Happy New Year 2023!

It is a new year and it is important to start with a clean slate, so this is an unscheduled show to clear out the mail bag. That way I can close out 2022 without any unfinished business and start the new year without a hangover from the prior year. I also felt guilty about letting the mail bag linger and not acknowledging the people who sent gifts to me since the last time I did one of these shows.

The intro to the show is Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians. When I was a kid he was on television ringing in the new year. His version of “Auld Lang Syne” was the only version as far as anyone knew. Out of curiosity I looked around to see if anyone had tried to do an updated version of it. The results were not good. Allegedly this Mariah Carey version is considered the best new version. It is terrible.

There are some songs that should never be sung by anyone but the person who made the song famous. The Sid Vicious version of “My Way” is amusing and it has meaning in terms of music history, but it is terrible otherwise. The only version worth hearing is the Sinatra version. A modern singer performing the song is suggesting she belongs on the same stage as Sinatra.

My guess is they have trashed up the New Year’s eve shows to the point where only a degenerate can tolerate them. I have not stayed up to watch any of them in decades, so I am left to guess. I think the last time I made it to midnight on the big night was in the 1980’s, but I no longer remember. My tradition is to be asleep before the clock strikes midnight so I can get an early start on the year.

Happy New Year!

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Promotions: We have a new addition to the list. Above Time Coffee Roasters are a small, dissident friendly company that makes coffee. They actually roast the beans themselves based on their own secret coffee magic. If you like coffee, buy it from these folks as they are great people who deserve your support.

Havamal Soap Works is the maker of natural, handmade soap and bath products. If you are looking to reduce the volume of man-made chemicals in your life, all-natural personal products are a good start. If you use this link you get 15% off of your purchase.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link. If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at



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1 year ago

Whomever the ADL tasks with listening to the show must have picked up on the copyright discussion and dropped a dime as the Spreaker show is down. Odysee still works.

1 year ago

Mariah Carey, like Whitney Houston, is into a self-aggrandizing sort of sonic waterboarding. Even Pavarotti understood louder is not always better. She’s also a truly awful person who berates and torments everyone who works for her, working in crazy riders on her contract, specifying all green M & Ms be picked out of the bowl on the craft services table backstage. Apparently the “melanin” that made her husband Nick Cannon so warm and kindhearted didn’t rub off on her. His melanin didn’t help him with his lupus nephritis, either. Black may not crack, but it seems to break pretty easily.… Read more »

Reply to  joeyjünger
1 year ago

Wth you 1000% on the Mariah Houston, Whitney Carey critique. Whistling is a more apt description for the sound these women inflict upon our ears. The M&M thing is a David Lee Roth innovation, although with him it was red ones to be purged. His was more of a ruse, ie. if venue personnel ignored this rider, chances are they ignored others as was the case in a Washington state concert which had to be cancelled because the stage would have collapsed due to incompetent carpentry insufficient for the massive stage equipment. The Sid Vicious version of My Way played… Read more »

Biden's Diaper Service
Biden's Diaper Service
1 year ago

“Shitavious Cook, who has been in custody since he was 15 years old on first-degree murder charges, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison after pleading guilty to attempted first-degree murder and dismembering a human body in two shooting incidents that occurred in August 2011.”


Reply to  Biden's Diaper Service
1 year ago

My favorite black name? “La-A,” which is pronounced, “Ladasha.” “Barkavarius” was also a great name, like some kind of royal basset hound.

1 year ago

Well, I guess this explains why comic book movies fly right over my head….

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

Thanks for the show Z Man. Concerning the Emergency Broadcast System ( EBS) it’s now the Emergency Alert System ( EAS) and it is still around and encompasses not only local radio and tv stations but state and local agencies and through not just over the air signals but also through internet and cellular alerts.

David Davenport
David Davenport
1 year ago

Zman, regarding your podcast comments about forming a secretive counter-cultural society for otherwise normal people: I suggest infiltrating, taking over, and revitalizing the the Free Masons.

1 year ago

Well that was a nice surprise, thanks Zman, you sound great today. My mother always said what ever you do on New Year’s Day you do the rest of the year. With that she would wink a laugh in her old Manchester way. She was a good girl. She taught me a lot about making it in the world, nyc especially. In the late 60’s I would spend New Year’s Eve with my grate grandmother celebrating her birthday on 59 th and first avenue while my parents worked in a nightclub. Cigaret girl and valet parking for the boys that… Read more »

1 year ago

Many thanks for the unexpected, and as usual, excellent podcast! And a potentially hopeful happy new year to all!

1 year ago

As a lifelong Louisianian and LSU alum, I was glad to hear that you’ll be pulling for LSU in the bowl game and that you think LSU had the best looking uniforms in college football (they really do).

Happy New Year and Geaux Tigers.

GD Coleman
GD Coleman
1 year ago

Long time reader, first time commenter:
If you’ve never heard it, please listen to the Gipsy Kings version of My Way.
And/or their version of Hotel California.
Or pretty much anything by them, really. They’re so much fun to listen to, and they’re the one exception I know of to the Remake Rule.
Thank you for all your works, Mr. Z. Best wishes for the new year.

West coast Dano
West coast Dano
1 year ago

Thank you and God bless.

1 year ago

You can feel cash through an envelope, even if it’s wrapped in a sheet of paper. It does not feel the same as ordinary paper inside the same envelope. I’m not sure tinfoil does anything but exacerbate that, because it feels different too. (And of course if there really is snoopy-scanning, would do nothing but set off red flags.) Back when sending cash was more common, and fear of theft was more real (since mail was still hand-sorted) there were card-and-envelope combos sold specifically to prevent detection of included cash. If you’re worried about hiding cash in the mail, use… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

One should not record and release a cover version unless one has improved on the original. As occasionally does happen.

1 year ago

Read a lot of Faulkner in my early 20s. Worthwhile writer. At uni wrote a history paper somehow based on Homage to Catalonia. I don’t really remember. But I loved that book. The big takeaway: Orwell went down there to fight the fascists, and ended up running for his life from the Commies (his side). Still convalescing from a sniper’s bullet to the throat, he had to sneak over the border into France. I think this was his great awakening to the reality of authoritarianism not being only on the Right. But I’m no Orwell expert, and it’s been a… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  pantoufle
1 year ago
Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I’m with you on New Year’s, Z. Staying up till midnight has never meant dicksquat to me, so I rarely do it. And down here in Texas, folks try to cram black-eyed peas down your piehole on New Years Day for good luck. I don’t do that one, either.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Ostei, black-eyed peas and greens seasoned with smoked ham is a southern soul-food, and for most outside of the south, perhaps an acquired taste. It is in fact the dish I prepared for New Years Day, even though I don’t have a superstitious belief one, including that eating it brings wealth (the greens) and good luck (the b-e peas) for the year. I just happen to like it and in my family it is a tradition to uphold. I didn’t celebrate New Years Eve this year, because I don’t think there was much to celebrate in 2022 nor will be… Read more »

1 year ago

I think your introductions are overly long.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
1 year ago

shocking to think elvis wa only 42 when he died a bloated constipated mess.

David Wright
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

If he had taken his stool softeners he would still be with us.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
1 year ago

I watched the New Year’s show from NYC last night. They had some sow bellowing “Imagine,” with they lyrics: “Imagine there’s no countries, It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion, too.”

I expected her to say, “except Ukraine,” but she didn’t.

Then I checked out a Guy Lombardo show on YouTube, from 1971, which I also used to watch with my family in my youth. How much better the people were than the those interviewed on the show last night. The decline is so visible.

1 year ago

Happy New year to you all from London, Englandland.
I have always called a crappy remake of a classic song as vinylcide.
Regarding new year shows. Last nights London event, on the tv, sod standing in the rain was ruined by overdubbing with crap about lezzer footy, refugees welcome, Eukraine blather and fag worship. I lasted nearly 2 minutes. Everything has to be turned into a propaganda event. Sheesh!

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
1 year ago

I have to admit to being genuinely impressed with anyone who can begin New Years Day by knocking out a chunk of work. You may well be the only man on the planet able to make that claim.

Happy New Year!

1 year ago

I happened upon the “Country” New Year’s Eve show from Nashville and the co-hosts were a rotund white female and a black male. They can’t stop themselves.

The last time I stayed up past midnight was 2000.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Yeah how about that snake neck tatoo?
classy real classy.
Yep, murders been committed on music row.
Giant meteor 2023.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

CMT has been owned by Viacom and under the MTV umbrella for about 20 years, so that tells you it’s political leanings. However, it’s really only been the last 3-4 that they’ve openly gone woke. During one of the shooting events the left tried to capitalize on to take firearms, CMT was running non stop gun safety reform ads. Then it was constantly flying a CMT rainbow logo during homo month. All of this for an audience that’s completely against these things. What changed with a lot of companies 3-4 years ago is that they stopped caring about total profit.… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
1 year ago

True, and a million ain’t a million anymore.

Reply to  The Greek
1 year ago

Heard an explanation from an economics-dude: Operating capital. Corporations run on debt. If Blackrock says Be Woke or No Money, they will be woke, even if in the long term it kills the company.

Blackrock is something like 51% Chinese owned. Demoralization as silent conquest is still a Thing.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

These days going out on Amateur Night is more of a giant hassle than anything else.

Who wants to deal with all the crazies and sobriety checkpoints?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

Here on the Worst Coast they have this annoying “tradition” among the shitlibs of celebrating New York’s Eve (9pm) and then our own local New Year’s at midnight. I was out walking my constipated dog during the former last night. I was glad that was the extent of my involvement in last night’s festering festivities. I just saw Karl’s post above about Elvis and thought “glad Pepper finally managed to ignore the distracting premature fireworks and avoided the King’s fate”.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

CMT appointed Mike Huckabee to the board of their foundation, a perfect selection, then withdrew his appointment after a queer talent agent threatened to withdraw his clients. That ended any interest or support from me for CMT.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
Reply to  Din C. Nuttin
1 year ago

Shudda said CMA, Country Music Association instead of CMT.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

Happy New Year

What an unexpected and genuine pleasure.

God bless you and your loved ones in the new year.

Alone in the northeast
Alone in the northeast
1 year ago

Happy new year! Thanks for the show