An Inflection Point

Imagine if in response to Governor DeSantis sending migrant invaders to Martha’s Vineyard, the Biden administration blew up the Overseas Highway that connects the Florida Keys to the mainland. In response to Texas doing similar things, they knocked out part of the power grid in Texas. For good measure, they started a car bombing campaign against leading opponents of immigration. It may sound insane, but it is not too far from where we find ourselves.

Now, take it a step further and imagine that the major media outlets simply ignored these things entirely. You see clips on-line of the collapsed bridges in Florida, but you can find little about it in the news. They simply report that something happened and no one knows who did it. Maybe a few crackpots on these media platforms claim that DeSantis blew up the bridges as a false flag operation. Texas governor Greg Abbot is blowing up his power grid for the same reason.

This scenario is so ridiculous it would not pass muster with Hollywood studios as the basis for a political satire. Somehow, we have reached this moment. Last week, someone planted bombs near the Baltic Sea gas pipelines that bring natural gas from Russia to Europe. This caper required a great deal of coordination and technical skill, so it was not a group of kids. Everyone knows it was ordered by Washington and probably carried about by the American military.

If you head to the big America media platforms, this act of international terrorism that threatens the wellbeing of Europe is barely noticed. The New York Times is obsessing over some old video of Roger Stone and the hurricane. Presumably, they hope the storm wrecks Florida because they hate Florida. The Post has a below the fold story but they are gearing up to claim the terrorism is part of Putin’s dastardly plan to spread disinformation in the West.

Typically, the regime has a narrative ready to go when they pull a caper, but this time they have just been doing the self-satisfied grin. Radek Sikorski is a high ranking Polish politician who is married to Anne Applebaum. She is a member of the Trotsky cult run by Robert Kagan, the husband of Victoria Nuland, who is the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. She is running Ukraine policy. Sikorski tweeted this out moments after the attack.

The Europeans quickly announced that it was an act of terrorism but seem to be in shock as they have yet to follow the script that says to blame Russia. Maybe this level of humiliation is even too much for the Europeans. The absurdity of blaming Russia is so ridiculous that it is impossible to say aloud without laughing. The American navy has been operating in the area and we have video of Joe Biden making threats to destroy the pipelines back in February.

Where we are now is that Washington is ordering the destruction of key European infrastructure in order to make war on Russia. Given the nature of the people involved, you can be sure many of them stood to make money from the attack, but the primary motive was the war on Russia. The Europeans are already in dire straights over energy this winter. This terrorist act by Washington now means something like a Turnip Winter for a wide swath of Western Europe.

Put aside the practical issues. Washington is now openly sponsoring and probably carrying out terrorist acts in Europe. Some would claim that this is not new as Washington has spent a quarter century bombing the Middle East. That is a fair complaint, but it happened under the guise of war. They were bombing the other side’s stuff, not the infrastructure of Europe. Imagine if Washington blew up the Chunnel in response to 9/11 and we have a good comparison.

The Europeans are a broken and defeated people, but even they have to be wondering what they have gotten themselves into with this Ukraine debacle. They eagerly signed up to be a “partner” with Washington in this great adventure to save Ukraine from the icy clutches of the Russian bear. Now, their economies are in collapse, their people are facing a winter without heat, governments are collapsing and their partner in all of this is now bombing their infrastructure. Some partnership.

The fact that the American media has been told to ignore this suggests Washington realizes they have a problem. It is hard to portray yourself as the good guy when you are bombing critical assets of your partners. This is one of those unforced errors that confirms the suspicions people have been voicing in private. In this case, it is that the real threat to peace in Europe is Washington, not Russia. The self-proclaimed defender of freedom is, in fact, its greatest threat.

This may be why the Biden White House signed off on this caper. It is an act of desperation aimed at keeping the Europeans in line. Germany now must hope Washington supplies enough LNG to make it through winter. That means the rest of Europe has to play ball with Washington, or face an economic collapse, as Germany is the economic engine of Europe. This act of terrorism was a warning to Europe that they better toe the line or else.

Regardless of the motivations, this feels like a game changer. It is too soon to know if it is an inflection point, but it could be the thing that changes minds. For Americans, it is one big piece of evidence that we are ruled by lawless tyrants. They will do anything to hold power, even commit acts of terrorism. For Europe, it could be the moment when they see the folly of their submission to Washington. For the world, it is more proof that Washington is the great threat to peace in the world.

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2 years ago

I have no hopes for we Europeans. People hear are asleep. I try to do my bit, but it’s like peeing in the wind. Maybe seeing their kids and oldies freeze to death might wake them up.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

The brilliance of this is all the libs who have been saying this for decades, and now stuck because the US also defends all the social degeneracy and immorality they wanted, and got

Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

My first take was that Russia had no motive, and the gangreens running DC were the obvious suspects. But maybe the obvious suspicion of DC is what gives Russia a motive – to stir trouble amongst NATO? I think DC and gangreen should still bear the blame regardless of who done it. They volunteered for the blame with their retarded anti energy policies, and created the situation by getting involved against a major power (and major energy supplier) unnecessarily . Russia and Ukraine would have settled their dispute peacefully without US and NATO butting in. I think the leftists worked… Read more »

2 years ago

“…that the real threat to peace in Europe is Washington, not Russia. The self-proclaimed defender of freedom is, in fact, its greatest threat.”

As Yockey’s suicide note famously put it: “Told you so, fagg0ts.”

Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

Forty years ago, the U.S. security state was cheesed off by a Soviet natural gas pipeline from Siberia to Europe. So the CIA arranged to blow it up. The resulting massive explosion was visible from space. It set off U.S. nuclear explosion monitoring alarms, and startled White House security officials not in on the scheme.

The result, in June 1982, was a natural gas pipeline disaster in remote Siberia that Reed said was “the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space.”

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
2 years ago

Each and every day more people awake to who is running this demented kosher freakshow formerly known as the USA. You all have front row seats to the final battle of Good vs Evil., enjoy the show. Epic, it will be.

2 years ago

Hi Zman. Here is someone who attempts to explain how and why this economy continues to hum along.

ICya Hooknose
ICya Hooknose
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

And old Anne Applebaum has a very interesting early life section. She has something in common with Trotsky, Kagan and Zelensky… Every. Single. Time.

2 years ago

No one doubts the USA did this. But my question is, are we so sure the winter will be as terrible as we are anticipating? I say this because people on the right have a history of making dire predictions about collapse, and they never come true.

Haven’t the US and Europe been making plans for how to handle the winter? What’s the most sober prediction on how bad things will be?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Robert
2 years ago

Been kind of wondering about that, too. Don’t the Euros maintain their own strategic reserves, or whatever the equivalent emergency energy supply capacity is?

Reply to  Robert
2 years ago

Yes, it’s hard to know. In the US there is a lot of click-bait “All Europeans will freeze to death”. In Europe, I’ve read, it’s all “There’s no problem really.” Part of that might be that the Euros thought they could finesse it and just get a peace agreement in a few months and turn RU oil back on. No more. I’ve read that the natgas storage is almost full BUT that isn’t enough to get through. It’s more to smooth the load in case of hiccups. Even with no RU natgas, some will arrive from Norway all winter long.… Read more »

Reply to  Robert
2 years ago

I see we have moved to the standard media fallback of denying a thing and then

“Energy poverty and why no gas or oil is good for the economy”

Reply to  Robert
2 years ago

Also true. I hope you are right. Remember two months ago how every was bloviating about how the WHO treaty was going to turn us all into guinea pigs for Big Pharma? Never happened. Let’s hope this prediction is overblown too. However, that won’t stop me stacking up firewood in the garage!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

That was COVID’s job.

Reply to  Robert
2 years ago

The problem is not that we will freeze in the winter, the problem is industry specially german industry.

2 years ago

Somewhat off topic but of interest to Z fans: video from a British podcast where dudes who called themselves libertarians until yesterday have finally had enough:

I’m too doom-pilled to believe civilization will still be a thing in the future, but if it is, this was a small “inflection point” in our favor.

Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

Civilization isn’t going anywhere. Things may slowly get miserable. But not a collapse that destroys all the civilization.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Meanwhile, in Amsterdam, the city council is pushing to overturn the Dutch burqa ban:

We really are just a bunch of Eloi, sitting there being wiped out in our own countries.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

City Council eh? Sounds like the Euros have the same problem with city councils made up of lunatics that we do. Anytime I hear a story about an American city, especially on the West coast, that starts with “The City Council of…” I brace for the impact of some primo commie bullshit against the old wind turbine. I think similar thoughts when I hear a story starting with “The teacher’s union…”. Too bad we were too busy grilling to notice that our Frankfurters had been been reading Adorno and Marcuse and had brainwashed the burgers and corn on the cob.

2 years ago

I checked Occam’s Razor this morning and it’s clear that Joe called it and the US Navy did it. With that out of the way, it would be interesting to hear the view on all of this from Herr Russwurm, Chairman of Kruppthysson.

2 years ago

Cute how I read about this pipeline attack news on many “rebel” sites, and yet here for the first time learned about Sikorski’s family connection.

Reply to  Imhc
2 years ago

As for the Europeans who should see the “folly of their submission to Washington”, yes, they see it. A few among the populace, and, of course, most if not all of the élite.
But a part of these will behave as though they didn’t see it because they are corrupt; another part out of the basic will not to lose their livelihood and social standing; the other part, the courageous ones, are rendered powerless by the rest.
Europe won’t break free from its serfdom till the USA doesn’t fall (or due to clashes with others, certainly not a riotous Europe).

Reply to  Imhc
2 years ago

Did anyone mention he is a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg group?

2 years ago

Serious question – what happens to the “New Europeans” when they’re freezing, and the welfare money runs out? Are they going back to Lebanon and Iraq? Or will the government give them priority in the warming shelters? I can only imagine how awful it will be this winter for Europeans who have to deal with these people on top of their own useless governments.

We Hate Everyone
We Hate Everyone
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

No worries, we all be privileged to have that question answered for us here in the near future. I’m just thankful it’s not a question we have to have answered on this side of the pond, at least not yet…

I can tell you for certain they sure aren’t going to go back from whence they came!

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

“BACK?” Lebanon and Iraq? Why would they go somewhere they have never been before? Why would the Venezuelans in the US go “back” to China?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

New Euros will have unlimited heat subsidies.

This will be immensely helpful for them to attract starving and freezing heritage European women this winter.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

The Jew enthusiasts call a situation like that “the kosher sandwich”, then promptly forget like goldfish that if you press a sandwich hard enough the ingredient squish out laterally in unpredictable ways.

ICya Hooknose
ICya Hooknose
Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

And old Anne Applebaum has a very interesting early life section. She has something in common with Trotsky, Kagan and Zelensky… Every. Single. Time.

2 years ago

Before we all get on board the HMS America Dun It, consider first that, given the new rules we’re playing under, Russia knows that the US ‘d be a suspect and might’ve blown their own pipeline.

The Americans don’t have a monopoly on false flag ops.

Reply to  Steveaz
2 years ago

Don’t be retarded. Its not a good look.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Hum hum. French fried taters. In uuhhhm hum. Kaiser blade.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Steveaz
2 years ago

While anything is possible, it is far more likely this was a Cortez move by the US to prevent Germany and Europe from getting figurative cold feet on Russian sanctions as they begin to get literal cold feet. Motive Russia: destroying its own pipeline, removes one of its biggest leverage points (turn gas on and off – it can no longer turn t back on now). U.S.: removes biggest Russian leverage, prevents EU from going soft, increases opportunity for US gas sales; harms Russia’s economy Opportunity Russia: busy with war on its doorstep, pipeline in NATO controlled/patrolled area where cannot… Read more »

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

Also, if Russia is needing to generate Casus Belli, relying on the referendums in the Donbass is in every way superior to destroying their primary leverage over Europe.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Steveaz
2 years ago

If only our government retained some semblance of credibility over the last 30 years that would be a good point. You know, like from the time we began bombing Serbia as media cover for an oral sex affair with an intern, and then the whole killing a million people over “weapons of mass destruction.” Once you kill a million people over a fabrication, blowing up a pipeline is easy peasy.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Or the Maine, or Lusitania, or fort Sumter, or Tonkin Gulf, or Granada, or… Basically all of it. We have been ruled by murderously evil people for a long, long time.

We Hate Everyone
We Hate Everyone
Reply to  Steveaz
2 years ago

Man, are you still into all that 4D chess and shit?

Back to Q-tard boards for you!

I’m sure you’re the kind of fool to find your neighbor mooching off your cable, get pissed, douse the cable box in gasoline to teach him a lesson and burn your own house down in the process.

Reply to  Steveaz
2 years ago

Plausible, but unlikely. Gas pipelines are crazy expensive especially under deep water. Even at a trickle, it’s still money going to Russia. Poland cannot be ruled out. They hate Germany. Poland with US assistance seems most likely because it gives the US a layer of deniability. The Green New Deal is the main driver of this energy strangulation. The whole point of this is to drive energy prices to the point where economic activity collapses to where people will demand “clean” energy rather than no energy at all. And lower economic output means lower energy needs overall. We’re dealing with… Read more »

Reply to  Steveaz
2 years ago

Russians play 2d chess not 4d.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Steveaz
2 years ago

Any evidence of Russian ships in these waters?

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
2 years ago

How I hope and pray you’re right, Z. Blowing up Nordstream doesn’t hurt Mother Russia in the least.But it makes what’s a horrible situation in Europe even worse. I really really want to see the ugly, smirking face of the Yankee empire rubbed in shit and its reeking corpse tarred, feathered, drawn, quartered and burned.

Reply to  Enoch Cade
2 years ago

It does hurt Russia. It deprives them of a key issue in their dealings with Germany.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

Uncle Schmuel stole Russia’s “carrot to avoid WW3” and is now sodomizing the germans with it.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Enoch Cade
2 years ago

As reparations, Russia should take all Ukrainian pipelines. Hell, just take the whole country at this point.

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

I don’t believe Russia want’s the whole country. The Ukraine: the name has it’s origins in a word meaning border or edge or rim is no more of an independent country than The South is in the US. The region that Russia has taken back plus the stretch along the Black sea were definitively Russian since 1783. Catherine the Great founded Odessa in 1784 I believe and personally named the City. The fucking around started after the 1917 revolution but the Supreme Soviet had more more power under their constitution to shuffle land between the Republics than Biden has to… Read more »

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

I’d be pleased if they just took the parts that want to be taken and helped them rebuild.

Oh and a cruise missile turning Zelensky into a flying matzo chunks and a splatter of manischewitz… just as thanks for all the Ukranians he got killed in the process of turning the latest friendly host country to rubble.

2 years ago

[…] Last week, someone planted bombs near the Baltic Sea gas pipelines that bring natural gas from Russi… This caper required a great deal of coordination and technical skill, so it was not a group of kids. Everyone knows it was ordered by Washington and probably carried about by the American military. If you head to the big America media platforms, this act of international terrorism that threatens the wellbeing of Europe is barely noticed. The New York Times is obsessing over some old video of Roger Stone and the hurricane. Presumably, they hope the storm wrecks Florida because they… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

I don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but piggybacking on what Z wrote, ignoring the event is an unspoken admission.

Kind of like how if the race of a violent offender is Jogger, it’s ignored in the media.

2 years ago

I wonder if this event makes people re-examine previous events in a new light?

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Not a chance. To quote the late great Neil Peart:

“How many times do you hear it?
It goes on all day long
Everyone knows everything
And no one’s ever wrong
Until later…

Who can you believe?
It’s hard to play it safe
But apart from a few good friends
We don’t take anything on faith
Until later…“

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Anyone else feel like this gaffe is a tell the order to remove Rep. Walorski from this timeline came from the very top?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

The man has dementia. People with dementia do this exact thing, frequently. It’s that simple

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I wonder if they choose these stooges to humiliate the populations they are chosen to front for the oligarchic rulers. I remember all of the footage of Yeltsin, falling over at somber military honorariums, acting like a baffoon and stumbling around drunk.

I wonder if whoever chose Biden are the same people and have the same spirit of mockery and contempt for us in their hearts.

Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

Maybe each local chapter of Globo is in a sweepstake competition to see who can get the most retarded, pathetic specimen into the leadership position.

Extra points if they are already dead or suffered some massive stroke.

Who knows what the winner gets?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Two months, all expenses paid, on Epstein Island?

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

I think you have a point. The Jogger worship has the same function. Ditto the cultural vandalism.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

Put it this way, all that maliciousness is just an added bonus.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

This is the kind of crazy talk that sounds more plausible by the day.

Mr Boogle
Mr Boogle
2 years ago

Isn’t this a Neo-Morpheus meme?

Neo takes the pill and says “It’s the Jews. That’s it? I thought there would be more.”

Morpheus replies “Nope.”

Reply to  Mr Boogle
2 years ago

Christ is goodness and truth. When your core identity is the rejection of Christ you become an evil liar.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Christian theology has a lot of truth inherent in it about the nature of people and society but the elevation of weakness and “bads” is lead to the current state of the West.
“The meek shall inherit the earth”.
What is abolitionism, the social gospel, and BLM except attempts to realize this sentiment?
It’s hard for Christcucks to admit that Neitzsche, Evola, and other German Conservative Revolutionaries are right.
“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.” ― Oswald Spengler

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

As the Big Lebowski would ask: “Like, Cui bono, man?” I think the answer is clear.

So now NATO is a street gang. You have to fight your way out of it. The crazy Neocons want to eliminate all the offramps via negotiation etc. The Swedes and the Finns have to be wondering what they’ve signed up for in NATO.

Meanwhile, the world’s Internet runs through high-bandwidth undersea cables……what could possibly go wrong?

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

The Dude actually said, “It’s like Lenin said, you look for the person who will benefit, and uh, you know, uh, you know what I’m trying to say.”

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

I thought that Walter?

Reply to  Stirge
2 years ago

“I am the Walrus.”

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Indeed. Ha-ha-HAW-ha!

Reply to  Crabe-Tambour
2 years ago

Seriously, this regime, “headed” by an
oversized figurine
In mutated from Madame Tussaud’s, has gyrated from merely incompetent toward profoundly evil. Time to stand our ground–in any way and/or every way.

Nikolai Vladivostok
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Plus there are all the other pipelines and infrastructure to worry about. Is the US offering to patrol them all, forever? What if a couple suddenly go offline in December?
After all, sabotaging third parties is now an established strategy of international influence.

James J. O'Meara
James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

Yockey warned them. They wouldn’t listen. In fact, they pulped the entire printing of the German translation. So, fuck ’em.

The Enemy of Europe
Francis Parker Yockey
Centennial Edition Publishing, 2022
320 pages
Edited by Greg Johnson
Introduction by Kerry Bolton

James J. O'Meara
James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

This is one damn fine little essay, Zman.

Reply to  James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

I would also to thank the excellent commentators. When I perused the main stream media I was getting a little wild-eyed. These Comments have touched upon every thought that I had. Do they really believe that they can convince us that the Russians did this? I will amend the true cliché “they hate us, want us dead and our children enslaved”. To…. “They hate us, think we are very very stupid, want us dead and our children enslaved”. Admittedly a bit clunky. It’s been clear for a while now that a sociopathic criminal cartel is running the show. Largely ((())),… Read more »

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

SidVic: I had a similar moment when seeing news of Biden ask for the dead dem rep. It’s blatantly obvious the man – stupid to begin with – has dementia. It has to have been obvious to any ‘world leader’ who has met him. So they’re all in on it, they all know who is calling the shots – and it’s not potato head. But they all keep going along with the entire narrative – Joe is head of the ‘free world,’ and Puhitler blew up his own pipeline. And not only does Joe Normal blithely let this stream across… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Here’s a fun site that shows every undersea cable on Earth:

Vlad has got to have people studying this.

In the Far East, Taiwan is a major hub for these links.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

There’s a lot of critical infrastructure that’s either in international waters, or traverses through them. Now it’s all more vulnerable.

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I’m sorry, but I can only laugh, and laugh with tremendous gusto, at the Europeans. Back when America was America, back when it wasn’t a rampaging anti-white Empire, Europe viewed America with disdain and cooperated with it as little as reasonably possible. Oh, Europe basically played ball during the Cold War, but did so halfheartedly at best. And recall that after 9/11 anti-Americanism was a huge issue. Some French potentate went so far as to label the US a “hyper-power.” Fast forward to AINO vaulting leftward over and beyond Europe. Anti-Americanism vanished. The Europeans worshipped BO and built their shrines… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I think I first realized your points one day when I was sitting in North Africa watching France 24, the official news mouthpiece of the French government.

They were reporting on county and city level news in the continental US.

That is when I realized and accepted European countries were mere satrapies of Jonestown, DC.

James J. O'Meara
James J. O'Meara
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Never gets old:

“You fucked up, Flounder. You trusted us.” — Animal House

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

How about another joke? What do you get when you cross a sadistic democratic empire with an entire continent of sycophantic, black-worshiping, Western-civilization hating, deracinated simpletons who have no idea they are cooperating with their own deaths by starvation hypothermia?

You get what you fucking deserve.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

The French especially were noted for their contempt of “crass” middle class American tourists. No country on the planet was more protective of their language and culture up through the early 2000s. Now there are videos of west African immigrants taking dumps on the streets of Paris and they seem completely cool with it. There is not much an individual can do at this point except make a batch of freedom fries, sit back and enjoy the decline as YouTuber Aaron Claret is fond of saying.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
2 years ago

You don’t like French people, I take it. That’s too bad. They are generally decent and likable people, in my experience anyway. The most annoying “Frenchman” I ever encountered was a waiter in Paris who, it turned out, wasn’t even French, but some expatriate black guy from Chicago. I started ordering lunch in French and he immediately switched to English with a smirk. Total asshole. It was his little triumph over a white cracker. A real French waiter would not have done that. He was the only real snob I ever met in France, which I visited half a dozen… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Steve W
2 years ago

Same. As someone else here mentioned, IP I think, the French probably are the freest people on Earth. I also like them and it makes me sad to see them go through the same hell as the rest of us. It wasn’t that long ago I would have anticipated the French would stop this insanity. It might still happen but Macron doesn’t seem quite the “man” the French normally elect.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve W
2 years ago

Let’s face it–white people, whether French or “American,” are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven. That which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate. Enervated through war and soul-sickness, we shall murmur and sigh, and then shall yield.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

That’s a nicely profoundly poetic extra-strength black pill.

Ace of Base
Ace of Base
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

That’s from “Ulysses”, by Lord Tennyson, at least the first part. But the original poem ends on a more optimistic note, with “Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

We’re not going to get back the good, old country that we grew up in, but we can do something to make the future better for some.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I like when Q read this verse in Skyfall.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Steve W
2 years ago

In fairness to the Frogs, although I’ve travelled much of Europe, my only stop in France was a quick coffee in a train station ca. 1984. A travel writer, probably Rick Steves, makes the cogent point that we shouldn’t judge all French by snooty Parisians, any more than a gruff Noo Yorkah is a fair representation of middle America.

To inject some levity, here’s a classic from a National Lampoon LP where they ridicule the French.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Heh, I’ve got the Nat. Lamp CD-ROM in my computer at work and have been enjoying subversive humor while globohomo pays me. Reading through the 1980 issues right now and seeing lots of ads for this album.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

“America” is the prime author of evil in the world today. Do people living within its borders also deserve to suffer and die? Including those of us who hate the government and are in fact oppressed, humiliated, and enslaved by it already?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Europe was resisting overt American rule until I believe 9/11. I have nothing but sympathy for them because America is now in complete control of of most of Europe and is making them suffer horribly. To be mad at Europe because they did not want to cooperate with America’s insane foreign policy shows what a dupe you still are.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
2 years ago

At some point, will the white peoples of Europe ever wake up to the fact that it is their economies, their children, their liberty, and their very way of life that is the real enemy of the global empire, not Russia?

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Unfortunately, ethnic Europeans don’t have any children. German demographic collapse was irreversible twenty years ago. But hey, they had a good time while it lasted. Weeping and gnashing of teeth is all that remains.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  BerndV
2 years ago

Demographic collapse, while inevitable, is never irreversible. Think about it. No one was nervous about ‘demographic collapse’ when the USA had ten million inhabitants. Surely there exists a procreative core of Germany, or any large society, with at least that number to start over, even as millions outside this core die off in their fetid cesspools of vice, stupidity and degeneracy; the overall population shrinks, but the core grows, like a fresh shoot off a collapsed tree.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Steve W
2 years ago

To your point, whites in the United States after more than a decade of decline started to increase in number last year. This may account for the furious push to flood the country with illegals.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The birth rate has collapsed, or is collapsing, in just about the entire non-Muslim, non-African world. China’s birth rate is far below even European levels – 24 million births in 1980, projected for 8-9 million births in 2022. India’s birth rate is now below replacement, dropping on a yearly basis. Indian and Chinese birth rates in Singapore, Malaysia, etc. give us a glimpse of their future rates as those countries develop. The Latin birth rate is collapsing. Mexico had a Total Fertility rate of 1.85 in 2021, while Czech Republic had a rate of 1.83. African-American birth rate is likely… Read more »

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  BerndV
2 years ago

Nothing is irreversible.
Obviously money doesn’t work. Spandrel is correct that people care deeply about status, people spend immense amount of money to gain perceived status.
It’s amazing everyone on here spends so much time talking about how normies are NPCs who believe everything they are told. If they are told that having more children makes you high status they would do that.
Obviously the regime media does not broadcast this message and instead encourages everyone to be hedonistic consumers

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

I’m actually feeling enormous sympathy for Western Europe.

The snark about them being “US occupied nations” wasn’t tongue-in-cheek after all.

The fiction about them being “important NATO allies” is being rendered ridiculous for the whole world to see.

Imagine your country being occupied with a occupying force with an iron fist in a velvet glove for 75 years and wonder how you’d fare.

We have met the evil empire, and it is U.S.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

I don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but piggybacking on what Z wrote, ignoring the event is an unspoken admission.

Kind of like how if the race of a violent offender is Jogger, it’s ignored in the media.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

You live in a country that has been occupied since before the First World War. If you are in the South, you live in a nation occupied more than 150 years.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

It took me along time to figure that out, but it’s true.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

It’s all clear now. We old civnats thought we were being taken advantage of, what with paying all of NATO’s bills, underwriting the UN, and the like. We thought the good ole’ USA was being a patsy. Trump complained about this, and many of us agreed, saying “Fuck yeah! Fuck you Europe, pay me!” It turns out that “we” weren’t giving anything away, “we” were simply buying hegemony over all international relations with hard cash. Consequently, NATO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the GAE, the UN can’t bring itself to take a coherent position on the Ukraine war, and even… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

I’m sure the Russians are calling European capitals, one by one, saying “you see what they do? You see the problems on your hands? Do you feel protected?” I generally avoid nearly all Hollywood stuff for obvious reasons. But I finally saw “The Boys.” It appeared to be a pretty good takeoff on our foreign policy. Of course I only know about things after they’ve been out there for 10 seasons.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

During the Obama years it emerged that the Empire routinely spied on European leaders and monitored their communications. Newly minted Russian citizen Edward Snowden provided those details, if I recall correctly.

The European leaders will say nothing substantive in response, maybe even engage in antagonistic kabuki, because everything they say will be heard by the Empire. The Semitic death cult does not play, and they not it better than anyone. Dogs, fleas.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Spying on everyone is sort of just accepted practice.

Blowing up your allies infrastructure to prevent them any sovereign choice in action is sort of another.

On a few of the normal sites the semitic angle is starting to be noticed for all the antagonists.

The predictable response is “a worrying uptick in anti-semitic comments”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“Blowing up your allies infrastructure to prevent them any sovereign choice in action is sort of another.”

True, good point. I’m also glad people are noticing about 50 years too late.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

We’re reaching levels of crying out as they strike you that shouldn’t even be theoretically possible

Mr. House
Mr. House
2 years ago

Everything that has happened since 2001 is an example of desperation and what .gov will do to hold on to power. Its all one long time line. Oil peaks, can’t grow debt without endless energy, stock market crashes and suddenly the largest terrorist attack ever happens. Next thing you know we’re at war with a large oil producer and the largest drug producer. If the public won’t take on debt then .gov will in their honor! But we weren’t at that point yet, the public would still do its part! Housing baby, it never goes down! Until it did in… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

That’s the sad undertone to this entire story

It’s confirmation that the demise of our empire is near

Sometimes it’s just hard to accept, to believe it, but this act of pure desperation leaves no doubt. This is something a crazy wife would do to keep her husband

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Isn’t it interesting how much our viewpoints have changed since the early 2000’s? Amazing how much you are willing to swallow when you still trust. 2001: Yeah your story doesn’t exactly make sense but you’re .gov and i can’t think of a reason why you’d hurt me. 2008: Ok so let me get this straight, the banks who are supposed to be stewards of money were giving it to anyone who could fog a mirror and made terrible decisions but we must bail them out or it will be martial law? Not sure i buy that. 2020: So a virus… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

What changed me was the border being wide open when we were supposedly at war. That that wise ass little mother f—er could go on TV and tell me we were at war with a straight face while I’m sitting there watching people pour across the border, that forever changed my attitude toward the government. I guess everyone has their point of no return, but that was mine. And those commercials they used to show on TV when I watched Fox News, wounded warriors, I would get so upset to the point of tears. If I could strangle GW I… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“But I was in fact telling my wife last night, I always dreamed of being a confederate rebel.” I’ve always been a fan of the underdog, but having grown up in the north, when i was young i was always a fan of the Union. As i grew older and wiser and read more on the subject my respect for what was done by the opposition grew by leaps and bounds. Also i didn’t see why they couldn’t leave the Union if they so wished. I came to the conclusion that .gov was getting desperate when i was visiting the… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Regarding the tour guide rewriting civil war history, it’s pretty similar to what you see in the lugenpresse about the Ukraine war. The Russians are rampaging across Ukraine butchering women and children, but at the same time the Ukrainian army is winning because Russian soldier are all incompetent drunks who forgot to bring food and fuel. Same crap during WW2: Japanese were all cartoon bucktoothed morons whose planes were powered by rubber bands, but they were also psychotic kamikaze suicide bombers who always fight to the death. Newspeak Civil War history is going to be the same contradiction: drunk retarded… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Absolutely. “We have to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here” while the border was wide open was a final straw for many.

We Hate Everyone
We Hate Everyone
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Don’t feel sad for an empire that never gave a shit for you or your posterity. Remember, this is the same empire that has lied to you about: -It’s intentions for “equal opportunity” and “content of character” that enslaved you and your birthright to the same status as the joggers -It’s intentions and motives to send you and your kind to fight for “freedumb”, to get blown up by industrial warfare, in trenches, out in formation, in jungles and in God forsaken desert wastes as a show of your “patriotism” -“Your Fair Share” of course, it gleefully demands a quarter… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

It goes way back before 2001.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  RoBG
2 years ago

Yes understood, but at some point it doesn’t help to go back further other then to show off what you know. If you’re trying to convince the average person you need to keep it within their lifetime. Things they remember first hand.

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

You’re right, of course. I’d point people to the “Office of Special Plans” in the Pentagon that existed for roughly 9 months (9/02-6/03) and literally cooked the intelligence for the never-ending wars.

We Hate Everyone
We Hate Everyone
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

“P.P.S. Remember COVID was always about how much your government cares about you and not an economic event.”

Preach it brother! High and low to every libtard you know!

2 years ago


Well, the day finally came where this website could not be accessed on my work computer. It stated “Access denied due to Hate and Racism.”

I have periodically checked over the years just to see how long it would take. and the other news and opinion sites that churn out anti-white drivel are up and running still. Of course.

At this stage it is a farce and absurdity what information is allowed, and what is barred.

Reply to  ArthurinCali
2 years ago

Well they are sort of correct.

They have denied access due to their own hate and racism.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

In today’s environment, anything worth reading would get that web-block. And we haven’t even seen the full Wilsonian style censorship that we’ll see when they really desperate (when the bigger bills come due and they have to rob Peter to pay Paul). Desperate regimes don’t stop on this path. That’s when your home ISP won’t deliver this webpage. The J6 witch trials are practice sessions.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Get on Urbit. It’s a decentralized network of personal servers

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  ArthurinCali
2 years ago

My GloboBank has never allowed access to this Samzidat site.

Frankly, it is kind of nice. I have the New York Times and open on my work computer (for those who track my every keystroke) and I read the forbidden subjects on my pocket Moloch.

2 years ago

I’m surprised no one has mentioned China yet. How could we pull this off without an approving nod from the CCP? Are there strains in Russo-Chinese relations that may have come into it? Alternatively, if the world is fleeing to the dollar and the Dems are concerned about whopping big time inflation/price hikes leading up to the election (though why would they be,) maybe it won’t take terribly long to repair the damage or run a conduit to the Baltic Pipe. Idle thoughts aside, there’s gotta be a “French Connection” in Beijing.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

The same insane psychopaths who both underestimate the capabilities and disregard the legitimate concerns of Russia are quite capable of doing the same with China.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

I do not discount some sort of modus vivendi between China and the United States to undermine Russia. You have to think the Russians keep an eye on it.

2 years ago

Imagine the sense of invulnerability of these people. They think that in order to maintain leverage on what was obviously backsliding by Germany and other nations over imploding their economy, that they just decided to blow up a $10 billion pipeline in an allies territorial waters and ensure Germany industry has no hope of avoiding collapse and ensure the nation cannot avoid a mass depression and huge unemployment. They also do this so far into the baltic and close to Sweden/Denamrk, its in a position where no Russian ship or sub could possibly get without being picked up by NATO… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

But are they wrong? So far, they don’t seem to be. They seem pretty much able to act unilaterally without consequence.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

trumpton: Spot on. They feel invulnerable and invincible. They are convinced they can remake reality and are determined to do so, come what may. Anyone attempting to understand current events via logic or rationality is hopelessly blinded by his own bias. Think like a Clown World Circus Ringmaster, not like a White man who wants his family to survive.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The level of outright gaslighting is so bad even normies must be able to see it.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Well there ya go, men! A-HYUK, A-HYUK, A-HYUK!

Gorsh!!! It’s in the news, it just HAS to be true! 😂👍

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“Separately, former CIA director John Brennan told CNN in an interview Wednesday: “This is clearly an act of sabotage of some sort and Russia is certainly the most likely suspect.””

Gosh, if you can’t believe John Brennan, who can you believe?

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

I assume the interviewer asked him how Russia got ships into the Baltic at that point past all the sonar arrays and NATO ships?

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

We’ll see more of these false flag operations to give NATO some kind of pretext to enter the war directly.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

Part of it is the level of stupidity is just so insulting as a false flag.

Its like they can’t even be arsed going through the motions to make it even half way plausible.

Come on, at least make an effort.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

You may be on to something here. Europe has a very cold and bleak winter. Next Spring begins with even more recession and inflation, and the media sycophants begin to spin the line that a return to normalcy comes only with the military defeat of Russia and regime change. NATO begins to get on board with direct confrontation in order to not have another winter like the last. It really is a plan that is not completely farcical. Amoral and devilish, but not beyond the pale of GAE operatives. The blowing up of the pipeline is eerily reminiscent of how… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

The KGB battalion may have been a standard part of Soviet land war doctrine*. This featured in “The Third World War, August 1985” by Sir John Hackett. (or perhaps its sequel). If I recall correctly, in the story, the Soviets on the front line turned and began to attack the KGB as soon as they could. 🙂

*Or, as I realize with the cynicism of old age,perhaps this entertaining novel was yet another production of CIA-funded publishing?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The US followed it up by saying after Putin blew his own pipeline up he was then going to to retaliate against US LNG tankers for the act he himself did.

I had to make certain that they actually said he was going to retaliate against the EU for blowing up his own pipeline.

The words are sort of in a sentence by are so self contradictory, the only thing they do is confirm the US did it.

The cry out in pain as they strike you thing is a thing for a reason I guess.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Brace yourself: if will work with many if not most people.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

That’s the official line, to the surprise of no German with a dozen or so functioning brain cells. Granted, there no longer are that many of us. But among us, there is a considerable mental realighnment under way, a fundamental reassessment of the US as a political player. My generation of Germans (late boomers, or Old White Men if you will), unless they were spiteful or/and unthinking leftists — who, as long as the US was not yet at the vanguard of globohomo, gleefully indulged in the shameful US bashing that Ostei Kozelski rightly laments — tended to regard the… Read more »

2 years ago

In criminal investigation, you have to establish some particulars. Motive: The United States has a clear motive to destroy these pipelines. Doing so further enslaves Europe to the Global American Empire. Means: The U.S. has a submarine, the USS Failed President, (i.e. Jimmy Carter) that is specifically built to monkey with undersea infrastructure. They also have numerous remotely piloted submersibles that would need only a mother ship. I think if this was a murder, you’d have enough evidence to make the arrest. What this means for us and our ruling class is unknown. But I think it’s proof our ruling… Read more »

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
2 years ago

The US Navy has conducted similar types of operations in the past. The Navy was putting taps on Soviet underwater communications cables back in the 1980’s. They were using ROV submarines and divers operating from mother submarines to attach the listening devices and to change the recording media. The capability has existed for many years and has improved with advances in technology.

Reply to  Al in Georgia
2 years ago

“Blind Man’s Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage” – Sherry Sontag.

Great book.

Imagine the Ruskies at the height of the Cold War floating a sub up the Mississippi to tap otherwise secure cables.

That was the US, but in Russia. Purpose built a sub just to do this. Unreal.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
2 years ago

dr mantis:
…and as was pointed out in another article – motive, means, as well as opportunity, and moral depravity. The USA checks all the boxes.

c matt
c matt
2 years ago

Wow. It’s like the ZUSA has overtaken Israel as the worst ally ever. Except ZUSA = Israel, so Israel is still in first place.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

“Maybe this level of humiliation is even too much for the Europeans.” – – After two massive 20th Century wars, and over 70 years of American neo-liberalism, European culture and civilization has been reduced to getting pissed on in a rubber suit at a Berlin nightclub. Maybe this is the type of humiliation porn that the Europeans were looking for, Maybe they get off on it. Maybe they’re secretly turned on that their economy is so damaged that they can’t so much as run a bakery due to their energy problems. It’s too soon to tell.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

There’s a lot of wisdom in what you say, and I am now coming to understand it. As an example of something related, I remember me and my friends growing up making fun of the few Japanese people in our town. It angered me honestly to see these Japanese women so readily adopting American upper class styles, I guess is how they saw it, trotting around in their white tennis skirts and white tennis shoes and headbands. Playing white. And without a hint of self awareness. But they had been humiliated by the Americans in WWII. And I guess their… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Had a friend growing up, he was big on Japan, last I heard he was working in the State Dept., though we haven’t talked in years, probably better for both us lol. Anyway, back in high school we watched a lot of anime. I once asked him what’s up with the Japanese, do they want to be white or something, all of the characters with blue eyes and blonde hair, western dress, etc.? He said not white but western. Emulating the cool kids to be successful like them. Made it sound almost like it was government policy. I assume that’s… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

If for recreational purposes you ever need to make a young Asian-American blow a gasket, point out that the only anime characters who “look Asian” are objects of ethnic mockery.

Shitlib pan-Asianism is about pretending to be offended and Japanese.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Anime characters looking like westerners is an ancient trope. Largely a false one, IMO, since animation traditionally stemmed from hand drawn pictures, lighter color schemes are aesthetically more pleasing. Dragonball as it was released in Japan had black, and I mean coal black characters. The Japanese archetype for a negro was typically the Subsaharan African, not the North American Pavement Ape. You can do better gradations with CG and higher resolution output, but IMO, all animation turned to garbage when it went that route.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Dont count the Germans out just yet. They’re psychically damaged and spiritually impoverished… but they were in Weimar also. I’m starting to believe our (((ruling class))) subconciously seeks to summon a new mustache man. Hard to otherwise explain why theyve grown bored with mere limitless wealth and influence and have decided to break cover once again just to feverishly drill holes in the boat we’re all riding in. Perhaps theyve gotten as tired of the same old propaganda as the rest of us and need new material for new miniseries and Ken Burns documentaries. Freud mainly explicated his own relatives… Read more »

James J. O'Meara
James J. O'Meara
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

You’re on to something. There’s porn, like Fannie Hill and other quaint Victorian naughtiness, and then there’s German porn. And the French are just as bad — from De Sade to Story of O. (written by a member of the Academe Francaise no less).

Or so I’ve heard.

Reply to  James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

Yeah, I never understood those weird German fetish porn crap. For me, a sexy lady, sensously disrobing, a throbbing hard c,#$@, a midget, bowl of gravy, and a donkey have always been enough for me. Freaks…

Reply to  James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

Christianity perhaps ruined the Germans. It was never a good fit and turned them into sadists. Great machinists though. Sadists with metalworking tools can be scary of course.

And now America is finishing them off. So suddenly.

I guess bending over to the Americans didn’t ultimately turn out all that well for them. Morons.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

They weren’t given a while lot of choice about this, being occupied and all. It was either they looked as if they were okay with this (applies equally for the Federal Republic, or the Democratic Republic), they were clearly in the penalty box, and making the best of it, using all of the best characteristics of their national character and strengths to give themselves a life worth living (easier in the FRG than the DDR, after the late war of annihilation afainsr Russia). The Morgenthau plan in some variety still hung over their heads. But I guess that plan was… Read more »

2 years ago

Some cautionary points of order: – what is the extent of the damage? Assuming everyone grew up and acted like adults and made repairs an international priority… how long would it take to restore the pipeline? – in real terms, if all the parties hypothetically reached an agreement today…oil west from Russia could start shipping west via truck and rail, and easily be in Germany within the week Hmppfffffffff. I’ve heard that historically the jews have been kicked out of every country they’ve ever settled in. If we are going to let them rule us… we may well end up… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

How are they going to repair it?

Who is going to do it?

The EU is hardly likely to let Russian ships into the area to do it. The company that runs NS2 has filed for bankruptcy and let all its staff go after Germany canned the certification last November.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

As I said, all that is premised on a hypothetical agreement between rational adults. Unfortunately for everyone – you are spot on with your realistic assessment of the situation.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Saw this:
“How strong is a Nord Stream pipe? Quite!
The steel pipe itself has a wall of 4.1 centimeters (1.6 inches), and it’s coated with another 6-11 cm of steel-reinforced concrete. Each section of the pipe weighs 11 tonnes, which goes to 24-25 tonnes after the concrete is applied.”
I suppose repair is no longer on the table

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

My “go to” Old Testament bible story of Samson and Delilah, is an allegory for precisely the problem you cited, the Jews wearing out their welcome. Of course many other such stories could qualify. Traditional Judaism would (probably) claim that Samson is one of several teachings about the risks of a Jew consorting with a Gentile. Save the Babylonian captivity, however, the wandering Jew is a phenomenon much later than the OT. Of course, the clannish Hebrews must always be on guard against the Shiksa Goddess and any other Gentile influence that might corrupt their highly insular culture. But apparently… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Please forgive my ignorance. No, they’ve been wandering since the beginning of time. Land of Canaan, Egyptian captivity, and probably more I’ve forgotten. Arguably, New Testament times too, since it was Saul of Tarsus that stirred up a lot of trouble 😀

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I don’t think the “terrorism” charge sticks. The US is a state actor and cannot perform terrorism. It’s worse than terrorism, way worse. It’s an act of war.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

It is very easy to see this as being the case. I was watching that 1km wide boil up coming from the bottom of the sea spewing only God knows how many cubic tons of methane and I immediately said to my wife, “See that? That’s an act of war, purposeful destruction of foreign infrastructure is that, by definition.” If you’d like to conduct this simple thought experiment its very easy- If several explosive devices were planted on the Alaska pipeline or the Colonial Pipeline (largest by volume for the US), what do you think the US response would be?… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Let’s get you and him to fight

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

By blowing up your house.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

They do literally favor that strategy; vide in occupied Palestine. Charming.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

To be fair, we certainly do sponsor terrorism. Al-Qaeda’s attacks on Iraq and Syria was US state sponsored terrorism. If we directly bomb Syria, it’s an act of war. But if we invite Al-Qaeda to do a car bomb or something, then we’re state sponsoring terrorism. Thing is, I don’t think the US farmed this out to a non-state actor. If it was on land, it wouldn’t be that hard for terrorists to do. But I think the attack happened where the pipelines were under 300 feet of water. Regular diving equipment can only get you 130 feet down. But… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Nice application of Cohen’s Razor right there!

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Isn’t Ghislaine Maxwell a licensed submarine pilot. Maybe Joe Biden sprung her out of prison and had her destroy the pipeline by detonating Hunter’s meth lab.

2 years ago

The revolution eats its own. Russia should be able to play defense and watch the West commit suicide. One danger might be the eventual rise of a Napoleon figure, but I think the West is too weak for that. Although who knows. Young people increasingly look to be either walking dead or insanely based.

I won’t let this pathetic larpy display frustrate me anymore. Idiots executing their programming, it’s all they can do. Partying like it’s 1999.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

It’s kind of poetic justice. For having unleashed communism on the world and infiltrated into the ZUSA in particular, Russia is now getting attacked by the golem it created.

Unfortunate thing is the rest of us get caught in the crossfire.

James J. O'Meara
James J. O'Meara
Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

“It’s kind of poetic justice. For having unleashed communism on the world”

I think that was Germany. Ever hear of Karl Marx? And who shipped Lenin into Russia in 1917?

Reply to  James J. O'Meara
2 years ago

Can we get an early life check on these Marx and Lenin fellows? They dont look exactly nordic or slavic to me somehow.

Polynesians? Aleut? We must discover who is behind all this

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

You’re both right, I think. All of it looks intratribal to me, and what has frustrated me is how westerners get caught up by/in it. All of this destruction of the last century should never have happened because it’s not our business and we shouldn’t care about it.

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

Bolshevism came from specials and culture specials. The 1rst Russian Revolution was predominately ethnically Russian agrarians socialists who wanted to end serfdom and its abuse of them and their families. Their leaders were eventually exterminated root and branch by the Bolsheviks, who had only about 1% popular support but had the decisive majority of organized capability for political violence. No one has suffered more from internationalist communism than Russians.

2 years ago

The media will dutifully report that Russia is bombing its own pipeline. That makes no sense, you say? Well, it also doesn’t make sense that they are shelling a nuclear power plant they control. It also doesn’t make sense they are dropping bombs on schools full of POWs, women, and children in a territory they control. So why would Russia do stuff that makes no sense? Well, it is because they are pure evil, just like a guy with a funny mustache from not that long ago. Russia, like that mustache guy, never does anything rational or in its own… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago


With narrative politics, contrary evidence is often just ignored.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Some, if not most, will no doubt buy it. But frankly, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like adverse public opinion will change their course of action.

When they want to know the public’s opinion, they will give it to them.

2 years ago

The Baltic Pipe (Denmark to Poland) opened just yesterday. Definitely a huge early Boże Narodzenie gift dropped in Poland’s lap. No wonder Sikorski cheered.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  ElCartero
2 years ago


Except that, at best, that pipeline has 1/5th the capacity of Nord Stream.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Thanks, Geese. I was skeptical that it would be much of a replacement because if it were, that one would be blown up.

Reply to  ElCartero
2 years ago

Interestingly it makes Germany dependent on Poland for energy.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

And Poland wants a slice of the ukraine for its own territorial expansionist ambitions.
Hey, how many pollacks does it take to bomb an underwater pipeline???

2 years ago

I’m feeling a bit strange on this, but I remember in my younger more instinctive years that the idea came to me. I said, they talk about how bad hitler was, but they all would kill to have a tenth of his power

And now in reading this piece by Z, it dawned on me that they may have also always dreamed of having the power of a terrorist. Their war on terrorism.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Once you realize it is all projection, it makes more sense.

Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

I can see wanting to have hitler’s life and power. That makes sense. But to want to be a terrorist? That doesn’t quite register with me. But it does speak to now sick they are. I could always take them for being secret tyrants, but secret sickos always eluded me until recently.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
2 years ago

“Everyone knows it was ordered by Washington and probably carried about by the American military.”

Incorrect. “Everyone” are idiots and they know very, very little. The TV, Google, Twitter and Facebook didn’t report on it, so it didn’t happen. I would be shocked if more than 1 out of 10 Americans could find Denmark or Sweden on a map.

What will be interesting is when another LNG import/ export terminal goes up in flames.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

Bullshit it’s obvious.
Agree most americans have no idea but they will, those left alive in five years will.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

I just hope it is LNG ports in America. They have zero right to ship our gas anywhere.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

They are not going to blow that up, as that is where the US LNG is shipped in that they have now forced Germany to use.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

If the USA LNG ports are blown up, it gives the Regime an excuse not to export the product to Europe.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Amd blame the Russians. Sour grapes for wrecking their pipelines. It’s a wrap!

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

In context, I think z meant that the Europeans and their leaders know the Americans did it. I agree with you that Americans will simply believe what they’re told on the news.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

I hear you: not disagreeing with our host. No one in any position of authority can fail to see who is harmed and who benefits from this attack.

The “Russia did it” communication is for the rubes. It is Iraq WMD, war on terror security theater/ Covid “we’re all gonna dieeeee” fear porn.

2 years ago

[…] An Inflection Point […]

bob sykes
bob sykes
2 years ago

The US-led coup d’état of 2014 has led to a series of escalations. Now the ball is in Russia’s court. What will they do? Putin has promised that in case of a war with the West Russia would attack the Western countries home territories. That would include the continental US. Which implies the Alaskan Pipeline might be a target. Or the Norwegian pipeline to Poland. or the Trans-Atlantic cable. On the other hand, this is so plainly an attack on Germany, that Russia’s best choice might be to do nothing, and to let the intra-EU disputes fester into some sort… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  bob sykes
2 years ago

It’s the same with that targeted assassination of that young lady a few months ago. On one hand, Russia wants to respond, but on the other hand their enemy is in the process of making many catastrophic mistakes and they hardly want to halt that.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

Certainly the ZUSA is making moral mistakes, but strategically? I mean, if Russia never responds, the bully just keeps bullying, doesn’t he? Is Europe really going to leave the ZUSA? Not likely. No, the ZUSA bullying will continue until someone puts a wooden stake through its satanic heart.

Of course, being a mostly financialized economy, Van Helsing should know where the heart is located.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  c matt
2 years ago

The U.S. is having to send more and more energy products to Europe to keep them on board, which might be fine if they had excess but since the regime is killing energy production in the states all it’s doing is driving up the cost of electricity in the empire proper. And this is to saying nothing of the cultural issues where victory is gearing up to defeat them. It reminds me, I guess, of coworkers in the past who had been fired. Generally they were always fired because of One Big Thing, but then when it came to cashier… Read more »

Reply to  bob sykes
2 years ago

I think Putin will show great restraint. He is single-handedly turning Russia into the globe’s moral authority, something we used to have.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

However, in many ways it makes him look weak.

Who really cares about moral authority when you’re country is getting attacked.

Its like the repubs going on about the high ground while the left is smashing society.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“Who really cares about moral authority when you’re country is getting attacked.”

All of those other countries in the UN who refused to support the US and Europe against Russia with regards to the Ukraine? People notice when your words don’t match your actions.

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

Its not so much about lying for levegrage, or not keeping your word.

The people outside the west are grown up diplomats and understand self interest and power spheres, they just see that they are next as the US has become an insane raging monster from the Id.

Insanity has a quality all its own.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

He shows great restraint because he recognizes that we are rapidly collapsing empire flailing about. All he has to do is wait for the whole thing to come crashing down while trying not to get drawn into a nuclear war.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Maxda
2 years ago

And also that a big part of this seems to be the US foreign diplomacy/neocon establishment making a power play to subjugate germany. Why fight the us and Germany when you can wait for General Winter and US sanctions to “bomb Germany back to the Freedom age”?

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

ZMan ref to: Turnip Winter. The media spin cycle will turn this into Trump Winter since clearly it was ultra MAGA right wing terrorists who shot holes in the pipeline with illegal AR15’s. That, or it was climate change what done it.
In any event, the more big media ignores this – the more likely it is the lunatics who run the DC asylum were in charge of it.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

It was climate change. Climate has always been problematic, and we circle back to that

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Are you sure it was the Americans? Steve Sailer says that he doesn’t know who did it, and Greg Cochran says it was the Ukrainians.

Seriously, it’s sad to watch two smart guys completely collapse so publicly. I honestly don’t know what happened to Sailer over the past couple of years. Was he always such a tool and I just didn’t notice?

Regardless, the Europeans are officially a battered wife at this point. Wonder if they’ll ever have the guts to leave their abusive husband or if they’ll just keep making excuses hoping he won’t hit her again.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

More like an emasculated man who takes orders from a bitchy wife.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Yeah, Sailer is a shallow thinker and oddly limited. He noticed obvious racial differences and has been writing the same blog post for 20 years. The fact that he’s never moved on or gone deeper into the subject shows what kind of man he is. Cochran laughably deduces that the Ukrainians have the most to gain by bombing the pipelines. It doesn’t seem to dawn on him that the Ukraine falls apart without American support, so if the Ukrainians upset the Americans, it’s game over, i.e., Ukraine doesn’t take a $hit without American approval. Therefore, it ultimately is the Americans.… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

It’s not clear the Ukes have the technical ability to perform this act.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Calling the spiritual loans. We get to see who’s in debt.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Although I don’t know how the Ukes would have pulled off such a scheme, at this point it’s a distinction without a difference in saying GAE did it so I’m not sure what they’d be getting at.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

At this point, Ukraine and Washington are a distinction without a difference. The GAE is funding Ukraine’s government, arming and training its military, running the war operations, and directing the propaganda campaign for it in the west. Claiming Ukraine is doing anything unilaterally really is just the most dim bulb of dim bulb takes.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Which is why Cochran is a liar. He knows better.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Cochran does not *know* better, as illustrated when he was shown recently to be so wrong about the great Covid scamdemic. He simply shouted down all commenters who dared challenge him and his predictions. That is not reasoned debate in the purpose of intellectual pursuit. Yes, he has an intellect most anyone here would die for—except his intellect no longer seems to guide his analysis, his emotions/passions too often seem to prevail. It is entirely possible he is now again making such statements out of emotion rather than reason. When emotion prevails, rational thought take a back seat. That’s why… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I think any guy who makes a living posting graphs is a man we probably always should have been wary of

And I mean no disrespect to the graph people

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

How did Ukraine do it.

I mean physically.

They have no Baltic port, no ships, no experience in offshore rigs, no underwater demolition teams, and were operating in Danish waters.

Did they do a 3 day correspondence course at the same flight school the 911 guys did their flying lessons.

Its nonsensical.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 years ago

The US government was never happy about the pipeline. The US destroying it was always on the cards. It’s part of a greater strategy to nix Eurasian integration and to keep Germany in line. The last thing the US wants is a Beijing-Moscow-Berlin axis. The war the US is waging (in all but name) against China and Russia is also being waged against its “ally” and vassal Germany. The ugly realities of US geopolitics. Most of the rest of the world has been exposed to this kind of US action for decades. But the European vassal states were spared. No… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

I’ll bet you, Ali, that the Europeans get royally pissed as this sinks in, meaning the people. I would not be surprised at all if we see a few terrorist strikes on American military bases over there

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

After the fall of the Soviet Union the US ought to have left (in a structured fashion. The best thing would to have never been involved in European wars at all, as was the will of the American people in polls prior to both WWs.)

2 years ago

This is clearly an escalation, but it’s not a bolt from the blue. It’s pretty much accepted as fact that Russia was behind the explosions at the US refineries and LNG export facilities. This was the response. During the Trump years, the fear of The Donald within government was that he was crazy and would lash out by going nuclear. So the establishment replaced him with people whose only experience is in making big threats and having the ‘opposition’ Conservatives back down to preserve the system. The same tactic is now being used in an idiotic game of chicken, where… Read more »

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  A. Livingstone
2 years ago

Trump going nuclear was never a real possibility. His Twitter activity was another thing, but not indicative of a mass murderer. Please stop with the revisionist hate. He wasn’t great, but he was not a blood thirsty mental patient.

Reply to  Mr C
2 years ago

I agree Trump was never going to go nuclear. I’m reporting what I heard from a lot of .gov acquaintances – what they understood about Trump was that he was thin skinned publicly, and wouldn’t take a hit without giving it back. What they didn’t understand is that he picked his battles and never got into a fight he couldn’t win. They didn’t conceive that he was actually very honest, since they don’t encounter that everyday, and would fight to defend his honor (a concept beyond their scope). His not slinking away after the steal has them scared shitless, hence… Read more »

Reply to  A Livingstone
2 years ago

Pretty decent odds you have a LOT of .gov acquaintances. Who are you anyway?

Just show up like greetings fellow dissidents, the latest obvious US act of war was obviously retaliation for *insane made up thing that never happened*.


Reply to  Mr C
2 years ago

His now deleted Twitter activity from long before he ran for president was anti-Saudi and anti-NATO. After he was sworn in things changed 180. We’ll never know which was the real DJT.

Reply to  A. Livingstone
2 years ago

Yeah right course they were.

All those soviet spies embedded from the 70s must be clocking their 80s by now.

A geriatric team of Russian explosive experts on the loose in CONUS smuggling C4 in their wheelchairs.

The drivel people write.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

While the ‘Russian bots’ and ‘Russian hackers’ effecting the elections is a flight of fancy, hackers causing site specific failures on LNG systems is not.

Israeli and US hackers have been doing exactly this with nuclear systems in Iran, and the Chinese have been breaking into .gov systems for decades.

The idea that foreign hackers couldn’t get into the infrastructure systems that happen to service exactly the product the Russians are using as leverage over Europe is a bit Pollyanish.

Reply to  A Livingstone
2 years ago

You appear to be insane.

Gunner Q
Reply to  A. Livingstone
2 years ago

“It’s pretty much accepted as fact that Russia was behind the explosions at the US refineries and LNG export facilities.” That hasn’t even been suggested as a possibility, let alone accepted as true. Russia has not been accused even by the Kagans of operating terrorist/saboteur cells in USA mainland. Citations needed very badly here, because if there’s anything that would close the American national border, it would be Spetsnaz sneaking across with the coyotes. “During the Trump years, the fear of The Donald within government was that he was crazy and would lash out by going nuclear.” Trump Derangement Syndrome… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

I feel sorry for the team of Navy SEALs (or equivalent) who actually conducted the operation. Their life expectancies are very short. A “training accident” is likely in their collective future. It hay have happened already. There is precedent. I wonder if more of these elite personnel (and not-so-elite) will awaken to the fact that the true enemy may not be whom their handlers led them to believe. If portions of the military come to such a realization, it will be a time of both unprecedented danger for our nation(s) but also one of potential renewal.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Paging Dr. Hillarycide.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Those guys are so well-programmed they may be unable to accept the facr they are merely loose ends to be tied off.

Just like the team that got Osama and the team that rigged the WTC.

“Still got the shovel!”

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

The only person I know who thinks Russia bombed the pipeline is a “far right” retired US naval explosives guy (not a SEAL but another acronym that’s not as catchy so I don’t remember it).

As seen on TV, it was the military that “installed” our present regime. There is no hope for us there. There is *not one* of us there. Not one.

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Fuck ’em, quite honestly. This is what they signed up for. RIP, “patriots.”

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

“I feel sorry for the team of Navy SEALs (or equivalent) who actually conducted the operation. Their life expectancies are very short. A “training accident” is likely in their collective future. It hay have happened already”

Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch. When you murder people for an evil government youre an evil murderer. When you do it for money youre an evil murderer and a whore besides.

Would have resigned long ago if they had the faintest glimmer of a manly conscience

2 years ago

Off topic, but I think Z blog readers will appreciate — a beautiful rendition of Kipling’s White Man’s Burden.

Reply to  Valchad
2 years ago

Fantastic, thank you.

Interested Reader
Interested Reader
2 years ago

It wouldn’t be surprising if German intelligence was participating in this operation. I don’t think the US is that reckless to pull this off without any cooperation with at least some groups within the German government. The Greens are powerful and a growing party within Germany, and they hate Russia and hydrocarbons equally.

Which makes this an even darker idea, the idea that European governments are sponsoring terrorism against their own nations. It’s shocking really, it seems a man needs an unlimited amount of cynicism in order to understand what is going on in the western world.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Interested Reader
2 years ago

It’s not at all surprising. Here is the list condominium trading zone we have the regime inciting their low IQ foot soldiers to kill normal white people. Nothing surprises me anymore. I’m far beyond cynical at this point. I’ve reached peak level hatred of this country.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

“Economic trading zone”. Damn spell check.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

Agreed. D.C. has been engaged in a non-stop domestic terror campaign against Heritage Americans for years now. By any definition, the Summer of George was state-sponsored terror. The open border and the relocation of invaders into the strongholds of political opposition is an act of terror. There is no political brake to stop it outside of individual governors doing largely symbolic things. The same Semitic Death Cult looks at the white faces in Germany and Russia with the same hatred. This will continue until Russia or its Iranian proxy makes a credible promise to turn Tel Aviv into glass. Such… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

I’m there too. My hatred of this place is growing by the hour.

Whoever in the American military who did this, I find it hard to believe they were white. And if they were then they deserve whatever they have coming.

This is an attack on our ancestral homelands. They’re making it personal now. If they hurt anyone in my family over there, I don’t know what I’ll do. They’re walking on very very thin ice.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

It had to have been whites, it was SOCOM guys, probably 99% white. They’re the guys with the skillset for something like this. I hate to say it but so many of those guys are thoroughly pozzed and will do what they’re told because they want to and for the pension.

The military isn’t on our side and will do whatever they’re ordered. We need to understand this. I’m not saying that they will be permanent enemies, when things get bad enough they will go into self preservation mode and lay off us.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I actually think it would only be Whites that would do something like this. There are plenty of psycho white guys on a power trip out there in lockstep with the regime.

We saw this with the lockdown restrictions and protests in Canada. Surprisingly the non-white cops didn’t care much about COVID restrictions. At the Freedom Convoy, the cops smashing in the protestors faces with horses, were entirely White.

Non-whites are just there for a paycheque. They aren’t going above and beyond to enforce anything. Frankly they don’t care about Ukraine or Russia, it’s just whiteys fighting whiteys.

Reply to  Interested Reader
2 years ago

The US suddenly pulled out of Afghanistan without informing the other allies there. It would be no surprise if they behaved the same in this matter.

Reply to  Gespenst
2 years ago

Yes, that would be elementary Operational Security. Guided by “need to know”.

Those to whom you were sending the message will figure it out.

Reply to  Interested Reader
2 years ago
2 years ago

At least we’ll have the consolation of knowing that, no matter what Vlad does in retaliation, the Totally Legit Joe regime will blame “domestic insurrectionists” and initiate a massive crackdown.

I’m not going to say “You’ll be welcomed as liberators, Vlad,” because that’s “defeatism” and soon enough they’ll be hanging people for it, Berlin 1945-style, but… how would the HR ladies put this? Some people might say that.

2 years ago

If, as it seems, the US is responsible for this event, it is an aggressive and desperate act the likes of which we’ve never seen before. This seems like the paranoid flailing of a falling empire, more than a just and concerted act of strength. The only historical parallel I can think of is Norway in 1940 during the Phoney War period (before WW2 “proper” kicked off). Norway was a neutral country and was trading major resources/raw materials with Germany. England wanted them to stop trading; Norway refused. Germany, fearing English intervention, wanted a Norwegian alliance which she also refused.… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

England managed to coup Yugoslavia when they refused to be another bumper on the path of Third Reich. Every place with American Embassy should be considered in danger of a coup.
There are many American liaison officers assigned to various military units in Europe.