American Alawites

Minority rule is one of those things that on the surface should be rare but is actually quite common in human history. The most common form of minority rule is when one people conquer another and then install their people as rulers. This small ruling class is backed by the conquering power. In the Bronze Age it was not unusual for one city-state to rule over the surrounding city-states. The great leader would rule not only his own people but the people he subjugated.

In medieval times, the family trees of ruling elites were often quite complicated so the duke of some territory might not speak the language of the people over whom he was the ruler. Conquest also played a role. The Normans who were “invited” to conquer Britain did not speak the local language. People were tied to the land, so when a successful ruler conquered new lands, he inherited the people. His descendants would then inherit a kingdom of strangers.

Ruling classes, in general, are a form of minority rule. In South America, most of the countries are controlled by a relatively small number of families that make up the ruling elite of the country. These families trace their origins to Europe, marry amongst each other and keep a tight grip on power. It is why the complexion of the political elite rarely has the same hue as the general public. This demographic realty of ruling elites is true to some degree everywhere in the world.

The thing about rule by minority is it works if that minority has connections to the people over whom they rule. Those kings and queens in medieval Europe may not have had much in common with the people, but they shared a position within in a system that everyone accepted. Richard the Lionheart did not speak English, but his position made sense within the logic of society. Of course, empires tend to have ruling classes that are alien to the people but make sense within the context of empire.

This is what makes empires inherently unstable. Since an empire is an amalgamation of people that don’t have much in common, the one thing they have in common is they are ruled by strangers. The Habsburg Empire made sense to the people running it but to everyone else it was an unnatural combination. The Soviet Union struggled with the same problem at the end. Empires tend to become minority run enterprises that only serve the interests of the minority at the top of the system.

The American empire seems to be entering that minority rule phase where it becomes clear to everyone that the people in charge are aliens. From Gettysburg into the 20th century, America was a proto-empire. The Yankee ruling elite had conquered the rest of the country. Then the push west made Yankeedom into a continental empire and then a regional empire entering the 20th century. The two great industrial wars established Yankeedom as the American empire.

The Yankee ruling elite was joined in the 20th century by a Jewish elite that arrived just as the American empire was forming up. The subsequent Judeo-Puritan ruling class ruled the empire into the current day. While the Jewish side did not have roots in the origins of the empire, the Puritan side more than made up for it. The story of America started at Plymouth Rock with the Puritans. At least that is how every schoolboy learned it through the 20th century.

With the Cold War over and the borders wide open, the great flood of people into the empire proper is about to change the complexion of the ruling class. You see this with the South Asian takeover of Silicon Valley. The latest example is Twitter, the social media publisher, getting a new boss. Parag Agarwal will succeed Jack Dorsey as the CEO of the company. Vijaya Gadde is the policy, safety lead director and a chief legal officer and general counsel of Twitter.

If we take a quick inventory of the big tech firms, we see that Google is now ruled by Sundar Pichai.  Microsoft is now ruled by a person named Satya Nadella. IBM, once synonymous with American technological innovation, is now ruled by a person called Arvind Krishna. Adobe Systems is ruled by Shantanu Narayen. VMWare, the biggest virtualization firm is ruled by Raghu Raghuram. Silicon Valley is looking like the chamber of commerce of Bangalore.

This may seem like a coincidence, but Kamala Harris is the Vice president because Indian money bought her the spot on the ticket. All of her campaign money came from this cabal of South Asians in California. She remains in her post, even though the Biden people want her out, because the party is afraid of alienating the Brahmans. They know the GOP is on its knees outside those offices begging for cash. They are planning to run Nimrata Nikki Randhawa in the 2024 primary.

What is happening, of course, is the old Judeo-Puritan ruling elite is getting pushed aside by the highly clannish and ambitious Brahman ruling elite. Those high caste Indian migrants come from a long tradition of looking out for their own, but also working the imperial system. The British Raj selected for the sort of high cast local who knew how to ingratiate himself with English speakers. Those skills are now proving to be handy in the American empire.

This is why South Asians are fantastically antiwhite. They have picked up on what is going on with the dying Judeo-Puritan ruling class. Critical theory makes no sense to the new arrivals from the subcontinent, but the slogans are easy to memorize and the targets are familiar. The new ruler of Twitter is not only antiwhite, but he is also openly hostile to the basics of Western society. He thinks the first amendment is a pointless suggestion and he has no intention of respecting its spirit.

From a certain distance, one has to admire the irony of it. India exists because of British colonialism and it is now conquering the inheritor of the British Empire. Perhaps the new Indian ruling class will start wearing khaki shorts and pith helmets. The old quip from Pat Buchanan about immigration comes to mind. He famously said, “American Indians had open borders. Look what happened to them.” One group of Indians getting revenge on behalf of another group of Indians.

Putting that aside, this is another sign that the American empire is far closer to collapse than is evident from the numbers. Actual Americans will notice that they cannot pronounce the names of their new rulers. The alien nature of the ruling class is now being pushed into the face of everyone. It is hard to imagine someone named Satya or Parag commanding much loyalty from people named Bill or even Jonquarius. Rule by alien invader will become evident to everyone.

That does not mean this new ruling class forming up is doomed. Syria has been ruled by an Alawite minority for a long time now. They control all of the institutions of power and that has allowed them to weather the attacks from America and Israel. An alien ruling class can manage to defy the math for a long time, if they are clever enough and ruthless enough. The American Alawites will have to be as ruthless but highly clannish people are never short of ruthlessness.

If one wants to be optimistic, the Illyrian emperors were Roman emperors who rose up from what is now the Balkans during the Crisis of the Third Century. This group of alien emperors culminated with Diocletian and the stabilization of the empire. Maybe one of these new Brahman rulers will go on to stabilize the American empire. After all, this class took over India after the collapse of British rule. Look at the amazing job they have done with the Indian subcontinent.

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approved surname
approved surname
2 years ago

“now it is not good for the christian man to hustle the eastern brown
For the eastern smiles with his eastern wiles
and he weareth the christian down
At the end of the fight, there’s a tombstone white
with the name of the dear deceased
and the epitaph drear, a fool lies here
who tried to hustle the east

hat tip to R Kipling

Mr. Blank
2 years ago

This has been a serious concern of mine for quite awhile. I think it really crystallized for me due to my wife — she has numerous medical issues, and through the constant grind of going to one specialist after another, it gradually dawned on me that a huge portion of the American medical system is dominated and directed by people from the Indian subcontinent whose names I cannot pronounce. I became so irritated by this that when I had to switch primary care doctors a few years back (insurance, natch), I went out of my way to find a doctor… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Mr. Blank
2 years ago

Mr Blank

First, stop apologizing for stating your opinion.

And the next time a Dot Head starts to lecture you regarding your forefathers, ask them why the fuck did they came here, and to get the fuck out.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Mr. Blank
2 years ago

I would reject them. They are not us and they can never be us. Plus most of these people explicitly worship the devil

Reply to  Mr. Blank
2 years ago

>They adapt well to American customs and traditions, and unlike some other potential immigrants, I wouldn’t flatly reject them out of hand. You should reject them out of hand. Of course they will pretend to fit in when they’re a small percentage of the population. It’s all fake. Go to Edison New Jersey and tell me how well they’re assimilating. Better yet, take a look at how many whites they’re hiring. They might smile at you, ok, but will they hire you? Not a chance. Assimilation is not desirable anyways, fact is even if they did perfectly assimilate into white… Read more »

2 years ago

Speaking of Alawites, everyone is reporting the Regency is taking action. First, Amazon, Wal-Mart, and a host of other retailers and wholesalers including Target, Kroger etc. have been subpoenaed by the FTC to turn over internal pricing documents, including proprietary information, in a price fixing investigation. They have 45 days to respond. Second, all the Oil majors and minors have received FTC demands also that THEY turn over pricing documents and “excess profits” information in a separate investigation. It seems the Biden Regency thinks it can just order lower prices by a shakedown. Not realizing that these are very big,… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Thanks I needed a laugh after another day living in this dystoypian hellscape of fusa

Beatly Joe
Beatly Joe
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Kamala the Ho
Ho She Bitch

2 years ago

The problem with Alawite rule is that it relies upon either total ruthlessness by a leader of ability, or outside military force. Recall the trajectory of Syria. Under Hafez Assad it was quite stable, from the outside, though there was the fiasco of the United Arab Republic and “union” with Egypt under Nasser. It did not last long. The heir apparent (not Bashir) died in some mysterious accident / assasination and Bashir who is viewed as weak took over. Under Hafez the city of Hama rebelled and was leveled. Under Bashir he lost after the Arab Spring 2011 uprising most… Read more »

2 years ago

Pakies can be a great source of fun and amusement the same as blacks… provided you mind your distance and don’t get to close. When I was a kid in the 80s having my first experience with the vibrant and diverse workplace… a position opened up in the part of the plant run by the mudflaps, as we called them. The idiot manager hired the first brown skinned pin head that came along… and nearly started WW3! Apparently our pajeets were all hindoos or shieks or whatever they are… and the new guy was a sunny moslem…. And the fight… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

What a hoot 😂

Sounds like I’ve been missing out

2 years ago

I don’t get the Jew thing. But I viscerally understand the pajeet thing.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

It’s a matter of exposure, most of the time For example, I have spent my life around Jewish people both personally and professionally and know them well. My only experience with Indians was in college, and I honestly found them quite honorable, especially the more religious Punjabs who never cut their hair — but I admit it’s limited exposure. Not including my brushes with them occasionally in getting a motel, but I was very pleasantly surprised by the, I think, the Vagabond Inn in San Luis Obispo that was extremely clean and well kept. The guys at 7-11 are decent… Read more »

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

“I don’t get the J** thing.” You didn’t ask for any assistance, but for me, the quickest way to get the J3VV thing is to investigate who are the biggest donors to both parties, which explains why the GOP betrays its constituency. Sheldon Adelson, recently deceased, was the single biggest donor to the GOP, said that his single biggest issue was protecting Israel. Paul Singer, another major donor to the GOP with a homo son, said that his goal was make the GOP “gay”-friendly. The Sierra Club used to oppose massive immigration until one of their biggest donors, chosen, said… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

What Sandy said. Furthermore, their refusal to assimilate, their insularity, their professed superiority. The affinity evangelicals have for them is lopsided – the feeling is not mutual. .

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Lolz, always willing to lend a hand.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

The smartest Indian and the dumbest Jew are the same guy. He hates you, he outranks you because one of his ancestors was useful to a Renaissance-era king, he smells like already-eaten carrion, and his hand is deep in your very young daughter’s pants.

Hating (((us))) because we’re a rival power makes sense, and so does hating Indians because they’re not even minimally human.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

Go to the if you want to get more on the jew thing than you ever thought possible.

2 years ago

Superb. I mean just look at these comments. A joint this classy makes me wonder when the police will arrive and start asking me what am I doing here. **** A commenter pointed out that China, too, has Empire Fever. They have every incentive to do so, especially since the practice of predatory capitalism has poisoned the poor soils, meager water, and air of their homeland. (I disagreed, wrongly, because I want to blame everything on J**s. But he was right, China is a power, and got there using J**ish-style business intelligence and greed while based in Arkansas under the… Read more »

2 years ago

Interesting timing, Zman. My husband, myself, and my best friend were just discussing various things last night, among them dealing with pajeets (whether socially or as a client/customer). Consensus is that they are generally unpleasant, grasping, argumentative, and intrinsically alien people. For a long time there was only one pajeet working for my husband’s employers – a nice enough guy. I recall asking him years ago why he left New Jersey (I think that’s where he initially settled) for Texas. He said “Too many Indians in New Jersey.” Of course, so far as I can tell, he and his wife… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I asked that, in very broken Spanglish, of a factory worker in Maryland. She said there were too many Mexicans in California!

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

3g4me; Speaking of dealing with Dots regarding business, when I did construction years ago, I had to start WAY high with my price. The reason? They had to feel like they were beating you out of something.

The result was they always paid top dollar.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Wait, I thought now women were allowed !?

2 years ago

Aren’t all of these firms publicly traded corporations? So while Hindus are in management positions, what about the demographics of the actual stockholders? Kinda reminds me of how the main European families used Jews as tax collectors and finance people. Or, maybe true or not, how in India the various Patel’s were a sub-caste serving in the same capacity to the Brahmin elite. Also, it would be informative to find out what percentage of investors on Wall St. are large firms representing pension funds. Note the increase in perceived value of the main players in the new vax industry. I’ll… Read more »

Reply to  mderpelding
2 years ago

Good point. Using China, again, as a recent historical model- we need new models- they began their rise when CALPERS led the other states’ public employee pension pools to invest in Chinese “Red Chips”, state-owned enterprises, and the offshoring began. This brings up another aspect of the chessboard. The largest economic players are not corporations, but government sovereigns. Palo Alto, Westchester, heck even Haiti probably have larger budgets than the richest man on the planet. Yet, none of our economic models account for this. The governments don’t use general accounting, since they have no inventory to measure- yet they spend… Read more »

Reply to  mderpelding
2 years ago

the “stockholders” are private equity,hedge funds, and black rock.

2 years ago

Ah. So this is why we hear about “the threat” of China. The Indians are paying for the ads.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Worked for the Jews using America to destroy Israel’s Middle East enemies. If I were loyal to my homeland (India), I’d want to get the big kid on the block to go against India’s greatest adversary–China!

2 years ago

Forgive me, but off topic. For your consideration:

I acknowledge the criticisms of these guys but are you not inspired? If these guys are terrible, can someone else do better?

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Okay. I will give your reply my sincere consideration. Please do the same.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

My thoughts: As far as I can tell, Z Man’s argument is to ask, “How do these guys pay their bills?” If you can’t answer this question, you are probably dealing with a fed.

The tee are ess guys have a popular podcast behind a paywall, charging each listener $10/month. I imagine that this pays the salaries of the hosts. However, there are a half a dozen second tier hosts who seem to exist without employment. Perhaps this is the evidence. Not sure.

In my judgment, this is the best evidence of federal involvement. Am I overlooking anything?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

10 bucks a month paid in money orders or crypto. Lots of moving parts involved here. Then you have to wait for them to sort it out and activate your account. Lots of moving parts. Now if their audience are people that swipe for guidance every time they get hungry or want to know which island we dropped the bomb on in 45. You have to wonder. I’m no expert on the volks in old Prussia . That said some of the claims they make, and I’m not talking about pizza ovens sound ridiculously uninformed. M.eggnog ( not voice activated… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Two or three guys on salary, the rest mostly volunteers who have day jobs. No great mystery.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

The remarkable thing is the reaction. Desantis has come out and labeled it anti-white hate. Even the worthless cuck senator from Wisconsin is back-tracking. The cops were thoroughly shamed (kneelers). I think even the NJP guys have been taken aback by the impact. If they paid by the deep-state. Then bravo fbi, good work!

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Nice! Antiwhtie must be on the tip of everyones tongue!

Not blm terrorism, but antiwhite.It msut be antiwhte all day long

2 years ago

It won’t stick. Back when the PUA stuff was going strong, one notable thing was the sheer volume of short Indian guys begging for the secret to seducing white women. Indian men who get into the elite will rapidly blend themselves into the white population. At the same time Indian women are extremely unlikeable, so it makes sense that they’d latch on to the woke stuff but that just means they’ll die as childless cat ladies.

Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

There’s 1.5 billion + indians. Even if just the top 10% indian males married white women there would be no more white children in America. That’s not even counting the white men who marry indian or chinese women. They are by far the biggest problem to the white race. The smart solution would be to pull a Uganda. Since that will never happen, we better hope that the fertility rate of indians continues its severe nosedive, both here and in india. The promising news is that “Asian”-“American” Total Fertility Rate is 1.35, in India the TFR is now at 2… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

Culture derives from genetics, not skin color. Materialism is false in all its forms: one group of humans cannot be transformed into another kind of group without fundamnetally destroying the nature of that group. Pajeets and Euros are not interchangeable.

Breeding together does not result in your anticipated melding for the same reason that tossing lead into a gold smelter doesn’t get you more gold.
You also have the timing off. By the 3rd generation of “melting potting,” the original un-melted will have done irreparable damage to our civilization. This is not a solution to the posed problem.

Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

Many of us are disappointed by white women, yet even the wokest of them seem to be disgusted by most indian men.

An interesting question: Can the indian men amass enough money and status such that woke white women will fVck them?

We may be approaching a disgust barrier in woke white women that even wealth cannot overcome. On the other hand, woke white women do fVck blacks…

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Woke white women, or woke anyone for that matter are unredeamable.
Personally I have and will cut them out of my life completely.
Don’t need or want their drama,
Every one of them I’ve known are chaotic in their lives.
None of them have ever gone hungry or had a callus from physical work. The devil makes work for idle hands. In that regard never known a third world person be afflicted by delusional wokeism, until they have been here for a while.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
2 years ago

This must be that biting rapier Gen-Z wit I hear so much about. Since most of you are on the left half of the bell curve due to crippling dysgenic cross-breeding for that past few decades I suppose this is probably near peak of cleverness.

Rope yourself while there is still time, you have a life of misery awaiting you kid. (Not to mention you are very likely a mystery meat genetic soup nightmare like most of Gen Z)

2 years ago

The cream of Indians make a decent managerial class. Will they assume control of the cultural heights? Inject moral degeneracy, and subversive ideologies into the culture. Maintain a strong tribal identity here in the new world for over a millennia. No, no and no. Z already taking flack for this from his right.
“Race Borz, [11/30/2021 11:28 AM]
[Forwarded from Marcel V. Reagan]
But… but the Z-Man says our “Judeo-Puritan” ruling class is being pushed out of power by “Brahmans” from India… 🤔”

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

In my experience the best leaders are/have been: 1. Old money WASPs. Clearly the best. Too many ways to list. 2. Wealthy Cuban families (i.e. Spaniards in Americas). They were gracious and decent and quite elegant. Food was top notch. Women gorgeous. 3a. Regular old white Americans, the types who run middle America towns and small cities. 3b. Blue collar type Italians and Irish. Not going to win any MENSA awards, but solid if but culturally a bit limited. But neighborhoods were safe, and the people got jobs. Add in the Portuguese as well. 4. Juice. They pretty much run… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

You need to google, Foreigners around the World. by P.J O’Rourke

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Excellent points. The Indians aren’t us, and I don’t want them ruling us or even constituting a large minority of the population. That said, they are nowhere near as pernicious as the Hutus, Finkels and white AWs. Unlike those groups, subversion, perversion and transgression are not their game.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Are you an indian? Every comment you’ve made in thread is talking about how indians are ok (hey look a blaq). I guess we should just let the entire country in then.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I question your ability to accurately judge Indians.

2 years ago

A post like this makes me want to stop being an outsider and try to wade back into the mess, see if I can do anything about it. Is it really that bad, or is morale that low?

2 years ago

That you nick ?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

I know these people quite well, and let me tell you, they utterly lack vision. You can’t be a ruling class and have no vision. We already have that. These people only begin to dominate organizations in the cash-cow (no pun intended) to decline life cycle. When they ascend to these high positions it usually means you should dump your stock in the company. What these people really want, to survive on our side of the ocean, is a reconstructed “permit raj” that locks them into place. This is their mission, “Oh sorry Andrew Torba, you have a great business… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Speaking of Gab, wow, that Nick Fuentes turned out to be a little bastard didn’t he. Clearly not all of his bank accounts are frozen, as the check from some Peter Thiel super-pac or similar org. appears to have cleared.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

What happened? I don’t follow social media.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

He’s having an existential crisis it seems because he no longer has the ability to reach out to lots of people without Twitter at his disposal, so he’s whining about how Gab sucks and the people on it are low IQ dolts and old foagies. But it brings up an interesting thing. These millennials I’ve noticed are obsessed with age. Namely, how they’re so young and everyone else is so old; ie. they’re the bee knees and everyone else is a frigging joke. And they get nasty about it. You see it with the boomer hatred. These millennials have some… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

The internet, for all its glories, has been a disaster for masculinity. Add to it ubiquitous porn and FPS gaming, it’s no surprise whatever latent piss-and-vinegar is dissipated.

Millennials (and Z from my limited experience) talk so much they have the game figured out. All they need to do is cut the digital umbilical cord and work their other muscles— easier said than done, of course. They could be a formidable cohort with some work.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Don’t worry. I’m sure the “heal the world” people will jump ship soon and will give them vision.

Gone soon will be the Jared Kushners marrying into East Coast Anglo elites. They will figure out the new game.

I expect the future Administrator of my American Military Control District to be named something akin to Schlomo Horowitz-Serengapatam.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Penitent Man
2 years ago

If only our blessed diversity, which is indubitably our strongest strength, could go strengthen India. India’s time has come, let us WTs give up the privilege of our diversity (Both dark and fellow-WT kinds) to the rising star of the subcontinent (either subcontinent, tbh)

2 years ago

seemingly innocuous comment I made here got censored too.

2 years ago

One thing not mentioned was that these pajeets did not achieve anything here on thier own. they were given tax breaks to acquire businesses, and the positions they possess now in major compnies they were given by jews. As much as i am an anti-semite, I realize jews made great contributions through intelligence and hard work, as well as being criminally inclined. The Indian so-called ruling class here did very little to create anything they have here, and seem fairly ham-fisted in ther approach to things. If the Jewish elite is truly being pushed to the side, then that is… Read more »

2 years ago

Trump had a huge rally in the Astrodome a few years back with the pajeet Prime minister on an official visit. Enough ‘model immigrant’ signalling in that room to light up the whole lone star state. Reminded me of Bush playing up the evils of Arab profiling in the 2000 debates, knowing he would not hear a peep of disapproval from Gore. Last night, Tucker gushed over the newest proud citizen, a Turkish basketball player who sports anti-China messages on his shoes. At one point he even asked the guy if he has siblings, and if so ‘please tell them… Read more »

2 years ago

[…] ZMan does some analogizing. […]

2 years ago

“Look at the amazing job they have done with the Indian subcontinent”

I hold my head in despair and laugh ruefully.

2 years ago

I find the sudden vapors about the new nominal boss of twitter not respecting the spirit of the 1st amendment hard to take seriously since the old boss didn’t either. The new guy just articulated what has become official policy on the subject. I assume none of these tech oligarchs operate with independence, Dorsey looked like a captured pilot put in front of a camera to recite confessions by a ruthless enemy. I’m surprised he didn’t blink “kill me now” in morse code or something during his public appearances.

Reply to  tashtego
2 years ago

Hahaha! And they’ve kept the poor bast*rd in solitary, those devils!

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
2 years ago

One problem that the Brahmin elite is going to have is that they hate and deeply fear blacks. I had an Indian girlfriend who was conventionally liberal, but who actually trembled when she saw black people in an “uncontrolled” setting, or when a black guy talked to her. The current Judeo-Puritan elite sees blacks as mascots and pets, albeit somewhat dangerous. Will the new Pajeet elite be able to pull this off, or will their fear and loathing get the better of them? We’ll see..

Reply to  Altitude Zero
2 years ago

Blacks are very docile when confronted with authority. Like children, they act out when there are no consequences for their actions. Right now they know that the more they whine and burn and loot, the more whitey will give them.

A few chopped off hands from Indians would restore order quickly. Alot of Indians live around blacks in some areas of Toronto and they keep them mostly in line. Lots of black complaints of racism and discrimination from Indians in housing and employment there.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Hm. Maybe the Indians aren’t so bad after all…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Just because they don’t like black people doesn’t mean they like white people either.

Neither group is our people. Stop looking for allies from outside, start looking from within.

The artist formerly known as Judge Smails
The artist formerly known as Judge Smails
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125 I understand what you are saying but it is far more difficult for Whites to find in-group allies than any other race. No racial group on the planet has 50% of their members actively trying to exterminate the whole population like White people do. Also, White male law enforcement officers love,love,love interfering with White people trying to create organizations to protect their interests.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Look, Mac, I’ve been around Indians in significant numbers for the last 15 years or so, and they don’t hate whitey, certainly nowhere to the extent the Finkels and Hutus do. So, if it’s a matter of picking the flavor of our strychnine, it’s really no choice.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

>they don’t hate whitey,

yes they do

>certainly nowhere to the extent the Finkels and Hutus do

yes they do

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  Altitude Zero
2 years ago

Blacks are only about 13% of the US population; they have below replacement birthrates. I don’t see a reason why the new ruling class can’t hide away from them in Martha’s Vineyard just the same as the current ruling class does.

Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

Blacks are basically irrelevant and they are part of Heritage America. They only use they currently have is as an object of worship for white liberals and an object of shame & white guilt for normal whites. They’ll keep voting Democrat because “Republicans is rayciss slave owners n sheet” while millions of Hispanics and Asians are imported. Kind of like how whites keep voting Republican to own the libturds. With their astounding abortion rate (over 50% in NYC) and changing demographics African Americans are doomed in the long term. Their fate is hitched alongside WASPs, J’s, and Native Americans and… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Numbers hardly tell the whole story. The “cultural” and aesthetic influence the Hutus exert is incalculable, and the entire country has essentially destroyed itself in an effort to civilize them. This has proved impossible, so the second phase, which is now coming to an end, is ruining white civilization. The only way negroes can be remotely equal to whites is in a Hobbesian state of nature. The mere presence of Hutus in the US proved to be sufficient to ruin it. Their stupidity, incompetence and criminality have actually been weapons against white civilization in the US.

S. Bishop
S. Bishop
Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

It’s clear we need to construct more affordable housing on Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe build two or three high-rise Section 8 apartment dwellings with an ocean view of the wind farms. Secondly, we could ‘store’ some of the illegal immigrants there. An administrative judge could hold hearings on all of their asylum claims and process a couple of thousand a day. Plus, you know they would show up for their hearing unless they could swim real good.

Reply to  Altitude Zero
2 years ago

The indians in south africa recently massacred blacks. Fear and violence are inextricably linked. One of the reason whites are in the shape we are in is because we had no real fear, or near competitors for a couple of generations. I’m of the opinion that the whites of south africa will prevail and that the blood will tell. Our elites are playing a very dangerous game. I’m out here with the bad whites and i can tell you they are getting angry/scared.

2 years ago

I wonder what Pajeet ascendancy will mean for the US’s Muzzies.

Reply to  Pratt
2 years ago

Probably it will be brown with brown and white with white

Whites will be ruled by the current people, the Puritan Judeo alliance. And they can shift over the pahjeets as the most competent of the darkies to rule over the Mexicans, muzzles and blacks

Maybe putting them in positions of power now is to get them the experience to run things so they can be moved over to a larger social role. That might be the plan. But we will see how it work or if infighting and backstabbing and incompetence destroys these wonderful plans.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I think you’re overdoing it on the 4D chess theory.

They’re a group who easily outplayed the open minded and liberal whites in positions of power, and easily took advantage of the anti-white affirmative action policies designed to benefit Africans. Is it really that hard to do? Probably not.

There’s also billions of them and they would work for free if it meant a chance to leave India.

With the end of the Boomers comes the end of the West, at least as we know it. It’s basically that simple.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Maybe that’s what you see in the great white north with a relative imbalance of tribes, but down here in the desert climes of Tel Aviv West where many a juice and dot head live, you see a totally different dynamic. I’ll just cut to the chase. If you (rhetorically speaking) think the juice are scared or concerned or whatever with the Indians taking things over and closing them out, you are fooling yourself. And if you can’t see that Kamala was set up from the get go, then you aren’t experienced enough in this game of life and should… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone: I’m not certain I agree with you. The Subcons already chased a lot of the Juice out of the diamond business, here and particularly in Europe. Those Juice were/are Hasids, even more inbred and clannish than the secular Juice, but they really didn’t see the threat coming. The Juice in California may not be worried, particularly as they still rule all the media and not a lot of them were replaced when the Subcons took over the tech industry, but Subcons are only just starting to flex their political muscles. And in addition to constantly increasing numbers here, more… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

It’s not 4D chess, just 1D: “What’s bad for whites? Do that.”

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  Pratt
2 years ago

The same as it meant for American blacks: the new overlords will make an uneasy alliance with them, pitting them against an approved “other” (us) through a combination racial dog whistling and shame propaganda from the media. The end result will be that the ruling class gets the power while their allies get some relatively minor government handouts and you end up a hated, oppressed class beneath contempt. >Hollywood will recast the events after 9/11 as a racial pogrom against Muslims by evil White Caucasians through countless movies while the government hypocritically wages war against Muslim countries — new boss,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

First, bravo. Next: “The newest Dr. Who iteration, for example, had an episode where the multicultural gang from Indio-Britain travel to racist Alabama and witness the heroic struggle of Rosa Parks against evil Whitey racist. The subtext of the episode: Indians, liberal Whites, and blacks should form an alliance against us — racist prole Whites.” That’s so hilarious it could happen. If you think about it, the Chosen did this quite a bit and had a good run with it. Now, of course, the low IQ Black weaponry really doesn’t/can’t make the distinctions between Schlomo and Bob. For a particularly… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Why on earth would any sane and sensible dissident want the American empire to stabilize? The sooner and more thoroughly it implodes, the better for all of us. We will use the subsequent anarchy to form our own state largely free of all non-white and anti-white groups.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Could be that a rising tide of pahjeets is exactly that, a means to destroy this shithole system from within. These Juice and dot heads are going to be clawing each other’s eyes out by next week The old puritan class definitely stands to benefit and could be rid of the juice once and for all, which I know they want. This is a very uneasy alliance, and yes you might get white trash like Hillary’s daughter to marry a juice, or the man with the double-wide ass known as Trump, but good and rich and decent old money families… Read more »

2 years ago

Anyone been to a truck stop in the flyover states lately? The corn dogs, sloppy joe’s, and biscuits and gravy have given way to atta, pigeon peas, mung beans, and dal. I could see this coming from a mile away years ago. You couldn’t drag me into a seven eleven or a double tree. The nice thing about the rona is I’ve had time to think about dining as a concept. Not only do I not want to tip some looser who brings me cold food, and can’t keep the coffee coming, I’m not a big fan of the little… Read more »

Robin Anthony
Robin Anthony
2 years ago

I’d love to know Zman’s opinion of the question of America’s nukes when everything goes belly up. The collapse of empires is almost always accompanied by warfare.

We’ve already recently witnessed the collision of two US naval ships due to the decline, a sub hitting an underground ‘mountain’ and a recent bridge collapse.

I’m genuinely concerned that we could be in danger of a Dr. Strangelove scenario playing out. That would even doom us on the other side of the Atlantic.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Robin Anthony
2 years ago

There are a lot of questions surrounding the viability of the tritium triggers in US nukes and the US’ ongoing ability to produce new tritium to refresh those triggers.

Reply to  Robin Anthony
2 years ago

we will never nuke anybody. gen milley and others like him would never allow that order to be followed. the elites throughout th world have their security to think of . nuke are the only thing that could really get then, and they will never let that get started . Who know if they really exist any more? probably not. remember the military is a Bureaucracy, and as they age , any action becomes harder and harder to take. my guess , the red tape and procedural issues with any launch make it impossible .

2 years ago

I used to think that cities like the bay area or seattle were the future of this country as opposed to somewhere like Las Vegas or Houston (whose economy is more based on hospitality/construction jobs that employ NAMs). I’m not a fan of the latter either but the events of the past few years have convinced me that the former is in bigger trouble. The only indian I’ll make an exception for is Jay Bhattacharya.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

The future of the southwest is tied to water. And the future of *that* is by no means certain.

My Comment
2 years ago

The Indians are going to have a far harder time ruling both the Whites and the coalition of the fringes. Chinese in China and Eastern Asia hate Indians when they have had to deal with them. Thais have a saying that if you have a stick and come across an Indian and a snake first hit the Indian. Male Whites and married White women (single women will do what they are told by the media) have an easy time accepting anti white hate from members of the tribe because the greatest taboo in America is anti Semitism and they can… Read more »

Muhammad Izadi
2 years ago

This is an incorrect analogy.

Alawites are a religious group. Ethnic Turks and Kurds also adhere to this sect. It is NOT a racial group.

Racially and ethnically, Alawites are as much Arab speaking Levantines as the majority Sunnis are.

To draw an appropriate analogy with the anti-White situation in the USA, see the minority Chosenite brutalization of the Palestinian Arabs [both Muslims and Christians].

Reply to  Muhammad Izadi
2 years ago

Do Alawites intermarry with Muslims? If not, it seems that they would become a de facto ethnic group over time.

(I’m just asking. I don’t know anything about the Alawites.)

Muhammad Izadi
Reply to  Federalist
2 years ago

“Do Alawites intermarry with Muslims?”

I assume you meant ‘Do Alawites intermarry with Sunnis?’

I have not study this particular subject in depth. But I think even if there is a lack of intermarriage between Alawites and Sunnis, yet, it will not prove ethnic/racial separation between the two groups.

Catholic Austrians and Lutherans of Northern Germany have sectarian/theological differences, however, still, they are both Germans.

By the way, President Bashar Al Assad’s wife, Asma, is a Sunni Arab.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Federalist
2 years ago

I know a lad who lived in the Lebanon for years, one time he got an invite to a wedding, it was a Muslim getting married to a Christian, at some point he said to someone beside him, “isn’t it nice to see Muslims and Christians getting along and even getting married, the guy beside him laughed and said, “both of them are Alawites”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

The problem with India is that they’ve had Aadhaar, a national biometric digital ID system for several years now.

If your info isn’t up to date or there is an account error you can just starve to death:

Think of it as the Indiabros’ version of the Chinabros’ social credit system.

2 years ago

One of your all-time most incisive posts, Z-man!

2 years ago

The UK is already ruled by Indians. Doesn’t seem like the Britcucks are doing anything about that.

David Wright
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Look at Canada, the Chinese buying up the west coast and the Pajeets making big inroads to power in Ottawa.
Turban heads in a lot of official photos.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

One of the major Canadian parties, the NDP, has been lead by Indians for several years now. Jagmeet Singh takes every opportunity to show everybody how much more progressive he is than Turdeau. And Canadian soys dig it.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

There appears to be a complete moral collapse among white leaders. They just hand over everything to (mostly Asian) aliens who make them feel good. It’s like their gas tank ran out of gas and they just gave up. How or why this happened, not too sure – but a large number of white liberals actually believe what they’re saying. And it’s not just the J’s doing this either. Maybe over time the conservatives and sober minded thinkers were weeded out. I’ve seen white liberals in corporations just hand everything over to non whites, for no reason. I’ve seen it… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125 check out Raging Dissident. He does some livestream/podcast rage sessions that, while laced with profanities, maintain a positive and IRL action orientation – and pretty good bumper music to boot. Former military guy, funny and light-hearted but also dead-on with the task at hand. Could be a good group to tie into for some meatspace connections. Long live Diagolon!

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Subcons to brits are like joggers to Americans. Brits inability to deal with the reality of subcons does not make the crossing to a comparison to the US dealing with subcons.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

Indians are the largest minority in the UK, but the Pakis are the biggest troublemakers.

2 years ago

It took them a long time to reach even the current level of culture, and GDP per capita remains at 3d world levels…So they remain parasites who promote their friends and family in the top two castes at the expense of everyone else…

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

I worked with a guy in upstate NY in the IT field who complained he couldn’t get hired in Philadelphia (where his family was) because all the Indians only hired each other. And, this guy was from Bangladesh. By the way, he knew very little about anything, his “degree” was highly suspect in my opinion

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
2 years ago

I think from a perspective of actual political and social capital for Whites we are somewhere near the event horizon now. That whole “slowly then all at once” meme is a real thing and we are VERY near the latter. Citizen of a SC outlined the divide pretty well. The top brass sh!tlibs the Dorseys, Zucks, Gates, etc. are so removed from reality that they gladly replace themselves with sweet talking sub-continentals with honeyed lips. That hustle that Z described is pervasive in nearly all of tech now after decades of outsourcing and importing that sweet sweet H1B Slave labor.… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

I worked with a guy in upstate NY in the IT field who complained he couldn’t get hired in Philadelphia (where his family was) because all the Indians only hired each other. And, this guy was from Bangladesh. By the way, he knew very little about anything, his “degree” was highly suspect in my opinion

2 years ago

Would be really interesting to know what’s going on behind the scenes. Obviously CEO selections of F500 companies are not circles that most of us are moving in. Is the board mostly Jewish, or mostly Indians? How did so many Indians get into Silicon Valley so fast, when even 10 years ago it seemed unheard of? Are the J’s being replaced, or are they replacing themselves on purpose? How much more influence do Indians have in politics in general that we do not see? That election steal for Biden was pretty 3rd world. There’s also the East Asian question. While… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

“I fear this is a bad sign for Americans.”

We are the stupidly nice white people who have never had to live in a civilization where people routinely wear different personality masks as a function of with whom they are interacting. (low trust) Until we can regain our homelands free of the diversity, we must become like them to some extent.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

Horace, I was working for a living. I didn’t ask some smallhat to dump these shitheads on my front lawn. They just did it They own my politicians, fine, They control the money, or lack thereof, fine. They own the media, fine. My ancestors put heads on stakes, made necklaces of heads for their horses. This is just beginning….you try to pull off a genocide, all bets are off, we’re comming for you motherfuckers with a vengance.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

To B125, I try for some answers based on my experience. 1. “Is the board mostly Jewish, or mostly Indians?” Jews are over represented of course, but boards most strongly reflect the interests of the significant owners, which are very often founders. Founders often are also retiring out of the top corporate positions and know the company’s business best, so their voice is most influential in naming successor. Founders like Gates and Jack are likely key in appointing their Indian replacements. 2. “How did so many Indians get into Silicon Valley so fast, when even 10 years ago it seemed… Read more »

2 years ago

There’s a big difference. And I think it’s critical. the Juice, to a large extent, could “pass” as fellow whites, and that fact alone allowed them to sneak into the halls of power before Joe Six Pack could figure out what the hell had happened. They also owned Hollywood, many had a history of being patriotic Americans, they were quite creative despite the tendency toward schmalz, and to their credit may have been cheap bastids but they always paid you on time. And we can’t forget the Holocaust without which none of it would have been possible most likely. These… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

India is so amazing their most sacred river is filled with sewage and dead bodies.

No thanks.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

But the green curry is fabulous…
Oh, wait, that’s Thai food. Nevermind. So you were saying that Kamala’s a whore and they worship an elephant god? Savages, positively savages.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“If we take a quick inventory of the big tech firms, we see that Google is now ruled by Sundar Pichai. Microsoft is now ruled by a person named Satya Nadella.” Hardly “rule”. Manage would be more accurate. Who really rules anything? Those that own it. Who owns the majority of stock in almost everything? Investment companies, like Black Rock, Vanguard, and Safe Street. Now, when you look at who owns those companies, you see that the “Judeo-Puritan” elite still own everything. Why do they use dot heads? The same reason you see them using predominately black people in advertising,… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

I’ve been noticing couples like the one in your last sentence for the last several years.

I think this is a product of the modern university system.

2 years ago

This is the one of the most critical concepts for Whites to understand right now: we need to change how we view ourselves as a race in a nation where we are quickly approaching minority status and living as a one minority among a bunch of other minority groups that resent, envy and hate us.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
2 years ago

Putting the Indians up there is going to make our whiteness into something it could never be among the juice. The Juice for all the negatives did in fact make sense in the context of our empire. Everything lined up in their favor, they could blend in, and they had the Holocaust, With the juice it was hard, apparently next to impossible given history, to gin up and rally around an Us vs Them. Indians can’t blend in. Ganging up on them is going to come very naturally. And the Juice have to know this. Again, why I say they… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

It is not going to be the pakis running the show, it never was, although they will have major influence. The ruling class of cosmopolitan White court mandarins, Jews and some South and East Asians will be in charge with a bunch of black and brown figureheads in positions of minor influence.

Muhammad Izadi
2 years ago

The analogy is incorrect.

Alawite is NOT a racial group. It is a religious category. There are ethnic Turks and Kurds who also adhere to this sect.

On the racial and ethnic levels, the Syrian population is homogenous. It’s almost 90% Levantine. The fissures are sectarian and theological.

Lastly, it has been a successful partnership under the banner of Arab Nationalism between Alawites and Sunnis who are both Arabic-speaking Levantines.

To draw a more appropriate parallel with the current anti-White situation in America, see the Ashkenazi Jewish elite brutalizing the Palestinian Arabs [both Muslim and Christian].

2 years ago

I once attended an event where there was a native Indian dance troupe all decked out in their feathered finery. As soon as they started their chanting and dancing, a Pajeet family on the bleachers two rows down from us started laughing. The whites around them were palpably uncomfortable (‘they are rude but maybe it’s racist if we admonish them?’). What to do, what to do?

One of the more benign effects of the diversity cause. And amusing, to me and my kids at least.

Reply to  La-Z-Man
2 years ago

Whites really are the only race on the planet that has made so much effort (well, any effort) to be accommodating to other races. No other race gives the slightest shit about anyone else.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

And what did we learn from this?

No offence, but there’s no point complaining that white people are nicer than all the other races. It’s true, but so what? They don’t care.

Just like they will never be ‘grateful’ for being allowed to live with white people. The “hard working, grateful, and compliant” taxi driver or taco shop owner was something that never really existed except in the minds of white people who were certain that underneath every brown person was an Anglo Saxon waiting to jump out.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

We would do well to unlearn that at a faster pace.

I suspect as the empire implodes and the attempts at civic nationalism get subverted by CRT this will happen but it can’t happen fast enough.

2 years ago

Would be really interesting to know what’s going on behind the scenes. Obviously CEO selections of F500 companies are not circles that most of us are moving in. Is the board mostly Jewish, or mostly Indians? How did so many Indians get into Silicon Valley so fast, when even 10 years ago it seemed unheard of? Are the Jews being replaced, or are they replacing themselves on purpose? How much more influence do Indians have in politics in general that we do not see? That election steal for Biden was pretty 3rd world. There’s also the East Asian question. While… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

can delete these it’s a duplicate

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I heard the dots are replacing the smallhats in the diamond trade in Holland. More clannish.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
2 years ago

I would happily take an Illyrian over any of these clowns today.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“Actual Americans will notice that they cannot pronounce the names of their new rulers.” It’s not just normal Americans, but liberal whites. I live in the belly of the beast – Northern Virginia. As Z likes to say, I’ve seen the Brahman future. Everything Z says about them is true, but they have an Achilles Heal. What I noticed early on was that liberal whites don’t like being lectured to by Indians and NE Asians about how terrible whites are. (Normal whites don’t like anyone lecturing to them.) It’s hard to explain, but when blacks and shape-shifters pretending to be… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I have worked with these Brahmans and even have them for neighbors…They are so nepotistic that they make Jews look like egalitarians…Microsoft let Indians take over HR, and it didn’t take long for them to control the whole company..But they don’t have a lot of interpersonal skills, because they don’t need them in India, which they have ruled for millennia…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

Exactly. They’re just not a subtle people. They suck up to bosses without shame or nuance, but they also do opposite when they pull the white racism crap. That’s why liberal whites don’t like it. The Tribe was much smarter about the message. Brahmans are basically low-rent small hats. But they are hungrier than the Tribe, which has lost a lost of drive, at least among the younger generation. The Brahmans against the Tribe will be THE show of the next decade or two. The Tribe is smarter and more nuanced (yeah, hard to believe) but the Brahmans have numbers… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

To what extent though in India do they get by with a “Dear Fellow Indians” routine?

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

> Now, I’ll also admit that in NoVa, the very top whites are fine with all of this because they assume that they (and they’re kids) can compete against anyone in the world – and they’re probably right. They’re very, very wrong. While I’m sure their base IQ is high, their entire education is based around anti-knowledge that will make them get rolled by people with maybe slightly less IQ but far higher practical grit. Doesn’t matter to me, as these No. Virginia elites, white or not, are not *my* people. At least now it will be visually obvious we… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

I’m talking more about the brainy, technical class – doctors, scientists, economists, IT guys, etc. They’re not running the show, just supporting it a very high level.

Those types are always needed and, generally, well paid. They may have a new boss with a darker hue, but they’ll still get to live in their nice area and send their kids to safe schools.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Man, I can be slow on the uptake. This explains several things:

1. The sudden Uniparty hostility toward China.

2. The sudden Uniparty tamping down the psychotic rage against Russia, a historic Indian ally.

Hmm…what’s next? Dropping the “ally” Pakistan?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

When we drop (((Our Greatest Ally))) you’ll know the Hindunuffins have achieved total control.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The Indian computer culture is far different than white culture when in comes to tech. The renegade push-to-the-limit and beyond visions of the Stallmans, Carmacks, and Buterins simply does not exist. While competent, they’re far too clannish and conservative to really bring strong innovations to the field. Then again, we are entering the consolidation phase of tech, where the fun, free-wheeling adventure of worlds unexplored is now being consolidated in service of our oligarchs, who will ensure it becomes homogenized, sterile, and subservient to their needs. You’re seeing this now in using blockchain technologies, once thought the impetus to infinite… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

My wife spent her last working years dealing with Indians in corporate America, as a consultant, up until a few months ago. My impression after listening to her complaints about Indians: 1) Some small percentage of Indians were quite competent. These she had no trouble working with. 2) The rest were worthless bums, little better than chair-warmers. They remained on the job because the corporate leaders (which were increasingly Indian) were probably taking bribes from the Indian head-hunter firms. 3) The clannishness is out of this world. White managers were fired for no reason, other than to install an Indian… Read more »

2 years ago

Ok, I’ll bite: The Brahmans really DID do an amazing job with the Subcontinent. Old India hands were sure there wouldn’t be a rupee or a virgin left between Peshawar and Goa five minutes after they left, and they were right…. for a time. But here are some stats for perspective: There are ten, count ’em, TEN, official languages in India, and dozens more unofficial ones that would be big enough to be official in any place with less than a billion people. Religiously, there are huge divisions within Hinduism, and they all hate each other. There are Muslim-majority states,… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

During trip to Bangalore, couldn’t help but notice many of the people buying in the rich district were several tones lighter than the general population.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

I saw that too in london. I think in America we must get the lowest or lower castes. We get the garbage to be crude about it. When I was in london with my bachelor friend we were just going around to singles scene places. There was this beautiful girl and I thought maybe she was Spanish or Portuguese or possibly Italian, Mediterranean looking. Fine features and creamy tan skin. Beautiful big but not gargantuan eyes. Yep, turns out she was from India. In my own way I told her I was surprised, because the Indians we see in America… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Go have a look at the most popular female Indian Bollywood stars, pop singers, and models.

Should be pretty obvious.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

They largely kept the British system.If you ever read Nehru he frequently refers to their “British” system. India is a common-law country.

Are you an Indian?
You seem to have a higher regard for Indians than Europeans.

The architectural style in Simla is mostly British. Britain is in northern Europe so maybe the styles would appear similar to that of Switzerland or Bayern to someone who hails from the US.

Reply to  Spätburgunder
2 years ago

Am I an Indian? Nah, brah, I’m one of (((them))). Isn’t everyone, who says true things you don’t want to hear?

Or a Fed. Or a (((Fed))). Take your pick.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

It took them a long time to reach even the current level of culture, and GDP per capita remains at 3d world levels…So they remain parasites who promote their friends and family in the top two castes at the expense of everyone else…

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

Pyrrhus: their GDP per capita would matter if GDP weren’t a joke with faker numbers than covid reports. Also, in-group preference is natural, sane, and moral. Of course they promote their own, they are not mentally deranged and suicidal.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

Tribalism is always the right thing. Given outsiders any leeway is a great way to ends up in a bad way.

Its how we got here after all.

Clannishness , nepotism, ethnocentrism are good in a world with limits.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

My thoughts, exactly.

China and India have been around for thousands of years. Nepotism, a formalized caste system, an a nod towards meritocracy (within limits) are just pieces of the puzzle.

They may not be Civilizations I want to be a part of, but they’ll be around long after the US and Western civ is just a footnote in the history books.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Unlike China, though, which has always been Chinese (even the Mongols were Chinese in a generation or two, the ostentatious “Manchu” stuff notwithstanding), “India” only became India in the later 19th century, after the Mutiny. Which is why it bears close study. Even if we stipulate that the system the British installed worked perfectly, was totally uniform, etc. — none of that is true, but let’s suppose — even then, you’ve got a totally alien system being operated by no more than 200,000 Whites at all levels. I don’t recall the exact number offhand, but the point is, it was… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Something to ponder though, and I think you may have even mentioned it yourself at some point, that the Brits did the Indians a favor by carving off Pakistan/Bangladesh as not doing that would have probably meant that the “border” for Afghanistan would have stretched to the Indian Ocean

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

Via the intermediate stage of “West Pakistan,” which is always a good thing to remember when our Anglophilia really gets raging.

For those who haven’t, I’d suggest reading up on Partition. That’s pretty much your best “nonviolent” physical separation scenario, right there.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Severian writes, “That’s a bang up job in my book.”

Severian, when do we get your book?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

As soon as I figure out how to turn it into a comic book. That is apparently the thing these days.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Do you know what the thesis of your comic book would be?

Although no one asked, if I wrote a book then the thesois would be the primacy of tribalism in non-whites and why whites don’t see this.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

No idea, but I guarantee you, all the female superheroes would be rocking the Princess Leia “chainmail bikini” look, because it’s my comic book, damn it. Their superpower is “looking hot as balls in a chainmail bikini,” which I think we can all agree is a super power.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Severian demonstrates his deep wisdom in his last comment!

I bet that you saw the chain mail bikini in early puberty like I did. That make a strong impression on my development!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Yup. Between that and Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High… I still have to fast forward past “Moving in Stereo” when I listen to the Cars’ greatest hits, especially in public.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Heinlein and Conan comic books radicalized me early.

2 years ago

“He thinks the second amendment is a pointless suggestion and he has no intention of respecting its spirit.”

I think you meant the First Amendment, based on his comments posted online yesterday, but I’m sure he would love to get rid of the Second Amendment also. These people would be fine passing a law requiring you to quarter their private security details in your home.