The Orange Death

In the penultimate show of the year, I decided to go with a Trump theme, since the orange shadow of death is slowly creepy across the lands. The debate the other night took place in the orange shadow, as the only reason the event took place is the looming disqualification of Trump by the regime. The regime toadies can feel it coming and they are getting ready for the madness that lies ahead.

As I pointed out after the debate, a big reason why things are getting so squirrely is the people in charge are shockingly stupid. Within living memory, the party rulers would have made sure a dunce like Nikki Haley remained down on the farm. She probably never would have made it past state rep. In the land of two-digit simpletons, a lantern-jawed Karen rises to the top of the political heap.

It is the declining competence that is the primary cause of the unrest. Savvy rulers would understand that they always have two primary challenges. One is the palace coup, and the other is the peasant revolt. The former is an internal matter, but the latter is the one that keeps them in power. Always appear to be on the right side of the majority and the peasants will tolerate just about anything.

This crew has everything backwards. They have made their intrigues the focus of our politics and they fight one another to see who is the most spiteful and nasty to the common people. War Karen exists because the Mortimer and Randolph sponsoring her think it is hilarious that she makes the rubes vomit in their mouths. Imagine what they have planned for the coming election.

Before I forget, for the final show of the year I might want to do another twenty questions style show, as people seemed to like it. I have some material that came in after that show, so if people have ideas post them up here in the comments or send them vial the miracle of email if you are shy. If I get enough content maybe I will finish the show with a two-hour holiday special.

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1 year ago


How is your re-evaluation of your relationship with alcohol going? What about your 10,000 daily steps? We’re the same age so I have similar concerns and I’m looking for some old guy solidarity.

I never say “I don’t drink”. I just politely pass on the beer and wine 99% of the time and end up having one or two drinks a month.

1 year ago

Stupid question for the big question podcast, but I do mean it:

Western civilization ended forever on the day 4chan censored the word “soy.” Yes or no?

Jason Knight
1 year ago

Question for Z-Man:

You may not remember me, but I’m the short story writer you met at AmRen Conference in 2022. I promised I’d send you a copy of the story, so I bought the edition of the magazine it appeared in and sent it to your PO box. I was wondering if you ever received it, and if so, what you thought about it.

If you haven’t received it, my backup question is, what do you think of the Passport Bro phenomenon?

1 year ago

Not sure where you might have moved to, but assuming you have some acreage you definitely need a brand new girlfriend (or 2):

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  cg2
1 year ago

My guess is he’ll go for one of those mail-order brides from Thailand…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago
1 year ago

One thing good about the increasing prevalence of Asian Indian culture, they hate woke. Thats a step above so many so called USA white folk.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  libdis
1 year ago

No, they’re very willing to cherry pick the woke agenda. Just like Hispanics, they have no tolerance for black criminality, and will actually punish them and try to get them out of their neighborhoods. Not too keen on the homo stuff either.

HOWEVER, they’re 100% all on board with discriminating against whitey for “racial justice.”

Reply to  libdis
1 year ago

Yeah, just like Kamala Harris. “Hates woke,” LOL. She’s a “step above” us crackers for sure.

1 year ago

Good show.
Trump really is a Schoolhouse Rock Boy Scout.

Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

Congrats on escape from Lagos Z.
Of course you feel better!

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
1 year ago

Of course Trump isn’t a fascist but neither is the degenerate old billionaire a Boy Scout. If the GOP replaces him with one of the three stiffs (Ramaswamy is a no go), the big winner will be RFK, Jr. (if he can get on the ballots).

1 year ago

Here’s my question:

The revolution has been won. Freedom of association has been restored. But what three things get banned first? A few suggestions while you come up with your own…

Legalized gambling, including state lotteries and scratch offs.
Women’s suffrage
Social media
Reality TV (although a good board of censors might suffice)
Big Pharma advertisements on TV, radio, internet, print media, and even in doctors’ offices.
Homosexual “marriage” and any depictions or favorable treatment of non-traditional relationships in the media.
Various artificial food stuffs

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

That’s a fine list. To your existing suggestions, I would add:

No Usury. If something requires a loan, it must be zero interest.

No dual citizens. Those eligible to be dual citizens can’t vote or hold any government office.

No voting, government jobs, or government spending for immigrants or the children of immigrants. This includes political “jobs” like senator or judge.

No foreign aid, period.

Reply to  Winter
1 year ago

I forgot one other item. English is made official and all interaction with government entities must be conducted in English only.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I think the womens suffrage thing misses the point. I’m not all that sure democracy of any form is suitable. If you were to simply take away women’s suffrage, they’d probably get it back in due time again, as we’d probably go down the same path.

With that being said, I’ve heard (maybe on here) the idea of making a vote per household. In other words, only married men and women get to vote, with one vote per house hold. Probably make a requirement for children too in order to get the DINKs out of the equation.

Reply to  The Greek
1 year ago

You have to allow for voting, i.e. democracy, at some level. Your municipal government, your local sheriff, maybe even your dog catcher, I’m not sure I want these positions decreed from on high.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I suppose it’s plausible to imagine some kind of voting system where not everybody can vote for everything. So maybe women and everybody can vote for dogcatcher and local elections. Women’s decision making seems to be most rational when focused on their local communities. They don’t get a say when picking the Governor or President though.

I like the voting-by-household idea too but that presumes somehow keeping all the foreign workers, perpetual grad students, and other transient types from counting as “households”.

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Even the Romans had that in imperial times.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Greek
1 year ago

If you’re going the democratic route, why not simply weight a man’s vote more heavily than a woman’s? The dames still get to pull a lever–most of them love doing that–but they can’t really do much electoral damage. Their votes would basically be pro forma rather than substantive.

1 year ago

Just my two cents, but the people in charge are finished with the pretense. They tried to pull a fast one on thr voters by dressing up DeSantis as 2015 Trump. When that failed, they just threw up their hands and said F it. Which is why conservative media has gone all in on Nikki Haley. There is no pretense when it comes to Nikki Hakey and all her donors and media sycophants, that is for sure.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

It is all rule by force now, yes. The Soviets held elections, too.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

I know this is not a popular viewpoint here, but hear me out. Maybe we should cut DeSantis a little slack. He is the best Governor we have. Isn’t it a little childish to criticize the guy with ridiculous accusations about his stance and his shoes and the rest of the nonsense and applaud a man who actually gets shit done in his own state and would, just maybe, do some good for the country? Put a little speed bump in our march towards tyranny? We know Trump will not be allowed back in the WH and that DeSantis is… Read more »

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  WCiv911
1 year ago

I used to think as you do, so I gave the thumbs up. DeSantis truly is a good governor. Probably the smartest thing he did was completely clean out all the bureaucratic committees that used to road block republicans that tried to get things done. Look at the blatant corruption his appointees found between Disney and the old members. HOWEVER, 1) He showed tremendously bad judgement by clearly hiring beltway DC lizards as his campaign people. Which torpedoed him. 2) Maybe they don’t let Trump in. That’s the point. Force the issue. Make them try take him off ballots. Make… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
1 year ago

“If he loses, after an Ukraine war loss and a tanking economy, unaffordable housing, migrants streaming over the border, etc, no one will believe it. It could make a lot of normies no longer believe in the system. And that’s why we’re all here isn’t it?”

At this point, it doesn’t really matter what normies think. Demographics. As normies die off, their replacements arrive daily, and they aint all normies.

We are on the road to tyranny. The only Q is, do you want to add a few speed bumps or grease the roadway?

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  WCiv911
1 year ago

That’s a BS answer from people too lazy to actually want to do something, and with little knowledge of history. Revolutions have been successful numerous times over with determined and intelligent minorities of the population.

With that being said, yes, grease the skids. The sooner said revolution happens the better our demographic chances are. People like you who want to keep kicking the can down the road makes it infinitely harder.

Reply to  WCiv911
1 year ago

DeSantis is the “best governor we have”…when he’s not in Tel Aviv signing laws to arrest Floridians for offending the Jews and wearing a yarmulke at the Wailing Wall.

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

We have a bingo here!!!

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

Yes, even with all that and more he is still the best governor we have.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

ATTN: Z, Xman et al…

Late yesterday afternoon [Friday],
(((Bezos))) dumped an yuge story about j00ish psychopathy & sadism [concerning (((Sam Altman))) & OpenAI].

None of the goyim will ever learn of it.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Not one example of his supposed abusive behavior in the entire article.

It’s either complete bullshit or just whining from sniveling little bitches.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Thanks, Menachem, for clearing up the confusion.

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

I cut off my donations to DS over that kind of crap.

Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The Iron Law of Progressivism was strong on this one. Everything they accuse the right and Trump of doing or wanting to do are things they are already doing.

The kvetching about their fear of Trump using the Justice Dept to go after his enemies is about as rich as it is capable of being.

They are de-platforming or even arresting their enemies while accusing their enemies of abusing the justice dept for political purposes.

They are not just crazy, they are evil.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The “Orange Death”…couldn’t stop laughing, Z-man is on a roll!..But it appears that Kamala was a precurser of what was to come, creating the world of the Marching Morons…..

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

“In the land of two-digit simpletons, a lantern-jawed Karen rises to the top of the political heap.”

Heh heh. Ol’ Lantern Jaw sure has been taking it on the chin a lot lately from Mencken, Jr.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

I agree on the Ukraine business as the super collapse there will not go good with the economic hardship here when it turns out that the dump trucks of money turn out to be all for naught (for those suffering from the economic hardships).

Also interesting that this has fed into the Venezuela flex in South America. The regime is so drained of resources and credibility that they cannot even fake a concern over the situation.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

I think the US is in the position that it must defend Guyana. I think they would drop Ukraine before letting Guyana fall to Venezuela. This is by their logic, not mine.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Guyana speaks English. We cherish our “Strategic Partnership “ with them. 800K population. Vivek will be happy, the dominant class are Indians (from India, Guyana was British). Latin America is being absorbed by inflow and money by us- this is natural Imperialism. 🇺🇸🇬🇾👍 Latin America has no nukes and no Muslims, lots of resources, is quite venal, has good fighting men, pretty women 💃🏻, cerveza 🍺. These last 3 points are important to the mercenaries who will handle the ground game. Compared to the toxic Eastern Hemisphere it’s a much better deal. It even comes complete with our latest Comic… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

So ‘Grenada redux’. Maybe Clint can make another movie afterwards.

felis harenae
felis harenae
1 year ago

A topic I’d be curious to hear Z’s take on is the aftermath of the COVID vaccine debacle–specifically, the huge numbers of people who have been permanently injured or died as a result of taking those shots. COVID is all but forgotten except among the crazies, but the aftermath is still very much with us. Data from several sources (the Ethical Skeptic and Edward Dowd, among others) show that we’ve had something like 650,000 excess deaths since the spring of 2021, with several million more constantly sick and out of work or else on permanent disability. Worryingly, cancer morbidity and… Read more »

Monopoly Money Millionaire
Monopoly Money Millionaire
Reply to  felis harenae
1 year ago

The media will do an about-face one the vaccines come Inauguration Day 2025 when Mr. Warp Speed will serve as the convenient lightning rod of blame and guilt for all the deaths.

Its truly amazing watching conservatards walk right into that trap.

How can people believe that the vaccine is killing perhaps millions of people and then enthusiastically support the guy who both greenlit the project and still encourages people to get the vaccine.

Is it cooperation with evil in full knowledge of that evil? Or just people so stupid and defective that they deserve to go extinct?

Reply to  felis harenae
1 year ago

Anecdotal, but I m not sure about the excess death because traffic in the big city I live in is still total shit.

Reply to  Fakeemail
1 year ago

The vax is giving them double vision and making them run into each other.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  felis harenae
1 year ago

As much as I am against the whole Covid regime and the vaccine, it turns out (thankfully) that the vaccine is not really all that dangerous. Yes, it is mildly dangerous, and every case of myocarditis in a young person is an unforgiveable tragedy, but it is not apocalyptically dangerous, as in posing an existential threat to civilization.

The existential threat to civilization comes not from the vaccine but from the vaccinators. These people are evil and need to be destroyed.

You momma is so fat
You momma is so fat
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

“vaccine is not really all that dangerous…….it is not apocalyptically dangerous” Billion dollar companies have been sued into oblivion for far less than what the vaccines have done. The effects are a ticking legal time bomb, because so many companies mandated the vaccine for their employees. All it would take is some opportunist leftist to flip the narrative and seize the assets of all of these companies to “compensate” the victims of vaccine mandates. Imagine 75% of the population who received the vaccine demanding vaccine reparations, and every employer who had mandates would be bankrupt. It would obliterate the stock… Read more »

Reply to  felis harenae
1 year ago

Of course the psychopaths will get away with it. That is part of the thrill for them. Until things go legit kinetic (which is to say when the Normie women start raggin’ on the men because inflation, and the women notice too much general decline, AND there is no more money in the accounts, AND the women are so fed up with expensive groceries for the the over-fed kids,AND there is no more Spicy PoonTang for said Normie Men, will they gather and even mildly entertain the idea of “kineticism” in deffense of what was once a somewhat decent life.… Read more »

1 year ago

There is no question that AINO is mired in stupidity and the crisis of competence. But Zman’s recent move from Lagos seems to have lifted the burden of this truth from his soul. He’s having too much fun; and I thoroughly enjoy his hearty laughter at the expense of the elites and their shock troons and fifth columnists. Mockery may be the best gift we can bestow this Christmas season. Let us raise up gales of laughter!

1 year ago

My question. Looking at TFR in the west and the rest of the world. Who will maintain western societies with our super complex civilizations. The builders and founders are not reproducing at a rate that will allow enough people to control and maintain their societies. The countries who have high fertility rates lack the ability to even feed themselves and only exist due to the benevolence of western societies. This lack of the most basic levels of competence coming out of the high TFR areas is going to move the level of competence available to the competence required to maintain… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  WillS
1 year ago

We have been in a controlled collapse for decades. This doomsaying about uncontrolled collapse or some apocalyptic scenario is largely speculation. You just named your collapse model over a long period of time by referencing the Roman Empire. That took centuries. What makes you think we cannot also take centuries? Yes our technology is more finicky and fragile but its all relative too. Nothing works as well as it did a decade ago, and it worked even better a decade before that. People don’t see this because you don’t “see” a slow motion collapse, but like the Matrix, you feel… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

“We have been in a controlled collapse for decades.”

There’s the rub, if that’s the policy. Things build momentum. A policy of controlled decline, followed uncritically, will develop into collapse. And I think that might be what we’re dealing with here.

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

What makes you think we cannot also take centuries? We have made the mundane complex. Small failures have large and oversize results. Our complex systems that are fragile and that we depend on to operate in our super complex societies are not backed up and lack any real redundancy. Look at the electrical grid. Here in Texas the ice storm from a few years ago was a near catastrophe from a lack of foresight to have some kind of backup to an interruption in natural gas supplies, like if it freezes in West Texas. Easily preventable but still no fix.… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  WillS
1 year ago

Very cogent, well articulated, and thoughtful response. This is why I like this Commentariat so much here.

We could get a domino black swan event, sure. But we may not too. My take home point would be prepare for both as much as you are able.

People expecting the “any day now” scenario go back to the 80s-90s but it doesn’t comport w/ the objective reality on the ground which is slow Brazilification.

1 year ago

“the orange shadow of death”

Absolutely great 😀

1 year ago

My question for Zman: Is the regime as fragile as Charles Haywood thinks? This is part of the larger ‘what comes next’ question: the long-term version. Accelerationists would love to see the regime fail catastrophically sooner rather than later but I’m not so sure they’d be happy with the fallout.

Reply to  Gauss
1 year ago

So true. A lack of imagination of what failure looks like.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Gauss
1 year ago

A story that’s always stuck with me was a mom and daughter during the Yugoslav war who hid out in their basement and ate grass pies for years. I mean, everyone fantasizes that they’ll be living in “Gone Galt” paradise with their fellow neighbors, or collecting “participants” for their harem in their garage, but the reality is that will be 95% of the people: hiding out in a hole eating lawn clippings.

Yeah the “only way out is through”, but, do make sure you have a lot of hot sauce for the “through” part.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

I use a similar illustration. People are so bored with their lives that they fantasize about the post-apocalyptic collapse, e.g. zombies or nuclear Armageddon. Do not most realize that, if there is a field of bodies (reanimated or not) and one sole survivor is tromping through it, odds are you will be one of the bodies?

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago


It was all so fun to giggle about popcorn 🍿
Now you can sense truth it’s not such a laugh …

No one could convince anyone to act, just shitpost and giggle.

The only way out is not decided by passivity.
That was such a scam.
And it fed laziness and shirking.
Now what ever happens, happens and alone one has no purchase or agency.

Then there’s “they can’t touch my soul, live not by lies.”

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

I upvoted you for this one. Your comments in this thread are very perceptive. The idea that you can overcome a repressive regime simply by interior resistance is simply a type of righteous indignation (read: vanity) which shows only that the regime has already weakened to the point of half-heartedness. Solzhenitsyn was matadoring against a speared bull. In general, all the alternative thought movements on the internet suffer from a severe case of mistaken identity. They think of the regime as the mainstream and themselves as revolutionaries. In reality, it is the regime which is an aberration, and the cure… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Gauss
1 year ago

I’m not sure accelationists would be so happy either. But the direction we’re going in seems to be certain hell.

Reply to  Gauss
1 year ago

The sudden fall of the Soviet Union was only 30 years ago. That is your most current and realistic reference point. Yes, the 1990s were brutal for the Russian people, but they have rebounded quite nicely in the two succeeding decades. China avoided a hard collapse while transitioning to a modern urban/industrial society and is an example of a soft bottom. Either way, the West is clearly on the downslope, and whether that decline is rapid or gradual, the future will result in a culling of some sort. Being stupid and weak is not an advantage going forward.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

There is too much money and too much IQ in the West for it to collapse hard. Odds are we’ll have some kind of soft landing like Russia, or a long period of tolerating shittiness like Argentina. Maybe Western regimes will quietly end or adjust the policies that are destroying their societies: unfettered immigration, financialized economies, outsourced labor. Big maybe, but there are a lot of people out there, removed from politics and the media, who know the score, and see where this is all headed. Until proven wrong, I think that the dullards we see in politics and media… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

This is a very different situation than the fall of the USSR. There’s no America, No Helmut Kohl, no outside aid possible and no Security State that however ruthless is competent and patriotic. Our government is a parody come to life, so are our security organs. In 1989 Moscow was silent. DC? DC is all but deserted. DC is the degenerates of Weimar partying in the ruins of the Bunker. They are all very old, or utter idiots and crazy women like AOC, or complete phonies like the GOP. Yes America will survive ultimately. Geography and nuclear weapons, resources, and… Read more »

Reply to  Gauss
1 year ago

The fallout is probably between starvation and bloody death but if it results in the people ruling over us suffering the same or worse I’m ok with it

1 year ago

Sounds like The Democracy Docket is resorting to plagiarizing Fed posters.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Congrats on getting out of the black hole. On politics I’m leaning more towards accelerationism of late. The worse the better as Lenin said. They hate us, they want to kill us. The vaxx is by all accounts highly dangerous, swarming immigration is out of control. So is crime and squatting. At the same time the police state is moving in, the classic anarcho tyranny conbo. Maybe the only way to stop the satans is for the system to crash. So get your food, fuel, water purifier and ammo squared away. And get ready for the big – hopefully cleansing… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

“Maybe the only way to stop the satans is for the system to crash.”

Just so. First they took control of money, then with the money they bought out the system. You won’t be able to beat them at their own game. It’s going to fall apart, it is right now. What we should do, is focus on the wrong people not remaining in charge of what comes next.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Mr. House: We need to block the entrances to their bunkers. Not let them come back out to take control after the worst of the destruction – which is what they plan on.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Indeed! Don’t worry sir, i’ve been following all of this since 2008 and remember everyone who has been lying and gaslighting us. Generally you don’t even have to remember, just listen to what they say.

1 year ago

Here’s a question for your holiday question time-what one thing tees you off the most when you are online? Mine is–online newspaper and news channels that demand you disable your ad blocker before they give you any news.

Also, over on survivalblog dotcom, they have an article on how to set up your own manual offline newspaper printing press “for later”. Their premise is strong, but I would have gone with invisible ink…

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

“In the land of two-digit simpletons, a lantern-jawed Karen rises to the top of the political heap.”

Heh heh. Ol’ Lantern Jaw sure is taking it on the chin from Mencken, Jr. lately.

1 year ago

Sarah Jones can be laughed-off as ‘insane’, but she and millions just like her have been running D.C. — and your institutions — since the early Nineties. They have been the intransigent core of Progressivism and the ‘deep state’ for decades. They rule both the Demoncraps and the Repugnicants. Not the Joos. Not the Blacks. Not the Injuns. White women. A whole lot harder adversary to call out and oppose. Without them, the satanic elite like Soros, Gates, Bezos could not operate. It is empowered white women who ‘deconstructed’ (they love that word) the anglo nations. When they want to… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

I enjoy your posts because you’re smart and you see the world so much differently than me.

I ask, “How did women manage to become the primary source of power in overthrowing traditional white America? It seems laughably implausible.”

I guess that your answer is, “Because white men stopped believing in traditional European Christianity.”

The world is complex enough that I don’t see how either of us can convince the other.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Men allowed this to happen. Why they did this? Wow, pick your rabbit hole

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

The way that I see it, the naive man who wanders into a bad part of town and gets beaten up and mugged did not allow it to happen. Sure, he should have been more vigilant, but there is much more to the story.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

It’s a long, complicated and sordid story why the white man lost his mind

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

“Sure, he should have been more vigilant, but there is much more to the story.”

The mistake you make is in thinking he learned anything after he was mugged and beat up, not true. He kept wandering into that side of town and kept getting mugged and beat up. Lucy pulling the football away from charlie brown.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Not sure if you’re replying to me or the OP, but anyway — No, that would not be my answer. Men ceasing to live Christian lives is a late element or consequence. And I do prefer to supply my own answers, thanks. The male urge to simp, cuck, and play Braveheart White Knight neither is new nor restricted to modern anglo nations. Heck, the enslaving scam of Courtly Romanticism lasted a millennium, and is only croaking now. It’s just that the modern anglo nations, in particular the American male, have taken simpery and cuckery to civilizational-destroying extremes. After all, no… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  ray
1 year ago

Someone let that happen. Older generations knew that part of the female condition is to sometimes suggest and demand entirely unreasonable things. And men knew part of the male job is to calmly and firmly reject these. So why did men stop being men and say no?? That’s the deep question. And superficial answers will not get us closer to redemption

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

No fault divorce, the wife turning the kids against him, spreading rumors about him, the neighborhood turning against him. This is all speculation of course.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Easy living makes men obsolete. Lots of vestigial men today. My sense of timing is terrible, but I’d guess the demand for men spikes in the near future. The problem for men will then be forgiving the wenches.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Affluence makes men weak and women difficult. This is one of the few constants of history

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Its Christianity.
I was raised Catholic.
It’s Christianity.
The woman is given status, that’s it.
Surprised it took this long.

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

“Not the Joos. Not the Blacks. Not the Injuns. White women. A whole lot harder adversary to call out and oppose. Without them, the satanic elite like Soros, Gates, Bezos could not operate.” The majority of white women voted for Trump. Regarding why so many white women have gone insane, it’s because women respond to social pressures, and our enemy controls the levels of power and prestige. This includes nearly all media — movies, TV, the news, mainstream music, most of social media, even advertising, which promotes race-mixing as the most natural thing in the world. Our enemy controls the… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Winter
1 year ago


When in a relationships, what i’ve found is generally the women pour all of their mental anxiety on the man. And when advice is given for the problems they state, do you know what their general reaction is? I wouldn’t have a problem dealing with their anxiety if they actually took the advice, but generally the advice leads to them becoming hostile. It becomes a futile engagement, kinda like voting. Until they realize they need men again, which i suspect will happen at some point in the near future, they won’t be open to suggestions.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Men often want practical advice like how to fix a car or whether now is the right time to buy gold. Women often want reassurance in my experience. Treating GFS/wives like one of the guys is a mistake. Women are not men, psychologically. I suspect they knew that back in the day. Like cows aren’t horses

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Couldn’t agree more.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

And its always the right time to buy gold 😉

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 year ago

Gold advice duly noted.

Blackpilled today. Chatting a little on the Z blog has its ameliorating effect, as it usually does

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

If a woman won’t get with your program, find somebody else, unless you don’t want something serious. Speaking from experience, this is easier said than done in the time when you should be looking for a mate. Sex is the capstone, but, you know, hormones lol. I almost think it’s luck, like you find someone you want to hump and find out later if you can work together. Absent serious social pressure to stay together, of course. Pretty messed up, when you think about it. Women just want to know you care and are listening. It’s annoying at first, but… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

“Women just want to know you care and are listening.”

Wouldn’t just make more sense to adopt a child at that point?

At first the crazy and the worry is cute, and listen and you give advice. Three years, Six years, Ten years later, it isn’t cute anymore. I never made it past four.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Also i enjoyed your comment and don’t disagree. I’m just speaking as someone who came of age when the current crazy we live really started to catch fire. Twice, while living in the city, to get by i’ve had all female roommates. That’ll open your eyes fast. For some reason i always imagined they were cleaner then men (house and such) and then i shared a bathroom with them…….

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

And you’ll never guess who the female landlady asked to collect rent from everyone and send her one check was……. wasn’t the females! 😉

Nothing better then fronting late 20 something ladies money and then having to chase them down for it. They’re wily

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Weird thing about women: they’re ridiculously intuitive but not very rational. I’ve often experienced that they know the problem and the solution before they’ve worked it out. My role is to listen and do what she’s telling me, in a roundabout way.

I feel like I’m being a good dog, and that’s probably why I haven’t sustained anything as long as you have, but you do get the credit for doing it.

Maybe giving advice is asking her to do something she can’t, i.e., reason through a problem and act.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Winter
1 year ago

White men own this disaster and from white men the answer must come. Unfair? Unfair s got nothing to do with it. Survival, period

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Winter
1 year ago

If it was a majority of white women who voted Trump, which is in dispute, it wasn’t a big majority. 52% is what Trump claimed. Blob sources say fewer. Like 47%. Either way, white women were very divided on the Orange Man. Whereas white men voted 60%-ish for Trump. So a whole lot of white men are part of the problem too. Not that voting for Trump necessarily makes one not part of the problem, but voting D most assuredly does make one part of it.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Those are excellent points. We should also remember that White votes for Trump are likely higher than stated due to fraud, fortification, and associated quirks. Once you eliminate any fraudulent votes for Biden, the Trump percentages go up accordingly. I’m recalling a county in Georgia where every single overseas military ballot was cast for…Biden. No fraud there, huh? And (((fellow whites))) vote overwhelming Democrat but are likely counted as white. It’s true that voting for Trump doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is in our camp, but it’s a good litmus test. Trump voters are those who ignored the propaganda and… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

If only men voted, there would be no Progressivism, no Woke-ism, no Feminism, no weaponized colleges, media, courts, government etc.

Only men voting in 2020: 350 to 158, Bad Orange Man

Only white men voting in 2020: 493 to 45, Bad Orange Man

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ray
1 year ago

Bollocks. Close to 100 percent of the most influential Leftist intellectuals of the Enlightment are men. And that mighty and maleovolent intellectual force has been the single most powerful impetus toward the wilderness in which we now dwell.

Reply to  Winter
1 year ago

That’s true.
We men have not done our deal.
Now the deal is horrible.

But it’s still our deal.

1 year ago

Meanwhile, file this under These People have no place in the West:

““Love This”: Ben Shapiro Celebrates Palantir Announcing Affirmative Action Hiring Quota For Jews”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Here’s a question that probably already been asked but here it is:

What happens after Trump?

As much as the GOP and the Dems have bench, who follows Trump? Even if Trump wins, he’ll just be stifled by the system for four years at which point he can’t run again and he’ll be, what, 84.

The GOP and the Dems have a giant structure and money to keep them going. Team Trump has Trump. What’s to keep that movement alive after he leaves the scene?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Sorry, meant to say that the GOP and the Dems have “no bench.”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

The GOP/Dems don’t need a “bench,” just interchangeable puppets. If every president from now on is a brain dead Biden/Fetterman/Sheila Jackson Lee type, so much the better for the hidden Deep State controllers.

Less chance of a president getting his own ideas and shaking things up that way.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Pete
1 year ago

Exactly. The Uniparty Party is a structure with guaranteed funding. It is the Borg. The puppets are interchangeable. The populist movement has no structure and no money. It also has the Uniparty Party attacking it at every turn. Trump has the money and popularity to fight back, but what happens when he leaves the scene. There’s no power base to keep the populist movement going. OTOH, the populist movement actually has, you know, popular ideas, and the country has real problems. The Uniparty can’t just sweep that under the rug. It also can’t co-opt those ideas because 1) it hates… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Whether they can or cannot sweep the problems under the rug, they absolutely BELIEVE that they can. They have never lost and never failed aside from 2016, and Trump turned out to be merely a slight speed bump.

Given their absolute confidence and arrogance, they will never course correct in a million years unless physical consequences intervene (total collapse of the power grid, collapse of the dollar, widespread banking crashes, islamic nuke on DC or something equally catastrophic).

We are locked into this handbasket all the way down.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

You can see it getting worse all the way down. In her younger days Dianne Feinstein was unimpressive, but at least had basic managerial competence. The contest to replace her in California is between two deranged lunatics currently in their House delegation. Even on the Supreme Court, Biden’s new black woman Justice is unprecedently dim and self absorbed, although Sotomayor is not far behind. Upcoming GOP politicians are either corporate true believers or neocons in training. I assume the same trend is happening across the bureaucracy, it can stagger on for awhile but has to crash at some point.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago


Rogan seems to have seen the light, too.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Well, King Cobra has been savvy enough to capitalize on the anger that pushed Trump into the White House, and that anger ain’t going anywhere. So, the precedent has been established. Whether it’s the Cobra or some cipher current lying in the bulrushes, somebody will inevitably step forward to carry the White phosphorous torch.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Don Jr?


1 year ago

This is way off topic, but have a look at this Libertarian goof ball essay. Eliminate white controlled homelands and military infrastructure and see how well he likes his Congolese buddies. These doofs will never get a seat at the table when the time comes. Never.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

He has already split and lives in Argentina. I expect he’d just go somewhere else.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

RealityRules: What Casey is stating is really no different than what Sailer and his civnat commentariat believe and want. They feel a kinship with those of a certain level of education, state of mind, and quantity of wealth. They won’t admit to an ethnic angle, of course, but the small hat commenters all prefer their own tribe and the east Asian commenters always champion their own people. But aside from natural ethnic ties (which they will always deny), they love being amongst a racially, ethnically, nationally mixed group of similar-minded people. People who will echo and amplify their own experiences,… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Well said. The smugness and arrogance of people like Casey is absolutely what is at work here. I don’t need this silly nation-state. I don’t need that stupid neighbor who I hate. No. I want to go to the Congo and hang out with my financiers to inspect the project and pat a couple of Congolese on the head, then come back and tell everyone how much I love my Congolese friend and how much I hate my nation loving neighbor. It is as if they want to see the world burn. I think Casey has every bit the envy… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Reply of the day!

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

My neighborhood is rock solid white and doesn’t like any kind of foolishness. A few weeks ago a tweaker emerged from the woods and tried to get into my next door neighbor’s work truck, and nearly everyone came out armed to the teeth wanting to know witf was going on. The dirt folk are going to be the ones to throw the match into the can of insurrection gasoline. And the I can only pray that in the aftermath, The Elites who remain standing are the ones who get lined up against a brick wall as the first act of… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Great post and beautiful sentiment, 3g4me.
So many of your posts make me wish you were one of my neighbors.
I hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful Christmas season.

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

Melissa: Thank you! I do wish I could get to know many commenters here in the flesh. But meanwhile lots of ‘beautiful minds.’

And Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

In the 2020s Merican zombie movie the HG Wells “Open Conspiracy” kind will always be the first to get culturally enriched, not having studied archery and first aid skills instead. It’s all well and good to bully them, in fact it’s important to do so; but we should never confuse them with our first-line enemies. I recommend cultivating disinterest in their career news (usually consists of getting picked up by a think-tank/pharmaceutical company, “Pretty Woman”-style). If you are typically seen by other normie people not to get worked up about Fox News insta-gossip it’s salutary and a good screening protocol… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Doug Casey’s shtick is that the world is facing devastating destruction and annihilation, but it you just scoop up a bit of gold and crypto you can safely ride it out in Uruguay. He’s deluded. If what he believes is coming down the track really does happen, there will be no safe spaces to hide away.

1 year ago

I remember Tim Alberta’s name from his time working at National Review. That is fitting as you would have to a narcissistic jerk to stand up while you are eulogizing your father and lecture the members of his church on listening to Rush Limbaugh. Every church has a few kooky people, I don’t doubt someone made a comment similar to what he included in his book. To portray the whole church that way is vile. Hopefully this helped people at the church see they should never trust members of the regime, even if they have personal connections to them.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I’m reupping: this is the last national election in which the Republicans even can pose as a controlled opposition party, and 2016 was the last legitimate election the United States ever will have. The GOP is retarded enough to think that inserting “X’ to replace Trump will not bleed support, and while Republican voters also are morons, it will be the death knell for the Stupid Party because a fatal number still will leave it. The Regime already rules by straight force and this only will get worse until the United States falls apart, likely to happen with the next… Read more »

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Yes. This has the potential to happen sooner that anyone may think. If the administration makes good on it’s threat to send the legions to Ukraine that will most likely be the end of the empire or the end of the world if the imbeciles take it that far. Putin just announced that missile technology will be shared with China. So as far as conflicts with Russia and China at least, any assets we have forward deployed are all but obsolete. Go ahead Joe. Send your rainbow armies against the Russians. They are waiting for you. And will the last… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

It’s all talk. They have neither the legions to send nor the capability to send them there. They could deploy a token “tripwire” force but their options would be severely limited were the wire to get tripped. It’s hard to say whether/how much they still believe their wunderwaffen will carry the day.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Jeffrey: Lloyd Austin specifically said that if Congress doesn’t send more millions to Zelensky, he will send White sons and daughters off to fight and die against the Russians. You can consider that an empty threat or a promise, but you can’t deny the intent behind it. Quite a few different people seem to concur AINO won’t last beyond another 10 years at the outside. Yes, I’m aware of South Africa staggering on, but like it or not, we’re the lynchpin of the current global system. Our fracture/implosion will be much greater and there will be no one willing or… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

The “we’ll murder your boys” threat indeed was something. It is even worse than the promise to keep the borders wide open unless the Ukraine grift goes on. This is what a despotic government in opposition to its population does. Uncle Lloyd can directly threaten whites unless they make it rain for Ol’ Marse Ray-fee-on.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Eh, I have to disagree. Get on Twitter. Look how many millions still think that 1) The Bidens are about to be deposed. 2) How we are on the verge of winning big (after doing nothing but losing for decades). 3) The pedos are about to be busted. 4) That the black tide is coming in to fill Republican ranks. Above all, they constantly invoke this concept that we are turning the tide and just on the cusp of victory. This is as vague and insane as the left’s concept of progress. Now, you may counter that they will fatigue… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Sure, normalcy bias is a thing. It also has limits. Less than 15 percent have taken the new and improved vax, for example. We will have to agree to disagree on the effect that pulling Trump from the ballot will have on the GOP. Now, those bailing on the Republican Party are not about to revolt as long as their bellies are full and houses are warm (why would they?), but they will not line up to vote, either. Frankly, it is very impossible the GOP knows this and doesn’t care.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

The Pardoner (gelding or a mare) is the House Speaker – and the majority of Republican voters think they won…

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Undoubtedly a great point. Still, the GOP is toast and that may be by agreement. The funeral will be sparsely attended.

1 year ago

Thanks for the hilarious post yesterday and great show today.
It’s pretty clear that there is no hope in Trump and their hatred of him is ridiculous and absurd.
If only he had been Orange Mr. Hilter.
Is it too optimistic to hope that Trump supporters will realize and understand that they are the true targets of that deep hatred?
I’ve noticed a gradual shift in conversation since 2016, Trump, covid, etc.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

You would think that the Trump supporters would get the message after the data of the people who liked or forwarded his social media commentaries was subpoenaed. But, probably not.

Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

My brother loves Trump and still believes that Trump will rise like a phoenix, or the Son of God, and set everything aright. He really believes this.

All of this persecution will just make victory all the sweeter when Trump returns and reigns.

I guess that if he didn’t believe this, he would despair.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Trump has learnt nothing from his first term and what has happened since. He simply doesn’t have the political smarts to pick the right people or smash his program past the Deep State. There is no Man on a White Horse coming to save us. The only hope is when the whole system collapses under the weight of its own evil and corruption. Then we may be able to rescue something, but it will look nothing like the good old US of A of the past.

Celt Darnell
1 year ago

Do you think 2024 will be the year we see open conflict — I.e. actual war — between the USA and Russia and/or China?

not my people
not my people
Reply to  Celt Darnell
1 year ago

No, because the business of Russia and China is business. However a sharp smack upside the head might be warranted as a “shut up and go take out the garbage” warning. On a lighter note, zerohedge had a comment by an az sheriff that illegals were being given five thousand dollar gift cards, the thought arose that a fine way to make a little income would be to enter one of the busses at a rest stop and explain to the illegals that the cards have somehow been tainted and need to be collected and destroyed. If there are 20… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  not my people
1 year ago

You’re only allowed to do that if you’re a democrat or RINO, 10% for the big guy 😉

1 year ago

I haven’t listened yet, but this video reminds me how much fun the Trump meme magic was.

Aw, we were so optimistic back then, although I remember that Z Man was one of the first to express doubt. “He’s just a bullshitter who got lucky.”

1 year ago

I think there’s going to be a lot of interest in building local organizations next year. Both as a means to share information and to provide a means for people to affiliate with like minded fellow travelers. The challenges I’ve often faced when doing this come from different directions. From one direction are the people who just want to recite mantras they hear on the radio or Hannity. It’s just grating to listen to and they tend to just be angry and once they recite their script they just cycle back to the top and repeat. Then you have your… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
1 year ago

One of the best ways to meet like-minded fellow travelers is at a shooting range (preferably rural) or similar avocation. I also travel on my mountainbiking trips and often frequent areas near military bases. LInk up with local biking clubs and you will meet lots of ex-military, who tend to be quality people too. This is good for the soul and uplifting, but becoming a next-gen warrior is actually a solitary endeavor best conducted in the shadows. Your primary goal is anonymity and invisibility in plain sight. You want to become the guy at the party who no one notices… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
1 year ago

Hokkoda: Excellent comment/question – wishing you lots of upvotes. In so many ways what you wrote epitomizes what most of us here feel. The pointlessness, the hopelessness – everything and everyone breaking down and degrading. And in contrast: An assimilated Hindu I spoke with at the office Christmas party. A nice enough guy, I wish him no ill (although he ought not to be here). He expressed astonishment at how my husband and I moved rural and love it. He stated, with all apparent sincerity, that he would shoot himself if forced to live that way. He sees the lights,… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

I have several acquaintances of Asian heritage who have similar views of rural Americans, which is to say that they are scared to death of them. They have swallowed the Deliverance caricature concocted by the MSM and entertainment industry hook, line, and sinker. In some ways I can’t blame them, as they have no first-hand experience with rural Americans and so have formed their opinions through the only exposure they have, which is the hopelessly biased MSM and entertainment industry. They are also smart enough to avoid urban environments for the obvious reasons. As such, they end up in suburban… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Guest: They may initially move to environments that are “largely White,” but those neighborhoods don’t stay that way. Because more and more and ever more east and south Asians move in and overwhelm the area. We saw this in our Texas suburb, and I’ve spoken with and read comments from others who’ve experienced the same tsunami. There are billions of them and the flood is endless. It’s a good thing if they are truly “terrified” of rural Whites. That’s the only way to escape their unwanted company for now, although more of them are spreading out as they overwhelm suburbs,… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

I was blessed to grow up in small town America. 500 people in a town with no stoplights (until about when I was 18-19). Forests and cornfields. Self sufficient people.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 year ago

Somehow the left has managed to harness the power of their own stupid weirdos and used them to attain and maintain control of the West. The right has “principles” and “standards” which are currently experiencing at least a seventy year losing streak.

1 year ago

I’m starting to wonder just when they’ll remove the Bad Orange Man. The stupidity on display in the Imperial Capital is strangely passive. I’m used to a much more aggressive form of stupidity — probably longtime operant conditioning by the Kagan Kult — but then I remember that most of the people who actually do the “work” in FedGov are Millennials… and younger. They are an extraordinarily passive bunch. If Teacher didn’t give them detailed instructions and a down-to-the-minute schedule, they’d barely be able to feed themselves. All that to say this: I’m getting the sneaking, horrifying, utterly hilarious suspicion… Read more »

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

The Whig Party really does think Dickless Cheney makes a viable and strong candidate. Not least because if it weren’t for the bad orange man, Jeb Bush would’ve been a powerhouse in 2016. .You see, Mr. Please Clap didn’t fail because he was a failure, he failed, because the system was cheated by letting in an outsider.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

I remember, after Peach Mints failed, it was early 2020, and I knew that they weren’t going to just leave it at that, give up and say “oh well we tried,” I knew something was coming to derail the orange menace, after all, these were the same people who had perpetrated the Russia Hoax for 2 years. And then, voila. It wouldn’t have been any use guessing what it would be, I never could have imagined it.

It kind of feels the same way now.

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

I’ve also been starting to wonder about this a lot lately. I don’t know if you’re of the same mind, but I always thought that the plan was for the GOPe to find some reason to take Trump off the ballot – probably related to all these trumped up charges he’s facing. It’s starting to get pretty late though. In just a few weeks, he’s going to sweep these early primaries/caucases so how are they going to remove him when it’s clear that he’s the overwhelming choice of voters? I think they thought that the Meatball could stay close to… Read more »

Reply to  RDittmar
1 year ago

I thought the same thing. All they really need to do is DQ him from the ballot in a few swing states. But they had their chance in Michigan and Colorado, and both somehow, unbelievably, ruled for Trump. So did Minnesota, of all places, if I remember correctly. So if they’re going to toss him, PA, AZ, and / or GA best get crackin’… …but I don’t think they will, because see above: They are so high on the smell of their own farts that they think Nikki Sikhs will win straight up. They’re counting on all the Normies and… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

read that in your best hissy, whiny, Ace of Spades voice … Ace of Spades is quite the blast from the past. I used to check out his site daily, but back in 2016 he became so rabidly anti-Trump that I couldn’t take it and I just stopped reading him. At some point after Trump was elected, I surfed back over there and all of a sudden he was pro-Trump. I figured he learned the error of his ways and I started checking out the site again. When the primaries started up though, he was rabidly anti-Trump again and doing… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

I’m used to a much more aggressive form of stupidity — probably longtime operant conditioning by the Kagan Kult[…]

Sev, Kagan…Senior? Donald, I think…anyway, wrote a piece in the WSJ last week of the “will no one rid me of this turbulent priest” variety.

This seems to me to be the official Bat Signal that assassination is no longer just a fantasy.

Reply to  mikeski
1 year ago

They’ve been doing that for a while now. I think that’s more of the Bat-Signal to the GOP to get their rears in gear and disqualify him from the ballots because reasons. Of course they wouldn’t mind if some lunatic went kinetic, but consider that all the likely candidates for the role of Fake and Gay Lee Harvey Oswald are… fake. And probably gay. And they can’t false flag it and blame it on the Muzzies, because that’s the kind of thing that demands a military response and who’s going to go to war on Orange Man’s behalf? And they… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

He’ll be shot by a cop. The preposterous tale of Trump trying to wrestle control of a presidential vehicle away from his “detail” on January 6th was invented not primarily to plant that cartoon image in the public mind, but in the police mind. Every cop who walks next to Trump is *dying* to shoot him now—down to the last Secret Serviceman, who know very well that Trump is in fact a good boy who dindu nuffin, but understand that their order has been given. Donald_Sutherland_in_JFK.mp4 Every Republican commentator who’s even slightly sane mocked that story—and a wave of conservative… Read more »

Reply to  mikeski
1 year ago

I think you mean WaPo. Holy crap, do you think he actually believes even half of what he wrote?

1 year ago

One of the oldest comedic shticks is for the actors to set up the show’s punchline to slowly build – Fraiser Crane is a master at it – so the audience knows exactly what the punchline is and how it’s gonna go down… and everyone still laughs like hell when it does. The exact wrong characters show up at the exact wrong time, intents and plots collapse into laughter and ridicule. Lucille Ball and all the 50’s comedians did it well too. You want a way to spot fellow dissidents? Look for the guys with laughing cramps. Smart folks know… Read more »

1 year ago

Is it really such a stretch that the official presidential field appears to be cast by the same art directors who ran the United Colors of Benetton campaigns? Take a look at your local school board. Or city council. or HOA. Your corporate Board. Your credentialing association. And so on. Mortimer and Randolf are laughing. Not just at their cleverness however, but at their ‘good and hard’ part. They are shoveling the dung that the people trapped in the paddock of party politik seem to want. For decades now even the badthinkers have been signaling that they prefer a non-White… Read more »

Reply to  SirLawrence
1 year ago

‘Those are the people who want to roll back the death cult but keep their own personal winnings. All my daughters in “college” . . . ‘That we have invader spawn on stage talking about White guys being replaced while strong womyn talks about making moar wars . . .’ Yep. GOP offered a slew of white and of-color Stronk Empowered Wimmin! last election cycle. Pushed ’em heavily in righty media. Backed by Breitbart etc. and by ‘conservative’ and ‘Christian’ men. ANYTHING but an authentic Christian white male standing election, much less an actual asskicker, and may Goddess Gaia Herselfs… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

ray: Spot on. So many putative conservatards – and commenters here – do precisely what they claim to abhor. Send their princesses to become doctors, lawyers, and bankers instead of teaching them to marry, bear, and raise children instead of taking a man’s rightful place in the professional world. Just like all the “Christian” women in a former Bible study group who all attacked me because I refused to put my child in daycare and validate their choices.

Talk is cheap. Live your supposed values.

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

You got it. It’s unpopular to point it out but there it is. The reckoning for most even on our side of the greater divide is still stuck fretting over why the last mile of their fiber-optic umbilical to the cloud is full of static instead of why they subscribe to the enemies premise and moral network in the first place. A lingering example is the tranny kerfuffle. So many strong dads emerging to raise holy heck on their social medias about some man stealing the trophies. This after three generations of boys destroyed so that plucky girl could wrestle… Read more »

Reply to  SirLawrence
1 year ago

To normal but uninformed Americans, it is hard to believe how important the enforcement of acceptance of sexual perversity is.

But there have been protests against drag queen story hours to which police snipers were dispatched to protect the trannies from the protesters. That our rulers would deploy snipers, in addition to the local police, exposes how important the acceptance of sexual perversity is to our rulers. The police want to terrify the community into submission.

It’s still hard to believe that this is of such high importance to them, but it is.

Impatient Lurker
Impatient Lurker
1 year ago

Desert Island Discs?

How is the book coming?

SWAG as to size of US population that is repilled/dissident/nationalist?

The Real Bill
The Real Bill
1 year ago

Two-hour Holiday Soecial is a GREAT IDEA!

1 year ago

Congratulations on your new palace Z Man! I’m up here in Canuckistan and our federal government is getting ready to give the climate change policies to us, good and hard. They now tax anything that produces CO2, want to quadruple that tax, and are putting restrictions on the oil and gas industry which is Ottawa’s largest source of revenue. Even the Bank of Canada is saying carbon taxes are keeping inflation high. Back in the 70s (when Justin Trudeau’s daddy was in power), out west they used to say “Let those eastern bastards freeze in the dark.” Trudeau seems to… Read more »

Reply to  huerfano
1 year ago

huerfano: “What is the end game with all these climate change policies, taxes, carbon credits, and restrictions?”

comment image

comment image

PRO-TIP: You & yours are not invited to the party.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Thankfully those stones were blasted to bits by some patriot.

And no, it wasn’t me. Apparently, they were constructed in 1980 and maintained by the Georgia county where they were located.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

The end game goals can more simply be summarized as total control of the populace. From there your listing of “secondary” goals are obtainable. One of the secondary goals—never expressed—is a complete totalitarian society. Democracy is done away with and a ruling cabal such as we see in China is instituted. And yes, I expect the masses after the great ‘reset” to welcome this event.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  huerfano
1 year ago

Uh, no carbon means no energy which means no heat. In Canada that means a lot of dead leafs. Is there any murmurings of the Canadian military maybe stepping in in such a case? Also high immigrant population. Legit curious, because I’ve been seeing more security industry publications posit legitimate military concerns over those topics.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

Forever Templar: “…any murmurings of the Canadian military maybe stepping in in such a case?”

How did the Canadian Military treat the Truckers during COVID?

[I ackshually don’t know, but the two questions very likely cover precisely the same subject matter.]

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

The military up here has been withering away due to lack of funding. And, many of its senior leaders who were not compliant with the Liberal regime were either falsely charged with crimes or MeToo’d out. My sense is even if the military wanted to intervene, they would not be able to.

Reply to  huerfano
1 year ago

Depop. They have the right premise but draw the insane conclusion, because they’re wacked-out slobs, too.

Reply to  huerfano
1 year ago

We may see the looming credibility crisis erupt in Canada first. The food banks are beginning to buckle. Tent cities in this climate will be death camps. The govt is literally attacking its own people. People will not obediently freeze in the dark. The question here in Alberta is now “by whose authority?” The province invoked the Sovereignty Act and is now setting up its own plans for retirement pensions, its own police, its own gun laws, etc. We may actually see some eastern bastards freeze in the dark before this is over. God, I hope so. As an Albertan… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

How do you translate the concept of “Phed Poasting” into the Canuck language?

Something involving the RCMP?

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Mownty messagyn

Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

Unfortunately, Trudeau sees your eastern bastards and raises, trying to freeze all of us in the dark.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  huerfano
1 year ago

Huerfano: …back in the 70s (when Justin Trudeau’s daddy was in power)…
I thought his daddy was running the show in Cuba.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
1 year ago

Good one. There was no way Margaret was going to admit Pierre was not the father. The child support he paid must have been millions.

joey jünger
joey jünger
1 year ago

Analogies are great, but eventually they start to show some strain. Take the one likening discontent in modern America to that in some medieval fiefdom. If the rulers mismanaged things badly enough back then, people starved and hordes came over the border and slaughtered everyone. Our rulers have already mismanaged things badly, and while the food is poison, it does keep the people fat and unhealthy (hard to revolt if you get winded climbing a flight of stairs.) And yes, we have the Huns, Goths, Vandals (choose your metaphor) in our lands, and while some of them are raping and… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

Two hour holiday special!

The dopamine hit will be awesome.

Thank you!