Sermon On The Net

This being Good Friday, I thought a show about Christianity and the dissident right would be a good topic. I was torn on how I wanted to do it, so it did not come out as well as I hoped. I had a few ideas on how to approach the subject, but I could not settle on one, so I ended up coming at it from a few different angles. In retrospect, I should have mulled it over a bit longer to get my thoughts in order. On the other hand, it means I can revisit the topic at some point in the future.

One of the odd things about dissident politics is that our side of the great divide has different tribes that probably would not find common cause if not for having been driven off the public stage. Thirty years ago, the “secular right” was not all that fond of the religious right. They even setup a site for themselves as a refuge from those Bible-wielding conservatives. It looks like they ran out of steam a couple of years ago, which is fitting given the circumstances of the moment.

It seems like there is an opportunity for the two main wings of the dissident right to find common cause again. If you look at the main players in the new free speech movement, for example, they tend to be men of faith. The American First crowd is very proudly Christian, even though they do not get into the details of what that means. On the other hand, the authority of the secular wing is rooted in biological reality. The quantifiable differences in people are the starting point for many dissidents.

In the before times, the secular wing always chaffed at the rhetoric of Christian conservatives, mostly out of ignorance. People drawn to secular politics tend not to be comfortable with the topics in religion. Today, Christians tend to be uncomfortable with the langue of most dissidents. Talk of evolution is alienating to them, because they have been conditioned to view it as an enemy of their faith. Our side of the great divide is an uneasy alliance of people who do not entirely trust one another.

That is the main point of the show this week. Secular people need to get more comfortable talking about religion, but dissident Christians need to reexamine their hostility to certain dissident topics. The fact is a large majority of white people consider themselves Christians. On the other hand, a large majority of dissidents long for a return to tradition. There is no reason why religion should not be an integral part of dissident politics, even if many dissidents are not religious.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Evolution
  • 22:00: Camp Counselor Z
  • 42:00: Meaning & Purpose

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Fritz Berggren
3 years ago

Z-man — loved this podcast and appreciate your understanding of the Bible. We camp on the same side of the “great divide.” My goal is to reach the Church — I hammer at it regularly and it has resulted (of course) in a bit of trouble for me as I dare to write of Judaism unfavorably. Other Christians ( comes to mind and are also working this issue. Europeans used to be proud and Christian. Now they are ashamed (most of them) and secular. The Church has become Judaized — they have adopted “precepts and traditions” from the New… Read more »

3 years ago

I don’t know about the bible, but there’s definitely a higher being who created the universe. The probability of everything coming about by accident with no force behind it, I just find quite ridiculous and improbable.

3 years ago

I think wokeism is about denial. Z’s references to responsibility are on target. Z didn’t say it but was buzzing around like a moth: Meaning is only available to the responsible. An irresponsible person has a meaningless life. This is key; Leftism is about irresponsibility. That’s the only feature. All of the shrieking and yelling is about denying that they are useless. Their lives are meaningless. This is such an Achilles’ Heel for them. I think most people have things they are not proud of and are slow to point out the low character of others. This is where we… Read more »

3 years ago

I don’t claim to be an expert on US churches, but my experience has been that Christian people on the whole are more inclined to be ‘woke’ on the subject of race, than to be race-realists. I’m sure there are churches which openly affirm race-realism, but I’ve never encountered one. Certainly the mainstream denominations are more and more embracing radical egalitarian race-denialism. Along with the Southern Baptists and Episcopalians, we can add Lutherans, Presbyterians, and Methodists, to the list of churches embracing ‘woke’ progressive egalitarianism. IIRC, in the days preceding and following the War of Northern Aggression, many Christian denominations… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Duttons research suggests the opposite. Religious people are more ethnocentric, and most churches naturally self segregate. Atheists are more likely to be woke socialists worshipping the god of political correctness.

Reply to  David
3 years ago

I’m not familiar with Dutton’s research. I’m happy if that’s the case. My personal experience has been that the churches I’ve been familiar with have been woke. But it’s definitely true that churches self-segregate: even those churches which purport to be ‘inclusive’. Which we race-realists recognize as evidence that despite what beliefs might fill their heads, we humans have evolved to be ethno-centric: to prefer the company of those like us. And that it’s possible to ‘believe in’ one thing, while actually preferring something else; while not being aware of the discrepancy. Housing has shown the same pattern: years after… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Even Nick Fuentes of the America First movement admits that churches are full of liberals but still, Christianity is the only way to save America! Whatever..

With the left, their politics come before anything-else. With the right, it seems like every imaginable bullshit wedge issue comes first..

Stephanos Xytegenios
Stephanos Xytegenios
Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

“…they appear to be on our side, but for reasons that we ultimately must disavow.” Aside from your anti-Christian screed, on this point you are correct. You and yours have little in common with we Christians, and should hold to contempt any effort to try and bridge any gaps with the race realists. The enlightened ultimately moved on from their new atheism phase to the race realism phase, but the loathsome attitudes are the same. For us Christians of the Dissident Right, we must take into account the 29th Maxim of the 70 Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries: “The enemy… Read more »

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

No contempt on my end: sorry if you read it that way. Like I said, some of the finest people I know are believing Christians. I just haven’t found the claims of Christianity to be true. The world as it’s portrayed in the Bible isn’t the world I see in front of me. That’s all I was saying. Obviously, your experience is different. I hope I can say that, without being misunderstood as hating or despising Christians, or wanting to rid the world of religion; because that’s not the case. You’re the one bringing the hostility to the conversation; not… Read more »

Stephanos Xytegenios
Stephanos Xytegenios
Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

The only thing you and yours possess that is greater than your talent for trolling is your talent for sophistry. I have never met anybody who gets so high off their own supply like you and yours.

Well, except for the woke. You have that in common with them.

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

So tell me: what in my post can be accurately described as sophistry?

You accuse me of trolling; but you’re the one calling names and hurling insults— without ever responding to the content of what I’m saying.

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

Bill, I suggest you develop a thick skin if you want to hang in this blog community. More than a few of the commenters here prefer to hurl snark and invective at people with whom they disagree rather than offer up genuine criticism and then defend it. Sad, but that’s just the reality of it.

Stephanos Xytegenios
Stephanos Xytegenios
Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

For those who post in bad faith, snark and invective are that are necessary. Argumentation is lost upon them.

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

Here comes the butthurt..You prove his point..

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

This I know: We are not on the same side. A world of Bills would be a hellscape for me. So much self-congratulation, so little insight. Give me a tribe of Kenyan Christians to live with, rather than this unending torrent of narrow-minded bullshit.

Christianity doesn’t measure up to the rigors of Bill’s finely-honed ear for truth. Yet it will stagger on, somehow, without him.

Reply to  Steve W
3 years ago

It’s not a matter of my “finely-honed ear for truth”. I’m talking about the standards laid out in the Bible; not any standards of truth that I’m bringing to it. It’s that in my experience, the world described in the Bible is not the world I see in front of me. It’s that in my experience, the claims made in the Bible regarding Christians— that they’ll be indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and “lead into all truth”; that their behavior will be characterized by “the fruit of the Spirit”: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”— simply… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

I scrolled down through the responses, and as I half expected, none of them asked you the relevant questions about belief: Do you apply that standard to your wife and children? It is the same reason Mr. Z. Man’s prognosis about the Great Divide amongst those stubbornly refusing to consent to the wossname (globohomo? Wokerati? pedo-satanists? That thing) is faulty. Say a teenager was wont to scream at his Father that she hates Him, and He is ruining her life, and “It’s not FAIR Daddy” while, in the next breadth she demands He drive her to the mall. It’s not… Read more »

CF O'mally
CF O'mally
3 years ago

The LDS (mormon) church has always been attractive to me. They develop a very strong sense of group identity and build community within the community at large. They tick all the right boxes as far as outcomes (protestant work ethic, traditional values, large families, non support of sexual deviancy, prepper self sufficient mentality). My kids always had a few of them as friends and they were the nicest kids I know, from the nicest families at school. If you have LDS as neighbors its a good thing. If anything they are a the best American grown version of protestant Christianity.… Read more »

Reply to  CF O'mally
3 years ago

Yeah: my sister and her husband both converted to the Mormon faith as teenagers. I spent quite a bit of time visiting them when they lived in Provo Utah— 90% Mormon— and I share your positive view of the Mormon people. (Along with your inability to accept their wacky theology). My theory is that Mormonism is popular because it meets needs for community which modern life doesn’t satisfy: to be surrounded by a community of like-minded folks, who you know will take care of you. The great strength of the Mormon way of doing things is that they DO take… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Mormons have a strong sense of community because of the persecutions they suffered in the not-distant past. All Christians used to have that. Maybe the present tribulations will reawaken it.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Right: and it’s my understanding that Christianity today is growing fastest in places like China, where persecution is the strongest.

3 years ago

Christianity exists because it works. It’s good for the people that adopt its precepts and actively practice its traditions, prescriptions, and proscriptions. It helps its people to survive and thrive in the part of the world in which they live. That is why Christianity has persisted for over two millennia now in Western civilization. And that is a good thing. Now open your eyes to the rest of the planet. Islam works in the environment of the Middle East. Buddhism has persisted in South Asia for more than 2,500 years. Ditto for other peoples in other places. When viewed at… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Right: clearly, religious belief must provide genuine benefits to those who hold them; otherwise they wouldn’t continue to exist. Any belief system which encourages you to love your fellow man and treat them fairly— whether it be Christianity, or Buddhism, or Confucianism, or any one of the many religions out there— will make your life better, to the extent that you’ve able to do it: people will like you, and enjoy having you around. You’ll do well. And most believers then make the mistake of seeing that as a confirmation of the truth of their particular belief system; rather than… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

or that there are in fact different gods who begat different subsets of people and the gods are at war, effectively, using us as their armies.

Makes sense to me

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Christianity, ie Roman Catholicism, exists because its true.

3 years ago

Wherever you fall on the religious/not-religious spectrum, one thing is true: fighting over religion and demanding adherence to your viewpoint is counter-productive to the greater cause. I am not a Christian any longer but even when I was, I would rather have lived in a country full of White pagans than in a nation of Christian mestizos and Africans.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
3 years ago

So would everyone-else whether they admit it or not..

3 years ago

Z claims that Christianity requires an orderly universe.

The whole basis of the divinity of Jesus Christ is His miracles, which are by definition, violations of the order of the universe. Take away Jesus’ miracles and he’s just one of many subversive j3ws.

I support Z in his role as camp counselor, but his assumption is obviously wrong.

The entire foundation of Christianity is the violation of the orderly universe.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Christian Tradition taught an orderly universe for a thousand years and more before the reformation showed up. Miracles aren’t magic. Sure, there are some Protestant sects that are all in on ooga booga but the bulk of Christianity is free will within a world that runs on a sey of rules laid down by God.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Seems to be that a Miracle is much like the exception that proves the rule

And those rules are a predictable and orderly cosmos

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Right. Only God can break His rules. It’s the proof of divinity.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

since jesus miracles did happen , then here we are.

3 years ago

Great podcast this week. While I don’t agree with some of you analysis, I appreciate how it was done in a respectful manner. I do agree that we need to work together against a common foe. As well, we can find enough understanding to coexist. The problem though is highlighted by a few commenters here who can’t seem to do more than trash Christianity.

Reply to  WOPR
3 years ago

Definition of “Work together against a common foe”.

Mean. I think we need to digest that 60 years of reasoning was a giant waste of time. They want to kill us.

Take every thing they say. Make it as evil as possible. You will be correct.

When they line up to riot, we gun them down.

When they pass laws to rape us, we kill their children.

Reply to  WOPR
3 years ago

The only trash I’ve seen has come from true believers-as usual. And then they project-as usual.

Like a broken record..

3 years ago

An informative, persuasive— and VERY politically-incorrect— interpretation of the facts of human evolution:

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Evolution is the dream of pedaphiles, faggots and jerk offs. I don’t want a bossy God, or my conscience, telling me what to do, so I’ll come up with excuses. Luther came up with one of the most destructive, sin boldly, and Darwin doubled down with a clown theory of how all life is a oozing blob where everything sort of changes but sort of doesn’t and morality is a survival tool.

Zman s insistence on the dumbest theory ever to kick around the grounds of the academy is always regrettable.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

“I don’t want a bossy God, or my conscience, telling me what to do, so I’ll come up with excuses.”

If you’re being objective then what you want is irrelevant to the truth.

Maybe God is bossy. The world doesn’t conform to your feelings. Who are you to dictate?

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

“Evolution is the dream of pedophiles, faggots and jerk-offs.”

I must respectfully disagree with the fine gentleman’s comment. Was funny though. Some of the crazy rage-heads here are a kick. I’d like to party one night with Hi-Ya!, Dennis Roe and Whisky. Just one night though. Then never see them again. LOL

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

From Unz article via Bill: “Nevertheless, humans practice eugenics on other humans every day all over the planet, and it is highly likely that the reader himself has done so. Every time a person selects or rejects a person for a sexual relationship, he or she is practicing eugenics…Even a prostitute is reluctant to have sex with a person she considers repulsive.” Good stuff. Never looked at it that way.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Though of course, I don’t kill the girl I find unattractive, I just won’t call her for a 2nd date. Not exactly eugenics.

3 years ago

And evolution provides a cogent and sufficient explanation for the human biodiversity we observe: when the various human groups spread around the Earth, inhabiting various differing environments, geographically and genetically isolated from other groups, they adapted to them in different ways. The challenge of adapting to new environments was what drove improvements in human capability and intelligence. The two ice ages that covered Northern Europe with glaciers, and drove the people living there to the south, amplified the challenges: only the capable survived. While those remaining in Africa— where the ice ages had little effect, and the environment was largely… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

I always say the only real privilege is evolving in warm climates for 200,000 years where playing games and having sex was the successful survival strategy. Whites and northeast asians are just now reaping the benefits of the horrible living conditions of their ancestors freezing to death in the snow.

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

You really believe that a Norwegian person with blonde hair and blue eyes and sharp nose was once a total negro? I mean do you personally believe it? Not that could it have happened but that it did happen and anyone who denies it is a fool or ignorant. Put another way, had you never been exposed to the ideas of evolution would such a concept have ever entered your head? Even when blitzed on whiskey? But the good news! The African migrants in Norway will become full Norwegians in 10,000 years. Why? Because evolution. A lot like climate science… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Africans in Norway could only “evolve” into Whites if central heating went bye-bye. But even then they don’t have the skills or physiology to last 10 months let alone 10,000 years in a northern environment without the accoutrements of modern life.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Do you believe that a golden retriever was once a grey Wolf?

Or did god create golden retrievers sui generis in the 19th century?

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Do you believe that there is only one breed of dog?

3 years ago

It seems to me that the proper question to ask about Christianity is: ’Is it true? What’s the evidence that it’s true?’ I spent over a decade studying the Bible and trying to be a Christian. And I eventually came to the conclusion that Christianity simply isn’t true: that the world as I know it, is not the world described in the Bible.  I’m not denying the existence of a Higher Power; just testifying that my experience has been that ‘the God of the Bible’ doesn’t exist. Starting with the stories in the Old Testament: which present themselves in the… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Oh god. a rationalist.

Reply to  T P
3 years ago

A “rationalist”….. as opposed to what? An irrationalist?

I’m missing the distinction you seem to be making….

Do you know of other tools than reason to figure out what’s real and true?

Are you suggesting an irrational approach to life?

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

If I may chime in, there is enough in life and even nature that is not perfectly rational but it exists anyway. Our lives alone are somewhat irrational in that we strive even though there is real no purpose to it since we die anyway. Our will to live, as it were, is not perfectly rational with death always lingering nearby like a black man on the street corner. Reason is a tool and has its place like any set of tools. It can also be a crutch for certain people to avoid messy and unanswerable questions. I noticed that… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Bill, your long diatribe completely misses the point: Z-man’s podcast was about uniting against a common enemy, not about a theology being true or false.

I hope you reach the point in life where you understand that.

Reply to  exfarmkid
3 years ago

exfarmkid, I get what you’re saying. I’m sorry my words came across as a diatribe. I’d respond by saying that in the end, it’s all about what’s true. *Z-man’s ideas resonate and hit home because they’re true: they’re congruent with reality* Race-realism, and the acknowledgement of the reality of human biodiversity, are desirable because they’re true. Looked at that way, our “common enemy” is untruths of any sort; whether they’re based on religious, ideological, or factual misconceptions. Believing something that’s not true is always going to be harmful; to the individual, and to a society. I’ve always questioned the notion… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Plenty of biblical events are corroborated by outside sources

Tacitus has a pretty solid mention of christ’s crucifixion by pontius pilate and the torture of christians by nero in ad 64, while writing in ad 116 AD.

Ethiopian writings in the Kebra Nagast also mentions solomon and sheba having a history.

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Christianity spread, see, ’cause messages like, “love your enemy,” and, “love [an imaginary being] more than your own family,” and, “be willing to suffer excruciating pain and death rather than admit it’s all fake,” are obviously traits that confer great reproductive advantages on those who hold them. Much greater advantages than the many competing pagan theologies of strength, which failed to help the Romans, for example, do anything at all.

Just logics, see?

3 years ago

Where the soap guys go?

3 years ago

I haven’t been a believer since I was 21. I now front agnostic. I want to walk into God’s office and ask him that question heard in factories and offices throughout the world. “So Jesus, what exactly do you DO all day?” In the office I worked at down South, the head structural engineer was an old black guy. He was barely competent but spoke with a know-it-all haughtiness. If you walked past his glass office at the right angle you could see him playing solitaire on his computer most of the time. He and his office smelled like gin.… Read more »

Stephanos Xytegenios
Stephanos Xytegenios
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

The edge is definitely calling tonight. I can feel the paper cuts from all that edge. That mic drop answered all of life’s problems.

I bow to your superior intellect.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Imagine being the kind of guy who says that, when face to face with the one whose very nature is to be, he’d be some sort of fucking wiseass.

3 years ago

The secular dissedents can learn from church structure. Leftist have a well established highly effective playbook. This playbook has subverted nations with ease. Christianity offers the only alternative. Charity, Christian education colleges etc. . Opportunities to draw normal people into the movement will continue to increase as things fall apart. But these structures have to be built. Christianity offers a code of conduct. The Christian code of conduct works for building civilizations. Lastly, Christianity appeals to women more then race stuff does. It encourages them to have children and take care of their community. I have seen the term “Christian… Read more »

Reply to  Zaf
3 years ago

“Christianity offers a code of conduct.”


It’s not religion my friend, it’s race. I’m sorry to have to be the one who tells you the truth.

Stephanos Xytegenios
Stephanos Xytegenios
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

It is culture, not race. The neo-lysenkoism being hawked by the race realists went away with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

If you think I am advocating neo-lysenkoism then you entirely miss the point.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

I fully acknowledge racial differences. I live in South Africa. But just being white doesn’t guarantee a successful civilization. Some of the whitest countries persue their own destruction with great enthusiasm. The success of a nation is directly linked to its morals, especially regarding sexuality. Christianity offers that solution.

Reply to  Zaf
3 years ago

“Christianity offers the only alternative.” I’m not sure about the ‘only’ alternative. But it probably needs to be in the mix. I’d be willing to fake-believe if it helped our team get back in the game. Just as long as you Christians don’t start getting all up in our faces. Christianity can be the attractive magnet. Our anchor. Ancient codes. I grew up on that. Good stuff. But behind the scenes don’t think you’re gonna be calling the shots. “The meek” this. The “downtrodden” that. “Don’t stick your dick there. Only here.” Verily I say unto you—y’all are dangerous and… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

I fully understand that the church in its current configuration doesn’t thrill you. For the most part Christian leaders are clueless about the enemies that face us. But the church is still a moral authority for millions of people. It offers community and objective morality. This is why Putin built thousands of churches. Regarding your comment on sexual conduct. This has to be regulated if you want a healthy society. Not legally but through social means.

Reply to  Zaf
3 years ago

I’m down with Christianity if it helps the white cause. But tread easy. You’re asking men to accept magic. Chick superstition. Real men don’t abide!

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

There are several superstitions that you already believe. Love is one example.

People invent superstitions to give life meaning. Without it, theyll just fall for some woke progressivist ideology and vote to import millions of apes. Women are especially susceptible.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

David, when God says he will answer prayers, that’s kind of a big deal. Not some quaint superstition. I’m not hanging with a guy who talks big but can’t deliver.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

They will absolutely get in your face-it’s what they do. And then they will project that behavior onto you..

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Zaf
3 years ago

Christianity was shoved up the ass of your ancestors, the other option was death. Go back to the Celtic, Nordic or Germanic beliefs and traditions, they’ll resonate with you, it’s in your blood.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Dumb, dee dumb dumb, DUMMMMMB!

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Maybe the DR is too stupid to survive. If you have the ability to drop $6.99 on a Penguin book, try reading St. Bebe’s history of how the English adopted Christianity or, for that matter, St. Gregory of Tours’ history of the Franks for a similar narrative.

Clovis, for example, was not the sort of guy who just did what he was told.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

It’s no mystery to me that the white guys with a messianic complex are among the worst people I have ever known. And why the Church was right to condemn these people as heretics; that type of self-policing was integral to the vitality of Christianity in the West. Last thing we needed was a blueprint for morons to think they’re special and the next Jesus. And we can see a little of the same in how novel like 1984 has given the liberals their blueprint. We need an authority to crush them as well. Hence, the requirement the Church be… Read more »

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Christianity has to evolve past being the handbook for codependency to be relevant to emerging generations. Real Christianity resonates with empowerment, the holy spirit a tangible reality in all life forms.

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Higgs Boson
3 years ago

Modern Christianity is Oprah Winfrey emotional twaddle with a cross.

Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

Well put, Monk. Perhaps some of that “old time religion” is the answer.

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
Reply to  Ex-Pralite Monk
3 years ago

The church took a wrong turn and wound up on the Quest for Approval twilight zone highway, currently known as Woke Boogie Boulevard.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

“THERE has never been and never can be or will be a general Christian religion professed by men who all accept some central important doctrines, while agreeing to differ about others. There has always been, from the beginning, and always will be, the Church, and sundry heresies either doomed to decay, or like Mohammedism, to grow into a separate religion. Of a common Christianity there has never been and never can be a definition, for it has never existed.”
— Hilaire Belloc, The Great Heresies

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

Hilaire was right about everything.

Fein Gul
Fein Gul
3 years ago

Chauvin is fucked with that Jury.
4 Black males, 1 white guy, bunch of white wahmen and a nurse.

OTOH the case is extremely weak.

But Chauvin is probably fucked.

Reply to  Fein Gul
3 years ago

Demographic age. Not ideological age.

He couldn’t breavve yo. Whitney killed him. Guilty af.

Reply to  Fein Gul
3 years ago

Of course. As we have discussed many times, this is now a lawless society. The verdict for Chauvin will not be based on a set of objective criteria, as codified into written law. But rather based upon a subjective criteria—that being what is considered best to appease the rabble and produce the least blowback from the mob. The rest is all “window dressing” as they say—designed to convince those asleep that they still have the rule of law to protect them. It would have been a more “honest” process if the mob had simpl “stormed the jail” no lynched Chauvin… Read more »

Reply to  Fein Gul
3 years ago

I’ve been on two jury’s-on one of the two I was jury forman. I’ve tried to imagine myself on this jury and the way I see it I would have one of two options-either be honest and vote not guilty no matter what and have the state-endorced terrorists come after me or say hell with it and save my own ass. If I did vote guilty to save my ass, I absolutely feel it would be justified because the state IS terrorizing the jurers and that is on the state-you can only ask so much of people.. So I’m not… Read more »

3 years ago

Also one area I disagree with Christians about is abortion. I have never seen the problem with an early trimester abortion. It’s a small 3cm blob. Of course the cultural attitudes around abortion are grotesque. It’s obviously not empowering, nor should it be normalized. In a sane more conservative society it might be comparably rare. Sometimes it is the better option for a couple though. There is also the demographic reality of abortion that I’m sure I don’t need to mention any further. It really is eugenics. Christians have wasted so much time arguing about abortion when porn, homosexuality, promiscuity,… Read more »

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

You say, “it’s” a blob. What do yo mean by “it”?

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

The lump of cells aka fetus

Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Which is a living human being at a certain stage of development. We were all there once, too.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The anti-abortion stuff was allowed in the same way the left was happy to have Richard Spencer goosestepping through Charlottesville. The strong pro-life Christians were making their own propaganda against themselves because their position was easily reframed into enslaving as a brood sow some poor teenage girl that went too far with Billy behind the bleachers. Same with the euthanasia stuff, having the Catholics in favor keeping Terri Schiavo alive via unnatural means as a non-sentient pile of meat made them appear as the cruel ones.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The early, or simply 1st trimester, was a sop created by the Supremes to draw a mythical line between personhood and non-personhood of the fetus. It was never supported by science and religion, hence was inevitably doomed to failure—with both “sides” chipping away at it over the last 50 years. People like Singer at Princeton now proposing we go “Roman” and kill babies after they are born and the Catholics still opposing (officially anyway) artificial birth control.

It pleased no one, except the clever lawyers we put on the bench.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Allow me to offer a compromise position.

Outlaw abortion for whites.

Make it mandatory for non-whites.

Can’t we all get a long?

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Abortion gave women one more reason to be promiscuous and one more knife to drive in the back of their boyfriends. It made motherhood less miraculous and warmed women up to the idea of subjective morality.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I think a lot of the anti-abortion outrage is fake. Notice how no one ever places the blame on the sole perpetrator of it-the mother.

If you really wanted to stop something, why would you ignore cause of it?

3 years ago

I have to disagree that the left turned on Christianity for being an alternative source of authority that conflicted with their ideas. The old progressives were rabid Puritans precisely because of the ability of Protestantism to interpret the bible into saying whatever it is you want it to say. That’s how you have Republicans now who think the highest expression of their religious piety is to buy an African orphan to keep as a pet. The Frankfurt school tiny hats coming over here in the 30s was the big factor in the left changing. They pushed the Christianity out of… Read more »

Reply to  Ploppy
3 years ago

I disagree. The left didn’t turn on Christianity at all. What happened is that they lost faith in God and Jesus as real entities. But otherwise held onto their communitarian version of Christianity. With among other elements a belief in proselytizing, punishing unbelievers, the inherent “goodness” of all people, the fetishization of poverty and loathing of “a love of money”, and a belief that history was moving towards utopia. Later on they grafted some elements of Marxism too. A lot of their moral beliefs drifted away from Christianity without the anchor of a belief in God, but all of the… Read more »

3 pipe Problem
3 pipe Problem
3 years ago

Agreed! A fertile field to own. Look forward to more.

3 years ago

What can I say other than one of the best Power Hours. Awesome!

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Z kicked the hornet’s nest. Had to be done at some point.

3 years ago

I would follow up on the observation that the old gods are coming back, likely as a function of the obvious failure of Modernity and in particular, Marxism. Santa Muerte, which is basically just the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli, is openly worshipped by Cartel folks and others. True story, the statue of Coatlicue was unearthed in Mexico City around 1790 or so, and immediately recognized and worshipped (it is particularly ugly and satanic I must say). It is now in a museum. Coatlicue and Huitxlipochtli are now worshipped as part of the curriculum in California by school kids. Mestizos can claim… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

“If the old gods are coming back, why not the old Pagan gods in somewhat updated form?” If you read something of Norse mythology — see, for example, “The Prose Edda” — you can learn interesting myths about the origin and expected end of the world, an ethos of stoicism and fatalism, and some practical advice for the individual (“don’t start fights at night when you are drunk, start them early in the morning when you are sober” etc). Its super fun and entertaining, has advices for individuals living in honor based culture, but not a tool to rebuild society… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Here is my by now more or less obligatory commentary partly inspired by Nietzsche. He notes, likely echoing an earlier historian, that the Reformation took place in that part of Europe (Germany and points north) precisely where Christianity had come centuries later relative to Southern Europe. This is equivalent to saying that Paganism lasted almost a millennium later in the North than in the South. As a result, Pagan traditions remained fresher in the North’s cultural memory. Pagan tradition is more likely to produce the hero type that Nietzsche seeks. Among other traits, this is the man who boldly seeks… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

The English Channel and the Baltic were both places were feudalism was weak. Arguably, the low countries never embraced feudalism. The Hanseatic League was the equivalent on the Southern Baltic coast. This the region where capitalism grew. The literally didn’t live as other Europeans did.

There is a reason the South, with its own plantations, is the more conservative pole of America.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

The feudal tradition “belongs” to Catholicism, but some of Catholics would say that the planation-serfdom model was a deviation from Catholic values and a holdover from paganism (Belloc explicitly makes this argument in the “Servile State”). The Catholic Social Teaching that developed in the 19th century and was reflected in a lot of 20th century political movements (like Distrubutism, Fr. Caughlin’s “social justice”, the Franco and Salazar regimes, Christian Democracy, etc.) generally supports wide ranging property ownership–as many people as possible are supposed to be either property owning, self-employed “petit bourgeious” or workers with an ownership stake in the business… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

And yet hardcore pagans like the Saxons were convinced they should abandon their gods and follow the One God. Earlier, Julian the Apostate tried to bring the old gods back, but it didn’t stick.

3 years ago

A New Tomorrow (cont)
The bolt from the blue.

Elite Inc. is playing for keeps, so you must fight fire with fire. The storm clouds have moved in and we sit at that eerily calm stage before the arrival of the thunderous & cleansing rains. And the Elitests are perched on their high thrones peering down on the Untermenschen with a combination of pity & disdain. The surrounding walls are high and the mercenaries are well-armed & standing guard. What could possibly go wrong? Good question.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Just more spam. At least say something relevant to the topic of the day.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

I’m glad I’m not the only one sick of this guy

3 years ago

Great podcast Z, however I will take (though as Christian) the counter-argument. 1. The majority of Christians are non-White, thus all Christian leaders will take their side. 2. Christianity pretty much requires White people to die on the cross so to speak for non-Whites. 3. Christianity in its leadership and most of its members are so cucked that it offers nothing for White men and is in fact repulsive. 4. Christianity is a slave religion per Nietsche and is surrender not fighting in the struggle ahead. 5. White men are bashed continually if they cuck or not, so might as… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Your observations are entertaining.

Don’t know what will happen in the future. But in the past Christianity has shown itself to be adaptable to circumstances. Adaptability allowed for some based decision making that, while questionable from a modern Christian perspective, didn’t run afoul of doctrine.

See for example, pre-emptive massacre of Aztecs nobles by Pedro de Alvarado in Tenochtitlan. Or Richard the Lionheart’s massacre of Muslim prisoners following siege of Acre. There is nothing inherent to Christianity that prevents actions (even extreme actions) when it comes to matters of defending believers of the faith.

3 pipe Problem
3 pipe Problem
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

That was called the Church Militant, once upon a time.
We need more steel in our spines and less syrup. Let me add a tome to those 5 primers Z suggested, to wit Henry Adams’ Mont Ste Michel and Chartres

Reply to  3 pipe Problem
3 years ago

Yeah where in the heck did the knight templars go? The warrior monks? Personally I’m hoping for a more muscular Christianity to emerge.

3 pipe Problem
3 pipe Problem
Reply to  Sidvic
3 years ago

I dont disagree

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Sidvic
3 years ago

Layabout’s E-Z history. Why is Friday the 13th considered bad luck? Because that’s the day the Church chose to exterminate an upstart competitor, the Templars. Most of them were, indeed, killed. One theory, at least the kind that makes it into History Channel “documentaries” 🙂 is that survivors fled to what became Switzerland. Swtizerland was (and still is) a very unique country: virtually no resources, yet has always had traditions of banking, commerce (the Tempars were literally a business), wealth, civilization, education, etc.

“The Third Man” Harry Lime’s famous quip notwithstanding.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

No one ever asks, “is Christianity, ie Catholicism, true?” They say its not good, or is good. But if its true, then it doesn’t matter

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Vignette from Cinema. This is my description of a scene from the movie “The Thirteenth Warrior ” (Do a review Z!) and, I presume, the Michael Crichton book like title. Of course, I can’t give the whole plot, but I’ll try and keep it relevant. Viking warriors need a foreign soldier (13th, lucky in this case) to help battle a great evil. They travel to the Near East and recruit a Muslim. He gradually learns their language, etc. One night the Vikings are doing the drunken fest thing. The imported warrior is offered some mead*. “I am forbidden to drink… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Crichton wrote his book to make the point that the Beowulf story is still just as good as ever. His idea that you find Christian themes in Beowulf because it was a Muslim writer, recruited from a border trading post on the Black Sea, was sort of clever.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

BS. Christians stopped the Muslims for a millennia. It was only when the intellectual and merchant classes in the 18th and 19th centuries proceed to reduce God to a nullity that things started going South . Until that time it produced our greatest works of art, architecture and warriors. Something you cannot say about the secularists who can only point to Piss Christ and Annie Sprinkle as forms of art. Or the soul sucking Brutalist architecture that even offend homeless people. As for Nietsche, he was a hot house kraut flower who lacked the balls to be man. No sane… Read more »

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

I offer my unreserved admiration and gratitude to the manly, deadly Christian warriors of the past. No one was more bad ass. No one!

Damn, I miss those guys.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Liberals are claiming christians colonized the world and were all white supremacists. Right wing atheists are saying christianity is weak and submissive. Which is it?

Reply to  David
3 years ago

The libs are right about this.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

“2. Christianity pretty much requires White people to die on the cross so to speak for non-Whites.”

Reynald de Châtillon was not available for comment.

3 years ago

For the other Christians here, Happy Easter! And, anticipating tomorrow, He Is Risen!

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

And to you as well, Sister. To Zman, I’ve awaited your dive into this subject. Contrary to your disclaimer of handling this clumsily… I found your approach quite deft and compassionate. Dissidence vs. Christianity is a tough nut for some and I think you did well for your first foray. For me it is simple. God made the tribes. We have our individual places under the sun. Christians from the other tribes may require assistance in their lands, and the Lord demands I help them. Again, in THEIR LANDS. They are spiritual brothers. European descendants are my actual Brothers and… Read more »

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Amen, my brother.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

Well said. I never understood why we MUST HAVE evolution, the dumbest theory ever to come out of the dining halls of the academy.

Catholic tradition even explains the races. Whites are Noe’s favorite son, blacks are the curse son who either raped Noe or his wife, and Yellows, the middle child no one cares about.

But Z is an apostate. lLove the guy, but he is deranged. No one, without the Catholic Faith, can think clearly.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
3 years ago

We must have evolution because humans bred different breeds of dogs. It’s true, it’s real. Why is this so difficult?

In the same way that dogs were bred by humans, different human groups were bred by their environments. How can this be controversial?

If you ask me to choose between the reality of dog breeding and some ancient texts, I’ll go with reality.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Thank you. Amen and amen. The Resurrection IS the ‘common core’.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Happy Easter !

As I type I can hear the church bells.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

I was raised in a fundamentalist church. My grandad and uncles were openly hostile to Methodists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, Mormons… everyone… and especially Catholics. They were the kinds of guys who would invite Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses who knocked on the door into the house and then they would proceed to do a 5 hour Bible study with them to tell them exactly why they were going to burn in hell for all eternity. I respected that as a kid. No playing around with being inclusive or nice about Christianity at all. You are doomed and it is only by… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

I see your point about people with quirks going to church. But you realize that being on the dissident right is kind of a major “quirk”? Yes sometimes strange people go go church, some are more normal people. Regardless, it’s not church people driving the suicide / opioid epidemic and deaths of despair. It’s not church people putting their boys on drugs and anti depressants. It’s not church people demanding a tyrannical lockdown. In fact they’re resisting. It’s not church people who are the strewn out junkies and hobos destroying San Francisco. (White) church people aren’t burning down Minneapolis, destroying… Read more »

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I am dissident right adjacent/sympathetic more than anything. It’s not like there is a club you can join where you are “in” the dissident right. Just blog posts and a few videos here and there. I have never met anyone in real life who knows what this blog is or who has watched any of the videos I have watched about race realism. I guess I see the race realism stuff as being mostly true and I like reading articles on unz and here but I can’t say there is any reality to the dissident right as actual people doing… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

You need to trip on down to the next american renaissance. Bet you would enjoy alot.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

American Citizen 2.0, if we ever meet, I’ll entertain you with stories of dates of mine that ended when I said, “I voted for Trump. Reluctantly the second time, but I did.”

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

“Sometimes strange people go go church”

Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Matthew 9:12

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

The wonky gun nut uncle might be crazy, might be a racist. But he’s not suicidal, he’s not broke, he’s not a heroin junkie. He doesn’t hate his race or spit on his ancestors or founding fathers.

We have almost come full circle where the “crazies” are more “normal” than the normies. People say I’m crazy. And yet, the same “energy” that makes me “crazy” also gives me the will to live through insanity, diversity, and stay off drugs which ravage every white community in the west.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

And I admit he is probably right about a lot of things. Our civilization just kicked guys like him in the cajones big time.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

“No I do not believe in eternal life or heaven and I do not believe that Jesus really rose from the dead as an actual physical fact.” Afterlife is a given, if life came from nothing then life will emerge from nothing once more if that is what happens when we die. It’s pure logic. If you mean to say you will lose your sense of self when you die and never get it back then sure, that’s possible, but seeing how most “men” nowadays pander to a system which treats them worse than dogs i’d say that’s a good… Read more »

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Whiskey, yeah, your upbringing sounds a lot like mine, wouldn’t be surprised if we grew up in the same kinda church.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Fortunately I didn’t grow up in such a family, but I’ve had enough contacts with people you describe to partially explain why my rear bumper bears the sticker: “God protect me from your followers.”

Your comments about many Christians being in the thrall of Israel is spot-on. Guys, if you’re donating to your “church” above the local parish level, you might as well cut out the middlemen and send a check straight to the ADL or the charity of their choice 😀

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

Christian Zionism has brought Christians the same thing Conservitive Inc has brought conservatives.
Empty promises.
Christianity can still be useful
So can Conservatism
When not manipulated and controlled by that hostile tribe

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

All will be revealed! And you wont have to wait too long!

Gagdad Bob
3 years ago

There is a secret sympathy among all those who deny the divinity of man, even though some of them do not believe in God. –Davila

Reply to  Gagdad Bob
3 years ago

Can you explain? This quote is over my head.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

The point is that deification of Man rather than atheism, is the problem. Now having said that, it is necessarily atheists who tend to deify Man.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Au contraire my theist friend. Just precisely, pray tell, do you call the Christian religion making a man (Jesus) its centerpiece? (No need to lecture me; I was raised in a faith, even if I didn’t keep it. Yes, I know: he is God’s son, God’s equal.) Without Jesus the man, you don’t have Christianity. To an outsider, it looks pretty much like turning a man into a god. Just sayin’. Athiests deify man? Sure, sometimes. But not me. Here’s my argument: If I assert no God exists, how could I possibly claim to be one? No, what we are… Read more »

Gagdad Bob
Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

Put it this way: modern history is the dialogue between two men: one who believes in God and another who believes he is a god.

Reply to  Gagdad Bob
3 years ago

I think a lot of the anti-abortion outrage is fake. Notice how no one ever places the blame on the sole perpetrator of it-the mother.

If you really wanted to stop something, why would you ignore cause of it?

3 years ago

I call myself a Christian – and that was a spectacular show, Z. The wife and I discussed it at length sfterward. A couple points of order, if I may: The bible does not tell people not to judge. I have to wonder if the people that say that have even read the bible. The bible specifically tells us to USE JUDGEMENT. The bible doesn’t tell people to accept everyone as equals. It specifically named groups and individuals that were to be excluded and shunned. They will pollute your beliefs and values and cause nothing but problems for you if… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Corporate America has done it’s best over 70 years to make us worshipers of consumerism. To do that, they had to get rid of religion to a large extent. Our side always asks why is there no resistance to TPTB and the corporatocracy? Because they turned men into selfish pigs who have social sanction to indulge in every vice there is. Circe has nothing on Madison Avenue and Burston Marstellar. Writer Lewis Mumford wrote to the effect that the modern economy turned the Seven Deadly sins into the Seven Virtues. And worse cuts him from a sense of community. The… Read more »

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

As an early randian I was once a fierce critic of christianity. Not so much now partly because I see christians as allies. These days I’m into zen which I see as totally compatible with race realism. I accept everyone for who they are.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 years ago

I’m pretty much with you on that. I think the Eastern Philosophies are far more compatible with our worldview.

3 years ago

Fantastic podcast today Z. Will save this one for future reference.

Think racially, act locally. Exactly. Last few minutes were a very good plan.

Stephanos Xytegenios
Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

One thing to note is that for we Christians on the Dissident Right, we look on the Dissident Secularists with suspicion because in an earlier era these secularists allied themselves with the Left to make war on Christians. I am talking about the rise of new Atheism and the purported Four Horseman of that movement. For nigh on a decade we had to endure the biting scorn of smart set who couldn’t understand why people followed a “sky daddy” with a “zombie son”, and who were really just knuckle-dragging peasants who couldn’t get with the modern times. Religion in general,… Read more »

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

The “Brights” were certainly a nasty lot. Peter Hitchens some years back finally saw through their facade and noticed they really hated Christianity in particular.

Should the DR trust them? Not really,. after they sided with the Left to attack Christianity. It’s been my experience that groups who side with the Left to attack Christianity have a ulterior motive. Especially considering that conservative Christianity has been losing the culture influence war for the last 40 years,

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

I totally get where you’re coming from, and you’re definitely not wrong, but the wackos online make the disagreements seem worse than they really are. I’ve found the Christian dissidents online to be very coarse, vulgar and arrogant, but I don’t think those are particularly Christian traits, it’s just people ion line who are drunks and probably don’t even go to church, it’s just their gripe and persona. Same thing with the atheist crowd, they grew up in wacky religious atmospheres and they need to find a better way for themselves to look at the world and there is a… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

If this is not anti-Christian rhetoric based on anecdote, I don’t know what is. If we need an alliance, and I think we do, be a better ally yourself.

Ex-Pralite Monk
Ex-Pralite Monk
Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

There are a number of libertarian atheists online who pretend to believe so they can give Christians advice on how to practice our religion. One of them even confessed after berating us on how to be more tolerant to immigrants. Someone asked: are you even a believer. Uhm no but I used to believe.

Reply to  Stephanos Xytegenios
3 years ago

Another perfect example of Christian hostility and the subsequent projecting there-of..

Steve in Greensboro
3 years ago

Speaking of “mainstream churches finking on white people”, the United Methodist Church has begun to include anti-white racism in its evangelism. Methodists hate whites.

Quakers and Unitarians hate whites. (And by the way, Unitarians believe in at most one God. That’s my Unitarian joke.)

Anglicans hate everybody including themselves.

I have links for all these assertions, but your auto-moderation interpreted them as spam.

For what it’s worth, I’m a religious dissident. America will not survive without a religious revival. My expectation is that we won’t have one (or it won’t be big enough to save the country).

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Steve in Greensboro
3 years ago

The US is in desperate need of a counter-reformation against Wokism/Covidism/Floydism, and SWPL values in general.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I think we will see that. It will be, pace Z-Man, offensive by organic design, oriented towards keeping up pride, spirits, and fighting spirits of White men who have nothing now. It will likely include worship in one form or another of various White men who fought non-Whites, and be specifically “rebel” and “dangerous” (which is catnip for young women). It won’t be Christian, that ship sailed with those pics of Christian men getting yoked by blacks or kneeling. The biggest mistake our enemies made was not creating space and pride for young White men. What young White man wants… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Young white men just act like wiggers these days. Rap music obsession, Ebonics, ugly clothes. That’s their “outlet”. I find it disgusting. And I conduct myself as “white” as possible to try and be an example for lost young white men.

Ironically the ones having the financial and romantic success are the few who are not wiggers .

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Some of that stems from your vantage point of living in a massive, white-minority city. The wigger phenomenon isn’t as pervasive in small town North America.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Steve in Greensboro
3 years ago

The Methodists are a particularly interesting case. The traditionalists, who are not anti-White, also refused to accept homosexual marriage and prevailed.

The Left being the Left has demanded a schism and to retain the name “United Methodist Church ”

Is there any doubt that even without the brand the traditionalists will survive and the others die off? This is a great example of how the Left seeks to destroy what it cannot control.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Just so.

And as a general rule, Leftists are not true Christians at all. Rather, they hijack Christianity and use it as a vehicle for their noisome ideology. In doing so, they have demolished most mainstream denominations.

Reply to  Steve in Greensboro
3 years ago

Steve in Greensboro – religious dissident and/or religious refugee? I miss the days when every Sunday meant church and an often uplifting sermon that made me think. But our church gradually went off the rails (stayed biblical on the pederast issue, but started heavily pushing racial egalitarianism because the Africans don’t officially endorse pederasty) and when it decided women ‘priestesses’ were okay we said farewell. We tried a number of other churches but just didn’t find one that was doctrinally, politically, and socially comfortable. While personal faith has not faltered, I do miss corporate worship. And now that most churches… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

One positive result of Covidistan is that committed Christian churches have had to up their online game to accommodate the vulnerable and now do pretty well at it for the benefit of all.

I can almost guarantee that services on the CDT 0930 livestream there on Easter Sunday will be *glorious* (faith, truth and beauty – and The Music too):

And this is far from the only similar resource just now available.

3 years ago

Threat Signal. The Killing Tree. Cruel Hand. Dimension Zero. Chokehold. Mortician. Katatonia. Morbid Angel. And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead.

3 years ago

Zman, I found your emphasis on Christianity and the orderly world very striking (and very well supported by my go-to book regarding religious and philosophical history, “The Cave and the Light: Plato Versus Aristotle, and the Struggle for the Soul of Western Civilization” by Arthur Herman). As a Christian who believes in both natural order and free will, I agree that the latter makes no sense in a world of chaos. From what I’ve read (and I am no expert and willing to be corrected if need be by those better informed) that sense of inevitability is not merely not… Read more »

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

“Rambling Man Vol 4”?

I admire your ambition, Z.

Gunner Q
3 years ago

“It seems like there is an opportunity for the two main wings of the dissident right to find common cause again.”

Common cause, yes, but no lasting alliance is possible. Either there is a God or there isn’t, and the implications are severe.

Furthermore, most of the atheist hostility towards Christianity is a personal hostility not a reasoned one. I daresay that more atheists have been made by priests raping children than by debating the merits of creation versus evolution.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

Gunner, Priest pedophilia is on par with the other religious sects and statistically below the levels among public school teachers. Consider that for a moment. Not to say it shouldn’t be stamped out root and branch. As to atheists, I must say I find them repellent. I usually find, upon investigating, that the person is more aptly an agnostic than a true atheist. Agnosticism (or “the lost” as i think of them) or pagans to me are no less allies than white identitarian Christians. Sometimes more so depending on the church. Despite Stephan Molyneux’s tortured discourses on the moral compasses… Read more »

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

I respectfully agree, but from the other side. I hope that after we secure our white homelands, then Christians can have their own states to rule as they please.

As long you guys resist the impulse to import the non-whites whom you deem devout, we’ll be fine.

I agree that aggressive atheists are intolerable.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Done and done, Brother.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 years ago

I love you guys. Look, the world is complex. Maybe you’re right, maybe I’m right. Honest men of good faith may not agree on some fundamentals. I still love you guys. Let’s make it work.

You be you, baby. I’m privileged to observe your effort. Maybe you’ll persuade me. Maybe not.

3 years ago

The acronym GNON was invented as a bridge believers and non-believers. GNON is “the God of Nature Or Nature.”

I forgot who exactly came up with it. If anybody remembers, please say it.

Reply to  Hun
3 years ago

I think it was Nick Land. Not 100% sure.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

White I disagree with him on several things, notably the possibility of political ethnostates in the current era (which, admittedly, could change due to events), but Greg Johnson has made the best argument yet in this area. The case for White nationalism/identity is a MORAL one. This is how to bridge the gap between Christians and secularists, I think, and is happening to some degree. White people are actively hated now. This runs counter to how both race realists and/or Christians believe and think. The moral case against this hatred is the obvious bridge between the groups. As you once… Read more »

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

“While I disagree with him on several things, notably the possibility of political ethnostates in the current era (which, admittedly, could change due to events), but Greg Johnson has made the best argument yet in this area. The case for White nationalism/identity is a MORAL one. This is how to bridge the gap between Christians and secularists, I think, and is happening to some degree.“ Greg the Sodomite makes the case for morality – great, just great. Surely there must be non-degenerate writers and intellectuals making the moral case for Whites, if in fact we need a moral case to… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

I do not have a clue as to whether Johnson is homosexual or not. Regardless, the morality of White identity/nationalism is an excellent and persuasive argument to reach people. No, we do not need a moral argument to exist but it is certainly there and a way to span the gap.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

These clowns will never get past their pure hatred and bigotry for gays. And that is exactly what it is but they are too cowardly to admit it.

No I don’t care about that personally-ler them hate I don’t care. But as a matter of strategy, it’s is totally stupid and counter-productive.

They are so obssed with it though that they will watch their and their childrens whole civilization go down the toilet rather than just STFU about-at least temporarily..

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Impossible to live a moral life and meanwhile let all the ghetto violence and murder and mayhem go unchecked and without condemnation. Either that stuff is immoral, if not evil, or it isn’t. But if you think it is and want to lead a good and moral life, there is no choice but separation. On the flip side, as long as we are forced to live among blacks and forced to tolerate if not tacitly condone that stuff then the moral life is impossible. They make it so. They preclude us from being our best. In turn, they force us… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Isn’t it interesting that anti-anti-white racism is considered racism? In theory, we are not even allowed to defend ourselves on moral or intellectual grounds.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

No, racism is racism. The concept that there is no possible anti-white racism because “power” is just mental gymnastics created by the minorities to sooth guilt (if any) and justify their actions taken against Whites. And I’m sure there are no shortage of brain-dead Whites who believe this crap also.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Not just in theory but in practice. These people hate us and want us destroyed-and they are not joking..

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

The problem with Johnson’s white nationalism is that “Whites” do not exist as a meaningful category in American society. The dynamic of “Whites” who are “privileged” surrounded by various “non-Whites” who are “protected classes” exists in civil rights legislation and the cultural norms that arise from civil rights legislation, but it is not a social reality. Johnson buys into this false conceit. There are very high rates of intermarriage between European-Americans (i.e. founding stock Americans and Ellis Islander “white ethnics”) and many “non-white” post-1965 immigrant groups (East Asians and mestizos, mainly). The exceptions to this mixing are the Blacks and… Read more »

Reply to  KL
3 years ago

This is the old ‘well who is white really’, bullshit argument.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Its blasphemy to say that Catholicism leas to hatred of anyone.

3 years ago

“Inshallah” is the Arabic word you were looking for. It means “if God wills it”. Some Muslims (and Christians) use it as a prayer then get to work. Many use it as an excuse not to work, change the oil in the truck, or aim a rifle. If God wills it, the truck will run and the bullet will go where it is supposed to, so why bother?

3 years ago

“Secularism” is absolute cancer. Secular is just another way of saying atheist which is just another way of saying anti-Christian (in the Western context) and pro certain forms of Satanism. I say this as someone who is more on the not-religious side. I suspect this is why the “secular right” website collapsed. Anything with secular in the title is signalling a hostility to “religion” and by religion, I mean Christianity within the Western context.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

Ah yes, the old “Whoever isn’t with us is against us” point of view. In other words, our viewpoint is true, and all else is false. This is the mark of dogmatism pure and simple, upon which religion and other msyticism has near-total claim. Every Idealist who ever lived hates Science, because it demands you prove your assertions or equivalently, it can and often does disprove yours. As such, it is poisionous to dogma and must be suppressed.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

No. Just if you take the identity of “atheist” People who say atheism is non-belief are every bit as dishonest as those feminists who say feminism is merely equality or the belief that “women are human beings” ” This is the mark of dogmatism pure and simple, upon which religion and other msyticism has near-total claim. Every Idealist who ever lived hates Science, because it demands you prove your assertions or equivalently, it can and often does disprove yours. As such, it is poisionous to dogma and must be suppressed.” You appear to be doing that here. You have slipped… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

The proper term for an atheist who is not certain wrt to “God” is agnostic. An atheist denies God and demands proof of such a being. Many well known “scientists” have no problem with the concept of God and fall under the heading of agnostic. And then of course, there are (as I put it) the “anti-theists”. Violent atheists who never miss a chance to rail against believers. They are easy to spot, because they never let mention of a Devine Being pass without an argument against such—usually ad hominem. We have a couple of such who post in this… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

“.Secular is just another way of saying atheist which is just another way of saying anti-Christian (in the Western context) and pro certain forms of Satanism.”

Disagree. While there are many atheists who fit this description, those of us from the secular, race realist Right consider White Christians our brothers and sisters. This is not an either/or proposition at all, and bridging that gap via the anti-White hatred should be a goal.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I make a distinction between the “non-believer” and the atheist. While admittedly, this may appear to be a trick of rhetoric, I think it is valid. People who salt their language with “secular” and atheist are mostly not just non-believers. They are anti-Christian. Everything they do is specifically anti-Christian. I myself come out of the non-believer ranks. However, I have no desire to cleanse the public square of the tradition and culture of my people. I most certainly do not degrade them, call them stupid, make them the butt of jokes, etc. Atheists do this. So many atheists do it,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

I largely agree with this as fleshed out. Yes, there is a great deal of overlap among those who claim to be atheist and the anti-Christian, anti-White impulse.

I think of “secular” and “non-believer interchangeable but you make a good case this is more than a semantic distinction. Thanks for expanding your thoughts.

Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

This is exactly why the great men who founded the former American nation wrote the 1st Amendment.

They last thing they wanted was religious fanatics using the state to projectile vomit their gibberish on everyone-else..

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Good podcast I believe that Christians can make peace with the evolution issue. I have, biological evolution just made sense to me more and more as I observed the world and it no longer bothers me to fit it into my faith. Secondly, the progressive infiltration of Christianity is a weakness of Christianity, the idea of universalism within Christianity that destroys any heirarchy. But it does not have to be this way. We can have Christianity without rainbow flags and open borders and men in sundresses. Finally, The idea of Inevitability that we throw around both inside Christianity and inside… Read more »

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Mr. Liddy,

Read Seneca’s “On the Good Life”. If you did not do so intentionally, your post hit most of his main points of Stoicism.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

So you want me to start out believing the first three chapters of the Bible are bunk in need of some good ol fashioned prog updating, but then fight like a lion resisting religion-updating progressivism elsewhere?

Once Christians ditch actually believing the Bible, they’re cucked. How many 7 day creationists do you reckon voted for Biden?

3 years ago

One of the hardest things to impress upon people is that we have to actively disassociate from blacks and that such actions are good and just. That to detach ourselves from blacks is being on the side of the angels. Rather in today’s world, that is seen as evil or bad. But this is false. Flipping that around and discrediting that false belief is pretty much our mission. Not saying it’s going to be easy. But either way, it’s that or we die or wither away. My read of the world today is that we are both a form of… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Most people separated from blacks, they are just in denial about it..

3 years ago

I separate evolution into two types. Small “e” evolution is a proven fact. Take some domesticated wolves/dogs and breed only the very fastest for many generations and you end up with Greyhounds. They can still breed with other dogs and wolves, but they have unique characteristics. Same thing happened in human history. Z hits on it – we were all built for a specific place. Big “E” evolution where the greyhounds eventually become a different species with a different number of chromosomes and can’t breed with dogs – that theory has huge holes in it. It gets taught as fact… Read more »

Reply to  Drake
3 years ago

Drake: Same. As a Christian I accept microevolution and the changes individual species demonstrate over time due to environment and/or breeding. I reject macroevolution or the emergence of the natural order out of nothing because Big Bang or meteor, and the emergence of human higher order thinking and the human soul from the primates. The genetic similarity seen in nature is the result of the same building blocks, but used in vastly different numbers and I combinations. I consider those building blocks to be from God, and that is what I interpret as Intelligent Design. Humanity is not an accident,… Read more »

3 years ago

Apologies if you mentioned this in the show (haven’t had time to listen yet), but one good way to get the two sides talking would be to point out the immense effort the Left has put into establishing the equation “smart person” = “fucking loves Science” = “atheism.” That whole “Hitler’s Pope” thing, for instance, was largely invented by the KGB (with an assist from the Romanian Securitate, whose CO wrote a book about it). For most of the USSR’s existence, if you scratched a “Liberal” theologian, you’d find a Marxist, often directly on the KGB’s payroll — the World… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Here’s an important point: The real world (the universe, physical world, etc.) operates by its own immutable laws. It doesn’t give a damn what you or anyone thinks or wishes were true. It is totally unimpressed by your most fervent beliefs, prayers or demands. The laws of Nature will not be swayed one iota, it matters not how many virgins are thrown into the volcano, nor how many times the penitent flails himself, nor how much you donated to your church or how many Rosaries you prayed. This is in remarkable contrast with the imaginary world, constrained by few, if… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

That’s exactly the attitude I’m trying to argue against, though. Atheists — you know, the smart people — have this caricature of religious believers, that we’re all sitting in a church somewhere, fervently praying that the Sky Fairy repeal the Law of Gravity or something. Which is a) not true, but far more importantly b) a ridiculously counterproductive attitude to hold. I’ll try to put this as baldly as I can: It does not matter one whit if the physical claims of any particular religion are true. They could all be false. But religion sanctions the moral order which alone… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

We’re sitting on this tiny rock in the middle of a supposedly infinite universe. And atheists are arrogant enough to think that man made “science” is the be all end all. God put us on this strange earth and we do our best to make sense of it, explore it, and quantify it in ways that make sense to our mind. Science is a tool (and an important one) but not a chance humans are even capable of understanding the universe at all. It is limited to the constraints of the human mind, since it is, after all, a human… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I don’t really care what atheists believe or don’t. The social utility of religion is so obvious it shouldn’t require arguments, but I don’t care about private belief (or unbelief). That said, the general lack of historical knowledge among atheists (and this is NOT an attack on Ben; I don’t know what he knows or doesn’t) gets tiresome. Look, gang, Julian the Apostate knocked out most of those “haha, Christianity is self contradictory nonsense” arguments 1700 years ago. David Strauss handled the “Jesus is just a fictional character” stuff 200 years ago. There’s nothing new under the sun, as some… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

You are arrogant enough to believe your fairy-tales can explain everything.

No one can-including the invisible man.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Concede the point. I tend to overemphasize religion’s failings re claims in the material world, and they are legion. I’m among the first to agree that morals should be part of the church. Not because they were supernaturally ordained, although that is always part of the narrative and the faithful will so ascribe their origin. Stripped of the miracles, many, perhaps most religions are simply a a set of rules for living, a morality in other words. There is a pragmantic value: Both Christianity and Buddhism, for example, exhort believers to not steal, to not murder, to avoid sexual immorality,… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Morality isn’t just a “set of rules,” though. The “miracles” — the divine sanction behind the rules — are what make morality. Nietzsche was responding to a long intellectual tradition – Feuerbach, David Strauss, and so on, who hashed out the “social value of religion” in detail (“it’s good to have a set of universal rules.”) Nietzsche constantly stressed that his was a higher morality, a self generated morality (not “a set of socially useful rules”). There’s a reason he put this stuff in the mouth of ” Zarathustra, ” the founder of an ancient (much older than Christianity) *dualistic*… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

There’s a huge difference between atheists and anti-theists.

Public “atheists” are really anti- theists – openly at war with god a religion. While true “atheists” are just people lacking a personal belief in God who nonetheless may (and often do) see the value of organized religion and even theistic faith itself.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

“let me throw the Theist a rare bone: Sometimes the rank athiests are equally guilty.” Show me an atheist who is not. Atheism (as opposed to non-belief) is a movement and it is specifically an anti-Christian movement and it is a leftist movement. Some of the atheists’ biggest criticism about Christians is their rejection of things like open homosexuality. the sexual revolution and of course, the wamman. Atheism is also a really shitty attempt to replace the identity of Christian with some sort secular replacement. Atheism as an identity is about as valid as white supremacy as an identity. Both… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  tarstarkas
3 years ago

You lay a lot of failings at the fault of atheism; unfairly, in my opinion. I’d class all the issues you raises as issues of morality and ethics. These of course can have a basis in a religion. Above I just used a comparison of some of the “Thou shalt nots” comparing Judeo-Christian and Buddhist ethics. You couldn’t ask for two more dissimilar faiths, yet there are remarkable similarities: Don’t steal. Don’t kill (murder). Avoid sexual immorality. Don’t lie. Support your parents, wife and children. Etc. Of course there are many differences. My point was, of course, that there are… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian. It is as sensible as Islamo-Christian or Judeo-Satanism. This is a self-serving attempt of our small hatted friends to write themselves into our history and culture in an attempt to fit in. This concept is largely a mid 20th century invention. While the phrase itself existed before that, it meant a religious Christian who was an ethnic Jew. From what I can tell, morality fell as Christianity waned. All of these bad things rose as Christianity fell in the West. Admittedly, it could be that as these things rose, it naturally pushed people… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Who has the most hostile comments in threads like this believers or non-believers?

And it’s not close..

3 years ago

The pompous Harvard ass (but I repeat myself) Stephen Jay Gould used to refer to “non-overlapping magisteria.” Anyway one of the things I always liked about Catholicism was that it was accepting of evolution, having perhaps learned its lesson with Galileo.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

I was introduced to Gould’s assertion with the caveat: this does not (or should not) excuse religion (or other Idealist) thought or claims from scrutiny or criticism. Yes, some claims (like existence of a Heaven or Hell) are by their nature not amenable to inquiry, because they make no claims about the real world. But plenty of other religious claims, e.g. miracles as Dawkins and others have noted, are at last in principle subject to study, although most of them would seem to require access to a time machine. Lacking that, I hold with Hume’s rule that we accept the… Read more »

Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

This is a short read but worth it, IMO. Catholic Position on Evolution:

Cosmological evolution: Universe was created from nothing.
Biological evolution: Evolution if it occurs does so with impetus of God.
Human evolution: Possible that man developed from previous biological forms. Soul, however, is a unique to individual and a creation of God.

Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

According to Tom Woods, I guy who I mostly trust and who came out of the paleo movement (who, unfortunately has become a libertarian), the Galileo story is BADLY misrepresented by academics and the culture in general. What they always leave out is Galileo was working on the Pope’s dime and wrote an anti-Catholic screed and made very many personal attacks on the Pope who was paying his bills. From what Woods says, the big sticking point was not the heliocentric model, but the attacks on the Church itself. ALWAYS remember when a leftist is telling you a self-serving narrative… Read more »

Reply to  Casey
3 years ago

Technically any Catholic is free to be a Young Earth Creationists or an Earth Creationist if they so choose. There is a Polish Dominican who teaches at a small Catholic college in California who accepts an “Old Earth” but maintains that Darwinism is incompatible with Thomist metaphysics.

Another group of Dominican Thomists accept evolution.

Interestingly, the problem with evolution for these Catholics isn’t scripture so much as metaphysics.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

For me, the big issue between Christian conservatives (though some Christians on the DR might disagree with them) and the secular DR is the former’s universalism. “We’re all God’s children” doesn’t exactly fit with ethno-nationalism. You see it on Gab all the time. But as long as Christianity can be squared with ethno-nationalism, I don’t see why Christian and secular DR couldn’t live together just fine. Both want a respect for tradition, hierarchy, with one side viewing that these grow out of a love for God and the other that they grow out of a love of their people. For… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Paul said “we’re all brothers and sisters in Christ,” but that’s the thing — in Christ. He Himself said quite a few things about how hard it was to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it’s a pretty exclusive club (I myself am amazed I don’t get zapped by lightning every time I set foot in a church… not that I can set foot in a church these days, all my local priests being busy cowering under their desks in fear of the Dread Coof, but that’s a rant for another day). Point is, the 19th century Britons (and Americans) who… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Yes, obviously, Christians in the past were perfectly comfortable with ethno-nationalism, but that’s certainly changed. My concern is that it seems very easy for Christians to slip into universalism, i.e. it’s a constant threat that we’d have to watch out for generation after generation.

Christian universalism is a bit like Jews. It’s always waiting for a chance to pull us away from our people.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“My concern is that it seems very easy for Christians to slip into universalism” well said, it ain’t that hard to uncover questionable ideas embedded in the new testament. The biblical quote below can be easily used to turn a white christian against his own people for the sake of a religious ideology. “25 Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.… Read more »

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Kind of depends upon the translation and colloquial usage of the word “hate” doesn’t it?

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

+90% translations use the word “hate”, including the popular king james version

i rest my case

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I am a fairly active evangelical Christian as well as a race realist. I’ll state two things right off the bat: 1) I would be run out of town if I openly stated my views in church 2) there are more guys who are quietly on our side than you would expect – or they’re at least a little woke. A big problem is that they do believe that we’re all God’s children. And they love attracting new immigrants to church (the more the merrier). And yet even in diverse churches the rate of race mixing is pretty low. They… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The Tower of Babel story in Genesis is a clear rebuke of globalism, but most Christians seem to dismiss it as that today. I don’t think I have heard anyone mention it in church since I was a kid. The social pressure to conform to secular culture is very strong in evangelical churches, which is why so many have developed an entertainment based worship service. Your point about developing community is very strong and as Z mentioned, Christianity is an inseparable part of Western Civilization. It would be helpful for more evangelical churches to cultivate relationships with Christian churches in… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Christian Zionism is a problem in the United States within some protestantism. My visit to a small protestant church recently did give me some encouragement in that I heard nothing about Israel being he chosen from the pulpit and I talked to a lot of people in the congregation homeschooling their children.
The downside is universalism
As a dissident I cannot accept that.
But overall a decent church can provide some protection for us.
Hopefully in time as we perhaps see society deteriorate along racial lines that Christian universalism will weaken.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Reply to B125: “I am a fairly active evangelical Christian as well as a race realist. I’ll state two things right off the bat: 1) I would be run out of town if I openly stated my views in church 2) there are more guys who are quietly on our side than you would expect – or they’re at least a little woke.” I’m Catholic and my experience in my parish is similar to yours. A few thoughts: There is tremendous variation in politics between Catholic parishes. I attend a conservative parish, but others in my area are more liberal.… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Yup don’t disagree with you on any points. I’m happy being an evangelical but am not against any other kind of Christianity… If it works it works. Went to a Catholic Mass once but the priest was a fat pedo (at the minimum he had very bad physiognomy) and it was full of third worlders; Indians Filipinos blacks. I’d be open to converting to say Catholicism if I felt it had superior benefits for myself and our people but right now I feel they are about equal all things considered… Not perfect or even explicitly pro white but better than… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

B125. You used the words “tends” or “trends” nine times in your comment. Those terms make a man sound tender. And a black girl sound smart. They usually aren’t even needed, since the generalization is already assumed.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to count and providing a detailed statistical update

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“People are going to lose jobs, friends, family, maybe even go to jail.” Look at who’s spearheading resistance to the tyrannical lockdowns in Canada. It’s evangelical churches. Pastor James Coates in Alberta (wife was on Tucker Carlson recently) was in jail for over a month because he was holding normal church services every Sunday. Just didn’t give a fuck, normal unmasked full capacity. While Pastor Coates went to jail, the services continues while he was locked up. And guess what Globohomo has backed off for now. Nobody is stopping them from having services. The Church of God in Aylmer Ontario… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Agree. The only people that I see openly fighting against globohomo and protecting each other are Christians.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I’d like to have a guest post from Lineman on building a resilient community, which it seems he has, or is part of.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“‘We’re all God’s children’ doesn’t exactly fit with ethno-nationalism.”

Why would you say this? As a Christian, I have a duty to care about and even to love the filthy bum on the corner, but that hardly implies I must let him stay in my guest room. That many Christians oppose ethnographic-nationalism is simply due to their suffering from the same disease as the rest of the world.

3 years ago

There are a couple of irreconcilable differences between the religious creationists and secular evolutionists. First, evolutionists tend to radically overreach in their explanations for human behavior, generally by assuming the conclusion or commiting post hoc errors. Second, and more importantly, evolution in particular, and science in general simply cannot provide moral guidance or direction. For example, even though it is generally accepted as true by some that Africans evolved differently than Asians, it simply cannot provide any moral guidance on what to do about it. How to deal with this fact is fundamentally a moral question and must be answered… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

So far correct. I’d like to weigh in with some more stuff. Like many of us, I tend to argue extremes. In this case, it is the eternal ideal vs. real, or in this case, “ought” vs. “is” of Hume. It is correct, says much philosophy (and I agree) that no morality can be inferred from Nature. In other words, good/bad, righteous/evil are purely human judgments and in no way can they be derived from a study of natural phenomena, nor can they be imputed to non-human behavior. Let’s not even get into the debate of God or other teleology:… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

OK, read the news item. Perhaps Oakland can skirt the law if all the funding is from private sources. As Mark Twain might have said: I oppose the government wasting money on the poor. It’s much more efficient for private individuals to squander the money without the State stepping in. I still bet a case can be made if government employees are involved at any level. As usual, I wish the Liberals success in their rosy predictions. To me they sound remarkably like the claims that admitting an academically unqualified Black into a rigourous university program will result in his… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Ben, best way to consider the Bay Area is through “do what thou wilt” morality. Google search the phrase if you want to learn more. Mayor and city council got private funds to push this boundary and they won’t be held to account by their voters, so they decided to move forward. Simple as.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Re: UBI for blacks, etc. only. Welfare needed a fancier name. If these people get even more dependent and slothful it’s not a bad thing for us in the long run (as we, by necessity, become more resourceful and community oriented). Just don’t be anywhere in the vicinity when the rug is inevitably pulled out from under them.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

White people are enemies of the state so this makes sense.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Sure, but most people act on the basis of moral proscription, not biological fact. The observation that black people are observed to be more violent than white people simply begs the question of what should be done about it, and the biological origin of the differences is irrelevant (in the sense that biology is immutable, and therefore is not the domain for altering behavior). This being the case, it simply leaves the question of why bother even referencing evolution when explaining differences between races, sexes, or species since the why has little, if any, to do with the what. As… Read more »

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

You simply hate evolution because it interferes with your beliefs..

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Evolution is not science.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Good Christian couples who can’t have children or are relatively wealthy will adopt children from a $#@!hole country. They are good people, frankly better than most people who read this blog (sorry). Heck, even that French guy from NR (shudder). The short term consequences of this action are benign. Two of my youngest sons buddies are SE Asian and Haitian. He (like his dad growing up) doesn’t see race or color. They are just his friends. The long term consequences? Let me tell you the story of another young boy. Barry Soretoro (peace be upon him) was raised by his… Read more »

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Mixed race kids are almost always a disaster. They have no identity. In a sane world a mixed race kid with a white dad would just be considered white passing and eventually mix with whites again but we don’t live in a sane time lol. Doesn’t matter if they’re Christian or atheist. They are ultra conformist to the Globohomo order as it’s the only identity they can hold onto (being white is forbidden). I know a white guy who married a Filipina woman. They only had one kid (why do all mixed race couples have so few kids?). The kid… Read more »

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Moe: I strongly take issue with you declaring White Christians who adopt the offspring of other races ‘better’ people – particularly that loathsome virtue-signaler David French. God instructs us to care for our own first, and adopting the world’s strays is antithetical to that. These adoptions are not done because there are no White children in need, but rather because the adopting families want a child of a specific age or sex, and usually because they want to demonstrate their racial bona fides, which they confuse with their Christian belief, to the world. The two are not the same. The… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Well put. Interracial adoption is the equivalent of showing off a child as “transgendered.” It is virtue signaling and breathtakingly selfish, and while the adoption opens one to homicide and sexual abuse, “transgendered” children may deliver a fully justified murder to the parents who abused them in years ahead.

I am not religious although raised Christian, which as a whole was a good experience, but do recall prohibitions against excessive and ultimately false professions of faith. Interracial adoption fits this description, and in many cases (I think this is true of French) indicates mental illness as well.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago


I do not disagree with you (“better” may not have been the appropriate word).

“Pathological altruism” is a very real thing. What would the world look like if little Barry’s grandparents didn’t raise him?

But altruism, directed toward your people (however defined), is the bedrock of any community.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Interracial adoption and especially transnational interracial adoption is absolutely evil to its core. They are stepping over similar (to them) children in their own backyard to bring in foreign genes into their community and spend their resources on these foreign genes.
It is certainly not Christian. These are people trying to turn progressivism into Christianity.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Beautifully argued.

It’s great that you are back.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

I think the dynamic with French and Justice Barret is that Evangelicals and conservative Catholics are not accepted in elite circles (academia, BigLaw, I-Banking, etc.), so they adopt third world kids to buy goodwill from their co-workers and bosses. A evangelical with 8 white kids would be considered a bigot and won’t get the promotion; evangelical with 5 white kids and 3 adopted Ethiopians might have a shot. Its a scummy business considering that the African kids are being used like fashion accessories and often have living parents back in the old country, and it creates a very weird and… Read more »

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

From: “As the Catechism puts it, “Methodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws, can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things the of the faith derive from the same God. The humble and persevering investigator of the secrets of nature is being led, as it were, by the hand of God in spite of himself, for it is God, the conserver of all things, who made them what they are” (CCC 159). The Catholic Church has… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Indeed, the CC funds or is involved in many scientific/knowledge endeavors, especially observatories and universities.