Syria: The Real Game

This is a sensible take on the Syria mess. One thing that is always true about the so-called conventional wisdom in Washington is that it is always wrong. The reason is the people chattering away on TV or on-line don’t know anything and they don’t really need to know anything. There job is to be a circus of distractions. The most these people amount to are flunkies and coat holders for the political class. That’s how they end up on TV, where they can make good money says whatever nonsense they are told to say.

The writer of that linked post is also right about the point of the Obama foreign policy strategy. Obama does not care about this stuff. His people may care, because they are doing the bidding of other interests, but Team Obama is all about domestic politics, not foreign adventures. Using this situation to score some political points against the warmongers in the GOP is good domestic politics. It also gets him off the hook with Israel who would love to see the US invade another one of their adversaries.

Obama is not the hardest working guy and he is no political genius, but Progressives never lose sight of their purpose. They always look to cause trouble for their enemies, real and imagined, so they always have a strategy. They know his party will vote in lockstep with the administration. A handful of peaceniks will be allowed to vote against it for effect, but 90% will fall in line.  Given the comically bad leadership of the House GOP, the predictable result is Boner crying on TV as his party dissolves into a food fight over Syria.

In the Senate, the leadership on the GOP side is better, but you have warmongers like that senile old fool John McCain ruling the roost. There the administration will have an easier time of it. He can count on forty GOP votes, allowing the very liberal senators to vote against it. Given the number of vulnerable seats this year, this is a great result for the Democrats. They get their enemy warring with itself and team Obama gets to avoid the trap of war in Syria. When you have a purpose, you always have a plan.

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Andrew Riegle
Andrew Riegle
10 years ago

I could certainly be wrong, but my general impression is that congress won’t approve any attack. It seems 90 percent or more of the US populace is against an attack. There would be little or no political gain for most congresscreatures to approve an attack