The Ownership Standard

Note: In a break from the grifter code, I am not going to assume the new merch is the greatest merch in history. Criticisms and suggestions are welcome. This is new ground for me, so I expect to be terrible at first and get better over time. Please shop here and leave a comment when you can. Also send feedback to me.

It is fair to say that ownership is a prerequisite for human society. The ability to own things and have ownership respected by the other members of society is what allows for settled society to form. The evidence we have says that hunter-gatherers understood the concept of property and property rights. People in these groups owned thing and that ownership was respected. Early settled societies formed around the claim of ownership of necessary resources like hunting land.

In theory collective ownership is possible, but the one big experiment with it in the last century was a disaster. The theory was that once private property was eliminated, inequality and conflict would be eliminated. Yet within communist societies, there were laws against theft, thus tacitly acknowledging ownership. It also underscored the fact that conflict was not purely economic. Most crime is caused by an immutable fact of the human condition. Some people are born bad.

Not only does it turn out that private property and property rights are prerequisites for human society, but they are also a good measure of societal development. By the time the Europeans were ready to conquer the globe, they had worked through the problems of property ownership and how to settle disputes. Europeans landed in Africa and the Americas, only to greet people who had yet to master this basic concept. Even in Asia, property ownership was still in development.

In this age, property rights are a good way to see how things are slipping within Western societies. This story about a woman finding an ancient artifact at a junk store is a good example. She spotted what she thought was a strange lawn ornament that turned out to be a Roman bust from the first century AD. Its last know whereabouts were in Bavaria, but she found it in a Texas thrift shop. No one knows how it got to Texas, but it was most likely a war prize.

The interesting thing about the story is the women is being forced to give the bust back to the last known owner. Since that owner does not exist, it will be turned over to the Bavarian government. The argument is that the last acknowledged owner did not sell or transfer the bust. Without proof of that or something to suggest there was a rightful owner after the Bavarian king, the king still has rights to it. Since the king is no more, his rights revert to the Bavarian state.

On the one hand, it seems like a good result. Respecting property rights, even across countries and generations is a good practice. Jews have been hunting lost property, or claims to lost property, since the end of the war. Their argument rests on the fact that their items that were lost in the war are still their items, as they did not voluntarily transfer those items to the Nazis. The current owner may have honestly acquired them, but the seller was not legally allowed to sell them.

On the surface, this looks a good example of how modern Western societies enforce ownership rights. There is a global database of art. Unless you can go into that database and show you are the rightful owner, you cannot sell the item. That is why this Texas woman is being forced to give up her Roman bust. She probably could keep it in her garden, but she could never sell it to a collector. In other words, the lack of provenance has rendered it worthless to her.

This heartwarming story of rich people getting their toys back, however, is an exception, rather than the rule. This example of enforcement of property rights is the exception in the modern West. For most people, the phrase “you will own nothing and like it” is becoming the new normal. Even real property rights are conditional in America, as we saw with Kelo v. City of New London, Connecticut. That case basically turned property ownership into a privilege granted by the state.

At a more basic level, ownership is a thing of the past in America. Tech companies are allowed to harvest your personal information without your permission and sell it, often using it against the people from whom they stole it. Privacy, which can only exist in the context of property rights, has been lost. The mass media routinely violates the privacy of people it has deemed enemies of the state. Ownership and everything that springs from it is slowly being eroded in the current age.

Here is a simple example of how the erosion of property rights has eroded the basic order of society. We get daily reports of computer breeches in which the personal data of consumers is stolen by thieves. The companies trusted with this information are never punished for their negligence. The thieves are never caught. In fact, no one bothers to look for them. Often the stolen property ends up in the hands of the media or random weirdos on the internet.

The result is you lose the right to privacy and the ownership rights to your data, with little recourse in the law. If something private about you, your views on some political issue, get stolen from a tech platform and posted in the media, you have no way to reassert your ownership rights. You cannot sue the news site that posted the stolen information and you cannot sue the site from which it was stolen. You, the victim, have no protection while the beneficiaries of theft are protected.

A good example of this is Trump’s tax returns. During his time in office, the New York Times came into possession of his tax returns. These were stolen from the IRS by an employee, most likely. This person had no right to those documents and they had no right transfer them to the Times. The Times knew this and knew they were in receipt of stolen goods, but they published them anyway. The standard in America is finder’s keepers and society is the weeper.

If the Supreme Court really wanted to do some social justice, they would forget about Roe and find a case to overturn Kelo in the context of the reestablishment of basic property rights. Imagine if we go back to the ancient custom that says you own you and you own what you make by default. Most the abuses of the tech monopolies go away as their ability to steal your property goes away. The media’s ability to use stolen property would evaporate along with much of their power.

A simple example on that latter point is the Roe leak. The person who received the stolen item knew it was stolen. The person who gave it to him, unless it was Sam Alito, had no right to transfer it to the reporter. Imagine a regime that says the reporter gets charged with receiving stolen goods and the leaker gets charged with theft. All of a sudden, the journalistic practice of selective leaking goes away and they have to go back to old fashioned investigating and reporting.

Beyond that, this case of the Roman bust underscores the root cause of societal collapse in the West. The elites care more about the chain of custody for works of art than they care about fixing roads or making sure the people can feel secure in the person and in their papers. For the same reason they care more about Ukrainian borders than the Mexican border, they care more about tracking art items than defending the basic concepts than make society possible.

It is easier for the elites to “care” about the chain of custody for a Roman bust than it is to care about busted roads or decaying schools. It is easier to slap on a Ukrainian lapel pin than it is to do something about fentanyl. The public gesture is also more fun and rewarding than the grunt work required of elites to keep society going. Ours is a Nero elite, people who spend their days dreaming of new ways to flatter themselves while the basics of society crumble. They need to come to the same end.

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2 years ago


(filler for publication)

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
2 years ago

Once the US seized Russian foreign reserves , from what I am told is something we didn’t even do to Hitler , the rules based internal was gone. I imagine a bunch of guys in 17th century garb on their knees near a ditch being shot in the back of the head by he US . F-U and your treaty of Westphalia. This means its “rule of force” from here on out which will will speed up the collapse by a huge margin . Oh and as an added bonus make recovery impossible. I guess as my man Lord Arklon… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
2 years ago

It’s a Caligula Elite. Trafficking children, carving them up, drinking the blood. 8 years of Barry getting dicked in the ass by Big Mike, in the fuckin White House. Now you got an old grifter, kiddy diddler fuckhead, destroying the country, right before our eyes. Installed, not elected, they shove these sick, demented motherfuckers in your face, because they can. You got the best gooberment jewmoney can buy. Wake up or kiss your ass goodbye, they want every fucking thing you got.

2 years ago

O/T – sort of. Private property seems to be what you can hold by force at the moment, as all the laws have gone out of the window.

Looks like Ukraine has turned off 1/3 of the gas supply to Europe.

Looks like part of the plan to ramp up the intervention requirements.

German industry is completely fucked.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Couldn’t Ukraine withholding the gas also be an attempt to economically blackmail their way into the EU and NATO.

I mean, with a friend like that….jeez…

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Its also probably related to one of the large German gas importers VNG agreeing to pay up in rubles.

The day after that announcement Ukraine cuts off 1/3. Seems like the EU/US is going to cut it off for them if the companies won’t cut themselves off.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

That seems pretty on-topic as a comment to an essay headlined THE OWNERSHIP STANDARD. Legal types argue the basis of all law and property rights is the ability to enforce contracts. If laws and the ability to enforce contracts fly out the window, property rights go right along with them. In the Ukraine example you cited, the government in Kiev or Keeve or Keanu Keeve or however it is pronounced today likely is abrogating its contractural obligations to European nations to leverage military interventions, as you mentioned. As is the case with so much today, a ludicrous pretext likely is… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Actually, the traditional legal standard of ownership extended to anyone buying something in a “market ouvert”, an open market equivalent to a farmer’s market on weekends…Everyone knew that there was no chain of title for much of the merchandise, but nevertheless the buyer acquired good title…Under that standard of the Common Law, the woman would have owned the Roman bust…

mr mittens
mr mittens
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

also as an aside, people seem to forget that dying in/under a “war” means your life insurance and property loss insurance will not be paid out because WAR–howja like them apples?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I could buy a condo in Dubai, only live in it for one month out of the year, and be assured that no one will break into it for those 11 months while I’m gone. I may have to show my papers, it may be an oppressively hot islamic dystopia with expensive drinks in sterile hotel bars, but my Mac would be safe in my place. Can I say that about San Francisco? Can I even park my car there without a 24 hour guard in a gated garage? Part of private property is being able to leave it be… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

The vibrant parasites are just the most obvious takers. Those who rule us have shown a potential for far more immediate and severe theft.

mr mittens
mr mittens
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

this is why you have a servant class, you have a maid or houseboy and they watch over your stuff 24/7/365..also creates employment.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Let them die. If you can’t stand up for yourself , you are a slave.

2 years ago

“The theory was that once private property was eliminated, inequality and conflict would be eliminated. Yet within communist societies, there were laws against theft, thus tacitly acknowledging ownership.” I always remind people that there were a lot of rich Soviets. Communism, like Libertarianism, is not a viable model of government because both assume a set of Utopian ideals about the human condition. As the US Government continues to spiral out of control, there are still people planning to vote in the elections this fall on the basic principle that their vote matters and has value – like property. It does… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  hokkoda
2 years ago


On the US’ current trajectory I can easily see the regime declaring martial law and canceling the elections.

I have no clue how the citizenry would respond. The grillers seem perfectly content to grill on as though nothing is happening.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Canceling the elections and declaring martial law didn’t even happen during the Civil War. So basically your scenario is the Government overthrowing the Constitution and setting up a military dictatorship. I don’t see the public going along with that peacefully, and expect 60% or so of the military would quit or join the anti-government side. If the Biden regime were to announce that, I think you would see attacks on Government facilities at a level of violence that could not be contained by “martial law”. Mass terrorism would ensue. The Government Party depends upon the status quo. The status quo… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

The calculation has been made there will be no repercussions regardless of how oppressive things get. It is based on recent history and seems about right.

“Man, this grilled soy tastes awesome, I mean better than roach!”

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Soylent Green, it’s good for you and you will eat it or lose your job….

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago


It’s what plants crave!

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Wild Geese: They have no need to do anything so overt. Regardless of who purportedly wins or loses the November elections, nothing will change. Whether faster or slower, the trajectory towards economic destruction and population replacement will remain.

If I have any serious concern, it’s the marshalling of the media organs to anathematize various people as hoarders and profiteers in the face of increasing resource shortages this winter and next spring.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

“White privilege” is the foundation for this narrative. When it reaches the point where White media faces no longer are front and center, it’s on. The only reason they remain now is to keep Karen in line.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

See Sri Lanka, comming soon to a theatre near you.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I’m old enough to remember predictions that Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump would cancel the elections due to “reasons”. None of them came true and it seems unlikely that this administration will either, if only on the grounds that it’s easier to steal an election and have the media and social media companies cover for you, than to deal with the repercussions of martial law and cancellation. A lot harder to cover up.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

the smart play on the roman thingy, would have been to keep quiet about it, and find a private placement. at the very least hide the fukker off-site, and say “i lost it” in case some hebe come sniffing around. can’t criticize the texas lady that found it, as this is pretty exotic stuff…

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

She should have told the Bavarian Government to provide evidence that it knew the item had been stolen, when it was stolen, and from where – with documentation.

Then charge a finders fee.

Reply to  hokkoda
2 years ago

I’m guessing it has a distinctive set of diagnostic markings, like chips, cracks, patina, if not markings from when it was in the Wittelsbach royal collection, that were known and cataloged when it was transferred to the Bavarian government in 1918 when the last King of Bavaria abdicated. Therefore when Sotheby’s got involved, that alerted the Bavarian government “their” missing artifact was on the market, since in order to do business and maintain their reputation, Sotheby’s is hypersensitive to anything that might be stolen goods, and they know something of that value that ends up in a Texas thrift store… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

Sotheby’s mainly sticks to money laundering, in which the .Gov is often a hidden party…

Reply to  hokkoda
2 years ago

Right. Where did the Bavarian government get the bust? And the owner before that? I doubt that there is any legal chain of documents. How could there be, going back to antiquity?

2 years ago

One crucial aspect of any form of government is the enforcement of property rights. Be they of any type. Here in the U.S. in the form of land and living areas we have every sort of property imaginable. We have privately held property. We have communally owned property, National Forest, Parks, and the like. We also have a variety of holdings assumed under various treaties. The Bureau of Land Management tried to block a friend’s access to his ranch that was provided under the treaty of Hidalgo-Guadalupe, watching the FBI arrest people from the BLM was fun. If you don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

One group conquers, makes law to formalize its conquest, the law breaks down, other groups get the idea to jump into the conquest game. Funny how that works.

Libertarians have the right idea thinking the state is force, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Sort of like the law is proof of ownership, now that I think about it. Maybe so obvious I shouldn’t mention my ignorance, idk

2 years ago

Around 60 % of mainstream hip-slop songs make reference to high end wristwatches ( according to Rolling Stone magazine) hence the daily Rolex robberies in broad daylight that usually involve a 9mm all over SoCal including Beverly Hills. Over the weekend a Rolls Royce full of negros jumped out of a RR and liberated some high-end watches in West Hollywood. The local news Could not understand why someone in a RR would need to rob someone on the street if they were wealthy enough to own a Rolls Royce. No mention that the Chimp out was a result of the… Read more »

Reply to  Panzernutter
2 years ago

Even better… the guy who got robbed is the only one who has (so far) gotten arrested!!

God forbid someone who (along with his girlfriend) was ASSAULTED and then ROBBED should get mad and say the N word!!!

Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
2 years ago

Holy crap ! (Filthy human bastards ! Conquest of the Planet of the apes )

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
2 years ago

Uh, didn’t you people get the memo?

The offenders were Pavement Apes, the victims Honkies.

It’s all good!

Know blacks, no peace.
No blacks, know peace.

It’s really pretty simple.

Jonah Falcon
Jonah Falcon
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

That’s mighty white of you.
We need more Harry Callahans patroling.
No, I’m not being sarcastic.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Panzernutter
2 years ago

Feral animals and shiny objects.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Panzernutter
2 years ago

Can’t bear to listen to the cacophony that is called rap, but I’m reliably informed that the references are to Rolex and AP (Audemars Piguet) only. Not Patek Phillippe, Richard Mille, Vacheron Constantin, Breguet, Jaeger LeCoultre, or Lange & Sohne. In other words the watch has to be bling and seen to be a high-end item by others of that, er, tribe.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

And I imagine Rolex is much easier to rhyme than JLC, VC, JLC, and ALS. Likewise for De Bethune.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

Arshad Ali: The noggers have destroyed, for me at least, any appeal from so many once high-end brands. Jags, Rolls, Bentleys, vacations in Italy – it’s noggers all the way down. Anything they touch loses its appeal. And Rolex’s are downright ugly – I’ve thought so since I first saw one and learned of its supposed status as a college freshman. Patek Phillippe is much elegant, but still displayed by too much human trash for my taste.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

The Rolex is the most boring watch ever made. Might as well strap a Sominex tablet to your wrist.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“If the Supreme Court really wanted to do some social justice, they would forget about Roe and find a case to overturn Kelo in the context of the reestablishment of basic property rights. Imagine if we go back to the ancient custom that says you own you and you own what you make by default. Most the abuses of the tech monopolies go away as their ability to steal your property goes away. The media’s ability to use stolen property would evaporate along with much of their power.” Absolutely true in spirit. ROE is little more than symbolism, outside of… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“Non-White abortion is a very positive thing although I do support a ban on White abortion.” I agree, but I don’t think that the Supreme Court’s new look at RvW is entirely about abortion. I suspect a faction of the ruling class wants to turn down the heat on Heritage Americans and throwing a few states’ rights bones to the agitated grillers will keep them from doing anything about the waves of enemy aliens being dumped everywhere. The more intelligent of the pirates that rule over us do more than merely steal everything in sight, but also act to secure… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

That’s why I see the i ntent of the roue as (re)placement of judges- most especially, with a female majority, who are easy to roll.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The thing that happened after Kelo that would not happen today? 1. People, regular people, regular citizens freaked out 2. State and local governments passed a wave of laws banning the practice that the Kelo loophole allowed – seizing property because the sales tax of turning it into a development/casino/hotel/etc. is a valid public interest 20 years ago, the government was responsive to the needs of the citizens, responded to their demands, and acted in their interests. If that same case happened again today, the pleas of voters would be ignored and the politicians and local officials would be rapidly… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  hokkoda
2 years ago

It only stops when government officials fear their personal property also can be seized or destroyed, and not one nanosecond earlier. Calculations have been made there will be no repercussions. Based on recent history, those calculations are correct.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Jack Dobson: The hell with their property. They need to fear for their personal safety. From Western Rifle Shooters from Gab – the lessons of Michael Collins and targeting the bureaucracy:

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

No doubt that’s the next step. It starts with the pocketbook, though. Shortages this autumn can be exploited both ways. This seems like a non-sequitur, but it is not: I’ve noticed with some amusement that when an apparatchik says “China better X,” they never finish the “or” part. People who assume things just appear on shelves are about to get a very rough lesson. Also note the vibrant violence has started to spread to Karen’s neck of the woods. Those two things are about to become even more related. Thinking about it, Karen more or less is the United States… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Michael Collins was perhaps not what you think he was.

This make a reasonably good case for such a thing once you start looking at the detail of the story.

Also anyone with a big film push seems to me to be entirely suspect. You only glorify your own.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

This happened in Oklahoma City and while McVeigh was a murderer , the message was sent and heard for a while at least.

No More!

Also do read “A Bomb Made in Hell.” by Andrew Vacchs if you get a chance . Its a prescient tale from 1973 about a professional killer who snaps and goes Anders Bering Brehvik

2 years ago

Seems to me that, Anglo-Saxon Common Law’s rules on Ownership simply codify the primitive codes of Natural Law. The act of hiding or caching an item, short of actually consuming it, is the foundational act of ownership. When a Raven hides a scrap of meat from its flock-mates, she is truly possessing it; she’s making that scrap “hers.” Until it is hidden or swallowed, it is part of the flock’s Common forage. (English Common Law’s treatment of Squatter’s Rights, a form of legal plunder, probably borrows from primitive practices, too.) Just like Ravens, the regular theft of our stashes by… Read more »

2 years ago

Kelo? What would be true justice is if the neocons and their banker brothers underwriting the war bonds, were forced to reparate the blasted cities, such as in Syria. Happy, peaceful cities reduced to ruins.

Might that all of their ill-gotten wealth- building nothing, destroying everything- might that all of it is clawed back to rebuild what they have destroyed, and that their whipped backs and blistered hands pick up the rubble. They will understand nothing else.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

To give reparations to the towelheads, they would just raise our taxes to get the money.

Nothing will change until someone starts shooting these people.

Reply to  Pete
2 years ago

Agree, but Syria was and is a Western people, as was Dresden.

Many others are not, say, Libya or Hiroshima, but I’m looking at the pillaged wealth accumulated by people who have no country.
That includes the “global citizen” class that has followed their banner.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Syria(ns) a Western people?

Some injections of Hellenic genetic material in antiquity, true, and again of Western European sp*rm during the Crusades. But to no abiding effect: Whatever genetic influence it may have had — likely little enough — over the centuries got totally overriden by Oriental culture and Islamic (including heterodox Islamic) religion.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pratt
2 years ago

I think that’s basically right. Prior to the 7th century the Near East unquestionably belonged to Western civilization. But with Mohammadan, Mongol and Turkic encroachments, it passed into the Oriental ambit.

Reply to  Pratt
2 years ago

Ostei Kozelskii is correct. We didn’t use to call our civilizational realm ‘Europe’ or ‘the West’. We used to call it ‘Christendom’ and it encompassed the entire Mediterranean periphery. Islam with fire and sword took half of it from us. I wonder if our losing the east is where the term ‘West’ came from?

I highly recommend Raymond Ibrahim’s “Sword and Scimitar” for a very readable overview of the struggle.

Reply to  Pratt
2 years ago

They’re Mediterranean, but so are Sicilians and Greeks.

For all intents and purposes, they’re white, and civilized.

2 years ago

Good article and important issue that needs to be addressed urgently in the next few years, but I think you picked the wrong examples. No one really cares about the Roman bust found at a garage sale, or even the impact of companies selling your data because that affects individuals only very indirectly. This is far more troubling: As is the fact that Wall Street is going big into buying thousands of single-family homes to rent out (one out of every seven sales I’ve read), while the NY Times softens us up with an article about how wonderful renting… Read more »

Reply to  370H55V
2 years ago

You are absolutely correct with everything you say, but, out of personal prejudice, I have to disagree with your point about the bust being a poor choice. I had the EXACT same thought as Z two days ago when I first read about it and noted she would not be able to sell it. I agree the stakes are much higher than this example illustrates, but it is such a perfect example of the inanity of the current system; an example that is much more striking than the slow yet precipitous decline of personal ownership found in your articles. Again,… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  370H55V
2 years ago

The writing has been on the wall for a long time on this one. My wife just bought a new car and the dealership was absolutely adamant that she activate the ‘app’ that is intertwined with the vehicle itself. Even if you do not activate the app, the vehicle itself is sending massive amounts of telemetry data on you out at all times. How far did you drive, to where, what average speed, what top speed, what route, what did you listen to while driving, who did you call (your contacts are stored in the vehicle’s memory now), for how… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

When the car is self-driving, you can only drive where they allow. I do not remember who made this remark to me probably nearly a decade ago, but it always stuck with me.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

The Tesla is a good example of ownership “problems”. As near as I can tell, you don’t own the software needed to run the car. Even my gas powered Ford truck has several computers to control engine and drive train. What happens several years down the pike when Ford decides it no longer wishes to maintain the software? As it is, I claim Ford (and Tesla) is now in “restraint of trade”. Third party manufacturers can not create many (cheaper) parts for replacement of Ford Motor original parts, nor can repair shops—even paint shops—perform work without major expense to obtain… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I look forward to applying my Air Farce training in electronics to figuring out how to disable these new gizmos. Supposedly that infrastructure bill with the DUI kill switch is gonna be mandatory in 2026. I can see all sorts of issues with this. For one thing, AFAIK breathalyzers require calibration once every year, or every 6 months for cheaper models. They also require expensive platinum for the sensor if you are using a good one. Contamination over regular use could cause erroneous results. Also if the vehicle is shared by multiple people, like a fleet vehicle, the germophobes won’t… Read more »

Reply to  Rando
2 years ago

Rando: From what I’ve read (I’ll have to search out the links I found months ago), most of this stuff is utterly intertwined with the vehicle’s operation, i.e. cannot be separated without totally disabling the vehicle – even as far back as the early 2000s. But I’m no mechanic, so who knows?

Reply to  Rando
2 years ago

3g4me: From what little I know about breathalyzer sensors they rely on the presence of current to determine alcohol content. No current = no alcohol, so it may be something as simple as cutting a wire coming from the sensor module. Best way to fool a computer is to just give it erroneous data. I do think it would be funny if they tried using some passive system that just looked for any ethanol in the interior area at all though. I could see a situation where some poor bastard goes to pick up a drunk friend from the bar… Read more »

Reply to  Rando
2 years ago

I am not being flippant here, but I don’t get why people can’t get it in their heads that that the goal is just control, they don’t give a shit whether it works as proposed, or how much trouble it is for you, or if it locks you in the car and kills you and your children.

The point is the rule itself, not the stated purpose.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Just out of curiosity, by what year did all of these lovely refinements become standard issue on new cars? Don’t think I’ll be in the market for anything that new or newer.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

2015 started to really pick up steam but mostly on higher end models, by 2020 its ubiquitous. Even Kia, Hyundai, etc. all have active telemetry.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Apex: Why I will not buy a new car. I realize they are trying to make ICE vehicles obsolete, and particularly older and less connected and more robust ICE vehicles. Despite the obscene cost of fuel, an older truck or SUV is the superior choice. I loathe my 2020 RAV with its chips and gadgetry. Every vehicle in the past 25 years has had some sort of electronic surveillance and control inextricably intertwined with its operations, but the danger lessens with every prior year of production and generation of vehicle design.

mr mittens
mr mittens
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

that is a two edged sword, yes an older vehicle will not track you but just try finding replacement parts and/or a reliable mechanic that even knows how to repair said vehicle, going long Schwinn..

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

At a certain point the only solution is war anyway. You can run or hide from tech totalitarians. Their appetite for your liberty is endless since they are empty and driven by fear and hate.

Its best to assume that techies are simply all evil do not qualify as people and act accordingly.

I suspect while we we might miss this easy public forum and neat new ways to make money, quick buy some merch, humanity if/when this goes down will breath a sigh of relief once its over.

Reply to  370H55V
2 years ago

Excellent example. If the government will take the small stuff, they won’t blink at the big stuff.

Remember the $400 million in gold/silver sunken treasure Mel Fischer spent years and a great deal of his own money finding in the 1980’s?

Everyone wanted a piece o’eight (or more, or all) of it. Florida, US government, government of Spain.

Case went all the way to the US Supreme Court. He won then; he’d never win today, even though salvage laws are explicit and crystal clear by custom, law, and international treaty.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

errr.. $300 billion of Russian central bank reserves.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

That right there destroyed the new world order and may have destroyed the dollar and the Euro.

Its nearly the only thing that would make Yuan and Rubles look like a good hedge.

Reply to  370H55V
2 years ago

Always turn down the “technology package”. Remember when mid and upscale cars in the early 2000’s came with in-seat entertainment and maybe a couple of pair of in-car headphones in the “technology package”? Talk about a joke…that stuff was obsolete the instant the smart phone/tablet were born. When I bought my F-150 in 2013, the first negotiating tactic the dealer used to bring down the price was to not charge me for the built-in GPS and the “online” maintenance and the satellite radio. Even in 2013, those things were ridiculously out of step with portable tech, but the company put… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
2 years ago

hokkoda: Your smart phone is reporting on your location and recording your conversations more than the older vehicle tech. Essential to have a signal-deadening carrier for it – easily available online from companies like Mission Darkness.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Just throw it away and get an old flip phone.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Flip phones are still sold today for sensitive locations. They are like $40 last i checked which means you don’t have to pay for a computer in your pocket.

Future society is we have one will probably be getting rid of this technology as a security threat though

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Julian Assange, not an American but Australian, who’s only been to America once in his life, has no connections or loyalty to the U.S., posts information stolen from the U.S. Government on his own, foreign website. Information that contained proof that they were spying on ALL of us, among other things involving certain politicians. Assange’s extradition is being rubber stamped, and he will have a closed (super secret intel after all) kangaroo court, right here in “our democracy,” First Amendment rights won’t matter, etc. They can create a Nexus whole-cloth (see Michael Flynn). They can already do whatever they want… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

We would need a whole lot of monopoly-smashing, anti-trust bashing going on to avoid complete technocratic dystopia at this point.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  RoBG
2 years ago

The government loves this stuff and those who don’t in government are already compromised. Won’t happen very easily

In case that doesn’t work we probably will have to go Pol Pot on their asses , send all the techies that don’t meet Mr. Tire Shock to a collective farm or something

However the collapse of systems will make this evil dystopia much harder, It hard to maintain a thing like that without water, power and the ability to replace well anything

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

I think Frank Zappa pegged it about right when he said: “Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff.” He also said: “Communism doesn’t work because it is out of phase with human nature. Are we going to wake up one day to find this statement equally true when applied to the concept of Western democracy?” Zappa was definitely what you would call a “free thinker”. I enjoyed the few interviews he did because it showed his linear thought process. Most people that do interviews have heard the same questions before so they respond with Response #8, or Response… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Zappa is right.

In reading, “Behind the Urals,” written by an American worker in a planned Soviet city at the height of Stalin’s power, one finds that the people there were quite interested in owning the best possible personal and household goods they could afford.

We also find other non-communist things like performance-based pay scales in still mills.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Oh of course there is ALWAYS a hierarchy, the Commies didn’t like it and I’m sure they tried to resist it, but it just can’t be stopped. In the USSR it wasn’t really based on money but some people got better apartments, or they jumped the queue for a new car, if you were the key man on a government project to design the next gen Mig, you got all kinds of better stuff. It didn’t take long before the upper class under the Tsar were replaced by a new upper class called the Nomenklatura. if you talk to Russians… Read more »

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

They all think they are going to be the ones with the powers doing the assigning, not doing the digging.

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

Socialism with Russian characteristics is all that was. Maybe National Socialism was socialism with German characteristics.

Ism, ism, ism. At best it’s transposed on a people and their culture. Never pure, never what the big brains want, but they just keep trying no matter the misery or the body count.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Nat Soc was exactly that just as Ing Soc was the same as was Am Soc though we call it Social Democracy All industrial societies went Socialist to some degree. A lot of reasons for it many of them sound , many not. Its failing and the West is trying for Corporate Totalitarianism vis technology which is drum roll, Socialism with Corporate Characteristics. This Pinko Tango will go on for some time but the rapidly approaching possibly our lifetime resource collapse will just end up with warlords and if we are very lucky most of this know-how will vanish in… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

I agree – I always found most of Zappa’s music offputting. Certainly many talented players on there (and “Black Napkins” is one of my favorite guitar solos – and who doesn’t like “Jewish Princess”), but the way it came together through his filter was a turn off; Zappa seemed to hold a contemptuous view of music through his constant affected insouciance and, I don’t know how to put it, maybe constant sneering jesting. However, I also agree with your other point; his interviews are well worth watching for someone who wants a thoughtful outsiders view on portions of the system.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

“Zappa seemed to hold a contemptuous view of music through his constant affected insouciance and, I don’t know how to put it, maybe constant sneering jesting.” I know what you mean, but I don’t think he held a contemptuous view of music. In fact, it was the most important thing in his life. Its just that his view of music incorporated “structured noise” which I don’t consider music. My main appreciation of his music was his lead guitar. There were a few riffs that were just jaw dropping. And he didn’t even consider himself a virtuoso guitarist. He admitted there… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Well – he did have Steve Vai in his band – possibly the best purely technical guitarist of all time. See “Teeth of the Hydra” – GTFO! And I know Beefheart, and Zoot Horn Rollo on Trout Mask is perhaps the most underrated guitar performance of all time, but I have to agree with LineintheSand below; it just never clicked with me. And Beefheart was not the genius – he was the Svengali cult leader who extracted genius from his subjects. Though, I suppose that is a genius of its own sort.

LineInThe Sand
LineInThe Sand
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

Zappa was one of a kind. Stunningly unique and talented. I don’t think he was contemptuous of music, but rather he was contemptuous of almost everyone and this is one of the reasons that I often don’t enjoy his lyrics. I feel like he is sneering at me.

My interest in Zappa led me to Captain Beefheart. These to insanely distinctive guys were friends as teenagers. Now do yourself a favor and go listen to Beefheart’s “Tropical Hot Dog Night.”

Reply to  LineInThe Sand
2 years ago

Zappa had an album titled, “Does Humor Belong in Music?” My answer is, “Sure, but you’re not funny, you’re just vulgar and mean.”

(Greg Johnson fans may appreciate that he is a huge Zappa fan.)

Reply to  LineInThe Sand
2 years ago

Most people are deserving of contempt and they receive too little of it which only makes them worse because they don’t realize how contemptible they are and take no steps to be worthy of respect.

And by contemptible I don’t mean irredeemably so. A contemptible man can learn to behave nobly. But he will never do so if never confronted with his behaviors.

Le Comte
Le Comte
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Zappa was musically fabulous except for the trashy songs to attract morons…ie, “Titties and Beer.” “Hot Rats” is an awesome album (1969) as are “Waka Jawaka” and “The Grand Wazoo.” His best stuff was from 1966-1974. He hired all serious musicians-lots of studio guys. Not sure they should have named their kids Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet, and Diva.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

When thinking of Frank I always observe a moment of silence. What would he think of where we are and where we are headed.
Maby he’d just shut up & play guitar.

Jacques Labelle
Jacques Labelle
2 years ago

“Ours is a Nero elite, people who spend their days dreaming of new ways to flatter themselves while the basics of society crumble. They need to come to the same end.”

Hear, hear! And soon, before we all go up in nuclear flames. (Speaking metaphorically of course.)

2 years ago

Well Z your endorsement of Nick Fuentes was ill-timed. Sounds like they are collapsing. WTF, tickle parties. Apologies. Concerning property rights, Tn and kentucky have some weird ones. If you use a field or land for a given amount of time it becomes yours somehow.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I withhold judgement, but ir looking really ugly. Nobodies gaydar is infallible.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 years ago

“By the time the Europeans were ready to conquer the globe, they had worked through the problems of property ownership and how to settle disputes. Europeans landed in Africa and the Americas, only to greet people who had yet to master this basic concept. Even in Asia, property ownership was still in development.” Property rights were ironed out in Western European societies as long as conflicts were between Europeans in a particular state (England, France, Netherlands). But this obviously didn’t apply to how Spanish, Portuguese, British, French, Dutch, and Belgian colonists dealt with the rest of the world, where it… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

I think, with respect to the Indians and their relationship with the US, you will find it’s more accurate to observe that the Indians simply could not be trusted to abide by any agreement whatever and tended to break those agreements in theatrically violent ways against ordinary Americans. This would tend to cause the US to respond and impose a new treaty on the Indians. You have to work hard to view this as the US sequentially repudiating treaties.

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

Native American leadership didn’t have the authority to make agreements with the European invaders. Their system didn’t allow for a single individual to speak for all.
When Keokuk signed away a huge parcel of native American land journalists asked him how he could trade all that property for what were basically trinkets. He responded that they didn’t know that he couldn’t actually do that.
If you wish to know more about the development of property rights you should read Andro Linklater’s “Owning the Earth”.

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

Of course, the British provincial governments in America before 1776, or the Crown, nor the newly independent states, or the United States after 1789 could trust the backcountry settlers from breaking treaties in theatrically violent ways either, creating a vicious cycle. For every atrocity, there was a counter atrocity.
The King of England issued the Proclamation of 1763, which the backcountry people ignored, setting off Pontiac’s War.

2 years ago

Z, Agree wholeheartedly on revisiting or overturning Kelo V. City of New London, especially in light that seventeen years later, the land eminent domained to Pfizer lies undeveloped: “The final cost to the city and state for the purchase and bulldozing of the formerly privately held property was $78 million. The promised 3,169 new jobs and $1.2 million a year in tax revenues had not materialized. As of 2021, the area remains an empty lot.” Government knows better than you do my buttocks. Wanna have real fun? Tackle property taxes, especially if you’ve paid off your mortgage. Who owns… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

I never saw so much fed-posting in my life than the day that ruling was made, by both left and right.

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

We can amend the “ball park” comment to:

“When the team owners build roads, the taxpayers will build their biolabs!”

Thing is, corporations used to build roads- and housing, and trolleys, and utilities, and schools- to bring workers to their plants, such as 8 Mile in Detroit. The apartment blocks are right across the street from the GM factory.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Automation even to the level of the 60’s suppresses demand for labor or at least useful labor. They knew it than and were pushing a 320 hour or 4 day work week. The old Jetsons Cartoon kind of played to this with 3 hour work days. This problem compounded by computers is is why so many jobs are in essence makework, We are already over 40% GDP as government and there is no upper bound except that a certain point either the corporations becomes the state in most matters which won’t work since they can’t profit or the state becomes… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

Next up :

Asset forfeiture.

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

Yes, I am fully aware that when my mortgage is paid off I will still be made to pay property taxes. I imagine it will be less than paying someone rent though. That’s one way to think about it. Never did the research, but I wonder about it. Is property tax on residential property a new thing or has it always existed? I bet the fedgov and the state and local governments don’t have to pay tax on the land they “own.” Especially when the taxpayers paid for it, and pay for its maintenance. But if you’re just a nobody,… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

A new America will need to have an explicit Constitutional prohibition against property taxes or anything like them.

This would do a lot for rule of law and while the reee reee reee of various states and counties at the thought much less action can be heard from here, tough. Find another way

Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago

Banning property tax and the like would be great. Still, the people in charge would just find something else to tax, then jack it up as far as they think they can get away with. I hear that VAT in Europe averages about 20% these days. The real problem is the people just sit and take it. We’re long overdue for another tax rebellion. That and there are too many people who contribute nothing, yet benefit from our taxation. You would think that now that the government is able to fabricate votes from thin air they no longer need the… Read more »

2 years ago

Today’s post is a good opportunity to, once again, go deeper. The root problem is that government/laws/judicial system is broken and no longer provides an efficacious civil remedy for modern ownership disputes. And a single peon is not going prevail against this Goliath of incompetence and malfeasance because of the asymmetry of power. And waiting for voting harder to elect better politicians and judges is a demonstrated fools errand. So evolutionary fitness selection must kick into gear. Imagine a day in which a peon wakes up one morning after having his personal data stolen by a tech company and used… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

> Imagine a day in which a peon wakes up one morning after having his personal data stolen by a tech company and used in a malicious fashion to harm him seriously. He becomes quiet and withdrawn, effectively disappears for months and becomes a nobody. Then, in a completely unconnected and unexpected way, the tech company HQ building collapses and God smiles.

A thousand killdozers would change the landscape of America (in minecraft)

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Is it time to begin sharing YT channels with a wealth of practical information?

Asking for a friend.

2 years ago

It really is amazing (or maybe not) how little thought as to what the constituents want, goes through the minds of our Nero elite. Their lives revolve around nothing but maintaining power and testing the limits of f-ing over the culture and society. Unfortunately, a broad swath of our population don’t really seem to care that what they think or want ever gets addressed by the elites. However, among the segment of society that should care and could possibly do something about this (ie, Whites), a significant proportion are libtard idiots who either go along to get along, or get… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

If the lunatics in charge manage to goad Putin into going nuclear shades won’t matter.

I think the new $40 billion earmark for Ukraine is simply a covert way of funding the initial US buildup prior to open, direct involvement leading to WW3.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Ship the equipment in front of the troops to have it waiting when you arrive.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Well, prepositioning equipment and munitions may not be a useful idea given how the Russians have been making mincemeat of any attempted deliveries of these to Ukraine. Just having these over the border of some NATO poodle won’t do a lick of good if the US tries to spice things up; those over the horizon cruise missiles have plenty of range to give away beyond what they have shown within Ukraine proper. Attacking follow-on forces and logistics is key Russian military doctrine. If the US/NATO think that they will have their usual air supremacy, I think that may not prove… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

Maybe they could borrow some from the Afghans to replace the stuff Russia blows up.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago



The guy on the Monkeywerx US YT channel has been watching US and NATO air traffic and it appears this is exactly what GAE is doing prior to a summer offensive.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

When thinking of Frank I always observe a moment of silence. What would he think of where we are and where we are headed.
Maby he’d just shut up & play guitar.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Good excuse for more DoD spending and 10% for the big guys in both parties. Also the US and its satrapys in Europe are desperate for more oil and other resources. Russia is not going to be McCain’s gas station any longer and by good the US will get cheaper oil it it kills us all and it just might. Some of this is clown world, we are stupid to the core, some of it Russaphobia (literal fear here) and I think some of it is the fact we hit the downslide of peak oil a While we are not… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Your points are valid. However, anything dealing with property rights, law, etc. is purely arbitrary, a human creation. As such, it will likely vary by time, place, culture, etc. This, as I often point out, is a universal feature of all things related to law, morality, ethics, custom, and so on. Yes, they exist and are useful, but what upsets some people is when I stress the point that all these things are purely human artifacts that have no independent existence in the natural world. In other words, they are inseparable from human beings. Now, don’t get me wrong. I… Read more »

mr mittens
mr mittens
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

my feeling on the use of eminent domain (not that it will ever happen but one can dream) is that if a government entity takes your property by eminent domain, they are required to pay you full market value plus 20 percent, and if the property is not developed within one year for the purpose by which it was taken, that agency would then have to additionally compensate you by another 50% of market value, and if that agency failed to then develop the property for the use by which it was taken, after 5 years said property would revert… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
2 years ago

Jews have been hunting lost property, or claims to lost property, since the end of the war. Their argument rests on the fact that their items that were lost in the war are still their items, as they did not voluntarily transfer those items to the Nazis. The current owner may have honestly acquired them, but the seller was not legally allowed to sell them.

HA HA, the more you know

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Becoming a nation of renters is an explicit policy of the powers that be, and it’s no mystery why. All of the sudden it becomes much easier to promote all the equity and diversity their hearts desire by placing problematic people wherever they want. It will be blockbusting on steroids, and the only recourse is to pay lip service to the regime if you don’t want a bureaucrat looking into your neighborhood. It also destroys any ability to make where you live a true home, as any update is at the discretion of the renter, he will be able to… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Since most of the political class are nothing more than rent boys, they fail to grasp the problem of extending the concept to all corners of society.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

This is something very few politicians talk about, in the UK only (Tory)Michael Portillo sees the problem, in the 80s Thatcher built her success on turning renters into home owners. The French writer Houellbecq touches on the subject on occasion

Gunner Q
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“…if everyone was renting I doubt many would even bother to leave the house.”

Heck, that’s been my experience even in good times. If I don’t vacation alone then I don’t vacation… nobody will go with me and they never go themselves.

The Internet really is a drug, substituting reality with every flavor of fantasy. I scoffed when Farcebook went all-in on virtual reality. Not anymore.

2 years ago

Another good example is identity theft and particularly home title theft. In the case of the former, someone tricks a bank into extending credit on some scam credentials and the bank is held blameless? Nonsense. Everyone including the banksters knows that it is self-evident their “due diligence” is not sufficient. The title is a whole ‘nother level of malfeasance. Some agency negligently uploaded titles to the internet, and banksters negligently accept a downloaded title at closing? Incidentally, “the ancient custom that says you own you and you own what you make by default” is the lion’s share of what libertarianism… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

It’s becoming clear they plan to install a state-controlled system of property distribution. When I was living in the Third World, I had a driver that waited ten years to get a newer, better apartment, then, on the morning he went to get the keys the official was out. It was literally a variation on the old Soviet joke about the plumber coming in the morning. I also watched a protest in response to the government coming in and clearing out a neighborhood of apartments and small shops because they wanted to widen the boulevard. The protest was totally futile.… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
2 years ago

The common law rules of property recognized that one could obtain legal title by adverse possession; essentially occupying land under a claim of right and the owner not taking any action to eject the claimant within a certain number of years (usually about 20, but sometimes longer or shorter). Adverse possession claims usually involved land, since if an owner didn’t know who was on the land in the first place, it was likely he wasn’t making good, or any use at all, of it. Adverse possession claims are harder to assert in the case of personal property, since the rightful… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
2 years ago

Property law is curious. Here’s a real world case. I’ve lived in my home for about 18 1/2 years. In that time, the three adjacent property owners installed a fence along the property lines. Being an HOA, the style of fence is regulated. Owners are also required to keep the fences cleaned. I looked up the law and while it varies by State, found the following would likely apply to me (Florida): (From my perspective) If the fence was erected AFTER I’d bought my property, the fence (and its upkeep) is ENTIRELY the responsibility of the property owner who erects… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

In my HOA, long time ago, the fence was common property and maintained by the HOA. Basically, the entire “outside” of every structure was the HOA’s responsibility. Costs in the long run would be high, but no quibbling over who does what and pays for what.

HOA’s suck though, Americans are not cut out for such “cooperation”. Hell, one of the biggest problems we had in the HOA was people claiming they were not in the HOA because they didn’t read/see/know the deed was attached to an HOA when they signed the property purchase paperwork.

2 years ago

Gone are the days when the spoils of war was also a right of victorious soldiers. Vae victis, as Brennus supposedly said, as he threw his sword on the scale.

The Russians seem to have a bit of that attitude even today as there’s quite a bit of German art they feel is theirs by right of conquest in 1945.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

“War is a mere continuation of commerce by other means.”

Some Neocon, probably

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

“Hey! We own Kazaria! We ruled it until we were kicked out for parasitism, so we’re taking it back! Vey victis!”

Some neocon, certainly

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

I’m just bitter that I wasn’t allowed to properly sack any cities I conquered.

2 years ago

The problem is that property rights are selectively enforced according to the woke agenda. If your shop gets vandalized, looted or torched during the George Floyd riots, few people will get arrested and the charges will be dropped for those that do. If hundreds of pieces of public statuary are defaced and destroyed by Antifa, there will be literally no arrests despite the crimes occurring in plain view. If your church or pro-life counseling center is targeted by the baby-hacking nutjobs, there will be no consequence. Just try torching a black business or pride flag, ripping down a statue of… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Seems to me with today’s technology & 4chan spergs, at least some of those responsible for vandalism and destruction could be doxxed. Then individuals could possibly get some measure of justice for their losses. If prosicuters will no longer uphold law perhaps civil courts could be used. Imo fire must be fought with fire.
I suppose this would lead to lawlessness and anarchy and we certainly can’t have that.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

If civil society continues to deteriorate, I suspect that vigilante justice or mob rule will become inevitable. A well-ordered government would be impartial and efficient in administering justice. (All these terms are relative, of course). As a government fails, so will such functions of a healthy government. Right now, government remains strong enough to function, even if it seems to be in an increasingly anarcho-tyrant fashion. As with the favelas in Brazil, or urban gangs here, certain citizens know they have no recourse at law, and they’re right. Any justice they will get will only come by their own hand.… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Little Armenia and similar areas in L.A are like this. They have scary Armenian mob security but the shopkeepers are polite and honest though they haggle the gold from your teeth if they can. On the same grounds I’ve seen (on the news not FTF) engage is shootouts with robbers and in most other cases I suspect its a lot of dumpsters and shutting up. Also in once case someone in community ran someone over while drunk. Hit and run The word went out (on the news even) and the guys suddenly felt remorse and turned himself in. I wonder… Read more »

Gunner Q
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

“Seems to me with today’s technology & 4chan spergs, at least some of those responsible for vandalism and destruction could be doxxed.”

They routinely are identified… and discovered to be the “victim” himself, and the matter is quietly dropped with no charges filed.

Jussie Smollett was the aberration, the grifter that got caught and somehow, was successfully prosecuted despite the System trying repeatedly to spring him free.

Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

Thinking a website with photos, names, addresses, criminal & financial records family members etc..
Everything that could be found out about the perp.
Similar to what the left does. It would at least make serving.papers much easier.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

The essay and some of the comments reminded me of Lady Justice – but as she now peeks out from under the blindfold, the scales are tipped, and the sword in her hand is at the ready to be wielded against…transgressors (you should know who you are by now, but Xman earlier comment will help if not)