The Limits of Cynicism

People who follow French politics are talking about the upcoming run-off between Macron and Le Pen as a possible replay of 1981. In that election, François Mitterrand scored a stunning upset of incumbent president, Valery Giscard d’Estaing, to become the first socialist to win since the Second World War. Mitterrand ushered in a new era of French politics that prevails to this day. It is a cynical, divide and conquer politics that serves a narrow elite at the expense of the nation.

Like Americans, the French have been facing the problem that elections seem to have no bearing on public policy. They vote in new people and new parties, but the polices never seem to change. Macron has not been much different from Hollande, who was not much different from Sarkozy. In fact, each French president since Mitterrand has followed a predictable internationalist course. As a result, France has been swamped by immigrants and looted by international finance.

It is a good reminder that elections in a democracy have consequences, but rarely in the way people expect. Mitterrand’s upset victory ushered in a new brand of politics that every ambitious French pol seeks to emulate. Something similar happened in the United States in the 1992 presidential election. Bill Clinton represented a new generation of political leadership. He ushered in a new form of politics that infected both parties and the political mechanism upon which they rely.

Like in France, American politics is deeply cynical now. Elections are viewed with disdain by the politicians. It is something they must endure so they can get on with what they view as the important parts of politics. The important part of politics is advancing an agenda that serves the narrow interests of the managerial elite. This is why elections have no bearing on public policy. The office holders may change and the parties may swap positions, but the elites never change.

That is the source of the growing hostility the political classes of the West have for the people they theoretically represent. Macron is a prime example. He is in trouble politically because he carries himself like a man who is doing the French people a favor by paying attention to them. Not long ago he said that you are not French if you do not follow his rules with regards to Covid. He joked about using the administrative state to torment those who question his policies.

There is that cynicism at the heart of politics in the modern West. No serious leader thinks such things, much less says them out loud, if he has any regard for the people he claims to lead. More important, no serious leader acts this way if he thinks the opinions of the voters matter. When the game is rigged, or at least seems that it is rigged, then it no longer makes much sense to pretend public opinion matters. This is the truth of the cynical politics of the modern West.

In America, this is most evident in the concept of messaging. In modern American political jargon, messaging is a form of crowd control. The crowd is the mass media, which takes its cues from the inner party. The e-mails go out, the spokesmen give pressers and this is what shapes the daily narrative in the press. This is then supposed to herd the public in the direction of the official policy. Good polls confirm to the political class that their messaging is working.

An example is from the chief messenger, Jen Psaki. Note that she struggles to read the catch phrase of the day. It turns out that saying “Putin price hike” out loud sounds rather silly and childish, even to someone without a soul. The expectation is the official media organs will use the phrase while reporting on the inflation numbers and the general narrative will be that the cause of inflation is Putin. The Democrats probably plan to campaign on the slogan “Putin price hike” this fall.

Think about the cynicism on display. Psaki knows what she is saying is a lie and everyone in the room knows it is a lie. Further, she knows that no one thinks what she is saying is anything but a lie. The stenographers in the press pool know that she knows that they know she is lying. When they work on the official narrative at their respective media organs, they will know they are participating in the lie. In other words, everyone knows everyone is lying but they keep lying.

This is only possible in a deeply cynical system populated with people motivated by malice toward the public. The people running the global economic war resent that they have to pretend to care about public opinion. They can barely contain their loathing for the people outside the castle walls. Shark-eyed dingbats like Jen Psaki exist because she is actually what passes for a friendly face in this system. Even she can barely conceal her contempt for the public she is addressing.

French political observers suspect this election is signaling the end of the cynical politics ushered in by François Mitterrand. Cynicism is an effective short term strategy in politics, but it eventually runs into the Lincoln limit. That is the old line about fooling all of the people all of the time that is attributed to Lincoln. It was also a popular advertising slogan in the 19th century. This is appropriate given that the cynical politics of this age is basically just a sales campaign organized by fraudsters.

In America, we may be seeing similar signals. The cynical politics of the Clinton machine gave as a degenerate (Clinton), a simpleton (Bush) and a vacuous airhead (Obama) as president, all with the claim that they were accomplished men. If not for Trump the fourth in that series would have been the wife of the degenerate. Now we are being sold a mumbling vegetable as the most popular man in history. Joe Biden may be the limit of the cynical post-Cold War politics.

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2 years ago

[…] The Limits of Cynicism | An example is from the chief messenger, Jen Psaki. Note that she struggles to read the catchphrase of the day. It turns out that saying “Putin price hike” out loud sounds rather silly and childish, even to someone without a soul. The expectation is the official media organs will use the phrase while reporting on the inflation numbers and the general narrative will be that the cause of inflation is Putin. The Democrats probably plan to campaign on the slogan “Putin price hike” this fall. […]

2 years ago

[…] April 12, 2022 […]

2 years ago

[…] Read the Whole Article […]

Gerard vanderleun
2 years ago

Wake me when the targeted assassinations start.

Bob Brodie
Bob Brodie
2 years ago

Wasn’t the government of Mitterrand implicated in actual genocide in Rwanda? Even to the point of transporting thousands of machetes into the country?

Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

My own theory is that the system runs on idealism rather than cynicism. Cynicism implies two layers of intellect, like the gambler’s bluff. Idealism doesn’t require any intellect at all, only naivety and thinking-by-emotion, and the latter has clearly taken over politics and society in general. They actually believe what they are saying.

2 years ago

I’m I cynical in regard to politics? Yes.

Best to never get angry with the political game, stay calm and know it is a corrupt entity.

There is absolutely no truth in anything that is spoken politically due to our corrupt government-controlled media. Best not to get caught up with Left Right politics, it is a game where there are no winners. We need a third party which is non-media controlled but it is almost impossible to achieve in the U.S. as the media is state controlled.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Two bits of media displaying the bottomless cynicism of the controllers and how dumb they think we are. First up is your typical article from the Deep State controlled Wapo that insists inflation can be solved via more immigration: Spoiler Alert: The author of that piece is your standard issue late 30s Millennial female ELOW. The second media bit is much more interesting, and somewhat eerie. This is the short ISIS-style clip of the young lady cutting a Russian guy’s throat and threatening Russia: Yes, it’s difficult to look away from her herpes-damaged lips. The background is also… Read more »

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago


Sorry to expose myself (OK Boomer).

james wilson
james wilson
2 years ago

Perhaps it was of consequence too in the Soviet Union that a series of leaders were near deaths door. That is not a state of affairs that commands respect.

2 years ago

“The important part of politics is advancing an agenda that serves the narrow interests of the managerial elite. ”

Senator Robert Dole said that the number one job of a United States Senator is to remain a United States Senator.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  mikey
2 years ago

Bob Dole thought that Bob Dole did a good job of doing what Bob Dole said is the number one job of Bob Dole – keeping Bob Dole in the Senate.

Reply to  Liberty Mike
2 years ago

Wasn’t Dole a player with the Washington Generals?

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Liberty Mike
2 years ago

You remind me of Norm MacDonald as Bob Dole. Back when comedians could still be funny.

2 years ago

Suppose the cynics are correct, and the Democrats do install via sneaky conniving Obama as President. The way they dumped Toricelli in New Jersey in 2002 after he was caught embezzling campaign funds for Lautenberg. Even though Toricelli had won the primary and the ballots were already printed. Its not over until the Democrat wins. What then? Not only will Democrats have installed via sneaky and unethical means a man ineligible to run for the office, he won’t have the “magic” of 2009. By that time people were sick of Bush, the Recession, and had not seen much of Obama.… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

They can’t do that as they need the thin veneer of legitimacy that the tatters of the constitution provide. A more likely scenario is that Obama, or more probably one of his flunkies, will be appointed as Special Government Advisor and the command will be given that all (elected) executive power will be subservient to this position.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

The president is chosen to insult you. They install whoever is most repulsive to the average citizen. If it’s Obama again, it’s Obama again.

Trump was such a wild-and-outside exception to this, they *destroyed the whole world forever* as vengeance against us.

2 years ago

Ya know, today’s is actually a nifty little manual as to the actual mechanics of the current system.


As to today’s false flag, where’d they find a black guy who would do something like this? I thought they all died with Emmett Till in the Mississippi Burning.

I had grandparents who died in the Burning, you know. My aunt Whaleesa is a Burning survivor.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

The Daily Mail says the guy rented a U Haul in New Mexico and it was found a few miles from the station where he escaped. Conveniently, the cameras in the station were not working. The person was also known to the FBI and “cleared” after an interview in 2019. New Mexico? I recall some black separatist group purchasing land either there or Colorado in the mountains for some crazy commune scheme that ended up with the usual arrests for child abuse: From the Washington Post: “Five adults, including three mothers, are facing child abuse charges after authorities rescued 11… Read more »

Professor Alfred Sharpton
Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

Speaking of cynicism, the day the CPI report is released (8.5% inflation) we have a mass shooting in NYC, right on queue, justifying Brandon’s incoherent rambling about gun control the day before. It’s maddening and tiresome.

Reply to  Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

We MUST do something about ghost smoke grenades!

Reply to  Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

The number is undoubtedly bogus and much higher – and typical pathetic jogger marksmanship – and I hate to even use that term in conjunction with joggers…

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

So no cameras working, guy was “mumbling” and totally not speaking to someone in an earpiece, shot everyone in the legs?

2 years ago

Cynicism is all I have left. I poured my soul into dissident politics from 2015 until Biden’s “election”. I associated with multiple flavors of the “far right” prior to that movement, I supported (tepidly) the Ron Paul Libertarian upswell of the late aughts. I stopped officially supporting “conservatives” when the “gang of eight” debacle happened. Trump was the only person in the last decade to inspire me, and look what happened there. I’m truly fed up with everything. I think they want me to be, so it’s like I’m voluntarily submitting to their will, but what else is there? Even… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

FWIW Elon Musk wouldn’t be Elon Musk w/o billion$ in Gov’t grants/tax breaks/loans and credits. If he lost all those he might have to compete on a level playing field, and there is no such thing in the EV “market.” So somebody ran the numbers for him and he backed down.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

I suspect the reason Musk bought into Twitter is for a source of blackmail material. That would explain all the male feminist types freaking out.

If I was in his situation… needed by my Elite peers for the moment, yet hated by them because I won’t put their agenda ahead of mine… then I’d start collecting “social media” on them, too.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

Why, in the name of Christ, would you voluntarily submit to anything? Elon the buttfucker won’t save you. He wants you dead. like the rest of the chosen. Dead goyim, that’s the plan.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
2 years ago

Lmao Elon Musk isn’t Jewish.

2 years ago

The limits of cynicism is due to the Demographic Crisis. Putin even if he wanted to could not be Stalin. He does not have enough young men. Neither does Xi, and they are both dealing with families that have only one child. Mustache Man and Stalin had respectively, 3.5 million vs 4.5 million men on the front at the start of Barbarossa. Putin has barely 200,000 available in Ukraine. The Ukranians have less than that. Feminism, atomized modern life, educated women are a short-term boost to productivity and for urban elite grifters, but at the cost of far lower resources… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

This is exactly correct. I’m a young man, and my sentiment, widely shared among my age cohort from what I can tell, is that the system isn’t worth overtime. By that I mean that I work enough to pay my bills, and buy the things my small fa needs, but after that, anyone who wants my tradesman skill is SOL. The powers that be aren’t even worth working for, let alone fighting for, and certainly not dying for. As long as I can eat and pay my mortgage, I’m not interested in doing more.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Honestly, I’ve never known a tradesman who went hungry. Maybe they don’t get paid what they’re “worth”. But a practical skill and making yourself likeable can get you far.

2 years ago

Can there be a “limit” on cynicism, if one has a working brain?

Exhibit A: New York State Lieutenant Governor arrested today for “campaign finance scheme.”

Exhibit B: The events unfolding in Brooklyn, “active shooter”, a day after Brandon mutters about “gun control” are already being touted as a false flag by some.

Exhibit C: The government has, in recent days, been shown to be willing to conduct a false operation to ‘kidnap’ a sitting government. Also to lie (brag) to the people, ostensibly for their own good, about events relating to the war in Ukraine.

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
2 years ago

I recall someone at the time saying that when Mitterrand won, French bankers and money men ran around screaming about the Gulag. They thought he actually was serious about all that “socialist” guff. Like in Austin Powers: “Well, comrade, those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes now, eh?” It’s like when Trump won and the Left was screaming about death camps.

Reply to  James J O'Meara
2 years ago

Your comment made me realize how much like Austin Powers Trump actually is.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Many thanks!

Let me repeat that, as the filter says my reply is too short: Many thanks! And I really really mean it this time!

Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
2 years ago

Agreed. Except that, in the end, the rulers and their supporters come to believe their lies.

2 years ago

if Le Pen wins immediately she will invite the israelis into France (they are there but it would be a much bigger scale) who will quickly install greatly expanded mossad spying system and the openly force French businesses to do business with them at a loss. you want to see that in action dig into Virginia and see the major infiltration the mossad did there

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“Joe Biden may be the limit of the cynical post-Cold War politics.”

Oh, no! It can always get worse. More cynical. More comical. More devious. More dangerous. More fake. More gay. I’ve heard a rumor (one I’m concocting now) that Desmond is Amazing will be the new White House spokes…..thing after Psaki leaves.

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
2 years ago

I saw an interesting poll on Telegram today:

Who do you trust most?

A. Trudeau
B. Putin
C. Biden
D. Xi Jinping

I’m sorry, but for me, Vlad wins hands down. At least he acts in the interest of his country.

Reply to  Glen Filthie
2 years ago

Jinping acts for China as well. Although the latest lockdowns over there are concerning. And no, I don’t like the Chinese in particular. If choosing another country to reside in, Russia or China, it would be Russia.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Just talked with an American friend of mine with an adult child living in China.

You don’t want to live in China. Even if Chinese.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

These politicians, to paraphrase H.L. Mencken, represent the inner soul of the electorate. The shallowness, greed, avarice, and degeneracy lurk in your average person, from the Walmart cashier to the CPA “doing it right the second time around” with his younger wife and kids, the first wife coal burning to get back at him and the older kids now wash-outs on drugs. When they saw Clinton, they saw themselves, which is why they liked him so much. How many older women love Hill-dog? She’s a mentor to them. The “I am woman hear me roar” power suit woman of the… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Well put, particularly the opening and the ending. This is what worries me the most – how most people are just like our electorate. This is the really scary thing.

I would amend, however, that if there is coke dust on the table, you were probably bedding the woman in the early morning as well 🙂

Glen Filthie
Glen Filthie
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Comment of the week, JR! Talk about cynicism!😆👍 Nevertheless I think I may have to disagree. I’d never get in the sack with a a clapped out chubster and start snorting lines. There is no room in my world for that; if I did drugs id get fired from my job, I’d let my family down and my friends would abandon me. I am no saint… but those guys in Ottawa and Washington are nothing like me. I run afoul of the dissidents because I see a big difference between men like Trump and Biden. They are no saints either…but… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Glen Filthie
2 years ago

“The dissidents tell me not to vote because they are all the same…? I personally don’t think so.”

They are overlooking Stacy Abrams.

Which is pretty hard to do.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Stacy Abrams reaching a position of extreme prominence would be a godsend for us. Would turn more White people into race realists than ten thousand Jared Taylor videos.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago


Really – you mean like appointing the Jumanji diversity hire to the SC?

They will ignore that like they ignore everything else rammed down their gaping throats.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Supreme Court justices tend to recede into the shadows immediately following their confirmations; a U.S. President, on the other hand, is the most visible individual on Earth. That’s why I want Kamala Harris in there: she personifies Affirmative Action at its most ludicrous. These people are all puppets. Any decision of important is made far above their own heads. We might as well have a puppet who validates many of our own claims.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

you give normies too much credit for introspection. but your overall point is valid; they will howl for the blood of someone to blame for their own bad choices.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

“Inflation is 6am sunlight creeping into the dark bedroom after a long, long night of bad choices. Illuminating the coke dust on the night stand and they ugly women you decided to bed with that night.”

Oh, it gets better. These days, that “ugly woman” just might be a dude.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Z disagrees, but people really do get the government they deserve. The American people of 2022 are a far cry from the Americans of 1952.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I don’t know Z-s opinion on this, but there’s definitely a strain of traditional Civ-Nat thought, especially among the ones who don’t even shy away from the Lincoln “second founding,” which they literally consider a purification of the country, that America is this consecrated alter to democracy and humanity, given to us by God himself. They even say it in a haughty, huffed, moralizing tone. Given that, they think, in the literal sense, that things will always work out, because God has somehow sheltered us from our worst side. We just have to sit and wait patiently for “the next… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Two points in response, JRW: First, to the extent civ-nat commitment to AINO is indeed rooted in chiliastic Christianity, there really is little hope that they will ever be of any use to us, and I say that as a Christian myself. True religious conviction, even in this superficial age, will not buckle before reason and evidence. The civ-nats will go to their graves gasping encomia to the good ol’ US of A even as the Hutus are burning their houses, raping their granddaughters, and slitting their throats. Second, the historical astigmatism you describe vis-a-vis Americans in general is even… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Ostei, you and I should have lunch.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Wish I could upvote JR’s comment 50 times. Bravo!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Bill Briggs has a good rundown on what may be happening in China with links: Pete Zeihan just gave a pretty good talk highlighting how vulnerable China is on the food and energy fronts: NOTE: I think some of his political analysis is off, and I’d like to hear him explain his aversion to Trump beyond, “Euh.” Anyway, could it be that China’s propensity to regularly collapse into nasty civil war is going to save the idiot West from its lunatic project to hand our entire industrial and academic base to China on a silver platter? What’s… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

“…its lunatic project to hand our entire industrial and academic base to China on a silver platter?”

A nephew of mine got his masters in computer science three years ago. He was the only native born American in his class. 45% Pajeet/ 45% Han/ 9% Russian.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

He speaks Lahbstah! “Euh”, the classic retort, is a loquacious answer found in Maine.

Such a lengthy discourse borders on the breach of bad form, especially if one’s lips are frozen.

2 years ago

Tactical. The disease cells are becoming obvious to even the most deluded sheeple and the coming economic hardship is going to set the plates wobbling on their sticks. When Normie gets latte deprived, even the grillers are going to be walking around with a hair trigger and looking to throw down. The primary defense for the Cloud People will always be to get the plebs to start killing off each other when the pressure cooker explodes, and the second line of defense is the State Police and LEOs in general. That is the battlefield terrain. What beats this? Riots keep… Read more »

2 years ago

I doubt that we’ve seen the limit of the ridiculousness yet. If Those Who Rule Us don’t think that they can put Kamala Harris over on us, it will be Pete Buttigieg.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MBlanc46
2 years ago

That would be priceless.

Reply to  MBlanc46
2 years ago

I know that Buttigieg has a stupid name and a very punchable face, but is he any more ridiculous than what we have seen until now? If yes, could you explain how? Serious question.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Buttigieg is chronically lazy. Like, doesn’t show up for work lazy. This is a mostly true stereotype of gay men and in his case even more so. That’s just starters.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

That is a weird objection, given the freak show the US presidency has been for decades. Laziness seems quite innocuous. There must be more.

Perhaps mandatory pride parades and drag queen story hours for everybody? But then again, that would be just a marginal change compared to current status.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

I think the real dark side of Buttigieg is that he is a red diaper baby. His father was the premier scholar of Gramsci in the US. Take that plus his known intelligence connections and the guy all but* has a pink Manchurian Candidate tattoo on his ass.

* Okay, I wouldn’t bet my life that he doesn’t actually have that tattooed on his ass.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Have you seen that stomach-turning pic of him wearing fake breasts and feeding his adopted kid? That pic alone is enough to convince any sane person that America has indeed become the Great Satan. And Buttplug Pete is the emblem of this fact.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I agree, but America has been the Great Satan for a long time now. It has been bombing countries and exporting degeneracy all over the world for decades.
America is already pushing Buttigieg level stuff everywhere where it can reach.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

America seems to have become the Great Satan with the conclusion of the Cold War. Prior to the present period, there was some moral restraint, and at least the proxy wars and fomented revolutions were in the service of something that could plausibly be termed good–the defeat of global communism. Nowadays AINO is exporting the worship of men with fake breasts abusing children who are helpless to defend themselves. This is Biblical evil. And Pete Butt is the postmodern Moloch.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

The ironic thing is Malta would never tolerate that sort of public display.

He would be lucky not to be beaten in the streets.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

> And Pete Butt is the postmodern Moloch.

Given the downvotes I received on my original comment, I assume that people took my question as some sort of endorsement of Buttigieg. In reality, my point was that the whole political class already is so disgusting and degenerate, that Buttigieg wouldn’t make that much of a difference. All the evil stuff that he represents is already being mainstreamed by the current and even previous governments.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

‘What sort of sick fuck thinks that subverting the instincts of a new born with this sort of abuse is remotely acceptable?

The narcissistic grotesqueness is disturbing, and normies acceptance of it even more so.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

This shit is being normalized without him being in charge.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

It’s more humiliation for white heterosexual males, to have a pillow biter who takes it up the ass installed as POTUS.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  jpb
2 years ago

A victory lap demonstrating clearly that Western norms have been completely subverted.

Reply to  MBlanc46
2 years ago

“I’m with Her!”

With the, umm, lactater.
No, no that one, the OTHER lactater.
Chaz could try using a baby shawl, for decency’s sake

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

You mean the Birthing Person?

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Bringing new meaning to silicone: “Are those real?”

Which one is the Menstruating Person, again?

2 years ago

I don’t know I don’t think they’ve hit bottom yet. Everyone knew Biden was a dumb as a post fabulist with a mean streak going back decades, and they still went with him. Besides that, sociopaths are never deterred they just keep right on going, but you can teach them to be fearful. I believe the only thing that will change it is a drastic culling in the political herd. How that happens is anyone’s guess.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I have heard she has “moderated” her message so much that any sign of right wing messaging is gone. France’s election system is such that it will make it very difficult for her to win. I also heard yesterday that all of the other parties have told their voters to vote for Macron. Whether they will or not remains to be seen, but we have seen the globalists close ranks. Without repatriation, it’s just another globohomo shill no matter who is victorious.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Yes, Tars. This was my understanding as well. I did follow French politics quite closely at one point, but she most certainly has softened her message and distanced herself from certain elements. I’d imagine proper right wing sentiment to be alive and well, though. In just the same way it is in England, except there is no voice for these people. Who knows, may change her tune (if it has changed at all) if she succeeds. But for us it is really just a spectacle now, any change for our benefit will not come from those up high. Even if… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

How come the Right never gets a bait-and-switch?

Be fake and gay and green and legal immigration, then…

WHAM! Death camps with gas chambers!
Mariupol mobile crematoria!!

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“I also heard yesterday that all of the other parties have told their voters to vote for Macron.”

This seems extremely unlikely. Can you remember where you heard this? I’d be *most* interested.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I heard it from Paul Joseph Watson and I think on Gab too, but I don’t recall who.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

who cares what that rubber lipped homosexual says?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Many thanks!

Let me repeat that, as the filter says my reply is too short: Many thanks! And I really really mean it this time!

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Finally got the damned thing to play! Anyway, he says “virtually” all other parties, which is what I wanted to know, so thanks again!

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I think he said one of them told their voters just not to vote for Le Pen but stopped short of outright saying to vote for Macron, but there is still time for them to cuck.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Mittens, the Speech!

With a distinguished touch of grey in his fabulous hair, and firm resolve in the set of his pearly whites, he drew tall and declared,

“Fear not, for there is still time to cuck.”

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

It’s true.

The right wing conservative candidate from the Republicans, Valerie, said to support Macon.

The left wing candidate Melanchon said that they must do everything to stop Le Pen.

That said. I can’t stand Le Pen. I actually think she would be worse for France than the banker.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Tars: Not only has Le Pen ‘moderated’ to the point she might as well be championing ‘citizenism’ a la Sailer, but her ‘populist’ economic policies make no distinction between native Frenchmen and resident non-White immigants. No income tax on anyone under 30? What portion of the French under 30 population is non-White? And retirement at 60 just means moving even more Whites out of the workforce, which means things break down even more rapidly.

As Zman wrote, the French campaign is simply a non-English version of “a sales campaign organized by fraudsters.” Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

“And retirement at 60 just means moving even more Whites out of the workforce, … .”

Le Pen will not be elected. And all governments and banks everywhere have destroyed pension funds, so nobody will retire at 60. The European Commission has commanded Macron to make retirement age 70 for everybody, and that’s what he will do:

You can click on “English” when the page opens.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Infant: I agree, there’s no question they will not let Le Pen ‘win,’ no matter how far to their position she’s moved publicly. Just out of curiosity, though, who’s funding her campaign? I don’t assume it costs quite as much in France as in GAE, but it can’t be peanuts. As far as retirement, we all must keep working for the corpochracy as debt slaves to fed LaQuisha and Juan’s hungry chirrens. Which is why I never, ever donate a penny to any current charity. And my husband has been saying he’s going to have to work until he’s dead… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

“Just out of curiosity, though, who’s funding her campaign?” Political parties–real ones–get aid from the state as well as contributions from voters and dues from party members. The last year for which I could find stats was 2020, when the state came across with 66 million euros (to all parties combined). When the French voters rejected *all* established political parties in 2017, Macron was not affiliated with a party. Brexit, Macron, and Trump sent the same message, bit it has been soundly rejected. Anyway, Macron ran with what French law calls an “association,” which is easier and less expensive to… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I can’t wait until the recession hits and the stock market goes down and the California pension system makes it back into the news. The 2001 recession brought it to the forefront and the 2008/9 recession brought it to the forefront. Now they are talking about bringing reparations to the table with $300,000 per African American in California (how many African Americans are going to move to California if it is actually implemented?) on top of their already insolvent pension system. It was collapsing in 2008 when mass boomer retirement was still a decade away. Every retiree is like adding… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

How about Marion Maréchal-LePen? Farther right that Marine and at least the view on the way to destruction will be pleasant.

comment image

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Le Pen is so bad that she might be slightly worse than Macron on identity issues.

Her main thrust of support is center left economic appeals, which I do not hold.

All she will do is isolate France and cause headaches from the French elites hostility to her narcissistic personality.

I can not parse who is worse and would vote blank if I were French. Both are committed to the post war consensus. Le pen will make France slightly poorer…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“The interesting thing i find with the French vote from last Sunday is that the old duopoly parties barely reached a combined 7%. ”

Good point. That’s truly remarkable.

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Not really. Macron is a French conservative. He belongs to the French right. He is of the mold of Giscard and Chirac. A lot of that 28% for him in the first round are right wing supporters. This is evident by Valerie’s measly sub 5% showing, large chunks of the right went to Macron. Sure Macron is running under a new party, but the French right has never had stable branding like America’s Republicans. They used to have a major party called UMP, before that Rally for the Republic was the largest. Now the right brands themselves with two parties,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“Shark-eyed dingbats like Jen Psaki”

Sterling work there, sir. I would push back as calling 41 years of cynical French rule as “short term.” They go through new republics every decade or two.

Related, but there is some point when willful cynicism becomes unconscious, something once done as a tactic now so routine is seems to be a natural act. That’s the tipping point where regimes are so isolated from the populace they are looking at the guillotine in the distance.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Was the Shark-eyed reference a nod to Quint asking the chief what its like to look into the eyes of a shark as it bites you?

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

“Like a doll’s eyes. . .” OT: When we had one of those weekend “free-views” to try and persuade us to buy more than basic cable, they ran a 4K restoration of Jaws. From the ashtrays on the counter in the ER to the Del Monte canned veg in Quint’s shack it was a trip down memory lane. I could not possibly have enjoyed it more.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RoBG
2 years ago

One of the greatest films ever made. I’ve watched it perhaps 15 times and will likely watch it 15 more before commencing to push up daisies.

2 years ago

I can’t make head nor tail of this Mitterand talk. The inaugurator of theater politics in France was his predecessor, Giscard. He famously ran a marketing-heavy deliberately vague campaign in 1974 complete with frivolous slogans (“Giscard, a REAL president!”) and campaign photographs courting the ladies right in the feelz, even roping in his children. In office, he pulled stunts like having televised breakfasts with the presidential palace’s garbage collectors. He ushered in chain migration – in departure from the already generous guest worker programs in existence that tied residency permits to work contracts. He accustomed the French to the idea… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

“The interesting thing i find with the French vote from last Sunday is that the old duopoly parties barely reached a combined 7%. ”

Good point. That’s truly remarkable.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

Great comment. Mitterand the “Socialist” was the perfect vehicle for screwing the French middle class in the same way Clinton gave us NAFTA. The problem of course is that the fracturing of the old parties just has the practical effect of isolating the nationalist right. Look at the AFD in Germany and the Liga Nord in Italy. If no other party will form a coalition with them, they become a practical dead end. Meanwhile, the isolation of the right gives fringe leftists more coalition influence. There is a lesson here for the DR. Is it better to try to take… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Start something new. You do that by public mass hangings of the old political class.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

“French political observers suspect this election is signaling the end of the cynical politics ushered in by François Mitterrand.” There are good signs and bad. Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour combined outpaced Macron and Mélenchon separately. But Macron was in first place, with 27,84%; Le Pen in second, with 23,15%; Mélenchon in third, with 21.95%; and Zemmour in fourth, with 7.7%, which is below the cutoff for advancing to round two. So Mélenchon is in the position to be king-maker in the second round of voting. He’s a hard leftist. But a poll published yesterday afternoon showed that, in… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

While I think your conclusion is right, the wildcare is the Ukraine war. The optics of Macron emulating Zelensky by donning a flight jacket and so forth were so over the top cynical that he only did it once or twice and the images have been memoryholed. If the run-off were further out, Le Pen would be better able to capitalize on the financial pain the moronic sanctions have imposed on the French.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“The optics of Macron emulating Zelensky by donning a flight jacket and so forth were so over the top … .”

LOL! It really was, and it reminded me of Dubya doing the same thing with his “Mission accomplished” photo op (on an aircraft carrier, wasn’t it?) But the general public in every country eagerly (or dutifully) lap it up.

“As a dog returneth to his own vomit, so returneth the fool to his folly.”
–Proverbs 26:11

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I’ve found that the most powerful antidote to cynicism is sincerity. Being a GenXer, I’m cynical by nature, but my cynicism melts when I encounter people who genuinely, openly (but quietly) believe in something good. Cynicism is fine in small doses but taken for too long or too much, it destroys the soul – and most people (not the Clintons) can feel it eating them away. That’s why a love of people is so terrifying to these people. There’s a purity and simplicity to it that exposes the crass pointlessness of their politics, beliefs and, even, lives. They offer nothing.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Not stirring anything up here regarding Trump but, sincerely or not, and whether in deeds or just words, he exuded love for his people. That’s what terrified them, you’re exactly right.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Gobsmack
2 years ago

That’s true. Trump actually like white people and even mentioned them.

Hope is what starts revolutions.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Check out the smiley little drip in the image halfway down this Armstrong post:

But, as George Carlin said, “No one seems to notice, no one seems to care.”

Mr. House
Mr. House
2 years ago

Also, not sure what you did for a living Zman, but if you’ve ever been a drone a giant corporation then Jen Psaki makes total sense. Nancy Pelosi also, you’ve never been talked down to by corporate management in the 3rd pointless meeting of your day about how you should just be grateful to have a job? You haven’t lived yet!

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

As far as small business, my exact experiences.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

“Corporate females are the worst. When I worked at big companies, I hated dealing with female managers. With few exceptions, they were a toxic blend of narcissism, incompetence and condescension.”

And they “hover.”

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

“i don’t like to micromanage” (Proceeds to micromanage.)

Granted the men are equally awful. Just another confirmation that corporations are the government and the government is a corporation. No soul.

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

The micro-managing thing is so true. “Here’s a problem. You need to figure out a way to deal with it.” And after you figure out a way to deal with it, she nixes every last aspect of it and tells you to do something completely different. I don’t mind taking reasonable orders, but can we skip the part where I waste my time on something you intend to ignore?

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

Email made this much worse, as a “cc:EveryoneInCompany” email theoretically puts everyone on the hook for dumb decisions.

“Why didn’t you say something? I sent out an email you acknowledged as read!”

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Zman, this has been my experience as well. I had two female corporate bosses and they were the worst of my career. They were actually good at the technical aspects of their jobs, but just mean and bitter. Now I work for a millennial CEO at a small company, and she is pleasant, fair, professional and capable.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Giving women the right to vote precipitated the long slide down.

Just sayin’.

Reply to  Boarwild
2 years ago

Maybe they are the exception, but there are women on this site who are very conservative, thoughtful and intelligent (3g4me and Whitney, IIRC). It’s actually more the women of color, followed closely by men of color, that are the issue. If we limited the voting franchise to property owners and taxpayers, the woman issue would go away, as it would severely limit the city liberal vote of POCs and young single white females.

2 years ago

Re: the Putin Price Hike, the first thing they tried was even worse (if you can believe that). I saw a NYT article that claimed, in all apparent seriousness, that the economy was booming, and asked “so why are experts predicting a recession?” I girded my loins to actually read a few paragraphs, and the point of the piece became clear: They’re trying to sell the notion that “inflation” is happening largely because of supply and demand. Things are just so great, economically, that retailers can’t keep stuff on the shelves. That’s both why the shelves are bare, and prices… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Goldfish is far too generous.

The US American public has the intellectual capacity of a gnat.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Armstrong is reporting that there is a Dem Party plan for Biden to issue an Executive order granting citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens so they can vote this November.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Which is egregiously unconstitutional, but hey, constitution shmonstitution, amirite?

[Actually I hope he does it, if only because we’re already doing a Fake and Gay replay of the 1850s, so we might as well have our own Clown World Dred Scott case, too. That was the actual ruling in Dred Scott — that in granting Scott standing to sue, the state of Missouri de facto granted him US citizenship, which by the Constitution is the sole prerogative of Congress. Jumanji Whatzerface can write the majority opinion as her first official act on the Supreme Court].

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

” … constitution shmonstitution, amirite?”

(Sigh) Yep, you is right.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

“Jumanji Whatzerface”

is gold. I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it myself.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Not mine, alas. Ok, the “Whatzerface” is. Credit for “Jumanji” should go to frequent commenter Pickle Rick AFAIK.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Wow. So, now I know. Over the last 18 months, finding Italian parsley–of all things–has been an iffy proposition. But now I understand that AINO’s consumers have such heavy wads these days that they are gobbling down this delectable herbaceous delight like it’s 1999. Time to buy acreage and sow that Italian parsley. Then it’s off to retirement in Gstaad!

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

These people coerced dictionary publishers to redefine “vaccine.”

Now its economic definitions. Whatever suits them in this heinous corruptocracy.

Reply to  Nihilists'Marmot
2 years ago

Nihilists ‘Marmot: No coercion was required; Websters have been woke for decades. And dictionary definitions are the mere tip of the iceberg. The expert Doctors have redefined child development standards to reflect both the browning of the population (changing normal ‘average’ weights, heights, etc. at birth and general age milestones) and the effect of masks. Wearing a face diaper actually helps children’s emotional development because they now must utilize body language and other non-expressive cues to determine the tone of social interactions. Just filter anything that says “American” to mean the melange of Han, Pajeet, Mestizo, and black, and you’re… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Severian: When I turned on the computer far too early this morning (seeking escape from various other concerns), the Daily Mail’s big headline on inflation absolutely staggered me: It’s back to the 1980s and it was all Reagan’s fault! My husband and I lived through those times, and while there was certainly plenty of inflation until Reagan’s economic policies got it under control, the ’80s is not the decade that comes to mind when one thinks of inflation and high gas prices. But Jimmy Carter isn’t convenient and Reagan’s a good proxy for blue team/red team politics. I am so… Read more »

2 years ago

Shame about parts of France. When we were much younger, our family would take holidays in the South of France; in small villages where the population was exclusively white. If it were ever possible for a small village to complete capture a clueless foreigner’s idea of what France ought to be, it was some of these places. Just don’t venture into Paris, Marseilles, Lyon &c. It is the same as one would find in any large US city or British one. Coloureds galore. The other thing about France is that she is a deceptively large country, with some quite staggering… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Algeria is unusual because at one point it was considered part of metropolitan (European) France.

One of the major unresolved tensions that led to the Algerian war for independence was that no one could figure out a workable plan to permit Algerian political representation in the French political system at that time.

The nearest equivalent I can think of in Anglosphere politics were the efforts to give the American colonies representation in British Parliament in the years leading up to the revolution.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

IIRC they did a similar thing to when the Republic of Texas became a state. All of a sudden everyone in the territory is now a citizen w/ free movement, etc. In Algeria it led to mass migration. Whereas Texans like being Texans.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Although I’m sympathetic to the DR cause, I cannot resist taking a swipe today. After all today’s theme is cynicism 😀 So get ready to hit that “frown” button, folks! The post-Colonial powers, and by that I mean almost exclusively Europe and by incorporation its racial (Caucasian) children former colonies, are getting precisely what we deserve. In the peak of our imperial phases, we ruled over large portions of the Globe for one, maybe two centuries. Apparently what those geniuses never envisioned was that, at some future date, colonialism might prove to be a bad idea after all and a… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Yes Ben. But whom did these empires serve? The Elites. Now that the wheel of Karma has turned, whom does it crush? The working classes.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

An excellent point. It’s good to have it drummed into my chicken brain.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

that’s more than a little simplistic. given that we were a colony, didn’t we benefit from empire, too? would like to see real numbers on changes in quality of life for non-elites, during the age of empires.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

In other words, the Elites’ interests have been served both coming and going. Gee, how did that happen?

Well, the Olde Elites still considered the Dirts to be, at least in some measure, to be Their People. But now, after the New Elites are largely no longer an extension of the Olde Elites (replacement didn’t start with the Dirts, rather the opposite, it began with the Elites, and thereby hangs a tale…), the Dirts, original stock or new stock, are definitely not considered to be Their People.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

I take no issue with your comment, Ben. We have brought it upon ourselves, no doubt.

But, you say:

“Who are we to deny these people an opportunity at a better life?”

Simply, if we were a proud people and Nation, we’d be it’s keepers who have every right to deny you entry, as this thing of ours is for our posterity, and not that of others.

Perhaps we’d make exceptions. But it’s moot, as we know white leadership hates most other whites and is seemingly not very proud of their history. We did bring it upon ourselves.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Their “opportunity for a better life” comes at the cost of destroying the socio-cultural fabric of my nation. That being the case, I will not stand in the way of their pursuit of happiness–in their own bloody country where they belong.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

The king’s “we” may have brought it on ourselves, but it’s the peasant’s “we” who are paying the price.

But while destruction is always easier than construction, the problem is not without solution, just a solution which is politically difficult.

They must go back. Traitors must be hung. By the time it’s all over, there will statues of Anders Breivek across Europe.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

From memory, OF, several commenters here are from France, one in Paris, the other in the provinces. It would be nice to get their take.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

” ,,, the other in the provinces. It would be nice to get their take.”

He’s in Lyon, I *think*.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

“Just don’t venture into Paris, Marseilles, Lyon &c. It is the same as one would find in any large US city or British one. Coloureds galore.” French gov’t policy for a number of years has been to distribute the coloreds throughout the country, including small villages. I don’t know what to think about that beyond the fact that if you want to visit a bastide of one of the villages perchés in the south, you’re going to find “them” galore, but the policy prevents swamping the French population in most places outside the cities. And that might one day be… Read more »

2 years ago

The funniest thing about the White House press briefing and when Biden takes questions from the press is how enraged they get at the mild pushback offered from Fox News nepotism hire Peter Doocy. A midwit reporter knocks down their talking points and Psaki can’t handle it. Biden is even better as his responses usual boil down to something like “why would you say that to me.” The same thing happened at some even The Atlantic was putting on about press “disinformation” when a kid at the U of Chicago blew apart Jeffrey Goldberg’s ridiculous narrative. Crazed zealot Anne Applebaum… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

I can’t figure out why a regime with such tight narrative control everywhere else allows Doocy in the room.

Maybe they (correctly) view him as a pressure release vavle to keep the sheep asleep?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

If a Fox reporter got kicked out of the room for simply challenging the narrative the pushback from normies would be incredible. It would divide the room too as a few of the dolts in the press would realize it would set the stage for the next Republican to clear the place out or stop doing press briefings all together.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Especially after the SCOTUS ruled the White House Press gal was constitutionally guaranteed a spot in the press room after Trump kicked her out. I don’t recall all the details of the incident. There’s your “conservative” court for you.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I believe a large part of it is Doocy serves as an focus of hate. Psaki, along with all the other reporters, sneers openly at him. This serves the purpose of 1) allowing the Foxnews audience to believe they are fighting the good fight and 2) reinforces the lib view that Satan walks among us. By allowing Doocy in the room, anyone watching is reminded that not all evil has been purged from the progressive ranks. It also serves as a model to inflate their ego: we are Legion, and we vastly outnumber the few who are not along with… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

It’s because he’s a proxy for normies cons, and they want to speak power to truth, as a flex to let the little people know who’s in charge. It’s theater.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

That is precisely the reason. Every sign of dissidence at the federal level is simply theater designed to buy the Power Structure more time by convincing normies and Grillers that they actually have representation in DC. That goes for DeSantis (he’s certainly national if not yet formally federal) and it goes for Marjorie Taylor-Greene.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

One point that has been lost in the discussion around DeSantis is that he’s pro-digital ID, though the Florida websites and MSM stories make it clear it is currently optional, for now. Digging a little more, we find Florida’s scheme is delivered by the French defense company Thales, which is half-owned by the French government. People may remember Thales from the horrific three-minute ad where the young woman had the phone app that ensured her life was reduced to an endless series of checkpoints requiring the app to prove who she was. So, even in the seemingly free state of… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

Given the current state of affairs, one has to ask which is the prevailing zeitgeist, inanity or insanity?

wyatt the warner
wyatt the warner
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

I borrowed from the Intel slogan and describe them thus: “insatiable imbecility inside.”

El Polacko
El Polacko
2 years ago

Vogue Magazine is always a good place to check up on the leisure and fashion antics of the real ruling elite, especially when their offspring are getting married off. The gushing sycophancy of the writing is accompanied by photos of lavish celebrations that would have embarrassed the court of the Sun King, but the photographs of the upcoming crop of our betters feature a seething contempt and elitist arrogance on the faces of the young that they long ago stopped trying to conceal. Here billionaire heiress Nicola Pelz marries a Beckham boy. Here’s Gordon Getty’s Grand daughter Ivy’s three… Read more »

Reply to  El Polacko
2 years ago

Wow. That right there is the very definition of the phrase “resting bitch face.”

Pop quiz, hotshots: Am I talking about the women or the “men”?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Nice overbite on the Getty gals.

It looks like she’s marrying her brother?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

There’s a startling lack of diversity in her bridal party photos. What, did they make the coloreds step aside when the camera came out?

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Come on now, surely we want the schvartzes somewhere harmless like in YOUR daughters school… but not anywhere important and safe like OUR daughters wedding!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

The biological or self-identified varieties?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

There’s a meme going around with a “Marlboro man” saying, “I, too, used to be a man in a woman’s body. Then I was born.”

Stephanie G
Stephanie G
Reply to  El Polacko
2 years ago

Sadly decadence among the predatory ‘elite(s)’ is nothing new. I watched a YT video about the wild extravagance of the super rich during the Gilded Age. One millionaire in the 1890s spent $50,000USD on a single dinner for his guests! Shockingly the above example probably wouldn’t have made the top 3 of the most ridiculously expense and wasteful in the GA list.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephanie G
2 years ago

True. Just read up on Cole Porter’s behavior for confirmation. And Porter, I freely admit, is probably the greatest song writer America has ever produced.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

“And Porter, I freely admit, is probably the greatest song writer America has ever produced.”

And there’s Johnny Mercer.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I’ve suspected there was plenty of debauchery in the entertainment biz back on the day too but it was kept secret. I wouldn’t be surprised if Debbie Reynolds or Liz Taylor circa 1951 were passed around like weed at a phish concert

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

carrie fisher talks about how her mom (debby reynolds) would flash her pussy at carrie’s teenage friends.

hearst’s castle in central cali is/was a full on orgy castle.

red kenneth anger’s book Hollywood Babylon for lots of fun stories…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Lord Protector Cromwell outlawed the theater for its depravity. The man had a point.

Reply to  El Polacko
2 years ago

El Polacko: Beckham marries a Peltz and Getty marries an Engel. Nothing further needs to be said.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
2 years ago

“ Joe Biden may be the limit of the cynical post-Cold War politics”

I hope you’re right, but don’t underestimate the level of stupid that runs rampant amongst us.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

Hopefully those who tune in to Hannity will finally wake up when he starts repeating/whistling the “Putin price hike” line through his dentures.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

Hannity is literally a low-brow. His hair line is barely an inch above his eyebrows. It’s weird-looking.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

People who study such things (physiognomy)–Ed Dutton springs to mind–assert that a low hair line indicates a base intellect. A high forehead, contrariwise, indicates high intelligence. Don’t all rush to the mirror, now. (-;

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

When my sister said I had a receding hairline, I very cleverly said, “No, I have a high forehead.”

But she was right.


Mr. House
Mr. House
2 years ago


How familiar are you with the anything goes nothing matters period in the Weimar republic before the rise of you know who? Feels alot like that, raging monetary liquidity, total collapse of morals and such. Sometimes i wonder if we’re being setup for a repeat of history.

“Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up from less competent people.”

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

The main difference is that America is not mostly landlocked like Germany, and that the Treaty of Versailles didn’t just demilitarize the state, but deindustrialized the Ruhrgebiet/ Ruhr Valley so that the Germans couldn’t even produce food for themselves. The rules stipulated that the Germans could use their facilities for food essentials but not for munitions, but since fertilizer is a constituent in both, many times they couldn’t produce food. Are Americans literally starving yet, making coffee and bread out of acorns and chicory, living on turnip soup, waiting in line for six hours at the grocery to discover the… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

I’m talking about the period before the hyperinflation.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

” … waiting in line for six hours at the grocery to discover the shelves are bare?”

We already have food rationing. Stores have those little stick-on notices that say how sorry they are that there’s a limit on this item of two per customer.

That’s food rationing.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

However, most shoppers are either overweight or obese, so we’ve still got ways to go.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Sorta true.

Still, Americans got fatter during Covid.

When Americans collectively start going down in weight for the first time in 50 years, then we have a food availability problem.

(All the cheap food is sugar and carbs..could be awhile)

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Yes but the rationing is still more than enough for a family and even some preps.

Its rationing lite.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

OTOH, Weimar Germany wasn’t saddled with dieversity. I’m not sure which is worse–acorn toast or having a pack of Somali baboons settled across the street.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I’m gonna hafta say it’s the Somalis.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

This is why there’s no good reason not to start buying beans and rice and sealing them in mylar bags as a nuclear war prep. Even if the world doesn’t end, in all likelihood that $20 bag of rice is going to cost $50 pretty soon so you’re still ahead even paying for the mylar bags and O2 absorber packets.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

“How familiar are you with the anything goes nothing matters period in the Weimar republic before the rise of you know who? Feels a lot like that, … .”

There’s also a similarity to Spain in 1935, where politics just flat-out broke down, and nothing got done in the Cortes.

And there’s an exception to the “rule” that the winners always write the history. The losers (the Commies) have written the history of the Spanish Civil War.

2 years ago

From what I can tell, the center-right has collapsed in France. Other than handing the far left a chicken switch over the second round of the election, what does this mean?

If a similar collapse occurs in the US — which to my mind is one of the aims of the dissident right — what will that mean?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Oh, there are other vehicles, alright. It’s just that using them might get you January 6thd.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The D/R party system in the US exists solely to manage their respective voters. Not to represent them, or (heaven forfend!) govern in their interests. I believe I have met the cynicism threshold of today’s post.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I understand the structural differences between the two, but I guess it comes down to how center-right is defined.

To me, a collapse of the center-right in the US would look something like yesterday’s boomers either defecting to non-civnat candidates or else bailing on the system altogether, neither of which seem to have happened.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

“From what I can tell, the center-right has collapsed in France.”

This may sound downright stupid, but I don’t think it is. For the first time in I-don’t-know-when, the Alliance Royale (the French monarchist party) did not field a presidential candidate. Things are breaking down.

Jean Raspail wrote about that some years ago in an essay titled “La patrie trahie par la République” (The fatherland betrayed by the Republic).

You can click on “English” when the page opens:

2 years ago

You may be a tad too optimistic. Cynicism and opportunism go together but there are differences. Cynicism is an outlook. Opportunism is a strategy. Opportunists such as most of those who inhabit the political/tech/media world will say and do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals. Senator Liz is the most visible example. But, unlike Sandy Ocasio, Liz isn’t cynical. Liz is an empty head who seems actually to believe whatever she’s spouting at the moment. Cynics tend to be less actively engaged, inclined to muse and mumur, “La plus ça change, le plus en même.” Tucker is cynical but… Read more »

Norham Foul
Norham Foul
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Not a bad comment. I don’t know if you’re being cynical describing Jen Psaki as having a “pretty face.” My guess is that this did you in on the happy/sad face count. From my some would say distorted outlook, if I saw Jen Psaki on the street or beside me at a restaurant my immediate impression would be HR c*nt. She just has the look. She was chosen for that look, for that demeanor. I of course did not vote you up or down. Maybe you hold fond memories of that flashing up/down face as a teenager in some old… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Norham Foul
2 years ago

She’s not a Karen, she’s the manager Karen wants to talk to.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Norham Foul
2 years ago

she has a face like 3 day old fish

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

It’s true that cynicism can lead to quietism. But quietism can lead to good things. To the extent that large numbers of cynics withdraw their consent from the Power Structure and its anti-white system, we effectively form our own community, which may be prefatory to taking serious action once the Power Structure becomes sufficiently vulnerable.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Cynicism is part of it, but the mockery is the most galling aspect. I hate to harp on the JQ stuff (since the mindset has spread across the entire ruling class), but Lawrence Auster used to point out Jews have two ways of reprimanding gentiles, scolding or mocking. Jon Stewart is a great sanctimonious scold who would mock as well sometimes. Most of what passes for comedy (especially the bile on late night talk shows and SNL) is just mockery. The Bible strongly condemns it, as it is poisonous and creates nothing but acrimony between people (like backbiting or gossip).… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

I would cut Jon Liebowitz a little bit of slack…I used to watch the Daily Show during the Bush years. He did the bit that Z-man did in today’s essay: by using actual video of the daily talking points fed to media and/or amplified by the talking heads. It was illumining for me and many other anti-Bush types, back when the Left still had a shred of decency.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

I was inclined to cut Jon some slack, especially since he embarrassed Colbert by pointing out it’s patently obvious that the Wuhan virus came from the Wuhan Virology Research Center. But then I saw an interview with Stewart chastising Andrew Sullivan for downplaying white privilege and white supremacy, and now my feeling is he can burn in hell for all I care. Ultimately it doesn’t matter. Stewart is a yesterday man. The country he thinks he’s lecturing doesn’t exist anymore.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Let them mock. Serious men get things done. I’ve been mocked quite heavily for rekindling my faith in Christ, but it is not a patch on what he himself went through. Time is of the essence: sourcing a local farm that will sell you eggs, sourcing like minds in meat space, purchasing a portable wood burning stove, conditioning yourself to go without, drawing up plans for homeschooling your children, making shrewd investments (financial or skills), upping sticks to move near to people more like you, praying, learning to efficiently grow food indoors, imagining how to last a day without electricity… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Orange Frog: Pure poetry. God bless you and yours, sir.

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

“Regardless, I’m no longer angry. I am quietly seething with a patient anger. I suspect millions are.”

On Ann Barnhardt’s blog she posted a meme that said,
“At this point your blood is either boiling or clotting.”

What will we do if our “society” quietly transitions into the managerial fag-state that all the leaders want, and there are no consequences for the past 20 years? At that point I will truly despair, even though despair is a sin.

I hope I die before then.