Note: For those into literary fiction, there is a relatively new publisher in Texas that would like your attention. They asked me to post a link to their site. Presumably they know what they are asking, so here is their site. With Winter Solstice upon us, maybe there is a gift for the literary person in your life.
It would take a heart of stone not to enjoy the current moral panic that has enveloped the elite monasteries of the country. For those unaware, the presidents of MIT, Penn and Harvard were called to perform at a Congressional morality play regarding pro-Palestinian protests on the college campus. Important Jewish people have demanded an end to these protests, so Congress swung into action. They called these three girl bosses in to explain why they had not ended these protests.
Hilariously, these three girl bosses managed to fumble what everyone assumed was an easy role for them in the show. The way these things work is the politicians make a speech, put on their serious face, and ask the witness to respond to a loaded question that can only have one answer. The witness then puts on her serios face, gives a speech and confirms what the questioner asked. Somehow these girl bosses did not know this, and they gave nuanced answers.
Now, nuanced answers are good when the questioner is pretending to be one of the bad people who claims to speak for the Dirt People. In these cases, the nuanced answer is a way of saying that the Dirt People are too stupid to understand the topic, without coming right out and saying it. In this case, the questioners were literally speaking for the Jewish supporters of Israel. Therefore, the nuanced answer was seen as the worst form of heresy.
What that means in the American theocracy is all three girl bosses were condemned as antisemites and expected to resign. Being girls bosses, raised on the narcotics of feminism and multiculturalism, they refused. “How dare these small hat wearing weirdos challenge our nuanced answers?”, they surely thought to themselves. For their part, the small hat wearing weirdos started pulling their money from these colleges, threatening a larger boycott unless the girl bosses get fired.
To no one’s surprise on this side of the great divide, the only girl boss to get shown the door was the white lady, Penn president Elizabeth Magill. The weird look black girl boss of Harvard and the Jewish girl boss of MIT have the full support of their board and refuse to resign. This has created a problem, as to notice this is to notice the truth of the liberal project, which is the greatest taboo. On the other hand, to not notice this means letting the protestors say bad things about Jews and Israel.
What is making this even more amusing is the Jewish donors are focusing all of their energy on Harvard’s black girl boss and totally ignoring MIT’s girls boss, thus making it near impossible to not notice things. Steve Sailer had to be rushed to the emergency room for an overdose of noticing. On the other hand, the people making a lucrative career out of never noticing have not noticed any of this. They are preparing to fold their tents and declare a moral victory.
That is the conservative golden bridge. Whenever it is time to take the fight to the other side, they gather up their best principles and build themselves a bridge over which they can escape the battlefield. You see, this Jew-hating, black plagiarist will have to live with the knowledge that people know she is a fraud. The fact that this woman has managed to live with this her whole life does not register. They will comfort themselves knowing they held the moral high ground over on the sidelines.
Of course, the people backing black girl boss may have won this battle, but they are in for a long war as the other side never takes no for an answer. They are rather famous for that, so the war will continue. They are now going after black girl boss on the grounds that she is an academic fraud. She did her PhD in how to efficiently use Word’s copy and paste feature. Apparently, she felt entitled to the work of others. How in the world did she get that idea? Oh, right.
Conservatives, of course, are already assuming this signals the end of the revolution as the revolutionaries set about eating their own. They are preparing to celebrate themselves for having hidden under their bed long enough for the bad guys to have burned down everything worth burning. “The diversity warriors have done it now! They have angered the Jews and there is no recovering from that. The Jews will vote Republican in the next election, and we win!”
This is nonsense. The reason these girl bosses exist, regardless of their form, is they are a rebuke to the unifying enemy which is the white man. The sole reason Harvard hired this ridiculous woman as president was because she was ridiculous. It was both a rebuke to the pale penis people and a booshie goof. She has no real power or authority, so no harm can come of it. This makes her hiring like so much of what happens in this region of the clouds. It is a pose, a gesture, a signal.
If the pale penis people out there in the places where the Dirt People live start causing any trouble, the Cloud People will quickly put aside this tempest in a teapot aside, lock shields and wage jihad against their common enemy. No matter how much the various factions of the permanent revolution may hate one another, they all agree that they hate you more than they hate anything else on this earth. That is because you are the living rebuke of everything they claim for themselves.
Even so, you take your joy where you find it. This is a long fight with many dark days, so any fun you can have along the way you must enjoy to the fullest. Watching these credentialled fraudsters claw each other’s eyes out is great fun. It is also a useful reminder that the progressive is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
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If people still doubt that Tiny Hat Krew are at the top of the stack, remind them of Lawrence “member of the” Tribe. He was caught committing not just plagiarism but of passing off his students’ work as his own. He is still professor emeritus of Harvard.
They had women in academia figured out back in the 70s:
“My theory by A. Elk. Brackets Miss, brackets. This theory goes as
follows and begins now. All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much, much
thicker in the middle and then thin again at the far end. That is my theory,
it is mine, and belongs to me and I own it, and what it is too.”
-Monty Python’s Flying Circus Episode 31 (look Ma I did the citation!)
As if he had seen my comment about university endowments below, Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) introduced a bill to tax those endowments at a 35% rate:
Unfortunately this bill was blocked by the pig Wyden (D-OR) as the mask fell entirely away.
I’d settle for taxing them at all. Of course I realize the futility of wasting any more time than this wishing for such a thing.
Adjacent to today’s post, in my brief time in industrial automation I’ve come to notice how many of the green hoaxes and scams emanate from the businesses and universities in the Cambridge, Massachusetts area.
Heck, in the battery space alone there are all these amazing startups with magical technology that can solve every problem that is not called, “exiting the small-scale lab environment.”
Looking at images of the spectacular and precision-based ugliness of Dr. Gay, resplendent in Fearless Fly glasses, I’ve wondered what her inevitable autobiography would be titled, “Lucy’s” Child having already been taken.
I’ve heard that a group of alumni clearly see the good ship Harvard drifting out of a safe harbor, and put out the call: “Throw a line around the niggerhead.”
Ha ha. That word was a favorite of Ian Fleming’s. Alas, in the latest edition of the James Bond novels/short stories, it has been duly expunged for the good of the reader.
Morgoth has a topical post in regards to the one she-boss who was easily and quickly tossed overboard. Ironically, as you’ll see when you get to the end of his great essay, it is quite sad that they cast us overboard first.
that life has become exponentially more difficult across multiple fronts but it has not been formalized and made ‘‘official’’ by the authorities and so there’s an added layer of confusion and unnerving gloom like in a David Lynch film
Yeah a lot of that. We know “it’s all wrong” but we’re not allowed to discuss it, and it will certainly never be presented in some authoritative chart.
This is an appropriate post for me to leave my periodic reminder that the Reign of Terror ended only because the first order of business of the leaders of the Thermidorian Reaction was to execute Robespierre and the leaders of his movement. Lesson learned.
“No matter how much the various factions of the permanent revolution may hate one another, they all agree that they hate you more than they hate anything else on this earth. That is because you are the living rebuke of everything they claim for themselves.” This is nonsense as applied to ordinary, run of the mill, American Jews, now relegated to the curse of whiteness and who know they have more to fear from the wokesters than from “The Jews Will Not Replace Us” crowd. Dissident Jew bashers are the Jews’ useful idiots and, as “Queers For Palestine” demonstrate, idiots… Read more »
I did not see any bashing. I work with two “run of the mill, American Jews.” Never even thought about them being Jewish, until… October 9th. Then their distinct identity came to the forefront, and they were suddenly no longer “white.”
Honestly, I respect them. If only my ethnic group had such pride in a distinct identity.
And, if not clear, distinct identity always contains at least a portion of “who we are not” and “who we hate.” Otherwise, you are not much of a distinct people.
imbroglio: “Ordinary, run of the mill, American Jews” are the sea in which the ADL and its minions swim. And the fact that they maintain a distinct and separate identity is clearly evident in how quickly they mobilized their message and narrative after Oct.7. I had no idea that you, yourself, were Jewish until you began posting comments after the Hamas attack. As Eloi noted, and Citizen of a Silly Country has said, to a certain extent that sense of positive identity is admirable – especially in one’s own country amongst one’s own people. I only wish more Whites had… Read more »
Thanks for the advice, but I think that I’ll pass. I know that Jews only have whites’ best interests at heart, but, surprisingly, following your advice over the past 60 years hasn’t worked out so well for whites.
Things are bashed all over, guy. The idea that all non-Republican racist spoilsports are “objectively on the left” was a near daily News Corp screech during the Rove 9/11 years (prob was targeted more at libertoids before that) and those opinionators apparently really believed themselves heirs to a “historic realignment,” ha ha. Which why we have now the Jeb Bush Administration wrapping up his lame duck term as chief freedom officer. Also, did you see— Osama Bin Laden’s cranky blog posts somehow got into the Recycle Bin of History, not the trash can, so remember to sort your papers and… Read more »
I actually have a lot of sympathy for run of the mill Jews as you call them, that are not sympathetic to the woke agenda. But the JQ is not just fantasy. People like MacDonald who meticulously document the involvement, often central, of Jews in the promulgation of highly destruktive and, frankly, disgusting and treasonous ideas and policies, are slandered and attacked. But they’re rarely refuted credibly. Likewise the insistence that Israel must be a Jewish state while Jews were demonstrably highly involved in the destruction of a country like Sweden, is clearly hypocritical. Now demographic replacement is getting serious… Read more »
It is a long, unfortunately slow, but happily ongoing process for the Ivy League to lose its status. Following the current trajectory, there will come a day, eventually, when the only people impressed by a Harvard degree are Harvard grads, and not even all of them. The employment of a mediocrity (I’m being kind) such as Ms. Gay is a strong indicator that the institution is well past the point that it can fix itself, and that the trajectory will not change. Maybe it was still fixable 30 years ago, but not anymore. For better or worse this correlates with… Read more »
there will come a day, eventually, when the only people impressed by a Harvard degree are Harvard grads
That doesn’t matter a bit to them as long as the Harvard grads are the ruling elite hiring the next batch of Harvard grads.
They don’t care that you despise them.
All true, but the downward spiral of competence will make (has made?) them incapable of running much of anything, and presumably, at some point, this will lead to a loss of power.
I can confirm that, as a Harvard grad…even 30 years ago, I was unimpressed with some of the people being given degrees at Harvard, and it seems to have gotten worse…If you aspire to be the best, you take the best people, and Harvard gave that up decades back….
pyrrhus: I knew a number of Harvard undergrads in my time. They freely admitted doing almost nothing all semester long, and then feverishly studying and memorizing during their weeks’ long (3-4 but I don’t recall for certain) study period prior to final exams. We had a measly 3 days to study, and simply passing or even acing a final exam did not equal passing a class, which almost universally included a midterm and at least a couple of papers. The Harvard undergrads were lazy and entitled, and the hardest work they did was getting admitted. After that it was smooth… Read more »
And nowadays, getting admitted to an elite university is a great accomplishment only if you’re white or east Oriental.
Pyrrhus: This Yalie of similar vintage can confirm that it was and is the same there.
These universities, with multi billion dollar endowments, are now just investment funds masquerading as educational institutions. Despite all their money it never occurs to them to use it to reduce tuition costs for their students. Their only mission is indoctrination of the next generation and doing whatever they can to offend the sensibilities of White middle class Americans.
Nick Nolte’s Mugshot: There is also a huge element of triumphalism. The small hats and their woke foot soldiers took Harvard and the other Ivies from the Protestant heritage Americans who founded them, and they are not going to cede that control or skin-suit prestige without a fight.
Those endowments are a huge obstacle to restoring sanity in the USSA.
Each university has a dedicated team of well-paid pros whose sole mission is to grow the endowment.
This means each university has its own money printer.
The worst situations are when you have a libbed out university with a $2.4 billion endowment situated in a rural town of 9500.
Yes, Grinnell, Iowa, I’m looking at you.
Anyone who thinks that Grinnell’s massive endowment doesn’t completely distort normal town life can just…well, as Elon said, “Hi, Bob!”
Just putting that $2.4 billion in a money market, at present rates, would provide about $114 million annually, a sum pretty close to what Grinnell charges for room/board/fees to its students. Which is about $76k per year. ($76k x 1,700 or so students = $129 million roughly)
For Harvard, with its upwards of $50 billion endowment, there is of course no good reason for anyone attending to have to pay tuition.
I used to think that Harvard and Princeton especially, my two favorite ivies because they’re the strongest in the sciences, were genius schools. Only later did I realize that that’s not their secret. A school that takes in primarily high IQ sperg types, becomes “uncool”, which is to say lacks social or “soft” power. Places like MIT, Caltech or the university of Chicago, are more this profile. And while they have very smart people, they trail in impact. The ivies play a different game. They want people that are high IQ that are socially dominant. Sure they want some that… Read more »
Now, now, Z. When a vibrant negress–but aren’t they all?–does it, it’s not plagiarism, it’s sampling. Just like rappers ripping off–er sampling–the Tom Tom Club and The Incredible Bongo Band, and revisionist historians sampling white historical achievements on behalf of sundry Hutus and other brownmeats.
That’s pure genius, my man.
Doesn’t seem far fetched. You can minor in Hip Hop Studies at the University of Arizona.
It’s not parody, it’s reality.
If I recall correctly, a few years back Harvard’s Negro “scholar” Cornel West was denied tenure because he cut a rap CD and Jewish then-president Larry Summers refused to accept it as “scholarship.”
Forbes just ran an article no how West, despite having “earned” millions, blew it all and is now broke, in true street-pimp fashion:
PA, over at PA World & Times, says the following link gives a pretty good translation of Righteous Polish Bro’s remarks concerning the menorrhea. [“Do you regret what you have done?”]
And on the kneegr0w angle, somebody just published some new statistics concerning kneegr0id serial killers:
[Although there are also disturbing upticks in messican & g00k serial killers. OTOH, Native Amurrikkkun Injuns, G0d bless their little alcoholic hearts, seem to be happy just to stay drunk on the reservation…]
Okay, this degree of chutzpah is absolutely hilarious.
BACKGROUND: Taylor Swift lost the rights to her first six albums when she & her parents signed a contract they didn’t understand, and the rights ultimately became the property of a particularly odious Early Lifer, named Scott Samuel “Scooter” Braun.
Anyway, fast forward to 2023, and we get the following…
Israel: We Would ‘Welcome’ a Visit by Taylor Swift
In the early 90s when it came out that “Dr.” Martin Luther King plagiarized his doctoral dissertation at Boston U. from Jack Boozer, he was excused with terms like voice merging, intertextualization, alchemizing, yoking, echoing, and several more from Professor Keith Miller, Arizona State University, who wrote a defense of King at the time. “Prof. Miller says that non-whites, who have strong oral traditions, should not be held to stuffy, Western standards of bibliography and that King could not be expected to understand the demands of an alien white culture.” Alex Haley (Roots) and Maya Angelou also plagiarized their work,… Read more »
And it is precisely because negroes are incapable of comprehending white standards that they have no business living among us.
Exactly. Competing cultures, standards, behaviors, abilities, patterns of thought…..this doesn’t lead to living side by side peacefully.
Alex Haley just stole huge sections, intact, from a white guys’ previously published novel…He was sued, and paid roughly a million in damages to the previous author…
Nice terminator quote from the superior story-wise terminator movie.
“You see, this Jew-hating, black plagiarist will have to live with the knowledge that people know she is a fraud. The fact that this woman has managed to live with this her whole life does not register.”
The black plagiarist likely believes there is nothing wrong with plagiarism, and is surely too stupid to know she was waived through every class she ever took. So yeah, I don’t think she will lose any sleep over this. Which one of you racists wants to try to tell her the truth.
‘The reason these girl bosses exist, regardless of their form, is they are a rebuke to the unifying enemy which is the white man.’ Yup. It’s been a Revolution of Resentment the past half-century. Their war is against masculinity and fatherhood in general, and ultimately against God the Father. And the choice target has been the Evil White Male, no question. The stronk ‘n empowered girlbosses can never feel good about themselves as long as their betters are, well better. Any amount of freedom, authority or relevance we retain must be crushed. Dubble that for the stronk ‘n empowered of-color… Read more »
They can’t kill us. The Harlem Globetrotters would look pretty silly running around the court with no one chasing them.
I didn’t even get a uniform!
A quote from Winston Churchill seems appropriate here. When a dinner guest chided him for being drunk, he replied “Madam, tomorrow I will be sober. You will still be ugly”.
The white males are the new Jews. The above comment by Ray On could be written about the Jewish experiences of the last 2000 years.
Resentment and envy.
Anna: Get thee to a mikva. Try to ‘cleanse’ yourself of your anti-White, anti-Christian resentment and envy.
They’re not going to stop when we’re dead. Seen any Confederate statues recently?
The “elite” universities scam will, in time, still fail. I recently went through this with my daughter. Schools separate out the “gifted” at an early age. Although my daughter graduated high school with a little over 500 kids, she only went to school with about 60. They all were in the “gifted” program, the honors classes, and took advanced placement courses. The Asians went to the schools one level below the Ivy League and are paying a pretty penny for it (STEM degrees). The two black kids both, despite lower scores, got full rides to Ivy League schools (worthless degrees).… Read more »
White girls she knows that weren’t part of the “nerd group” are all borrowing money to go out-of-state (worthless degrees)
We all know the type, it’s so easy to sell that type on paying for some vague “life experience”.
McLeod: If you genuinely want your White daughter to ‘win,’ don’t waste your money and her time sending her to college to be taught to hate her heritage and people. Don’t get her trained to take a job that ought to go to a White man. Don’t let her marinate in the hatred and dysfunctional anti-White, anti-male land blue-haired and tatted landwhales at college. Don’t let her hookup with a jogger sportsball player. If you truly love your daughter and believe what you claim to believe, teach her that her highest and most rewarding calling will be to marry and… Read more »
‘If you genuinely want your White daughter to ‘win,’ don’t waste your money and her time sending her to college to be taught to hate her heritage and people. Don’t get her trained to take a job that ought to go to a White man. Don’t let her marinate in the hatred and dysfunctional anti-White, anti-male land blue-haired and tatted landwhales at college.’ Worth repeating over and over. The Regime depends on men sending their daughters to Slut U. to learn how better to loathe their dads, and all white men. The Christian and ‘conservative’ dads have been at this… Read more »
I think it’s still common in Latin America for young women to live with their families until they marry. Seems like they are onto something there.
Jeffrey — I’ve lived in Latin America almost a decade. It isn’t easy for an old man, but there are reasons for expatriation, and they are all cultural and inter-personal. Extended family is still big here. So is Christianity.
I can’t be a man in my own country, they keep wanting to accuse me and lock me up, though I’ve committed no crime except masculinity. Whereas here I am respected, accepted and even loved.
Ain’t much of a choice, really.
If the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist, his second greatest trick was convincing women that it’s liberating to spend 10 hours a day in a cubicle filing TPS reports, rather than raising their own kids. You have to laugh at the virtue-signaling companies that recently said if abortions were banned in their states, they would pay for their pregnant employees to fly out of state. I guess I am just cynical to point out how much cheaper it is for the company to have them back in their cubicle the next day,… Read more »
The response of the Right is so sadly predictable. Rufo praises Jewish donors for fighting against antisemitism while not noticing that these same donors have been perfectly happy with their universities’ hatred toward whites for decades. Rufo views this as an opportunity to promote his dream of a colorblind society, even as the Jewish donors hyper-focus on fighting for their ethnicity. Sailer is even worse. He notices that Jewish donors are all for the Jews. But he continues with his hope the Jews will discover that promoting hatred against whites will backfire on them because non-whites view Jews as white.… Read more »
Agreed in full. Ackman said he had contributed tens of millions to Harvard without fully appreciating the insidious effects of DEI. Yeah, right, David. This is a good thing. Many whites on the higher end of the intelligence spectrum are seeing for the first time who their most vicious and effective enemies are. The paradigm has been shifting of late due to immediate harm. It is nice to see that shift accelerated by knowledge. Young white men refusing to degrade and debase themselves with military service was the canary in the coalmine, as unrelated as it may seem.
Agree. Whites refusing to join the military is a huge sign. Something is breaking under the surface. Whether they are developing a sense of ethnic identity, I don’t know, but they’re certainly noticing that others have it.
As to Ackman and his fellow Wall Street Jews, yes, it’s great to see them screaming antisemitism every day, all day. Sadly, most whites won’t notice the hypocrisy, but many, especially well-off whites and whites who went to these schools, will.
They don’t “notice” the hypocrisy because they don’t want to notice it.
It is and has been for years, so blatant and in your face that only the very dullest among us could fail to notice.
Most of them are directly benefiting from the existing order. Some are just cowards hoping to be eaten last, but most go along to get along and don’t want to rock the boat in any way. They don’t just stay silent, they actively participate.
There are two distinct conservative/right-wing/non-left attitudes toward actual existing hierarchy. One (manly) is that a world that’s failing, degenerate, stupid, misruled, etc., has its hierarchies all wrong—as a result, or as “root cause.” The other (womanly) is that hierarchy is inherently right and righteous, so, e.g., the fact that Jews dominate American society means that both Jews and America deserve it. When they replace you, it’s because you were always already a loser. Everything that happens is an epiphenomenon of *rank* that precedes it. The latter is the mental world of Sailer and the graph nerds, Spencer and the glowfags,… Read more »
It’s funny how the argument is always that “Jews have all the money so they must be the best at being Americans”, and then when you look into the immigrant grandparents of all these rich Jews it turns out they made their fortune in America through organized crime or some sort of illegal business.
A lot of times Rufo feigns ignorance to keep his eye on long-term gains. In the times he punches right, He is susceptible to ruthless bullying. Colorblind is far better than what we have now, and he’s effective, so I’m willing to give him a pass.
Yeah, it’s hard to say with some of these guys. Perhaps, Rufo is a sell-out. Perhaps, he’s playing the long-game and trying to slowly move the Overton Window from the inside.
Who knows.
But I do know that he’ll never advocate for identity politics of any kind – white or otherwise – since he married an Asian and has biracial kids. Therefore, he will always fight for a colorblind, equality under the law society, and that’s a losing battle.
However, he can be useful to us at times.
Same for Richard Hanina, who also thinks Jews will move right, or at least the Jewish elite. While I think they may quietly give more money to Con Inc. shills like Nimrata, they (and especially their wives) will not like being associated with the anti abortion, anti gay trumpenproles waiting for the Rapture down at the local megachurch.
To the extent that Zionism becomes attached to the right, it becomes very déclassé.
There was a time not so very long ago when I too held out hope that the Jews would finally see the light and join the Right. Intervening experience has disabused me of that delusion.
Stop trying to make “colorblind” happen. It’s not going to happen. It’s counter to millions of years of human evolution. Only a small group of mutant Whites have sufficient outgroup preference that they allowed it to be a thing for a short period in history, and all the high in-group preference ethnicities are using it to take them to the cleaners.
Excellent post. However, I’m not entirely sure the Finkels can shekel-whip the dusky Savonarolas into line. These august Solons can always dip their greasy paws into their inner city graft pits when they want a new Escalade or three. Jewish control of the fisc, and by extension, the teeming third world babblers, extends only so far.
Steve Sailer had to be rushed to the emergency room for an overdose of noticing. Nah, Steverino is still trying to figure out why pedestrian deaths keep rising in the USA, and why traffic fatalities have gone up since the death of St. George of Fentanyl. ‘Tis a mystery Steve, ain’t it? (The line still made me laugh). As for the rest of it, I did like your point that the Real Chris Rufo comedically misses the point. Hey Chris, pro tip: If you’re willing to lie, cheat, steal, or ruin other people’s lives to advance yourself, you’re not going… Read more »
“Steve Sailer had to be rushed to the emergency room for an overdose of noticing. ”
That and the “PhD thesis about copy paste” are most excellent snark. That’s why we keep coming back!
The traffic deaths thing is easy.
Deaths are way up because speeds are way up and driving etiquette is way down.
Enforcement is also way down. No one in my metro area is being stopped for 20+ over, tailgating, no front plate, unreadable plates, headlights out, or illegal window tints.
Wild Geese: You mean Hindu and Han driving habits don’t mesh well with Latino style-driving? Who knew? In the DFW metro area of Texas, at least, many of the DMV workers (as well as most driving instructors and driving test supervisors) are Hindu and Han. They enjoy failing White teens whenever possible. And they specifically teach turning corners at a ‘safe’ speed of 10 mph, which does wonders for the flow of traffic.
Didn’t know the current crop of subcons were tending to be reckless drivers. The East Asian drivers I have known were pretty terrible (Koreans #1) but it didn’t present as recklessness or “exuberance” as Sailer calls it; rather I think there is a learned/innate difficulty with traffic proprioception— I’m far from Ryan Gosling myself but can still manage not to merge into parked cars. I don’t really care if some Asian college girl finds that racist, just saying we gaijin can pick up on this. And when I lived in San Antonio, headquarters of USAA (per legend started up by… Read more »
DriversSpecialEd: I didn’t say the Hindu and Han were ‘reckless,’ but they are terrible drivers nonethless. No feel for the flow of traffic, park themselves way below the speed limit in the left lane, pulling halfway into parking lots, etc. And the Han, in particular, are always on their phones or looking at their GPS and remain oblivious to other drivers. And both often neglect to turn on lights at night or in the torrential rain (and the cops will never pull them over) The mestizo teens tend to drive aggressively; the squatemalan mothers drive very slowly, leary of getting… Read more »
A lot of this kerfuffle revolves around what Z has called a crisis of competence. In essence, it’s hard for Jews to find good help. It’s stunning that these women were too stupid to understand their job and what they were supposed to say at the hearing. Maybe some true-believer Women’s Studies professor could be that stupid and deluded, but these women were college presidents. Their whole job is to gather money from wealthy donors, most of whom are Jewish. How could they not know what their bosses want from them? Well, they know now, and Jews are on a… Read more »
A college President’s job is mostly to raise money, and one seriously under reported factor at work here is how much money the Ivies raise from Saudi and Gulf State sources. It probably totals in billions by now, and the schools may figure that long term, the Arabs are worth more than the Jews.
Incidentally, the Russians and the Chinese seem to have made the same calculation.
The schools have also received some pretty big donations from rich Chinese, who know that money talks. This whole episode is a reminder that Jewish power is actually quite fragile. They have to have a complete lock on all chokepoints to elite society or their power evaporates quickly. The Wall Street Jews’ threat to blackball anyone who joins the protests only works if all the firms adhere to the plan. If a few firms tell those kids, “hey, we’ll have you,” the whole thing falls apart. It’s the same with donations. The good news is that the world is splintering.… Read more »
“This whole episode is a reminder that Jewish power is actually quite fragile.” This is a point I frequently make. Jews are the junior partner in the Judeo-Puritan ruling class. The senior partner for whatever reason seems to have decided to take junior down a few pegs. To belabor the obvious, while obviously “our” people, the seniors also hate “their” people. There is no doubt Jewish power and influence remains extraordinary. This episode illustrates the extent. It also illustrates the limits. As you noted, that power and influence also is fragile. Both intentionally and otherwise, the Jews have been handled… Read more »
Citizen: “The good news is that the world is splintering. Jews don’t have a lock on global trade and finance anymore, so other countries are freeing themselves. What need now is the same thing to happen within the US.”
From your lips to God’s ears.
Welp, good help IS going to be rather difficult to find among the demographics favored by the Finkels. If they really wanted bureaucracies staffed with unctuous Judeophilic lapdogs, they should be hiring white people, especially evangelical Christians. But no–their hatred of whitey burns so intensely that they refuse to do what is best for them. They prefer to burn the world down just to make absolutely certain that all of the Blue-eyed Ice Devils are incinerated in the process. They despise us even more than they worship themselves, and that is no mean feat.
Their hatred of us is so all-consuming, that even when the story has nothing to do with us, they still find a way to tie it back to us. Look at Ryan Carson, that social justice “advocate” who got stabbed by a black kid breaking into cars in Brooklyn. The story isn’t the story, though, wherever you look. It’s how the right is basking in schadenfreude over the irony of a police defunder getting stabbed on the street. I’m sure our bemusement hurts a lot more than the holes that dindu poked in that wormy soy boy’s body. Same thing… Read more »
I would argue Peak Clown World was the image of the nubile, scantily clad Jewesses gyrating in front of the Palestinian holding pen seconds before the Sons of Allah engaged in their holy sacraments of gang rape and mass murder.
“Peak Clown World was the image of the nubile, scantily clad Jewesses gyrating in front of the Palestinian holding pen seconds before the Sons of Allah engaged in their holy sacraments of gang rape and mass murder.”
This is only half true. In spite of kvetching and claims, there is no credible evidence of mass rape, just like there’s no credible evidence of 40 beheaded babies or pedal-powered masturbation machines.
I do, however, have it on good authority that the skin of those gyrating Jewesses was made into some pretty fine lampshades…which were also raped…possibly by a bear and eagle.
Thanks for the hilarious correction.
I know your use of “nuanced” is tongue-in-cheek, but it’s just shocking how they pretend that there is nuance to the genocidal chants of their radical students while any poster with an implicitly pro-white message is an existential danger to every minority on campus. It’s a toss-up whether it’s a “they’re lying and they know they’re lying” situation or if they are really this dumb. I used to think that to get that high up, one had to have at least some brain cells, but we’re entering a situation where they might really be that dumb. “Why? is a… Read more »
How long would a student last who put up a benign poster that read IT’S OK TO BE WHITE in their Harvard dorm room? Could that amount of time even be measured in zeptoseconds?
Almost as deep and through-provoking as Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis.
I believe it was Christopher Hitchens who, upon reading her thesis, said there was nothing in it that resembled the English language.
Yep, and last I looked, you could not obtain the thesis. I have a copy however.
Get it from ProQuest before the lockdown on the Obamas’ “scholarship” went into effect?
Just as the White Right has no dog in the Gaza War, we have none in cat-fights between Jewish plutocrats and affirmative action Ivy League presidents. They best we can hope for in both cases is that they kill one another off or otherwise inflict manifold mutual harms.
As seen on Xitter, behind the tall gates of many Ivory Towers, tenured professors are sweating bullets knowing that in a few months/years it’s going to be trivially easy for “AI” to scan their papers for plagiarism.
There’s either going to be general amnesty or their research papers will be put under lock and key (like Obama’s college work) only accessible to “true academics.”
I wonder what unleashing AI on Xirl Science would reveal?
I wonder what unleashing AI on Xirl Science would reveal?
Whatever it reveals, it’d be less fun than Z’s takes.
Which I miss hearing from Z, HINT! HINT! 😏
Yes, agreed. I miss the musical intro and I miss Z losing his shit in demented laughter.
Suggestion to Z: Thomas Dolby’s “She Blinded Me With Science” as the new intro to Xirl Science updates.
“And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”
On the bright side, it takes your participation— you have to lay down. Or, from the Christian perspective, climb up on the cross.
God sacrificed Himself to Himself to fulfill that insane part of the Law— the perpetual debt paid in blood. SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO (to the dumbasses out there). Judeo-Christianity, lol.
I do often wonder if Yahweh and the Father are different. Regardless, we still have an obligation to pay it forward, as they say. Keep that tomb empty!
psalms 82 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.
Yahweh was a minor deity. A son of El.
Duet 32 8 When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,when He divided the sons of man,
He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
El gave yahweh that cursed little chunk of land.
There are those rimes when Marcion makes a lot of sense to me.
When the wicked fight among themselves the good rejoice. The really interesting thing is whether little hat and migration jihad can paper over this fracture. The rift is deeper than ever before since 1973. Jews are genuinely spooked. And the destruction in Gaza is said to resemble that of Germany in WW2. I’m not so sure they can just go back to hating whitey. I think the scene has moved a little, to our advantage
” I’m not so sure they can just go back to hating whitey. I think the scene has moved a little, to our advantage”
Something in their nature, perhaps DNA, compels this hatred. That long with several other things (pettiness, vindictiveness, ego) I once thought were just stereotypes about them really have surfaced with this incident.
They still hate us. But now there is far more hatred among themselves. There is still a front against us. But it may be less united now. Muslims are not going to forget the rubble of Gaza anytime soon
The fact that the entire mighty Muslim umma is cowed into inaction by the IDF and a couple of GAE carrier groups leads one to believe that we could actually deport these f^^kers from Europe at gunpoint without too much fuss.
If the current regimes fell we probably could. But first we need to get rid of the regimes
They probably won’t forget that the US has been subsidizing Israel for at least 50 years.
I’m not so sure TPTB “hate us and want us dead”. It’s a good rallying line for our side, but it’s exaggerated and untrue. What we’re seeing is steam being let off – the daily churn of the permanent revolution coupled with the innumerate interest groups that TPTB have to handle does come to a boiling point now and then. Steam must be released. Because white people aren’t allowed to stick up for each other as an interest or and ethny, they get targeted. The weakest always gets targeted. Or, as in the case of white people, the group that… Read more »
Just need enough to wake up and say “wait a minute, I pay the bills?!” and band together.
I respectfully disagree.
They hate us, cause they ain’t us.
Your right, it all stops when whitey justsays no.
I think you and Marko are both right to a large degree. Marko is correct in the sense that (((TPTB))) are grateful that we’re such chumps, and that gratitude rather confounds the hatred. But you are right from the standpoint that, in their heart of hearts, deep down inside, the really do hate us. The reasons for that hatred are multifarious, complex and ancient.
Oh they hate us. I don’t think they know the word grateful.
As a noticer, I’m going to go with “they hate us and want us dead.” Sure, things will fall apart, but that’s not stopping their ongoing crusade of replacing Whites everywhere. After all, they do have an established record of not exactly thinking things through. A recent example shows that since the BLM riots, Fortune 500 companies have hired 94 percent minorities. Only 6 percent White males. Anyone looking forward to flying once the White male pilots have been replaced? United has announced they will no longer hire White males. They aren’t thinking about the consequences of Whitey no longer… Read more »
Yep. Think about who handles your investments/retirement funds, for example. Your vacation to Italy will have to be put off due to the purchase of a new Cadillac with spinners.
We see “replacement” and they see “correction”. I agree that we are being replaced, but I guarantee you every white, especially those in power, or at a Fortune 500 company, thinks that diversity is great, or is just looking out for himself or herself and doesn’t want to rock the mental boat with “right-wing” ideas. Especially w.r.t. IQ. The upper white class, part of “they who hate us”, have a great gift for intellectualizing everything (to lift a term from psychology) and they are intellectualizing our demise. Whites are great builders and awesome destroyers. Now we are in our destructive… Read more »
My decade-long travel habit of taking Amtrak trains seems to have been prescient. Even head-on collisions with coal drags or commuter trains are survivable.
There’s an “excited utterance” exception to the hearsay rule. Basically it holds that people don’t lie when they’re surprised. When surprised by “Brexit and Trump,” what did our enemies say? Judged by their spontaneous ejaculations—and their considered declarations, too, but those are less trustworthy—the average regime enjoyer (Democratic voter) hates the statistically average American more than the most vulgar, retarded “nazi” hates the most stereotypical Jew. And their hatred is a softly blurred reflection of their leaders’, the media’s, “the culture’s,” etc. But yes, they are grateful to us, thankful that we are what we are. Victim magnanimity heightens the… Read more »
Nuance generally does not work except in the groves of academe. In the public sphere, with the people generally and their tribunes, everything has to be black or white. St. George of Fentanyl good, Chauvin bad. Ukraine good, Russia bad. Biden good, Putin evil. Israel good, Hamas bad. The Jewish overlords and their paid prostitutes (the politicians) need to keep the public at this infantile level of development, of seeing everything as good or bad, black or white. Everything needs to be shoe-horned into one of two categories. If you don’t like Biden you must be pro-Putin. Nuance is thought… Read more »
It’s cartoon, comic book thinking. Snidely Whiplash twirling his mustache. Then there’s Mustache Man himself (gasp!)
Ah, I LOVE this…it’s about all you can do not to laugh. I do think these little flaps are good for ‘the cause’ in general – like seeing Las Vegas in the sober morning light to see that it’s all just a ruse and the Bellagio is just a Super 8 with some better wall paper. Every crack in the facade, no matter how small is a tiny win, chipping away at the myths of the Clouds. And that bridge over the battlefield to the moral high ground does a wonderful job of helping escape the real questions. Not the… Read more »
Hey, it was good enough for MLK, it should be good enough for President Sheboon.
If they were able to do the work on their own, they would.
They can’t, so they do what they do.
Related to this, I was required to write a thesis for my Masters degree.
The first attempt was roundly rejected by my old, white instructor/mentor/friend.
He said “I know you can do better than that.” So I did.
It was the most difficult academic task I ever did, and in retrospect, I’m glad how it unfolded.
It’s an axiom of life in AINO that 97 percent of negroes in positions of power got there through social promotion, not via their own intellectual candle-power and work ethic. It is also true that the asinine propagation of inept negroes undermines the credibility of every institution engaging in this process. And, for all intents and purposes, there is not an institution in AINO that doesn’t.
I too am enjoying seeing this cartoonish expose of the fraud of merit-based selection at our so-called most elite universities. This weekend, I found myself thinking–what is the probability that these three institutions all have girl bosses? If it is merit based it would be very low. Patterns can be funny and persistent. So, I did some research and find that of the eight Ivy league schools, six have women presidents and two have white guys. Judging by surnames, it appears that the two white guys are jews. It appears that four of the girl bosses are jews, one is… Read more »
If the schnozolas want to pull back their contributions, so what? All three of those vaunted, elite institutions have multi-billion dollar endowments that’ll never be spent down in multi generations. That said, the “go gurl” fiasco is funny as hell. The old White babe gets the proverbial axe, the ugly, plagerizing black female gets raked over the coals, but the administrative and academic schmucks there back her up. The jew girl at MIT curiously is hardly mentioned – surprise, surprise. This former country is nothing but a bad joke at this point.
It’s always been just a matter of time until white women are cast into the void. Literally everyone hates AWFL’s and their utility diminishes daily.
That’s going to be a lot of time. They can’t maintain their facade of democracy without a lot of white women on their side. It would seem a more likely prospect that white women leave them first. Which doesn’t seem likely to happen anytime soon either.
They have dispensed with the facade of democracy already. There are still formalities, but those do not require actual votes counts. The AWFL’s can be tossed now.
Have to laugh at the naivete (affected or real) of some people celebrating that Harvard “lost 1 billion”. Like these transactions happen in a day. This seems like a show for boomers and boomer-like brains. No money will be withheld after they cave (or are forced to cave). If we had a proper journalist we should find how the whole endowment system works. Would not be surprised if Harvard uses it to pay favors while the money is parked in a tax exempt fund until it can be deployed. I don’t think they want to use the money to pay… Read more »
Harvard’s endowment is over 50 billion. So they should be able to make that “lost” billion back with a couple good trades.
But maybe not. Their returns haven’t been very good lately probably because their ESG rules prevent them from investing in anything profitable.
May I simply point out that conservative ‘tards such as Rufo are evidence for my assertion a few days ago: Normie conservatives will not abandon the Republicans no matter how hard they (intentionally vague pronoun reference) are embarrassed. This diversity hire plagiarized anti-white rhetoric and is still at the top of the totem pole in academia, and the conservatives think they “won” because her fraud is exposed. This is the exact same behavior when the Right believes they win because they point out the hypocrisy of the Left. Insanity. Again, watch how conservative gatekeepers always try to amaze their audience… Read more »
I disagree. This will be the last election in which the Republicans are nationally viable. It may not be abandonment as much as neglect. Those voters in ever larger numbers will stay home. I’m torn as to which outcome is of more benefit, but barring Trump from the ballot certainly would accelerate the move toward willful neglect.
I have to disagree, sir. Consider our culture. For at least a decade, Normie has had the opportunity to learn that the liberals do not fear the claim of hypocrisy. And yet, that is all the conservative still screams in practice. Note the narrative for Normie: the main concern is that the Harvard president plagiarized, and they have caught her! She didn’t embrace Israel! She didn’t live up to the standards she should. Note what is not the narrative: some NASA is president of one of our (supposedly) greatest institutions. The system has installed a subpar ghoul. The former embraces… Read more »
Great comment but I still disagree. It only takes about five percent staying home to take out the GOP permanently. They are there. Even more given recent actions, they themselves fully realize this is their last hoorah. They are openly siding with the Left against their putative constituents. This is to be celebrated, to be clear, since the phenomenon you describe is quite real but well past its expiry date. All cults have deadenders, of course, but that doesn’t allow survival. We’ll compare notes in about a year.
You forgot to link to an AA’s Talking Turley video on YT LOL
“… the DEMOCRAT implosion never ends… all the news you wouldn’t belieeeve. Talking Turleeeeee”
Short term it does not matter and should be savored, yes. But this also indicates that long term the madness is unsustainable in its present form and geographic area. Great damage has been done to and will continue to be done to our people until then, but the demons will not prevail. As for the present and in this case the interim, mark this: Israel is done. I do not think this is necessarily an unalloyed good thing, either, as the present diaspora is full of destructive individuals and increasing their number will make that worse. Still, the last protector… Read more »
Yes, the Jewish brains behind the Left have finally had to choose between Leftist “principles” and Israeli blood and soil nationalism. And – of course! Who would blame them? – they have chosen the latter.
Ditto those supporting Palestine – another blood and soil state!
Europeans need to be making the necessary connections…if they can have it, why can’t we?
I really enjoy the whole plagiarism thing. Anyone who has been in academia, undergrad thru PhD, knows how it works. There’s simply no way that’s an honest mistake. Those aren’t ooopsies. By the time you get out of your first Graduate seminar, footnoting every substantive claim is just second nature. What she did is just breathtakingly blatant.
Nothing will come of it, of course, but it amuses me, and like you say, take joy where you find it — especially in the enemy’s discomfiture.
It is why academic writing is pretty much unreadable. It is littered with foot and end notes to the point where you wonder if the writer is being paid by Superscript Inc. Frankly, it is ridiculous. So yeah, not only did she have to know, she also knew that you get extra credit for the mentions. Her advisors also knew the deal too. The plagiarism charge gets recklessly tossed around like the racism and antisemitism charges, but in the academy, they have very clear rules and customs about this stuff, so it is a different thing. If she did copy… Read more »
she also knew that you get extra credit for the mentions
That’s the really weird part as it’s not like her advisors were going to be like “humph, too many citations, to the back of the bus with you!!!”. Just…sloppy, which doesn’t really surprise me when I think on it.
My only exposure to this was my honors thesis 40 years ago. Had to be fully compliant with grad school/scholarly publication rules. Writing it was relatively easy compared to checking/re-checking all the text for proper citations form and content. This was not an accident. And the era of manual typing.
Plagiarism also comes back on your adviser in a big way, and since academia is a very small pond you’re not just ruining your own reputation, but your adviser’s, too. And the adviser will get called on it, face to face, at the next professional conference. “How dare you let your student do that?!?” Careers have been ruined that way. But I guess that’s the choice they made — admit that this negress has no business getting a PhD, or rubber stamp her through. Either way it’s career suicide if you’re caught, so I guess pick the one you’re less… Read more »
I wonder if this happens any more. The collapse in standards probably gives the advisors the freedom to practice their allyship without fear of consequences.
No question about it. It is practically impossible that a mentor–let alone one with tenure–would be defenestrated for advancing social justice by rubber-stamping a black imbecile. Far more likely that he would be labeled a racist for not doing so and lose his job thereby.
I looked up her dissertation
One advisor has retired. One is an important person at Harvard and the other is a rage head at Brown.
The truly fascinating stuff is her CV
Wow wow wow
The emphasis on race is shocking, shocking I tell you! I bet the UPenn white lady focused on gender. So sorry, whitey.
That’s great stuff, thanks, Z.
I wonder when they’re going to fully restrict ProQuest to those with current university IDs. I have lots of fun looking up the Very Important Work so many of these towering intellects produce. You really want to weep for humanity’s future, go over to the Institute for the Study of War, click on the “about us” page, and start chasing down the academic credentials of the “senior policy analysts,” all of whom are all of 24 years old, and the ink on whose bachelor’s degrees are barely dry.
I have thought about doing a show where I just read the CV’s of these very important people.
Oh, AND she won the “Toppan Prize for Best Dissertation in Political Science” for that thing, so not only did her committee fail to recognize that it was plagiarized, so did the prize jury.
Again, that is pretty much impossible. They either a) didn’t read it, or b) didn’t care, or c) all of the above.
I guess we now know the answer to the dilemma “Tell me you are the Affirmative Action hire to end all Affirmative Action hires without using the words.”
Derbs “Black black blackity black” line comes to mind.
You couldn’t stop laughing long enough to complete a show that features the readings of the CV’s of the Great and Good. It would be awesome, though.
“ …not only did her committee fail to recognize that it was plagiarized, so did the prize jury.” Severian Hell, even in the Computer Science department, we fed writings and programs into a service that reported on plagiarism. The report would come back with notated lines that were found in writings elsewhere—even when those lines were subtly changed! Hard to imagine that even in ‘98 (infancy of the technology for this process) this service would not have been able to detect Gay’s plagiarism, which from the excerpts I’ve seen elsewhere was amateurish, but massive. As to the CV, we see… Read more »
Only three profs on her committee? I had five, and had to pass an oral and written exam from all of them before being allowed to start my diss.
Great article today. I think the best insight was the point about celebrating, “the own”, as opposed to the fact that she ever got there and what enabled it. That lies in this comment thread as well. What is missed in the focus on the plagiarism is what it is that she was plagiarizing. Rufo is a dingbat for focusing not just on the plagiarism but that it is plagiarism of anti-white, anti-Occidental vitriol and nonsense. This is classic, “conservative”, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Celebrate taking one person down for plagiarism and instead passing on a golden… Read more »
I recently had a PhD lift some of my analysis and publish it internationally as her firm’s product, with no attribution. When I contacted her/them to complain, she feigned ignorance – which is ridiculous for the reasons Severian noted. PhD doesn’t mean what it used to.
I have had my copy here lifted a few times by somewhat famous people. They made a few changes, but it was obvious they were using me as a source they dare not mention. In other cases, people have noted other writers borrowing my ideas or framing without attribution. I am of a mixed mind on this. On the one hand, it could be accidental. Casual writing has lower standards and is not intended to be original scholarship, so you cannot expect people to go through the effort to make sure they are not quoting another without attribution. I am… Read more »
Z-man, I steal from you unapologetically. I am an empty vessel and await a daily refill from your blog site. 😉
“This is where you see the difference between a professional writer and an activist writer. The former makes a living from words, while the later is seeking to change minds. If in the end I change some minds, but am forgotten, I can live with that.”
That’s a beautiful way to frame this phenomenon. It is very likely no one will know who, say, Jared Taylor was in 50 years but with any luck the ideas he espoused will have achieved at least partial fruition. If that happens, the victors will stand on the shoulders of unknown giants.
When we both commented at NRO years ago, it was clear that their contributors were pillaging the comments section for good ideas. After the 4th or 5th time it happened I started writing in away that would make it easier to spot. Like you, I’m happy if my thought change minds or elevate ideas. So I didn’t mind too much. Over time, though, it became apparent that NR was utterly devoid of intelligent people with interesting ideas. And they needed the actual intelligent people in the comments section to keep things going. Conservative Treehouse is another place that sees its… Read more »
I remember those days. The quality of the writing collapsed at NR when they began to restrict comments too. It is why I try to read all the comments here, especially the criticism. It keeps me on my toes. But, you have to be willing to take criticism, which is clearly not the case at most of these sites.
RabbiHighComma: Many years ago I worked for a Korean multiational company that had just established its first ‘liaison’ (proto-lobbying) office in the US. I would accompany the head guy to meetings and interviews with various US government officials and write up very extended accounts of these meetings, complete with various notes and side info on the subject matter. I would also research and write reports on various other trade and manufacturing issues. My Korean boss would translate these reports into Korean and submit them, under his name, to the head office. He received quite a few kudos for all his… Read more »
“…that’s just how his system worked. I worked for him so he took credit for whatever I ‘produced.’ I find it quite funny, in hindsight.” Korean? Not a problem. They seem to take both credit and *accept* blame–even where no Westerner would attribute such to them. Remember the Korean boat accident a number of years ago that wiped out a Korean HS class on a trip? The boat captain (not on duty at the time–gotta sleep right?) committed suicide over the shame of the accident. Guess you don’t have to sleep. Why? Because the captain is “responsible” for everybody (crew)… Read more »
It does suck. Saw my geospatial analysis in international newspapers with no attribution to my org. After the muckity mucks read them the riot act they corrected. It was also used to brief to brief Biden. Yawn.
Is there any way the dissertation committee missed the plagiarism and/or lack of notation? It seems to be willful neglect or part of the crisis of competency.
Nope. Not in my experience. I don’t know how they roll in Political Science, but in my semi-adjacent field (History) you will get dinged pretty much automatically if you have more than a few paragraphs without a footnote. That’s not because of scrupulous attention to scholarly ethics, mind you, but because your dissertation is also a sustained exercise in ring-kissing. You find yourself citing the self-evident, just so you can get quotes in from the proper Scriptural Authorities. I had some fun with it, because I’m a jerk like that — I’d write things like “The English Civil War was,… Read more »
Based on that I’m going with willful neglect. It would be a hoot to see the committee members identified and hounded into saying “I didnu nothin’.”
I have no inside information here, nor know any on her committee, nor care to research. But could it have been that her committee was not conversant/knowledgable in her chosen “pseudo science” area?
I admit it’s not likely, few doctoral advisors allow such latitude of their enslaved disciples (i.e., doctoral student).
I would imagine an advantage of pseudo-scientific research is there is no actual knowledge available. However, this doesn’t mean the committee is incapable of noticing long passages of background material do not have citations (pace Severian). My guess is this was ignored intentionally, and the assumption was it would not be caught, which would have been true if the Tribe had not been angered. A mere white Gentile is not permitted to point out a Holy Person’s plagiarism. Also, we no longer can wave off retardation, even (especially?) at Harvard.
That’s quite right. The committee members would have been exceptionally well read in the literature she plagiarized. In fact, it is probable that much of the plagiarized text came from works the committee members assigned to her in preparation for her comprehensive exams. You can be dam’ sure that if she was using long stretches of these works verbatim, the committee members would have recoginized it. That being the case, it’s quite clear the committee members were aware of the plagiarism and couldn’t care less. Thus, the malfeasance radiates not only from the author but from those whose job it… Read more »
Don’t forget, when the boss lady with the weird glasses gets to keep her job, which she is keeping and will keep, that means she is right, correct, proper in all things, and the rest of us are wrong. Or she wouldn’t still have her job, Ipso facto.
Leftie is great at shifting the successful exercise of pure power into some sort of twisted moral lesson for the rest of us.
As an undergrad, I had drafts of papers returned if I didn’t cite the source of every single claim, and they were thoroughly checked. I’m supposed to believe a thesis advisor for a PhD wouldn’t be more strict?
Nowadays, pretty much every paper is run through a program that tags any and everything that isn’t cited.
Another thing everybody in academia understands–accepted standards of scholarship do not apply to negroes. If the standards were brought to bear upon all and sundry, there would be virtually no negroes in academia, and none would come anywhere close to sniffing an Ivy League presidency.
How could Rufo think Claudine Gay has any self awareness at all? She thinks she is the smartest person in every room, she is a strong, indepedent black queen. Michelle Obama thinks she is a genius and she wouldn’t have been able to graduate from a mediocre state university if everything was merit based.
What you see is a shift even past that. They are entitled to borrow that information and research as effective “reparations” for past sins. Just the academic equivalent of walking into a CVS, sweeping all the cosmetics into a bag and walking out.
The lack of reflective self awareness and ridiculous sense of entitlement among blacks is all but legendary at this point…
It is one of the first things you notice when you start noticing things. Even some normies who try not to notice things are aware of it. Granted I saw a clip this morning of Rep Jim Hines wanting to justify giving Ukraine another blank check by saying, “no one in Allied leadership questioned Churchill’s plan in WWII.” He is Harvard educated and was a Rhodes Scholar. When most of the people in the room are almost of dumb as Gay, it may not be as noticeable to her.
What does he mean “no one questioned Churchill’s plan”? Churchill was questioned non-stop, and had many hare-brained plans shot down by his senior advisers!
I just saw a short clip where he makes the comment during a floor speech. He doesn’t elaborate beyond “we stood by him because he stood for liberty,” and appears to believe no one in the Allied command ever questioned Churchill. He must completely buy into the Zelensky is the new Churchill narrative the Kagan Cult was pushing at the beginning of this war.
Field Marshal Brooke’s diaries are full of clashes with Sir Winston. Churchill had some good insights, such as the promoting the invasion infrastructure that would be needed, as the tragic Dieppe Raid showed. Then there was his promotion–literally and figuratively–of Monty’s brother-in-law, General Hobart, whose command of an assortment of Sherman and Churchill tank-based “sapper” vehicles propelled British and Canadian troops over the beaches and across flooded rivers without appalling losses. But “Brookie” knew that the Wehrmacht couldn’t be commando-raided or dam-busted into defeat. Systematic effort would be required. As the war was raging, Brooke mused that he didn’t know… Read more »
Quite so! Ploughed through Lord Alanbrooke’s (*) War Diary and for much of the time he was being driven half insane by Churchill’s (as you correctly say) hare-brained armchair general schemes.
* Chief of the Imperial General Staff for all but the beginning of Churchill’s tenure as PM.
Yes. And it fuels an insecurity and rage because at some level most who make it realize they are little more than street joggers who robbed an armored car.
“The lack of reflective self awareness and ridiculous sense of entitlement among…”
Schmuley & Dr. Karen would like a word with you.
Watching this whole fiasco unfold has been about the most fun you can have with your pants still on. And one where one can happily hope both lose. The miscalculation here is not understanding the hedge fund/private equity guys. They are the lizard guys running the pirate ship economy, so will happily fund all this nonsense…until there is the suggestion that they should be burned in an oven. Then will turn all that reptilian fury on you. I know Ackman by one degree of separation and triggering a guy like that was a big boo-boo. He (and his fellows) pick… Read more »
Ackman reminds me of official D.C., which assumed the sanctions would put Putin out of business and were astonished when it did not happen. Now, I do think that long term he will put the blade to the mousy Harvard sheboon, but his failure thus far has rocked him back on his heels.
Follow the proxy fight game for a while and you’ll see it has a lot of back/forths. Ackman and his ilk are masters at this. And of opening multiple fronts. Ackman did that by opening a new one against the investment group—frankly pointing out the blithering idiocy of the investment committee with a gift he gave them years ago. And now you are also getting glimpse of the strings attached to many of these massive gifts that allow them to be clawed back even though are counted to the current endowment. It’s gonna get interesting.
I saw that. What struck me was that Ackman’s plan there seems legally unenforceable. It either was a bad omission or indicates unfounded trust.
PS. Yes that sanctions regime was a puzzler. We had to go on a “Ruskie” hunt at my firm. Macro 101 will tell you that sanctioning a country whose primary products are basic materials the whole world needs is a losing game. Driving the price up through created scarcity is worse. The world can survive without our exports of Tik-Tok influencers and financial finagling. Oil,gas , minerals, food? Not so much.
Reminds me how the Russian steel magically disappeared and excess Canadian steel (costing 2x as much) magically appeared about the same time.
She did her PhD in how to efficiently use Word’s copy and paste feature.
90% of all academic careers – especially in the humanities and social “sciences” are built on plagiarism.
It’s like with politics: everyone has dirt in their timeline, so you can always nail anyone who requires nailing. We own your ass, so sing from the hymn sheet and you won’t get outed.
So much “research” in the life and natural sciences is meaningless as well
> So much “research” in the life and natural sciences is meaningless as well
It’s only “meaningless” if you expect it to lead to real knowledge, but it most definitely has meaning as a tool for pushing degeneracy on society.
“90% of all academic careers – especially in the humanities and social “sciences” are built on plagiarism.”
True. One of my professors used to say that if you copy from one source, it’s plagiarism. If you copy from two sources (and are careful to cite them), then it’s scholarship.
I copied one source and credited two others, carefully omitting the first guy from my endnotes. When I wasn’t plagiarizing myself, that is.
Worked like a charm. Left you a lot of time for partying.
Reminds me of when I was finishing my degree many moons ago and I’d follow citations only to find that the cited source didn’t make the point asserted or, less common but still noticeable, didn’t mention it at all, like the author just used a random citation generator to find a book with a title that might contain the point he was trying to make.
I’d mentioned that to an academic buddy and he was like “yeah, you’ll get that”.
“I’d follow citations only to find that the cited source didn’t make the point asserted”
This is the case with 90% of all links posted on the internet.
From time to time I will chase down references in a text and nine times out of ten there is no way to locate the source online or if I do find it the passage has nothing to do with the claim. It is why I hate notations. They are pointless.
Exactly so.
Most of these quotes, I imagine, are generated when some guy cribs the sources from some youtuber who claims that: “wind power is now cheaper than coal”, except they don’t actually bother to read the link themselves.
Me: “Please give me a source for your claim that the vax has killed 20% of New Zealand’s population.”
Dude: “Here’s a link about how they put mobile phones in the jab.”
This is true only if you don’t count Wikipedia, which is Clown World’s equivalent of the Library of Alexandria.
As I said in another comment. the plagiarism charge gets tossed around recklessly. If two people observe the same things and write about it, there should be similarities, even if they are unaware of one another entirely. There are only so many ways to say things. That said, you get extra points for referencing the work of others in the academy. The more footnotes the better, so there is a very strong incentive to credit others, even when the credit is not warranted. Every thesis reviewer, paper reviewer and book reviewer first looks to see if he is mentioned, quoted… Read more »
Having had the dubious pleasure of being cited in dissertations and such — and yeah, of course I look, I’m only human — I can tell you how it goes for a workaday fellow (that is, I’m nobody’s idea of a big, important, trendy intellectual, so works that cite me are usually pretty close to the tiny field I worked in). Of 10 citations, 1-3 are correct and germane — I said what they said I said, and it’s relevant to the argument they’re making. Another 1-3 seem to be just padding. One of those footnotes that says “See also,”… Read more »
Padding is valuable to researchers, however, insofar as it helps you find other scholars who have written on subjects germaine to your own field. It’s sort of a scholarly courtesy to other researchers.
At this point I’m past the point of caring about what happens in cloud people land. The only thing keeping them together is the hated White man, but with Whitey refusing to play the part of hostile enemy and going full ethno nationalist they don’t really have a foil to focus on. At this point I believe most of the insanity we see today is just a provocation to get a response from us, so they can unite and crack down. It’s as if the brainwashing to keep us from rising up has the unintended result of causing them to… Read more »
The Pillsbury Doe Girl, Elise Stefanik (R-Israel) presented them with the false equivalence, claiming that “Intifada” and “from the river to the sea” mean genocide of the Israelis, and not one of these “best of the best and brightest” was smart enough to tell her that her question as based on a faulty premise. For that alone they all should be fired. F*ck’em.
We should count our blessings that our enemies are so stupid.
The problem is, every time they step on a rake, the press spins it as some sort of life affirming therapy.
Stealing–oops, adapting!