The Night Of The Cobra

The fourth and allegedly final Republican debate was held last night, featuring the final four contestants for the right to be the party nominee. The plot of these shows is to showcase the alternatives to Trump. The subtext is the not-so-secret plot by Washington to have the party remove Trump from the ballot, so one of these losers will get selected to fill the slot. What we have been getting instead is a fairly good example of systemic incompetence by the political class.

Last night’s show is a perfect example. To this point, Vivek Ramaswamy, the King Cobra, has been the glib youngster, making fun of the old squares on stage. He is glib and smart, but most importantly, he is plugged into the on-line criticism of the Republicans Party and official conservatism. He pithily says on stage what people say on Facebook and Twitter about the party. He has been the Hindu Muhammed Ali mocking the party at its own shows.

Last night was a perfect example of the staggering incompetence that has come to define not just the party by the political class. No one, including the moderator, was prepared for what the Cobra unleashed on the other three people. At the last debate he gave War Karen, Nikki Haley, the Sean Connery treatment. It was the story of the debate, but this time no one was prepared, so the Cobra rhetorically gave her a good paddling while she purred like a kitten,

The whole point of having War Karen on the stage was to make her the spokes-zombie of the Kagan Cult and thereby re-legitimize their madness as a feature of the Republican Party establishment. Instead, the Cobra has used her as a prop in his general critique of neoconservatism. Most Republican voters never heard the word “neocon” but now they know they are bad people. Like their other project, the War Karen scheme blew up in the neocon’s face.

Another character in this theater of the absurd is Fat Ann Coulter, Chris Christie, who sounds like every man’s ex-wife. His reason to exist in these shows was to be the fat loudmouth from New Jersey who could out-crude Trump, while repeating everything Ann Coulter posts about Trump on Twitter. He came into the show assuming he could fat guy bully the Cobra, but instead he got the Ned Beatty treatment. The only thing the Cobra did not do was make him squeal like a pig.

Where you really see the systemic incompetence is in the campaign of Ron “Bootsy” DeSantis, who was supposed to be Trump’s mini-me. Everything about his campaign has been terrible, because he made the decision to hand his campaign over to party hacks and Washington insiders. As a result, he has spent this year transitioning from the mouthy Italian from Florida into Mike Dukakis. He is so boring dust forms on your monitor whenever someone mentions him on-line.

Last night was a perfect example. DeSantis was programmed to attack Haley, who the dullards think is “surging in the polls.” This gave the green light to the Cobra to unleash his most furious attacks yet on the field and the party itself. His challenge to them to name a single providence in Ukraine, after they chanted the neocon lines about the war, was a thing of beauty. War Karen and Fat Ann Coulter were poleaxed, while Bootsy looked like he was about to poo himself.

The point here is this should never have been allowed to happen. A modestly competent party would have never allowed the Cobra on the stage, much less allowed him to eviscerate their candidates. Of course, even the Stupid Party would have turned Trump 2016 into an asset. The party of Reagan would have co-opted Trump and had him sign off on all of their pet projects. The modern party is run by girls and homosexuals so it is getting shredded by a call center supervisor.

To this point the Cobra has been an amusing warmup act to the big show featuring Trump as the main attraction in 2024. Until these last two debates it was inconceivable that the Cobra could win the nomination. His thorough humiliation of the other actors on the stage suggests anything is possible. Imagine the party eliminating Trump only to get out played by the Cobra at the convention. In a world run by increasingly stupid people, the safe bet is the dumbest idea you can imagine.

From the dissident perspective, we have to hope that Trump remembers why he had urinals installed at his villa in Florida and picks the Cobra to be his running mate after the first few primaries. This would be the ultimate mind rape of the Borg we call the mass media, and it would make for a great show. Trump would unleash some boomer jibes and the Cobra would amplify them with millennial online jargon. It would be like 4Chan became a pollical party and ran for office.

It is a terrible way to run an empire, but given the collection of sissies, entitled women and simpletons that is the alternative, having a collection of shit-posters run things will at least provide some laughs as we careen into the void. Otherwise, it means the collapse is managed by the same people who thought it was a good idea to promote a ball-shriveling shrew like War Karen as an alternative to Trump. Everyone will be praying for sweet death as the empire collapses.

Sadly, that is not the way to bet. There is a reason our literature is not filled with amusing tales of the end of prior empires. The end of the established order is never a good time for the people living it. Collapse is never fun, and the collapse of the American empire will be no exception. It will be War Karen, Fat Ann Coulter, and the rest until the men of the West have had enough, spit on their hands, raise the black flag and begin splitting throats.

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1 year ago

The genius part was Vivek said she and Joe couldn’t name three provinces – because most people could name one or two just from passively hearing the news. Even Ron made a distress face saying, “please don’t call on me”.

1 year ago

Ron Desantis
Puss in Boots

Chris Christie
Make America Obese again.

1 year ago

Nikki Haley

The neocon nonentity.

1 year ago

Trump Vivek 224.
The King and the Cobra.

1 year ago

Clown World be Evil:

Hunter Biden Charged With 9 Federal Charges in New Tax Evasion Case, Venue California

No congress hearing for stupid GOP

1 year ago

Viva Vivek! All hail to our new Indian overlords!

1 year ago

As Marko and others said, the likelihood of Nikki Harris must top Nikki Hillary— she has nowhere near the stature in the GOP machine to be the nominee, but she knows this; was always just a hired gun for the veepstakes. Lamer movement cons e.g. Ace of Normies are saying now they’re afraid of this very outcome, since they do hate her as much as movement Dems hated Harris, and Trump would surely go along with the fix, as he’d agreed to Pence before. I am enjoying the RNC cinematic universe debates as a meta-event which relatively fewer low-info’s are… Read more »

Reply to  Bezoos
1 year ago


“Of course, I understand it will be fortified,”

1 year ago

I’m actually somewhat sorry I missed this. I picture Vivek now as Apu in that Simpsons episode where everyone goes crazy and Apu is on the roof of the Kwik-e-mart taking pot shots at people with his rifle and then says “thank you for coming, see you in hell!” as each customer flees.

1 year ago

The only reason I watched last Nighy was to see Vivek troll everyone. I am so tired of Con Inc. and their whole shtick. Of course, places like The Blaze, Daily Wire, and Fox News love the Establishment shills. It’s funny how Ann Coulter acts like she was the first person in history to say immigration is an important topic, by the way. Also, people are not going to turn out for War Karen or Jeb! 2.0. Conservative media makes me sick.

1 year ago

If Rumpswabbi really wanted to be clever, he could have, after the debate ended, whispered on a hot mic to War Karen, “Was that ok? I think I went after you harder than we discussed, but I think it went okay….”

Then when the swarm swarmed, he could have smiled it off with “No comment.” But Haley would be in the position of denying that she beats her husband.

1 year ago

I have to say Vivek Ramshamswywavymmph’s biggest problem is that every time I hear his name I keep thinking of that scene in The Office where Michael is doing his diversity meeting and starts making Indian noises at Kelly. I can’t be the only one.

james wilson
james wilson
1 year ago

Pitch perfect, Man of Z. Leaving Lagos may only be coincidental to that, or not.

1 year ago

Chris, Gavin, Nikki, Donald, Joe, Hillary, McKinley… It don’t matter. Every president need the Congress and the Congress will always be Corruptown. What could save us is a monarchy with rules inspired by christianism. But for having a Christian society, a king and christian laws, we need… A christian people. Chesterton told us “as soon as they start to not believe in God, they’ll start believing anything” (welcome to “Trans-are-mentally-normal world). I highly recommend that you take the following test :pick a book about philosophy, religion, history. But a book published now, another 50 years ago, and another another 50… Read more »

Reply to  Pasaran
1 year ago

The fridgepocalypse cometh

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Pasaran
1 year ago

Perhaps the most humbling question I know is: If you could travel back in time 500, or 1000, or better yet 10,000 years, bringing nothing but your naked self, what could you offer to improve the lives of the people of that time?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago
1 year ago

Does anyone else notice that Nikki Haley is slowly morphing into Hillary Clinton? If she had blonde hair the resemblance would be uncanny.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

There is only one Hive.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

“The reason I actually ran for office is because of Hillary Clinton.”

Normal people are unconsciously disgusted by women who try to behave like men. Feminists may be right that a double standard exists.

It may not be fair to those women, but you can’t talk us out of it because that response comes from deep within us. However, you can punish us enough that we don’t express it.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

TBH I find the resemblance to John Kerry more uncanny

1 year ago

‘The modern party is run by girls and homosexuals so it is getting shredded by a call center supervisor.’ There you go. ‘It is a terrible way to run an empire, but given the collection of sissies, entitled women and simpletons that is the alternative, having a collection of shit-posters run things will at least provide some laughs as we careen into the void.’ When the Boss gets nauseous with a nation, He lets women rule it. Seeing they’re always clamoring for that anyway. An assortment of homos and weenies and fourth-rate manlings service the girlbosses. D.C. is a coven,… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

The dissident bone throw of “the great replacement” from the pajeet was heartening. But the fact that it was coming from a Manhattan hindu pajeet then made me feel sad…then angry. A pajeet threw me a crumb of truth from his table when my “own people” are busy sucking “muh legal immigrants” off, when they’re not worshiping the n- word….

The level of suck of U.S. politics is beyond belief.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

And, as much as I hate to say it, white people’s Suckage Quotient has never been higher. We are still the people with the most potential, but we are coming nowhere close to realizing it.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

The Firmware is totally corrupted. It has been for a long time. Like those National Geographic videos where the snail is taken over with a brain parasite and crawls up the tree to be eaten by a bird.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Heh. A very pungent simile.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Ostei: Our trusting nature, empathy, and guilt are our achilles heel. We’re the best in the world at so many things though…

1 year ago

What men of the West? Are you Bill Ackman? Slit throats? Wow, glowing… The Dissident Right and the blah blah Right spit on the men who slit throats, calling them fools and Zionist Stooges, or Feds, or glow worns, etc and none more than this venue here and it’s cheering section. Ain’t nobody gonna do nothing for you, you just wanna be left alone and are… …. The Men of the West are Hispanic, or the Cobra, and they CAN’T be the West. They can be men, but will have no use for you. You wanna sit back and sneer… Read more »

Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

“Now is the turn of those that tried and acted, however imperfectly to save the mess to shrug and yes sneer.”

Oh, your turn, huh? I can’t wait to see. Wow us.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

I’m sneering now, you are seeing it.
No wait needed.

I said it’s our turn to Sneer.

Oh I went, repeatedly.
Warned here for years that mocking everyone who tried to do anything was folly.

FED ! Gloworm !
Uh, no.

(Actually, ASHKULLY that’s half the people here, but too late the Feds realize their own mistake).

No one will save you, you won’t have it, we can’t turn our backs on you.

Me? I’m going into the paraglider business. I think sales. Rental too risky. You can’t trust anyone these days!

Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

Cool story, bro.

Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

Of course don’t think I have no sense, or sense of humor. There’s lots of incompetence all around. For instance- what if even The Feds and their Familiars suddenly realized they needed an actual opposition? What if the Bill Ackman crowd realized their Golems really do attack the Rabbis? See… For over a decade, a successful demoralization campaign was waged nearly in unison against the knuckle draggers and anyone who could pose any threat, along with law enforcement down to the county level infiltration and co-option then exposure and ruin of any militia, neighborhood watch, or Hell the local Latin… Read more »

george 1
george 1
1 year ago

Hilarious! War Karen. What a perfect description.

1 year ago

“The modern party is run by girls and homosexuals so it is getting shredded by a call center supervisor.”

That there is a beautiful, beautiful sentence.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
1 year ago

“As a result, he has spent this year transitioning from the mouthy Italian from Florida into Mike Dukakis. He is so boring dust forms on your monitor whenever someone mentions him on-line.” Z, you must have been inspired by the Cobra you are on fire, I’m dying over here. 😂 Reminds me of a hilarious line from the movie A Bronx Tale about this enormously obese guy called Jojo the Whale. “Jojo was so fat, legend has it that his shadow once killed a dog.” 🤣 Couple other zingers– “It would be like 4Chan became a pollical party and ran… Read more »

1 year ago

Excellent post … keep ’em coming!

Bulwark Podcast Fan
Bulwark Podcast Fan
1 year ago

Trump is a bigger clown than DeSantis or Heley. The guy is nearly 80 and he is batshit crazy. He is not running to save America or help White People. He is running for two reasons. First, his ego cannot accept. he lost to a dementia patient. He got so mad he riled up his supporters to attack the US Capitol. Second he has a lot of legal issues. He was 4 crimminal trials scheduled and numerous civil trials. He is running to escape accountability. The man does not care about anyone but himself. He will lead the nation to… Read more »

Billy Stick
Billy Stick
Reply to  Bulwark Podcast Fan
1 year ago

I have no problem with a wronged president getting revenge and being authoritarian.

Problem is Trump lacks focus, conviction, and follow-through. Big on words and an incompetent on execution.

My big fear with a Trump#2 is that he will half-ass the dictator role. Which will mean he will just get thwarted and the left will then use it as a pretext for their own dictatorship after him.

Reply to  Billy Stick
1 year ago

This. Above all.

I don’t know what is in his orange heart or head, and I stopped wondering long ago. Bottom line, he is incompetent.

Reply to  Billy Stick
1 year ago

“Problem is Trump lacks focus, conviction, and follow-through.”

He never wanted power, he wanted narcissistic supply.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

Yes. A serious guy would have assembled a serious team in preparation for even running, but Team Trump was himself, Steve Bannon, Lewandowsky and that blonde bimbo, and he never spent a red cent of his own money on campaigning.

So when Trump entered the WH, he was as ready for what was coming as a couple of Swedish tourists out walking, who decide that Martin Luther King boulevard looks like a convenient shortcut to the mall they’re looking for.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Bulwark Podcast Fan
1 year ago

Few here love Trump, but you’d have to be an absolute brainlet retard (read: you) to even consider the alternative somehow ‘better’. And your “hurr durr muh US capitol attack!1”. Just stop. If grandmas and fatties taking selfies gets you scared enough to hide under your couch I weep for you should an -actual- attack ever take place. What an effeminate poofter you are.

Because Biden is doing a bang up job of leading the nation into our Glorious Future™. Can you f-ck off back to CNN or MSN or wherever you wandered in from?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Tell me about it. Posts from bozos like this convince me Z should require passing an IQ test before being allowed to post here. Of course, veteran posters like you and I would be grandfathered in… (-;

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Maybe a foreskin check is required.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

I nominate you for that particular task, Plops.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

Hey, hey! Cool it with the Anti-Semitic remarks… 😎

Reply to  Bulwark Podcast Fan
1 year ago

Hahahaha. “He will lead the nation to ruin.” Are there candidates out there who I am not aware of offering a different destination than ruin? Yeah, he’s also going to be a dictator, jail his political enemies and make Dylan Mulvaney have a sad. Does it ever get tiring being such a predictably stupid doofus? I know Trump is not going to be a great President, because I got to see him as President for four years: He was a reliably moderate, centrist President who, despite his bombast, didn’t really rock the boat, despite being viciously attacked and undermined by… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

If only Trump was actually half as dangerous to them aa they claim w that wouldn’t be half bad

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

When that Hawaiian Federal judge kept blocking Trump’s immigration policies I thought he should have opened Uncle Sam’s checkbook and set up immigration housing in Hawaii’s most exclusive neighborhoods. “Guess what Hawaii you want to keep interfering with my ability to defend the borders of the USA then you get all immigrants.” It would have been a twofer, punish a liberal state using their own nonsense and isolating the illegal immigrant problem on a set of islands 2500 miles from the mainland in the middle of the Pacific Ocean..

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
1 year ago

Somalis and Polys–what could possibly go wrong?!

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

The Tikkis would eat most of the Somalis. Shofar sho good. But eventually some would cross-breed and produce a race of IQ65 crazed ukelele-wielding zombies — each with considerably more hit points than your bog standard Horn of Africa Skinny. We don’t want to go there.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bulwark Podcast Fan
1 year ago

There’s enough dumb in that post to power the city of Cleveland, Ohio for two weeks.

1 year ago

[…] ZMan lays it out. […]

1 year ago

Echoing many people here, this piece was excellent. The King Cobra seems to bring the best out of Z.

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Living in Lagos for so long, Z Man has finally been body snatched by the shade of H L Mencken. Long may his hilarious eviscerations of the stuffed dummies presiding over the Decline of the West continue! There *is* something about Indians which raises the hackles far more than any other of the high functioning competitor/invader races. The Tribe have had a symbiotic dysfunctional relationship with us for millennia now and we’re kind of used to each other. The Chinese are very different and appear inscrutable. We can put them in the ‘Aliens’ bin and that saves a lot of… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

its the feeling that they see us as untouchables.

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Ha ha ha! What a hilarious piece. Worth reading for the nicknames alone. Well done, Z, well done.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Z Man and Morgoth are comic geniuses of the Age. I wonder if they’ve ever been on the same show together?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, nothing is certain but death and taxes. The biggest problem we face as we close this year is the millions of Americans who think they have far more to lose than they actually do. If your national debt becomes mathematically unpayable, which it is, under any circumstance, economic reform or future tax levels of any rate, it means, much like the Titanic, the gash in the hull is far too big for anything less than sinking to the bottom. Therefore any words out of politicians mouths may as well be telling the band what… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Exhibit A is the accelerated looting, which also is a feature of a dying empire. The Ruling Class is converting the loot into hard assets and their Help ‘ the Ho’s in Congress and the Administrative State are getting thrown a few more scraps in the process; the latter will end up like meth heads in trailer parks who hit the lottery. People fail to grasp how spectacular the crash will be.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Absolutely. I don’t think its 100% a conscious activity though. First, in the end times of a regime the entourages (parasites) are vast, and hence more hands grabbing the goods, and second, the so called “elite” is so detached and stupid that they don’t even understand value and are that much more rapacious. The 1980’s USSR is a perfect example. The looting was embedded in the aging of the system, increasing by the year, and even in 1988 many in Moscow would have been shocked at the sudden collapse in 1991.

Curious Monkey
Curious Monkey
1 year ago

Stray thoughts: 1. Near future news: Vivek R President of the USA meets with Rishi Sunak Prime minister of the UK to discuss the issue of replacement theory 2. To the GOP: I feel seen, King Cobra represents me and it is the candidate of my dreams… I was discussing with a friend how Vivek is preapproved for the official press, the same people who invite him to every news show won’t touch Nick Fuentes with a ten foot pole. 3. Nick Fuentes and Vivek Ramaswamy channeling our spirit is ironic. We cannot have someone named John Hancock representing our… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Curious Monkey
1 year ago

Maybe we could insinuate Haven Monahan into the freak show by calling him Ja’Haviu’s Monsanto, dousing him in black shoe polish, and giving him a dreadlock wig.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Curious Monkey
1 year ago

It is sad that whites need a Hindu to stand up for them. But anyone who says “anti-white” in public will help us. If it takes a brown guy to wake up white guys, I’ll take it.

The question is what do those white guys do after waking up. Do thing fall into the colorblind CivNat trap or come to our side of the river?

Don’t know, but they’re closer to us than before.

bob sykes
bob sykes
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

The Hindus are the Indo-Europeans who decided to go south, and we are those who headed east.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  bob sykes
1 year ago

Actually, we headed west by northwest.

Reply to  Curious Monkey
1 year ago

“Near future news: Vivek R President of the USA meets with Rishi Sunak Prime minister of the UK to discuss the issue of replacement theory”

…And deciding that what the US really needs is unlimited immigration from India.

“They’re natural conservatives!” “Just like us.” “Here to live the American Dream, with curry!”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

“Do the needful and put onion uttapam and chicken vindaloo on the menu of the Senate canteen, for the please.”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Veddy veddy good.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Wait for the inevitable Congressional Tiffin Box Wallah Scandal.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Silver lining:

Based on what the Indians bathe in in their “sacred waters” (feces, partially cremated human corpses) at the very least we can expect some EPA regulatory relief when they take over.

1 year ago

Zman, I read your posts first thing every morning and always find them fascinating, insightful and spot on. Ah, but today’s was a tour de force and had me belly laughing all the way through. I’m just glad I wasn’t sipping my coffee when I read the Deliverance reference or I would’ve splattered my screen. You were on fire with this one. Concise and on point as to how ridiculous our ruling elite has become.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Legioinvictus
1 year ago

Heh. The Ned Beatty treatment.

“Uh, what we REE-quire, Christie, is that you get your ass up in them woods.”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

“Is this the way you get your rocks off Vivek?”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Danny
1 year ago

“It’s only the biggest river in the whole fuckin’ state, War Karen!”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

“Where you goin’ city boy?”

Reply to  Legioinvictus
1 year ago

This may be the most wickedly funny piece that our host has penned!

RamzPaul did a standup routine about the dark enlightenment at AmRen about a decade ago. Maybe Ramz and Z should take their show on the road.

1 year ago

Any of you guys follow Julie Kelly? She’s an investigative journalist who’s uncovered a lot of the stuff that happened on January 6th.

Where do you guys think this j6 thing is going? I mean most of the prison sentences are one or two years so it can’t be an issue anymore once everyone has cycled out of the system.

It could also be a game of dare. If the next republican president tries to get people like Matthew Graves or the DC district judges disbarred or criminally prosecuted, then that gives them the pretext to escalate even further

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

No one who could extract revenge or change the status quo via the political process would be allowed into office. This will be sorted only after the currency becomes worthless.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Agree, regime politics is not worth paying much attention to. It can’t be fixed from the inside and anyone who could fix it would not be allowed inside anyway. People can’t have forgotten what happened last time

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

After JFK, civil rights, feminism, abortion, open borders, gay marriage, etc., J6 is like putting a mirror under the body’s nose to see if it still fogs.

Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I don’t know why the party doesn’t just get behind Trump. His chances of winning are not great. Between Democrat cheating, being drawn into Covid and all the criminal trials set to happen (which he will have to sit in), he just isn’t the shoe-in he was in 2016. This would put the GOP exactly where they love to be the most, the opposition. I’m surprised they aren’t pushing all kinds of great legislation through the House this year. It would never get past the Senate or be signed by Joe Biden. They can go on Fox News to poster… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

“I don’t know why the party doesn’t just get behind Trump.”

The donors, look them up. Although there is no one more slavishly devoted to Zionism than Trump, he inadvertently kindles the dwindling embers of the fighting spirit of traditional whites, and extinguishing that spark is the donor’s highest priority.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

“…he inadvertently kindles the dwindling embers of the fighting spirit of traditional whites…”

For years now I’ve tried to pin down why Trump excites such a knee-jerk negative reaction among those of the (((donor heritage))). To me, culturally Trump is very much like them, and until 2015 I assumed he was one of them.

But I believe you’ve hit the nail on the head, LITS. Very perceptive of you. And I think that modifier “inadvertently” is a very shrewd observation as well. Good work.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
1 year ago

“The modern party is run by girls and homosexuals so it is getting shredded by a call center supervisor.”

Thanks for making me spit out my water all over my keyboard 🙂

1 year ago

It’s all just a controlled-opposition dog-and-pony show to keep the rubes quiescent by giving them the illusion that they can vote for change every four years. We saw what happened when a guy came along and upset the apple cart, he got impeached twice and charged with 91 felony counts.

And no, they’re not going to allow him to win in 2024.

The real contest is between Newsom and Harris, one of them will be installed to take over after Biden goes from a living corpse to a dead corpse..

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

Have you ever seen Andrew Anglin’s analysis of the ear lobes of the various “Joe Bidens”? Anglin thinks certain Secret Service agents were chosen as reasonably good facsimilies of @RealBiden®, and are called upon to play the role of Tater Joe when @RealBiden® is having a particularly bad case of the senilities. Anglin even suspects that some of the Secret Service agents might have undergone plastic surgery to make them even moar strongly resemble @RealBiden®. Point being that goodness only knows who [or what? possibly a realtime A.I. flashing on the Ta1mudvision screen for goyische amusement?] might constitute the visage… Read more »

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

“From the dissident perspective, we have to hope that Trump remembers why he had urinals installed at his villa in Florida and picks the Cobra to be his running mate after the first few primaries. This would be the ultimate mind rape of the Borg we call the mass media, and it would make for a great show. Trump would unleash some boomer jibes and the Cobra would amplify them with millennial online jargon. It would be like 4Chan became a political party and ran for office.”

From your lips to God’s ear, Z-Man.

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

Z: “sp1itting thro@ts”

*** cough ***


*** cough ***

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Shouldn’t you be otherwise occupied on a quixotic quest to find a pureblood virgin receptacle for your precious bodily fluids?

If all else fails, I hear Rocinante is up for it.

Z Man was quoting a long dead fellow who was known as the Sage of Baltimore. Basic cultural literacy 101 stuff. Look it up and learn. Also: Qantas DID crash. Look that up too :D.

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

Re Rocinante:

As (((Peter Shaffer))) might have said:

You gotta be Houyhnhnhit to win it!


Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

That works for me

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Oh sorry that was a reply to citizen.of a silly country on our interests aligning with the cobra and working from there

1 year ago

The fox (Vivek) knows many things, but the hedgehog (“Nikki”) knows one thing: the military industrial complex reigns supreme in the US and generously rewards it’s creatures.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

She’ll lose – and be richly rewarded for it.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

If somehow, through schemes we don’t yet understand but we know exist, she becomes the nominee, then she could very well win

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

No chance. The Trump base will, at best, stay home if Trump isn’t the nominee. At worst (well, really, best), they’ll hit the streets.

What they won’t do is vote for that hag. Indeed, Trump will campaign (maybe from jail) against her.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

The fox and the hedgehog, isn’t that from some management book ten years ago or something?? I seem to vaguely remember that. In today’s grifter circus one should ask ChatGPT to write “how to get rich in the new economy; be a honey badger, they beat both foxes and hedgehogs and they eat snakes”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

It’s a famous essay by Isaiah Berlin.

Marcus Cato
Marcus Cato
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

It’s a famous poem by Archilochus.

Reply to  Marcus Cato
1 year ago

Gratitude to the literate commenters that Z Man gathers.

1 year ago

I don’t own a TV, but after reading today’s post, I almost wish I had watched that public hanging. Seeing the bad guys & gals get their comeuppance is cathartic and healing. And no one does sarcasm and ridicule like our host. But collapse is indeed serious business, as the white guys in Ukraine have come to know over the past 21 months. Most went to the grave thinking that they were doing the right thing, the right way, for the right cause; and all it got them was dead. We don’t need to, nor should, repeat that mistake. The… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Yes like the child who pointed out that the emperor was naked. Been reading some of Ernie Pyle’s was stories and wondering what he would make of a battalion of wahmen, soys and illegals..

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

“for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.”

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
1 year ago

I resemble the previous remarks.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Whatever happened at last night’s “debate” doesn’t really matter since nobody watched it. They can spin it however they want and most are none the wiser. The excessive number of these meaningless “debates” that nobody watches only adds to the meaninglessness of each particular one. Probably designed with that in mind. From the great mass of silly posturing and nonsense, The Blob can pick and choose the parts it wants to showcase in your news feed. No doubt with some planning ahead of time involved, as with Candy Crowley, Mitt, and The Precious. We are indeed approaching crunch time for… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

It matters because it shows how inept the GOP establishment has become and how incapable it is to integrate the desires of its base. It will not change and its voters are beginning to realize.

Cobra is useful because he’s the base’s spokesman on stage. Cobra, like Trump, shows the base that the GOP simply doesn’t care about them.

Granted, the base isn’t watching, but it’s still useful information to us. The GOP has no future

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Citizen: Neither do White people if they must rely on the electoral system, political parties, and a brown Hindu WEF protege to speak on their behalf.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Correct. We have no future in this system. Our only hope is to create our own communities. The more the system is shown to be corrupt, the easier that will be to accomplish. Cobra is waking up a lot of whites. Cobra talks about anti-white programs and propaganda all the time. Sure, it’s all in the “you shouldn’t see color” vein, but you have to get whites thinking along racial lines first before you can get them to think “hey, what’s wrong with being whites” which leads them directly to us. If some scheming Hindu lets whites feel okay about… Read more »

1 year ago

I wonder how long it took after the debate for Nimrata to do a google search for “Ukrainian provinces”.

Reply to  Tumescent
1 year ago

The genius part was Vivek said she and Joe couldn’t name three – because most people could name one or two just from passively hearing the news. Even Ron made a distress face saying, “please don’t call on me”.

Top VivKEK
Top VivKEK
1 year ago

Some Kiplingesque flavor for an American tv debate

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Z actually inspired me to watch a bit of the debate. It’s stunning how out of touch the GOP is from its own voters. Does no one in the GOP check out social media? They seem to have no clue that their base is getting wise to their game. It’s like they just want to pretend that Trump never existed, that his attacking the party (which was wildly popular) and being attacked by the party (which was wildly unpopular) never happened. It’s 2015 to the GOP. No wonder King Cobra is able to massacre his opponents. They don’t even understand… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

From Trump’s pick of Pence as a running mate, we can infer that this time around he would probably pick Haley. Or some clone of her from Congress. If things are allowed to proceed far enough to the point where he picks a running mate.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I don’t think Trump would choose quite that badly this time. But, yes, sadly, I don’t think that he’d choose Cobra. Trump just can’t share the limelight.

It’s too bad. They’d be a great team.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Rumor has it, Trump only picked Pence because the GOP establishment threatened to withdraw its support if he didn’t. By now, Trump should realize that the establishment will never support him regardless of who he chooses. If he chooses Nikki, this only increases the odds of him getting Kennedied after taking office — assuming they don’t take him out permanently beforehand. Their plan to separate Trump from his voters through lawfare has been a spectacular failure. So what’s next? Kill him? It’s most certainly on the table. The only problem is, they can’t be sure how the people would react.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

They honestly don’t know what to do. To speak to the actual concerns of normal people (immigration, the needs of the working and middle class, the economy/de-industrialization, etc) would run exactly counter to what the (((donors – et al))) regard as in their interests. So what can they talk about that is authentic? Nothing. It’s why you saw Conservative, Inc. slobs like Kevin Williamson go incandescent when Trump took off in 2015. They exist to keep the midwits and grillers on the plantation. They failed and all they were left with was rage as the people they despise and lie… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  RabbiHighComma
1 year ago

The smart move for the GOP would be to try and co-opt those concerns, which is what they’re trying to do with DeSantis. The problem is that smart politicians like Trump and Cobra are wise to that game and call out the fakes. What’s more, enough GOP voters are wise to the game as well. That’s what Cobra is doing. It’s also obvious that Cobra doesn’t want what the GOP establishment is offering. He’s playing a different game. I’ve been making this point for a long time: the Indians are coming and they think and play the game like Jews.… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

“Does no one in the GOP check out social media?”

Constantly. They just check all the wrong accounts.

“It’s almost like the crowd at the debate was GOP organizers and donors.”


Sadly, the Cobra is going to thrust his fangs into the backs of any conservatives who votes for him.

The Cobra would be a terrible running mate for Trump, IMHO. In all of America, the best guy Trump can find is a crooked Indian? Ramaswarmy needs to go back to India sans all his riches, not be VP.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Cobra will do what’s best for Cobra. If that’s stabbing the Trump base in the back, he’ll do it. But I don’t think that Cobra wants what the GOP establishment is offering. He already has money. He doesn’t seem to like the people running the GOP so he doesn’t care about being invited to their parties. He obviously hate the media. I think that he knows that GOP is coming apart and wants a seat at the table of what coming. He wants to be in the history books. Now, does that help whites? For now, yes, Cobra is helping… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Cheetoh Jesus and the King Cobra were a pair of tag-team rasslers back in the early seventies, BTW. Your point about GOP obliviousness is a good one, but you could extend it to the entire Power Structure. King Cobra catches these morons flatfooted because they are entirely unaware of the DRs existence and its critiques of the anti-white agenda. This is more evidence of the Power Structure’s incompetence. These people are not omnicompetent demiurges listening to nano-microphones squirelled away in your shower curtain rings. These are the diverse, perverse and deranged bozos who have overseen the precipitation of one of… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

Actual Wall Street Journal headline this morning: “Debate Performances Fuel Haley’s Rise in GOP Nomination Race”.

Not the Onion or Babylon Bee.

We are in the “Eat your damn peas” phase of the Decline. They make no pretense of requiring consent, let alone popular appeal. Vivek is just the Fool in King Lear, trying to save the senile GOP from itself.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Cobra isn’t trying to save the GOP. He knows that the GOP leadership is completely out of touch with its base. Cobra doesn’t want a seat at the table. He wants to turn the table over.

Cobra wants to be a leader in whatever comes next.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

You’re assuming he’s sincere and his own man. Maybe but I ve got a hunch he’s neither

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Nope. I assume that he wants a seat the table of what comes next. Cobra is out for Cobra.

But for now, he’s our Cobra. Later, who knows. But if he can move our ball forward, use him.

It’s business, not personal. For now, our and Cobra’s interests align.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

It doesn’t matter anymore. MSM can’t compete with social media ridicule and the real difference it’s making in the electorate. So it will just pretend it’s 2012 and astroturf the candidates as best it can, and trust the system to get their preferred candidates on the ballots, despite popular will.

If Vivek gains major traction, he will be co-opted or ignored. Stalin famously said, “How many legions does the pope have?” Well how many legions does Elon Musk and his online right Twitter users have?

1 year ago

This is gold facking gold…I need the laughs this morning

Reply to  aujus69
1 year ago

I will be sending a bill for a new monitor and keyboard to the Z-man. I shot coffee through my nose with this line:

“The modern party is run by girls and homosexuals so it is getting shredded by a call center supervisor.”

Pure comedy gold, sir, pure gold!

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  aujus69
1 year ago

You should buy some gold coins if you can afford it.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Establishment party politics, especially of the outer party, is not relevant to dissident thinking. That said, I think I get what game war Karen, FAC and dusty are playing. And they’d all turn into mitt Romney, with the Karen possibly spicing it up with a nuke or two over Tehran or Damascus. But what’s the deal with the cobra? He has enough money to buy a castle back in India, a seaside in Hawaii and a fortress in Ohio pr wherever he runs from. He knows he’s not gonna win. Why’s he making woke enemies left and right?? And why’s… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

I pay little attention to these folk since the 2020 election, but the Cobra I find amusing and interesting, albeit I’ve only heard him outside of these “debates”. I always thought he was trying to usurp Trump while listening to him—Trump without the sharp edges? But this is a very limited understanding of the man.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

It’s all a clown show but sometimes entertaining

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Yes his back story is quite interesting and would have to say he’s the one they want to install…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
1 year ago

Cobra’s background has a lot of interesting tidbits. He definitely knows his way around Wall Street. He also, interestingly, was a member of the Jewish intellectual club while at Yale law, which was financed by a Soros fellowship. But what sticks out to me is that Cobra teamed up with Chinese and Japanese capital along with the usual suspects of Wall Street. I’ve been saying for a long time that Indians act like Jews and are very aware of Jewish power and how Jews got that power. Indians want the same thing. They want a seat at the table with… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Before getting too worked up over Viveck remember what Gen. Philip Sheridan had to say when asked about good Indians.

Reply to  Snooze
1 year ago

Had to look up that one.

What a badass. America doesn’t make men like that anymore. Imagine a US leader saying something like this:

“My duties are to protect these people. I have nothing to do with Indians but in this connection…The wife of a man at the center of wealth and civilization and refinement is not more dear to him than is the wife of the pioneer of the frontier. I have no hesitation in making my choice. I am going to stand by the people over whom I am placed and give them what protection I can.”

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

Sherman was a war criminal who deserved hanging and would have been had the right side won that war. To hell with him.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

There is a big segment of Silicon Valley and the investor class that wants new blood in politics. He represents them.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Could be but why’s he so anti woke then? I think he’s there to split the vote; the most anti woke is an Indian so now you can have white or not woke but not both

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

I think that Cobra knows the GOP establishment is completely out of touch with its base. The party is coming apart. He wants a place at the table at what comes next, not a seat at the current table.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Yeah, thinking ahead. Forging the great Indo European alliance?? Indians don’t like blacks and have no use for Hispanics except to keep the lawn in front of the tech HQ

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

I have no idea what Cobra thinks of whites, though I’m sure he has no love for blacks and Hispanics. I just think that he realizes that a party that hates its voters isn’t long for the world in its current form if those voters start to notice that they’re hated.

Somethings got to give, and there’s potentially opportunity in that. Cobra’s already rich. What do people want after wealth? Fame and power. Maybe being in the history books.

I’d suspect that’s Cobra’s motivation.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Haley has a black son-in-law and from the family picture I saw she likes black males just fine.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

My experience with Indians began with our kids’ classmates at a top private independent school they attended back in the 80s-90s. The Indian children’s parents were usually medical professionals, both of them, working at the famous hospital in our city. They avoided sending their kids to the public schools, even though there were excellent districts in the areas where they lived. The area has many historic Jewish institutions, and the school had lots of “legacy” Jewish families attending, so yes, the Indians wanted to be around Jews and to benefit from the high academic standards available there. There’s a huge… Read more »

Reply to  Dr. Dre
1 year ago

My experience began being stuck with them in group projects in computer science classes and them not doing any work.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

” It would be like 4Chan became a pollical party and ran for office.” That would be the one thing that could Make Politics Great Again. Alas, as you point out, dying empires are nasty, vicious Things and instead we will be treated to mass murderers preaching about virtue and making The Conservative Case against Heterosexuality and How To Win A Limited Nuclear War. King Cobra not only reduced War Karen to fiery ruin, but the Ruling Class and its Potemkin opposition party both were laid bare. It will not matter. These people are too idiotic to see even their… Read more »

My Comment
My Comment
1 year ago

Fun and spot on essay by Z. Little disorienting though to read Ann Coulter’s name. It is increasingly hard to remember how she was a cultural and thought leader in the 2016 election. Now she is a poster child for the old saying “Hell has no fury like a woman scorned.” A lot of her points are accurate about how Trump too easily turned his back on his promises on immigration. However, she ignores every other aspect of reality that does not fit her angry view about Trump. Reminds me of an angry wife constantly berating her husband for not… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  My Comment
1 year ago

Ann Coulter is the textbook definition of “controlled opposition”. She’s not sincere. Has never been sincere. Look into her past if you doubt me.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

I’ve always been uneasy about AC. Saw her a couple of years ago at an event at our local university put on by the college Republican club, the members of which looked like they could be Chris Christie’s offspring! Some kids sitting in front of me were passing notes and I thought they might stand up and protest, but they left in a group and never returned. She just didn’t inspire much response in anybody. Not sure why she allows her picture to be used on the cover of her many books. Each one just shows her looking older and… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dr. Dre
1 year ago

Never understood what anybody saw in AC’s looks. Always looked like an anorxic ghost, to me. Bet she weighs less than Christie’s left kneecap.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I met her 7 or 8 years ago and found her more attractive in person than on tv. Which perhaps isn’t saying that much, but for her age she was a good looking woman.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
1 year ago

I seriously can’t believe they decided to have another debate. What did they expect to happen? Vivek has just gotten more crazy and clownish, Haley and Christie louder and more obnoxious, and DeSantis might as well not exist. Anyone who watched two minutes of the previous debates could see the trajectory.

One thing I have noticed in Indians is their ability to figure out the unspoken rules of a system. Vivek exemplifies that instinct, so kudos to him. I still don’t want him to be president, because leading is not the same as gaming a system.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

You say he’s gotten more crazy but it looks to me like he has gotten more in tune with reality

Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

Crazier perhaps in the sense of becoming an unabashed bomb chucker I could accept. He’s like an incipient warlord carving out a space as the Republiwhigs fall to flinders. An eye to the future.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Cobra has found his niche. He’s the guy representing the Trump base of the GOP. They want an end to the wars, a secure border and to drain the Swamp.

The GOP and its candidates want the opposite. Cobra gets to expose them as liars. It’s a fun job. Trump would be doing the same.

He’s basically the Indian Trump.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I shall call him Dondragupta

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

“I am Vivek, Destroyer of GOP”

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

Bagger Vance. In with a chance.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

So who’s pulling the strings…well, we’ve spoken about the Silicon Valley elite Indian caste many times wrt Kamala Harris. Could the Cobra have a contingent there as his basis? If there is such a cabal, then the Cobra would seem an infinitely better candidate and a fallback in case the Leftist woke nonsense *has* run its course. Like having bets on both fighters in the ring.

I still believe he’s running for VP, but admit with Trump’s ego, there’s little room at the top for anyone who might outshine him.

ron west
ron west
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Maybe the silicon valley elite have now realized that kamala is an unlikeable moron.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  ron west
1 year ago

And she’s only HALF Indian.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Maybe, but even if Trump.were to win, he only has one term.

Maybe Trump could realize that the critical element he lacked last time was people who would fervently advocate for things he professes to want to do, a pointed contrast to the last time when he tried to placate his blood enemies, expecting that in return he would get some backing. Definitely no dice wirh that approach. Also, if he is tied up in litigation, the Cobra can still advance the ball on the campaign trail.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Sultan Knish (*) posted a polemic against Indian Takeover in California early last year or sometime in 2021. The Tribe are aware that the Brahmins are on the move and are starting to make big inroads into the power structure.

* Daniel Greenfield: Big Shot at the Dave Horowitz Freedom Center AKA West Coast Hasbara Inc. Horowitz & Co. supply Boomers with Right Wing 2A Bomb the Ragheads Boomer Bait (“We Put the Metal in the Shtetl”) to keep them on the reservation.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I wish it was a White guy saying the things the Cobra is saying. I guess he’s doing the job Whites won’t do. Oh well, I’ll take it. The empire’s plan was for the Indian imports to be compliant to the system, so Cobra shaking things up a bit is fun to watch.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

I’m surprised this is the last debate. Shouldn’t there be more as we get into primary season? Especially with the party not in power?

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone watching that debate that ended with a higher opinion of the GOP.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

“One thing I have noticed in Indians is their ability to figure out the unspoken rules of a system. ”

The thing I always notice in Indians is their ability to tell you whatever you want to hear, and smiling kindly, while doing whatever advances their own narrow interests. The way I deal with them is to do the exact same thing back to them. They always expect the white guys to be honest [suckers].

That having been said, I think it’s great that Ramaswampy is throwing rocks through the Overton Window.. Just don’t believe he means any of it…

1 year ago

Thank you for starting my morning off with lots of laughs, Zman. And thank you, fellow commenters, for so many delightful new monikers. I will be using Nikki Tikki Tavi in future, mmack, many thanks.

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

I am going to object to that moniker. Rikki tikki tavi doesn’t deserve to be smeared like that. War Karen is better I think.

ron west
ron west
Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

Just call her by her actual name. Nimarata Randhawa

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Unless my Kipling is rusty, Rikki Tikki Tavi makes a meal of the Cobra.

We’d best read up on Sikh eschatology before Nimrata gets her grubby claws on the Football.

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
1 year ago

I appreciate that Mr. ZMan sat down and watched/ paid attention to this “Republican presidential debate”.
Of the items that I needed to do last night, “elective invasive medical procedure” would have been higher on the list.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Mow Knowname
1 year ago

Agree. Thank you for your service.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mow Knowname
1 year ago

Yep. I’d prefer a spot of amoebic dysentery to watching these regime clown shows.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Given the proliferation of Indians, your wish will be granted.

Given a choice, I’d go with Giardiasis.

1 year ago

Absolute gem of an essay. The final sentence fittingly references one of Mencken’s most memorable lines. Special props to Zman for coming up with “War Karen” — a superb political moniker, better than anything even Trump himself has coined. Nimarata is a disaster of a candidate. And she’ll likely win the nomination too! All of which is to say, The Uniparty is back in full swing. Vivek has positioned himself as the discount-Trump court jester of this cycle and he might as well make the most of it. The remainder of the GOP is so embarrassing that they almost make… Read more »