Germ Warfare

Note: The Monday Taki post is up and it is related to the post today. There is the Sunday podcast up behind the green door. A reminder that there will be no show in Friday due to the holiday.

One of the most underdiscussed parts of the current crisis is the war being waged against the infectious disease known as neoconservatism. It started in 2015 when Trump launched his bid for president. Even though he was never able to articulate it, he was running as a rejection of Bush and by extension the neocons. It was his win in the South Carolina primary, after he had unloaded on George Bush, which sent the neocons into a panic and started the Republican civil war.

It has been an interesting civil war in that it was mostly the party against Trump but it has turned into an old versus new since he left office. He had some allies in the party, for sure, but most were too afraid to be open about it. Some, like Lindsey Graham, pretended to be his ally so they could hell subvert his presidency, especially on the foreign policy front. Graham was sent in from the usual suspects to keep Trump in line on those issues.

Even so, there has been a slow realignment going in within the party as well as within what is left of the conservative movement. On the later front, the neocons have completely shed their skin and joined the Left. Bill Kristol runs something called the Bulwark, which no one reads. His other efforts are aimed at undermining his former party through the Republican Accountability Project. They used to be Republicans Against Trump, but that was too obvious.

Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes were both fired from Fox News for a lack of interest by the viewers. Hayes ran The Weekly Standard into the ground and now he runs something called the Dispatch. His partner in that is Jonah Goldberg, who was also jettisoned from National Review. Of course, they brought on the soy-faced wojack David French, who has stop pretending to be a Christian and instead has embraced the religion of post-Marx identity politics.

The return of the neocons back to their ideological home on the Left has left a void in what is left of conservatism. For two generations they were a golem for neoconservatism, despite their pretensions. Without their animators, they have been left to stagger around without purpose. There is a long debate among establishment intellectuals about what can replace it or reform it. Most likely, it is just pushed over the side in favor of something new and organic.

The crisis in the system is showing up in the primaries. The donor class is pouring cash into the Wyoming congressional primary. The neocons are rallying their supporters among the plutocrats in an effort to undermine the party. The effort in Wyoming is based on getting registered Democrats to cross over and vote in the Republican primary on election day. In other words, Liz Cheney is just a cat’s paw for the Trotskyist murder cult that has decamped for the other party.

Probably the most interesting race thus far is in Ohio, where you have three flavors of populists running for the open Senate seat. There is an old boomer running as if it is 1985 but he is rich and has party support. There is Josh Mandel, who will quickly morph into Lindsey Graham if elected. Then there is J.D. Vance, who is trying to run as a post-Trump populist. It is a three-way race at the moment and it reflects the currents within the Republican Party.

Gibbons will probably win the primary mostly because old white people will never come to terms with current realty. Instead, they will cling to the civic nationalist fantasy of voting our way out of the problems of democracy. The fact that just as many are easily fooled by Mandel hammers home this point. Both are creatures of the legacy talk radio culture. Only the actuarial tables will fix this problem within the Republican electorate.

The fact that J.D. Vance is in the conversation says that some people are waking up to the reality they face as a people. Vance is not a charismatic politician and there are genuine concerns about his sincerity. He was a Trump-hater back in 2016 so people should be wary of his judgement. Then again, he is not unusual in that many people have gone through a similar conversion. Vance often sounds like a guy who suddenly realized he had been lied to his whole life.

None of this is to suggest that the Republican Party is about to become representative of the people who vote for it. That will never be allowed. The point of the party is to make sure the majority population has no representation in government. If that arrangement is threatened, then it is mail-in voting for every state. It is just increasingly difficult to keep the old grift going. The old Red Team versus Blue Team dynamic is collapsing.

We are at the start of a volatile period in politics. The great tide of discontent that will sweep the primaries this autumn will bring in all sorts of people. The war between the ruling class and the people will shift to Washington, where there will be more than a few Marjorie Taylor Greene types roaming the halls of Congress. The main result will be the final purge of the neocons from the Republican side. The process that began in the 1960’s is about to come full circle.

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2 years ago

The best life for me is to not be attached to any dogma, belief or orthodoxy. Therefore I am free to think how I want and live without fear and others telling me what to think, do and say. I am true to myself and therefore cannot be false to any man.

Steve Close
Steve Close
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

Sound like me. Good.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

OT, credit to Wild Geese:

Xi is cracking down on those Shanghai urbanites Geese pointed out. They were getting uppity.

Enforcing dictatorship is why Zelensky got a standing ovation from the US Congress.

2 years ago

just waiting for people to die is a sad way to live your life

2 years ago

In my state of California, there is a law mandating reparations for Slavery to black people. California was admitted to the Union in 1850 as a Free State. Slavery never existed here. There were very few blacks here before WWII. Yet here we are. Currently the commission in charge of this (all but one black btw, the lone non-black being a Nisei wanting more reparations for Manzanar) has come up with the dollar figure of $300,000 each, and being limited to those who are descendants of slaves. But that could change. Even at that figure (and there is no limit… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Jared Taylor has an article over at Unz on this very thing. The main thing to remember is it’s dammed leftard Whites that, if not driving it, are most certainly on board and allowing this garbage. They need to pay a steep price for their treachery.

2 years ago

FYI: From my local outdoors store mailer this week:

“Featured Bait of the Week: Z-Man Chatterbait MiniMax”

It’s a dog whistle! Maybe they want to be a sponsor!

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I bet you anything that guy reads this site religiously. He should design a dissident lure. Straight and narrow.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

OT: if you could kick one state out of AINO, which one would it be?

my money is on South Cuntilaina, because there isn’t one person there that isn’t a perverted cuck.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Have you seen the folks who live in Philly? They should mandate full burkha. For humanity to the virus’s.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

It’s not a long way from Philly to Shanghai. Round eyes, slanted eyes, yet still they see eye to eye. Maoism, redux.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
2 years ago

Don’t just purge the neocons. At the least they should be deported. Preferably tried for treason.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
2 years ago

I can’t resist quoting Z-man’s great piece in Taki about a GOP candidate…”Some people say investment banking is a job, but some people say bank robbery is a job. Most people, however, think financial legerdemain is worse than robbing banks. In the former, it is the people who suffer at the hands of the rich, while in the latter case it is the rich getting punished.”

2 years ago

Re G Lordon Giddy and Antidem below, on Rush, Tucker, and the changing of the guard. “It’s the change from Boomer leadership to Gen X leadership” Thus, Obama’s role and importance. He was groomed to push the old Democrat gerontocracy off the hill. They won’t go away, and have trained no protégés. Revolts happen when elite factions get ambitious. 11 bubble billionaires brought him to a meetup in Palo Alto in 2006 and told him they’d make him President. His first big test was to usurp Hillary. His third term, appointed by Kamala, will finish the purge. He’s going to… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Sorry, a small detail. Of course that Code will be linked to your internet history, even your phone calls.

(They truly do listen for key word combinations, and have since flip phones. It happened to me in real life.)

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

The Green Grid should implode the technocracy all by itself.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

I’ve long assumed Obama was the candidate from Langley. The key tell may be his stint at Business International Corporation which was apparently some sort of CIA cutout. (Plus, was his father some kind of CIA asset? I’ve read the family thing is a pattern in intelligence) If so it was incredibly audacious of the corporation: to not only run their own state-within-a-state but to put their own groomed figurehead in charge of the *actual* state.

Reply to  Woodpecker
2 years ago

His whole family- grandpa, grandma, mom, assumed fathet (Obama Sr.), probable father (FM Davis)- all were Agency creatures. Grandma and Mom were key assets in the CIA’s biggest overseas oppo, the Indonesian civil war. G’ma the banker funneling money to Asian dictators, Mom spreading rebellion money around with Soetero (then ‘working’ 5 years in Pakistan.) O Sr. was meant to infiltrate Jomo Kenyatta’s admin, but they were Kikuyu and he was Luongo, wtong tribe. He and S. Ann met at the CIA’s East-Wesr language school, and he needed a beard since he was a foreign national. G’pa was a drunk… Read more »

2 years ago

Well, I’m one formerly neocon Boomer who got it right while still alive, so there might yet be some hope.

As for the Wyoming primary, there are only 45,000 Democrats vs. 190,000 Republican registered voters in the state, so it would take great deal of planned chicanery to affect the outcome of the House race there.

Reply to  370H55V
2 years ago

Chicanery like shutting down coal, which exceeds even oil in Wyoming? The surrounding states are ceasing to honor their coal purchase and shipment contracts, per official announcements, all through the West and Midwest. They’re shutting down Rocky Mountain coal as did for Appalachia. They are keeping oil at minimal maintenance (North Dakota), with no expansion. Our energy is slated to be sold offshore for profit; thus, they refuse to build new plants or factories such as potato processing, water canals, or mineral/oil refining. All they’re planning is fricking interstates and apartment housing for the Mountain West population boom. No infrastructure… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

The C-suite and managerial classes are another section of the hive mind thanks to the intellectual rigidity of Western business education and the enormous propaganda effort from Western media.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

I’m just stunned that the Fox News brainwashing machine has allowed an open platform (Tucker Carlson) that at least half the time is counter brainwashing. There may be a few boomers who are able to override the inserted chip in their brains, like that new show Severance. When they realize the real impact of the counter-brainwashing, Carlson will have his own one-man band pay platform and Fox will be back to its “Party of Reagan…won cold war…special event at Reagan Library…info slut in pumps talking about new puppy…” programming at 100%.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

I’m stunned a giant hook didn’t appear from stage left and suddenly yank Tucker off the air when he mentioned the replacement and called out the ADL, even with some qualifications on his part.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

It’s kosher theatre. With all due respect, if you’re White, why the fuck are you watching talmudvision? You’re feeding a monster who wants to kill you.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

I came up during W.’s “Freedom Agenda” era so it surprises me how much I agree now with the pansy left’s then-view of Fox News (“info slut in pumps,” basically what I would imagine the middle-brow corporate thriller “Bombshell” portrays though I have not seen the film). I guess the difference between me and Joe Leftist is I don’t feel a flinch of secular class/ideology solidarity with the unlimited supply of desperate floozy actresses auditioning on it. Nobody put a gun to Tami Lahren’s head to make her do this. Of course I did find it odd back then how… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  MorningZoocracyDiesInDarkness
2 years ago

All true. Don’t forget all the reverse mortgage ads. Tom Selleck- “would I lie to you?” – Lol. It’s so quaint and sad…as the chain smoking old woman in Cincinnati signs on the dotted line. The best one by far was the Fred Thompson one years ago, they ran it forever. The irony of it. A former U.S. Senator, just out of Congress, who just finished reverse mortgaging the entire country to the Chinese, was strolling down the street, telling old people to reverse mortgage their houses, as a millennial selling newspapers, who couldn’t possibly afford a house, eyeballs him… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

What about Andy Griffith coming out for Obamacare? And Griffith didn’t even NEED the money.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
2 years ago

Selleck, Thompson, Griffith…you guys are making me nostalgic for the days when commercials starred white men.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
2 years ago

Recently they installed a TV in the break room where I work, and though they’ve filtered out a lot of fluff TV in favor of news and weather, they’re allowing one station that airs nothing but classic family television. (Think The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, etc) 80% of the people I work with currently are millennials, and about 75% of those millennials are black. None of these people have a clue what they’re looking at. I envision it’s almost torture for them to sit through old TV shows that are so vanilla white. I get a sadistic pleasure… Read more »

2 years ago

Part of the discussion around here in the lasts few days has touched on building parallel institutions and society as well as how the neo-marxists rig every political conflict by controlling the definition of morality. How is it that they came to be able to do this? A starting point for considering the subject is that the inherited moral framework was one of the most important societal characteristics conservatives should have been defending. By failing to do so the conservative project was defeated. All that was left was mop-up of pockets of resistance, and establishing puppet representation. My understanding of… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  tashtego
2 years ago

The main issue is the 60’s counter culture grew out of an open, liberal and homogeneous society.

Our “dissident culture” needs to grow in an authoritarian, closed, diverse society.

Ghandi, the Freedom Riders and gay sex for children would not and would never have been allowed in Nazi Germany, Mao’s China or Stalin’s USSR.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

It grew out of the importation of the Frankfurt School academics prior to/during WWII.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  RoBG
2 years ago

(((Frankfurt School Academics))) We have to call things what they are.

Reply to  tashtego
2 years ago

Short answer is, they were able to do it because the dominant conservative culture allowed it. The mainstream culture at that time believed in free speech, the marketplace of ideas, and the Christian attitude of Love Thy Neighbor. They figured “sure, let the communists speak. All you have to do is look at communist countries around the world where everyone is miserable. It’s obvious our system is better.” Whereas our enemies understand that if they let us speak, they might lose. So they silence us. Whatever system comes next needs to understand that if you allow leftists to have free… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pete
2 years ago

True enough. However, the key problem for the Right in the 20th century was the fundamental misunderstanding of the Left. Insofar as that Left were commies, no big deal. The Right had all of the economic and anecdotal data to demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, the foolishness of Marxism. But as the Right occupied itself with defeating global and domestic communism, it failed to recognize the subversive postmodernism that took root in the USA in the late 60s. And it was this Leftist pathology that insidiously conquered all of society’s institutions while the Right waged the Cold War. By the… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

The leftist pathology that took root in almost everyone in the West is the ruling principle of non-discrimination, or tolerance. To discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, culture or religion is considered wrong and it’s what the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Immigration Act is all about. Almost all conservatives have bought into it and it’s what’s destroying our civilization.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

And the pomos poured kerosene on this blaze. They saw–correctly–that the norms of non-whites (especially blacks) were antithetical to white civilization, and so they did everything in their power to legitimate those norms while pathologizing the mores and customs of whites. And you can see the results. AINO’s “culture” is now negroid, not white.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

I’m still waiting for the first Republican black, transgender candidate. Hey, the Republitards are an inclusive party, like all the cool kids. They don’t see color. Or genitalia.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“They don’t see color. Or genitalia.”

LOL! I betcha they DO!

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Drawn, they are, like moths to a flame

Barney Boggs
Barney Boggs
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

First, you have the black Republican who publicly declares his acceptance of his transgender children. Like magic football man Herschel Walker and his gay ass son. Then, you have the actual tranny Negro candidate some years later.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barney Boggs
2 years ago

Yep. Nothing could be more predictable. The Republicans are doing their dead level best to become an even freakier party than the Democrats. So-called “inclusivity” excludes normality, just as diversity excludes whites.

2 years ago

Trump was a iconoclast, a political outsider. He was a mechanism through which voters could show their contempt for the entire corrupt political class. The more they condemned him, the more they loved him.

The Democrats are true to their beliefs. Republicans are Mitt Romneys – imposters, fake, lying, chameleons able to change colors from blue to red to blue again at the flash of a dollar sign.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  BeAprepper
2 years ago

Mitt Romney is Rosemary’s Baby.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

more like Rosemary’s Boyfriend

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Romney’s alter ego:
Pierre Delecto
aka delicious penis!
Yuck Euuuuw Phoo Icky
Tim Ballard is really busy here in Utah.
Man…did Mittens go bad grifting in Ukraine.

Reply to  Range Front Fault
2 years ago


*does faggot wrist slap*

“Girlfriend, behave yoself!”

*titters, flips hair, bats eyes*

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

There seems to be a lot more GOP/CivNat/Griller energy around local issues – School Board/CRT, grooming and trannies in sports – than there is around the GAE/Neocon project. Just look at all the Ukraine flag cheerleading, or at least acceptance of the GAE/Uniparty line. So my prediction for the future: Lethargy (enthalpy) and Chaos (entropy), as the Laws of Thermodynamics would predict. We all agree on the intractable problem: the Grillers won’t change, have to die off, but will be replaced with Hispanic and Asian folks. Zman thinks this will lead to volatility. I think it will lead to lethargy.… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

“Even culturally-conservative Hispanics like big government.”

They don’t like big government, they like welfare. They are simply willing to accept hyper regulation and the military industrial complex in exchange for handouts. Of the GOP promised higher welfare payouts by cutting military spending, Hispanics would vote for them.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

“regulations? we don’t need no stinkin’ regulation!”

they just ignore shit and do what they want.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

That might save us.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

What they like is corruption. They like welfare because it’s corruptly distributed.

It’s the closest thing there is to a universal human nature. Some whites (Nordic, mostly) and some Asians (Japanese, mostly) don’t have it.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

However much the Republoids get flack for their corny wind-up Ukraine chauvinism, at least it’s a traditional shtick from them, going back to the 90s and “let’s liberate China” nonsense. In mass formation psychosis terms the modern suburban left has contracted a dramatically worse case of it.

On the weekend I was in a pre-bobo but hippie-ish remote Southern California burg, well outside of the L.A. cancerplex, and blue and gold flags were up everywhere on their neo-Spanish-mission main street. This recent news event product perhaps realistically impacts 2-3 residents of that entire city at most.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Both Sancha and Gundeep start running for politics… local politics.

School board, city council, etc.
They immediately grab the bag for their people, then start hiring their family.

2 years ago

Bread and circuses. The upcoming election is the shiny thing that will occupy everyone’s attention and disseminate false hope to the masses during the remainder of the year. It’s purpose is to dissipate repressed anger via public venting by political campaigns expressing civic outrage. Joe Normie will shout at the TV every night in a cathartic spasm of rage, while never taking his fat ass off the couch. It will never occur to him that his fat ass is a symptom of the very disease that he rages against. But the 2×4 of reality will start to arrive soon and… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Got back last night from the plan A property A quick four day trip. Was able to get some things done and set in motion the next major project. Was able to set down and visit with a truly inspiring family. Eleven healthy intelligent aware pure white children. I pledged our place to them in the event we are barbecued in a nuclear strike. They’ll make good use of it if we can’t make it. Over 200$ in fuel there & back. I’ll be putting off road diesel the rig from now on. To hell with the law, they won’t… Read more »

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Spingehra, I know nobody wants to reveal much on any site for obvious reasons. However, can you tell us what state your bugout property is in? Any other info to help potential budding preppers?

My Comment
2 years ago

Even though I am a boomer, I wish America could die its way out of the morass it is in. Not going to happen. The left controls the schools even in red cities and post boomers there will be few red states left due to fewer whites and immigration, both domestic and international, into red areas. The only positive note I can see is if Hispanic males do continue their rightward journey. However that will not be near as good for the culture as Whites waking up now with a clear picture of what is going on and doing something… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

Half the whites need to die, most of the rest will have to be starving.

Endless Terms
Endless Terms
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

There’s nothing White Caucasians can do within this country at this point, even if they woke up. What would they do anyway? Vote their way out of this as a minority? Shame the shameless left into upholding their rights? Beg for mercy? Build “parallel societies” (excuse for giving up, holding your head down and going along to get along) when conservatives are notoriously bad at organizing anything coherent? Hope for an apocalypse that will probably not happen in your lifetime? The Left controls, and will control for the next generation at least: >All levels of education >Every corporation >The vast… Read more »

Reply to  Endless Terms
2 years ago

Mountain tunnel complexes
(our flint, tin, and megalith ancestors)

Seascaping the island chain stretching from the Philippines nearly to South America
(our Greek, Cretan, Carthaginian, and Viking ancestors)

Thermal deploymerization- garbage gas

Quaise energy- unlimited, ultraclean, deep gynocore geotherthermal, preferably in those cave complexes or unmarked islets

2 years ago

I think the other question is, will the economy and (former) country implode before or after November, and will the results even matter? The border is in complete meltdown mode while the civnats keep dancing to the same DIE tune. It just doesn’t look good.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

How am I expected to work up even a jot of enthusiasm for the midterms, when a new season of “Barry” is starting?!

was reading a new blog (for me) and the fat hebe always hitting the chicken switch was referred to as the “Ace of Normies” which really tickled me!

I suppose it relieves the day to day tedium, to discuss politics in Biden’s America, but it really is just so much mental masturbation (without the happy ending).

2 years ago

Zman: Perhaps it might be more accurate to describe the Ohio race as the standard three grifters, rather than populists. Neither the color-blind White boomer, the Juice, nor the Appalachian White neocon who married a subcontinental represent White people and White group interests.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

The choice for Ohio voters is who is going to oppose the establishment the most and be the most likely to throw sand in the gears. The establishment seems to hate Vance, I don’t trust him at all, but if I lived there that is how I would vote.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

There’s a fourth GOP candidate, Matt Dolan, who’s family owns the Cleveland Indians (I refuse to participate in that “guardians” bullshit). Very much a mainline ineffectual conservative type.

Reply to  manc
2 years ago

Just the fact that his family owns a storied sports franchise and buckled to the PC mob to change the name says everything we need to know about his candidacy.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I have been skeptical of Vance, as well. Betrayal and treachery seem to be in their blood. However, the fact that he didn’t jump on the bandwagon and smear M Taylor Greene when given the chance gives me an inkling of cautious, guarded hope.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

zman: Please clarify (sometimes I’m stupid). I truly cannot tell if you are being sarcastic or exacty what Vance suffering no consequences indicates to you – i.e. that he’s strong enough to weather official disapproval or that he’s got strong official backing because he’s onboard with their agenda and so can get away with a little public badthink.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

to me, “either” would indicate a lack of sarcasm. Vance said something controversial, stuck by it, and was not punished by voters.

usually zman’s sarcasm has a bon mot in it somewhere 😛

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
2 years ago

I’ve mentioned something a psychiatrist once said (maybe Theodore Dalrymple) about judging whether or not someone could roam a hall with other crazies in an institution or if he needed to be isolated in a padded cell. The shrink would engage the patient, flanked by orderlies, and ask a couple of baiting, or provocative questions. If the patient responded with aggression, then the doctor knew the patient couldn’t be trusted to wander around unsupervised with the nurses (when the orderlies and security staff might not always be close at hand). Trump was basically that baiting shrink, except for the political… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

The complete supersized landmine in the e-left’s 2020s Twitter Battle Plan is that black and mestizo women really do not like marching to the tune of white/E. Asian make-up-tutorial tubers.

2 years ago

“Of course, they brought on the soy-faced wojack David French, who has stop pretending to be a Christian and instead has embraced the religion of post-Marx identity politics.” Unfortunately, French has not stopped pretending to be a Christian. He holds himself out to be the one true practitioner of the faith. Aaron Renn wrote a piece for the Federalist shaming French for the sickening way he and his wife use their adopted daughter from Africa as an amulet to deflect charges of racism and as a reason to level the charge against others. A few French fans replied angrily to… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

“he delusionally considers himself to be a prophet.”

Nah. French is a grifter that is paid to tell the peasants what their masters want them to hear. Since he has no talent, intelligence, or skills, how is he going to live the “good life” without selling his soul?

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

French is a good symbol of elite decline. A serious country wouldn’t give this guy the time of day. He’d be a middle school guidance counselor or something.

Barney Boggs
Barney Boggs
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Idk, America’s grifters do tend to believe delusions even while cynically selling starry eyes to others. Not sure who is a strictly money salesman these days.

The narcotic of minor celebrity is strong with French

David Wright
2 years ago

We seem to be often in agreement here about standard politics and voting being of very little help or good for the cause yet these election analysis on every state and district keeps coming. Oh the Republicans are going to win big in the midterms and such, and then what? The sellout will just complete itself then. They are all reptilians no matter what distinction they make of themselves. Why do we play along? And by the way what kind of honest election do you expect, we didn’t get one last time or times before that. Finally, Felix Krull is… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

David: I’m with you – After breaking my anti-vote vow over false hope in 2016 I finally quit politics again for good perhaps halfway into Trump’s term, when it was absolutely clear he would do nothing substantive for White people . My views on voting have not changed – even locally, I consider it to be an endorsement of an evil system and an utter waste of time. Every time I read of another ‘victory’ over CRT in public schools, I laugh. Those parents who think they’ve achieved something have never actually looked at their kids math or reading books… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Local politics, esp. school boards, is sand in the gears, so I support it and every effort.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Alzaebo: Sand in the gears is subverting their funding or perhaps starting a well-founded disinfo campaign on one of the neighborhood phone apps or something. Voting validates the process and gives the parents a false sense of control. Removing school board members doesn’t change the curriculum. It doesn’t change what the teachers were taught in teaching college. There aren’t any current textbooks that are not filled with lies – either the leftist or the civic nationalist variety. Sorry, but sand in the gears is home schooling your children. It’s having not one purported conservatard run for any position, and ensuring… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Excellent riposte, point to you

Bonus for “sand in the gears is home schooling”!

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

Vote Reptilian!

I am SO stealing that

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

When Rush Limbaugh passed that was the symbolic end of boomer con. Civic nationalism will stagger on for some years yet as our suburbs get filled with aliens whom think Thomas Jefferson might have been the name of their HVAC guy who fixes things.
We are indeed on the cusp of something different, I just hope somehow we as whites can have the courage to carve a niche in whatever this world is becoming.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

This Ohio election may be symbolically important, but far more so is the passing of the position of public vanguard of the right from Rush Limbaugh to Tucker Carlson. As much as Rush shifted populist toward the end, and as much as he was always a stalwart on immigration, in the end, he was still a man of what the Chinese might call the Old Thought. Tucker, as much as he sometimes has to couch what he says in moderate terms in order to keep his show, is a man of the New Thought. Through the 90s and 00s, Rush… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

Rush was King of the Grifters; a needy fat boy desperate for acceptance and love. accomplished squat, but then he never cared about that anyway.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

> Rush was King of the Grifters;
> accomplished squat

I see this “hot take” a lot online from zoomers and/or non-Americans. I respectfully say: You have no idea what you are talking about. Your assessment of Limbaugh is based entirely on the propaganda that was spread by the left. There is no single person since the end of WW2 who has had a greater impact on right-wing politics worldwide (but *especially* in North America) than Rush Limbaugh.

Endless Terms
Endless Terms
Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

What exactly have conservatives been able to conserve over the years thanks to Rush Limbaugh’s influence? I don’t see anything except low tax rates for democrats and deregulation of left-wing corporations. His influence couldn’t reverse Affirmative Action, stop immigration or even conserve the definition of a woman.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Even though I loathed and despised Limbaugh–he was a straight up grifter and slightly closeted cuck–I actually agree with this for a different reason. As lame as he was, Limbaugh marked the first time anyone broke even a little from the media narrative for the controlled opposition, and the Regime and its Cathedral lost their shit and tried to pull him off the air for years on end. It was a taste of what would happen to Trump years later. That his Normie listeners, or even Limbaugh himself, failed to realize this meant there was nothing in electoral politics that… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Few on radio I’ve found have their Damascus moment. What I look for—and see locally and nationally—is a general change in what has been termed the “Overton Window”. Ignoring Hannity who is really too stupid to deserve much discussion, Rush is a good example. Towards the end, his discussion of America’s “problems” increasingly was in plain terms of Whites vs “minorities”, albeit he never could drop his Civnat proclivities and his minorities were often meant as “those minorities within minorities”. I see this locally as well, and I am in a predominantly minority community— *it is the nucleus of White… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

Good point about Tucker.

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

It is important. I was a big fan of his in the 90s. I recall very clearly how, some years back, people were calling and asking whether it was time to panic (maybe this was Obama time, and the “fundamental changes” talk about what he was gonna do, can’t recall). But Rush said, like he was prone to say, “I’ll tell you when it’s time to panic.” Well, fast forward to 2020, and hell if someone didn’t call asking him if, given a stolen election and so on, it wasn’t time to panic now. Because, they said, you told us… Read more »

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

He understood nothing about “his country”, yet amassed the largest radio audience ever? You don’t see a bit of a contradiction here?

Rush knew lot about this country. What you should be saying is that he did not move fast enough for your liking in adopting all of your political principles and understanding. But he did move and he did advance the cause, if by nothing else opposing much of the Leftist agenda we still speak of today.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Rush opposed the obvious leftist lunacy, but he was all in on free trade, mass (legal) immigration, and war in the middle east. Eventually, he grew opposed to the neocons, and as he put it, “was tired of carrying water for George W. Bush.” The best thing he ever did as far as I’m concerned was read an article by Sam Francis about MAR’s (Middle American Radicals) during the Trump campaign. A little late to come on board, though. He should’ve been quoting Francis a long time ago.

Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

What makes Tucker interesting is that he has guests that the Hannity crowd wouldn’t touch with a barge pole. Lots of indies like Michael Tracey and Pedro Gonzalez. As well as people associated w/ the left like Glen Greenwald and Aaron Mate. As Z often points out, the old political D/R divisions are increasingly meaningless.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  AntiDem
2 years ago

Rush was terrible on immigration. He was the epitome of “as long as they come legally.” Peter Brimelow posted an article at VDare around the time of Rush’s passing where he met with Rush many years ago and urged him to promote low levels of legal immigration. He wouldn’t do it.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

I’ll add that what a difference Rush could’ve made if he made legal immigration a focus of his show. We had a chance to reverse demographic disaster if he and other conservatives would’ve come aboard around the time of Brimelow’s Alien Nation book in the mid-90’s. As an immigration patriot, back then I considered Rush an enemy. He was great on tax policy though.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Rush Limbaugh was a formative influence on my life, having stumbled onto his show on its third day at age 12, and I would never denounce him. I entirely agree with the comments about his influence on the boomer-right cannot be overstated. With that said, I contemplated calling his show at the end to crib Z-Man’s observation that “we stand in front of an empty trophy case.” I wanted to point out that had I called his show in August 1988 when he first premiered nationwide, and predicted that by the end of his run, the country would have embraced… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“We are at the start of a volatile period in politics.” Or is it the last spasm before the death of theater politics. At some point, the demographics will take over. Z is correct that the Boomers will never change their political viewpoint (Sailer proves that), but without the Boomers, the demographic scales change quickly with the percent of white voters falling rapidly. Then again, I suppose that’s mostly true on the presidential level. House and Senate races in white areas could get very interesting in coming decades, but if the GOP becomes what it is in California, that may… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“… it might be too late, …”

It might be too late for what? It’s already too late to ‘save the country’. Our European constitutional republic is a twitching corpse. Even its white skeleton will be chewed to fragments by the diversities.

People, however, are another matter. All empires die, populations move and borders change. The GAE *WILL* die, as sure as rain. Right now European peoples are in a race with the GAE to not be the first to die. New nations are born from the corpses of empires, and old nations, long submerged under imperial dominion, are reborn.

Felix Krull
2 years ago

Vance is not a charismatic politician and there are genuine concerns about his sincerity.

Vance is a bona fide shitlib who exploited his own people to write poverty porn. He hardly attempts to hide that he considers them to belong squarely in the Basket of Deplorables.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Felix: Spot on. And he married Usha Chilukuri, so when crunch time comes he will side with diversity. Vance is hardly a voice for White populism.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Agreed. But he is useful in showing whites that the GOP (and the system in general) won’t even accept a colorblind CivNat.

It’s all racial, all the time with the Dems and the GOP won’t lift a finger to stop it. Vance losing is useful in showing whites that truth.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

He is the worst kind of shitlib. He’s embarrassed of his own family. As soon as I read your comment I knew who he was. I hadn’t recognized the name from the article. He’s a real scumbag. He made a name for himself telling shitlibs what they wanted to hear about those scummy people in Appalachia.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Too bad, really. Hillbilly Elegy could’ve been an interesting piece of anthropology because he’s not a bad writer.

Reminds me of old-school Commie Joe Bageant of West Virginia who, in Deer Hunting With Jesus, managed to portrait white working class people with both love and despair.

There’s still a number of his very personal columns online – here’s a sample about Lynndie England of Abu Ghraib fame.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Felix: Wow. Never heard of the guy or read his stuff before but it’s powerful writing. Need to read it again to think through further everything he’s saying.

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I discovered him when I was still a Commie myself – he was regularly featured on The Smirking Chimp and Mother Jones.

It’s amazing how a ideological, firebreathing Commie like Bageant feels like he’d be in our camp today; an example of how you become anti-Commie by standing still while the Commies are captured by Wall Street.

Unfortunately, his writing career was cut short a few years after Deer Hunting With Jesus, when he drank himself to death.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago


I had a similar experience discovering Bageant when I was a bit left of center and bought into the idea evangelicals called the Dominionists were going to impose authoritarianism during GWB’s reign.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

I just read a couple of his articles, the one you linked and the next one linked at the end of the article and all I can say is “what a douche.” In both articles, he bashes his middle class neighbors and, of course, those poor people he despises so much. His major criticism of them appears to be that they aren’t good little progressives like himself. Of course, all of this ire is strictly for the White underclass. He specifically states that his criticism is not of the “urban” blacks. That’s not to say that there isn’t a lot… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

In both articles, he bashes his middle class neighbors… Well, he’s a Commie, what did you expect? …and, of course, those poor people he despises so much But not in the way Vance does. Bageant has a genuine affection for his white trash brothers and I read his bashing more like tough love than contempt – he’s a Savior Commie rather than a Smash Capitalism Commie. he argues that these people are trapped by an unfair system conspiring against them To be fair, that’s what a lot of white nationalists do too, except they blame AA and (such), rather than… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Thanks, Felix.

I followed Joe’s blog those years ago, and admired both his skills as a writer and as a surgeon wielding a scalpel, revealing the diseased tissue of our “society”.

Felix Krull
2 years ago

Even though he was never able to articulate it, he was running as a rejection of Bush and by extension the neocons.

Even though his voters were never allowed to articulate it, Trump was a rejection of multiculturalism and by extension, an embrace of the white ethnostate.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Trump would at least mention white people as a group – if rarely. He also wanted to protect the border – though, again, he loved legal immigration.

Trump shows how thirty whites are for someone to champion their causes. Trump wasn’t pro-white; he was just anti anti-white. And that was enough to make him the hero of many whites and the enemy of a certain ethnocentric tribe.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Trump wasn’t pro-white

But his voters believed so because the MSM billed him as the new Adolf.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Agreed. A fair chunk of Trump voters probably thought that Trump was secretly pro-white.

They were wrong. As best as I can tell, Trump is only “pro” two things: 1) Trump and 2) Israel.

But I do believe that Trump is an old-school colorblind civic nationalist. Of course, how he squares his dislike of identity politics with AIPAC is unknown. But he’s not unique in that regard.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Trump is the US version of Sylvio Berlusconi. He doesn’t own the national media but he does possess it.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Alright, so let’s amend that to “his voters were unaware that’s why they were voting for him”. Eighties nostalgia and 7/11 nationalism is internalized white nationalism.

I concede you’re a lot better placed to judge that than I am, but I doubt many voted for him as an anti-Bush statement – they weren’t chanting “No More Wars” at his rallies, it was The Wall that drove the crowds wild.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I’d agree that the most white GOP voters truly long for a country that has “moved past race.” They seem genuinely hurt by identity politics, as though it’s a betrayal of their trust. You can see that by how much they latch onto affirmative action in college admissions hurting Asians. I used to think that whites used that issue because it shielded them from accusations of being racist, and that’s partially true. But in talking with them about it, I discovered that they really care that AA is hurts Asians and use race as a way to pick people. If… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Conservative fully internalized the America is an idea argument.

But how many of his voters were conservatives in the reflected, intellectual manner you are?

Back in 2015, they had nice, clean non-neocon conservatives like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio vote for – international men of mystery, rather than a over-the-hill carnival barker.

The Wall got Trump elected, that’s what set him apart from the pack. That’s what Ann Coulter means when she said that people voted for his politics, not his person.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

@ Citizen of a Silly Country “They seem genuinely hurt by identity politics, as though it’s a betrayal of their trust.” It is a betrayal of sorts. It’s like a Prisoner’s Dilemma writ civilizational. Every new ethny added to our empire has to not see race and ethnicity in order for white GOP white voters’ vision of the future to manifest. Normie white is the sucker prisoner who trusted all the black and brown prisoners not to squeal on him. He was the frog who carried the scorpion half way across the stream. “What conservative whites really want is a… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

I agree with you, Felix. It was internalized racial consciousness that drove the 2016 election. Even most Trump voters were in a form of denial over it, but the Wall is what won the race and, if he had kept the promise, a more overt coup would have been required to remove him and tear it down. Many Americans think the United States died with the stolen election, but it had reached room temperature long before ’16. The only reason anyone even should consider voting (not in this midterm, mind you) is that if Trump or DeSantis or someone like… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Well, speaking from one of the contested “swing” states, I’m not seeing any substantive changes to the voting process here to indicate future elections will be observably fair. As it goes, various audit organizations have discredited the election results a dozen ways from Sunday, but no legislative bills have been passed to remedy these polling flaws. Indeed, in my County, they are moving to do away with the 300 or so voting locations and reduce them to 100 located wherever they deem “appropriate” and you can “vote” at any location you choose on Election Day. We are currently at 80%… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Yeah, but being nostalgic for a 1980s America is to be nostalgic for a country that was 85% white and which retained a culture based on white (and Christian) values. Trump voters may not have understood it, but they longed for a white America. Even Trump didn’t understand this. Trump was the last gasp of colorblind civic nationalism. Besides ending stupid wars, Trump and his voters wanted the country to reject identity politics and embrace the country’s founding, i.e., white, values. The rejection of Trump by the GOP left many colorblind CivNats with no where to go. Vance is trying… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

You’re correct. I literally figured out that I was wrong just after I wrote my comment. (This is why writing is so useful.) I figured it out in another comment:

What conservative whites really want is a multi-racial country that acts white.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I would argue that’s what the majority of leftists want too. They want a colorblind America that happens to be as safe, prosperous, and industrious as the one in the 1960s, but this time with D.I.E. and majority-minority. They don’t stop to consider that they are really just wanting all minorities to act like common white people, who are trusting, organizational, and have no identity beyond the work they do.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

zman: Very astute, as is Citizen’s restatement of the same: multiracial but monocultural, or diversity that accepts White norms. This all springs from the blank slate and magic dirt theory and fulfills their belief in equality, so they will not let it go. Their great-grandparents ‘assimilated,’ gosh darn it, and so will Ho Lee and Abishek. They reject racial genetic differences and the resultant cultural differences that make modern life a misery.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Z, Yeah, I’m amazingly clever . . . about twenty minutes after talking to people. As to white conservatives, especially Boomers, I agree. They really feel as though they’ve been betrayed, but instead of being mad, they’re hurt, which shows you how much they believed in colorblind civic nationalism in the first place. It’s as though their beloved wife told them that they she’s been cheating on them for decades. But instead of screaming at her and demanding a divorce, conservative whites are hoping that therapy will save the marriage because their whole self-image is wrapped up in being the… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago


You’re absolutely right. White (and non-white) liberals don’t want to rule Brazil. They want to rule 1985 America, except that it’s multi-racial.

Neither the Left nor the Right is ready to move forward. They’re all stuck in a past that they destroyed.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Perhaps they “want” a multi-racial United States, but only if it’s in the same proportions that we last saw in the 80’s. They’re fine with a smattering of non-threatening negros, the Nipsy Russel/Bill Cosby/Bryant Gumbel types, hence the reason they latch onto negro celebrities, because that’s where they found black normalcy in the past.

But it’s still an innate yearning for a white country, where they see whites on the TV, and where the rules are written by whites. Deep down they know the surest way to living under a white culture is to have a white population.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Marko’s comment above captures the duality of this problem. Current-year Democrats do seem to believe that inside every desert jihadi, rural jogging enthusiast, and multi-gendered P.E. instructor is a white liberal dying to get out. The Right/Left is dying because it daily is demonstrated that among all the peoples of the world the test subjects are failing to group up as either right or left in the prescribed Kantian manner.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Somewhat disagree. They wanted a 1985 America, which was overwhelmingly White. Many probably deceived themselves as to the actual reason they wanted a 1985 America, and many probably knew the reason but never would voice it. A certain segment fit the profile you suggested and for the reason you suggested, but they could have gone with a more typical NormieCon. No to go all Pop Psych, but there was lot of legitimate unconscious bias at play. Fastforward six years, and I’m not even certain a majority of the BoomerCons are fully onboard with Civic Nationalism at this point. Inadvertently, Trump… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Nothing wrong with wanting a monocultural, racially mixed society. It’s just that it is at odds with reality. Slowly that idea needs to be changed.

As to the Boomers not changing, I find that not totally persuasive. A lot of Boomers are pretty bad off themselves and living among “diversity” is not a pleasant way to live in your declining years (tell me about it, Z-man).

It’s that damn upper quintile of Boomers that can afford to live apart from the pathologies of the minorities that seem the great obstacle.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Puritans, English Protestants, live to try turn everyone into… English Protestants.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Odd thing about DJT was that he combined Howard Beale, Max Headroom, and Joe Isuzu in a single persona.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Felix: Even if Trump voters had been ‘allowed’ to articulate their rejection of neocons and third-world immigration, they would first have had to acknowledge ‘badthoughts’ and the vast majority shied away from that. Criticize ‘illegals’ for breaking the rules, sure – but reject the alien as . . . alien? That’s not ‘murrican. And goes against the magic constitution which declares that we’re all equal (or so they remember from public school).

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

“Paperwork Americans” is still the best descriptor for the horde who have come in the last 50 years.

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

hey would first have had to acknowledge ‘badthoughts’

That’s what the secret ballot is about. Back in the glory days of 2015, the Danish People’s Party peaked with a sensational 23% of the vote, but I doubt one in ten would tell you honestly why they voted for that bland, middle-of-the-road social democrat party instead of one of the other, middle-of-the-road social democrats. They’d probably tell you something about better lives for the pensioners, but when DPP dropped their anti-immigration stance, their voted dropped to 8%.

joe tentpeg
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

“Trump launched his bid for president. Even though he was never able to articulate it….”

“America First!”?

As in ‘Make America Great Again’?

Filed under ‘It ain’t rocket science.’

And ‘KISS’…Keep It Simple Stupid’.

Reply to  joe tentpeg
2 years ago

The 4-word campaign slogan was worthy of Mao as a political sodium pentathol initiative. We got one great A. Cuomo piece of analysis out of it (“It was never that great”) among other instant classics of the sound bite genre.