A Discourse On Reform

The show will go on hiatus for a week, so this is a two hour program to make up for the loss of an hour next week. Since we are officially in summer, something I wanted to do, but have not found a way to do it, is plug some books from our side that people may find useful on the summer holiday at the beach. I do not do many book reviews, but I get a lot of requests for them, along with book suggestions.

For the fictionally inclined, three books by two authors from our side have been recommended to me. Karl Dahl’s Faction is a crime novel released last year and another episode is coming out soon. Spencer J. Quinn, who turns up in the comments here and writes for Counter-Currents has sent me two of his books. One is White Like You and the other is Charity’s Blade.

Old friend Joseph Cotto has a book out about the history of Florida. This focuses on the French settlements and what happened to them. It is a bit of forgotten history that there was a French settlement in Florida. It is fair to say that the history of the state and of the country would be much different if the French had done a better job managing their colonies in the New World. Counter-Currents has reviewed it here.

While on the topic of friends of the show, I did a review of Paul Gottfried’s latest book for American Greatness a few months back. Given that the Left is now promising another summer of rage, some may be inclined to study up on the history. Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade is a short read about the surprisingly long history of anti-fascism in the West. It is a good companion to his book on fascism.

Finally, I recently read Kevin MacDonald’s book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition and I have to say it is an odd book. I was planning to do a review, so I did a close reading, taking lots of notes, but even after thinking about it for a while I am still not sure what to make of it. I did not hate it, but I did find it a bit frustrating because of how it is organized. It could just be a matter of taste.

In case anyone is interested, I am currently re-reading Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution for my own book project. My copy comes with the essay by George Orwell titled, Second Thoughts on James Burnham. The essay is a critique of Burnham’s often ridiculous claims during the war and the failure of his theory from a socialist perspective, which itself is an interesting reminder of Orwell’s own limitations.

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Promotions: We have a new addition to the list. Havamal Soap Works is the maker of natural, handmade soap and bath products. If you are looking to reduce the volume of man-made chemicals in your life, all-natural personal products are a good start. If you use this link you get 15% off of your purchase.

The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is a tea, but it has a mild flavor. It’s autumn here in Lagos, so it is my daily beverage now.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount if you use this link. If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sa***@mi*********************.com.

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Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Indeed. However, I doubt this will work. Why? Because an essential aspect of the other side in these type protests is *violence* or the implied threat of violence based upon previous incidents. Violent protests is Leftist thing, not a White thing—not these days anyway. Long gone is the era of an incident like this prompting the White segment of town to riot and burn down the Black section of town. Such would not be a bad thing if (White) restraint was reciprocated and the law was truly impartial in its application, but as we see it’s not. No good can… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Sadly, the good advice given to us by John Derbyshire was not followed. Spread this message to family and friends. Ignore it at your own risk.


2 years ago

does this end up being like the scopes monkey trial where the left basically ends up trying to go into blue jurisdictions in red states, intentionally try and do abortions, and basically spit in there face. The idea is that you have prosecutors who won’t prosecute and if you get a very pro-choice jury, and/or a judge paid off to acquit in a bench trial – you basically have an area that is a no-go zone. Despite being in a Trump state, Travis County went for Biden by a 45 point margin. So if you try and bankrupt jurisdictions that… Read more »

Carl B.
Carl B.
2 years ago

Wow. The nastiest, most hateful, vile responses to the Roe v. Wade SCOTUS decision has been from the females of a certain ethnic (((group))). Ugly *itches inside and out.

2 years ago

As a result or Roe, a certain number of people (who, let’s face it, were scheduled to be removed anyway) will now be voluntarily decamping some of our heartland states.

If this is a good thing, riddle me why waging politics and metapolitics at the state level through the GOP is a bad thing?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

One of the consequences of abortion, is that politics is generally inherited. So many of the people who would never have allowed this were never born. Whoops. Lol.

I am concerned about the surplus niglet problem. But we can’t live with blacks anyway, so the long term solution to that is a one way ticket to Liberia. Lincoln supposedly wanted that to happen after the war.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

You guys with your “ship them off” thing. It takes 4 cops to get a black man to the ground. And another fat white mom cop to wrangle the cuffs on him. How you think you gonna get em all on ships? They got guns too. What? You gonna paint the ships up like a KFC? Tell them they goin to Chicken Island where the trees are drumsticks and the hot springs spout barbeque sauce?

Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

A Tubman on the end of a fishing line would probably suffice in most cases.

Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

It takes four men to get you on the ground ,Frip?

Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

I suggest this method:


Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

Easy: We’ll just manufacture more cyborg mecha-gendarmerie using patented Amazon/Google a.i. thinkfluencing firmwares— very cool — to subdue these larger BIPOC citizens disrespecting the social contract (pending trial and avatar representation at the Metaverse Courthouse). This doesn’t conflict with my libertarian ideology at all!

Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

You don’t need to get them all onto ships. Hell, where can 50M folks resettle anywhere in this world? We need simply to burn off the particularly violent ones. I’m for banishment/expulsion. Bleed off 1-2% each year and watch the problems decline.

Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

How bad will these riots about abortion get? Remember Mayor Daley, mayor Rizo? No more. As long as its left wing violence, police do nothing to stop it.

The spring is getting wound tigher & tighter, encouraged by Hollywood Kooks, the media, and our pols. Is this the spark?

I have a bad feeling about this as things are devolving even faster than I imagined. Inflation, fuel and food shortages, lawlessness spreading. What happens when truckers won’t or can’t deliver their produce?

If you don’t already have a bug out plan, get one!

Reply to  BeAprepper
2 years ago

I think almost nobody really cares. Very few young people are having sex if you believe the reporting on it. Birth rates are way, way down. The women screeching the most are 500 lb blue haired lesbian landwhales outraged that if they lived in Mississippi instead of California they would not be able to abort their imaginary baby they will never have. Everyone else is struggling to make ends meet which puts paid to screeching about the mental illness of weirdos. The women screaming look really off putting. They can’t pull of the dominance displays of black dudes burning and… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

“I think almost nobody really cares.” No reason to care till you knock her up. Then you’ll REALLY care. It will be all you think about 24/7.

Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

Again, its not 1975 anymore. Most people are more into their phones than the opposite sex around them. And if you believe the stats its seems like every other girl is a lesbian or considering transgender surgery.

Just the simple fact of an aging population makes abortion a non-issue. Women age 50 are not getting pregnant. And its a baby momma world now. Single motherhood is the desired outcome, not a stigma.

Lesbian blue haired land whales make very poor street soldiers. So there’s that.

2 years ago

Regarding shipping the 20% of troublesome White people off to Africa. I think a lot of them would feel much more at home in Israel.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Probably. Israel is apparently starting the slide into a prog utopia.

Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

I’m stunned! Jews moving left? Impossible.

That’s all the sarcasm I can muster on a Sat. morning.

2 years ago

Those charitable foundations have done far more harm than a bunch of entitled brats running around with more money than sense probably would have. As soon as their founders die, they start being taken over by the left. The Ford Foundation, for example, would give Henry Ford a stroke if he could see what it was doing today. These large charitable foundations fund and staff a significant portion of the degeneracy in the country.

2 years ago

Zman mentions ten year limit for government service, maybe 15 years for FBI, CIA, places where you want some tenure.

Really I can’t see why we need either the FBI or the CIA at all. We made it for half to 3/4 of the nation’s history without them. US Marshalls and Secret Service handled the federal government’s very limited law enforcement needs.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Heh, the CIA, DARPA, the NSA, FBI, the DIA, DHS…95% of the intelligence services, TBO.

2 years ago

Regardless, I’ve never seen Downton Abbey before. Watching it juxtaposed with American commercials is proving to be nearly a psychedelic experience.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

A young black woman learning heart surgery and watching Marc Antony argue in the Roman Senate, as she is certain to do with the Metaverse!


This brave new world will never happen if we let those evil racists destroy her health freedom and medical choice!
May Ruth defend her!

2 years ago

Make the horsewhipping (or worse) of editors, reporters and politicians who knowingly lie or libel great again. I mean, it’d be non-stop hilarity until the dirtbags finally got a clue.

James J. O'Meara
James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

So, the idea is that if anyone gives a substantial amount to say, the VDare Foundation, or the Counter-Currents Foundation, or the Chronicles Foundation, their name AND ADDRESS will be posted to the internet. What could go wrong? I’m sure that wouldn’t lead to 1. a substantial decline in contributions to conservative causes or 2. firebombing by antifa.

After tonight, I’m sure the Supreme Court justices will approve of this idea.

Reply to  James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

James, forgive me for some personal questions but do you use your real name? If so, how badly has this messed up your life? I know that you’ve been around for a decade at least.

I’m asking as guy who pays $20/month, deleteme.com, to have my personal information scrubbed from the internet.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

LineIn: I just ordered that book you suggested below, Charity’s Blade. Other far right fiction I bought in the last few years on suggestions from people Zblog: The Brigade by Covington. 600+ pages. The Rope. And, I forget title, but cover is red with profile of man and woman shooting rifles. I’m only a few pages in on each book. If you have any other suggestions let me know. Also bought Archeofuturism: European Visions of the Post-Catastrophic Age. By Guillaume Faye. French Catholic Right intellectual. I’ve read some interviews with him and he’s pretty good. I don’t think he’s much… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

The communications section, they already do it, they just do it selectively. As I understand it, this is the theory under which Assange has been charged. He received stolen military documents and then published them. Also, a lot of people don’t know this, but the DMV in many states now sell your information. They require you by law to give them all your information and then sell that information to the highest bidder. There isn’t any way to opt out of it either. If someone gets a hold of that information and uses it to take a credit card out… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Much like attraction can’t be negotiated, integrity can’t be legislated.

2 years ago

In a correspondence from the Labor Notes convention in Chicago for his Compact site, Sohrab Ahmari goes out of his way to poormouth Burnham’s MR theory. I think in paraphrase the idea is that college professors (non-tenured) and HR drones aren’t really “managers,” they’re exploited labor the same as chicken-pluckers and janitors — who are actually better off than the baristas; this is what he seems to be saying — but out of all these groups the white-collar proles are under a unique false consciousness and ought to be pitied for that. I’m not sure I buy into either extent… Read more »

2 years ago

The bad / broken contract has become a huge problem in international relations. The Russians are about done destroying the Ukrainian Army because the Ukraine and U.S. refused to honor the Minsk agreements.
Lithuania is trying to start WWIII – by violating the terms of the treaty they signed with the Russian Federation.
It’s understandable why the Russians no longer believe anything Western diplomats say and are resorting to force.

Reply to  Maxda
2 years ago

The only agreements maintained are those that you can enforce your side of the deal. Russia is now enforcing its own Minsk agreement.

Otherwise, as GWB opined, its just a goddam piece of paper.

Look at how many international so called laws are just thrown out of the window when it suits. The EU does not even have the ability to levy sanctions in its charter, yet here we are, stealing property, using international bodies like sock puppets, the list goes on. Shows what a sham the whole edifice is.

The reality is force, force and nothing but force.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

If I recall, there was a section of Mao’s Red Book entitled, Get a Big Knife.

“Get a big knife. With a big knife, you can get a sword. With a sword, a pistol. With a pistol, a rifle. With a rifle, you can get anything.”

Reply to  Maxda
2 years ago

This piece from the Royal United Services Institute is worth a read.


I suspect the Pentagram knows this and the State Department doesn’t.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

Thank you. Yes, very interesting, indeed. The question arises; what the fuck are they doing with all of the money they get year after year? Does no one think about the possibility of, and the brute force necessities of continental-scale warfare in the West anymore? Assuredly, the Russians do, and it shows. They have been embroiled in a few of those sort of throwdowns, and the implications of such a scale and intensity of conflict is never far from their minds. All that the US has had to think on for a long time is expeditionary forces in combat, challenging… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 years ago

It seems likely the massive amount of money is on the 9 for me 1 for you rule.

They probably produce 1 real weapon for each ten billed and accounted for, with the rest pocketed along the way at various points.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Yeah, you are likely correct. My question was kind of rhetorical, as the ROI on allocations to the DoD has come to be pretty widely known. F-35, anyone? The poor thing was strangled with ever changing demands for different configurations, some of which were grossly incompatible with the original design concept, these in aggregate leading to the disaster it in the end has become. No consequences are, of course, ever forthcoming for those parties responsible; rather, they are rolling in lucre, and living in expectation of promotions (before they leave the military, and join some “defense” contractor’s board [Vide SoD… Read more »

2 years ago

Speaking of the Palin case, it was pretty funny watching Savannah Guthrie interviewing Amber Heard. (Recall how horribly the junkyard dog Guthrie treated that Covington kid – and recall also his ultimate victory against WaPo?) In AH’s case, SG had no choice but to appear skeptical of AH because the jury made it clear not only that AH lied with malice, but it was also revealed the ACLU had egged AH on with their staff lawyers carefully crafting her “editorial” about Depp (without mentioning him by name). Standard fare for ACLU in prosecuting their culture war against “the patriarchy”. In… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Not only do the TOS change at random without the courts first approving them, but pretty much ALL of them now require relinquishing your rights to go to court and instead go to an arbitrators picked by them and on their payroll. And it is EVEN worse than that. A lot of products now come in a sealed plastic bag that says if you open the bag, you agree to arbitration, again one they pick and pay for. The court allegedly derives its legitimacy by being a neutral representative of the people. Now we have a situation where the courts… Read more »

2 years ago

Joseph Cotto is like Charles Columbe if you removed 20 IQ points and made him a fedora-tipping atheist instead of a traditionalist Catholic. Columbe’s neo-monarchist schtick is a little silly but at least its backed up by religious principles. Why would a socially liberal atheist put his fake title of nobility he got from some African chieftain on his book? If Jesus mythicism is true and its morally licit to kill 3 month old babies (Cotto has given favorable interviews to Richard Carrier and Peter Singer), who gives a shit if you’re a baron? No idea why Gottfried puts up… Read more »

2 years ago

Excellent work, Z. Well thought out and reasonable … which will only make it anathema in our current age, given current demographics. Not to fedpoast… but we are going to have to deport millions of vibrants, and kill tens of thousands of their allies, enablers, and cohorts in crime to make any of it happen. All of your beefs are features to the usual suspects. I think you’ll see America break first if any serious attempts at reforms were made. With the digital age, a lot of the problems go away simply by using the ‘off’ button… or being seriously… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

“Not to fedpoast… but we are going to have to deport millions of vibrants, and kill tens of thousands of their allies, enablers, and cohorts in crime to make any of it happen. All of your beefs are features to the usual suspects. I think you’ll see America break first if any serious attempts at reforms were made.”

^^^ this. It is the only way, unfortunately.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Reform wouldn’t cut It. Revolution, not reform.

2 years ago

I recommend “Charity’s Blade”. It takes place in a future where there is a break-away white ethnostate in the USA. As you would expect, the US government unleashes Dresden-like barbarity. The book displays the harshness of the future likely ahead of us.

The protagonist is a young woman pursuing a harrowing goal, which sets it apart from other books in this genre.

Other topics that the book explores: the relationship between Christians and non-Christians, an independent state for the sexually deviant, and whether to accept the repentance of liberals and white race traitors.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

For all the criticism of the desire to reform, it’s easy to overlook how much of what is evil and ailing our society was reform done by the other side. But the reason reform is easy for the other side and near impossible for us is because the other side completely controls the mass culture and education and media. The politics is the last stage of reform. Gay marriage didn’t just pop out of the supreme court one day out of the blue. There was 30 years of propaganda and desensitization preceding that evil ruling. Until there are witty and… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago


The line should be “politics is downstream of media control”.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Speaking of gay marriage, I can’t wait to see the White House lit up tonight with “LIFE” (or something similar) to celebrate the latest ruling from our sacred democracy’s highest court.

Because, if you don’t respect supreme court rulings, you are a racyist. Or something.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

It will be lit up in bright red, to celebrate baby bloodshed. 9 months after the first anti-abortion law is passed and goes into effect, no matter how slight the restriction is, prepare yourself for an onslaught of propaganda about teenage moms killing their baby and flushing them down a toilet because they had no choice and orphanages and bunch of other propaganda blaming the mean old Republicans who hate women. The leftists are always trying to pass new laws to help fix the problems caused by the last progressive program. A big thing with abortion was all of the… Read more »

2 years ago

There is no shortage of good ideas, nor people promoting those ideas in endless venues. There is, however, a critical shortage of discussion about serious methodologies for implementing those ideas. But first, what are the unserious methodologies that are known to not work. The obvious No. 1 is VOTE HARDER. This bane of our existence will persist as long as the Comfort First Imperative is alive and well. No. 2 is the related notion that we can talk (or persuade) our way out of the mess we’re in. This is the canary-in-the-coal-mine canard that eventually a critical mass of people… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Some Ukris are really giving Nahtsies a bad name.

2 years ago

Z-man, while I agree that social media sites are a general pox on society, your reasoning about rights is simply wrong. Even if we take it for granted that a social site must get it’s user’s permission to collect and sell data, pics etc. every single time, it would be extremely easy to work around this by creating, say, a use contract where using the site requires ongoing permission from the user for the host to collect and sell their data. In fact, it already does this. However, the real problem with your argument is that ignores the very simple… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I don’t care either that people want to spill their secrets online, but it seems to me it’s just simpler to say that social media sites are toxic to society and reward sociopaths, so they should be shut down. Requiring sites to get per-instance permission from users for selling their data instead of being permitted to get perpetual consent just seems like an esoteric way of saying, let’s shut down these sites. Society would certainly be better without them.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Europe has this covered already, at least partially.

Facebook and Google get huge fines on a regular basis when they get caught stealing data from users.

(so maybe it doesn’t “work”, but at least there’s a bee sting)

2 years ago

I hope no one minds I throw in my own book recommendations: The Politics of Guilt and Pity by Rushdoony.
The White Horse Night, about King Alfred laying a smack down on the Vikings and creating England.
And finally, How The Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill.
When Profecy Fails (Festinfger, Riecken, Schachter) is a good lesson on how lefty thinks but it’s a little dragged out.

2 years ago

Speaking of reform, R v. W is overturned:


Praise God! (The real one, not Allah.)

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

One of the decisions by, I believe, Thomas a while back took a snipe at the modern administrative state’s questionable constitutionality. While not as politically hot as the ones there, muzzling the Deep State would rock the foundations of the country to the core.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Now that would be a massive decision. It would stop modern govt in its current form almost entirely.

Congress having to legislate all rules directly is a great reset indeed.

What about all the existing admin “laws” brought into existence then?

Do they get rolled back as well?

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

What we need is a case where the regulatory entity concept is challenged wrt its internal appeals process. Right now, we have regulatory entities that regulate and control appeals to their rulings—in other words, they control our Constitutional concept of “due process”, not an independent court system. Heretofore, the SCOTUS has only allowed external court review after all such internal appeals within a regulatory agency have been exhausted and then only in limited and specific instances. For example, one way the EPA handles “violations” is to issue a cease and desist order, then to fine you say $100k per day… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

That would be the biggie: Nothing is enforceable unless specifically voted on by Congress. A few minor changes gets things moving in the right direction. All Laws have to be read in their entirety before all members of the Congress, and in any separate session when it is discussed or voted upon. A quorum shall be two thirds of the body. No-one who was not in attendance for all readings can vote. All laws sunset in 10 years. We can keep the bastards so busy trying to keep the half ten commandments current that they won’t have time to celebrate… Read more »

James J. O'Meara
James J. O'Meara
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The right to wear a rubber device on one’s John Thomas is the foundation of Protestantism, as explained here by the Monty Python troupe. Thomas and before him Scalia were unable to make the leap out of the Middle Ages and the principle of alien episcopal supremacy. Simple as that.


Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Mulouch is gonna be pissed.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

“The Centers for Disease control report that there were 629,898 abortions in the United States in 2019” And the same people who cheered that on didn’t want a single person to die from covid? Maybe because they’re all old and in the range that kills people with covid? That’s if you believe the numbers reported by .gov which i don’t. You have to wonder, are they trying to start a fight? Kinda like burning down your own building for insurance money when you mismanaged your business so bad? Get ready for another summer of mostly peaceful riots up until the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

The Covidians, generally speaking, don’t believe unborn infants are human beings.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Given they themselves are not human beings either I can see the logical thread.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Even infants up and at’em out of the womb up to a year old (some radicals even argue way older) are considered acceptable fodder.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

The good: many Leftists will experience myocardial infarction or apoplexy and spin into early graves.

The bad: more negroes.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

they were already getting that from the vax! https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/can-vaccines-be-dangerous-to-pregnant the left loves the xax

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

America owes a huge debt of gratitude to Myers Anderson (Clarence Thomas’ grandfather.)

Raised the boy right.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Again with the belief that we can civilize most blacks if they only had strict fathers…

I admire Thomas, but he is an outlier of an outlier and to see him as representative of anything is to misunderstand biological reality. If you let him in, you will end up letting most of them in because almost all non-whites feel oppressed when they see few other blacks and demand more like them.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

That is true. We need to consider the “typical” representative of any race in generalizations. On the other hand, Thomas and any number of others of whatever minority must be considered and addressed because most Whites are imbued with this fallacy, i.e., IKAGO.

The problem of IKAGO will never go away until we do. However, I will give credit to all these “exceptions to the norm”. I have no problem learning from them and crediting them—and freely admit that in the past, most of those I’ve met have been better men than I.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Thomas is literally the extreme right endpoint of the distribution along with Sowell.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Howard, I said that Thomas is an outlier of an outlier and what I meant was:

He is an extremely intelligent black man, which is like a hen’s tooth, and then he is attracted to conservative values.

An outlier of an outlier. My friends, Thomas got struck by lightning twice. Understand this when you admire him.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Thus, Thomas is best used by Con Inc. to reinforce the moral inferiority of whites.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

Line In The Sand,

Thank you for the response and clarification.

It is clear to me that, on the distribution of those folks, Thomas stands alone by quite a margin.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Nah, the groids will continue to get them from the usual suspects, who will unironically crow about the fact that they love their colored pets so much they’re willing to kill them off in utero.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

You may be right.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

With the Anarchist Skillshare seminar events, home abortion is one the skills they share.

Roe may become superfluous. This is the Left-wing version of midwives, perhaps clitoridectomies for girls will become another popular DIY.

Or traveling mastectomiers, bringing their little black bag to your house. Like barefoot doctors, kinda.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Figures anarchists wouldn’t know how a condom works nor what to do with one. Sarcasm aside, what, do they do simulated demonstrations with these “skillshares”? A pair of women showing everyone the safest way to sterilize and deploy a straightened wire coat hanger up the uterus? The next presentation they have diagrams of the proper place to punch a woman to induce miscarriage?

I’m just being blunt, this sort of thing sounds LARPy as hell. If you’ve actually been to one, am I off the mark?

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

I am not sure what the fuss is for this decision in a real sense as to its effects.

Surely it just delegates back to the states?

So California, NY etc etc is going to have no change at all and those that want it in the other states I am sure will be federally funded for a short travel appointment.

Seems more a decision about Federal over-reach, rather than any particular subject.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

The fuss is over the fact that the “Supremes” removed their imprimature from an item of Leftist holy writ. The highest court in the land–for what that’s worth–said the Left and the feminist harridans have been wrong all these decades. This means cities must burn and people must die.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

ah ok.

So its more like the flag flying assertion of ownership of the ground space like all the NPC spin offs do, rather than any actual practice change.

I can see that, as the NPCs seem obsessed with pissing on what they consider their territory like a dog and making sure its in everyone’s faces.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Yes, the unstated part always was this imposed a Prog imperative on all of the Banana Empire’s subjects. Abortion was just a side issue, and, frankly, it has a lot of good dysgenic effects on the Parasites of Color. The real action will be with Obergfell, which judicially imposed gay marriage here. There were some shaky and tenuous grounds for Roe but absolutely none for Obergfell. That was totally pulled out of the ass, no pun intended, and the sometimes spoken purpose was to raise the flag of Globohomo over the entirety of Clown World. It falls, and Kavanaugh indicated… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I see that (((Merrick Garland))) was stomping his feet because this decision was an attack on the concept of stare decisis. Will anyone ask him if he’s ready to suspend enforcement of Brown v. Board?

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

About the same fuss as the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 had in a real sense. It is a symbolic stepping stone to a hardening of hearts and a prelude to 1860, Clown World Version.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

I suspect the Clown World version of 1860 is more or less de facto separation over time as pronouncements and dictates from the Imperial Capitol get ignored more and more often. If some Prog hive, and I’m looking at California, decides to leave first, even officially, it even could be relatively bloodless. I actually would go to vote again for Trump in ’24 if I thought two things would happen: (a) the election would be fair, acknowledged and allowed, and (b) some of the Blue Hive states would split. My guess is the ’20 election was stolen precisely because this… Read more »

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

The Dogma of the left is that everything is open for discussion/revision/amendment until they get what exactly they want and then it is cast in stone.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“So California, NY etc etc is going to have no change at all and those that want it in the other states I am sure will be federally funded for a short travel appointment.” Trumpton, exactly! Abortion will never be more than a bus ticket away. I’ll bet anyone here that a year from now, at *least* half the States have reasonable—but limited—abortion available. And for unreasonable, third trimester murder, there will always be NY and CA. The rabble is being fed disinformation on the entire ruling of SCOTUS. I have yet to hear any MSM report that does not… Read more »

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Wished I’d patented the LGBTQ+A! flag. Imagine an LGBTQ+ flag (sorry), only with a fetus on it.

I’d be making a killing in my neighborhood. BLM to rainbow to Ukraine to LGBTQ+ and now LGBTQ+A!!. $$$$


In all seriousness: The left went ape when Trump won; his administration had no lasting effect. SCOTUS just crossed a line into affecting real laws.

THE LEFT IS GOING TO GO BESERK. Court packing at the very least; SCOTUS members are going to get more protection than the President for at least a decade.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Let them pack the Court. As a budding accelerationist, it would be a wake up call for Joe Normie. SCOTUS will turn back Left eventually anyway. Their decision here and other potential future decisions will go backward eventually. SCOTUS—and the court system in general—have been politicized long ago. Folks just don’t realize it.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

As a dissident, I’m happy about anything that spits in the face of the left’s monolith culture. Furthermore, it will bring about even more riots and unrest at a time where inflation is high and deep recession is drawing near. With that being said, as someone that doesn’t identify as Christian, I’m not fully on board with the conservative push to ban abortion. Third trimester abortions are abhorrent to me (which polls show the majority agrees with). However, I think abortions should be available early specifically in cases where there are health issues in the fetus. For example, Down syndrome… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

I honesty don’t give a S($% about abortion, if stupid people want to kill their progeny that is fine with me. Its a dog whistle though. Look at 2020, the man the entire country got worked up over and rioted over was a piece of shit based on what we know, didn’t mean he should have died, but it wasn’t like he was mother theresa. Expect chaos this summer. We hold up the worst of society as paragons of virtue and shit on the actual good. Didn’t the bible mention something like that in one of the books? Perhaps it… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

It all depends on when you wish to grant “personhood” to fetus or embryo. Simple as that. That is the argument. Singer would give you 30 days or so after birth. This was the way of Ancient Rome and Sparta. My State says “after the 15th week”. Catholics would say conception. Conception would entail the outlawing of the morning after pill or a typical IUD—if you were honest. You seem to say we should not grant personhood to the disabled/defective for the good of society, while oddly enough choosing one of the least disabling defects we have. Note that soon… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Why stop at a genetic defect, when you can improve the genetic complexion overall?

Yes. The day they find a cheap way to dial in hair- and eye color, is nine months before the day that racism will disappear from the face of the planet.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

How are they going to explain lots of POCs going for blond hair and blue eyes?

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

There won’t be any Poc by then, it’ll be Planet Sweden.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Felix: Most black models or actresses are already generally ‘blackish.’ Oh, they love to promote really dark Africans like Lupita Nyongo, but almost every black beauty contestant or actress has had a nose job, routinely wears subcontinental hair, and makes religious use of skin lightening cream. Add in photographic filters, the ubiquitous use of real and fake tans by White actresses/models, and you’d be hard pressed to notice a significant skin color. Remember, we’re merely all shades along a spectrum, part of the human rainbow, so race isn’t real.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

“ The day they find a cheap way to dial in hair- and eye color, is nine months before the day that racism will disappear from the face of the planet.”

If I take you literally, then no it won’t as skin/hair/eye color are meaningless markers for racial differences. Things like IQ and violent proclivities are what are meaningful. They need to be addressed as well.

But I believe you were being a bit facetious, Felix.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

But I believe you were being a bit facetious, Felix.

Tongue in cheek, but aiming for the point that (almost) everybody would want to be white if they could just press a button and poof! Sooner or later, you can not only dial in skin color but also stuff like IQ, impulse control and time preference.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Same with Asians: anime features almost exclusively white kids, most of them even have blue, green or purple eyes.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Compsci, I do respect many of your posts, but, you’re way off base on one comment here. Down syndrome is one of the least disabling defects we have? Surely you jest. The vast majority of of those with DS will never live on their own, and are a very heavy burden on the parents. I have a relative with a DS child and have seen it first hand. I used the example because it is rather severe, easily detectable early, and is commonly selected against in the modern world in places like Iceland. I generally agree with you that it… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

No, I don’t jest. You assume way too much mental impairment from an anecdotal experience. Many—if not most—have much milder symptoms than you assume. With certain halfway house type help, they live fairly independent lives. They also have a pretty good behavioral pattern, but I grant such outcome is unpredictable. In any event, Down syndrome is becoming very rare—thanks to genetic counseling and resulting abortion. Over 80% and still declining last I saw. In any event, the aspect of a “genetic exception” is a slippery slope and fraught with pitfalls, such as “what is an acceptable genetic exception”, “who decides”.… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

“Remember, we’re merely all shades along a spectrum, part of the human rainbow, so race isn’t real.”
Race isn’t real right up til you need a bone marrow transplant.

As usual the shit-libs have got it exactly backward. As you note skin color is a trivial distinction, as you get closer to the core of the being: the very core of the bones and the genesis of life itself: Stem Cells, so we find that in matching donors the first screening is by that mythical thing called race.
Funny dat.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

What you’re referring to in terms of acceptable times to abort are what are known as “exceptions”. Most non-woke Americans I would doubt have real issue with dropping a fetus that will clearly be screwed for life. Rape victims (real ones, that actually report it, do the rape kit, etc) and incest victims get the same treatment.

Exceptions. Not normal. Can’t press that point enough.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago


Time to effectuate Lebensborn 2.0: you grab the tranquilizer gun, I’ll get the turkey baster!

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

I believe that the elites control our society to a great degree. The media, the government, the academy.

If I am correct then what are we to make of the overturning of Roe? Does this indicate that the elites don’t have absolute control? Or are they granting conservatives this victory to keep them from entirely disengaging from the government?

Don’t tell me that the Supremes consulted the Constitution and deductive logic to reach their conclusion (although it is true that the crafting of Roe was one of the most unconstitutional rulings in our history).

Armenio Pereira
Armenio Pereira
2 years ago

There are no victories or defeats – only transfers of energy. Since humans have been endowed with large memory units (the brain) – well, a fair amount of them, anyway – they also have been “doomed” with the sense of gradation. That’s why small transfers of energy are usually seen as innocuous or outright ignored (at our own peril), while large ones are treated as defeats/victories, depending on how one is suited to deal with such energy transfers. The more one feels passionate about things – either by loving or hating it – the more one is unsuited to deal… Read more »

Le Comte
Le Comte
Reply to  Armenio Pereira
2 years ago

“The special trait making me an Anarch is that I live in a world which I ultimately do not take seriously. This increases my freedom; I serve as a temporary volunteer.”

“In order to free oneself from the forces of darkness, the heart must one kept under control.”

Ernst Jünger

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Le Comte
2 years ago

Eumeswil is still one of the oddest books in terms of narrative structure I’ve ever read.

2 years ago

If the SCOTUS says, “Nyet!” to Roe on this particular Friday afternoon, then what burns this weekend?

1) Less burns than did for Fentanyl Floyd

2) About the same burns as did for Fentanyl Floyd

3) Even moar burns than did for Fentanyl Floyd

Reply to  Bourbon
2 years ago

I’ll say less burns, I mean, have you seen the price of gasoline lately? Gonna put a crimp in the number of Molotov Cocktails being mixed and tossed.

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

Bravo. I love pragmatic humor.

Reply to  Bourbon
2 years ago

AWFLs (Affluent White Female Liberals) and Karens are middle aged cat women.

They’re not going to burn down anything.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Seriously. Nut check.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

You assume that the protestors are those with a dog in the fight. There is a cadre of anarchists out there that simply do this for a lark. Expect them to infiltrate any large enough crowd and start the violence.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Very true. I was browsing Reddit to see the Millennial leftist response to this and somehow there are people in Canada and Australia planning protests in their own countries over this. When all you have is a hammer, I guess the whole world becomes a nail.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Sure, it’s the AWFLs who are responsible.

Most women have almost no ability to think independently, yet you blame them? Who is programming them?

If our media went National Socialist tomorrow then most of these women would be Nazis within a year.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

I think this applies, albeit to a lesser extent, event to male NPC’s. Women were the bulk of Covidians but many also were men, for example.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bourbon
2 years ago

Fewer. The Hutus don’t give a 40-dawg about abortion. Some of them might, however, sense an opportunity to liberate some gibs.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Can you even still get Red Dog beer?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Bourbon
2 years ago

Fewer, mainly because the only demographic that really takes RvW to heart are AWFLs, mainly in the Boomer/early Xer age range with some hangers on in the younger generations.

These people will shriek a lot, but they don’t have the fortitude for real street action.