Phase Change

Note #1: I was invited on to chat with Peter Quinones about the Republican debate, the courage of Trump, the Tucker interview and many other things. For those missing the sound of me droning on each Friday, you can get your fix here.

Note #2: Behind the green door is a post about how everything is gay, a post about the terribleness of Tennessee Williams, and the Sunday podcast. You can sign up for a green door account at SubscribeStar or Substack.

The war in the Ukraine is about to go through a phase change as the Ukrainian initiative comes to an end this autumn. For most of the year, the war has been characterized by Western initiates, along with Ukrainian military action. Planning and publicizing the Ukrainian spring offensive dominated the first half of the year, while the last three months have been dominated by the offensive itself. By all accounts this will run out of steam in the next few weeks.

According to Western media, the point of the counter-offensive was to use NATO trained brigades using Western equipment and tactics to break through Russian defenses in the south and create a corridor to the Sea of Azov. This would split Russian forces and isolate the Crimea. The assumption was that the Russian army would abandon their positions rather than fight. This in turn would create a political crisis in Russia, perhaps forcing a withdraw from Ukraine.

What happened instead was the newly trained Ukrainian units charged headlong into massive minefields while being slammed with Russian artillery. The internet was full of videos showing burning NATO equipment and desperate Ukrainian soldiers trying to escape the minefields. Western sources indicate Ukraine lost a third of this force in the first weeks of the offensive. This map of the southern defensive lines shows how little progress the Ukrainians have made in three months.

In addition to the big push in the south, the Ukrainians tried to retake Bakhmut, which they had lost in the spring. By all accounts this was a total failure and they ceased trying to retake the city. Those forces have been diverted to the south for one last shot at making some progress. Right now, the Ukrainians are putting their last Western units into a final push to capture a tiny village called Robotino. This appears to be the final battle of the Ukrainian counter-offensive.

On the public relations front, Ukraine has been launching small drone attacks against buildings in the Moscow suburbs. They have also launched attacks against Crimea using their remaining Storm Shadow missiles they got from Britain, as well as the small, improvised drones they have been using on civilian targets. These efforts have no military value, but they are seen as moral boosters. The images are quickly spread around by Western media.

The long and short of this is the West appears to be in a panic over the results, especially in the south. The narrative said that Russia is a paper tiger, and the army would break at the first sign of Western equipment. At this point, the Ukrainians were supposed to be bathing in the Sea of Azov. Instead, billions in NATO gear lies in ruins in a place now called Bradley Park. It is called that by the Ukrainians because it contains so many bombed out Bradley fighting vehicles.

There is now a growing concern that the Ukrainian army is running out of men and material to continue fighting. That speaks to the horrific losses they have taken in this ill-fated counter-offensive, but also the long toll of the war. As a result, Ukraine is stepping up mobilization efforts. There are rumors that that Zelensky will call for a full mobilization of Ukraine, which means that every available male will be called to service and maybe even the females of military age.

The one area where Ukraine has had some success is in the Black Sea, where they have been using sea drones to harass Russian shipping. There is speculation that they are using Romania to launch and control these British made drones and maybe there are British contractors helping them. American Reaper drones are also active in the Black Sea, suggesting they help locate targets. Regardless, the Black Sea has become a problem for the Russian navy and Russian shipping.

The question is what comes next. There are rumors that the Russians have been plotting an offensive of their own. This may simply be echoes from the Battle of Kursk, which took place eighty years ago in the same location. In that battle, the Soviet army stood their ground against a massive German offensive, then counter attacked, leading to one of the biggest tank battles in history. The Russians are obsessed with their history, so this may be the source of those rumors.

On the other hand, the Russians have been advancing along the northern part of the line of contact, to the point where Ukraine has evacuated the strategic city of Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region. This has led to speculation that Russia may be planning to capture Kharkiv city, which is the second largest city in Ukraine. They could also swing south and cut off supply lines to the Ukrainian army in the Donbas. The Russians supposedly have over 100,000 men in this area.

The other possibility is that the Ukrainians had to strip this area of men and equipment in order to supply their offensive in the south. As a result, the Russians are taking advantage of the situation to capture these important transport hubs. In other words, they are simply filling a void left by the Ukrainians, and it has nothing to do with their plans for the fall and winter. Either way, the collapse of this part of the Ukrainian lines supports the lack of manpower claims.

This leads to the topic of what comes next. As this phase of the war reaches its end over the next few weeks, the ball will now be in the court of the Russians, who have spent a year building up forces in Ukraine. They could go on the offensive or simply continue to grind away at the Ukrainian army. They could also begin to work on the Ukrainian infrastructure as a way to weaken their resolve. Of course, a major winter offensive is also a possibility.

There is also the question as to what the West does now that their great Ukrainian counter-offensive narrative is in tatters. For now, they seem to be contenting themselves with a blame game focused on the Ukrainians. The neocons are blaming the Ukrainian general for not following their orders, while the Pentagon is pointing the finger at Zelensky for meddling in the military planning. Out of this will come a new narrative, but its details remain a mystery at this point.

Then there is the election calendar. The Poles have elections is October, which will be an interesting look at European public opinion. There is no anti-war party in Poland to speak of, so it is going to be a more subtle read on how the ruling party has managed the war to this point. In June, the Germans have an election. The AfD is an anti-war party and they have jumped in the polls. So much so that the German government is threatening to ban the party entirely.

Of course, the American presidential election cycle has started. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the anti-war option on the Democrat side. The regime has banned any serious polling on him, but they must be worried as they have pulled Bernie Sanders out of mothballs to campaign in New Hampshire. Then you have Trump who is the enemy of the neocons and the military industrial complex. His swarthy mini-me, Vivek Ramaswamy, has also taken a strong anti-war position.

The bottom line is there is no path to victory for Ukraine. This phase of the war which has gone on for close to a year makes that abundantly clear. While the Ukraine army has fought heroically, they are outmanned and outgunned. Now that the West is out of weapons to send to them and Western domestic politics is about to take center stage, Ukraine will be faced with some grim choices. The big question is how a Western defeat plays out over the next year.

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10 months ago

[…] Phase Change  ZMan jerks back the curtain. […]

10 months ago

Not to be positive here on the Z blog, but; America has vast natural resources of every class including energy. America is rebuilding its Industries and reshoring Industries as fast as it can, indeed our biggest problem being an anemic industrial labor force, after that the sites are being taken rapidly- a confluence of transportation and power infrastructure, water, location and favorable government take the land faster than you think. NY state and Texas are in competition for reshoring industry. These are better problems than before. The current housing boom bust, debt and service economy is not healthy but its… Read more »

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
10 months ago

It’s always darkest before the dawn. Now is the moment when Ukraine unveils its superweapon: scrawny 14-year old girls, whose mighty punches will flatten hulking Ivan and send him flying through plate glass windows.

Reply to  Dr. Mabuse
10 months ago

> “scrawny 14-year old girls, whose mighty punches will flatten hulking Ivan and send him flying through plate glass windows”

Except that Tevye, the holy Milkman of Anatevka, trafficked them all to his cousin Schlomo, in Van Nuys, where they now work as kosher sh!ksa actresses for P0rnhub.

[The above is ackshually true, BTW, not merely satire.]

Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

Yes. Well, a portion of them made it to Van Nuys to be counted as gig economy workers. This time happening to get gigs as Couch Hammer specialists for Porn Hub. Many are also being sold off the international oligarchy. I few weeks ago, I got a YT ad for smoking hot Ukrainian women looking for exclusive men. The ad was on some video that showed the Catholic church’s project to replace the indigenous European people in their homelands. It was pretty rich how that was targeted. I am certainly not an oil sheik, Pakistani general or Somali warlord getting… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
10 months ago

A thought just struck me. For all of the harping on about women’s rights and standing up for oppressed women, they ignore this. You would think these activist harpees would be passing laws so exploiting women displaced by war is a war crime.

Score another one for costless virtue signalling.

Reply to  RealityRules
10 months ago

Don’t forget the kids. My wife is from Moldova. She told me that kids would go missing all the time from rural villages. She is not a conspiratorial ghoul like I am, but she absolutely believes the kids were trafficked to the powerful.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

The White genocide/displacement is certainly the chief play of open borders, but the fact that evildoers can make off a large number of kids and no one will notice is more than likely a part of it too.

10 months ago

I think we’re stuck with Zelensky for a very long time, unless there is some freak incident like what happened in Turkey a few years ago when a security guard killed a Russian diplomat. The Ukrainian generals are bought off, and will do anything Zelensky says. He probably also has better security than Biden. The media will defend their little darling more than they do Hunter, so the Ukrainian people will continue to suffer. Bahkmut is probably all on Zelensky, who is obsessed with it. Again, the Ukrainian generals are too corrupt to oppose any silly decision Zelensky makes.

Reply to  NateG
10 months ago

“The Ukrainian generals are bought off, and will do anything Zelensky says.”

Sure, the generals are bought off, but who’s footing the bill? It’s not Zelensky, which means that these same generals could just as easily eliminate Zelensky once the puppet masters decide he’s no longer useful.

Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

NateG: “The Ukrainian generals are bought off, and will do anything Zelensky says. He probably also has better security than Biden.” They say that ever since Zuckerberg [with the aid of Larry Summers] stole “ConnectU/Facebook” from the Winklevoss Twins, he, Zuckerberg, has had a 24×7 security detail, consisting of 16 or more M0ss@d agents, who never take their eyes off of him. They even reserve parking places in the Facebook parking garage, so that no goyim can [even just hypothetically] park a car bomb on any level of the parking garage directly beneath nor directly above Zuckerberg’s parking place. In… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

FBI, CIA, Mossad, Shin Bet, there is probably an Army surrounding Zelensky. That could be why these offensives are failing. Everyone is protecting this little clown.

Reply to  NateG
10 months ago


Possibly, Zelensky is surrounded by fanatics like leftovers from the Azov Brigade who will off him if he even hints at giving up. How do you say “bushido” in Ukrainian?

He might be a very unhappy man right now, wishing he could be a simple comedian again.

Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

Ngo Dinh Diem says hello.

Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

His puppet masters are literally his cousins and people dont generally kill their own family members. Especially not the most nepotistic people on earth.

Reply to  NoOneAtAll
10 months ago

Good point. How many billions have we sent them so far? You don’t invest so much money in someone and not protect him. Zelensky is there to stay unless Russia decides to drone strike him, and they won’t do it because the guy is a massive idiot.

10 months ago

I think the Russians know well that the US will be invading Russia soon, either from the Baltics or through Belarus via Poland. They have spies, the Chinese have complete knowledge of the US activities through all the Sons of Big Guys they bribed, so they likely know this in detail. Hence mobilizations and reserves. The narrative the Regime tells itself is Iraq/Saddam. A Thunder Run to the capitol and the regime collapses. Col. McGregor has noted this narrative and child-like belief in it repeatedly. And from this we can see all sorts of domestic things shaking out. The Regime… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
10 months ago

The one part of that I can unreservedly agree with is that Gotti never went straight. The leopard cannot change its spots. So it is with the GAE, which will remain on its course, absent force exerted from outside.

Prohibition 2.0 shouldn’t be too problematic if they just tell everyone that’s The Science. Alcohol actually is bad for you, after all. You could even hypothesize that Big Alcohol is in on it, why else would they have put a tranny in their ads?

Noteworthy that they aren’t waging any such war on Mary Jane.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Whiskey
10 months ago

The Regime Alcohol Czar has called for staged Prohibition

That is a bald-faced exaggeration. That alcohol guy was making an idiotic comment about unofficial guidelines that might be updated in 2025. That’s a far cry from making it the law of the land. I really don’t know why anybody is even talking about this.

There is zero public appetite for prohibition in this country. It would not be salable.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

“There is zero public appetite for prohibition in this country.” Was there immense public appetite for shots that give you heartattacks? Were people clamoring for their sons to be castrated before it became officialt policy? Did anyone not named berg or stein have stars in their eyes wishing for an ocean of blood spilled in an economically ruinous new european war? Was everyone clamoring for shitty golf carts that cost more than actual cars? I dont think prohibition will happen but public opinion has nothing to do with anything in america today. Public opinion is what the government tells the… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

What’s charming about the original prohibition is that in 1920 we needed a constitutional amendment to do it. How quaint. Can you imagine Congress (or anybody) questioning that they have that legislative authority now? Of course, 1920 was pre-FDR and the “switch in time that saved nine” and therefore pre-Wickard which removed all prudent limits to the Commerce Clause and enabled the free association devouring civil rights lege that followed decades later. I agree that the chance of a new prohibition (against alcohol, at any rate) are nil, but if it were to happen, Congress would be able to do… Read more »

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

“That alcohol guy was making an idiotic comment about unofficial guidelines that might be updated in 2025.”

Wear a mask.
Get jabbed, boosted, double boosted: it’s safe and effective.

David Wright
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

Where have you been the last five years? You are not dense are you?

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  David Wright
10 months ago

Pretty much all the petty totalitarianism is being cooked up by vice-technocrats who float trail balloons to see if they get smacked down, and when they don’t then it’s game-on.

Reply to  David Wright
10 months ago

I was going to say that nothing has to be “salable,” but there’s no point in piling on. 🙂

Reply to  Whiskey
10 months ago

“I think the Russians know well that the US will be invading Russia soon”

So we’re going to invade a nuclear adversary on another continent separated by an ocean with an army of blacks, trannies and women?

Seriously, dude??? WTF. Tell me more.

Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

Yeah, where are those invading soldiers going to come from? The gay clubs of Brooklyn?

Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

X – According to Douglas MacGregor – et al – the U.S. is not up to a peer-to-peer conflict. The training for roughly the last twenty years @ least has been on small unit/guerrilla-type operations. Nor do we have the logistical capability to pull off that type of operation anymore; it’d be basically an Operation Overlord 2.0. We don’t have the ships nor the equipment & – as I understand it – there is exactly one tank factory in the U.S. turning out M-1 Abrams tanks. Battlefield losses could/would never be replaced + the Abrams’s turbine engine leaves a huge… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
10 months ago

Whiskey: “And from this we can see all sorts of domestic things shaking out. The Regime Alcohol Czar has called for staged Prohibition; only two drinks a week allowed as in Canada and monitored strictly until total teetotaling.” Whiskey, just yesterday, out of the corner of muh eye, I noticed a shockingly masculine US Armed Forces recruiting video, playing as an advertisement on an aggregator website somewhere on the web [I must get redirected to 50 or 100 websites per day], and the advertisement was displaying very filthy gritty unkempt masculine men performing pushups in the mud. No females. No… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

You get directed to P0n hub and didn’t realize?

Reply to  cg2
10 months ago

Just very masculine athletic men doing masculine athletic exercises in the mud.

Reply to  Whiskey
10 months ago

Don’t think the US will be invading anyone until the Presidential cycle is over….Meanwhile, the Russians appear to have destroyed most of Ukraine’s supply of Storm Shadows, along with other ordinance, and is unconcerned with Ukraine’s attacks…When Russia’s new 400k enlistees are properly trained, they will probably end this farce…

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
10 months ago

Ukraine needs to take Robotino because what’s cooler than a town full of robots?

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
10 months ago

This must explains Zelensky’s relentless focus on the hamlet of Cocaineatino

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
10 months ago

A nation full of mutants?

10 months ago

“Out of this will come a new narrative…” And if the narrative can be adjusted as needed to avoid flanking movements by reality, Washington will win the war.

Sgt. Joe Friday
Sgt. Joe Friday
10 months ago

“His swarthy mini-me, Vivek Ramaswamy, has also taken a strong anti-war position.”

Ramaswamy is not to be trusted. He is saying the right things, but my money says he a deep state insurance policy, intended to siphon votes away from Trump just in case the indictments don’t derail his campaign.

Reply to  Sgt. Joe Friday
10 months ago

Clearly, the Swami is on no one’s side but his own….But it must be said that Vivek has an above average IQ, which made him a giant amongst the idiots in the debate….

10 months ago

🐥 whispers the Uke 🇺🇦 don’t advance unless General tells Captain to advance. Not retreat, advance. The point of any Army to take ground. 🐥 was t’har and asked where yu gonna find General in all this mess? 🐥 be talkin to Ukuleles Lil Bird laughed when I said UCMJ of corrupt recruiters (the only kind) means iss ovah. Iss ovah whan UCMJ happens. He be LOLn n trippin 🐥 Meanwhile ISW tells Politico the Ukrainians have breached the first Russian line of defense into the next one. On their way to Azov etc. Zelensky is calling up a general… Read more »

10 months ago

Ukraine has a sensible solution: cede the far eastern portion of the country to Russia, allow the Russians to have Crimea, and call it quits. If you think about it, there are a fair number of Russian descendants in eastern ukraine, and they have the right to go where they want. Clearly, based on the pre-war guerrilla action, they want to be with Mother Russia. But of course *sigh* men won’t do this. Men never give up a single millimeter of their territory, even when it makes sense, even when they can get something good for it. They might sell… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Catxman
10 months ago

If this was simply a war between Ukraine and Russia then these would be good points. But it seems to be a little bigger than that.

Reply to  Catxman
10 months ago

Alfred the Great made a deal with the Vikings ceding them the Danelaw.

Old English: Alf = elf and also white, red = wisdom.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Catxman
10 months ago

Russia won’t go for that unless the Ukraine proper is a neutral state, which it isn’t. Possession of the eastern Ukraine is of limited value if the rest of the Ukraine is an oblast of the GAE.

Reply to  Catxman
10 months ago

That was the deal they turned down…Now, Russia cannot and will not settle for anything except total regime change, permanent divorce from NATO and the EU, and total control of the Black Sea…And even that deal won’t be available soon…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

Anyone else see the rumors that Viktor Bout, dubbed, “the Merchant of Death,” by GAE propagandists may be in line to take over as CEO of Wagner Group?

If true, that would be epic trolling by the Russians.

On the other hand, if I were Viktor, I’d be wary of taking the position.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
10 months ago

“The AfD is an anti-war party and they have jumped in the polls. So much so that the German government is threatening to ban the party entirely.” The problem with the AfD, as far as the German government is concerned, is their rhetoric leans a bit to closely with old National Socialist party propaganda, enough so that the party, and many of their party leaders, are under watch by our version of your FBI. When you start spouting off comments about being proud to be a German, or why immigration and multi-culti is a bad thing for the country, you… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
10 months ago

“The German constitution does allow banning a party or its members if they seek to undermine or destroy the existing framework of German democracy. ”

So the will of the people is great, unless the will of the people is to have a different sort of government than the one under which they currently suffer.

That sounds like the GAE, all right.

Reply to  Vizzini
10 months ago

De-Nazification was a hell of a drug.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

And the GAE made certain there would be no backsliding to regain access to cheap natural gas from Russia. Boom, goes Nordstream 2.

Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

The US blew up the NordStream pipeline just as the massive (I’ve seen it, incredible) Plaquemines LNG facility in Louisiana is being built. New natural gas lines being constructed to feed the plant from Tennessee and Texas. This is a multi-decade, multiple billion dollar capital infrastructure project. Why would Europe buy expensive US LNG (freeze it, ship it, unfreeze it, transport it, etc.) when you can just turn on the spigot for so cheap from a Russian pipeline you can literally sell what you don’t use for a profit? (Meanwhile, the US getting read to ban it from stoves, water… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

And since Germany is the economic engine of Europe, if it falls, so does Europe.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Many are heading east to countries like Poland, Czech, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia, etc. Cheap energy, cheap labor and governments who are willing to offer cost incentives. Plus they are much closer to home.

More and more items are no longer labeled “Made in Germany”. Now you see “Designed in Germany”. Big difference!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
10 months ago

I’ve got a watch that was designed in Germany and made in Japan. Whenever I wear it I get the strangest urge to goosestep and then plow into a platter of sushi.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

I can’t tell if this is a smutty joke or a culinary disposition.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago


I think I have the theme music for a smutty joke employing a culinary allusion as its vehicle…

Sushi Girl by The Tubes from their album, The Completion Backwards Principle.

Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Germany is reportedly in recession now, and things may be getting worse….

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
10 months ago

The USA is clearly the most stable “liberal” project. The rest of the West is not really liberal at all.

They are managerial authoritarians dressed up as “democracy” who are increasingly losing that pretence in order to maintain their “democracy”.

It seems bad for now, but it cuts both ways. It means that when Our People seize the levers of power, we will have far more power at our disposal in a place like Germany. An American president has far less direct influence.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  B125
10 months ago

We bitch about the uniparty here, and rightly so, but our uniparty really ain’t got nothing on Europe’s uniparty

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
10 months ago

There is a probability the GAE at some point will topple a free and fair election in a NATO country under the guise of “My Democracy” (a version of this is happening in the US now). The election of a AfD majority might do it.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

There is scarcely any election on earth in which the GAE does not “meddle.” In that sense, this has probably already happened.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

No doubt true. To be clear, I mean literally the day after an election invade and replace the government. It would be a natural progression from indicting a domestic political opponent in the middle of an election.

The GAE treats its European vassals in much the same way the USSR treated the Warsaw Pact nations.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

It’s probably already happened in Italy during the 70s. Gladio was doing a lot of bad stuff then. The CIA was running the Red Brigades at the time and they conveniently got rid of Aldo Moro.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
10 months ago

“The problem with the AfD, as far as the German government is concerned, is their rhetoric leans a bit to closely with old National Socialist party propaganda,”

That’s a problem because…? 🙂

Ede Wolf
Ede Wolf
Reply to  Redpill Boomer
10 months ago

I’m from Germany, and this line is what is constantly being spouted by the regime media.

It is, of course, complete non-sense.

The AfD holds positions from the pre-Merkel CDU of the 90s. That is all. There is nothing more to it.

Merkel has subverted the conservative CDU party, which is now a globalist organistion, by placing stooges everywhere.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
10 months ago

The Germans don’t even have their own constitution. They have what the allies told them they were having after WW

John Q. Publicke
John Q. Publicke
10 months ago

I think there will never be a Russian offensive. They are accomplishing everything by standing still – the only way they can fail is to put their forces in an exposed fashion running up against US/NATO ISR strengths. As long as they hunker down and follow a bend-don’t-break strategy, they will exhaust UKR’s forces and will, and at the same time conserve their forces for a possible war with NATO.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  John Q. Publicke
10 months ago

> they will exhaust UKR’s forces and will, and at the same time conserve their forces for a possible war with NATO.

There’s the key. No doubt in my mind they are convinced there will be explicit NATO boots on the ground in the next coming years.

Errol Okrent
Errol Okrent
Reply to  John Q. Publicke
10 months ago

Russia is losing badly. They are getting pushed back slowly but surely. As Zman has written they are getting destroyed at sea and on the bridges. Even Moscow is not safe from the drone attacks. Russia is losing 10 to every one man of Ukraine. Once the whole country is mobilized it is game over. At this point Europe is almost entirely all-in, and the military production of the German and the joint Czech-Slovak weapons factories is ramping up fast, as is the UK’s factories in Northern Ireland. Between them, they can keep churning out missiles and shells for the… Read more »

Reply to  Errol Okrent
10 months ago

Dude, you’re on the wrong site unless you’re being paid to post that shit. Just curious, are you paid by the word? You sure used enough to say absolutely nothing worthwhile.

Reply to  Mike
10 months ago

Probably writes for They’ve been predicting “it’s all about to collapse for Putin!” for well over a year now.

Reply to  Errol Okrent
10 months ago

And to which recently failed bank should I take this farago? Birds of a feather and all…

Reply to  Errol Okrent
10 months ago

I knew that covid exacerbated the drug problem but WOW, jyst WOW.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  John Q. Publicke
10 months ago

Russia establishing itself a little farther west (at what cost?) will not bring an end to the conflict with the GAE. So it’s not clear that it’s worth the effort to try. This war is not really about lines on a map. Every day that things continue as they are, Russia gets stronger and the GAE weaker. No reason to change strategy when you are winning. If and when clear opportunities present themselves, take them, but there’s no compelling reason to try and force it. If you can kill more Ukrainians from a defensive posture while preserving your own troops,… Read more »

10 months ago

people on the internet are really naive if they think russia will allow ukraine to be flooded with africans just cause blackrock made a shady deal with zelenski.

russia > blackrock when it comes to former soviet territory.

i have way more faith in ukraine’s future than in western europe’s, meaning ukrainians will run like crazy from europe when Allahu Akbar era starts commencing, ukrainian war will be over by then anyways.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
Reply to  sentry
10 months ago

Ukraine won’t run anywhere. If recent history has taught us anything it is that once your government and key institutions have been captured by the enemy, the will of the people is comparatively irrelevant.

Reply to  sentry
10 months ago

I’m sorry but the Russkies don’t care if Ukraine becomes an African shithole. They are too far up their own asses about how Russia didn’t have colonies, and the USSR liberated Africa.

Neither of which is true, but that’s beside the point.

Dreams of Eurasia have always deceived Russians as to their racial allegiance just as dreams of racial kumbaya and two moats have deceived Americans. The spectre of Uncle Adolf huants both.

Russia is an actual country with an actual history, outlook and policies. Which means throwing in with the browns.

Reply to  Tykebomb
10 months ago

you really think russians are waging this war, just to hand over ukraine to dindus? that sounds really stupid if you ask me. “They are too far up their own asses about how Russia didn’t have colonies, and the USSR liberated Africa.” that’s what you do when you try to turn them against west, you promote yourself as liberator. it might sound stupid and disgusting to us, but russian tactic is working. you think erdogan wants africans in turkey when he declares he wants to send ukrainian grain to poor africa? also, whether russians care or not about ukrainians is… Read more »

10 months ago

Frankly the Ukraine war bores the fuck out of me. I DGAF what happens on the battlefield. I couldn’t care less if Russia turns it into a glass parking lot this afternoon. It would not affect my life in the U.S. one damn bit. I am a firm believer in the Monroe Doctrine, unless someone is coming here and trying to kill me, I’m not interested. I don’t care who kills whom 5000 miles away. What DOES interest me, and absolutely outrages me, is that a certain Semitic ethno-religious group who has their own damn country on the eastern shore… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

Your counterrevolutionary behavior has been noticed. Oh yes, it has been noticed.

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
10 months ago

Ditto. Cheka unit dispatched.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

I would support Russia glassing the U.S.A. out of existence if I believed that were the only way to end ZOG and save the White race. Race > Social Construct == Government

Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

It could affect us though. Consider that Africa is a net food importer. When it comes to wheat African countries import anywhere from a third to 100% (Somalia and Benin) from Russia and Ukraine. If the war causes shortages or massive price inflation people might think about taking advantage of our open border. Hence this scene from the US/Mexican border:

10 months ago

It’s amazing how Ukraine is just going to vanish now. Millions of their women have fled to Europe never to return and now they are going to mobilized to the last man and woman remaining to die under artillery fire. TFR being what it is, and the fact they are dying just to be part of the African-Immigration-Uber-Alles block, Ukraine is just… gone.

It’s a good reminder that you shouldn’t fight AGAINST things, but FOR things.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tykebomb
10 months ago

To the extent that the Ukraine has existed as a sovereign state, it has been a phantom country. It manifests briefly, then it vanishes. It manifests briefly, then it vanishes. Once more, it is about to disappear.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

Poles know a few things about flickering in and out. Intermarium FTW. Perhaps they could give the Ukes some handy advice on national renaissance.

Step 1: Sell your souls to the most short-sighted Devil you can dredge up.

Step 2: Donate your few remaining vowels to the Basques.

Step 3: Staple on some wings.

Step 4: Chaaargeee! (Oh fzzzzckzzzwwwzz! Tanks!)

Reply to  Tykebomb
10 months ago

Ukrainian men are now joining the ranks of Indians in the Uber bicyclist delivery man trade. At least for the next 3 weeks until we get winter. Do they even know we have winter? Who knows these days. Ukrainian women are filling the dark skinned male’s demand for white women. The level of race mixing from Ukrainian women is crazy, almost every single time you meet a white woman with a non white “partner” she will be Ukrainian or Polish. Not a bright future (actually no future) for the diaspora that fled to Canada. I can’t imagine the rest of… Read more »

Reply to  B125
10 months ago

Putin is more openly pro-replacement than any American politician is. If he wins, Ukraine will be repopulated with fighting-age men from the African countries who abstain from UN resolutions against him—plus a couple thousand elderly South African whites who’ll be shipped directly to nursing homes on the Azov coast, proving that Putin’s totally our guy.

If NATO wins, the Ukrainians’ fate will be even worse.

Whatever happens, they die forever. It’s decided.

Reply to  Tykebomb
10 months ago

Alex jones called me a conspiracy theorist when I told him this … This is not nationalism . Zelenski follows GAE , or WEF orders. He dresses it up as nationalism to put a face on it that the media west can sell to normies. The refugee camps in europe are FULL of military age somalis, afghan, and syrian males . of military age . The inflow is 95% + male. now they have literally millions of ukrainian women and girls to place in those places . Ukraineian men aren’t allowed out. this whole thing reeks of WEF program .… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
10 months ago

Obvious federal agent is obvious.

10 months ago

Those of us who remember the classics from the late 70s know that Behind the Green Door is a Marilyn Chambers epic.

John Q. Publicke
John Q. Publicke
Reply to  MrLiberty
10 months ago

Or so I’ve heard.

Reply to  MrLiberty
10 months ago

“Green Door was also a song from the 1950s.

David Wright
10 months ago

it’s almost as if the war forged by the West is really aimed at decimating Ukraine. You know, send money and expensive military equipment, launder it and send back a good portion of their ill gotten gains. Then the rebuilding of it which is tricky if Russia takes total control and does not seed vital areas to Nato. Corrupt oligarchs and Black Rock type operations all over again. Conscript the ivy league guys again to work out the logistics.

Reply to  David Wright
10 months ago

The sanctions regime is de-industrializing Germany. Americans are being further reduced financially.

The enemy of the European peoples are having a win on many fronts.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

The problem Ramaswarthy and Trump are going to have (trying to end the war), assuming one of them wins and keeps the hawks out of their administration, is America’s signature is not worth the paper it’s printed on. Merkel’s treachery isn’t going to help either. Even if they believe Trump/Vivek is an honest broker, Trump will be limited to 4 years and Vivek at best, 8 years.(I don’t believe for one second that Vivek is anything but a fink and will probably expand the war). Given Putin’s age, he would be a fool to not solve this problem now. Failing… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

Back in the winter when I first read the game plan from the neocons for the spring offensive, I honestly thought that it was trick. I couldn’t believe that this was their actual strategy. I assumed that they were trying to pull Russian resources away from other areas to the south and then would hit somewhere else. They kept talking about how the Russians were demoralized, poorly trained, poorly led conscripts who just wanted to go home. The Ukrainians, using Western equipment and training, would break through the lines and the Russian army would collapse, maybe even causing Putin to… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

I think the last time the GAE didn’t explicitly announce any of its large scale military plans in advance was the Inchon invasion. Subsequently, believing in its own superiority/inevitability, it has seen no need.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
10 months ago

In every country and every sector of the West, the Elites who think they are running things spend all their time sniffing each others farts and believing each others lies.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

I am not entirely convinced that the war-planners in the West are in a panic about the results of the Ukrainian offensive. For all the incompetence that is daily on display throughout the whole length and breadth of US government, there are a few seasoned hands left in the Pentagon who cannot possibly be that stupid. They must have known that Ukraine’s offensive, conducted by poorly trained soldiers against vastly superior Russian fortifications, and with no air cover, could not possibly work. That raises questions about what their real objective was. I think the whole offensive was just a way… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

Right. It was idiotic to start an offensive with no air power.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

I’d agree that Russia, while winning the war of attrition, has painted itself into a corner as well. Even if Russia could take all of Ukraine, it probably couldn’t hold it nor does it want to. Does Russia really want to maintain at huge occupation army for decades to come? Probably not. OTOH, they can’t trust any promise that Ukraine won’t join NATO. What to do? Can’t hold all of Ukraine but can’t leave Ukraine as a potential future threat. One option is to take all of eastern Ukraine. The Dneiper River and a far amount of land is good… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

They cannot make it any more clear that they see this as an existential conflict with the West… …The Russians are thinking about what 2035 looks like, not what they can do next week. That’s my point. It is evidently lost on many people that there is a bit of a conflict of interest between those statements. Typically, existential conflicts imply a bit more urgency than that. So far, Russia has fought this “existential” war by not targeting the enemy leadership, sparing as much infrastructure as possible, and by continuing to sell the enemy the very fuel it uses to… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

I do like your comments on this, but the flip side is this: Russia cannot afford to show it’s true power level. They don’t exactly have the best relations with some of their (many) neighbors so they cannot afford to go all-in and drain defenses away from elsewhere and, likewise, they need to keep those neighbors guessing as to what Russia’s true capabilities are. At this point everyone knows the Russians are more powerful than what they’ve shown in Ukraine, but how much more? Who knows? And they’d like to keep it that way.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
10 months ago

this is true , the CCP may decide they want siberia at some time

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

Intelligent Daesin, I really appreciate your comments here. Always well considered, erudite, and somewhat out of the box thinking. I’ve been here basically since the beginning and have written about the downfall of the comments section here. You think clearly and write clearly. Thank you. It’s worth considering that the Russians know full well that: (1) the 2020 election was stolen, in large part to facilitate this war; and (2) in the extremely unlikely event that Trump wins in 2024, Zelensky and his bronze age death cult will be cut off from US aid. The Russians have every incentive now… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Guest
10 months ago

Thanks for your kind words and for that analysis. I think you may be right. I hope so, anyway.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

The average “American’s” attention span is no longer than a text message. This applies to members of the Power Structure equally as it applies to Kaylee P. Nosering at Sail Foam State U.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

Pilot training – it just takes a long time under the best of circumstances. The old software joke that “nine women cannot have a baby in one month” applies. The USN and USAF have very elaborate, detailed training plans for our pilots. This half-assed, ad hoc stuff in Ukraine is suboptimal, to say the least. Meanwhile, given the large airspace of Ukraine, the need of the single-engine F-16 for pristine runways, the range limits of the platform, the need for airborne refueling tanker assets, the need for ground support/repair cadres etc, it is next to impossible to imagine the F-16s… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

NATO can’t enforce a no-fly zone. That would result in all the ISR assets in eastern Europe burning and NATO airfields in ruins. Russia has been expecting intervention and I’m sure has a target list prepared. Any no-fly zone would mean WW III and NATO can’t survive that.

Reply to  Mike
10 months ago

I agree.
Any attempt by the West to enforce a no-fly zone in Ukraine would result in Western Ukraine being littered with the debris of their aircraft.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

It’s a valid question if the remaining competent people at the Pentagon have a seat at the table with the folks who are making the big decisions about this war

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
10 months ago

You would advise Putin to commit on Ukraine and leave Russia with less reserves when Putin and Russia know they’re fighting the United States and NATO and Ukraine is a proxy that’s no real threat?

That’s your advice?
Battles can take unexpected turns, Wars , Theaters, Global Conflicts not so much.

10 months ago

Ninety years ago, the (((Soviets))) killed millions of Ukrainians through starvation during the Holodomor. Now, American (((neocons))) using their puppet (((Zelensky))) are killing hundreds of thousands of Ukranian men by marching them off to a war they can’t win.

Ukrainians are dying. Russians are dying. The fighters on both sides are ethnic rivals to the tribe in charge, so it’s full steam ahead. Things would be very different if it was the blood of their own tribe being spilled.

These people are monsters.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

I think the word you are looking for is “evil.” When it fits, don’t shy away from it. I know some people don’t like it because it has some religious overtones to it, but you should not fail to call evil by its name, evil.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

When it comes to issues of national power and interest “evil” is a word best left on the shelf. The Jews are acting in their tribes best interest. The are not wringing their hands over the misery and death they cause a long the way. It is high time Whites got over this “evil” concept and started pursuing their own collective interests. Evil is a concept that fits only within a coherent society. As it is the concept of evil is used as a bludgeon against empathetic Whites. Get over it.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Mr. Burns
10 months ago

If you can’t see how saying how we have to “eliminate” whites is evil, there is no helping you.

Also, I’m not talking about “the Jews,” I’m talking about specific people with names and telephone numbers who actually exist in the real world.

Recognizing and naming evil is not to say we should not be looking out for our own self interest. in fact, I would argue that because these people are so evil, it is imperative that we fight back.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Notions of fighting “evil” have gotten Whites into several self destructive and otherwise destructive wars. Evil is often in the eye of the beholder, meaning the media Jew. The fact is that no nation was founded expanded and preserved by acts of kindness. This is why I say empathetic people need to become more shrewd. The Blacks aren’t beating themselves up over the atrocities they do to White people or Asians. For them, it’s “justice”. When it comes to group power morality and moral language should be put on a shelf in your mind. I’m not saying you can’t use… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

@Mr. Burns Okay, I get what you mean now. Self-defense isn’t immoral let alone evil. But I do understand that there can be an overly self-critical eye on evil. I certainly do not think anyone should do that. But I also understand that the people who want to “eliminate” my family are not just opponents in some game to be treated as any other special interest whose ends happens to be in conflict with the ends I advocate. I would go as far as to say that thinking that is a huge mistake that has lead to our defeat in… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

10 months ago

I swear this utterly corrupt US government, beyond all common sense, lurches from one clown world fiasco to another – Ukraine, Trump prosecution, resurrecting covid scares, tranny worship, china belligerence, climate change etc, etc, etc. And further, lies about every one six ways from Sunday. Evidently, there is no one, anywhere within this evil administrative state, who sits back and wonders what in the living hell are they’re doing. Absolute zero introspection. Worrying about the actual American population and what’s best for all of us registers not at all on their radar.

Trump’s swarthy mini-me, ramaswarthy – love it!

Reply to  usNthem
10 months ago

Zero accountability. Throwing gasoline on the flames. Never seen any US Administration so grossly, wilfully, negligently incompetent, fraudulent and malfeasant in my life.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
10 months ago

When I’m feeling optimistic, I can find an “offramp” that satisfies everyone concerned. The Russians will get the Donbass, which is what they wanted in the first place. The Chinese will help the UN enforce a DMZ between rump Ukraine and Russia. It will add to their prestige. There will be “security guarantees” but no NATO. The West can take credit for saving rump Ukraine. The grain export deal will resume under UN auspices to feed hungry, broke Africans. The MIC can go to Capitol Hill and correctly argue that most of our old armament is useless in modern warfare,… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

There will be no compromise now, CW. Russia is in the driver’s seat, they have no need to negotiate AND their security concerns are legitimate. They want – a neutral and demilitarized Ukraine – fair treatment in international trade agreements – an end to the Nazi military elements in the Kraine. What we are likely to see out of the inevitable defeat of the Kraine is fake “peace talks” where the west bravely concedes every one of these points and then declares victory. I would bet good money on this outcome. Side bet: after bravely conceding to all the original… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
10 months ago

One addition to your list, Russia will demand and get war crimes trials at the conclusion of hostilities. They may ask for the US and EU people who egged the Ukraine on to be included. If they aren’t then Russia may try them in absentia and carry out their sentences informally.

10 months ago

The effectiveness of propaganda cannot be over estimated. Even our esteemed blog host has fallen for it – albeit for valid reasons. Discerning fact from propaganda is difficult at the best of times. For informed commentary, you need to consult the milbloggers with reputations for duty, service and integrity. They will tell you that the war was over 6 months ago. Technically it was over the day it started and the narrative has been bad fiction ever since. The Kraine had burned through its primary forces and its secondary reserves back in the spring. Their soldiers today are old men… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Filthie
10 months ago

Even the propaganda has become dumber and more incompetent, so the smart money for the next Current Thing is a Covid sequel. Re-runs are necessary when creative ability has declined so dramatically. Covid compliance will be measured, and the Regime probably will like the results. Even the areas totally under its thumb may rebel.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

“Covid 2: Authoritarian Boogaloo.”

Reply to  Filthie
10 months ago

“Their soldiers today are old men and boys for the most part. Hastily trained, poorly equipped, and no espirit de corp or morale. All their real warriors are either dead or wounded so badly that they will never return to service.” No major disagreement here, but this statement brought me back to our Vietnam experience. One continues to decry lack of training, but is not combat experience the ultimate “trainer”. In Vietnam, there was a strong correlation between a new recruit at the front and their susceptibility to injury and death. So much so that the veterans were loathe to… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

It’s hard to say, C. The Kraine is not Viet Nam.

The jungle combat and maybe urban stuff may be Darwinian warrior filters… but out on the plains? Surveillance drones are everywhere. Artillery is everything. There is no cover, visibility permits satellite recon for both sides and there is no learning curve. Vets and noobs alike are getting shelled with pinpoint precision – most Uke casualties never even see a Russian. The learning curve is nonexistent.

Reply to  Filthie
10 months ago

Milbloggers? Squaddies? Veterans?

The Special Train for Atkins is he gets tossed off the Train.

Does anyone reading have any idea what it’s like to be in the American military and know what you’re talking about?
To have done your homework?
To have done war?
All of this makes you a PARIAH.
If you had airborne Leprosy with dripping pustules you couldn’t be more shunned and disregarded.

Be certain words and facts and even being proven horribly right, or to have proven successful are all totally useless if not counterproductive.

Reply to  Vxxc
10 months ago

It was ever so it would appear.

The latest example who comes to mind is Col. (Ret.) MacGregor. He was toast as soon as he threw down the gauntlet with his book, Breaking the Phalanx. The Political Generals close ranks to exclude those who genuinely know what they are speaking about from ever joining their company. Actual competence in military matters nowadays is not to be found in those higher ranking than Colonel.

10 months ago

The regime has banned any serious polling on him, but they must be worried as they have pulled Bernie Sanders out of mothballs to campaign in New Hampshire. I guess he must need another house, huh? I was being facetious the other day when I pondered what Bernie Sanders was doing lately. I’d better not joke about Michelle Obama. 😒 As I’ve suggested in other posts here COVID-2, Pfizer Boogaloo is starting to get ginned up to cover many failings, including the end of the Ukrainian conflict. How much the general public will go along with it remains to be… Read more »

10 months ago

Losing the war in Ukraine is a bitter pill for the neocons. However, they did get to engineer the slaughter of probably hundreds of thousands eastern Slavs. The neocons despise Russians and Ukrainians, so at least they have that to feel good about.

This massive failure will not deter the bloodthirsty neocon monsters. They believe they must avenge the poor treatment of their ancestors, so they will continue to spill innocent blood around the world. I fear that Iran will be next on their list. That will be a major world wide disaster.

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
10 months ago

Unfortunately, the only thing that will destroy the neocons is a visible defeat of Americans in the field—not their proxies! I do not look forward to this as an American. Too many in my family and friends have fought in these meaningless encounters and served (unknowingly) the GAE. They (not I) deserve better.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
10 months ago

At its core, the Russia-Ukraine conflict feels more like a brother war than two distinct nations. This makes it all the more tragic. While the leaders of both sides of the American Civil War could shake hands after a brutal struggle, it’s no coincidence the people in charge today wish to go back in time and exterminate the entirety of the southern elites. They have no conception of shared ethnicity, shared history, or even shared humanity, but see everyone through an ideological friend/enemy lens. Rest assured, after the war over, the West will fund all sots of terrorist organization in… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Greg Johnson lost all credibility with me as a result of his stance on this war.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
10 months ago

He’s always wrong in the same direction–see Covid for the previous example. I don’t think he’s necessarily astroturf but the ethnostate fantasy seems like LARPing.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

Consider the source. Greg Johnson is a degenerate sodomite. Never trust a sodomite on any single issue!

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

An interesting effect is the pruning and disapora of peoples this conflict is causing. A lot of Western sympathetic Russians have left for the West. probably forever. On the other hand, millions of Ukrainians fled to Russia. This will make Russia more Russian just by who is left, similar to what happens with the Amish. The next great age may be migration not for economics, but culture and stability, as people self-segregate at a massive scale globally.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
10 months ago

Another possible outcome is the Azov types and SS fanboys fleeing Ukraine westwards into the EU and raising up new ultranationalist and paramilitary movements within Europe. Kind of how Al-Qaeda did in Iraq and Syria with jihadi movements.

10 months ago

I thought the ritual sacrifice in Maui was to appease they’re gods for victory in Ukraine and salvation for the GAE. Looks like they’re doing another one so maybe that’ll work.

Reply to  Whitney
10 months ago

Their, voice text and sloppy editing

Reply to  Whitney
10 months ago

Sorry. What has been seen cannot be unseen. Go stand in the corner.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
10 months ago

“The long and short of this is the West appears to be in a panic over the results, ” You mean the lunatic neocons who form the camarilla of that brain-dead stooge Biden. Now watch how they frantically try to deflect responsibility and blame from themselves, aided and abetted by regime media. It’s another major miscalculation by the morons at the helm of the declining empire. Meanwhile the rest of the world continues on its way. The enlargement of BRICS has to be seen as a tectonic shift in global geopolitics. Its implications for the future of the dollar boggle… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
10 months ago

“Bernie Sanders”

A bigger fraud and tool is hard to imagine. While his flock of NPC’s has dwindled, the fact everyone doesn’t laugh that lying grifter off the stage is shocking.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Arshad Ali
10 months ago

I intended to comment on the importance of the expansion of BRICS, but you beat me to it, so I can only endorse your remarks that the consequences are indeed mind boggling.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Aren’t most Bernie Bros also jab enthusiasts?

I don’t think RFK is a good fit for them.

Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Bernie’s supporters switched to Biden on command. The nomination being flagrantly stolen gave them a visceral pleasure that President Bernie could never have provided.

There is no left, only Democrats. No exceptions.

Reply to  Hemid
10 months ago

Very true.
It’s been the Democrats all along.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
10 months ago

” Out of this will come a new narrative, but its details remain a mystery at this point.” “Mystery?” Is that sarcasm? Of course Zelensky and the Ukrainians, who have been slaughtered in a suicide mission, will be blamed. The Neocons never have been accountable for anything. Maybe it will be different this time but that’s not the way to bet based on past history. If “Biden” can be turned into LBJ, which is possible, then for once the Regime flunkies might point their finger at the Neocons. Again, that’s not the way to bet although the fluid political situation… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Zelensky can be both murdered and blamed. If a new and improved hero can be pulled from the bullpen, and I don’t know enough about those you cited to offer an opinion, that very well may be done. We probably should watch to see if focus shifts to another Ukrainian war leader, AI or not.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
10 months ago

The timing for the Ukraine situation to play out will be along side what looks like a crazy election season, as you said on Pete’s show 2024 is shaping up to be an interesting year.
Enjoyed the Pete Quinnones show, you and Pete put out some of the highest quality content in the dissident movement.