homos from the CIA who all lived on one block in New Orleans” — so as to discredit all the others.

It’s always amusing when self-appointed “gatekeepers” ban “conspiracy theories” so that we don’t seem like nuts; yet a majority of Americans endorse skepticism about JFK and 9/11. Whose optics are they concerned with?

Milo Mindbender
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

What is a 5G microchip, has nanotechnology gotten so advanced that they need something more that the cell phone leash that “everybody” is already carrying?
Is it a mind control device, sorta useless since most people can’t use theirs anyway, or does it reveal our inner thoughts to our overlords?
I remember the panic over swine flu, if I remember 3 people died of it, and 450 died from the vaccine. I can’t be scared of this bug, but I do acknowledge

Reply to  SoSlob187
3 years ago

The best-case scenario is that it simply doesn’t work. I, for one, don’t understand how the mRNA molecules are supposed to find their way to the ribosomes after entering the cell, or how they resulting spike proteins are then to make their way out of the cell and into the bloodstream. My guess is that the mRNA portion will have the same effect saline solution. The more worrisome aspect will be the “adjuvants” and other nonsense they might be adding to stimulate the immune system.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  SoSlob187
3 years ago

I saw another article from them showing some 91 year old man that got the first jab. Now he can “hug his grandkids.” I’m sure they’re thrilled. His interview was a high level propaganda piece.

3 years ago

“If you think you can just blow this off, think again.”

But damn it – that’s my goal. At some point we all need to choose a threshold – a Rubicon – that we’re committed to holding. Another Rubicon (coming shortly) will be the move for gun registration. Don’t register your gun? No problem, you can’t have a driver’s license. It’s coming. For those who aren’t anti-fragile, now might be a good time to work on it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

The purpose of UBI, and it coming, is to make most people fragile.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I think this is more a happy side effect than the intent. The economy is in freefall and Keynesian theory needs money to have velocity. Its basically static now and there are no policies that can be implimented that will work to get growth. Its classic Marxist Late Stage Capitalism which is kind of like a monopoly game where one guy owns almost everything. The economy won’t work. As for paying for UBI, it will have to be money printing as there is no tax scheme that can raise enough and any attempt to get more revenue will result in… Read more »

Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

I would argue that the Draconian implementation of the Covidian Rules should be the Rubicon Event, as you suggest. And that should be the trigger for fighting fire with fire. Wouldn’t it be awful if warehouses caught fire and burned down, or transport trailers disappeared overnight, or manufacturing facilities suffered egregious maintenance failures? Incrementalism can work both ways. Near the end of WWII, nearly all German tanks were breaking down regularly because the slave labor building them did very poor work indeed. A careless smoker can be your best friend in the new war against tyranny.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Agree. What’s the point in wearing a Molon Labe hat or holding 2A rallies if the selfsame constituency wears face diapers and lines up for vaccines? I’d be happy if a lot of our people simply took up civil disobedience … at least that’s a tangible start.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

So many accidental and awful things could happen. Nice group of Hero’s On The Front Lines Of Healthcare you got there. It would be ashamed if something happened to them. All of them.

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

You beat a tyranny with a cellular insurgency. As an example, imagine the lone janitor on night shift who everyone thinks is slightly retarded and totally ignores. He has keys and the whole building to himself, and months to determine where the cameras are and are not. And multiple by tens of thousands all over the country. And we’re not even talking about the maintenance men yet. The jackboots can’t lock up everyone and still run a country.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

cellular insurgency

The name of my new dissident band! Love it.

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Ancient wisdom. Maintenance men make the best saboteurs. They get invited in, guards have no idea what these guys are doing, and they can time delay any outcome into months after they have left town. Think outside the box. Sometimes being an innocuous peon is the greatest power of all.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

For fellow tabletop players, Bone Gnawer Tribe for the win.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

That’s why I will never, ever mention the small shed at the bottom of every cell tower, because it’s the air-conditioning to keep those switching boards cool.

It has to stay about 40 degrees, but nobody needs to know that.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

The morphic resonance is getting louder. We see the same image, we think the same thought. We achieve multidimensionality by sharing perspectives. The hive becomes the nation. The future looks like us.

In The Key of .223
In The Key of .223
3 years ago

I heard a co-worker yesterday declare that he hopes our employer makes the vaccine mandatory. But then we are in Canada, the country founded by the English who ran from freedom, and the French, so it’s not unexpected. Depressing, but no longer surprising.

I thought I was deeply cynical about the sheople in 2019, but this year has shown you can never be cynical enough about how many people will enthusiastically embrace their own slavery.

Reply to  In The Key of .223
3 years ago

“the country founded by the English who ran from freedom, and the French, so it’s not unexpected.”: God love the Boomers.
If the US was the Land of Freeeedom we wouldn’t be in this spot.

Last edited 3 years ago by Angarrack
Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Everyone should plan on permeating the airwaves with non-stop fear porn of people getting hurt by the vaccine, no matter how implausible the vaccine actually hurt them. Relentlessly saturate social media, tell all your real-life friends, pepper the conversation in the checkout lines. Make it so rampant it drowns out the deboonkers. Make them forcefully silence people and then treat them like martyrs.
This is not the time for facts and reason, or even about being right. It’s the time for scaring the normies about the vaccine just as much as the media has over covid.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chet Rollins
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I like to open with, “I wonder what the vaccine really does?” to see if anyone takes the bait.

If not, I’ll toss out sterilization/terminal cancer/genetic wasting disease as prompts.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Cornell U. is exempting “students who identify as Black, Indigenous, or as a Person of Color (BIPOC)” from their mandatory vaccine requirement. Pfizer (!) has warned pregnant and breastfeeding women against taking the vaccine. So much for “mandatory.”

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

One of the advantages of clown-world is the easy ability to circumvent dumb restrictions.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
3 years ago

This is what they are going to try to do with guns as well. There will almost certainly not be any kind of attempted national confiscation that would set off a civil war, at least not for another couple of decades. What will happen is that there will be a huge effort to make gun ownership difficult, expensive, and stigmatized, the Tobacco strategy” if you will. Of course, the NRA still exists, and can be counted on to fight this every step of the way – no such organization exists with regard to Covid – yet.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

They will just ramp taxes and fees on guns and ammo to the point they are prohibitively expensive.

Examples will be made under the new tax laws, neatly side-stepping the 2A.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

All they have to do is make a law that any use of a gun by non Authority is illegal. So you shoot and kill someone in self-defense breaking into your home you still committed murder

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I think you are both right. One, make gun insurance a requirement, and make it prohibitively expensive. Two, make it illegal (in practice) to use it. Just see those who tried to defend themselves again Antifa types. I care not what the law says, I care about the Soros funded DA that prosecutes.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Yes, in most places in Red states you are still pretty much OK using a firearm in self-defense, but make sure that you stay out of the blue cities (stay out of those anyway, for oh so many reasons). Look at that poor bastard in Omaha, persecuted unto suicide for shooting a drug addict attacking him. It doesn’t get much redder than Nebraska, but Omaha has lots of blacks, and lots of democrats, so… That’s why the guy who calls himself “Anti-Dem” is right; who your local sheriff and Chief of Police are is a lot more important than who… Read more »

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

If said intruder is non-White, that’s already the ‘law.’ In the UK people are not allowed to be unkind to the gypsies (the real ones, brown people descended from Indians who are illegal immigrants) that squat in their houses and change the locks. Said gypsies also like killing the ducks, geese, and swans in English parks and cooking them.
Noggers are increasingly doing the same (squatting in houses, changing the locks and getting papers to prove they’re the new legal owners) and the force of the fedgov will soon be behind them because middle-class home ownership be rayciss.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

In such a scenario one hopes never happens and note I’m just informing not advocating for, that will stop when people start taking out unlawful authority or if they can’t get to them, their kids , family, friends, favorite eatery anyone near them.
Its a bit Cartel Justice but its highly effective and has happened in so many places as to be almost routine.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

I don’t think the NRA can be counted on for that.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Sandmich
3 years ago

As long as they can keep raising money for doing it, sure they will. Look, I have no illusions about the NRA and their motives, but it’s a simple fact that the freedom to own and defend yourself with a gun is one of the very few freedoms that has actually been expanded in the last fifty years, and the NRA has had a lot to do with that, and that in the face of snobby ConInc types looking down their noses at them. If conservatives had had any brains (which they don’t of course) they would have tried to… Read more »

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

how did all those guns help with the election? prayer in school? abortion? etc etc etc reminds me of the ersatz Holmes Story “The Dog That Will Never Bark”…

Reply to  Karl McHungus
3 years ago

The NRA’s job is to promote gun rights, which they have done well, in fact gun ownership is the only area where the “right” won some of the culture war.

So stop punching right and tearing down a successful organization.

Reply to  Karl McHungus
3 years ago

I’m not sure if gun people will fight either but the election isn’t resolved nor is any possible backlash to the theft, It might surprise you that a lot of people including right wing gun types care nothing about school prayer or abortion. I’m in that list. Many of us are not much more religious than our Blue counterparts or at most aren’t going to church . Nor do we think that the State needs to promote prayer. Some of us, me included are fine with abortion even if they don’t much like it and while its not polite to… Read more »

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

They don’t have to do anything but continue with existing strategies. It’s already monumentally expensive to train a good rifleman … a few thousand rounds down range equates to several thousand dollars. If you shop for critical reloading components you’ll find that powder/primer/brass is hard to come by – critically so. I can’t afford to smoke $5 packs of cigarettes, nor can I afford a couple hundred bucks for an afternoon of 5.56 plinking. TPTB minimize possibilities of open conflict if most people have only one or two magazines of ammo for their $2K tacti-cool rifle.

Reply to  CAPT S
3 years ago

The ammo supply problem is probably the same asshole hoarders that are making TP unavailable around here again. You may want 2k rounds for training but there is only so much material and manufacturing capacity to go around. From what I can tell nearly all the plans are at full capacity and no one has reported suspicious buyers grabbing up the supply. Just new buyers and panic buyers on an stretched supply chain. Ammo is out there even at places like cheaper than dirt, just a bit pricey compared to usual. I doubt this won’t be a rifleman’s war anyway.… Read more »

3 years ago

That paper card they will be issuing will be replaced with an app for your phone that will be required if you want to function like what passes as a normal adult.

This already exists with auto insurance. Allstate gives a discount if you install an app that tracks your location and speed. If you disable it, you get email reminders to turn it back on. The coming government app compliance will be more intrusive than a discount and an email.

Last edited 3 years ago by DLS
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Progressive has a GPS-enabled box that gets installed in your car to track your driving habits and get you discounted rates.

Yeah, no.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

My rates would go up if I had that installed – AND I’d lose privacy. No thanks!

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Problem is—or will be—when the “voluntary” users of such tracking reach a critical point and then such tracking becomes mandatory for the issuance of the policy. Case in point. I don’t use a cell phone. It is cased (Faraday cage) and mostly turned off. I’ll break it out for emergency travel and such, but not for steady use. However, I am now finding any number of software services used, like logging into brokerage accounts, that require two stage authentication. Fine, good idea—however the second stage (after pw) is an authorization code *only* sent through a cell phone text message. The… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

So long as you get a discount nobody cares. True Consoomers are legion now who care nothing about personal privacy whatsoever. Anyone who spends half their life starting into a screen and/or taking pics of themselves cares nothing about having their lives tracked in a Truman Show like fashion. I learned this by observing how many of my own friends, acquaintances, and family have voluntarily installed a ‘Telescreen’ into their home. Echo Dots and Alexa. They all have them and not only that, they paid for the privilege! Amazon assures us that it is only recording when you say ‘Alexa’… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Enjoy your panopticon open-air prison and servitude plebe.

Heh. Bentham would’ve loved all this!

The other day I went round to tell the Pajeet neighbours to keep the noise down on the TV. Pajeet says he doesn’t have a TV. He then says, ah, it must have been Alexa. Great…

You’re spot on when you point out (alarmingly) just how many of our number, young and old, go all in for full blown consumerism. Consequences be damned.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Every newer car has a black box that spies on you.

Reply to  Limbicide
3 years ago

This. I never relax in my car anymore. I know it is a monitored and controlled place and I hate it. As soon as this lease is up I’m buying a slightly older used car, without all the electronic spying and control built in.

David Wright
3 years ago

If one wants a primer on what is to come we have copious amounts of movies and books describing our dystopian future. There are usually a few general themes that run through most of them, none that would surprise anyone here. Even Black Mirror episodes are especially good on this, seeing that the types that hate us and freedom are similar to these monsters.

Entrance sign to all western countries: Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

On the one of the Gili islands off Bali in Indonesia, there are no police.

Seems pretty free to me.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Wild Geese Howard
Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

For what it’s worth, I guess I will be a crash test dummy regarding mandatory vaccinations. There is no way in hell I’m going to allow it.

Cant fly? I’m afraid of flying and heights.

No sportsball for me? Watching a bunch of chimps run, jump and throw a ball isn’t my bag.

Cant go to the store?

Thats what family is for.

I’ll let you all know how it works out.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

I’m not taking it either

Just bought wife the Bullitt Mustang. That thing flies. That will be my transport

3 years ago

With our newfound obsession with flattening curves and preventing virus spread, why aren’t we shutting down gay pride festivals to prevent HIV spreading?

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Yak-15
3 years ago

That’s what a lot of us were asking back in the 80’s. Of course, if Covid were a disease that somehow had a connection to gays,or blacks, or any other “victim” group,we would be told that are chance of dying from it were miniscule, and to quit worrying. This is the tack the Left was taking back in January and February, back when the disease was associated with Asians and Communism, and before they realized the opportunities this :crisis” offered for a power grab.

Reply to  Yak-15
3 years ago

It’s the same answer as to why the Floyd protest/looting sprees were allowed, but the lady sitting with her family (socially distanced) watching a schoolboy football game was tased and dragged off by a Mall Cop for not wearing a mask.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
3 years ago

Even if everything about the vaccine was totally above board and honest,and it totally worked, with no side effects, I still can see no logical reason why anyone under the age of fifty who had no serious illnesses should get it. The fact that it is seemingly going to be mandatory for everyone is highly suspicious, at the very least.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
3 years ago

I mean, it is only reasonable that everyone chip in and have 330 million people pay $250 each for the vaccine, than to make Boomers pay $750 each for 110 million shots… The boomers will literally sell their progeny off via accidental infertility to “spread the wealth around” while simultaneously decrying “muh socializms” – just you wait, it’s coming. Not that the boomers here will, mind you, but the group will.
“The Boomers will cry out about socialism while nationalizing your healthcare savings account.”

Sand Wasp
3 years ago

This whole thing makes me wonder if they are going to start doctoring long existing vaccines to start injecting secret ingredients.

I have never been an anti-vaxxer. I will not take the chink-flu vaccine, now I will have to start distrusting the others as well.

Thud Muffle
3 years ago

At my age I don’t even buy green bananas. Having said that the Boomers sure have a lot to answer for.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  Thud Muffle
3 years ago

Congratulations! You have won the highly coveted Non-Sequitur of the Year Award! I like blue ants.

Felix Krull
3 years ago

If this sounds a lot like fascism, you would be right. This idea vexes the anti-Semites and neo-Nazis, because they demand fascism only mean cool uniforms and camps for people they don’t like.


“Wait, you’re telling me I can’t have free speech, property rights and rule of law in the new Reich? Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

Last edited 3 years ago by Felix_Krull
David Wright
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

because they demand fascism only mean cool uniforms
What’s the point, a Hugo Boss comes once in lifetime.

Karl McHungus
Karl McHungus
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

no one is going to better those SS uniforms. HB would not be able to keep them in stock, if they started making them again.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“Fascism” is notoriously difficult to define.

My best definition is that the government is specifically set up to serve the historic population.

Fascism is not perfect. It suffers from the problem of being subverted, but every government is vulnerable to that, even small government federalism, as the history of the USA demonstrates.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

But in the US we have a new, Leftist form of fascism, whose purpose is to serve the minority population–blacks in particular–and to subjugate the historic population. Having said that, the 1619 Project is arguably an attempt to make blacks the historic population.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Funny. One could say the exact same thing about diversity.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
3 years ago

I wouldn’t trust 1 of these motherfuckers to pick up dog shit in my yard let alone stab me with jewjuice, fuck em, they’re on the wrong end of a swinging pendulum. Hell is awaiting those who deserve it.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

How do free men get rid of the infernal pests of our current ruling class? This is the challenge of our age. Creating an effective resistance that can overcome the kooks and cranks the KGB, I mean the FBI, will send to infiltrate our every move.
What is the answer in a technological age?
That is the million dollar question we all seek answers for.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

I know Z and many here like to beat up on the libertarians but I have to say that at least some of their ideas are becoming more relevant by the day. I’d say there is an aching need, in the US and around the world, for a movement of people who value personal autonomy, freedom of speech and religion, free assembly, free association, and freedom of conscience. The problem is that the libertarians’ obsessive focus on government as the only threat to these things means they turn a blind eye to some of the most egregious things going on,… Read more »

Reply to  pozymandias
3 years ago

The biggest problem for libertarianism is that it only appeals to a small number of Anglo men and no one else. Therefore, you can only impose libertarianism by violating the NAP, which is a delightful irony.

Only when we can found a country of independent, 110+ IQ Anglo men does libertarianism ever have a chance of being realized.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Well, yes, I’ve sometimes joked that most people would need to be frog marched into freedom at gun point. I’m not calling on most people though. What we desperately need is a core of strong and determined men to fight to restore our civilization as a whole. I don’t think it needs to be explicitly WN but simply an unapologetic defense of “white values and civilization”. The important thing is to raise a united front against the tide of infantile and abject dependency and credulity towards media and government. We must start building or rather rebuilding the core of Western… Read more »

3 years ago

I will not take the vaccine Even if it’s coated in margarine. This vaccine will likely bring me harm So it’s time to raise a big alarm. I don’t care if I can’t fly on a plane Or go watch sportsball in the rain. I refuse to take that accursed shot Even if it costs me a lot. I will not comply with this mandatory scheme That is every bit of the ruling class’ dream. I wish these bastards would just leave me alone And let me live my life unfettered at home. How can they be believed when they’re… Read more »

3 years ago

Re “Mandatory Vaccines:” Some wag on the Twitters the other day mentioned that the “My Body, My Choice” folks seemed to have vanished overnight.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

I’ve already had this conversation with a liberals over masks. It rings hollow to them. The hypocrisy doesn’t even register. Not even when they retort “not when another life is involved.” And this is why conversations don’t matter. Just raw power. Political. Social. Monetary or otherwise.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

This is because liberals class fetuses as, “just a clump of cells.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Unless it’s a wanted pregnancy then a miscarriage is a tragic and saddening loss of life (see Chrissy Teigen).

Of course, I dunno why we are still complaining about muh lib hypocrisy, that’s a feature not a bug. They love rubbing our noses in it.

This compounds with the classic women’s idea that whatever they want in that moment is what’s morally right.

3 years ago

At some point, a critical mass of US citizens will come the realization that the unholy trinity of Fed/Wall Street/Tech Oligarchs has already become a soft tyranny and the hard version is just around the corner (think bubble bursting/economic collapse scenario). The sleepwalking will continue until a real boot is placed on everyone’s neck, but we need not remain idle in the run-up to full scale tyranny. Get busy now. There is a paradigm that can beat this menace.

stop e-begging
stop e-begging
3 years ago

I don’t know why you even brought up anti-semites and nazis, everything going on is in line with what we have been saying, whether it’s about the government, media, economy, take your pick. Calling what you don’t like fascism is just mediocre conservative boomer shit like calling everything you don’t like socialism or liberalism.

The only thing that vexes me (since I otherwise agree) is that you think any self-respecting white man would have a ‘pass’ to go to watch some negrolatry sportsball match.

Beetle McTurk
Beetle McTurk
Reply to  stop e-begging
3 years ago

“I don’t know why you even brought up anti-semites and nazis, everything going on is in line with what we have been saying, whether it’s about the government, media, economy, take your pick. Calling what you don’t like fascism is just mediocre conservative boomer shit like calling everything you don’t like socialism or liberalism.” The Protocols were just a vicious fake, haven’t you heard? Next time there is a lull in the ongoing White Dispossession Tranny Faggot Mind-Control Moloch Carnival and Inner Party Extravaganza Fun-Fest, you can do an internet search that EASILY dispels the accuracy of the forgery as… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Beetle McTurk
stop e-begging
stop e-begging
Reply to  Beetle McTurk
3 years ago

Thank you for informing me of my racist misconceptions. Since I was not attending this week’s Moloch Carnival due to a debilitating Covid Infection (and without a sense of smell, the brimstone and feces-in-the-street just isn’t the same) I SHOULD have researched the topic on Google first. I will confess my failings at my next struggle session. I can never earn my gender-reassignment at this rate! I would hate to never move on past State-Enforced-Homosexuality. Oh G-d! I didn’t mean to say hate. Of course I can only love. I feel I should go publicly take a knee while in… Read more »

Beetle McTurk
Beetle McTurk
Reply to  stop e-begging
3 years ago

Well, I dunno…it SOUNDS like the proper sort of groveling.

But are you White, though??

stop e-begging
stop e-begging
Reply to  Beetle McTurk
3 years ago

We all came from Africa!

3 years ago

“What this will become is the terms of service for citizenship.”

How do you create such insightful columns every single day?

3 years ago

Partial Canada calender:

12/31: Secondary Lockdown

February: mutated Covid-21 wave

Hospitals overwhelmed

Third Lockdown

Full Travel Restrictions

Q2: Transition to UBI

Late Q2: Supply chain breakdown

Q3: Military deployment: checkpoints in cities and roadways

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

You know, this isn’t far fetched. I would bump it out a couple quarters.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Was just thinking about this leaked email.

I’ve wondered if this whole COVID-19 is a psy-op. Release some non deadly virus and people think it’s a joke. They release COVID-21 next year, and badthinkers think this one is weak too. Instead, it kills them all.

The fact that we think everything could be a conspiracy is not a good sign about the direction of our society, as Z said. But just like with -19, I will be cautious about -21 until inferences can be made.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

My thoughts exactly, B125.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ” – Orwell

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I thought that was a Cuomo quote, sorry He loves stomping the little guy while regaling in breaking his own rules.
Plus, pierced nipples, as a signal of … deviancy to his fellow deviants.

Reply to  Limbicide
3 years ago

pierced nipples”


3 years ago

Seems like I heard this somewhere before:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

3 years ago

Last time they put out an emergency vaccine developed in record time (H1N1), a bunch of people in Europe got narcolepsy.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Other vaccines have had similar problems. The early Polio vaccine. The HPV vaccine.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Then there are the thalidomide babies.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

Indeed. TBH that was before my time, but it scared the crap out of me when it came to right- left- handed molecules in chemistry class.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Apparently, the covid jab can cause Bell’s Palsy among other things.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

There are more questions than answers. Why now, when we are close to herd immunity, and why push the most vulnerable to the front of the line for an experimental vaccine.

3 years ago

There’s an upside to having a doc with an unpronounceable name who looks like a convenience store clerk: He brings with him the cultural habits of his country of origin. I intend to take every possible exemption to avoid the “vaccine,” but when that fails, I’m going with baksheesh. Tell me Rajeet Pajeet el Achmed, “MD,” won’t take a bribe…

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

As Bram Stoker’s heroes moved ever eastwards to reach the castle of Soros, er, Dracula, it was “baksheesh”, “baksheesh”, “and more baksheesh” to get anywhere. Do anything.

Although fictional, I doubt the nature of man as chronicled, including the undead Count Soros, er, Dracula, has changed one iota. And just who stole the Widow Stoker’s intellectual property over a technicality, pray tell?

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Being a doctor just got potentially very lucrative.

Of course Ahmet Majeet might not take *your* bribe. He’ll make sure that his cousins and family get exempted first, if he’s going to risk his ass.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Half of the American underclass is on oxycontin. They have no problem finding docs to write them scripts for their “fibromyalgia.” I have to assume that the same docs who hand out opiates like candy will have no problem “vaccinating” me. If hillbillies and Diversity can find such docs, surely we can.

3 years ago

A lot of people (i.e. Rush/Hannity tier conservatives) talk about all these liberal ideas and how they are paved with good intentions and misguided. But what if its intentional and that failure is actually success.
I feel that there’s an ulterior motive to people like Gascon, Boudin, Krasner and a few others occupying the top echelons of law enforcement in our major cities.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Perhaps because every time an ulterior motive has been assigned to people such as those, it has turned out to be true, in the end…

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Crash property values.
Chicoms/Soros/who ever is at the top buys them up.
Re-organize the cities and society in their image?

But yeah, the radical DAs are not some college girl yelling “BLM”. There clearly is some agenda behind this all.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

They should call the COVID committee managing all of this the Committee of Public Safety. What this amounts to is a country with a rent seeking economy. They think they can grow the economy by expanding the rent seeking. In reality, it’s the opposite. The government can’t break a million windows and expect more economic activity because thousands of glass installers need to be hired. The rent seeking never stops. And they get off on the control. They especially like sneaking off to private parties at restaurants while the plebes are masked up getting fast food.

Old feller
Old feller
3 years ago

”You cannot organize a proper resistance if you cannot organize at all.” Well that’s a hypothetical, no one wants to organize. They just want it to end. It won’t end until all resistance including thought is ended, but more immediately until we have 50 state Uniparty. I mean; 2020 is the new normal, and Nov 4th 0400 the new Gold Standard of elections. They will not and cannot, must not allow any opposition formally or informally in the GOP (🤣) State Houses. That would be a serious mistake and lapse on their part. The elections of 2020 and universal mail… Read more »

3 years ago

They’re looking hard for that final straw. Maybe they find it this time.

J. van der Meer
J. van der Meer
3 years ago

Come on, man, the use of “fascism” for the more accurate “left-wing totalitarianism” is driving me nuts.

Beetle McTurk
Beetle McTurk
Reply to  J. van der Meer
3 years ago

For all their learn-ed airs, you’d think they could grasp the distinction.

Disingenuous or just stupid?

Reply to  J. van der Meer
3 years ago

“Nazis were the real Communists!”

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  J. van der Meer
3 years ago

fascism = corporatism = what we have today = accurate enough for me

But yeah, fascism means cool uniforms. So I want mine

Old feller
Old feller
3 years ago

The only thing necessary for the continued Triumph of Evil is for good men to keep obeying The Laws.

3 years ago

Fashy not cool? These nitwits ruin everything. They even made tattooed goth punks boring.

3 years ago

Now things are really getting wild.

The Zman can put up his Mindy Robinson poster again!

“Excuse me, but how is the exact same person who’s the “first to get vaccinated” today…also in a CNN photo wearing the exact same clothes, in the exact same chair, and getting a shot back in October?”

3 years ago

SoCal Sheriffs won’t enforce Gov Newsoms Christmas lockdown. So there’s that.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

How many of these were the same ones who wouldn’t enforce federal immigration procedures aka sanctuary city policies because mango hitler? serious question. A lot is being made of the pushback, but seems like a lot of these areas aren’t exactly “patriotic” when it comes to borders, language, and culture. Yet the wuhan has them making “statements”.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Hinge points are what they are. Immigration unlimited does not immediately affect people like canceling Christmas with lockdown 3.0. People are tired of lockdown theater and Sheriffs are elected.

3 years ago

Over the next six months, the media will promote kooks insisting that the vaccine is a mind control devise or that it alters your DNA in order to make you docile and compliant. These paranoids will be promoted, because most people will dismiss them. This tarnishes all resistance to the new regime. It is a tool of managerial fascism that works every time.

I know better than to bet against Z’s prophetic voice(s)…well crap.

3 years ago

Consider the first 50 million Americans vaccinated as a phase IV trial. Unless in one of the designated risk categories, you are not likely to be part of that trial. I enjoy reading the racial disparity advocates splitting between “us first” and “not us.” Perhaps the same people are saying both, trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
3 years ago

I highly recommend Scott Adams episode 1211 that was recently aired.

What little hair he has on his head catches fire as he goes off on Pelosi. A good watch.

3 years ago

Only matter of time before Amazon and Costco are selling vaccines in bulk on the shelves next to CBD Oil and Aloe Vera