
Thirty years ago two competing theories about what comes next emerged from the end of the Cold War. One was the end of history thesis by Francis Fukuyama and the other was the clash of civilizations thesis by Samuel Huntington. The former carried the day, but it is the latter that is proving to be closer to reality. Even so, it is the Fukuyama thesis that continues to animate Western thought.

Reality is the thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it and reality is telling us that Huntington was the better thesis. He got some things wrong about what comes next, but his general thesis is proving correct. The new global order that is emerging is based in civilizational identity. In a way, the world is returning to its natural state after the long fever of the 20th century.

The exception, at least for now, is the West, but it does provide some clue as to what will happen in the West. The new diverse societies being created will have to be organized around something. The civilizational idea allows for the native population to impose their will on the guest populations. It also allows the natives to defend their ways at whatever cost is required.

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This Week’s Show


  • The Cold War
  • The New Age
  • The End Of History
  • The Clash Of Civilizations
  • The End Of Empire

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1 year ago

The fact that this country is lost, and no longer the USA of 1980, 1990 or even 2000, is something I have been well aware of here in Tampa for many years. I live in a formally white what would of been considered middle to lower middle class neighborhood which is now gentrifying all around with the new lefty yuppies and gays. But my section and all around me is Hispanic. Many new, many with zero English. The culture is definitely like South America. The neighborhood looks like South America. It’s crazy. But one thing I think is lost on… Read more »

1 year ago

Not entirely off topic, and I know of interest to many here:

“I am a separatist, but on religious lines, not racial ones.”
James Wesley, Rawles

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

I think a lot of us tend to see the negative in everything so people have been worried about Blue state migrants Californicating their new homes. There’s some of that but my impression is that it’s largely people who were simply tolerating the Leftism of their states realizing, after the Coof, that the lunatics had won and it was time to go. The Great Migration is a blessing if it leads more people to realize it’s time to end the failed “American Experiment”.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

That Oregon secession thing for 3/4 to split off and join Idaho is a good idea, but really it would be better to just detonate a nuclear weapon over Portland and then take 100% of the state. And I say this knowing full well that doing so would mean replacing all my windows and living in the basement for two weeks.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
1 year ago

Eh, I think when Z goes full paywall I’m gonna bail. Been in this thing for long to see most enterprises turning opinion into profit tend to go pear-shaped really quickly. Best of luck, of course, but not gonna pay for ideological musings.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

I don’t begrudge anyone trying to make a buck.

My problem with it is that it creates a trail that can lead back you irl.

There’s a reason that I’m anonymous here.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
1 year ago

does anyone have a sense of where things stand in ukraine?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

That’s a good question for several reasons, not the least of being it is hard to get accurate information. All wars are full of propaganda but this one is off the charts and neutral, accurate information is scarce. The best I can tell is there is something of a stalemate with the Russians slowly grinding down the Ukrainians, with Westerners more and more filtering into the mix. It’s like the Spanish Civil War in that narrow sense but mentally retarded, with Ivan the adult in the room. It seriously looks like it will be end with the same results of… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago


For a good representation of the goings on there, a you tube channel called “The Duran” has what appears to be accurate info on a daily basis.

To give you a visual, think of when Tommy (Russia) put that guys head in a vise (Ukraine), until his eye popped out.

Sums it up.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

Also U S Tour of Duty podcasts with Scott Ritter.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

There’s a Youtube channel called “Military Summary” that gives detailed daily updates on the situation by comparing Russian and western military sources. The fellow’s name is Dima and he is based in Belarus. It can get tedious at times, but if watched regularly, you get a sense of how things are developing.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

First of all, I object to the disparagement of long hair and mutton chop sideburns. Next thing you know this blog will be slandering the ’83 Olds Cutlass. The assertion that the present day West has no organizing civilizational culture is false. The West’s civilizational culture is sexual perversion. It is not a question of whether or not this culture will prevail or gain dominance. It has already gained dominance. Objectors are unpersoned. It has its own flag, which is now the empire’s true flag. Flown by every US embassy around the world. At the homes and churches of its… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

“It’s not a question of what the west’s dominant culture will be, that has already been established. It is a question of how long this newly dominant culture will last. I don’t think the answers are as easy as we might like them to be.” The answer to this question is – INDEFINITELY. The major difference to here and the Soviet Union, for example, is the Soviet Union was still a mostly homogenous nation (nearly all white) and the people shared a common set of values and culture. That is not the case here. I started saying to friends lately… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

People like us are country-less men

Speak for yourself kemosabe.

This country was built by my ancestors and its still mine.
Even if the government is a foreign occupier for now.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

I suspect that there were Celts/Gauls saying something similar as the Frankish tribe displaced them. Now it’s France, not Gaul. And it’s England (land of the Angles), not Brittania.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

“Speak for yourself kemosabe. This country was built by my ancestors and its still mine. Even if the government is a foreign occupier for now.” My! With bluster like this the tides will change by breakfast time tomorrow. We are saved! I look forward to hearing your plans, ‘kemosabe’. Given your interesting definition of things that are yours, and all. Let me see… 60 years of discrimination against Whites called affirmative action…. millions of mud men flowing across the deliberately open southern border…. open perversion of justice targeting White dissidents ( James Fields, J6, Derek Chauvin et al)… White kids… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Thesis: “The West’s civilizational culture is sexual perversion.”
Antithesis: But that doesn’t include the fanatical anti-whiteness, which seems to have a longer and deeper history than the promotion of sexual perversion and the intensity is at least as great.
Synthesis: The West’s civilization culture is anti-traditional white male.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

“If you disagree with me that this is the west’s dominant culture, I invite you to go out and speak loudly against it and watch what happens. It’s not a question of what the west’s dominant culture will be, that has already been established. It is a question of how long this newly dominant culture will last. I don’t think the answers are as easy as we might like them to be.” True, and I would despair if I agreed with Tired Citizen that the answer is “indefinitely.” I don’t agree, though, because everything already is fragmenting and fracturing. Additionally,… Read more »

Tom T
Tom T
1 year ago

I have not heard one reply that stated exactly what makes civilization. We do not presently have one. Indians never had one as well. A city of tall buildings nor modern technology are not evidence of civilization. There will no be much of a future anywhere until you understand the civilizing forces and whether you want them.

1 year ago

Good psot Z . Saddly I think the biggest problem going forward is white people. a lot of people think they will open their eyes , but I don’t know . this is all to common

1 year ago

Indian Origin CEOs Leading the world:
Sundar Pichai
Satya Nadella
Paraq Agrawal
Leena Nair
Amrapali Gan
Shantanu Narayen
Sanjay Mehrotra
Sanjay Jha
Rajeev Suri
George Kurian
Revathi Advaithi
Francisco D’Souza
Dinesh paliwal
Ashok Vemuri
Nikesh Arora
Anjali Sud
Ajaipal Singh Banga
Arvind Krishna
Jayshree Ullal
Rangarajan Raghuram

No wonder Indians are never antisemitic

Reply to  Anna
1 year ago

Is it true that Indians are “never antisemtic?”

Are you pleased that the heritage population of whites is being replaced?

Michael Bradley
Michael Bradley
1 year ago

Love the Echo and the Bunnyman intro music

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Michael Bradley
1 year ago

Ditto. Anyone know the song and artist at the end?

He Who Mostly Lurks
He Who Mostly Lurks
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

I’m pretty curious myself. Can’t make out enough of the lyrics to do a search. Sounds like it might be Faun, which our host has used before, but I don’t recognize the track.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Speaking of the New World Order, the conspiracy people really poisoned that phrase. By the turn of the century, anyone using the term to try and fight against New World Order envisaged by the managerial class would be branded a nut job. But is’ an example of a conspiracy that is literally true. The old world order of a bipolar world had failed and the managerial elite wanted to create a new unipolar world order with the Western managerial elite in charge of everything. I remember reading all the articles in the 2000s and early 2010s about how China was… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago


The thought that if the Chinese got a few coins in their pocket they would magically turn into a liberal democracy was preposterous. I continue to make the point that China is the way it is because it is filled with Chinese people. This delusional belief that just because there are KFC and Coca-Cola in China they will eventually live like shorter Americans is a farce.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

As Zman pointed out, the same set of geniuses, at the same time, thought that liberal democracy would organically flower in Iraq the moment they knocked down Saddam’s statue. They really did.

One wonders if they are still clinging to this or have jaded a bit about the inevitability of “democracy.” It doesn’t seem clear.

1 year ago

In the Huntington/Fukuyama debate, I still pick John Glubb. Our empire is going out as he predicted – in an orgy of decadence and corruption. He even noticed and called out the multi-culturalism of other final-stage empires.

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

We have no fate but what we make. Why assume the worst outcome is carved in stone? Do you really want to go out with a whimper rather than a roar? Start focusing on how to win and the future won’t seem so bleak.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago


Magic 8 ball says the individuals who downvoted you were the same ones who voluntarily got on the boxcars.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

“voluntarily got on the boxcars”

Well they did have citizen orchestras and labor & delivery suites and swimming pools in the camps.

Sounds pretty good to moi.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Why assume the worst outcome is carved in stone?

Not caused in stone. Just that history follows patterns because certain aspect of human nature have not changed in ten thousand years.

One of those is that power corrupts.
Anytime that a state has achieved hegemonic power, as the GAE has now, the elites of that state become deranged, thinking that they are god on earth. And engage in increasing bizarre and destructive acts that ultimate bring ruin on everyone.

Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

Dinodoxy: “power corrupts… the elites… become deranged…”

I would strongly urge you to flip your thinking upside down [inside out] and consider a more inductivistic [rather than pseudo-deductivistic] explanation: Power ATTRACTS, and the more power, the more deranged the attracted personalities become.

Within the Passive Aggressive Industrial Complex [the “bureaucracies”, or “the Deep State”], only the most brutally sadistically psychopathic personalities can yank & elbow & punch & kick & bite & back-stab & poison their way up the ladder to the very pinnacle of Power.

tl;dr == Elitist nihilism is a self-selecting statistic.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

The Huntington/Fukuyama thing reminds me of the wisdom of the great Italian-American philosopher Lawrence Berra who said: “predictions are difficult, especially about the future”. (In fairness to Fukuyama, he is a damn good political historian who should have just stayed in his lane. His “Origins of Political Order” is very good.) There are a lot of excellent points and predictions downthread here about possible ethnic/group conflicts in future America. We have to be careful about predictions though. We have assembled an ethnic goulash here that is going to interact and clash in unpredictable ways. We all have a lot of… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Remember, according to official statistics, 25 million people were born in China in 1987. In 2022, there were only 9 million births.

My guess is that diaspora East Asians simply disappear over time. The birth rate collapse in China, Japan, S. Korea means few emigrants. Some diaspora returns to make money among a shrinking Asian labour force.

The rest mixes into the general US population. Something like 30% of East Asian women marry a man of another ethnicity. Without new immigrants from Asia they would disappear in a couple generations.

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

The problem is that you assume in China’s case that all Chinese somehow contribute to the growing capitalistic/technological society they are creating. They do not. Most of the Chinese still scrape the ground in basically subsistence farming. That China shrinks in population will prove much less disastrous than say in the USA where the White population is declining dramatically—even though the population is growing due to turd-world immigration.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Hispanics have less of the economic wherewithal, and perhaps less of the inclination too, to flee from blacks every time they get near, as whites have done. And in those few but growing cases where they are without white power structures to restrain them, I’m thinking specifically of the Miami/Dade police and the Los Angeles County sheriff’s office, they are demonstrably less tolerant of black savagery than present day whites are. Which isn’t really saying much.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Uh, I’m pretty sure one of the most haram MSM topics in the US is how the Latinos spent a number of years ethnically cleansing blacks from South-Central LA.

Thus, they have no need to flee.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

It seems to me the youth of today are generally good with the present situation because its all they’ve ever known. Every time we go on a family vacation, at the airport I go on a rant about how air travel used to be a fun ,pleasant and exciting thing. They really don’t care about the raving of and old mans lost world even though they are all “conservative” people in their teens and twenties. A new American culture has been made, and I think the white male heterosexual part of it will go willingly like lambs to the slaughter… Read more »

1 year ago

Empires de facto seem to elevate foreigners to protected and important positions…India remains a 3d world country for all but the top two castes, but Indians have taken over the UK, and are well on the way to taking over the US from the rapidly decaying Jewish and White populations…”Nikki Haley”, aka Nimrata Randhawa, is a Presidential candidate, Microsoft and Google are Indian companies, and some banks have Indian CEOs…

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

Those are good points. However, Indians are very well suited for the late stage era we lived through with massive bubbles in the software and financial industries. That played to their strong suit which is a high preference for credentialism, technically oriented credentials and skills and rising in industries that rose due to expropriation, national asset selloff, artificial interest rate based capital flows and debt financing. If that is coming to an end then the hard part begins. The population that has an edge in a tougher environment is one that has a segment that has grit and work ethic… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Good point on Indians capitalizing on late-stage civilization.

Use Silicon Valley as an example. Indians were not nor were they ever capable of creating such technology or building those companies. But once established, they can force their way into management, rise up with “credentials”, and gain power in an already successful company.

In short, they are not builders, but pretty good at skimming.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
1 year ago

Yes. That isn’t to say that a few among them are not elite performers and capable of innovation. There are. But on the whole the Nero plan for India with the software and the US was the same as petroleum engineers and the Middle East. It was heads down capable grinders in an environment and structure provided by someone else. I look at Pinchai, Pagarwal (the twitter dude), Nadella and the others and I look at my experience with others and they look like people with advanced degrees and some like Chalmath P (the Indian version of Mark Cuban type… Read more »

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

Indians have only taken over the UK if you think that politicians run the UK.

May as well say Turks run the UK because of “Boris Johnson”.

Politicians do not run the UK-just like the US.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Samuel Huntington made an impact with the “Clash of Civilizations,” but his book that followed a few years later, “Who Are We,” isn’t talked about as much. It’s still an important book (from the early 2000s) about immigration and multiculturalism and might make for a good topic on a future Power Hour.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

After posting this, just saw that Jack Dobson posted on Who Are We before I did.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

The more amplification the better. I actually think WHO ARE WE? is the more important book.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  MartyEv
1 year ago

Thanks for that. WHO ARE WE? really was the first mainstream dissident book from a widely admired scholar, so of course he had to be destroyed, as Francis noted.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  MartyEv
1 year ago

The antagonistic interview of Huntington by Deborah Solomon of the New York Times magazine that Francis features illustrates the thinking of the urban elite. I’m going to go with deductive reasoning and say Solomon lives in Manhatten and is a tribemember.

Reply to  MartyEv
1 year ago

(((Miss Solomon))), and boy does it show.

Making the point that some who come here have never, and will never, “assimilate”. Good Lord.

1 year ago

Great podcast today. Now let’s back up a step and give it context. Life on Earth – about a billion years. Homo spapiens – a few hundred thousand years (0.02%). Civilization – about 6,000 years. Dominance of man-made environments vs the natural world – maybe a millennia. For most of life’s history, the natural world was dominant, evolution was guided by local environmental factors, and each niche produced subspecies that thrived in its place of origin. That is why Africans, Chinese, and Scandinavians are so different. Each is optimized based upon its unique history and location. The modern man-made world… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

When the populations whose heredity was shaped by being West or North of the Hajnal Line become a minority, the minorities taking over…likely heavily Hispanic..will put a stop to chimp-outs and special privileges by or for the rest of the population..They have no quaint beliefs in the goodness of strangers, as Mexico demonstrates…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

They only people–and they are deviants–who advocate multiculti and the adoration of diversity are Finkels and white Leftists. All other people are race realists to one extent or another.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

They seem pretty realistic when it comes to dealing with Palestinians in Israel. For some reasons, it’s different here. And they don’t seem overly burdened with the obvious inconsistency/cognitive dissonance.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

They escape this inconsistency through instinctual ethnocentrism and invocations of the h0loc@ust mythology. That is one reason why, as much as it annoys many people on our side, some guys scrutinize that mythology.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Yes, but when we get all the news stories about a “ rise in anti-semitic violence “ the “ violent” are 95% from the “ diverse” and “ vibrant “ “ community ”. One would think the Finkels ( supposedly so smart ) might get the point that their best safety lies in white evangelical gentiles with their cult of “ America’s Greatest Ally”.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Presbyter
1 year ago

It may well be that they really do believe their own bullshit. If that’s the case, they’re brainwashed just as badly as the house honkies with their briskets and their Mahomes jerseys.

Reply to  Presbyter
1 year ago

At least Mahomes is a Christian.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

TomA: “The Cloud People want to remedy this problem by turning everyone into homogenized insect-like humanoids. ”

Along those lines, it has been revealed that artificial beef is to be created by laboratory nurturing of “immortal” human cancer cells, which were scraped off the cervical cancer of a 1950s kneegress, named Henrietta Lacks.

I.e. not only do “they” want you to eat bugs, but “they” will also see to it that you will eat your immortal kneegr0id venereal warts and be thankful for them.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Samuel Huntingdon did in fact address the second prong of what forms national identity in his last book, WHO ARE WE? Although solidly a man of the New Deal Left, Huntingdon was unpersoned after that book was published. His central thesis simply pointed out the obvious: American culture directly reflected its British Protestant roots, and had absorbed with great difficulty the prior immigration waves only because they were Western and White. Where Huntingdon went somewhat awry was his primary focus on Hispanics migrants as the primary threat to American civilization. While he was correct their culture is incompatible with traditional… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“ Hispanics are a problem and should not be here, obviously, but the East and South Asians over the long haul will prove the death blow. The United States Huntingdon loved did die with the Hispanic invasion, but the American people he held dear are under existential threat mostly from Indians, Pakis, and the Chinese. ” The Hispanic *threat* is waay overplayed. Not asking for more, or any, but we’ve lived side by side for going on 200 years in the USA. They are not such an existential threat as are the other non-White minorities coming in or already here—like… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Blacks largely are weapons. The people who use them as weapons are the problem.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

They are a problem when they move into the house next door. And they are a problem when your wife is walking down a dark street alone. That is enough.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

When you are surrounded by Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Africans, and Libtards, it’s almost like meeting a brother when you come across a Latino, no matter how dark. Suddenly it’s nice to hear Spanish in public and see a cross every so often, compared to the alternatives.

It sounds like cringe civ-nat stuff. But, as Z said today, identity is relative.

Ideally there would be no immigration at all. But long-term, compared to Europe, Canada, and AUS, I see the USA actually having the best immigrant mix through mass Latino immigration. The nicest tasting shit sandwich, I guess.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Something that goes unremarked is suddenly there is a huge contingent of Africans and South Asians among the Hispanics streaming across the wide-open southern border of the USA. They didn’t get there by simply walking up Mexico, which means NGO’s, a/k/a the “Deep State,” is making that happen. There is concern, apparently, that the Mestizos aren’t anti-White enough. We are witnessing a catastrophe unfold and the monsters behind it are acting ad hoc for the most part.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Bingo. At the Southern border are now thousands of sub-Saharan Blacks. How did they get here from there? The BP classification of illegal crossers as OTM (other than Mexican) is growing exponentially. How does that happen?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago


My bet is it is to salve black politicians. They are whining about being replaced, which also is happening, and people like Eric Adams need something to assuage their low IQ, feral constituents. Haitians and Subs mixing into the group is to make Shaneeka calm down. Take note that the NGO’s/United States are not doing the same with displaced Ukrainians. Not the right color, and native Whites are too cowed to complain about their replacement.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Here in the Bay Area the Hispanics have more than their share of bad hombres. They’re responsible for much of the epidemic of catalytic converter theft. They’re also over-represented in drunk driving incidents. True, they’re not as involved in violent street crime nor do they chimp out in fast food restaurants or on school buses.

1 year ago

“Floated over on an inner-tube to Ellis Island.”

That is the line of the day. Great show today. Samuel Huntington’s books and body of work deserves more attention as his views were prescient on the current state of affairs.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

As Z likes to say, he lives in Baltimore because he likes to see what the future looks like. Well, I live in Northern Virginia, so I get my own glimpse into the future, and it’s a lot more Indian. Sure, there are plenty of Hispanics and a good sprinkling of Africans and Muslims, but for upper middle-class white people, it’s the Indians that you’ll notice the most because the Indians are coming hard and fast. (Btw, the white working and middle class are gone. They retreated to the hinterlands of rural Virginia and West Virginia. For them, Hispanics are… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Jews vs Indians…interesting thought.

Peter Frost has a relatively recent study on the oft touted Ashkenazi Jews and their vaunted IQ:

Worth a read. Teaser—their once vaunted IQ may be no more.

Similarly, one wonders if the same will not eventually happen to American Indians—who for the most part come from the upper castes of their homeland.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

There’s definitely been a fall-off in young Jews. I hear about it from friends in law and banking. The older partners are heavily Jewish, but the upcoming associates are a mix of whites, Indians, Asians and some Jews. Jews continue to have tremendous power due to their control of the media, banking and politics, but you can see the foundation showing cracks. That said, they’ll still have a lot of power for a very long time. But other groups are playing the same game. Indians are very aware of Jews and use them as a role model. Part of what… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

50 years is nothing. We as a country, got into the present mess in 3 generations—75 years. I was born and grew up in a 90% White nation. Now?

However, I concede the USA in 50 years will never be the same as today.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

The one big difference is that 1/5 of humanity is or will be Hindu, while a tiny fraction are Jew. Jews can’t afford to slip up, but the Hindu can slip a thousand times and there will be another one to replace him/her.

The age of the Hindu Brahmin is foretold.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Maybe. But I have noticed something very interesting with the interaction of Indians and whites.

Whites (even prissy liberal whites) don’t like being lectured to by Indians (or Asians for that matter). You see whites physically bristle when an Indian starts telling them about how terrible they are.

Liberal whites are willing to get lectured to by their magical blacks or their (((fellow whites))), but they don’t like it when it comes from some fat Indian lady.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

I feel ya. Indians are kept at arm’s length. Maybe it’s the accent? Middle Easterners can be fawned over, and that’s because many of them speak the Queen’s or American English. There is an wisp of civilization about them. Even the most educated Hindu sounds like he runs the curry shack.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Brahmin is a high Indian caste and as such a small portion of the population <5% IIRC. That doesn’t mean the “age” is not coming, hell it got a solid footing right now, but it not a billion+ people. If it were, India would have surpassed China a decade ago.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Yes, but when we get all the news stories about a “ rise in anti-semitic violence “ the “ violent” are 95% from the “ diverse” and “ vibrant “ “ community ”. One would think the Finkels ( supposedly so smart ) might get the point that their best safety lies in white evangelical gentiles with their cult of “ America’s Greatest Ally”.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Presbyter
1 year ago

The Jewish community was terribly transformed by the Holocaust story.

It turned their identity from positive to negative. Their existence is now in opposition to gentile whites, so they do stupid stuff.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I think this is a solid and sober analysis of the ethnic factions and who the combatants will be. Whites will find their appetite for conflict and lose their propensity to grovel in moral cowardice and conflict avoidance. There are too many of us who, once the reality of being a permanent second and underclass becomes reality, will not sit idly by. I suspect that whites and east asians will ally with each other. I have been told explicitly by several Asians in the tech world that they much prefer working with white men. One thing I have noticed about… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“ Perhaps my sample size is too small, but I have observed it…”

All sample sizes of *one* are too small, but there are a whole lot of people here commenting here, with a whole lot of experience, and a whole lot of brain power who agree with you.

That’s not to be ignored.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

My sample size is of 6 direct and about 20 indirect observing interactions in the their homeland. Still, it is tiny. The only one whose anger is worn on his sleeves is that Chalamath guy – the serial software startup bubble investor.

Hoochie Makooter
Hoochie Makooter
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

One interesting thing to look at, that may or may not have relevance, is how the races in American prisons choose their enemies and allies.

White gangs and American Hispanic gangs often team up together. You have white gangs teaming up with Hispanic gangs against the black prison gangs.

I could definitely see something like that happening outside of prisons. Blue collar and populist whites teaming up with working class Hispanics against the PMC whites, lefties and their black enforcers.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hoochie Makooter
1 year ago

Not that I doubt you, but what evidence do you have of whites and Hispanics teaming up in the slammer?

Hoochie Makooter
Hoochie Makooter
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I have plenty of second hand experiences with people who ave been to prison but as far as some kind of “evidence” available about all I can think of for you to do would be to look up various prison gangs on the internet and see who their allies are.

For example the Wikipedia article of the Mexican Mafia lists the Aryan Brotherhood as an allie. The article on the Nazi Lowriders lists the Sureños as an allie.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

There was an ex-prisoner making YouTube video’s who explained the gang dynamics as he experienced it in CA prisons. Yep, Hispanics joined Whites in many instances. I believe a Hispanic gang even save his ass in a fight due to this cooperation.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I disagree that the Hindu elites don’t have a goal. I think their ultimate goal is simply to make white people respect/notice them. They want to lord over white people (justified as payback for colonialism, although it’s more so an expression of an extreme inferiority complex). They want to grind your head in the dirt and have you beg them for mercy. They want white women to give them attention. Overall – good observations. Same thing in Toronto. Growing up, the joke was always that China was going to take over, since there were so many Chinese people. What ended… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Yes, Indians really want to stick it to whites. But outside of that, they don’t have some grand plan in the way that the small hats do. Indians don’t care about transforming society outside of hammering whites. They just want to get rich and have the untouchables do their bidding.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

“Once they “graduate” they work as dump truck drivers, buy Dodge Challengers and Jeeps on credit, and shoot off fireworks.”


Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago
karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

indians are immune to the hebe’s main weapons – guilt tripping whites, and cultural degeneracy. and they match the jews on ethnic cohesiveness. my money’s on pajeet.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Yes, Jews lose a lot of their power when faced with non-white opponents. Indians, Chinese, whoever, can’t be made to feel guilt by the tribe. What’s more, the tribe can play the “my fellow” Indians trick on other races.

That leaves financial levers, which is why these groups – both in the states and in their own countries – want their own financial system. They know what the tribe is doing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

~Grabs a ringside seat, a sixer of Tsingtao, a hunk of cheddar and a summer sausage~

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

There are no Indians in my business but there are enough around town to give a consistent impression. People compare them to Jews but, in everyday life, the Jews they’re like are the Brooklyn Hasidim, reeking chiselers who make a point of physically getting in your way to mock your civility. The Jews at least read books. Indians have no human qualities.

1 year ago

This was an excellent show. What comes next, what will American civilization be in the coming decades is the primary question.

You had a column titled “Hindu Lebensraum.” Given the demographics of India, they are very young, very fertile and eager to emigrate, I wonder what the impact will be on America and Canada. Hindus are highly tribal, like the Jews except there are a billion of them. They also have a chip on their shoulders vs the West and white people. I’d like to see you ex[lore that in future columns.

The next few decades will be interesting.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 year ago

The Indians have imported their tribal conflicts here. There are enough of them in Seattle, both in the population and the city government, to generate policy.

Seattle, like Vancouver BC, will likely be dominated by Indians and Asians because their numbers are growing so rapidly.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 year ago

It is incorrect to talk of Hindus as *one* people. David Reich in his book, “Who We Are and How We Got Here” has a chapter or two analyzing the Indian peoples. He maintains that genetically India is a country of many peoples—at least 5 major divisions—which correspond closely to their caste system and their caste system to skin color (who’d have thunk, huh?). This explains why Lynn could describe/measure the national IQ as around 83, while we have so many examples of successful Indian migrants in the West. Indian migration may yet be a threat, but there are not… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

you are dreaming . they are coming here en mass . look up Michael yon and Darien gap. the is covering who is coming in on our border. lots of Chinese and Indians . Africans too.

Reply to  Miforest
1 year ago

That’s not a billion+ nor the majority of the IA’s who are predominantly South American. But yes, the OTM’s are coming across.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 year ago

Canada plans to increase its population from 38Mln today to 100Mln by 2100. I suspect it is going to be all from India and China. Petraeus openly talked about what is today Canada the US and Mexico/Central America being a single nation – well trade zone. I think their plan is to cram as many people into North America as possible and emulate China. Problem. China is largely a single ethnos or at least a dominant ethnos. At the same time that the GAE is doing this, it is systematically attacking its dominant ethnos and its own culture. I don’t… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“ Meantime we have Biden, HRC, Christine Lagarde and company grooming the likes of Greta Thunberg to be our future leaders.”

That’s a problem, but not *the* problem. The problem is our over-riding ideology of equality among the races and lack of racial awareness. This disease affects the majority of Whites—Left, Right, or Center of the political spectrum. Nothing will change when the Leftists you cite above leave power.

1 year ago

Echo and los Bunnymen. Very nice.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
1 year ago

I was pleasantly surprised by the choice of music. I guess that Z Man was a metal head back in the day, as was I, and there was a wall between metal fans and the post-punk of Echo and the Bunnymen. I was only one I knew at the time who appreciated both worlds. The album that has the song Z played is the one where their singer let his inner Jim Morrison out, which was odd because the descendants of punk tended to ignore any bands earlier than the Ramones. And Echo, like the Doors but even moreso, incorporated… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Yeah, Ocean Rain was a pretty good album, but a bit too…pretentious for my tastes. Give me the hard-rocking Heaven Up Here, with the heavy drums and guitar work that made me love them, any time.

1 year ago

I realize this sounds wildly optimistic, but if the fever of the 20th century is the reason for diversity, and the future is a clash of civilizations, I wonder what will keep the recent arrivals here. Depends on the motivations, I guess. Are these conquerers or economic migrants? Same for America: are we a new nation, or a pirate operation? Seems to me it’s both, on both counts, but we’ll find out about the numbers. I’d guess the colonists/conquerers are in the minority, which could mean an emptying of North America. I don’t see any nation in a state to… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

See Zman’s column on Hindu Lebensraum. North America is not emptying out. South Americans and Africans are not heading south and Asians are not going back to Asia.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 year ago

Maybe I’m crazy, but Europeans liked the land when they got here, right? It wasn’t that much different from home, not an unnatural fit. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard that from the recent arrivals, and I wonder if that would be a factor. As far as Hispanics, they do fit, but I wonder how that would play out if things get tribal again. We have the example of history, although it wouldn’t necessarily repeat. As far as Indians, I have no idea. They’re around but not aggressive so far, and the guys at work complain that it’s hard to… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

You’re wildly wrong. The Indians, Asians, Hispanics, Africans are no more going back than your ancestors went back. These people are here to stay.

There’s no going back. We carve out a spot for ourselves in some form or another or we get run over. That’s nature.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

They won’t go back, or rather leave for greener pastures, because there will be no greener pastures. China will never admit them, as per their racial policy. Japan similarly. And so forth. No other major player in the world economic game outside the West is so dumb as to sacrifice racial purity for simple—and temporary—economic advantage.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Quite a state of affairs when optimism gets rebuked. I realize the world’s been ending since the late 80s for some, but that’s not the case for all. Like I say to my elders, I have to live in this shit show, so excuse me if I reject the logic that got us here and try to make something of it. Best wishes to all!

PS Take the white man’s burden off of him, and watch what he does.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Ackshully, I guess the world’s been ending for 2000 years. No thanks, It is finished. Empty tomb for me!

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Bible says the world already is ‘passing away’. And that quote is two thousand years old already.

By Heavenly Clock — one millennium equals one day — this planet has a bit more one day of existence remaining. After that point comes a ‘new heaven and a new Earth’ and those who once lived on Earth will no longer have a memory either of their prior lives, or of Earth itself.

That is a very great blessing and gift because some things are best not remembered, nor carried cognitively through eternity.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

man the world has changed since they legalized weed.

1 year ago

It’s hard to defend your ways when your ways are relegated to the countryside. Real European whites (I exclude the progressive whites) will be the Elamites to the cosmopolitans’ Sumerians for a long while. Just gotta survive the raids.

1 year ago

Z, PART 1: “The new diverse societies being created will have to be organized around something.” The Sanhedrin of the Frankfurt School fully intend for ‘the new diverse societies’ to be organized around a continuing & intensifying & all-consuming mesmerization & hypnotization enforced via monopoly control of fake money, lawfare, edumakashunal indoctrination, ta1mudivision, scr0tial media, pr0n, paedophilia and pharmaceutical poisoning [SSRIs, Benzodiazipines, MRNA v@xxines, etc]. Jerome Powell is certainly doing everything he can to fight the fake money. And maybe someone like Neil Gorsuch will step forward and fight the good fight against lawfare? But as of right now, the… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

re: your final point about spiritual forces, there’s a thought provoking post up by Naomi Wolf on her substack, about the return of the ancient gods

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Going out on limb, my guess is Jewish power is declining, and what you’re seeing is the stirrings of what it had suppressed. It could be shunted into more Judeo-Christian nonsense, but let’s hope not, and if I’m going farther out on that limb, I think not.

Btw, props to Catholics for being a bulwark in the meantime.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

The Orthodox also serve that role. I like this quote from St. Anthony the Great:

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, “You are mad; you are not like us.”

This seems pretty spot on to me.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

First in the tank, first out. Orthodoxy survived the Bolsheviks, Catholicism is coming to grips with Catholic-Jewish dialogue. My hope, and suspicion, is that Protestants now deal with Judeo-Christianity.

Of course, my hope is Christianity finally becomes a gentile religion, but at any rate.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Yup they’re baaaack! And it ain’t no movie either.