Cloud People Loathing

Note: The weekly Taki column is up. This one did not come out very well, but even the best have their off-days. I could not quite figure out where I wanted to go with the analogy, so it went nowhere. Maybe I’ll revisit it here this week. The Sunday show is up behind the green door for those with a soul.

A feature of the ongoing crisis in America is people realizing that things they assumed to be true are not what they had always assumed. The so-called red-pilling or awakening is usually related to the egalitarian issues, but it can also be about general politics, as we saw in 2016. Many rank-and-file conservatives discovered that professional conservatives were not what they claimed. Their attacks on Trump and populism were an awakening for many normal people.

Another part of the great awakening is the realization that things make much more sense if you start from the assumption that the people in charge are motivated by a hatred for normal people. The pointless and punitive measures with regards to Covid has opened a lot of eyes. The people in charge seem to be sitting around dreaming up ways to hassle people, using Covid as an excuse. The pandemic has been a two year party for the sadists among the ruling class.

You really see this with the so-called conservatives, who have evolved into nothing but a cult of loathing. That loathing is directed at the sorts of people they used to trick into supporting them. This is most likely connected, in part, to the fact that so many of the former suckers have wised up over the last five years. The Trump phenomenon broke the spell and there is no way the former suckers are going to go back to being conned by the grifters of Conservative Inc.

The glaring example here is the revolt of the neocons, who broke with Conservative Inc, and have now migrated back to their old home on the Left. Jonah Goldberg, who started out in life fetching coffee for the far-left crank Ben Wattenberg, is pretty much a middle of the road lefty now. Bill Kristol is openly supporting far-left candidates like Terry McAuliffe in Virginia. When you see Bush flunkies in bed with Clinton flunkies, it is not hard to see that conservatism was always a grift.

That is the thing about a grifter. They despise the person they are trying to scam, which is why they can be so ruthless. The grifter does not rip-off everyone. They target a mark and then use all of their powers to harm him, often just for the fun of it. People who have studied the confidence man have noted that the conman always feels like he is in the right and the mark somehow deserves it. You see that with the neocons, who cry out as they strike at the people they conned for so long.

Another example of this conservative loathing for normal people is this post from the corpulent Kevin Williamson. For a long time, his grift was to be the common man at National Review, where he wrote about the little people. Unlike the rest of that crowd, he was not the product of elite universities and connected families. He was from West Texas and flunked out of a state college. His job in Conservative Inc. was to be the populist affirmation of the latest conservative fads.

Conservatives are supposed to “stand athwart” this sort of corruption of the law by the Left, but here you have Williamson celebrating it. The reason is Alex Jones is associated with Donald Trump and populism. In other words, his hatred for the people who used to read him counts for everything. If it means goofball judges promoting nonsense lawsuits that undermine public order, Williamson is for it as long as it harms the people he loves to hate.

Kevin Williamson is a good example of how the loathing of normal people is linked to a deep self-loathing. He is famously obese. He often looks like one of those people who paramedics have to use a flatbed truck to transport to the hospital. The morbidly obese are driven by self-loathing. They eat to get the momentary hit that comes from high calorie foods, but this also fuels the self-loathing. The more they eat the more they hate themselves for it. The morbidly obese have a death wish.

Another reason that guys like Williamsons and David French, another good example, are so blatant in their hatred for normal people is they have always had to play the role of the Dirt Person for their masters in the rackets. They used to make Williamson, for example, dress like a rag-picker when he went on television. You see, he was playing the lucky dirtball, allowed to live in the master’s house, as long as he was a good boy and did what he was told. It is a degrading existence.

This is why he is obsessed with hating Trump and those associated with him. The 2016 election put the lie to his existence. He was just a houseboy for mediocrities like Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru. Imagine having to call them sir when out in public and you can see why Williamson is filled with rage. You also see why he drowns it in processed foods and invective aimed at normal people. He hates you because you remind him of why he hates himself and why he should hate himself.

No life is without some purpose and the purpose of these people has been to open the eyes of normal people about the reality of conservatism. Millions of people have realized over the last five years that these people are liars and crooks. Conservatism was always just a con. Like all conmen, the various characters of Conservative Inc. were motivated by a deep hatred for their marks. Like the rest of the Cloud People, they are defined by their loathing for the Dirt People.

It is this awakening that has put those rackets into crisis. Rich Lowry was finally demoted from his position. Daily management of National Review has now been outsourced to Bangalore. Massive pay cuts and layoffs hang over the entire enterprise now that the suckers have smartened up. A big part of this great awakening is that people are figuring out that it all makes sense when you realize that the people in charge hate you. Your only choice is to hate them back.

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

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2 years ago

“They agree in principle with the goals and philosophy of the radicals . . . When your only complaint about the plan to murder society is the price tag, you are not in opposition. You are in the way.” Sums up conservatism pretty well. White conservatives agree that white people suck and at least deserve to be dispossessed, they just disagree with the unpleasantness of the left’s overt anti-white actions. Good God, how many “conservative” articles have you read that make the point that the REAL problem with identity politics (i.e., the genocidal, anti-white hate-spew and violent actions coming out… Read more »

My Comment
2 years ago

Superb post Z. I am curious as to the geographic dispersion of the millions of Whites who are getting a clearer picture on the scam of conservative Inc. Before Sailer became a full Covidian, he was good at analyzing data. He found in the 2016 election that the closer Whites were to blacks or White disfunction (e.g., opioids), the more likely they were to vote for Trump. I also read back in those olden days that the California primary had one of the highest percentage of Trump voters. Conversely, Republicans in lily White states seem to specialize in voting traitors… Read more »

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

“until Whites can’t avoid the reality of how the Republican traitors support the destruction of their communities, they live in a fantasy world. ” You are correct. Whites who have sequestered themselves in safe, homogeneous neighborhoods will remain clueless. That ‘sprinkling’ of high-functioning diversity whom they happen to know just adds to their cluelessness, and can be easily summoned as an anecdote about how “they are JUST like us!” I’ve experienced this many times in conversations and there is no getting through. The conditioning of ‘racism’ being the gravest sin is ubiquitous. It will take their local public school being… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

My First Self-Deportation from Mask Land Here in FL there are currently no mask mandates. The few stores that request or “require” one, I (and most folks) ignore. I have yet to be confronted and I’m not sure how I’d react. I will mask in some cases, like in a medical office. I want to share one difficult choice I made today. I’ve been a member of a community organization for nearly 20 years that meets periodically. As of this month, they moved to a new location. The landlord requires masks at all times. I highly value this organization and… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Ben, I find myself in a somewhat similar position. I have for about 50 years been a quite competent oboist/English hornist in a number of community musical groups, playing classical repertoire in orchestras, wind ensembles, chamber music ensembles, and in churches. For the last few years I have been limited in this due to several abdominal operations/recuperations. A good friend put out some feelers with local groups to sound out interest in having me join them, only to be told that unless I were to be “fully vaccinated” (whatever that might mean), that I would not be considered. I sent… Read more »

2 years ago


Don’t be so down on yourself. Your Taki article was very well said.


Trump is a puppy dog for what comes next. Reactionary is the word to watch for. More like Franco I would guess, if I’m spit balling. Gonna be a lot of pain and perhaps a decade of insanity.

We’ll see.

Mike Austin
Reply to  Johnny55
2 years ago

I’d take a Franco or a Sulla or a Caesar at this point. Even a Genghis would be an improvement.

2 years ago

As some sage observer said over at Kunstlers “I saw two things this weekend that made me think the end may be nigher than they think. The first was the claim (undocumented but lunatic enough to be correct) that the bill that the Democrats are having their spat about contains funding in the low billions for illegal immigrants to attend 2 years of Community College. The second was concerning the degree that Congress has sealed itself off from constituents. No letter mail is accepted (Iraq Anthrax hoax don’t you know.) Emails are all responded to with automated “Thank you for”… Read more »

Reply to  bilejones
2 years ago

Never a good idea to underestimate the stupidity of Americans.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

Here are the real issues facing America.

Fake News and Conspiracy Theories Causing Americans to Lose Faith in the Necessity of War

What can be done?

Reply to  bilejones
2 years ago

Ja, that was a striking comment. Thanks

2 years ago

There are important members on the left side of the ruling class that believe that the Republican party plays and essential role for the regime, namely, to ensure that no nationalist/populist movement can gain power. Here are some examples from Messieurs Friedman, Gidron, and Ziblatt: …and here is a link to President Biden-Puppet parroting his handlers’ message: The tl-dr/tl-dl is that center-right parties ensure the desires of the “dangerous” masses are never addressed, and without a strong center-right the masses will take the brown shirts and jackboots out of their closet and grow curious facial hair under… Read more »

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  NoOneImportant
2 years ago

It cannot go unnoticed for much longer. For the past few generations, conservatives have acquiesced to the far-left and their social movements in order to help republicans obtain the widest possible governing coalition, but demographics now threaten that model. You cannot tell Caucasians to be “small government” and race-neutral when an entitled oligarchy of corporatist elites rule the country by pitting racial minorities against them in contests they can no longer win. Demographically, the republican party is doomed, and conservative moderation will disappear along with it. Whites now (rightfully) feel powerless and under siege, so they will naturally being to… Read more »

Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

Trump is not going to be bribed. He has plenty of money and doesn’t need more.

Donald Duck Jr.
Donald Duck Jr.
Reply to  vvlvahair
2 years ago

Trump spent the entirety of his administration getting rolled. Flattery goes a long way with this guy. All it took was a little attention from Mark Zuckerberg and suddenly instead of stopping social media censorship, he told his side to just “be good.” Then they banned him. Lol. Trump is corrupt and stupid. He won’t run because he’s an idiot who’ll be offered something dumb not to, and being an idiot he’ll accept.

2 years ago

Somewhat off topic, but I’m reacting to Z’s gab feed: Conservatives like to say that if a corporation embraces woke policies against their consumer base then that corporation goes broke. Almost always untrue! Latest example: a tranny on the cover of Playboy. No one asked for this. No one in their audience wants this. Why do they do it? The answer is hidden, but I believe that the elites have embraced an anti-white male belief system that supersedes profit. They literally want to snuff us out. My belief is that the chosen people are the controllers and they incentivize… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

“Why do they do it? The answer is hidden” The answer couldn’t be any less hidden. “Because we can. Because f-ck you, that’s why.” You will take it on your knees and ask for more. All the guardrails are off now and it’s full court globohomo press because they perceive they’ve won. And given the absolute sheep like Covid response they are not wrong. We’ve moved into a different phase now. This,.why? Hand wringing must cease. It’s a waste of time & energy. We’ve moved into the how phase. How do you pull the pins and bearings out of this… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

You don’t have to pull the pins: the wheels and axles don’t have holes drilled to hold the pins (that was supposed to be done by the Atlanta office).

Right now, instead of closing an international, multi-jurisdictional, debt financing deal that has to close “NOWWWWW!!!!”, my counterparts at GloboBank and outsourced helots at GloboHedgefund are looking around going, “Why come deal not close? Why money not coming in?”

If you live near a nuclear reactor, downstream from a tailing pond/ hydroelectric dam or in a building with more than two floors, MOVE.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Exactly. It’s the same reason AOC wore her very expensive “Tax the Rich” dress to the very expensive and exclusive gala. You think for a second she didn’t get the irony in that move? Only a civnat would think, “She’s too stupid to understand.”

It’s the same with the elite not wearing masks at functions where the help are required to. They have entered the phase where they are rubbing our faces in it. They fully intend for us to clearly see that there are two separate sets of rules. “Fuck you, that’s why” indeed.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

There’s a thousand lifetimes of porn available free on the internet. Why pay for a magazine of it? Framed this way, the answer becomes fairly obvious: the only way for dead media to move copy is with shock value. When shock becomes du juor, it simply gets dismissed. This is playboy’s last attempt to pivot into a paying market, and the gambit will fail because the market is so saturated that paying for any porn, regardless of how niche, is simply ignorant. It’s like black gay Batman. That’s literally the only thing that can be done with him in print… Read more »

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Yeah, free porn has got to be one of the biggest signs that profit is not the top priority of our rulers.

Those poor men who get addicted to porn… Like the Chinese addicted to opium in the Opium wars.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

When all corporations are anti-white–which they are–none will be penalized financially for their AW.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Your observations are spot-on. I’m reading an Unz article from two or three years back, where he recounts the censorship clamp-down on social media of 2017 onward or so. At length, he recounts how thousands of titles gradually vanished from Amazon, with the ADL as a prime suspect. I have seen this first-hand with one book I bought there. This is, of course, far from a new problem. In fact, they are within the law, being a private entity, even if they now hold a near-monopoly position. But still, doesn’t it seem a little chilling that a corporation is in… Read more »

2 years ago

I feel like today’s post and Taki gives our burgeoning faction a possible direction. When you have one bullet and two opponents, shoot the traitor first. Metaphorically, of course. *Ahem* Flatten their tires, shall we say. Raise the cost of their collabaration. I had wondered why Nick Fuentes attacked a nobody like Gorka. Or a Kevin Williamson, or a George Will. They don’t make policy. Because, we can’t reach those on the throne, or so we think. But, we can get to their jesters. In fact, with a bit of flocking behavior, we could work pretty darn high up the… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Goshdam, between a rock and a hard place.

It didn’t have to be this way. All we had to do was keep the border closed and our army and factories at home. White Civilization was lifting up all the world just fine, both before and after the World Wars.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Because our elites hate us and the country., Remember Papa Bush came up with NAFTA and the NWO. Clinton just enacted them with GOP help.

Bush and the GOP hated Reagan and worked hard to undo everything he did once he left office.

Abbott could still close the border with Mexico but refuses to. Trump is totally silent on the invasion and won’t say anything about Abbott cowardice either

The fact is Trump sold out or was never on our side.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

“Jaime Rolando Rosenthal Oliva (May 5, 1936 – January 12, 2019) was a Honduran politician, and leader of one of Liberal Party of Honduras’s (PLH) wings, and was a perennial candidate for President.On March 20, 1974 he founded the Banco Continental. On October 7, 2015, Rosenthal was labeled a “specially designated narcotics trafficker” under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.” Jaime ( pronounced “Hymie” ) was one of several of his ilk who control Honduras. Mercenaries from the leviticus home base scrap Hondurans off their land and send them this way. One bullet and faced with a enemy and traitor:… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Roosevelt was our Lenin, Johnson and Nixon were our Stalin. Biden is our Gorbachev. Abortion was our genocide. The Russians were ruled by Bolsheviks, we’re ruled by Mensheviks. The main difference between the Russian revolution and ours is that Russian culture is martial and therefore it’s revolution had to be fought with guns. American culture is legalistic and therefore our revolution was fought in the courts. The Bolsheviks were toast once the Russian army became sclerotic. The Mensheviks will be toast once the federal courts are ignored.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

There are obvious moral issues around abortion but it’s more genocidal for blacks and that’s a good thing. If all those aborted black babies were allowed to live the vast majority would have become Democrat voters and states like PA and MI would never have been competitive. Not to mention the crime and the other burdens an increased black population would have imposed.

Reply to  Vajynabush
2 years ago

So murdering black babies was good because it let Bush, Bush and Trump cuck on their supporters? Is that what you’re getting at?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Vajynabush
2 years ago

Working against us is the very low vaxx acceptance rate by Blacks 🙂

In related news, Unz has a Sailer article

New insight to me: rarely are the unknown assailant category (about 30%) factored in. Using various assumptions, the true Black murder rate is probably 80% +/- 🙁

At least we know it can’t be any worse than 87%, so there’s something to be thankful for 🙂

2 years ago

No problem here with hating them back!
Hate hate hate, double hate, loath entirely! Lol.
Anyway.. so where to go from here?
Elections are now blatant fraud, there will be no voting a way out of the insanity.
Where is the red line?
What is the trigger?

Reply to  Spingerah
2 years ago

No trigger because Whites are so fractured and gaslit they don’t know up from down. Right now the MAGA peeps are in a bloodrage over Lt. Col Scheller’s critique of Trump and they want the man either dead or serving life in prison.

Now that sort of response was generally only seen with hard core Nazis and Communists when thy found someone criticizing dear leader.

Larger picture Trump took these people off the game board. They are no threat to the system or elites now. They worship Trump and that all that matters to them.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Spingerah
2 years ago

I don’t think we need to hate people to kill them.

2 years ago

Those “in charge” enjoying making normal people miserable for the power they feel. No matter how fleeting, it’s what motivates them. The grifters as you so nicely stated, simply hate us.

Reply to  Indispensable_Destiny
2 years ago

As somebody here noted so wisely, a long time ago, despising us is the only accomplishment they have to differentiate the Goodwhites from the Badwhites.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

However much money Taki’s made from crashing my computer, it’s the LAST nickel they will ever make from me.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Oh no, malware? Back when their site was being wrecked before Taki and his girl got it back under control and pared down?

Taki also started up the American Greatness site, I think in part because of the trojan horse attacks.

I read Taki’s for Taki, the Zman, and Ann Coulter.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

ps- Coulter is no Jim Goad.
I miss his acid attacks on the Week That Perished.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Coulter’s not bad and her books are generally much better researched and cited than the typical Con. Inc. tome, but last week’s column contained an awful lot of verbiage along the lines of “we know the vaccines are safe and effective.”. That’s an increasingly difficult case to make.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Difficult? How about impossible?

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

To be fair, one could easily read that as a rhetorical device more than an honest opinion. Her point, that there’s no reason to continue the shutdowns and makings now that we have a “safe” vaccine that most people have received, is quite valid.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Since we are being somewhat jocular now, it’s worth adding that even if we somehow got a 100% vaxxed population, even CDC Director Walensky has said publicly (August) that it won’t stop new infections and transmission of the virus. Even us vaxx-skeptics concede that the vaxxed gain protection from severe illness and death. For about six months. Rarely mentioned are the short-term side effects (the serious ones that lead to hospitalization, possible permanent injury or death). I’ve seen estimated fatality rates as high as 1/25,000; compare that with traditional vaccines, which is perhaps one or two per million, and you… Read more »

2 years ago

A great movie about con artistry is David Mamet’s “House of Games.”

“You’re a bad pony, I’m not gonna bet on you”

nunnya bidnez, jr
nunnya bidnez, jr
Reply to  RogerFleabert
2 years ago

David Mamet’s “House of Games.”…
I agree, great movie;
unexpected ending.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan speaks what we all know. […]

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

“Conservatism” is a trademark/brand name now – it’s a business school marketing case study. Think of all the late-night infomercials for some sunglasses using the Bell & Howell brand, or some other useless product using a “brand name” of yore. They sell. Today’s Grillers just cannot quit “Conservatism”. Branding is a powerful and flexible force. Even “Four Roses”, the rotgut whiskey from our misspent youth, has been revived and repositioned as a premium brand! Just watch – they will give the “Bush” brand the same treatment. We will get a “Conservative” president again if this sh*tshow gets out of hand… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Wait. What? I have been searching high and low four a bottle for my collection. It’s lighter fluid?

It’s so damned infuriating. I spent years trying to find a bottle of Edradour; when I finally found one it was the most mediocre scotch you could ask for. I don’t fall for it anymore. Even my beloved distillers at Highland Park are playing the faggot’s game of “special bottlings”. They’re naming their last special runs after Norse gods now. I wonder if you get a free comic book with your purchase?


Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Capitalism, perforce, caters to the masses, and the vast majority of that group are idiots. Democracy does the same thing in the political sector. Liberal democracy combines the two.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Now hold on. I can verify that 3 bottles of Everclear in the gas tank will get you back to town. Handy in a pinch.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Sure, but in you, they will allow you to not give a righteous damn where, when, who or even WHAT you are, for at least many hours, perhaps a few days, depending upon bottle size and personal tolerance 😀

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Everything you said is true. I am particularly pissed at Four Roses for screwing with my beloved Bourbon. Four Roses is rotgut whiskey, which since it’s not real Bourbon should be spelled “whisky”.

I suspect some Jew distiller at Seagram’s realized how much Real American Bourbon was getting so they lobbied to change the rules. Hell, Bourbon doesn’t even have to come from Kentucky any more. When the rules or the nomenclature start changing you know we got radical leftists in the wood pile.

Long Live Knob Creek!

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

Colonel Blanton’s is my fav. Knob is OK.

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

‘Whiskey’ versus whisky- at last! I never could figure that one out.

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

My grandpa drank Old Crow and my grandma would say “some old crow for an old buzzard!”

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

Bourbon never had to come from Kentucky. it just has to be distilled in America, be aged in a virgin charred oak barrel, and be at least 51% corn on the mashbill.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

The ONLY way a Bush-type Con, Inc., president ever gets elected again is if the Ruling Class thinks it will keep the grillin’ and chillin’ crowd pacified a bit longer before the showers open.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

They have Trump to calm them down now. Notice how Trump has basically vanished from sight? He’s totally silent on the invasion on our Southen Border and says nothing about Abbott’s refusal to close the border.

Here’s the thing Trump controls the largest segment of Whites in the country. And what does he do with that clout? Nothing. Unlike the Trump of 2015-16. This one is a cypher a bottle of pablum for the masses.

Coulter was right on abandoning that fat egotistical clown.

2 years ago

Zman, you might not have been satisfied with your Taki’s column, but I sure liked the extra history and the direction it was going.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

Two points: 1) I have almost always been under the impression that a majority of the readers and commentators here enjoyed the comments section of online mediums until they either realized the A) Futility in their efforts and B) Were censored personally or were a driving force behind the the removal of said comments section. 2) I don’t put much stock anymore in individual anecdotes and or happenstance serving my own ends; but…… How many of you have taken the time to READ Williamson’s article AND read the comments?? How many of you have migrated over there and actually done… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

The only thing that hurts my brain more than ConInc content is a lot of the “cope” comment-replies to it.

Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

Stephen Flemmi: Commenting and/or debating with Conservative Inc. and its toadies has the same utility as voting harder. Or calling your congressman.

Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

National Review now limits comments to subscribers. You have to be paying them something in order to have the privilege of leaving a comment there. I don’t look at them very often, but when I do, even their paying customers aren’t typically buying whatever garbage they have served up for them.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

I have a “free” limited sub to (a/k/a People Magazine for the Davos Crowd) where I shitpost a few articles a month.. Amazingly, I haven’t been banned yet. 😀

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

All true gents and or ladies.

But it’s also a clarifying and or reinforcing moment of delight. I gave up on NR post 2016. So I don’t get to put myself through this or endure it (however you see fit to describe it) all that often. If it’s new to me (which it is) and serves to justify my reasonable change in outlook, I am happy. And it’s great seeing other so called “subscribers” going throught the same metamorphosis. Enjoy.

2 years ago

Just read the Kevin Williamson piece. Don’t know anything about his corpulence but I can see what you mean about him being the water boy for the power elite. I think he’s dishonest as he knows full well who can libel and slander whom without consequence.

Atheist In Mecca
Atheist In Mecca
2 years ago

A fine piece of thinking and writing, sir. All too sadly and painfully –and engagingly– on target.

2 years ago

When it comes to radicals who ‘win’ power because they hate us and themselves for this wicked world’s imperfections, well, the rat-bastards are going to get away with it. Merck is rolling out Ivermectin, again, as a new miracle pill. Our munificent rulers will seem to throttle back a bit, while keeping their expanded powers…and “just one more”. Just one more vaccination shot added to the 54 first world kids already get. It’s just a one more! In ten years or so, we’ll discover that white girls are sterile and their kids are defective. Us pigs will need the lenient… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was your black pill for the day.

Magic 8 ball says it’s not gonna be that easy.

Interesting times indeed.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Sorry. The frustration of recent setbacks left me in no mood for them to “save” us from a crisis they created.
While continuing to kill us slowly, at that.

The rubes will gratefully forget all that these murderous c*cksuckers put us through. Each step will be accepted until the new values completely replace what we remember.

Goddam I’m ready to cultivate violence. I’m ready to start renewing old acquaintances with some very shady sorts.

To be forced to put our trust in people who are bad, mad, and fuktup, because that’s what it will take. To be reduced to this.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

I would take the Okrahna over the Cheka any day of the weeke and twice on Sunday.

Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

Amen to that. If we can’t take back our currency, at least we might could take back our gangs.

Heil Hooligans!

We forget the knights were the skinheads of their time. A little Saxon Resurgent is all it takes.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Pfizer also have Pfizermectin on the way.

I can’t decide if Iver-merck-tin or Merck-mectin is catchier.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

The Merck pill isn’t repackaged Ivermectin. It’s something potentially much more sinister.

“Merck’s New Drug – A Wonder Or Incipient Slaughter?”

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Thank you, I was just going to post the same link. As pointed out in the article, this is Merck and others trying to appeal to those not on the Kovid Krazy Train by saying, “Ok, you nuts wanted Ivermectin, well we’re sorta making that happen,” while slipping us a genetic mickey.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Aww S#$%!!! They still hate us and want us dead.

Big Pharma is the number 1 advertiser on TV. Pretty soon lobbyists will be starring on Oprah and the View.

Big Pharma might replace Big Defense in terms of spending. The guns are turning inward.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Just buy the animal variety. They have to keep that one “clean” because it could end up on their own dinner plate.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

Why buy any of it? Kovid is the pissant of all pestilences to begin with.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

but it is still important as it gives them a way out of the vaxx dead-end. now you can “take the pill, if you get ill” so a vaccine isn’t critical. i wouldn’t touch it, but am still glad for it being available.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Discussion of “digital currency” by both our FED and also in The Economist. I think it’s called “central bank digital currency. Economist headline implied a cashless future. For you Christians, they often fear this as the “mark of the beast.” While these themes aren’t new, they have been part of the “paranoid’s” world takeover ravings for years. Curious, how these proposals now are appearing in the press. Hmmm….it’s almost as if there really is a push for a one-world government or something… 🙁

2 years ago

I have a question about Z’s Taki article. In it, he refers to the Lenin period as “moderate.”

When I think of the Bolshevik period, I think of extreme social policies: the replacement of the family with free love, feminism, homosexuality, and harsh penalties for antisemitism.

Why did Z call the Bolshevik period “moderate?” Perhaps he is only characterizing the Bolshevik economic program, “a free market and capitalism, but it would be regulated by the state,” as moderate.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

The Bolsheviks killed innocents by the thousands. Stalin killed by the tens of millions. Yes, it’s a difference in degree, but that difference is four orders of magnitude.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

The only meaningful differences between Lenin and Stalin were the means at their disposal and the length of their rule. Had Lenin ruled another 20 years the carnage would have been identical to what it was under Stalin.

2 years ago

The neocons going home is by far the most positive development. Hopefully they take the Christian Zionists with them.

Things have looked increasingly dire for the last 4 years, but it’s never fun or easy at first when you give up bad habits and hit the gym. The new right is shaping up!

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I just happened to be reading your comment when the conservative station here in Philly gave us this:

All it took was a conservative Pennsylania mom to push for, and win!, teaching real conservative history. The governor signed the measure mandating lessons about the Holocaust in 2014.
See, we *can* take back our schools!

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Every. Single. Time.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Conservative station in Philly lol. I assume the same one that gave us Glenn Beck.

Hell, even WHP in Harrisburg isn’t that great these days…

2 years ago

From Taki;
>Only then can we Build Back Better.
I’ve been coping this way for a while now. Every time another 10,000 Haitians enter the interior, every time they make a new policy that will lower my quality of life I reassure myself this is all necessary to wake the beast that I believe lies dormant in the soul of whitey. The kids have a name for it…

Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

I agree. All the negative stuff needs to happen before we are able to throw off our shackles.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

A question to Z, and commenters in general, if you will indulge me. Do you think a Bush-type Republican ever will be elected again? I kind of don’t but also could see the Ruling Class installing one if the public anger at the Democrats became problematic. The unlikelihood of Con, Inc., ever having another figurehead in elected office drives some of their bitterness along with losing their rice bowl. Anyhow, your thoughts would be appreciated. .

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

There is a cockroach syndrome at play, true.

Thanks, and thanks to the comments that followed.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I think you’re right, Jack. It’s a ploy with limited shelf life though… everyone is being forced to confront the reality of the Uniparty. The cuck/grifter types on Blab are getting thoroughly wrecked every day. People are wise to them.

It’s interesting because it looks like it is actually dawning on a lot of them that their former power base is not happy with them anymore. A few are actually changing course and sounding more like dissidents than old style cucks. Making the right noises though – and doing the right thing… are two different things.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

IF elections are not stolen again and the Ruling Class is unable to decide Republican primaries, big “ifs,” I agree with you. Z is right about their staying power, but there doesn’t seem to be an appetite for them any longer.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I sometimes go to 2A events. I volunteer at gun shows, and I’ve been shocked at how clueless these guys are. They say stuff like, “sometimes you have to make a choice between the worse of two evils…” when I bring up that conservatives regularly side with gun grabbing wacko’s.

I think it’s going to take a lot more grueling tyranny.

Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

Honestly those types are primarily boomers and/or morons. They won’t be around much longer. The smart ones are moving dramatically to the right.

Reply to  Durendal
2 years ago

Morons? If men are morons, then I am their King.

What they are, is busy. And not interested or aware of other peoples’ personal crises.

Not morons, by any measure. Only human.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

Empty bellies will move some of them. Many are UFO cultists, though.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

UFO cultists, cloud or saucer. Good one. I tire of people blabbing about how “Somebody will save us”, though I cannot blame them, not in the slightest.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I’d speculate that a “Republican in name only” will be elected again. Why would it be otherwise? A common theme here is that, by and large, the Republicans and the Democrats are basically the Uniparty, that they are bought and paid for by essentially the same big donors. They represent powerful interests that aren’t too hard to identify, yet whose names rarely appear in the press. Except in the most incidental matters, they do not represent the interests of you, me, or anyone that could be remotely described as the average American citizen. The Trump Moment was nice, but wasn’t… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

” but I fear they were dead wrong about not getting fooled again.”

Good line.

The reaction to Trump opened many eyes. Enough? No. But my gut is another Bush type could win a free and fair election.

Again, thanks for the responses.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The window for a Republican president is either closed already or very nearly closed. The demographics guarantee that. Texas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina get less white by the year. They are already close states. Obviously, if Texas or Florida go blue, it’s pretty much game over, but even losing one or two of those other states makes the path nearly impossible. It’s only a matter of time before that happens. Couple the demographics with election fraud, and it’s hard to see how the GOP can win. Maybe they have an outside shot in 2024, but that’s about it.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Florida also has a bulge of seniors and 50-70 year olds who are predominantly white, conservative, and vote often. It masks the demographic reality of the state.

DeSantis cracking down on fraud got the GOP an extra two or three points in 2020, especially in Miami/Palm Beach – and every red state governor should do the same.

Long term it doesn’t matter. The whole west is being flooded with dark skinned aliens and pretty soon “voter fraud” or “elections” will be the last thing on our minds.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

The Deep State will rehabilitate that freak Gillum and fraud him into the FL governorship in the next gov race, just to rub the Dirt People’s nose in it for having the temerity to elect DeSantis.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

It’s possible the GOP could win in 2024, just because the Biden hate is strong (“F#*@ Joe Biden!” chants….) The economy is falling apart, Covid tyranny, etc…

Even a lot of Hispanics might vote GOP because of the Biden disgust. There were hints at that in 2020. (a couple of counties in Texas)

But in the long term, GOP is doomed because minorities will settle into the party that offers the most gibs, which will always be the Dems.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Let’s see, those are all Southern states, and I guarantee if you drop enough diversity on New England, those crazy yankees will change their tune fast. Sounds like a recipe for secession to me, or is it the past echoing?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Yup, all it takes is one gubernatorial election and Florida or Texas are gone.

“I’ve Georgia on my mind.”- Willie Nelson

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Factor in those of us who will no longer vote, and who used to be reliable GOP voters, and the Recuck task becomes even more difficult. It’s hard to imagine them winning in ’24 or another other time. And I’ll be lustily cheering on the GOP’s formal demise.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The only hope for Con Inc is their belief that hispanics are natural conservatives. Certainly, some of the older hispanics have conservative social beliefs. But in my judgment, after living in California, most of them want their race to dominate more than anything else.

Who knows, if the GOP can rebrand itself as the hispanic party then maybe they’ll survive. Hispanics surely resent that they are less important that blacks and sex perverts in the Democrat party.

George P. Bush is the bellwether to watch.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

White conservatives are always desperate for an ally. I hear things like “Hispanics hate BLM!” Yeah – and they hate Anglos too. Just because they don’t want blacks ruining their neighborhood doesn’t mean they don’t also dislike whites. Being anti black and anti white are not mutually exclusive. A Hispanic Republican party will be pro-Hispanic. Not good for white people. Asians also really hate white people, especially those raised in the West. We drive them nuts. There will be no non-white group that extends a helping hand towards our people. And we shouldn’t expect them to, it’s our job to… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

The only minority groups who truly hate whites are negroes and possibly Mohammedans. Hispanics and Orientals are, at worst, ambivalent about us. And I can guarantee you that they hold blacks in far lower regard than they do whites.

Having said that, they are not conservative enough to eschew the gibs, and probably never will be. And for that reason, the future ethnostate cannot be home to very many of them. Their ethos, and their abilities, clash with ours.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I notice that you didn’t mention one very significant group.

Further, in my experience, hispanics hate whites when they achieve sufficient numbers.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Seeing the pipeline of “refugee”/immigrant racket up-close really stripped naked the facades of melting pot in favor of tribalism. The Real Americans, paperwork still wet, are “americanized” by learning who to hate (us), who to vote for to get more free stuff (democrats), why they deserve free stuff (legacy of racisms), and how to ascend their own people into the low clouds of the gibs (tribal activism aka democrat identity politik). The coninc are correct: hispanics are natural conservatives. Like most with coninc, the reality is just not how they envision it to be. Hispanics (and really all other poc… Read more »

2 years ago

I for one, do actively hate them back. It’s been building for a few years now and that genie is never going back in the bottle. The little turd sack prick fauci is my current target, although there are so many to choose from – it truly is a target rich environment. I really do hate that sanctimonious, lying f*****. He has absolutely done THE yeoman’s work in making sure trust in science and medicine (which were fading fast anyway) are beyond any hope of a cure for a vast array of people.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

I have hated them back too long to recount. They are worthy of our hatred.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

he’s like a fusion of mengele and goebbels.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

There’s a big dose of Lysenko in there too, along with a generic 19th century patent medicine quack. Just take 2, no 3! shots of Dr. Fauci’s Magical Coof Juice for what ails ye’!

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

You are on the road to recovery, men. Like beating alcoholism, there are the defined steps the human psyche must go through as the brain re-wires itself to the realities of its hatred. It’ll take awhile but the rage goes away – and is replaced with a kind of, ‘Don’t get mad – get even’. These a-holes are fortified and entrenched against direct attack – but are wide open for covert action. Become ungovernable – and if an opportunity presents itself or offers itself to shiv these guys and get away with it … take it and enjoy it. We… Read more »

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

Fauci is the obvious example, because everyone knows who he is. But take a look around you. Those little prick enforcers are everywhere, and not just in your company’s HR department.

Evidence shows that near the end of East Germany’s life, approximately 1 in 100 citizens were informers for the Stasi. That number seemed incredible when I first heard it. No longer.

It is very important to look around at your friends, family and coworkers. Figure out who the new informers are likely to be and act accordingly.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

Outdoorspro: Upvote times 1000.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

I look forward to Amazon banning the sale of THE LIVES OF OTHERS.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

This is certainly how it works in Oregon. Kate Brown’s illegal mask mandates are actually enforced indirectly through OSHA. The police won’t touch this stuff, correctly seeing it as radioactive lawsuit material. How does OSHA know which businesses are not enforcing the masks? The Karens. They write or call OHA (Oregon Health Authority) and are referred to OSHA.

Find out who your friendly local neighborhood snitches are, bait them, make fools of them. Rat them out, get them together where they have opportunities to rat each other out.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

In keeping with Glenfilthie’s suggestion: if you’re going to work to being ungovernable, part of that means not being your own informant! That’s harder to do in today’s world, but one needs to reduce the electronic records and gadgetry. Every time you bank, buy (except cash), use your phone, or even have it turned on, do anything on the internet, that data is stored, at least temporarily. There are probably ways to cloud the trail, but I’ve no advice there. A famous saying, Bastiat maybe, said basically, the tyrant can’t rule over you except that you supply the eyes to… Read more »

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

The wrong Italian was hung upside down by his heels outside of a Milanese gas station.

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

Indeed the hard part is we are spoiled for choice. I am taken back to when I first saw “Glengarry Glen Ross”. Pouring rain. Dark. Not one single likeable character. All jousting to grift an unsuspecting mark, who was of course already guilty of his own greed and thus deserving of being taken. Making sport of setting lose a cascade of ill-will into the night to avoid being the one fired for failing to produce his little station of commerce. A sick hive of cannibals competing to extract the most wealth from a system that is only fair in its… Read more »

2 years ago

I think a big reason con men hate their marks is that they know they’re so much smarter than their marks… but yet, not smart enough to really succeed in this world, because in our world verbal dexterity only takes you so far. Kevin Williamson would’ve killed it back in the Middle Ages, arguing in Latin with his fellow Schoolmen about how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. In our world, though, the only truly remunerative intelligence — the kind that pays well, in both cash and in social position — is the STEM kind. This… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

But, as many are noting, STEM is being grievously injured by grifters, cowards, and scum. Trust in the lab coat is fading fast.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I like the idea of “scientific consensus” the very opposite of real science.

These things take time. The church was undermined and nearly destroyed several times by evangelical grifters and murderous power players. The same is happening to all of Lefty’s institutions as we speak. The schools are moron factories, the media are liars and fakes, the courts are a farce and the cops are thugs. This can only end one way.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

That will always be the case with anything Leftie touches, because Leftism is acid; it corrodes everything, indiscriminately. Universal equality being the core premise of Leftism, it’s impossible for anything prestigious to exist, because the very fact of there being specialists of any kind in this world — doctors, engineers, what have you — proves egalitarianism false. You can either admit that you can’t pass calculus — you can’t, meaning that your entire substitute religion is false, and you’ve wasted your entire life worshipping a false idol — or you can declare that calculus be rayciss. I understand that “Iowahawk”… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Severian, off-topic (and also sort hijacking Z man’s comment section) but have you read a book by George Stein called The Waffen SS: Hitler’s Elite Guard at War? I ask because I just found this book, which, when I acquired it about fifteen years ago I considered too dense to be worthwhile. Reading through it, it appears Stein had done significant delving into primary sources – in fact the whole book is effectively based off of confiscated SS records – which immediately impressed me, as I see so little of this now (I’m very disillusioned with most ‘academic’ output these… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Orange Frog, I haven’t. I am an amateur scholar of that group at best (if you want the real skinny, talk to Pickle Rick, who also comments here regularly). The problem is, most of what’s written about those guys falls into three camps: Sensationalist trash, battle narratives, and specialist literature. You can almost always spot the trash, and you can generally spot the specialist literature, but everything that isn’t those two looks like a straight battle narrative, which I find boring (“at dawn, the second platoon of the fourth regiment moved 2.6 meters up the line, to counter the movement… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

The scientific method is pure materialist skepticism. Anybody who ‘trusts the science’ (puts faith in it), doesn’t know the first thing about it.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I’m constantly surprised at how the young guys in IT have turned into a bunch of soyboy communists since I was starting out in the 90s. And yes, it’s still a bunch of guys, mainly White, because chicks still can’t do math in spite of the throngs of horny beta males who wish their company would hire them a girlfriend.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I don’t agree. Lenin’s brother, Alexander Ulyanov, also was a terrorist and committed communist. There were a lot of relatively pampered Russians who became staunch Marxists. Daddy issues, maybe? Entitlement channeled into politics? Maybe. Lenin himself seems to have been radicalized at law school. It is analogous to the children of American billionaires who drift to Antifa although those are upper rather than middle class types.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Political ideologies are types of people. I know a bunch of communists because I know a bunch of people who come from massive multi-generational wealth. Communism *is* them. The rest is rationalization.

2 years ago

Recently I saw Bill Kristol in a clip openly describing the need to demographically replace Americans with Mexicans because, paraphrasing him, “the abundance created by previous generations has created a decadent country” and Mexicans come here with a strong work ethic and desire to better themselves. The implication here is that we have too many uppity white people who are mad because they can’t afford the lifestyle that Bill Kristol enjoys. Let that sink in. This soft, weak, delicate handed Ashkenazi person who undoubtedly couldn’t discern a Crescent wrench from a pair of Channel Locks is openly complaining that there… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

You’re giving Kristol and the neocons too much credit. They couldn’t tell the difference between a screwdriver and a hammer. There’s an old story about fancy lad William Buckley. Someone convinced him to go outside on a hike. A cottontail rabbit ran across the road ahead of them and Buckley started screaming in terror, not knowing what it was. Don’t know if it’s true, but it sounds like neocon behavior.

2 years ago

We have AOC, now we have CKW, Corpulent Kevin Williamson!

2 years ago

Hatred of how we got here is a normal human response that likely has some ill-defined benefit in an evolutionary sense. Maybe it’s just the amygdala kicking into action in order to quickly motivate a survival response when danger abounds. But in our current dilemma, the real danger lies in the gradual nature of the evolving threat. It is the proverbial case of the frog in the pot with temperature being increased slowly so as not to alarm him into jumping out. Such is the game being played in DC. The hive intends to pass the multi-trillion appropriations bill, but… Read more »

2 years ago

From your taki article, “The only antidote to the egalitarian madness of liberal radicalism is an equally fanatical illiberal radicalism.” I thought it should be here as well since it kind of applies to both articles, and struck me as being very true.

Reply to  DavidTheGnome
2 years ago

Yeah, but what about muh optics!?

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

So right, those optics might lose us the minority vote in the next election!

Reply to  DavidTheGnome
2 years ago

DavidTheGnome: Yes. Drop your principles and moral rectitude at the door to calamitous conflict, and don’t try to reclaim them until we’ve won. Moderation in destroying evil is no virtue, and leaving any detritus for your progeny to deal with is moral cowardice and laziness.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I think I found the classical liberal.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

This was one of the topics in Z-man’s Sunday podcast. I don’t think I’m breaking any new ground by pointing out that most of us here are resigned to being extremely vicious to our persecutors in the near future. Normies will instinctively question the idea that the radical left actually intends to harm the people affected by their crackpot schemes. It’s too easy to ascribe a more benign rationale for their actions. But now I understand exactly what they’re feeling, easily summed up by “they hate us and they want us dead.” I now want them dead too. I’m comfortable… Read more »

Thud Muffle
2 years ago

I don’t think it’s hatred , I think it’s recognizing that two generations or so ago they were us and their so called success is based on what their ancestors built. Imagine being in your 60’s with a train wreck family, no real assets, a big mortgage, a BMW in the garage and no way to sustain all that. And You spent all Mom and Dad’s money Of course you would hate and dismiss the common folks like me who put a little by. And spend your days and nights figuring out how to steal it. Because doing otherwise isn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Thud Muffle
2 years ago

Thud Muffle: A generation or three ago the neocons were not ‘us.’ Nor were they part of the common people whose ancestors built America. The neocons are the progeny of Juice Trotskyists who immigrated (or whose parents immigrated) to a primarily White, Christian country and then initiated a century-long effort to undermine and subvert it. They created and inserted themselves into a new and false history of America, claiming rights and title to things that were never theirs, and offered that same false ownership to the worst of human refuse.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Thud Muffle
2 years ago

I guess it’s somewhat tangentially relevant: One of the news sources I browse is the Daily Mail. It’s hard to avoid some of the celebrity photos. I’m sure many are happy that Britney Spears has regained control over her finances. At 39 she’s still pleasing to gaze upon, but anyone with even a passing knowledge of her history knows there must be reasons why her Dad had guardianship for a long time. I have no opinion on whether he committed any malfeasance. But I’d lay a good bet that Britney will b broke in a year or two. Memo to… Read more »

Wheel of fortune
Wheel of fortune
Reply to  Thud Muffle
2 years ago

One difficulty is that no human being, reasonable or otherwise, wants to slide down the economic scale. Everyone tries to avoid it. However, one additional consequence of the subversion of American society is that there are fewer reasonable places to slide to. Poor neighborhoods are no picnic historically, but they are worsened by the decades-long devastation via drugs and other social ills. Working class neighborhoods that used to be modest economically but otherwise family-oriented and tight-knit, are few and far between. We’ve created a highly alienated society, which is less resilient when hard times fall.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Wheel of fortune
2 years ago

One often-overlooked unintended consequence of forced desegregation and other civil rights is that, far from bringing equality, it increases it. In the before times, neighborhoods and individual landlords were free to allow or forbid occupants as they saw fit, usually by race and/or religion. Today, of course, the class system still exists. But we sort our neighborhoods primarily by income and net worth. The pre-Civil-Rights system had the advantage of more local control. Many Whites (and other groups) were perfectly content to live in modest row houses, like those that run for miles in Baltimore, let their children attend the… Read more »

2 years ago

The sort of crisis we find ourselves in has a particular logic. It doesn’t have solutions, it only has bad and very, very bad outcomes. We have to choose the bad outcome.

2 years ago

Lowry launched a fundraiser at National Review based on their 25 year opposition to “immigration B.S.” Looks like a board member kicked in $18k to get them started. They are lasting longer than I thought, after the 2016 election I thought they would have at least discontinued the print edition by now.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Notice the past issues he highlights are all written by John O’Sullivan who they fired and Mark Krikorian. Williamson once criticized Krikorian by replying to one of his columns, “are you descended from the Mayflower Krikorians?” That is what passes for high wit on National Review Online.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Disgusting. I couldn’t despise the folks at national review more if I found out they were all pedophiles. AlthoughIt might explain French’s is adoption policies. When is the next NR cruise? That might a fun troll to send Zman. BTW I set up a telegram channel for my beloved hill tribes.

For those of you with an interest in Appalachia join us. I’m talking to you vizzini.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

I don’t have a Telegram account, but I’ll give it some thought. I avoid social media platforms for the most part.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

It’s encrypted and very useful for the dissemination of information. Normies have flocked to it Because of the shenanigans at Facebook and Twitter. This is full spectrum warfare. In my opinion, we must utilize electronic communications. A defensive crouch will not win the day..

2 years ago

What about George Will?

Kevin Williamson, Rich Lowery, D’inesh, David French, Michael Medved, David Brooks (just wrote a book explaining why his last book was wrong, sheesh), Hugh Hewitt, Prager….all obvious grifters. Go wherever the winds blow them.

George Will is in that weird holdover not-quite-paleocon, not quite grifter mold. He’s a true believer, but just can accept his whole outlook was never viable.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

It’s really incredible to think of all the columnists from twenty years ago on both sides of the political spectrum. Without fail on the right, the only interesting ones anyone cares about anymore were thrown into the abyss by the end of their careers. On the left, I can’t think of one person who is still remembered today.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Chet: Political columnists are like politicians – they never, ever go away. There are plenty on both sides I remember from my youth, and those who are not yet buried and gone are still opining and eternally searching for followers and fame. Their folly is that they helped create a non-literate generation that communicates via abbreviated, fractured English and emojis, like three year old girls – so their only audience is equally old late Silents/early Boomers for whom ‘murrica is a fantasy they cling to along with this earthly existence. I long to stomp on all those gnarled, liver-spotted fingers.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Ha. Boomers are rightfully despised and those of us at the end of that generation got a front row seat at the hell to come. The 68’ers’ narcissism and the late Silents’ Puritanical messianism paved the way for this catastrophe and it was obvious even to kids at the time. They seem very healthy despite the drugs and promiscuity and will be with us a while longer.

The artist formerly known as Judge Smails
The artist formerly known as Judge Smails
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Vox Day was the coolest and Mona Charen was hot.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Will is strictly a gatekeeper. AmRen published a column within the last couple of years comparing him and other pundits to those from the past. One they mentioned was a hack Washington Post columnist from the first half of the 20th Century named Drew Pearson. He was once wrote the most widely published column in the country, but is completely forgotten today. Like Will he played his role, but wrote nothing of lasting value.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Will’s wife worked/works for ConAgra, which depends of cheap illegal alien labor. Hence, Will is an open borders/mass migration enthusiast. The only thing that drives D.C.-based Conservative, Inc., is their rice bowl. Nothing more needs to be understood about them.

Will was the anti-Reagan before it became profitable to be a Reaganite. He easily would transition to Marxism if it enriched him. This tiny sliver (slither) of the GOP controls the entire Republican Party. It highlights the absurdity of voting and the political process.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

“So many of the former suckers have wised up over the last five years”. Begging the Colonels pardon, but “The Right” side of the aisle voters are all a quiver with “getting the house back”. Wanna send a message? Increase the whack jobs numbers in the house. It’s on fire as it is. It amazes me that people on our side of the divide think that if they vote just a little bit harder,(and get Congress back), things will start to right themselves. For the love of God, does anyone have any ideas on how to have our people stop… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Rereading it, I see the distinction.

The question still stands.

How do the rank and file dirt folk organize to stop adding legitimacy to elections. It seems self evident that voting is deciding to get hit in the head with;
A ball peen hammer
A sledge hammer

Neither act is beneficial.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Yeah, I’m beginning to role my eyes at Populism Inc. It’s just a rehash of the old alt-lite who are a bit more race-realist and thrive on anger posting. I don’t need Lauren Witzke and Pillow Guy telling me 10 times a day that they are all LYING. Just ignore the f**kers.

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Part of the problem I see with my compatriots anywhere on the right is that the very same continuum of discomfort that shocks them out of their slumber is prone to turning them toward the closest pillow. Hopefully the iterative process inches in the right direction. In a text and email chain among my very few wrongthinking brothers that go way back, I get shitlord memes and solid links to good diagnostics and debates of the ills. But the begged question of “ok, so what do we do next?” gets smothered by that comfortable mypillow and I get a stream… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

The talk of peaceful separation, while on its face ridiculous, is a good bit of framing. you start with the most radical preposition that benefits you, and when the left, of course, it gives rhetorical cover for states and local areas to start their own political agendas. The worst thing to happen to Washington isn’t these states fighting D.C. but outright ignoring them, like they’re a foreign country.

The first governor that openly flaunts a federal court ruling is going to open floodgates that can’t be stopped.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

* “of course, says no”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“Flouts.” But I agree, that’d be great theater. We must be nearing the point where the Feds are going to have to send actual, armed troops to “enforce a decision” or a “regulation” at some point. I know that’s happened a few times in history: FDR protecting labor unions, or Eisenhower enforcing the end of segregated schools. Now, let’s play alternate history: what if, in Alabama in 1963, instead of a peaceful “surrender” to the show of Federal force, the National Guard had ignored orders from Washington? What if there had been two (or more) armed factions and shooting started?… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Ben: Disagree. I don’t rely on the National Guard or any branch of the armed forces to do anything other than obey the orders and the people who pay their salary. I look back at those pictures from the 1950s and wonder at those supposedly upright, all-American soldiers using the threat of violence to force White southern children to school/socialize with blacks. Did any of them have any qualms? Did any of them later say “We were wrong”? If so, I’ve not heard of it.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Lt Col Scheller wouldn’t have an problem with using violence against fellow Americans either. Speaking of grift – he turned out to be a Trump hater and many normies are feeling betrayed. Personally , I thought the guy was full of it because he was compelled under the UCMJ to keep his yap shut.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Your point is well taken. Do bear in mind that back then, probably, soldiers were even more likely to be patriotic and obedient. To my knowledge, the military (and even civilian courts) were still executing and giving long terms to offenders. We’re long past that now. For my scenario, it doesn’t have to be just a Guard unit that might mutiny. Imagine a rebel Governor who tells his state guard to choose a side: the State or the Feds. If the latter, they’ve got 24 hours to get out of the State or else. That may be far-fetched. Much more… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

“For the love of God, does anyone have any ideas on how to have our people stop adding legitimacy (by voting), to the Kabuki Theater that is politics?” It’s a good question. And an important one to answer. For me, it’s starts with looking for a disillusioned person, with ‘right-wing’ sympathies. I ask them what concerns them – forget the shamdemic, climate changes, fuel ‘shortage’, midwife ‘shortage – what directly affects them. Once they’ve opened up, usually with a refrain to the tune of “Things ain’t what they used to be…” then I go straight in with examples of how… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

I did not read your post before replying to Z.

Thanks for the input.

Being an example is always a good start.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Thank you, that is a good conversational process. I going to adopt that question.

I’ve brought over a couple/few that I’ve had time to work on, but most seem to decay back to normal. The decay-back are the substantial conversion rate limiter.

I have a theory that if I work on someone, and then latter they hear similar from someone else, that it might be more transformative, as in two points determine a line.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Bartleby: Spot on. Why I don’t associate or debate with either purple-haired trannies or Joe Normal. Just get on with your life and try to better position your loved ones to survive the coming chaos. The rest have chosen their fate and I will not waste a moment trying to dissuade them.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

I think they can’t see beyond the immediate. We have to stop them NOW, to keep a little bit of what we have.

Its an understandable sentiment. I’m in a state that has a Wallstreet republican running for govnr. He is soft on the black riots and anti-white stuff in schools, but he endorsed a questionaire from a pretty good 2A group. \

My feeling is there is nothing we can do long term as far as voting is concerned. So whats the point.

Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

There could be value in local elections in small jurisdictions. It might better to a normal person on the school board instead of a person deliberately causing troubles. Some jobs like water board pay well, so it’s better to have an ourguy get the money instead of ms Marxist. Sheriffs can and do push back on masks, et. al.

2 years ago

Hate them back harder.

Reply to  Pepe
2 years ago

That’s the key. I have been trying to tell this to people I consider salvageable; it’s no good adopting the ‘good sportsmanship’ mode of thought: “Well, our guy lost this time, but next time he’ll get more votes”. These people hate us. We must hate back.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

“You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.” I’m no expert, but it just feels right to believe that we have a spiritual moral duty to hate evil, just as we have a civic moral duty to cast off the tyrants. The atrophy of men’s natural sense of duty to both his spiritual world and his earthly world was required in order to advance evil. It is something we must restore if we are to take up any fight that matters. First they… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

Screwtape: Your usual, top-notch stuff. As an aside and an example of being forced to interact with the disgusting: Yesterday my husband and I stopped at a health-food store for some vitamins and digestive enzymes he wanted. When we couldn’t find what we were looking for, a staff member noticed and offered help.

After a moment of stunned incredulity, we realized it was biologically male, with razor stubble, long unkempt hair, and hairy legs on prominent display beneath a short skirt. And it then told my husband “l love your shoes” (Keen sandals).

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Z-man has implied he’ll do a “How to interact with your cultist relatives over the holidays” podcast. I’d also love to get some advice on how to handle that sort of situation. The freak with a dress; the tatted up, blue haired land whale; the sneering prick with a face full of fishing tackle — I want to get better at cutting them to the quick. Most scorn will just trigger rage in them, so I’m looking for ideas that might facilitate deep embarrassment.

Reply to  Pepe
2 years ago

Remember Red Dawn?
The Colonel:
All that hate’s gonna burn you up, kid.

It keeps me warm.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

i think it is important to illustrate the toxicity of the cloud person existence. their decadence comes with a high price, especially among their children and grandchildren. remove all the glamour and reveal the painting in the attic. luckily there are plenty of pre-pozzed age movie (and TV) to show good examples of well lived lives.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

> They eat to get the momentary hit that comes from high calorie foods, but this also fuels the self-loathing. The more they eat the more they hate themselves for it. The morbidly obese have a death wish. Nothing political about this, just a harsh truth. One of the powerlifting gurus, the guy who wrote 5-3-1, poignantly stated when he was incredibly overweight that the two options in his mind were get in shape or put a bullet in his head. Unfortunately, there are many who do the death-by-installment plan of excessive drinking and eating. Body positivity is essentially a… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

My brother-in-law had a landlady back in the day who was morbidly obese. He had all sorts of problems with her that were caused by her simply bloody-mindedness. He could never understand it. I told him that the morbidly obese have all sorts of problems, it’s not like they have their lives entirely together except for this one tiny thing where they eat so much that they weigh 400# and can’t climb stairs.

Do they have a deaths wish? Yeah, the way opioid addicts and drunks have a death wish. They want to commit suicide, just not all at once.

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

The MDs in the readership will probably kill me for this, but I really do think food is an addiction… and like any addiction, only something like a 12 Step Program can cure it, because 11 of the 12 steps are about fixing all the other stuff that got you addicted in the first place. Your alcoholic that stops drinking, for instance, is screwed without a big support system, because he’s still a broke loser with no marketable skills and a 20-year gap in his resume that just says “in the gutter, 1994-present.” Fat guys are in a similar boat,… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Yeah but, beer and pizza also taste really good though!

A reformed fat friend told me that the issue with over-eating disorders/addictions (however you call it) is that those troubled by it cannot just “give up eating”, it’s a struggle in a way that other addictions are not.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

The Last Psychiatrist, describing “sex addiction,” compared it to alcoholism. The sex addict says it’s the variety that gets him; he’s always on the lookout for new experiences, and somehow we buy this, but if the alcoholic said “you don’t understand, I’m always looking for new cocktails,” we’d rightly dismiss it. So with food. No one is saying “stop eating.” As TLP would also say, the trick is not “giving up X thing;” it’s becoming the kind of person who doesn’t eat X thing. For those of us over here, becoming that person has never been easier. Want to give… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I don’t think you’re off base at all.

I can remember reading some authors (I want to say Gary Taubes? or Luestig?) who presented convincing arguments supported by some data that demonstrated that the biochemistry/physiology of the obese created an internal stew inside them that amplified normal hunger signals and tended to suppress feelings of satiation among the obese.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago


That will be $5, please. No insurance. Cash or check. I don’t make change. Thanks.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Vizzini: I never liked the Bob Newhart show, but that Comedy clip was terrific. Thanks for making me laugh.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago


*text to make my post long enough*

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Strong and interesting correlation between alcoholism and sugar. Try the keto diet and see how you crave warm bread rolls. Heroin cravings may be worst, but it arguably…

Reply to  SidV
2 years ago

Indeed. Despite Native Americans’ well-known problems with alcohol, it’s really diabetes that is killing them out on the Rez… and those two are closely correlated. (Funny how the SJWs have never given a damn about the Red Man, except as a cudgel to get stupid sportsball teams to change their names. It’s absolutely criminal what has been done to the Indians, and while fully acknowledging them as the authors of a lot of their own problems, we Palefaces are more obviously responsible for much more of it, right down to the present hour — far more so than the problems… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  btp
2 years ago

In substance abuse recovery programs, they euphemistically call it “suicide on the installment plan.”

A great many individual (and group, and national) maladaptive behaviors easily fit that definition.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago


I know some folks in the therapy biz. They all love that clip, I suppose for the same reason real Mobsters supposedly love The Godfather.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Jim Wendler. Yeah he’s funny. I saw him reacting to the ultra-low carb keto craze where you can’t eat fruit ‘cause fructose is bad or something:

“You think people are getting fat from eating f_cking apples!”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Cameron
2 years ago

No, but people are getting their quercetin from eating apples.

Quercetin is an ionophore that helps with zinc uptake.

Zinc is a known anti-viral.

No need to futz about with an elaborate prophylactic protocol or going to Tractor Supply and trying to pretend you own a horse farm.

Just eat a balanced, healthy diet of wholesome, non-processed foods.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Oysters and liver are great sources of zinc. They’re “stinky” foods but I like them both.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

There’s a lot of biochemistry stacked against them, not least fueled by government nutrition standards, regulations and subsidies that push grains and carbs and lie about meat and fat being bad. If you trust authority you’re screwed. Sadly, that appears to be most people.

“Dirty Genes” is a good book to read, if a bit too plant-friendly.