Travelogue: Germany

I have been to the Frankfurt airport a number of times, but I have never done any adventurizing in the city itself. It is not a German city high on the tourist list because it was pretty much leveled in the war. When it was rebuilt, it was supposed to be a modern city and the financial hub of the country. Instead of restored old buildings it has all the modern things we expect to see in a modern city. As a result, it has little in the way of tourism, relative to other German cities.

That is not all bad. It is a very convenient city. The train system is efficient and logical, along with being exceptionally clean. I saw one bum in the train station. There are no maniacs pushing people off platforms while the cops look on and laugh. If you drive, parking is a bit of a pain, but that is true in all cities. Street parking is an adventure, but there are plenty of public parking garages. Getting around is not much different from driving in other cities, except the signs are different.

The one big difference from driving in America is petrol is $10/gallon, after you convert from euros to dollars. That was for the cheapest level, which was too good for the Opel that the knock-off car rental place gave us. There is simply no way America could survive fuel prices at those levels. Germans tolerate it, because they are German, and they have no other option. Their political class is as moronic as ours, which means there is no way to vote down gas prices…

I saw fewer mask people in Germany than Iceland. The mask people in Iceland, however, were foreigners, so maybe it evens out. Judging by the airports, the Europeans have fewer mask lunatics than America. It must not have caught on as a subculture with them like it has in America. The good thing about the maskers is that come the revolution, we can find them quickly and send them off to the camps. There is something creepy and weird about people wearing masks in public…

The migrant population in Frankfurt is not what I expected. At the hotel it was all Brazilians working the front desk. The taxi drivers were Poles or Ukrainians, with a smattering of Pakistanis. My guess is the city is built for finance, so the services are for finance people, which makes certain migrants less desirable. Maybe it is just that the guys from MENA and Africa looked at the travel sites and saw that Frankfurt was not a highly rated city, so they went elsewhere.

The presence of Poles and Ukrainians in service sector jobs means service is worse that you find in other European cities. They act like they are doing you a favor and are often deliberately hostile to patrons. The German service workers are the opposite, as they are efficient and polite. They do not have a strong tipping culture in Europe, so that changes the relationship between server and patron. Those who understand Americans, will go the extra mile for you…

Perhaps it was the part of the city, but I did not see a lot of young people out and about in the evening. It was an older crowd. Europeans do tend to go out later and end later than we do in America, even older people. Even so, I did not see any young people anywhere, other than people with small children. There were a lot of people pushing strollers, which is not something you see in American cities. You raise kids in the suburbs in order to get them into better schools…

It was a bit cool one evening so we ducked into a small Christmas market. It is too early for the bigger markets, but there are some small ones. These are open areas ringed by stalls selling food and drink, with lots of Christmas trees. They sell something they call Glühwein, which is what the English call mulled wine. The word means “glow wine” because of how it makes you feel. I am not a wine drinker, and the stuff is as sweet as candy, but it really does hit the spot on a cold night…

The point of being in Frankfurt was to attend the NFL game. Old friends I have not seen in too long converged on the city for the game. I have no interest in the NFL, but it was a good excuse to get together. The city has embraced the NFL for some reason, so it is a good place for the league to hold games. There are social clubs all over for the different teams. We saw one guy who had bought a pickup truck and decorated it with the colors of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

It is not just a novelty for them. They have taken the time to learn the rules of the game and they now have youth leagues for football. Colleges now come to Germany to scout for players, mostly linemen. Germans are big people, and they are smart people, so if you need offensive linemen, it is a good place to look. Germans feel a strong connection to the United States. There are a lot of Americans in Germany, so it makes sense that the biggest American sport would take root.

The game was a great time. You take a train to the stadium and along the walk to the facility from the train stop are stands selling beer and food. There is a strong party atmosphere, despite the lack of tailgating. The pre-game had a local hero, Sebastian Vollmer, who played for the Patriots. Then they brought out the cheerleaders, which the Germans girls seem to lover. I saw a lot of pretty German girls dressed as cheerleaders in the game, which is a great idea for obvious reasons.

Just before the game, they played the American anthem. A female soldier performed it and by the time she was finished it was clear she was getting chocked up. That was because the crowd was singing louder than her. It was one of those times when you are reminded that Americans are great people, even if our leaders are the worst people who regularly turn the virtue of patriotism into a vice. Patriotism is a virtue, and your fellow citizens, by and large, are good people.

After the American anthem, they played the German anthem, which surprised me as this is not common custom around the world. The Germans fans seem to have embraced this like they have embraced the NFL. They were loud and enthusiastic for the anthem of their people. It was a good reminder that underneath the silly bubble coats they love wearing, there are the same people who gave the world Mozart, Beethoven, Goethe, and Karl Marx…

At one point during the game, they played what has become the anthem of West Virginia, John Denver’s, Country Roads. I have no idea why they played this song, as one team was from Boston and the other from Indianapolis. The game was being played in a cosmopolitan city in the heart of Europe. The whole crowd erupted and sang it all the way through to the end, even though the game started. I took that as a sign from God that everything is going to be okay…

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1 year ago

>Germans tolerate it, because they are German, and they have no other option.

Europeans tolerate it because they probably cover half the miles an American does in their car every week and public transport is more than a viable option. Gas prices are in the same ballpark even in poorer European countries and people don’t bitch nearly as much as you would expect.

1 year ago

Wiesbaden is one of my two residences these days, the other Cologne. FTR I’m a native St. Louisan.

You merely happened to catch Frankfurt at the right moment.

There are no maniacs pushing people off platforms while the cops look on and laugh.

I point you to July 30, 2019.

Spud Boy
Spud Boy
1 year ago

It’s funny you mention John Denver’s “Country Roads.”

I attended Octoberfest in Munich a number of years ago, and the crowd in the beer hall went absolutely ape shit when they played that song. Everyone sang along. Must be a popular song in Germany.

Reply to  Spud Boy
1 year ago

Interestingly, Denver’s real last name is Deutschendorf (“German village”).

Michael Bradley
Michael Bradley
1 year ago

Wow. Germans singing Country Roads ar an American Football Game. Gives me chills. You are right: Everything is going to be alright.

1 year ago

i’m in a position where there’s no work left to do at work so I was reading through old z posts from late 2016. Does anyone here think that the Russian collusion case (that itself was an offshoot of the wikileaks thing) was one of those things that was a limited hangout? A lot got exposed – but maybe the whole truth would have been a pill the public couldn’t swallow? It reminds me of the book CHAOS by Tom O’Neill. The Helter Skelter narrative was invented by Bugliosi when in reality, the story was a lot darker and convoluted… Read more »

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

I think it’s something much worse than that. Years back—maybe around the time of the Romney/Obama debate exchange about Russia?—a “deep” decision was made to start blaming Putin for everything, to lay public groundwork for the shift from WoT (having served its purpose in overwhelming the West with “migrants”) to WW3 (total death). Sounds like a normal propaganda push from our MIC/intelligence psychos, but what’s frightening about it is that every time they lie, our rulers *believe the lies they made up*. They *instantly* believe them and they believe them *forever*. Putin “installed” Trump. Ask them. The investigation found not… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

They did have to come up with a reason (“Russians”) for why they had had the Trump campaign under surveillance all along. Since the surveillance predated their official claims of surveilling with regard to Russians. Which of course begs the question of how many other campaigns they had under surveillance. And if there were any that they didn’t. Sundance over at CTreehouse has done a good job of laying all that out.

Of course in current year, anyone and everyone can be under surveillance at the click of a mouse, so I’m unclear what surveillance means in this context.

1 year ago

My advice is to hit as many pastry shops as you can manage while you’re in Germany, their shit is miles beyond anything back here. Especially the stuff with marzipan in it.

Tom K
Tom K
1 year ago

I’m not exactly what you’d call a “world traveler” but I do remember a layover once in Frankfurt, the first time I’d ever been to Europe. We missed our connection there. We were directed to a desk manned by this stolid middle-aged guy who spoke perfect English only with a slight accent. He inquired how this fumble had occurred. I blurted out “We’re not used to the 24 hour clock.” Right away, he issued our tickets for the next leg of our flight without charge, commenting only “I like your honesty. You can’t imagine the stories I’ve heard.” That would… Read more »

1 year ago

“At one point during the game, they played what has become the anthem of West Virginia, John Denver’s, Country Roads. I have no idea why they played this song…” —————————————- I think the reason is that Germany is hellbent on throwing away their heritage. The pall of You-Know-Who lies upon them… perhaps they seek an identity that will let them be proud again? Perhaps they seek to channel the American identity? It really is insane over there. I used to dabble in RC aircraft and in one of the hobby articles – an old boy had built a flawless Messerschmidt… Read more »

1 year ago

It’s great to get out of any American City now I am sure. Never mind Baltimore.
Yes in the end it will be alright.

“ Poles and Ukrainians in service sector jobs means service is worse…”
Post Communism is simply awful, Communist manners , caricature capitalist morals.

1 year ago

It’s good the Z-man has been able to travel a bit and regain an equilibrium. I was worried McDonald’s had pushed him over the edge:

Reply to  Commentator
1 year ago

Now that’s something you don’t see every day. A McDonalds chimp out involving a white guy!

Reply to  Commentator
1 year ago

I hate to be the one who reveals Z Man’s secret identity, but that video is of him.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
1 year ago

I was stationed in Germany in the late eighties and returned this last September. So I can add flavor. “Country Roads” was big even back then. Stuttgart had the “Volkfest” their version of Oktoberfest, and the Stuttugarter Hofbrau Tent (aka Amerikanishe Kampf Zelt) always had a local singer belting out the song. I can see the Germans getting all OCD about Football. They pretty much do that with anything they are involved in. One of my German girlfriends was in a Square Dancing Club and they went whole hog into it, with fancy dresses, callers and every little detail one… Read more »

1 year ago

There’s two Frankfurts: Frankfurt-am-Main & Frankfurt-am-Oder; assume you’re talking about the former as the latter used to be in the eastern zone. Quit following the NFL years ago. Been twice & traveled extensively; nothing quite like Glühwein; helps ward off the chill. And they love American country music over there, especially “Take Me Home, Country Roads”. Last time I as there the chicken dance was still a big thing.

Miss it. The food especially & the women were pretty hot. Much more feminine than in the U.S.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

The maskers will be the easiest people ever to put in camps. Even easier than the tribe. When told that it’s for their safety, most of them will probably self transport there, they won’t even have to be rounded up.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

The camps aren’t for them.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

They’ve already got a camp. It’s called Israel.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

In ten days in Europe this last fall, almost the only maskers around were Asian tourists. In a jammed Prague street-car there wasn’t a mask to be seen.

Felix Krull
1 year ago

I visited about 40 years ago and my impression was that it was the ugliest and most charmless city in Germany, with some of the unfriendliest people, although no German ever were fond of dirty, impecunious hitchhikers. The anthem-singing is a fuzbol-thing, you do it for international games. If you want to freak out your German friend, learn the first verse of their anthem and belt it out at the top of your lungs: “Deutschland, Deutschland über alles…” Actually, don’t do that, you could land in jail – singing the first verse of the German national anthem is verboten. So… Read more »

Felix Krull
1 year ago

I visited 40 years ago and my impression was that Frankfurt was the ugliest city in Germany with some of the most unfriendly people, so maybe it wasn’t just about the Poles, although no German were ever terribly fond of dirty, impecunious hitchhikers.

The anthem is a fuzbol-thing, you do it for international games. If you want to freak out your German friends, learn the first verse of their anthem and bellow it out: “Deutschland, Deutschland über alles…”

Actually, don’t do that, you could actually . You could land in jail; so much for the patriotism.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

Oops, apologies for the replicant.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

Our tour guide told us Frankfurt am Main is referred to by locals as “Main-hatten”.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 year ago

Apt. It was vertical concrete slum when I visited and I can’t imagine it’s become any better since. Very much a business city with lots of bankers, and it shows. As Karl-Horst suggested, it seems ourguys always visit the most dreary places in Europe during the most dreary season of the year. My standard advise to American tourists in Euroland is to rent a car and get the hell out of the metropolises as fast as the speed limit allows. From Bavaria to Cyprus, Europe is one big tourist attraction, with these islands of insipid globalist monoculture dotted about. Outside… Read more »

Kim Bendix
Kim Bendix
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 year ago

That, and “Bankfurt”.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

It’ll be okay once the democracy cult is vanquished. Other countries still have repairable cultures on deep foundations. Not for us though. (The U.S.).

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Well, well, well. This is easily the cheeriest post from Z I’ve ever encountered. Maybe getting out of AINO and into Europe is the finest tonic for the soul. At any rate, it does my heart good to hear you had such a wonderful time, Z. Godspeed.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Amen..,.Country Roads is extremely popular everywhere, and may be the most popular song on Youtube…It resonates with the American spirit…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

An Evening With John Denver is one of my favorite albums. My parents had it when I was a kid.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

They’ve been playing him a great deal on a number of the satellite stations. However the version of “Annies Song” they play has been remastered and sounds nothing like the original. A damn shame really.

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

Ever since Olivia Newton John’s version the song has been famous everywhere. In countries with any positive ideas about America, it’s *the* American song. We’re not sending our best, but at least it isn’t about war, money, or butts.

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

pyrrhus: Loved the song when it was on the radio when I was a kid and I still enjoy it. The ‘mountains’ here in the Ozarks are babies/hills at best, but we have one of our own and just looking out the window in the morning makes me smile, rain or shine. Zman, you will love living rural. The world is always out there and easily available via the internet (we couldn’t easily live here without fiber optic to enable my husband’s remote work). Meanwhile, you will have generally decent, hardworking White neighbors, privacy, and the beauty of heritage America’s… Read more »

steve w
steve w
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

Don’t know if Z is aware of this: in the heyday of the Baltimore Orioles, “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” was the song played during the seventh inning stretch. That was back in the Memorial Stadium days, can’t imagine it has ever been done at Camden Yards. But then I have never been to Camden so I don’t know.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Ostei – soon as ZMan returns to Lagos he’ll be cured of his cheeriness – pronto.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
1 year ago

I don’t envy him the return. Mebbe he’ll just say to hell with it and put down roots somewheres in Europe. It would certainly be extremely tempting.

Farm Boy
Farm Boy
1 year ago

Twelve years ago when we stayed at a hotel in Frankfurt, the change room and shower outside of the weight room was shared by both men and women. Is that still the common practice?

1 year ago

Like you I spent some time in Germany recently. Love the country, love the people, love the language! Had good experiences with the Turkish immigrants there, which I did not expect, frankly, but they pretty much seemed like nice people who just want to make a living.
You really ought to check out a soccer game while you’re there! Atmosphere is like nothing you ever get at American sports events.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jannie
1 year ago

This is a salutary reminder that all diversity isn’t equal. Turks are not terribly different from whites, and we can therefore accept them in reasonable numbers. There simply is no comparison between Turks, negroes and Jews.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

No, they are just as foreign as anyone else. They are “brown” Muslims and they don’t belong in White Christian countries. The Christmas markets are now surrounded with large concrete barriers to prevent a truck of peace being driven into the people trying to enjoy the market.

Even if they weren’t such an alien culture, every single one of them is taking resources of some sort away from a German.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

That is an obtuse way of looking at it. Now I’m perfectly fine with a nation that is 100 percent white. However, I also understand that there are adjacent peoples we can tolerate in our midst in small numbers. Perhaps as much as seven percent of the populace could be comprised of Hispanics, and Asians of various sorts. But no Arabs, Jews or negroes.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

It’s a source of endless conflict, particularly in a democracy. Turks are NOT adjacent with Germans. They are not only a different ethnic group, but a different race and who practice a very different and hostile religion. Even 7% is WAY too high. Do I have to point out Jews are only 2% of the US? Sure, I know you say “no Jews” but give me a break. How is that an answer? I would say at most <1% and only as guests, no citizenship. No voting. No houses of worship built for them. No ethnic ghettos either. No ownership… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Those two things, numbers and the type of immigrant are too often overlooked. The discussion seems to always be framed as all or nothing. “Oh you just want to shut off America from the world!,” or “that’s what they said about the Irish and the Italians!”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

A friend who was in the Korean conflict got to talking one night wrt Turkish soldiers he met there. His battalion was holding a part of “the line” next to a Turkish unit. They swapped rations and items and fraternized. He was particularly friendly with one Turk, so this Turk came over to his foxhole one night to ask him out on an “outing”. ??? wtf ??? Turns out this Turk was doing what adventurous, status seeking young Turks did—leaving position to kill unwary North Koreans, hand to hand, on their front line. Good fun and all that. Anyway, being… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

The story could be complete BS

I’ve heard similar anecdotes, though they all date from the Korean War. My impression is, like everyone else, the Turks, for whatever rung they were on, have dropped down a bit.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

During the Korrean War, Turks had a reputation as the most badass guys on our side, the Norks and Chinese hated fighting them and didn’t fare well when they did.

Some Turks were captured and put in camps with Americans. The NKPA left then alone because they couldn’t get anywhere with them by torture, punishment or even treating them nicely.

In other words they were soldiers, I wonder if the ones now are still like that?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mike
1 year ago

To the extent they haven’t been corrupted by GloboHeauxmeaux, probably so.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Ostei: I must strongly disagree with you here, Ostei. I dealt with a number of Turkish diplomats overseas and they were generally knowledgeable, professional, cultured, and extremely hospitable people. BUT . . . I also traveled a fair bit in Turkey and there is a very distinct urban/rural as well as class divide. The Muslim/Arab tradition of hospitality is a marvellous thing, but don’t mistake it for genuine friendship or culturally-adjacent behavior. The Turks in Germany are NOT the Whiter, more educated classes, and they (and their children . . . and grandchildren) will forever be Turkish in behavior, culture,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

In my conception–and it incorporates some of what Tars mentioned–non-whites would not have the vote (even if Whiteland was a democracy, which I’m not sure it should be), would not be allowed to have more than two children per couple, and, should they commit one felony, would be immediately deported with no opportunity to appeal. Given these conditions, I suspect very few foreigners would even want to live in Whiteland, no matter how wonderful it might be, so this whole point is probably moot. But really, my chief argument here is that all non-whites are not equally inimical and pernicious,… Read more »

bob sykes
bob sykes
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

The Turks are Indo-European, that is white, and as white as any German or Swede. There is a thin overlay of Central Asian Turks from the Ottoman conquest, and they are
overwhelmingly Muslim.

The Kurds are also Indo-European and white. Although Kurds are Muslim (since before Saladin, who was a Kurd), they are not Semites.

If you want to talk about racial matters, you need to learn the genetics.

Reply to  bob sykes
1 year ago

bob sykes: No, the Turks are not European Whites, with the exception of those descended in part from White European women (Italians, Irish, and Icelandic) who were taken as slaves.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Correct. They are a Mongol-Turkic people, probably originally from north-central Asia, who speak a Ural-Altaic (not Indo-European) language.

1 year ago

Many years ago when I was much younger, I arrived in Frankfort. Then I traveled through Europe a bit and was able to visit London, then returned to the USA through Frankfort. Two things I remember: The noticeable numbers of crippled war veterans in Germany. It really looked like the campus of a hospital rehabilitation wing in the busier sections. And second, the numbers of Germans who would approach us to simply thank us—basically for our soldiers decency in WWII and afterwards. Every German had a story about the war and their interaction with GI’s. None were negative. We rented… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

I don’t think there is one concise answer for what happened to the American reputation around the world, but I noticed a big change re: the Iraq war.

1 year ago

Nice to hear a bit of Nationalistic spirit. The American did a good job of singing it straight, while the German used American pop culture phrasing, which of course takes its que from non Americans.

1 year ago


apparently this is common across Europe, you’re not the first that’s heard euros belt John Denver. Turbo America indeed.

1 year ago

I’ve only been to Frankfort once, and it was as a small part of a family vacation. While walking through town, we encountered a rowdy mob of football (soccer) fans celebrating some victory and one of the revelers randomly wrapped a team logo scarf and cap onto my youngest son, who both astonished and appreciative of the impromptu gift. Such is the base nature of authentic German society. My other anecdote relates to an American engineer acquaintance who married a native German woman. I got to know them both via regular Christmas party occasions. She was tall, statuesque, stunning, and… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

We have only spent time in Munich, a very traditional looking city, and naturally had dinner and beer at the Hofbrauhaus made famous by Hitler…What a great time that was! Two young Korean girls joined my wife and I at the long table..,Despite weighing only about 100 pounds each, they kept ordering menu items we suggested, and drinking beer for hours…None of us, however, ordered the 72 oz beers they serve there…..

1 year ago

Sports, Culture, and Other Stuff.
This about covers it.

1 year ago

What a shame that you had to travel to Germany to find yourself at a venue where spontaneous love of America was on display. The Trump rallies here at home rival what you experienced, but they are denigrated or ignored by the media in this hollowed-out shell of a country.

When the ruling party is ashamed of their country’s own flag, as are the treasonous Democrats, you know that the end of the republic is near.

Reply to  TBC
1 year ago

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. No shame, folks were just having fun. Americans enjoy Japanese entertainment.

The Germans are an excellent people when they are not in some other country.

There are lots of trees in Paris. So the Germans can march in the shade.

It’s nine a.m. in Chicago and I could use a cup of German Glühwein right about now.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  DaBears
1 year ago

Doesn’t The Berghoff in the loop have that stuff?

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
1 year ago

I was good friends with the Berghoffs, they owned a vacation estate in my sleepy home town on L. Mich. Cindy, the eldest daughter, was handed the reins of the restaurant complex. In less than six months she destroyed the place. It had been operated as a hybrid German joint and private club that didn’t permit women to enter the saloon part until the 1970’s. Herman enforced this, too, as with all rules and customs. I haven’t returned to the fake b-hoff. I take my guests to Laschet’s instead if they are hankering for actual authentic German food in Chicago.… Read more »

Reply to  TBC
1 year ago

The ruling party that you mentioned and the Democrats are one and the same. Hence the shame. After all when you created the mess you tend to be ashamed of it.

1 year ago

The US has exported a lot of its cultural crap around the world, much to the world’s detriment. The thought that negrolatry is one of them is even more discouraging…

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

A lot of American pop-culture is a lot of fun. The only thing close to football in the world is Rugby, we made country/western and a lot of folk genres, American filmmaking used to be top-notch, we’ve had our share of literary geniuses, etc.

You may argue most of the above is not high-culture, and it’s a fair point, but let’s not discount that there is a lot of good in some things intended for the masses, or let our current state blind us to the positives of our culture.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

I don’t think America has produced high culture (and with it a strong national identity— they tend to go together), but by the early 20th century we were getting close, and then, well, you know the rest.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Good point, and I agree. However, I think America’s literary scene–Poe, Twain, Hemingway, Faulkner, Frost, Stevens, etc.–qualified as high culture. Note the past tense…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Up until the mid 2010s I could still go to the list of Pulitzer nominees to find quality reading material. At which point it got taken over by stuff that was only there because it was about homos or trannies or oppressed vibrants.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

America has produced a lot of great culture; whether it’s “high” or not is a matter better left to neckbeards. As Ostei says below, America saved the novel and invented the movies as you note. And the Germans may not play John Denver in the opera houses, but John Denver is what people actually listen to voluntarily, not Wagner. All culture starts proletarian and becomes “high” when it’s no longer popular but has become a performative, status-signaling hobby, like reading poetry or watching theater today – feature films are quickly becoming “high” culture as fewer and fewer people watch movies.… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

I mean, we got close. Not sure if there are any Shakespeares or Goethes in there, though.

People make high culture and have a strong identity when they feel good about themselves and want to be even better. That’s a good thing until it becomes snobbery, but people should be able to recognize limits.

We tried closing the border a couple of times, but somebody always finds a reason to throw it open. Usually something about money, freedom(?), racism, or whatever.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

Not sure if there are any Shakespeares or Goethes in there, though.

Only time will show. Shakespeare only became Shakespeare long after his death; in his own lifetime he was Steven Spielberg, with Christopher Marlowe as his George Lucas.

Some scholars even believe that Shakespeare is a pseudonym for some earl or something, who didn’t want to put his own name to such a lowly, plebeian pursuit as writing plays.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

In the past, American pop culture was largely praiseworthy. Now, it is a field of radioactive shit.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

I was thinking more along the lines of the 1960’s and later. Practically nothing I hate more than seeing a McDonalds in some old European city, for example.

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Isn’t it interesting that China loves basketball?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

And Japan loves baseball.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Mexicans love to watch American football but don’t play it much or very well. It’s weird.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Few Mexicans have the body type to play football, although there have been a handful of excellent Mexican linemen (Anthony Munoz, Gabriel Rivera, Louis Vasquez, Manny Ramirez, etc.). And very few have the necessary speed and quickness to play the skill positions. There have, however, been many great Mexican kickers. I’m sure that stems from their facility in soccer.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Basketball was invented by a Canadian.

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Thanks for teaching me a new word. I’ve seen it in operation but I never knew there was a word for it. It’s like a DNC convention.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Negrolatry was recently on display in England at the hockey game where the black player Matt Petgrave, who kicked Adam Johnson in the neck, killing him, was given a standing ovation.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Matt Petgrave is about the least negraic-sounding name I’ve ever heard. Maybe he was adopted when he was a niglet by cucks.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Fortunately, he was finally arrested by UK police. The BBC article includes a photo of Adam Johnson but no mention of name of the black guy who killed him.

There are so many Every Single Times.

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

I was just about to post the same thing. I just scrolled through a number of stories about the arrest and none say who the suspect is. The NY Post is the only site that posted a picture of the guy who killed him (, but the story is worded to make the on ice collision and the death almost seem unrelated.

Even in the most obvious of scenarios, they still have to run cover.

Reply to  scentdolt
1 year ago

This is espn’s headline: “Arrest made in skate blade death of Johnson”. I guess the narrative they are hoping to craft in the minds of those who know nothing about the story and don’t investigate further is that some nefarious equipment manager was to blame who purposely made an unwitting player’s skate too sharp.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

It’s more obvious that corporate American culture attracts certain types when it’s happening in another country.

The fake corporate rainbow-dildo mantras replace traditional morality.

If you’re not part of the scene it’s aggressivley degenerate and perplexing .

1 year ago

I just had a friend to get back from a weekend trip to Nashville and she went out both nights and she said all the bands are great, it was all very festive but every bar they went into the band played John Denver’s country road.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
1 year ago

Herzlich Willkommen! Unfortunately, you could not have picked a more uninteresting city than Frankfurt. If you feel homesick, just spend some time wandering around the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, the diversity there is eye watering. Just keep a close eye on your bags. If you have time, at least take a trip to Wiesbaden as it is a small gem in the state of Hessen less than an hours drive from Frankfurt. Thankfully the American Army intentionally avoided bombing Wiesbaden so they could establish their headquarters there so many of the original buildings still stand. Run a quick Google search and you… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
1 year ago

What about Wurzburg? I really enjoyed Wurzburg of all the towns visited on the river cruise this last September. Maybe because we visited on a Sunday and things were slow?

Weisbaden was home of our rival aviation unit: 1st MI Bn. I was in the 2d MI in Stuttgart. 2d MI went to war. 1st MI stayed in garrison. How sweet.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 year ago

Nothing against the Main, but I think the Rhein is a much more scenic river, at least as it winds north from Wiesbaden or Eltville up to Koblenz. For anyone who is in the Frankfurt area for a short stay, it’s probably a better choice as you can either drive, or pick up any of the day cruise ships that offer a round trip to see the castles. From Koblenz and continuing north, you just run into industrial estates through Bonn, Koln and Dusseldorf. At which point the landscape is relatively flat anyway as it heads through the NL to… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
1 year ago

The river cruise started on the Rhine, but turned onto the Main. What I learned from visiting the towns to the west of the Rhine, that I never realized before, is that the French regularly kicked the Germans around, burning their estates, castles and villages, until Bismark put a stop to it. The Neiderwald Denkmal really puts an exclamation point to how much it meant to the Germans to finally stick it to the French. It’s a shame it couldn’t have ended with the Franco-Prussian war. The next two wars proved the Germans could put the French in their place,… Read more »

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 year ago

A big part of the problem was England, which, as a sea-based mercantilism power, had a centuries-old policy of trying to destabilize any emerging continental European hegemon. Germany’s extremely fast advancement over the 19th century, and the stunning defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War, scared the shit out of English observers, who set about signing all sorts of treaties to fence Germany in and publishing fanciful literature about future German invasion to mnemonically prime the general population for war against “the Hun.”

1 year ago

I also am fond of Country Roads. Living in the Shenandoah valley and its glaringly obvious that Mr Deutschendorf had no sense of geography:I neither Blue Ridge mountains or the Shenandoah river are in WV. It was originally written about Maryland or Massachusetts.

The spirit of the song is more important, it talks of a belonging to rural home, to a people and culture, the old fashioned life. Because it talks of roads it carries a sense of being away, of longing and of a promise to lead one back. So it is a fitting song for our age.

Reply to  southpoll
1 year ago

CR is an absolute classic – and I am no fan of the flower child aesthetic. But it does tap into that Jungian archetype of the past and peoples (though I am also no fan of Jung, but the term is probably best for explaining my view on the song).
Not to mention that 2/2 time signature makes it a great marching anthem.

Reply to  southpoll
1 year ago

Both the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah River do, indeed, extend into West Virginia.

1 year ago

I enjoy reading these posts, which are sane views of the sad state of the western world, a world we also all love. But I do have a question. How do we try to instill this love and affiliation for our people? I ask that because my teenage son recently used the word “racist” and after a long discussion I found he had all of the talking points of the left on race. I was extremely disturbed to learn this, although I do admit he is a very difficult child to parent. He is also lonely. My sense is that… Read more »

Reply to  ruritan11
1 year ago

You can only probably pray for revelation at this point. You have to start young, when you have their undivided attention. I try regularly, subtly, slipping in race observations to my kids. I also emphasize strongly that you never make these observations to others, never. Now, the question that my suggestion seems to insist is, How does this instill love? Well, much like a certain chosen people do, this helps identify as Us distinct from Them. The stronger the sense of Us, the deeper the bonds. To be fair, however, I don’t push much pride in White identity, either. Whites… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Are degenarate, but were not in the past. That means we at least have the potential to regain the empyrian heights of civilization, and few other peoples can say that. Pride in whites then, must focus on our past.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

What do I have to do with the Sistine Chapel ceiling? What do I have to do with The Canterbury Tales? What do I have to do with Shakespeare? What do I have to do with Newton? The answer is, Nothing. I try to teach my girls to love me, their mother, and those close to them. Beyond that, white or black or red or brown culture is largely irrelevant to daily life. I certainly teach them the color of crime, etc. I teach them to appreciate beauty and scorn ugliness. And point out trends… But trying to attach myself… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

To be clear, when I wrote newcomer vibes, I meant, The people their let you know you have entered a small community, and you are cautiously welcomed until you prove yourself; you are treated as a suspicious newcomer.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

You have everything to do with the great achievements of white civilization, whether you acknowledge it or not, because you carry the genetic material and the race memory of those who authored the achievements. Indirectly those achievements belong to you and me. They do not belong to LeBoon James, Wise Latina Sotomayor and Yoyo Ma.

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

I do not view the situation the same way. I am much more of a kith and kin type – that is where my pride resides. Attaching ourselves to abstract notions (such as magic dirt because you wave the flag), in this example, Western civilization, is such a watered down definition of identity that it serves, from my perspective, little value in the current era.
To be clear, I greatly respect and admire the works of Western civ. But that has little to do with me.

Reply to  ruritan11
1 year ago

“How do we try to instill this love and affiliation for our people?” It may be that you have to dismantle the hatred of whites that his “racism” comment implies before you can instill love and affiliation. Perhaps try to show him that our elites want whites to hate themselves and that when he criticizes whites for racism he has fallen into their trap. I’ve found that broaching the history of slavery in the world is often an effective way to demonstrate that the elites want whites to hate themselves. Most Americans below 50 years old implicitly believe that either… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Good points, thank you

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Hope you are doing well Brother…We need to do another get together sometime…

Reply to  ruritan11
1 year ago

Have him work on a genealogy of your and your wife’s families as a project for school. It may register for him better when he sees his ancestors with names, dates of birth and death and learns about their lives rather than just as abstractions other people are denigrating.

Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

Indeed! My three kids had to do this when they were in grade school and they were surprised that not only are they related to Charlemagne, but they are also direct descendants of Samuel F.B. Morse and the poet Dryden.
Their teacher was more thrilled than they were. Yes, it will instill a sense of belonging in them.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

Wonderful. And this perfectly echoes my reply to Eloi above.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

And I would suggest that the OP brought up two issues: the white self-loathing and the isolation. I suggest that having the young man immersed in a healthy community would provide both perspective (especially upon sight-seeing tours to the city) and a sense of community. I do not believe there is anything wrong with teaching genealogy. But groping amongst the dry bones of the past will not sever that troublesome behavior or eliminate loneliness. Community makes the difference. And when a young person is immersed in a community that rejects that bigotry and practically provides an alternative moral framework, both… Read more »

Ahab's Discount Harpoons
Ahab's Discount Harpoons
1 year ago

Paucity of children was also something I noticed a few weeks ago in Italy. I got the sense, watching the way they were doted over by Italian strangers on the street and in restaurants, that kids are becoming something of a rara avis. At times I got ‘Children of Men’ vibes.

Reply to  Ahab's Discount Harpoons
1 year ago

Train travel through Italy shows so many abandoned farms and empty countrysides. No children, no families. Here today, gone to Roma.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Neutrino
1 year ago

Spain, France and parts of Ireland have the same abandoned villages and towns to this day. Those families who could, relocated to the cities, or went abroad.

Ahab's Discount Harpoons
Ahab's Discount Harpoons
Reply to  Neutrino
1 year ago

True. We always rent cars and drive through Tuscany, Umbria, Lombardy. It seems to get emptier and emptier each time we visit. This time we went as far off the beaten path as possible, up to little Tuscan hill towns which were, for the most part, uninhabited.
OTOH, Rome was more crowded than ever. But never difficult to find solitude, even in Rome – just go into one of the 300 Catholic churches. Unless it’s a famous attraction, you’ll have it to yourself.

1 year ago

I think you need to slow down on the mulled wine z-man. I hate to shit on your porch but praise for America from one of the most beat down and propagandised nations on earth ain’t no reason to get patriotic. “Great people” my ass.

Reply to  BigHig
1 year ago

Hear, hear!! What Z was witnessing was a mass form of Stockholm Syndrome.

Reply to  BigHig
1 year ago

Out of curiosity, how much time have you spent in Germany, and what did you do while you were there?

Reply to  Gespenst
1 year ago

Almost 6 years working as a mechanic for BMW motorradwerk. Best time I had in my life Ghost but I stand by what I said.

1 year ago

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt

or maybe not.

Germans love Americans and American workers are highly valued in German companies.
It’s a strange relationship, because the US (government) loves to abuse Germany.

David Reynolds
David Reynolds
1 year ago


1 year ago

Country Roads is big in Germany. Daughter was stuck on a bus in Germany with a bunch of young people. While they were sitting there they began singing the song.

Reply to  WOPR
1 year ago

It’s a nice song.

Ahab's Discount Harpoons
Ahab's Discount Harpoons
Reply to  Hun
1 year ago

Also very sing-a-longable is ‘Amerika’ by Rammstein.

Coca Cola
Sometime War

Reply to  WOPR
1 year ago

That “Country Roads” has such an appeal to Germans makes me think that it draws on feelings and musical structures that are nearly universal within whites. That gives me hope.

I’m not saying that you will never find a black or mestizo who loves the song, but they will be an outlier.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

It’s like the “Lord of the Rings” movies, which whites loved so much. The heroism against nearly impossible odds driven by duty to and love of your people and home, and the love of the deep woods and the Shire.

Dave Chappelle did a skit mocking the “Lord of the Rings” movies. “It’s just white people running around in forests!”

He literally cannot understand and we should understand why he cannot understand.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

LOTR–issa whi thang!

So is civilization…

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

A few years ago I was flipping through the stations and saw an interview with John Boyega – the blooper from the last round of “Star Wars” movies – and he commented on how he didn’t like the Lord of The Rings movies because they had no diversity. Someone there (he was one of several guests there) made the comment, “Sure there was, what about the orcs?” and I almost fell over laughing.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Toots and the Maytals did a popular reggae version.

Almost heaven, West Jamaica…

Reply to  Brandon Laskow
1 year ago

Thanks. I do appreciate evidence that is contrary to my beliefs. I want to be accurate.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  WOPR
1 year ago

I was wondering about that. The anime movie Whisper of the Heart came to mind when Z mentioned the song, but also we have an acquittance in China whose kid was singing foreign (to them) songs in school and the American one was…Country Roads. I guess it’s like the one American pop song everyone knows? Like if there was a German sport hosted anywhere they would trot out 99 Luftballons?

Reply to  WOPR
1 year ago

A friend of mine who was a ski instructor in Switzerland and the Netherlands told me that ‘Country Roads’ is played every single night in ski lodges all over Europe. Everyone sings along.
It’s an iconic song. It’s nice to hear they love it in Germany, too.

Great, uplifting post Z. Country Roads will be even more meaningful for you once you find yourself in Wild, Wonderful and White WV.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

A ski instructor in the Netherlands? There’s not a single hill in that country that I’m aware of.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
1 year ago

Maybe she meant waterskiing on the Amster.

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

If anyone would appreciate a well-written supernatural tale of infatuation set in the Alps about 100 years ago, listen to this hour long reading of Algernon Blackwood’s “The Glamour of the Snow.”

It’s also got a fascinating interplay between Christianity and Paganism, which fits into our discussions here. Although Blackwood was a mystic, it seems that Christianity comes out better.

It’s one of my favorite short stories. Blackwood was an excellent writer and he was one of Lovecraft’s favorite influences.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

“No longer flying at an angle as before, he pointed his ski straight down the mountain-side. The dreadful steepness did not frighten him. He knew full well it meant a crashing tumble at the bottom, but he also knew it meant a doubling of his speed… He remembered her terror of the church and bells. She feared the holy symbols. There was one last wild cry in his ears as he started, a shriek of the wind before his face, and a rush of stinging snow against closed eyelids – and then he dropped through empty space. Speed took sight… Read more »

1 year ago

” I took that as a sign from God that everything is going to be okay…”

Who are you and what have you done with Zman?

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 year ago

It’s the Glühwein talking. 🍷😍

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

Perhaps Z , on his way from Iceland to Frankfurt, had a lay-over in Norwich. “all shall be …..

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

“probably the second hand smoke”.. instead if smoke one could have thought/hoped it was a spark. Understandable but disappointing nevertheless.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

The Germans and their “outdoor culture” are almost a meme here in Tucson. We seem to lose a few every summer when they go “hiking” in the desert heat. Every resort has warnings but they seem ignored by the German tourists.

You simply don’t last more than a few miles in the 100-110 degree heat. BTW, it can hit 100 by 11 a.m. in the height of summer. Even the snakes and lizards take to their burrows in the early afternoons—but not those “hardy” Germans. 😉

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 year ago

It’s all the Glühwein, clouding his judgment. Sounds like he’s on vacation, having a good time. Prost!

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Conrad
1 year ago

Yeah just a couple days away from Lagos is enough to elicit zingers like this:
and your fellow citizens, by and large, are good people

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

That line amused me also.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Z is a sentimental rather than a fighting drunk.