End Phase Phenomena

A cause that has any hope of surviving past the novelty phase will demand from its followers a sacrifice to show commitment. Criminal organizations are the simplest and easiest examples of this phenomenon. A street gang will require all of the members to get a tattoo, for example, to show their commitment. More mature criminal organizations will require new members to commit crimes in front of other members to prove their willingness to sacrifice for the gang.

In more sophisticated movements, the adherents will perform rituals or make symbolic sacrifices to show their commitment to the cause. It has not been unusual for cultural movements to adopt a style of dress. The macaroni style, for example, was an extreme expression of commitment to a cultural and social class. In this age, the sexual subcultures often embrace clothing styles like the “lesbian kit” to set themselves apart and show commitment to the subculture.

Whether it is getting the gang symbols tattooed on your face, wearing an unofficial uniform or committing yourself to a way of life, every cause requires something from the members as a payment. This sacrifice is not only a signal to the other members, showing their shared commitment to the cause, it is also a form of advertising to potential members of the cause. More important, it adds a sense of value to membership in the cause. The members feel committed.

The people displaying their pronouns in their e-mail signature and social media profile are signaling their commitment by sacrificing some portion of their dignity. There is a noticeable discomfort in these people then they say “I go by they/them” because they know what they are doing is foolish. It is as ridiculous as wearing a flowerpot on their head, but that is the point of the ritual. They are making a fool of themselves in public as a way to show their commitment to this cause.

The same thing is at play when white people take to the stage and begin hectoring their fellow white people about racism. It is patently absurd for a white person to stand up and condemn their ancestors for being white or for the crime of having created a culture that is now called white supremacy. Some of what drives this is mental illness, for sure, and some is the “my fellow white people” act. Much of it, however, is the need for the adherent to show their faith by committing an act of lunacy.

For example, look at this post¹ from a gym teacher about the racists power structures at the local swimming hole. His profile makes clear that he is a fully enculturated bug man, but as a white male, he is at the bottom of the woke subculture. His post about how the man is conspiring to keep black people from swimming is a sacrifice of whatever dignity he retains as a man. The point is not to change minds, but to show others in the subculture that he is fully committed to the cause.

A key part of the cult ritual is the irrationality of it. The systemic racism claims are just modern magic. There is no rational or empirical argument behind these claims, but that is what makes them appealing. You just have to accept them on faith. That is the sole appeal of the trans business. One has to strip themselves of all sense of self in order to claim that humans are assigned sex at birth. The ridiculousness of the claim does not allow for even a shred of dignity.

This is why we are being flooded with a wave of public testimonies about how the trans community is ignored in some way. In this post, we learn that the guitar makers have ignored transgenders and women. The fact that the sex of the performer has no bearing on the instrument or that there is no such thing as transgender is central to the sense of sacrifice the writer feels when posting this. In another age, he would have been writing about elves and sprites with the same conviction.

Part of this self-degrading ritual within the identity subculture is the attention these humiliation rituals gain the adherent. It is why we have gone from publicly tolerating homosexuals to take your child to a drag show events. Each step has been more bizarre and degrading than the next. Post-Marx culturalism has been a weird race to the sea that has finally led to mothers offering up their children to predators. The believers seek the ultimate sacrifice they can make to the cause.

How much the shot callers on what we now call the Left understand the forces they are manipulating is hard to know. It is not particularly clear that the trend setters in this cult understand the intellectual history behind their movement. They have simply embraced the primary modes of thought and let nature take its course. Robin DiAngelo could simply be a fame seeking huckster who landed on the right cause at the right time to make money from a movement desperate for a purpose.

Despite this cult’s efforts to tart up their thing with jargon from the sciences, what drives it is a need to vanish into a cause. The appeal to the adherent is the need to sluff off the identity of the adherent and take on the identity of the group. Self-loathing has always been at the heart of mass movements. Christianity explicitly embraced this reality with the concept of sin. To be a Christian is to not only accept the teachings of the particular sect, but to accept and embrace your sinfulness.

These modern identity cults are less sophisticated, feeding on a population desperate for immediate gratification and lacking the intellectual capacity for high culture organizational structures like mainstream Christianity. This is why the rituals are so primitive and crude. The barrier for entry is low, so the people flooding into this scene tend to reflect that standard. It is also no surprise that they have arrived at the cusp of child sacrifice. Spilling innocent blood appeals to the savage mind.

Counterintuitively, these spasms of ritualized self-degradation may be a positive sign that the culture is finally ready to free itself. For generations, American culture has been locked into cultural norms so ingrained in the land that the present culture has not been able to evolve to fit the times. The energy of each generation is channeled into civic nationalism, which is throwing seeds among the stones. American culture has been a zombie shuffling along with no real purpose.

Oswald Spengler used the term pseudomorphosis to describe “an older alien Culture lies so massively over the land that a young Culture, born in this land, cannot get its breath and fails not only to achieve pure and specific expression-forms, but even to develop fully its own self-consciousness.” This is most obvious in the obsession with the Founders you see on the Right. All of the energy of youth for building something new is channeled into ideas from men who wore powdered wigs.

What left-wing identity politics is signaling is the old culture finally losing its grip on the present, which is why these maladapted mutants can easily organize in public and attack the symbols of the old culture. The subculture is not a replacement for the old culture or a genuine culture in itself. Instead, it is a cancer on the old culture, slowly eating away at its organs. Coinciding with it is the swelling hatred by the young culture ready to break free from the old body.

There is the other part of Spengler’s concept. At some point, after enough pseudomorphs have been created, the next flowering of cultural energy is fueled by a hatred for the old forms. In the present age, it is those asking how useful is that old civic nationalism rooted on the culture of the Founders when it has led to suburban mothers sacrificing their children to groomers? Perhaps it is now time to shed the old forms and think about creating a new model appropriate to this age.

Of course, everything comes to an end. The current spasms of degeneracy could simply be the death throws of a dying West. What comes next may not be a new West, but a return to the barbarism that has been the standard for humanity. What gets left behind is a reminder that a people once thrived and reached for the heavens. Like all prior civilizations, this one will end in rubble. What will remain is the high achievements along with the mystery as to why it failed.


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2 years ago

Genius, because accurate. Obvious to all non-bugmen and non-Moloch-mothers. But clarity in detail for anyone with eyes and even the vaguest compass of humanity.

Work AT Home
Work AT Home
Reply to  Gman
2 years ago

I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st03 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless.
For a lot of detail…… http://cashsite.tk/

2 years ago

Z – have you discussed the whole getting people to stop working from home thing? My dad is about 18 months away from retiring and is working hard on getting everyone to start coming back to the office. He wants to sort of do it piecemeal with it being 3, 4, and then 5 days. He thinks a recession occurring will allow them to finally force them to all come back to the office.

joe tentpeg
2 years ago

This article in a word…that I just coined:


John Flynt
John Flynt
2 years ago

The pronouns (he/him, they/them, was/were) remind me of a digital version of the practice that Hindu sects partake in when they smear colored paints on their forehead to signal their virtue and affiliation.

You can pick a color. A nice he/him for a more formal yet still casually respected red dot or a rambunctious xe/ze for a particularly devout practitioner of an exotic local village god with a lilac vertical forehead marking to make you stand out and show you are intense.

Quite an interesting amount of esoteric information conveyed with a simple two words and a slash.

2 years ago

A couple spelling corrections:

slough, not sluff

throes, not throws

Otherwise nice incisive piece

RoboFascist 1st
RoboFascist 1st
2 years ago

On the subject of “… conspiring to keep black people from swimming…” at least we have the Ann Coulter weekly Wednesday column to clarify for us the racist drivel from the New York Times. It is the megaphone of endless anti-Christ shitty world that has caused cognitive dissonance beyond repair. Like the rest of moral and rational America… Derek Chauvin may be a political prisoner but he is still the hero. Clearly Biden*Slob*Co goes down as the greatest cultural and political embarrassment in the history of the United States. But that does not justify a return of Trumpstein the Democracy… Read more »

Reply to  RoboFascist 1st
2 years ago

That’s why the J6 melodrama.
They found a way to keep saying “Trumpstein!”


After the Purge, scrawled graffiti everywhere defiantly whispering, “Trump Lives!”

joe tentpeg
Reply to  RoboFascist 1st
2 years ago

“Biden*Slob*Co”…to be fair…he ain’t even here…cognitively.

But this ‘modern identity cult’ as the Z calls it…does have a high priest/ess/it(?) in the form of ….’jobozo’.

2 years ago

Regarding that gym teacher, it’s amazing to me how uniform in appearance the bugmen are. That feminine round face with a receding hairline, every last one of them.

Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

“That feminine round face with a receding hairline…”

Musk. Don’t trust any bugman. The phyzz does not lie.

Scorpion. Frog.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

Physiognomy is real.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

Edward Dutton book:

“How to Judge People By What They Look Like”


Actually a reasonable read with references.

Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

Or Rod Dreher types. Dinky haircuts, manicured beta guy beards and modish spectacles.

2 years ago

Z-man. the words you are looking for are “flight from White” and even Sailer who coined it understands what is going on. This is a phenomena of mostly Upper Class desperate to stay upper class and understanding well the racial caste system. Being gay, lesbian, tranny etc. is a way to escape White identity and stay part of the ruling class. Beneath blacks who are the highest caste, sacred holy racial redeemers of the original sin of Whiteness. But above genetically evil and hereditary blood guilt Whites. And at some point even Sailer understands this, the call will come out… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Z Man, you’ve always struck me as materialist and reductionist, and I say that as someone who inclines that way as well. You’re an “everything follows from biology and evolution” sort of guy. as far as I can tell. How is that not reductionist and materialist?

I just want to differentiate between “reductionist” and “simplemindedly focusing on the wrong things.” You can be reductionist and wrong if you focus on the wrong elements or overlook complexity. But that is not a refutation of reductionism.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

I think that you need to look up the definition of the word “materialist.”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

That’s why I can’t read Sailer anymore. Every once in awhile I pop in and it’s always the same routine. For Sailer, the other side is motivated by almost entirely by monetary gain. It’s why his counter arguments are based not on morality, but on why the other side would be materially better off by not being so hard on white people. He boils down every anti-white push by the Left to being about the organizers getting easy jobs or some form of payment. Naturally, there’s some truth in that, but the Left’s motivations are about a lot more than… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

To be fair, Sailer’s materialist-cynical bent isn’t just limited to the money motive, he also works in other Darwinian competition analyses (Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism springs to mind). Just as libertarians can occasionally make useful points about bureaucratic morality, a jaundiced, antagonistic, dare I say kvetchy type of criticism of religious morality (the counter-Marx idea that people pursue higher motives than money/class) is a discordant tune that you’d think the religious would be curious if not necessarily eager to hear. Some of the time. As John McWhorter and many others have written — Jim Goad called it “Passover Syndrome”… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Love you Whiskey, and glad to have you on our team, but you’ve been rehashing the same post now for, what, fifteen years? At least you’re consistent.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

I protest, I must disagree.

“destroy corporations” is practical and original, as is the rest of an exemplary Whiskey.

Corporations, like federal bureaucratic agencies, are a legal fiction. Zman called for do-able ideas on reorganization, the simplicity and effect of this angle of attack has me standing up to salute.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

Whiskey’s directive is to deflect the blame to anyone, women, black people, except his alleged tribesmen. (Does anyone really believe that blacks or women run our country? Please…)

I do enjoy his posts and I remember 10+ years ago reading his “Whiskey’s Blog” when I was a Buchanan conservative.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Yeah, Whiskey’s unwillingness to admit that a certain group is, in fact, the highest caste destroys his credibility. And his assertions that women and blacks run anything are laughable.

(I assume that he’s a member of the tribe and doing what they instinctually do, which is protect the tribe, even if it means looking ridiculous to anyone who knows the scene.)

It’s too bad since he occasionally makes good points – again, occasionally.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Corporations are difficult to understand. The larger ones (Nike, GM, etc.) are institutions just like any other and therefore subject to capture. Following the GAE seems to be a path of least resistance – there is really no downside as boycotts from the right never seem to affect them (only smaller ones might get bitten by go woke go broke) but pissing off the LBGTlmfao or BLM crowd can get you in big heap trouble from the controllers of culture. Not to mention a visit from regulatory agencies if they are so inclined. At this point, the objectors to LBGTBLM… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

“Beneath blacks who are the highest caste”

Whiskey, you sometimes make lucid points, but you’re unwillingness to acknowledge who runs the show and which ethnic group is the highest caste just destroys your credibility.

It’s unfortunate.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Not the bloody Seventh Day Adventists again, is it?

2 years ago

We let women vote. Next question?

Reply to  Diavolobello
2 years ago

Yes, does voting for “Twiddle Dee” or “Twiddle Dum” change anything?

2 years ago

>mothers offering up their children to predators. It is Good versus Evil. Everything else is a detail. And in this equation the mothers are not the evil ones. They do not know what they are doing. They are doing what they believe to be good. Just like the woman-haters in this thing do not know what they are doing either, which is collaborating with the Enemy. You may not need religion but most men and all women do, and the religion of the West is Christianity. There’s simply no way around this. And there is no time to come up… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

“And in this equation the mothers are not the evil ones. They do not know what they are doing. They are doing what they believe to be good.”

Do you really believe this? I don’t. It is like abortion. Women know they are doing wrong, but, if the rules say its OK, they will pretend. And as a result, they will be on psychotropic drugs to dull the reality that they are really murderers.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Mollie Tibbits. The parents said not to blame illegals. ‘Nuf said. (I hope that I remembered her name correctly lol)

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

If our government enforced the laws that are already on the books, Mollie’s killer would still be south of the border and her parents would still be able to pick up the phone and call her, go out to lunch with her, spend Christmas with her, maybe enjoy spending time with their now never to be born grandchildren. I seem to remember it being more important for her parents to accept aid a comfort from local Hispanic community and sing kumbaya than to take up the cause of illegal immigration to assure that something like this didn’t happen to another… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
2 years ago

Repellent human beings.

Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

Vegetius: On the one hand you decry the “woman-haters in this thing,” (presumably the dissident right) and on the other you claim these mothers are themselves victims and know not what they do. Cannot have it both ways. Reality says although women are generally weak and easily led, as adults (and particularly mothers) they still have agency and responsibility. Actions have consequences.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

This is a, sigh, material priority of people in the religion business. They can’t be honest about women’s nature, because they still need a lot of those as joiners (caveat Islam which, if not “right” about women at least advances an alternative point of view). Complaints about men’s nature comprises roughly 99% of media/corporate output these days. It’s been discussed. So, I guess put me with the anti-libetarian/Whiskeyites who won’t be crying when the Max Headroom rogue-government megacompanies mostly crash out in the next 2 years under Pres. Harris. What we have is actually a terrible system with Batman gadgets… Read more »

2 years ago

[…] ZMan does some anthropology. […]

bruce g charlton
bruce g charlton
2 years ago

Spengler was writing of an agrarian world with a relatively stable world population of about one billion or less – the maximum broadly set by food production capabilities. Therefore, there was a Malthusian, kind-of cyclical, quality to its civilizations. The effects of the industrial revolution – beginning in England and spreading its benefits everywhere else – was to enable the population of the world to increase several-fold and rapidly – and the Malthusian cycles were broken (for a while) Up to 1804 – world population does not exceed one billion; 123 years later (1927) doubles to two billion; 48 years… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  bruce g charlton
2 years ago

Malthus’s ideas aren’t dead. The industrial revolution just increased the carrying capacity. But there is still a capacity. The capacity is alleviated through war, mass starvation and disease. The irony of 100 years of feeding Africans will mean a bigger body count in the end.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

What do you get when you feed 5,000 starving Africans?

50,000 starving Africans.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Ostei: Just imagine a world without the 1960s Green Revolution. Far fewer Africans and Indians here, there, and everywhere. Imagine . . . (and f**k John Lennon, wherever he is).

2 years ago

Nobody has a solution. As bad as it is, “Christian Nationalists” have the most functional solution. In the long run it would amount to a country which is basically a Brazil. This is crappy but Brazil is a semi functioning country. The surface level national unity, common language & religion, and macho culture seems to hold the diverse nation together. The lack of focus on equity allows people to somewhat self segregate. Obviously the ruling class solution is even worse. They want to make everyone hate whitey while lowering everyone’s living standards and turning your children trans. The end result… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Yeah, my bet for the future of the USA is some South American-style country.

Crappy, high crime, low trust, corrupt, but semi-functioning. If you live in a nice neighborhood, you’ll be alright. Lots of private security, private schools, private everything. Corrupt POC politicians who tow the line of their white backers.

Very small middle class. Working class lives suck.

You’ll still have the diversity stuff, but it’ll be a business by that point. Keep a small number of blacks in easy jobs and nobody raises a stink about anything.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

What you describe is basically what we already have. The future is now, mi compadre.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The United States of Cape Town.

Sounds like I should start an electric security fence business.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

And maybe a auxiliary line in retrofitting flame throwers along the sides of vehicles to discourage stong arm robberies and carjackings at stop lights. Another innovation from the RSA, so it would complement your other line. Maybe you could sponsor some experienced installers from the RSA, and do a solid for some Afrikaaners. Guaranteed race realists.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I’m more worried about Canada and England to be honest. Canada and England are importing people from totally alien civilizations. Not only in terms of their distance to European Christian society but also in their historical grievances against the West. Not only do they hate each other they also hate us and are fish out of water in our societies. Whether it leads to disastrous Egyptian/Indian style slums, or tyrannical communism like China remains to be seen. We’re importing all the problems from the whole world. Either way Canada, UK, and most of Western Europe are becoming places where no… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Yeah, it’s amazing to me that the UK and/or Canada could end up worse off than the US. We had such a head start. You guys really made up some ground. For the most part, we imported Hispanics and, to a much lesser degree, Asians. Stupid, but South America here we come. The UK has imported Indians, Pakis, Arabs and, increasingly, Africans. That’s not a stable situation. Not as sure about Canada. I know that you guys brought in a lot of Chinese and Indians. Not sure about the Muslims and Africans. But even Chinese and Indians are enough. Whites… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Canada is “all of the above”. Indian immigrants alone are now 3x Chinese immigrants per year. The joke used to be that we were becoming China but now we’re becoming India.

Germany, France, and Sweden are all bound for some nasty futures.

They all tried to outdo the USA to show how tolerant they are, lol.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Look at the current front bench cabinet of the UK government.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Tucker had a segment last night about an exodus of “Californians” moving to Mexico. I don’t know if it’s virtually all Cal Mexicans moving back, or if it’s a lot of Whites moving there, but the point is that California has become such a sh*t-hole, Mexico looks better.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

What does “semi-functioning” country mean? MX is also a semi-functional country—is it not? What does Brazil donate to the rest of the world wrt technological innovation? Hell, the last Olympics, they could not even operate the swimming pools they had foreign firms build and competitors refused to compete in them in fear for their health. They had to hire people to clean up their harbor of filth and *dead bodies* so competition could be held there. It was so bad that the Olympic Committee had to pledge to pay more attention in the future as to who is awarded the… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

” It is also no surprise that they have arrived at the cusp of child sacrifice. ”

Really, what else could come after 5 year olds are granted the legal “right” to “consent” to sexual contact with a 50 year old man? How big of a leap is it from child sex abuse to appeasing a volcano god with child sacrifice?

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

We’re already mutilating their sex organs and manipulating their hormones before their frontal cortex is fully developed or even before puberty. I’d say we’re pretty much at the child sacrifice in a volcano step. Same ice cream, different flavor.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

Along the lines of Z-man’s insightful missive, comes this lady’s short but also insightful warning wrt these Leftist loons:


Worth the two minutes or so watch.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

We can only hope….

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I appreciate the message of this video but the woman presenter has most of the affectations of speech and body language that are common to crazy liberal white women. I wouldn’t put much trust in her.

She has crazy eyes and the intolerable smugness that is a predictor for much worse traits.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

I’d get some duct tape, brah, and embrace that sinfulness!

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

LineInTheSand, you are correct, but in this case a must support her points in numerous other videos I’ve seen. Whatever she’s selling it’s congruent to my general perceptions. But I too had to get used to her presentation mannerisms.

Perhaps she is a former—now reformed—snarky Leftist? She does after all advertise herself as “New York Nadia”. Having been born in NYC, I have pretty tough skin wrt these types.

One of my best complements I often receive is, “You don’t sound like you’re from NYC”. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

“God bless America!” So close, yet so far away.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Wow, powerful and terrifying video.

Anyone remember the ending to the 80s horror movie “sleepaway camp”?

That is the monstrous ending that comes at the end of the rainbow of all this trans stuff.

God, how far this poor country has fallen.

Reply to  Fakeemai
2 years ago

WARNING: for those of you who haven’t see the ending DON’T watch it on YouTube.

It may fuck you up. Live your life without this horrible little nugget.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I’ve been saying for ten years that the normalization of pedophilia is their next major goal after homo marriage. I admit that I didn’t see the tranny promotion coming, but my point still stands. My prophesy is that someone like Oprah will have someone like Elton John on her show and the nation will be introduced to his 14 male lover. They adult man and the boy will talk about how much they love each other and Oprah and the females in the audience will all cry about how beautiful it is and how brave they are. If you object,… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

“You religious guys think the motivation for all this is demonic. While I respect your view, I just don’t see the world that way.”

I’m very sympathetic to this view. I am a recovering atheist after all. But if it walks like a demon and talks like a demon, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a goddamned demon and should be treated as such. It’s like when you’re battling Satanists. It doesn’t matter if Satan is real or not. The Satanists think so and that’s good enough.

If anti-Satanism or anti-Demonism or antipedoism is antisemitic, oh well.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. While I have no access to the world of the elites, I doubt that many of them think of themselves as explicitly satanic or demonic. Rather, they think of themselves as pursuing a vision of individual freedom. My translation for that phrase is “license for j3wish nature.” I’m not saying that only the chosen respond to this vision. Just like they were able to enlist many non-whites and minorities in their civil rights attack, they are able to enlist many white sexual deviants to their cause of, what strikes normal whites as, sexual degeneracy. My… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

the chosen and their allies could create a world of unrestricted sexual abandon and it would probably function just fine

Such worlds almost always seem to be part of late stage civilization/society before collapse, from Rome to Weimar. Could just be a symptom of good times making soft men. Or demons.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

It’s certainly demonic, but it’s also part of the great cycle of civilizational rise and fall. I have the misfortune to work amongst whole swathes of deranged leftists and for them, transgenderism, sexual perversion and paedophilia are all immense liberations, a kind of Renaissance with body fluids. They have no idea that, as is perfectly obvious to anyone with a passing knowledge of history, these abominations are just the usual fare of civilizations in terminal decline.

2 years ago

The gym teacher, Dirk Smith (he/homo) previously wrote an article encouraging synchronized swimming for men at the Olympics. 😆

Reply to  Tumescent
2 years ago

Wow, sign me up!

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

” 64% of African American children do not know how to swim (compared to 40% of Caucasian children). 79% of children in families that earn less than $50,000 a year do not know how to swim. 76% of parents report that their children would be more interested in taking up swimming if they saw a talented swimmer that looked like them.” Notice that subtle shift from 64% of AA children can’t swim to 79% if children whose parents earn 50k or less can’t swim. There’s a lot of White people caught up in that 79% Why do they need swimmers… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Blacks have an inheited fear of water. Cross or Hippos live in them in their ancestral lands.

Reply to  Siddo
2 years ago

I Meant Crocodiles.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Siddo
2 years ago

Perhaps, there’s also evidence to suggest they have higher bone density than whites and are simply less buoyant.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

And it makes their hair frizz.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

An dey weeves sumtimes falls off in da ribber.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

They have a name for escaped weaves in the subway in aPhilly; tumble weaves

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

Bone density is a rayciss construct!

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Not if you use the right pronoun.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Unless their tribe is on a seacoast or on major river African blacks in the wild generally don’t get on with water.

African rivers are considered dangerous on account of crocs and hippos but also the home of malevolent spirits…places to avoid.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

I think the best question to ask is, what part of the old culture isn’t dying? What will remain? In the U.S. I think you can say that power distance relationships and organizational flatness will continue. A lot of people long for a Pinochet, but he existed in a particular culture and time. A powerful dictator would not have the runway to take off here. Yet, the present, is disintegrating, along with “muh democracy.” I predict that the only alternative is fragmentation on a Yugoslavian level. The smaller you make a country the more “muh democracy” kind of works. Countries… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

This is far preferable to the Brazil model. Support secession everywhere and at all times, except for when doing so harms the overall interest of the white race.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

When the time comes when talk of secession becomes part of the public discourse, decession (expelling foreign or dyscivilizational parts of the country) needs to be considered as well. California and Hawaii shouldn’t be given the choice whether to stay or go. They should be booted out, after being given the strengthening gift of ALL of our diversity.

Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

What if the South insisted that it hadn’t actually seceded from the United States but had merely expelled Yankee heretics? What if it had retained the name “U.S.A” and said, “sorry about the confusion, but we’ll figure something out.” These are minor semantic differences perhaps, but how would today’s history books have grappled with the inverted moral calculus?

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

There are already strong undercurrents amongst the left and right in favor of secession. There was that poll a few months back that showed a lot (can remember if it was a majority or plurality) of the left in the pacific north west supported secession, same went of right leaning people in the south. The cloud people won’t allow this to reach or be pushed in any real way in state media, but I do believe the grounds are fertile.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

it’s not that simple with california. you need/want coastal access and the deep water ports. also a huge amount of food is produced there (you can get three crops a year).

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Cali can probably be written off in regards to agriculture given that, for some reason, they use massive amounts of farm land to grow water-intensive non-native crops (pecans and rice, most notably). Switching to less water-intensive crops before their reservoirs empty too much, while possible, is pretty unlikely.

Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

Horace – I’d rather expel all leftard Californians (better yet, all leftards) to Hawaii. Kick them out of the union and eliminate all air and sea contact. There they’ll be, in the middle of the pacific – thousands of miles from anywhere. It’d be bad for the land of aloha, but some sacrifices must be made.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

I’ve already visited Hawaii and wasn’t planning on going back anyway. Too far. Let the libtards have it. I’ll just go to Cabo or something instead.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Agree – democracy does not scale up. Even in ancient Athens, it seemed to go off the rails and that was what, around 300k souls? A small city/large town now.

If/when it comes, the way I see it, it will be from disintegration of the federal government – just falling apart, rather than someone or group taking over the feds.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Not so sure, JR. I live in the oldest democracy on the planet, Switzerland. And it’s not just “representative” democracy but direct democracy where every major decision goes to a referendum. That sounds great in theory, and until recently, it was so in practice. However, as the FFs in the 1770s predicted, democracy is only as good as the people who make use of it. Direct democracy can very quickly seem like tyranny when the majority of even a sober people like the Swiss are corrupted by PC and Wokeness. In the last two years the Swiss have voted to… Read more »

2 years ago

“Self-loathing has always been at the heart of mass movements. Christianity explicitly embraced this reality with the concept of sin. To be a Christian is to not only accept the teachings of the particular sect, but to accept and embrace your sinfulness.” ———————————————— Point of order: No, the Bible does NOT tell you to ‘accept and embrace your sinfulness’. Have you even read that thing? The Bible tells the Christian to ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPENT his sins. Methinks you’re trolling, Z… for SHAME! 😉 If we want to be technically and intellectually correct, it is the modern faggotry and progressivism that… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Nonsense. The Bible does not tell you to embrace sin. Period. It tells you to REJECT sinful behaviours. Maybe I am just picking the fly chit out of the pepper with definitions, but to me, embracing a sin and acknowledging it are two very different things. When you embrace something, you do so because you love and approve of it. Now that I think of it – so it goes for “self-loathing”. People that hate themselves cannot love others as a general rule. Self loathing and low self esteem usually expresses itself with erratic behaviour and fashions, selfish rages, disgusting… Read more »

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

A fundamental characteristic of Christianity identity is getting its members to constantly grovel before God, asking forgiveness.

That is where the self loathing comes in.

I think it was a poor choice of words to use “embracing your sinfulness”, but I got Z’s point.

Reply to  Sand Wasp
2 years ago

Wording could have been better, but I did not mistake the meaning.

We all come short…, man is fallen…, despite good intentions, we are all sinners as that is the nature of man.

Nothing above keeps me awake at night. I accept it, recognize (hopefully) when I fail (sin), correct and move on. That’s one of the reasons I’ve never been able to put myself in the shoes of those Z-man describes in his commentary today. I simply don’t hate myself.

Reply to  Sand Wasp
2 years ago

Again. Nonsense. The bible tells you to honour yourself and your Maker with Godly conduct. The intent is to raise you, not to humiliate you.

Good lord, you people! Have any of you read that thing? Much less studied it? Maybe you should… your entire history and civilization are predicated on it.

Words and definitions are important.

Reply to  Sand Wasp
2 years ago

It must be tied to some social instinct in humans to make restitution. If you’re guilty of something you need to express contrition to be received back into the group. So cults and religions create a false guilt (original sin/thetans/whiteness) for the adherents to confess and be absolved so they feel in good standing with the group.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Sand Wasp
2 years ago

“Grovel”? I suppose you could look at it that way, but that is not necessarily accurate. Worship is simply recognizing the reality (should you accept it) that God is the creator, not you, and is therefore due a certain level of respect and thanks, unless of course you hate creation including yourself.

Men haver certainly groveled at the feet of far lesser beings for moving an oblong ball up and down a field covered in plastic.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Now I KNOW you are trolling. You black Jews are all the same!!!

I deserved that, sorry for preaching at you guys. But… if you have the time… get that bible out and re-read it. A good source for the abbreviated Cliff notes is The Bible Project on OyTube.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Again, embrace seems an odd word choice – you embrace loved ones, opportunities, etc. – things that you tend to have an affinity for or want in your life. “Recognize” seems a better word- like recognizing your mistakes – with the intent and hope to correct or improve it.

The whole point of Adam/Eve and Original Sin is that sinfulness is NOT our true nature – it is a fall from our true nature.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

No, that is not “the message of Christ.” That is not even anywhere close to being the message of Christ. What you’re talking about is a modern, Western, vaguely socialistic notion which might be classified as poorly understood and sentimentalized monism. It has nothing to do with any religion, and still less to do with Christianity. It is, in the first place, a category mistake to apply these concepts to religion at all; and in the second place it is an historical mistake to apply them to early Christianity, in the 1st century world of which they would have been… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Well … how do you define self loathing, Z? I hear the Dissidents all the time: “Work out! Lift weights! Pay off debt!!! Learn new skills!!!” To me, that is the same thing as a pastor encouraging his followers to be faithful, godly and charitable. To me, the Bible encourages nothing more than healthy constructive self criticism, and healthy self improvement. I think that if you asked both a Christian and a dissident what the seven deadly sins are, and what the heavenly virtues are… they would largely agree. I dont think either the Christian or the dissidents would see… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago


People don’t work out because the feel they have excessive strength, but because they feel deficient. Likewise, he who wishes to save his life will lose it, but he who wishes to lose his life will save it. The paradox of personal growth is that it only happens when you feel insufficient. Chesterton has an essay that explains this more fully called, IIRC, the Methuselahite.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Again … definition and words matter. ‘Self loathing’ and ‘feeling deficient’ are two different things. The bible is not about making you grovel or chaining you up; it’s about setting you free. It’s like working out and being fit… you have to put something in to get something out.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

To add color, our host probably meant “embrace” in the Catholic sense in which humans are all born with original sin. Not embrace = celebrate.

“Pride” (sloth? envy? wrath?) “Celebrations” are not being held at churches which follow Christ. They may be at Historically Christian Churches (HCC’s), but Jesus left those temples a long time ago.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

To accept your human nature, Glen. To accept that you can only do your best, that God will not ask for more than you can pay- “Teklos, (‘the debt is paid’)” were Christ’s final words on the Cross, that the greatest sacrifice has already been borne. ***** Today’s, frankly, is jaw-droppingly good, none can match the Z for original thought. I say this because my old uber-Boomer friend and mentor called; it was a bit painful, like trying to go back and read PJ Media. (We had cut off because I was in the throes of my newly-discovered anti-semitism, the… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

I take Matthew 6 as definitive. Worship discretely, pray and live simply, don’t worry, don’t make a big show of it. Very workmanlike.

Look at the order of the Lord’s Prayer: God’s will be done; sustenance; ask and give forgiveness of debts/sins; deliverance from evil. Seems a good ordering of priorities to me, but that could just be my reading.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Paintersforms: Excellent comment. I’m no biblical expert, but too many Christians today seem to overthink things and yet simultaneously oversimply things to fit within Clown World culture. No, God was probably neither punishing you nor choosing to elevate your holier-than-thou nature by having you bear a severely handicapped child or by giving you the messed up hormones and mind of the confused sexual degenerate. He set the biological process in motion but in the real (and broken) world, sometimes things simply go wrong. This doesn’t mean God “made you this way” or that you are somehow uniquely ‘blessed’ by a… Read more »

2 years ago

The guitar guy’s complaint is only about signature guitars. The one quibble he has about guitars in general is that a particular woman guitarist had a guitar made for her with a flatter neck that was easier in her hands. That’s it. That’s his whole case. Since signture guitars are made for guitarists who have a name, the writer’s complaint is that systemic whatever has prevented the emergence of women and trans guitar celebs. There are two ways to fix that. Male celeb guitarists can identity as women, trans or genfluid and, going forward, can have new signature guitars made… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Lita Ford has a signature line of guitars. But nobody plays good metal anymore, male or female, so there’s no talent pool.

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Hahaha! Like women, they don’t actually want to solve “the problem” they’ve plucked out of a hat, they just want to talk about it.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

More precisely, they want to bitch about it. They just love to bitch endlessly about whatever.

What percentage of signature guitars should be made for “non-binary” guitarists? Are there any famous “non-binary” guitarists out there? Why does anyone, myself included even know what the hell a non-binary is to begin with?

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Signature guitars are made for prominent artists. Now we will get signature guitars for shitty musicians just for being “non binary”. Just like what we’ve done with blacks, all of life’s spoils will be given to you simply for being a victim identity. Look what has happened with the chimps…. Despite being violent, low IQ, low impulse control demons, we’ve put them up on pedestals and worship them. There’s even murals of St. Floyd, a man who spent his life abusing drugs, committing violent crime and stealing. There is zero hope for America. It will continue to die more every… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

St Floyd;

The only individual canonized for suitcasing a lethal dose of fentanyl up his ass.

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Or one could take up woodwork and learn how to make a guitar. No one is stopping anyone starting a company making guitars for wymin.

But wait, that is solving the problem with no opportunity to complain about the victimihood.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Precisely. Problem solving in itself is problematic as it removes a topic for discussion at the next “pity party”, which as Alzaebo astutely points out is attended mostly by women. I find this quite often in my life with wife and daughter. One is always waking on egg shells in such discussions as the outline of a “plan of attack” to solve said “problems” is most frequently met with hostility—but there’s only so much one can take listening to such blather. Yes, I know it’s a male thing to think all problems have a solution—they don’t—but that’s not the issue.… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Where there is no solution, there is no problem.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago


Most of your friends are now HeeShees?

Dear lord, what’s in your water?

RoboFascist 1st
RoboFascist 1st
2 years ago

I’m thinking of a Retro-Amish gang tat and have the following candidates-

A) Horse and buggy
B) Satellite dish with a line through it
C) Bauernhof Hitkommando
D) Ned Ludd driving a Tesla

Reply to  RoboFascist 1st
2 years ago

I’m getting a scissors, my weapon of choice in the War of the Beards.

Reply to  RoboFascist 1st
2 years ago

Kelly McGillis in the Amish garb from Witness

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

The point about being on the cusp of child sacrifice is an accurate and sobering one. If maiming your children–physically and psychologically–and exposing them to predation by deviant adults isn’t slouching toward Moloch, I don’t know what is. Impossible as it was to conceive 25 years ago, I can now see the day when children–and perhaps white adults, as well–are ritually slaughtered as some form of reparation and propitiation. This is no longer Insane Clown World, it is Insane Demon World.

PS–There is a much better term than the clunky post-Marx culturalist; it is postmodernist.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Agreed. Even normies and moderate neoliberals are beginning to complain that the world is upside down and dearly needs a high pressure colonic with a fire hose. I think I may actually contradict our esteemed blog host. For the most part there is no cost or sacrifice at all to the neoliberal gods. Consider: all I have to do to show my piety is put my pronouns on my work email. All I have to do is keep my mouth shut and look attentive when Corporate brings in the bloated obese she-boon to lecture on critical race theory and sensitivity.… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

“Doesn’t the Japanese Yakuza demand you cut off a finger before becoming a member?”

Nah, I’ve always heard the Yakuza cut off the left pinkie as punishment for members screwing up badly. Side note though, I watched a TV interview with a retired Tokyo vice detective who spent most of his career dealing with the Yakuza and he said they don’t even do that anymore.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Anyone noticed that no Drag Queens are going to Muslim schools? I don’t hold with Islam as a religion but I respect how Muslims stick up for themselves. They don’t take any crap about sexual perversion or transgenderism. Conservatives could learn a lot from them. In the meantime, let’s keep negotiating with the enemy and reaching across the aisle!

2 years ago

I’m starting to think that maybe the talliban aren’t so wrong.
“Parents” (white idiotic women) that submit their offspring to insanity should be thrown from tall buildings along with the demon possesed.
The western world jumped the shark

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Islam is right about women.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Besides harboring the Islam equivalent to an Antifa twerp (bin Laden), I’m not really sure what was evet so bad about them. Not being edgy, they fit in to their world perfectly.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“Perhaps it is now time to shed the old forms and think about creating a new model appropriate to this age.” The problem with this is that human nature does not change. The absurdity of Marxism or any other movement to “shed old forms and create a new model” are built upon the idea of the “perfectibility” of mankind. But Marxism was never about “perfectibility”. It was about destroying anyone that stood in its way. I have a very simple view of the world. I am only concerned with what “works”. Reality, if you will. Every political imposition of the… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

It really is as simple as those 5 words in your opening sentence: ..”human nature does not change.”

And so it goes

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

Please see Springhra, just above. How far does the apple fall from the tree? The Mulatto Otherkin, once they are grown, will need to become their own tribe, as they have nowhere to go. Perhaps they will be as alien as Those who seek to replace us. Original Sin was the crime of marrying into and adopting the greater culture of the Aryans dominating the MidEast; the otherkin zealots of that time called themselves the noble purebloods, rather than the lowly habiru they were (Babylonian for “refugees”, a slur), thus we have the chronicles of the long culture war between… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

(…and continuing on into the Crusader era, and yet still into our own time. Contrary to popular stereotype, the different factions still contend, as they do in every other racial grouping.)

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“They cannot build, only destroy. Until those that seek reality and what “works” weed out those that support chaos, with prejudice, things will continue to get worse.” Amen. We are the builders. Reality is acknowledged and then built upon. The builder accepts reality and uses ingenuity to build great things. What makes them great? Their beauty, utility and durability to reflect and withstand reality. What does the builder do before he builds? He clears the area that will be built upon and removes all hazards that may jeopardize the safety of the builders and the creation. We can’t build until… Read more »

2 years ago

“Self-loathing has always been at the heart of mass movements. Christianity explicitly embraced this reality with the concept of sin.”
The concept of sin is not an exercise in self-loathing, but the encapsulated truth of human nature.

RoboFascist 1st
RoboFascist 1st
Reply to  Bunny
2 years ago

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”
Romans 3: 23

Gunner Q
Reply to  Bunny
2 years ago

Yes. It is NOT the point of Christianity that we aren’t good enough. It’s that we don’t have to be good enough. Loyalty to Father is rewarded with salvation, not as a quid-pro-quo but as a relief from the burden of performance.

You wouldn’t call a rebel accepting amnesty to be self-loathing. Neither is the human condition shameful. God Himself was not ashamed to live as a man… and most of Christ’s life was spent as a nobody tradesman in Podunk.

Reply to  Bunny
2 years ago

In my very first comment on the paleolithic Z-blog, I noted that the word Sin originally was the city goddess of New Babylon, as Uncle Sam is the face of America. To follow her ways, to dwell in her house, was to abandon Judean rule. Of course nobody could figure out what I was talking about. What I see the Zman getting at here, is to point out the root of morality: that is, identity. As Compsci said about Arminius, without our people, we are nothing. The Cold War culture revolution severed our ability to see our people as a… Read more »

Reply to  Bunny
2 years ago

That quote is rather odd. For example, if the Dirt People are to defend themselves and then assert themselves to the point where they can establish and determine their future as a civilization, they will have to organize into a mass movement. I don’t think that would be an act of self loathing. Rather, I think it would be an act of self love. There are aspects of Christianity that don’t sit well with me. I think Doug Casey called it a Sad Sack religion – sanctifying poverty; turning the other cheek; sanctifying charity … It is Sad Sack especially… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

As I’ve written before, we’re a society running on momentum. Non-whites, the usual suspects and some whites have no connection to the people, institutions and morality that built what was the United States; indeed, they hate those people, institutions and, especially, the civic nationalism morality. However, they can’t offer up an alternative. The remaining civic nationalist whites still look to the old ideas and institutions, but the CivNats can’t hold them against the hate whitey tide. The CivNats bet everything on non-whites, the usual suspects and white women embracing their color-blind, merit-based ideology. Like all blank slate-based plans, it failed.… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I have friends who despise ClownWorld, but are invested in Q-World, following all of the talk about Durham’s investigation, and something called “devolution” which means the “White Hats” are working behind the scenes to arrest Hillary, Biden, maybe some of the traitorous Republicans as well. They believe that once these events happen, along with the GOP regaining power, all will be well. When I bring up changing demographics and the attack on Whites, I’m told that “we can’t divide people,” and we have to stay united to fight evil. There are many popular podcast peddling this stuff. X22 Report, Jordan… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

“They call themselves “truthers.” To me, it all comes off as telling people what they want to hear.”

You remember the movie gladiator? Where after he kills the corrupt emperor who murdered his own father and the others adopted father he gives .gov back to the “people” of Rome? That is the world most people live in, right until the world smacks them in the face.

“it wasn’t supposed to be this way!”

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

They aren’t “divided”, they’re united in the genocide of Whites.

(Sock puppets on Blab have the same MO: “They’re dividing us to gain power!!” Okay, “who” is doing this “dividing”? What do they intend to do with this “power” that they aren’t doing already?)

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

I sometimes go to Greatawakening.win to gawp in wonder at the insanity of the Q folks. Of course, I’ve long been banned for saying that none of Q’s predictions have come true and that it was probably either a CIA Psyops or a couple of jokers in their mother’s basement. The sad people have wasted 3/4 years waiting for A Man on a White Horse to come and save them. As for the Q messages themselves, they are mix of fortune cookie level inane slogans dressed up in fake military code. Trust the Plan!

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“Eventually, the institutions will degrade enough to where they no longer function, and that’s when things get interesting.”


Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

Thanks Mr. House, excellent blog that cleared the fog hiding the deception. I’ve never been able to figure out whether they were Evil or Stupid; turns out they are just Crafty.

Reply to  Auld Mark
2 years ago

Yes! I second that recommendation.
“Failing (up) is their superpower.”

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
2 years ago

“In the present age, it is those asking how useful is that old civic nationalism rooted on the culture of the Founders when it has led to suburban mothers sacrificing their children to groomers?”

As Anton Chigurh said, If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?

Reply to  Valley Lurker
2 years ago

One of the obvious rules “that brought us to this” was the first amendment. Allowing the seditious and subversive to express themselves was a terrible mistake and one that they are not making now that they, the seditious and subversive, hold the whip hand. We have inadvertently conducted yet another centuries long experiment in social alchemy which solidly confirm previous results and should inform the laws made to organize whatever will replace our failed social order. A White Christian reconquest of North America would be wise to put more effort into defining what ideas are subversive or otherwise harmful to… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  tashtego
2 years ago

While we are at it, was never too fond of the supremacy clause either. Lots of mischief in that one.

RoboFascist 1st
RoboFascist 1st
2 years ago

It is a good thing that I haven’t let my membership lapse in the Society of Book Burners. I’m taking my copy of Future Shock to the next meeting.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 years ago

This would be a great time for a Catholic revival, as in France in the early 19th Century. The traditionalist movement has the basics and the energy. Perhaps when Bergoglio is gone.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

I don’t think that this will, or even can, happen, at least not with a prospect of success. Far too many of us pilgrims consider the edifice of institutions implicit to such a revanchist religious revival to be a dead letter. This edifice, upon which such a revival would be premised to be grounded, is viewed as a religious “stare decisis” if you will; i.e., a slow encrustation of past follies which must serve as a strait jacket for all who follow. It is a sort of “civic nationalism” a priori assumed to be relevant to the situation in which… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

Eloquent, and eloquently argued. But only if we get codpieces, and I want to dress up like the Swiss Guard after hours.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

You are an irreverant bastard, a man after my own heart, Alzaebo. Long may you run.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Is that the one with all the cock sucking priests?

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Pete
2 years ago

I mean, in fairness to Pete, that might be a legit question. Between the Lutheran, episcopalian, etc scandals and official policies, its hard to keep track of which church has the most gay stuff. Used to be, “preacher diddled a 12 year old boy” meant Catholic. Now, it could be any denomination!

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Sorry, but as someone who often travels in France for work, I see no sigh whatsoever of any “traditionalist” revival. Most Frenchie wouldn’t even know what the expression meant. There is certainly an Islamic Revival, but I’m not sure if that counts.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

Many years ago – Solomon built an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.

In the current day – the savage mind cult seems intent to recreate.

The thing that has been, is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is nothing new under the sun.

2 years ago

Not sure what to make of today’s post. Had to read it twice. Yes, we have lots of crazies in our society. This is nothing new. The percentage goes up with prolonged affluence. We also notice them more in a world of cell phones and social media, plus the news business is highly competitive now and MSM frequently highlights freak shows to gain audience. No different than the traveling carny shows of days past. And none of this is going away until the environment changes. When people go 3 days without a meal, adding a nose ring to compliment their… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

“Not sure what to make of today’s post. Had to read it twice.”

Well, what I learned from today’s post is that the Z-Man does not understand Christianity, does not understand Spengler, does not understand religion or mass movements, and that he is a surface-level thinker with a knack for fantastical combinations, a classic Pareto Type-I residue.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
2 years ago

so i guess there’s no reason for you to stick around (or comment)

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

ID sticks around to amuse himself. Note that he never specifically corrects that which he deems intellectual error on Z-man’s part. He simply leaves snarky remarks and move on.

This is the hallmark of a pseudo-intellectual troll.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

That can’t be.
He has Intelligent as his pronoun!

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
2 years ago

Well I find the Zman’s couple of observations on the nature of Christianity in the post true. In fact Christianity is both self-loathing (you are automatically a sinner for just being born in this world), and leading to high-brow societal constructs that cannot be grasped from within the sundry current woke cults frame.
I think he has struck a rich vein with this Veblen-influenced analysis of the status symbol, virtue signaling nature of woke posturing.
Hope to read more of such intuitions such as the macaroni parallel, which is at once obscure and fitting, hence anything but superficial.

Reply to  Majorian
2 years ago

The concept of original sin is a bit peculiar, I admit. But to equate that with official promotion of “self-loathing” seems a reach.

As far as sin goes, who is not a sinner? As I noted before, I have a great many sins to consider in my past, but I’ve never reacted with the type of self-loathing—and behavioral conversion—as described by Z-man.

In my world of “normal”, but fallen, acquaintances I fail to discern any self-loathers as Z-man describes. Am I just fortunate, or just unobservant?

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

What you are, is a relic from a storied past. Given enough time, even a common vase, the lone survivor amongst thousands made, becomes an irreplaceable treasure.

Who knows?
Perhaps it will be you as the last whitehair, telling impossible stories to scoffing young men in loincloths.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I also think very few self-flagellate at the thought of being born in sin without any alternatives. Still, if only conceptually, we can concede to the Zman that admitting to an ancestral guilt we are not responsible for is a bit diminishing of our moral status and thus self-loathing. Hence his reasoning that “Self-loathing has always been at the heart of mass movements” flows seamlessly enough. Depends if you can accept the meaning of self-loathing to include the mere cerebral acceptance that there is an original sin which you can just shrug about without any practical consequence. If on the… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Majorian
2 years ago

Guess it depends on your brand of Christianity. The concept of Original Sin is a little deeper than “born this way.” Christianity is not really self-loathing – (1) because it teaches O.S. is endemic to all of humanity (2) Christianity sees itself as the only way out, and (3) if self-loathing, only in the sense that we were made for so much more. But I took his mention as a surface scratch to make a point, and not a doctoral thesis. Of course current “Christianity” does suffer from an inferiority complex through a lot of humble bragging (which is the… Read more »

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

The notion of Original Sin arises from the truth that no man can completely shed the desire to compete with God, and that this is the basis of every last one of our moral transgressions. It’s not intended to be an indictment of any of us; its teaching is only to bring awareness to the nature of our relationship with the Creator.

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

I think in the context of this post, the Zman intended the original sin as ‘self-loathing’ in the sense of ‘self-handicapping’, as in the Yakuza mademan having to chop one of his fingers off to show his loyalty, or as in the v.i.p. going to Epstein’s island having to compromise himself with a minor on camera to be part of the club. You have got to offer a sacrifice of sorts to be part of a group of initiates. In the case of Christianity moral purity gets sacrificed, i.e. humiliate yourself with the admission of being a sinner no matter… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
2 years ago

I’m sure NRO will take you back.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

You can only steer clear of the crazies if they let you. Being a “gray man” no longer works. “Gay” man, yes; “Gray” man, no. If you don’t believe me, ask Mrs Kavanaugh how steering clear is working out. These SoBs won’t be stopped until they are.

2 years ago

“His profile makes clear that he is a fully enculturated bug man”

I didn’t need to read his profile to know he is a bug man. He is writing on a homosexual fitness site.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Now we know what hobbies Z-man has.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

No regular reader would believe that Z-Man spends his time browsing sweaty gay dudes, which is why the above post is obviously a joke.

The joke was funny, so I gave it a thumbs-up — for the joke, not for the literal sentiment. Interesting to see a 50/50 split. Either half the people didn’t get the joke, or half the people (me included) mistakenly perceived it as a joke when Trumpton was serious.

Funny how the internet works.

Reply to  Winter
2 years ago


Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Err, stomping bugs, like the commercial in Starship Troopers?

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

No, wiping them, like with a cloth.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

“homosexual fitness”. Oxymoron of the week. Homosexual activity should have a whole DSM-IV to itself.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Speaking of mutants, the latest issue of my grad school alumni mag has a two-page spread showcasing the glorious weaves and neon hair coloring of the fat, greasy mutants found on campus, tucked in between the endless articles about vibrant state of Xirl Science.

Liberty Mike
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Didn’t you mean to write “my grad school alumni rag?”

Reply to  Liberty Mike
2 years ago

I’m so old that I remember when the phrase “on the rag” meant that your girlfriend was acting bitchy because she was having her period.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Doesn’t it still mean that?

Reply to  Montefrío
2 years ago

Yes, and that’s why she’s the editor.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

An interesting point you bring up, Tom. This saying and sooo many others I too remember and I too used them so frequently in my youth. Now, after having lived through almost 3 generations of societal change in mores—read “Liberal indoctrination”—I don’t even think of them and never use them in any conversation, even among friends. It’s not that I don’t think they are descriptive, or vulgar, or even insulting. It’s that I now recognize/accept that I have been “trained” to not even think in those terms by the general cultural change I’ve lived through. It’s humbling to think how… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Wild Geese: Unless it genuinely helps you in your career to be known as an alum of school ‘x,’ have them remove your name from their mailing list – for endless fundme appeals as well as the alum rag. I had this done for both undergrad and grad school after finding myself yet again enraged by the celebratory decay in each issue. For all I know they’ve removed my name from their list of alums altogether – ask me if I care.

2 years ago

The return to barbarism will largely (say 2/3) be laid at the feet of the left for fomenting and fueling our descent to degeneracy – and the right will bear the remainder of the responsibility for allowing it to happen by never fighting back with any intensity. The utterly failed attempt to empower and raise up the black race over the past 60 odd years is another good example of the cult mentality. At some point, the futility will be openly acknowledged and recognized, so we can hopefully move on. But the continuing absurdity and ridiculousness of the effort seems… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

Look on the bright side: Given their track record, conservatives are not going to conserve much of the new barbarism.

David Wright
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

Along with the rot that prosperity brings about in advanced societies, the resultant progressive intellectual class that accelerates our decline is the most effective. Finally getting around to reading the last of C.S. Lewis’ , That Hideous Strength. Written in 1945 it tells the story of an organization that is formed in the university setting who’s grand purpose is the total control and makeover of world. Progressivism laid bare in exactly how they view mankind and given the power, money and control over the media how they will implement their designs for the ultimate betterment. I haven’t got to the… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

Reading Perelandra right now, working my way up to it.

I tried reading it about 15 years ago and found the message too heavy-handed and unrealistic. Joke’s on me.

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

Barbarian was the term used by Greeks to describe all non-Greek speakers. It has come to mean people whose culture is more “primitive” than others and is typically used by those that consider their culture more “advanced” than the barbarians. In fact, the argument could be made that a change from a barbaric culture to a more technological one is a case of degeneracy in itself. It’s likely that the primitive Amish, for instance, regard their neighbors “the English” as degenerates. First-world moderns, heavily engaged in contemplating the daily adventures of the Kardashians, silly but dangerous elected officials, and the… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

“At some point, the futility will be openly acknowledged and recognized, so we can hopefully move on.” I’m not as optimistic. The more apparent it becomes that African failures are biological, the more the left doubles down on systemic racism as the cause. It is just too hard to admit some races are more successful. Even most on the Right cannot cross this bridge because they fear intellectual inferiority might imply moral/spiritual inferiority.

Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

DLS: As you note, correlation is not causation. However, I would posit that the true bridge too far (which I long ago crossed) is simply accepting intellectual and spiritual and physical differences as all manifestations of differing subspecies: i.e. any form of racial egalitarianism is a basic category error. That is what they truly fear.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

And “category error” leads to false—as in impossible—expectations. Hence the basis for much of our conflict among the races today.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

That’s a good way to put it. The denial of the category error takes an unbelievable amount of delusion, when you are a Google search away from an IQ-by-country map. A good question to ask a race egalitarian is, which of the roughly 50 countries in Africa is not a third world hellhole? Oh yeah, the one founded by whites. How can the other 40+ countries be victims of systemic racism when they are 100% black? Africa has a great climate for agriculture, prime access to trading routes and loads of natural resources. What is holding them back? I never… Read more »

2 years ago

It’s middle and upper-class White women who are offering their children up to this degeneracy. You never see Black, Hispanic, Asian, poor White female, or White fathers with their kids at drag shows.

Reply to  JDav
2 years ago

It is all white children. This cult of child sacrifice. And it is in the hands of their white parents. If they don’t kill them in the womb they sacrifice their innocence in childhood. So demonic.

Reply to  JDav
2 years ago

Mostly work with young men in their late 20’s and early 30’s: average earning per year $200-$250k. None of them have kids. None of them WANT kids. Most common reason “Kids are too expensive, I can’t afford to have them.” Women drive this choice of course. But both men and women already sacrifice their children by never having them in the first place, indulging first and foremost in the hedonic treadmill. The modern world is wealthy, but it has no connections to the past or the future generations. Mass elf-inflicted sterility spells doom for whatever future generations manage to get… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

They would want any kid that they have to land on the cloud, which yes, has become prohibitively expensive even for that salary class. White families set their kids up for failure by making sure that they respect The System and their place in it above all else.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

I’m surprised the birth rate is as high as it is, my former high school / college mates have produced almost 0 children (to be fair, myself included).

If it makes you feel any better, the POC have the same birth rate of 0 as the white people.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

The progeny of Clevon shall inherit the earth.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

There’s still on option for the men to wait until their 40s and find a twenty-something to bear children. Not so much for women.

Reply to  JDav
2 years ago

Mammon over honor and morality. Men can be cowards, women can be as crazy as they want to be.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Paid for with children’s blood, it seems. What a despicable ethic.

Reply to  JDav
2 years ago

Friar Lawrence from Romeo and Juliet: ‘Women may fall, when there’s no strength in men.’

2 years ago

It is also no surprise that they have arrived at the cusp of child sacrifice. Spilling innocent blood appeals to the savage mind. Abortion enthusiasts have “savage minds”? What, indeed, is a “savage mind”? In the case of the abortion enthusiasts their mentality contains a rejection of one of the most important features of the savage mind, reproduction, something pointed out by Spengler. The decaying culture of which they are a part rejects normal motherhood for a symbolic place in the political, governmental, economic, social maze. Motherhood is an expensive inconvenience and responsibility that requires Similac and interrupted sleep. Savage… Read more »

2 years ago

When some people at my work (a large defense contractor) started putting their pronouns on their emails, I realized that when the cultural rot reaches a heavily STEM-oriented organization, we’re in trouble as a civilization. The people in charge encourage this not because they’re leading it, but because they’re swept along with the waves of madness. They must ride the crest or drown. As long as there is food in the grocery stores and electricity, this madness will be allowed to continue. But remove those things and it becomes a survival issue, those degenerates will likely be banished and left… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
2 years ago

I find the ongoing child abuse monstrous because it’s a sort of slow-motion human sacrifice and resurrection as a zombie.

I mean, why just chop someone’s heart out like an Aztec when you can drag the sacrifice out over months or even years?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

But Geese, it will make the crops grow. Gaia will turn green again, just a few thousand more should do it.

Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
2 years ago

They can still die outside.

If anyone does stuff like pronouns or flags or the “current thing”, just cut them out. Cut them out of your social life, your home, your work projects, your family. 3g4me makes this point repeatedly.

The lack of social stigma and toleration of evil is enabling this. Social ostracism for NPCs can work both ways if people would just realize it.

You get less of what you punish.

Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
2 years ago

I lost a private teaching contract at a big local school a while back. My crime? One of my students asked me what I thought about the new teacher, a man who dressed as a woman. I told him that he shouldn’t be dressed like that around young children. Of course, it got back to Mom, who told the school, and I was hauled before the head and his controllers (HR). I refused to apologise and repeated my point. That ended my contact with that particular school. The job title of this sexual pervert was….”Wellness Counselor” and he worked in… Read more »

2 years ago

The initiation rites used as examples in the opening paragraphs…
I believe that was Epstein’s role with the elite. To become “made” in the elite, you took a plane ride to his island and did unspeakable things to a minor while being recorded. Then all the doors of power and wealth were opened for you, as long as you did as instructed. It explains the behavior of many who took the ride, especially John Roberts.

Reply to  Maxda
2 years ago

Yep. Same with Hollywood. Think, what did Tom Hanks have to do to become so revered? It really boggles the mind what a profound degenerate he must be

David Wright
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

A few actors or insiders have pulled back the curtain and revealed what it takes to make it high up in that degenerate business. Lots of homo action for one to go along with the decades old tradition of sluttery. Brad being passed around like a boy toy is a common mention.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago


Hanks’ first major TV credit was Bosom Buddies, a show written entirely around crossdressing.

His first major film credit was Mazes & Monsters, a film centered on his character’s psychotic break from reality.

Obviously these are totally normal and family friendly themes. Nothing to see here folks!

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago
Reply to  Maxda
2 years ago

That’s fake. And Mel Gibson is also suspect

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Why is Mel Gibson suspect? He has been ostracized by Hollywood when he was of leading character caliber, only a handful of actors at his level, plus he has proven to be a competent director which requires a certain amount of acquired culture and creativity.
So he has lost an awful lot in calling them out.

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago


I can’t reply to you but because he made it in the first. Repentance is always possible till the last breath and it is clear that he is fighting demons and I hope he wins

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Never understood how that rubber faced idiot became such a hit.

2 years ago

If it’s any consolation, some of the brighter college kids I saw hit the depths of cynicism about the pronoun thing right from the beginning. Just as “I have a learning disability” no longer means anything other than “I’m not going to do the homework, so just mark down an ‘incomplete’ for my class grade now,” so insisting on bizarre plural pronouns means one of two things: Either the obvious one (“don’t call on me in class, because I’m mentally ill and will start raving about the saucer people”) or the slightly less obvious one (“don’t call on me, because… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

This sounds a bit like the Chinese youth who have begun moving on from laying flat to bai lan, which translates as, “let it rot.”

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

The loss of masculinity possibly keeps us from either rescuing the current system or creating a new one. If we had men within our elites and our population, a few hangings and jailing along with reforms that stick could possibly save this current system. And if we had enough men thinking and writing and acting towards a new system we would possibly be further down that path. We seem to be stuck in a quickly deteriorating system but we don’t know what to do because we are not starving yet. Maybe we have to get to the starving and collapse… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Charity begins at home.