Words With Enemies

The show this week is on a topic that comes up here in different ways from time to time but will become more of a focus in the future. That topic is the intellectual and spiritual underpinnings of the new religion. Our side has the bad habit of judging this stuff by objective standards, which has some minor utility, but is of no use in developing suitable defenses or an alternative moral philosophy.

The first step in that process is the same as in war, which is to reconnoiter the enemy in order to understand his strengths and weaknesses. In the sense of the culture war, that means going into the enemy’s intellectual territory to understand how they think and get a grip on their code. Every subculture has its own language and the new religion is not an exception. They have their own jargon which we have to learn.

This parallel language is not just something they use in private with other cult members, but part of their everyday lives. What makes it effective is that the objects of their wrath are ignorant to the secret meanings. The enemies of the new religion still rely on dictionaries for words like race and sex. As a result, normal people are ignorant of the scheming that is often happening in plain sight.

As an aside, this is why the hard-thumping believers spend a lot of time cooking up imaginary code words used by their imaginary enemies. In the Charlottesville trial, the plaintiffs brought in a psychic to explain various internet memes. Projection is a big part of the new religion, so they assume that their enemies, real and imaginary, are speaking in coded language just as is done by the Left.

That said, dissidents do rely on coded language and esoteric language to communicate in the public square. Otherwise, the usual suspects would have an easy time of rounding up their opponents. In fact, every post here contains coded messages embedded in the text, along with the key for decoding them. The key, of course, changes every day and is why there are no Saturday posts.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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Promotions: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a 15-percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

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This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 05:00: Me Talking A lot

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2 years ago

Hi Zman, Just read your Taki article “That’s It! I’m Leaving!” – its very good – but two unfortunate mistakes, which I think you’ll want to correct, (and I don’t know how else to get this to you soonest): Your last sentence – “David Brooks is a reminder that any serious opposition to RACIALISM must first start with serious men.” – surely you mean “RADICALISM”? And also this sentence – “While Edmund Burke played an important role in the inefficacy of CONSERVATISM, no one had their awakening while browsing his writings about the French Revolution.” – surely, going by your… Read more »

2 years ago

Actually the Saturday posts arrive, pretranslated, every Saturday at 1492 (HAHAHAHAHAHA) military clock. My fillings vibrate in sympathy with the 7G transmissions and the message is smoothly translated by my pineal pituitary gland to my lower liver lobe where it is stored awaiting the command to eat more vegan Spam.

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
2 years ago

“The first step in that process is the same as in war, which is to reconnoiter the enemy in order to understand his strengths and weaknesses. In the sense of the culture war, that means going into the enemy’s intellectual territory to understand how they think and get a grip on their code” There’s something big you’re missing, is that there is an asymmetry of infiltration when subversives can pretend to be normal but normies cannot pretend to be subversives. Subversives being taken out by other subversives only results in greater deviance, a leftist “holiness spiral”. The right can put… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Anonymous Fake
2 years ago

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve read in long while. Basically what you’re advocating is to wander through life like a leaf on the wind (like that end shot of the movie, Forest Gump). Gee golly, stuff just happens and I don’t know why. Stupid. Gee golly, this suspicious jackass showed up and is going counter to every one of our narratives, but welp we can ignore him because he won’t have an effect. You also don’t know jack about counter-insurgency (no, not the COIN crap) or counterintelligence. How do you think those two things work? The very… Read more »

The Greek
The Greek
2 years ago

I think you miss an important piece here z as to what these leftists see in the future. When I’ve pressed leftists on destruction of whites and open borders in the United States, their vision on the future is truly a global human. They see a world 500 years in the future where all human races have melted away with interracial breeding. There are no more borders or nations. One global government. I’m in my 30’s, so this may be a younger leftist vision than you see, but it is invariably where my questioning leads to. I think this is… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

The result?

A great leveling. The rise of mediocrity. Everyone has an IQ of 100. The bell curve flatter and wider. Excellence is vanquished. No more great art, great music, great architecture, great scientific advances. Dull, gray, sameness.

S’ok though. Pop another soma pill. Smile, don’t worry, be happy. Big brother will provide.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  BeAPrepper
2 years ago

So you have a problem with Feelies?

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Yeah, i lack the courage to face the brave new world.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Only their ’80s albums were really good, yeah.

Reply to  BeAPrepper
2 years ago

Correct—except the global IQ median will not level out at “today’s” artificially adjusted “100”. It would be more like today’s 90–possibly 85. What that means is that the Critical Fraction can no longer maintain or advance the 1st world technological environment we’ve become accustomed to and dependent on. Society will revert to a simpler state of existence as well as your “dull, gray, sameness”. This will take the form of more people going back to an agrarian existence of a primitive nature. Since the world can not support such on its landmass, a great die off will occur until the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

With a bunch of garbage strewn everywhere and and all the easily accessible resources stripped clean. Though by then maybe the greenies will have used robots to clean the litter and regrown wild areas. But I doubt that, since even greenie leftists seem to hate nature and want to transform it into nanobots.

Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

Not sure I understand your posting. Food supply for 7B+ people was what I as talking about, not environmentalism—who also want to get rid of people. Basically, we live in cities and such because farmers are so productive. Take away the ability of farmers to mechanize, fertilize, and kill insects and food production dives—and so too will the population. This is what will happen in a world where people cannot longer produce such supportive technology for the farmer.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Good points Comp. I accept your lower estimate for global IQ too, the effect of which will be inestimably deleterious.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  BeAPrepper
2 years ago

No Soma pills. 100 IQ humanity wouldn’t be smart enough to make them.

Its booze, cigs weed and khat all the way down.

Reply to  BeAPrepper
2 years ago

Fatter and wider means more excellence, and more morons. Review your knowledge of the bell curve.

John Flynt
John Flynt
2 years ago

For my own entertainment. I’ve been paying some attention to the chilean elections. They just had their first round and are now down to two candidates in a runoff. Both candidates are fun to analyze. Jose Kast is the nominal underdog. Kast is far right and has been in Chilean politics for a long time. Does the typical Right wing praising capitalism, free markets , and private enterprise. He is willing to get dirtier than most Latin American politicians and will stoop to acts like bible thumping when around certain audiences. He is also the type of man who has… Read more »

2 years ago

Final thoughts — yes mentally ill men in sundresses will join with anti-Fa and the Prog Rock groups but there are not that many of them … and BLM has a few thoughts on the matter. BLM is demanding a boycott of White companies. For Blxmas. Or something. Just what constitutes a White company is not defined. That is the danger of purity spirals, there is always someone in the group wanting more holy status and defining themselves as more holy. The Muslim world and history is full of this, with fatwas back and forth over who is most holy… Read more »

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Not sure what you said. But I think I agree.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
2 years ago

Din C Nuttin;
Are you by any chance related to Din C. Nuffin, or the ignominious Dat Ain’t Mines?

Curious minds want to know.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

I’ve never been good at speling.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Whiskey, as a inveterate Prog Rock fan, I worry about this new meme of yours.

Can I listen to King Crimson in the ethnostate? I don’t think that there is a whiter music genre.

bored muslim
bored muslim
2 years ago

Just like the news media’s bombarded the American people, with images of 19 Arabs after 9-11, the drumbeat to war was unleashed, and off to Iraq, we went. Remember when Colin Powell ( a ‘ black ‘ ) man addressed the U.N. Security Council saying Saddam had Uranium enough to fill ‘ this ‘ laundry soap ‘ box? A country was destroyed and hundreds of thousands were killed, left homeless, and immigrants and migrating to Europe and the U.S. Iraq’s don’t see the war see all this as a ‘ white ‘ man’s war. They simply see it as war.… Read more »

2 years ago

Thank you Z-Man. I have been brought to the anti-racism light.

2 years ago

A lot of classroom time in college is spent on coaching the naive little wards on Aesopian writing. For the majority of course, it goes straight over their heads. Further there’s 10%-20% who are natural yuppies just mimicking it efficiently for advancement. But if you can get that last fifth of them doing it — jump ’em into the gang — that’s more than enough. College is a relatively more evil use of society’s time & Monopoly money

2 years ago

Hmmmmmm. I dunno if the ones in my circle think that deep, Z. I could be wrong… but I think they go with whatever narrative the cool kids are pushing, and the less they have to think about it, the better. If you try to make them think, you will only make them mad. If you press it, drama and histrionics will follow. This holiday season, eat and drink too much. Talk about the kids, your hobbies, and play games. Tell your Leftie folks up front that if they start rubbing your nose in their politics, you will walk away… Read more »

2 years ago

The problem the progs have is that they are not the only player. Francis Fukuyama was wrong. And history is being written now in Russia and China. The Brandon brain trust being geniuses hyped up a confrontation with Russia. Thinking their media strength and the ability to define the narrative inside the West made them strong. But Putin showed them how weak they were, making Brandon crumble without moving a soldier or firing a shot. Brandon looks weaker and stupider than Khadaffi’s “Line of Death” posturing in the 1980s. Meanwhile Putin is reminding Europeans that not only does he have… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

“That is what is so dangerous about Prog Rock so to speak. They get high off their own supply and think that because they can boss around Normies and Grillers they can do the same to really dangerous people.” Nailed it. Having just had their a$$ handed to them by goat herders w AKs they decided this is the perfect time to go to war with a country run by a former KGB thug, stockpiling 4000 nukes, incidentally on the world’s most advanced missiles and where the cultural equivalent of a backyard barbecue is going into the woods to hunt… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

I am unclear how Putin cutting off the natural gas is a lose for EU politicians. They want their population dead and miserable anyway (i.e closing down all the nuclear power stations with no replacements), so you can’t threaten a death cult with something they are intending to do anyway. Secondly, people are so utterly moronic that it would be a simple matter to blow up the pipeline in Germany and then condition via the media that Putin did it to create a set up for the Russia/Ukraine madness that they want to embark on to cause a mass carnage… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

The EU and its constituent governments are not very fond their citizens but its also finding out that its citizens don’t like them much either. Intense rioting is nigh everywhere over COVID lock downs and while they aren’t yet to the overthrow them all phase is a lot closer than our media lets us know. Cut of heat, water and comfort much less food and you’ll find out just how nasty European people their can be. A good argument could be made that several nations there are closer to “Kill them all” than we are and yes they do have… Read more »

2 years ago

On the topic of liberals seeing race, my mother and hard leftist sister went to a mall near us that is now a no-go zone for white people. I asked my mother were you the only white people there and she said yes but your sister didn’t notice until I pointed it out. My sister is lying I’m absolutely sure about that. And it’s not just because she’s a pathological liar but it does just accentuate that liberalism is just a game of who cannot notice the most.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Not only that, they want to punish everybody else maximally for noticing.

2 years ago

Z sums it up nicely. Give the devil their due. On a practical level, much reality is socially constructed, e.g. gender. Not sex, gender. When looking to explit the other side’s contradictions, reason is to no avail. Their Achilles heel is their arrogance. That’s the clay to work with. Kyle R. shot three people of color. Why? Because the people someone tagged as a white supremacist shoots are people of color. George Zimmerman was a “white Hispanic.” BUT — this is crucial — when Rachel Dolezal was exposed as a white woman who, for qute a while, passed for Black,… Read more »

2 years ago

Travis LeBlanc has an excellent essay over at CC today.


While on different scales, it seems to me that a lot of the energy around both the Alt Right and Trump in 2016 had the same sort of manic pseudo-religiosity as the Wokening.

There may be some lessons here, beyond the obvious one concerning sociopathy.

Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

Yes, the main lesson is that the average person is stupid, and half of all people are more stupid than that. Thus, the essence of democracy is that it gives the dumb (majority) the power to rule the wise (minority).

2 years ago

Reason, morality, thought and emotion: It’s become commonplace to differentiate between thoughts and emotions: between logic and reason, on the one hand, and emotion on the other; as if they represented opposing or unconnected modes of cognition or persuasion. But recent fMRI studies observing the brain in real time have shown that that’s not the case: that in fact, there’s no such thing as a thought without a corresponding emotion, or an emotion without an accompanying thought. When you have a thought, the emotional centers of your brain light up; when you have an emotion, there’s also activity in the… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Well thought, well said. Thank you. Part and parcel of overthrowing their overthrow is studying it and devising a way to wrap around it to commandeer it. re: “They’re the sort of emotionally unstable people who are unable to distinguish between emotion and reality…” I’d suggest that this implies the existence of this type as merely naturally occurring. . No doubt there are those that naturally occur. They are intentionally manufacturing these kinds of broken emotional wrecks. To have a revolution you need revolutionaries and sufficient minions. They deliberately make people be unable to function in society so that these… Read more »

Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

Thanks! And yeah: they’re doing their damndest to make sure succeeding generations are woke. They realize that most of us oldsters aren’t susceptible, but that kids who hear nothing but lies will likely come to accept them as reality. And I see it all as part of the dumbing-down of America. It’s always been the job of each generation to equip oncoming generations to perform at a higher level: ‘Here’s what a long life has taught me, you’ll have the advantage of begjnning there’. But what happens when upcoming generations of kids are taught stuff that just isn’t true? When… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Thanks ever so much, Boomer and Gen X parents, for being much more interested in the balance in your 401ks than the fact that Obama’s picture was the biggest one on the cover of your kid’s history book, taking up a 1/4 of the cover while George Washington’s likeness was maybe 1 square inch. That was the layout on the cover of my son’s history book his junior year, but I had homeschooled him through middle school, so he was innoculated and found it as ridiculous as I did. By the way, this was in Oklahoma, the reddest of the… Read more »

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Good for you! And good for him And good for the rest of us More and more parents are going to be needing to pull their kids out of public school and homeschool them Your description of the textbook tells it all; and surely the information inside is just as distorted and woke as the cover’s portrayls of Obama and Washington. I’d guess that there probably were some teachers in that system who were just as appalled as you were by that textbook. But how honest can they afford to be? They certainly can’t be entirely truthful; about the kind… Read more »

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

I’m tail end Charlie boomer, wife is gen x
Our kids are warriors raising their own children as warriors.
Expecting the social conformation complex to “educate” your children would be laughable if it was harmless.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

They are intentionally manufacturing these kinds of broken emotional wrecks.

Very much so.

Marxist/Leftist modes of reproduction are all centered on various cycles of abuse.

2 years ago

One thing not really appreciated is how all black black black black blackety black black our entertainment is, to the point where every hero is black and every villain is White, undermines the “racism is bad, mmKay?” narrative. It was one thing to see characters ordinary Whites liked on TV (most powerful because most repetition) and in movies say “racism bad mmKay?” since emotionally those characters were “real” to the White male audience. But the hard shift in the mid 1980s away from ordinary White male viewers to women, gays, and above all blacks makes the propaganda from a cast… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Right now, in the U.S. black people are heavily placated on T.V. all other forms of media. Every movie, show, news hour has the bros and sista’s. And all these people are shown living in spacious, beautiful houses, all good looking, for the most part. Their friends are all ‘w white ‘ people and everyone is giggly happy. It is all a beautiful world. Which couldn’t be farther from the truth. You see this everywhere, pharmaceutical commercials, T.V. shows, it is everywhere. When the ‘ have-not ‘ blacks see this wonderful world they suppose all the other blacks are enjoying,… Read more »

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

Bingo! The false reality painted for/by the Lefties (Whites) in these commercials and other false representations of Black “reality” is also a false picture painted for and received by the minorities portrayed in those media.

If there ever was suspicion in their minds that they were being “cheated”, it is confirmed by those “exceptions” shown living the good life. An 80 IQ will do that.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

blacks now have at least 2 TV channels, ALBLK and BETV. Why can’t I have even one with no blacks?

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
2 years ago

Now now; You’ll be told all the rest are Honkey TV. Even though most of the commercials are blackity black; interracial or homosexual couples with mystery meat kids. One of the last shows that show a strong white family is Yellowstone, although they have a token black in the bunk house. John Dutton ponders why he is doing what he is doing. He is trying to grow something for his kids, and they seem to want nothing to do with it. A tale about our current situation? Give it a look if you haven’t. Lots of good ideas in it… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

We tried. The thing is full of all the usual lefty tropes.
Several years ago I watched a few episodes of Bonanza hadn’t seen since I was a kid. Was initially shocked that each one was a lefty morality play. The bastards have been at it for a very long time. Its just all so tiresome.

2 years ago

Can’t help but think that “Words with Fiends” would be punchier than “Words with Enemies.” Good show though.

2 years ago

Thank you for another interesting hour, Z. You graciously invite us into your home everyweek and please forgive me for either my offense, or ignorance. I’m sure you’ll correct me. There is midway position on us fighting back, or non-white genocide (you mentioned anti-semites are illogical), and that is they should GO HOME. The jews, red dots, blacks and browns can avoid the ugliness that’s coming by voluntarily packing up and heading back to the shitholes they come from. We know they won’t, unless forced to. Because they are all parasitic cultures. Once they taste White, they’ll never take flight.… Read more »

Reply to  Moss
2 years ago

“What is coming,” you say. Let me ask you – just what is coming? Here’s my take. Even Trump supporters run around talking about taking the House and Senate in 2022, ignoring the fact that Dominion voting machines and mail-in ballots make that highly unlikely. They just had their hind ends handed to them in 2020 by a sophisticated scheme to steal votes with the tacit approval of every federal government agency, and they think the masterminds are just going to sit the next one out? And with their success in 2020 and then 2022, the globalists will have election-stealing… Read more »

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Ordinarily, I might disagree. But I’m starting to wonder. The Left has been ranting about “our democracy” as Biden’s polls have crashed, even trying to rationalize how to give him positive coverage to boost his reelection chances via the false claim he’s being treated unfairly. I think this rhetoric is the Left trying to coach themselves into supporting a coup and ignoring bad election results in 2022 and 2024, perhaps with the false claim that they are anti-democratic or the result of Russian interference or some other insane conspiracy like voter suppression. As I pointed out the other day (and… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Moss
2 years ago

I’m an American-Arab. I was born in the U.S., I have the right to be here. Let’s just say I have nowhere to go because NATO destroyed the country of my parents. And I cause no trouble in the U.S., and that’s that.

American passport and all. I love the U.S.

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

You are as you state in your history, a conundrum. However, societal decisions are not made on single data points or outliers. If the decision is made that a group to which you belong to is as a whole, incompatible with the current societal ethos, then you suffer along with your fellow Arabs who wish to reside here, and perhaps even share the prevailing ethos.

I have no solution, but admit it is a problem the DR needs to get a handle on.

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

“I have the right to be here.” We’ll see about that.

You are not us. Your genes and your religion cry out to subjugate us. And some of us here that cry.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

You have to give ole boy credit for giving the old college try to not be viewed in the cohort of Muslims who espouse Convert, Pay or Die.

After all, NAMALT

You are correct. They are as much like us as a cat is a dog.

2 years ago

The case for linking language and violence can easily be made.
In Waukesha a black man ran over a large group of white people. The news media types had been reporting that Kyle of Kenosha killed black people.
Those with a nose for news lied over and over about the Germans in order to bring America into a war. Quite a whites perished in the WWI-II sequence.
They lied to get the Gulfwars going. Our friends and relatives died. They lie to get a wars going in to Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Russia.

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

Just like the news media’s bombarded the American people, with images of 19 Arabs after 9-11, the drumbeat to war was unleashed, and off to Iraq, we went. Remember when Colin Powell ( a ‘ black ‘ ) man addressed the U.N. Security Council saying Saddam had Uranium enough to fill ‘ this ‘ laundry soap ‘ box? A country was destroyed and hundreds of thousands were killed, left homeless, and immigrants and migrating to Europe and the U.S. Iraq’s don’t see the war see all this as a ‘ white ‘ man’s war. They simply see it as war.… Read more »

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

I was one who fell for the the 9-11 story. Maybe minorly questioning it but, went along. A few years later, I had a friend tell me that 911 was a false flag and that the people in charge of America were intentionally wreaking it. I was “naw, that’s crazy,” but I looked into, and a few days later I realized that was so. Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell, is buried on the Mount of Olives, a great honor. He had a state level funeral, and lauded as a great hero of Israel. Ghislaine and Jeffrey were running kosher certifications:… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

Thank you tremendously, for taking the time to understand, and not take it all hook, line, and sinker. If one looks into it, Israel is the world’s capital for child trafficking/sex trafficking. It’s the center of world evil. Palestinian child prisoners are a common problem. And God helps them as they fall victim to a rancid, evil, system that does who knows what with them. The same day as 9-11, Ehud Barak, a very high-ranking Israeli politician lauded the tragedy saying ‘ this will change the world for the better ‘. He was so excited he could barely contain himself.… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to mention Ehud Barak said this all on CNN the evening of 9-11/ 2001

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

The funny thing about the whole “anti-racist” “movement” is that it is nearly 100% people deeply ingrained in the system they are calling “white supremacy” The whole antifa and anti-racist activist thing is made up almost entirely of people who work either directly or indirectly for the state. It’s state and government employees, people in universities, in public schools and the media and lobbyist class. There are a few in corporate HR departments, but these departments wouldn’t even exist without all the employment laws which are almost all part of that anti-racist milieu. “So the system you run is the… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Universities and State Colleges are where white males go to be accused of being sex violaters/abusers.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

OT: 33 yo retired NFL player found dead at home. was he vaxxed? dead athletes might get the grillers’ attention.

Gunner Q
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Yeah but NFL, it’s hard to rule out steroid abuse. That can mess up your heart at a young age, too.

Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

Yeah sure.

Europe average deaths in soccer running at something like 6 per year fr the last decade.

Year of Vex injections now at something like 100+ – – hmm something recently different in the env that did not even occur during the first year of the scam – must be a recent uptick in steroids. Duh!

Gunner Q
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Notice that I referenced the NFL specifically. Those players are obviously steroid-fueled gorillas who get lots of health problems post-career.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

Oh, there are plenty of PEDs in widespread use among top level soccer players as well…

Arthur Thurman
Arthur Thurman
2 years ago

I’m wary of his true convictions but the NYC mayor-elect Eric Adams appears to believe in reality. A small green shoot of sanity.


Time will tell if the former NYPD Captain holds to the rule law and not of man.

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Arthur Thurman
2 years ago

When the wokers come out at night in full force, it resembles the movie ‘ Escape from New York ‘.

No force can handle that.

Arthur Thurman
Arthur Thurman
Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

True, but it beats the putrid boot-licking and elevation to sainthood that was constantly thrown around regarding looters and rioters last year.

Unless the protest was about our banana republic level gov’t, it was all cotton candy and praise for the destruction, I mean mostly peaceful protest.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended. […]

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

The whole purpose of CRT and anti-Whiteness is to justify genocide. Anti-Whiteness is built around an oppression narrative. Oppression narratives exist to justify violence against the group oppressing you. It turns aggression against that group into self defense.

2 years ago

Just got up. Haven’t listened yet. The primary purpose of reconnoitering the enemy’s status and codes is not to conduct frontal assaults, or even to prepare effective defenses; but rather, to enable covert infiltration. The US military is (still) the most formidable force-of-arms that the planet has ever known, and our potential adversaries have no intention of ever attacking us via conventional hostilities. They long ago realized that the US would only be brought down by internal decay and they were far better off enabling and enhancing this decay rather than attempt to cross oceans with sufficient military might to… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

I’m Arabic, but very American. When I fill out forms, paperwork, what-have-you, I always never see my race below, to put a checkmark. When I ask, the response is always, ‘ well you are Caucasian ‘ .

So, that’s how I roll.

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

Quora :
Are Arabs Caucasian?
✓ Yes they are.

Wiki : Yes. White, while some also have Asiatic traits

L.A.Times census: Are Arabs and Iranians white?
Census says yes, but many disagree.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

Arabs absolutely are not White and they are not on our side. But even if they were White, they are far too different culturally. That culture is deep. Just look at Islam. Islam is extremely Arabic. You cannot even become a Muslim unless you utter Arab words. Just look at the Pakis in Britain. Persians are another story. They are White, but they are also not on our side. They are far too different culturally. Now, neither are they really an enemy, at least in America. They are too few to really be that big of a deal politically. Checkmarks… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Arabs are not white? According to you? When intellectuals, even white ones all over, say yes, for the most part. When you say side, what are you referring to, the final battle of armageddon? Ancestry said I was white ( Caucasian). Some Arabs are, actually many, are blond, blue eyes, green eyes. They are all over. Especially Lebanon, Syria, and the countries of the Levant. In Spain and Portugal, when they were Arabic lands for nearly 900 yrs, peoples interacted, and races mixed. There is no such thing as a ‘ white ‘ person except if you were 100% from… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Did you know that the Irish, and Indians from southeast Asia are considered Arian?

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

@boredmuslim I said Arabs are not our enemies. But there is a difference between not being our enemies and being on our side. Arabs are not White. The reason there are some Arabs that have some White features was because of past Arab invasions and the attacks on our women. You are not White. Sorry. Doesn’t make you a bad guy. Doesn’t mean you are my enemy. Doesn’t mean I have anything against you. I hate the fact that foreigners in the leadership class of my country attacks your countries and your peoples. I totally oppose it. But you’re not… Read more »

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

I always thought that “Caucasian” referred to those people whose ancestors came from the Caucasus region:


One of the cool things about getting my 23&me genetic readout, is that they traced my patrirchal and matriarchal lineages back to the regions they came from.

So wouldn’t the question of whether Arabs are Caucasian depend on whether or not their ancestors originated there?

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Bill
2 years ago

Ancestry says I’m Arabic and Sardinian. Which I’m told leads to an exotic mix. I’m not trying to force the fact of Arabs are white or not, but some Arabs, of perhaps mixed race, are light-skinned/fair-skinned. and there is a general view that Arabs are Caucasian. This is just what I’ve gathered from reading on the subjects. If you saw my mom and sisters walking down the street here in the U.S., you would never know they were Arabic/ Sardinian,67%/33%. They and I are very light-colored skin, and the only thing that gives them away when they lived in the… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

European lonely housewives and women wanting to get ravished.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

I can tell you’re bored cause you never shut the fuck up.

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

Yesterday the foreign guy was saying that “he doesn’t see race”.

Today he’s going on long diatribes about how he (and all Arabs) are actually the real white people (but also white people don’t actually exist).

Every single time. No matter what a foreign alien says at first, dig a little deeper and there’s nothing but resentment and envy for white people.

Don’t care where you were born, you are an alien and, as long as you are in my nation, an enemy.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125: “No matter what a foreign alien says at first, dig a little deeper and there’s nothing but resentment and envy for white people.” This. Indians, Arabs, Pakistanis – they all somehow find their way here and start off proclaiming they are our brothers against the blacks and Juice. Then they begin rewriting history to feature their own people more prominently. When challenged, the racial animus comes out. Sorry, but the enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend. There are some Arabs with Caucasian features because the Arabs took hundreds of thousands of Christians as slaves (extensively documented in… Read more »

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Don’t put words in my mouth, please. So if everyone that is not white is your enemy, how is life working out for you. Where do you live, in a dense forest? Paranoid all the time.

I truly think white people , Anglo-Saxon type, need friends, not enemies, lest you fall for the General Custer last stand, very soon. Time to make allies and friends. Are you not paying attention?

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

First, we don’t need friends or allies outside of our race. Second, given how history plays out over and over, we are fairly certain there is no such thing as a friend or ally outside of our race.

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

None of us got to pick our parents, so I never hold such things against anyone. You play the hand you are dealt in life, and no one cares about “racism” when you’re fighting for your life. It’s only the false luxury of affluence that enables squabbling about such distinctions. If you are working 3 jobs to support your family, you simply don’t have time to piss & moan about race. It’s also important to note that Islamists will die in defense of patriarchy as the correct model for family peace and proper functioning. There are too many pussified American… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

The feminists do not realize that they will be responsible for the inertia of the pendulum swinging back to a patriarchy they cannot imagine in their wildest dreams.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Heterozygosity (having two different alleles for genes instead of the same allele) is much, much higher in European people than in the entire rest of humanity. It is a direct result of white women being given a MUCH higher degree of latitude in choice of mate over many, many generations. Leftist white women have no idea how anomalous their freedom is or how much they are blowing it for women across the rest of the world by destabilizing Western Civilization. Most non-Europeans may not be as book smart (East Asians excepted), but they are not unwise, and it is clear… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I wonder if the AWRs have bowled out Griller and Jogger?

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

When the left complains about blacks living in white societies having a disadvantage, they’re right. Black and Indian societies don’t have concepts of rule of law, property rights, charity, and cleanliness that white societies do. The problem is, that blacks, Indians, and everyone else prefer white societies. It’s why there has never been a successful diaspora of American blacks to Africa. There is no such thing as a society that benefits every genetic cluster equally. The core question to ask any white(or black) is, “Yes this country was made for white people. Do you want to live in a black… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

And, as if it needed restating for the umpteenth [surely that’s a giveaway as to my generation] time, the disintegration [lol, pun discovered] of neighborhoods with the influx of said diversity is empirical proof of that thesis’ cause and effect..

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

The “influx of said diversity” is a dual level attack on family and community. biology -> culture (systematized behavior) -> Politics strong families -> strong communities -> strong country Healthy Politics includes a civilizational immune system (regulated borders and proscriptions against dyscivilizational behavior) which is a prerequisite for a strong country. It’s why the unholy alliance of international marxism and international crony corporatism (globalism) attacks biological reality (male XY and female XX) and the traditional family. They started attacking these roots of stability of European civilization many decades ago and the resulting degradation of culture and destruction of community has… Read more »

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
2 years ago

White folks falling all over themselves to prove they don’t have a racist bone in their bodies is the result of at least sixty years of brainwashing by the mainstream news and entertainment media. For instance, for decades we’ve heard the media use the term “The Black Community” or “The Hispanic Community.” But have you ever, even once, heard them say anything remotely like “The White Community?” This never was a mere oversight. Over the years, the anti-white agenda used to be more subtle. However since the surprise they got in 2016 and the increasingly loud muttering of the white… Read more »

Reply to  I.M. Brute
2 years ago

Yes. They’re doing it because it’s the only move they have. And sure, if you listen to people who read the think tanks, you know they anticipated this, but you have to ask yourself if they’re cagey or insane. They assume the right will react fearfully and tech will carry them. Are those sound assumptions?

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

They are insane—as they ignore objective reality within their world concept. That doesn’t mean they are not dangerous or will not triumph, just that heretofore their lack of understanding of reality has caused them to overreach in their efforts. This has always been to our potential advantage, but unfortunately we don’t make the best use of those openings when presented since we are so badly united as a race.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
2 years ago

White People need to stop caring about anything they see in MSM. Seeing them talk about it should be the clue that they hate you, and anything they talk about is a weapon they use to destroy you. Everything those people harp about is sh*t that goes on their their sh*thole cities. Why should we care? If their version of Satan. a.k.a. as Vladimir, decided to turn their cities into tritium glass, how would their extrication from human society affect us at all? On the other hand, if you lived downwind from them, you might not be a happy camper.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
2 years ago

As a member of the White Community, I proudly announce that I will no longer identify as “a white person”, but rather as “a member of the White Community”.

We Are Stronger

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

I’m not a white person technically, even tho Ancestry . c–, says I’m Arab-Sardinian, I fully relate with white people.

Is that okay?

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Just as Blacks used to be fine being referred to as “colored people”— but now find that intolerably offensive, and insist on being called “people of color”— why shouldn’t we Whites demand to be called “people of Whiteness”?

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Why don’t ‘ White ‘ people identify themselves as ‘Anglo-Saxon ‘ along with just ‘ White ‘?

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  I.M. Brute
2 years ago

Just like gay pride parades are celebrated all the time, but never a straight pride parade.

I know, off topic.

2 years ago

One of the biggest weaknesses of the Cloud People, and their agitprop media is their total lack of humor. Anything our side uses that is humor absolutely drives those people bat sh*t crazy. A prime example is the “Let’s go Brandon!” meme. I love clicking on and going into the belly of the monster; i.e., reading their articles on what I call Democratic Communist/Fascist media. You can bet if you click on just about any article written by someone with a Green-, Stein-, or -berg in their name, it will always be off the top, and they’ll all be talking… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Laughter is much more dangerous than hate. That’s why Let’s Go Brandon is much superior to Fuck Joe Biden.

The rulers savor your hate. They fear only ridicule.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Overseas, they’re singing the song ” You can stick your vaccination mandates up your ass!” It’s absolutely funny, and it drives the satraps of Globohomo and their minions up the wall.


Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Never yet met a “ leftist/liberal etc” with a genuine sense of humor. Snarkiness, sarcasm, ridicule, yes. Never humor and NEVER even a mild joke at their pieties.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Presbyter
2 years ago

Watch Steve Colbert, Jon Stewart, or that twat brit and they’re all the same.

– X republican is doing something
– Snarky response
– Audience laugh and clap like seals

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

To be a Leftist, there’s one thing you must have, and one thing you must not have. As noted, the “must not have” is a sense of humor. The “must have” is, of course, crippling Daddy Issues. [Since there will undoubtedly come a time when our communities will have to deal with Liberals attempting to pass — since, you know, we’re the guys who grow the food — I present the following as a public service announcement. To smoke out a Liberal, there’s a simple three-question test: 1. Do you know who your father is? 2. Do you have any… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

The most hilarious takedown of this sort was when a twitter-anon mogged Liz Breunig about her relationship with her father and brought up he was funding her career with his military contractor money.

Had a complete meltdown response and nuked most of her posts.

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Presbyter
2 years ago

Was George Carlin a lefty-liberal? I thought he was funny.

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

Like Bill Burr, his humor is contrarian. If either voted, I’d expect it to be Democrat, but not necessarily as true believers, but because of misanthropy. You can always tell in their sets, that they don’t really like their audience. It’s like a more extreme version of Mark Twain.

bored muslim
bored muslim
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

But I thought Jimmy Kimmel was funny? Sic. Not funny at at, and certainly hard to watch. Saturday Night live anyone? Again, sic. Not funny. Raw, ugly non-humor at white peoples expense all over the place. I really do miss George Carlin tho. He was on target I thought. It seems to me that the tribe come up with a weekly agenda and send out the memo and hammer it home across the ‘ Media Board ‘ of theirs. That way there is no escaping it. Causing their foot-soldiers, wokers to march in tune and attack honest white people and… Read more »

Reply to  bored muslim
2 years ago

Those quotes by Washington and Franklin are interesting. I won’t quite say those people in the press run the world, but one can pretty much surmise they tend to work for whoever does run the world. Perhaps it is a coincidence that the Rothschild family, who are worth more than the entirety of the United States, are what they are. We can also say that includes Larry Fink, who is the boss over at Black Rock, the bank which in conjunction with Vanguard own every damn hospital in America. I like to say there are layers of them in the… Read more »

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Slightly OT: Wish I could link to the piece some subversive thinker wrote in response to the “The Left Can’t Meme!” trope.

BS, sayeth the writer. Every ounce of TV, advertising, movies, public education, the university system, mainstream news, books (YA fiction in particular) and most of the internet is chock full to the gills of very effective and very on point messaging.

Crowing about the “rights” meme-ing ability to the lefts capacity to do literally everything else is like putting an 8 year old’s lemonade stand profits against the GDP of the US.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

This is essentially one of the points I was attempting to make yesterday, that the Wokist faith has infused itself so effectively into daily life that it has a myriad of media for delivering its messages.

The Woke can’t meme?

In this environment they don’t need to!

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

At least half of the country doesn’t believe anything those people have to say. Also, they know they will never surrender their 450 to 600 million firearms plus trillions of rounds of ammunition to those people. Then those people prattle on about decency and how it’s their way or the highway for everyone else. They really are sleep walking into a potential catastrophe.

2 years ago

Fortunately, they have done us a great service by publishing the academic version of the secret decoder ring. It’s called “The Penguin Dictionary of Critical Theory.” You can pick up a used copy cheap. This is more esoteric academic stuff but it’s a good place to start, because this nonsense is all Postmodernism at bottom and that came Straight Outta the Ivory Tower.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Critical theory and postmodernism are separate but related theoretical systems. And the latter is far more important.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Bullet points! Or should we just wiki it and postmod?

2 years ago

Lolz ran across this on NRO: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/our-webathon-intern-effort-were-more-halfway-our-goal-jack-fowler/ I don’t have a lot to give, but I can’t let another webathon go by without contributing as much as I can. National Review has been a consistent voice of conservative wisdom and intellectual depth in my family since before I was born. May it always continue to be so. Thanks to all of you for keeping this beautiful little ship sailing for almost sixty years. P.S. Consider my gift five Alexander Hamiltons, not two Andrew Jacksons and a Harriet Tubman. P.P.S. A special thanks to whoever convinced David French to come aboard… Read more »

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Anytime one of those publications “on our side” starts talking about “decency” and ” civility”, stop right there. They are your enemy, plain and simple. They are controlled media designed to neuter any opposition to the Imperial Deep State. Fortunately, enough people on our side have awakened enough to figure that out. That’s why that set is literally screaming LETS BE DECENT AND PLAY BY THE RULES in everything they post nowadays.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

In my city there is a popular yard sign–exclusively in wealthy, white nabes, alas–that says “Love one another.” Every time I see one of those I have an urge to whip out my .357 and blow a hole through it. We tried the nice guy routine for over 50 years, and the Judeo-Negro-Puritans destroyed America by way of a response. No. More. Nice.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Karen loves Tray’shonquevious as long as he is not next door.

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Decades ago, Murray Rothbard smoked out NR as a CIA set-up. Because we conservatives identified the CIA as anti-communist, even those of us who believed it shrugged it off.

Now that we know the extent to which the CIA has run this country and the world (into the ground) since World War II, we understand the foolishness of our nonchalance.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

You realize that post is 5 and a half years old right?

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

It’s not him. Some Zachary character. Even if twenty yrs ago, proof that Z was a French fan boy would give him vapors.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

careful now. I’m close to declaring you a an bachelor like the British tabloids.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Go ahead an ban me, everyone else has,

2 years ago

LOlz was trying hard to imagine how the janitor would randomly use noose in a sentence. Good save with boy.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

There are old expressions that simply aren’t used anymore *because* people are afraid of being called racist.

“If I don’t get this floor mopped and dry before the game starts, they’ll have my head in a noose.”

“Have my head in a noose” was previously a term for “getting in trouble” that had no racial implication.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

I can’t wait for some schoolmarm, male or female, to tell me I can’t say “cottonpickin’.” I will inform him that my white grandmother picked cotton, so he can go screw himself/herself and, while we’re at it, most likely his/her pronouns.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

I enjoy saying, “Well, that’s mighty white of you.” as often as possible. I love watching the hypersensitive ninnies squirm.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Ahhhh, the same old talent for provocation that you wielded like a saber at Taki’s. See you in Tucumcari.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Didn’t Bob Hope and Bing Crosby make a film called The Road to Tucumcari?

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Accidentally used the term “tar baby” in the south once when at work only knowing that it meant : “tar baby refers to a problematic situation that is only aggravated by additional involvement with it.” (wikipedia).

Unbeknownst to me at the time, it apparently had/has awful “racisms” attached to it.

It’s a minefield out there. Be careful, ok.

(Just don’t use the “ok” hand gesture, because that’s racist too.)

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

I heard my boss say something the other day about words we can’t say anymore. I said, “And what are those words we aren’t supposed to use but you know I will every time I get the chance?” He shook his head and grinned.

I also go out of the way to use the word “retarded” when lecturing to the college class I teach. I let them know it’s a perfectly good word – comes from the Latin “retardare.” God, I hate political correctness.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

I remember about 10 years ago some DC bureaucrat got fired for using the word niggardly. People who are hooked on this so-called “woke” thing don’t realize that this stuff was going on well before the advent of St. George.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

My former idiot hairdresser had a fit because I used the term “off the reservation”. If I hadn’t had a head full of dye I would have got up and walked out. These people have no idea how retarded they seem to those outside the Borg.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

yup, the r-word is the toughest one. Sure, white supremacy is the new one, but the r-word is the one-to-beat.

I think the way to handle it is to refuse to be in a serious conversation with the word being pronounced fully. Go the Wikipedia route:

In the English language, the word racist is an ethnic slur typically used against white people, especially white Americans. Because it is considered extremely offensive by many, even if only mentioned and not used as a slur, it is often referred to by the euphemism “the R-word”

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

I used this successfully in an online book club. I posted somethign mean, and a lady privately messaged me to make sure that I wasn’t posting “racist” things.

I replied that that word is an antiwhite slur and has no place in polite society. I wrote that if she wanted to discuss it, we could use the term the “R word”.

Never heard back from her…. But it was better tahn if I wrote that I wasnt a racist blah blach

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

that’s pretty good 🙂

Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

More than pretty good, even better when accompanied with a haughty sniff, an upturned nose, and that scowling, wide-eyed “I dare you” stare.

Oh man. Hi-ya, you’ve out-Karened the Karen.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

Use the family analogy: “Just because I love my own children more than I love my neighbors’, doesn’t mean I hate anyone.”

If you’re online, there’s Muhammed Ali giving it to a clueless BBC-twat like he’s a ten year veteran on /pol/. (Notice when the Brits laugh at Ali’s patois like he’s doing a comedy skit)


Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

I actually agree with Ali.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

Yes. All sane people do.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Common sense defeats Leftism every time.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Only among dissidents it seems.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Respectfully, Ostei, we’ve not defeated anything.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Moss
2 years ago

By defeat, I meant literally, not politically. Ergo, Ali knocked that BBC bozo smooth out and it wasn’t even close. No split decision. A knockout.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

“In the English language, the word racist is an ethnic slur typically used against white people”

Agreed. Jeff Dahmer once denied during an interview that he was a racist. “Hey guys, I ate ppl of all colors…” When cannibalistic serial killers don’t want to be accused of something, you know what the new word for heretic is in the culture.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

and ironically it was a black guy (in prison) that beat dhamer to death with a broom stick handle.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

A black guy attacking a poster child for anti-racism, who would ever have guessed….