Dangerous Escapism

Montesquieu famously explained that each system of government has a principle that animates the people within that system. In a democratic republic, the citizens, and presumably the office holders, are driven by the willingness to put the interests of the community ahead of private interests. While every society of sufficient size has factions, the interests of those factions come after the interests of the republic. This is the framework of what dissidents call civic nationalism.

Since the middle of the last century or so, this view of politics has been the exclusive domain of the Right. The Left slowly embraced the partisanship of interest group politics during the cultural revolution of the 1960’s. First it was the array of interest groups in the old New Deal coalition that dominated politics into the 1970’s. That has given way to what we call identity politics today. Meanwhile the Right has stubbornly held to the abstract concepts of republican virtue and civic duty.

One result is that a standard item in the toolkit of Official Conservatism has been the argument against identity politics. Initially, as the Left embraced race politics, this was mostly an argument against pandering to blacks. As the array of identity groups in the radical coalition has expanded, it is now a generalized argument against appealing to the self-interest of groups based on their professed identity. The claim is identity politics is bad for the country, as it pits one group against another.

Tucker Carlson is probably the most vocal opponent of identity politics. He does a bit against it as part of his standard act. The other night, according to this Breitbart piece, he warned people about what will happen when the military is fully woke on identity politics. He asked, “what if the current lunacy turns out to be more than a passing phase? What if woke race obsession is not a fad, but instead an incurable brain virus that’s infected our country’s entire leadership class?”

He then showed a clip of some television performers talking about what Joe Biden should to do to have a diverse administration. Carlson then went on to explain that the people being given spots in the administration are not qualified for the posts, in the sense they have the skills to perform the stated duties. Instead, they are being given jobs to tick boxes on the ideological tick list. He then asks what would happen if the woke warriors take over the military.

It is never fully explained, but the viewer is supposed to come away thinking that this would be very bad. Instead of transgender fighter pilots being selected based on their skill, they would be selected based on their choice of sundress. Instead of based black guy getting promoted for his ability, woke black guy will be promoted because he is really into his blackness. Girls will be installed into special forces units to satisfy the desires of Nth wave feminist, rather than on their ability to fight.

Carlson does not put it that way, but he carefully avoids the implications of what he is saying, as he likes living in a mansion. The truth is, a military composed of the sorts of people the Left says are the future will be a disaster. The promotion of female officers is already showing up in incident reports. The military brass is well to the Left of the American public and they are fully committed to diversity. It is just a matter of time before that institution looks like the rest.

The fact is, Carlson is peddling the same civic nationalist fantasy that conservatives have been peddling for generations. In the face of identity politics, they preach a weird combination of individualism and a sacrifice to principles the other side rejects. His “what if” question is about thirty years too late, as it has been happening since the 1990’s and is accelerating. The real question that needs to be discussed openly is how does one live in a world defined by identity politics?

So far, the stock response from conservative like Carlson is the same answer they have been giving for generations now. That is, white people in general, but conservative whites in particular, have to pretend this is not happening. If they just carry on as if that old republican virtue is the best, eventually the other side will tire of their fads, see the results and return to the civic nationalist fold. In response to the radical advances on every front, civic nationalism has become a cargo cult.

Worse yet, it is a call to docility. The civic nationalist argues that eventually, the truth of radialism will catch up to them and all the good citizens really needs to do is wait for reality to slit the throat of radicalism. Instead of matching the Left’s anti-white rhetoric with pro-white rhetoric, which would be really bad according the civic nationalists, white people just need to embrace their individualism and soon enough things will go their way. UFO cults have greater self-awareness.

At some point, the dumb idea stops being dumb and becomes dangerous. We live in an age where public figures, elected officials, brag about withholding the Covid vaccine from whites in the name of racial vengeance. Not long ago this sort of rhetoric was considered a white nationalist conspiracy theory. How long before some unthinkable racial assault on whites is the new fad among the ruling class? Refusing to accept this reality, as is common with civic nationalist, is suicide.

This would be fine if it was a private form of suicide. If civic nationalists, like Tucker Carlson, simply focused on the work product of the Left, leaving the rest to the imagination of his viewers, that would be fine. Living within the constraints placed upon him by his employer, but seeding the minds of his viewers with the reality of their situation, would be a great service to his people. That’s not what he is doing. He is explicitly telling his viewers to lie back and take it, promising it will be over soon.

Civic nationalism, like libertarianism, is now a form of escapism. It allows the believer to stand on the sideline, not only believing it is the moral high ground, but certain that what is happening on the field will go his way. The principles of a republic, not only have no place in a majority-minority society, they are a dangerous narcotic that prevents the user from accepting reality. Civic nationalism and its traveling partner libertarianism are more dangerous than the identity politics they claim to oppose.

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3 years ago

“The civic nationalist argues that eventually, the truth of radicalism will catch up to them and all the good citizens really needs to do is wait for reality to slit the throat of radicalism.”  I was an Ivy Leaguer during ’84-’88 on a campus that took pride on being on the leading edge of PC radical left identity politics. It was first time I was ever exposed to these people. Skipping over the gory details, I eventually came to take great comfort and solace in the fact that the second these freaks left their leftist fantasy bubble the real world… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Casey
Au Jus
Au Jus
Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

Amazing, isn’t it? They won and we let it happen…this will ultimately unravel for them but how many of us are going to be ground to dust as it happens…?

Reply to  Au Jus
3 years ago

Au Jus, saying “this will eventually unravel” is the same fallacy commenter Casey ran face first into when he thought “solace in the fact that the second these freaks left their leftist fantasy bubble the real world would kick them right in the teeth, good and hard.” Nothing stops radical leftists but death. Nothing stops communists but death (but I repeat myself). The evolution of leftism in America from Wilson to Nazi Pelousy reveals that. Every setback becomes a new beginning, a new plan, a new narrative. As the “long march through the institutions” nears its finale we should be… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Au Jus
3 years ago

There’s a lot of ruin in a civilization.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

There is more money to be made in tearing down a civilization than in building one up.

Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

I eventually came to take great comfort and solace in the fact that the second these freaks left their leftist fantasy bubble the real world would kick them right in the teeth, good and hard. Boy, was I ever wrong.  They have remade society and even the corporate oligarchs in their own image.
sometimes i think leftists are actual rational people but different compared to white nationalists, they’re supporting leftism cause globalism has been winning since forever, right wingers are losers, always have, always will be. If white nationalists would actually win some battles many white leftists would change sides.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Difficult to win when playing the game by the opposition’s rules. Or conversely, when the opposition does not play by your rules. As has been said, we need to “turn the board over”.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

You’re not wrong …….. not yet anyway. Me thinks that the “real world” just hasn’t caught up with us yet. The slowly dissipating military power of the US is still strong enough to hold off major powers like Russia and China from making overt moves. The US empire’s juju on other forms of power *has been* reasonably strong as well – and the dollar has had a hammerlock on everybody else’s economy so that we’ve been able to dictate terms for many decades. All of that is slowly but surely slipping away – and it’s the “woke” idiots who are… Read more »

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

“Once the Chinese run a few of those hypersonic cruise missiles into a US carrier battle group – we’re going to be faced with a Pearl Harbor-like existential moment.”

Already happened. The missile was Covid. Look how we reacted to that. The bribed elite defended China. 

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

absolutely . we lost WW III in mar 2020. ccp flunkies in full charge now

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Think you’re on to something; a student of history myself, we haven’t fought a “full-on violence” (h/t Bruce Thornton) since WWII, that is a war of no restraint (outside of using poison gas). Starting in Korea, ridiculous ROE’s were imposed tying the combat troop’s – & the higher ups – hands. I’m not sure the U.S. has the cahones to fight a “full on violence” war anymore. Obviously the biggest potential enemy is China, & even with a third rate military their entrance into Korea Nov 1950 made that war virtually unwinnable. Human wave after human wave assaults, they never… Read more »

Gunner Q
Reply to  Boarwild
3 years ago

“Chinese have always played the long game.” They’re not that smart. PRC is the last major, openly Communist nation. Thus, when the Long March in America succeeded and our Communists took control, they sold us out to China. It’s not the PRC being super-smart and six-billion-dimension chess players. It’s them being the last available ally of USA’s Elites who want to betray America at any price. I suspect that’s why Ukraine is in bed with our Bidens, too. “I want to betray America to the Soviet Union when I grow up!” says the socialist, then when he grows up there’s… Read more »

Reply to  Boarwild
3 years ago

It’s spelled “cojones”.

Reply to  Boarwild
3 years ago

That whole “inexhaustible supply of male bodies” thing – is just simply not true. Go read some actual history of WW2. By the end of the war – the Germans and the Soviets were running out of men and were sucking in males both younger and older than they would have otherwise. The US as well was pulling in more and more males and had relaxed their standards in order to be able to draft in more male bodies. I don’t think the situation was quite the same in the US as it was in other countries – as our… Read more »

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

I expect the introduction of zampolits on ships, army units at the company level and Air Force units at the squadron level. It will be glorious and greatly improve combat effectiveness.

Reply to  Calsdad
3 years ago

Sure, eventually they will not be able to maintain civilization. In Rome, that took about 600 years from the dilution of citizenship (Hart-Cellar) to actual governmental collapse. You got 550 years left on the clock to “wait for reality to catch up?”

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

Just as there is a thing called velocity of money, there is also a velocity of information. It is a tad faster than in the ancient Roman days. I suspect it will take significantly less than 550, but it could still be beyond our lifetimes.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

I’m hoping so.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

Yup, I think everyone is waking up to this. Makes me think the End Of Men ideas of (((Hannah Rosan))) were right. Competence has many forms, it seems.

Might Makes Right
Might Makes Right
Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

The right pins all its hope on institutional process to “correct” or “fix” people, whereas the left simply remakes the institutions in its own image. When an institution fails to “correct” someone, the right’s response is to run and hide from the failed institution. Government doesn’t work? Run away and pretend you don’t need it (“I will never accept socialism, I’d rather give it to Israel!”) leaving the left to use it instead. Schools and colleges don’t work? Run away and pretend you don’t need them, again leaving the left to remake them in their image. Now that even big… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Might Makes Right
3 years ago

People need to understand that woke mob will be perfectly fine with any devastation they cause – economic or human – as long as it means that they are still winning. They have the same mentality as blacks in Zimbabwe or South Africa.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

This is a great point. This is already happening in SAfrica. So what is it like there?

Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

Ahh, GK, it’s already happening here or did you forget the destruction of our economy, closing of tens of thousands of businesses by force and the unemployment of millions of working class Americans and the apparent theft of an election by “Our Betters”?

Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

But our Congress is fixing all this with the latest “stimulus” bill, right? Oh, sorry, they’re funding foreign border walls, regime changes, Pakistani gender issues, etc., with our tax $ and however much play $ they need to inject. On top of what you already mentioned. Big black pill almost every day now.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

Animals—even Black or White—respond to pain. To assume Zimbabwe or SA is some how different, does not reflect reality. Zimbabwe is a basket case and has begun to attempt to bring back the white farmer. SA is still teetering and has a bit of a way to descend. But eventually, they will suffer a similar fate to Zimbabwe. Point is that the mob may indeed prevail in destruction, but it can’t live upon that. Eventually, they must come to terms with the folk who make/made their very existence possible. Destruction, I admit, is a quicker process than building, but eventually… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

And how far did Zimbabwe have to fall before they got desperate and tried to get whitey back? Those two countries prove my point.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

We will be Mexico, not SA or Zimbabwe. The black population in the US is not growing. I enjoy pointing out to lefties that this is due to abortion. Our expansion is hispanic. Their IQs are not 100, but 85 is better than 65. Small comfort, I know.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

What do you mean? Joe biden will ramp up refugee policies. Blacks will stream in from brazil. Eventually they will stream in from Africa. There are already thousands of african migrants waiting in Mexico to enter the usa.

Black immigration is the final “blackpill” and this will happen in the coming decades, and dwarf all else. That’s the real reason for the pro-black propaganda.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Blacks in America have an average of around 85-88. Blacks in Africa have an average around 70. Add a couple dozen million of the latter and Compsci will get his wish of watching civilization collapse back to the iron age in a few years. Camp of the Saints is a how-to manual, a “To Serve Man” cookbook.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

DLS, good point. I might add that Hispanics can’t stand Blacks either and also that I’m not aware of any large city in the USA being gutted like those under Black control. But of course, Hispanics have not approached peak population yet.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

And aren’t they still there? The Zimbabweans still rule, and a toddler would know not to actually believe their promises trying to enduce YT’s return. If you think the “offer of return” is anything but a PR stunt and honeypot, you are a damned fool. “Sure honey, just come back, I won’t beat you this time.” Are you serious?

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

I put no limit or description of the “fall”. Just that at a point, the conditions are such that the country must balance the situation. We’ve not seen a situation where a country has suicided itself just to get Whitey.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

We have. Surely you must admit that from the point of view of a normal white person, a country like Zimbabwe has been already destroyed. That it still technically exists is irrelevant.

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

A lot of talk here about the old USSR and Russia. Ironically, Russia might be the last hope of White/Western Civ (noticed I capitalized White). I think the whole US elitist/Europe/China axis is geared towards a planned gang rape of Russia. This is why the left obsesses with Putin and Russia and why they really hated Trump – they see them as major nationalist obstacles to their One-World Global Reset. China may only be playing along using the useful white idiots (small w in this case) until Russia is out of the way and firmly raped and pillaged. And it… Read more »

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

I read somewhere that Putin said South African refugees could settle in Russia. Has this happened? Is it possible for Americans to emigrate? I’m too old to learn a new language, but I am looking for places where my grandchildren could have a future.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

Unlike the US, Russia is very serious about immigrants learning its language and history.

There are multiple rounds of difficult exams that must be passed in each subject.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

He invited a delegation of SA farmers to check out the area around Stavropol. Not sure if anything came out of that. I think the plan was for 15k white SA farmers.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

so it’s like the babysitter in “The Hand that Rocks the Cradle”

3 years ago

Well, the good news is, as you allude to, how many large scale enterprises just won’t function efficiently when wokism is the main hiring criteria. I have just been doing a survey of some of the UK’s main publicly funded bodies, and they are going the way of wokism. It’ll be interesting to see how it unfolds. Most large scale corporations are already phenomenally inefficient, and that’s before ‘the wokisms’; so I see a silver lining to that cloud that identifies as a continent. So we have two main things: the lack of ability that comes about because of diverse… Read more »

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

What comes next is servitude.
Don’t want to live as a white slave keeping modern society operating for elites and their sub human attack rats ? Accountability lists. & operate small.
Note. Today’s brass are woke.
Window is closing fast.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

You haven’t lived until you’ve had the east Asians and blacks in an IT group come in and separately complain that the south asians running the group are fucking them over by only hiring and promoting their brethren. Dumped that pile of steaming shit right into HR’s lap. Wasn’t going near it. But was quietly amused.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

The H1-B began under GHWB about the same time he more than doubled legal immigration in the early ’90s. That visa took off, not because of any labor shortage, but because the programmers objected to Death March as a condition of employment. H1-Bs are serfs. Their employer holds their documents and they have no recourse when it comes to hours worked or employment conditions.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

Now I want to work for HR.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Yeah, we’ll share a chuckle over how low faceborg’s stock dividends are as we starve in a camp. Great. Such a wonderful triumph that sarcasm will be as we die.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

It’s going to be a nightmare for us. We will be reduced to laboring serfs with no rights. Nothing to laugh at.
Look the global Ruling Class has something very evil in store for us and they are working on a time table. Why do you think they want Trump out now instead of waiting for 4 years?
Whites will either learn to fight back or eventually be exterminated – race replaced.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

I fear that you’re correct – the evils and pain to be inflicted on white men will be far worse than even the most pessimistic dissident can currently imagine.

Killing us straight up might be too merciful for the ruling class. They know they need us to keep society functioning – but they do not want to pay for our labour.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The white middle class guys are so darn demanding. Things like accountability, expertise, concrete results, pay for work rendered. So much easier to throw around EBT cards, make-work, fill-in-the-box jobs, and some Section 8 housing. More short term profit opportunities for them, too.

David Wright
3 years ago

Coming to a city near you, The Purge 3, ridding ourselves of the white people problem. Well, not all of them just the middle and lower classes. They won’t see it coming. It was not suddenly bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate. When will this come? Now the Saxon’s hate has to be against his own kind and maybe some of the other (((ones))). Never forget the use of the diverse orcs is directed by our very own kind with some help… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

I doubt any purge is coming. The world needs white people. Until light breaks through the clouds, just resist it. Become a surly bastard. Be funny about it though…no one likes a humorless prick. Embrace your role as the oddly racially-conscious white guy with weird ideas. It will attract some people your way. That’s what’ll make you cool and others lame. Don’t ignore the power of being cool and irreverent.

David Wright
Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Did you spell irreverent right? Or, irrelevant?

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

I meant irreverent. And when I wrote “humorless prick” I was thinking of the archetypal Fox News Uncle who ruins dinners with his caustic takes. That’s impotent rage. Irreverence can be a beautiful thing if wielded properly.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

I’m doing what I can… My ancestors survived in the frigid woods of canada long before civilization and we can do it again. The collapse will eventually happen, it’s a question of how much damage it does on the way down.

I’m preparing, prepping,learning, lifting, investing, spreading my message to normiecons, connecting – and hopefully finding a nice woman to have a large white family with. Not much else you can do.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Become a surly bastard…. Done and done!

Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

Oddly, I find myself laughing.

Laughter, at the end of the world.
What could be more confident or irreverent?

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Being “useful” is not useful if their actual purpose is to eradicate you. THEY HATE YOU. They want you dead. The bulley takes your candy to make you cry, not because he wants candy. They will laugh with genuine joy in the permanent darkness when the power shuts off for the last time, because you and your lifestyle need electricity. The cost is immaterial, because your destruction is priceless to them. The “the world needs us” presupposes a goal or standard needing to be upheld. They will happily live in mud huts, provided the bones of the last white are… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

OK, I resolve to be a humorous prick.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

I have generally found that leftists are one ones who lack a sense of humor, They take everything so personally

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

What if the world doesn’t think it needs White People.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

I’ve wondered if some Anglos are simply not genetically capable of being racist/tribal. The South is settled by Royalists and Ulster Scots. However Canadian-style and Yankee anglos just don’t seem capable of it. We are literally flooded with aliens and they still display out-group preferences (whereas some other whites like myself incline towards increased in-group preference).

However americans are heavily armed and have the largest bad-white reservoir in the world. We shall see – from what I see and hear, many white guys are waking up since November.

Last edited 3 years ago by B125
GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

We have to make loving to hate cool, because right now, loving blacks and browns is the really cool thing….

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

Hatred is a sin. The Bible says to love God and love others. White Christians need to realize, though, that the left hates them and there is nothing wrong with defending themselves. Many of them are guilty of self hatred.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

Defending the innocent and resisting evil has been lost (thanks subversion of the church!) on modern Christians in the West.
Clear distinctions between killing and murder. When I stand in judgement, I hope the Lord will have found in me a warrior that rested in His strength during the physical (animated by the Spiritual tools for Spiritual battles) resistance.
Jesus was Lion and Lamb. We need to get our Lion on.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

Hatred of evil is no sin. And biblical love is not mere sentiment, it is action. Loving someone is wanting what’s best for them. What’s best for all people is to live in homogeneous nations amongst their own people. The Bible specifically says that even the tax collectors care for their own families first – i.e. it’s a given that you provide for your own (family, nation, race) first. Loving others above your own is both un-Christian and unnatural.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

Hatred is not a sin recognized by Christ. Do you forget the moneychangers, or the vengeance taken upon the Sodomites? Misconstrued moralizing by Mark does not contradict the actions of Christ.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

They’re very capable, but their strong desire to avoid conflict and acrimony gets the better of them, and in this world that becomes an Achilles heel. Also, they got too cute with the ((()))) who now have them by the balls, as they sit there wincing with shit eating grins We have to accept that, as of today, that perhaps most of our anglo brothers and sisters are essentially too wounded or too discombobulated by trying to play the elegant ((())) they can’t muster up the energy and will to fight. other whites will have to get the party started.… Read more »

Thud Muffle
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

If there’s a plus anywhere it’s in the demographics of the people who are killing each other off in the Dem strongholds. I think we need to redefine those killings as “retroactive abortions”.

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  Thud Muffle
3 years ago

Those are the most entertaining kind. Although the other 70% more efficient

Reply to  Spin geraht
3 years ago

I think that it might be cool to declare Margaret Sanger’s birthday a National Holiday.

3 years ago

Here’s the thing, a broad, settled, peaceful middle class is not the historical norm, it is an aberration, brought to you mostly by white, male Western Civilization. It was largely a 20th Century thing, best and most completely expressed in the U.S., but that phase of history is over now. We are back to tribal and selfish competition and conflict, which is the norm. We are sorting back into a 90/10 ratio of plebes to nobles, and the middle class is going away. Welcome to the kulak lifestyle, or something worse. It was a grand experiment that ultimately failed, in… Read more »

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

interesting point

Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

To take it further, every other group is in it for themselves, and the CivNats can’t comprehend that their cooperative and consensual middle class way of life is lost in the tribal competition for gibs and power. They are content to “wait it out” for things to “return to normal”. Ain’t happening. They cling to the idea of the middle class as something that must exist, and that will exist for them. The norms have all broken down, however, and the middle class experiment is over. Historically, our culture “leveled up” the community bonds and restraints that typically governed only… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

The prosperity Whites have experienced since WWII is unprecedented and unnatural. The vast majority of humanity has always lived in poverty, squalor, and rancor. Whites built societies that eventually provided a small respite, by dint of generations of suffering, hard labor, and ultimately social darwinism. Now that the ratio of deleterious mutants has exceeded what the sane and productive can support, life is reverting to classic uncertainty and strife. Only in White communities will any White find a similar level of social support and like-mindedness. Only White communities have a chance of maintaining any sort of commonweal and better future.

Last edited 3 years ago by 3g4me
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

America was actually quite prosperous and a good place to live starting about the late 17th century.
Even Europe was better for about the last 1000 years, and Romans and Greeks lived better then than most Asians do now.
I think we will suffer, war, kill and return to our historical norms in the end. Some dirty deeds between here and there, certain people can’t stay here.
But if we fight we win, and we win all that’s important back.
If we don’t fight given our situation we deserve to go extinct. We will.

Reply to  Dutch
3 years ago

Much of it happened due to the manufacturing capacity of Europe and E. Asia being destroyed due to war.

Trenton Tom
Trenton Tom
3 years ago

The advice in this post could not be more prescient. Engaging with the left on civic nationalist grounds is only getting white people killed and maimed.

Identity matters, and white identity is the only thing large enough to stand up to the other identities. Individualism only condemns us to getting picked off one by one, like atomized Boers in their besieged farmsteads in South Africa.

Last edited 3 years ago by Trenton Tom
3 years ago

It’s the great plea to that neutral arbiter that conservatives seem to think exists.

“Reality” will not bring sanity back. Reality with the woke military will be drone strikes against racist rural rednecks. Bad whites are the new Taliban.

Reality will assert itself on the normiecons and CivNats, when the white death camps start. It will not assert itself on radical leftists and make them change their mind about white people.

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I think half the whites are sonder commandos.

Reply to  Spin geraht
3 years ago

Yeah, but for which team.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
3 years ago

Our vibrant future will be extended the same way the USSR was able to survive past it’s sell-by date: massive monopolies. We have one aircraft manufacturer, Google controls the US Internet and all advertising, Amazon all retail, etc.

What will be different this time is that China is not woke and they have their own monopolies.

I do not look forward to our new masters, but I certainly won’t shed a tear for the crudescent mediocrities who strip mined our country.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

its a good point about the USSR. Did the 5 year plans or a massive centralized authority ever make for a good society? Well, at least we were told it didn’t.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Boeing is crap. You’ll know they’re serious when some senior executives go to prison, not before.

Sad, too, because they really used to be an amazing company that put engineers first.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

China advances because she doesn’t import low IQ. They don’t evangelize or think they need to save everyone, either.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

True, but they don’t have creative geniuses. That’s why they steal all our ideas. This will probably be a two country dominated world for a long time.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

China and who else?

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Respectfully, the ones saying “they don’t have creative geniuses “ are the same corporate execs and senior politicos who sell US national interests out on a daily basis and have for decades.

We’ve bet the farm on American “exceptionalism”. Hope it was worth it, because there’s no reeling it back in.

Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
3 years ago

I don’t own a TV, and have never seen a Tucker Carlson show, but I get the impression that he is a huckster trying to capitalize on the desperation of the anti-woke cohort of our citizenry. Now that the coup has succeeded, and a hard tyranny is on the march, these people need some glimmer of hope in order to stave off anxiety about losing their comfort zone. Rather than face reality, and do the hard work of rebellion, they prefer the illusion of false hope as their Soma. Only the return of real hardship will get these couch potatoes… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Tucker Carlson believes what he is saying, at least most of it. Mainstream advertisers have completely abandoned the show and most of the commercials that run during it are from the My Pillow guy and the people who sell upright walkers and things like that. He has relocated his family to rural Maine and does the show from there after antifa loons started banging on his door in D.C. one night harassing his wife and kids.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

My only issue is that America was (IS) a really nice place to live. I LIKE fresh food, running water, reliable electricity and roads where I can safely drive 80mph.
“Mad Max” and “12 Monkeys” was fun to watch: I don’t want my children to live it.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Heh. I must watch 12 Monkeys again in light of, ahem, current events. Of course, in the film they actually had a real crisis on their hands…

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Heh! Orangefrog, you wicked thing

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

We have to share that all with the whole world now! White America stole all that stuff, we are told, and now the rest of the world wants it back!

At least, thats how I understand the story!

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

Wakanda Wuz Real!

Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

Akon is building it. If you built it, they will come.

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

There is a tiny ghost town in north central Washington named Wauconda, Last time I was there stopped into the post office, only one of three buildings with anything going on. Outside was a rental pick up with a water tote in the bed. Two melinin enhanced gentle men inside. Went inside to find another deadlocked person of color asking how to get a mailbox, post office lady didn’t know. So I told him parcel had to have a permanent water source such as a well before it could have an address. Wells in the area tend to be very… Read more »

Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

Yep, which is why all the farms in SA and Zimbabwe are doing better with blacks in charge.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

I think I’m an old fool who likes telling scary stories around the campfire.

I love all we have in modern America too. Love it. No more whipping posts!

Here’s to hoping we somehow continue to stumble along in this wicked, foolish, sinful world of continuing wonders. The wonder-makers ignore the bull and keep beavering away in the background.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

The only way out is through. If you want your children to be able to have White children, let alone for those children to enjoy running water and reliable electricity, work for the betterment and separation of Whites everywhere. America is dead, not all Whites are . . . yet.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I’ve watched a few Tucker rants on YouTube. Since he states nothing that is not first discussed here—often long prior—he’s not my go to person for news and direction. However, I disagree with Z-man. I see nowhere a voice that says “sit back and take it”. Tucker simply has a line in the sand he does not cross wrt our current struggle. This is understandable for *any* commentator in the MSM today, and will continue to be so in the future. That’s the nature of things in an opposition controlled media—you must walk a tight line to remain viable to… Read more »

Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

What’s that old Victorian wedding night saying?
To paraphrase:
”Lie back, and think of true conservatism “?

Because that’s the best the GOP has had to offer for decades.

Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

He’s not scaring the normies.

Wish to gosh I knew how to do that.

How many burnt-out lefties, tired of obvious hysterics, begin to nod and say, “…someday, when we get back to normal…?”

A hand held forth, back across the bridge.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Tucker is cringy a lot of the time. I’ve trained my wife however to come get me every night to see what You Tube has on offer from Fox/Tucker. She remains baffled why I often throw shade on him. Normal people most of them just haven’t yet caught up to where we’re headed as a country.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tom K
Reply to  CompscI
3 years ago

Right. At least he’s edgier, or closer to the truth, than any other TV news person. He likes his job and wants to keep it, so he doesn’t go over the line. If he does he’ll be yanked and FOX will slide even further. A few years back I would scream at the tube because O’Reilly and Hannity wouldn’t even make the effort to go as far as Carlson does. Not much as changed. The paycheck, contract, and pension reign supreme. Same as the police force.

Last edited 3 years ago by richinnameonly
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

He’s Swanson family fortune rich and related by marriage to a US Senator. Plus he’s already reinvented his act once when he was shellacked on the old Buckley “Firing Line” show by John Stewart, of all people.

Not that I don’t trust him…I just understand what he does is performance art, just like the rest of the Fox lineup. O Riley, Hannity…they’re just circus clowns, and the joke is on us.

Last edited 3 years ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

And what is our side doing? We do even less than Tucker, hiding in the shadows and so lame we can’t even build a bridge for normies to cross over. Instead we hide behind aliases afraid of the Left.
This is why I don’t slam Tucker,

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Exactly! As I’ve said before, many of the folk we decry on this blog are doing more outreach than any of us can hope to do.

These folk are not at our current level of understanding–and perhaps never will be–but I deem them useful. But I always remember, I am here–with Z-man and yourselves.

I don’t follow Tucker, but somehow I arrived here. Hell, it’s been so damn long I can’t remember how or why, but I’m here. If any of you have a path to follow and recommend, then post it. I’m happy to spread the word.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Tucker is no huckster but he is limited by both his employer, his circumstances, and probably his own philosophy. I think Tucker actually believes civic nationalism will still work for this nation.
I don’t beat up on Tucker much, he is not on this side of the divide but he brings attention to some truth that can lead people to make the journey.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Tucker doesn’t want everything to be about race. I don’t either, at least not in 87 percent White America, where the topic of race rarely entered our minds. Our communities, schools, places we shopped, etc were White, and blacks lived somewhere else, with some exceptions. That’s over now, and it’s a new world, and it’s all race, all the time. Tucker doesn’t want to play that game, but that’s too bad because that’s the game now, so he and the rest of us need to get on Team White or we’re going to lose.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

A few months ago, Tucker talked about some topic where the leftists were defying nature. I don’t remember the specific topic. Tucker pointed out that “in the end, nature will win, as it always does.” Yet when it comes to race, Tucker wants to think we can have a color-blind multiethnic society, and ignore the ancient gravity and race and ethnicity.

James O'Meara
James O'Meara
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

True, but as they say on Wall St., the market can be “irrational” longer than you can be solvent.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

But is what Tucker says in public on his show, what he truly feels or understands? One statment of the truth and he’s cast into the void–an ineffective non-entity. Is that ultimately productive?

Or is it better to continue to point out the incongruities between Joe Normie’s “ideal” of a multi-ethnic society and the behavior of minorities within our current ethnic mix. Because if this approach isn’t, then I, myself, am completely at a loss as how to approach those Whites (Normie CivNats) whom I converse with on such matters.

3 years ago

As I’ve mentioned before, for generations, conservative Whites, if not all Whites in general, never had to deal with this issue as we were the dominant supermajority in this now former country. There was no reason to act according to our own group self interests as there was no competition. Different regions of the former country might have had their own ways of doing things, but there was still an overall American cohesion. Once the civil rights act was passed, Whites began being inculcated into looking out for others interests before their own. After decades of this indoctrination and refusing… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by usNthem
GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Right, I think that discriminating against Whites will be met with, “Hey, thats racist” from the likes of Tucker….

Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

It took me awhile to figure out why Z would badmouth the DR3 approach, because it seemed like a good Alinsky tactic to use against the left. But I came to see how the left simply doesn’t believe they could ever be racist, and it’s better to go the “we are all racists now” approach.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Nope, other way around. “Racism” never meant a universal principal of discrimination based on race, it only ever meant whites discriminating against blacks. Discriminating against whites was never “racism.” This has changed to be explicit years ago in the wokeist lexicon. If you think they play by any rule except “victory by any means necessary,” you are mistaken.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

It’s not that the left doesn’t believe they couldn’t be racist, it’s that they don’t CARE what you think of them. What matters is their opinion of themselves, as righteous and moral actors, and the tacit or increasingly explicit support of those with money and power. You can’t shame the shameless, and regardless there’s no shame in being a racist – i.e. recognizing biological reality and naturally supporting one’s own kin first. They hate you and want your children dead. Only fools care about scoring ideological points against their would-be executioners.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

All the Left wants is power, and will adopt any approach to attain it. “Racism” doesn’t interest them one way or another unless it gives or denies them power. Once you accept this, you deal with them on rational terms, as an implacable enemy that either kills you or you destroy. There is no middle ground possible.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

I always enjoyed Lawrence Auster’s writing on the Civil Rights thing: http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/003436.html It remains a pleasure to read. There was no reason to act according to our own group self interests as there was no competition Yes. This is very true. I think that in this regard The United States is farther along than the UK (we’re still 85% white). Your statement is what goes through my mind every time I survey villages as a potential living location. A location to make a last stand. It does seem to me that a sizeable proportion of whites cannot accept what is… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

On a related note, Lawrence Auster’s First Law of Majority/Minority Relations in Liberal Society: The more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions about that group’s bad behavior.

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Perennial debate, hard to tell who’s got the worst of it and is further along despite the raw percentages. I’ve been watching YouTube selections of “Call the Sheriffs” & that other one, and it seems like 90% of the problems come with the muzzies. I’d hate to have so many of the kebabis in this country. It will become unendurable.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

It amazes me how strong this voodoo is on the left. Sub-saharan Africa has about 40+ countries that are 100% black, and thus where white racism is impossible. Same with the Caribbean. They are all shitholes. Any civilization progress they have is solely due to white innovations. How lefty cannot see this correlation is quite astounding.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Still waiting for that heroin junky exfriend to just “wake up” one day and realize how terrible it is to be an addict, huh?

Nunnya Bidnez, jr
Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

And yet, he’d be a better president than Biden or Harris.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

That’s a very low bar.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

True enough. I would wager that, at this point, a half eaten hot dog bun left in the Oval Office for a month or so may be able to out perform all comers.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

At least the most harm it might do is attract a few mice as opposed to the den of rats that’s been occupying that space for decades.

Christian Attorney in Ohio
Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Tucker is positioning himself to run in 2024. He will try to bring over the last of the sane Democrats (Tulsi Gabbard is a frequent guest). We could do worse.

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

finally a candidate i can enthusiastically support

Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

He’s repeatedly said that his family wouldn’t support him even if he wanted to run, which he doesn’t.

Reply to  Nunnya Bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Better for whom, and over what time span? Do you want to face the moral combat of a guerrilla insurgency where you can get IED’d by a Karen and tossed into the Void while your side sits stupified at their Webers, or would you rather a moral version of pearl harbor, with the clarity and cohesion that brings? Waiting on “muh facts” to awaken our people has failed for 90 years in a row; do you propose continuing the same failure another century, or is a change necessary?

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

My fear would be a great morphing of the Lefties into “patriots” in a time of national crisis, when in reality they were the cause of the crisis in the first place. Look what those bastards are already doing within the current pandemic fraud.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

That would mean we have to fight under the rainbow flag. I’d rather be shot.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

The journey from civic nationalism to this side of the divide is not always an easy journey but once it’s made the theatre begins to make more sense. We are slowly getting more people making that journey and the number will only increase with the amount of nut jobs and incompetents we see waiting in the wings as our national leaders.
I have hope this time of year!
Merry Christmas!

3 years ago

“That is, white people in general, but conservative whites in particular, have to pretend this is not happening.” I’m an old-fashioned traditional values kind of guy, “well-to-do” as used to be said, pretty much always have been treated as “gentry” where I live and am not the least embarrased by it, quite the contrary: it is fitting.  Given that “racism” isn’t a “thing” where I live (rural, central Argentina), my “identity” as a White (here, that means very European-looking) person isn’t paramount; what counts here is social class and formal education, accompanied by the high standards of etiquette expected by… Read more »

3 years ago

Glad I’m not the only one who gets tired of Tucker’s act. He can be spot on with some of his analysis but never takes that next step.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

Might mess up his hair

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

It’s impossible to take that next step and stay on any network with an audience. He will always at best be a gateway.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

You do realize that censorship is alive and well in the MSM and if you bring up a verboten topic you’re finished.
As it is, Tucker has brought a shit show on himself and his family for saying what he has. Which BTW is a lot more than all the anonymous tough guys on this blog who are terrified of being doxed.

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

how far can he really push the edge of the envelope without losing his job..not much

3 years ago

A man who, today, attempted to live by the standards of the 1950s’ honest citizen, would go mad in a matter of days and be out of a job inside a week. And probably in jail. An expectation of sanity and honor from clown world is wholly unreasonable. The yahoos are not colorful exceptions or extravagant decorations, prancing and belching for show while competent men toil away in the back office to keep their damage confined to the purely optical. The system is now designed to let them have their way, because it is populated by them and people in… Read more »

3 years ago

“Civic nationalism, like libertarianism, is now a form of escapism. It allows the believer to stand on the sideline”

I surrender to the Z, the Libertarian party politicians have gone full Woke. Converged, hollowed out, Koched, they’re just another TPUSA astroturf for open borders.

These fake affinity groups are a deadly pressure valve to bleed off racial identity.

Hate Gab:

“We can’t go back. There’s no ancient Irish-Scottish-English-German-Dutch-French homeland. We make it here or we have nothing.

We’re White. This is our homeland now.”

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Amash goes full open borders. His bill “..would decriminalize unauthorized entry by illegal aliens to the United States and outlaw their detention by border enforcement bodies.”


I find it hard to believe that anyone really believes that open borders will make the country better, so I imagine what his ulterior motives must be. His biggest donor is a zionist.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Its not about better, its about rights. This country has spent the last 150 years discovering rights: rights of the Union, rights of women, or blacks of trannies. It doesn’t matter if it works or not, its God delivering a doctrine, a doctrine of rights. THere is nothign to contradict that!

a bee ee?
a bee ee?
3 years ago

No young white man should EVER join the military or any civilian police force. This country has not been worth defending for at least 30 years. Just be armed to defend your family. It is every man for himself, especially now when the authorities intervene on behalf of those who would do you harm.

Reply to  a bee ee?
3 years ago

Counterpoint, there are technical jobs and skill training within the military, and being a veteran marks a white as “diverse”. That said, its closing on a decade since I’ve been out.

Reply to  Wagesofsin
3 years ago

We don’t believe the PC now called woke bullshit now anymore than we did 10 years ago.
Mind you it’s getting more annoying, and more ridiculous. They’re really not helping their left wing causes by becoming ever more Karen.

Reply to  a bee ee?
3 years ago

If your policy was followed there would be no white police and no white soldiers, nor I suppose white bureaucrats.
This is not a policy for survival.
Only a fantasy for survivalists.
Not to worry, we won’t all quit- leaving you to enemies armed with everything from the precious AR [M4 actually] to artillery, tanks, and nuclear weapons.
As for not worth defending well we live here and it’s the one we’ve got.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  a bee ee?
3 years ago

It it literal betrayal of your own people to have any connection to the United States military at this point. It seems, fortunately, that actual military families have awakened to the fact that service is now tantamount to treason.

The State will try to cause its subjects to rally ’round the flag with a false flag operation in the heartland, but everyone will know the terror emanated from D.C. and will respond accordingly.

3 years ago

The only people I know advocating doing nothing is the DR that offers whites nothing not even a bridge to get CivNats on our side. Red Pilled Civ Nats are left stranded on their side not knowing where to go. As for Tucker he is very constrained in what he can say as is anyone who is part of the MSM. Lou Dobbs found that out the hard way on CNN.Sometimes he blurts out what he really thinks but can’t follow up. At the TPUSA conference Tucker came out and stated the current system is dying, it cannot be sustained… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Huh. Like Western Rifles SA blog, we can imagine a war, but give no thought preparing for what comes after it.

I think that’s why the Zman doesn’t give bullet points, he’s laying a broader general philosophy of society and governance?

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I think Z has repeatedly made that point that philosophy arrives after the conflict is over, and is imposed by the victors. At this stage, the name of the game is to become the victor. That is the focus, and no philosophical words ever stopped a bullet in flight.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago
  • race is real and has policy implications
  • sex is real and has policy implications
  • whites have a right to self determination
  • freedom to exclude is inviolable
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

There are no rights or freedoms without ah..er..bullet points, and pointed bullets.

Oh it’s a fine list, but RwC has a point.
Z doesn’t but many here are hostile to anything but bitchposting, and mock anyone who dares dream of more.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

You have to survive and win to govern afterwards.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

I heard him say at a conference that Trump was too close to Goldman Saks. He knows.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

“The only people I know advocating doing nothing is the DR that offers whites nothing not even a bridge to get CivNats on our side.”

Show us how it’s done, smart guy. The truths that are foundational to DR are anathema to normie culture. There is no easy sell.

Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, and Z have built the best possible bridges, but to cross them requires the ability to think independently that most people lack.

Last edited 3 years ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Any attempt to try to get the comments board here to even consider anything beyond BitchPosting instantly results in accusations of Fed, Fedpoasting, nice try Mossad, etc.

Be certain no one can show you how to do anything.
Don’t worry, I won’t try.
As for selling….selling what?
Politics is force, not selling.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Z is very cagey. Well I understand.
As for the commenters….they’d rather not do anything, and they have many, many reasons they’ll be happy to share.
Ahem, yeah.
BUT: The DR is a few hundred people sir, but it does serve a valuable Overton window function pushing the honest Right more to the Right – not that the Left doesn’t as well.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I’ve been recently reading Solzhenitsyn so that heavily influences my opinions right now. But the Soviet Union is an excellent example of the heights to which irrationality can attain. The Communist state lasted about 73 years, encompassed a large fraction of the world’s surface and population, and did incalculable damage especially to its own subjects. Even the original Communist ideals, whatever their merits may have been, were compromised, subverted or tossed aside when it no longer suited the present needs of the ruling class! You can find plenty of other examples in world history, or even the present day, of… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Covid archipelago

3 years ago

The US Postal service is already falling apart from AA. Chances of your mail actually arriving at its destination on time are pretty much 25/75. And this is also with all the new advances in tech. Apparently the best computer systems are no match for Tyrone and Laquisha as the human element of the system. Even the computers must have negro fatigue. tells me I am probably safer with just me and a shotgun in the country. The odds that the military can and is able to protect me are right now maybe 50/50 but declining fast. Post Office is… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

“I am probably safer with just me and a shotgun in the country.”

That’s not working out for the Boers. A loner with a shotgun has no chance when a mob of diversity comes calling on his homestead.

The right failed to crush Antifa-BLM in the big cities on the rationale that “it’s just the big urban cesspools so who cares,” so now Antifa-BLM are slowly but surely expanding their assaults to smaller cities, towns and suburbs.

The right can’t just keeping running away because eventually even the countryside won’t be an adequate escape.

Reply to  franko
3 years ago

the boers are a totally different scenario. Right now I’d be safer in the country with a shotgun (and dogs and thick lines of trees, hills to mount to get to me) than I am in the diverse metropolis I live in. Let’s see one black person with the wits to even locate me. The American military has proven itself incapable of protecting me and my homeland from invasion.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

You are correct, sir. There are still many areas in this country where rabid negroes, SJW’s, and BLM types would never venture. Living in a heavily wooded area with rough terrain and a sparse population of hard core rednecks will inoculate you from the madness. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but it is an alternative. For example, do a little research on Pushmataha County, Oklahoma. George Wallace won a plurality of the county’s vote in the 1968 Presidential Election and not much has changed there since then. That’s just one small example. Most of the State of West Virginia would… Read more »

Reply to  franko
3 years ago

Let me add, that you are wrong on the right vs antifa. Where I live there are groups forming to fight those bastards. One thing about Los Angeles, maybe half the men have been in jail in one form or another for whatever silly to serious charge, so the fear a lot of suburban whites have of lots of things isn’t in play here. White dudes are tough out here. Speaking of the dirt people ones not the little faggy transplant from some college in the northeast.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  franko
3 years ago

anywhere there is a weekly newspaper, you will get BLM/Antifa

3 years ago

Let’s not forget that there has never been a ‘white identity’, before. Particularly in Europe. We were all rivals and spent a couple of thousand years scrapping with one another intermittently. There was no need for a white identify. As for non-whites, there were so few in Europe that most people never saw one. It was mainly traders/sailors and those who colonized other countries that did. So there would be zero use for such a thing. Britain only took on migrants en-masse from around 1947 (I wonder who influenced that decision?) The philosophy of the ‘woke’ is really a rejection… Read more »

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

Britain only took on migrants en-masse from around 1947 (I wonder who influenced that decision?) David Abbott’s book Dark Albion: A requiem for the English has a very good chapter on this debacle. We never had to worry about rallying around our racial identity as we weren’t threatened because of it. whereby the industrial revolution was masculine and our current ‘woke’ victim-oppressor society is simply feminine tempest running wild for a bit. I think there is a lot of truth to this. Z’s essay yesterday contained a link to a female archeologist’s Twitter account. I spent some time investigating the… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

That’s why the Women’s Equality Party and every female talking head on British TV wants more women on the board or as CEOs. Never Project Managers, head of Sales, CFO, Head Legal Counsel, or Chief Operations Officer. All those jobs have total responsibility (the buck stops there) and accountability. The board? Just authority without the other two. Perfect for the middle class feminists wanting the fast track to authority (sans responsibility and accountability) positions. But they still campaigned for and got rid of the grid girls in F1 and the same for boxing matches/MMA in the UK. Those working class… Read more »

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

That last bit, that’s the female version of cockblocking. It’s old and middle aged women trying to block the sexual power of those young women. Just like the old and middle aged women vehemently oppose prostitution. It would be nice to get that part back again. Sex workers. What a euphemism.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Prostitutes are the ‘scabs’ of the sexual market place, in that they put a price on sex and give men options outside of the entitled failures that are most middle aged women today.

Reply to  Damian
3 years ago

Let’s not forget that there has never been a ‘white identity’, before.

Kipling would disagree.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

That’s actually a fair point – I’m assuming you are referring to the ‘white man’s burden’?

Thud Muffle
3 years ago

My assessment, and I’ll admit to being pretty cynical, is that the damage has been done. I’m so old it can’t hurt me much. You young folks are the one that are going to do the lying back.

3 years ago

Fine essay. But, if not ‘civic nationalism’ is there some other kind of ‘nationalism’ that might be better positioned to oppose the ‘radicals’? Something more White perhaps?

Reply to  HamburgerToday
3 years ago

We’ve already passed the tipping point and we cannot “talk” our way out of the mess we’re in. As such, no discussion of macro ideas is going to be of any consequence when the boot of tyranny arrives at your door. The only ideas that should concern you now are the ones that will keep you alive. There is no cavalry coming over the hill to save you. It’s time to man-up and take responsibility for your own safety and well-being. And be serious about it. This is not a drill.

Last edited 3 years ago by TomA
3 years ago

This article is amazing. No comments of course. And it’s all older white men because the younger white men are in pretty bad shape


Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

They’re trying to shame expats now. Won’t work. I fully support any white guy leaving the West for work. As long as he marries a white woman and reproduces (missionary women?)

Nobody is softer and on more dope than young white guys though, from my experience. They are going to be eaten alive.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The disdain in the headline is amazing! Recycle used white guys. I hate these people so much

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

my first reaction after reading it; what scumbags!

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

The disdain in the headline is amazing! Recycle used white guys. I hate (((these))) people so much

Reuters Leadership
Michael Friedenberg
Stephen J. Adler

Last edited 3 years ago by bilejones
Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I know, the title alone drips with mockery and racist hatred of white men. If it was written about any other race, it would be called hate speech. But on it goes.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Nobody is softer and on more dope than young white guys though, from my experience.

Didn’t use to be that way. In fact, working overseas would bring some harsh realities to bear on most of these guys (who are often leftist). But just about anywhere first world is becoming Little America. The last ten years, though, the overall quality of the white western foreigner I meet overseas has really gone downhill.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Interesting concept. Better than scooping up 2nd tier “Prajeets” like our tech companies. Also, I suspect Chinese companies don’t have the bias against older personnel as exists in American companies. On the other hand, I don’t particularly want any more to do with China on any level. Given our new administration, I suspect however it will be in six months the same situation as before Trump took office.

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

This is not a new phenomenon. I have been watching this happen in the tech sector for at least ten years, but it has intensified over the past few years as the push for diversity has gathered steam. It’s been happening in the government contracting sector for decades. And it’s not just older workers, as the article implies. The diversity push at Big Tech has predictably resulted in lots of younger and mid-level whites, especially men, getting passed over in favor of lesser-skilled diversity candidates. Smaller companies and non-US companies are finding Big Tech to be fertile ground for poaching… Read more »

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

I view it as feeding the monster of globalism. US takes in Africans, Central Americans, Europe the Africans and other Muslims. And on and on. China calls whiteys in for their benefit and to embarrass the US. Mixing all the little bowls into the one big pot. It’s for our strength, you know?

Reply to  whitney
3 years ago

Has anybody heard of a single CongressCritter advocating to bring back essential manufacturing (i.e., antibiotics, vit. C) from China? No?

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
3 years ago

This post articulates my big awakening the past few years. I guess its a meritocracy, but in a religion of wokeness. If you are really good at wokeness, and talking about wokeness and coming up with new ways to mock and demean Whitey, then you rise to the top!

3 years ago

There are several things I’m fairly sure of. One of them is that playing with identity politics is playing with fire, and that the other is making assumptions about groups of people often ends badly. Civic nationalism works just fine when you have a fairly homogeneous society with people born into it and steeped in it for generations. Taking people from a completely alien background and expecting them to take up those values is like trying to teach your dog to whistle. What you end up with then is having to play identity politics, and history tells us intense tribalism… Read more »

Reply to  Allen
3 years ago

“making assumptions about groups of people often ends badly”

Do you believe that, in general, men are taller than women? If you concede that, everything else follows.

A large part of intelligence is pattern recognition.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Gee every day, when I walk to this spot, I get whacked in the face with a piece of wood. Wow, no reason for that to happen! A pure coincidence, it could happen were I to take any street! Dum dee dum.

That’s basically white american since 1964.

Reply to  Allen
3 years ago

Yes to all of this. And both the Progs and CivNats believe that they are safe behind those gated community wrought iron fences with the minimum wage security guard sitting in the booth up front. And if the Antifa riots should arrive at their doorstep, they faithfully believe that the police will intervene to save them (yes, those same PDs that are being de-funded and humiliated). And finally, they are completely oblivious to the reality that no one will mourn their loss if BLM decides to burn down their houses with them in it.

3 years ago

I’ve been reading for years that standards at West Point have collapsed and that it is on the cutting edge of Wokeness and especially anti-whiteness.
I took flack for calling out Carlson’s cucking around race and “identity” True to the roots of the political word Cuck, nothing exposes them like the subject of race. His tokenism is absolutely embarrassing.

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

we’re all pink underneath?

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
Reply to  GK Chestnut
3 years ago

joggers have green blood,my daddy told me so.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Tucker is the tv pundit Trump equivalent. He’s there to rile everyone up, pander to a particular identity group, never name his base explicitly, and offer turgid observations in lieu of solutions. The day I watched a video of him attempting to humiliate some young guys who asked him his opinion on 9/11 after a conference is when I understood he’s just another gatekeeper.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago


Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

As a bad white, I will gladly go to the back of the line for the vaccine. Someday we might be saying, (what Joseph said to his brothers), “What you meant for evil, God used for good.”

GK Chestnut
GK Chestnut
Reply to  Christian Attorney in Ohio
3 years ago

I’m donating my vaccine to the good folks milling about on MLK boulevard.

James O'Meara
James O'Meara
3 years ago

They always accuse YOU of what THEY are doing/planning. Re-watching some of Breaking Bad’s last season suggests our future: the Nazi gang (we know New Mexico is full of White supremacists, who are the power behind the meth trade, right?) has kidnapped Jesse and uses him as an enslaved “cook” to produce the high-quality Heisenberg blue meth. That’s the future they plan for us. No collapse, Whites will still be around to run things, just not under our own government. Hell, most of the woke/cat/wine ladies and soy boys can’t wait to expiate their guilt and build a new world… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  James O'Meara
3 years ago

If the event you haven’t noticed, cat-loving wine moms and their putatively male consorts already prostate themselves in religious fervor, throwing their worthless hides in front of even more worthless hides they consider more worthy ’cause Roots or Django, depending on their age. Their new world arrived long ago and now the hunt is on for all vestiges of that ol’ debbil Satan.

Maj. Johnson
Maj. Johnson
3 years ago

“The other night, according to this Breitbart piece, he warned people about what will happen when the military is fully woke on identity politics.”   The democrat party will soon be the equivalent of the CCP due to demographics and the American military will be its PLA enforcers. You’re already seeing the woke religion take over the officer core. This is scary stuff. The National Guard were kneeling before black supremacist racists this summer as they were destroying our cities and monuments. The signs are all there for this thing to go full Red Army. Consider the following (short list):… Read more »

Steve in PA
Steve in PA
3 years ago

As always, “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst” applies. My personal perspective, looking back over my seventy years has led me to continue to vote for the best available candidates for all offices but never trust them to do all they promise while accumulating as much wealth as I reasonably can by honest means. (To coin a phrase, money means never having to say you’re sorry.) Meanwhile, living deep in deplorable territory as we do provides sufficient geographical cushioning against urban denizens of all sorts, especially joggers. Should things go kinetic, however, stockpiles of food, water and… Read more »

3 years ago

Merry Christmas. Senile Joe Biden spoke the truth on a zoom call with “civil rights” aka blackety black black black leaders. “This country is doomed. And not just because of African Americans. By 2040 this country will have Whites as a minority.” Say hello to President Harris. Who will for her Indian masters pursue a relentlessly anti-White agenda … or will she? Right now I guess its Fang Fang vs. Nurse Kamala. As China and India struggle for the White House. China and India nearly came to war over the Summer over China’s advance in the Himalyas — China wants… Read more »

3 years ago

More like another Reaganism, theory has determined goal to neutralize actual meaningful resistance
It’s obviously another trick of ruling classes, make white people believe that they have an ally at the belly of the beast
it’s so obvious that even Moderate mentally disabled people can figure out

problems are majority of white people are mentally paralyzed most of the brain

c matt
c matt
3 years ago

 It allows the believer to stand on the sideline, not only believing it is the moral high ground

Sidelines?!? There are no sidelines. Luxury boxes maybe, but only for the rich and powerful few.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

Testing. Apparently the list of forbidden words is growing.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Identity politics is the rope the left has been given to hang itself.

Exhausted by unreasonable and unrealistic demands, a coalition of marginalized ungovernables is constellating. The woke will continue sleepwalking until carried away by the next black swan event. Their departure will remain unmourned.

Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

How does this happen?
What Black Swan of your lifetime did not benefit the Left?
Perhaps the fall of the Berlin Wall, but that just opened their horizon’s to new approaches and unchained them from the Soviet Corpse. They also instantly all got very rich.

Speaking of magical thinking and dangerous delusions, none is more dangerous than ‘this shall pass’. they’ll collapse, etc.
We’ll pass first, and not naturally.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

There’s nothing magical about a black swan event or ethnic bioweapons stored in cryogenic freezers in bioweapons labs.

While we pray, they summon.

Tom K
Tom K
3 years ago

Yup, you called it, about 30 years behind the curve.

Great essay!

Last edited 3 years ago by Tom K
3 years ago

Carlson does nothing of the sort!. What is he supposed to do? Incite violence? At least he raises the issues and then its up to the people about whether they wish to remain docile or not.

Benjamin Willard
Benjamin Willard
3 years ago

Eat drink and be merry for the dystopian hybrid Punishment Park, Red Dawn, Logan’s Run, THX 1138, Hunger Games, goes live if esteemed party member comrade kommissar Xi Biden gets across the smoke and mirrors finish line.

Some Guy
Some Guy
3 years ago

At this point anyone who talks about ouroboroses, horseshoe theory, or solutions that end with laughing while the left magically disintegrates on their own gets called out. These people get very mad too when you do.

Last edited 3 years ago by Some Guy
3 years ago

>Carlson does not put it that way, but he carefully avoids the implications of what he is saying, as he likes living in a mansion. The truth is, a military composed of the sorts of people the Left says are the future will be a disaster. The promotion of female officers is already showing up in incident reports. The military brass is well to the Left of the American public and they are fully committed to diversity. It is just a matter of time before that institution looks like the rest. From an anti-war , anti-imperialism angle this may be… Read more »

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

In what way will it be a disaster compared to the fucked up Whores-for-hire that currently terrorize the globe?

Reply to  greyenlightenment
3 years ago

Yes but this is a constant for decades.
Yes, we have the same HR dept everyone does.
Why would you think the military was exempt from HR?
If the propaganda worked we’d be living in North Korea already.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Bravo. The only question in my mind is whether civic nationalism is a cult, denial, a fraud, or some combination thereof. My gut is Carlson is a fraud in that he knows the bridge was crossed long ago but he has to play along to keep his gig. Your primary point is quite important. The foolishness of civic nationalism has become a dangerous indulgence. Whites need to form unions and parties that represent their explicit interests and throw True Conservatism on the same pile as every other ideology that has failed. The attempt to deny Whites the vaccine proved white… Read more »

3 years ago

this is a good site that at least offers some sort of solutions .

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

Excellent, miforest, a roadmap.

I combine it with Dutch’s observation that the old ways are returning… well, those old guys knew a thing or two.

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

Well his solution is form ethnic networks, ignore the laws.
Can’t disagree, but I think it’s not enough.
It is a start.

3 years ago

On the other hand – given the apartheid electoral system in this country – anything that destroys this system is good. If you don’t believe me: https://twitter.com/search?q=%40davidoatkins%20apartheid&src=typed_query&f=live

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Denial is a survival mechanism. Humans can only perceive a reality they are able to withstand. Considering the possibility of another person’s reality, even as science fiction, helps to temper the shock. Groupthink is an incubator for the survival of our haplotype.

bob sykes
bob sykes
3 years ago

Stop whining. What White people need to do is to insist on absolute, rigid quotas in all institutions and companies. The minimal categories would be race/ethnicity, sex/gender preference, religious affiliation, political affiliation, and whatever you like. So, the Women’s/Gender Studies Department at Harvard and every department at every university would have a faculty, staff, and student body that each would be 50% male, 70% white, 15% Hispanic, 12% black, 2% Asian, 97% heterosexual, 2% homosexual, 1% transgender, 30% Catholic, 2% Jewish, 2% Muslim, 40% conservative, 40% liberal, … Of course, this would also apply to the military, to corporate boards,… Read more »

Reply to  bob sykes
3 years ago

You think making the left live up to its own claimed principles is a thing . . . how quaint. About as effective as DR3.

3 years ago

As to wish fulfillment, what happens to the petrodollar when fossil fuels are “banned”? (As if.)

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

No no no, only disgusting dirt people like us will not be able to use petroleum products. The elite will remain untouched by the shortages and restrictions, for the better good.

Reply to  Educated.redneck
3 years ago

We must please Gaia! Your SUV is killing her, you damned racist! Gaia is a planet of color and you just hate her because she’s green.

3 years ago

Z – what is an incident report?

3 years ago

Apologies Z. bad word test: visa.

3 years ago

Why this sudden panic that the military is going woke? Because of some new policy letters? If that stuff worked America would be more Communist than North Korea. It doesn’t work. It is recited and discarded. All DOD did is update their mandatory propaganda for the current year. No one believes this nonsense, no more than anyone here, probably less. Yes, the military has the same HR department that everyone else has – although it does take up more time. The woke HR crapoganda has about the same effect on the military that it has on everyone else; numbing and… Read more »

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

BS. There are plenty of woke Whites in the military, or deracinated Whites who claim their Mestizo buddy bleeds red/white/blue, or who cheer when noggers buy guns because muh 2nd amendment. The best that can be said of the military is that there is a fairly large pool of civic nationalists. Very few will be explicitly White supporters, and almost all will follow orders to shoot evil notsees.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago


I’ve seen Facebook acquaintances that were former active duty Marines carry on conversations about how we’ll be better of under Xiden and that something should be done about Trump and his supporters.

3 years ago

it seems to my poor simple mind that the answer to all this is the “hyphen”. We’ve “hyphenated” Americans until there is more hyphen than American. And so, we are no longer Americans at all. A hyphen joins words to indicate that they have a combined meaning. We are actually divided by this hyphen. Not joined in unity as Americans at all. Until we are Americans, not Afro-Americans, Korean-Americans, Native-Americans, Irish-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latino-Americans, Mexican-Americans and the list goes on and on, we will never have unity going forward. And so, we as a nation, will fall. Just a thought as… Read more »

Reply to  grandee
3 years ago

I’m sorry, grandee, I downvoted because I must. The world we were born to is gone, along with the future we expected.

Many apologies. Different rules apply now.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alzaebo
Beetle McTurk
Beetle McTurk
Reply to  grandee
3 years ago

The 90s called, they want their pointless platitudes back.