Note: American Renaissance is having its annual conference in August at the usual location in Tennessee. It is a great event and anyone who is interested in the sort of politics discussed here should make it there at least once. You can sign up for the event at the American Renaissance website.
Way back when the Democratic Party stepped into the 2020 primary to make sure Bernie Sanders would not be the nominee, there were two questions. The first is why they selected Joe Biden, a broken-down old weirdo with limited appeal? They seemed to have better choices. The other question was how realistic was it to expect Biden to live through the election, much less his first term?
The answer to the first question is that he is stupid and controllable. Joe Biden was always known for being one of the dumber figures in Washington. Age has not improved that, so he was the one option who would not ask too many questions. Barak Obama often made jokes to his staff about Biden being an affable simpleton who would say whatever he was told to say.
In fairness to Biden, American presidents are figureheads, for the most part. They are the spokesman for a group of people. This group is their donors, institutional backers and party allies. The president is the spokesman for the team he represents. In office, that team fills the thousands of jobs in the executive branch, formulates policy and provides the president with options and advice.
The two main problems with Biden were that he was so old he would not be a very good spokesman and he was so stupid he would say the quiet part out loud. This was balanced out by the fact that he no longer had the ability to understand what was happening around him. This meant the team could do what they liked without worrying that the boss would take exception.
That answers the first question. The second question is more complex. Surely, they knew Biden was declining mentally. That was obvious. The thing about losing your faculties to old age is it can go quickly. They probably knew he was not suffering from Alzheimer’s, so they figured he could be propped up for at least one term. The media could be counted on to cover up much of it.
The bigger issue is his physical health. The presidency is a fulltime job that requires long hours even for a puppet. There is a reason that presidents seem to age so quickly over their first term. Even if Biden is not making any decisions, he still has to maintain an appearance schedule. Many men can keep the pace into their late seventies, but it was clear in 2016 that Biden was not one of those men.
The logical answer to this problem then was to drag his dying carcass across the finish line to get rid of Donald Trump then figure out how to dump Joe Biden. The only problem with this idea was the next in line is Kamala Harris. She makes Joe Biden sound like Cicero. Worse yet, she has the behavioral instincts you have come to expect from video of the waiting area of Spirit Airlines.
Maybe that is why they decided to run Biden for a second term. Perhaps they convinced themselves that he was physically fit enough to make it another four years. Maybe the doctors said they can keep his brain functioning enough to make it seem like he is aware of his surroundings. Maybe they had no other answer and just decided to kick the can down the road.
That is what makes the bribery scandal puzzling. Someone put the information about this bribery scheme into the hands of the Republicans and told them to use it. Chuck Grassley is one of the most compliant, go along to get along, people in Washington, so if he is on the Senate floor accusing the sitting president of taking bribes from foreign actors, it means he has institutional support.
At this point, people may wish to believe that a brave whistleblower has supplied this information to the Republicans, but that only happens in Hollywood. The FBI could easily have disappeared the documents so that Congress could never demand to see them or even ask about them. The FBI has no reason to participate in this highly choreographed outrage show starring Ted Cruz.
The question is, why are the people who have spent generations framing innocents and derailing ambitious politicians now undermining Joe Biden? Have we reached the point in the Praetorian Guard phase of the empire where the FBI changes rulers simply as a way to show they can change the ruler when they please? Is this part of a scheme to remove Biden from the ticket in favor of another option?
The answer may be less specific and more about process. It is clear that both parties and official Washington have grown weary of the primary system. For starters, it means the army of consultants and choreographers spending time with the Dirt People in God-awful places like Iowa and South Carolina. Grubbing around in these backwaters for votes is unbecoming of a ruling elite.
The bigger problem is the unpredictability. Fortifying a general election for democracy is not too difficult, as we saw in 2020. You just need to target a few relatively small states with enough resources. Fortifying the entire primary process for democracy is much more complicated, expensive, and unpredictable. Maybe it is time to return to the old convention model and select nominees in the shadows.
It is clear the Republicans are headed this way. They have been quietly changing rules at the state level anticipating another Trump run. The party will rule him ineligible in the fall and have his delegates become super delegates controlled by the central committee at the convention. This not only solves their Trump problem, but it also solves their problem with the base, which increasingly hates the party.
This Biden bribery story may be the road the Democrats take to move their nomination process out of the primaries. Sometime during the primary process Biden decides to drop out of the race. Maybe it is the bribes or maybe it is his health. The Democrats, pointing to the Republicans as a model, take the Biden delegates under control of the committee and select the nominee at the convention.
The media will be told to promote this as the next evolution in our democracy and a huge hit with the voters. The ratings for the conventions will be huge! This will be proof that the concept works and both parties will rapidly move from the primary system back to a convention model where insiders in both camps select nominees acceptable to the other camp of insiders. The voters are then left to choose.
If this sounds farfetched, just look through the farmhouse window. Mr. Pilkington and Napoleon are having a good time because neither of them is concerned about your thoughts on the subject. They are more concerned that the other is cheating at the game they are playing. One way to solve that problem is to make sure neither is tempted to make an appeal to the masses.
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I guess the bottom line is Mr. Pilkington and Napoleon must have to be concerned what our thoughts on any subject are. They need to understand that otherwise the lamp post out on the street or the huge oak in the park may have some extra decorations otherwise…
Anyone else see the 64 year-old Penn State professor that was just arrested in a public park for proving former Pennsylvania Rick Santorum correct?
I won’t post a link because the story is the absolute pit of degeneracy.
What did Santorum know, and when did he know it?
How much do you want to bet this arrest is the tip of the iceberg?
I’m curious: what was Santorum correct about? (In general terms— I saw the story.)
Santorum suggested that gay marriage would lead to bestiality, among other perversions. It was considered outrageous even to suggest!
I searched this out, read a headline, and … no more. I bailed from the article. The headline was enough and a sentence or two was all I could stomach.
I notice this new one involves Pedd State. I wonder if the esteemed chemical engineering professor knew Jerry Sandusky and they were buds back in the day. Clown World 64 Mystery Theatre 3000.
That stuff goes on everywhere but nobody wants to know about it. Even the Sandusky business.
I’ll post it. As a professor who got kicked out of the academy by a bunch of lefty c_nts, I say that parents gotta know what kind of people they’re saving all that tuition money for.
Penn State Professor Arrested for Sex Acts With Dog:
Chemical engineering. That’s a surprise. I would have guessed English, anthropology or perhaps mathematics.
Z is a conspiracy theorist’s conspiracy theorist, at least at times. Today’s essay is dismaying in its plausibility. Z has pulled the curtain aside and lets us see the stage crew that manages our Presidents, Senators and so on. I’m inclined to ask: who manages the crew? Is there something beyond the Usual Suspects (donors, favored allies and corporations, and so forth)? Some equivalent of the Smoking Man in the “X Files”? One of Ron Unz’s takes on history claims that FDR’s handlers (whom? USSR? American Jewry? Somebody else?) even in the 1930s had so much power that they could… Read more »
“I guess powerful forces (who?) wanted the US in the war.”
I believe Ron Unz has written at length on FDR’s reasons for wanting to goad Japan into a war with the U.S.
Wait for it. Trump endorses DeSantis before DeSantis is allowed to win.
Then you can say I called it. All theatre supported by “right-wing” govt propaganda assets like Musk, Carlson, etc.
Theater indeed. Hard to say what’s authentic. Whatever his real motives may be, Musk is providing a platform to some popular folk. Tucker Carlson is brand new there and he’s not exactly pulling any punches. Indeed, he is kneeing the Deep State in the balls. All an act? If so, what’s the game plan? Polarize the country’s politics even more? I rarely watched him at Fox, but now I’m a fan of his podcasts. No Twitter membership even required.
‘You’re looking at your greatest foe right here’
Couldn’t agree more.
“Sandmich’s Slave Pit” is close to opening, I’ll send along drop-off instructions for her when it’s up and running.
The sight of white, liberal women makes me ill. They all look exactly how you picture them too. It’s like they’re their own species.
“Nine [pronouns] were given to women with septum piercings, who above all things, desire power…”
I’ve always thought Biden was a strong candidate, and I think he might have even prevailed had he been allowed to run in 2016. His younger self could have pulled off victories in 2008 and 2012, as well. Now, don’t get me wrong. When I say he’s a “strong candidate,” that doesn’t mean I like the guy. I just mean that he’s a real greaseball.. He is deeply, deeply immersed in the Washington mob, he has the dirt on everybody, and everybody has the dirt on him. That makes him kind of untouchable. The party made him wait until he… Read more »
Somehow, in his earlier runs, the voters never even remotely agreed with that view of him
Yep, and when caught plagiarizing, he sank like a rock with the voters. Nope, Biden won (not really) because Trump lost (not really). What happened was a vote for Biden was a vote against Trump. Biden only wins when there is no alternative—and then the election needs fortifying.
Bernie was walking away with the dem primary in 2020. he was poling mid 30’s against trump in the nov general. that’s why the ccp released the virus when they did .
It was enjoyable to watch him be humiliated, kowtowing to wokeness and its representatives, thinking that was the new route to Party favor. His abjection got him nothing—or only another beach house, but he already had a couple. The memory of him is destroyed forever. I don’t know if he’s a “real” Jew, but if he is, that’s his idea of hell, and he packed up and moved right into it while we all watched it live.
I have my doubts he was ever genuine. Every time they told him to roll over, he immediately did. Party man first.
There is another reason Biden was nominated. As Z has pointed out, Biden has been for years regarded in the senate as a joke and dumb as a box of rocks. Most people on the right felt the same way about him and could do nothing but shake their heads and say ‘can you believe this guy?’ Trump inspires teeth grinding, foaming at the mouth hatred in those on the left while the response on the right to Biden was more disbelief that he was the nominee. Never underestimate the significance unmitigated hatred has on the voters. Biden did not,… Read more »
Hatred is a big part of how Trump won in 2016. Despite MSM astroturfing to the contrary, there was always a critical mass of voters who disapproved of Her, had made up their minds about Her long ago and weren’t going to change them, and were going to vote for whoever was against Her. I should know, I was one of them.
Trump on the ballot in 2024 likewise guarantees maximum left turnout, even before fortification. Regardless of who his opponent is.
Leftists have always despised the Rep prez candidate with a foaming passion. Viz Bushitler, for example.
I have had nothing but contempt for the man and have thought him a horse’s ass since ’88 – Neil Kinnock, etc.
Who cribs on Neil Kinnock? Why, Joe Brandon, that’s who!
Jeans , ducking spellcheck.
I think the larger reason for Biden’s appointment to the job is to continue the meltdown of all the existing institutions. Brandon and Kamala are destroying the offices of the president and VP by their simple presence in the positions. Now that the vote is fortified, public appeal is not an issue, and melting down the three visible branches of our government (executive, legislative, judicial), in favor of the ascendancy of the invisible fourth branch, the bureaucracy state, is the order of the day. Brandon is an ideal choice for the task, and will remain there, if his health allows.
Biden is a direct result of how they cleared the decks for the inevitability of Her. It was always supposed to be Her, as far back as 2006, maybe farther. In 2008 it was supposed to be Her. It’s fun to remind the “democracy” lovers that she actually got more votes in the 2008 primary than The Precious did, but due to the way the D primary was structured he won anyway. She actually got more votes than him in California, yet he won the California primary. But I digress. In clearing the decks for Her, first in 2008 and… Read more »
ANIMAL FARM is now automated in part and soon will be except for us tech nerds who keep the money velocity moving (Finance to the rest of you) and the Amazon and other Unter-giggers who bring us stuff. I’m not even elitist or antisocial, just sick of people, and 🇺🇸 So gutless as to not deserve to be called that… “If this sounds farfetched, just look through the farmhouse window. WHAT FARMHOUSE, ITS A FACTORY FARM Mr. Pilkington and Napoleon are having a good time because neither of them is concerned about your thoughts on the subject“ – THOUGHTS? You… Read more »
See once upon a time I would urge my fellow 🇺🇸 to fight and get mocked as Fed, etc.
Now I mock you.
There’s no Feds, we don’t need Feds. Look at yourself.
No Fed, CIA needed.
The ORKIN man at best.
Don’t forget to vote.
looks like a bad google translate to me . a wumao troll
No, been around for years, so have you , enjoying the decline?
The next realization is you all died without a fight, as did your precious copes dah families and duh children
Save…what, soldier?
The battlefield has moved on. Got to improvise and adapt to the new ground.
Stay out of range of the enemy’s artillery; build up logistics to flank their side when their chickens come home to roost.
We must watch and anticipate as nature’s Culling proceeds at her own pace.
Foxholes. Foxholes and making unit size connections, for now.
And lots of recon, watching the enemy.
You should speak with more humility, the ghost of Uncle Ted still haunts this world and comes to collect the fingers of naughty technophiles.
Who? Me? I’m the vet with the nerd job, I don’t philo tech, its a job. I came here for years saying ORGANIZE , and yes probably to FIGHT. The response was Fed, gloworm, etc. gloating at how clever you all were in your cowardice. LMAO. Congrats cowards, you won all the threads. And lost everything, and its too late, and no having children and enduring- a woman’s plan – failing too. LMAO. Too late now; I just came back to repay the abuse. Also I’m a veteran, and disgusted at 🇺🇸. You won’t even defend your children, from not… Read more »
I guess I’d just point out that doing a villain monologue in a comment thread never comes off quite as cool-sounding as it seemed in one’s head.
Blindly charging the enemie’s guns?
Think, goddammit, think! Every mission counts.
If he’s a Fed, he’s the Fed who sits in a van outside BCE’s place. Seems to have picked up the prose style. Just a bit too polished (sic) to be the great BCE himself.
When I feel like that I go backpacking, as remote as I can get, at least a few days. Long enough that signs of civilization seem a little foreign on return.
If you’re in tech, you’re in peak civ, balls deep. Staring into the abyss. What’s more anti-human than the tech that replaces us? Let the dead bury the dead.
In the real Animal Farm, there is a Ben that is, quite literally, a wise ass. 🙂 For a layabout: “And the behaviour of the cat was somewhat peculiar. It was soon noticed that when there was work to be done the cat could never be found. She would vanish for hours on end, and then reappear at meal-times, or in the evening after work was over, as though nothing had happened. But she always made such excellent excuses, and purred so affectionately, that it was impossible not to believe in her good intentions.”
“ Have we reached the point in the Praetorian Guard phase of the empire where the FBI changes rulers simply as a way to show they can change the ruler when they please? ” I maintain this has been the case for at least 50+ years. Remember old J Edgar? He ran the FBI from creation until his death. But he was old—older than mandatory retirement allowed. Every year Congress voted him exemption and J Edgar kept cross-dressing around the office. How did this happen? From what I read, Hoover would visit all new Congress members for a meet and… Read more »
Please fix this typo. It matters.
” he would say the quite part out loud.”
delete this
Fixed! Before you grouse about “out loud” just understand that you are wrong:
Out loud is perfectly fine.
A two-fer: Z pre-emptively strawmans with an appeal-to-authority kicker!
Oh come, now!
I enjoy the stately art of fencing. A quick thrust! A deft parry! Reparté!
Doesn’t matter. I learned something. I really didn’t know the difference—hell even forgot the word “aloud”. I try not to be a grammar NAZI, but it’s also good to be (mildly) corrected from time to time. How else can one learn?
Can we expect something special for (((Bloomsday))) tomorrow? Funny thing is Bloom’s kind of OK. It’s Irish Kinch needed a smack about the head. Always worth stressing (as you have often done) that there’s more to the collapse of Western Civ than the usual suspects. Plenty of ‘Us’ have been sawing at the branches and trunks for a long time now. I first read Joyce at an impressionable age. I now think that there *should* be an index of forbidden books. Dubliners, however, should be required reading. Every young just-married (*) man should be forced to read The Dead. *… Read more »
Dubliners is a great collection of stories. Portrait of an Artist is good too. Ulysses is avant-garde crap. Finnegans Wake is self-indulgent nonsense.
Z – agree except “ The voters are then left to choose.”
Voters? Why involve these idiots?
It’s automated already.
Given the level of agency both morally and in terms of power it should be automated, and Dominion does this, voting not anything important like say SportsBall, or porn which DO have choices.
And the Voters deserve it.
They are idiots.
🇺🇸 deserves the government it’s getting good and hard.
You voted for the Free 💩, Free 💩 ain’t free.
During the Cold War, the parties produced candidate that were pretty much the same. Was Carter that much different from Ford or even Nixon? What the general election did was give the ruling class the sense that the people were in support of the consensus. That is why they chose to fortify the 2020 election rather than work with Trump. The former let them pretend they are on the side of the people, while the latter would have meant acknowledging that they had been on the wrong side of the people, maybe even on the wrong side of history.
True, no disagreement. My point was the elections – admittedly with some growing pains – are being automated. As they should be, its an enormous waste of energy and time to put more than a few keystrokes into. Its like the last meetings of the Temperance Union – which were happening until a few years ago you know- or a government department who’s function is long fulfilled but still getting a budget; its a pastime that pays, like the Bureau of Rural Electrification, elections aren’t for adjusted adults. In fact very close to the American Catholic Church pews few young… Read more »
Mostly, the Temperance Union rebranded itself as Mothers Against Drunk Driving
A feigned choice, Tweedledee vs. Tweedledum, began long before the cold war, Z. See my* diatribe elsewhere about the 1940 election and “Republican” candidate Wendall Willkie.
*Credit where due: sourced from an Unz article, likely this one:
I agree that most voters are idiots. Events since c0v1d have made this plain. I was mad about it for a while too.
But this is the reality and it’s not productive to be mad at reality. Most people, even people with high IQs, are not independent thinkers. They can have their political beliefs programmed by those who control a majority of the media and academy.
We need to be the programmers. Yes, that’s easier said than done, but I don’t see an alternative.
Biden will not likely be removed. I have been saying it for years, and I still stand by it. As to the tax return stuff, nothing will come of it. I think more people here need to get on twitter to realize how delusional the right is. All they talk about is how the tide is turning and they are winning the cultural war. Absolutely deluded fools. Props to Z, btw – apropos of his comments about a week ago (how the left defines themselves out of hatred for dirt people), budweiser donated 100000 to some trannie organization a day… Read more »
There is precedent for this charade. Truman was a machine politician who was hand-picked to succeed FDR when they needed to replace the pinko Wallace. Now obviously Wallace was a brilliant, accomplished man whom could never be compared to the courtesan Kamala. And he was very popular too. But they gritted their teeth and booted him anyway. So this is likely what will happen. The blacks have nowhere else to go and it could be argued that they wanted Biden and got him (remember the SC primary episode). Therefore, they cannot complain if she has to be sacrificed in his… Read more »
Uncle Jim in South Carolina along with his cohorts will explain to the Subs that there’s a lot of gibs once Kamala is gone. That will work.
I can’t think of a better leader to be in charge of America as it kicks off its interoceanic railroad project:
“We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean.”
Yeesh, if that spiel was any worse it would be indistinguishable from a random word generator.
Reading that incredibly mangled quote in context, it appears there is a plan for the United States to be involved in some sort of transcontinental railroad across Africa. That is more frightening than Biden actually running his own administration. Who came up with this crazy idea and how do they propose to not only build it but keep it functioning?
The ghost of Cecil Rhodes?
The real reason to decolonize Africa was to get the Europeans out of the way of all of Africa’s resources.
It can be us, or China. Who cares?
This will stop, indeed reverse Billion Africans, and don’t worry- if you like niggers you’ll LOVE Africans.
I’m not talking about the educated ones from Africa you’ve met, but the rank 💩in shuffling files and flies LMAO
Our cell phones need REE, get busy !
There’s no way to know for sure. You’ve cobbled together something that’s actually slightly less crazy (but still crazy) from that talk and I think that’s giving Biden too much credit.
I mean, he said from Pacific to Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean ain’t anywhere near Africa.
But, being charitable, the fact that we’re building infrastructure projects — railroads and solar farms — in Africa when we’re deep in debt at home is just infuriating.
Everything whitey does these days is in service of the nuggras, whether he likes it or not. Do not forget that.
I would suggest what’s likely a correction. Strike
“building infrastructure projects — railroads and solar farms — in Africa”
Replace with (suggested):
“providing funding and materials ostensibly to build railroads and solar farms in Africa. Most of the money will be unaccounted for, and what materials do arrive at the destination will be sold for what they will bring.”
How’s that South African railroad operating these days? Mussolini-esque, no doubt.
Sub it out the Chinese.
Current meme:
White girl: “hi–”
Black girls: “gtfo, b*tch!” (laser beam White girl)
Black girls: “b*tch gone, wtf now?”
Chinese mandarin chad:
“Now you work bauxite mine”
(Congo kids in cobalt mines for EV wave hello)
Sub it out to the Chinese? Already been tried. Perhaps they’re having some successes, but you would not know it if this movie is half true.
The documentary “Empire of Dust” (2011), chronicles the travails of the ironically named Chinese Railway Engineering Company (belt and road guys). There’s a scene where they’re driving along a disused stretch of track, idle since Belgium handed the keys to the locals ca. 1960. The Chinese makes some critical comment about how the natives let the line slip into disrepair.
When I heard about the Poopy Joe Interoceanic Railroad “project” that’s in the works, something about this particular sentence of incoherent mumbling struck me as something more than a newly gifted punch line to the ongoing joke, more than the random psychosis of an entirely worn out and lost mind (what little was there in the first place. I believe this particular remark of pure brilliance reflects an actual dream of the top-level managers of the Globohomo Empire, something it/they actually want, built-out and routinized connections across oceans. I know, I know, nobody’s developing plans to lay railroad track across… Read more »
“Biden decides to drop out of the race.” – This is where the Jill Biden problem comes in. She likes being exactly where she is, and has tolerated her dunce of a husband for years with his showering with his daughter, etc. ,to be exactly where she is. The thing about women is that once they’re used to their comforts having to “downscale” becomes as easy as walking a feral cat on a leash. I believe this audio-tape situation is the DNC fighting with Jill and proving that they control the FBI not her. Privately they’re saying “Jill! It’s over.”
Bingo. Meanwhile, she has to be handled carefully because she has dirt on most of the DC insiders. People forget that she was mainly a lobbyist all those years.
I think you’ve analyzed it. Jill was always the scheming power, more pull in D.C. than Tater Joe. Jilly has plenty of dirt to shovel on The Big Man if he becomes frisky and non-compliant.
Spot on about female nature. Jilly will fight tooth and claw to retain her position of summa social superiority and privilege, Grand Dame of Goddess Columbia’s District.
Plenty have groveled and genuflected to The First Lady during Tater’s career, and she digs it the most! lol Social-ladder scheming and infighting is what makes Western women tick. Or mebbe ticks.
Behind every great man is a great woman…ha!
Nobody remembers this, but Sleepy Joe was doing awful in the primaries – Kamala was doing even worse – until South Carolina. This was the last time I followed regime news to any extent, and they were all saying that Biden was “strong” in SC with the black vote (remember Corn Pop?) and was expected to win, and win he did. Then the Democrat field mysteriously cleared. Regime media was saying that the Dems couldn’t afford a bitter primary battle, and needed a united front and a candidate who could reasonably beat Trump. Every other Dem was a newbie or… Read more »
Absolutely. They made the same mistake with Truman, who proved tough to handle and smarter than they thought.
The Dems 2020 primary pre Covid was a total mess. Iowa Democrats had a total fiasco with their caucus and never did declare a winner. Biden finished a distant fifth in New Hampshire after getting no better than fourth in the Iowa mess. It was similar to how Jeb started in 2016. He got 2nd in Nevada, but Bernie had a huge win there. Then James Clyburn declares he has endorsed Biden and all of the sudden the race is over. As to why they selected Biden there only other believable options were Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete. As he… Read more »
There was a moment when a number of other billionaires looked at Trump and thought “if he can do it I can do it too.” Bloomberg was the one who showed the rest of them that there’s a little more to it than just a being a billionaire.
Who is going to replace Joe though? They don’t have one. Gavin Newsome is probably the best option, but he is a white male. And a competent white male, not a humiliating old man like Joe. At this point I’m not sure that even being an ultra woke, Trudeau-esque psychopath is enough to counteract the lack of diversity as a straight white male. His competency is probably seen as a threat by Washington. Kamala is a non starter, I would be shocked if she is ever put in as President. Bitchy DMV lady / whore would have every single American… Read more »
Gavin Newsom competent? Compared to Biden maybe. Compared to actual competent people, no. You don’t have to be competent to impose crazy mandates on a one-party state.
There are millions of women who will be wetting their panties at the prospect of voting for Governor Hairgel.
The 19th Amendment was a huge mistake.
Letting in the people who pushed the 19th so they could get Prohibition profits was an even bigger mistake.
A lot of queers would be creaming their means for newsome.
The means justify the Depends…
I think he meant competent in the Alex Trebec sense of competence. Looks good, speaks coherently, and reads the cards without gaffes. In other words, a white Obama.
Didn’t Harvey Weinstein bang Newsom’s wife? Then when it would have looked bad for his career tp have been cucked by a fat, repulsive Jew, she claimed it was “rape.”
Incredible how perverted these people are… the Governor of California tastes Harvey’s Jew dick every time he goes down on his old lady.
The Dems had a half-Indian that they rejected, Tulsi Gabbard, because she’s anti-war, and not enough of a puppet for them.
They really do have a problem finding someone who’s not completely inept like Kamala who ticks the diversity boxes.
“They really do have a problem finding someone who’s not completely inept like Kamala who ticks the diversity boxes.”
Talk about race-realism shoving itself in your face…
Our eternal silver lining is that their insane blank slate beliefs will , over time, weaken the human capital that the regime can draw from to oppress the Historic American Nation.
“Yeah yeah sure, push out the hardcore scots-irishmen from that marine unit, I’m sure a pregnant black tranny will be a competent replacement.”
We’re all assuming competency matters, and that is no sure thing in this day and age. If competency mattered, after all, diversity would not be AINO’s national religion. The Power Structure could very well toss Biden on the ash heap and run Heels Up and that illiterate Hatian moron who apes a presidential press secretary. Nothing surprises me anymore. Nothing.
Oh, is that was is …. I was wondering from which pesthole they found that degenerate. DEPORT DEPORT DEPORT
Incur thou not the wrath of bilejones!
“…too weak of a home country to colonize the USA…” But the home country need not be strong for colonization of AINO. Depending on what you meant by that statement exactly, Mexico is pretty weak… but look at AINO’s southern border! Similarly, here in the UK, we’re overrun in certain parts by Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Indians. Seems as though if a country craves diversity enough, they’ll find a way to bring it home. I guess in the sense that China has a strong leadership and would be able to exercise some control over “Chinese-Americans” your comment is correct? But I… Read more »
I am more so referring to direct colonization by a foreign nation than population replacement.
For example, China buying up Canadian mines, China owning a milk factory in Ontario shipping everything back to China, China opening CCP police stations, China building Chinese only condos, China laundering foreign money through the housing market, etc. These are all real examples.
India is not capable of doing this at the moment, instead they are just dumping their excess population in the West which is turning us into India.
Maybe distinction without difference, but for the ruling class it seems to matter.
indians are doing it under the radar just a much as china
I’d say India more than China, a lot more.
Indians swarm at the middle class / managerial level; the Chinese go big corp-orate or academic, and are thus more of a threat to the ruling class.
Don’t confuse our Southern border neighbor, MX with our current influx of IA’s. The majority of crossers are now termed “OTM”—Other Than Mexican—and have been for a number of years. Albeit, the majority of current resident “migrants” are of Mexican heritage, the got over here long ago. Basically, MX dumped their unwanted here long ago. Now we have the rest of Central and South America coming over. But wait, there’s more! Seems we have Chinese and Africans now increasing in numbers at the Southern border. Blacks have paid to be dumped in South America and then the governments down there… Read more »
A few months ago there were reports about many American Whites, mostly from Southern California, moving to Mexico because of the lower housing prices.
Since America is getting swamped with newcomers from Central and South America, along with Africans, Indians and Chinese and more, producing a chaotic mish-mash population, perhaps it would be better to live in certain parts of Mexico where you’re among just Mexicans and White newcomers?
Oh yes. Baja has some really big Expat retiree communities, that too has been under the radar for years.
I’ve never lived there but in the 2000s was interested enough to take about a half dozen trips into Latin America (mostly Mexico, as it’s the most popular) in large part to feel out the retirement possibilities. At the time (my late 40s) I decided against, but who knows? The problem with a large expat Anglo community is that it drives local wages. Thus, the expected savings isn’t as great. Too, having most of your social circle being other aging Anglos is a blessing or a curse, depending on your view I guess. As one travel writer put it, the… Read more »
Jared polis seems like someone who looks good on paper
– has a lot of money from his time as a tech mogul so he can self fund
– won reelection with 58 percent last fall
– checks the id politics boxes (gay jew)
– is fairly young (only a few years older than desantis)
Potted plant option. There are no “good candidates” anymore. Just spokespeople or holograms or potted plants. Whoever looks good on camera and will say anything for money and status.
One problem with the Indian scenario though, everyone hates the Indians they deal with. There are more and more of them in my industry and they are uniformly crappy to deal with in person or any other way. Plus their general lack of honesty and ethics is a red flag.
So I think that for that to happen it would take more reinforcing democracy than may be possible. No offense to any subcontinental but they’re just not very likeable.
At least in software I was amazed at their ability to not actually do any work.
That’s the issue perhaps. Most white people I encounter still only have the most cursory interactions with blacks, but they’ve all had to call support numbers to get no help with some issue.
Yes, Joe Normie will remain on the couch no matter how outrageously the Deep State subverts the will of the people. But there are two important consequences to this usurpation. The first is that the spring winds tighter and suppressed public anger eventually explodes. The second is that the Elites must keep the plates spinning in order to forestall this explosion. Which brings us back to Ukraine and the row of dominoes. When Ukraine loses, the USA/EU/NATO will be revealed as a paper tiger and the rest of the planet will abandon ship. As a result, money printing can no… Read more »
The Treasury Secretary for GAE cam out and said that they shouldn’t defend the dollar. I have to wonder though if she actually knows the impact of what she said, stuff like that usually doesn’t slow-boil away.
My take is Yellen was signaling that just as civil rights have been stripped, economic prosperity is about to go away. She also may be shilling for China, but it appears her Tribe and the PRC are at odds.
I suspect to make way for CBDC the dollar has to be rendered either worthless or less valuable.
Nothing sounds farfetched anymore.
The Hannity interview with Newsom showed both parties are setting him up as the next president. N was sharp at advancing his predictable answers, and H barely challenged him.
That sounds about right. Murdoch likely has a modus vivendi with Newsome and Hannity obviously will do anything he is ordered to do. I don’t do cable so will watch that on YT or Rumble.
Who made the chowder?
Bobby made the chowder!
They knew that they were going to win in 2020 with mail in voting. They just needed a candidate that people didn’t hate more than Trump, would be fine with white women and blacks and would do whatever the rulers wanted. Biden checked those boxes.
2024 they are again guaranteed victory. I imagine they want Biden in again so they don’t have to run with Harris. If she mysteriously dies it is likely a sign they are going to run with Newsom.
Maybe the elites are worried they’ll get nuked if Biden stays in office. I know I am, and in material terms they have lots more to lose from WW3 than I do.
I think many are ignoring the easiest solution to The Cloud People’s predicament with FJB, “Heels-up” Kamala, and the group that both Republican and Democrat insiders absolutely despise, their MAGAts.
All they need to do is make sure something happens to both Joe and Kamala at the same time, have their MAGA patsies, then implement a total crackdown on anyone who supports Donald Trump.
The next president I think could well be someone lower on the totem pole of presidential succession.
I find it amusing Trump didn’t really have that aging so many presidents in my lifetime have gone through. Unlike most of the presidents in my lifetime, Trump had an actual job before running. He was used to the long hours and lack of sleep from going to bed late and waking up early.
Trump would wither and die within a year if he was forced to retire from the spotlight. Say what you want, but the man lives to fight.
He would love playing the role of white Mandela if the Regime allowed prison access (which it would not because it still wants to put on the illusion of democracy no matter how ludicrous).
“Trump would wither and die within a year if he was forced to retire from the spotlight. Say what you want, but the man lives to fight.” Hard disagree. Running your mouth endlessly is not fighting. Its a shame the right can’t see through that. The only thing Trump has going for him is an addiction to self-promotion and the spotlight. Its a weird form of energy like what the autistic kids have who play World of Warcraft for 48 hours straight. Most normal people wouldn’t have the stamina for it, but just because someone is able to do some… Read more »
If he just had half of Obama’s organizational skill
He does give all indications he will retain his vitality well into his 80s. Goes to show you, it’s a lot more about genes than it is about diet or exercise or any of that.
“If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in, a front man or front woman and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats, looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines, but someone else was ‘doin all the talkn’ and ceremony, I would be fine with that because I found the work fascinating”. B. Obama
The 22nd Amendment probably made something like this inevitable.
Well, the Dem insides had better get a handle.on controlling the primary because that will very (maybe already) be the actual presidential election, just as the Dem primary decides the mayor in DC.
Demographics and cheating will ensure a Dem president, so the primary is where the real action will be.
Alternative explanation: this is also a hit on the FBI, which has gotten too big for its britches. Maybe the Bureau simply couldn’t destroy the evidence due to known and unobtainable back-ups? The recordings of the bribe conversations easily could have numerous copies. The FBI has fought tooth and nail not to release anything and the stonewalling seems legitimate. The Regime may have decided to neuter the Praetorian Guard for any number of reasons. This is how totalitarian states work–one faction offs or neutralizes the other when it feels threatened or deems it necessary. As for Biden, there may be… Read more »
Over 20 Republicans just saved Adam Schiff from a well deserved ass whoopin’ over his part in the Russian Collusion hoax. These are the same Republicans who had no problem throwing their own Steve King of Iowa under the bus for simply stating that White people had the right to exist. We are in a dirty, nasty street fight for the future of Western Civilization and our side is riddled with traitors.
Nick Nolte’s Mugshot: “We are in a dirty, nasty street fight for the future of Western Civilization and our side is riddled with traitors.”
Yeah, but at least we’re in a fight now.
It’s peacetime which we suck at.
Fighting is our milieu.
As Br’er Rabbit, said, “Don’t throw me in the briar patch!!!!!”
Tater Joe is president because he’s eminently pliable, but also as a way for Our Betters to parade a bumbling, stumbling, useless old white male across the world stage for a few years. Show the planet it’s Time to Move On, the Age of the White Male is past and the Age of the Diverse Orc has come. Agree, recently there’s institutional pressure to dump Jo-Jo, possibly the DNC is ready for another shill to ascend. Mebbe the Lightbringer will take over and it’ll just be, what you gonna do about it? Mebbe Kankles bursting from behind the convention curtains,… Read more »
I agree. The symbolism of Biden is identical to the symbolism of Yeltsin. It is the same people who had Boris propped up and who animate the corps of Biden. This is both getting whatever you want out of the regime with zero oversight, and an intentional message of humiliation to our people – ‘White man, your time is up.’ Every single optic in politics is thoroughly thought through and carefully packaged to send the precise message that those with power want to send. As for the Senatorial dog and pony shows, where is the outrage at the invasion at… Read more »
Yeltsin did one really good thing for his country. He recognized the talent of a young lawyer and eventually made him Prime Minister. Putting Putin in power saved Russia from being thoroughly looted and maybe broken up by the west.
I expect no such gift from Joe. He’s going to leave us Kamala.
Yeltsin’s selection of VVP was a lifetime .025 batter hitting the World Series winning grand slam. It still amazes me.
Shit halfway to the grave and don’t walk too good anymore but I can still live in the remote boonies of the third world without being hated for my identity, without being surrounded by feral women and boyo thugs, without false accusations, without smarmy Woke idiots, ad nauseum. It’s Ms. Amerika I cannot suffer. She doesn’t like me much either. ‘Every single optic in politics is thoroughly thought through and carefully packaged to send the precise message that those with power want to send.’ At this level, certainly. Haven’t been any openings or mistakes outta D.C. since JFK. P.S. I… Read more »
“Oh gosh look! Balloons!”
That was a perfect moment. Like something out of a drug commercial. Politics as soma lol.
Eh. The Trannydom is prepping us for the ascension of Big Mike. Whitegirl libs and black Yassqueens will eat that up. (Although, the black men will probably revolt.)
Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble…
“The presidency is a fulltime job that requires long hours even for a puppet.” I think Reagan, particularly during his second term, was not putting in more than three hours a day. But Biden is far beyond Reagan in decrepitude and loss of mental faculties. I’ve no idea what’s going on. Perhaps some boneheaded obstinacy of Team Biden to run for a second term, which will come a cropper as the people who really matter in the ruling junta decide to boot out his rotting carcass. The bribery issue has always been Damocles’ sword hanging over Biden and it would… Read more »
Perhaps some boneheaded obstinacy of Team Biden to run for a second term[…]
That’s DOCTOR Jill Boneheaded Obstinacy to you, pal.
And don’t forget it’s “Professor” Joe Biden:
“According to the tax forms he has released, Biden received more than $900,000 from the university for holding the position between 2017 and 2019. His post “involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus, mostly in big, ticketed events,” the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.”
Benjamin Franklin spins in his grave, but simultaneously experiences a moment of Schadenfreude concerning his skeptical words on our likelihood of “keeping” a republic (long dead anyway – 1865 was quite a few years ago…) being borne out.
I much prefer this Professor Joe…bless your heart.
When it comes to office work, I am only good for about 3 hours a day. And it’s not just because I’m old. I’ve been faking that other 5 hours for 30 years plus.
Sitting behind a desk is completely unnatural for me. I wish I had chosen a career in the trades, but it’s too late now.
With any luck, you would’ve earned a desk in the trailer or back at the office sometime in your 40s, for your body’s sake. With experience, wisdom, and savvy.
Apprentice, journeyman, master. The trades do have it figured out!
“When it comes to office work, I am only good for about 3 hours a day.”
That’s true for most everyone except purely clerical staff. Once you hit the middle ranks, it all becomes a masquerade. And that masquerade can be more enervating than real work. These white-collar jobs are what Graeber calls “bullshit jobs.”
Eighty-five percent of AINO’s subjects–myself included–are cursor-pushing functionaries. Fairly rare is the person who has a bona fide career. And this is why my job is meaningless to me in comparison to what I do when I’m not on the clock.
Arshad Ali: “I think Reagan, particularly during his second term, was not putting in more than three hours a day.”
The Bush family crime syndicate was able to launch a bullet that grazed a rib, lodged in his lung [which partially collapsed], and came to rest a mere 25mm from his heart.
That would tend to slow down most men in their seventies.
Reagan had some talent on his cabinet and seemed to keep them pointed in the direction he wanted to go. Biden’s cabinet is a collection of incompetent morons and true-believer operatives. None of whom seem to take orders from Joe.
There’s no comparison. With people like Baker, Weinberger, and Schultz you knew you were looking at experienced and competent men.
“incompetent morons and true-believer operatives”
You’re far too kind. Drooling cretins and bloody-eyed zealots is more like it.
There may be other factions within DC establishment who want Biden gone. Perhaps Pentagon leadership is getting tired of losing wars and doesn’t like that they are being set up for losses against China and maybe Russia.
Or just Clinton vs. Obama factions still fighting.
Whatever. I liked this place better before it required 4D Kremlinology to figure out what’s going on.
“Whatever. I liked this place better before it required 4D Kremlinology to figure out what’s going on.”
Whatever the reasoning of the “higher-ups”, “clouds” or “elites”, ultimately Satan has their souls and their work is aligned with the destruction attendant with Devilry. Evil is what it is.
We know it is a very grave situation. We see the consequences of Evil, destructive policies everyday with our own eyes.
As democracy bevomes less democratic. Would be interesting to see if some elites find value in breaking ranks and start running for populist appeal. Amazing as it sounds, I would argue people like Musk and Bezos hate the common man far less than your average republican representative. Zuckerberg showed how much damage a rich elite can do and unfortunately used it as a regime toady, as he is a spiritual midget. As Washington D.C forgoes even the facade of representation, maybe people will wisen up and find representation in other ways. As Washingtons rule becomes more arbitrary, a lot of… Read more »
Hate to say it, but I think you’re wrong about Bezos. Remember a couple of years ago when William Shatner actually went into orbit in one of Bezos’ rockets? I don’t know if you’ve seen the video of the aftermath, but there’s a clip of Shatner talking to Bezos about how amazing the whole thing was. Shatner was almost literally tearing up over the experience. Bezos was just standing there like “Whatever, old man!” and just a couple of minutes into the chat he basically said “I got to talk to those people over there.” and just walked away. If… Read more »
RDittmar, I agree completely. There is something about Bezos and Musk that gives me the creeps. It also clear that they are Godless Technologists, so good luck with leaders like that. Perhaps Bezos would love a world where we pay for our goods with chips implanted into our wrists, or where we’re all hooked up to Hawking’esque wheelchairs with the voicebox and everything… no need to do anything, tech’ll do it for you! In the end all solutions (if there are any) and significant activity will need to be based on local loyalties. Blood and sweat and, of course, God.… Read more »
Might or might not happen for normie. But we have to make sure it happens for ourselves and our own.
The King is preparing for war, His vanguard already here. He surrounds Himself with tough men. There is no room for my little ponys.
‘The LORD is a man of war. The LORD is his name. (Exodus 15:3)
My quibbles about accuracy aside, that’s the way it works. When the Templars arise, is the Coming of the Lord. It is a tide, no man alone can stand against it. (Yea, our Nation is the Lord, just as theirs is the Antichrist, the Mosiach. Archetypes don’t refer to a concrete entity, but to the Spirit in a people. I will not bow to theirs.) But I must warn you, in your desperation! Remember Who suborned you before, and how they did it. Blame the women, the kids, the potheads, the niggras, the fags, the foreigns– The Amalek, the Edomites,… Read more »
Musk too only shows minimal attachment to real life. The amount of credit we give him for his *slight* embrace of the “logicked!”/DR3 part of American conservatism… Everyone else who’s like that, we know they’re morons. Over-under on Musk’s IQ is 102. At the risk of making a libertarian essay (Hayek’s “The Intellectuals and Socialism”) seem correct, it really does injure my soul to know that all our oligarchs are fucking idiots. They weren’t always. There’s a very deep new flaw in the world. And because of it I reject all actual existing social “hierarchy” and can’t believe any righty… Read more »
Yes, it’s one thing to be pushed around by a Dean Acheson or Harriman, another by Victoria Nuland.
The most interesting factoid I ever ran across about Mr. Bezos was that his maternal grandfather was the #2 guy at DARPA back in the day. Small world. Lawrence P. Gise. You can look him up.
Lawrence P. (((Geiss)))
Rhymes with Heidi (((Fleiss)))
I think Biden is being run again in order to get rid of Kamala.
He’ll pick a new VP who will then become president in 2014.
The problem with him dropping out before or during the primaries is that Kamala will be the heir apparent – and they’ll have to expend time and effort to get rid of her. She’s not going to be shamed or talked into walking away. And she does have powerful backers in the dem party – maybe for the same reason that othwrs backed Biden.
Two possible scenarios that I see: get rid of KH in the VP slot, replace with Gavin Newsom, who will become Pres when Biden either dies or is forced out in second term; or, Biden drops out and/or dies just before convention. Party picks either Newsom or Michael Obama to run for Pres.
It wouldn’t be surprising if Newsome said that he’d take the job so long as he didn’t have to campaign for it. He saw what happened to Harris and although he’s much more talented than she is he has about the same amount of appeal in non-costal areas and probably couldn’t even beat Biden in an unrigged fight.
Kamala has backers? For POTUS? I think at one time she did, but her utter incompetence at executing the powerless job that is VPOTUS has probably shed them all. She’s a terrible campaigner to boot (wasn’t she the first one to drop out in 20? awful close anyway); if the DNC tells her, “Time’s up, you’re not getting put on the 24 ticket, top or bottom,” there’s nobody riding to her rescue. I think DNC wants Newsom, but they can’t figure out how to crack Biden’s thick skull and make him just go away. I just sit back with the… Read more »
Silicon Valley in general and SV pajeets in particular.
Ah, yes! Silicon Valley are the bubble billionaires who backed Obama and built his new machine atop the Clinton machine he worked for.
He usurped an already corrupt machine- we are seeing classic usurpation at play, with the Praetorians weighing in, seizing their chance to be undisputed King of the hill.
Meanwhile, external outcountry powers are reacting to the disarray, some scheming and plotting.