A Lazy Return

The show is back this week and fair warning, it is not a great show. Like a lot of people, I am now in summer mode. Last summer was cancelled by our rulers and their Chinese handlers, so I am looking forward to having summer this year. I am not a summer person, but I do like the slower pace. Here in Lagos, the masks are dropping and the bareface is running free again, so it is feeling very summery all of a sudden. Even the homicide rate has got back to normal. Past normal actually.

It has been interesting watching the struggle for normalcy. At the stores, about 60% of people still wears masks, depending upon where you go. The ghetto was hit and miss on the masks all along, but the beautiful people places were energetically compliant with the masking and distancing. That is where you see the strongest resistance to the dropping of the masks. I suspect the mask could become a piety symbol for these people, which would be a good result of the Covid panic.

The workplace is where things are getting weird already. I was on a call with a client the other day and they are still doing the work at home thing. The boss wants everyone back, but he has been getting a ton of resistance. The plan is everyone has until the fall to get back to the office. I know a couple of women who are quitting rather than go back to the office, as they like being home with the kids. They realized that extra stuff and having a career was not a good trade-off.

In my office building, I would say close to half the tenants will not renew. Some went out of business, but others figured out that they could save the rent and let their people work from home, so that is the plan. There is a lot of vacant office space in this part of the world, so commercial real estate is heading for a long recession. That is a cyclical business anyway, so it probably does not matter. A few years ago, we were the only tenant in our building for a few months.

It is easy to see why the Covidians are fighting the return to normalcy. There will be no way to do pull this stuff again after people drop the masks and go back to living relatively normal lives again. They can scream themselves hoarse about variants and new waves, but there is no going back to masks now. The fact that Florida exists has discredited this forever. The Covidians will have to find a new reason to justify tormenting the public so they can feel like heroes.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

For sites like this to exist, it requires people like you chipping in a few bucks a month to keep the lights on and the people fed. It turns out that you can’t live on clicks and compliments. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you don’t want to commit to a subscription, make a one time donation. Or, you can send money to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. You can also use PayPal to send a few bucks, rather than have that latte at Starbucks. Thank you for your support!

Promotions: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a 15-percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link.   If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sales@minterandrichterdesigns.com.

This Week’s Show


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She Was A Constitution Nut
She Was A Constitution Nut
3 years ago

Libernuttian Lew is craving absolution from “Black Lives” again. So, one of his favorite twits, a Christian bigot named Charles Burris, is spreading antiwhite agitprop and self-loathing with more enthusiasm than usual: On Teaching The Tulsa Race Massacre https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/on-teaching-the-tulsa-race-massacre/ In addition to pushing the standard oppression narrative, the former history teacher informs his readers that his copy of From Slavery To Freedom, a verbose victimology signed by Dr. Franklin, is “one of my most precious possessions”. The Beginning of Hell: The 1942 Lee Street Race Riot https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/the-beginning-of-hell-the-1942-lee-street-race-riot/ Here, too, the libertarian figures out a way to construe reaction to blackness… Read more »

3 years ago

An anti-landlord leftist activist recently had this on his Twitter feed: “For those of us concerned with radical democracy, it is more useful to think about what would happen if two sheep and one wolf were to decide what to eat for dinner. Might makes right so organize for justice.” Dude has apparently never met a wolf or a sheep. Double servings of sheep for dinner. Also, it’s interesting to see “might makes right” adopted as a slogan of the left. I guess it fits in with “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that… Read more »

3 years ago

Z Man, you got the Tulsa numbers exactly backwards. In the initial shootout, 12 whites and two blacks were killed. The total number of during the entire event is variously cited as 36 or 39, with 13 whites killed and the rest black. In other words, in the initial shootout the blacks “won,” but at a significant cost in the end.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Funny that you bring up Asness. Yep, he’s a billionaire hedge fund/mutual fund guy. He’s also one of the usual suspects, though like so many of them, he watered down the gene pool by marrying a goy. He’s also a libertarian who hates Trump, as you would assume. However, he’s part of a recent tiff within the Never Trump camp, which is interesting. Some writer named Tim Miller at the Bulwark – yes, that joke – argues that hating Trump – like Asness does – isn’t enough. The GOP should go after Trump’s “racist” Nazi supporters and cleanse them from… Read more »

3 years ago

The first conservative book I bought was in college in early 90’s.
Charles Syke’s “The Hollow Men”, about Leftist agenda in academia. Just for reasons of nostalgia, it’s a bummer he turned out to be a typical status-seeking Never-Trumper Neocon. However it does equate with my pet belief to never trust a Conservative who looks like a Midwestern preacher.


JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

I’m not really shocked by how retarded Conservative Inc. can be, but the Go Fund Me for AOC’s Abuela has to be an 11 on the 1 to 10 retard scale. “owning her!!!” Jesus.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Good points about Con, Inc., and its imminent demise. The crickets were a particularly inspired touch when you referenced the National Review.

“What is National Review’s take?” asked no one since the carny Reagan died.

The Republican Party, much like Con, Inc., is circling the drain and the sooner we kill off the controlled opposition the better. Actually it seems to be doing the job for us.

The Greek
The Greek
3 years ago

Don’t be too hard on yourself z. This podcast was top tier mediocrity.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

CNN drops an interesting story how the jabs fail to produce antibodies in the immunodeficient and immunosuppressed, even when the idiots run out and get the Pfizer + J&J jabs:


You just love to see it.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Yes, a friend with significant health problems was terribly disappointed to find out neither she nor her husband had antibodies post vaccine. Very happy and hopeful until the antibody test. I don’t consume any non-internet news myself, but the sell for that vaccine must have been phenomenal.

Modern Gravedigger
Modern Gravedigger
3 years ago

There won’t be a return to a full normal because of the Covidian forced vaccine agenda and the segregation states and countries are setting up. This might last a century like Jim Crow if the Covidian religion proves to be persistent, or it can be used to bait and switch, like how Schwab likes you to own nothing and be happy – and the “priviledged” gets to try some of the measures first. Seasons of inflation is coming, and that isn’t the worst thing. The real threat to the New Normalcy is the broader failure of supply chains (caused by… Read more »

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

important video, please watch

Mom in Carmel NY fights back against teaching critical race theory as board tries to tone police her

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago


Courageous woman.

I forwarded that video to half a dozen folks. Thanks Nunnya.

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

My new favorite soccer mom.

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

That woman is based.

Reply to  Gauss
3 years ago

Holding back her power level by focusing on anti-police rhetoric was a brilliant move. We need people like this in every single stinking school district. I freaking love how she shut down every single attempt by the pathetic worms on that board to deny her the right to speak. This is a model for how it’s done. How dare they indeed!

Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Give that woman a baseball bat and now we’re talking serious push-back.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  nunnya bidnez, jr
3 years ago

Sniff! She had me at I-eebrahim!

3 years ago

Great show Z-Man, not lazy at all. I would amplify your observation that elites cycle through ala Pareto. And what we are seeing now with anti-White hatred is the replacement of the old White elites (Pelosi, Schumer, Biden) with newer, non-White elites filled with anti-White hatred: AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Roxanne Gray, etc. This is why we are moving rapidly to a situation where Whites are going to be hunted down and killed in “safe” areas like the suburbs and eventually forced labor camps will be constructed. The old guard is terrified and just hanging on, see Schumer who… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Did you lick the windows on the retard bus to school , shit for brains?

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

That’s a hell of a rebuttal to Whiskeys comment Dennis.

In the future, if you disagree with a persons comment or point of view, you may actually want to debunk it.

It makes the whole process more interesting.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

I would like to 2nd the comment from the esteemed gentleman above: “Did you lick the windows on the retard bus to school, shit for brains?” Both appropriate and funny, in light of the typical half-batshit / half-decent Whiskey posts.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

That’s a little harsh, but I did read the first three sentences and was like “Is this Whiskey? Ahh, yup, explains that.” I guess I’m somewhat enviable that a dedicated commentor has such a notable style that it can be recognized so readily. And Whiskey, no sending manifestos in anywhere buddy.

We built the pyramids
We built the pyramids
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

“Trade up.”
Black people run Hollywood.

Whatever helps yo sleep at night.

karl mchungus
karl mchungus
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

not getting laid for 20 years can make a man say crqzy things. if this nimrod believed a tenth of the nonsense he posts, he would have topped himself long ago. am always irritated when i don’t notice the name of the commenter, and realize i have been reading one of eeyore’s gloomy predictions.

Reply to  karl mchungus
3 years ago

Perhaps you missed the educated, professional Indian Dr. at Yale talking about how she wants to shoot White people in the head? And how much Yale loves Dr. Khil? Or every TV show, movie, commercial features nothing but black black black black? Heck even the Jewish writer/producers can’t get projects made any more and complain about it. Marvel traded out their White male heroes for a bunch of black and gay ones. And now we have various White women making Twatter videos about how much they prefer black to White men. Disney has even in their streaming stuff come around… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Non-White “America” would be cool with genocide but cannot pull it off, even with the pussy hat-wearing harpies at their side. This nation’s implosion is not without a certain black, no pun or low IQ reference intended, humor. The current junta hasn’t been in office a full six months and already is a joke internationally and among Heritage Americans. I’m actually feeling pretty good at the moment for our people, who like drunks had to hit rock bottom first.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Isnt zs readership disappointed middle aged men?

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

In the 1960s, blacks did not have anywhere near the strong “Black” identity they have today. They were greatly embarrassed by figures like Malcolm-X and the Nation of Islam. Blacks greatly wanted to be “Americans” first and black secondarily if at all. There are many clips of blacks on the street being interviewed in the 60s saying they are Americans and not “Black Americans” Even the term African American had a lot of push-back. I can remember as a young person using the term around black people out of respect and having them tell me “I’m BLACK. I ain’t African”… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The whole blackness movement began in the late 60s. There were Black Power and Afrocentrism, and things have gotten exponentially worse since then. Interestingly enough, black culture has deteriorated dramatically as blacks have reverted to their innate Africanness, and dispensed with all white standards of merit and achievement. Prior to the late 60s, America was held together only under the pressure of white civilization. As that civilization was undermined, every sort of latent fissiparous and savage force was unleased. The results were terminal.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Word of the day = “fissiparous”
“fis•sip•a•rous fĭ-sĭp′ər-əs►
adj. Reproducing by biological fission.
adj. Tending to break up into parts or break away from a main body; factious.
Reproducing or multiplying by fission or spontaneous self-division, a mode of asexual generation by division into two or more parts, each of which, when completely separated, becomes a new individual: it is a usual process among the protozoans, protophytes, and other low organisms. See fission, 2.”

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Not just blacks either. Talk to any POC who has been living in North America for a while and you realize that they are obsessed, even consumed, with race. Whites are constantly plotting against them. Racism is everywhere. Are they FOB or whitewashed? Old brown people are ignorant, old white people are racist. That group is too white. This group doesn’t have enough whites, too many FOBs here. This whitey is a racist; this one is an insincere ally and is also racist. How come I didn’t get invited to golf? They spend their whole time making racist jokes on… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Encouraging hatred of white people through oppression narratives is extremely dangerous. They are very race-conscious and now they see us as the oppressor. Killing your oppressor is not bad. “Is it even violence if it is in self-defense?” The whole purpose of an oppression narrative is to justify violence against the people being labeled as oppressors. It is that much worse when the people are so race conscious. “These people are oppressing and killing my people!” That is why I said encouraging these people to hate us is evil. We are already beginning to see the fruits of this programming.… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Yup they hate white children like nothing else; that’s why I’m working to have as many as possible.

It is very clear to me that they plan to at least severely marginalize us, and likely eventually genocide us. Just open your eyes.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Tribal warfare always focuses on the kids, who get exterminated because they are the future of the enemy tribe and they are defenseless. The Haitian genociders used an impaled white child as their standard – and there is a reason for that. I tell the story of a couple weeks ago, being stopped at a red light and having a black roll up in the lane next to mine and tell my wife and I that we were “complete shit.” I suspect the triggering factor was the child in the back seat of the car. He saw a White family… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

B: “You’re complete sh!t”
W: “And yet you choose to live around me”

She Was A Constitution Nut
She Was A Constitution Nut
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Encouraging hatred against white people (or against black people) is evil. Well, I, too, have lived near “Black Lives”, almost entirely in the Midwest. In fact, when I was very young, I had several who were friends, and sometimes we’d hang out at one of their homes to watch TV or play horse in the backyard. That was before any of us got to high school. Now, when I encounter subsaharans in the USA, they usually remind me that… (1) virtually all of them have brown skin, not black skin like a gorilla; (2) black is not a color but… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

“Black Wall Street” is one of the biggest single lies about African American history. “Black Wall Street” was literally a fairly functional black neighborhood, enabled almost entirely by those evil white-supremacist laws they hate so much. There was no investment banking, no involvement with the stock market, no high finance or elite banking or even educational institutions. Literally, a functional middle-class black neighborhood. Losing it was no doubt bad for the people who lived there. There is no denying that. But everything about it is a lie. I have met a number of black people who thought and insisted to… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The Beeb (BBC) let slip that there are 2 (two) graves of black men who died that day.

Yes, CNN is still behind the neverending search for the mass grave of the missing 300. They should look, instead, for the giant ovens!

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Don’t forget about all the empty gas cans.

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

It gets so tiresome. I’ve always loved archaeology, so I have to wade through the dross like this on the archeological news headlines to get to anything interesting. Even there, you have to put up with insane leftists, but it’s harder to insist on lesbian transgender women of color representation in prehistoric European archeological finds.


Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 years ago

That headline about the Poor Dead Sacred Negroes got top billing today, which I scrolled right over to get to this, which is fascinating, because it’s about my people.


Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

I’ve always wondered who the h3ll were those folks in identical outfits with tiki torches and chanting “blood and soil.” Had to be some kind of government operation.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

There are two take-aways from the recent world ending pandemic that I find interesting. One, too many people realize they don’t have to go in to work. I always wanted to work from home, it’s just I’m retired now so that’s all I CAN do. Secondly, and more frightening, there’s the belief that too many people don’t have to work and someone else will pick up the tab. Why put up with annoying humans when you can sit around the house in your birthday suit and still survive?

3 years ago

Many young white people are actually self hating. Z is right, old white people can filter out the anti white hatred as lunacy but young people can’t; it’s all they’ve known. Laugh at the “crazy millenial soy boys” at your own risk, because they might just believe it. It’s important to have a chat with your kids or nephews or grandkids or whoever. Don’t come off as the crazy racist, but state truths calmly, yet with rock solid firmness. Remember that CRT is basically race realism – but spun with the wrong angle. Blacks *are* disadvantaged in white society –… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

A lot of White kids do believe the propaganda, but Z is also right that a good chunk – especially boys – don’t. And of the two groups, the latter is by far the most angry. The White kids who believe the propaganda aren’t generally self-hating. They might think others Whites are bad, but they’re good. They just assume that there’s this happy multi-racial paradise just down the road, but they’re not motivated to do much themselves beside recite the party lines. But White kids who don’t buy into the propaganda are motivated because the anti-White propaganda is in their… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I hope you’re right. I see alot of young white guys adopt a quiet, depressed, resigned attitude and seem to hope that if they’re quiet and good they will be spared. Perhaps a sense of shame for being a white male, too. Or they simply stop going out and do the video games, porn, and weed thing. Once an area drops below 50% white, the street level looks 0% white as we just stop leaving the house (well, except for me). But, an idle, unhappy group of men is still ripe for the picking. As leaders in the movement (both… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

All the based zoomers I see are internet anons who might be 45. Among the actual young men I know well enough to understand, most from anachronistically “trad” religious and academic families, at least 90% are sullenly insane and hopeless—because their mothers have despised them since birth and can’t hide it.

Women do whatever the strongest present culture tells them to do. It’s said “Kill your sons” for fifty years.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

There is no shame in being White, it’s a badge of honor. We’re in a war. Pounding motherfuckers into submission is what you do in a war. You, your family and heritage depends on it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I see this as well. These will be the foot soldiers in what is coming. I agree with Z regarding the green shoots. Just like the dangers, it is foolish to ignore them, too.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

WTF is an “expert in Democracy,” let alone “our democracy?” How do you get into this club?

The reason they always trot out “experts” to spread a faslse narrative and to justify doing what they already wanted to do is because “expert” doesn’t mean anything. What made the psychiatrists vulnerable to the Goldwater Rule is that there is a body that grants to you the legal authority to call yourself a psychiatrist. There is no body to bestow expertise onto the expert who can then waive around the credential, but can also be smacked down by the granting body.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Working as an ‘Expert Witness’ I have been informed many times that ‘Expert’ means that you know more than the average Joe.
Heh. Just imagine all the things that you are an expert in.

Reply to  mikebravo
3 years ago

Sport fishing with power saws!

Reply to  mikebravo
3 years ago

An Ex is a has been.
A Spurt is a drip under pressure.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

I haven’t looked at this particular “open letter,” but I’ve seen lots of that type of thing. I used to recognize a lot of the names of the signatories; knew a few personally (In a former life I was a History professor). It wouldn’t surprise me if Sean Wilentz was a signatory on this one. They trot him out every time they need an “expert” to argue against the Electoral College, or to rank the most recent Republican president just behind Grant in the “worst presidents in history” list, or… well, you get the idea. He’s definitely the kind of… Read more »

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I’d go out on a limb to say that that title might make sense for a future historian if we get a 21st century Civil War.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“They trot him out every time they need an “expert” to argue against the Electoral College, or to rank the most recent Republican president just behind Grant in the “worst presidents in history” list, or” Of course, none of them will put FDR or Lincoln, the two objectively worst presidents anywhere near a worst president list. These two clowns together got over a million Americans killed. Lincoln oversaw the death of the republic and FDR oversaw the massive growth of the empire. The Republican fetish for Lincoln is really sickening. I would love nothing more than to see every single… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

No, definitely not. The worst president of all time, according to all the “experts,” was Grant. Not James Buchanan, because, you know… Democrat. The whole thing is just stupid — trying to compare Martin van Buren to Dwight Eisenhower is like trying to argue that Old Hoss Radbourn was a better pitcher than Max Scherzer; the eras are so different, the position has evolved so much, that it’s a category error. But you still see it all the time. Hell, every four years we get Very Serious Analysts telling us all about the Great Magic Party Switch of 1964, when… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I know the author of “The Civil War as a Crisis in Gender.” Surprise, surprise–she’s a lesbo pomo and a Chosenite, as well.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I didn’t know she was one of the Chosen — isn’t her last name White or Whitney or something? Probably her “married” name.

As I recall, the book actually wasn’t half bad… for what it was, which was a look at mobilization and demobilization in a midsize Southern town. I’m sure the publisher had a lot of say in the title, but holy guacamole.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Whites is her last name, and I’m sure her ancestral name was Weiss or Witz.

So, the dissertation was a micro-study, huh? Those can be interesting, and if linked with other micro-studies on a similar topic, quite significant.

The only thing I ever read from Whites was a paper she wrote. As I recall, it was well written, and when a grad student complimented her on her prose, she looked rather disgruntled. Complimenting a pomo’s writing is a grave insult.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

General comment on the pandemic and mRNA. I just read this fluff piece: https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/01/health/mrna-vaccines-covid-future/index.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab It’s about the promise of mRNA technology. Now, to the article’s credit, I do not dispute its present and future potential of mRNA. I welcome medical advances. But, unless I missed it, there was no, absolutely no, mention of any potential downsides. Yes folks, apparently this new mRNA technology is an outright miracle, no downsides whatsoever, all clear sailing ahead! In fact, why not get your jab right away? It’s available everywhere, and free or even win prizes in some places! 😀 In related personal experience,… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

“Absent the novel coronavirus, virtually of these would have died from influenza viruses, pneumonia germs, and similar boring, well-known, everyday causes. ”

It’s a good point. They would’ve. But Covid is a brand baby! Merchandise too: screens, masks, road works, vaccines, pop-up cycle lanes, regular freedom purges and sanctimonious lectures. It’s like a market of it’s own.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

We have evidence of this already. The US “all causes” death rate is declining as was predicted. Covid culled the weak and infirmed who in any event would have died shortly.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Sorry Compsci,

The “all causes” death rate has gone down because of masks, standing six feet apart, obsessively wiping denatured alcohol on your hands, “voting” out Bad Orange Man and listening to Neil Diamond records. SCIENCE!

Literacy? Citizenship? Convicted felon?
Bah: a basic course in logic should be a prerequisite to obtaining the franchise.

Reply to  Moe Noname
3 years ago

Yeah Moe, my bad. But if others here have a bad sarcasm detector, I forgot one important point. It’s the all causes *minus* COVID. That points to elimination of the very sick and impaired who had very little time left in the best of circumstances.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

This is what I’ve been looking at all along and was looking for the “dip” in total deaths since this happens after every flu outbreak or really any other type of epidemic. Even looking at the total deaths might not tell the whole story since at this point the extreme reaction to Covid itself has killed people through neglect of chronic and serious conditions like heart disease and cancer as well as higher suicide rates and stupid shit like people dying because they were working out while wearing a mask. Teasing out how many deaths were “time shifted”, how many… Read more »

karl mchungus
karl mchungus
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

mRNA technology is extremely dangerous and not well understood at all. in lab experiments with mice, they all died when re-infected by the test disease. the mRNA treatment made the second infection much more vicious in the reaction it elicited. the death toll from all these little mengeles is going to be enormous over the coming years. and the truly funny part is that 81% of westerners already have natural cross-immunization protection against covid!

Reply to  karl mchungus
3 years ago

Perhaps even worse. At least one virologist argues that the mRNA weakens the “innate” immune system by creating an immediate storm of antibodies that attempt to overwhelm the virus. The innate immune system is the first on the scene for any foreign substance found in the body in normal day to day life. It is thought that this is why up to 50% of the population is naturally “immune” to the COVID virus, displaying little to no physical symptoms when they contract it. I suspect that’s the category I fell into when I contracted COVID a few months ago. Basically,… Read more »

3 years ago

Where is that closing song from? It’s amazing!

Reply to  Durendal
3 years ago
Reply to  hamdram
3 years ago

Isn’t that the Mannerbund?

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 years ago

The best thing of the past 15 months has been mothers staying home with their kids. If we could get 80% of them to do that, the rest of our problems would solve themselves.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

Its also been a litmus test of sorts. Some acquaintances were not that bothered by the wuhan response, except for the fact they had to actually endure parenting all day. This tyranny must end! Whereas others were deeply bothered by the wuhan response, but actually enjoyed reconnecting to a more favorable pace and priorities of life. The sudden proximity to the indoctrination curriculum of the schools was equally as enlightening. I haven’t figured out if any of this will move the trenches along the great divide but it has revealed things about people close to me in that pressure reveals… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I’ve noticed this too. A local health food store I know had posted signs with some bullshit about how masks have eradicated the flu with the strong hint that we should just 4everM@sk now even when the Coof is gone. The irony is that the store’s customer base has a lot of granola crunching dirty hippies. These are the same type of people who were strongly anti-vax and pro-microbe 5 years ago. It’s stuff like this that makes me think that virtually every leftish business or organization must now have a “political commissar” who is in touch with and controlled… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

“GMO foods? Hell no, that stuff will kill you!”

“GMO injection in my body? Fantastic! Sign me up!”

My Comment
3 years ago

I don’t have any faith that sanity will begin to reign because Florida exists. There was so little pushback to the last year plus of Covid craziness, I can’t help but think the fun is just getting started. Remember climate change? If mother Gaia is not appeased because St. Greta does not give her a good report on our compliance how will we survive? Lockdowns are a great way to offer sacrifice to Gaia.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

I’ve been a Floridiot for about 18 years now. While our State has much that is good, and I like our current governor, we are far from perfect. As noted in these very pages, in 2018 we came within a gnat’s eyelash of electing a gay Negro meth-head Democrat, with additional “qualifications” of a checkered past.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Was the voting legitimate and honest? Or did the dead voters realize they hated their descendants and vote accordingly?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

A reminder, because it is hilarious: when St. Greta realized her act was being supplanted by Covidianism, she announced that she had symptoms and was afraid she would die. St. Greta IS the contemporary Left.

3 years ago

The comments on that closing Twitter thread are so unrelentingly ignorant that it makes me kind of sad.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

But they don’t care, that’s why they win. They have no shame, and no limits.

3 years ago

Went out to dinner at a suburban Portland restaurant the other day and while I was grudgingly fumbling with the face diaper (I wait till the very last second to put it halfway on for the 5 second trudge to the freshly chemically enhanced table) I noticed the hostess was mask free. As was the bartender and all the serving staff (except for one very young, very skinny busboy who was obviously torturing himself by choice). It was a Start of Summer Miracle! I remarked on it to the waiter who commented that ‘we realized we’re the only ones in… Read more »

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Doesn’t Oregon law require that you provide proof of vaccination before you can take off your mask?


I imagine that most people in Portland would delight in forcing you to show proof of vaccination.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

That’s why I was so surprised to see it. And things have been so weird for so long at first it didn’t even register! It was such an encouraging sign. Even in a not too distant outpost of the Branch Covidian headquarters people are willing to say ‘this doesn’t make sense’ and do what’s right for themselves and their employees. I hope it catches on.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Yes, the state of Oregon, aka Governor “l’état, c’est moi” Kate Brown has mandated that businesses require proof of vaccination now. By the way, this is the model for all the new tyranny you’ll be seeing. Why have government goons enforce the latest ruling class insanity when you can just threaten businesses that won’t police their employees and customers? Doing so allows you to keep up the facade of “low taxes” too. It is probably now driving a lot of the inflation though, as you end up paying for that useless fat girl who checks mask compliance whether the store… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

Costco just asking people at the door. I guess that’s proof enough.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Any plans to get out of Rip City, Peabody? I worry about you a bit being there should things take a turn for the worse.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

I left the metro area a couple months ago but have to go back once a month for various things. In September husband and I will be moving to Northern Idaho so it’s all good. The new neighbors were, understandably, concerned when they heard a couple from Portland bought the property. I assured them that I’m probably way more conservative than they are so not to worry. I may actually be able to have non-superficial conversations in meat space! I cannot wait.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

Peabody: Congratulations on your coming move. May your new home be all you hope for.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Thank you 3g4me. I have very high hopes based on the people I’ve met so far. As an added bonus, it’s one of the truly beautiful places in the country not overrun with shitlibs. And I believe the locals will do everything in their power to keep it that way.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

I’m pretty sure that a lot more people are saying they’ve had the shot that actually have. I do think that even here in the heart of darkness a lot of people decided to use the latest CDC “guidance” as an excuse to just ignore Brown’s kooky and complicated “county risk level” nonsense and try to reclaim some autonomy. Another encouraging thing is that while the counties around Portland and Salem are at about 65-70% with at least one dose of mystery sauce, the rural counties in the eastern part of the state all hover between 30-40% and haven’t budged… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

Yes, the ongoing mostly peaceful partition is one of the biggest of the green shoots. The White Left almost is as dismal as running governments as Blacks (D.C. is run by both, which accounts for much of its shittyness). Z inspired me to look at NR, which I seldom do any longer, and there was some rant against counties breaking off from states. The subtext, of course, is what this portends for the dying Empire’s husk.

David Wright
3 years ago

Not too sure about your faith in young people. Normally you are right that they are a bit of a rebellious lot but even that has always been channeled into hippies, grungers and poseurs. I see a lot of zoomers and relatives with much interaction with them and I’ll tell you I don’t see much hope.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

GH is waging a neurological and physiological war against the body chemistry of the young. How are the youth going to organize if their median attention span is 13 seconds, their testosterone is half of their parents, and nearly a plurality have some kind of chemical dependency?

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

Add the psychological and spiritual war against their minds as well. Reality has been replaced by fantasy, on nearly every subject from climate to race to gender to ethics, etc. Where are the “adults” standing up against any of this?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  JohnSmith
3 years ago

I guess when people are forced to “grow up” that you’ll start seeing the doers and forthright, the “adults”, actually appearing. That won’t happen until supply chain start breaking down and food becomes scarce. People hate being hungry, especially Americans.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

This! “ADHD” so Ritalin or other speed. Then anti-psychotics to treat the results of amphetamine psychosis in a developing brain. Then a lifetime of SSRIs for “anxiety” and “depression” to treat the results of suppressing proper development of mood stabilization and socialization. Kids grow up in environments of extreme flight or fight; chaotic and neurotic with obvious incongruence between various facades and “rules” and observable reality. This expresses as bad “behavior” that must be treated by pharma. 97% of teachers, counselors, doctors, and parents agree. The science is settled. But it is really millions of canaries starving for fresh air… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

And then there are the “disability” accommodations that inevitably accompany the drugs. Let me kick it Rutger Hauer style: I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. At the start of every semester, a flood of kids comes up after class, waving these Student Disability Services accommodation forms at you. These range from reasonable (closed captioning for deaf kids) to skull-fornicatingly bizarre. I had one kid who was allowed to roam up and down the aisles of the auditorium throwing a stress ball to herself. One kid needed “exam prep help,” which meant exactly what it sounded like — I was… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

The NYT and WaPo dream about having writers like this.

Reply to  Lanky
3 years ago

Yeah most people in their mid 20s today, like myself, seem to be perpetual children or teenagers. Basically none of them seem to plan on having kids, they have childish hobbies, etc. Many don’t work and just live off their Boomer parent’s money. Everyone is taking meds for something. I was the same way (no meds though) until I entered into a spiritual crisis, which culminated in alot of nasty stuff, notably depression. I beat it off without meds or therapy and realized that once on the other end of this, I had matured to true adulthood. Once you reach… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The younger generations have been overly mothered or taught no life skills. Can’t blame them for that neither the crap world they are inheriting and can see.

As far as adult teenagers lots of millennials and Gen X are like that. Nothing new.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

Brainwashed to hate themselves, pumped full of meds and SSRIs. No connection to the divine.

The only kids who are kind of normal these days are the ones who grew up with super granola hippy parents, or very Christian conservative parents.

I don’t see much hope from Gen Z, there are a few based ones but The vast majority are really trying to gain acceptance from their black peers to seem “cool”.

3 years ago

Short seller, Jim Chanos have said that his biggest short position is in commercial real estate. Due to low interest rates and lost of QE it have been almost impossible to make short position in any stocks. Jim Chanos have also said that this these FED manipulated markets will likely cover up a lot of financial fraud.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Thorsted
3 years ago

Don’t look now but the entire Nasdaq is idiot ripping in unison because that dumb #$%@ Cathie bought some stawks at 12:46 AM.

Clown world.

*honk honk*

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Thorsted
3 years ago

…no offense, but who cares…? No, really, this is pure cloud people shit.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Re: the ruling class and their paranoia about us, it reminds me of an observation a prison psychologist once made. He noticed that even the most sociopathic bully would usually start a fight by saying something like “Why’d you take my chair?” rather than just saying, “Get out of that chair.” People need to feel that they’re avenging a slight rather than starting a fight. You saw this with that latest video of a black dude hauling off and KO’ing a little Asian woman: “Why you hit me first?” He needed that theater for himself. This phenomenon is even observable… Read more »

3 years ago

It is not paranoid fear driving the ruling class, Z. That cunned stunt – Nancy Pelosi – is not imagining things. She is right, and you are wrong. Consider: On Jan. 6, Normie put the potato chips back in the cupboard, cleaned up the beer bottles, and turned off the noggerball game. Then he got off his couch, went down to the capitol buildings – and told Nancy and her cloud people that they are being watched now, very very carefully – and the stinking masses of commoners are not liking what they are seeing. Nancy knows that it is… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

“Gun people” are pathologically law abiding. They will not fight where it matters. They did not fight for their sheriff in Snohomish. It is a Live Action Role Playing hobby.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  dowitcher
3 years ago

Is it even A LARP?

Looks more like a bunch of keyboard warriors from over here.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Nah, it’s a real mindset, and at least up until recently, mostly a boomer thing. “They can see what’ll happens if they go after my guns!” and similar were common refrains. Usually these people were conservative. As the caustic assaults against American liberties continued unabated, they made 2A their fortress while neglecting all the other liberties traditionally taken for granted. The boomers are starting to croak, so that fortress will crumble with them.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Still think much of paranoia arises from projecting their own intentions to the rest of us. But you are spot on. 1/6 scared the living bejesus out of them. The rabble was never supposed to walk over the Capitol and with minimal effort start roaming the halls. And were more embarrassed by all the pictures of swamp creatures hiding under tables and running in panic wearing smoke hoods (despite complete absence of smoke) I’d guess the hidden 14k hours of video contains even more embarrassments. These were, in Gunny Hartman’s words little more than “unorganized, grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit”.… Read more »

Gunner Q
Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

“The rabble was never supposed to walk over the Capitol and with minimal effort start roaming the halls.”

Which raises the question, whose idea was it to order the guards to open the gates and let the rabble in? We still haven’t been told. It doesn’t square that Congress’ usual suspects would give that order and then be so convincingly triggered by it.

There’s a puppetmaster who hasn’t shown his face yet.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

The elite freakout over Jan 6 is because it was an insult to ruling class dignity, along with a realization that their regime is rapidly losing legitimacy. Half the country isn’t buying the plot/story anymore, at some level. Where this all ends up I have no idea; I have a sense of an impending storm of some kind, what form it takes??

It’s like being ruled by Tsar Nicky’s crazy wife Alexandra. Welcome to 1916 Imperial Russia.

3 years ago

The latest Covid fantasy is that the preventive measures used to stop the spread of the Wuhan epidemic (masks, social distancing, surface disinfection) have virtually eliminated seasonal flu, measles, almost all communicable diseases. So that will be the next pitch, wear your mask to keep from spreading all diseases. the hopelessly naive will be happy to comply.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

New lockdowns reported in China.

New fake drop dead videos soon.

Then, new shilling of fake videos by serpentza and laowhy86 on YouTube, “Guys, look what China is trying to hide, this is really bad!”

Bonus shilling from these guys on the China Unscripted/Uncensored YouTube channel.

Then Western leaders will fall all over themselves to emulate the China model again.

It’s all so tiresome.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The “China model” includes integration of a vaccine passport into their social credit / cashless payment system. Similar schemes long planned by the “western leaders” are ready for rollout, and all the tech is in place. Get ready.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JohnSmith
3 years ago

Oh, I have no doubt the schemes are in place on paper.

For a variety of reasons, the actual rollout is far from a done deal and is likely to be an enormous clown show.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I’m sure the leadership in DC, St. Louis, Detroit, Chicago and Lagos will be able to put something together, with the high standards & results we all expect from one party rule.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago



The global materials and coder shortage isn’t going to help them either.

They might pull it off at infrequent, highly-controlled events like the Super Bowl.

They can have it.

I’ll be at the beach and the park.

If they manage to extend the control that far, well, I’d rather check out of this timeline.

Charles St. Charles
Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

I am quietly yet firmly refraining from participating in the mass experiments collectively and erroneously known as “vaccines”. Most of my relatives and acquaintances have submitted and when queried, which is not often, I calmly state that I haven’t gotten any shots but I don’t engage in argument. I think the whole urgency of getting injected with a mystery soup of chemicals will pass, and someday not too far off, many people will be more embarrassed than proud of eagerly lining up for the shots. I only hope for their sakes that embarrassment is the worst they will suffer.

Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

I get the impression that my brother and his wife are reluctant to have me in their home until my two young nieces are “vaccinated.” Heaven help them. At this point, all we can do is hope that the worst side effect will be more people “shooting blanks.”

Reply to  Maniac
3 years ago

Woman who nearly died after taking the J&J vaccine stuck with $1 million medical bill. She also lost half of her intestine, and will be under “medical care” rest of her life. They say that the benefit outweighs the risk, but whose benefit and whose risk?


Gunner Q
Reply to  Charles St. Charles
3 years ago

“many people will be more embarrassed than proud of eagerly lining up for the shots.”

I’ll be happy if they simply don’t make a religion out of the shots just to prove the world wrong.

SJWs always double down so once they risk their health on getting jabbed, especially if it becomes an obviously bad idea, then their egos will be functionally imprisoned in proving that the jab is the Savior of Humanity. The alternative, admitting that !Science!-denying hicks were right after all, will require too much humility.

Like the Flat Earth people but with more rashes and less conscience.

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

Indeed. Must avoid them trying to push this ill-advised piece of misery our way.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

There will be no way to do pull this stuff again after people drop the masks and go back to living relatively normal lives again

It’s like a bad party guest who was able to squirm their way inside once, but is now afraid to leave since they know they will not be allowed back in.

3 years ago

True Covidiots will not be swayed by Florida’s existence. They will simply say that Florida is lying and has always lied about their Covid numbers, Florida doesn’t care about people only big business, Florida is run by that nasty governor who sounds like Trump, blah blah blah.

Reply to  I.M.
3 years ago

Yep. The “I got the vax but still wear a mask because I don’t want people to think I am Republican/conservative” is a real thing. It is also from the same cakeholes who just got done saying “its not about politics!” when lecturing about why we ALL need the stab. The ego investment and their self-appointed moral high ground turns all reason into a funhouse of mirrors.

Jason Knight
Jason Knight
3 years ago

Cosplayers are anyone that dresses up as a fictional character or celebrity
Furries are anyone who dress up like humanoid animals (which can overlap with cosplay) and are often attracted to them sexually
Otacon is a fan convention that usually sees a lot of both

Just throwing this out there for the Boomers and Gen Xers who are confused by the QAnon section

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The furries have their degenerate carnival in Pittsburgh.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Blundered into one of those conventions by accident in Boston when staying the weekend in the Marriott that connected to the old (smaller) convention center, while doing college visits. Most bizarre two days. Ever. These people stay in these costumes 24/7. Finally my son leaned over the balcony in the lobby one evening and in best Shrek voice yelled, “all you fairy tale creatures, get outta ma swamp”.

Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

I want to have a beer with your son. I’ll buy.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

Thanks, I’ve got the house to myself this weekend, so I was looking for something to watch tonight.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 years ago
Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  SamlAdams
3 years ago

I’ve heard that when FurryCon is in town there’s a run on kitty litter in the local stores…