Starter Books

In a private conversation, there was a lively back and forth about the books that new people to our politics should read. One of the hidden truths about this side of the great divide is it is a highly literate movement. People drawn to this type of politics tend to enjoy reading. Then there is the fact that our politics is not cut off from the Western intellectual tradition, which is the case for most conventional politics. As a result, we have a vast library of writing on our topics of interest.

That vastness is a problem. This side of the great divide has a lot of diversity of interests and thought. If you are drawn over by the human science, there are dozens of great books to get you started. If you are into right-wing intellectual history, you have more books and writers than you can read in a lifetime. Everyone on our side has their favorites. Many have a book or a writer they credit with their awakening. The new person can find it intimidating at first.

With that in mind, the show this week is about the books to get someone started on understanding dissident politics. These are not foundation texts or anything like that, just doorways to the sorts of topics that get discussed here. When you are a kid learning to write, you start with the big pencil and wide-ruled paper. You do not use that for the rest of your life. It is just how you get started. The books for the new person to our politics should work the same way.

The thing about the books covered in the show is they challenge the reader’s conditioning on various topics. That really is the essence of dissident politics when you stop and think about it. Because liberal democracy and the technological state cannot comport with the reality of the human condition, you are left with two choices. You can deny the reality of the human condition or question the morality and legitimacy of the prevailing orthodoxy. That is the great divide in a nutshell.

Of course, this is the sort of topic that generates endless disputes, because no two people have the same list. There is no doubt that many people will be outraged at the selection of titles in the taboo book section. Well, outraged by one of the books and what I have to say about it. At some point in the future, that will be the topic of a full show and maybe a series of posts. Again, the point here is a gentle introduction to the taboo subjects that can only be discussed on this side.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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3 years ago

Great list!

How about, “We Are Doomed”, by John Derbyshire?

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

The irony of banning all of the bad thoughts books from mainstream outlets, e.g. not being able to buy a particular book friction-free off of Amazon like with normal books, is that searching to find a book is the intelligence test that Derbyshire recommended for Culture of Critique. Most people are only capable of finding something online if it comes up highly ranked in a google search. Most people would not be able to find a book in a library using an olden days card catalogue either. The books are still out there and the globalist elite knows they can’t… Read more »

Ben the Layabut
Ben the Layabut
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

I agree wiht your observation about people not being able to find a book. But the problem goes much deeper than that. Most Americans would probably rather watch TV or do anything besides read a book. Alas, the probaby includes the majority here, and we’re likely to be made of better stuff than the average American. Mark Twain’s ancient observation holds true: “The man who doesn’t read has no advantage over the man who can’t read.” One overlooked side effect of the Woke’s attempts to Cancel or Memory-Hole various works actually works in our favor: it will increase the attraction… Read more »

3 years ago

GAB isn’t long for the world.

Then again less venting and more pent up the better. Words do not teach, perhaps the lash will.

I’m waiting for floggings to return, strictly for whites of course.

3 years ago

Why yes here’s a book by a German Economist called “The Abolition of Interest” by G. Feder.

I agree with his star pupil that Marxism is merely a cloak to advance Finance, once called International Capital, now called Globalism. Mind you I got there by observing who funds Lefty, who is Lefty but above all finding out that Marx was cousin to the Rothschilds.

What a cosmic joke.

Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

Other commenters have mentioned some of these books, but I would add four suggestions, three of which helped turn me from a civic nationalist to the dissident right.: 1. Greg Hood, Waking up from the American Dream. Greg is a good writer and this series of essays lays out a pretty good case that America is finished as a country for white people; (I read this after I crossed the great divide.) 2. Samuel P. Huntington: Who are We. This book made the point to me that the institutions that (sort of) worked for a predominantly Anglo-Germanic-Dutch people in the… Read more »

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Caucasians instinctively know this story is a tragedy and how it will end, the x factors being the means and the location in time.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

In America…most likely yes. I do think there’s hope in Europe. Eventually, in our lifetime, one of the European countries will turn into an official Islamic Republic. I think this will wake up the rest of the populace still believing “they just want to grill burgers and assimilate like us.” Then there will be bloody civil wars over there.

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

Every nonfiction book is a red-pill. For instance I was reading Hans Ulrich Rudel’s book , “Stuka Pilot.” Russian Orthodox priests during WWII paradropped from German aircraft to blow up or photograph Soviet infrastructure. Why would they fight on the side of the Nazis? If Hitler won they would be able to practice their religion openly. If Stalin won, they wouldn’t. Simple. Now I take up the file of photographs of the factories in question and study them with interest. I see that a high percentage of them are already underground and are therefore partly unassailable from the air. The… Read more »

3 years ago

I think this was one of your most successful podcasts, Z. Great work in preparing and presenting this material. Thanks.

Vistula Viper
Vistula Viper
3 years ago

May I make a couple of suggestions for literature for newcomers to our thing? Two Pat Buchanan books. Suicide of a Superpower and Churchill Hitler and the Unnecessary War. Both are very approachable. I credit these two books with changing my mind on the mythology of “The Good War” and the demographic disaster that has befallen the US.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  Vistula Viper
3 years ago

I was in my late teens/early twenties during what I remember of Pat Buchanan’s heyday back in the 80s-90s. I was just starting college when The Bell Curve came out too. And at the time like most young people I was a complete socialist zombie. They didn’t have Antifa at the time but I am sure I would have played dress up and smashed some windows if they had had it back then. I was totally brainwashed by the leftist/Democrat/Globalist ideology without even ever considering it honestly. I just thought that it was obviously true that older people were racist… Read more »

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Vistula Viper
3 years ago

Big +1 on Unnecessary War. It’s a crippling take-down of WW2 hagiography. Should be an essential book in any War College curriculum, documents the consequences of Britain’s strategy/policy mismatch after WW1. Early on, Britain didn’t have the will to enforce Versaillais requirements and later didn’t have the means to guarantee Polish independence.

3 years ago

Charles Krauthammer’s “Things that Matter”. 2013. 400 pages. The book is mix of long essays, columns, and new stuff on various topics (not always political). There’s also a very moving personal story of his misfortune. He was a handsome, athletic young man at Harvard med. He dove into shallow water and got all paralyzed. Guy was a heavyweight. He’s contributed to the DSM and was board certified in psychiatry and neurology. It’s just a good read from a top-tier mind and stylist. I listened to it while walking my dogs in 2017. Like Z’s podcast it’s good company when you’re… Read more »

3 years ago

The next time you leave out the Reason magazine honk I’m canceling my SubscribeStar.

3 years ago

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 years ago still runs your broadsides every other month or so. The latest on Jan. 20, Lessons of Trump #1:

3 years ago

Books are good. Kids like to watch videos. Kenneth Clarks Cvilization. See the glory that is behind you and made you.

3 years ago

Reading is essential. But we’ve reach the point where the issues are clear and the path forward is likewise. It has been clear since last November, if not earlier, that voting is a nullity, and H.R. 1 is likely going to make permenent.

Please, enough time spent pondering the printed word. At some point, you have to acknowledge that voting isn’t going to get us out of this situation.

Reply to  PubliusII
3 years ago

Did you listen to the podcast? The point was how to bring the people new to this side up to speed quickly and easily.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  PubliusII
3 years ago

Propaganda, in the positive sense, is necessary. Events are driving people here. Explanation of why is needed.

My Comment
3 years ago

I haven’t yet heard the podcast (so flying blind while making my suggestions) but if someone is new to our side or primed to become a thought criminal, he needs to be ready to proclaim all the official narratives a lie and all the official sources propaganda. Few highly educated and literate men can do that. So, I would suggest for him to read two normie friendly books: 1.almost anything by Coulter. I rarely read her anymore but she was a good gateway writer who helped me see how ridiculous all the official narratives are these days. 2. White Girl… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

flying blind while baking bread

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Death On The Installment Plan, Celine.

3 years ago

We’re attracting new people who are frustrated with conservatism and intrigued by the dissident right. The problem is that many of them think that “dissident right” means “do the Tea Party again but harder.”

What to do? Reinstating the constitution and encouraging assimilation will just be subverted again by the same characters and we’ll back here again in 25 years in an even worse demographic situation.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

The newcomers need to understand the current system needs to scrapped. That our so called ruling class has declared war on whites along with the political class and all the major federal institutions from the military to the DOJ.. That Wall Street is as much our enemy as is the Left but for different reasons. And academia has turned into the enemy of Whites and Western Civ. This will not be a hard sell after seeing Trump get railroaded out of office. Lastly the noobs need to know that we cannot vote our way out as the parties are part… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Here’s one attempt from a flawed man that is still quite good:

3 years ago

My short list: 1. “The Bell Curve.” Explodes equity & equality myths. Probably the most important modern dissident book. 2. “The Spirit of Capitalism.” Greenfeld. Book explores the true origins of capitalism (nationalism and national identity) while debunking common myths about its origins and conditions under which it thrives. This book is essential, IMHO. It relates how industrializing Japan at gunpoint was short-sighted and inevitably led to conflict with a powerful country. If this book had been written, read, and accepted by American elites during the 1970s, then China might never have risen to power — not with American help… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marcus
3 years ago

Probably the best guy to read on the French Revolution is Francois Furet. His prose is dense, but it repays the effort.

Ben the Layabut
Ben the Layabut
Reply to  Marcus
3 years ago

That’s a good reading list. I’d add a couple:

Non-controversial, books that generally cover common errors of human thinking:

Dobelli, Rolf. The Art of Clear Thinking.
Taleb, Nassim. The Black Swan. (others too, perhaps Fooled by Randomness).

Controversial, race realism 102 (will scare off the newbie). Some of these are FREE if you google them.

Taylor, Jared. Paved with Good Intentions. (Amazingly, still sold on Amazon!); also If We Do Nothing, Face to Face with Race (which have been disappered by Amazon.)

Fuerle, Richard. Erectus Walks Amongst Us. (also memory holed).

Rist Glass
Rist Glass
Reply to  Ben the Layabut
3 years ago

Here’s another: Skin in the Game The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority “The entire growth of society, whether economic or moral, comes from a small number of people. … Society doesn’t evolve by consensus, voting, majority, committees, verbose meeting, academic conferences, and polling; only a few people suffice to disproportionately move the needle. All one needs is an asymmetric rule somewhere. And asymmetry is present in about everything.” Reading this opened my eyes to the true cause of why our side lost and how America will fall: conservatives are tolerant whereas SJWs are relentless and… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Marcus
3 years ago

Although I’m an ebook fan, there is much in favor of the old-fashioned kind. Not the least is that they can’t be refashioned to suit currently fashionable political views. This will become increasingly important as paper copies are purged from libraries.

3 years ago

“They will tell you an ocean of truth to float a single lie.” Zman is okay with the idea that Jews, Gypsies and Armenians follow a similar strategy when interacting with their host society. What he’s not comfortable with is calling it an evolutionary strategy. For the love of God, don’t read Kevin McDonald! Curious… Also, Zman, Gypsies and Armenians do not have a stranglehold on our society. Gypsies aren’t telling us in 2021 via 24/7 media campaigns that if we don’t want our daughter to marry a negro we are evil. Armenians didn’t pioneer transgender surgery in Germany a… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

vonjagerbomber is on point, even if he gets a little too pinky-in-the-air Dr Evil about it regarding your motivations. IOW, motivational speculation aside, he’s not wrong. WRT McDonald’s (((group))) evolutionary strategy, I approach it as I do ALL social science and do not “believe” in any of it. NONE of the soft sciences can be proved the way the hard sciences can be proved mathematically & empirically. Rather, I evaluate its explanatory and/or predictive power relative to reality. A more empirical and less faith-based approach to social science evaluation. MacDonald’s theory of (((group))) evolutionary strategy does a pretty god job… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Not so much. Kmac may or may not have proved his theory down to the quantum level, but neither did Newton. Newtonian physics, while not being a complete explanation of particle motion, is still predictive and too handy for reasonable people to discard because it is less valid as V=c or at the subatomic distances. In the sciences, the predictive power of a model often precedes complete understanding or mathematical proof. Talmudry and its various guises (psych, sociology, cult anth, etc) are shinola for predictive power. For example, the various DSMs for psych. Same empirical observation could lead to a… Read more »

Reply to  roo_ster
3 years ago

All science rests on inductive rather than deductive logic. This is the idea that things will continue as they have done even though there’s no obvious reason for this. Most of mathematics is based on deductive logic and is easier to see the truth in. The hard sciences always had a unique advantage in that, once you had a hypothesis based on some rough and informal observations, you could create highly contrived physical experiments. These would isolate the phenomenon you were interested in by keeping most things the same while a few other factors were allowed to change. This is… Read more »

Reply to  vonjagerbomber
3 years ago

Sounds like Rohm has got into to pervitin again.

Reply to  vonjagerbomber
3 years ago

You do bring up salient points about this troublesome bunch of well poisoners. But upper class Whites were the ones who opened the gates for them. Derrida was welcomed at Yale, same with the other nasty PoMo’s. Milken’s LBO scam would have never been tolerated if Wall Street wasn’t run by psychopaths. Immigration would have been fixed in a NY second if the elites were troubled by it. Same with their supporting the destruction of White society and culture. Ditto for Globalism. You ever wonder why public education is incapable of producing citizens who can think critically and analyze information… Read more »

Ben the Layabut
Ben the Layabut
Reply to  vonjagerbomber
3 years ago

I take VoyagerBomber’s side here, if for no other reason that he’s being controversial. I haven’t read MacDonald so have no opinion on his works. I surely do agree with those who claim outsized Jewish influence and control over institutions in the West. You don’t have to look too hard to find evidence. Nietzsche probably doesn’t belong on the syllabus for DR 101. He didn’t write specifically on DR topics. Yet if nothing else, he was most assuredly a polemicist. He attacked all conventional beliefs of his day. If nothing else, reading some of his works should make one question… Read more »

Ben the Layabut
Ben the Layabut
Reply to  vonjagerbomber
3 years ago

I take VoyagerBomber’s side here, if for no other reason that he’s being controversial. I haven’t read MacDonald so have no opinion on his works. I surely do agree with those who claim outsized Jewish influence and control over institutions in the West. You don’t have to look too hard to find evidence. Nietzsche probably doesn’t belong on the syllabus for DR 101. He didn’t write specifically on DR topics. Yet if nothing else, he was most assuredly a polemicist. He attacked all conventional beliefs of his day. If nothing else, reading some of his works should make one question… Read more »

3 years ago

Nothing convinces like fear. The Gulag Archipelago. Abridged version of course. Still 450 pages. Better may be his One Day in the Life of Ivan Whatshisface. Around 200 pages. You hand it to your normie bud and say, “I don’t care about Right or Left any more than you do. All I know is that when one side gets too much power—THIS shit happens.”

Jason Knight
Jason Knight
3 years ago

You forgot the most important one, which is, of course, the Bible.

Reply to  Jason Knight
3 years ago

Read the Bible to learn how the chosen subvert their host countries and mislead the gentiles with compelling but destructive narratives.

Reply to  Jason Knight
3 years ago

Christ has their number goes after the Pharises and their sort with hammer and tongs. No wonder the smolhats despise him so.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  Jason Knight
3 years ago

The Bible is a Jewish plot to make gentiles subservient to Isreali interests. It’s a complete non-starter now. The suicidal altruism that destroyed the United States as a political entity came from Judeo-Christian propaganda. It’s a trap man. Open your eyes. It’s a trap.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Good grief, there are a lot of us Nietzsche readers (or at least in spirit) here 🤨 ! As a perhaps occasionally helpful academic, I must make my typical observations. No doubt the Jews are (to use’s Herr Friedrich’s words) “the most remarkable people in the history of the world” for their clever religion. The New Testament itself provides rather strong testimony that they founded Christianity. 😀 But the overall observation: Tribe A trying to gain the advantage over Tribe B is a problem far older than the Old Testament, in fact, going back way into pre-history and even pre-human… Read more »

3 years ago

Are comments moderated now? Moderation in all things! It’s part of the growing crackdown on free speech.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Oh that would explain it. Sorry I downvoted by accident. Say, which book of Oakshott would you recommend as best for one of us?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Gee, I wonder why…?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s very odd. I’m caching any longer posts I write here lest they not post. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason, sort of like a censor forbidding “The Bell Curve” one moment, but letting “The Turner Diares” pass the next 😀

3 years ago

Ok, I really like this topic books are my thing, and I like the books z advocates, in fact I ordered some, but I don’t like this list for red pilling normies. These books are too long and diffuse in subject matter. Jewish century is harder than culture of critique, moreover. The only title I strongly approved of was Alien Nation and perhaps the Jared Taylor book, any of them really, but that would not be my first choice. I would start young people or normies with more popular books that stress the immediacy of the problem right here and… Read more »

Reply to  Gummo
3 years ago

I personally don’t know a good brief book on the JQ, probably why it took me long to accept some of it’s ideas. A lot of the books might be seen as too parochial for some (merchants of sin, Jewish power by JJ Goldberg), build a complex theory that is tangentially related to the topic (Ordeal of civility, Culture of Critique, Jewish Revolutionary Spirit). I personally think “Weight of 3000 years” and “esau’s tears” could be a better introduction. I would probably recommend just reading occidental observer website for introduction on the topic. I think the white nationalist manifesto is… Read more »

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

As a long-term rightwing libertarian, I love your work, even if you bash us sometime. I appreciate you making the distinction, especially the shout out to Hans whom I once had the honor of driving to the airport!
Speaking of CoC, I’m a big fan of MacDonald as well. Reading it for me was like a “Road to Damascus” moment. Have you ever done a show explaining you differences from MacDonald”s views? Would love to read it!

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

Same for me, Kmac is a hero, for years (((people))) refused to review CofC they just ignore it and hope it goes away, I liked the Derbs review, he tells us the truth in the opening paragraph

But yeah, I would agree that Culture of Critique is not for people who are new to our thing, but if you read the Zman and and others on the DR then you need to read Culture of Critique ASAP

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

Zman and others display difficulty swallowing MacDonald’s thesis when they have no trouble swallowing other social science models that are less predictive. That is not unique to Z and those who dance around the JQ without jumping into its deep end. For my part, I don’t swallow Kmac’s thesis, but see it as a useful predictive model. Sure, it can’t be proved mathematically, but neither can most of social science. This lack of provability/falsifiability is both true and a fig leaf. It allows folks to claim they don;t buy Kmac’s theory, even if the data and arguments he makes regarding… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  roo_ster
3 years ago

It bears repeating. Just because you cannot (dis-) prove something to a legal or scientific standard, doesn’t make the hypothesis true or false. Many, probably most things in everyday life are in fact decided on preponderance of the evidence, both consciously and unconsciously.

3 years ago

The bell curve by Murray or equivalent race realism tome.

Reply to  SidVic
3 years ago

I’m no newbie to this side of things, but that’s the sort of book you can really only recommend to the sort of person who thinks Ron Unz is too summary in his writing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Summary but definitely not summery.

3 years ago

MFW I don’t get to hang out in a secret chat room…

3 years ago

A race realism tome is missing, i think? The Bell Curve by Murray. There probably is a better one around for the newbie. I think J Petersen did some very normie friendly race and mean IQ videos- excellent. Still not certain why VD went so ape on the guy. OT but recently greg johnson is sounding very hardcore radical and going hard against the small hats. Maybe i’m wrong as i haven’t followed him closely for long. However, I do have a signed copy of his white manifesto and liked how he backed Enoch during his troubles. Becoming a bit… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

My top five This-Side-of-the -Great-Divide books: The Possessed (or Devils) – Dostoevsky. He was the master at delving into the human psyche and what drove/drives evil into men’s hearts and minds. Very timely book to understand today’s left. Redneck Manifesto – Jim Goad Probably the first modern true dissident book I ever read. A Modern day classic. Alien Nation – Brimlow Already mentioned here. Probably my second modern dissident book I read Turner Diaries – MacDonald. read it on my honeymoon! Don’t ask. My Awakening – David Duke. I know, I know. It was still a fascinating read and from… Read more »

Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

I personally think that Ted K has one of the weakest arguments against technology most would agree with his premise that technology is viral but his case that technology is harmful is extremely weak. sure a lot of modern technology and applications lead to dehumanizing consequences but his alternative is an prim which means drought, real common disease threat of winter storm, or surprise night attacks by a neighboring tribe become the norm. His cope is that you can just be “stoic” with the anprim latter. Why can’t you be with the industrial former? His argument that industrial society giving… Read more »

Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

I second the manifesto. Tech will be the downfall of global civilization. Social Media for example has been nothing but destructive to children and adults. There is no upside to it. Big Tech has created a Orwellian state that would give Stalin a orgasm where privacy is all but destroyed. Our sperm and testosterone counts are dropping like a rock and some countries like Denmark are slated to go sterile by 2045. Why? Because of all the industrial crap we dump in the water, processed food with all sorts of chemical modifiers, etc. Right now we are told that experimental… Read more »

3 years ago

Thanks Zman. I’ll let you know how many are available at the library.

Reply to  Hamsumnutter
3 years ago

Two for two so far, I was talking to my neighbor this morning about some of those books. He had a typical response for the age. “ aren’t you worried that the government will see your taking out those books?” This coming from a shit- lib. That’s amazing. He’s afraid of the system he frothing at the mouth to protect. Basics are always good. You can spend your whole life studying electrical grounding and not cover it all.

3 years ago

I like to think of Zman as the guy at 5:34.

3 years ago

Homo Americanus, Child of the Post-Modern Age, Tomislav Sunic

Spin geraht
Spin geraht
3 years ago

A friend’s grandfather passed away last year.
I had admired his book collection. My friend recently gave them to me. A couple of the titles some here may recognize, None dare call it conspiracy, The myth of the six million,
The man had been involved with MOM.
I think the only reason the feds didn’t gin up a reason to murder him may have been that he survived point duhoc. I doubt that would attend to today’s FBI.

Reply to  Spin geraht
3 years ago

MOM? What’s that? Pardon my ignorance!

3 years ago

Reason Magazine used to try hard to be a place for both right and left libertarianism. About 5 to 6 years ago they shifted hard left and lost the libertarian-right half of their audience. The Koch’s had to jump in and bail the place out financially.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

A lot of Libertarians were/are in shock at Trump. His existence means their utopian vision is truly dead.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Trump’s one magic power was getting people to reveal their true selves. He got the cultural marxists posing as libertarians to do so publicly.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

Trump’s greatest achievements were inadvertent. The biggest was the revelation about how fraudulent the United States’ political system is. That won’t be put back in the bottle no matter how furiously THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS option is deployed. That novel is a good gateway drug, too

3 years ago

The Servile Mind: How Democracy Erodes the Moral Life. 2012. Kenneth Minogue.

3 years ago

I always assumed that Bernie’s anti-zionism was based on old resentment for being kicked out of a kibbutz (for being too lazy).

David Wright
3 years ago

I have a few books on this list.
As to your agreement on the Jewish century book I have to wonder why it was and is it true we are all Jews in some sense now.

Maybe so, but if so it is because we were all easy pickins to subscribe to all of it.
Secular and materialist to a fault, (or sin) and then prime the pump with constant irradiating of our brains with tv, film and government acquiescence.
Empty vessels to be filled.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
3 years ago

I refused to watch the sock puppet show last night, though perhaps in retrospect I should have just for the kabuki theater amusement it might have provided. As many have opined, better to totally disengage from our enemies than give them even the time of day. I’m sure my BP thanked me for my sacrifice, lol.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
3 years ago

Related re: “Introductory Media” to //our thing//. Way back in the ancient era called 2010 those of us with highly attuned radar for f-ckery started to see the writing on the wall in a big way about where the next ten years would take us. It is faaaar worse than I could have ever imagined. But at the time I was seeing all the arrows pointing to something very sinister on the horizon. I also started to notice the various connections between the people pushing this narrative. What I couldn’t do was line them all up in my mind. I… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

DERP! Forgot the name of the film. 🙂 “Agenda: Grinding American Down”

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

I want to give the video that you recommended a chance, but very early on someone says something about “our Judeo-Christian framework.” I’m probably a little more moderate on the JQ than the average person around here but I already have a bad feeling two minutes into the video.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

I feel ya, but as I said he -very- specifically doesn’t touch the 3rd rail and I get that because it has to be normie palpable. (Again, all this is mentioned above). This is a ‘gateway drug’ not a hardcore dissident right video. The whole thing is dripping in civ-nattery but you can easily read between the lines to see who these godless “commies” actually are.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Thanks. One nugget from the move: “Communism succeeds because most Communists are not Communists. They’re just useful idiots.”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Z, thanks. This is a great starting list. I have a few friends and family who are coming to our side, so it’s nice to be able to send them a few books to read to help in the journey.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Agreed. Thanks Z, wanted this for awhile. Been collecting the “Essential Knowledge “ books for years.

Humbly suggest Christopher Caldwell’s “The Age Of Entitlement “. Good insights on how the 1964 Civil Rights act created a parallel set of Constitutional “rights” that has since superseded the actual Bill of Rights.

(Caution: he’s a bit of a neocon who worked at The Weekly Standard. Also find books written pre 1960 tend to be far more illuminating and educational)

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

I upvoted your suggestion for Caldwell’s book.

I do have some reservations about him though. For a man of his position, Harvard trained professional journalist/writer, Caldwell’s output productivity could be better. Not as impactful as he could be (same criticism could be leveled against many media conservatives). Also, while he does good analysis on stuff that happened decades in the past he shirks from advice for today and future. Things are moving faster now and with his unique understanding of US politics, I feel he (and others) have duty to enlighten. Might be too comfortable living in DC.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

+1 on Caldwell’s book. It explains a great deal, in stark terms. Works well to introduce CivNats to reality.

The Greek
The Greek
3 years ago

I used to be full civnat. I credit Socrates, Plato, and Xenophon for my crossing over the divide. Their criticisms of liberal democracy are far too real to ignore. Once you start doubting this “sacred institution,” there’s not many other places for you to go but here.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
3 years ago

You visit the dentist recently, Z? Your voice sounds a little off.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“Every time there is a Windows update…”

I think I see your problem.

Windows is necessary for work, but i have found Linux Mint to be more stable for my home machinery.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  roo_ster
3 years ago

Yeah, I use Debian as my everyday OS and Gentoo on the hobby PC. I’m very familiar with the CLI and selective updating. It’s infuriating using my Wife’s Win10 machine and the kintergarten-level of handholding it has with settings.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  roo_ster
3 years ago

How do you know someone uses linux? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
3 years ago for everything.
Competitive with Amazon, free shipping with $10.00 order (no, this is not a sales pitch).

Most of the classic books are effectively unused, which is both great and sad. I’ve picked up English translations of Xenophon, Cicero, Marcus Aurelius, Livy, Virgil, Seneca, St. Augustine, Boethius, Hoffer.

Many of the copies I have were purged from government libraries. I was taught that destroying books was bad, but as they say, “two legs better”.

3 years ago

My original post may have been lost but anyone ever read up on the Guelphs and Ghibbilines? Often overlooked spat in Italy but dovetails with our own situation in many ways.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Nowadays it’s the Whites and the Gibberings.

3 years ago

The the hyperlinks in the first four “links” in your table of contents seem to me missing, and the last two hyperlinks are identical. FYI…

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

You need an intern or conscientious assistant. Frankly, I’m amazed you keep up with all your projects. You often tell us it’s going to be a long haul. Don’t burn yourself out.

3 years ago

A New Tomorrow (cont) The arithmetic of disease. There are about 30 trillion cells in the human body plus many more symbiotic & protective bacteria cells living on us and in us. When a pathogen enters or a cancer evolves within us, these disease-inducing elements are typically very few in number compared to the host body. As such, most disease does not kill us because our immune system and bacteria defenders respond quickly to neutralize or eliminate the malevolent infection. The key point is that the root of the problem is relatively few in number compared to the host’s antibodies… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I don’t believe in multiple cell theory. I think we are one big cell.

3 years ago

The thing I like is the rational discussion. There’s differing opinions, and you can talk about them and hash them out. Dissidents will explain their thought process if you question it and will consider objections and disagreement. It used to be we could do that with Democrats and liberals, before their politics devolved into “F*** you, you racist/sexist/bigot/hater…”. I am old enough to remember when liberals debated on ways to protect their people, invest in them and how to secure a future for them. The hell of it is the dissidents don’t either. I think the term you use, Z,… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

The first thing would be to cancel women. Women are the problem,,, they are too emotional, too nurturing and too afraid of hierarchy’s…

There can be no place in a new government for any thing but indirect input from gash.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

We don’t need to cancel women. Women are great… In the proper roles. Like child-bearing, cooking, and organizing dinners / fundraisers at church. Certainly NOT – Prime Minister, or at the ballot box.

Blame the beta males who thought the sexual revolution would increase their odds at getting laid. Before that – Mormons for letting their women vote.

Shout In the Dark
Shout In the Dark
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Hard truth: Most of what ails this country is the fault of White men. Women didn’t vote for practically anything in congress before 1980. They didn’t give us mass immigration, finance capitalism, endless war, the Patriot Act, or even various forms of political correctness in Western countries like hate speech laws. We men did that. Most White women are merely doing the best they can in a world wrecked by other people. No White woman with a family or who wants to get married is going to risk offending woke White men who have a disproportionate amount of power and… Read more »

Reply to  Shout In the Dark
3 years ago


Becky grew up with her dad and brothers idolizing NegroBall players on tv. Getting fat and drinking beer on Sundays instead of going to church.

Now that Becky is 35, godless, childless, and sleeping with black men, is it really a surprise?

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Shout In the Dark
3 years ago

No civilization had women with a franchise or working apart from a family . Yes, men gave it to the little cupcakes, but men have the power to take it away.

Reply to  Shout In the Dark
3 years ago

Spot on. It was White men who opened up the jobs market to women in order to crush wages for male workers and end the single income household. it was the wealthy whites who turned football and basketball into ghetto ball and sold Americans on worshiping a bunch of stone age savages. It’s Wall Street selling women on giving the best years of their lives to a corporate entity while they get used up and being alone. It’s Madison Avenue selling young girls on bullshit lies about having it all, etc. Men bitch about the demise of middle-class and the… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

If dissidents were serious about developing a positive of governance, they would become either Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. Most dissidents, at this point, are simply protestants who don’t want to protest too much. The main divide between between liberal and conservative, in modern American political discourse, is not over principles, but whether principles have limits or be carried too far. To draw it out a little more, the fundamental social question for every society is whether human society is egalitarian or hierarchical. Traditional beliefs say humans are hierarchical; modern beliefs say it’s egalitarian. The problem with modern dissidents is that… Read more »

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

That egalitarianism grew out of a justified mistrust of authority because of corruption. I don’t think that was bad, but since then that mistrust has curdled into envy.

Not sure how mistrust becomes envy, but envy is certainly at the root of class warfare, feminism, racial justice, etc.

Also not sure what I’m getting at, but that’s what comes to mind 🙂

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

The solution to corruption is to remove the corrupt, just like the solution to weeds is to poison/remove the weeds. Corruption is a problem of human morality, not social organization. That’s why no one has ever successfully designed a system of social organization that inhibited corruption.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Agree. This is why the Renaissance popes should be understood differently. Alexander VI, I think: bottomlessly corrupt, gave us the Angelis. Wouldn’t ever dream of corrupting the faith, he just wanted to make sure his mistresses and bastards made lots of money, and maybe kill the odd enemy or two.

I’d rather that than a traitor. It’s why I keep saying that I hope the next Pope just wants to look after his mistresses and bastards.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

The individual as hero vs. supposedly “weak” civilization is a frequent Nietzsche theme. His main point, which I think has a lot of validity is that civilization tends to weaken, to over domesticate man, turning him into sheep. In fact, he says civilization was started because the Sheep wanted to protect themselves from the wolf, so to speak.

Speaking for myself, I think civilization has a lot of positive qualities and we shouldn’t just discard it. I have yet to see where Nietzsche makes any distinction between his prehistoric hero and any garden variety thug of today

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

race > religion

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

I noticed a long time ago that much of normie-con right wing culture is just organized griping and ranting against the system with no real thought given to how we would do things differently. I think Rush Limbaugh pioneered this style and his many imitators kept it going and still do today. I listen to one of these guys whenever I’m driving. There’s nothing wrong with griping and ranting. Given the dominance of the Left by the early 90s it was perhaps inevitable that popular push-back would start that way. The problem is that when you would ask these people… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

This is the main reason I listen to nothing but podcasts now. For the last decade the main theme of talk radio has been based on pointing out the lefts blatant hypocrisy. Almost every show has at least fifteen minutes dedicated to “Can you imagine if a conservative had done/said this!?” This is why I haven’t been able to listen to Hannity for the last three years and especially since the Muller report came out. For those of you who want to hear the word “breathtaking” at least twice in any given sentence for three hours, this is your program.… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
3 years ago

The finger-pointing at leftist hypocrisy, while entertaining to some extent, is the undoing of normie-con politics because it doesn’t grapple with the root problem itself. Hypocrisy is intrinsic to humanity: no one lives in perfect accordance with their professed principles. The question that must be answered, then, is: how should we respond to hypocrisy?

The main choices are dismissal, punishment, or forgiveness. Normies chose dismissal, and our now discovering that their opponents in the political realm have also chosen to dismiss them for their hypocrisy too.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

The whole “look at this hypocritical Lefty” gambit can be useful as a bridge for normies but that’s all. What’s important about a bridge is not the bridge after all, but what’s on the far shore. This is why armies deploy pontoon bridges. Any given spot on the river may become untenable so instead of holding it you move the bridge. As you say there is dismissal, punishment, and forgiveness. Currently the pontoon bridge is connected to the dismissal landing. We need to get normie to where he’s calling for it to be moved to punishment.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

Agreed. There is value in listening to conservative talk radio because it reveals how terribly confused Normie Cons are now and how they can be reached.

Z’s podcast here is quite good. I don’t think conversion is desirable but solid propaganda, in the positive sense, is necessary. Events are driving people to the DR. Explanation of what is happening is beneficial to those already here and those who should be here.

Shout in the Dark
Shout in the Dark
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

“I would like to see the Dissidents put more effort into delving into how to actually run a country, or a govt. How do they propose to maintain their identity from those that would hijack it and subvert it?” You do it the same way you fight a war: from a position of strength. Before you can organize, you need a place where you can organize. Other groups with higher ethnocentrism had their exclusive religious and racial identities; they could build exclusive colleges, neighborhoods, television networks, magazines, etc. That’s much harder for Whites to do. It will take a long… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

“I would like to see the Dissidents put more effort into delving into how to actually run a country, or a govt.”

Absolutely. An aggregate resource site of the practical mechanics of networking, of fraternal benefit societies. (A personal goal of mine as well.)

Also, rather than a reading list- none of us can ever read all the books- a wiki of one page book summaries bulleting the main points, chapter headings, pithy quotes, etc., contributed by readers.
The Cliff Notes of political thought.

3 years ago

Seems the imagery with all things Biden is that of a funeral and crypt Black mask and black suit. Half dead. Intentional symbolism that America is being laid to rest? Perhaps white america? And next they will have Spicy Harris come out and liven the party up with youth and vigor and color. Laughter. The embodiment of America’s soul and future IOW Meanwhile just spent a week in New Orleans. I don’t see how you southerners and East coasters do it tbh. So many joggers out here. Been so long since I’ve been back here and had forgotten. YIKES. Carry… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I can think of a whole lot of things that that “sad old man” should be doing, or made to do, but playing with kids most definitely isn’t one of them.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

”Intentional symbolism that America is being laid to rest?”

Intentional or not, that’s definitely the gist of it. Hope and Change 2.0

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I’m always shocked at the number of Blax in the USA. The Punjabis / chinamen canada lets in are probably more dangerous to our actual civilization but blacks are an extreme nuisance in day to day life.

Anyways yeah Biden is always dripping with secret messaging, but could also be my conspiratorial outlook. I remember when he had that speech in a parking lot surrounded by Jeeps. Now that’s creepy.

White America is almost dead, and they’re going to pull a Bolshevik revolution on us using the people of colour they have imported + blacks

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

That is indeed the Plan, B125.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I watched the first 15 seconds after he shuffled up to the podium in his face diaper wherein he slurred 3 words. Fast forwarded to the end wherein he slurred his good night so exhausted from the effort of reading tripe for 24 minutes he forgot to put the diaper back on as he shuffled back down the red carpet. I now have second hand embarrassment for our entire country.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

The surfeit of Joggers is why the South can never be a white homeland.

Dark Souls
Dark Souls
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Large sections of that place are lilly White. The state of Alabama, for example, is Whiter than the national average with blacks concentrated in a few locations & limited to a total population only slightly larger than Chicago’s black population and smaller than NYC’s. Post break up, if only a few percentage of total Trump voters moved to some of these states, then they’d be Whiter than the UK is now or America ever was. That’s exactly the model Israel used. You don’t think Jews just appeared there overnight, do you? They got their own country, then emigrated more. Over… Read more »

Reply to  Dark Souls
3 years ago

This has been my conclusion and why, come October, I’ll be heading back to Dixie (former Florida Man here though I was born in Z’s hometown). I like some aspects of Montana and Idaho and a few other Western states but I think the old Confederacy might become the nucleus of a new white state. The proximity to Texas is useful too as the Texans may yet get their secession on and kick out a lot of the Mexicans, adopting strict border controls as well. I’m leery of ultra-low population states too since they can be Californicated easily and this… Read more »

Reply to  Dark Souls
3 years ago

Oh yeah, and interesting comparison with Israel too. I always like when people can connect things like that.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

There will be many White homelands. Islands surrounded in a sea of darkness- for a time.

Only for a time, as we have arisen, time and time again, 0through eons. We have spread across the world several times, then subsided, brought low, though none acknowledge this.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Dammit! I missed the Mardi Gras again, didn’t I? Voodoo Central, it is.

As to the Zman’s reply, they’ve found the missing element: redemption and salvation.

The Cov isn’t just their WWll, it’s their Crucifixion. Papa Biden stretcheth forth his hand to the weak and woeful sinners, offering Redemption and Salvation in the bosom of the church. Their suffering and sacrifice has earned his mercy, their faith and fidelity shall open heaven.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Mardi Gras was cancelled

I left yesterday but tonight (Friday) they are supposed to increase the max bar and restaurant capacity from 25% to 50% which everyone is expecting will be a big deal and get the place back to feeling festive.

3 years ago

Z, I’ve heard you talk about the French Revolution and compare/ contrast that period to what’s going on today. Can you recommend a book or books on the topic?

I apologize if you mentioned this in the podcast and I’m asking a stupid question.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Regarding the first book, I don’t doubt it is well written, but with the first line of the description being, “The principles of the French Revolution remain the only possible basis for a just society” I think you would have to filter out a significant part of the content.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Might be because of my own ties to Italy, but I have always seen the Guelphs and Ghibellines as instructive analogs for our current situation.

For anyone interested, something to perhaps read up on

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

I haven’t noticed a wave of neo-monarchism anywhere (other than (((Yarvin))). Interesting how the ‘shut up peasants’ line attracts his Tribe.

Phil Floss
Phil Floss
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I regret that the current series of the Revolutions podcast, on the Russian Revolution, is the last. It is a great show, quite in depth and interesting.

3 years ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended. […]

3 years ago

Last night with mumbly Joe Dementia was about invoking the 25th. They could have had a completely edited speech, even a software edit and looked fine. This is about replacing him with Harris.

BTW the Deep State is running America, we’ll get the same results.

Reply to  ABCer
3 years ago

Notice his childlike hands

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Uhg and when he does lame leaning on the podium thing. So 1990s…

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

LOL, well, at least The Podium survived its podiumnapping in one piece, safe and sound.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Biden just has to molest *something* doesn’t he?