Politics And War

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Because we live in an age of over-specialization, we do no get a lot of discussion about the interplay of politics and war making. We get people focused on the political dimension of the Ukraine war and we have people discussing the facts on the ground, but very little about how the two sides interact. It is a lot like how the economy is discussed in isolation from politics.

Usually, the road to understanding what is happening in something like the Ukraine war passes through both domains. There is a political aspect that impacts the war making side, but the war shapes the politics. The Great War is a perfect example of how these two forces interacted to create a disaster. A century on and we are seeing something similar unfold in this war between Moscow and Washington.

For example, one reason we are in this long war of attrition is the Russians misread their own domestic politics and the international politics. If a few years ago they looked at the developing crisis on their border and if they understood the people behind it a bit better and had a better read on their internal politics, they probably would have prepared for a massive, overwhelming response.

Instead, the Russians were concerned about doing anything that would cause the West to retaliate and escalate. This is something Putin discussed last year when Washington launched the massive economic assault. To his credit, he admitted that they misread things and were not as prepared as they should have been for what Washington would do in response to Moscow’s concerns about Ukraine.

Fast forward a year and we see how politics are shaping the battlefield in a way that harms the Ukrainians. Zelensky, with the help of the Kagan cult, has created a narrative of the Ukrainians holding out against the Russian onslaught. They are the defenders of the wall between democracy and barbarism. Western political leaders have no choice but to support Ukraine on moral grounds.

This has created a dynamic in which the Ukrainians are constrained in what they can do on the battlefield in order to maintain this political narrative. For example, they cannot do as the Russians do and abandon land in order to preserve resources. it would not be much of a wall if they were always in retreat. Instead, they have to keep throwing precious resources into places like Bakhmut.

What we keep seeing is terrible military decisions preceding or coinciding with big political events in the West. The refusal to abandon Soledar preceded Zelensky coming to Washington for his big speech. It took weeks for Ukraine to acknowledge the reality on the ground. Ukraine had to maintain appearances until the political events were finished, despite the loss of men and material.

We are seeing a similar process take place in Bakhmut. The Kagan cult wants the West to commit modern battle tanks. This will necessitate other assets, maybe even airpower, so Ukraine is being forced to hold Bakhmut. Meanwhile, the Russians pound away at the defenders who have little chance to fight back. Credible reports suggest Ukraine in losing a thousand men a day in the futile defense of Bakhmut.

Of course, the bigger political problem is the narrative the Kagan cult has created around Ukraine prevents talking to the Russians. Zelensky is not allowed to speak with the Russians or even mention the idea. Victoria Nuland is going around telling Western audiences that the plan is to drive out the Russians, force regime change in Moscow and then break up Russia.

Now, the Kagan cult hates Slavic people so they are happy to see millions of Ukrainians die in their war on the Russian people. You can see, however, that by letting this bloodthirsty death cult shape the politics, it is limiting what the military planners can do on the ground in Ukraine. They have no choice but to keep feeding men and machine into the Russian meatgrinder setup along the front.

The Russians seem to have sorted this, which is why we are not seeing the big offensive everyone was predicting. They see how the political dynamic is limiting what the Ukrainians can do on the ground. At some point, the politics will force the Ukrainians to launch a counter-attack to maintain the narrative. The Russians are probably preparing to take advantage of that to destroy more of the Ukrainian army.

There we see another area where politics is shaping the war. Russia is now operating as if this is a global conflict with the West. A big bloody offensive that could unleash unknown forces is bad for that global political process. No one can say how the West will react to a sudden collapse of the Ukrainian army. The prudent approach is to grind it down slowly and carefully to avoid new problems.

Even so, what is emerging is a gap between the political narrative and reality on the ground, which will become impossible to ignore this summer. Like the Athenians learning about the Sicilian catastrophe, many in Western capitals will start to understand what is really happening in Ukraine. This will require a new political narrative to explain what went wrong.

Interestingly, this is similar to what happened after the Great War. The people on both sides felt betrayed by their leaders. What was the point of the war? What was the point of the massive sacrifices endured by both sides? The winners could at least claim it was to preserve democracy, thank you Woodrow Wilson. The losers, however, were left to figure it out on their own and a new narrative eventually emerged.

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1 year ago

Not only is the interplay of politics and war ignored, but the interplay of personell with both as well. By making people like Nuland, Baerbock and pudgy boy Selensky the public faces of this conflict, the elites have chosen visages that appeal to their own effiminate, narcissistic selves, not so much to the general public and not at all to the young males that they need in order to give their threats against Russia teeth. A recent poll in my country (Germany) had a whopping 5% of the population stating that they would fight in a war with weapon in… Read more »

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jan
1 year ago

I like the way you think Jan.

Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

Thanks – I hope it’s not wishful thinking, but I have not met any guy between 20 and 50 who wants to play Ostfront. How about the US?

george 1
george 1
Reply to  jan
1 year ago

Judging by the recruitment numbers I think a lot of young American men are not all in for more war either.

george 1
george 1
1 year ago

China just issued position papers on the West in general and the Ukraine war. They have stated that they agree with the Russian position on the war and they agree that the West started the conflict. They also state that they believe the West is belligerent toward China.

So even if the neocons were right about being able to drive the Russians out of Ukraine, (fat chance), it is quite obvious that China will never allow that. China has more industrial power that the EU and the U.S. combined.

Mysterious Orca
Mysterious Orca
1 year ago

I don’t perceive much independent agency to Zelensky. At this point, he seems to be like the Washington Post – a hypothetically independent entity that actually only says and does what the CIA/WEF/GAE tells them to. He is literally an actor hired to play a mouthpiece role, because he speaks more eloquently and with the appearance of more moral authority than Vicky Nuland does. It’s sort of like when left wing activist lawyers sue their pals among the lib fed bureaucrats, who don’t defend the case and then, gosh, hate to do this, I guess we just have to donate… Read more »

1 year ago

Z you are correct.

Quibble; This comparison to WW1 is unjust to WW1. Really.
With the exception of the Battle of the Frontiers at the opening- where the French pursued ataque au outrance (attack to excess) and made bayonet charges right at Germans who went into tactical defense and killed 300K in 2-3 weeks most of WW1 made a lot more *Horrible* sense on the Battlefield than what Ukraine does.

Ukraine never saw an encirclement they didn’t like, for reasons Z laid out,

1 year ago

Well played! Were I a younger man…

1 year ago

Nothing I have seen so far anywhere has led me to see the Ukraine war as anything other than a disastrously miscalculated war of choice, launched by a dictator who thought that he could cover himself in glory by “regathering the Russian lands”; and, worse, who though that it would be easy. There was no immediate military threat from Ukraine, and nothing short of an immediate threat could have justified an invasion. In fact, I do not believe there was any long term threat either. What, you think there was a chance that if Ukraine joined NATO the pansies in… Read more »

Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

Where to begin. If China entered into an alliance with Canada or Mexico to place nukes on the US border aimed at our cities (<5 minutes flying time), do you really think that DC would just sit back and say "no problem, go right ahead." So please, dispense with the hypocrisy. Putin has been trying for 2 decades to get the US to honor its pledge not keep pushing NATO up to the Russian border, but the USA\NATO has lied and lied and lied; and pushed and pushed and pushed. Here's a clue. That's a poor way to conduct international… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

And this is to say nothing of the cultural war AINO, with the Ukraine as a staging ground, is waging against Russia. AINO’s plan was clearly to turn the Ukraine into a carbon copy of itself, with all its baleful multiculturalism, anti-white racism, and deification of perversity, and under the fig leaf of so-called “liberal democracy.” Having established the Ukraine as a model Western state on Russia’s Slavic doorstep, AINO would then have a perfect emblem with which to further subvert Russia’s culture. Ergo, if “liberal democracy” works for your Ukrainian brethren in this historic homeland of the Russian people,… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

If the West was waging a cultural war against Russia then Russia needed to wage cultural war right back. Putin made noises about doing this, and in fact I was rooting for him to build Russia into the sort of healthy traditional society that could provide a rebuke to the decadent West, but even if he was sincere he wasn’t going about it very effectively. In any case, a military invasion doesn’t help. Even if Putin conquered all of Ukraine, all he would get would be 44 million new “Russians” who hated his guts. Not helpful, given that the West… Read more »

Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

The Ukronazi thing is just for the dum dums in Russia to get on board. Same as how Bush’s Islamo-fascism here was meant to get all the rednecks hooting and thumping their chests.

Also, the Russians never did cultural war very well. Northern Europeans are introverts and you don’t convince people of anything with subtle acerbic remarks. If you want to push cultural change you need a loudmouthed histrionic Jew squealing about some social ill to get all the college kiddies out with their little signs.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

Russia, unlike AINO (America in Name Only), is not culturally imperialistic. It’s ideology–to the extent it has one–is Russian nationalism rooted in Orthodox Christianity. This is not something Russia can export, even if it wanted to, for obvious reasons. As for the utility of a military invasion, I do not believe Russia seeks to conquer all of the Ukraine. In the event of a Russian victory, eastern Ukraine will be absorbed into Russia and western Ukraine will be set up as a client state whose government, while technically independent, will be oriented toward Moscow rather than Washington. Now failing the… Read more »

Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

Russia not culturally imperialistic?!? Russia’s entire history, right from the beginning, has been one of aggressive imperialistic expansion!!! Instead of expanding west into the Americas, or south into Africa (worse idea ever!), they expanded east into Asia. I mean, they ended up fighting wars with China and Japan, and were only kept out of India by the British. (OK, and maybe the Afgannis). But by “cultural war” I didn’t mean Russia should try to convert the West to Orthodox Christianity, I simply meant it should defend itself from the baleful cultural influences coming out of the West, and strive to… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  JEB
1 year ago


With regards to “Nazi rhetoric”, when the hostilities broke out, there were several videos (on YouTube no less), where young Uke fighters,(from the 2014 attacks on the Donbas), gleefully explained the Nazi emblems on their uniforms. One guy sheepishly grinned at the camera saying,”not like Hitler, not a Hitler Nazi.”

I’m not sure if they’re still up. I’m surprised I was able to see it due to “the narrative”.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Thanks for the response, but I have to say these all strike me as incredibly lame rationalizations. Let me go through them: Suppose Mexico said it wanted to enter into an alliance with China, and China said “uh sure, maybe, in five or ten years, get back to us when you have your act together and we’ll consider it”. Do you think that would justify an immediate invasion of Mexico? Because that’s basically the situation we are talking about with Ukraine and NATO. But even if we were talking missiles on the border today, so what? If NATO wanted to… Read more »

Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

So who made you God Emperor of the Universe? Why is it that you get to declare that US/NATO was planning to wait a few years before installing nukes on Russia’s border? Did they let you in on the secret? Or is it possible that that is just a lame interpretation on your part? And do you really expect Russia to take your word for it and place their nation at risk because JEB has the inside info on when the nukes are going to be installed. My God, your ego is off the charts. Ditto for “your” interpretation that… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Did you miss the part where I explained why it wouldn’t really matter if they had nukes on the border today?

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

You explained nothing. If China started installing nuclear missiles at the Canadian border, the US would do to Canada what Russia is doing to Ukraine in a heartbeat. And those overly-polite Canucks would be dying just like Ukrainian cannon fodder. And don’t forget that the US has a launch-first policy with respect to nukes, so if those Canucks started getting uppity and fought back, its tactical nukes on the loose baby. Your hypocrisy is actually bigger than your ego.

One-yard Sprinter
One-yard Sprinter
Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

JEB on February 26, 2023 at 12:55 pm:

In fact the idea that the West would risk the enormous possible downside of any sort of military adventure against the territory of huge, nuclear armed Russia is just stupid, stupid, stupid.

Yes, it would be. But the Great American Empire and a few of its running dogs announce almost every day further plans to send Ukraine more missile launchers, tanks and fighter-bomber jets. That hardly suggests any intention of the West to let things cool down. Russia needs to pre-emptively counter its adversary being stupid, stupid, stupid.

One-yard Sprinter
One-yard Sprinter
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Congratulations on a concise, well-informed summary of the key points.

One-yard Sprinter
One-yard Sprinter
Reply to  One-yard Sprinter
1 year ago

The above directed to TomA, way up-thread. Clarifying because when the back-and-forth gets stretched, it may be hard to tell.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

“This war is just white people killing white people. Nothing good is ever going to come of it.”

Agreed 100 percent. That out of the way, do you think the United States sees the massacres of Whites as positive or negative? Serious question.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I honestly don’t believe that anyone in the US government sees the Ukraine war as a positive thing. I think you always need to fight the impulse to believe that your enemies are knowingly evil. The consequences of their actions may, in your view (and mine), be evil, but the people themselves are almost always decent enough people who believe they are fighting the good fight. I get really pissed off by people like Ann Coulter who say things like “liberals hate America”, because I know a lot of liberals, and I don’t think that accurately represents anything that is… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

You are on the wrong fucking board. This statement alone is so bafflingly naive I don’t even know where to begin. Try cnn.com or thedailybeast.com you will be in good company.

There are plenty of people in the (((US Government))) that are knowingly evil and are fulfilling a generational blood libel *right now* by grinding Slavs against each other in a meatgrinder. The fact that you even acknowledged this but then go complete retard one post later tells me I’m dealing with a midwit at best. All done here.

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

No, I am on the right board. I doubt CNN or The Daily Beast would welcome a contributor who told them the problem isn’t white people, it’s black people. But I also think a lot of the ideas that are expressed here are wrong headed and counterproductive, and I see no reason not to say so. What is the purpose of this board anyway? Is it to sharpen your thinking through debate, or is it to cry on the shoulders of people who think exactly the way you do?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

I have some real estate if you are interested.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Is it a very large bridge near Brooklyn, NY?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Serious question for JEB. Rhetorical question for the rest of us.

Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

Let’s not forget the not-insignificant fact that the Obama administration actually helped overthrow an elected government in Ukraine in 2014 — at the same time they were shilling for Ukrainian membership in NATO. And two years later U.S. intelligence was falsely accusing Russia of rigging the election against Hillary. You think the nutjobs in Washington wouldn’t try to overthrow the Russian government too? Washington is clearly an existential threat to Russia. If I were a Russian leader I would absolutely show the U.S. that if they push any further they are going to have a fight on their hands. I… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

I think Washington would love to overthrow the Russian government! I just don’t believe they would ever risk any sort of military strike on Russia itself, whether staged from Ukraine or elsewhere, to do it, because the downside if things went wrong would just be too great. The means the West uses to try to subvert Russia are non-military, and require non-military responses. I think Putin probably understood this perfectly well, and nevertheless used the non-existent military threat from NATO to justify an invasion he wanted to do anyway for other reasons.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  JEB
1 year ago

All these Canada analogies, while relevant, miss the larger point:

Not only does the USA have no interest in Ukraine, the GAE doesn’t either. They are risking everything, for nothing.

Russia does have an interest in Ukraine. This doesn’t make them the “good” guy anymore than it makes GAE the “bad” guy. Because those labels belong to a Hollywood world view for retards. But it does make GAE the irrational actor here.

Now that being said, it’s rational now for GAE to not want to back down. The irrational part was using Ukraine to provoke Russia in the first place.

1 year ago

When was it exactly the us became the bad guys? was there a tipping point, if so what or when and why. I suppose it doesn’t matter except possibly the next empire avoiding going off the rails in a similar way. My wife & I listened to the translations of both putins and Xes speeches. Neither are wrong. America is a bully, however we doubt China & Russia will be any better. Stuck on a crazy train. We don’t see a way out there isn’t going to be any kind victory only victims . We should have taken up arms… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

Sping- The US has been trending downward for a long time, but I think the Clinton regime was where things really went off the rails. Clinton was awarded the WH for services rendered facilitating all the black ops in Mena, AR. That was also the regime where we saw US miltiary secrets and technology sold to China, the final big push to offshore all US manufacturing to China, and the push to add China to the WTO to facilitate their exports to the US. On the home front, these efforts helped WalMart spend the 90s really hollowing out rural, small-town… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

I agree with everything in your comment and I do think that the Clinton years is probably the beginning of the internal rot getting going.

But from a military standpoint, I think it goes back much further. Not only do you have the smaller wars and WW2 and WW1, but you have the civil war which turned America into an empire.

Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

I would also say the 1990s. The Cold War kept the Ruling Elite relatively sane. The big “selling point” of the Reagan Era was the US represented freedom, liberty, no Commissar over your shoulder micromanaging every thing about your life. That the US meant both freedom in personal liberty and general prosperity. Now you have earnest, pinch faced young female scolds looking like an uglier Emma Watson shrieking that freedom is fascism, that freedom of speech is a threat to “our democracy” and that you will own nothing, have no privacy, live in a pod, eat the bugs, use the… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

The empire has been false flagging its way into wars of imperial conquest at least as far back as 1898. It cried out in pain as it struck the Japanese empire. When this is understood, the regime’s conduct re: Ukraine is as American as apple pie.

Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

9-11 pushed the American political elite over the edge into full on insanity. They had been smugly self satisfied fro the fall of the Berlin Wall. Convinced of their own moral and technological superiority. They fully bought into the Fukyama thesis wrt the end of history and the universality of their liberal democracy. 9-11 was a punch in the nose that shocked and enraged them. They decide to force the end of history and triumph of L-D instead of waiting for its inevitable triumph. Every setback since, Iraq – Afghanistan – Lybia – Syria – now Ukraine. Has led to… Read more »

old coyote
old coyote
Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

9-11 was the capstone for the jewish century to crush any american dissidence; that mossad false flag was used to (as always) enrich the MIC, turn up the ‘war on terror’, and now is full on search and destroy any ‘white supremacy’ for the extermination of whites.

Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

The US had always been the bad guys

(except when you cleaned America from torturefanguys, AKA redskins)

Reply to  Pasaran
1 year ago

(if I could, I would have deleted my comment, which is totally exaggerated and caricatural)

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

At the end of the Cold War, and with every global foe apparently vanquished, all of the cultural filth and postmodern madness that had been accreting domestically since the 60s, took hold of American society, comprehensively and profoundly. It was at this point, sometime in the 90s, that America assumed the mantle of the Evil Empire that had so recently belonged to the USSR.

Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

“When was it exactly the us became the bad guys?”

1917, when Woodrow Wilson asked for a declaration of war on Germany one month after his second inauguration — after having campaigned for re-election on the slogan “He kept us out of war.”

To “make the world safe for democracy,” of course.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

That’s off by 46 years, give or take.

1 year ago

Col Douglas MacGregor has said that the revolution in military affairs, that Donald Rumsfeld was pursuing, is here. In networked ISR, in real-time. That means Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, networked together to provide real-time response to the enemy. In practice this meant the US could see from satellites, drones, aerial surveillance, and various radars the Russian assaults on Kiev and Kharkov, and was able to shoot down (with embedded forces, the Ukranians cannot do this) plane after plane carrying paratroopers. Also Helicopters. And destroy the various armored columns. This was a great victory over the Russians. They were solidly defeated. That… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

“… 15,000 US POWs in Russia.” I suspect that the first thought most people would have upon reading this is that it would be hyperbolic nonsense. However, it is not. Moreover, those POW’s will be the lucky ones. Americans have unwittingly built up an enormous reservoir of anger against us. The Russians won’t have easy access to vile DC trash clowns like Lyndsey “Linda” Graham or Victoria “Miss Piggy” Nuland, but they will have easy access to the poor US Army fools at the end of a transoceanic supply line, which is partially sourced from the allies (China) of those… Read more »

MN Steel
MN Steel
Reply to  Horace
1 year ago

FedGov left 20K in the Soviet Union after WWII because fighting over them “wasn’t worth” their lives:

“The documents indicate that about 20,000 U.S. POWs and MIAs were held as “hostages” after VE Day by Stalin to ensure Allied repatriation of millions of Soviet citizens and to obtain U.S. and Allied aid and diplomatic recognition of Soviet puppet regimes in East Europe.”


Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Horace
1 year ago

In World War II Germany raised an army lead by a prisoner named Vlasov that fought on the German side against the Soviet Union. I wonder if the Russians might try something similar with suitable U.S. POWs, if only for propaganda purposes.

Reply to  Horace
1 year ago

Horace: Only the White ones. And I’m not sure how many White combat troops are still rah-rah murrican types. The nogs and mestizos would be horrified and will not be welcomed by the White Russians.

Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

Serious questions here. 1) Are the videos on /pol/ real, or are they fake? 2) If the videos are real, then how are they not a grotesque violation of the Geneva Conventions? Here’s a typical bombs-away video, poasted this evening, wherein a wounded soldier [or perhaps a soldier who doesn’t know how to swim?] , is struggling in a creek [or a canal or an aqueduct], when he is attacked with a very crude rudimentary drone drop of a 10lb [???] grenade, which further wounds him. https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1677357943847132.webm [backup copy] https://files.catbox.moe/20f0rm.webm And then the video of it is uploaded to the… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Here’s another in the bombs-away genre, where apparently wounded soldiers are surrendering [or have already surrendered]:


[backup copy]

Again, hundreds if not THOUSANDS of these videos all over /pol/.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

“WOUNDED AND SICK”, Page 37 https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.30_GC-I-EN.pdf “To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; b) taking of hostages; c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples. 2) The wounded and… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

This kind of stuff always happens. Nowadays it’s a problem for the government to control leaks of such footage.

I remember during the Iraq war seeing a video of US soldiers having a grand old time shooting civilians from a helicopter. Was when I first realized that the US is evil and spitting on soldiers is the proper way to thank them for their service.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

An attack into Belarus would have to be made with the Russian heavily armed enclave of Kalinigrad well in its rear.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

Germany is relatively defenseless without US forces. There is just enough strike package currently resident in Kaliningrad plus quickly landable that could take and occupy Berlin. An attack on Belarus, not merely driving through a slice of Belarus, could be rendered politically disasterous for NATO. I believe Belarus is safe but from the air forces. 4k Tomahawks is a lot of destruction. So, my view is that both sides will make sparing use of attacks launched on or from Belarus.

Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

They can’t possibly import the level of Africans you are talking about. When this is over there will be a tremendous amount of physical labor which will be required.

1 year ago

Political miscalculations on both sides—no doubt. Russia invaded the Ukraine to force a settlement along the lines of the Minsk Accords. Kiev did indeed quickly begin negotiations, but Washington put a stop to it. The neocons wanted a war with Russia believing, like Hitler (June 1941), “You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.” Berlin was excited to have another go at the Russ, with the rest of Europe behind them again and the Americans on the right side this time. Ever since, Western news has been a tired parody of… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Gideon
1 year ago

“Maybe it is not just Russia the neocons want to destroy.”

No doubt. The refusal to enter into peace negotiations is intended to amplify the economic destruction and part of the continuing White genocide. It is fascinating that Israel and the Neocons are at each other’s throats over this one, though. I guess that is a silver lining.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

It is indeed interesting. Quite a number of wealthy Russians ended up in Tel Aviv after they were run out of Western Europe with whatever assets they could salvage; but the more notorious of them had to return to Mother Russia with tails between their legs. The Israeli PM’s peace-making efforts were, he alleges, blocked by The Americans. Perhaps Israel just wants to be taken seriously.

1 year ago

I like the way the kagan cult is warning China about providing “lethal” aid to the Ruskies – yeah, kind of like what the US government is giving to the Ukies? These morons are so F-ing stupid – yet another bastardized term no one has ever heard before. Lethal aid, give me a frickin break…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  UsNthem
1 year ago

Yellen sounding like some kind of senile schoolmarm in her address in India was the utter height of ridiculousness.

Xi probably has a cracked rib or too from laughing so hard.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  UsNthem
1 year ago

Take note about the warnings to China: there is no “or” let alone threatened response that follows the demand. “You better not ship munitions…” just dangles out there with no consequences laid out. It initially made me think there was some kind of 5D betrayal of Moscow going on between Beijing and D.C., but I now realize it is Clown World at its worst–unhinged bluster and fem derangement with an implicit threat everyone knows is hollow. This is the direct consequence of de-industrialization of the West coverging with the estupidication of its leadership. I can’t totally discount that Washington thought… Read more »

1 year ago

Off topic, sorry, but this writing made me laugh a lot https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/24/harry-jaffa-vs-willmoore-kendall-redivivus/ I know start to understand more the US political structure. It appears by this writing, clearly, than THERE WAS NO RIGHT WING IN THE US. Both “liberals” and “conservatives” have their roots in the “all men are created equals” Consequently, it’s perfectly normal than the left always win, because liberals are totally coherent with the roots, and conservatives aren’t. * The words of Lincoln about the divine rights of kings (“you’ll work and I’ll eat) are laughable. The king is not herr to eat what people produce. Lincoln… Read more »

Reply to  Pasaran
1 year ago

Agreed. US was founded on the principles of the Enlightenment: liberty, equality and progress. That is, USA is a country founded on the left.

The principles of the right (duty, hierarchy and tradition) have never been considered. The “conservatives” are the ones that defend liberty, equality and progress but reject the last consequence of this principles, until they end up accepting it.

Today, this applies to all the countries in the Western world, because all of them are based on liberty, equality and progress.

Reply to  imnobody00
1 year ago

“The Western World” is just a self flattering title created by and for the GAE. Anyone that doubts this just ponder the countries that became “Western” when they were absorbed in the GAE – whether by military conquest of voluntary submission. One Hundred + years ago, even the British Empire was not considered fully western. It’s enemies and allies in WWI definitely were not either. Then in WWII the US conquered, er liberated, France, the Lowlands, Germany, Italy and Japan. All of which shortly became part of “the West”. Then in the 50s-60s the west expanded to include South Korea… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
1 year ago

@Imnobody, can’t agree more. Once again, everything is caused by our stupid king Louis XVI. Allied with Spain, we beat the ass of british navy near 1780 Absolute monarchy helping a republican regime to win wasn’t a very good idea. Instead, we should have use our naval superiority to *invade Britain and totally *DESTROY the British parlementarian whigh regime. *Hang, draw and quartered the hanovrian king *Burn the parliament to thr ground *Give independance to a Stuart Scotland *and to an unified Ireland *And to Wales *Burn every english port, ship, and *forbid them to rebuilt a single warship. *Give… Read more »

Reply to  Pasaran
1 year ago

(and then, at last free from the bri menace, we could have reconquered the left bank of the Rhine, restaured the entire Gaul under a catholic-royalist regime)
(still on the drug, sorry)

1 year ago

Will no one rid us of these troublesome (((Kagans)))??

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 year ago

We choose you. Be careful.

Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

It’s difficult for the layman outsider to know the military/logistical constraints under which both sides are operating. Ordinarily, a Ukrainian strategy of elastic defense might be the best to follow; hold the line with a light screen of troops backed by a mobile reserve that hits Russian advances as they start to strech the Russian lines of communication. But that strategy requires sufficient numbers of armored fighting vehicles, plus trained crews, all supported by artillery and air assets. Ukraine may be incapable of fielding such a force at this point, so tenacious defense in built-up, fortified areas, hoping to inflict… Read more »

1 year ago

Ukrainian national anthem: “We will lay down our souls and bodies for our country”.
The average lifespan of Ukrainian soldier in Bakhmut is 4 hours. And no resentment from the Ukrainian population against the hundreds of thousands of deaths of their young.
The anthem calls for it.

Reply to  Anna
1 year ago

Wonderul. But why is it our business?

1 year ago

Hitler refused to allow Paulus to retreat from Stalingrad and that stupidity cost the Germans 900,000 killed, wounded, and captured; plus all of their armaments. It was the turning point on the Eastern Front. There, I said it. Zelensky is Hitler redux, and Bahkmut is his Stalingrad. To extend the parallel further, most of the press-ganged conscripts being force marched into the meatgrinder are untrained yokels from Western Ukraine (home of the Banderaistas) and their programmed deaths are no less efficient than the Nazi concentration camps and gas chambers. And all of this is happening because Sleepy Joe doesn’t want… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

more likely doritos.