The Star Chamber Phase

Note #1: If you are thinking the kids need something to wear to school that celebrates our diversity, consider buy one of these new shirts. Nothing tells the world how hard you celebrate our diversity like a Lagos Trading Company t-shirt.

Note #2: I was invited on to chat with Peter Quinones about the Republican debate, the courage of Trump, the Tucker interview and many other things. For those missing the sound of me droning on each Friday, you can get your fix here.

The term “star chamber” has fallen out of use over the last few decades, but it was a common term used by the American Left in the 20th century. They would use it when arguing that the courts were acting arbitrarily. Other times they would use it in the context of public opinion when one of their guys was in trouble. The point was that the media was being unfair to their guy. Star chambers were bad so anything with those words associated with it must be bad too.

The Star Chamber was a real thing. It was an English court setup in the 15th century to oversee cases involving socially and political important people. This court was staffed with advisors to the king. This way the judges would not be intimidated by the status of the accused. No one knows for sure how it got the name “star chamber” but the most popular theory says it comes from the decorations. The ceiling was painted with gold stars on a blue background.

Of course, like all government power, it was soon abused by the people wielding it to first attack their enemies in court and then to suppress dissent. The main reason it was subverted into an instrument of oppression is it lacked due process. There was no appealing the decisions of the court and since it operated by its own rules, there could be no appeal to a fixed set of rules. This allowed the king to use the system to persecute his enemies and stamp out dissent.

It is why up until the last few decades, the American court system was based on a fixed set of rules that governed all courts. This was ensured by an appeals system that ended with the Supreme Court. Forgotten today, the primary purpose of the Supreme Court was to make sure the court system followed the rules, the primary source of which is the Constitution itself. The courts being open to the public was an additional check on abuse of the legal system by the powerful.

The reason “star chamber” has fallen out of fashion in America is the Left has seized control of the institutions, including the centers of cultural production. They no longer look at the abuse of power as a problem because they have all the power so by definition all uses of power are justified. Note that their objections to the secret courts created after 9/11 were ceremonial and halfhearted. In reality they welcomed this new tool they could use in pursuit of their agenda.

Note also that the only thing we know about these secret courts is they were used against Donald Trump in the 2016 election. To date no one has produced an example of how these courts prevented terrorism. The documented abuses of these secret courts by the FBI have gone unaddressed. Because the courts are secret, we have no idea what goes on inside them, so there is no way to know they are not being used against dissidents in the same way they were used against Trump.

Putting that aside, the court system we can see is also going through a transformation toward the Star Chamber model. Again, Trump provides some examples. In his Florida case the court has warned him about making public statements. There is the threat of a gag order hanging over him. In Washington, Jack Smith has asked the court for what amounts to a gag order on Trump. In Georgia, Trump cancelled a press conference about the case for fear of retribution from the court.

Since we get our information about court proceedings from the media and the media is now an agent of the state, it is not hard to see why proscribed people would want to have their say outside the courthouse. The only chance for fairness in the courtroom now is for the accused to make his appeals outside the courthouse. Naturally, the courts now wish to stifle such conduct. If they can gag the accused, he cannot shine a light on the abuses inside the court through appeals to the public.

This is not just a phenomenon in high profile political cases. Increasingly, local judges and prosecutors are doing the same thing. Here is a case of a famous college football player accused of heinous crimes. If you read between the lines, he was framed by the cops but was forced to remain quiet in order to get out of the case. He comes from money and his father is famous, but none of that matters in a court system that is increasingly the tool of arbitrary state power.

The difference between the rule of law and rule by men is that the former has a clear and precises set of rules open to the public, while the latter is based on the momentary whims of the people who wield power. The proliferation of laws along with a proliferation of ways to interpret the laws has made everything illegal. No one can now list all of the federal crimes on the books. As a result, most people are breaking the law every day of their life without knowing it.

The reason this matters is one of the predicates for social upheaval, like civil wars and revolutions, is the collapse of trust in the law. The Star Chamber system, for example, ended with the English Civil War. The American Revolution was, in part, a response to the collapse of legal authority. The American Civil War was due, in part, to a collapse in trust by both sides in the courts fairly dealing with the slavery issue. The legal system no longer provided a solution to disputes.

When no one trusts the law or the legal system, no one has a reason to obey the rules, much less respect the system that creates them. Put another way, when everyone is in violation of the law, then everyone is motivated to live outside the law. This is the fundamental definition of the outlaw. He is an outlaw because he rejects the system of laws and therefore exists outside the law. This is also the starting place for every revolutionary and revolutionary movement.

In the end, the test of a legal system is the test of a society. That is, how much protection does it provide to those with the least power. A society that provides only protection to the powerful is a tyranny. A legal system that provides no protection to those without power from those with power is also a tyranny. The Star Chamber became the symbol of tyrannical rule because it was the instrument of tyranny, just as our legal system is today.

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Steve Ouellette
Steve Ouellette
1 year ago

A lot of Germanic law codes require trials to be held in the open air or outdoors. Putting stars on the ceiling was a work around of that

My Comment
My Comment
1 year ago

Unfortunately, the only people who care about rule by law are the same evil people who care about violent crime when it doesn’t impact them or freedom of speech. When it is shown that the bad whites care about an issue, good people immediately embrace the opposite assuming, as usual, that the opposite is acceptable to the elite. Case in point, child trafficking. Once Sound of Freedom was released and championed by bad people, the propaganda system has gone all in debunking concern for child trafficking. If you express concern over child trafficking, unless it can be blamed on Putin,… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
1 year ago

They’re accidentally right that the movie is Q-like (“Q-adjacent,” they all said at once) propaganda. It shares Q’s false premise—the “gay” in the “op”—that the long train of abuses is about to be derailed by good cops, “white hats” in the agencies, sleeper agents of *us*. There’s nothing even slightly like that in real life, just raped kids being piled to the heavens forever. It’s brilliantly demoralizing.

Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

I think the cops and feds have that fantasy of themselves, even if all they do in real life is shoot puppies.

1 year ago

On another note, did anyone see that video of McConnell today? Damnation. To think we’re in part ruled over by pathetic husks such as him, gibberin joe, Feinstein and fetterman, to say nothing of the rest of the scheming shysters. A truly sad state of affairs to say the least.

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Odin just enjoys pulling his soul down into Helheim for brief periods so he can see what awaits him, but it causes him to short out here in Midgard,

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

This is very disturbing. In the USSR, the Politburo did not DARE retire even enfeebled by age, as enemies galore internally would set upon them the moment they gave up power. The CCP, until recently, did not hold that and allowed aging leaders to gracefully retire without retaliation in the interests of allowing peace versus score settling. There must be very many people with scores to settle to force all these to simply hang around well past the age of retirement: Schumer, Feinstein, McConnell, Pelosi, etc. Equally unusual, they are not being forced out by younger people with ambition. Obama… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

Power is their narcotic, they can’t get clean.

1 year ago

Rule of law is one of those nice ideas that can only exist in the magical world of Platonic ideal forms, like human rights or high quality beef at a Chinese restaurant. Think about it, power always tries to accumulate in nature and rule of law will always be in opposition to whoever has the power. If the people have the power then the mob just lynches their enemies against the rule of law. If the elites have the power then extortion and assassins thwart the rule of law. The only situation where rule of law would function is a… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

Why, hello, Mr. Machiavelli! May I call you Niccolo?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Obviously I was plagiarized 500 years ago.

Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

This morning, in a podcast with Adam Carolla, Tucker predicted ass@ssination.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  bourbon
1 year ago

That interview is highly recommended because Tucker also covered:

The Lightbringer’s preference for dudes, Xiden bombing Nordstream, predicted war with Russia, how everyone in DC is dumb, and how college-educated women have massively discredited themselves.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

The most frustrating part of living in ‘Muricahh of 2023 is all the people, mostly over 70, who still believe that they system can give a fair shake after appeals. Look at all the MAGAs who are buying the “retribution” T shirts with the mug shot of the century. Most of them still think “punished Trump” will emerge to save the day. It’s possible that even Trump himself thinks he’ll get a pardon from the governor before any serious repercussions happen. Until of course……he hears the clink of the cell. When the cell door finally closed, both he and his… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

My brother, Gen X, is an intelligent guy but he sees Trump as a Savior figure. Remember when we laughed about how the liberals saw Obama as a “light bringer” who would calm the seas and heal the environment just by existing? My brother is that way about Trump. Further, my brother will agree with me about all the problems related to race and immigration, but all that goes out the window if Trump becomes President. In his vision, Trump will create such a strong economy that all racial problems will vanish in the collective prosperity. It’s embarrassing and a… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

I’ll have to admit Trump’s demeanor and behavior have earned great admiration from me, which I thought impossible. No doubt he thinks “lowest black unemployment in history” will keep the all-savage D.C. jury from convicting him, or that the dimwitted affirmative action judge will conduct a fair trial, or the shills and whores he appointed to the USSC will assure justice. Still, I can’t help but contrast how stoically he has responded with every other politician in our time who was in a tight spot. It is shocking, honestly. Trump was a failure as a president, but as a martyr… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

I’m not even buying the failure as president thing these days. He has to play by rules set up to keep him from doing anything. He failed by not firing every political appointee in government 5 minutes after being sworn in. I said he should do that before he took office. He didn’t. Therefore, he failed. But no more wars the the Middle East and no war with Ukraine. The border wall was being built and normalized the principle that it can be done. Taxes on my wealthy friends went up while taxes on my middle class friends went down.… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 year ago

The Trump Presidency was lousy for reasons beyond not actually doing what he promised on the campaign trail.

1 year ago

If you look at the reporting of the Trump trials, there is clearly an attempt to “pile onto” him psychologically, one tackle after the other. The timing of the indictments is staggered so that the news lands like body blows to Trump. The overall impression one gets is of a psychological attempt to intimidate. They are using the courts because this is (still) a civil society. And I think there may be a sense of “justice” to them to use the legal bludgeon because Trump himself resorted freely to the courts to get back at people. Call it “poetic justice”… Read more »

Reply to  Catxman
1 year ago

The libs are not afraid of Trump. The reason they are going after him so hard is because they’ve LOST their fear of him. Libs are cowards. If they were actually afraid of him, they’d be kissing his ass and competing to win his favor.

After Jan 6th failed, Trump gave up and no one really did anything about the stolen election, they realized Trump really has zero support. By zero support, I mean that Trump has no one who will kill for him, or die for him. People who will VOTE for him don’t count as support.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Pete
1 year ago

They’re more fearful of the rupture in their reality Trump brought to them than they are of the man himself. And BTW, Trump isn’t seen as a mere man, but as both an legit evil creature and eternal symbol of being part of a larger evil. A mere man can be jailed, cajoled, threatened, beaten, and even killed on whim (this last part is definitely coming down the pipe, prog movements of all stripes eventually shift to liquidation when all else fails to work). The idea is, however, is much harder to kill and feeds right into the leftists requirement… Read more »

1 year ago

The only solution is peaceful divorce. As Z is fond of saying, they turn virtues into vices. They now wear our institutions, especially the courts, as skinsuits and demand respect. This is no surprise. Since they don’t even see normie whites as human beings, they laugh at our distress. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Trump. To me, he’s a means to an end. He was a dreadful president and is a dreadful boor as a human being. He’s a raging narcissist who is thoughtless and easily distracted. But he brought pain to the people in charge and that… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_MD
1 year ago

Peaceful divorce is not the only solution but the preferred one.

1 year ago

“A society that provides only protection to the powerful is a tyranny. A legal system that provides no protection to those without power from those with power is also a tyranny.” This is true, but Trump is not a good example of this. Trump has far more power than your average January 6th protester, however, he has been declared an enemy of the regime because he awoke racial consciousness among a substantial fraction of white people, regardless of how little he did for them, and the fraction of the power structure that promoted him has largely abandoned him for just… Read more »

Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

Good comment NOI. I am not certain Trump woke it up in the people. I think he intuitively understood it, and also saw the border as a problem. He also saw de-industrialization not just as an economic problem but as the dispossession of heartland Americans. Trump did not wake up Heritage Americans, (Americans of European ancestry), to racial consciousness. It lived in a portion of Trump’s supporters independent of Trump. For the rest, The Left has been awakening white racial consciousness all on their own. They know that. They are persecuting Trump for giving them a voice. The real reason… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

Best comment I’ve seen in awhile.

c matt
c matt
1 year ago

The difference between the rule of law and rule by men is that the former has a clear and precise set of rules open to the public, while the latter is based on the momentary whims of the people who wield power I know I have said it before, but there is no such thing as rule of law. All laws have to be interpreted and applied by men at various levels, and it is the trustworthiness of those men that determine whether power will be used tyrannically. Thus, there is only rule by men. Just like it’s he who… Read more »

1 year ago

This is from the referenced rich athlete trial story: “In his statement, Kitna said all of his devices confiscated by investigators were returned to him after forensic testing was used and found “no other images that were even questionable: No photos, no videos, no chats, no searches for inappropriate material, not one illegal activity.” Kitna revealed he had to undergo an extensive psychosexual evaluation, which is an assessment used in cases involving sexual misconduct to evaluate a client’s social and sexual history. The evaluation, conducted by a doctor with over 40 years of experience revealed Kitna had no “deviant characteristics,… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

P.S. He may “redeem”, himself where the sick and twisted definition of redemption in this bugman realm is to rise to fame and fortune playing a game for demoralized idol worshippers after sacrificing his dignity. It is an inversion of the phoenix myth. Rather than a phoenix rising from the ashes, a ghost of a man of ashes rises from a burnt out egg. In any case, he will be lauded and applauded by the NFL and college sports as a hero who transformed himself and overcame the odds. Of course, the system will love this Never watch sportsball. That… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
1 year ago

This was supposed to read “gently”*

1 year ago

Finally somebody has answered my question about “gag orders”.

Innocent until proven guilty. That means a free citizen, with the right to speak freely, name his accuser, claim his innocence, say anything, really.

How can any bozo punish a free man with a gag order, as if he were a prisoner who had lost his rights? Both are equal, citizens under the law.

Gag orders are utterly illegal.
But then the “Left”- foreign values, that is- also issues “hate speech” laws too.
The Left’s values of hierarchy have replaced our American ones, yet again.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Alzaebo: “Gag orders are utterly illegal.”

Gag orders are not just utterly illegal but are also in fact utterly UNCONSTITUTIONAL.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


There is no possible “law” via which Trump can be forbidden to speak.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  370H55V I/me/mine
1 year ago

That was one I saw as a kid, because my dad had it on TV, and found it pretty interesting, but then when I watched it later in life the smell of the stack of sweaty tiny hats making the movie came through the TV.

VanCat LeBlanc
VanCat LeBlanc
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

There are a lot of TV shows and movies that I thought were good, and now that I am more JQ aware, the obvious influence of the people who made them shows through and spoils them.

1 year ago

The old concept of the outlaw was simply a person who was outside the protection of the law. Sulla’s proscriptions, for example, simply defined certain people as being outside the protection of the law, meaning no crime could be committed against them.

I mean, nothing you did to that person was a crime.

Whites are outlaws in the US. Simple as.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  btp
1 year ago

In other words, outlaws are targets.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

First they came for the white nationalists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a white nationalist.

Then they came for the dissident right, and I did not speak out — because I was not dissident right.

Then they came for Donald Trump, and I did not speak out — because I( was not Donald Trump.

Then they came for me — and there was no-one left to speak for me.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

First they came for the white nationalists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a white nationalist.

Then they came for the dissident right, and I did not speak out — because I was not dissident right.

Then they came for the conservatives and I did not speak out — because I was not conservative.

Then they collapsed, because there was no one competent left.

1 year ago

Long-time practicing attorney here. The truth is that in non-political matters, the US justice system is still capable of producing even-handed, just results in the vast majority of cases. However, in highly politicized matters it is not. No attorney with a shred of integrity or ethics can even recognize the justice system as it currently operates in these high-profile cases. I saw this coming decades ago while in law school. I attended a top-tier law school that was in the process of being taken over by Marxists. The Dean was an aging white man who was a spineless simp, and… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

My question to you would be, What constitutes political? To me, nearly ever aspect of society has been politicized; thus, nearly every aspect of the courts have been, as well.

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

The vast majority of litigation is non-political, routine commercial litigation relating to contracts issues, intellectual property issues, liability issues, insurance coverage, etc. By and large, the US judicial system handles these cases in an even-handed and just manner. Yes, there are always crazy, incorrect outcomes, as with any human system, but the system gets most of them right. And most that they get wrong are corrected on appeal. I think everyone here would agree that it fails in cases which have political consequences. The Soros District Attorney issue seems new to most people, but that strategy has been incubating since… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

I understand your point, but I am using political in the loosest sense of the term – relating to polity. I do not claim to know the ins and outs of volume, but liability and insurance rules are heavily politicized due to the companies’ 1) Diversity of clientele and 2) The coercion to purchase their goods and 3) Their ability to selectively apply laws due to their monopoly.
Allow me to put it thusly: What reasonable society would allow the policies of insurance to operate as they do? The courts allow this.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Wouldn’t “anti-traditional white people” be a more accurate description of the agents of transformation that you describe instead of “Marxists?”

If we fight “Marxists” and ignore the fundamental racial aspect, then if we ever win, we’ll just recreate our current situation.

(I’m not saying that all whites are a united group. I’m saying that many elite whites are also anti-traditional white people.)

c matt
c matt
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Never seen it done with ” ” instead of ((( ))).

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

I like anti-traditional white people, it’s an excellent term for what we face now. Marxist is old fashioned, it’s got little to do with our enemies now. They’ve gone beyond Marxism into something that is really not even human. Their motivations and their nihilism would have Karl fearful that he was on the wrong side of history. A lot of them are barely human now, almost demonic. Using terms from 3 centuries back makes them look less dangerous than they really are.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

The most accurate appellation would be postmodern fascists. These people are not Marxists. They’re worse.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

I completely disagree with your assessment, though to be fair, I’m not a lawyer. The discretion of the prosecutor along with plea deals have made the criminal justice system corrupt the core. Nearly all cases are now resolved with plea deals. You can get anyone to plea to any charge if you widen the gap between the plea and conviction large enough. Then there is the differential enforcement of the law based on locale (but within the same state). Same law. Same sentencing guidelines, huge disparity of sentencing and even charging. Though nominally the same laws, If you live in… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I’ll only note that the White prosecutor in my nearly all White county made a persuasive case for their use of plea deals (cases where getting witnesses to testify is iffy, cases where there is no doubt about guilt and the accused just want to start serving their time, and so on). Mileage no doubt varies greatly on this.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

As guest said, it is for those political cases, and criminal matters which you identify are almost always political or become so. Yes, it also varies by jurisdiction, which is simply a reflection of the constituents of the jurisdiction. A progressive leaning jurisdiction is going to elect liberal judges, liberal prosecutors and have liberal juries. Conservative ones will have conservatives. That’s why you can have a court system in Austin that is completely corrupt and incompetent, but one in Fort Worth that is reasonable. Both “applying” the same Texas law.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Your experience in law school is basically the plot of Dostoyevsky’s _The Demons_. Classical liberals simply unable to conceptualize the implications of their beliefs & therefore cannot stop what is coming.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Guest, please speak here more often. This is vital intel. And you are another one of /ourguys/ behind the lines.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Thank you. I have been here basically since the beginning of the blog. Discovering this blog was a bit like discovering that I have an intellectual doppelganger in a parallel universe. My spouse still believes, incorrectly, that I am Zman, which I take as a great compliment. I am not nearly as well read as our esteemed host. There are tons of “conservative” attorneys out there. I would venture to say the majority of attorneys are conservative or maybe what we would call a classic liberal (a phrase which has lost all meaning), but they tend to end up in… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

“… the US justice system is still capable of producing even-handed, just results in the vast majority of cases.” I’m tending to disagree. Those cases that mean nothing wrt the political philosophy of those in power, perhaps. But for how long? As mentioned, everything these days seems to have, or will have, a political bent. There is also the case of government regulatory agencies which decidedly do have a political, Leftist bent. The Court systems rarely touch these cases of gross governmental agency abuse because the agencies involved have their “own” appeals system. In short, they themselves judge their own… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

I think he’s just pointing out that courts mostly see mostly, for lack of a better way to put, boring cases in great numbers with at least somewhat satisfactory outcomes. I would agree this is increasingly not the case when seemingly every reprobate arrested for horrific crimes has been doing “turnstile justice” for decades.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Agreed. There’s much “perception” in both our comments. I can see that I tend to ignore the majority of cases as they pass under my radar *precisely* due to their reasonableness. It’s the outliers that give me a “There for the Grace of God go I” reaction.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

>In a matter of five years it went from a modestly left-leaning law school to a fully radicalized entity advancing the interests of the Marxist left. Long-time civil servant here. This exact same process is underway at all levels in all agencies, even those that used to be at least partly shielded because they had something to do with defense, law enforcement or public safety. The injection mandate coupled with the aggressive promotion of the degeneracy agenda has silenced anyone concerned about what is happening and how it will affect an agency’s mission. Senior-level positions are being filled with completely… Read more »

Reply to  Guest2
1 year ago

Believe me, I am fully aware of this. The agencies with which I interface in my day job have, since the Obama administration, all shifted hard toward progressive radicalism. And yes, the speed and ferocity of the DEI push in the past few years has been like nothing we’ve seen. They are aggressively pushing it to vendors. If you want to work with ABC agency or their contractors, you must meet their diversity requirements, as a whole and on every single project. This is now percolating down through the private sector. It is pervasive, like fungus. And yes, they are… Read more »

ex-poster factotum
ex-poster factotum
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

It’s ironic:

Conservatives lost by playing like Trotsky and not fighting for control of the bureaucracy while the Trotskyists, if that is what they, have won by aping Stalin and capturing the bureaucracy.

You may be right about exile… but take care and watch for icepicks!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Although I’m not likely to emigrate, in my adult life I’ve travelled to many nations, and even looked at a few locales where Westerners retire to. I want to live in the country where the grocery store or shopping mall security keeps the riffraff out to begin with. In extremis, say in the case of a theft, they have few qualms about using force up to including deadly, to stop the perpetrator. Such places probably exist, but for me to live or even visit there might be problematic. Currently, I live in a nation where individuals or even organized gangs… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Where are we supposed to go. And if you’re 60+ years old we’re going pick up and start all over in Costa Rica? May as well stay put and watch the show.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

It’s worth mentioning the anarcho-tyranny aspect of the rule of men. While the law is being selectively and maliciously and even falsely enforced against dissidents and other enemies of the ruling class, the law is being ignored in other contexts. Not just in the US. In the home of the common law, being held up or suffering a home invasion will not get a policeman to come to where you are and the odds of the crime being solved and ending in a prosecution is in the single digits. But let you post a tweet they don’t like. The whole… Read more »

1 year ago

Are these cases against trump sort of a provocation towards the supreme Court in that they want to dare them to throw out the convicted/indictment?

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Ruling parties don’t do bankshots. They charge for a dunk and know the whistle won’t blow. The purpose of the cases against Trump is guilty verdicts. The mugshot was to make him look like a criminal. Etc. The crowd jeers and chants “bullshit bullshit bullshit,” but—scoreboard. Even when they’re calling for escalation—”insurrection,” signaling impulsive assassins to go after Trump judges, the fake story of Trump fighting the Secret Service so cops will be trigger-happy with him—they don’t have a specific plan. They’re *lusting openly*. “Stochastic terrorism” was them describing how Our Democracy works. Say “red mirage” and it will appear.… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

These court cases against Trump make me wonder how many people live in the perpetual present. It’s like most people just cannot recall 3 years ago when the beautiful people all simultaneously started griping and moaning about Trump turning America into a banana republic by asking the prosecutor in Ukraine to look into the corruption of Joe Biden, a likely future opponent.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I saw some post from a twitter screenshot of a regime toady making a case about something or other and it was apparent that this person’s complete worldview existed with the walled intellectual garden setup by the regime, and not because they necessarily desired that, but because, Idiocracy style, they were incapable of forming any views beyond the handful that had been spoon-fed to them. It’s like a madlibs where every space they encounter is filled in with “white supremacy” or “fascism”

1 year ago

The British Empire thrived for centuries because commercial maritime disputes were dealt with by either industry arbitration or the Admiralty courts in a way that was fair to outsiders..Indeed, there were complaints during the Napoleonic wars that British courts were being too fair to countries trading with France, and sometimes reversing captures of their shipping..That all changed in WW1, when England went full neocon..beginning by the Royal Navy cutting all international cables except their own, to prevent news from the continent reaching North America and protect British propaganda….

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

It really is crazy how far you can go in power by just being fair and just. There’s immense soft power in it, you just have ensure you never make allies with anyone.

1 year ago

Speaking of no respect for the law, wasn’t it just a few short weeks ago that SCOTUS told the executive that its plan of massive student loan forgiveness was illegal? And yet in the past few weeks I know of four people who received letters announcing that their remaining debt has been cancelled. The three dollar amounts that I know of were $35K, $63K, and $90K! The largest one is a person I’m very familiar with, a lifelong friend and a bit of a ne’er-do-well. To his credit he’s been working good jobs the past few years but before that… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Immediately after the ruling, they said they were going to forgive the loans anyway, and of course nobody is going to stop them. There has been lots of this the past 20 years. The best example IMO is DACA. We all know about DACA, well long forgotten was this was a proposed law called the Dream Act that was rejected by Congress. After it got rejected, King Obama just set it up anyway and dared anybody to stop him. Theoretically it lacks the permanent residence part of the Dream Act, but, well, come on. We’re stuck with this forever now.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

The “negligence” is the army of teachers, parents, and other people in authority that urged 18-year-olds to take out $100K loans. Even if many of them went on to get degrees in ridiculous majors like sociology (more negligence on the part of authority figures) it still isn’t fair. What if you were encouraged by multitudes of people during your most impressionable ages to buy a loaded Porsche SUV after graduation, instead of a base model Nissan Versa, because that will guarantee you wealth and comfort? And then when you quickly realize that the Porsche SUV is an enormous financial burden,… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Marko, I share your contempt for everyone involved in the scam that higher education has become today, the lenders, the government, the schools, etc. But that doesn’t account for all of these cases. In my case I’m talking about people who didn’t go the Porsche route, but still decided not to make the slightest effort to repay their obligations and have now been given a winning lottery ticket. One example I know of, a woman who went to a SUNY college in the 90’s, while they were still quite affordable, and was immediately hired into the teaching profession upon graduation.… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Forget about Black studies and Sociology majors. Something like 30-40% of those with loans never complete a degree! This means a mismatch between Admissions and Student Candidate which indicates incompetence at best and malfeasance at worse. (I opt for the second reason.) This can easily be fixed, and has for profit “trade” schools. The government lending agency requires reports from these private institutions as to graduation rates and success in future employment. Those schools with dismal records are denied loans. The student might apply for money, but the school could not receive it—and for the most part the schools were… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

The main problem is that the wrong people are being held responsible for those loans. The loans are still being repaid, but at the expense of the tax slaves.

What should happen is that those loans should be declared void, and those owning the debt should be told to be thankful that they’re not hanging from lampposts.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

The same is happening with the AA ruling. Aside from the massive lived experience essay loophole many colleges are openly discussing how they will not comply. I saw a statement from a Villanova provost that Catholic schools may be exempt because AA falls under some religious freedom contrivance.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

This folds into your column yesterday about the economy and power of the dollar, and acts as a counterargument to a few of its points. The American economy, particularly its markets, have thrived precisely because the rule of law was seen as guaranteeing things were on the up and up. Markets were presumed to be transparent, and if shenanigans were underway, redress was available in the courts. Favoritism and other state-sanctioned corruption were presumed to be absent, so those were not considered among the risks with investments. Regulators and the law would make certain things were on the up and… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

The most bonkers part was when an investing app named Robin Hood sided completely with the oligarchs. Real truth to power there guys.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

He was robbin’ the ‘hood.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I’d argue that the rule of law is being attacked on two sides. The first is what Z writes about here, which is the elite bypassing the law to attack opponents. But the rule of law is also being attacked from underneath by non-whites who feel no connection to laws created by and for whites. Huge portions of non-whites only follow the law out of fear of retribution of the system. That’s different from most whites who obey the law because they believe in the laws and the rule of law. As whites see both their rulers and non-whites ignoring… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Sam Francis called this phenomenon Anarcho-Tyranny. A truly original concept for which he will be justly celebrated by future historians, even if they happen to be robots or bugs.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I’ll emphasize your point by adding that supporting a legal system requires low time preference and intelligence, qualities that many races just don’t have much of. If a court issues a ruling that a person dislikes, for that person to continue to support that legal system requires that the person to be able to see that, in the long run, that legal system is better than its absence. A significant proportion of non-whites are simply unable to carry out this thought process. They want themselves or their race to win the case in front of the court right now and… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Part of it is that NW Europeans were bred for the rule of law. The church banned cousin marriage would broke up the clans. People were marrying people outside their clans. This meant that disputes were no longer settled by clan leaders but the law. This worked really well for centuries. It allowed NW Europeans to work together in a way that clannish societies never could. We could organize millions of unrelated men to work toward some goal whether military or economic. It’s likely why we dominated for 500 years over more clannish parts of the world. However, this system… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

“It only works if you keep clannish people out of your society, but the underlying ethos of treating people as individuals rather than as a member of another clan makes that hard to do.”


“NW Europeans will either disappear as various peoples (really, get integrated into other clannish peoples) or will revert back to more clannish behavior.”

What you talked about is our way. That’s our clan. Somehow got convinced it was the ideas and not the people. Sold our souls imo.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Enlightenment ideals were inevitable from the breeding out of clannishness. Culture is downstream from biology, after all.

But Enlightenment ideals also inevitably led us to this point.

It’s just nature doing its thing. A genetic variation (pushed by culture in this case) worked extremely well and allowed that group to expand and flourish. But the environment changed (ironically, that same group changed the environment) and that group is no longer well-adapted to the new environment and is struggling.

As always, adapt or die.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Incredible post CoaSC. You described a complex phenomenon in a very succinct manner. Well done.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Thanks. I’ve been reading and thinking about this for a long time. Unfortunately, understanding the real underlying issues also makes it very clear that there’s no way back to what we once had.

Z is right. We have to move forward and accept the world that we live in.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

As you note, NW Europeans were able to rise above their clannishness. This gives the color-blind civnats hope that all groups can do the same.

It’s always hard to argue a negative, but non-whites, including the chosen, are for all intents and purposes unable to transcend their tribalism and we must act according to that fact.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

They’re unable to transcend their tribalism because they never went through centuries of having it bred out of them, like we did.

That’s what frustrates me so much about the Sailer HBD crowd. They know the genetic differences, but still cling to their colorblind civic nationalism. Truly bizarre to watch. Like Anton, they really believe that their “natural rights” will overcome the genetic barriers.


Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Excellent distillation, Citizen, of the main thesis of the book The WEIRDest People in the World. The NW European system survived and prospered as long as it was confined to NW European people; it cannot survive the importation of large numbers of people who have evolved in clannish societies.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 year ago

Always meant to read that book, but I’d suspect that the author treads lightly on the genetic aspect of how we became weird.

But, yes, once you let clannish people into your borders, it’s game over.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Excellent insight, Citizen. Genius. I’ve struggled for years to try to understand why only the peoples from north and west of the Hajnal line are programmed to accept the values of the Enlightenment. This likely explains it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Yep. See negro jubilation over the aquittal of the obvious murderer OJ Simpson as a case in point.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Quite. For this, you can thank an Anglo, King Alfred and his Book of Common Law, applied to both commoners and kings.

For this, Alfred was the only English king titled, “the Great”.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

But in Alfred’s day, there was no sizeable component of alien, inherently oppositionally tribal subjects in the realm.
Alfred was advocating a just legal system for the benefit and flourishing of the English People.
Citizen of a Silly Country has clearly articulated the argument that this system is fatally undermined when alien tribalists successfully infiltrate and corrupt this system devised to lessen social tensions and provide for a more equitable justice system within a True Nation, i.e., a genuine ethnostate within which it is no shame that tradition holds sway.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

But in Alfred’s day, there was no sizeable component of alien, inherently oppositionally tribal subjects in the realm.

Pick up a history book.

Britain was half conquered by Danes in Alfred’s time. He barely escaped being killed and his kingdom conquered.

There were also Cetic-British remnants and Sotts in the north.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Dinodoxy, Those people were not in Alfred’s realm, a realm that Alfred fought to carve out against the Danish invaders. Of course there were other peoples on the island of Great Britain, do you really believe that I am ignorant of that fact? I was speaking of the dynamic of Alfred’s strategy of supporting his people by carving out a space for his People, the English People in contradistinction to the others all around him, and setting them apart. Geez, do you think that there might be something we white people of the FUSA might stand to learn from that,… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Unfortunately, YT has a big target on his back with respect to following the law or not. I’d just like to see some White guy stroll out of Neiman Marcus with a garbage bag full of unpayed for merchandise. If the cops didn’t gun him down, I’d be somewhat surprised. I imagine that’ll change at some point, but not now.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Relatedly, it is quite apparent that in legal clashes between whites and negroes, there is a big lead boot on the scales of so-called “justice” in favor of the nuggras. If whites are going to be persecuted for defending themselves, even mildly, against negro malefeasance, why not simply blaze away with a heater and let the chips fall where they may? How much do you really have to lose?

1 year ago

Even the revered jury trial is no longer a check. A jury of Portland liberals will acquit antifa gang members for beating Andy Ngo. By the same token there is no way a DC jury will acquit a conservative public figure accused of a non-crime.

Don’t even get me started on the tort system.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
1 year ago

That issue is similar to the idea that democracy breaks down when one group of people no longer accept the right of another group of people to rule over them – even if the second group wins more than 50% of the vote.

A democracy is no different from a tyranny is one group uses their majority status to enslave or abuse another group. If a majority of non-whites votes to tax whites at 75% and themselves at 0%, that’s both democratic and tyrannyical.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Don’t worry, that’s already on its way here.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 year ago

I’ve seen stats that break down aggregate financial contributions by race in America. If it were whites, despite the massive government we would still balance the budget every year.

Thus, whites are taxed at over 100% when you account for the debt and interest and POCs are free riding at a net surplus when you add everything up.

I can’t remember who does this and his web site, but his methodology seems solid. If anyone here knows would appreciate the reference.

In short TC, it is already here.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
1 year ago

Jury trials are weird to begin with. Why would you want 12 randos off the street arbitrating in legal matters rather than, say, some guy who have a long and relevant career in law and litigation, a guy who actually knows how the legal system works and what the laws are?

One of the jurors in the OJ Simpson trial openly told a news camera that the verdict was payback for Rodney King.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

The theory was the judge is a state actor and the jurors were not. In a who/whom system, with jurors likely to be limited to the favored (imagine how much doxing takes place pretrial), that may no longer be true.

Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

This makes sense in a society where all are subject to the same aristocracy and there is a sense of solidarity. Then you ensure that this isn’t a case of some rich guy getting mad at a peasant and wanting retribution.

In a world of Red vs. Blue, they are no longer seen as a fellow citizen, but an enemy combatant, and they let their bloodlust determine guilt.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

That is an excellent point Jack Dodson. If you look at jury selection it is often in the case of blacks a racial headcount. In essence it is an admission and an open rejection of the justice system. They are saying it isn’t the system it is the people. When a people don’t agree on the justice system you no longer have a society, given that a justice system is one of the fundamental reasons for creating a society. When 13% of the population rejects it, the right thing to do is to calmly admit that you can’t live together… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Far better put than I mustered. Great comment.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

I’ll take the 12 randos. I agree with WF Buckley, who said something like he would rather be ruled by the first 2000 names in the phonebook than by the faculty of Harvard. The key is to not live in areas with liberal DAs, where you could fall prey to a black or very liberal jury.

Felix Krull
Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

I agree with WF Buckley, who said something like he would rather be ruled by the first 2000 names in the phonebook than by the faculty of Harvard. Nice quip, but it’s just a quip. I’d prefer to be judged by a professional who will lose both face and career if he makes a serious mistake, not someone who can waltz off and with impunity tell the world afterwards: “yeah, we set a murderer free because fuck whites. What are you going to do about it, honky?” I understand the argument about the judge being an agent of the government,… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

And what’s with the public election of prosecutors, then?
–In hindsight that’s an admission of failure, i.e. the prosecutor has turned into a glorified legislator and should therefor be elected, with the voting an attempt to fix something already broken.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

I’d prefer to be judged by a professional who will lose both face and career if he makes a serious mistake,

We just went through this with CoVid.

The “non political” public health professionals were horrific. Worse even than democratically elected politicians.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

It made sense in 18th, 19th and most of the 20th century for the US. But it’s supremely stupid in a multi-racial country increasing inhabited by clannish tribes.

Times change.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

Better still, why why prefer juries where the IQ of the average juror is 100 when you could have jurors with an average IQ of 115? Many legal cases are extremely complex and beyond the ken of the average person. Perhaps justice would be better served by a cadre of intelligent, well-trained, professional jurors. Of course, who trains the jurors could be something of an issue. Clearly, for instance, postmodern law schools would have no business performing that task.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Perhaps justice would be better served by a cadre of intelligent, well-trained, professional jurors.

That’d just give you ten amateur judges for one professional, and you’d still have the same problems with jury intimidation, bribery, mass media manipulation and ethnic hatred.

And yes, the idea works a lot better in a socially coherent, white society but if I were on trial, I’d still prefer a judge to a jury. Randos are morons.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

The reason people avoid jury duty is because the “highest, most important duty under the law” is too stingy to pay a living wage for the jurors.

Deliberately. We’ve lost our fair juries because of goddam peanuts.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

True, except for the fact that they wouldn’t be amateurs, randos or morons. Otherwise, spot on.

And who’s to say a judge couldn’t be intimidated, bribed, manipulated and motivated by ethnic hatred?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

For civil disputes among those who can afford it, that is what private arbitration offers. In theory.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

When it began the jury system meant a jury composed a people who had some acquaintance with the people involved and could assess their credibility. At some point, “impartiality” became synonymous with “blind ignorance.” The descent of the West into a system of competing tribes and clans means that the jury system no longer functions properly. Trouble is, the same descent is undermining the competence and impartiality of the judiciary itself. One of the George Floyd police defendants was convicted a form of manslaughter in a bench trial (without a jury) in what was clearly a total miscarriage of justice.… Read more »

Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
1 year ago

Didn’t the lawyer for the defendants literally threaten the jury too?

The Rule of Law is dead.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Maniac: For racially-aware Whites, it most certainly is. Anarcho-tyranny is the order of the day. My ‘cope’ is to minimize my contact with the legal and administrative system. Not to the point of having no legal ID or setting up some faux-company to hold my land in another name (I’ve read this advocated, and if you can do so and figure it’s ultimately worth it then go for it), but other little things. I have a driver’s license but it’s not compliant with the “real ID ” act. I’m not registered to vote. I have no apps or payment means… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
1 year ago

That is because Leftists have no principles other than the acquisition of total power. In practice, this means legal niceties be damned, and let jury nullification reign.

Bitter Reactionary
Bitter Reactionary
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Jury nullification is a useful safegaurd, and can be used for good as well as evil. If abuse of it leads to breakdown, then perhaps so much the better. If Joe normie figures his only hope of getting justice has become a do-it-yourself affair the people on charge will have a tougher time making anarchotyranny work the way they want it to.

More anarcho, less tyranny.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bitter Reactionary
1 year ago

Agreed. We no longer share a country with citizens holding different views; we are now at war with enemies who seek to grind us underfoot. That being the case, we must fight fire with fire, and that means no longer standing on principle. Of course, it may already be too late.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Doxing is intended to chill jury nullification. Any white person on bond is a fool not to skip out. That’s not to knock jury nullification, and it should be employed, but it carries risk.

David Wright
1 year ago

According to a few Russian youtubers I watch this is very much the system they live under. Soviet oppression may have dissipated but that didn’t leave them any sort of liberty, just not as bad.

How fortunate for us to finally devolve into such a system also. Does this just keep going on or do we get one those civil wars or blowbacks many are talking about?

Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

The dissident right isn’t a good place to point this out. Folks here tend to assume that since China and Russia oppose the GAE they must therefore be good.

In reality both nations embody the two things the DR is supposed to hate the most: Russia is run by its corrupt oligarchy, many of them with the triple you-know-who parentheses. China is the technocratic bugman dystopia. But Putin says he loves Jesus and Chinese like to make monkey sounds at blacks so they must be based…

1 year ago

Z’s favorite commentator Nick Fuentes made a very good point about the gag order that one of the judges put on Donald Trump. Fuentes pointed out that since this lawfare is one of the primary issues of the election season, telling Donald Trump he cannot talk about this lawfare is the same as telling Trump that he cannot talk about one the primary issues of the election. They have it set up so that, quite literally, the Brandon Justice Department is running his campaign. Pair this up with the fact that the media, using their power to ignore, simply will… Read more »

Curious Monkee
Curious Monkee
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

How dare you! You know there is a Jihad in this site against Nick Fuentes. The mask is off now more than ever, there is hope when Fuentes, Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand, Ramz, Scott Adams, Tucker and many others that cannot be more different are aware of the same situation. Basically the regime crossed a big red line that warned all of us about how serious they are about keeping the scam up. Dore is now a cough theorist and there is no theory he won’t pursue (Maui), this happens once you take the red pill, it’s malfeasance all the… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Curious Monkee
1 year ago

Dore is even making statements gentling questioning climate change science. You know for a lefty that has got to be a hard pill for him to swallow.