Orphan Child

After the Bay of Pigs debacle, John F. Kennedy supposedly said, “Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.” Whether or not he actually said it is unknown, but the expression has been with us ever since. Supposedly it was an updated version of the Tacitus line, “It is the singularly unfair peculiarity of war that the credit of success is claimed by all, while a disaster is attributed to one alone.” Kennedy was pithier but Tactus captures the truth of the matter.

We are seeing this with the Ukraine war. The news from the battlefields is uniformly bad for the Ukrainian army. The West is slowly coming to terms with the reality of the much publicized counter-offensive, which ended in disaster soon after it was launched, but the West spent the last few months in denial. Ukraine does not publish numbers as far as casualties, but independent guessing suggests they lost between seventy and one hundred thousand men in the counter-offensive.

As the overall condition of the Ukraine military comes into focus, the recriminations are beginning to turn up in Western media. This long story in the Washington Post is a good example of the general tone. Washington is looking to place the blame on the Ukrainians, while the Ukrainians are placing the blame on their Western backers or on one another as the situation warrants. Europe has yet to join the blame game, but in time they will no doubt blame the Ukrainians.

Another pithy expression that is useful regarding the Ukraine debacle is “You learn more from your failures than your successes.” Washington never learns from its failures, which is why they have the Ukraine debacle, but the rest of us can gain some insight into how our pollical leaders stumble into these disasters by looking at some of the major blunders in this war. How they managed to reach this point speaks to how they view the world and their role in it.

The first major blunder was getting into a land war with Russia. This is right up there with “Never getting into a land war in Asia” and the slightly less well-known “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.” The Russians are bad at many things but when it comes to fighting a land war, they are exceptional. When they view the land war as an existential threat it quickly becomes a great patriotic war and the whole of Russia organizes to defeat the enemy.

This is what the West managed to do in what should have been a low-grade border conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The West made this into a game of the world against Russia and the Russians accepted the challenge. The sanctions regime was clearly intended to hurt average Russians, which made it easy for the Russian leadership to recast this conflict as this generations great patriotic war. That war is with the West, not just the Ukrainians.

The question is why did the West do this? The reason is they assumed Russia was too weak to fight an actual war. They came to this conclusion not based on observable facts but on the power of their own rhetoric. They kept saying that Russia was a “gas station masquerading as a country” so often that they believed it. Instead of looking at what was happening in Russia, the West told themselves appealing stories about what would happen if they blew hard enough on the Russian house of cards.

This gets to the second colossal error of the West. The Russians crossed into Ukraine with a force of about one hundred thousand men with the assumption the West would demand a peace meeting. They were not prepared for an actual war. Ukraine, on the other hand, had an army of over three hundred thousand regular army troops and another three hundred thousand reserves. Russia, the attacker, was outnumbered three-to-one one by Ukraine, the defender.

In the spring of 2022, the Ukrainians had a chance to smash the Russian army if they went on the offensive. It would have come at a price, but they could have pushed the Russian back into the Donbas and maybe out completely. Instead, the Ukrainians dug into defensive positions along the line of contact. This gave the Russians time to reorganize their lines into more defendable positions and begin the process of building a much larger force to take on the Ukrainians.

The reason Ukraine did this is they were repeatedly told by their Western backers that Russia could never sustain an army in the field for long. The best people ran to their favorite media outlets predicting an imminent Russian collapse. The intellectual everyone in the West considers a seer claimed early on that Russia would not just lose but disintegrate as a result of the war. The fact that Fukuyama has not been right about anything in his career has not lowered his status in the West.

Here again we see that the West blundered into a catastrophic mistake not because they misread the evidence but because they confused their own magical thinking about the world and their role in it with reality. People with what passes for impressive credentials in the managerial class spun fabulous tales about the imminent collapse of Russia and those tales became reality for the war machine. Meanwhile, the Russian army used this time to prepare for what we see happening now.

This brings up the third colossal error. Having figured out that Russia was not going to disintegrate in the face of what amounted to an internet cancel campaign, the West prepared Ukraine for a big arrow offensive. They conscripted close to one hundred thousand fresh troops, trained them in NATO tactics and supplied them with NATO weapons for the purpose to driving the Russians out of the Donbas. This was the great spring counter-offensive that kicked off in the summer.

In the early hours of the offensive, columns of Western armor barreled into the Russia outer defensive lines in the south with the aim of driving to the Sea of Azov. Instead, they bogged down in massive minefields. The mine clearing equipment provided by the West turned out to be useless for the task, so the armored columns were trapped in the minefields and obliterated by Russian artillery. A large area in the south is called Bradley Park because it is full of destroyed Bradley fighting vehicles.

It is impossible to overstate the failure here. The Ukrainians not only lost the entire army assembled for the task, but they stripped their lines in order to supplement this army on the expectation that it would smash through the Russian defenses and those reserves would then flood into the breech. Instead, these reserves were thrown into what was called a meatgrinder. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians were killed and maimed in order to capture one tiny village in the south.

What is even more stunning than the enormity of the failure is the fact that Western military planners were so slow to accept reality. Even as it was clear that the Russian defenses were too strong, General Milley was talking like it was just a matter of time before they collapsed and Ukraine rolled to victory. Even after thousands of videos appeared online of burning Western tanks, Western generals kept saying that things were on schedule for a glorious victory.

The result of this catastrophe is Ukraine no longer has offensive capabilities and is struggling to maintain its defensive positions in key areas. The massive losses of men and material cannot be replaced. Ukraine is running out of men to conscript for the war and the West is out of equipment to send them. This is why we are seeing reports in Western media talking about who is to blame. No one wants to be the father of what is going to be a collapse of Ukraine in 2024.

The theme throughout this two-year debacle is that the people making the decisions have substituted a preferred reality for actual reality. These are the type of people John Derbyshire once described in another context as those who are “awfully good at creating elaborate, plausible, and intellectually very challenging systems that do not, in fact, have any truth content.” For the last two years their version of reality has crashed into a reality that rests on the truth, not narrative.

The Ukraine debacle is a microcosm of what plagues the West. The people in charge are long on credentials that are meaningful only within the artificial reality that is the managerial class. The result is an echo chamber populated with credentialed idiots who compete with one another to produce the most pleasing sounding narrative to describe what they imagine lies outside their reality. They live in a simulation but seek to impose what they experience on the world around them.

These are the same people now operating the court system based on their paranoid fantasies about invisible enemies and staffing the air traffic control system to match their image of the inclusive society. What lies ahead for the West is what we are seeing in Ukraine which is the fantasies of a delusional and deranged ruling class smashing into the reality of the world, all paid for by the common man. Reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it.

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7 months ago

[…] compared to others I could name (looking at you Saker). Something he wrote yesterday in his post Orphan Child really caught my attention, emphasis […]

7 months ago

What South Africa blacks did was replaced white men ruler to Hindu and Chinese ruler, the outcome is amplifying their own misery
white women boomer won’t get the consequence of their own action, but a successor will
young white women getting constant abasement and humiliation from much lesser being to them

at this point, I would say you deserve to rule by niggers

Reply to  Yman
7 months ago

“at this point, I would say you [young white women] deserve to rule by niggers”

Possibly. But what if it is beyond their natural abilities to see the pattern that you describe? Can you still say that they deserve it?

We must reassert paternalism and patriarchy for their own good.

We are under attack by other tribes and we can only fight back by strengthening our own tribe and we need white women for that, whatever problems that they bring.

7 months ago

The totalaty of the murderous genocide has not entered the american concousness. the enormity of the body count is never addressed. It may have been 100k this summer, but it now includes 16 yr old bots and 18 year old girls. This is Satanic level evil. there is no doubt in my mind that they are clelbrating these numbers behind closed doors . Ukrinian KIA and captured number was accidentally leaked by a ukrainian TV station. the number was slightly more than 1.1Million. add to that 2 million crippled and serioysly wounded , and half a million ukrainian woemen and… Read more »

7 months ago

“Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.” JFK in reference to Bay of Pigs. So instead of taking the blame himself, he shifted it to the CIA. “Ax not to die for your own country, ax instead to die for someone else’s country.” JFK. probably about the time he was building the Green Beret and sending troops to Vietnam, the Republic of. “Now, have you ever seen a finer ass than that?” JFK as he pointed to M. Monroe’s butt. Shortly before RFK and company murdered her. “After visiting these places, you can easily understand that within a… Read more »

7 months ago

“Washington never learns from its failures,”
The MIC’s new interest is a NATO blockade of Kaliningrad in the initial form of an exercise named Freezing Winds 23, a provocation of Russia in the Gulf of Finland which could turn out as well as a bygone event in the Gulf of Tonkin.

7 months ago

The amount of destruction and suffering we have caused distresses me. I shudder to think what the Nation’s penance for these sins will be after we oust the crazies and come to reconciliation.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RedBeard
7 months ago

It’s a bit disturbing to live in the Evil Empire, is it not?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
7 months ago

Ostei Kozelskii: “It’s a bit disturbing to live in the Evil Empire, is it not?” Apparently it’s true in all aspects of the Anglosphere & Weimerica; not just the military. The following might prove to be the single moast important sociological finding of the last century: Research Finds That Renting Ages You Faster Than Smoking, Obesity https://tinyurl.com/ycxdhf6a According to that study, living under the thumb of the Usury Industrial Complex in peacetime is vastly worse for us than fighting in hot wars. Apparently usury worries civilians to death [over the question of, “Can I make my rent payment this month?”]… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
7 months ago

[The study claims that renting your dwelling is worse for you than smoking; note that in the USA, about 480,000 people die prematurely from smoking every year. By way of contrast, our total combat deaths in WWII, over four years, were only about 291,557.]

Cause and effect? I think this a stretch.

Reply to  cg2
7 months ago

Apparently the meta-statistics say otherwise.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  RedBeard
7 months ago

Yes and these people do not suffer any guilt or engage in any self examination for the hundreds of thousands dead and many more maimed, Ukrainians and Russians. They caused the deaths of around 500,000, children in the wars for democracy in the middle east.

One day we will probably catch a gigantic fireball. When it happens don’t look back.

c matt
c matt
7 months ago

They kept saying that Russia was a “gas station masquerading as a country” so often that they believed it

Even if it were true, it beats a strip mall masquerading as a country.

Reply to  c matt
7 months ago

More like a strip club masquerading…

Or a strip mine masquerading…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Owlman
7 months ago

ATM masquerading as a country

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

A credit card masquerading as a country.

[With the man behind the curtain rubbing his filthy little paws.]

Reply to  c matt
7 months ago

The reason for the war is to settle a bet over who’d win a fight between a gas station and a brothel.

7 months ago

“…independent guessing suggests they lost between seventy and one hundred thousand men in the counter-offensive” That is just in the “counter-offensive”. In Vietnam during the entire conflict the U.S. total KIA number is around 47,000 combat deaths, this in a nation that had over 200 million people at the time. Ukraine lost around twice as many young men, in a single year, out of a nation of only 33 million. This is a demographic disaster for Ukraine that can only lead to even more child trafficking and prostitution as the female population of Ukraine will be missing hundreds of thousands… Read more »

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  Arthur Sido
7 months ago

Perhaps that is the point after all.

c matt
c matt
7 months ago

Sun Tzu cones to mind:

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will win every battle;

If you know yourself but not your enemy, you will win half your battles;*

If you do not know yourself or your enemy, you will lose every battle.

The ZOG is obviously in that last category.

*Didn’t say what would happen if you don’t know yourself but know your enemy – guess you’d be in the 50/50 category as well.

7 months ago

Z Man’s piece is an excellent overview of the conflict, for those like me who don’t follow it closely. Further, his diagnosis of the deepest problem, that our elites confuse their narrative with reality, rings true. We must remember that this problem is their Achilles heel. However, his piece motivates the question, “Why? Why did they devote so much human life and money to forcing this conflict?” As Z Man observed, this “should have been a low-grade border conflict between Russia and Ukraine.” Instead, “The West made this into a game of the world against Russia…” There is no geopolitical… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  LineInTheSand
7 months ago

The MIC had a 20-year revenue stream from Afghanistan and would have suffered withdrawal symptoms unless the Ukraine provided a quick cash inflow*. That accounted for some of it plus grandiose plans to break apart Russia and exploit the wealth. The religious/ideological reasons you laid out likely are the major ones as well as the most chilling.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
7 months ago

Article about blame evasion uses “west” as smokescreen.

You are using “them “their” “elites.” Make it concrete.

How about we arrest Nuland, Blinkin, Zelensky? Then we can make them tell us who’s Mr Big.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  LineInTheSand
7 months ago

“…. for those like me who don’t follow it closely.” I stopped following it at all other than the occasional youtube video from the “voice of reason” Basically everything I can ever (easily) find is war propaganda. The other side is always close to total collapse. Both sides have destroyed the other side’s tanks a few times over. Glorious victory is just a short time away. The only hope to an end any time soon is that the US stops sending equipment and money. The Republicans still have a few months left to cuck. Meanwhile, 10s of thousands of White… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
7 months ago

Ukrinian KIA and captured number was accidentally leaked by a ukrainian TV station. the number was slightly more than 1.1Million. add to that 2 million crippled and serioysly wounded , and half a million ukrainian woemen and children killed,or trafficked and you can actually get an idea of the breathtaking horrendous evil that was done to the Ukrainian people . By the west too. and don’t kid yourself , our kegan clan and “elites” knew this was happening all along , and forced their puppet Ukrainian dictator to keep it going .

Reply to  miforest
7 months ago

Do you think their puppet dictator needed much forcing?

Reply to  Jeremy
7 months ago

Zelensky is clearly a serious cocaine addict (just based on footage I’ve seen) so not in his right mind much of the time. His dealers have a hold on him.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
7 months ago

Overlaying rationality upon the insane never works. In the end, you’ll just be picking the explanation most pleasing to your senses.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
7 months ago

Don’t forget too that the Ukraine is a big money laundering operation for politicians in Washington. They vote to give the Ukraine a bunch of money and then a cut of that money comes back to them. I think that’s a big part of the reason that the GAE is so obsessed with this war. If the Ukrainian government falls because of the Russian invasion, it might be replaced by a new government that’s no longer interested in giving kickbacks to D.C. politicians and their cronies.

7 months ago

Overall, it’s a great example of a people overpowered by Western propaganda (no immunity?) Sad that Ukrainians went along with it, but they were unable to say no to the promised reward. Here is a people who put full trust in their ruling class – and got obliterated. Ukrainians were clearly eager to please what they saw as their Western superiors, and fully integrate into the West. Americans have more skepticism, especially today. There are a lot of people who believe the lies, but also a lot of people who don’t. I truly don’t believe that there would be any… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  B125
7 months ago

“Americans have more skepticism, especially today. There are a lot of people who believe the lies, but also a lot of people who don’t. I truly don’t believe that there would be any kind of organic, blind patriotism the way there was in Ukraine. There will never be a successful draft, for now. Which is a good thing.” Many here lament the initial support, but it was far less than in the recent past and there was far more skepticism. In rather short order, most opposed the funding and support. That is a huge white pill, along with less than… Read more »

Reply to  B125
7 months ago

No draft? They’ve drafted 10 million soldiers into the United States, gosh knows how many into the Commonwealth and EU. Durbin just offered these guys free military training to go along with the free debit cards, social housing, and chain family benefits. What luck, all those military age men flooding the country right now to prop up real estate for Blackrock. By the generation that imported an immigrant underclass to keep their pension system solvent instead of having children. Make military service untenable for citizens, that were kicked out by non-compliance w/ the vax mandate and diversity trannys. Then recruit… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  B125
7 months ago

Here is a people who put full trust in their ruling class – and got obliterated.

That’s part of what gets me: right after releasing a lab pathogen on the world, and a cure worse than the disease, and right about the time the regime is arresting people for protesting against boys pretending to be girls so that they can rape girls their restroom the Ukes, and really all of the west, decide that’s the horse they want to bet on.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
7 months ago

You mention this as though the average Uke had a say.

Reply to  c matt
7 months ago

Sandmich was talking about the average American.

We put our trust in the ruling class.
We’re getting obliterated.
We don’t have a say.

Diversity Heretic
7 months ago

Excellent post by the Z-man. My only possible difference with it is whether Ukraine had any real chance of expelling the Russians from the Donbas after the start of the special military operation. A lot of the fighting has been, and still is being done by the Donbas militia units. These guys have been at this since 2014 and are probably among the most battle-hardened people on planet Earth. They were doing pretty well against the Ukrainian army until the Minsk Accords. I don’t think that they would have been disposed to withdraw from their homes without a ferocious fight… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
7 months ago

Putin recently said that Russia has not yet begun to fight, referring to the Militias, Wagner and the Chechen.He also said Russia’s Military will be 2.2 Million with 1.2 million uniformed men at arms by mid ’24.
There’s a Russian Opposition Not for Profit called MediaZona funded by the West NED etc. running a project backed by the BBC to track the number of Russian dead. Their latest count, Dec 1st, was 38.000. Far from the hundreds of thousands killed in fever dreams of the jewish media in the US.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
7 months ago

Speaking of the “same people now operating the court system based on their paranoid fantasies about invisible enemies and staffing the air traffic control system to match their image of the inclusive society”. They’ve all most recently decamped to COP28 in the UAE with the attendant “fantasies of a delusional and deranged ruling class smashing into the reality of the world, all paid for by the common man”. Strong emphasis on the “paid for by the common man” part.
And at this is the most festive time of year, no doubt visions of sugar plum fairies dance in their heads.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
7 months ago

I don’t disagree with Z-man’s analysis, but I think there is something more: An arrogance of the elites brought on by years of being able to push around weak countries, but more importantly, push around their domestic enemies. Prior to Ukraine, the elites had managed to rig elections, frustrate the will of the citizenry, make up laws, hobble a president, lock up dissenters, even killing one or two with impunity. Who was going to stop them? So instead of showing enough respect for Russia to sit down an negotiate, they arrogantly thought they didn’t need to deal with them. They… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
7 months ago

There’s a lot of truth here. Unbridled arrogance coupled with lack of accountability is a recipe for certain disaster. The Kagan Cult also is at best Western-adjacent and does not share a morality that abhors senseless death. We also see this in the response to Palestinian terrorism seamlessly transitioning into a televised genocide. Since there is no public input at all now, even the possibility of accountability has been taken off the table. It is playing out exactly as should be expected under those circumstances. There may have been something analogous that didn’t end horrifically but I’m at a loss… Read more »

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
7 months ago

Zman is wrong, however, about the initial Russian movements…Russia immediately trapped 20 battalions of the Azovs in the Donbas, who were about to attack, in a cauldron where they could be decimated at will…That was Ukraine’s best force…the movement toward Kiev was essentially a feint, rapidly withdrawn when Zelenskyy initialed a peace agreement..Russia had, before the invasion, about 750,000 soldiers, including their best regiments, and deployed only territorials and some of their 2d level units initially..The Russian A-team has only been brought in to finish off Mariopol, and later for some of the defense against the UKR offensive… A week… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  pyrrhus
7 months ago

I have trouble digesting the women and kids in the trenches, not that it isn’t true, just that I thought the Uke army would have folded long before reaching that point. I mean, imagine the contrast of Russia struggling to capture every square meter of dirt only to have it revealed that a high school class and their teacher were the ones holding them back. Have we reached a point in technology where a credible fighting force can be assembled from societies weakest elements or (as I suspect) is this something particular to Eastern Europeans?

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
7 months ago

Notice how all the 4th generation warfare talk has stopped. They actually managed to convince themselves that war had fundamentally and permanently changed to a model where un-uniformed men in small groups with small arms and IEDs were the new military challenge of the 21st century and beyond. They actually believed that mechanized warfare with actual armies was a relic of the past. What saddens me is that none of the fools has to suffer the consequences of their insane ideas. It’s always someone else that has to pay the costs. When/if this whole thing blows up in their face,… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
7 months ago

They are accumulating a big pile of dry kindling and trust in them has plummeted. That’s a cost that will be realized eventually.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

…and more than a few folks standing nearby said kindling with matches, lighters, blow torches…

7 months ago

am i the only one who notices the parallel between people with Cluster B personality disorders intentionally stirring up trouble among the people they know and turning them against each other…
and american foreign policy concerning the middle east. It’s like we’re the common denominator

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
7 months ago

I watched the presidential debates and the way that scumbags like Nimrata and Pence talk about supporting endless war in the Ukraine because Americans are not dying just disgusts me. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians dead in a fruitless endeavor but it’s ok because they’re not American, and Russia is “weakened” in some vague undefined way. They really do see the Ukrainian life as worth less than the American one, which reminds me of the way Israel sees Palestinians, which is not surprising considering who is running these operations. It’s quite frankly insane and I just do not understand how… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mycale
7 months ago

Which reminds me of the way Israel sees everyone else.

7 months ago

Is this the reason for the Hamas action, the Final Cleansing? Let’s say there were and are two major factions, Diaspora and Zion. Rootless and Return, similar to Britain and American Colony, North and South. Or, Eastern & Western Roman Empires, or Catholic and Protestant, or Democrat-Republican. If the New Khazaria gambit has faltered, then reinforcing Israel to replace Persia as a key player in the Belt Road Initiative has won precedence. The offshore gas, planned pipelines, and the Ben Gurion Canal speak to the future. Diaspora invaded the MidEast with disastrous results- the weakening of American Janissary power and… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

I don’t think the Zionist Entity will get anywhere with either Turkey or China; they are both estranged from the Zionists in general, and for strategic reasons by the Gaza/West Bank ethnic cleansing gambit, as the Rest of the World has memories refreshed about their own past histories.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
7 months ago

The Zionist Entity is cutting deals with Turkey and China, just as the Diaspora Entity has and is.

It’s understood that the middlemen won’t rule them as they do the West; they will happily ride along with them, in that whole “nations have interests, not friends” sense.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

It is more likely the Israelis see the GAE is in rapid decline and decided the window is closing to ethnically cleanse the Palis. The opprobrium also redounds to the Regime but sociopathic thrill killings and Benjamins mitigate the cost. More aware elements of the GAE also know the time to make hay is before the sun sets.

Reply to  Alzaebo
7 months ago

Hamas attack was probably greenlighted by Putin to pull American (military) attention away from Ukraine.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

JFK and Tacitus both spoke the truth of their own eras. Even as late as early stage GAE there was still a fall guy, Kimmell for Pearl Harbor, MacArthur for Korea. But Kennedy could see into the new era that was beginning, where there would be no more accountability at all, not even symbolically. More recent GAE adventures bear this out. Of course there will be no fall guy for Ukraine, there still isn’t a fall guy for Afghanistan, or Iraq, indeed George W. Bush has been rehabilitated by the GAE. There never really was for Vietnam when you get… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

I don’t think General William Westmoreland came out of Vietnam with his reputation intact. I think that he did win a civil suit against CBS (at least in the sense that he obtained a settlement) for its story that he delibertely underestimated North Vietnamese troops numbers.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
7 months ago

Once again, the US military failed to win anything. But unlike all the other failed conflicts it has involved itself in, now they can claim “they” didn’t actually loose, the Ukrainians did. But we all know the US military, despite the best efforts of it’s troops, is nothing but a recruiting poster for failure. While the US military industrial complex continues to grind out some of the most technically advanced weapons systems the world has ever seen, the recruits they hope to operate them probably can’t even read or comprehend the operational manuals*. Of course Europe elites, and particularly German… Read more »

7 months ago

Reality is not the rock, standing in truth athwart the flow of time. Reality is the water that carves that rock. Whether a torrent or a trickle, it always prevails eventually. If AINO were granite, it would take many hundreds upon thousands of years to wear away. But it has shown itself to be sandstone, so the path will be smooth much sooner.

Reply to  Maus
7 months ago

The GAE to my mind tracks more with the Hittite Empire. A big noise for a while, but soon dissipating on a historically short time scale.

bob sykes
bob sykes
7 months ago

You misunderstand the opening phase of the war. Russia’s intrusion near Kiev was intended to force negotiations. And it worked. Ukrainian and Russian diplomats negotiated a peace settlement that would have implemented the Minsk agreements and ceded Crimea (and only Crimea) to Russia. The Donbas and other rebel regions would have gotten some sort of autonomy, but they would have remained in Ukraine as part of its sovereign territory. That agreement was vetoed by the US, and it send Boris Johnson to Kiev to brow beat Zelenskii into abrogating it, which he did. Hence the war. Now Russia will dictate… Read more »

Reply to  bob sykes
7 months ago

I can’t see Russia wanting the west of Ukraine, namely Galicia, because it has too many Banderites left. Let Poland have it and the ethnic Hungarian and other areas go to their own countries and forever erase Ukraine from the map. They never were a real country and the westerners are poison to everyone. No reason for Russia to take them on.

Reply to  Mike
7 months ago

Agree. Carve up the place, everybody gets a piece, that’s a win-win for all involved.

Purchasing peace by sharing out the Ukrainian girl booty is also new customers for the MIC’s low-grade forever conflict, the continuing Cold War. It never ended.

Reply to  Mike
7 months ago

There will be an independent Ukraine State. It will revert to being a land-locked farm stand in the Polish suburb’s.

Reply to  Bilejones
7 months ago

My, but that is an appealing image. Thanks for that.

7 months ago

I would add one more dimension to this expose´ of incompetence. Most Americans will whine and stew about how bad things are, but ultimately bury their heads in the sand and distract themselves with a delusion about voting in a change next November. This is the Bongino Imperative. Never take action today if you can convince yourself that “the sun will come up tomorrow, tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar on tomorrow.” In doing so, we will have earned the hard collapse that is coming. Ukraine will never recover from this Western-driven debacle. They will have lost half their population to… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
7 months ago

Exactly Right Brother…Tribe Up, Be a Slave/Prisoner, or Die…Those are your only three options at this point in Time…

7 months ago

If history is a guide, you don’t defeat Russia in a European land war by killing them, but by breaking their will to fight. Ludendorff pulled it off by infecting Russia with Bolshevism. If we believe Clown World took down the USSR, it’s apparently lost its virulence. These are not the formidable people who built the thing.

Reply to  Paintersforms
7 months ago

Should say you don’t break their will by killing them.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
7 months ago

Useless, insane, evil, vibrant, and anti-white GAE functionary does the world a solid by removing himself from our timeline:


Sometimes the problems just solve themselves.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
7 months ago

Courtesy of the magic of the internet, I get a weekly “good news’ report of some sort. Maybe this event will be reported along some of the other feel good stories.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
7 months ago

I saw that earlier, what made me smile was this line:
“He’s a far leftist that posts anti-white hatred and quotes Noam Chomsky.”

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
7 months ago

Hmm. . . also read he had info showing Israel had back doors to all US Government computers. Bit suspicious to me – why would Israel need a back door, when they have a front door, if not own the whole damn thing?

7 months ago

I’ll never understand. I mean, I know why the elites wanted this war (primarily because of ancient tribal grievances against Russia), I know why the GAE war machine wanted it, I know why the media cheered it on (same tribal grievances as the elites), but I do not know why Americans went along with it, for even a moment. I don’t know why a single American (as opposed to someone living here with distant relatives from the Pale of Settlement) put up a Ukraine flag, or supported Brandon’s policies. I know it would have no effect on the government’s conduct… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
7 months ago

“I don’t know why a single American (as opposed to someone living here with distant relatives from the Pale of Settlement) put up a Ukraine flag, or supported Brandon’s policies.” According to the libs in my family, it’s because Putin is Hitler. And if “we” don’t stop him now, he will keep on invading until he becomes too big to stop. It sounds ridiculous. But then I remember that I fell for the same gag with Saddam Hussein. Of course, I now realize they were lying all along and that moustache man wasn’t accurately portrayed either. As General Patton said,… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Winter
7 months ago

Yeah, even Hitler wasn’t “Hitler”
he will keep on invading until he becomes too big to stop
“Stop” from what? That’s what made realize I was duped on Saddam back in the 90s (though in fairness, I was just a kid) as what was the absolute worst Saddam case? That he was going to invade California and force convert them to Islam? C’mon. What, is Putin going to invade all of Western Europe? Wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to them.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
7 months ago

Well, remember too that the Serbs were going to invade Europe with their Panzer divisions once they won the Yugo civil war?

Saddam, Putin, Quadiffi, ISIS, and all the rest.

How many times have we fallen for this lie?

Maybe the Norks will invade the US after they take S. Korea?

Reply to  Winter
7 months ago

In 1939, before Hitler had invaded any portion of Western Europe, Roosevelt told a group of Senators that “the frontiers of America are on the Rhine.” If only someone had been able to stop the imperial impulse of the GAE before it got too big to stop.

Reply to  Mycale
7 months ago

Same reason more than half of Americans went along with COVID and the vaxx, despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Media brainwashing and urge to conform. Few dig deeper or seek out contrary opinions (that includes many on the Right).

Reply to  Jannie
7 months ago

Also please remember we were primed for this. Reagan was tricked, by a false promise to end the Soviet nuclear threat, into loading America with debt to finance the MIC- which was then used for colonial expeditions in the MidEast. The Soviet system was already on its last legs. “Our” undeclared victory was to plunder the place so “we” could build up China, and start up the EU/Euro.* *(“We” opened up border restrictions on corporations and investment pools, which became multinationals and equity funds. Our black ops became NED, NGOs, and money laundries. After turning Europe into rubble, “we” [the… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Mycale
7 months ago

People like to agree with the Television. If one agrees with the Television, then everyone else who agrees with the television agrees with you.

Half the country is under the spell of Television.

It has been flabbergasting to hear mild mannered people tell me of their ardent desire to kill Putin.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
7 months ago

Lindsay Graham the poster child for that sentient (assuming you count him as a actual person).
Also, I think The Libs link Trump and Putin, ergo Putin must be eradicated along with Orange Man,

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
7 months ago

Miss Lindsay shouldn’t be shouldn’t be so casual about tossing out death threats to certain world leaders or he might windup with a couple of teaspoons of Polonium 210 in his orange pekoe tea.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
7 months ago

One can dream . . . .

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

Of course, the overall direction of the war is clear and has been clear from the beginning; however, there is still the matter of the endgame to figure out—a subject about which there is little informed speculation and even less factual information. How exactly does Russia plan to wrap this thing up? If they know, they ain’t saying; but the war can’t officially end until a new modus vivendi is reached, so at some point the question of the terms of the peace agreement must be brought to the forefront. The slow timetable may itself be a clue that things… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

“Biden gets to pass his last few yeas in peace and quiet…”

You may be right, regardless of how he gets there. I suspect most people would be happy if he and his family (and the Clintons) would just “go away”. Still, it doesn’t keep me from hoping that his last few lucid moments will be spent in agonizing pain and agony.

A guy’s gotta dream.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Outdoorspro
7 months ago

His eternity, like that of the Clintons, probably will be.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

I disagree that the Brandon entity reneging on its commitments for F16’s would be disastrous politically. The war doesn’t have the support that it once did amongst the policymakers and Congress. The war machine has a new toy to play with, they don’t need Ukraine anymore. Congress has signaled that it doesn’t really care about Ukraine war funding anymore, it doesn’t even seem like a question. It’s over.

So, I think he can renege on it quite easily, in fact, and when Zelensky gets on TV in his green t-shirt to whine about it, it simply will not be aired.

Reply to  Mycale
7 months ago

The little green man will be recalled back to the mother-ship pdq, unless I’m mistaken.

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
7 months ago

You keep saying “Biden”. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
7 months ago

Maybe it is too obvious now, but this situation looks like a typical communist story. Like that famous story about the train that starts in a real track and ends in a static place being shaken to pretend it is still running. A white pill out of this is that marxism in all forms -and our government is a variation of it- always ends having to fake reality. This is a Potemkin war. It is a testament to the strength of America that the regime is incapable of destroying it fully despite all the efforts made in the last century… Read more »

7 months ago

You know your ruling regime is a catastrophic disaster when the only competent figure in it is Alejandro Mayorkas.

Btw, I’ve seen footage of Buttigieg visiting Ukraine to oversee their infrastructure rebuilding efforts. Ironically, it was all at perfectly beautiful and well functioning rail stations. I bet they got an earful and some amazing slides about Railway Racism Reduction that boosted their morale.

Reply to  RealityRules
7 months ago

Mayorkas competent? So why is he refusing to defend our border?

Reply to  Jannie
7 months ago

Well that’s because he is your enemy and not working for us…

Reply to  Jannie
7 months ago

Mayorkas was put in that position to not enforce the border. So, he’s competent at what they hired him to do

Reply to  Jannie
7 months ago

Because he has been at Biden’s side for years as Biden bragged that Europeans would be replaced and dispossessed as the nation. He is executing his and his benefactor’s plan to perfection.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
7 months ago

I use your term ” reality does not go away because we stop believing in it” quite often in my life now days in the American empire.

David Wright
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
7 months ago

Originally , wasn’t that Ayn Rand?

Reply to  David Wright
7 months ago

Yes, I think that it may have been so. And if that is true, we can here interject another aphorism, one communicated to me by my Arkansas-raised father, to wit, “Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then”. In consideration of all the myriad ways in which that woman was wrong, wrong, wrong it fits her like a glove.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
7 months ago

Terrific piece. Several hundreds of thousands are needlessly dead. In a competent, serious society there would be war crime trials and public executions of the Regime clowns responsible for this atrocity. Instead, we at best may see the Kagan Cult given a retirement party (I would not hold my breath for such). This is perhaps one of the greatest blackmarks on the United States in all of its mixed history. One possible fallout may be even greater public hostility toward the military and the corrupt government.* “The theme throughout this two-year debacle is that the people making the decisions have… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
7 months ago

Starting a modern offensive with no air power was the height of idiocy.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
7 months ago

Unless, on a deeper level, the genuine intent of the depopulation of Ukraine served another purpose, darker and more demonic than can be understood by the hyper-propagandized, deliberately enstupidiated masses in the West. This is my own belief. Beyond a mere Brother War, it is a miniaturized version of what was intended for Russia upon the collapse of the Soviet Union, a depopulation, a demoralization and a thorough looting by their (((oligarchs))) in concert with the Hahvard Boys and in fulfillment of the aspirations of the (((neocohens))). We’ll see how it plays out in the end. If Ukraine is cut… Read more »

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
7 months ago

It seems to me this failure came from a wilful misreading of what caused the collapse of the Soviet Union. The self-congratulatory mythology is that Reagan and his genuis cabinet caused the collapse by forcing the Russians to exhaust themselves in Afghanistan while they crushed their own economy trying to compete with the US defense budget and Lucasfilm initiatives like SDI. The Ukraine strategy seems to have been to bait the Russians into an attack and then collapse their economy via sanctions. Since the Russian Federation is supposed to have been much weaker than the Soviet Union, this would all… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
7 months ago

A trenchant piece of analysis. A couple of quick points: “The West is slowly coming to terms with the reality of the much publicized counter-offensive, which ended in disaster soon after it was launched, but the West spent the last few months in denial.” I suspect the people who really call the shots in the West — not their political and military stooges — are aware of the enormity of the fiasco but they’re revealing the sordid reality to the hoi polloi only in dribs and drabs. Too much of the truth too fast might disorient the unwashed masses. Standard… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
7 months ago

“Got to keep the military-industrial complex humming.”

Absolutely. At the very least, stockpiles have to be restored, so there’s at least the next few years of status-quo funding. Also, the deficiencies of US airpower and anti-drone capabilities demand increase funding for R&D.

Mission Accomplished.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Arshad Ali
7 months ago

Does someone have to be the fall guy? There still isn’t one for Afghanistan. Nor was there ever one for Iraq

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
7 months ago

Yes, that’s a legitimate point. I suppose there’s only a need for a fall guy if there’s a strident public demand for accountability and that probably isn’t there.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Arshad Ali
7 months ago

A few months ago one of the normies in my office was on about how Russia is about to get wrecked over the “offensive”. My guess is that when the inevitable happens, his reaction will be “what offensive? what are you talking about?” Selective amnesia will be the M.O.

So no accountability, no clamoring for accountability. The ZOG and its normies will just go on as though nothing happened much like the vaccine mandate that was, then wasn’t. Schrödinger’s Offensive, Schrödinger’s Mandate.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
7 months ago

“Reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing in it.” Quite true, but, as I’ve mentioned before, the narrative IS reality for these people. Actual reality never touches the DC crowd. They can lose war after war after war. They never lose their job. I used to live in Arlington just outside of DC. I saw these people. They are real, have lives, etc. Their narrative reality works just fine for them. The fact that actual reality smashes their plans doesn’t make them lose a job, sell their house, stop sending their kids to prep… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
7 months ago

“It weakened Russia” reminds me of “if he didn’t get the vax, the covid he caught would’ve been worse.” They know how to tell themselves calming stories to avoid what’s real.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
7 months ago

“Actual reality impacting their reality” would be a hot war in the Middle East/Ukraine directly involving the US and millions of White men refusing to sign up.

Interested Reader
Interested Reader
7 months ago

The US military did literally the same exact thing wrt the taliban in Afghanistan. American troops wouldn’t move out of an area during the withdrawal process until they could visually see the Taliban coming up on their base. We also didn’t begin negotiations in Vietnam until the situation deteriorated significantly. It’s like the American establishment is pathologically incapable of negotiating from a position of strength. And instead deludes itself into believing that it’s invincible, only to begin negotiating when it’s clear they are on the losing side. I have noticed that these things don’t end until something else happens that… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Interested Reader
7 months ago

“I have noticed that these things don’t end until something else happens that distracts our leadership.”

Excellent point. Only distraction rather than reason works with the retarded and autistic.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

Remember the “oh it’s Ukraine season and I still have my Covid decorations up” meme. Memes are fascinating because they contain a lot of truth in humourous form. And it is remarkably true that the left can’t meme because it’s only funny if it’s true. Who’d have thought humor was a truth detector

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
7 months ago

I’d suspect that they can only keep one narrative running at a time.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
7 months ago

> The sanctions regime was clearly intended to hurt average Russians, which made it easy for the Russian leadership to recast this conflict as this generations great patriotic war. This also accelerated the great sifting of society, as a multitude of pro-west Russians left, never to come back, and Russia sympathizers from Ukraine flooded in. These were very skilled people they lost, so I’m sure they took a technological hit, but they are now a more cohesive block. They still have a Muslim demographic problem like the West, but seem to handle them far better. We’re going to see an… Read more »

7 months ago

“credentialed idiots”

One of my grandfather’s favorite sayings was, “forty-dollar saddle on a ten-dollar horse”.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
7 months ago

War is still the ultimate reality check. On a macro level it may play a role in keeping us sane, that is in touch with reality. Not that I fetish war but it is a constant of human history. We’ve evolved with it, we must be adapted for it. And maybe perversely we need it to check delusions

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
7 months ago

War definitely ends the illusion of individualism being the right way to go through life…

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
7 months ago

Having figured out that Russia was not going to disintegrate in the face of what amounted to an internet cancel campaign

I’ve suspected that was a bit of a “card tilt” for them, showing the world their true fear. They expected Russia to collapse after canceling their Google and Apple phone stores because that’s what collapse would mean to them. It’s a world in which allowing the nation-state you’re in charge of to be invaded by several other nation-states doesn’t even warrant a mention, but losing a Twitter debate will summon the entire law enforcement apparatus of the empire.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
7 months ago

Bolsheviks always project.

It’s who they are.

7 months ago

I thought Fukuyama also said a potential competitor to liberal democracy could be something like Singapore. Which is what China and Russia are.

7 months ago

Check out the recent WaPo Robert Kagan article on the impending Trump dictatorship for an unsettling look into the minds of these madmen.

First of 19k comments by last evening:

“A 7,500 word op-ed with a single message: the Washington Post has lost its mind.”

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
Reply to  PrimiPilus
7 months ago

One of my co-workers, a 69 year old tech writer, spent a great deal of time this morning preaching to me about the shame of Nelson Mandela spending time in prison for just speaking his mind. I educated her on who Mandela really was, the criminality of what he did to the crown jewel of Africa, and that his lasting legacy is poverty, murder and hopelessness. She sniffed and said that NPR no doubt knew more than I. I’m 66, and even I am beginning to hate Boomers.

Reply to  Cymry Dragon
7 months ago

Sixty-six here, too. Have despised them since Jr High. I always thought it was me … expecting too much. Big realization for me with age was that it was them.

Reply to  Cymry Dragon
7 months ago

That’s because you have realized that being a Boomer isn’t about age it’s about the mindset that affected a major part of that generation…It’s shows it’s face in other age groups as well…

Reply to  PrimiPilus
7 months ago

“Trump is a buffoon who can’t do anything. Not real estate, not politics. A national embarrassment to his party and his nation.”


“Trump is a master manipulator who will seize absolute power and make Stalin, Hilter, and Commodus look like Mother Teresa because he’s so insanely competent.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  PrimiPilus
7 months ago

More like:

“The CIA’s official newsletter delivers a stern warning to deplorables and their leader.”

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  PrimiPilus
7 months ago

I’m incredulous that they confuse Trump for someone who really means business. Trump is still a soft, civ nat “it’s just business and all good fun”. The guy who’s serious will be making his point with wood chippers, not quips on X

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
7 months ago

It is hard to think what would have been done differently is they did not want a Serious Man to take charge. I think this latest debacle has moved the needle in that direction.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

A Serious Man?

Like, “My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see I was right,” serious?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
7 months ago

We’re approaching where we’ll need that level of business. Playing nice has not produced anything of value

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
7 months ago

I’m thinking of the gent who said “(N)ecessity has no law” and “God made them as stubble to our swords.” Such a person must be willing to be hanged after he has died and been buried.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Dodson
7 months ago

Not to rekindle yesterday’s AI discussion but I do wonder if the serious man might not come from the tech sector instead of the military or a grassroots movement. Because he will have everyone’s information balls in a vice.

Of course he may also be their man, not ours

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
7 months ago

They have many men like that now as far as the blackmail material. Fortunately for us, they also are quite insane and do stupid shit.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
7 months ago

The Serious Man must come from the military, or have enough money and connections to buy one. Perhaps a benevolent Drug Warlord. Without military backing, it won’t be serious – it can’t be serious.

7 months ago

The first major blunder was getting into a land war with Russia. This is right up there with “Never getting into a land war in Asia” and the slightly less well-known “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.”

The Z Man recognizes genius when he sees it.

7 months ago

This is right up there with “Never getting into a land war in Asia” and the slightly less well-known “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.” “Hello. My name is Z man. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” On X, posts are showing up linking to news stories where D.C. and Europe are “fessing up” that they are running out of time and money, and will not be sending any further supplies to Ukraine. I await our war with Eurasia, as we have never been at war with Eastasia Comrade! Also, the chocolate ration… Read more »

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
Reply to  mmack
7 months ago

Even my wife, God bless her normicon soul, is getting it. She looked at me after reading something on the internet and said, “I’m beginning to think that we aren’t the Good Guys anymore.” If she is staring to wake up, I’m quite positive that millions of other “God bless America” types are too.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Cymry Dragon
7 months ago

An obervation from normie central, Facebook, shows that there was some enthusiasm for Ukraine at the start of the war, with Ukraine flag and sunflower images shown on profiles. That support seems to have fizzled out fairly quickly.

Observing the start of Israel-Hamas, the normie’s support of Israel has been a bit lackluster. I see it here and there but it has decreased pretty quickly. There seems to be a general malaise in getting behind “the Good Guys” it seems.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Wolf Barney
7 months ago

Agreed, but attention spans are quite short, too.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
7 months ago

I think it has to do with people’s suffering here that’s the main cause of the disinterest of wars over here which probably means they are going to have to do something against us here…

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Wolf Barney
7 months ago

Funny thing on the Israel-Hamas deal. Saw a billboard for pray for Israel, which is not a surprise. Then saw TWO billboards to support Gaza – now that was a surprise

Reply to  Cymry Dragon
7 months ago

But the majority of women, with free limitless access to all human knowledge at their fingertips prefer to use the interwebs for sharing cat videos.
We Are Doomed.

Reply to  Bilejones
7 months ago

Male, female, or whatever…that video of cats singing Bohemian Rhapsody is pretty damned share-worthy.


Reply to  mmack
7 months ago

“Also, the chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grams from 30.”

But alas, when the public digs into that chocolate, they discover that it’s only the size of the package that’s been increased to 30 grams. The amount of chocolate has, in fact, been cut to 10.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mmack
7 months ago

The admissions that they are running out of time and money for Uke are a sad play to drum up public support for the Uke project as we head for Christmas.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
7 months ago

Perhaps also an attempt to – still further – cost shift the debacle to the EU. And now, as the financial engine of the EU, Germany, degrades significantly, another motivation, that of migrating whatever industry and human capital are there to the US. I would argue that, with the sabotage of Nordstream and the deprivation of cheap and plentiful energy to Germany and Europe more widely, and the self-defeating EU sanctions, the immiseration of the EU has always been operating as a goal. Blocking the consolidation of Mackinder’s World Island, as if the loss of the EU would be a… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
7 months ago

The only issue is whether the further degradation of Germany was the primary or just a secondary goal of the Tribe.

7 months ago

Rather amusing video on Xitter showing a Ukranian artillery piece firing a round. The entire apparatus moves about 20 feet because “the ground was too frozen to properly emplace it.” $3 million dollars for the artillery piece, but it’s completely useless (totally inaccurate because it shifts every time it’s fired) because they don’t use/posess a $30 pickaxe. They’re not even trying, probably never were, and I don’t think Ukrainians or US defense contractors care. They pretend to fight, we pretend to send them money and equipment. Palms are greased, kickbacks continue, those too stupid or too poor to avoid getting… Read more »

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
Reply to  ProZNoV
7 months ago

Yeah I saw that video. It had spades on its feet to be embedded into the earth so it wouldn’t move from the recoil. I just thought they forgot to do it, lol.

Reply to  ProZNoV
7 months ago

I believe the artillerist term of art is Shoot and Scoot.

Can’t be all that good for the CEP.

7 months ago

What you said in the last couple paragraphs really resonated with me. I have observed that when something bad happens, the consequences roll downhill and are blamed on the people who are least responsible for the trouble. The comman man is held hostage in this country. He has no say in most things, yet must pay the tab when it comes due.

Reply to  Kevin
7 months ago

That’s because he believed the propaganda that individualism was the way to lead his life instead of being a part of a Tribe…So the ones that are part of a Tribe even though they are a small percentage are able to rule and use the White Man as cannon fodder and a scapegoat…

7 months ago

Since we can’t really do anything more than enjoy the collapse, I’m having fun trying to predict the new Narrative. I think the Media might go for the quadruple axel, such that even the French judge would have no choice but to give them a 10. It goes something like this: “Oh, we’ve been saying all along that the Ukrainians had no chance against the big bad Bear. After all, Putin is the new Hitler! And since he is, obviously Poland — which also stands no chance against the big bad Bear — is next. We must send them gazillions… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

We’ve been in Mongolia for a while. Mongols trained our famous horseback special forces after 911. Some went to fight in Iraq. We tried to get china and Russia route a pipeline through Mongolia so we could control it. Also more ethnic mongols live in China than Mongolia, which could be a problem for Beijing.

Reply to  TomC
7 months ago

With the example of the Uighurs before their minds, I suspect that those Mongols residing in China might demur from expressions of solidarity with their ethnic brethren in Mongolia proper, particularly if those Mongols are being instigated by Western intelligence agencies. Mongolia…surrounded on one side by China, and on the other side by Russia. This does not sound like a winning hand.

Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

Mongolia? That’s a new one. Have they wrapped up the most recent episode of Who Wants to Get Regime-Changed? in Burma yet? I also thought “somewhere in Africa” was the next contestant. Wasn’t Victoria Nuland her own self sliming around down there recently? I can’t keep up anymore. We need something like Entertainment Weekly, but about the GAE.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

“They are actually in Mongolia now, trying to stir up Mongolian nationalism.”

Success will be measured by how many Mongolian children successfully transition to a new gender. The bang-bang stuff is tangential.

Reply to  thezman
7 months ago

Sounds like a Russo-Chinese co-dominium protectorate would be just the ticket then. The GAE will make the usual mistake it does out there in the Very Much Older World of cultivating the metropolitian elite whose mistresses collect Birkin Bag. That plus evangelising the Poz of course. Meanwhile the steppes pony yurt guys who have not become deracinated and corrupted slowly begin to hate a la Saxon. Eventually a cleric or a general (or the Hu?) leads a revolt, repudiates dollar denominated debts, and cuts a deal to host some pipelines and do all their banking through the UnionPay and equivalent… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
7 months ago

Props for the reference to Khalkin Gol. Heh.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Severian
7 months ago

The neocons are already testing out their narrative on this disaster. They’ll call it a success because the war:

1. Weakened Russia by killing six million soldiers

2. Strengthened NATO which now includes Finland and Sweden

3. Saved Europe from being dependent on Russian nat gas

4. Showed the world what a brutal dictator Putin is.

In their minds, the neocons will truly believe that this war was a huge success. That will be their lesson learned.

Reply to  Severian
7 months ago

sextuple with a half gainer