A Culture Of Corruption

What we think of culture is a system and a system is a collection of rules for how interdependent group of items interact with one another. This results in the whole possessing a set of unique properties. An accounting system is a set of formal rules based on the accepted standards of accounting. The habits of the accounting department, the culture of the department, is an unwritten set of rules for governing the behavior of the people in the department.

Most of life is governed by the unwritten rules. You can see this in something as simple as driving a car. In the United States, the written rules of the road are the same from state to state, but the unwritten rules are quite different. In Texas, drivers will stand on the brakes to let someone merge into traffic, while in Massachusetts people regularly drive on the shoulder to prevent it. The driving culture in New England is different from the driving culture of other parts of America.

Cultural shifts, changes in those unwritten rules, happen when key players within the culture decide to violate those rules. Maybe it is self-interest that drives the change, or maybe it is simply the declining utility of the old rules, but important people begin to violate those unwritten rules. Because humans are social animals, the rest follow the lead of the important people and the culture changes. The fashion industry has counted on this reality since its inception.

A classic example of a cultural shift was Watergate. The sorts of shenanigans done by the Nixon people during the 1972 election were considered normal and then all of a sudden they were declared beyond the pale. Prior to that time, the FBI was prohibited from getting directly involved in politics. Then all of a sudden, they were plotting with the Washington Post to overthrow the president. Those unwritten rules of political conduct suddenly changed and Nixon was removed.

Another example from politics comes from the 1990’s. Current affairs programming followed a set of unwritten rules. It was supposed to be a calm exchange of views, hosted by a moderator who pretended to be objective. The Clintons showed up in Washington and this changed. All of a sudden Clinton people were flinging their pooh at the moderator and anyone else on stage. It did not take long before this became the new normal and now all shows are pooh flinging contests.

This week, Tucker Carlson is doing shows on the hidden surveillance tapes from the Capitol on January 6th. These tapes had been hidden from public view by the Democrats until the Republicans took control of the House. Kevin McCarthy, the new Speaker, let the production team of the Tucker Carlson Show review the 40,000 hours of footage and this week they are reporting on it. They also have permission to show clips of that hidden footage in their reporting.

So far, nothing earth shattering has been revealed. The guy who showed up wearing animal skins, the QAnon Shaman, is seen being given a guided tour by the police, who seem to be having a blast leading the guy around the building. The QAnon Shaman is now in prison, doing four years for allegedly leading a violent insurrection. He was not allowed to have access to this footage in his defense, because in America the accused are no longer entitled to defend themselves in court.

This is where you see one of those cultural shifts. Most people reading this remember when such a thing would be a massive scandal. The judge and the prosecutors would have been reviled as fascists for denying this man a right to a defense. Of course, the media would have been demanding the footage from the beginning. Instead, they are up in arms over Tucker having access to the material. They fear he may create a “dangerous narrative” using these tapes.

The media was always biased. We used to be more mature about this and accept that politics is about friends and enemies. In the colonial times, everyone knew the bias of the newspapers and thought nothing of it. Then all of a sudden there was a culture shift and we were supposed to pretend the media was neutral. They were the fourth estate, speaking truth to power. We have just experienced another culture shift. The media is totally corrupt, using power to obscure the truth.

Another example of the culture shift is in the tapes. Tucker showed a scene from the J6 show trial in Congress. One of the politicians showed a clip of Senator Josh Hawley running from the building like a little girl. It turns out that the video was heavily edited by the Democrats. Hawley was with a group of other pols being herded out by the police and he was the last guy to leave. In other words, the Congress doctored a video and presented it under oath to the public as fact.

Everyone has always accepted that politicians lie. The reason they lie is to get elected, avoid scandal, or avoid responsibility. In other words, self-interest. This is the nature of all human activity and everyone accepted it. Doctoring video and presenting it as fact in order to promote a crazy narrative is something different. In a prior age, the people involved would be facing criminal charges. After all, they charged Roger Clemens for lying to Congress not so long ago.

More importantly, they doctored video to make a sitting Senator look like a sissy and then used the hearing to broadcast it to the world. It appears they worked with the media to promote this lie. Ten years ago, this was so beyond the pale that no one would have considered it. Now all of a sudden, the culture controlling the House and Senate has changed and this is now the new normal. How long before they move onto assassinating one another?

None of this is startling for people on this side of the divide, but it underscores an important point about the current crisis. The corruption at the top is so deep and so pervasive that the time for reform has now passed. How can the system reform itself when the people running it are so thoroughly corrupt? How could a genuine reformer work with people who are so corrupt? How can you fix the rules when the culture has evolved to reject the very idea of rules?

In the fullness of time, the ape historians will look at the 1980’s as a time for choosing, when the political class struggled to redefine itself. They could have gone down the road of reform and prepared for the word after the Cold War. Instead they signed on with the Clintons and the road to perdition. That has led to the flowering of a culture of corruption at the top of the political order. That is why J6 terrified them. They have known this long before that protest.

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1 year ago

One (of many numerous) reasons I despise centrists and independents is that they talk very fondly of politics in the 90s. I remember vividly that a few weeks before the 2016 election, Hillary was putting out statements that they would reach out to the other side like the good old days when Bill had a GOP Congress and they got stuff done. I think Brimelow put it best “There is the stupid party and the evil party. When they come together, they do so to accomplish something that is both stupid and evil” That stupid and evil act was the… Read more »

Jeffrey Morgan
1 year ago

“How long before they move onto assassinating one another?”

It’s pretty clear that the assassinations are going on all the time – it’s not even subtle with associates of the Clintons. Seth Rich, anyone? It’s not quite peer to peer assassination yet, like in first century BC Rome, but it will be here any day.

We Hate Everyone
We Hate Everyone
Reply to  Jeffrey Morgan
1 year ago

you avatar reeks of a man whom smelt bad poon

1 year ago

i turn 32 in a few weeks so I don’t remember the Clinton presidency all that well. Nonetheless, the conventional wisdom was that he moved the party to the center and helped bring suburban voters into the fold.

I do think though that in other respects Bill Clinton elevated what I call the “bono class” to prominence. By “bono class” I mean people who are famous and have a lot of money and make a show of giving money to charity. That class has caused a lot of damage that is just now being felt.

1 year ago

I got into an argument with a fellow last week about China and how he thought that they were “filthy communists”. This despite the fact that have wandered far afield from stock communist talk and action. Indeed the CCP has largely left communist doctrine behind however they keep up appearances of it precisely because that is how they inherited their power and its how they wield it today. Maybe they believed it at one time, maybe not. Regardless, to abandon the CCP and pursue reform would be to lose their ruling stake. It seems to me that largely this occured… Read more »

Reply to  SouthPoll
1 year ago

This is a very thoughtful post. It is true that the empire used American iconography and patriotism as a mask. It is remarkable that twenty years ago, white, southern, midwestern, American warriors were placed on a pedestal, and sent abroad to fight for the empire. Twenty years later the regime has declared war on them and the people and families they have the balls to defend with their lives. At least, in their eyes it was defense. A regime that will chew people up and spit people out this way is something to behold. It is clear they are erecting… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  SouthPoll
1 year ago

The plandemic demonstrated that there isn’t much of anywhere left to run. Mexico did remain relatively sane throughout, but The Plan is afoot to bring it into a United North America. All of South America, gone. Almost all of Europe, gone. Pacific Rim, gone. If you can stake out a spot for yourself in the ME or Africa, God bless.

Relative to the other remaining options, red state America is as good a place to be as anywhere, especially if you are already here.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

“Relative to the other remaining options, red state America is as good a place to be as anywhere, especially if you are already here.” My thoughts as well, as my situation is similar. Is there any place, that we could likely gain entrance, that is much better? Speaking for myself, I’m not ready to abandon this land or my people. I’d rather not live among non-white peasants, even if the weather is nice. Further, I suspect that there is much deterioration going on in the elite’s ability to oppress us, and I am curious to see its decline. Of course,… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Appreciate the kind words. I am evidently not ready to abandon the American experiment either. I haven’t invested any time exploring, in fact I don’t even have a passport. It seems prudent though to remain aware of options because these are dangerous times. That said it might be extremely useful to explore migration within the United States. I know few people who think and operate as DR and though I have taken to heart the admonitions on this blog to lightly proselytize find people to be quite resistant. They may largely agree to many the objective of the DR but… Read more »

1 year ago

Experienced attorney here. Withholding exculpatory evidence relevant to the defense of a criminal charge is one of the most egregious violation of ethical rules of any bar association. It taints the entire trial, constitutes grounds for reversal of any conviction against the defendant (including convictions for other charges obtained at the same trial), disbarrment of the prosecutors who withheld the evidence, cause for civil action against the prosecutors, and removal from the bench of any judge who knowingly presided over the case, if the judge was aware that the evidence was withheld and allowed the case to proceed. It’s a… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

“Then it will be swept down the memory hole.”

Except for those who are still in detention without trial and then carrying felony convictions for the rest of their lives. Betcha they will remember.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Another experienced atty here. Can absolutely confirm this, and nothing will change.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Retired lawyer here. The conviction of Derek Chauvin, who clearly had no intent whatsoever to kill George Floyd, for murder, showed how far gone the American criminal justice system is. A few years earlier I watched the trial of George Zimmerman with a sense of disbelief; the judge clearly wanted a conviction. Anyone trusting the criminal or civil justice system to deliver a just result is a fool, and as the law schools churn out more racial and sexual preference graduates after three years of woke legal indoctrination, the situation will get worse.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

As I recall Chauvin was convicted on at least three counts of homicide. The conviction on each count was grounds for acquittal on the other two.
The country’s fucked.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

Indeed, and the ABA went woke even before that, after which I ended my membership…

1 year ago

I don’t think there is a widespread belief that J6 was an attempted coup. There was recently a Rasmussen poll casting doubt on it (C.T.S.— he does phone call push-polling and cheapo Internet surveys). I think most people, including Democrats, found it unfortunately familiar, and reminiscent of a sports riot when your alma mater wins/loses in the Final Four. I can remember in 2021 at the time many non-media people either rolling their heads/shaking their eyes, or outright laughing at the futile prole character of it. The only 2 groups I observed projecting consistently po-faced and unctuous attitudes about it… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  MarvelDC
1 year ago

For 3 years now “Defund the FBI” has just been sitting there on a plate waiting for somebody to pick it up

1 year ago

As if these rats offing each other were a bad thing? That’s how they got where they are! That’s how the WASP elite were overthrown; with a show of power, our occupiers then kicked off their Cultural Revolution. The groundwork had been laid in 1957 with the open strike of Federal troops marching Southern kids at bayonet point. The new stability may be our full, informal conversion into a gangster culture. The Five Emperors or Warlord periods come to mind, as does Cartel or the Contras. The Prohibition era writ large. A new and entirely unexpected twist: the trannies, the… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

I remember when I used to think it was a joke that Michelle was a tranny. Now I’m convinced. I wonder if that was what Clint Eastwood was talking about when he said that the someday people will realize the Obamas were the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I’m still waiting to see the real birth certificate.

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

How long until Congress creatures begin assassinating one another? Well, neighbor–that’s too long.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

The few remaining purple district reps are the ones who really ought to invest in a good security detail

But the strategy appears to be, rather than assassination, for the CIA to just put their own hand picked agents into office

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago


In recent years there has been a steady rise in the number of former active duty intelligence agents running for office at all levels.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Even if such assassinations portend greater control over us by the elites, there are only a handful of congressmen whose assassination would not make me smile.

Unfortunately, it is probably just those congressmen who are most likely to join Vince Foster and Seth Rich.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Z: “Cultural shifts, changes in those unwritten rules, happen when key players within the culture decide to violate those rules. Maybe it is self-interest that drives the change, or maybe it is simply the declining utility of the old rules, but important people begin to violate those unwritten rules. Because humans are social animals, the rest follow the lead of the important people and the culture changes.” A few recent stories in the news… No stop to wind-farm construction as whales die in record numbers Feb. 20 2023 https://freerepublic DOT com/focus/f-news/4132594/posts More Dead Whales Wash up in NY and NJ,… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

That a bunch of functionally illiterate third worlders can come here illegally, find their way to Nebraska of all places, shoot and kill a bald eagle for food, then get away with a slap on the wrist (no doubt a fed effort to avoid deportation) is both a potent symbol of our complete societal collapse and a perfect summary of the anarcho-tyranny we are living under.

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Locked and loaded here, but not holding my breath Ostei.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

It’s well past time to re-institute dueling on the floor of Congress. Flintlocks aren’t deadly enough though. Even with the terrible medical care of the 19th century many people survived getting shot with those. I’d make sure every duelist had an AR-10 (the 5.56 is a weak ass cartridge, so we’re upgrading to .308 here) and 5 pre-loaded mags. Hell, on alternate Tuesdays, the spectators would be armed too and you’d be allowed to “contribute” to the match. This would not necessarily even mean just shooting at the guy you didn’t like. Would this be on PPV? Of course it… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

Hell, why not flamethrowers instead of AR-10s?

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

A fascinating old white nationalist intellectual, James Bowery, shared your feelings about settling certain disputes through mortal combat. Yet, he didn’t like the fact that dueling selected for the best gun slinger. Bowery laid out the protocols for mortal combat that selected for better qualities than good hand-eye coordination. As I recall, the two combatants were dropped in to different parts of an enclosed location, an island preferably. The contest ended when one man was dead. Each was given only simple tools, like rope, but no weapons. The intention was to select for ingenuity. Last time that I checked on… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago


Been a longtime advocate for a reintroduction of dueling; would certainly make for a more civil society. Disagree with you vis-a-vis weapons; I’d keep the single shot flintlock pistol because a) it’s a more formal engagement between men (who wants a shootout?) & b) adds to the drama.

Or maybe I’ve just seen Stanley Kubrick’s “Barry Lyndon” one too many times ;<)

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

Knives. Since virtually none of them are skilled in their use, this will make victory more likely for the one who wants it more. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, it increases the odds of both of them dying or at least being badly wounded.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
1 year ago

Looking back, the early 1990’s were a really important inflection point, for a number of reasons. In foreign policy, with the Cold War over and won, the US had a choice; it could declare victory, make friends with Russia, pull it’s armed forces back to defend core interests, and try to become a more or less normal country again. Or it could go the route of empire, which is what we did, and with consequences yet to be determined. The defeat of the Pat Buchanan wing of the Republican party was crucial here. In domestic policy, it was a choice… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Altitude Zero
1 year ago

The dissipation of the industrial base was the fatal “blow,” (it didn’t happen all at once). All the other stuff is relatively fixable, if that still existed.

Between that, replacement immigration, and white genocide (Sacklers anyone?), one senses a larger plan in motion.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Agreed, and most of those situations you mentioned were still fixable in 1992. Some very bad decisions had already been made with regard to industry and immigration in the 1970’s and 1980’s but it was nothing that couldn’t have been reversed, and opioids hadn’t even really gotten rolling yet. The “Plan” could still have been stopped. After 1992, things rapidly spun out of control, on all three fronts that you mention.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Altitude Zero
1 year ago

Don’t know about Dole or Mondale, but calling Bush 1 basically honest is a mighty stretch.

Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

‘Don’t know about Dole or Mondale, but calling Bush 1 basically honest is a mighty stretch’

Quite comprehensively evil, both of the Bushies. Still laughing that they scammed so many Righties, so easily. Wave the flag and mouth a few conservative talking-points, and The People, so starved for national sanity, will buy anything.

1 year ago

I went on CNN last night to see what they were saying about this and saw one hysterical op-ed demanding that, once again, you resist the urge to believe what you see and hear and believe us. I knew it was written by Oliver Darcy, one of their chief clown propagandists, before I even checked the byline. I saw another one on MSNBC today. Obviously they are not arguing on the basis of facts, because they have none. They are just demanding that no, really, 1/6 is what we say it is and you better not change your mind. The… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

i am thinking these tapes put a torpedo below the waterline, into the gop. dem voters won’t care, but gop voters will see that their party was complicit in this grotesque and obscene event. and just look at those two gop patsies, perfectly placed to serve as scapegoats. and of course it makes trump look like the incompetent coward he is, for not pardoning the j6 people while he had the chance. who’s going to care when it is bom’s turn in jail? not me, that’s for sure.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

They’re never going to put the orange menace behind bars, he’s too useful as an Emmanuel Goldstein figure at whose telescreen image the NPCs can scream. Furthermore he’s too useful as boomer containment keeping all those flyover rubes cradling their american flag binkies, quietly sucking their thumbs, and dutifully eating their opioids.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Can the President pardon people convicted of crimes in Washington D. C.?

Does he have the authority to do that?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

The timing of the recent full court press against Fox News for behaving the way regime media behaves doesn’t look so coincidental now does it

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

TBH, other than some of TC’s segments, Fox *is* regime media.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RoBG
1 year ago

Of course it is. They are being lambasted for doing what they’re supposed to do.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Really, because this whole theater seems like it fits the regular mold. Libs attack Fox, which lets Fox claim the moral high ground while losing. How are these tapes any different from the usual rigmarole?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Just think of all the decades (centuries?) of media portrayal of middle Americans as irredeemable racist bible thumping hicks, and making those qualities appear undesirable in the first place, that preceded this. That’s a big part of how a person is able to sleep at night after framing them, entrapping them, and sending them to prison for “disorderly conduct.” Once you have unpersoned the target, it gets a lot easier. Another big part is how our system selects for ruthless, amoral people. It’s not just the ruling class either. Having spent my share of time in coastal blue metros, I… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I agree. When you enter any of the coastal cities where the professional class migrated back into starting in the 90s you feel the negative energy of supercilious, sanctimonious, and deeply ignorant people for whom the seals and symbols of the institutions they were cattled through make them special. I dislike any and every area they inhabit. It isn’t just the whites. It is the entirety of the bourgeoisie bohemian enclave – whites, subcontinentals and east asians alike. They have all bought in. Armed with a fancy degree and an understanding of the world is far worse that not having… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

It is the worst kind of ignorance. The kind that believes it is well informed. Haughty ignorance. Self righteous ignorance.

They no doubt say the same things about us, but I know I’m on the right side. Because they’re the ones who believe the regime’s propaganda, not me.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Agreed. Well said JZ. I have a front row seat to the generation that is entering college today. It is frightening. Look for many more Fettermans to get elected. Look for wherever they congregate to get much worse.

I just remember being in a great city and almost overnight in 2002 thinking – who are these people and where did they come from?

In any case, there is a lot of work to be done to build our own little worlds and then connect them together. Let the posers pose. We’ve got much better things to do.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

It was also in the early 2000s when I began to look around and ask myself “Who the hell are these people?” And I’m not talking about immigrants. There had been a noticeable change in core values. Specifically, respect for others.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

The thing that gets me with these millennial and younger coastal urban people is just how, well, faggy they are. I’m sure there are all kinds of five dollars words to describe it that are less coarse, but faggy is just the descriptor that fits. Smug, pear-shaped bodies with lisping girl-voices…and those are the straight ones. Like the Rick and Morty guy, cancelled for being a domestic abuser: does anyone else have a hard time imagining that guy being even capable of physically overpowering a woman? The first thing that pops up on google is him doing the soy mouth… Read more »

Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

I moved to Phoenix a few years ago for an office job. At first I assumed all of the men at work in their 20’s and 30’s were gay from their physical and verbal mannerisms. I’m no Adonis, but it was shocking as a midwestern Gen Xer.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“When you enter any of the coastal cities where the professional class migrated back into starting in the 90s you feel the negative energy of supercilious, sanctimonious, and deeply ignorant people for whom the seals and symbols of the institutions they were cattled through make them special.” This. I am burning mad this morning because our renter, an upright, credentialed, Nurse practitioner and flat-lander from Houston has gotten herself stuck in Oregon’s snow two days in a row. And I had to shovel and tow her out, lest I keep her from her important nurse-ly duties. She’s a whiz on… Read more »

1 year ago

The footage of the hearing where everyone in front of the J6 committee laughs at Josh Hawley reminds me of another sign post of utter rot and decay – Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat, Ali G and the fashion dude characters who would regularly book very serious people in science, politics … and carry on like a buffoon. The Hawley clip and the laughter at it reminded me of the type of dimwits who would laugh at the sick, craven and degenerate pseudo-humor of SB Cohen. He loved to make fun of deplorable America. The bits were obviously staged and heavily… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Cuban did a great job of timing the market one time. Selling his worthless tech startup to a greater fool for a billion dollars, right before the dot com bubble burst. That’s it. That’s his big success. Then he bought a basketball team. I don’t begrudge him that success. Good for him. But it is silly that he is since portrayed as some kind of business wizard, as if he built something useful.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Yes. It is fun to meet others who see this and understand it. Cuban and the Chalmath bunch-of-p’s-and-a’s-and-th’s guy are a rabble. A lot of them are.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Z-man said “How long before they move onto assassinating one another?”

Hopefully, not too long. That would be some grade-A entertainment. I’d definitely buy that ppv.

1 year ago

I have to agree with those who are Black-pilled on this particular issue. Our enemies are in bed with each other:


God hates injustice, so I pray that He’ll balance the scales.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Hopefully there will be some of that “smiting” God is so famous for.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The culture of corruption is pervasive at every level. It’s not just the Washington circus and not even just political. Just try to imagine yourself meeting with a bunch of corporate CEOs and explaining to them you have to put the country above the narrow interests of their company. The weaponization of laws. Having de facto laws. Legalized crimes. Two sets of very flexible rules applying to different people. The corruption is everywhere.

1 year ago

Yes, there is a growing awareness that the systemic rot has reached the Stage 4 cancer diagnosis. And Texas is now considering a bill that could result in a referendum on citizen interest in secession, which is an acknowledgement that DC cannot fix itself. Ultimately, nothing changes until the environment changes; which means only a collapse will motivate serious action toward remedy. And the models indicate that an economic collapse will likely precede an awakening about the futility of voting harder. Nevertheless, Dan Bongino and his ilk will still be pitching “more cowbell” voting fever from a detention camp before… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Yet Texas won’t take matter into its own hands and deal with the invasion. Are their hands that tied that they must secede first?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

To some extent yes. The phederales still extract tribute from the citizens, still have a military presence, and also have a large percentage of npc followers. Secession would hopefully lead to self-deportation of the npcs and end the DCgeld (not without a fight thow) and allow space to deal with other issues.

But, as fun as voting yea for seccccession would be, it won’t happen until the general kallapse

Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

I’d be interested in a methodical analysis of the mechanics and economics of secession, both in general and for specific states. What I mean is a rational look at how this can work. What specific things need to be done to remove DC’s financial and other, um “appendages” from a state. It would also be valuable to think about how best to encourage many of the “problem people” to self-deport. I’m surrounded by subcontintentals for instance but most of them seem pretty obviously uninterested in the US’s specific rights and freedoms. Hell, most of them won’t even speak English with… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

1. Kennedy Space Center,
2. Texas’ Federal Land Grant College (or the UT),
3. the entire Texas Federal border, immigration (un)control infrastructure,
4. Federal prohibitions governing energy and water projects,
5. Addictive USDA crop lending/insurance rackets.

These are just five of the Federal tentacles that Texas would need to cut to escape cleanly. I am sure there are more.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

You do have 2 trolls who follow you around, don’t you. Since I saw your comment about that I’ve noticed. That’s weird to have fans like that.

Reply to  Mike
1 year ago

They’re getting paid. I don’t begrudge anyone making a living as best they can.

Reply to  Mike
1 year ago

I was asking a serious question hoping to get a serious answer.

Ancient Mason
Ancient Mason
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Gov Abbot reports that construction on a state funded border wall has begun, using both eminent domain as well as negotiated land purchases. Don’t know how much of what he says is really happening.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

This will continue until the empire collapses which coincides with the USD collapsing.
The vassal foreign elites directing local currency “reserves” to Treasury bonds and the ability to finance these deficits and keep the plates spinning are intimately linked.
I feel forsaken going through this time.

1 year ago

It’s not your country. You aren’t part of the decision making process, and your input isn’t wanted. You definitely don’t get to bring your Dirt grievances right to the ruling classes doorstep. You are a Deplorable. A Fringe Minority with Unacceptable Views.

As a person with unacceptable views and characteristics, you can be thrown in prison for indefinite periods of time, as deemed necessary by the regime.

Most “right wingers” haven’t realized this yet. Don’t be one of the stupid people that get caught.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

That’s a clear-eyed assessment. Take what you legally can from it, give it nothing, avoid getting arrested, and enjoy the show because it only will get more entertaining.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I would only add that you should take everything from it that you can reasonably expect to get away with. Whether it’s legal or not is a moot point since they’re not willing to play by the rules either.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I was thinking along these lines just this morning. To my mind, AINO is an illegitimate state with an illegitimate society and a “culture” that is deeply beneath contempt. As such, I feel no obligation whatsoever to observe its norms and to play by its rules and laws. I consider myself morally free to harm AINO in any way I think I can get away with. The only rules I now obey are those that comport with the traditions of white civilization, and those, of course, are diamatrically opposed to AINO’s.

My Comment
My Comment
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Aaron Carey wrote a book on this called Enjoy the Decline. The country is beyond repair so you might as well take advantage of the situation like most people

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

I guess I’m still somewhat a believer in the system as I’m stunned the feds were able to get away with withholding evidence in a criminal trial (shaman guy). Shame on me.

But yeah, its over. These clowns act their ruling a high trust society when they’ve done everything they can to destroy a high trust society.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  manc
1 year ago

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me 1,456 times, I must be a normie.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
1 year ago

Further proof that the January 6 tapes are meaningless, not a single media outlet has it as front page news. In a sane time this would be the biggest news ever. Not even fox has a reference to it anywhere on their home page. What a joke.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

It will be suppressed and denied even better than the Twitter files were. Made easier by their already classifying Carlson as a conspiracy theorist. Virtually no one outside the dissident blogosphere will touch it. Perhaps sites like The Federalist and American Greatness, but so what. The question isn’t whether or not Civnat G. Normiecon will wake up, the question is will he even hear about it.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Doesn’t matter. Nothing sticks. Conservatives will call you a Nazi for remembering the things they were outraged about last month, and a lost-cause Confederate if it’s been a year.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

Tired Citizen: Too many Whites just refuse to accept that there is no longer rule-of-law in AINO. My husband used to claim “They can’t do that” or “They’ll get sued.” He no longer says such things – he’s finally come to accept that I’m right – the ‘rules’ are whatever the powers that be say they are, and they change depending on the parties involved. No one will ever be jailed. Anyone who loses his job will be given another in the system or with an NGO or think tank or ‘philanthropic’ association. The borg takes care of its own.… Read more »

1 year ago

This is probably so abstract and imprecise as to be a little unintelligible, but it goes to things that have been on my mind, i.e. history vs. eternal forms. I guess a system is an eternal form of sorts. Why develop one otherwise? Of course, practically, no reasonable person expects a system to never break down. Otoh, history. If there’s a beginning, it stands to reason there’s an end. Otherwise, why record and study it? Again practically, no reasonable person ever believes we’re in the End Times. Reasonable people get it and are flexible and adaptable. They have a sense… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
1 year ago

To me, releasing this footage is a big nothing burger. The left has gotten so emboldened, and so confident that their sycophants will believe whatever they tell them to believe, that they know releasing this footage will have very little impact on anything. Leftists will do what they always do and dismiss facts clearly shown on the tapes. After all, when you’re morally correct, who needs hate facts? The real truth is that every one of the scum bags on Capitol Hill deserves a merciless end to their miserable, rotten lives. Who cares what’s on the tapes even if it… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

I echo the sentiment. Our enemies are in the same orgy:


God hates abominable scales, so I pray He’ll do justice for the “rioters” inasmuch as it’s needed.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Pardon the almost-duplicate post. Delays on my end.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
1 year ago

“The corruption at the top is so deep and so pervasive that the time for reform has now passed”.
Unfortunately, the English language doesn’t have words, or at least is beyond my ability to express, my disdain for the perpetrators of this corruption. Leaving it as crudely as I can: if they were on fire, I wouldn’t stop to p*ss on them to put it out.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
1 year ago

I would add kerosene.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

Let us piss kerosene and crap C-4.

george 1
george 1
1 year ago

In reality if the powers that be will blow up an important piece of infrastructure of an “ally” then the guardrails are probably gone.

The reason something really bad has not happened to Trump yet may be that the cabal no longer considers him a real threat.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

They are starting a Color Revolution against an allied leader on Hungary, too.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

And Turkey a few years ago.

1 year ago

The kangaroo court that sent the ‘guided tour’ Viking to prison for 4 years will not receive an reprimands or due punishment for their malfeasance. The country has moved into the farce stage of empire.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

Also note that the J-6 people are apparently being kept in deplorable conditions and not really being given medical care. I overheard a conversation at a local store a few weeks ago, paraphrasing:

“You see what happened to white peaceful protestors. They are being tortured in prison now. I would never let that happen. Show up to my door and I will make my last stand.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

Bastille Day springs to mind…

1 year ago

“Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see” has never been more relevant than now, in the digital age where what you “see” has been selectively edited for maximum outrage.

George Floyd. Trayvon Martin. The J6 committee hearings. And yes, even Tucker Carlson.

This is only going to get worse as digital fakes, book rewrites, movie edits, and so on become more ubiquitous.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

A small corrupt government, like we had in the old days, can be overcome with private initiative. Huge, intrusive corrupt government, like we have now, is stifling to the system and crushes liberty.

I think this is the major change. The government has always been corrupt.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

I would put corruption in two categories- benign(ish) and destructive. The benign type is where the road contract goes to the mayor’s brother in law, insider, mafia guy, etc. but the road still gets built/ repaired. The destructive kind just steals money a.d worse – sends innocents off to die to protect a racket or gift. We have almost exclusively the latter.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

Grift not gift. Although I suppose it is a gift to someone.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

Mayor Daley, Sr. and how he ran Chicago is probably the best example of benign(ish) corruption in the US.

1 year ago

“They fear he may create a “dangerous narrative” using these tapes.” In this case the dangerous narrative is that the tapes are being repressed, edited, and/or selectively shown by the corrupt MSM at direction of the equally corrupt Congress. Before the tapes were repressed, they were current news and some of them were broadcast. There are two main entrances to the Capital, for convenience call one the “front”, the other the “back”. I saw one broadcast of the protestors forcing entrance into the front of the Capital. It looked bad. Protestors swinging signs and hitting Capitol police. In short an… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

I think the front entry gate crash is where Ray Epps is whispering to the young guys who proceed to crash the gate and bash the cops with that thrust. Compare Buffalo Head guy being escorted around and holding a prayer and his punishment with Epps. Epps is an elder and is the person who is seen agitating to go into the capital the day before and appears to command the kids to crash the gate. It is also strange that he has zero fear even though he is at the center of the action. It is as if he… Read more »

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

It’s all theatre. It’s unlikely this tape release is unsanctioned.

1 year ago

End of the Qing Dynasty there was the “90days of Reform” led by Prince Kung. He was poisoned and the Qing Dynasty stumbled on for 30 more years until collapse in the Warlord era.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  TomC
1 year ago

Kung-Pow Chicken?

Reply to  TomC
1 year ago

Great pull!

The rot of the late Qing Empire is a good example for what might befall the US. In fact the entire history from the Taiping Rebellion to the Boxer Rebellion to the fall of the Qing is fascinating.

If this were 1911, I can totally see the politicians and their minions fleeing Washington while nobody tells Biden what’s going on.

Reply to  TomC
1 year ago

In China’s historic Dynastic Cycles, one sign of Dynastic decline was the explosion in “non-governmental organizations,” or NGO’s that compete with an Emperor’s rule in the outlying areas.

They are the termites that gnaw at the beams of the tottering structure. In the US we call them ‘Non-Profits.’ And America is currently besieged by them.

A sign of the times, folks.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

The Clintons were and are the scum of the earth and the Biden crime family is a natural evolution and spiraling downwards of the Clinton era to new lows (Chelsea Clinton is not Hunter Biden, for example). Still, the question remains in my mind as to whether the Clintons caused the debasement and spiraling downward of norms, standards, and public ethics or merely reflected the evolving zeitgeist. Were they the essential catalyst or merely unscrupolous opportunists who seized on declining standards? Or both? That we live in an era of unprecedented corruption and cynicism cannot be disputed. But is there… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

As Hemingway might have put it, it was slowly then suddenly. You might recall Gary Hart running for president just 4 years before Bubba in 1988. He had to drop out due to mistress problems.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

The only big difference I discern between Hart and Clinton, on that matter, was that Hart had shame. Clinton did not. Where Hart dropped out, Clinton said “So what?” And it turns out the voting public didn’t care about Clinton’s philandering, at least not 43% of them. But Hart was not “forced” to quit.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Yes Jeff, but it was weird right? I mean, the girls were all crushing on Gary Hart more than on Clinton. It seemed to me that all of a sudden, people didn’t care in 1992.

Meanwhile, do you remember what happened to John Edwards in 2008? Maybe that was different because there was a kid involved. I dunno. It all seems pretty arbitrary.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

What really poisoned the well for Edwards was that it went on while his wife had cancer.

C matt
C matt
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Bill was married to Hillary. Everyone understood.

Reply to  C matt
1 year ago

Everyone understood.


When the Monica Lewinsky exposé came about I remember a friend commenting, “If that is what it takes to keep the President sane from the depredations of the shrew that he is married to, fine by me.”

Hillary was widely disliked, even then.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

All civilized standards began collapsing in the second half of the sixties. The Clintons, spawn of the sixties, simply took generous advantage of the degradation.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

Whitney Webb covers this in her book “One Nation Under Blackmail.”
It documents the alliance between law enforcement/intelligence and organized crime that kicked off with the various ethnic silos of the National Crime Syndicate, but really got going with the creation of the OSS and CIA in the WWII era. Here’s one of her articles about the Clinton/Epstein/Iran Contra connection: https://tinyurl.com/4sr4n86k

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

All genuine political theories presuppose man to be evil. Carl Schmitt Democracy and to a lesser extent republics contain the same optimistic assumptions about human nature as communism: an expectation that the elected will act selflessly towards public ends or what their constituents want rather than their private interest. Hoppe’s book Democracy the God That Failed does a good job of explaining why monarchy results in better society assuming no more than selfish interest of the ruler, as they own the state and it’s future tax revenue and can pass it on to their heir and are thus incentivized to… Read more »

1 year ago

The narrative that a Larping Viking and selfie-taking grandmas from Ohio almost took over control of the country needs to be put to rest.

The kangaroo court that viking man received is a farce and another sign of how fast this country is collapsing.

1 year ago

There is a low level of corruption wherein you can maintain some hope for reform. Just a few bad apples.

We are well beyond that point. The whole barrel is rotten. Why be a chump? Why not join in on the free for all yourself? Do it In the name of equity. After all, nice guys finish last, doncha know? Our new official state religion, Wokism, has replaced Christianity, so fear God, not.

Don’t wait too long! The nasty, brutish, and short times are a’comin!

Reply to  WCiv911
1 year ago

Survival of you and yours is *not* being a chump. It’s Darwinian evolution theory in practice. We knew this instinctively a couple hundred years ago. Time to relearn time honored wisdom.

1 year ago

Isn’t it remarkable that every cultural shift in the last several decades has always been for the worse. As Z has stated, reform at this point is impossible – a reset is the only answer. The brakes are shot and the edge the the abyss is just ahead…

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  UsNthem
1 year ago

That’s very true, everything tends to go in the wrong direction. Which makes the sudden availability of the Jan. 6 video somewhat surprising. For some reason, a bone was thrown our way.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Was it? Knowing what I have observed of the communist left (democrats) in America I suggest this is just more rope being let out to hang America with.

Nothing leftists do is by accident.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

It will be very telling now that this footage is public and nothing changes. This will confirm what we all know, but normie will not notice or change.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Or maybe this is just rubbing the people’s nose in it. Nothing changed; no one cares. Sounds like an effective exercise in discouraging dissidents. Lavoy Finicum – never forget (unlike everyone else).

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

I think this has merit. They are telling the Conservatards that (a) there is nothing you can do and (b) we have “your” elected repsentatives in our back pocket. Always remember that the vote in the Senate was unanimous to award a medal to the cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt. Brave guys, those Republicans!

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Agree with this.

It is demoralization.

“Yeah, we all lied to your face and threw like-minded people in dungeons on trumped-up and/or false charges. What are you deplorables gonna do about it?”

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

didn’t finicum try to shoot an officer. At least that’s what I thought. I hope I’m wrong.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Wrong. The regime media rolling something out regarding COVID, Jan 6, anything to feel like they “won” and owned the libs. Unless someone is fired, pays a fine, or goes to jail it’s not a win. No one is really held accountable at all.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  UsNthem
1 year ago

So much for “progress,” huh?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  UsNthem
1 year ago

Shouldn’t that be expected for a civilization in late stage decline?

1 year ago

I’ve just… can I say: it’s been enough foreplay, already? You can see why the declarations of secession were met with rejoicing throughout the South.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  btp
1 year ago

“it rubs the tapes on its skin”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“How long before they move onto assassinating one another?” There likely will be political arrests of one another first. The most compelling item from Carlson was the attempt by the representatives on the committee to frame a congressman as an “insurrection co-conspirator.” For whatever reason that blew my mind and not just because it was so ham-handed. Despite the pre-emption doctrine, look for states to begin to indict federal officials. A good guess is Garland and Mayorkas are low-hanging fruit in this regard. It has almost happened with Trump albeit after he left office. One of their arrests while in… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

how is epstein not a political assassination? the clintons have been murdering people for decades.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

I was referencing election officials offing one another. But as far as unelected, yes, and it looks like Seth Rich was murdered by the USG, too, as would have been Julian Assange and Edward Snowden if they had not been so high profile

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

*elected officials

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

There have been a few state level Republicans offed lately.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

I didn’t see this before replying to karl about Rich. I think cut-outs would be used once it moves to government-sponsored assassinations of elected officials, which is what happened with the unelected Rich., but that’s in the future because there still is fear of tit for tat. For example, while it is likely the DOJ and intelligence services discussed assassinating Trump, he/his family have enough jack to take out high profile officials. I suspect he hasn’t been arrested for a similar reason–a governor returning the favor. Lawfare will be the initial stages of the Cold Civil War going hot, but… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

As Much as I hate the person, the warning by Mitch would be appropriate here. :” Be careful about passing a rule that will be used against you”….in regards to the senate voting rule change passed by the Dems in 2015:
If they normalize arresting ex-presidents , starting with POTUS Trump, it is inevitable that their idol ZerObama will be in the crosshairs at some point in the future….

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Yo
1 year ago

I suspect they are more concerned about states going tit for tat, which easily could happen. The federal judiciary is so corrupt it really isn’t a problem. Assassinations, though, could be quickly answered at any level.

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  Yo
1 year ago

And yet, this not really panned out in the past. The right periodically lands a few ‘wins’ in their corner, but the overall arc has been in one direction. The right seems unlikely to respond effectively in kind. Instead, they will continue the ‘wouldn’t it be awful if the shoe was on the other foot?’ gag and other conciliatory behaviors.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Iron Maiden
1 year ago

Yeah, the concept of political retaliation is ludicrous since all such routes have been blocked.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

I think you have this all wrong. The regime is full of Machiavellian foxes and rules by deceit. They are much more likely to employ lawfare than open violence which normies can see. It fits the nature this regime selects for.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Would the left have the balls to start arresting some of the conservatives on the supreme court? No DC jury would acquit no matter how bs the charges. We might even be at the point where if one of them gunned down one of them in broad daylight the jury would nullify

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

That eventually will happen. The closest analogy to the present day United States is Nicaragua in the immediate aftermath of the Sandinista-led revolution. The Sandinistas slowly harassed the remaining democratic elements such as actual journalists and independent judges, who had been allies, and then turned to arrests. Senator Wyden of Oregon has told States and localities to ignore USSC decisions already. That in his mind only goes one way.

As the United States diminishes in global influence, there no longer will be a need of pretense of democracy.

David Wright
1 year ago

If you ever finish your book, there’s your title, The road to perdition or some variant.

1 year ago

How long before they move onto assassinating one another?

They’re already there. Steve Scalise says hi. The guy who shot up the Republican softball game had a lot of email correspondence with a certain Democrat senator. He, of course, refuses to release any of it, and the Truth-to-Power Media has of course completely memory holed it.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

They( our rulers ) need to pick up the pace.

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

I prefer Senators and Representatives do their own damned dirty work, a la Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner.

That day may be coming around again.

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

Our limp-wristed rulers swinging their purses at each other on the floor of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”? Christ, it’s so embarrassing. Where have all the men gone!

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Imagine Lindsey Graham slap-fighting Marjorie Taylor Greene in the Capital. A pay per view event if there ever has been one.

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

Imagine Steve Scalise or Hawley or Tucker or the like being so bad, so evil, so conservatively Republicany that they need to be assassinated.

When a real right-reactionary arrives, like a Red Caesar, our enemies might blow their own heads off.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Then we will known Blue Ceasar has arrived.

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

There was also the assault on Rand Paul at his home. He is lucky to have survived. There is also Schumer who at least twice that I know of openly threatened political opponents with violence. He threatened to use the Secret Services against Trump and he warned Kavanaugh. You have a sanctioned political army in Antifa. It looks like half of Rome where the gangs of the Popolares and Optimates settled politics in the streets. Here, the Poplolares haven’t shown up. NY mayor Eric Adams just paid NY (black), 2020 rioters $21K each. Looks like he bought himself a mob… Read more »