The Crisis At The Window

For about six months, starting last winter, Western media talked about a Ukrainian counter-offensive that was supposed to change the direction of the war. These stories coincided with stories about the delivery of various types of equipment, along with expert opinions from retired generals. Late in the spring Washington sent reliable toadies over to Kiev to see the plans and then talk to the media about how the Ukrainians were preparing to deal a death blow to Moscow.

As we get into the heart of August and the third month of the offensive, it is clear to most everyone that it has been a disaster. First came the images of Western armored vehicles trapped in minefields. Images of burning tanks were then followed by video of Ukrainian soldiers struggling to escape the same minefields after their armored vehicles were disabled by mines. Then came weeks of reports in the West about revised tactics that achieved nothing along the front.

As things stand, the most enthusiastic Ukraine supporters say that the counter-offensive has managed to capture about ten square miles. In reality, the Ukrainians failed to make it through the security zone of Russian defenses. This is the area in front of the first defensive lines that are used to slow an attack. In the south, Ukraine managed to capture a few abandoned villages, but relentless Russian attacks from artillery and airpower turned those into Ukrainian cemeteries.

At the start of the offensive, independent observers and Russian sources said the Ukrainians had enough resources to continue their offensive into August. At that point they will have exhausted men and material. At that point, they would have no choice but to stop offensive operations and fall back into defensive positions. Otherwise, they would be forced to cannibalize their lines and leave themselves open to Russian attacks in other areas along the line of contact.

That may have been a generous assessment. Over the last couple of weeks Russian forces in the north have steadily pushed the Ukrainians back. Ukraine has just moved their northern headquarters west to get clear of the Russian advance. They have also ordered the evacuation of Kupyansk, an important town located on the bank of the Oskil River in the Kharkiv Oblast. Reports suggest the Ukrainians simply lack the manpower and equipment to defend the area.

Washington is in a panic because they promised everyone that the Ukrainians would easily smash through Russian lines in the south. The plan was to rush through to the Sea of Azov, thus severing the land bridge between Russia and Crimea. Once that happened, attacks would begin on Crimea. The Russian army would either revolt after the humiliation or simply collapse, causing political chao in Moscow. It is hard to believe, but this was the official narrative.

Interestingly, the narrative was not just another pack of lies from the Kagan cult, but an official assessment from the Pentagon. It has been Western military doctrine that the way to defeat the Russians in a land war is with a rapid, concentrated attack on their defensive lines using armor and infantry. Here is a paper on the topic from 2017 and here is a recent video discussing it in connection with this war. This strategy actually goes back to the Cold War days.

The short version is that Russia organized its army around groups of 800 to 1000 men that operate independently within the defensive formation. These units have, tanks armored personnel carriers and artillery. The NATO strategy was to send overwhelming force at these units, forcing them to retreat in order to preserve their equipment. Russia is known for trading land for resources. They did this in the Kharkiv region last year and in the Kherson region last spring.

What Washington did not notice is that the Russians have moved away from the Battalion Tactical Group to more flexible arrangements based on the situation, terrain, and their own resources. In the south when Ukraine launched its main attack, they did not face battalions, but divisions. Further, the Russians had prepared complex defensive positions designed to trap advancing armored columns. In other words, the Russians read that paper and were ready for it.

Another thing Washington did not notice is that the Russian army has changed in other ways since the Cold War. They have a wide range of electronic warfare systems that work well against modern weapons. They also have incorporated drones in massive numbers that are highly effective against Western armor. The internet is full of videos where a Lancet drone takes out a Ukrainian armored vehicle. The Russians have quickly become the masters of drone warfare.

The main reason the Ukrainian offensive is a catastrophe is the side with the trillion-dollar annual budget has not updated their understanding of the Russian army since the last century. They have not bothered to notice what has been happening on the battlefields over the last eighteen months. Instead, the world’s most expensive military has gone along with the crackpot plans of the Kagan cult, either not understanding what is happening or indifferent to the inevitable results.

The Ukraine war is becoming a microcosm of the crisis of competence. It is not just the scarcity of talented people in the ranks. They still exist in sufficient numbers to keep the system operating reasonably well. The issue is the selection pressure at the top is for true believers and sycophants. The only way to get in the room to discuss the Ukraine war is to be fully on board with the dream of destroying Russia or be willing to humiliate yourself by telling these people what they want to hear.

Imagine the tag team of Victoria Nuland and General Milley replicated throughout the managerial system. Nuland is the maniacal imbecile in charge for no other reason than zealotry, while Milley is the oleaginous flunky with the credentials to provide legitimacy to the rantings of Nuland. The competent are driven from the room, leaving this combination to chart public policy. The general decline in competence that is driving demographics, is driven by this combination at the top.

In the movie Braveheart, Longshanks returns from France to confront his son who was charged with putting down the Scottish revolt. His son has his “advisor” with him, who makes the mistake of speaking out of turn. This is what has happened in the West, except Longshanks died of a heart attack and his son is in charge. The advisor now busies himself telling the son what he wants to hear. Meanwhile, outside the castle walls, the kingdom rattles toward collapse.

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11 months ago

Ukraine war ending.

The Ukraine war is ending, you know because UCMJ only happens when the deployments over … 🤣 the Article 15s happen at the end when the cowards have no need of you and wish to assert power. Every time.

Zelensky replacing heads of military recruitment centers over corruption allegations | The Hill

11 months ago

The US Army will use drones to defeat the evil Rooskies BTG

Like Overmatch n stuff.

You have to get around the RU EW but like this drone goes to 11, see most drones stop at 10 but this goes to 11. See.

11 months ago

Was it ever established who blew up the Dam On The River Kwai, no wait, River Dnipro? That seemed an especially showy/pointless crazy stratagem, in an operation that has featured many. If it’s in fact owing to coincidental decrepitude and deferred maintenance, that wouldn’t really serve Ukraine’s case for retaining the eastern lands, would it? I remember when we used to fret about a museum in Baghdad being looted… Good times.

11 months ago

The interesting little tidbit in that 2017 report is the open acknowledgement that Russian equipment was equal to or better than that of the US.
It’s only in the past 18 months that the drunken Russians are fighting naked in the snow with shovels.

Reply to  Bilejones
11 months ago

Once the media gets involved the conversation has to go sub TMZ.

We knew, we the actual military.

The Flag Officers know, but they will say anything. It’s horrifying to watch in person.
Worse are middle aged Colonels talking to a general. Its the human centipede.!

11 months ago

Interesting. I wonder also how much of a free-for-all is happening inside the Hive. In particular in the military. We have a JCOS nominee who is a thin-skinned black supremacist whose primary goal seems to be a massive Great Replacement of whitey in the officer ranks across the Armed Forces. Could he and his cadre of fellow travelers be expending most of their energy on this pet project rather than their primary duties. That this guy proposed reducing and capping white men in the officers ranks to 43% and even got the nomination tells you have patently insane and deranged… Read more »

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

What did he do? Details please.

Reply to  Brandon Laskow
11 months ago

He has been doing the victimization barking for a long time. He openly denigrated the US and went to YT to do a black victim rant in June of 2020. A few days later he was promoted to COS of the entire Air Force. From there he has been hard and heavy on DIE and CRT in the Air Force. He proposed capping white male officers in the force at 43%. He wants the room to look like him … This is a decent synopsis of those goings on. I suspect that in preparation for his nomination hearings, they went… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

Al Sharpton, Jr., as chair of the JCOS? Why, yes. He can keep the seat warm for Admiral Levine. Will Uncle Lloyd get jealous that another vibrant is hoarding the MIC grift? What is a military drive-by called?

Trick* question: which is more lavishly funded yet a complete failure–public schools or the United States military?

*It isn’t an either/or matter.

11 months ago

“A call for peace between Russians and Ukrainians has landed a Ukrainian priest Roman Kurach in hot water. Kurach had to apologize publicly after the local media called it a “massive scandal”.
“During a Sunday prayer the priest asked G-d to bring these great people together: Ukraine and Russia”. Local journalist in Uzhgorod called these words “shoking”.
To put things in perspective: there are no places left in most of Ukrainian cemeteries. Graves of WWI times are being opened to bury soldiers.

11 months ago

“ Ukraine managed to capture a few abandoned villages, but relentless Russian attacks from artillery and airpower turned those into Ukrainian cemeteries.”

The Russians have been doing this the entire time.

Reply to  Vxxc
11 months ago

That poor CAV officer Moore who wrote the 2017 paper on how to defeat the RU BTG. I read it before this nonsense started, I may have posted it… What he actually said was a US BCT could overwhelm a BTG by high OPTEMPO aka Operational Tempo, in which the 4400 US BCT (Brigade Combat Team) vs 1100 RU BTG (Battalion Tactical Group) the USA Brigade could mount a lot of attacks and maneuvers to run the enemy out of gas and bullets and inflict sufficient casualties as to withdraw. Could. Mean. That. It doesn’t have to mean frontal attacks,… Read more »

Reply to  Vxxc
11 months ago

Hanging is too good for them.

Reply to  Vxxc
11 months ago

They tried to make the Russians run out of shells before Ukraine ran out of men.

I see someone in the US Military/Industrial complex was watching Futurama with that strategy:

“You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down.” – Captain Zap Brannigan

Reply to  mmack
11 months ago

Yes but it doesn’t work…

Reply to  Vxxc
11 months ago

Z – BTW we the soldiers knew. This is a Dr Karber at West Point in 2018. He had a lot of time put into Ukraine war 2015-2018, as did “others” We knew, we’re ignored. This means BTW that West Point Lieutenants in 2022 had better info than the White House. Here’s Bartles and Grau “The Russian way of War”. 416 pages but accurate and useful. I was using this ^^ last year to train my soldiers, which has to happen after we get our priority tranny brief etc. We of course are ignored and our flag officers… Read more »

11 months ago

From where I sit, it looks like Russia is doing exactly what it said it was going into Ukraine to do – protect the Russian speaking people of Eastern Ukraine, the ones who were being attacked by the Nuland-Zelensky junta before the SMO. If you took Putin exactly at his word on the announcement of the SMO, you would have expected such a defensive perimeter to be built to protect those regions. Needless to say, we were told not to take him at his word, he really wanted to march on Paris. Well, I don’t see it. Maybe it will… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
11 months ago

Today, nobody in the world has the military/logistical capability to march on Paris, or Moscow, or Beijing. It cannot be done. Which I’m going to say is a good thing.

Anybody who tries to scare people with talk like that is either a liar or a retard

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

A bunch of joggers marched on paris a few weeks ago. They raped and pillaged and murdered a few locals and set up a garrison that demands constant tribute from the labor of the locals.

Sure Beijing and Moscow, no one marches on THEM. A bunch of africans on dinghies march on western capitals whenever the mood strikes.

Reply to  NoOneAtAll
11 months ago

Brilliant post NoOneAtAll. Absolutely brilliant.

Reply to  Mycale
11 months ago

Agreed, but as mentioned—the war drags out, lives are lost. As the extension of the war becomes meaningless in term of desired goals, then the loss of life becomes meaningless and therefore greatly unjustifiable. Meaningless even. This constitutes a grave moral error on the part of Putin and Russia. (I know. As a citizen of the GAE I should keep my mouth shut.)

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The aim is de-Nazification and to do that lives will have to be taken. It’s a laudable aim, I think. Besides that the Ukrainian people have shown no ability to be decent, productive members of humanity so we’re well rid of them.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The thing is, a defensive line is, by definition, defensive. The “counteroffensive” was always stupid, from day one. After Mariupol, it would have been reasonable for Ukraine to come to the bargaining table as the loser in this conflict. What is definitely not reasonable is to send the last remnants of your fighting force and a lot of fancy military equipment into open fields full of landmines without air support. Yet that is just what NATO/Zelensky decided to do. This “counteroffensive” was stupid, destructive, and totally unnecessary, with the results being completely predictable. It’s so bad that the only logical… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
11 months ago

“Zelensky, for whatever reason (ha!) wanted those Ukrainian men of fighting age to get slaughtered.”

Zelensky being neither Ukranian, a man, nor of fighting age… what’s it to him?

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Reply to  Mycale
11 months ago

Yes, stupid, unnecessary and unnecessary from a realistic point of view. However, from the point of view of those who are benefitting financially from prolonged combat, it was positively brilliant! By which I mean the American arms producers like Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics, et al., the politicians who take tons of campaign donations from such entities and in whose districts production facilities are located, the politicians and other grifters on both sides of the Atlantic who have their fingers tightly wrapped around the piles of cash that we have been sending and, certainly not least, our current president, whose support… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Compsci – lives are lost the instant wars begin, as far as goals?
1. The main goal of Russia is survival.
2. Our unstated goals of Empire and Grift remain.
3. As far as moral failings because lives are being lost…
… that’s not mature or masculine, or realistic.
4. There’s absolutely no doubt there’s sadness in war. Changes nothing.

Reply to  Mycale
11 months ago

As Putin has repeatedly pointed out, Russia is an enormous country stretching across 12 time zones with a relatively small population..It doesn’t need more territory (and probably couldn’t hold it if it had it)…

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
11 months ago

The Ukranians are on the offensive. They have not mounted a counteroffensive. Ukraine has counterattacked a couple of times during this war. Russian offensive operations ceased last year. If they were to launch a broad counterattack right now, and were this to be sustained, this would represent a counteroffensive. Counteroffensive is used by the ignorant because they are ignorant. It is used by others to maintain the moral narrative Jews want to frame this conflict. Supposed professionals in the West say “counteroffensive” because they are in reality compromised amateurs on the take. All of this amounts to a Stalinist problem… Read more »

11 months ago

Ho Chi Minh about Western leaders during the Vietnam war:

“They are an impatient lot”, he said, “they paint the world as they would like to see it and insist that it is true. But they never have the patience or fortitude to ever actually see it through. They hide from their own shadows and possess no end-game besides fostering their own illusions. Victory, therefore, shall be ours.”

These were the relatively good ones. For Nuland and company, multiply this for 1000.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  imnobody00
11 months ago

It’s questionable if the GAE has ever had the staying power for a tough war longer than 3 or 4 years. The popular history narrative is good at memoryholing how much war weariness and discontent there was in 1864, and 1945, and 1952. Sure it can maintain an occupation in a place like Afghanistan, where for long stretches there are no casualties, then one day a couple of Americans die, everyone throws up their hands and says “What are we still doing there?,” but a couple of days later it is forgotten and they are on to the next thing.… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

The problem may be that you happily go to war because you know that it won’t affect your territory. You are safe in your own continent. It is not like Germany or Russia going to war. They know that the war can extend to its own territory. So Americans see wars as: “other people suffer (and we are very sorry, really) and we, democracy and justice (choose what you want) win”. Look how good we are! When Americans start suffering (although 0.1% of what other people suffer), they start wondering if this war is worthwhile. So they withdraw, leaving a… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
11 months ago

Great quote. I’d never thought of Tom and Daisy as being emblematic of the GAE, but now that I think about it…

Reply to  imnobody00
11 months ago

Americans stayed on their own continent for 128 years until 1917. Progressives see war as a lark, Americans very skeptical.

Reply to  Vxxc
11 months ago

Remember the Maine?
Ask a Philippine.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

The last American Army to fight directly on the behalf of American citizens was commanded by Robert E. Lee.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Yep..the Lincoln forces had to steal the 1864 election to avoid peace with the South..The public had seen enough….

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

The War For Independence contradicts this statement. That was a remarkable show of grit, and incredible fortitude facing seemingly impossible odds for 7+ years of conflict. The descendents of the people who pulled that off are still here. They’ve been dispossessed, and conquered in stealth. The conquerors were very clever, however that conquering ethos has no honor warrior ethos to fall back upon. In fact, it borrows it from the warrior class of those they conquered. Who will fight for them now that they have taken off the mask? Will they conscript their own children and the helots they’ve have… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  PrayingForTidalwaves
11 months ago

The War for Independence also benefitted from considerable French assistance. Without that assistance, Great Britain would have maintained its colonies.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Don’t forget in 1864/1945 and 1952(?) you had conscripted armies. They learned their lesson with Viet Nam.

1. Use volunteers only.
2. Control the media presence and the message.

Hence 20 years in Afghanistan and wondrous profit for the right people.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

Recent “news” about poor Russia’s plight:

They are (again) so desperate for tanks that they are using decades-old mothballed units.

Putin is begging North Korea to supply weapons.

He’s demoralized because the Russkies lost a recent tank battle.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

/sarc. I assjme

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
11 months ago

Your NPR addiction is showing.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

What’s stunning is that the neocons still consider the whole Ukrainian affair to be a success. In their minds (again, in their minds): 1. They’re draining the Russian military 2. Russia has been cut off from Europe 3. Europe is more tied to the US than ever 4. Europe is buying huge amounts of LNG and weapons from the US 5. NATO has expanded to Sweden and Finland – right on Russia’s border 6. Even Switzerland has come to our side financially 7. U.S. military spending will increase and not come down for a decade at least This is their… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

See the quote in my comment above

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Russia is much stronger than when the war started, and is using weapons that didn’t exist 18 months ago, in the words of Col. MacGregor…It takes some serious delusions to think otherwise…

Reply to  pyrrhus
11 months ago

At the end of the day Russia has an economy focused on industrial production, the US has an economy focused on purple haired tatted dykes wit a face full of fishing tackle selling blue check marks.

11 months ago

military isn’t the only place that all control and decency have broken down, long go .
If you have ever seen the horrific pain SIDS inflicts on a family, you will want the poeple wh did this fed to wild dogs. but it went unchallenged

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

One of the outgrowths of GAE “invincibility” post ’91 Gulf War has been the GAE announcing, very publicly, most or all of its military intentions, prior to initiating them. Since it chose goatherders for opposition there was never any penalty for this. This habit appears to have persisted into the Ukraine war, and apparently the GAE equated the Russians with the goatherders, even after 18 months of evidence to the contrary. For pretty much everything about the “offensive” was announced publicly ahead of time. One wonders if even now the GAE still equates the Russians with the goatherders.

11 months ago

As things stand, the most enthusiastic Ukraine supporters say that the counter-offensive has managed to capture about ten square miles. I hate reducing things to pop culture references, but I keep thinking of this scene in Blackadder Goes Forth after reading that sentence: In reality, the Ukrainians failed to make it through the security zone of Russian defenses. This is the area in front of the first defensive lines that are used to slow an attack. What Washington did not notice is that the Russians have moved away from the Battalion Tactical Group to more flexible arrangements based on… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  mmack
11 months ago

There’s a larger point in that metaphor in that totalitarian regimes brook no dissent. GAE keeps doing the same thing, even though it’s not working, for the same reason Japan and Germany kept doing the same thing, even though it wasn’t working: anyone who would suggest differently would be sent off to the camps.
(And, so far as China goes, don’t kid yourself, their military is full of unimaginative yes-men as well, with their one advantage maybe being that they are slightly less incompetent).

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
11 months ago

How do you know that about the Chinese military? There’s really only one way to find out for sure. Personally-speaking, I’d just as soon not go there.

Given the general wrongness of the collective West’s judgement and worldview, I’d be very cautious about dismissing them.

Reply to  Zaphod
11 months ago

I don’t think any sane person wants to go there, at least while other means of thwarting Chinese expansionism exist, but I’d be wary of *over-estimating* ChiCom military competence, given their reverence for Sun “all warfare is based on deception” Tzu, and the extent to which modern China is riddled with literal and figurative Potemkin villages.

William T Quick
Reply to  mmack
11 months ago

“…time to pivot to War With China anyway…”

And if you think Ukraine is bad, wait until we lose two, or three or four carriers in an effort to “win” that war with equally outdated weaponry, strategy, and tactics. And it will be that much worse because most of the American ignorati will have had no clue that such a thing was even conceivable.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  mmack
11 months ago

pivot to China…… hmmm…. what happens when the GAE calls off the war in Ukraine, but it doesn’t end?

11 months ago

Lies. All lies. A couple more from the forebears of the Nuland cultists: “Germany hated the Slavics, saw them as untermenschen.” No. Germany and Uncle Dolphie were trying to save their Euro-Slavic brethren from the mongrelization being pushed by the Bolshies. Rather than black men/white women, the untermenschen were South Asian Turkic, Mongol, and gypsy. They, as does everyone, wanted spawn by white Russian women. “Germany scorned Christianity and was into the occult.” No. Germany officially embraced saving Christianity as the Third Holy Roman Empire, having seen the doom of “Christ’s Vicar on Earth”, the Tsar and the Orthodox. The… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

Hilariously bad reading of German views regarding Russians and Poles.

The Germans were not trying to save the Poles or Russians…

Reply to  Lemberg
11 months ago

It was the OFFICIAL STATE POLICY of the NSDAP goverment, publicized in book form, that they SAVE THE SLAVIC RACE.

The creatures erase and rewrite history, always have. Why should we believe whatever slants they have told us? Why?

Reply to  Lemberg
11 months ago

It was the OFFICIAL STATED POLICY of the NSDAP goverment, publicized in book form, that they SAVE THE SLAVIC RACE.

The creatures erase and rewrite history, always have. Why should we believe whatever slants they have told us? Why?

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

“Germany Must Perish!”, the book, is well documented.

Find me its equivalent in German, that the Slavs must perish or be enslaved, prior to 1945 and the Great Revision.

11 months ago

According to Col Douglas MacGregor, U.S. Army, Ret. Ukraine is pretty near the end. The best estimates he’s getting are that – thus far – Ukraine has sustained about 300,000 to 350,000 KIA. If you use the general rule of thumb that for every man killed you get 3 wounded, then that puts Ukie casualties somewhere around 1,050,000. He says the West has trained Ukraine basically to refight World War II with the “combined arms” approach & that ship – according to Col MacGregor – has sailed. The drone factor weighs very heavily; nothing the Ukies do goes unobserved. The… Read more »

Reply to  Boarwild
11 months ago

Both you and our esteemed blog host and MacGregor must be right. Nothing else explains the current state of affairs. As you note, there will be no surprises on the battlefield because of drones and satellites. Someone, somewhere in our militaries – HAD to have seen the Russian build up of defences. They HAD to know the Uke attacks would be costly and fatal… and they did it anyways, knowing full well what would happen. I dunno if mere incompetence explains it, almost. Murder on that scale almost has to be premeditated, maybe?

Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago
Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago

“Murder on that scale almost has to be premeditated, maybe?” Filthie, I don’t mean to be a school marm & a nag [nor a jackass], but for the sake of GOD ALMIGHTY if we are going to win any hearts & minds & souls in this psychological meta-war, then we simply have to ditch these wimpy squishy linquini-spined passive questioning tones of voice, and move instead into active & aggressive & masculine & testosterone-driven linguistic expository styles of Truthspeak. “Murder on that scale is necessarily premeditated, and the premeditators are sadistic psychopaths which experience literal ackshual licentious & lascivious thrills… Read more »

pgt beauregard
pgt beauregard
Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago

If you believe that your ancestors were unjustly sent to the concentration camps and their dachahs in Odessa wrongfully pilfered by the locals, sure, a war where a million of them are killed is no problem whatsoever.

Reply to  Boarwild
11 months ago

I’ve been getting the sneaking suspicion that part of this crap in the Ukraine has been having the added benefit of giving the evil ones a glimpse/blueprint for what will need to be done when the festivities kick off here.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Steve
11 months ago

I don’t think Ukraine is really their template for that. Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, UK, Italy, these have been the recent test runs for the new totalitarianism.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Maybe you might want to look a little closer to home , American.

11 months ago

I think that as long as there are thousands of Slavic men dying on the battlefield every month, Ukrainian and Russian, the Kagan cult is happy. Internally, Washington considers this a huge success.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hun
11 months ago


Eliminating all people of European heritage is the real goal.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

I still don’t understand why. Pure raging hate is the only explanation that makes sense to me. Is that really it?

Reply to  Hun
11 months ago

Hun: “Is that really it?” As per my remarks to Filthie above… YES, THAT’S REALLY IT!!!!! ========== “Well, there is no famine.” – Meir Henoch Wallach Finklestein nom de guerre, “Maxim Litvinov” Gareth Jones’s Diary March, 1933 PS: Were none of you forced to stage productions of “Fiddler on the Roof” when you were kids?!?!? Watching “Fiddler on the Roof”, and being brutally honest with yourself as to what it is that you’re watching, is all you need to do in order to understand the last five thousand years of human history. WATCH FIDDLER ON THE ROOF!!!!! BONUS PRO-TIP:… Read more »

Reply to  Hun
11 months ago

They are evil. I do not know how many saw the news a couple weeks ago when some dumb jogger named Young Thug had a warrant served. The cops interrupted a goat sacrificing ritual. This jogger didn’t come up with this himself. They become famous by adhering to the religion of the TPTB and showing obeisance (e.g. one eye sign, serpent imagery, butterflies). Literally, they are Satanists.

11 months ago

At the end of this war Ukraine won’t exist in any meaningful sense of the term. It’s already vanishing. The population of Ukraine was a little over 50MM when the Soviet Union collapsed. Last month I saw an estimate of approximately 28MM. The young women have decamped to the West as “refugees” and have no intent to return. The young men are dead. From a human perspective, Ukraine has no future. Regarding land, Russia will take anything they want East of the Dnieper. Poland has announced a joint border protection force to “protect” the areas near the border with Poland,… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Guest
11 months ago

To echo a former prez: “Mission accomplished”.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Guest
11 months ago

The Poles are dumb because they don’t seem to realize Ukes are getting the white glove treatment from Russia, who sees them as a brother people.

No such courtesy will be extended to the Poles.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

Or to Americans if we are so stupid as to become directly involved.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

That’s an important point often glossed over.

11 months ago

More disgusting than the Kagan cult are the Ukrainian generals. These oily forms of human diarrhea know they are sending men to die for nothing. What they should do is surround the Presidents Palace, arrest the war criminals running this fiasco, and allow the public to watch them go purple on the rope.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  NateG
11 months ago

My hunch is that the Uke generals and colonels are fine with the present state of affairs because they are making bank on it.

I’d expect no less from a country so vacant that it’s considering adding US Thanksgiving to its official holiday calendar.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

TWGH: “My hunch is that the Uke generals and colonels are fine with the present state of affairs because they are making bank on it.”

Or else they’re crypto-Khazarians themselves.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

Thanksgiving is probably our best holiday. I can understand if other people want to join in.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  NateG
11 months ago

It is probably difficult to do what is morally correct, especially when it would likely put your Western bank balance and passport in jeapordy, to say nothing of your life.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
11 months ago

“the Russians have moved away from the Battalion Tactical Group to more flexible arrangements based on the situation, terrain, and their own resources.” — Imagine the vast labyrinth of Washington D.C. ever allowing this strategy. The American Soviet is out sovieting the old soviets. Amazing how wars are won when men at the sergeant and sergeant major levels are allowed to react to the situations in front of them.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  JR Wirth
11 months ago

Divisions are expensive. Organizing around brigades is much cheaper, battalions even more so. I don’t think corps exist even on paper. They told themselves what they wanted to hear.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  JR Wirth
11 months ago

How true. I read an article from a retired British general years ago. He pointed out that the D-Day landings were successful at the end of the day because about four junior officers and several sergeants disobeyed orders and took matters into their own hands.

After doing so their field commanders saw the truth in what they were doing and had the confidence to back them up. I doubt we would have any possibility of things going that way today.

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

It’s also been pointed out by historians in more recent years that, contrary to the unimaginative blockhead kraut stereotype, the Germans generally had much, much better NCOs and better unit cohesion than the Allies, at least until their manpower losses really started to catch up to them as the war neared its end.

Diversity Heretic
11 months ago

Good post by the Z-man but I’m not certain what “cannibalizing their lines” means. Perhaps, “withdrawals to shorter lines and more defensible positions?” A blogger named Big Serge noted early this year that the Russians had had difficulty with their battalion tactical groups (insufficient infantry) and were reorganizing into divisions. I think sometimes our politicians would get more accurate information from Gary Brecher, War Nerd than from the bureaucracy in the Pentagon.

Gary Brecher
Gary Brecher
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
11 months ago

War Nerd is a twat.

11 months ago

Posts like these almost make me mad because they’re so darn good. It means I need to pry open my wallet and look into the subscribe star thing.

The Russians earned quickly that the nature of warfare had changed (yet again) and they adjusted to it. I don’t get the sense the Pentagon even has a preliminary glimmer that things have changed and that their playbook is 50 years old

Reply to  Robert
11 months ago

Posts like these almost make me mad because they’re so darn good. It means I need to pry open my wallet and look into the subscribe star thing.

Help Z buy those 40 acres in Montana. 👍

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  mmack
11 months ago


Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Robert
11 months ago

Here is my favorite part of Z-man’s post: “The only way to get in the room to discuss the Ukraine war is to be fully on board with the dream of destroying Russia or be willing to humiliate yourself by telling these people what they want to hear.”

If someone said “Let’s negotiate a peace”, they would be howled down as a hater.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Robert
11 months ago

The Russians are so shatp on the matter of war they realized the two US invasions of Iraq were anomalies, and that no significant warfighting lessons could be learned from them.

Reply to  Robert
11 months ago

Give the man his tenner a month. It buys less hookers and blow than it used to anyway.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
11 months ago

“The only way to get in the room to discuss the Ukraine war is to be fully on board with the dream of destroying Russia or be willing to humiliate yourself by telling these people what they want to hear.” That’s really it, and ties into your recent musings on meritocracy or the lack thereof. Milley’s chest is festooned with ribbons and awards awarded for being a desk jockey who presided over military humiliation after humiliation. He will suffer no consequences when Ukraine goes tits up. Nuland is a straight up psychopathic war criminal. She also will suffer no consequences… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Regarding such accumulations of great fortunes is a quote from Balzac.

Usually one sees a shorter, and less accurate version of his quote; this full original and its translation amends that shortcoming. It also reveals the rationale for all of the obfuscation about the deeper truths and the extreme machinations to assure that they remain obscured.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

The main reason the Ukrainian offensive is a catastrophe is the side with the trillion-dollar annual budget has not updated their understanding of the Russian army since the last century. It really is strange how out of touch they’ve been, isn’t it? I have a personal anecdote in this regard. I’m not a particularly devoted follower of military hardware news, but I remember reading the Popular Science article way back in 2004 about Russia’s supercavitating torpedoes. I remember thinking right away, “the West has no answer for this,” and then in the timespan of about one breath, I realized that… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

“America will never again wage, or be capable of waging, war against a peer adversary. We have become an unserious nation, obsessed with domestic affairs and fantasies.” I have thought the same, and view the inability to wage war as a good thing. The United States is just as incompetent doing so by proxy. Again, a good thing. Long term, though, the graft and corruption and incompetence will swallow alive those of us who had no hand in the madness. Those Ukrainians fleeing the devastation of war are harbingers of things to come here, whether due to kinetic action or… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Agree. The problem is GAE still believes itself capable of waging war. To everyone’s destruction.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

With respect to its primary purpose, the Tom Clancy stuff was Grade A agitprop. Got a whole generation or two of grillers believing in the myth of the selfless patriotic CIA analyst working to save the country from the forces of evil, while simultaneously out in the real world the same CIA was taking over everything, and by the time much of anybody began to wake up to what had actually happened it was a fait accompli. Of course the dialogue and characters were laughably cartoonish, but kind of like Garth Brooks to country music, you don’t generate massive household… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Excellent point. Who needs Operation Mockingbird when there is an audience for stupid Clancey fantasies?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
11 months ago

Clancy probably was part of Mockingbird is what I was really getting at

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

I read the same article(s) back in the early ought’s, and came to similar conclusions.
Not long ago, I pointed out to a “‘Murica! Redneck” in a rural Florida roadhouse: “Consider, bro, that we haven’t been in a fight with anybody in our weight class in a long, long time. Tell me again – when’s the last time we got into the ring with WhiteMen?”

george 1
george 1
11 months ago

It has truly been astonishing to watch the Ukrainian Army fling themselves at a brick wall at 90 miles per hour, crash and burn and just keep doing it over and over. The Russians must be quite perplexed but are not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. The West makes much of the lack of air power for Ukraine as the main problem. However remember that the Ukrainians were assured that the lack of air power was not a problem. Boris Johnson and a bunch of generals told them so. They were told that with U.S./NATO equipment… Read more »

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

The people that rule over us are not good at noticing. The war in Russia was always crazy because they acted like Russia with filled with a bunch of retarded drunks and not a country that has produced some of the top chess players and mathematicians in the world. These people can think two steps, or 20, ahead, they can strategize. It’s crazy that that western ‘leaders’ are so blind

Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

WE (as a people) are the ones not good at noticing or we might have noticed the peculiar last names of the people that have siezed power and used it to lead us to humiliating disaster after disaster.

Reply to  NoOneAtAll
11 months ago

I disagree. I’m early gen x like z-man and I was raised to have a great admiration and respect bordering on reverence for the small hats. It takes a lot of noticing to overcome relentless childhood programming

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

Same here. My mom was a Judeophile. Dad certainly was not, but he basically buttoned his lip on that subject.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

It sure does. Most of the people I know are in denial. I can show them a personnel chart of the top government positions, a personnel chart of the top financial institutions and a personnel chart of the top corporate leaders.

I can point out that most of them are dual citizens but not dual loyalty. They just don’t want to accept the truth.

Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

I’m only a couple years younger than you guys and feel the same way. Twenty years ago I sat in a room in Chuck Hagel’s office suite and listened to him speak pointedly about the Israeli influence on Washington. I walked out of that room fuming at what I’d heard and his alleged treachery at saying those things.

If that happened today I’d at least nod along, and possibly ask why he doesn’t say those things publicly?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

“It has truly been astonishing to watch the Ukrainian Army fling themselves at a brick wall at 90 miles per hour, crash and burn and just keep doing it over and over.”

There is hatred for Russia in the Ukraine. The Holodomor has not been forgotten. (Never mind that Stalin was Georgian, not Russian. Khrushchev, who orchestrated much misery in the Ukraine, however, was.)

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

All true but the Holodomor killed a lot of Russians as well. Old Uncle Joe was a very evil man.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

True enough. But when the people doing it to you–Russians–are seen as quasi-foreigners, the hatred is redoubled. Russians don’t hate Russians, but a great many Ukrainians do and have for a long time. Same goes for the Warsaw Pact peoples.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

One must remember that Ukraine was a stronghold of resistance against the Bolshevik revolution. People who would slaughter the Czar, his family, and his ministers would not hesitate to do likewise to the Ukrainians who fought against them so hard and for so long. The hate was only stoked by whatever was done during the Holodomor; yet it should also be recalled that the communists’ disregard and hatred was not limited to the Ukrainians.

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

“It has truly been astonishing to watch the Ukrainian Army fling themselves at a brick wall at 90 miles per hour, crash and burn and just keep doing it over and over. ”

The were doing what they were told by America’s Best and Brightest.

11 months ago

I’m hoping for collapse. Rght now in the west, you can kill white people with impunity. We are not allowed free association so we can’t tribe up at all but if this war brings the West to its knees all that changes. I think that is our best hope for survival. Though I don’t expect that to be pleasant for me personally.

Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

They just killed a 75 year old man in Utah. Yes he was making some indirect but obvious threats. But since they had him under surveillance up to and including in the church he attended they could have arrested him anywhere at pretty much any time. Instead they used a vehicle mounted battering ram to knock down his door at 6AM and then shot him dead. It reminds me of that scene from “The Great Escape” at the end where the camp commandant informs the remaining prison leadership that all the prisoners were shot and killed while trying to escape.… Read more »

Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
11 months ago

300lbs, walked with cane and took care of his adult disabled son. They killed him because they wanted too.

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

He was 75, 5’4″ and weighed 300 pounds. He walked with a cane and couldn’t get out of bed without help. He was murdered because he could be. Got to teach those dirt’s a lesson about “free speech” without permission. Think of how different the next attempted murder might go if the 75 year old decides to actually arm up and take some with him when he goes. Hell, I’d rather go down fighting at 75 than wheezing away in a home being looked after by the vibrants.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
11 months ago

Civilian murders foreign and domestic also are a trademark of the GAE and nothing new. From what I have read this is just one of many recent civilian murders and civil rights outrages. Putting 80 year old political prisoners in leg irons is a hallmark of sociopaths and psychopaths; these atrocities are to instill terror and to facilitate the myth that Biden and other “elected” puppets actually matter in an increasingly totalitarian shithole of a country. It was stupid of the guy on several levels to threaten public officials, not the least of which is that The Help are powerless… Read more »

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

They love to kill dogs as well. Two videos this past week show one thug shooting a Golden Retriever as it was running forward, tail wagging, to greet and play with the cop. The cop shot the dog and then when the dog attempted to run away he shot it again in the back. The cop claimed that the dog ” charged him.” A Golden Retriever. The other instance showed the cop shooting a barking Pomeranian or something close. He missed the dog and shot a woman in the leg. He then can be heard to say: “I didn’t shoot… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

Someday soon, one of these incidents is going to precipitate an American Arab Spring. It will be a little thing, just a routine day for the cops, but the people will have had enough.

It’s unusual when the DR and BLM agree on anything, but “defund the police” is one of those times.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

II don’t know how routine the day would be. I fear a day is coming when lawmen be well advised to keep in mind the suggestion of the just-wants-to-be-left-alone protagonist in Springsteen’s haunting “State Trooper”:

“Maybe you got a kid, maybe you got a pretty wife.”

Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

Here’s the problem (as I see it). The GAE seems to have no consequences and therefore no incentive to learn nor improve. As with Covid, the same lackies—or their ilk—remain in power, right or wrong. There will be no firing of the generals, nor NeoCons like Nuland. No house cleaning. This is the first step to meaningful *change*.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Yes. That’s why I am team collapse. It kinda forces the issue

Reply to  Whitney
11 months ago

sad to say you are right, white tribal identity can’t form under current rule.

sometimes i think usa will become to whites what roman empire represents to j**s, a symbol of evil, “that empire that enslaved us and made us hate ourselves”. At the end of roman empire people hated j**s cause they killed Christ(the old ultimate sin), now people hate whites cause they’re racist(the new ultimate sin).

Reply to  sentry
11 months ago

Enslaved them? The royal house of Israel was the third richest family in the known world.

Who do you think ran the slave markets? Their labor contracting overtook the Roman economy.

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

p.s.- please tell me about their “enslavement” in New Babylon. Were they building pyramids for their grain along with the other citizens in the off season?

No. They betrayed and sold the ten Aryan tribes, making them rich enough to move to the capital and open up loan-sharking, err, banking houses and a mercantile quarter with slave auctions.
The same as with Egypt and the Viking economies.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
11 months ago

The military is a “team sport”. People succeeding in this environment are generally consensus-seekers. Mavericks rarely make it to the general-officer level (just like the movie). We have a preponderance of skeptics and dissidents here at the Z-Blog (obviously), so it’s often hard for us to understand the “selection pressure” for consensus in the military. This is why we’re never getting any pushback from the military leaders in this Raytheon/Beltway Bandit era. These guys, team players by nature, are never jeopardizing lucrative post-retirement gigs by ticking off powerful politicians. Every so often, a guy like McChrystal pushes back and gets… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

> Every so often, a guy like McChrystal pushes back and gets crushed. Others take notice and play ball.

Remember the right slobbering over “Mad Dog” Mattis? What a crock that guy was.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

Another great Trump selection. Mattis: Known for his whining when he didn’t get his way and the father of women in combat roles.

Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

Amen to that!!! If you’re a bit of a free thinker, you can be seen as a danger to the program, the farther up you get. For the more senior field grades, who spend most of their later career in staff jobs, one lives and dies in actions around the commander’s conference room table. Unless you’re terribly competent interpersonally, the sort who bucks the currently accepted paradigm is often taken out, or maneuvered into irrelevance (assignment-wise), then retired. But, they can still maneuver themselves into a moderately cushy contractor gig …. As for McChrystal …. he may have stepped outside… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

Sorry, but firing McChrystal was one of the best things Obama did. Like many in our spoiled, entitled military, he forgot who signs his paychecks: the civilian taxpayers.

Not only that, but he was a big proponent of the disastrous “Surge” strategy in Afghanistan. Obama should have listened to Holbrooke instead of the generals.

Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

Captain Willard: “selection pressure” The selection pressure has been so severe for the last couple of decades that the personalities now being selected for are very difficult for us normies to imagine, a priori, without, as of yet, having had any personal experience interacting with the personalities. Point being that, at least early on, when the gloves come off, we won’t have a strong sense of the psychological pathologies we will be dealing with. And those pathologies will be cold, brutal and vicious. [Until we finally begin to seize the upper hand, at which point the pathological personalities will go… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
11 months ago

I remember back in the early 90’s before the Clintonistas deactivated my unit, was right around the time of killings in Waco. That was when the pentagon began to circulate the questionnaire to the top brass/senior enlisted people in military units with the question being, “If given the order, would you fire on American citizens?” I remember our CSM and 1st Sgt. stating that this cannot be answered without placing the question in context. Everyone who answered “No” was given their walking papers, I cannot recall any of the senior people saying “Yes” but a few probably did. It was… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
11 months ago

RE: the loathsome L Graham and his recent tete a tete with Zelensky wherein he made the imbecilic statement: “best money we ever spent”. Wonder if he still stands by that?

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
11 months ago

Of course he does those guys in the managerial class are never wrong, never apologize, I never surrender.

Reply to  Hoagie
11 months ago

If only we had the Japanese tradition of hurling oneself out a tall window if shame and failure is brought to one’s organization. The Imperial Capital would have to purchase meat wagons and shovels in bulk.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  KGB
11 months ago

Nah, easy suicide is for persons of “low” station. Seppuku was for the big boys and everyone in the management class thinks they’re badass.

Reply to  Forever Templar
11 months ago

Yet I can’t see any of these badasses having the, well, guts to watch themselves bleed out.

Reply to  KGB
11 months ago

If there were this much “honor” left in this culture, we’d not be in our current predicament. Just another result of DIE.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
11 months ago

Absolutely that degenerate m****r f****r would. After all… it wasn’t HIS money… its yours and mine.

My Comment
My Comment
11 months ago

The collapse of the Ukraine narratives du jour won’t have a consequence in America. Both parties in the US will support the next war and voting doesn’t matter at the federal level. In Europe things may be different though. A collapse in Ukraine won’t help with war or upgrades to the economic warfare with China. As much as the women want war, European economies are tied tight with China. Will be interesting to see if women’s desire for war overrides the economic necessarity of trade with China. Young Taiwanese want to be the new Ukraine. They still think Ukraine is… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  My Comment
11 months ago

You have put your finger on something here, which will be how the domestic and foreign reactions to the pending Ukraine humiliation will diverge dramatically. Domestically little will change as long as the checks can be kited. In Europe and East Asia, though, the pending demise of the GAE will be patently obvious, and courses will be changed. The United States’ descent into totalitarianism has made plain its days are numbered because it does not act like a competent empire. This is truly a hinge point now and Europe and East Asia apprehend it even if TPTB here do not.

My Comment
My Comment
Reply to  Jack Dodson
11 months ago

“United States’ descent into totalitarianism” I imagine some of the Eastern Asian ruling class gets what is going on in America but America still owns the brands of democracy and free press here. That seems to have changed in China and Singapore but not in Taiwan or Thailand (where I live now). The US has been pushing a cplor revolution in Thailand and is making headway. The US wants to do away with the monarchy and military and get Thailand to distance from China. The top vote getter in the last election received a lot of money from USA ngos… Read more »

11 months ago

Just weeks after freezing bank accounts from the Freedom Convoy, invoking the highest dictatorial power in the land to clear out the protestors, and dropping COVID vaccine restrictions, that narrative dropped and we were demanded to have undying loyalty to Ukraine, for “Freedom”.

Loyalty is earned, not given. I still spit on Ukraine as well as every member of the corrupt (and evil) cult running this war and our countries.

I would like to see Ukraine steamrolled by Russia, not because I particularly care about Russia or Ukraine, but because I want “our” “elites” to suffer another humiliating failure.

Reply to  B125
11 months ago

As mentioned, the clock is ticking. Still have not heard a good excuse as to why Putin has not pressed hard on the gas to put an end to this war. Seems draining NATO of resources is not beneficial if after this war, NATO simply learns and restocks for the new paradigm in the field.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

> Seems draining NATO of resources is not beneficial if after this war, NATO simply learns and restocks for the new paradigm in the field.

Who is going to restock? Europe is rapidly deindustrializing and the United States military is awash in graft and corruption. The only NAO country truly serious about it military is Poland, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they gambit to take a piece of Ukraine by the time this is over.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

They will restock and increase their pitiful military spending. They of course have the industry. Germany is an export economy and was heretofore one of the big three. It’s a matter of *will* not ability. A weakened USA can only strengthen their incentive to move to some sort of self-sufficiency wrt a separate military aside from the USA.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

I’m with you on this one, Compy. I was patient with the SMO for about the first 18 months. I do recognize that Putin has a complicated geopolitical game to play, that he wants to avoid unnecessary escalation and cement partnerships around the world, and that there are legitimate reasons for treading carefully in Ukraine. However, times change, and war and politics must change with the times. What was a good strategy yesterday may not be such a good strategy today. I think the time for patience is over. A good show of strength from the Kremlin would probably be… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

I can concede that if I were Putin, I’d not trade one Russian life for a 1000 Uke’s lives. However, as you are getting at, this hesitation is costing waay more life—perhaps on both sides—than decisive action taken to end this war. There lies the moral (?) conundrum at this point.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Totally agree on this. It’s understandable that Putin was trying to prevent harm to civilians and he really went out of his way in this regard. However, not making the destruction of infrastructure and communications in Kiev an early priority may have caused this to drag on longer than necessary. In other words, by immediately destroying the population’s morale and will probably would have ultimately saved lives. Of course the ultimate problem for Ukraine (and Putin) is Ukrainian nationalism. Who knows what Putin’s internal rivals counsel.

William T Quick
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
11 months ago

Macgregor has started openly worrying, in the past couple of days, that Putin’s “measured approach” may be sending the wrong signals to the West, and they are reading it as weakness, not restraint.

Which could result in the GAE doing something really rash in Europe. Like seeding Polish formations with standing U.S. military formations, and sending the package into western Ukraine.

At which point Putin would really have to pull the trigger, or watch his own government fall.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

The Russian Army is still not that large even after the latest mobilization. It has only been in the last several months that the Russians have close to the same number of troops as the Ukraine forces. Russia has to maintain a reserve in case of a NATO attack.

The Russians are however making great advances. By next year they will have a reserve and about one million men to commit to Ukraine.

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

More importantly, they will have a notch under their belt wrt military prowess. Perhaps Russians are different, but such actions have always rebounded to the GAE benefit—at least in the short term. When Reagan went into Grenada, the MSM rejoiced in the headline, “America is Back”, then we went on a 20 year ass kicking spree.

William T Quick
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

A spree of kicking camel jockeys, goat herders, various sand people, and other victims not remotely in our weight class.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Yes, but those were top tier camel jockeys, goat herders and sand people.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  B125
11 months ago

This is the only way, the only thing they understand. Even so, it will take mane, many more humiliations before any critical thinkingmight begin.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
11 months ago

Humiliation rolls off the backs of neocons like water on a duck.

Reply to  B125
11 months ago



Reply to  B125
11 months ago


The US:

“No better enemy, no worse friend.”

joey jünger
joey jünger
11 months ago

Every time I see Milley, I think of the problem they have at Basic Training brigades when kids graduate. Not satisfied with their “Global War on Terror Badge” (we called it the “pulse and respiration ribbon,” since you get it no matter what) they go to the PX and load up on awards. Pretty soon you have platoons full of young men walking around with their families showing off the “fruit salad” on their breasts. It’s all fun and games until someone asks them how they served in the Kosovar Campaign before they were born, or Vietnam twenty-five years before… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  joey jünger
11 months ago

ZMan ref to Braveheart movie reminded me of the defenestration scene.
The queue is long for those military ‘experts’ who merit that same fate.

Reply to  joey jünger
11 months ago

Everyone gets a “participation” trophy. Could be worse, seen those North Korean generals lately? 😉

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
11 months ago

The only way Ukraine had a chance in this war was Western air support that could at least be on par with Russian abilities. Once the Uke’s air force and defenses were decimated the writing was on the wall. The Kagans don’t care, as they get off on slav deaths, but the guys in the Pentagon had to have known this. The only plausible answer at first is they thought the trade sanctions would cripple the Russians in the beginning, but that clearly didn’t work and they are still working doggedly ahead. Now the only answer is they just want… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

“ This entire war has probably dramatically increased their military prowess just from a human capital standpoint.”

Certainly. It was one of the reasons we’ve done so well. We take our army off of the shelf every so often and exercise it—albeit never against a 1st world foe. 😉 We will for the next couple of decades face a Russian foe like we’ve never faced since the collapse of the USSR.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

To be superior in a total war scenario, the GAE would have to be willing to take casualties to take and hold objectives. I’ve seen no evidence in the last quarter century that it is willing to take any significant casualties at all. It can deal with the slow drip drip of one or two dead a day, i.e. Iraq, but the moment things get bloody, i.e. Somalia, withdrawal is ordered. Can you imagine the GAE accepting hundreds of casualties per day? Me neither.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Yep, that’s somewhat of a “guns or butter” scenario. I’ve said for a long time, we need to get serious or stop fooling around. My proposal has always been to bring the pain home to the people immediately, through taxes. Surcharge everyone for the costs of military adventure. Conscript troops once again. Folks seem to forget Vietnam. Proposed surcharge for the war got us out pretty fast.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

“the guys in the Pentagon had to have known this.”

Yes, but think of all the weapons sold to those panicking Euros!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

Based on what we’ve seen so far, I think the Russians would do just fine in a scenario where the GAE took the lead in a direct intervention in Ukraine.

11 months ago

Understandably at this point, it is simply keystrokes on the Federal Reserve monetary mainframe, not hard currency backed by tangibles such as gold or other resources. Still, this WaPo article detailing the amount frittered away in this useless NeoCon foreign field trip is revealing, and another phase in the looting stage of the Global American Empire. (Take note of the DOD budget 2023 – 1.77 Trillion.) ‘A look at the amount of U.S. spending powering Ukraine’s defense. 66.2 Billion (so far) “The funding includes weapons, training, medical supplies, generators and rebuilding. And experts view the amount as a massive… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  ArthurinCali
11 months ago

No mention of the cost of supporting our greatest ally? Curious.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
11 months ago

It was idiotic to start a modern offensive with no air power. Especially against what now is the world’s premiere land army. All those brave men died for the demented Kagan ideology.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Jack Boniface
11 months ago

This. And it isn’t even a recent development. It’s been common sense since 1939.

11 months ago

If I were living in Taiwan, I’d seek to get the hell out ASAP. The disciples of Cain, aka the neocons, will likely soon drop the Ukraine like a disposable razor and latch onto Pacific War 2.0 as their next great crusade.

Reply to  Anglo-Welsh
11 months ago

The one thing the Taiwanese have going for them is that The Tribe has no historical enmity toward the Chinese.

Reply to  KGB
11 months ago

Not yet. I just takes one antisemitism.

Reply to  KGB
11 months ago

Not sure that it cuts both ways. The Chinese recall the role of Sasoon in their opium problems. They have seen how the little hats play.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
11 months ago

It’s hard to believe that anyone takes Chinese pretentions to being “peaceful” seriously when the ChiComs display such psychotic aggression towards a tiny island inhabited by the remnants of the losing side in their civil war. Then again, considering the raging hate-boner that the American Left has for any physical remnants of the Confederacy, perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised…🤔

Reply to  Anglo-Welsh
11 months ago

I suspect the elite of Taiwan have already settled here. Back in the 90’s I got seated at a table with a number of Chinese faculty. One was anxious to hear my thoughts on how much money his cousin should bring to the USA. There I learned we had a program for permanent VISA status for immigrants who would start a business in the USA. At that time I believe it was $1M investment (like open a McDonalds). His cousin was waiting another year until he had $1.5M!
