Mask Dropping

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Michael Kinsley famously said that a political gaffe is “when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.” The important part of that quip is that the truth is obvious but everyone pretends otherwise. The word for it is mokita, which means things we know are true but agree to never discuss. It is not really an agreement, but more of a convention that is enforced from the top down. Every once in a while, someone with power screws up and speak the truth.

That is what you see with this recent Dennis Prager column. He declared that anyone questioning the current facts about the holocaust is evil. He specifically singled out Nick Fuentes, who has been in the news because of the Kanye West business. The two of them have been making the rounds, with West saying uncharitable things about Jewish people and saying nice things about Hitler. Fuentes has been mostly a bit player in the show, as West is the headliner of Ye24.

Why Prager singled out Fuentes would be a good question to pose to him. Kanye West is the guy praising Hitler. Milo Yiannopoulos was instrumental in kicking off this traveling carnival, but Prager did not mention him. Another player in this drama is a hip-hop performer named Sneako. They recently added the weird internet gadfly Ali Alexander to the performance. Fuentes is the only white Christian in the crew and not the main player, yet Prager focuses on him.

Putting aside that bit of mask dropping, Prager has made himself rich selling creedalism to the salt of the earth white people who make up his audience. This is the claim that anyone can be an American as long as they embrace American principles. If you accept the basics of the American creed, then you are as American as a guy whose family came over on the Mayflower. America is an idea, or a collection of ideas, rather than a physical place for a specific people.

Lots of white people are flattered by this, but most people also notice that the people peddling this idea tend to take Saturday off. It is not a coincidence that this new definition of American has no benefit to white Christians but is a huge bonus to mercurial people from outside the European Christian tradition. Prager is one of the leading advocates “America is a set of ideas’ and most people understand why, even if they politely ignore the elephant in the room.

One of those creedal ideas is freedom of expression. In fact, it is one of the most cherished principles of American morality. The right to speak one’s mind without fear of retribution is the cornerstone of the republic. Not only do you get to say what you like, but others get to hear you without fear of retribution. Free speech is established in the first amendment to the Constitution because you cannot petition the government for the redress of grievances if you need permission to speak.

Until the last decade or so, “I may disagree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it!” was a common refrain from leftists. Most right-wing people knew that what lefty really wanted was the right to send porn to your kids, but the civic principle was worth the risk and the lecture. You cannot have self-government and a civil society without the free exchange of ideas. More speech, even stupid or obnoxious speech, is better than less speech.

It was not just sloganeering. In 1978, the ACLU defended a neo-Nazi group that wanted to march through a Jewish neighborhood. There was no question that the intent of the neo-Nazi group was to be offensive. They picked the neighborhood for their march because it was full of Jews. The ACLU successfully argued that even though the Nazis picked the neighborhood because it was full of Jews, they still had a right to speak their mind in public and the public had a right to hear them.

Foundational to American morality is that you are free to speak your mind not because you have the right to speak, but because others have the right to hear you. Shouting people down is explicitly un-American. You let the person be heard and then you can be heard in response. This is the exact opposite of what Dennis Prager is doing with regards to people like Nick Fuentes. He wants Nick Fuentes to be silenced, so you cannot hear what he has to say for himself.

Prager is careful to not call for the arrest and execution of Nick Fuentes, but it is clear that he would not be offended by it. After all, Prager declares that questioning the holocaust is the epitome of evil. Those who do this, according to Prager, will spend eternity in Hell. Given his cult’s ambiguity about the existence of Heaven and Hell, this is a curious claim. It means that he wants you to believe that holocaust deniers like Nick Fuentes are outside of your Christian mercy.

That is what makes the Prager column a massive gaffe. He is essentially saying, “That civic nationalism stuff applies to you people, but my people have other priorities and so we get to operate by separate rules.” By elevating his Jewish identity over everything else, he contradicts the entire civic nationalist argument. Again, this was obvious to many people, but it largely went unsaid. By demanding everyone submit to the myths and legends of his people, Prager is saying it out loud.

The column itself is a remarkable example of Kinsley’s quip. The truth is, in a majority-minority society like America, what matters is your tribe. This is the truth that the people in charge are not supposed to say. They get to be in charge as long as the biggest tribe does not decide to tribe up. The minoritism that rules modern America only works if white people buy into the creedalism stuff. Dennis Prager just told his fans that creedalism is nonsense. It is tribe that matters most.

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1 year ago

“Prager is careful to not call for the arrest and execution of Nick Fuentes, but it is clear that he would not be offended by it.” That’s not clear to me. Prager may have thought that the Nazi’s who marched in Skokie were evil, too, but that’s not the same as having wanted their arrest and execution either. Nor is picking on Fuentes “mask dropping”. The subject here is Holocaust denial, and while Ye, say, may hate Jews, or at least Jewish recording industry execs, I’m not aware that he has expressed any belief that Hitler’s killing of Jews is… Read more »

1 year ago

Prager is a good example of the fundamental problem with hiding your power level and trying to be respectable, namely that you can’t do anything about these little goblins jumping in front and saying they speak for The Right. The goblins don’t try that with orcs, since orcs aren’t going to be led by anything other than another orc with a line of designer sneakers. They have to act as handlers for their favored orcs, which is part of the reaction to the current newsworthy orc going on his WAAAAGH.

1 year ago

I must say, yesterday morning’s Z was rather prescient: Zelenskyy declared Ukrainian Orthodox Christianity to be illegal, unless it worshipped his regime.

The real Bill
The real Bill
1 year ago

George Orwell observed that “If you want to know who rules over you, just look at who you aren’t allowed to criticize.” A contemporary corollary to that might be: “If you want to know what lies the people who rule over you are promoting, just look at what you aren’t allowed to question.” If the people who are promoting the holocaust as ‘the worst hate crime ever’ really believed what they were saying, *they would be encouraging discussion about it* If the facts were really on their side, *they would be pleased that people were talking about it* Instead, just… Read more »

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Nah. The Nazi’s killed millions of Jews. No one has any more reason to “encourage a discussion” about that than they have to “encourage a discussion” about whether the world is flat.

1 year ago

“Only Nazis try to ban child genital mutilation clinics.”

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

That’s pretty funny.

Magnus Hirschfeld must be laughing, wherever he is.

1 year ago

Can’t we all just get along?
I think we can all agree that in the early forties, some people did some things to some other people.

1 year ago

Reichsmarschall Ye’s new song is out. It’s half-rap and half 70s soul, ala What’s Going On. It is not actively offensive, but I feel like an opportunity was missed.

The lyrics are cryptic, nonsensical, or a Black Thang. Maybe all three.

To be honest, it is a little cucky: Ye does not call for the gassing of Dennis Prager.

But then Fuentes made his bones as the OG optics guy, right? Hopefully is is getting a producer credit out of all this…

c matt
c matt
1 year ago

America is an idea, or a collection of ideas, rather than a physical place for a specific people

Would love for someone to ask Prager (on camera of course) if he agrees with this statement, and when he agrees with it, ask “then why do these people have to come here?” Can’t they just “be America” over there?

Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

Or another version of that: “So the people here who don’t believe those ideas (the Constitution or whatever) need to be removed from the country, right?”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  c matt
1 year ago


Why can’t people outside the US use those ideas to improve their current locale?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

And these are the same people who will tell you if you don’t like Silicon Valley censorship, just create your own trillion-dollar digital platform.

Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

I can’t say I’m quite clear myself on what that “specific people” might be. Americans are a pretty mongrel lot, after all.

Anyway, you motivated me to look for what Prager’s position on immigration might actually be, and it seems he opposes “large scale” immigration of people uninterested in adopting “American values”. And, indeed, that it is perfectly appropriate for Floridians, say, to be unenthusiastic about the immigration of New Yorkers.

His position isn’t mine (I want NO immigration AT ALL), but it’s not the “Jew-tribal position” the discussion here would lead you to expect.

Goetz v.B,
Goetz v.B,
1 year ago

Listening to Prager and the others at the Daily Wire gives one a picture of 20th century civic nationalism. It won’t be easy for them as their influence wanes.

Barney Boggs
Barney Boggs
1 year ago

There’s a bigger picture that Radish magazine once pointed out: the Holocaust is but a subset of the much larger practice of industrialized, bureaucratic mass murder + industrial holy shit !!!overkill wars of the 19th and 20th Century: -Crimean War, -American War Btwn The States, Balkan/Ottoman Wars, Armenian & Greek genocides, Anglo-Boer War concentration camps, Russo-Japanese War, World War One, French-approved African rapefests in Germany & France Russian Civil War, Bolshevist-led mass murder, Holodomor, Spanish Civil War, Sino-Japanese Wars and atrocities, World War Two and mass killing all over the spectrum: NatSoc Germany and Soviet Russia and Allied Powers and… Read more »

Reply to  Barney Boggs
1 year ago

Concentration camps came into being first in the Spanish Cuban conflict.The German military advisor to the Spanish claimed his idea was inspired by the American use of reservations to concentrate an enemy civilain population and isolate them from their warriors. Noticeable how often Americans blood libel the British about how ” they invented concentraion camps”. Noticeable how you create the impression the great slauighters are primarily authored by whites. You might want to read about the Islamic conquest of India, or the sanguinary campaigns of the Mongols. The Ming revolt killed a bigger percentage of humans than any other event.… Read more »

Reply to  ghost
1 year ago

Apart from of themselves.

Barney Boggs
Barney Boggs
Reply to  ghost
1 year ago

It wasn’t really my intention to single out Whites, and sincere apologies for my ignorance. Only to suggest that one could coin the name The 20th Century Horror. 1910s Mexican Revolution, Gen. Butt-Naked & the Liberian Civil Wars, Central African Republic nignoggery, the ‘God-King’ Mobutu of Zaire, Papa Doc Duvalier of Haiti (and every other year in Haiti), India-Pakistan and their nuke standoffs, Hutu-Tutsi LoveFest,Uppity Mau-Mau Obama’s People, China”s Boxer Uprising & Taiping Rebellion bloodbaths, Indonesians killing each other, Somalians being Somali, Ethopian Civil Wars, Uppity Yemeni/Adenites who got a righteous asswhooping from Mad Mitch, Pashtuns vs Uzbeks vs Tajiks… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ghost
1 year ago

Worse than obnoxious, it’s a blood libel.

Reply to  Barney Boggs
1 year ago

From the linked column, Prager: “Beginning in about 1941, the Nazi regime dedicated itself to murdering every Jew—man, woman, child, and baby—in countries it occupied. Eventually, more than six of every 10 Jews in Europe were murdered.”

Yeah, that’s pretty “special”. Or did something happen in the Crimean war that I don’t know of that somehow compares?

Jeremy H. Proffit
Jeremy H. Proffit
1 year ago

Prager et al. channeling their Holocaust neurotic everything into the scapegoating of Nick the Knife, just like all the childhood bully vengeance channeled into Nick Sandmann and ‘Antifa Don’t Like It, Rock Kenosha’ Kyle Rittenhouse.

Fascinating and pitiful, the normie condition

Reply to  Jeremy H. Proffit
1 year ago

To be a scapegoat you can’t actually be guilty as charged.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Although I know the name Dennis Prager, and have probably once in a great while read one of his columns, and noted that he was someone classified as being on the political right, I was never super familiar as to who he was or what he was about.

Yet somewhere way in the back of my mind was the question: What sort of political hack calls his schtick “My Name University”?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

The kind that is 3-2-1 counting down the minutes until he is ‘defending’ Griner’s ‘right’ to take a knee while his boss, POTUS Greenbottle Fly is called for prison for rappers that speak their minds.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Excuse me sir! Prager U is known to have the best proctology program on the planet. You can pull just about anything out of a.sses after going through Prager U. “You pulled that out of there?….Ya, I graduated from Prager U.”

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

PragerU videos are worth watching from a purely socio-philosophical standpoint. It’s hard to imagine that so much bullshit and dishonestly can be compressed into five minutes (all his videos are about five minutes, part of the selling point), but he does it. Every historical event is reducible to Rs=good, Ds=bad, Israel=best. I think the old Soviet propaganda bureau would blanch at their crudity, but they certainly tickle GOP/Zio-American types. The only thing that’s as remotely horrible are the podcasts done by Christopher Flannery (I think that’s his name) at Claremont. An interesting subtext of each of those worthies is that… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I believe it’s because it’s not really his idea. Some of his backers/fans wanted to start such a thing on YT and asked that he be a figure head to organize around. That’s what I’ve surmised from his radio show discussions. In any event, the YT site has been a powerful response to Leftist dogma and presents a “Rightist” and logical alternative discussion for those who are into social media. Note I said “Rightest”, not dissident rightist, “DR”. DP is nowhere near such advancement. Z-man points out one aspect of Prager’s schtick, aversion to discussion of holocaust denial. You expect… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

That’s the whole problem. Calling them holocaust deniers is a deliberate lie. They are holocaust truthers – they want a thorough, honest investigation into the truth of it.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

We have the problem of a two-sided strategy in moralizing campaigns:

Bury a few poison pills in a mound of goodies;

Bury a few truths in a mound of lies.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Prager, the man that personifies the one chunk of excrement in the vanilla ice cream model.

“Here Johnny, some … nice … ice cream.”

“How come you’re not eating it mister?”

(Raises hand to strike child) “Don’t ask questions boy, eat the ice cream!”

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I seem to recall a “Trump University”. If you have some more examples maybe we can find a common thread.

1 year ago

A lot of people are saying it and I agree: time and demographics will take care of it. This age is ending. The fight ought to be for the future. As in having one in a more tribal age.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

There remain hundreds of millions of White people in the Western world with no identity to speak of. The only one they’ve ever been allowed being a kind of Cult of Homo universalis who is a thinly veiled re-branding of the old Marxist New Man. He is a man with no tribe, no religion, no race, (now no gender too?). Some part of the elite recognizes that such people, emptied of any positive identity, are now aching to be filled with… something. I think the Covid panic showed us what that something was – an aggressive new nationalism centered around… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

An overwhelming desire for self annihilation has been placed into whites through relentless conditioning. When you hollow out the entire foundations of positive identity, what else is left?

I remember a lot of discussion as to whether hypnotism could be used to induce suicide against the subject’s will.

Seems like the answer is pretty clear, as a new child crusade of saving the planet has been created and they don’t even need to go tot he middle east to experience it.

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

I hear young women often saying things like “I can’t bring a child into this world with the coming climate crisis”… All I can think of is how she needs to be shut up, ignored, and subsequently impregnated. Of course, we also lack the men to call her out on her BS. My patience for all this junk is thin, but most men agree with it. Canada also is running the suicide cult “assisted dying” which is now killing thousands of poor people, old people, mentally ill people, or disabled people. All tenuous reasons for dying at best – hardly… Read more »

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Someone posted a Canadian ad for some clothing company that had a promoted an assisted suicide for a middle aged woman as if it was some happy religious hippie gathering on a beach.

As many of the commenters on the video pointed out it was the only all white ad they had seen in a while.

Seems bleak.

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Call her out. Calmly. She won’t know how to act. Your friends will suspect you’re a homo. Everybody will think you hate women. Great fun. You’ll figure out it’s actually a battle of wills and want more of it. I’m pretty sure the lack of will on this side is what allowed everything to be turned upside down.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

cloud people and dirt people

As soon as a new “thing” comes along, nobody has to be told which is the cloud people position and which is the dirt people position. That part is always self evident.

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

Those are livestock, not humans. Plenty of us here have managed to hold onto who we are, managing to fill the gaps. Marxist New Man failed. These things always fail. There’s always a remnant.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

There’s no way we’re going to be able to restore the tribes, the true diversity that once existed, it’s going to be a matter of molding new peoples out of the wreckage. Critical to that is having a fortified plot of land to call your own. Whether it’s the size of Lichtenstein or Brazil, it must have a secure border.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

True. But while we won’t require a landmass the size of Brazil, we will need more than a Lichtenstein. Something about the size of France would be sufficient.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

If you don’t mind the cold, Putin will have a Ukraine that might fit by spring.

Reply to  Bilejones
1 year ago

I don’t think the Ukraine is being emptied out for that purpose.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bilejones
1 year ago

I’m packing up my ox and plow.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

“… it’s going to be a matter of molding new peoples out of the wreckage.” New nations are born from the corpses of empire and old nations reborn, long submerged under imperial dominion. Things look bleak but I am highly optimistic about our long term prospects. Human behavior, individual and collective, and the rest of the world around us, is highly nonlinear. An age of martyrs and warlords is coming. I know it sounds crazy. However, what seemed crazy a few years or decades ago is merely edgy now and after the passing of a few more years and decades… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
1 year ago

The first sizeable-ish geographic area that i seized and held against a central govt in Europe or the US will be the start of this, although I can’t see it happening until the electricity and therefore electronic media is interrupted for a long enough duration.

Power black outs may well be a saving factor.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

“There’s no way we’re going to be able to restore the tribes”

Essentially the same matters, completely the same is never possible. Even the Amish (Protestants btw) have changed over time.

Can’t recall if you’re American, KGB, but if you are, our shallow history can be a strength. Right now we’re victims of youthful naivety, but we’re also not set in our ways if we’d get our heads out of our asses.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

I even wonder if things seem so bleak kind of like small things seem like the end of the world in adolescence, but I don’t want to be too optimistic lol.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

This one guy once said that ‘it is not lost ware which ruin mankind, but loss of the powers of resistance, which belongs to purity …. alone.’

Purity. Purity of what?

Reply to  Getreal
1 year ago

Purity of essence.

1 year ago

I like to let everyone speak their mind, because that’s how you find out who people are and what they are about.

I want Disney to fly that freak flag big and high, so everyone knows.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dutch
1 year ago

I think everybody knows and that it doesn’t matter a tinker’s dam’.

Rowdy Moody
Rowdy Moody
1 year ago

Does anyone else remember biden in 2020 proclaiming ‘In the democratic party we don’t want facts we want the truth.’
I thought at the time what a crazy thing to say but then realized he had just uttered one of the unspoken truths of the demo party. I can imagine the party leaders absolutely cringing at that.
Then someone probably said it was time to up his meds or try something else.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Rowdy Moody
1 year ago

That statement reflects the postmodern underpinnings of the Left–facts are irrelevant, and “truth” is simply the narrative of the powerful. And when white-hating Leftists gain power, the narrative is that the white race is evil, it must be divested of its power and its lands, and then be destroyed. Whites will either hoist in that reality or its enemies will succeed with their malevolent plans.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I am not sure that is even possible for most.

The Oxford climate prison city in the UK is now in effect and most of the discussion was around traffic jams.

The concept that they are already living in an open gulag with 24/7 movement monitoring of everyone and a full force punishment regime is beyond nearly everyone to even understand, let alone object to on the ground they are in a fecking prison.

1 year ago

Z, you do a little bit of Pragerizing yourself. You never come out and say, “Let’s kick the Jews out of our America,” but you frequently write as much between the lines.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  imbroglio
1 year ago

How is that remotely like Prager?

Prager openly shills for Jews and Israel. Z notices and writes about the usual suspects and their power all the time.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Don’t interact w/ that guy
He is just waiting to cry out in pain as he strikes you.

Z does no such thing.

Reply to  imbroglio
1 year ago

I have never once on a blog post or in a podcast ever gotten a that subtext. I think his approach is the right one. We need to take care of ourselves. That said, the topic of this post is pointing out that there are groups in America who advocate for their interests as an ethnic group not as Americans. In so doing, they undermine the fundamental pillars of our entire civilization. The other point is, a billionaire with many millions of fans called Hitler a good guy and is the ringleader of this circus but the only person called… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

” groups in America who advocate for their interests as an ethnic group not as Americans. In so doing, they undermine the fundamental pillars of our entire civilization. ”

America was founded by an ethnic group advocating for their own interests.

1 year ago

[…] Mask Dropping […]

Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

The idea that unpopular opinions deserve to be heard is not unique to the United States or even to the Enlightenment. The medieval Catholic Church employed the “Devil’s Advocate,” to argue against canonization of a proposed candidate for sainthood. His job was to find flaws in the character or cast doubt on the supposed miracles that justified canonization. It was a recognized and respected position in the Church.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

The office of the Devil’s Advocate was not established until 1587, so it was not an institution of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, but rather the early modern Church. Sorry for the error.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

Though I think one could argue— and I would argue— that the Church was doing that— *not because they believed in a free interchange of ideas*— but rather, to save themselves potential embarrassment, should evidence come out later showing the “saint” to be less-than-saintly.

Same result, but very different motives.

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Sounds like The Great Woke Councils of 1968 and 2020 should have done a bit more Devil’s Advocacy in regards to MLK and St. George of The Holy Overdose.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

And what a glorious group the ever-growing panoply of BLM saints is!

Saint George Floyd, Saint Michael Brown, Saint Rayshard Brooks!

And surely Saint Al Sharpton and Saint Benjamin Crump will join them, when they depart this Earthly realm to receive their Eternal reward!

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Ha! Warnock in Georgia, according to the Left:


Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Alas, the manifest loathesomeness of MLK and St. George have done nothing to blot their escutcheons. Cathedrals will soon bear their names.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Youe point is good and well-taken since the Church actively suppressed and punished both heresy and blasphemy, both a form of speech.

1 year ago

The director of the ACLU when the Skokie case was argued was named Norman Dorsen, a Constitutional law professor at NYU and a quintessential Yankee. The decision to take the case was made by the Illinois ACLU General Counsel, a man named Ed Rothschild, a partner at Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal, and not so much a Yankee. The ACLU attorney who argued the case was a man named David Goldberg, also not so much a Yankee. Dorsen “retired” in 1978 in the wake of the backlash (driven largely by people who were not so much Yankees) against the ACLU for… Read more »

Eggs Bacon and Spam
Eggs Bacon and Spam
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

This pairs well with the Frank Collins comment.

The real Bill
The real Bill
1 year ago

And yes: Kanye West is crazy. But look at what a great service he’s providing to the free marketplace of ideas: The delicious irony— clearly evident to anyone with ‘the eyes to see’— that the immediate and concerted Jewish reaction to West’s claim— that ‘the Jews control everything’— was *to try and eliminate his platform; to do their best (or their worst) to prevent him from voicing his ideas* Actions which demonstrate to the whole world just how valid his point is! And though they insist that they’re attempting to suppress West’s speech as part of their Ongoing battle against… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

That’s the part I’m having trouble chewing over. Ye showing up dressed as ghetto spiderman should have elicited as much of a reaction as the flat-earth crowd on social media, but the usual suspects saw the need to crank their screeds up to “noticeable” and beyond. A little bit of “doth protest too much” going on, but why? Because they feel there’s no need to pretend anymore? Or maybe, as I hope, the screws are coming off of their well honed machine and these are desperate attempts to patch it up?

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Yeah, they would have done well to ignore him. If they had, the whole controversy would probably have faded away rather quickly.

By publicizing his transgressions, they were unwittingly confirming the truth of his assertions and giving further publicity to his message

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Norm Macdonald has one of the great jokes on this: “Marlon Brando has officially apologized for antisemitic statements that claimed, “Jews run Hollywood.” The Jewish community has accepted Brando’s apology and stated that Brando is free to work again.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

So-called “hate speech” is the only consequential test of free speech. If hate speech is not protected there is no free speech. You can’t have it both ways.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Exactly! The 1st Amendment was *meant* to protect offensive speech.

1 year ago

I see Gavin McInnes has popped up at Taki’s to weigh in on the Kanye/Fuentes thing. It’s obvious that the ticks are crawling out of the woods. That vile grifter who faked his own arrest, among other transgressions, should be forever unwelcome anywhere on the right.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

As an aside, anyone who name checks Ben Shapiro in a positive fashion is a gatekeeper.

So one more clown joins the show.

Honk, honk.

The real Bill
The real Bill
1 year ago

I think it’s worth noting that the traditional conception of First Amendment freedom of speech— ‘I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it’— is grounded in the assumption that ‘in a free marketplace of ideas, the truth will eventually prevail’. And that assumption is grounded in an implicit faith in the cognitive and moral abilities of the average American: in the ability of the audience to ultimately recognize truth, and to distinguish it from falsehood. And it seems clear that the reason progressives won’t allow free speech, is… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Hey, Prager did write about West, and, naturally, was much more gentle. However, this ending to his piece about West (and Candace Owens) is amazing. What’s more amazing than this is how Jews think of themselves and their role in the world is the fact that they would say it out loud. They truly believe that they are God’s chosen people: “One final note to anyone inclined to subscribe to Kanye West’s sentiments: Anti-Semitism destroys non-Jews, their societies, and the anti-Semites themselves. Or, to put it another way, anti-Semitism leads to suicide and homicide. It is an immutable historical rule.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

That’s a threat towards us.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Yep. Keep us around or you’ll be destroyed like the Germans.

Eggs Bacon and Spam
Eggs Bacon and Spam
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

That’s a nice civilization you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

“As a result, 50 million people, 44 million of them non-Jews, … .”

Even the Polish and Israeli governments have officially reduced the 6 million figure to 4 million. Did he not get the memo?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
1 year ago

Never give an inch.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
1 year ago

You’re not a Pole, Brit, or Russian, you’re a “non-Jew”. Very telling turn of phrase.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Citizen, can you provide a link to the article in which Praeger wrote this?

I have never seen such ahistorical claptrap as that quote. The year 1492 marked the beginning of Spain’s rise to a global power, as the Spanish Conquest led to the colonization of South and Central America, and parts of North America. It would be over another century before the decline began.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Just click on Prager’s name in the article linked. It takes you to his archive. The articles is a couple down. The headlines of his articles are hilariously CivNat.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

And whence this decline? Sure, Spain’s empire vanished but Spain itself muddled through quite well, thank you very much. It’s not like Spain kicked out the Finkels and became Somalia.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Heavens, the poor Spanish only got the world reserve currency, the Spanish silver dollar or “pieces of eight” minted from 1535 and through the 1730’s.

(Also, the hardwood slave plantations killing overworked Indians were run by the, ahem, the “forcibly converted.”)

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Almost repulses one into blank slate-ism.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

More like the cattle can’t run the farm.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Yeah too glib of me lol. I’m cool with ethnocentrism, but that was distasteful. Some people are so obnoxious I’m almost reflexively against whatever they’re for, even if it goes against what I believe.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

After 1492, Spain conquered the world and had a golden age, Portugal created the world’s largest land empire, England went on to Rule Britannia, etc. etc. etc.

While North Africa got Timbuctu slave auctions and the Bey of Tripoli, etc etc etc

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
1 year ago

Z-man, can’t tell you how happy I am you took on the ridiculous, unhinged rant by that pasty-faced blubber boy. Prager has been one of the greater promoters of the “Dems are the real racists!” and “Confederate monuments are statues to Democrats!” and other outright lies that retard clowns at places like Instapundit and Breitbart screech endlessly. He is truly a vile, loathsome individual. And what a ridiculous piece. So stupid and unhinged that not even the GOPe/Israel-worshipping cucks at Instapundit linked to it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

It’s fascinating to watch the Jewish overreaction to all of this. Granted, they reached their current level of power by pushing things to the limit and by being incredibly ethnocentric. However, not that they’ve achieve control, they can’t seem to dial back that part of their nature. The smart move would have been to mostly ignore West and Fuentes publicly but use the might of the Jewish community to destroy them behind the scenes. This would have allowed them to send a message to those that matter without disturbing Joe Normie. Instead, they’re screaming at the top of their lungs… Read more »

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Yes: the Jews’ reaction proved the point West was trying to make.

Whether or not West anticipated it, they were playing right into his hand, when they reacted as they did.

Whatever West’s intention, it turned out to be a masterful ambush, which played-out for all to see on the stage of public opinion.

So I say: ‘Yay, Ye!’

Terry Baker
Terry Baker
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

My wife is Jewish, I’m Protestant by heritage. Our kids light the menorah at Hanukkah but have no sense of old world ethnic identity, let alone ethnic superiority. The ‘chosen people’ idea just doesn’t stick, or even make sense to them. I suppose mixed marriages generally tend to minimize the ethnic identities of the pair. It did in our case and I think it helps explain American ambivalence on the subject. And the reform Jewish population, AKA the lefties, has a very low birth rate. My guess is a gradual diminution over time. It may indeed be that Jewish ethnic… Read more »

Reply to  Terry Baker
1 year ago

Why didn’t she convert before you got married? That seems like it could have resolved many of the issues.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Terry Baker
1 year ago

Yeah, I live in the DC area, so I see a lot of mixed Jew/gentile marriages. As proud as many Jews are of being Jewish, they don’t seem to want to marry other Jews that often. Also, as much as you hear about Jewish guys marrying the blonde shiksa or Asian, Jewish women seem pretty happy to marry white guys, like real happy. Occasionally, the kids are raised hardcore Jewish but usually not. The kids also tend to be not as, shall we say, aggressive (nor as neurotic) as many of the full Jews that I’ve known. I’d agree that… Read more »

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Terry Baker
1 year ago


As I understand it, your situation is fairly unusual, and your wife is not typical.

I believe it’s the case that of all ethnic groups, Jews are the least likely to marry outside of their group. I don’t know whether the trend is continuing or diminishing.

In any case, congratulations on a successful marriage!

Reply to  Terry Baker
1 year ago

It depends on the generation’s perceived ties to homeland. I know some who are born and raised in America but the patriarchal bent in the family is of not just a Jewish identity, but an Israeli identity. The pervailing attitude of the kids is, we are in America because we can have more money here, but we are Israelis. That isn’t the kids fault. It is the identity they were taught to assume. This has led me to the real insight about this issue and how to approach it. I think being anti-Jew is a poor approach. The real issue… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

The positive statements I refer to are an emergent political leader or set of them. They must be pure. When they denounce what has happened to us it must be factual and non blaming. They must affirm our identity and the moral righteosness of our rights to our peoplehood and homeland.

Reply to  Terry Baker
1 year ago

I don’t think so. They’re what, 3% of the population right now? So when they drop to 1% or less, magically they will lose power?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

No Jewish loggers, train engineers, truck drivers, commercial fishermen, blacksmiths, auto mechanics….

1 year ago

Fuentes is the only white Christian in the crew and not the main player, yet Prager focuses on him. You don’t say. I don’t get the infatuation with this stinky little boy who denies who he is in public, throws soft drinks like a girl and blames all his character defects on so called autism. I thought we were supposed to ignore people like this.

1 year ago

It’s not so much Ye that is “saying uncharitable things about Jews.” Rather, Ye reprises the role of Rev. Dr. Negro Preacher Man. “Ah has uh dream, little Nazis and little Jews walking hand in hand.” If one looks back to the civil rights era, you see black preacher men with a bible and an entourage of Jewish speech writers and Jewish lawyers. Then it was about holding White people Christians Kumbaya Jesus. Ye flipped the script. He set up the play such that it is the Jews who are exposing themselves as being what they are. All that stuff… Read more »

1 year ago

My Boomer mother thinks Dennis Prager is great. I have told her repeatedly that the chief purpose of Prager and other commentators of his ilk is to teach conservatives how to lose gracefully. Just can’t get through to her with that.

The Demographic Age is upon us. Tribe matters more than anything else. Dennis Prager understands that all too well. But he doesn’t want his audience, comprised almost exclusively of White goyim who ought to know better, to realize that. He’s there to keep them in the dark.

Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

“…the chief purpose of Prager and other commentators of his ilk is to teach conservatives how to lose gracefully….”

… and to never say anything bad about Jews.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

And, in fact, to make sure his audience has the proper reverence for them and subscribes to all of their myths.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

Hey, Prager did write about West, and, naturally, was much more gentle. However, this ending to his piece about West (and Candace Owens) is amazing. What’s more amazing than this is how Jews think of themselves and their role in the world is the fact that they would say it out loud. They truly believe that they are God’s chosen people: “One final note to anyone inclined to subscribe to Kanye West’s sentiments: Anti-Semitism destroys non-Jews, their societies, and the anti-Semites themselves. Or, to put it another way, anti-Semitism leads to suicide and homicide. It is an immutable historical rule.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

That sounds like a threat, to me. Maybe it is expressing a belief of being a chosen people but when I read that it sounds much more like a threat of war and slaughter if “anti semitism” is allowed to continue.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

109 countries disagree.

I see a different pattern: Jews come into your country, take over its institutions, ruin its populace, they get kicked out, and they say you were ruined because of your anti-semitism.

Of course, 500 years of decline is longer than the existence of the US. US be lucky to make it to 300.

Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

Adam Carolla is another one. Sounds almost Italian. Saying thank you to Tucker or any other host after one of his visits to the show is like he is giving up a kidney.

1 year ago

Funny how one can question and even openly mock the Christian faith, but not the faith in the Holocaust. “Scholars” make all sorts of lurid, unverifiable claims that Jesus slept with the prostitute Mary Magdalene, that Mary was not a virgin and that she bore him brothers, etc. Harvard recently hosted a stage play in which Jesus and Judas are faggots getting it on: Nobody today would dream of censoring this this stuff or outlawing it. Yet there are dozens of nations that criminalize even questioning the Holocaust narrative. 90-year-old German dementia patients in nursing homes are routinely hauled… Read more »

23 Skidoo
23 Skidoo
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

How does Prager discuss Islam?
How is that discussion different from the other Abrahamic Faiths?

The real Bill
The real Bill
1 year ago

I’d like to hear that story as well

1 year ago

I feel that the tribe is either anti white socjus activists or they are hard core jignats who cosplay as part of the religious right (Josh hammer is definitely in that category).

In my mind, the most redeemable tribesmen are the ones who are neither hard core jignats nor hardcore socjus types. Someone like pinker or haidt is probably in that category.

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Is it worth the time and risk to identify the supposed good ones? Remember the conversos in Spain who lied to remain in that country.

And if you believe that political outlook is at all heritable, then you face the problem of their offspring regressing to the mean of their people.

The real Bill
The real Bill
1 year ago

Regarding veterans: while I agree that America hasn’t engaged in a righteous war since World War II— that our national interest wasn’t served by our becoming involved in fighting the Chinese in Korea; or later, by our involvement in the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Africa; or any one of the numerous places our soldiers currently occupy— *I make a sharp distinction between the validity of the war, which our politicians have gotten us into, and the commitment, patriotism, and valor of our individual soldiers who fought them* Vietnam was a debacle, we never should’ve been there in the… Read more »

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

With all due respect, the only “righteous” war in which people of European Christian descent in North America participated was the Confederate defense of the Southern lands against Lincoln’s invading hordes — one-third of which was not even born in an “american” state.
Well, maybe the war of 1812. But that’s it and no more. The idea that “americans” fought in ww1 and ww2 to “defend democracy” is ridiculous.

(Sorry, it’s hard for me to use the word “american” as anything but a term of abuse signaling extreme corruption and degeneracy).

Reply to  Enoch Cade
1 year ago

Well said. Virtually all of the conflicts we have involved ourselves in were absolutely none of our business and have invariably led to much worse historical outcomes as a result. The good ole USA is truly at the top of the class in producing war crimes and war criminals.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Enoch Cade
1 year ago


Yeah, I wasn’t thinking about the Civil War, but I agree: the Southerners were fighting a righteous battle against Northern aggression. And the South’s defeat marked the beginning of the rise of our current oppressive overreaching federal government.

And likewise, the war of 1812: a righteous war.

And while I certainly agree that World War I was bogus, never should’ve been fought; I can’t help but think that it’s a good thing that World War II didn’t end with Hitler and Stalin in charge of Europe and Russia.

Though I’m certain we open to be convinced otherwise

Enoch Cade
Enoch Cade
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Well, ww2 ended with the USA in charge of western Europe, arguably just as bad if not worse.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Enoch Cade
1 year ago

Mmmm…. maybe.

As I understand it, Stalin murdered around 32 million people.

Without diminishing America’s various transgressions since World War II, I’m not sure we’ve done anything to surpass that.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

??? But Stalin did end up in charge of Russia and half of Europe at the end of WWII.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  c matt
1 year ago


But at least his power was balanced/limited by the American military-industrial machine, which at the time was the most powerful in the world. But only because America had been involved in the conflict.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

But at some point, shouldn’t they realize that they were mere errand boys for bankers; that whatever they did, heroically or otherwise, was in the service of people other than the citizens of the United States? And anyone today who joins the American military should now that whatever they do will not serve the interests of the people of the United States, but rather the puppetmasters of the Global American Empire. And some American military personnel did commit atrocities, going all the way back to the Indian Wars and the Phillipine Insurrection. Back when the U.S. had a draft and… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

Any White male, particularly a Southerner or Midwesterner, who joins the United States military at this point debases and degrades himself. I cannot muster sympathy for them. People who are near the point of discharging, yes, somewhat, but what Uncle Lloyd Austin has said and done should be pushing them out the door ASAP. The good news is people refuse to join and fight for foreigners and corporations now.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

Thank you for that. It annoys me to no end when people–total strangers–thank me for my “service.”

For a long time, I just cringed inwardly and said a polite, “thank you.” But for several years now, I’ve just been saying–politely–“No need to thank me. I got paid for it.” And walking away.

You are right to call it a “cult.”

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
1 year ago

Its just a semantic loop passed around triggered by the vet/military stimulus.

I doubt 95% even realize why they even say it as it comes out of their mouth without thought.

You can make humans do similar auto-reactions for almost any stimulus.

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Dance, monkey, dance!

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

The real Bill – I agree wholeheartedly. I think this is a wise stance. The same is true of America’s ME and Central Asia debacles in the 21st century. Many men enlisted and even re-enlisted because of the attack on our soil. The cannivers who used them deserve our scorn and even retribution. Like Vietnam vets, to scorn them is a deep scar on our nation and the people who defend it. Think of how small a man LBJ was. All he had to do, was speak directly to the American people and make a simple speech on the moral… Read more »

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago

Thanks for your kind words. I’ll definitely check out the film. And yeah: Lyndon Johnson was an evil son of a bitch. Ken Burns Vietnam documentary series— well worth watching for anyone interested in that era— makes that very clear: First we hear audiotape of President Johnson in 1965, admitting, in a private conversation with his then Secretary of State Robert McNamara, that the war in Vietnam was unwinnable. Followed by: “But I’ll be goddamned if I’m gonna go down in history as the president who lost Vietnam!” Then Burns plays another audio tape: of President Johnson a few days… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

WWII being “righteous” is the foundational myth of the GAE. Truth is it was a war for imperial power like most every other war. You’re right, the soldiers who fought it didn’t know any better. But putting them on a pedestal is still part of the problem. It’s something to see how, even to this day, veterans of WWII are lauded above veterans of other wars. Even though the fighting they did (or often didn’t do), the danger they faced, was not much different. And the empire they served, the same. Yet somehow their nobility is greater. But that’s how… Read more »

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I tend to view human nature and human behavior in terms of our evolutionary backstory.

From that perspective, I see the male urge to protect, and to fight in order to protect the group, as a good thing.

Like any good thing, it can become evil when utilized for the wrong reasons.

But I do believe that every society needs it’s warriors, and I see it as a good thing that we honor them.

And we can do that, while still opposing the unnecessary wars that our leaders keep getting us into.

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

The real Bill: My family was one that made the trek out to DFW a number of times to ‘welcome the troops.’ There was a special arrival gate set aside, everyone got lapel pins, the whole deal. Initially it felt like doing something tangible, something virtuous. But we increasingly noticed that the soldiers who looked more like warriors were very uncomfortable with the crowd, the noise, and the attention – they just wanted to get to their families. An increasing percentage of those in uniform whose ‘service’ we were ostensibly celebrating were women and non-Whites. Combined with our increasing disenchantment… Read more »

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

I hear you. Occasionally, when I’ve thanked a vet for their service, they’ve expressed discomfort. But not usually; usually they seem appreciative. And I definitely hear you about the transformation of our military. Opening the military to gays, an ever-increasing percentage of “minorities”, and now so-called “transsexuals”. Purging the “right wing extremists”— a.k.a. patriots— while subjecting everyone to mandatory classes in the radically anti-White ‘critical race theory’. Recall the recent picture of Black female West Point graduates, raising their fists in the Black power salute? A gesture which was specifically forbidden by the rules, and which would have gotten any… Read more »

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

My approach to the Iraq war is that if so many willing young Americans hadn’t volunteered to fight in that idiot war then it wouldn’t have lasted so long. People go into the military for various reason and it isn’t usually about patriotism anyway,

The Vietnam war protesters and draft dodgers actually put a lot out on the line and they helped end that national catastrophe.

1 year ago

Jonathan Greenblatt was able to successfully place himself as the final arbiter of allowed speech in America. Think about how incredible this is. When he said something was not allowed, the whole of government and big tech moved in unison to ban it. Recently, though, he declared that a famous and beloved basketball player was not allowed to link to a movie on Amazon. Not only did this bring unprecedented attention to the movie, but it made people of all stripes wake up and see the brutal system of thought policing we have been living under. They now see the… Read more »

Celt Darnell
1 year ago

Good post, but the left did not support free speech until “about a decade ago.” The left, previously having been ambiguous about free speech, turned against it completely by the turn of the 1980s/1990s — it was called “political correctness.” That is now 30 years ago. There’s a reason why everyone cites the ACLU’s support for the right of Nazis to hold a march all the way back in 1978 — over 40 years ago — because it was the last time any important left-wing body defenders free speech. Indeed, many on the left made their displeasure with the ACLU… Read more »

Reply to  Celt Darnell
1 year ago

Yes, free speech at the Academic level pretty much disappeared in the 1980s, and a while later even the Nobel winning President of Harvard was forced out for suggesting that because women are worse at math, they struggle in math related subjects…demonstrably absolutely true…But truth was no defense, because the female banshees were upset…

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

In the interests of demonstrating the complexity of the issues that we grapple with, I’ll note that the Harvard president was a member of the group that we are discussing. His membership did not protect him from being forced out.

At least in that round of conflict between aggrieved groups, the feminists won over the chosen. However, come to think of it, I haven’t checked the ethnicity of his replacement as president. Perhaps his group didn’t lose after all.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Summers is still a member in good standing of the ruling class. Hardly a week goes by that you don’t see his prescriptions for the economy being promoted in regime media. Evidently getting pushed out at Harvard was a wrist slap, not a banishment.

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

Herbert Marcuse, one of them, oozed from the Frankfort school to the OSS (CIA ) on into professorship. In a 1965 essay: he coins the term “Repressive tolerance.” They can speak, you can’t.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Celt Darnell
1 year ago

In 1985, the left was very concerned about limits to free speech, but really only advocating the freedom to express sexual content. That’s when there were the Senate hearings on warning stickers for rock records, featuring Tipper Gore and Frank Zappa.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

I always urge people to go back and read the testimony/evidence the anti-rock ladies gave. Their case was purely left-feminist, straight out of Dworkin/MacKinnon (who were busy at the time getting heretical literature banned from import into Canada). They included an “occult” category of offense, as one of a dozen, solely to fool Christians into supporting them. No record would ever be labeled for it. Similarly, Reagan’s “Meese Commission” report on pornography—essentially an alert to the legislature and judiciary that censorship was back on the menu—was almost entirely feminist, based on ideas of objectification/powerlessness and the male gaze. The familiar… Read more »

1 year ago


I see that Jordan Peterson is taking it up the hooper too. He’s produced sanctimonious morality vids for Christians and moslems – but gave the jews a pass. Too many dirt people noticed…. When he got called on it his mask dropped too.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

According to Peterson, Israel is a shining beacon to the world. “While Jews might protest the intense global scrutiny they are under, he said, his voice wavering, this “little, tiny people” bears a “tremendous moral responsibility” in saving the world by example. “‘God knows what could be done here if you were left alone,’ Peterson said, marveling at Israel’s potential, especially in its technology. “‘The fate of the world depends on the fate of the people of Israel,’ he claimed, exhorting Israelis to perfect their society for the sake of humanity. ‘Make yourself a shining light on a hill.'”… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

I’ll bet everyone who reads the Jordan Peterson quotes does it in Peterson’s weird high-pitched Canadian accent. Haha.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

I can’t watch it. Was he blubbering with a crown of thorns on his head as a spear was shoved into his side?

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

Not to mention a week or two after his meeting with Shapiro & Bibbi N, he’s dying on the hill of everyone online should dox themselves and not be allowed to remain anonymous if they want their views heard on twitter (ironically & hilariously, essentially asking for a ghetto for the anons).

I cannot for the life of me imagine why he would suddenly want people to be easily identifiable now that he has all that Daily Wire money coming along without strings attached I am sure…

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Top comment:

“You have to believe in the holocaust or you’ll go to hell.”
– Guy who believes Jesus is boiling in excrement.

Might be the pithiest takedown of an article I’ve ever read.

1 year ago

I’m sure the Holocaust happened, but I question the whole “six million” part. That’s an awful lot of people.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

It’s clear something happened, but it wouldn’t be a surprise to find out the details were exaggerated. That’s not unusual, most significant historical events usually do wind up exaggerated in the retelling.

I doubt you’ll be seeing an honest accounting in your lifetime. Too many narratives depend on the interpretation of WWII to leave the history unmolested.

Maybe in another 500 years the event will be distant enough to get an objective view of it, but attempting to discuss it now is usually just a waste of time.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

There were only 2.4 million jews in all of German occupied Europe, (and many of them were unaffected, being in the military, academia or large corporations)..After the war, 3.8 million jews asked for reparations…..And allied troops liberating the camps found healthy mothers and babies in special nurseries set up in the camps…But you are supposed to believe 6 million jews were murdered, 3.6 million more than existed, but exclusively in camps in the Russian zone, which could. not be accessed…

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Ryan Faulk has some videos about the six million. He claims the Nazis never even had access to that many. That even if they got every single one in the areas they occupied, it wouldn’t be six million. After 80 years of propaganda, there is just no way to know. Besides, it wasn’t done by or to my people. Ain’t my problem. I’m tired of hearing about it and I’m tired of the blood libel aspect of it. America’s “Holocaust museums” should be converted into gratitude museums where they thank us endlessly for our selfless sacrifice to help them. Instead,… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Jews dont blame White people for the Holocoust. I am a Jew and never heard anything like that.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  sam
1 year ago

You haven’t been paying attention!

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  sam
1 year ago

So why are there Holocaust museums in Canada, Britain, Australia and many, many other countries who fought against the Axis powers? Why are they constantly kveching about the Nazis in America and the potential breakout of “antisemitism?”

It is because they view us as all one lump of people prone to random outbreaks antisemitism for no reason whatsoever, just a flaw in White people, leading to “pogroms” and eventually, camps and gas chambers.

WHY does Philadelphia have a holocaust museum? There has never been a pogrom in Philadelphia, or anywhere in America for that matter!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  sam
1 year ago

Guess you don’t get the five times a day ADL emails.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Your last paragraph succinctly demonstrates why the holocaust has become your problem.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Tars: This. I support every word.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

I didn’t pay much attention to Holocaust denialism or Holocaust revisionism until France, where I live, made it illegal to question any aspect of Nazi persecution of Jews before and during World War II. Now I suspect that many aspects of that persecution were exaggerated, although it did result in thousands of deaths and much suffering. When a historical narrative needs legal sanction to escape questioning, it is probably a weak historical narrative.

Eggs Bacon and Spam
Eggs Bacon and Spam
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Well that’s the point Prager is making: Holocaustianity is your new religion, funny mustache man is the devil, and you will go to hell as a heretic for questioning it or any of the details surrounding it. As above, you’ll never get an honest accounting. The ‘good enough for government’ answer is probably around 200K, mostly from typhus and starvation, and not incidentally, fewer than German POWs and civilians who died postwar, or an order of magnitude or two fewer than died in the Communist revolutions in Russia and Asia. That’s the trap, btw, a tar baby of wooden doors,… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Think of it this way – the same people who call the January 6 event an insurrection, call what happened in 1940s Germany the holocaust. To quote one of the luminaries of the House, “something happened.”

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Two elderly men walk into a bar. One is a Jew the other an Orthodox Russian Christian.

The Jewish man: “Holocaust, Holocaust, Hitler, six million Holocaust!!!

The Russian:
Six whole million? Well cry me a river comrade!

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

I am looking forward to the Hogans Heroes remake.
We all know that kind of humor can never happen in our age.
The usual suspects have managed to make themselves into cosmopolitan church ladies.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

They called it “Inglorious Basterds.”

The real Bill
The real Bill
1 year ago

For all his claims to be a Christian, it’s odd that Prager has apparently forgotten about forgiveness. The New Testament gospels show Jesus on the cross, forgiving the people who nailed him up: “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” Here Jesus is making a crucial (no pun intended) moral distinction: between people who *knowingly* do evil, and people who *unwittingly* do evil, in pursuit of what they believe to be good. The implication being that at least some of the Jews who wanted to kill him, were doing so because they genuinely believed that they were… Read more »

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

When the premise is wrong, everything is wrong

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

But wouldn’t you want to make a moral distinction between someone who does wrong, knowing that what they’re doing is wrong; and someone who does wrong, while mistakenly thinking that what they’re doing is right?

I realize that the misconceptions of the doer don’t negate or diminish the harm done.

But it still seems like a helpful distinction: to distinguish between those who knowingly do evil, and those who do it unwittingly.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

It’s like the difference between someone who inadvertently steps on your foot in a crowd, compared to somebody who deliberately tromps on it.

Most people have a very different reaction to those two superficially-similar events.

The distinction they’re making, is between someone who deliberately intended to injure you, versus someone whose injury of you was inadvertent and unintended.

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Prager is a proud Jew. He just wants to lecture Christians on what we should believe about our own faith.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

Right, my bad: I wasn’t familiar with Prager, and for some reason I had the impression that he was a Christian. Now I know better.

Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Prager is an idolatrous infiltrator, selling poison to the local idiots..

1 year ago

Haven’t seen this mentioned, but Prager’s column is literal blasphemy. Fuentes will go to Hell if there is a just God – that statement is a very serious problem.

Fuentes must go to Hell or else God is not just – really, who do you think you are?

Reply to  btp
1 year ago

Absolutely….Proving conclusively that Prager is an imposter…

Return of MWV
Return of MWV
Reply to  btp
1 year ago

A just God abhors sin and condemns all to eternal damnation who are not washed in the shed blood of the lamb.

The matter of where you’re going when you die is a matter of whether or not you’ve placed your trust in the one who said that he is “The Way, the Truth, and the Light.” No one comes to the Father except through him.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  Return of MWV
1 year ago

So let me get this straight:

We humans are born into a world full of sinful people; where the parents who raise us are sinners, where we are surrounded by sinners all our lives, and where we ourselves cannot help but sin.

Yet God— who is perfectly loving, perfectly just, and perfectly merciful— assigns us to the everlasting torment of an eternal Hell, as punishment for the sin which we cannot possibly avoid?


Return of MWV
Return of MWV
Reply to  The real Bill
1 year ago

Yes, that is literally exactly what the Bible says.

The good news is that salvation is obtainable by admitting your fallen state and trusting in Christ for salvation.

Scripture is plain and unambiguous about this.

1 year ago

“I noticed this flattery is done with veterans too. You could praise the greatest generation and they would let anything slide, even policies that hurt their own grandchildren. A lot of veterans are a bit vain. I respect them but let’s get serious. A lot of them will let anything slide as long as they’re being “thanked for their service” and praised as if they were gods.” Many of us have an ambiguity to the whole “thank you for your service” line. Yes, as a veteran I use the military discounts offered at Lowe’s or Home Depot when I go,… Read more »

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

There was a man in my small hometown who had been in the battle of Iwo Jima. He never talked about it to anyone even decades later. A history teacher tried to get him to come in and talk to a history class, he declined.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

My Grandfather had some major trauma after the war, which would sometimes manifest in him doing marches in the bedroom while his wife looked on in confusion. He kept silent about he war war until the last couple years of his long life. I get different vibes from current veterans. My Grandpa felt proud of his service but had some mental wounds from it that never recovered. Vets of Iraq and Afghanistan I know are largely not proud of their service, and largely keep silent on the subject. Imagine getting war trauma for what you thought was freedom and then… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Chet, My parents were not fully supportive of me joining largely due to the fact that they believed I should go to college*. My father, an army draftee who did his entire enlistment in Germany, was not happy at all with my choice. Them along with others, told me that I was too smart for the military. That may sound intellectually arrogant, but it proved to be true. It is an uncomfortable duality within oneself when presented situations that are patently false. Iraq is an easy example. Saddam wasn’t a threat to American Hegemony, nor some second coming of an… Read more »

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

“Fighting them over here so we don’t have to fight them at home…” is literally the opposite of the truth. We go abroad to fight a pathetic people who are in no way a threat to our nation. Absent Soviet (or Chinese) funding, we must supply both sides in these conflicts (this was true with both the Taliban and ISIS). We get our asses handed to us. We leave and take millions of our useless “allies” to America, a fate which even our most recent invaders, the British in 1812, were unable to visit upon us. We would be less… Read more »

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

Yes…my father and some of his friends had been in combat in the war…I never heard them talk about it even once…

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

A little while back I had the opportunity to take part in a Navy retirement ceremony for a SEAL. Of course, a bunch of his buddies were there. During, and especially afterwards at the open bar, I just sat back and thoroughly enjoyed the hilarious and elaborate stories they told (all senior, very experienced Team guys). Oddly enough, not one of the tales involved combat or other “warrior stuff”. No, it was all about the crazy hijinks they got up to the rest of the time.

It was an awesome night.

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

The way I see it, after 9/11, there was a surge in recruitment around the country. Yet when it became clear that Dubya planned to use his political capital to launch illegal wars in service of the neocons, people started to stay away. Recruitment/enlistment was a problem for most of those years. The government would frequently announce shortfalls in recruiting and had to raise bonuses to get people in. They relied a lot on stop-loss and other things to keep the forces replenished. I think this engendered a lot of guilt in the populace, as people did not want to… Read more »

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

“This version of hero worship began after 9/11.” Believe it or not, it really got going during the Kuwait war (Iraq pt. 1). There was the whole movement of “we are not going to treat these vets like we did the Vietnam vets”. I was active duty Navy at the time, so my buddies and I would always try to just *casually* mention our military status whenever we went to a bar, especially during the actual fighting phase. We’d never have to buy another drink afterwards. To be honest, for a bunch of early-20-year old guys, it was pretty freaking… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

I have a suspicious skepticism of the folks I see who wear their veteranship on their sleeve. Hats, bumper stickers etc. And I wasn’t born with this skepticism, I learned it. Some nonzero percentage of them aren’t veterans at all. And a high percentage are REMFs who just enjoy the recognition. Think it makes them manly or something. And why wouldn’t they? Everywhere you look in our society veterans are on a pedestal. I noticed the “thank you for your service” thing starting after Gulf War I. But it has really snowballed to the point that I believe nowadays young… Read more »

1 year ago

Question: “Why do you spend time debunking the many suspicious claims canonized in the holoc@ust narrative?”

Answer: “Because the ultimate answer to questions about like why we can’t limit immigration or speak about the interests of white people is always that it will lead to another holoc@ust.”

I go back and forth about whether we should step over the holoc@ust or face it head on, but for those new to these questions, I wanted to present the justification for confronting it.

1 year ago

I saw an alarming statistic that 18% of all married couples are now mixed race in the usa.

This seems incredibly high, and probably much higher than 18% for young people.

Can anyone confirm? Is it really that common for mixed race couples in your area?

Its a bit off topic but also related seems like white americans will have a rapidly shrinking tribe at this rate. The civic nationalist pipe dream may end up happening because theres no choice, with so many mixed people.

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

It’s probably false. George Washington once said that 97% of all statistics you read on the internet are false.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

I’ve also read 5/4ths of people have problems understanding basic fractions.

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

Some people are doubly stupid.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

A lot of that probably depends on how one defines Hispanic

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Probably correct. Media pushes interracial as black/White, but more likely/common is White/ White (or at least pale) Hispanic, or White/Asian or Hispanic/Asian. Fair amount of yellow fever going around.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  B125
1 year ago


What haven’t you seen all those commercials on TV? That show how happy interracial couples invariably are?

Seriously, though: I don’t recall the exact numbers, but last I heard, the number of interracial marriages were increasing in America.

Lance Welton over at Vdare has written articles documenting the fact that interracial marriages experience a lot more problems, compared to marriages within one’s own race. And the people who enter into interracial marriages also tend to be less stable, mentally. Which certainly makes a lot of sense.

The real Bill
The real Bill
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

And without having any statistics to back it up, I would expect that marriages between Whites and Asians, or between Whites and Jews, are typically very different in outcome, compared to marriages between Whites and Blacks.

1 year ago

Another mokita is that knee-jerk hypersensitivity about the Holocaust is a pathology that does genuine harm to society. We now live in a world in which most everyone is in permanent grievance mode over some presumed insult or offense. And they all take to the internet to conduct their wailing and gnashing of teeth in the public square. Why couldn’t Prager just go sit on Capitol steps, pour gasoline on himself, and light a match? That would have made his point quite effectively, and everyone would have known that he was being serious and not just hyperventilating on cue. If… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

New rules: you gotta have foreskin in the game.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“The column itself is a remarkable example of Kinsley’s quip. The truth is, in a majority-minority society like America, what matters is your tribe. This is the truth that the people in charge are not supposed to say.”

They do say it. See Uncle Lloyd Austin, Defense Minister for Raytheon, etc. Only one group is not allowed to act as a tribe and protect its interests.


End that embargo, and things might change. Maybe.

I expect people like Prager to defend his tribe. What I don’t expect is people outside his tribe to roll over for it.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

is it that white’s aren’t allowed to form a tribe, or more that they won’t?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Good question. Probably both. I suspect as Whites approach minority status they will become more tribal.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

They’ll be allowed once they’re a minority and can’t have the same effect as when they were the majority. It is strange, was at bonoroo years ago. Maybe around 2008 or so and i went to see Dave Atell do his standup. Liked his show on comedy central about different bars in cities and such. Anyways i ended up walking out, his entire set was making fun of christian people. Now i don’t identify really as a christian though i was raised as one but it was the meanness of it. Had to walk out. You couldn’t do that about… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

No they won’t, never happened in South Africa.

1 year ago

I see Prager has managed to get the fact that like Donald Trump and Joe Scarborough he is on wife number 3 scrubbed from Wikipedia. To demonstrate that he has no sense of shame at all, he has “questions to ask before marriage” page on his show’s website. It is interesting there are whites who still fall for this routine, even though the people doing it live in such a way so at odds with their audience.

Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

Bloviator propagandist needs a topic edit, to ““questions to ask before marriages”

Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

I’m sure he’s had to pay a rather generous amount of alimony to his various ex’s, yet he had the audacity to produce that “Be A Man – Get Married” video a few years back. He lost me and many other men there.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Have you seen his vomit-inducing ‘ads’ with ‘young people’ that were running? Him and his ilk on the fake ‘right’ have this version of ‘the young’ that puts Charilie Kirk near the pinnacle in the looks department. All downhill from there – as if they are aiming the ads at misfits.


Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

The Creed stuff was the lubricant developed in the early last century used to ram mass immigration up the rear of the working class Americans. Then as now, Capitalists need cheap labor. The “melting pot” stuff was a convenient sales tool. It worked pretty well too, because the CivNat b.s. still sells well, which explains lames like Prager. Many Prager/CivNat types aren’t idiots and they too have read Carl Schmitt. So they make the “friend/enemy” distinction a creedal one instead of an ethnic one. If we’re honest, the DR will have to do the same thing. Just in this forum… Read more »

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
1 year ago

Rules for thee and not for me applies to other of Prager’s pronouncements. I recall (I haven’t listened for years) that this guy broadcasted a regular segment dispensing relationship advice for men and women… and he’s been divorced at least twice, perhaps three times.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 year ago

Early in my career I worked at one of our finest too big to fail financial institutions. It was around the time the movie Super Size Me came out and I came back one day with fast food for lunch. The manager, a proud member of the alphabet soup community, started to give me a low key lecture about how bad eating that was for my health, I’m guessing he smoked about half a pack a day.

1 year ago

Recovering CivNat here. I really want to believe in a creedal America- I really thought that the multi-culti world would work, Etc.

Guess I was wrong

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Ganderson
1 year ago

The sad thing is, before our rulers dialed everything up to 11, it DID kind of work.

Catholic Irish married Catholic Italians, German/ Dutch Protestant married Scots Irish, Mexican senorita married Texans, Swedish Lutherans married English Protestant. Their kids/ grandkids blending into “Americans”.

Now? Anyone interested in marrying your kids/ grandkids off to Rashid Taliba, “Niki” Haley or Ilhan Omar’s offspring? Does anyone think these children would in any way be recognizable as “American”?

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Mow Noname
1 year ago

> The sad thing is, before our rulers dialed everything up to 11, it DID kind of work.

It really didn’t, though. Opening up the doors for the Lutherans, Italians, Germans, and Irish not only diluted the founding stock but removed any possible moral argument for keeping out the Poles, the Jews, the Aztecs, the Africans, the Chinese…

Reply to  Mow Noname
1 year ago

My dad was a Swedish Lutheran, my mom a half-Irish Catholic. When mom died I got a packet of some anti miscegenation clippings and articles sent to me by some guy I did not know. This fellow was much more concerned about a good Protestant marrying an evil, presumably in league with Old Scratch Catholic.

Of course my mom’s parents had set the precedent when my Irish traveling salesman grandpa married my Swedish farmer’s daughter grandma. My Aunt Lucy was born two months premature… at 10 pounds!

Reply to  Ganderson
1 year ago

A creed can work with a homogenous people. The people of Iceland, for example, are quite socially homogenous and harmonious. Their creed may not be written, but it’s there. A place it absolutely cannot work is, ironically, the place they’re trying to make it work: multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-racial societies.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

As the other Scandies are discovering…

1 year ago

Why do people just repeat things that are obvious fronts as if they are fact without even looking at the detail. No wonder they live in a constructed dream. The Skokie affair was run by the supposed Nazi party and the oh so brave ACLU defended them. Only Frank Collins the leader and planner of the march and organizer was actually born Frank Cohn, his father was Jewish and supposed dachau inmate. The guy was sentenced to jail for child molestation of young boys shortly after the set up and then re-invented himself as a new age author in prison.… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

You appear to be unable to spot a scam being played in front of your face. The point was to re-enforce the nazi stuff not anything to do with free speech.

I am not the retarded one here.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

My actual point was a criticism of your inability to spot a coordinated scam and the use of it as an example of free speech protection when it was nothing of the sort.

As I said Gullible.