It is fair to say that political philosophy, as we currently think it, is the search for the ideal or best form of government. Even now, at the end of history, when all of the best people are sure we have figure out that “our democracy” is the ideal form of government, there are heretics thinking about what could be better. It is hard to image what could be better than “our democracy” but they are imagining it.
Of course, even the best people must concede that there must be something better as otherwise there could be no progress. The only way we stop progress is by reaching the end of time which is the perfection human society. Once we reach that point, no one will imagine there can be anything better, so there is no longer a need for political science, political philosophy or even politics.
While we are progressing toward something, it very clearly is not the perfection of mankind and human society. Instead we are ruled by lunatics and simpletons hellbent on smashing what is left of Western society. The more likely answer to what comes next is chaos and then some effort to impose order. Therefore the question of political science will be what sort of order is possible.
What form of government is possible with the demographics we have and will have in the not too distant future? Will it be possible to have a general answer to that question for all regions of North America. Lilly white Vermont will have very different answers than highly diverse Georgia. Mexifornia cannot have the same answers as New England or states in the black belt.
One answer is that there is no system that can provide order, at least with the ingredients that we have in terms of people, history, geography and so on, so those will have to change. This is the recipe for civil war. The result of that process will then frame what is possible with what remains. The political questions then become, what is possible and what must happen to have tolerable options.
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This Week’s Show
- The Debate Over Rights Versus Tradition
- What Is Possible
- Monarchy – Tyranny
- Aristocracy – Oligarchy
- Democracy – Polity
- Managerial Polyarchy
- The Reality Of America
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COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts, Study Finds
The Free Republic link contains further links to Igor Chudov, which in turn has links to both the study & a commentary at the journal of the Radiological Society of North America [the “RSNA”].
This is worst case scenario.
Great podcast but a few quibbles. I don’t think that corporations are more powerful than the government. Look at Fauci, Fienstein, and the Feeb special agent that ran Twitter. For Fauci, his 40+ year running the NIH, open defiance of Obama, and vast wealth are clues to where the power lies. Feinstein died with her depends on; clinging to power to the last much like Biden will likely die with his depends on. More broadly, bureaucrats and permanent politicians tend to last far, far longer than CEOs even when accounting for outliers like Disney’s Iger. And the sheer growth of… Read more »
Whiskey: “Feinstein died with her depends on; clinging to power to the last much like Biden will likely die with his depends on.”
Here’s some absolutely joyous news for a beautiful Sunday afternoon…
Kaiser Family Foundation: “Seventy percent of Democrats plan to get the new vaccine… compared to just 24% of Republicans.”
The Elephant awakens from its slumber…
COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts, Study Finds
The Free Republic link contains further links to Igor Chudov, which in turn has links to both the study & a commentary at the journal of the Radiological Society of North America [the “RSNA”].
This is worst case scenario.
An article dropped relating that British intelligence agencies have formally banned whitey from internships going forward.
I see that as a win, as any honkey who wants those spots are probably not on our side of the divide.
A bunch of Floyd’s handling intelligence work for the Brits. What could possibly go wrong?
Bartleby the Scrivner: “A bunch of Floyd’s handling intelligence work for the Brits.”
Floyd the Groid***?
Or some other Boyd?
***Canonized not cannibalized.
Bourbon for the win.
I hope that Z Man will forgive an off topic post, but what I am passing along is exceptional and addresses the subject of his post.
A regular topic on this blog is why whites are so much less ethnocentric than all other races and why we are so gullible. In a recent speech, Jarod Taylor addresses these topics and concludes with an answer to Z Man’s question of what we can do now.
Jared is one of the most intelligent, eloquent, and noble men of our age, and this speech is one of his best.
I was in the room when he gave that speech.
The hijinks of Speaker McCarthy over the last 24 hours have been truly astonishing. It’s inevitable we are going to end up with a collapsed government now. And the fire alarm guy. What’s most telling about that is the stupid excuse given. “I did not realize I would trigger a full building alarm while I was on my way to an important vote.” It’s the latter half of the statement which is pertinent here. He’s trying to give himself legal cover for what he did. Most people have heard the fact that a congressman cannot be arrested while on the… Read more »
There is no rational or moral reason to obey a government that functions like this.
The only reason to not openly defy them is that they will exercise Hobbesian sovereignty and no-knock you at 4 a.m. and shoot you and your dog.
it looks like he was doing chickensh-t even six months ago.
Is this one of those things where letting the pretenses fall is better?
You could have a very liberal but temperamentally moderate to conservative Democrat who is competent or a foaming at the mouth ideologue. The guy who pulled the fire alarm unseated a sixteen term incumbent. Here is unz review talking about it when it happened.
I feel that I can’t locate any of my dogs in that fight.
See, Lee Kwan Yu.
Bowman’s victory was a victory for us, too. His district is safely blue, but having him in that office gives a public platform to see what an 85 IQ in a policy position looks like. Chillers and grillers will take note. We need another 10 or 15 of him in the house.
Building on Z-Man’s podcast, here’s my unified theory of the American experience over the past 250 years:
1) Throw off bad government.
2) Stylishly dressed guys write a new system.
3) Profit!
4) Wipe hands on pants.
Joe Sobran quote. “By today’s standards King George III was a very mild tyrant indeed.
He taxed his American colonists at a rate of only pennies per annum. His actual impact on their personal lives was trivial.
He had arbitrary power over them in law and in principle but in fact it was seldom exercised.
If you compare his rule with that of today’s U.S. Government you have to wonder why we celebrate our independence.”
only a rich asshole and their small hat friend think it is bad government….
Nice work on Twitter, Z. Your tweet brought ALL of the crazies out. A few observations: You disrespected one of their idols. You disrespecting a Black Woman is equivalent to you going to India and breaking a statue of their Shiva. Also interesting to note that almost every response was some kind of anti-white reply. Even though your comment was not explicitly racial. White people not bowing down and having an opinion is too much for them. They’re also hyper paranoid about any kind of “racism”. And they really, really, hate us. In particular, they were attacking Republican white women… Read more »
I was trying to find the Twitter post you talked about, and eee gads, I ran into multiple posts that claim to know the ID of our intrepid blog host. (I’m not getting a Twitter account).
Who knew the Z man was an extremist, and White Nationalist to boot!
And here I thought he was a well educated raconteur. Who knew!!
Oh well, enough surfing for one night.
What is Z’s tw@tter address?
Okay, I think I found his tw@tter address:
But I guess you have to join tw@tter in order to see the content at that address?
Z has restricted his twitter account to followers. I get why he did that, but it means he can’t be followed on nitter. I don’t want the damn app on my system, so I guess that’s that. OTOH, perhaps he will put his tweets on gab, which he’s occasionally done up to now.
(Now that Musk renamed it Z, are tweets now zeets?)
I reopened it, but I am thinking about deleting it entirely. It is waste of time.
I would advise to delete the account. Social media is widely believed to be nothing more than a fully funded/controlled Deep State Intel operation. Being on X/Twitter or any other platform allows the intel agencies a full suck of your computer’s data, no doubt.
Another great entry, Z. Thank you for your efforts. I guess my biggest issue with all of it isn’t even that I know I won’t be alive to see things change (if they ever do), it’s that I won’t be alive for the retribution. At this point the hate and malice I carry every day really just makes me want to inflict the most amount of torturous pain as possible on the people responsible. I hate them with the intensity of a 1000 suns. Like all of you I have my obvious reasons, but I have a few more personal… Read more »
That hatred is burning hotter with every day. Imagine what’s inside the breast of many less fortunate and/or less perceptive whites. There will be another Buffalo supermarket-type shooting.
The Buffalo supermarket shooting was 100% set up by the FBI. There was nothing genuine or organic about it. There is no fucking way an 18-year-old community-college kid wrote that 180-page manifesto, it was spoon fed to him by feds:
The possible federal involvement was totally memory-holed by the media and never came up at trial because they induced a plea and never had a trial.
Don’t fall for the federal psy-op and the gaslighting.
I like the pirate ship analogy. Any ship on the open sea for that matter. It really does capture the way our country operates. Probably the whole world. And there are many things to consider when aboard a pirate ship. The weather being a major factor. The ship may run onto rocks or shoals and be battered to pieces. The crew may make it to an island with enough salvaged tools to carry on. Perhaps build a small boat to get back to civilization. The doldrums — the Sargasso Sea and other pitfalls are possible. Of course spotting a sail… Read more »
Great show. But I really can’t understand why change is necessarily limited to some version of what we have now of why diversity is a necessary component of the future. Most of them walked here and most of them can walk right back home. Imagine someone telling Stalin, “you can’t do that!!” What we are lacking is the political will to do a lot of these things. Sure, we’re not going to vote a man like Stalin to be President and do these things, but nobody says they have to be voted in. No man knows how or when this… Read more »
This is a good point. The only way to “manage the diversity” in most cases is to just manage it right out the door and give it a swift kick in the ass on the way through. There are certainly *some* parts of the US that are so full of foreigners right now that they just need to be jettisoned entirely, Mexifornia being an obvious one. There are also many people, particularly women, who don’t need to be replaced at all because they perform no useful function at all. Most of the jobs women fill in the corporate world, for… Read more »
I love the line, “I don’t want White people to just become the “managers of the decline.””
I agree 100%, I have kids that I love.
Whose to say we don’t already have a Stalin in power? Only, it is not just one person, and it is definitely not to our liking. What happens when you are the first to stop clapping at “Stalin” approved messages?
That is what makes it so difficult – there is not just one individual to be the focus.
Nerd School There are no natural laws or rights, only natural mechanisms; which we can observe and attempt to understand. But first, we need some background. Life has existed on Earth for about a billion years and Homo sapiens for a few hundred thousand years. The most fundamental natural mechanism that spans this entire era is that “what works is what persists.” And by “works” we mean that it enhances the ability to survive and thrive in the local environment. And since environments vary all over the planet, each locale has its unique adaptations. The important lesson here is that… Read more »
Voting is possible. No, not for Federal, but locally. White shitlib women vote for diversity & inclusion because it makes them feel warm & fuzzy. White conservacuck men vote for the corporation because it makes them feel like part of the team. The chimera of a Great White Ummah, then, is a Federal showboat. But locally? Mexicans in á Los (L.A) vote for the local council races; they get an all-Brown LAPD and mayor with the judeo-african element being sidelined. The Indians and Sikh run for school board and city zoning boards, as a result become carve inroads into dominating… Read more »
White people, even immediate family members, never help or support each other.
Too broad a brush here. What’s one of the biggest complaints about the Boomer’s children? They’ve never grown up and live in their parents basement—presumably waiting upon their inheritance. Next biggest complain, millennials are spoiled in that they’ve never had to endure real hardship and have been overly coddled by parents. That doesn’t sound like families not caring for children, just the opposite. As far as Whites supporting Whites (because well, they’re White), you’ve got a point. Ethnocentrism is weak within the White world, but that seems baked in genetically. A genetic trait that once worked in a racially separated… Read more »
Americans look at revolution different than most other places because we had a fairly successful and romanticized revolution and not a lot of civilian bloodshed or tyranny afterwards. Russians and Chinese have a very different view of a revolution and all of the pain and misery it can cause. There are still many people alive in those societies that can remember what it was like. The Boomers of China had a very different childhood than American and European Boomers. Everyone who wants to “change the world” can only imagine “change” being positive and “progress” They just cannot fathom a “change”… Read more »
Ovation, great stuff. Still…
“…a beheading machine in the middle of Time’s Square.”
Why does that picture make me feel so enlivened, almost giddy, I wonder?
Because you are assuming that you will be the one running it instead of being put into it.
Never assume everything will go in your favor…
I am constantly trying to remind the people who advocate for a civil war keep that in mind. Even if you assume it is inevitable, time will weaken them far more than it weakens us. Their coalition is held together with money and existing power structures also held together with money. if the monetary system collapses or even just significantly weakens, so does their power and ability to enforce their rules and laws. Our cops may be psychos, but they also want to be paid. The cops are bunch of cowards in the first place who love to hide outside… Read more »
As has been learned before on this continent.
The police will not monolithically join one side or the other. But in any event, the police are not a significant force to be concerned with should there be an uprising. Their numbers are too small. Look at how they allowed every major riot to progress rather than risk injury from the mob. Best we’ll see is police defending certain infrastructure in the hope the military can/will handle angry mobs. BTW, avoiding large mobs of irate citizens is not cowardly. It’s the smart thing to do. A mob is a mindless beast. Even the largest moose can fall to a… Read more »
@Compsci I think this is the first mistake conservatives make. They believe they are going to be in a fight with the military instead of the cops. The US military is not a police force. It doesn’t have the training, the equipment, the institutions, experience etc to do police work (maybe the military police have something similar, but at a much smaller scale), like identifying the insurgents. There are well over a million cops in the US once you count all of them. They have a lot of tools the military doesn’t have. Of course, I am envisioning an insurgency… Read more »
Every American political arrangement from the Iroquois to the Internet has been a Federation. Between Bookends; The Albany Conference. The Articles of Confederation. The Federalist Republic of 1789. The Confederate States of America. Neither race nor The Founders explains the Iroquois or The Internet. What we know is it keeps happening for 600 years at least. – the Iroquois Confederation at least that old (it still exists by the way, dead wampum lasts longer than dead parchment, perhaps that’s DC’s fate). My own estimate is the rich lands with diverse riches compel different economic and political interests and that’s why… Read more »
Aloha Avery Bawdy
On a side note I observe that the number of Americans renouncing their citizenship and moving to (presumably) greener pastures overseas continues to increase. The number for the third quarter of 2022 was 2872 — more than the full year total of 2426 for 2021 and more than the aggregate total of less than 2500 for the period 2005 to 2009. The ones renouncing are of course those with the means to buy residence visas and passports in desirable countries. I expect the number renouncing to move from a trot to a canter and then maybe to a gallop. The… Read more »
There is only one way forward for America to progress as a nation, outside of balkanization, and it ties into our esteemed blog host’s scholarly poast on the bleeping of Canada. Consider: A functional nation needs meaningful finances. That means restructuring the debt, tying the dollar to gold – and running the grifters and shysters out on a rail. That will require levels of anti-semitism that are currently unfeasible… for now. Even pirates require honest accounting to operate. It also needs a functional judiciary. Else – you get the the feral preying on the productive. Even a pirate ship needs… Read more »
A common theme of Z Man’s is that “we are ruled by lunatics and simpletons hellbent on smashing what is left of Western society.” Certainly, this is true of many of our elected leaders and their appointees. And it feels good to call our opponents idiots. Of course, if we’re so smart, why do they have their boot on our throats? Respectfully, I’d like to offer a reminder of the standard WN view: we are ruled by very smart and energetic people and what you see on the news is what they want. They are not lunatics. We just cannot… Read more »
Line, I completely agree. I believe Z would argue that much of what we observe is emergent behavior; thus, the stupid in charge are not really the driving force. I agree with your assessment, though. I believe too many overt statements by powerful people clearly indicate that we are being led to a predetermined future, and too many steps along the way have been accomplished with too much cunning, planning, and brute force. I recognize the counterargument to this is that emergent behaviors also have a clear purpose. I, however, find myself on your side on the driving force behind… Read more »
Eloi: “…too many overt statements by powerful people clearly indicate that we are being led to a predetermined future, and too many steps along the way have been accomplished with too much cunning, planning, and brute force.” ========== All of the V@xxine news continues to be simply HORRIFYING. If you’ve got Normies of your acquaintance, who are ready for some real talk, but like it served up to them in a David-Brinkley/Chet-Huntley fashion, then for V@xxine info, send them to the j00t00b channel of “Dr. John Campbell”. Campbell’s delivery style is simply perfect for the Normies who need the information… Read more »
They certainly were smart a couple of generations ago. Look at the names of the foundations— they’re all gone, except the Fords. There’s the idea of merging with tech and achieving immortality. I believe that’s a real agenda. It’s the next stage of the spirit of the foundations, except executed by a copy of the founder instead of staff carrying out a mission, so to speak. Having people carry on for you is kind of like making copies of copies— the quality doesn’t stay true to the original, degrades. And the solution is making one permanent copy—science fiction lol. My… Read more »
I read somewhere that Bezos has spent over a billion on immortality research. Thiel, Ellison and others no doubt similar. They are definitely sincere about it.
Plan for immortality: Sink a billion into a white van freezer scam, OD on testosterone so hard you leave your wife for a menopausal hooker whose body is half rubber.
Conservatives are right. The wealthy are our rightful superiors.
Google (Alphabet) has their own company, Calico, with this aim.
Have you seen that demographic voting map? Did you see women’s voting habits since 1950? Theres a reason why the founders, as delusional as they were about some enlightenment philosophy, intended that only white, christian, tax paying men of good character would vote. We could deport all of our enemies tomorrow and our women would vote them right back in through ellis island within a generation. No diabolical (((elites))) would even be necessary. We practically doubled the females’ lifespan last century and then increased their influence on every institution exponentially through affirmative action. Now they outlive us and outvote us.… Read more »
Yeah “Peak Woman political power” around the world was hit a decade or two ago as now they’re joined at the hip with trannydom and will go down the same dead end. No one will ever let them vote again, or at the least, let them cast a vote that actually matters (as it is in GAE today).
Davidito, I agree we have more than one severe problem. What is the best strategy, the best order of operations, to attack these problems?
It seems to me that control of the media is the foundation of much of our opponents’ (plural) power. For example, most of our white women problems would lessen significantly if the media wasn’t programming them.
It’s extremely hard to plan something as inherently chaotic as a revolution but I’m pretty sure that removing ALL political power from women needs to be one of the earlier aspects of it. Perhaps the most plausible scenario is that some political Party (perhaps even a DNC-type faction of the GOP) manages to *actually* close the border, not just to the Bean People but the Curried Masses as well. This could provide enough renewed legitimacy to permanently remove women from political activity. Perhaps this can be done in something like what the Chinese Communists did with “Special Economic Zones”. Once… Read more »
This was a great show. The last fifteen minutes were pure gold. I think the whites who have bought in fully to corporate feudalism did so 40-50 years ago. I suspect that most of them didn’t buy into it after a lot of contemplation, but rather sensed what was in the wind and pursued their economic self interest into this corporate feudalist state that is emerging. I was thinking last night about why the corporations are so invested in this victim cult where everything from Gaia to castrati singing self-pity arias of despair are deified. Then the advertising and shopping… Read more »
Asturias? I’ve been familiar with the region for four decades and am not twigging to the reason for the designation of an “American Asturias”. Why Asturias of all places? It has ports, it has coal, it’s divided by the Picos de Europa, a kind of mini-Appalachians with a milder climate and the Reconquista began there, but… Please explain, because I’m feeling a bit befuddled.
After the Visigoths, racked by fraternal rivalries and contention for the crown, were betrayed by subversives who held open the gates of Toledo for Muslim invaders, Hispania was conquered by Islam. The Aryan Visigoths retreated to a defensible mountain region on the Frankish/Hispania border known as Asturias. 800 years later they emerged and expelled the Muslims and dealt with the subversives who betrayed them hundreds of years before. This ignited the Age of Exploration and Spain led the age of European global seafaring and exploration reaching its apex as a civilization. An American Asturias is a name chosen for the… Read more »
The Visigoths had an advantage we don’t have: they had two kings, the secular ones and Cristo Rey. Together, they vanquished the Muslims.
That was a good rant. 🙂 The other wild cards in all this are the other pirates. While the good ship America founders on the rocks and shoals, the other pirates will move in to capitalize on America’s weakness. We are seeing this now with the formation of the BRICS nations. Figuratively speaking, the pirates safely offshore will start shelling our ship. Barbarians on shore will be waiting for the bits and bobs and cargo of the former great ship to float in on the tide. Imagine the Russkies or the Chinks landing on America’s shores, and handing out guns… Read more »
They would be nuked into oblivion. Besides, they don’t need to do this. America is an open door bazaar that they can waltz into and pluck the fruits laid out on the banquet table for them. That is the story of AINO since the 70s and it has massively accelerated since the 90s.
To add more nuance though, the American Corporate Feudalists have them here to stay on their plantation and also hire them back on the native soil too. That is to say, the relationship is complicated.
RealityRules: “Can Americans who want to have some bright destiny create that and perpetuate it? Perhaps the struggle to define what will emerge as opposed to accepting whatever emerges will be the basis for that identity.”
If and only if they are NOT V@XXINATED.
[Sorry, I know I’m a broken record, but it is what it is.]
The Judean kingship process had three steps: 1) Nominate a candidate, a Messiah, and indicate that state via a priest applying oil or some equivalent; 2) Messiah successfully passes test against an adversary; 3) Coronation. Eschaton is the end of the age. For example, Gentiles will trample Jerusalem until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled, and then it’ll be the Jews turn to trample. The eschaton’s meaning is that the age of the gentiles will be over and a new world kingdom will come into being, The Kingdom of the Jew’s God, with the Jews being its priests. Something… Read more »
Rivers, too. Particularly the Mississippi as it is the conduit for riverine commerce through the heartland through its major tributaries. This implies a major port facility on the Gulf Coast as well.
Yarvin talks about monarchy which is mostly just a cheeky way of saying he wants a strongman as a single locus of power. He puts up the example of a CEO of a large company. The problem is CEO’s are increasingly becoming sidelined as figureheads as massive networks of faceless bureaucracy from inside and outside the corporation has become all-consuming to the point no one really knows where the power lies. What is created becomes increasingly confusing and wasteful to the extent no one knows how to get anything done anymore. The right’s dream is for a Caesar to wipe… Read more »
Complaints about too much schilling demonstrate exactly what is wrong with the white man today. They bitch and moan from their lazy boy while the few carry the water for the most. Then when the few ask for at least a hand up financially so they can keep up the fight they cry like bitches who just missed a sale at Macys. Fight my battles, do it for free and when you win I will take all the credit, if you lose its because you didn’t do as I said from my chair, feet up. The same white guy will… Read more »
Check out how much the Chapos make a month. No one on the right even comes close, and these are supposed to be “edgy” guys. One can say that it’s because they are regime approved, but this sounds more and more like cope for people on the right being unwilling to fund people on their side.
It is the case that Chapo are fully regime-aligned shitlibs pretending to be communists, and that’s the regime’s favorite thing, so they’re allowed to operate as they wish, say things that get us banned from eveything, etc. Their fans are professional-class “consoomers” who throw money at media (except books)—and travel and food and anything that’s *fullly consumed* at the end—for lack of anything productive to do with it. They’re the world’s most highly paid independent entertainers because they provide what’s *most allowed*. It’s also the case that donors to unapproved causes (and every personality and product is a cause) are… Read more »
Under the status quo, little is possible other than gradually getting worse. But if the status quo breaks, especially if it breaks chaotically, almost anything is possible. Nobody could have imagined in Paris in 1787 that crowds of people could be walking around with heads on a pike or that 10s of thousands of people could be publicly beheaded for fake crimes. The collapse of the Soviet Union caught the world by surprise. Just 2 years ago nobody thought large scale mechanized warfare in Europe was possible. Everyone was talking about 4th generation warfare, mostly involving insurgents.
The thing about predicting the future is it’s really hard. It’s hard enough just to predict who will win a sportsball game. About 30 years ago, it dawned on me that whatever the majority seems to think about it is guaranteed to be wrong. Part of my journey to being a dissident. So when trying to foresee it, first eliminate the most popular views, and you’re then getting closer to the truth. Reality is almost always stranger than fiction. Such as, a madrassa educated guy with the middle name Hussein being elected president 7 years after 9/11. And then after… Read more »
In comparison with developments in the real world over the last 250 years, the plots of James Bond films are sublunary.
While realizing that history has always been chaotic I think the particularly quirky nature of modern society has to do with the fact that its primary theme and indeed driving moral principle, is fantasy. The whole modern project of liberal democracy began with a series of what now seem like failry innocuous fantasies. Let’s imagine that women are as responsible and capable as men. Let’s imagine that the descendants of freed slaves can play the same roles in society as the descendants of European aristocrats. Let’s imagine that two men playing house is “a family” that should have the same… Read more »
Instead of an aristocracy with duties
America had a kakistocracy flinging their doodies.
I am still laughing about that Republican debate. I truly don’t get it. Each one of those candidates have integrated data analysis teams, polling teams, PR teams, turd polishers and spin doctors – whose chief aim is to make the candidates look good to the electorate. And they spent a nationally televised debate hooting like baboons! I hated them all the second I saw it – and I am Canadian! HAR HAR HAR!!! Pooh flinging, indeed!
Excellent program and spot on. There in fact has been an endless oligarchy that has dominated the United States, sometimes benign, often tyrannical. What we are experiencing now is more of a transition into raw tyranny and a dissolution of the current oligarchy. As you accurately suggested there at the end, the current regime is very unsophisticated. Brutish and thuggish rule now dominates and there is very little direction or reason behind it, and that makes analysis and predictions very difficult. There also seems to be rival factions hostile to one another among the disintegrating present oligarchy. The wide open… Read more »
I see the Colony Ridge situations as “reconquista” since they are on our side of the border. Who operates the water, sewer, and electricity for these domains?
As I understand it, many do not have public utilities. Obviously, these are all in violation of codes and ordinances but like everything else in a criminal, post-rule-of-law order, the only enforcement will be extrajudicial, likely through cartels. This is a preview of coming attractions. The abject lawlessness of the age is one of its defining features.
Ding dong, (one of) the witch(es) is dead.
Let the Replacement Games begin!
A nice little memento mori about the best laid plans of mice and men.
Don’t worry. Our enemies will not get what they want, and we will not get what we fear.
This is a high stakes choice for HairGel man. Barbara Lee or Adam Schiff. Either choice leaves a major Democrat party constituency hoppin mad.
His choice is Lee as caretaker to finish Feinstein’s term, then Schiff or ((whoever)) to maintain the American Empire as a satrapy. It’s already been announced, the only question is whether Lee will accept it.
My favorite memory is when this “genius” tipped off Richard Ramirez AKA the Night Stalker serial killer by divulging information in a press conference that the police knew about the suspect. RR saw this and skipped town down to LA and killed a few more people before finally getting caught.
One down, many to go.
Anyone that wants to see the reality of the Leftist Utopia should hang around the baggage pickup at JFK, Terminal 1.
See at Newark whenever I have to fly in their.
I think when the real festivities really start, most will scatter like rats back to where they came from.
Maxda: I would like to think so, but cannot agree. They are totally accustomed to randomness and violence; their natures produce such systems. They have learned to survive in the midst of chaos. And even in disintegration, our society is far richer (far more to loot) and even our aging and decaying infrastructure provides them with services they never dreamed of in their homelands (hot and cold potable water, air conditioning, etc.). When one reads of them sleeping on the street anywhere in the US (meant to evoke sympathy), remember they most likely lived little better (tin/tar paper shack) in… Read more »
see The Road Warrior, small well protected enclaves may become a thing, but watch out for the drones, they will spy on your food production and time their attacks, HYPOTHETICALLY.
The Road Warrior was fun, but I still can’t figure out how anyone outside the compound was meeting their daily fuel needs.
Where we have the advantage is that we’re better equipped to learn and recognize in the midst of chaos. Where they’ll be focused on survival, some of our own will be focused on usurpation.
Yes – the violence won’t be unorganized for long.
How do you establish a monarchy over a group of people who are not all your people? There are a million examples of this. The Normans in England, the Franks in France, the Saxons in Britania, the Lombrads in Italy, the Visigoths in Spain… Well, what did the Visigoths do? They rolled into Spain and took power, over the existing Roman bureaucratic system and the Hispano-Romans who lived in the place. As I recall, they had different laws for a while to govern the Hispano-Romans and the Goths, as well as a significantly different religious background. But it worked pretty… Read more »
We have the best diversity money can buy. It’s a simple problem with a simple answer nobody wants.
And you’d still be stuck with diversity, which is the death watch beetle in any society. No, the solution is to establish homogeneous racial blocs and then form a government. Monarchy? Perhaps. But what’s most important is getting the human capital right. Do that, and your future is bright. Don’t and it could be AINO redux.
btp: They also did a fair amount of intermarrying and interbreeding over time, as well. Since they were from closely-related genetic stock to start, it worked to varying degrees. Our managerial elite envisions something similar – witness all the juice/han/hindu/White couplings among their children and grandchildren.
The remnants of European royalty remain- with rare exceptions – White. Perhaps not the most clever people – but keenly aware of their history and bloodline. But numurka – well, garbage in, garbage out as they say.
This gets to the emperor/monarch distinction.
It should be noted that the Visigoth “roll-in” lasted for little more than a century, when the Moors (pun intended, call ’em the Muslims) rolled in to replace them in much of Iberia. The Visigoths had become decadent, shall we say, but their supplanters less so. Sound familiar?
The Moors also had help from inside, from you know who.
“…even the best people must concede that there must be something better as otherwise there could be no progress. The only way we stop progress is by reaching the end of time which is the perfection human society. Once we reach that point, no one will imagine there can be anything better, so there is no longer a need for political science, political philosophy or even politics.” Straight out of Karl Marx. In other words, “our democracy” is essentially communism. The close similarity between “democracy” and “communism” is why we allied ourselves with the USSR against National Socialism. “While we… Read more »
“Of course they will never accept the blame for this, they will say that it is the ‘racists’ and ‘bigots’ and ‘transphobes’ and ‘homophobes’ and ‘sexists’ and ‘xenophobes’ aaaand… (drum roll) ‘anti-Semites’ and ‘Nazis’ standing in the way of total perfection.” They don’t really believe this, of course. If they did, they would simply kill us or expel us from the body politic. Deep down inside, howver, the Leftist soul–assuming it has such–is riven by conflict. On the one hand, it cannot concede that the best laid plans of the New Left have led to utter disaster. To do so… Read more »
As you pointed out once, though, the PoMo and the Left are distinguishable in that the former are pure nihilists. Even if I misunderstood you, that proposition as I understood it seems absolutely correct. PoMo is reveling in the chaos even as the New Left is driven further into insanity by it. The only doubt PoMo would seem to have is that something could have been further destroyed, deconstructed more shambolically. I would assume the New Left’s tears bring PoMo joy.
PoMo is the intellectual foundation of the New Left. In the NL’s very earliest phase–which lasted only five years or so–it favored Frankfurt School Marxism, but the latter disavowed the former and that, as they say, was that. Then NL then moved on to PoMo. The overlap of the two is very, very substantial. With very few exceptions, PoMo theorists belong to the NL. And common New Leftists, even those who know next to nothing about PoMo, are informed by that body of thought because it is simply the air the Leftist breathe. As for nihilism, yes that characterizes the… Read more »
Gotcha. I got the overall ideological underpinning, to the extent that even exists with them, correct in my mind. My conception of the Left is a pure will to power, and the difference would seem to be chaos is the ultimate goal with PoMo regardless of who presides over the destruction. Yeah, their foot soldiers bring the chaos and likely don’t understand that is the end rather than the means.
The Five-Year Plan will always be a success, Comrade, as long as we refuse to let the counter-revolutionary saboteurs and bourgeois capitalist traitors to the Revolution stand in the way of the progress of the proletariat…
I loathe the thought that we can achieve heaven on earth and the ‘end of history’. I find myself to sympathize with Rust Cohle more and more…”time is a flat circle”
It may be that New England is converted to an African colony. It is already happening. Maine’s insane leadership is importing Africans en masse. Of course, now they are already decrying that too many of the fishermen are white, so the fishing fleet must be equitably shared along racial lines. Given that means In short, it isn’t even clear what if any region of the country will have a given kind of demographics. The scum who rule this planet are in hyperdrive resettling the three major continents that constitute Western Man’s homelands with alien foreigners. There can be no order… Read more »
Sorry. Incomplete thought. Given that, it means not only are the invaders being given entry, but the invaded are being forcibly dispossessed. I always felt like the Cold War was a huge psy-op. If it wasn’t, think of the time, energy and effort a nation spent winning it, and as soon as it won, the same people who led it declared war on their own folk and nations. I don’t think we have a word to describe this. Sinister just isn’t enough. As for Z’s point, the regime concurs. That is part of their plan. Bring the people to their… Read more »
“Satanic,” is the word that comes to my mind.
Nice. Yes. It is a full inversion of all that is natural.
NETTR to m essentially can be summed up with this:
“I will not bend to the demands from my enemy to explain or defend a single tree in my forest.”
That is a good way to put it. I think we can talk about those trees, but only in our terms. More importantly though, it requires di8scimpline in not letting any of the trees use the progressive frame to criticize other trees. That is where it gets complicated.
What is possible? In the term of about 20 years or less, Zimbabwe. Except that the real Zimbabwe may be less violent.
Perhaps our best option is that after the great fracturing takes place we end up living in a soft-authoritarian region that may still contain pockets of diversity but which will be run by whites. Think of the way in which Singapore is highly functioning despite its demographic stew. The most capable of those demographics, the Chinese, run the show in such a way that the others understand their good fortune and don’t rock the boat.
Sounds like pre- civil rights America, which could mean we’ve already passed that phase.
Basically civilized warlords. That would not be the worst of all possible outcomes.
KGB: There is bitter resentment by many of the hindus and Malays in Singapore against Chinese dominance. The Chinese have thus far been wise enough to keep the demographic numbers carefully balanced. They have also, thus far, been quick to deport any genuine troublemakers. I think their strong ethnic identity and pride will keep the Han from being swayed by appeals to ‘democracy’ and ‘fairness.’ They are not shy in their belief in their innate racial superiority, but neither are they heavy handed about it – it is simply a fact of life to them, immutable.
In other words they’re giving us a blueprint.
One we’re unwilling to read.
One enough of us are unwilling to read. But things may change through necessity.
The ethnic loyalty of Han Chinese minorities are also the reason that Indonesia and Malaysia are fairly functional states with somewhat diversified economies.
In Indonesia, though, they’re not exactly popular as their role in society is somewhat analogous to that of the Jew in the West.
Yeah there was that little dust-up a few decades ago where the Indonesian-dwelling Han got pruned back really hard for allegedly being a subversive force.
Aye. In Malaysia, cities like Penang and Malacca are heavily Chinese in population and character. In Indonesia, the monied Chinese exist strictly at the forebearance of their hosts.
They just voted a gorgeous White woman as Ms. Zimbabwe, so they are already better than us on that.
Feeling black-pilled this week. I think what comes next is chaos, famine, and violence on an epic scale. Then new organizations will emerge.
Very blackpilled as well. Found myself staring at the tv with a scotch in hand in the dark several times over the last week, watching the invasion videos silently. Two or three close friends of 40+ years, since childhood. Married, with a couple of kids each. Utterly clueless and they don’t want to hear about it when I raise the topic. They’ve seen it briefly on TV (the invasion) and flip the channel as fast as possible. What worries me is the paucity of stable, discriminating, far-sighted people among the general public. They don’t have just one cognitive blindspot, they… Read more »
I agree with you Jon Westling. I think this is tied to last week’s despair episode. Nothing brings on more despair than the huge numbers of our folk who are in denial or resigned. It is as if the most natural impulse to repel invasion and defend one’s own territory is gone. That leaves those who have it to turn to their left and right to rouse their village to an ardent defense to find resignation or denial. That makes for despair. There are a huge number of us still who still have healthy mental responses. We have to accept… Read more »
I believe that going back to growing and raising clean food and hard outdoor work will slowly raise the testosterone levels, also, since many now have no “owned” property, they would have to somehow obtain it so they would be determined to defend it. Kevin from Starbucks who is single and lives in a small apartment is much different than Jeff who has a wife and 3 kids and owns his own land..
I like the sentiment, but single family survival farming is horrendously inefficient. I suspect even impossible for 95% of the population. The reduction in population—useful and non-useful—would send us back to the dark ages.
I agree @Compsci, there are worse hobbies to have than homesteading (and many better), but a “dirt-farmer as a survival strategy” isn’t a great plan.
Sam Dickson said that the current regime has set in place the guidelines for how the rule of law is to be conducted.
They are punishing Trump supporters who were involved in the rally on Jan 6. They were denied bond and are now in solitary confinement, abused by guards and have zero hope of acquittal in a DC courtroom. He reminds that “they have chosen the rules and in case the situation ever changes, they have chosen how they want this struggle to be conducted”.
I have not heard Dickson’s explanation, but more or less “the rule of law” has been deconstructed so that it is an instrument of oppression rather than an instrument of protection. The Left always claimed this to be the case, but that was projection and something they wanted and have now achieved. Everything the Soviet secret police did was legal, and the secret police of the West have taken that route.
It seems that prior to the so-called “civil rights movement,” the law allowed whites a certain amount of latitude to protect themselves, their neighborhoods and their cities from negro encroachment and subsequent social collapse. Since the CRM, however, the law has expressly forbidden from self defense, and the result has been the distruction of American cities, and endless white flight.
Many if not the majority of jurisdictions continue to allow defense of person and perhaps most even property. Those are laws reproduced on paper and screen, of course. The local prosecutors who interpret those laws and their applications. though, have done exactly as you described. It isn’t enough to live in a stand your ground state any longer. If the local prosecutor doesn’t like the law, he will interpret it in such a way that your self-defense falls outside of its scope. Hopefully at this point most people realize that even absent an unjust conviction, always possible against a white… Read more »
What is next will depend on what President Newsom (assuming Biden can’t be dealt with) does once he has the throne. I can only imagine that his coronation will drive would be Queen Hillary crazy. So there will be at least that to amuse us. The Putin elected him gambit won’t work due to press support for him.
One of the next things to happen will be a state of near continuous orgasm by White women. Newsom is their dream man: tall, wealthy, good looking, rich and a sociopath
Saw about 30 seconds of an interview with him yesterday. He is exactly what fiction writers would describe as “oily”.
He is why “oleaginous” is a great word.
Unctuous was one of the first ‘big’ words I glommed onto as a kid. It was disparagingly used, referring to the original host of Jeopardy, Art Fleming. It’s in play, big time, for hair-gel boy.
Dickens had his number. The prototype is Uriah Heep in “David Copperfield.”
Once Newsom is installed as President, it’ll be “Easy Livin” for the Coalition of the Permanently Aggrieved as its members will be “Stealin” everything in sight, nailed down or not.
“David: Mr. Micawber, this is Uriah Heep, who works for my good friend Mr. Wickfield.
Mr. Micawber: How do you do? Any friend of my friend Copperfield has a personal claim on me.
Uriah Heep: Oh thank you, thank you sir, but I’m too humble to be called a friend, Mr. Micawber. I’m grateful to Mr. Copperfield for his kindness. Now if you’ll excuse me…
[Heep bows and leaves the room]
Mr. Micawber: A man, I perceive, of remarkable shrewdness.”
Dickens created Seth Pecksniff before Uriah Heap.
I think I was half paying attention to that interview and it may have been my imagination but I could swear he flicked his tongue out and licked his eyeball.
I think sHillary is being appeased with having been given the rebuilding of Ukraine thru the “foundation”. The grift is endless.
Then she is surely a fool, as the rebuilding, whatever that might mean, will not fall into her hands. Even Larry Fink seems to be having some trepidations as to what the reality on the ground will shortly be.
Wealthy “and” rich? That’s quite a twofer…
sure beats being impoverished and poor
Shaq has a story about the difference between wealthy and rich. He uses it in his lectures to fellow Blacks wrt money management. Seems Shaq was talking with one of the (White) elite monied types and in discussing wealth/money, Shaq mentioned being “wealthy” from his long career in basketball. The wealthy White guy told Shaq he didn’t understand the difference between being rich and being wealthy. The wealthy guy said, “Shaq, you’re rich, but I’m wealthy. You can buy pretty much whatever you want. However, I’m wealthy. I can never go broke. My children will be wealthy, and their children… Read more »
“One of the next things to happen will be a state of near continuous orgasm by White women. Newsom is their dream man”
And Newson’s wife was Harvey Weinstein’s dream woman.
One of the most telling things about Good White women is that they were outraged (OUTRAGED!!!!) by Trump saying they let you grab them by the pussy but are not bothered in the least by Newsom having had an affair with his best friend’s wife. I think he was Newsom’s campaign manager.
Not too bothered that Bill Clinton is, in all probability, a rapist, either.