The Lefty Devil

One of the most important things the Left in America does in the culture war is convince their opponents to play the role of devil for them. The American Left operates like a religious movement, but one without an inherent purpose. That purpose must be supplied from outside the movement. It is like a beehive without a queen, always searching for a queen that will define the threat for them, so they can act on their nature and attack the enemy in what they believe is defense of the hive.

That is what these causes are for the American Left. The cause itself is meaningless, because that is just a plot device in the story. It is why they can be so callous to the people they claim to be championing. The Left is now attacking feminists who oppose allowing men in dresses to play girls’ sports. Progressives used to talk about girls playing sports like it was the most important thing ever, but men in dresses are now providing the devil, so trannies are what matter most.

This is something right-wing people of all types have never been able to accept, because right-wing people are wedded to bourgeois objectivism. There must be some practical reason for why the Left is doing something. Alternatively, in the case of the tranny-feminist conflict, the Right starts hooting about hypocrisy, as if that has ever mattered to the Left on anything. If facts and reason mattered to the America Left, the American Left would not exist.

What the American Left is all about is the devil, the great tempter. That last bit is the important part, because it gets to the heart of the matter. People join causes out of necessity, self-defense for example, or self-loathing. The former is a temporary condition forced on people by circumstance, like an invasion or some terrible natural calamity like an earthquake. The latter is a permanent state of mind. The true believer is always running from himself.

You see this in the latest left-wing fetish for disinformation. They have created a new form of shaman called the disinformation expert. The job of this shaman is to point out targets for the Left to attack. Disinformation, of course, is false information issued by an institution, like the media, which is intended to mislead. To be an expert in this craft is to have been in an institution practicing it. In other words, the point of this disinformation fixation is to shift the focus from the people responsible for it.

That is another thing that the Right has always missed. The reason the Left is always accusing others of things they are doing or have done is they desperately want to avoid having to even think about themselves. They are expert at deflection, because the Left is composed of people riddled with self-loathing. These are people who have organized their lives around avoiding any conversation about their nature. They instinctively shift the focus from themselves to others.

This is why a rich guy comfortably ensconced in the system can go on jihad against a 22-year-old young man on Twitter. Wajahat Ali issuing fatwas on Twitter against a kid working from his basement is ridiculous on its face. Ali works in Hollywood; he writes for the major broadsheets like the New York Times. Fuentes, on the other hand, is a kid working from zero institutional support. Yet, Ali and his wealthy audience are sure Fuentes is powerful and they are weak.

Now, Ali is just a grifter who should never have been allowed in the country, but his marks in the ruling class are true believers. They are rich and powerful people, holding positions of authority in the managerial class. His patrons, who use him like a shaman to direct these people, are also true believers. These people need an enemy, a devil onto whom they can focus their gaze. Otherwise, they are left to contemplate their loathsome selves, which is a fate worse than death for them.

This is why the tech platforms seem so incoherent in their censorship. They ban some people but leave others alone. It never makes a lot of sense until you realize that they want their enemies coming back on the platforms. They need their enemies in the same way normal people need oxygen. They keep creating new versions of their platforms in order to get more devils to attack. The chat site Clubhouse is the latest example of a site created to manufacture more devils to fight.

The reason our side keeps losing is our guys are stupid and keep playing the role of bogeyman for the Left. “They are going to call us [fill in name of bogeyman here], so we may as be [fill in name of bogeyman here]” is the mantra of the perpetual loser. It is the fuel the Left needs to survive. Whether it is responding to left-wing media or playing the role on their platforms, the right-wing response to the Left has been conditioned to feed into the innate desires of the Left and give them purpose.

Counterintuitively, the best weapon against the America Left is to speak clinically of the Left and about what motivates them. It seems like these lefty scolds want attention, but in reality, they fear the spotlight. The last thing they want to do is defend their motivations and actions. Alternatively, the best defense against these left-wing provocations is to ignore them. If Fuentes had not taken the bait, Wajahat Ali would not be flying around on his carpet right now as the coolest djinn on Twitter.

That is the thing the successful right-wing movement will accept. The currency of the Left is the attention from the Right. The Left needs an enemy, a devil, in order to have purpose to their lives. These are starving souls looking for grace, which comes in the form of attention from their enemies, real and imagined. The successful right-wing movement uses this reality to turn the tables, putting the leash on lefty’s neck, using his desire to be a good boy to its advantage.

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3 years ago

I had the most delightful time last weekend. My sister-in-law and her husband were in town using our ski condo for a family trip. They are hard-core Atlanta liberals. They believe so much in “science” and public education that their kids go to private school. lol What is infinitely enjoyable to me is simply challenging their assertions that they are driven by science and the rest of us are knuckle-dragging yahoos. My wife was kicking me in the knee under the table trying to reign me in. I did a good job, and there was no yelling and screaming. What… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
3 years ago

The chainlink fence analogy makes no sense. The latest theory is that COVID rides on droplets. It’s not really under debate that surgical masks do stop some of those, that’s why medical personnel has been using these for over a century. All societal and political aspects aside, I find it quite sensible to wear masks inside public spaces like stores, even if it only decreases your chances of contracting the virus by less than 50%. That’s not to say that how some liberals see their masks doesn’t defy all reason: something like a magic talisman and, naturally, a chance to… Read more »

3 years ago

Another great article! One caveat: I believe, due to the methods allowed to be utilized to discredit candidates in today’s political arena, we have been left with candidates that have little morals or ethics and therefore can survive the dragging through the mud and that is both parties! Our system is broken, many in office are working only for themselves and the theater you describe is just that, a show for us. The left and the right have slowly taken control of our country away from us and we were too busy just living life and let them. So, it… Read more »

3 years ago

I have nothing personal against Fuentes except that the f@gg@t blocked me on Twitter even though I have never interacted with him or his tweets. He must be employing some guilt by association blocklists. I read that a lot of people claim he has blocked them.

My Comment
3 years ago

I have found that the attack that most drives the left nuts is to calmly point out that they are religious zealots and are members of a cult. They lose it or freeze when you point that out.

Doing so goes against their core self image which is a compassionate believer in science and facts.

3 years ago

Fuentes 👍👍
And I don’t follow him, don’t need to.

As for leashing the left that will require actual leashes ie chains, which means victory, which means force.

Ignore them they sweep the field.

3 years ago

Interesting article on OPT visa in Bloomberg (see link):

Describes how this visa was setup (illegal executive action by Bush II). Describes how this class of visa exploded in STEM job market (US student graduates BTFOed). Followed by C=complete failure by Trump admin to fix/regulate this issue.

tldr; Republicans politicians working super hard to cut the economic throats of their voters.

Gravity Denier
Gravity Denier
3 years ago

” … in the case of the tranny-feminist conflict, the Right starts hooting about hypocrisy, as if that has ever mattered to the Left on anything.” The word hypocrisy should be drop-kicked out of the DR vocabulary. Using it against the woke titans is worse than irrelevant. Claiming radicals are hypocrites is to reduce the charge to a traffic-ticket offense. Elite lefties live in gated communities protected against the black tide! Yes, but that’s a minor issue; it implies that everything would be good and plenty if only the ruling class were more democratic. The real crime is allowing joggers… Read more »

3 years ago

If you’re not a bad person just be yourself, to hell with what they say. The problem, I suspect, is some people are hurt by the slurs and end up playing the role, thinking it’s the punk thing to do (which it is, in the other meaning of the word).

Lefty is being a bully, and ignoring bullies is a fine thing until they push too far.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

You can be who you want. But you also can’t let other people define what you are called, especially if the name has moral implications. These two positions aren’t mutually exclusive.

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Speaking as someone who was bullied growing up, there are more persuasive things than words, and if you practice patience until the insults become intolerable, others will see your ‘persuasion’ as justified and let it be— within reason, of course.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Painter, I feel sympathy for those who are bullied for their physical features. For example, when the TRS guys bully Johnny Monoxide for being short, my heart breaks. Or laughing at really homely girls.

But, do you think there is a healthy kind of bullying? I believe that bullying oversensitive people, fat people, or effeminate boys, while it is painful to the bullied, is overall beneficial to society.


Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

It helped me in the end, but I was bullied for being shy, and fighting actually built my confidence. Yes, I think there’s a place for bullying. Some people are missing something that makes them incapable of taking social cues, and some low-level bullying when they’re being obnoxious is a language they can understand. Otherwise you get Revenge of the Nerds on society. For many boys, it lights a fire under them to get tougher and be better, which is also a positive. As long as nobody gets hurt and others will check the bullies when they take it too… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Painter, I feel sympathy for those who are bullied for their physical features. For example, when the TRS guys bully Johnny Monoxide for being short, my heart breaks. Or laughing at homely girls.

But, do you think there is a healthy kind of bullying? I believe that bullying oversensitive people, fat people, or effeminate boys, while it is painful to the bullied, is overall beneficial to society.


3 years ago

Z advises us not to play the devil for lefty. But what else is there to do? Locally organize, I guess.

At some point we have to occupy physical and cultural space or else all this talking is just talk. One can’t win by forever retreating and hiding.

Ultimately we must redact the people who control our media because they indirectly control our society.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

It’s fairly direct, the control they exercise. Does any of the hysteria of the past 12 months gain a toehold without the daily firehose of panic porn?

Senator Horse
Senator Horse
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

We’ll have to purge the republican party leadership if we want to win anything (even if they can’t win nationally, we can still use their party organization for local efforts). They are corrupt imbeciles and cowards. What are they busy doing now in the Senate? Anything for their voters? Nope. They’re trying to cut the estate tax. Incredible. That tax affects a tiny percentage of mostly leftist and corporate billionaires. It doesn’t benefit 99% of their voters. Nothing on censorship. Nothing about defending the honor of their smeared base. Nothing on anything the base wants. Just more fake theatrics on… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

This editing system is total shit. I’ve lost more than one long post, no error messages, no warning, no nothing. If you’re composing anything longer than a few sentences, I suggest you do it in a reliable word processor and paste it here.

Senator Horse
Senator Horse
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Also, the system tends to label anything with a lot of links in it as spam. I’ve had a couple of really long, but interesting, takes on some subjects only for them to never make it through. I personally like well-written, longer takes. Having some kind of “more” function like Unz does would allow the people who want to read longer takes to do so without clogging the forum. Perhaps one day Z will migrate his blog to Unz, at least on occasion for certain articles as he does with Taki. Some subjects deserve in-depth commentary.

3 years ago

Z: “The Left is now attacking feminists who oppose allowing men in dresses to play girls’ sports. Progressives used to talk about girls playing sports like it was the most important thing ever, but men in dresses are now providing the devil, so trannies are what matter most.” The whole paragraph that quote came from was good. But I don’t understand what “providing the devil” means. Is it a typo, or a phrase I’ve never heard? Maybe it’s a typo for “provoking the devil”. If so, it’s not just any typo, and must be fixed to top off an excellent… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

“The Left is now attacking feminists who oppose allowing men in dresses to play girls’ sports.”

the left isn’t about promoting women’s rights, the left is about making icons out of degenerates.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

The devil is the person who doesn’t like men in dresses. The ‘bigot’. At least that’s how I read it.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Clarification: providing the devil the left needs to exist. Get what you mean by ‘provoking’ though.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

I hadn’t read the first paragraph which visits the theme of the Left needing a villain. So yes, Z obviously meant, “providing the devil”.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

I think he means that the men in dresses are causing the devil to emerge in the form of anti trans critics thus giving the left something to attack.

3 years ago

This article doesn’t make much sense. Everything the Left does is logical if you look deep enough. If you think the Left is stupid, then why are they about to implement a permanent 1 party reign in spite of never winning a debate or championing causes that were popular with most people? If something is stupid but it works, it’s not stupid. The Right could run Bernie Sanders for president, and he’d suddenly become a neo-nazi white supremacist who wants to put children in electric cages. Changing our tactics, or anything for that matter, because of what the Left might… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Zorost
3 years ago

Well, there’s the ((Left)) and then there’s the Left. The ((Left)) most definitely has a plan, isn’t stupid and doesn’t need to create an enemy. The already have a permanent enemy: Us.

However, the Left is made up of people just as Z describes.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Yes, but the Left follows the lead of the (((Left))). The (((Left))) made us the enemy because they need an enemy too, far more than the Left does. Look at their history. As even (((they))) joke about, all of their holidays take the form of “someone tried to kill us for no reason, they failed, let’s eat.”

Before Trump it was Hitler. Before that it was Haman. There are many others in between that aren’t quite as famous, which shows they need an enemy to coalesce against. Else (((they))) fight each other, and vampires can’t feed on vampires.

Reply to  Zorost
3 years ago

If something is stupid, it’s stupid. I agree only that it may work in the short term, but can not be sustainable in the long term. An underlying theme here and elsewhere is always that the system being created by the Left *can not last* and must eventually collapse under its inconsistencies. What we seek, if not an end to this inward and downward spiral, is at least to escape it.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

When is it simply going to collapse then? What if it doesn’t or what if the left continues on in control after it does collapse?

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

The USSR lasted about 70 years, collapsing mainly due to trying to compete with us and our subversion of their system through propaganda. It’s people knew there was something better.

Unstopped, what is coming is a global USSR that will have no competition or outside influence. The people will know nothing except what they are told. Even if it collapses in 200 years that is 200 years too long. And what arises from its ashes likely won’t be very pretty either…

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The point about Leftist projection is a particularly good one, and the most obvious example is the matter of racism. Going on 60 years now, the most played card in the Leftist deck has been the race card. The Leftists, with increasing shrillness and absurdity, have been painting the white race as racist, particularly with regard to blacks. Indeed, as anti-black racism has become vanishingly scarce, the racist rhetoric has reached an increasingly febrile pitch. The response on the Right, when not groveling mea culpas, has been to call Leftists “the real racists.” The Right pulls out some dull butter-knife… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

What happens when white people entertain both the notions that they are inherently and irredeemably racist (racist meaning against black people–because that’s what the left really means) and that blacks seem to be on the whole a net negative for any society that tolerates them?

I think there are going to be a lot of people that will be moving over to the race realism side.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Rob
3 years ago

I think this is gradually happening. What that portends for blacks is anybody’s guess. Best case scenario for them is that the Power Structure formally enserfs whites to prevent us from acting upon that racism in any way. Middle case, racist whites manage to create their own separate nation, and that means less gibs for the nuggras. And I don’t think I have to explain the worst case scenario.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I don’t believe there ever was wide-spread racism against blacks. I think segregation and other things were done mostly for reasons of practicality..

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

“The best defense against these left-wing provocations is to ignore them.”

That’s exactly what most people are saying about the two royal grifters. If Piers Morgan had followed your advice, he would probably still be employed.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

In your vane, Karl, the Queen’s reply to the “interview” is nothing short of magnificent.

In the palace’s statement, the royal family said they were:

“…saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan. The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. Whilst some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately.

Harry, Meghan, and Archie will always be much loved family members,”

A Royal response worthy of a Queen!

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Instead, when the diversity hire, mulatto weatherman threw Piers a bone by saying, “I know you’re not a racist,” Morgan was childishly giddy at this pat on the head and even volunteered that he’d be “very happy!” if his son married a groid. Really? What if she were a four-flushing cunt like Piers’s bête noir Meghan? It wouldn’t matter, you see, because she’d be his four-flushing cunt; a shield against all future arguments and a token of his goodthink status.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

This is where I disagree with Z. We ignored far too much for far too long, and look what that’s got us. Silence is, functionally, complicity.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Ignoring his enemies REALLY worked well for Bush 43, didn’t it? He thought he was above politics, and exited office beneath contempt in the eyes of many. I prefer to deal with our leftist enemies with ridicule, which is certainly not my unique contribution. I don’t mean gentle humor; I mean sneering, scalding, eviscerating ridicule. I don’t know whether this will tip the balance in our favor, but it might galvanize those on our side and maybe even make some enemies see the light. At any rate there’s at least the visceral satisfaction in exacting retribution.

3 years ago

as someone who is lefty (or anti-conservative) on a lot of issues I can confirm this. I view the sort of Claremonster “American Greatness” type of conservatism as a sort of devil to fight against. But I’m still ideologically ambidextrous to the point where I like a lot of Z, TRS, Hunter Wallace etc.

I think the greater theme is a dislike of the sort of earnest “carelord” type of politics and someone who has an affinity for cranks, no matter what there ideology is.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

“These are starving souls looking for grace.” – BINGO. The left is a works righteousness, Pelagic based religion, not a reformed one. It’s why they’re such busy bodies. And it’s so obvious where this came from, which is that first wave Methodist awakening in the early 1800’s. By the mid 20th God was replaced with the state. The modern left is a creation of a deformed version of Christianity. A now secular religion of busy bodies looking for salvation. The same scolds named Emily and Abigail are at work today. Only at least today they have empty wombs and cat… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

christianity grew into a weapon against whites the moment it abandoned all its pagan roots and chose to focus on the bible instead. That fucking bible will be the death of us, it teaches kids to turn the other cheek and to love thy jogger as thyself…I meant neighbour . Back in the days the bible was meant for the priestly class who used it to entertain the masses, manage their miserable lives and give them some hope. That book is a god damn story, only a monk who dedicates his existence to studying christian theology(which is older than christianity… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Pagans invented pelagianism long, long before Christianity came around. And as Christianity dies, we’ll be back to the same old human sacrifice of ages past. The Vikings were not what you see on Netflix. My own state will be ripping out the hearts of white people in an Indiana Jones style Temple of Doom scenario:

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

being a christian heretic makes one a pagan? that could be a christian’s idea of heretic i guess.

sure, human sacrifice will make a comeback, talmud and hoodoos are all about that.

3 years ago

At the risk of putting too fine a point on it, this really reminds me of good/bad vs. good/evil. Bad can be reformed, mitigated, dominated, but isn’t really a mortal threat. Evil must be destroyed because it can destroy you. The right has tolerated what it’s seen as bad ideas and behavior, although that’s changing. The left has long been on a crusade against evil. I’d guess the grandparents of today’s lefties were the most pious and subverted Christians. You become like what you fear because you worship what you fear. Fearing evil (or an evil, transvalued god), as the… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

If you’re not a Nietzsche reader, it’s a great coincidence. You use several terms that are specfiic to his writings. I’m only a fraction through reading his books, but he has some controversial ideas, to be sure! Heroic, superior man (Zarathustra) or sheep-man. Master vs. slave religions. I can’t yet speak with authority on any of his points. Much of his writing would seem anti-Semitic, yet elsewhere he claims (or at least the writer of introductions claims) that he was pro-Semitic, or anti-anti-Semitic. One claim I WILL make here, however (not sure if this came from Nietzsche): Good and bad,… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Yep, Nietzsche has had a big influence on me, and current events have me thinking he got a heck of a lot right.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

the predation as “good” or “evil”
Rather, one should use “good” or “bad”

“Evil” is a priest class reframing.
“Evil” is a slave’s reaction to their own impotence.

“Evil” can be a useful term to tar an enemy.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

Perhaps. Nietzsche specifically distinguishes between “bad” and “evil.” I leave it to you to find the distinctions.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Bad can harm you, evil can destroy you. The difference is a feeling of powerlessness in the face of it. In other words, one man’s bad can be another man’s evil.

If I understand Nietzsche, the strong man has a well-founded belief he can overcome, and that powerful, life-affirming belief is what makes him see himself as good.

He’s talking about confidence and insecurity when you get down to it.

Ben the Layabut
Ben the Layabut
3 years ago

Unreason is not the sole property of the Left. The fundamental divide affects all human beings to one degree or another: Idealism vs. Realism, the world of the mind, or inside our minds, vs. the objective world, the world outside our minds. Clearly, both the of these “exist” in the sense that we think about them, are affected by them, and even can manipulate them. E.g. mathematics is purely an intellectual enterprise. Yet many branches of it model the real world to an uncanny degree. But man “discovered” its laws. We “discovered” that 2+2=4. Math works very well if we… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabut
3 years ago

Correction: should be “XY”, “genetic male.” Please add back the edit feature if possible.

3 years ago

You nailed the difference between Left and Right. The Right accepts the fallen nature of man, and that we are sinners in need of repentance. We judge others for sure, but we also judge ourselves. The Left believes they are gods, and thus have nowhere to turn for salvation. Thus, they project their sins onto others, and seek to force their version of salvation on the others, rather than themselves.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

You clearly believe that man is sinful and that he can be “saved” via religion (Christianity, I assume.) Unfortunately, religion is entirely the creation of man. Virtually all its claims and assertions are at odds with how the observed universe works. Nietzsche had this aspect right about Christianity: it demonized the strong the successful; it claimed to protect the weak, the failed. These may well be civilizing values, but ultimately they run counter to what Nature demands and pervesely, lead to a weaker people. Yes, the Left has their madness. But is your version any better? Now, by no means… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Christianity if observed correctly can be a benefit to white civilization. If not it is a scourge.
If the apostle Paul had preached that the Visigoths and the Huns must not only move to Rome but Rome must embrace them and deny “ Roman privilege” I don’t think Paul would have been accepted or would have lived long.
Christianity has been perverted in the modern age.
Now whether that is a built in danger of Christianity?
I would say maybe yes.
But Christianity can be beneficial in its non perverted form.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Since you speak for Nature, you should probably stick to that, because you clearly don’t understand Christianity. You have one thing correct, that religion is a creation of man. And like anything man created, it is an imperfect attempt to explain the sense of a God we have all around us. It’s amazing to me how those who claim to speak for nature and science overlook the fact that Darwinian evolution failed to stamp out a belief in God, when those same people believe it makes us weaker as a species. Yet this belief persists in every culture that has… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Matthew 19:24: “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Bon appétit.

The problem with Christianity is you can make it support almost anything.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

To Line in the Sand: Clever, but no. He is talking about the love of money corrupting souls. Your quote only supports your position if you think the only way to be successful is to be monetarily rich. It is very difficult to be rich and maintain a humble spirit, putting God and others before yourself. Look around at most rich people and then tell me he is wrong.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Human beings are not gazelles or lions. Murdering defenseless men, women, and children is evil. Failing to show up for work on time is bad. Nietzsche, who appealed to fascist/Marxist technocrats(with catastrophic results), is dead.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

This is why we lose. Do you want to win?

I suspect this is the dividing line over religion. Do you want to lose on Earth by fighting with your hands tied behind your back to please God or do you want to win on Earth? I want to win on Earth.

I don’t see a resolution to this divide, although Christians in the past were quite brutal. I assume that lots of “innocent” muslims and j3ws were slaughtered during the defensive Crusades and I don’t regret that in the least.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

What you (and every other theist, idealist that ever existed) overlook is that Man IS an animal, a creation of Nature fully subject to all the laws of Nature. Now Man is special, in the sense that we have this thing called a brain, intelligence (religion would call it a “soul”) that gives us advantages over other beasts. Civilization has been described, accurately I’d say as a rebellion against Nature. As such, Man says it’s “bad” or “evil” for example, to use your example, to kill innocents. In general animals don’t do that (exceptions exist). Many higher animals are quite… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

[Part 1] What you (and every other theist, idealist that ever existed) overlook is that Man IS an animal, a creation of Nature fully subject to all the laws of Nature. Now Man is special, in the sense that we have this thing called a brain, intelligence (religion would call it a “soul”) that gives us advantages over other beasts. Civilization has been described, accurately I’d say as a rebellion against Nature. As such, Man says it’s “bad” or “evil” for example, to use your example, to kill innocents. In general animals don’t do that (exceptions exist). Many higher animals… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

[Part 2] Earlier, someone says Christianity got corrupted. Others would say it can be twisted to whatever desired end is desired. Nietzsche would agree that religion got corrupted. A young vigorous nation has (creates, he’d say) a vigorous healthy god that upholds the values of the “higher man.” “A nation that still believes in itself holds fast to its own god. In him it does honour to the conditions which enable it to survive to its virtues…” (Ibid. Ch. 16). Eventually, the sheep people take over, gradually turning the god into the slave religion. Now the god is only the… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Lincoln, for all his faults, understood that a common religion (Christianity, and Protestantism in particular) was one of the draws that kept a nation like the US together. “Mystic chords of memory”…very evocative of a deeper spiritual meaning. The Left is creating a new religion with an ever changing old scratch. But I’m fairly certain our thing is going to need something similar. “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

I wonder how his words resonated in the South after 1860?

3 years ago

A New Tomorrow (cont) The power in one. Election 2020, an estimated 160 million votes cast, epic & fatal fraud, and any single voter was vanishingly trivial at best. And in a bygone era of government mediocrity and muddle-through civic indifference, that reality would not amount to much. But those days are gone and the race to the bottom has begun. So what can be done? Everyone possesses the power to control his or her own thoughts, decisions, & actions. There is no ambiguity about that; only choices to be made. And the wiser the choices, the better the odds… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Yes, is it to the fridge for ice cream, or to the pantry for pretzels?

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Fortunately, because the left goes from crisis to crisis, we get lots of chances to practice not responding within the framework they’ve set up for this. You see this with the smart fraction of conservatives shrugging off Republican electoral losses, and now with the same people shrugging off the Royal Racism story. Officially approved conservatives will go with the “Dems are the real racists” like they have a million times, for the same reason some con will stand up for the new fish in prison being extorted by the heavily-tattooed psycho demanding one-hundred percent of their commissary. The good con… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

“Normie Con: Did you see the crap about the royals being racist? Man, look at how much charity work they’ve done!”

I just had this conversation with someone, someone who ought to know better. My answer was “She should be glad she’s not living in a mud-hut and that she wasn’t shot the second she entered Great Britain”
Who the hell cares if they are racist or not? No non-British should even be in their vicinity. If they would just go the hell home, then the royal racism couldn’t affect them, now could it.

Karl Humungus
Karl Humungus
Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

YouTube has been suggesting tons of nig channels to me, and I have enjoyed marking them as “do not suggest”. I agree with your comment 100%; there is no profit in engaging a leftist, and you run the risk of muddling your own thinking.

Reply to  Karl Humungus
3 years ago

U-tube has noticed that I’m an evil right wing devil. They use this knowledge though, to do two things: 1) Find me new and interesting DR and DR adjacent videos, 2) On rather rare occasions they try to slip in some Lefty videos (for “balance” I suppose). I just chuckle and mark them “do not suggest this channel” too. It feels good to do that. I like the satisfying feeling of clicking that option. Another blow struck for freedumb! In fact, I sometimes wonder if the tech giants are playing all of us, Left and Right with their cancel culture… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

Youtube banned me for hate (truth) speech.

I didn’t even have a youtube channel. I just had an account that allowed me to comment..

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Phoenix
3 years ago

Welcome to the club. Last week in our community, one of the neighbors sent letters to everyone suggesting that we join the NextDoor channel. I wrote and dropped off a hand-written reply that went something like this: “Dear X, Thank you for your invitation to join NextDoor. Unfortunately, I must decline. NextDoor censors free speech and open debate. As a private platform, they of course have that right. And I have the right to refuse to participate, I refuse to give them my consent.”

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

“…something right-wing people of all types have never been able to accept, because right-wing people are wedded to bourgeois objectivism. There must be some practical reason for why the Left is doing something..” Guillty as charged, however, once it dawned on me there truly is no practical reason for whatever The Left says and does on any given day of the week – it’s less frustrating and a bit of a relief to not be goaded into a further outrage ramp up. That tomorrow’s fatwah will be more irrational than today’s may be amusing, but first and foremost to be… Read more »

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
3 years ago

Modern life is easy.

Constant, hard, physical labor is unknown to most of the readers of this blog (except maybe Lineman).

Most “work” today for the upper middle class involves reading, staring at a screen and talking on the telephone. A woman can do all of those things. A woman LIKED doing those things. What does that make a man who does such work?

If we are not burning in the sun, freezing in the cold or covered in blood, we are not men. Our “equal pay for equal work” women KNOW this and reject us.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

I think we have it worse than our ancestors. Divorce, porn, protestants, Unitarians, Liberalism, sodomy as a sacrament.

Its like we live in a SAT question with 100 wrong answered and 1 right one.

We were made for the Truth. Not for hard labor necessarily. If the truth is obscure, and lies promoted in its place, we are poor indeed!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

That is a great post. We assume that because we are richer and healthier than those who have gone before, that we are happier than they were. But is that really the case? The vexations of postmodernity, while usually not fatal, make up for that non-lethality in their psychic harm, multifariousness and ubiquity. Life in 1821 may well have been better than life in 2021.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

I have been building (in the first person) my retirement home for going on two years now largely because everyone who can swing a hammer is locked up by the big developers in the valley. And anyone who wants join me in this physical labor (hanging drywall next) is welcome to join me. Free food and opportunity to sweat abound. We’re not all wimps banging a keyboard and I run into hard men every day who do physical labor routinely on nearby ranches. And almost all of them are reticent, reserved, and not to be trifled with. And the local… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

During most of my working years, I fit that description to a “T”. I’m currently reading Nietzsche: Church-goers will justly dislike him for his not very kind comments on religion in general and Christianity in particular. However, his many comments on women mark him as a world class chauvanist. The majority of our readers here are hairy, muscular, knucle-dragging macho males, am I not correct? I’d bet that you’d agree with 99% of what Nietzsche says about women. More broadly, he bemoaned the civilizing (taming) of Europeans, especially Germans, in the 19th century and the push for equality — including… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I’m looking forward to reading nietZsche. However I think the church knows better than anyone women s place. It raised them up from slavery, but has always understood their proper role.

I don’t see how how society can’t dimply discourage women from working except for rare exceptions. Its possible

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Moe, if you only recognize “hard, physical labor” as authentic then enjoy your primitive serfdom. I kind of appreciate the light bulb and indoor heating.

I do agree that no man can be a man without having worked himself to physical exhaustion but you are saying much more than that.

David Wright
Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

How do you know what people here do?

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Perhaps he’s one of our Fed “minders” and was so bored by today’s poasts that he started reading our dossiers.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

I am reading about the English civil war in some of my spare time. The damn puritans needed a devil. Charles kept playing the role.
The puritan culture is still here and combined with secular judaism now they are very busy in 2021 looking for devils.
Avoid them, build up our own culture and movement, until we can banish them to the tower and not them banish us.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Oh, I think I’d settle for an Oliver Cromwell and a Newer Model Army.

Fun fact: The Puritans who went to the New World were so religious that even their fellow worshipers were happy to see them go. (Many went back to joint the English Civil War).

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Of course we must build our own movement, but don’t think for a second it won’t immediately be painted by the Left as the Arch-Devil. And ultimately, that movement may indeed have to become the Left’s worst nightmare.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

….which would be a dream come true

3 years ago

I never engage with leftist morons. If they pull out the racism / sexism / any general idiotic card I just walk away. I don’t try and explain how I’m actually not racist. Without somebody to debate they’re alone with their miserable selves, yelling at the clouds. It’s the classic “so when did you stop beating your wife?” trick, over and over. They also crave legitimacy and having what they see as the moral high ground. I patently reject any of that and again act like they’re a nobody and walk away. I speak directly to my people and those… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Try arguing FOR racism.Look it up i the dictionary racism is good! That shuts them up!

Also, separation. “Sounds like we should live in different countries so you can have sodomy and abortion, and we can have our miniature flags and shooting ranges.”

3 years ago

As much as Rush was a Civnat, he consistently say that the left are experts when it comes to projection, that projecting what they are actually doing to what they claim the right is doing. The foreign government interference in elections for example (claiming Trump was a tool of Russia, while the Bidens and the left were/are actually tools of China). Same with 2016 election fraud on the part of the GOP. Bogus, but look what the left did in 2020 election. And of course the vaccines. For decades “my body my choice” has been the mantra of the left… Read more »

Reply to  Boris
3 years ago

“They can ban people if they want, they’re a private business”

I feel damaged. I want Zuck and Jack to bake my cake, then.

3 years ago

“putting the leash on lefty’s neck” How about a knee? Some clarification please, Z. Suppose I am challenged for being a ‘white advocate’ and that I am indeed a ‘white advocate’. Could I not just say to the leftist that I am a white advocate, so there. Or is this an example of ‘perpetual losership’ – it certainly is fuel for the leftist fire, but it is also correct. And feels good, because it takes courage. My issue is that, whilst I agree about your method of turning the spotlight on the scum, at some point I would like to… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Orange Frog – I totally agree that we must not deny our beliefs out of fear of leftist outrage. Deliberately provoking that outrage (i.e. dressing up like the SS) is unnecessary, while the best strategy is not engaging with the leftist at all. Fuentes chooses to be on Twitter, a platform created by and owned by the left. I don’t do any social media. I don’t have any leftist friends. I tend to go around with a glare on my face (due to all the damned diversity) so I haven’t had anyone approach me to strike up a conversation, political… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

My dear, I agree with your methodology one hundred percent. I too try and avoid leftists like the plague.

This, from you, a joy:

“Call them unnatural, alien, cretinous”

The word ‘cretin’ is an excellent weapon to bear from time to time. I also like ‘Godless’ and ‘debauched’.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

“I would simply state that, in accordance with nature and God, I put my own children and people first.”

Nice. By using “nature” you throw a spanner in the works. There’s an element of “Science!” to that word that will confound them.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

This is a great point. Explaining family and loyalty i is hard to argue with

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I agree with 3g4me. I now generally avoid Progressives or if in the same room, just don’t talk politics, which wasn’t true in the past. They’re hopeless and engaging them just gives them sustenance. However, if asked directly about some topic, I give some variant of “not my people” and move on. It kind of unnerves people, especially when you’re very calm about what you say. Having a clearly defined people makes so many discussions almost unnecessary. Immigration, crime, etc. Progressions, of course, get angry that a White admits to having a people, but that’s there issue. I have a… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Yes. White race-traitors have forfeited their whiteness. They’re no longer our people. And they’re nobody else’s people either.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Rootless cosmopolitans: those without tribe or nation are prey animals in a herd of one, easy meat for the cooperating foreign predators.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

The key point being that Leftists do not need us to play the part of the Devil; they are more than capable of conjuring him ex nihilo. See, for example, the White Supremacist panic.

3 years ago

Outstanding, Z. It took me a lifetime to get that through my thick skull. I’m not kidding either. I was the family Archie Bunker for decades. Finally I wised up and just walked away. When some lefty opens up on me my response is “fuck you – go run your mouth at someone else”. There is nothing you can say, no argument that will work, no hope of convincing them. The only reason they will approach you is to smell your butt and see if you are part of the pack. They will accept allies, but what they really want… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

There are two kinds of lefty: the Crafty Cynic (CC), and the Perpetually Outraged (PO). CC is the corporate lefty who wants his left wing idealism replete with mansions and private jets. He’ll do or say whatever it takes to be a cloud person. He’s the monster who greases the political wheels and keeps the gravy train running…the man behind the curtain. His core beliefs are progressive, for sure; but he’s willing to compromise if he can preserve his fortune. CC definitely does not want to gaze upon the societal wreckage he leaves behind. It’s a nasty picture. PO has… Read more »

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

Having worked in both the private sector, as well as a public labor union, I can attest to this. Although to be fair, I cannot use the construction union I was in as a barometer due to the fact that construction jobs are quite different than say the SEIU. On the job site, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you go home. There simply is no place to ‘hide” you and other guys on the job site will not carry your water. Other unions are different. I was in during the ’92 election and although I kept my mouth… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Thats why I only go with self-rule. I dont argue with them that Jaun who cant speak 10 words of English has a “right” to be here.

I say, its time to go our separate ways. Lets get our own territory.

There’s nothing to say to that, except, “oh no you dont!” Then we have a real war, not trying to convince brainwashed psychos to our side…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

The ghost of Nietzsche would approve! ‘self-rule” and “own territory” would be marks of the Hero, the successful man, who carves out his own destiny.

(The mysterious software wouldn’t let me post the “Part 2” of my lengthy essay above, but it’s allowing short comments. Interesting…)

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Introspection is absent on the Left for any number of reasons, and while self-loathing is among them it is further down the list than implied here. Hubris and religious faith allow the Left to be hypocrites more than anything else. Believing things is much more important than doing things. Such a low commitment religion increases the need for a Devil. So believe things, hate a d blame the devil, and be oblivious to personal behavior a d a leftist is totes OK. You are exactly right about ignoring the Left and limiting any response to a clinical, sterile analysis, though.… Read more »

3 years ago

I do think the Leftists have a reason for all the shit they do. They want power. But not really in terms of political or institutional. They have zero internal locus of control, or agency, and have no idea how to get it. So they seek power from without, and that only provides a temporary fix, so they keep going from hit to hit.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Huerfano
3 years ago

Mens clubs, golf clubs, executive board rooms, the boy scouts, libraries, schools, the church, the US military: what has the Left created? Nothing.
What have they infiltrated and destroyed?
What is my motivation to build anything?
My sons. My family. My friends.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

It makes me think of the kind of communities we wish to build today. There are advocates on our side that believe in withdrawing to some extent and pulling the drawbridge up, but some of the examples you just listed show that success often comes from the other direction. Prior to Vatican II – and it’s still true to some extent — a Catholic could walk into any church in the world and, language notwithstanding, take part in Mass. Similarly, the social clubs of the 20th century worked partly as a home away from home. I have an uncle who,… Read more »

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

Crybaby noodle-armed goodwhites have been with us from the beginning. This is from The Journal by John Woolman. He was a Quaker abolitionist who lived from 1720 to 1772. I still found myself in great Danger, having many Weaknesses attending me, and strong Temptations to wrestle with; in the feeling whereof I frequently withdrew into private Places, and often with Tears besought the Lord to help me, whose gracious Ear was open to my Cry. And… I cried to the Lord in secret, for Wisdom and Strength; for I felt myself encompassed with Difficulties, and had fresh Occasion to bewail… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

Jeepers, what was he upset about , slaves? I’m not convinced slavery is like abortion, that it is all bad. Its a form of employment. Its not ownership of a person, its ownership of a persons labor. I think slavery in the US could be likened to eating too much sweets. There’s nothing wrong with sweets, but you cant have plate after plate of candy instead of regular food. The other issue is that working for Whites may have good for blacks. They had shoes for crying out loud. Its not as if they were doing well in West Africa!… Read more »

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

He wasn’t crying about slavery, he was crying about all the temptations and challenges he faced. The book goes on and on with his sobbing. Get a grip, man.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

Well, its a free country.

Wait a minute….

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

For a full discussion get a copy of “A Defense of Virginia and the south”
by Robert Lewis Dabney.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

It is EVIL from beginning to end. We are still suffering for it. It is not complicated. Slavery was and is an evil. The presence of slaves in the US is responsible for anti-racism today. It is a major underlying reason for white guilt. Slavery was just as evil then. It lowered wages for white men. The same super-wealthy who import the third world to work for slave wages today were the ones benefiting from slavery then while everyone else paid the costs and still do. It is not “complicated” The men who imported the slaves should have been arrested… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

You make a good point. Blacks are like immigration now. I guess the “its complicated” comes not from the original decision, but mess we were in as the 19th century wore on. And they were compensated. Blacks were kept safe, they had cradle to grave assistance. I’m not seeing that it’s an absolute evil. But you’ve inspired me to look more into it. The 19th cent Dominican Dom Prosper Geuranger suggests slavery was an evil. I just don’t know when the evil occurs. In the buying a mans labor? We do that all the time. I’m sure there are some… Read more »

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Your points are well taken. Ryan Faulk and Sean Last did some original stuff on the well-being of African slaves in the US. By just about every major measure they were better off in many ways than the average Eastern European at the time. They were taller, weighed more, lived longer, worked fewer hours and several other measures. They were MUCH better off than 99.9% of Africans living in Africa at the time. But you know how they were not better off? They could not make any decision about their own lives down to who could they could and would… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Just save the fake-outrage. Slavery was/is practiced everywhere by everyone. By your logic all humans should have been shot..

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Cogent observation. In other words as I often note, short term preferences without regard to long-term costs. In the slavery case, cheaper labor. In the immigration case, cheap labor. Do I see a pattern developing here? Some modern countries have no problems sending guest workers home, by force if necessary. The USA never had the balls, and we are paying dearly for the sins post past and present. The best answer, of course, would be as you suggested, to never let aliens in in the first place and to punish or exterminate anyone who tried.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

US repatriated 1.1 million Mexicans in 1954 (see link below). Sending people home is a matter of political will and has previously been done in this country.

Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

“This is from The Journal by John Woolman. He was a Quaker abolitionist who lived from 1720 to 1772.”

Did you get to the part where he busts into Area 51 and steals the alien corpse?

Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

I was reading an old book called “The Philadelphia Negro,” a kind of history of African-Americans in America, specifically in Philadelphia. All the stuff we see today, especially with the chosenites existed in the 17th century in Philadelphia, only it was Quakers. They were forever trying to “solve” the problem. The Quakers tried to do it with religion while the modern version tries to do it “programs”

White people are always trying to save someone or some thing. Be it the whales, mother earth or the retched of the Earth. We need to get over ourselves.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

TheFinn character over at Gab believes there to be a genetic component to this which would be interesting if that’s the case. Man can overcome his genetic tendencies, within certain bounds (for example, the person with an addictive personality might mitigate it by not drinking, but they’ll never be able to be a weekend binge drinker). This would mean that arguing with the devout lefty would be akin to trying to get a leopard to change his spots. The best that can be done is to call the leopard fat, ugly, and perverted and move on.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

When they say “that’s who we are,” it’s not just a cute phrasing. It is part of their identity. Being a progressive good-white is a central part of their identity, which means it is guarded with emotions. You are not just saying they are wrong about some topic, you are saying their very existence is wrong.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

“Retched of the Earth.” Heh. I hope the malapropism is intentional.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

False equivalencies there..

3 years ago

The American left is just Puritanism without the lip service to Jesus. They are critics in search of an artist. Like the Pharisees of old, they can’t possibly define good, but they know evil when they see it. The solution, as proposed by the Jewish carpenter of yore, is to pay lip service to their pieties in public and live your private life according to your conscience. Deprived of a devil, they will either away.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Yes,,, but they are deadly. No , we can’t live with them any longer. Well, not this cracker.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Absolutely true that the attention from the “right wing” is the fuel that powers the Left. But “right wing” is a euphemism in the same way that “inner city” is. “Right wing” mean white men. You see this bizarre tension in all of the woke advertising we are subjected to constantly now. On the one hand, the white male gaze is oppressive and racist. On the other hand, practically every bi-racial ad on tv features a white guy with a black or hispanic girl. In short, they desperately crave being seen as having power by us. If we aren’t in… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Dude, you can talk about Jews here.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

You used to be able to talk about J*was here

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Lol, posted the second one when the first didn’t appear. Why is discussion of Jawas so forbidden? Is it because of how they buy and sell droids?

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Yes but refuting arguments is good. You don’t always have to have a synthesis.

For instance, sodomy is evil and should be discouraged by society perhaps through law.

Thats the end of that. There’s no synthesis. While I don’t believe what we have been taught about National Socialism, its possible it was wrong in its exalting of Arianism. So then it would have to have a foil.

But the truth doesn’t need a foil.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

The very essence of the problem, which is even mentioned by the apostle Paul, is that once you start explaining why Sodomy is evil, you open yourself up to the dialogue. The discussion. Pagan Roman and Greek perverts would not have agreed that its evil. And in the end you show you lack power by the mere fact that you have to talk about. The irony is that if the Law hadn’t mentioned Sodomy in the first place you probably never would have even thought of it. In other words, the reason that you have to say anything about it… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

If something really is evil or bad, why would you be afraid to explain why?

Avoiding discussing something is done when the something in question won’t stand up to scrutiny..

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  Phoenix
3 years ago

Because you end up turning the taboo into a fetish.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Yes, non whites are incredibly insecure and crave validation from white men in particular. They want attention. Immigrants to Canada are hyper aware of demographics. A “brown” area is bad, but so is an area that is “too white” (and by extension must be full of racism). They like an area with just enough white people to make them feel important, and like they’re white themselves. It helps them avoid falling into an ethnic ghetto where they only get to deal with each other. But in an all white area they feel out of place and they hate white group… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Multi culturalism is pharisaical. It is a cruel and humiliating ideology. Its like a guy running around on stage desperately spinning plates.

What a horrible culture, a culture that wants to wipe out culture. Its an anti culture.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Individually, colours are nice. If you mix the whole palette together you get an ugly grey/brown mix.

That’s basically multicult. Around Canada the only culture for non-whites is Drake, weed, Mer-say-dees, and shoes. They say we don’t but again it’s another case of leftist projection. Low agency, low IQ non whites make the perfect leftists.

Personally, I will hold onto my Christian, Anglo Saxon heritage, thanks.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yes, let them have their ahem, beautiful culture and we can have ours….

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I don’t think ‘colors are nice individually’. You probably wouldn’t either if it weren’t for life-long indoctrination. You can have them all. There is more than enough variety in white people for me.

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

“Immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital. New evidence from the US suggests that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’. Trust (even of one’s own race) is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friends fewer.”

from E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century by Robert D. Putnam.

By the way, Mr Putnam was so appalled by the conclusion of his research that he refused to publish it for several years.

Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

The ‘ethnics’ bring all of that with them..

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Nietzsche makes an interesting case: the Jews being very clever, were the first people to create a religion that inverted true survival values (yet was useful to the Jews themselves, to protect them against the “host”, adversary culture the lived in). It’s “devil,” if you like, was Nietzsche’s Ubermensch, the super-man embodied as Zarathustra, who was a hero type, lived by his own code, a natural leader. In response, the majority of a population, the sheep-people, created a “slave religion” that demeaned the hero and his traits (violence, too much power, etc.) and glorified the weak, the downtrodden, the poor,… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

“Christianity is a J*wsh creation! Yet another conspiracy to accuse them of.” no doubt it is, so is Superman & Batman, yet western writers took the characters and changed them, making them more interesting, turning them western. What the initial church managed to do was turn christianity against the j*wus. Jesus was basically a proto-alt right symbol, this could be seen in the original christian cross prayer before it was converged. Think of us today, we are being censored and unfairly persecuted by the israelites who are trying to stamp us out. Same thing with Jesus, j*wus tried to destroy… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Upvote button not working, but excellent summary.
(I’ll never have the time, so thanks.)

3 years ago

“Yet, Ali and his wealthy audience are sure Fuentes is powerful and they are weak.”

They’re not wrong. The people in possession of the truth are powerful and that’s why the left is afraid

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

I guess what Z means is that the left believes that since there is “institutional racism” that they are fighting this historical monolith. That way, although Fuentes is this pathetic thing, he is attached to all civilization because all civilization is White and evil.

thats how they make themselves out to be like Luke Skywalker against this huge Empire. They would even say that the institutions they operate within are racist, but they are just doing their best to dismantle things….

But in some way, you are right, the truth is dangerous.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Luke Skywalker was also a religious fanatic

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

I’m also not totally convinced about this self loathing. I think the bizarre self sabotage is not on purpose, but because Good Whites believe in multi culturalism and equality. Good Whites are trying to make the world into this equal multicultural fantasy, not because they hate themselves but because they really believe that our ancestors were mistaken and we have learned something new and need to start implementing the new equal, color blind world. Also, they naively think there is no cause and effect, that there will be no downside for their children as long as they’re kids go to… Read more »

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

The only reason to waste any time trying to work out these people’s suicidal motivations is if it were possible to do anything to change them. I’m surrounded by these knuckleheads (but not for much longer!) and can safely say there is not. And why is that our job anyway? The idea has a tinge of the busybody. Let them find out the hard way what happens when one thumbs their nose at reality.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Lets physically and politically separate from them. Get our own territory.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

“And why is that our job anyway?” Thank you! I’ve been thinking that since my great grandfather said it to one of clients when I was twelve.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

I think it is both. Some of these retards really do hate white people-which I believe is an extension of hating themselves..

David Wright
3 years ago

The ghost of Eric Hoffer looms large in this piece. Experts at deflection, like arguing with most women. They can turn it around on you in New York minute. Bourgeois objectivism, I like that. So the left needs attention from the Right and it needs an enemy. Kind of like your assement of Blacks. Without whitey they can’t define themselves and if we moved they would just follow and continue. Like Jacobins in the 18th century, the left is devouring all that is good but also will eat themselves. That doesn’t mean we win a victory or the long term… Read more »

3 years ago

Despite the fact that 99.9% of the leftard bogeymen are make believe, the howling media amplifies the accusations. The result is the average normie watching the national or local propaganda channel hears it and while he/she may not buy all the invective, they absorb enough to think there may be something to it.
The mainstream propaganda media is the primary tool the left has to keep this charade alive and kicking.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

“I want to hear both sides of the debate”, oof, one side is evil and wants us dead and the “other” side wants to negotiate with them. As you point out there is no “both sides” to be had within the propaganda machine.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

I’m not sure fighting the left is worth it. However it happened, they have won, the right has nothing going for it. Except secession. Secession talk, self rule, like in Ireland 100 years ago, may be time well worth spent. The Left is trying to change us by force, bend to their will by different means. We are incapable of fighting back, pointing out their errors is funny to them. But if we say, “sounds like we need to separate for a while, see how things work out” we have some ammo. Ann Coulter’s new piece in Vdare shows that… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

The rub would be convincing normie…

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

“Normie” is a placeholder quickly losing its relevance. It is already a generosity extended by our side to afford an unearned benefit of the doubt for ignorance that is rapidly moving beyond our ability to rationalize its existence. Separation that matters is not a matter of convincing. If for no other reason than to forge such – and maintain it under constant duress from a determined enemy, requires conditions precedent that render the binary self-evident. “Normie” becomes what he must or he is one of them. I do not want any normies in my foxhole any more than an I… Read more »

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Secession is a cuck move. I won’t concede the cities and coasts.

Furthermore, when you say “no blacks” you understate the depth of the problem. The Wajahat Ali types are legal immigrants that earn high incomes, pay taxes and absolute hate heritage Americans. Any solution needs to address this problem.

Better move IMO, is repatriation. Anyone that immigrated to US after passing Hart Celler immigration act of 1965 needs to go back. Anyone who was coercively imported to US should be returned to their homelands too.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

SOunds good to me!!!!!! Lets roll!

Gunner Q
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

“Secession is a cuck move. I won’t concede the cities and coasts.”

Thank you. It is wearying to hear people talk as if the Left would be happy with what they’ve currently stolen and would never double down just because they’re on a winning streak.

They will never leave us alone. They will take everything we own, then destroy us, then raise monuments to how selfish we were.

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

People think that somehow compromising (you can have California, we can have North Dakota) will be acceptable to the left. It won’t be acceptable. So if we are in the position of having to advance an unacceptable position, I don’t want it compromised. I want everything. I want California, NYC that way it was 100 years ago, Detroit the way it was 70 years ago, Baltimore the way it was 150 years ago, the Pacific NW, all the land in all the states. And I want Europe to be Europe again too. Cuck conservatives shirk from this idea. They say… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

This is just big talking. Those things have already been conceded.

There is no way enough people would go along with deporting 100,000,000+ fake legal people. There is no way the illegals will ever be deported even..

Reply to  Phoenix
3 years ago

I don’t concede them.

“Enough people go along with”? Current president didn’t win his election. What do voters have to do with any decision moving forward? Left has shown us the way. Take and exercise power.

And logistically, 90 million flights happen/month in US. We can get rid of 100 million people in 5 weeks.

Senator Horse
Senator Horse
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

We could empty Lake Michigan by scooping out all the water with Dixie Cups. All it would take is about a trillion of them and a few hundred years. Completely doable. /s

“Take and exercise power.”

Translation: vote harder.

Senator Horse
Senator Horse
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

“Secession is a cuck move. I won’t concede the cities and coasts.” Pretending you haven’t already lost is the cuck move. Running into a machine gun nest doesn’t make you brave, it just means you’re stupid. Sticking around this place all but guarantees your loss. You’ll live in a totalitarian state where every book is banned or censored, where even the slightest infraction will ruin your life. Secession means we get a home of our own and the freedom to decide our own destiny — make our own laws, build our own culture. There isn’t even a choice here if… Read more »

Reply to  Senator Horse
3 years ago

First, thanks for laying out your position. “vote harder.” Voting harder didn’t work last November. Not sure it will work moving forward. “Secession means we get a home of our own and the freedom to decide our own destiny — make our own laws, build our own culture.” That sounds good. The problem with your position is that the issues you identify with repatriation are the same as those with succession. The complaints you make, that it will be really hard to do this, are the same for these two scenarios. The thing that is clear from your senario is… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

You are correct. Before we get to political separation we have to engage in personal separation. Leave any social media or civic organization that includes leftists. Shun leftwing family. Disavow leftwing friends.

Move to areas where the Left is hated. If you have to work in a leftwing environment maintain distance and explore a job change.

These are things that must be done before we even begin political separation. Even so, that process is well underway with internal immigration and states distancing themselves from the Imperial Capitol

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Good point. There should be a solution already in place, or well on the way.. I think there is now to some extent.

I don’t care about the cities. I use to , but not anymore. Let them have the cities. There’s to many of them for us to take over.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Jack Dobson: Precisely. Don’t do any favors for leftist neighbors. Don’t allow your children to play with theirs. Don’t have a friendly chat. Learn the lost art of socially cutting someone dead. Don’t play the IKAGO game. Do not be tolerant or open to ‘conversation.’ Shun evil and its acolytes. Live, socialize, and engage only with your own people. Make as much as your daily life as possible proudly White, and teach your children to love and continue their heritage.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

We have to learn to be rude

karl Humungus
karl Humungus
3 years ago

and the right has a pathological need to be seen as “cool” (or something along those lines). it’s mutual dependency. both sides are cut from the same cloth, so make of that what you will. Fuentes has no more business being here than the rag head does.

Reply to  karl Humungus
3 years ago

Fuentes has no more business being here than the rag head does.

That attitude will get you exactly nowhere. Fuentes is at least doing something. Sometimes with mistakes, but in general in the right direction.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

totally agree. Is that “punching right?” I think Fuentes is great.

Karl Humongus
Karl Humongus
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

is “Fuentes” Norman, or Anglo-Saxon? I can’t quite tell….

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Just tell him not to pick his nose and eat his boogers on a live stream again.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

Lets not ask for the moon!

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

It’s all relative. Is eating your boogers actually, technically, gross? It’s not my cup of tea. But to each their own.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s funny Z, in WWII it was guys who were Fuentes age who did all the heavy lifting while the old farts just sat around reading the Saturday Evening Post.

People forget these kids flew the fighters, bombers, were the infantry that stormed the beaches in Sicily, Normandy, Okinawa and bleed at all those places.

As a movement, the DR needs their energy.lest we becoming of grumpy old men.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Yeah lol. Today the 55% non white Gen Z is triggered when somebody steals a picture of her therapy dog called “Clark Kent Martinez”.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Age is not solely chronological. We had “youngsters” back then (WWII) with work experience, marriages, and children. They knew need and often hardship. Compared to today’s youth they were old in life experience. We also had a pretty good mixture of chronologically older persons in the service—folks being more patriotic back then and not as quick to let “the other guy do it”.

Today’s youth—with notable exceptions from the heartland—are not yesterday’s youth.

karl humongous
karl humongous
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I personally don’t care about him, but a lot of the people here are remarkably blind to their own racial inconsistencies. They talk about white this and white that, but seem very ignorant about who is white, and who isn’t. Would say that your audience here is at most 50% white, in a sense of the word with any meaning.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  karl Humungus
3 years ago

Love the magic carpet line!!!! We come for z’s racism, we stay for his zingers….

Reply to  karl Humungus
3 years ago

Dead wrong. The Right doesn’t have a need to be seen as cool. The Right is very much the opposite. In regards to Fuentes, he may not meet your murky standards, but at least he’s doing something and not hiding on a blog.

This is hate from the DR is digusting and shows just how petty and nasty they are. Though I suspect half of the critics are Fed plants or stooges working for the SPLC.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Leave Fuentes alone. Who cares if we don’t like his style or whatever?
He is not my style but I see him doing some good out there.
We have to get over picking people apart.
Unless they are in danger of doing us damage and Fuentes is not doing any damage.
Leave him alone.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

He’s fine… Good grief….