The Great Dilemma

Imagine one of your friends tells you that the governor of your state was caught on video robbing a liquor store. Not only that, his brother pistol-whipped the clerk during the commission of the crime. Most likely, you would want proof. Your friend then sends you a link to a Twitter thread on the subject. Knowing the volume of nonsense on Twitter, you then go to mainstream news sites looking for something on this incredible story, but everywhere you look you find nothing but silence.

This would present a dilemma. On the one hand, you trust your friend and the story does seem legitimate. Upon further inquiry you find some stories tucked away here and there that confirm the tweet. Independent news sites are howling about the crime and the refusal of the mainstream media to notice it. The dilemma is not about believing the story is true but about trusting your own judgement. If all of the serious people are ignoring this story, why should you be outraged by it?

If this sounds familiar, it should. This is daily life in America. Events that should warrant national coverage go unmentioned, while trivial nonsense gets wall-to-wall coverage from all of the regime media organs. Compounding it is the fact that the stuff getting covered comes with truckloads of official lies and narratives designed to trick the audience into viewing the facts presented in a way that leads to an inaccurate understanding of the event in question.

We are in one of those moments today. Hunter Biden, the crackhead son of Joe Biden, is due in court to plead guilty to some minor crimes. Not happy with a sweetheart deal that is an affront to the idea of the rule of law, one of his lawyers called the court yesterday, pretending to be a lawyer for the Republicans, who had filed a brief with the court contesting the sweetheart deal. This fake lawyer successfully convinced the court clerk to withdraw the Republican filing.

This is not a small thing. The massive corruption involved in this plea deal should warrant Watergate level coverage. Instead, regime media and the volunteer army of online toadies pretend it is normal. Putting that aside, no one would know about this outlandish effort to mislead the court if not for people on Twitter. The Drudge Report has no mention of it. Memorandum, the news aggregator popular with media content creators, has no mention of this event.

In fairness, there is a CNN post on it, but you have to dig around to find it. The three primary media organs of the regime are silent. There is no mention of it in the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the Wall Street Journal. Putting aside the Nigerian levels of corruption in this case, the absurdity of this stunt warrants attention. Calling a court clerk the day before an appearance and pretending to be a lawyer for another party in order to trick the court is Hollywood comedy stuff.

As an aside, think about the sort of people who look at an event like this and conclude it is not worth mentioning. It is a good reminder that partisanship is not primarily about rooting for your side, but a hatred of the enemy. The regime’s media organs actively participate in these coverups because they hate the people they imagine are on the other side of the hive walls. They are not covering for the Bidens because they love these people, but because they hate you.

Putting that aside, what compounds the media silence on this story is the outrageousness of it. The law firm involved is not a fly-by-night operation that represents drug cases. Jessica Bagels, the lawyer who pulled the caper, is Director of Litigation Services at Latham- Watkins. This is what they used to call a “white shoe” law firm that represents power players in politics and finance. These are the sorts of people Hollywood uses in conspiracy thrillers like The Firm.

Of course, this casual acceptance of corruption speaks to the general rot that has become the defining feature of the ruling class. It is not that these people are breaking the rules for personal gain. It is that they no longer have any respect for the spirit of the law that is supposed to animate our society. These lawyers think nothing of tricking a court clerk because they have no respect for her or the system. In fact, these lawyers hold the legal system in contempt.

The only reason anyone knows about this latest Hunter Biden caper is that there are still people in America who respect the spirit of the law. They are outraged enough about this case to follow it and post what they learn online. There are still millions of Americans who feel the same sense of outrage, so they follow these people on places like Twitter. Despite the best efforts by regime media, this information still makes it into circulation and people are rightly angry about it.

This returns us to that dilemma at the start. The choice between trusting yourself or the weight of official media rests on a more important conflict. The people who think it proper to trick the court operate from the belief that any means necessary is acceptable in order to achieve their goals. The ends justify the means. The other side of the dilemma are the people who reject this. They think the means justify the ends and that we must always respect the process.

Therein lies the problem. The process no longer has the means to control these corrupt forces in the system. The only solution is to abandon the rules and use whatever means are required in order to remove the rot from the system. What this example shows is that the people who think the end justifies the means will always defeat the means justify the end unless the latter makes an exception and embraces the ethos of the former in order to restore order. That is the great dilemma of this age.

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11 months ago

What Dilemma?

Add cowardice too.

While we were dithering they built a prison, now they craft our demise.

My Comment
My Comment
1 year ago

Z’s example of the bagel lady scamming the court is a daily reminder for me of Tom Wolfe’s law that all political and social conflicts are really battles over status. I don’t think that is always true of the right of the divide but it is true of the left.

The bagel lady will face no shame for undermining rule of law nor will she be seen as attacking “our democracy.” Instead she will gain status as a good person who is speaking truth to power and showing her loyalty.

Consequently, I would be shocked if she is punishedm

Reply to  My Comment
11 months ago

Talk about timing. I’ve just started reading The Bonfire of the Vanities. The absolute clown show so eloquently described by Tom Wolfe is a stark reminder of what a joke the legal system is and how seriously the clowns take their own performance in it.

My Comment
My Comment
Reply to  KingKong
11 months ago

Another guys example of how the justice system is a farce is the 70s movie And Justice for All with AL Pacino

1 year ago

There is no dilemma. You respect human law, which itself is a social construct and a corruption of natural law. You keep trying to defend a system which is pure evil and always has been. You’re a little foolish boy, Z and you always will be, because you simply cannot accept that the system you believe in, the system that benefits you, is inherently flawed and a scam. Reading your blog is like reading crypto bros on Reddit – absolute clowns who cannot comprehend why their precious systems are falling apart. Every scam falls aparts. And civilization and the “legal… Read more »

Reply to  KingKong
11 months ago

You’re a Freak Z ! A Freak !

You belong in the Circus with the bearded lady and the 2 headed dog!

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Jessica Bagels? Heh heh. You must be joking.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

He is. It’s really Bengels.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

He got me !
I believed it was Bagels

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
1 year ago

here’s what justice looks like:

cocaine mitch stroking out at the podium, while cameras roll. the turtle has left the house.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

The geezer squad that’s ostensibly been running things had to start attriting at some point. He’s 81. It’s one of the risks of governing by gerontocracy, things can change suddenly.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Z: “The only solution is to abandon the rules and use whatever means are required in order to remove the rot from the system.”

*** cough ***


*** cough ***

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Fed post IDGAF. there will be blood, the shit that has been going on is an outrage . This pot is going to boil over. I have my local accountability list..
& am in the middle of a target rich environment
They hate us, fine I hate them back. With the heat of six gorillion suns.

Reply to  Spingehra
1 year ago

Well you better get busy st0ckpi1ing even moar @mmun!tion than they’re st0ckpi1ing.

Plus forging moar and better relationships & systems & intelligence than they have forged.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Is this like Bronny’s $500 million, “cardiac event”?

Sounds safe and effective to me.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

I hope he dies publicly and it is filmed so I can watch the life drain from his eyes.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago


I want those asshats to have long, slow, painful deaths.

But that’s just me.

But I like the visual your way describes Jack.

1 year ago

I have a grand unified theory that it can’t be that much of coincidence that the second red scare era from 1945 to 1955 (first red scare would be 1917-1922 thereabouts) ended just as the civil rights movement started. The red scare era was the last gasp of the old school cpusa labor left as well as the last gasp of the old right. The end of the red scare era also is approximately the time where the left becomes anti Soviet (I think the 1956 Hungary thing is what caused that). Does anyone think this is significant or am… Read more »

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

The working-class left and its nominal representatives (a few Irish-American and northern English pols) did become somewhat anti-Soviet during the “Marx is just tanks rolling through Prague” (as Bukowski said) era. They were officially excommunicated by the Port Huron Statement, which you can still find with Google because it’s a leftist thing. The commies I’ve known are all very rich. They were fully pro-Soviet until the very last second of the empire, got very confused but went broadly “Islamist” and anti-Israel during the last couple decades, and have become NATO/globohomo “anal empire” fanatics now, currently waving the flag of the… Read more »

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

KK: “Am I trying to see something that isn’t there?” Well, technically speaking, psy-ops are immaterial phenomena, so they aren’t “really” there; they simply flourish in our minds’ eyes. But the Council of the Sanhedrin certainly do seem to throw a new psy-op at us at least every 7 to 8 years, and sometimes as often as every 4 to 5 years. Heck, in 2020 alone, we got Saint George, Cheeto Man Bad, the k00f, the election steal, the v@xxines, and probably some other stuff I’ve already forgotten about . Speaking of 2020 & the v@xxines, last night somebody at… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
11 months ago

Z hits on something here with the Media taking notice; the real regime STASI KGB, the real enforcement arm is the media. The security organs lost control of their pet Media in the Watergate aftermath and never got it back.
The IC 👀🕵🏻 isn’t running the media but taking orders from them…

We’ve surrendered to phantoms.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

If a representative from the mainstream media were to enter these comments and try to defend themselves, is there anything they could say that might be worth considering? I think that there is, and it wouldn’t hurt to play Devil’s Advocate for a moment just to try to understand what might be happening on the other side. While it’s fun to engage in partisan MSM bashing, it probably won’t lead to constructive solutions going forward, but striving to understand them might. I know we’re all familiar here with Gell-Mann Amnesia, because it’s a trope that gets a lot of mention… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

Emptyheaded news babes aren’t really the issue. The issue is deliberate, planned, orchestrated deception, with malice.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

ID asked,”If a representative from the mainstream media were to enter these comments and try to defend themselves, is there anything they could say that might be worth considering?.” I agree that it is valuable to grapple with the best arguments of your opponents. It seems to me that the sincere believers in the current order put all their faith in: 1. diversity is our greatest strength, which in practice means massive immigration and affirmative action 2. whites are responsible for most of the world’s problems, past and present. As far as I can imagine, such a representative would say,… Read more »

Alexander Scipio
Alexander Scipio
1 year ago

The only conclusion one can draw from this piece is to shoot the transgressors, as nothing else can resolve the problem of the legal system rejecting the rule of law to accomplish their ends.

This is OUR country – a self-governing republic. We pay hirelings and delegate to them the authority to make and enforce the law. When they refuse their delegated authority the responsibility to enforce the law remains ours.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Alexander Scipio
1 year ago

Wear a Go-Pro cam while you do it like the the dumb ass Buffalo NY shooter kid that went and shot up a bunch of she-boons because… reasons? Somehow snuffing a bunch of gibs receiving 75 IQ leeches was going to strike down Leviathan… or something.

Hopefully you’ll pick much more high value targets but please post the vid here for us. Oh wait… you want someone else to do it. Ray Epps? Is that you?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

The Biden clan has been intimately involved with multi tier justice since at least as far back as when Beau arranged the no prison plea deal for the DuPont who raped his 3 yr old daughter. Probably much farther. So from their perspective it’s understandable that they’d be surprised if anybody kicked up a fuss. Which brings to mind bored little rich girl Patty Hearst coming down with a case of jungle fever. A different kind of justice for the rich and powerful is hardly a new thing. And it’s a separate subject from the regime’s tacit, and not so… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

This just in;

Apparently Hunters plea deal is off the table. I don’t know if it’s a ruse, but if anyone can clarify, I would appreciate it.

I’m thinking the Deep State is putting the screws to The Big Guy because he won’t shuffle off peacefully.

Putting Hunter back at risk is a way to get the PedInChief to relent.

Barney Boggs
Barney Boggs
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

When can Beau Biden’s involvement in the Biden clan’s plunder and deceit be dragged into the spotlight? I want to lift the unspoken censure that’s protecting the son that was supposed to be the heir apparent to The Big Guy. If Peter Doocy or any of the press had some ironclad balls, I would love to lob Dementia Joe a question such as “Hey Joe, the American people want to know : did the wrong boy die? You ever wish deadbeat Hunter was the one who got the cancer?” Let’s crank the “Unafraid” tagline Fox News feigns every day to… Read more »

Reply to  Barney Boggs
1 year ago

It’s as if Fredo, and not Michael, took the reins.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

KGB: “It’s as if Fredo, and not Michael, took the reins.”

That’s the best analogy I’ve read in the dissident right in forever.

Lab erratum
Lab erratum
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

In 2009, Richards entered a guilty plea and was convicted of raping his 3-year-old daughter,[1][5][6][7][8][9] after the girl reported the abuse to her grandmother.[4] Instead of serving out his eight-year prison sentence, the sentencing order signed by Delaware Superior Court Judge Jan R. Jurden said that the “defendant will not fare well” in prison and thus the eight-year sentence was suspended.[5][7][9][10] Delaware Public Defender Brendan J. O’Neill expressed surprise that Jurden would use such a rationale to avoid sending Richards to prison.[5][7] In 2010, allegations were made that Richards had also molested his son beginning in December 2005 and continuing… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
1 year ago

It really would be difficult to be shocked by anything at this point. Regardless of one’s opinion of Trump, it is not disputed that federal law enforcement and intelligence services attempted to prevent his election and then attempted a coup d’etat. The important part is there were no consequences whatsoever for something that might have received the death penalty in the not-so-distant past. My guess is adverse consequences will manifest first in the economic sphere. Whether justified or not, American markets have/had been attractive because they were perceived as transparent and subject to the rule of law. While the extrajudicial… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Jack Dodson: I only skim the headlines these days, particularly about Hunter Biden, because I know nothing will happen to him regardless of how many crimes were committed. I’m just not interested in following the spectacle – because that’s all it is. To me, what’s more important – even more central than the dilemma upon which Zman based his post – is the point that all the lies and trickery and manipulation of the system is not because they love the Bidens or even mere ‘loyalty’ to fellow Democrats. The blatant abuse and partisanship in AINO is always because they… Read more »

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Yup. There is no justice system there is only a legal system. The free press are simply agent provocateurs peddling propaganda. Law enforcement have become armed mercenary agents of political fads. Other than a few outliers, none are worthy of anything other than the respect you would give to a rabid dog.

And we can go back to the fact that the post said there was a lawyer with the name “Jessica Bagels”?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Penitent Man
1 year ago

Wasn’t there a Jewish gangster in The Sopranos called Jesse Sack o’ Bagels?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

I’m aware of that each waking moment, hence the concern over the frantic looting. They are getting ready.

1 year ago

I feel at some point that once the pets take over an organization, the real fun begins.

Like when roe was decided, the people deciding it were white/mulatto men born between 1898 and 1915. I’m assuming the decision was a gift to the MD community which was a republican constituency then. Also if the boss knocked up his secretary, it was an easy solution.

But in the year 2023, all those factors are mostly gone and the idiots arguing for abortion rights are complete morons.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

You know why she did what she did?


They do it because they know there will be no consequences.

Look at all the hearings and foaming at the mouth from the Republicans.

How many have;
Lost a job
A pension
Gone to jail

Yeah, thought so.

It is an entertaining show though.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

Lois Lerner says :

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  cg2
1 year ago

Lois Lerner got a free pass. Retiring with a pension isn’t punishment.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
11 months ago

thats what I meant. She did her job, made her indignant statement and flipped her little beatle haircut, took the fifth and waltzed on down the road. No pushback from anyone.

1 year ago

[…] ZMan lays it out. […]

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The corruption of the criminal courts is old news. The whole criminal justice system is corrupt top to bottom. The corruption is responsible for every story that starts with “Man on double bail kills….” How do we get guys with 40 arrests walking around committing crime? We’re supposed to have all these “draconian” laws, yet the streets are filled with young men with long rap sheets acting as a one man crime spree, shooting up the neighborhood, robbing liquor stores and selling drugs. Prosecutorial discretion and immunity allow the prosecutor’s office to reduce the charges of serious crimes with state… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Connivers and dupes deserve Tyrone, and Billybob may be both. Billybob is a sucker for flag waving, chauvinism, and slogans such as “Make America…”. Billybob frequently thirsts for the blood of foreigners who have done him no wrong but who can’t defend theirselves against the military of Billybob’s empire. He thinks little and reads less. Billybob is often a glutton, a lecher, a pugnacious lout, or a gun nut who kills defenseless animals for fun. Probably Billybob is a drunkard or a pothead, too. He’s not even half the victim which you make him out to be.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

He’s probably racist too!!!!

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

I never painted Billybob as a victim. I don’t want the criminal class to be handled with kid gloves. I want them to live in utter fear of long prison sentences or being shot to death in self defense by someone he is actively trying to victimize.

Further, the rest of your comment is, frankly, retarded.

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

You sound kinda gay

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

There’s truth in what he’s saying. The various listed failings of Billybob are what allow him to be controlled by the GAE.

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

You win, yours is the absolute worst comment ever here. There have been others who tried but never achieved what you did today.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

Some of that may well be true. But I’ll still take him every day of the week and twice on Sunday over the average Hutu.

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
11 months ago

Tyrone also kills defenseless animals for fun if they’re wearing air Jordans

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
11 months ago

I happen to live in what you derisively call “Billy Bob Land,” so I have a front row seat to what goes on there. Frankly, I would not choose to live elsewhere. Billy Bob’s criminal escapades are generally of the self-destructive variety, viz., drug and alcohol related stupidities, domestic violence and lately, computer/internet-driven pornographic/pedophilic misadventures involving illicit pictures of children. Yes, these things are reprehensible, but they do not perpetrate violence on innocent strangers and, more importantly they are a very small component of Billy Bob World which largely remains quite normal, with normal men and women doing normal man… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

It’s called anarcho-tyranny, and is in full force now but has been floating around for a while as you say. The thing is, though, I think it needs to be properly understood as a way the elites wage war on the citizens. It’s not just about the criminal justice industrial complex. The elites want Tyrone back wreaking havoc on city sidewalks ASAP. The elites do not care if he is harassing old black grannies in his own neighborhood, or well-to-do tourists in downtown. He’s essentially the elites’ weapon against normal people and normal society.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

I’m not saying you are definitely wrong, but I just don’t think this is that cynical, or at least not that cynical all the time. Though I would definitely agree with you about anarchotyranny. I think a lot of them genuinely believe their own BS. They genuinely believe it is some kind of crime against humanity, or at least black people, that so many young black men get arrested and would be in prison if not for all the deal-making and corruption. It genuinely fills them with guilt and shame. Of course, they don’t give a damn about their victims… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I believe you and Mycale are both correct. Negroes are indeed agents of derangment acting against normalcy, and they are also “victims” of a “racist” society. There’s no reason members of the Power Structure can’t believe both.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Get with the Ebonic program, Tars. Tyrone has become TyRee’k, a far more appropriate moniker, by the by…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

What’s most fascinating to me is how unnecessary all of the Biden’s crimes are. High-level politicians and their families can easily get extremely rich via perfectly legal routes. However, you generally can’t be too egregious with family members and you have to wait until you are out of office to really cash in via speeches, books, consulting, foundations, boards of directors, etc. Outside of his quick stint from 2016 to 2020, during which time he was mostly running for office, Biden was in office. That’s how the Clintons were so effective. After office, Bill would rake in the money while… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

” The only real question is how long will it take Grillercons (and non-white hating whites in the military and law enforcement) to understand the change that has occurred.”

I think it will be pretty simple. One day we’ll wake up, to find out that all has collapsed. I think it will happen that quickly and suddenly, even though the signs were there all along..

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

I used to think that we’d just have a slow slide to a Brazil-like situation, no fireworks, no break-up, just decline. Now, I’m not as sure. Our rulers seem intent on pushing things far more than they need to. What would have been the big deal about letting Trump win a second term. He wasn’t changing the long-term trajectory or “draining the swamp.” Trump was a bump in the road for our rulers. Let him win and quietly reinforce the election process (while also letting demographics take their toll) and get back on track in 2024. Instead, our rulers went… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I think that they are driven by irrational hatred of normal white men. They literally cannot stop themselves. They also hate the fact that a lot of white guys are still doing well, having families, and ignoring their hysteria. This drives them ever crazier. A lot of white guys aren’t following them off the cliff. They also believe their own narrative that white people are the past, and in the future there will be a vibrant diverse utopia. Problem is that there are over 200 million whites in North America. And we aren’t going anywhere. Us white people are preventing… Read more »

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Hold on there, Hoss.

Maybe that explains Grillybob.

The Grillers have already gone Amish.

They live as free men in their minds.

(As free, at least, as this wicked world has ever allowed.)

Do the best you can with what you have, where you’re at- well that’s as much as most all anybody could do, anytime in history.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

That is me. For a long time I have realized there is a fragmentation and dissolution underway. Hard facts in addition to observation support this. But I assumed that would be a long-term project. Increasingly, it looks like the clowns will do something so catastrophic that the whole bitch implodes. My hope is that it doesn’t prove fatal to all of us but I wouldn’t put money on it.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

I’d love to see the rat-bastards get theirs.

What’s scary, though, is that they feel the same way about me.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Jack- My thinking is that the lunatic effort to electrify everything with so-called renewables while removing fossil fuels (for lack of a better term) and nuclear power is going to be what eventually pushes the GAE economy and society over cliff. I don’t think CW 2.0 with the red states breaking away is going to work out for dissidents because the death cult in charge will move to flying cruise missiles at or even tac-nuking red state oil refineries and power plants. As we know from the Ukraine conflict, there is no effective GAE air defense against these types of… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I’ve often wondered the same thing. Just let Trump go and do his 4 more years and he won’t do squat. Maybe another platinum plan to release black criminals or maybe bomb Syria, pointlessly again but so what. There was something else behind the Trump hate. Immigration is always on my mind. I think they want so badly to replace the population that they could not anyone who even made a slight effort to curb it. That might be a stretch but it does seem that population replacement is the number 1 priority of the administration. They even took Texas… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Like any other ponzi scheme, the empire has to either expand or collapse

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

B125: “Basically they’re insane and seeing normal white men causes crushing cognitive dissonance and mental insanity. We beat them just by existing, which is kind of funny.” Pro-Tip… If you’re an Old School White Christian Alpha Chad who doesn’t put up with lib-sh!t nonsense in professional environments, then even the worst of the Karens will get thoroughly wet between their legs for you. [I can’t guarantee that you won’t get fired, nor that the deal you were working on will fall through & collapse, but you WILL get laid. I promise. You WILL get laid.] ========== Alzaebo: “The Grillers have… Read more »

ZZ Commenter
ZZ Commenter
Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

Well they’re preparing to outlaw his gas grill, so maybe that will help wake him up. Or maybe not. The dominoes keep falling and Normie doesn’t move. However, I do think there might be a lot of quiet awakening and cold realization. How can there not be in this environment? In business they say to be afraid when a worker *stops* complaining, because that’s the sign he’s truly checked out and determined to quit. Surely everyone has noticed the complete silence that now falls over political matters in mixed company? That’s not a sign of calm or consensus, that’s a… Read more »

pgt beauregard
pgt beauregard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

The only way to proceed is by embracing this underappreciated maxim:

Live your life according to your own moral code;
Fight your enemies according to theirs.

Accordingly, Normie will have to learn to love the taste of blood.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pgt beauregard
1 year ago

Well, he’s lived his adult life eating steak grilled medium-rare, so the jump shouldn’t be too dramatic.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I doubt it will collapse. Ask a normal Chinese or Mexican or Russian about corruption in their country, and they’ll shrug their shoulders and basically say they’re only out to get theirs. White Americans have had a lot of generations getting used to git-er-done, gentlemen’s-agreement, rule-of-law, norman-rockwell-freedom-of-speech way of things. Normies simply don’t realize that the default settings for human interaction is suspicion or advantage-taking. Previous generations lived in an almost perfect world, and can’t contemplate that the US is becoming Mexico. And people like us, Z-readers, assume that our evolution from Norman Rockwell to Normano Gutierrez means collapse. It’s… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

The difference is that the wealthy in those countries don’t hate their own people. Doesn’t necessarily mean they care about them. But you gotta do what you gotta do – if they don’t grift somebody else will take their money.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Correct. The Third World corruption also has an internal logic and realizes actions have consequences. The folks in charge in the West are irrational at best and likely psychotic. Worse of all, they may be suicidal.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Guess we have to change from Norman to George before things get better.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

So, I think grillercons and normies, in many ways, get that we are living in a different country than we used to. I know that a lot of people on this side don’t think so. Yet, you know, not that long ago whenever I read about some insanely flagrant abuse of power I would see comments like “the FBI needs to investigate this!!!!”. I don’t see those comments anymore. Normies know the FBI is just another institution of leftist tyranny. Everybody knows that these Trump prosecutions are just banana republic nonsense and nobody expects Trump to get a fair trial… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

Nobody has an answer. It’s easier for a lot of people to bury their head in the sand and try not to notice, then living with a giant problem that is out of their control.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

Seems we are following the typical empire collapse trajectory. The penultimate step appears to be an overall distrust in the institutions, which then leads to widespread apathy and finally collapse. I can’t think of a single institution in the GAE I would trust. I can’t imagine expending the least effort to preserve the GAE. My view may not have reached a critical mass yet, but I suspect it is getting there. A real war with China/Russia would be a litmus test – how many will sign up for it, even with a new false flag Pearl Harbor?

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

You need to understand their psychology if you want an understanding of why they relentlessly press things “farther than they need to”. It is also a reason why a Karl Denninger level of “it’s only about money” analysis cannot completely explain everything.

The problem in the mind of the sociopath is not that they don’t have enough (wealth, power, security, freedom, etc.), it’s that YOU have anything at all.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

Yes, this does seem to be the case. It’s truly a religion for liberal whites and ethnic/racial hatred for non-whites, especially the tribe.

They don’t want to run Brazil of the North. They want our people beaten and, preferably, gone.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

The issue isn’t just that this social justice program is a religion to them, although it is. It is that these people reject objective reality. They assume there is no limit on their power, and whatever they say is the truth. The contrast is, if you are a Christian who believes that God created the Heavens and Earth and infused it with a sense of order, and furthermore gave us reason to discern His order, then you know that there is a very hard limit on man’s capabilities. You know that, say, if God made you a man then you… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

God made the universe by speaking it into existence. They seek to be gods, speaking their own realities into existence. Rebellion against the Father to try to supplant the Father: tale as old as time.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

It’s just another symptom of the decline. The naked corruption of the Bidens and Clintons was just not considered acceptable to the old guard. They were both mindful enough and smart enough to nip it in the bud. They were weeded out long before they got near the national spotlight and power. But as the top of the managerial class declines, so does their abilities.

1 year ago

Bagels, may be ideologically driven. It is also highly likely that there is some payoff for doing this. She or a family or friend will get an appointment, a contract, a title or all three for having done this. It seems that survival and winning has been left out of the set of principles on our side. This is the problem the right has. I have written about this in previous posts. If they play to win and remove the cancers, they abandon their principles and think they destroy their own system. They are confused. That is a defense of… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Looks like Bengels/Bagels is going with the “misunderstood” defense as who is the court going to believe: a lowly clerk or an Ivy League law grad?

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Rule no 2 of litigation: if you mess with a judge’s staff, you will lose; the case, a night in jail, your license (depending on severity). That is a very, very lit third rail.

1 year ago

“The ends justify the means. The other side of the dilemma are the people who reject this. They think the means justify the ends and that we must always respect the process.” “What this example shows is that the people who think the end justifies the means will always defeat the means justify the end unless the latter makes an exception and embraces the ethos of the former in order to restore order.” Machines break down without maintenance, the letter of the law can be twisted. There has to be an ordering principle, and it ain’t in the ideas or… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

This is really the point. Having “faith in the system” is just euphemism for putting yourself on autopilot, which is a convenience that becomes addictive. It’s also unavoidable. Maintaining full awareness of everything, all the time, is an impossible task, and this is why human history will never be “solved” as if it were simply a tricky math problem which might yet yield to exceptional brilliance. There will always be new challenges because man himself is finite.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

Right on. Use it or lose it. If there isn’t a mountain to climb, you’d better at least hit the gym. Luckily for us, we don’t don’t lack the challenge today, if we’d just accept it.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

The real problem is that waaay more than half the population is too stupid to understand and too overburdened with economic survival priorities to spend the time necessary to discover/learn/care/act. As with Ancient Rome, keep the bread and circuses coming and you’ll avoid popular uprising.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

You’re right but it has always been thus. The old school commies didn’t start winning until they accepted it: the working class will never rise on its own. They’re not too stupid, they’re too busy (in an updated class analysis I would also include here would include here middle class grillers with a 401k and kids to put through college). There has to be a vanguard with either the intellectual disposition or the economic wherewithal to do politics full time.

1 year ago

“…partisanship is not primarily about rooting for your side, but a hatred of the enemy.”

Avert not your eyes.

Here, then, is a personal example of the boiling rage, the white-hot hatred of everything Other, once taught to every child in America’s extremist institutions:

Mom, high school, in the year 1930:

Chew tobacca
Chew tobacca
Spit spit spit

Garland beat White school,
Nit nit nit!

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

I’m sorry, I don’t get it.

1 year ago

You know what? It can’t be fixed. None of it. It’s too far gone and it won’t end until the collapse and dissolution of the United States. We don’t have anyone of caliber and ruthlessness like a Constantine I purging the Praetorian guard, or a Mahmud II liquidating the Janissaries.

If Vladimir Putin dropped a megaton hydrogen device on Washington D.C. while Congress was in session, all of our problems would disappear in a nano second.

David Wright
Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

I imagine we will have a few new problems then.

Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

Just remember that little quip Stalin made one time. He said that when you get down to it, death really solves all problems.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

There’s another old Russian proverb–only death straightens the hunchback…

Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

A lot could be said of that man, but at least he could look on the bright side!

Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

I get where you are coming from. It should be noted, we have not one, but two generals assigned to fly around 24/7 to avoid military leadership being taken out in a first strike. They will in all likelihood initiate a full on retaliation and start a world nuclear war with everyone who we’ve have a bone to pick with. No really a scenario for a constructive restart.;-)

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
1 year ago

They’re trying to get Trump lawyers disbarred and alternative electors convicted with felony charges, and we don’t even have the institutional power to take down such a cartoonish caper.

Even in this cynical day and age, I have trouble believing this is real, and a lot of dissidents probably feel the same way. If we have trouble grasping the reality of our times, how are we going to convince your average Team Red friend?

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Cartoonish is the word.

Eventually they’ll get around to assassinating Trump, flat-out daring us to do something about it (Biden’s rhetorical specialty and one remaining faculty), and siccing our Pardo Pride Parade military on us, but each escalating step in the process has been so damn stupid.

They could just *do it*. Someone in there knows it and he’s tearing his hair out.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

“Team Red”: PERHAPS not exceptionally bright, but CERTAINLY not temperamentally disposed to “rock the boat.”

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

When do we get Lindsay Graham on Hannity declaring that we will have hearings and get to the bottom of it?
Hannity can screech on for weeks about something like this and in the end nothing will be done.
Our only consolation might be is that with this stuff going on almost daily maybe the end of empire is truly nearing.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

Just remember that from the start to the end when the Hammer and Sickle was taken down at The Kremlin, the Soviet Union collapsed in 17 weeks.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

The pacifier of Con, Inc., long ago ceased to work for the multitudes. More people than we acknowledge now realize Team Red is at best impotent but more than likely complicit. They are fed and warm and put up with it for the time being.

Good Ole Rebel
Good Ole Rebel
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

OT, but I saw a clip of Hannity interviewing RFK, Jr. about the Ukraine war. Kennedy patiently explained that NATO expansion was a provocation, that the West had sabotaged negotiations, etc. Hannity stared blankly and kept interrupting to proclaim that “Putin is evil.” Either it’s a dumb act for the boomercons or the man actually has the worldview of an eight-year-old child. He probably eats Freedom Fries for lunch every day.

Reply to  Good Ole Rebel
1 year ago

Hannity has his marching orders. It isn’t that media personalities are dumb (although many of them are), but they’re the sorts of people who don’t really care about politics. They care about having a speedboat and what their hair looks like. So when their boss tells them that the line is “Putin bad, Ukraine good” they don’t give a shit if it’s true or not. I remember a long time ago my parents ended up at some dinner event thing seated next to a local news anchor. Completely vapid. My mom said his trophy wife reminded her of the first… Read more »

Reply to  Good Ole Rebel
1 year ago

Been mentioned before, so once more: “Hannity is the stupidest man on the radio/TV, bar none!”

Yes, he does have the political mentality of an 8 yo. The problem with Hannity is not that he’s stupid. It’s that he appeals to an extensive audience of people, who by extension are even stupider than Hannity.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Good Ole Rebel
1 year ago

Freedom Fries for lunch, Fruit Loops for brekkie. The Derangement Diet.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

That Trey Gowdy fellow will BLAST the witnesses and the dauntless Ted Cruz will SLAM their lies.

Then the cameras go off and everyone on both sides at the hearings goes to the bar together to share champagne and underage hookers and the rest of us back in flyover country can get F’ed too.

Felix Krull
1 year ago

Some people choose to study law because of justice, rule of law and such noble nonsense, others study law because law is a tool they can use to screw the common coffers out of money and further the interests of themselves, their network and their people? Only the powerless believe in justice.

1 year ago

There is no more justice in America, and that will only be fixed by a “Storming the Bastille”-level event and subsequent excitement. Heads must literally roll.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

I won’t live long enough to see it, but one day in DC there will be a remake of “Christmas With the Ceaușescus”

Reply to  Gespenst
1 year ago

Don’t count yourself out. All of this will occur within another 10 years, possibly sooner if something really crazy happens, i.e., Poland invading Western Ukraine would be a good catalyst.

I’ll never forget December 25, 1989. It was the coldest Christmas day in my life of 59 years, and I still smile about the clip of a Romanian News Announcer saying that The Antichrist had been executed on Christmas Day.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

And directly the Antichrist was executed, a legion of demons swarmed into America.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Yep, the ONLY any this s*** ever gets fixed, if it’s even possible, is with a lot of fire and brimstone, among others.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Historical fun fact:

It was the Marquis de Sade himself who incited the Storming of the Bastille. While interned there, it was he who started yelling through the bars of his window to passers-by, that the guards were killing the prisoners inside.

Who will inspire such a love of the disenfranchised in America? Who will respect the rights of the oppressed?

Roy Epps, I say. Only in the Roy Epps of this land, can we find the highest principles, of upholding the law and speaking out for the common man!

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Ray Epps, not Roy

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Monsieur Guillotine! He shaves it close!

1 year ago

The rule of law has been replaced by the rule of man quite a while back in our country. It was just more subtle in the past so as not to raise the ire of the populus. Although the frog in the pan of slowly heated up water is a myth, the analogy rings true. They slowly at first, then all of a sudden, have decided that consent or concern from the citizenry is no longer an issue. And why would they? What signs or indication has the public shown that they would face consequences for the corruption and deceit?

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

: a genus of trees (family Salicaceae) that is native to the northern hemisphere, that has resinous buds, numerous stamens, incised bracts, and elongated stigmas, and that is well known in cultivation


Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

The “rule of law” is claptrap promoted by a class of people who want to obscure an old truth. Human laws, so called, and their enforcement amount to a system of rule by men, and sometimes by women, too. Such a system is not necessarily a bad thing, but obscurring or misrepresenting the truth about it is childish and insidious. Now, in the USA since at least 1787, neither consent nor concern from the citizenry has been much of an issue, except as a matter of propaganda and faith building. Read the very first sentence of our Constitution. “We the… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
1 year ago

“Rule of law” just mean rule by the men who wrote the law. Then the men who interprept and then the men who enforce the law try to bend it to their respective purposes. Trying to evade the fact that men are, are always, and must always be ruled by other men always leads inexorably to the same end that all denials of reality end with. Failure, death, and destruction

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

As Arthur notes, the.frog accepting a slow boiling is a bad metaphor because it is untrue. The frog will jump out of the hot water at some point.

Given that we have so many experiences where people slowly accept what they would immediately reject, you’d think we would have a better metaphor than the inaccurate slowly boiling frog.

Any suggestions?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Being slowly suffocated. As the brain gets less and less oxygen, it goes into a torpor and what is seen as acceptance is more the lack of the ability of the brain to do anything about it.

A real life example would be a jet that loses pressurisation and the pilots don’t act quickly enough. There are enough examples where the planes continued to fly on autopilot till they finally crashed after the fuel was exhausted.

The end result is extinction.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
1 year ago

Kipling’s “The Beginnings” will no doubt be cited in the comments. And, truthfully, I can do no better. The refusal to accept hatred as a motivator is one of the more commendably damnable features of most humans.
I think the inane Sally Field’s comments at some award ceremony need revision: “You hate me. You really, really hate me.”

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
1 year ago

One of the most insidious brainworms of modern times is the phrase “Be Kind”. Translate that in your head as “Bend over and take it” and things become far clearer.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Don’t forget the messages seen on yard signs, “Love is Love,” or “Love Everyone Always.” Usually these come from those universal mega-churches, although I think most churches are getting into this messaging.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

“Kindness Is Everything”

Uh, no, Karen, it really isn’t.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

To quote a recent T-shirt in rejoinder, “‘Hate Has No Home Here’ Has No Home Here”

1 year ago

The judge in this case may be okay or may be a useful idiot. Either way, Lefty made an error in trying to deceive the court. If there’s one thing I’ve observed about judges it’s that they hate being messed with. They think they’re entitled to the highest respect and will fly off the handle is you screw with their court.

Reply to  Gauss
1 year ago

True, but I assume the people doing this have the ability to destroy the judge’s life if she messes up their plan. She is also most likely a regime sympathizer. Possible this could make her sentence Hunter to a trivial amount of time in jail just to send them a message though.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Gauss
1 year ago

Unless Bagels/Bengels is disbarred, they are all on the same side. Once involved in a case where the other side canceled a hearing on a motion set by OUR side without informing anyone. We all show up for court sans the other side, and the judge asks what gives. Clerk tells him the other side called and canceled the hearing. Judge immediately gets other side on the phone and tells him to get his ass to court. Went downhill for him from there. Can’t imagine what would happen to someone who faked being the other side’s attorney and withdrew a… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
1 year ago

“Events that should warrant national coverage go unmentioned, while trivial nonsense gets wall-to-wall coverage…”

Today’s headline news: “It is Hot in Late July: We’re All Gonna Diiieeeeee!!!”

1 year ago

Jessica Bagels?!?!

Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

It’s okay. There’s a LPGA golfer called Brooke Pancake. She was sponsored by Waffle House. I shit you negative. BTW, that’s how much I care about Hunter. Until he’s in irons, I don’t care.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

This feels like Bart Simpson calling down to Moe’s Tavern for prank calls. Loving it!

Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

It’s actually Jessica Bengels but Bagels is great. Mazel Tov to Z or autocorrect.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MikeCLT
1 year ago

Darn, I got scooped! Wonder if autocorrect or a Freudian slip? Funny either way. 🙂

Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

Her real name is Jessica Bengels, but it was a good laugh.

Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

You better site down for this one.

Meet K1ke Ojo-Thompson, a black woman founder of a DEI consulting firm.

Imagine when she meets a bunch of the chosen and tells them her name.

We sometimes discuss the power relations between blacks and the chosen. Blacks are a club that the chosen beat whites with, but the blacks are too dumb to realize this and think that they have real power. Hence, her sh*t test of a first name.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

It’s pronounced “Kee Kay” so no worries.

Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

“Kee Kay,” so obvious from the spelling. Jeebus, these people.

Meanwhile, her leash-holders nudge each other under the table, manfully struggling to keep from bursting out in loud guffaws.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

Nomative determinism is real.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
1 year ago

In short, Caesar.

Reply to  Major Hoople
1 year ago

I assume you’re familiar with Charles Haywood, but for those who aren’t yet:

Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

“But is Caesar, Michael Anton’s Red Caesar, … our equivalent of the Twelver Shia hidden imam, who when everything is at its worst will arrive to set the world aright,”

Ooh. This should be tasty. Snooty literate airs ensue. Eyebrow arched, ready to spring like a panther into sudden action.

(Teasing! This does look yummy.)

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

Or was Obama the Caesar