Living Outside The Law

A recurring theme in the parade of madness that passes for the public life of late empire America is the lawlessness. Every week we get some new outrageous subversion of the law from the courts or from the government. These are the institutions charged with defending the law because it is the law that ultimately defends the people. The reason we have government is to defend the law.

The Steyn case is the latest example, but hardly a surprising one. Slowly people are coming to understand that if you go into a courtroom it is a lottery and that assumes they cannot accuse you of heresy. Even under ideal conditions you could be faced with a deranged lunatic as a judge or a jury full of morons. Trial by combat is now a preferable option than the American court system.

We also got word from the government that Joe Biden cannot and will not be charged with mishandling government secrets because he is non compos mentis, but he can be president, while Trump can be charged because he is not insane or demented, but he cannot be president. You have to wonder if we are in a simulation and the people running it have been dropping acid.

It would be funny except that real harm is being done to people. Men are being sent away to dungeons for being white or holding the wrong opinions. Steyn now has to raise a million dollars because he sinned against Gaia. The real harm, however, is to the law itself which is what makes civilization possible. The crazies are making everyone an outlaw by destroying the idea of the law.

If you create enough outlaws, eventually you create some people who feel they have nothing to lose as an outlaw. Right now the outlaws are still coming to terms with being made outlaws. They still hope to come back inside the law, but in time some will simply decide the price is not worth it. Get enough people who like being outlaws and you end up with a war of all against all.

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This Week’s Show


  • Lawlessness
  • Proud Boys
  • The Palin Case
  • The Steyn Case
  • Douglas Mackey
  • VDare
  • Criminal Trials
  • Trump Trials
  • Common Themes
  • Living Lawless

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Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
8 months ago

My only thought when listening to the show was that it’s legal system for our gynocracy: it’s there to enforce consensus, not any actual, traditional, legal matter.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
8 months ago

Currently on vacation with my wife trying to experience some joy in this shithole world. Got a chance to read a good portion of the comments. You people, and you know who you are, give me hope. This was an outstanding podcast, and a very important one. Thank you for being my people. On a side note, I have been following Z for four years now and I’ve listened to every podcast. I’ve been a green door subscriber for a few years as well, and I’ve never noticed any production issues. That being said, even if I did, I’d never… Read more »

8 months ago

Conservatives fawned over Amy Coney Barrett because she knows a lot about Constitutional law, and because she owned the libs by holding up a blank notepad when she was being grilled before her confirmation. But all that Constitutional knowledge meant nothing when it came to the border. Her feelings for people that look like her adopted non-White kids trumped everything else.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

I’ve said three or four times that “this was one of the best shows on the Z blog” so my quota of saying that is getting exhausted. However I think this was a particularly important show. It was not the show I enjoyed the most. But it came very close to making the quasi politico legal cas that the government is now an illegitimate and lawless regime. The traditional freedoms of an American, the augmented and modified traditional freedoms of an Englishman, are now abolished. I know you’re writing a book but this could be a book, or pamphlet, of… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
8 months ago

Typed on my phone, apologies for the many typos. It’s difficult to review what I’ve written before pushing “comment” on the small screen

8 months ago

Liebowitz does worse than Steyn every time he opens his (filthy) cake hole, what privilege is he exploiting??

8 months ago

Right now, we dissidents have to live like Southerners did under Yankee occupation and “Reconstruction” from 1865-1876, when the former two legged farm equipment, with the help of carpetbaggers and scumbags like Andrew Johnson, made “justice” a joke. That’s why guys like Jesse James were outlaws to some, but heroes to others. That’s why the original Pointy Hat Guys got together.

8 months ago

Are you sure that this is a bad news ? For me it looks like desperate regime firing all cannons because they know that when they lose now, everything will be lost. This makes me think that The Donald Drain the Swamp might be much serious as previously thought. Regime puppets know that they have nothing to lose. They must win whatever it takes or suffer very heavy consequences.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

The worst part about the weaponization of the law is it is not even limited to the political realm. The Jennifer Crumbley conviction the other day opens the door to vicarious criminal liability without an underlying conspiracy. No conspiracy is even being alleged. How the hell do you get a manslaughter conviction from what is at worst a gun crime. Jennifer Crumbley is not going to win any mother of the year awards, but she is not responsible for what her teenage son does. They try to get around this by claiming any reasonable person could have foreseen the event,… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

The Crumbley verdict is actually worse than you’re describing, because they charged the 15-year-old as an adult and as a “terrorist”… but when they charged the mother they alleged that he was a minor with mental problems that she should have taken steps to address. If the kid actually had the mental problems that were cited in the prosecution of the mother, and if he had indeed been her responsibility, then he belongs in a mental institution rather than a prison and she should have been charged with neglect instead of homicide. If, on the other hand, he was a… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

Who/whom: Crumbley’s sexual history would not have been admitted into evidence if she were an Upper East Side swinger. I fight with this normalcy bias myself at times, but no matter how much longer this goes on, the concept of equality under the law–to the extent it ever actually existed–has officially ended. I thought the GAE still wanted to put on a show of sham democracy for the rest of the world, but naaah.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

Goes to show that Z is right, it is lawlessness now. As white and a gun owner, she checks many of the regime’s outlaw boxes. Being a woman is actually the only “mitigating” thing according to the regime’s (demonic) law

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

The Crumbley verdict was just and should be replicated more often. It was not an anti-gun verdict—with all the 2nd Amendment stuff associated. Nor as some said (Matt Walsh) was this a “bad parenting” verdict per se, as there are no “bad parenting” laws. It was, if anything, a verdict holding people accountable for their actions. In this case, providing access to a deadly weapon to a *child* who was mentally ill. She bought a gun at her child’s request, thinking in some strange way this would help “straighten him out”. She then failed to secure said deadly weapon and… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Nobody is denying that the mother wasn’t stupid, moronic, idiotic, clueless, unintelligent, and negligent. What is at issue here is whether she was responsible, or whether the kid was acting as an adult and he was responsible. Nobody denies that prudent people should keep guns away from children and the deranged. But you’re wrong in thinking that this isn’t an anti-2A verdict — it is, because the Left in this country will attack the 2A from any angle they can. The next step is to hold manufacturers and dealers criminally liable for crimes committed with guns they sold. They’re already… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

Nope. That the child was *sentenced* as an adult has nothing to do with whether prosecutor/judge believes he is an adult. It has to do with the sentence that can be imposed. A juvenile sentence would put this kid back on the street when 18, maybe 21. I’m not sure as to their State law. A mass murderer is too dangerous to chance to be put back on the street, so they asked he be tried and sentence as an adult. That’s all this sentence tells us. That there can only be *one* person responsible for the murders is silly.… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

One of the few times where I have to disagree with you. So be it

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
8 months ago

“The Jennifer Crumbley conviction…”

Just imagine if every birthing human, absentee sperm donater of our criminal class was brought up on charges for being bad parents.

Reply to  Getreal
8 months ago

As I’ve noted, Crumbley was not brought up on charges of “bad parenting.” There is no such law!. She was charged and convicted of criminal negligence. That the negligence is between her and her child is beside the point. Such negligence occurs in many other situations around the country. Just because there is a familial relationship here does not give her immunity. That is the main lesson of this case. Parents had better learn that.

8 months ago

Increasingly, the courts and the prosecutors are so corrupt that people need to start adopting a “never let them take you alive” attitude. If they want to ruin you, court is just a formality where they will contrive some sophisms to justify doing it. They can already take you property and your firearms and your money without due process anyway (or with rubber-stamp faux due process). And if you can technically beat the rap, you can’t beat the ride. Court is a rigged game. They will make you bankrupt trying to fight arcane procedural minutiae, unemployed, and will slander your… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
8 months ago

“Free” and “Brave” are right up there with “Safe” and “Effective”.

8 months ago

Connecting dots and prognostication. The dots are yesterday’s podcast theme and the history of Zman’s new neighbors. Once upon a time, people resorted to other means when the law (or those enforcing the laws) became dysfunctional and things continued to get worse without any real prospect of correction. The natural response to this insanity is to get angry, and for the vast majority of civil society, this anger gets swallowed where it festers and builds up like a pressure cooker. Resentment grows and it eventually becomes a powder keg waiting on a match. Collapse, rioting, and the opportunity for the… Read more »

8 months ago

Z, sounds like you’ve lived a privileged life.

The folks in charge in the places you describe, particularly if they’re minorities, grew up in a majority culture where the law was the will of the powerful that enforced the law on behalf of the majority. It shouldn’t be surprising, now that they’re in power in many places, that they’ve become the evil they beheld. Law is codified prejudice selectively enforced. It’s only in paradise that the law operates as you might wish.

Reply to  imbroglio
8 months ago

Does this comment deserve so many down votes? Can not what imbroglio stated be interpreted as law being most wholefully/fairly applied in a racially/culturally unified society, whereas a racially/culturally mixed society presents the exact problems mentioned?

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Compsci: Yes, it deserves every downvote. Imbroglio has revealed himself to have a massive chip on his shoulder, and has – of late – attempted to twist every post/subject matter/comment thread into an indictment of White, Christian, heritage America. I am no fan of the law – in great part because of how Imbroglio’s fellow people have helped turn it into the farce it is today. But he is indicting all Western law – including the roots of English Common Law – as “codified prejudice selectively enforced.” Essentially tarring any aspect of any White society as being best suited to… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

Then that deserves a down vote. I seem asleep at the wheel here. To your astute observations, I yield.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

That needed saying.

8 months ago

Said another way, they have torn to shreds the fabric of society. They have done it all in the name of helping the weak and poor or in its modern incantation – trust and safety.

The end result of their malevolence hiding behind their veil of virtue*, is that the complex tapestry of Occidental Man and his society lies in tatters in the gutter of some God forsaken American favella, soaked with gasoline.

* credit to MJ Keenan for that twist of phrase from the song Disgustipated

Diversity Heretic
8 months ago

I graduated from law school in the late 1970s and admit that I felt at the time and until perhaps 10-15 years ago that the courts would always be there to enforce the rules and protect the genuinely innocent. It may not have been true then and it certainly isn’t now. Courts and judges are thoroughly politicized and should be avoided at all costs. Here in France we have a case similar to the Penny case in New York where an elderly man injured a migrant in defense of a neighbor. The elderly man now faces some time in prison.… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
8 months ago

Over here, Antifa and like groups now menace judges and justices. That has exacerbated the erosion of rule of law. I would be surprised but not shocked to learn French and other European jurists would tolerate such.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
8 months ago

I confess, I had to turn off the podcast during the description of the police shootings. Chauvin has been exonerated in a different court where it was revealed that the state went through at least 3 SA before they found one who would charge him. Whites should take a week off, and see how things go. A month without whitey would crash the system. Stay home. Hit the medical. Spend time with the kids. Make the house safe. It pisses me off to no end when white coppers I know STILL are proactive on duty. Guess you can’t fix stupid.… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
8 months ago

That is why we have to spread the ideas that the media censors when and where we can brother. Places like this are the home base, but the difference is made when we reach out to those who aren’t quite here yet, who have only begun to question or who have questioned but have always felt isolated so just dropped the train of thought. Refer them to Z-blog, Unz, Takimag, CC, Sailer, hell even Charlie Kirk is a decent starting point these days. Overton window is moving pretty fast. If you have the wit, perspicacity and amenability, ease em into… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
8 months ago

Bartleby: You are correct – a mass White ‘quitting’ would crash the system, but it will not happen. Merely one week without Whites working at water/sewage/electric utility plants. One week without White pilots and Air Traffic Controllers. They’ve already been told they aren’t wanted, and that they will be replaced by BIPOX and womyn, but still they show up.

Instead of mass public protests or any lame cuckservatard announcement, just one week where people just happen to call in sick, or have a ‘family emergency,” etc. It would definitely make an impression on some people, but it will never happen.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

Another obstacle is that majority of the US population now would just sift the rubble for useable items and carry on with life and adjust to the absence of infrastructure like running sewerage. I’ve witnessed this in turd world countries. Once the open sewers are blocked, nobody does anything about it and the people just crap in the street. No joke. Lower tier whites will use the woods, and rural whites will just dig an outhouse. Non-whites and lower tier whites are willing to live poorly instead of taking actions that require the exertion of effort.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

Disagrees. Lower-tier whites will just squat in the streets like the turd world does. Rural whites will dig outhouses. Progressive whites will crap on their neighbors. Non-whites will revert to their customary means. I’ve toured the third world extensively and traveled the US. People will accept devolution and go on about their business even after they start dropping dead.

Reply to  DaBears
8 months ago

DaBears: Actually, we don’t disagree at all. When I say that a mass White quitting would make a difference I mean now – to the elites, who don’t yet have a system in place to completely pacify the brown masses and isolate themselves in their compounds. I don’t know that they have enough qualified non-Whites to keep necessary systems running, although there will always be enough White traitors who will do their bidding for pay – just like the White pilots and bodyguards for the jogger-rich crap stars and sportsball players. After it all crashes – more according to the… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

As Americans we are fixated on the ‘big thing’ – after all this is the biggest religious holiday of the year, “watch the ads!”\ If people simply embraced the small things – en masse … it would make a difference. HIre illegals to cut your lawn ‘cuz cheaper’ don’t do it. Same for home repairs. Same for everything. Cut the cord, replace relationships in all senses with the bad people – no lucre for you. No convoy. No rubber duck. No flash. Just do it. No stupid ‘subscriptions’ and all that drip, drip, drip that eats your soul, the future… Read more »

8 months ago

james Rolfe is ultimate escapist avoiding hard question of life
many lucky millennial white guys had the luxury of comfort boomer lifestyle
plenty of childhood game to escape from reality
Unfortunately, race politics getting more profitable than ever, so comfortable things gonna end now

even super Shabbos goy like James Rolfe will get questions such as you are white men and don’t deserve to have nice things

8 months ago

Here in AZ, there’s an outrageous case against a 73 year old rancher down by the Mexican border accused of killing an illegal beaner last year. I remember when the news first came out, he was initially charged with1st degree murder. I was thinking, he’s being accused of a premeditated killing before the facts are even known? Sure, cause he’s an old white guy and the supposed victim, while not magical negro status, is but a step or two down, an “undocumented border crosser”. When he’s exonerated, I hope he sues the shit out of everyone involved. The legal/justice system… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
8 months ago

He needs to get a local jury, which should be automatic but isn’t….

Reply to  usNthem
8 months ago

Doubtful he’s a victim of anything but his big mouth. He made one big mistake, he spoke to investigating LEO’s. Lawyer up, say nothing is rule number one. He admitted to shooting “toward” the IA’s, whether he could see them or not is in dispute. However, that’s about all the authorities need to put him on trial. He’ll be charged, or has been, with 1st degree murder, 2nd degree and so forth—giving the jury a variety of lessor charges to convict on. The real problem for me is that after the trial, the IA’s family will be allowed to sue… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Compsci: So do you also oppose the Castle Doctrine? Or does that only apply to individual homes, not what used to be a nation state? How about tribal territory?

If that man is guilty of anything, it’s being an old White man who didn’t realize he no longer has a country nor any rights as a genuine, natural-born citizen and property owner.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

That’s one way to look at it and I admit, I’m being harsh. However, the castle doctrine (to me anyway) is not a license to shoot and kill trespassers, especially on open range. The law in most States no longer equates simple misdemeanors such as trespass and property theft to a deadly encounter of life and death. Here in AZ it has been codified that wrt burglary, I may show deadly force (a weapon), but may not use such to prevent burglary (assault being another story). In there probably lies his defense against 1st degree murder, if the jury believes… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Compsci: If the law now declares one may not use deadly force to prevent trespass and property theft, then once again we see the law has been twisted and turned against the principles upon which the country was ostensibly founded (right to privacy and private property ownership). Just as eternal property taxes mean one never actually owns one’s own land or home. Again – Whites must learn that everything has been taken from us and turned against us, giving preference to the ‘other.’ In this case, as in most others these days, the law is both immoral – and an… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

When did property theft become a simple misdemeanor?
What sort of moral leper has this sort of attitude?
Who the fuck wants to live in a country with that appalling disregard for basic moral principles ?.

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Yes, another case of self-immolating Normie.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
8 months ago

Don’t really give a shit about your production difficulties, Z. You’re human, computers are hard, things happen, don’t have to justify yourself, not for several minutes anyway.

Reply to  Forever Templar
8 months ago

That comes from being conscientious—a particular fault of high IQ, White people. 😉

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
8 months ago

You could have stopped after “who/whom.” I have relatives by marriage who came of age in the old communist Czechoslovakia. They assure me that the present-day United States is a mirror image of that place back then albeit with more wealth and less heavy-handedness (which is increasingly not the case). Your best suggestion in that podcast is to avoid court systems at all costs. While I support jury nullification, be advised that the police state apparatus that is fully in control now will mark you as an enemy of the people if you refuse to comply with the expected verdict.… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

Also: the late Friday podcast was awesome. I’m a free rider until your book is published but late Friday podcasts based on this one are recommended.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
8 months ago

Steyn won’t be paying $1 million in punitive damages on $1 of actual damages…That’s not allowed under any State’s law, and the Judge should set it aside immediately, or the appeals court will…

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  pyrrhus
8 months ago

I realize that punitives have been circumscribed even by the USSC, but…that’s just my opinion, man. Steyn likely will have to appeal all the way up at enormous cost, both financial and physical. The point here is to punish him with the process. It would be nice to think the trial judge or an immediate appellate court would set this aside but that’s not the way to bet.

Free speech always has been phantasmic. Now it is non-existent.

Who/whom, bottom line.

8 months ago

Before global order can be imposed, nationalist chaos must be manufactured. Due to its traditional, flyover, southron and Christian populations, America was not croaking with sufficient haste.

So they’ve been helping, gone turbo since 2020. The latest bipartisan Open Borders Fail was a direct f.u. to, well, us.

Order outta chaos. That’s the way these vultures fly.

8 months ago

My historical understanding is that when Stalin’s government started agitating against the Kulaks (land-owning peasants) as “Enemies of The People”, the Kulaks were incredulous. “But we ARE the people!” they said. Rural delegations went to Moscow to try and meet with Stalin. If only Stalin knew what was happening then the harassment by revolutionary zealots and lower officials would stop. Of course Stalin knew full well, and the “The People” were his deliberate target. Not a perfect comparison but I think of this when I hear politicians and security apparatchiks speak about “Extremism” and “Spreaders of Disinformation” and “Threats to… Read more »

Reply to  Z-Kulak
8 months ago

They realized there’s no point in killing, and it just attracts negative attention. If they take all your bank accounts away or whatever people aren’t going to care but it’s enough of a deterrance to keep the middle classes under control.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Z-Kulak
8 months ago

Were there Soviet “normiecons” who thought the courts were legitimate the entire time, all the way from Lenin to Gorbachev? I bet there were some. Trying to draw an analogy with today, I tend to doubt that there is a moment or phase when they are required to “wake up.” It is possible, even likely, for some people, many people, to remain stupid their entire lives.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
8 months ago

I think they still have them they’re called sovoks and it’s the Russian version of “ok boomer”.

Ostei Kozelskii
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
8 months ago

There are definitely still Stalin apologists. One posts on this blog.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

To be fair to Bourbon, I don’t believe he is operating under any illusion that the Stalin era courts were fair and impartial.

8 months ago

Tribe up you say ? That sounds like a good idea. It’s built in our instincts. Most of us would agree with that. Unfortunately this weekend is the Super Bowl. Which has nothing to do with our tribe anymore unfortunately. I’m going for a hike in the mountains Sunday. I cant stomach either notional anthems at this point. Some one at work actually wished me a good Super Bowl weekend. Felt like punching him.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Panzernutter
8 months ago

Don’t watch such crap, not even clips. Marginalize those in your sphere who do. You live in a totalitarian shithole. Don’t fund it.

Reply to  Panzernutter
8 months ago

Yea Tribe Up or Die and you still might if you pick the wrong Tribe…

Ostei Kozelskii
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Panzernutter
8 months ago

Grew up in the 70s watching the NFL every September Sunday thru the Super Bowl. Haven’t watched an NFL game in around seven years.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

I’ve been asked once or twice about watching this or that *special* sportsball game or whom I’m rooting for. My reply is quick these days, why should I support a team that does look like me? Quick conversation stopper.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
8 months ago

Same here – might as well take the cap off my septic and go for a swim. Preferable to sportsball, with all the cultural garbage, gambling, a laughing stock beneath my attention.

recalcitrant Bob
recalcitrant Bob
Reply to  Panzernutter
8 months ago

I was watching a compendium of short teaser clips of tomorrows super blow (sic) commercials, and my only thought is these are so lame, what kind of people think these are funny, then I realized– On a lighter note, I am one of few existing who still send out paper Xmas cards w/newsletters, and in this way I have been able to secretly spread the word, giving Z’s weblog address, as well as zerohedge and the burning platform. Interesting result, several of the people I sent these to have now apparently consigned me to Coventry (shunning) so my list has… Read more »

8 months ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended. […]

8 months ago

For the record, any jury is going to be made up of morons. By definition, juries are made up of the first twelve people who are too stupid to figure out how to get out of jury duty.

Reply to  Based5.0
8 months ago

The point where they really cracked down on juries was after the Waco verdict. Subsequent interviews with the jurors after the “Not guilty” verdict revealed that while the jurors were not happy with the Branch Davidians, they were disgusted and horrified at the actions of the DOJ.
I remember a lot of handwringing in the media over the opinions of these jurors. Dan Rather in particular had plenty to say about the whole affair, not that I give a shit what he thinks. Ever since then, the pheds in particular are extremely careful about who they let on a jury.

Reply to  Based5.0
8 months ago

When you get the letter, respond back by checking off the disabled box and write in that you have a profound hearing loss but cannot afford hearing aids, however you are willing to participate if a tv monitor and a typist can be provided to you so you can SEE the attorneys comments on the screen. Works every time as most courtrooms either don’t have them, have lost them, or they no longer work. Either that or the risk of your colostomy bag exploding in the jury seating section…

Reply to  Based5.0
8 months ago

Based5.0: I did all I knew not to get picked. Worked like a charm the first time. Second time I was number 12, picked as an alternate; everyone in the room heard me say “f**k” when my name was called. Problem was I stayed too quiet hoping not to be noticed; had I voiced a strong opinion about the issues they were asking about I probably wouldn’t have been picked.

Now I am no longer registered to vote and in another state, and hope to never again have anything to do with the US ‘justice’ system.

Reply to  3g4me
8 months ago

I’d not give up my jury duty for anything if I had it to do all over again. Never cared much for the concept of it being “my civic duty”, but the experience was an eye opener. I still comment on those days and point out what I learned of the nature of people on juries. It’s really way too simplistic to just label juries as collections of morons. Morons they might be, but they do represent a goodly portion of the populace. Unfortunately, I’ve not served since ‘95 when empaneled on a 6 month Grand Jury. When we met… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
8 months ago

Compsci: Oh, I learned plenty over the 12 weeks I had to spend on that jury. And in the end – as an alternate – had no say in the final deliberations. The jury did ultimately vote as I would have done, but there was never any question the entitled immigrant would continue to appeal until she (in lieu of a foolish old White man’s daughters) had all of the man’s money and property. And that the slippery juice lawyer she had would continue to artfully use words to twist the basic truth. And that a future jury – including… Read more »

Reply to  Based5.0
8 months ago

Yep, been dealing with my county system for years — direct emails and calls to poobah Karen of jurors. Dopey broad.

8 months ago

I’ve seen stories of these sorts for years upon years, and the common factor is always that the judges are allowed to just do whatever they want. I’ve never heard of judges getting in trouble for any of this, closest would be liberals threatening judges but that’s just the regime ensuring compliance within itself not any sort of accountability to the public.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ploppy
8 months ago


My thinking is that judges are a failure under every form of human governance.

This is because judges are human, and as humans they are biased. Thus, judges will ALWAYS legislate from the bench.

That said, I have yet to think up a better substitute for our robed friends. It is not possible to have a benevolent despot adjudicate every legal dispute beyond a medium-large sized city state.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
8 months ago

Could make them eunuchs.

Reply to  Ploppy
8 months ago

Then they are people with no stake in the future, like homosexuals.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Steyn now has to raise a million dollars because he sinned against Gaia. Of course, I disagree with everything Michael Mann says about the climate, but this case didn’t really have anything to do with Gaia. It had to do with the fact that Mark Steyn compared Mann in print to the child molester Jerry Sandusky and never retracted. It was a no-brainer to sue under those conditions, and Steyn is certainly smart enough to know better. The fine folks at Watts Up With That? have always criticized Mann’s climate data and even criticized his personal integrity after the “Hide… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

Idiots on this side of things like to forget that part of the story. I’ve met Steyn a number of times at events. Good guy but eccentric (he made a music video starring himself, funny stuff just look it up on YT), and he loves to run his mouth. He’s one of those guys that’s never been hit in the face for pissing a guy off. That lawsuit is BS and should’ve never been allowed to go forward, but still. Our side loves to pontificate about the outlandishness and abuse of powet and corruption and blah blah blah, but we… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
8 months ago

I agree with everything you said, but it still misses the point. Your advice would be good advice for the small bakery who is being asked to purchase “protection” from a local gang You don’t argue about the merits of the protection, you pay it. There is no merit.. They’re going to smash your store and throw acid in your face if you don’t pay it. If you try fighting them in any way, you’re going to be attacked. You cannot rely on the rule of law to protect you. That is the point. Not all things are avoidable. If… Read more »

8 months ago

I loved it when Z-man called Letitia James Shaniqua James. I figure he just forgot her name but Shaniqua is a better fit. It just made me laugh. Good show though. I like when Z-man gets riled up and goes off.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Tumescent
8 months ago

Podcasts of late (either side of the paywall) have been sounding more and more whiny, though. Moving houses sucks, too. Understandable. Hopefully things improve going forward.

Reply to  Tumescent
8 months ago

“Mammy” James is more appropriate…

8 months ago

Also regarding the Ricky Vaughn case, there is video of Hillary and Nancy Pelosi claiming this cost her the election. I got the impression she really believes it even though they have never even attempted to come up with a woman who attempted to text her vote or what it would say about the system if someone actually did that.

Reply to  Barnard
8 months ago

It shows that they’re born leaders. The defining psychological defect/gift of Prominent Men is that when they make up a story, they’re telling it to themselves from outside with great confidence and charisma, and by the time they finish, their new lie is a permanent objective fact about the world. All decisions are final.

David Wright
Reply to  Barnard
8 months ago

Something caused her to lose the election, it couldn’t possibly be her.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  David Wright
8 months ago

Really. The woman is despised on all sides. It took her cashing in everything she had to run in 2015/16 and I honestly think it nearly killed or dehabilitated her (which sadly didn’t happen).

8 months ago

Regarding your comment on sending an email to congressmen and getting flooded with spam requests from them. I have sent emails to both my Republican Senators angrily complaining about immigration related issues. I received a perfunctory reply from both and am still getting spam and fundraising requests from not only them but everyone even loosely affiliated with Republican politics years later. There is no way any sane person could think I was going to give a donation based on the content of my message but they make money off selling the email address.

Reply to  Barnard
8 months ago

Ever heard of unsubscribe?

Reply to  Ivan
8 months ago

Sometimes, that is not offered as an option. Maybe, if you send that request to the address in Bucharest, Romania that is offered up instead of a link for unsubscribing, it might happen. Or not, as that let’s them know that you have a valid email address that they can piss on daily. The same logic applies sometimes when you do use the “unsubscribe” link; okay, they won’t keep sending you stuff from the site that you want gone from your inbox, but they have other clients whose spam they will send you now that they are sure that your… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

The worst is when they offer unsubscribe and it does nothing.

the audacious mendicant
the audacious mendicant
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
8 months ago

The trick is when you send the email to use another representatives email address, different by or/minus one character. Let them spam each other.

Reply to  Ivan
8 months ago

Pleeeese. Unsubscribe confirms addy, MORE comes. You cannot be serious.

Reply to  Ivan
8 months ago

The point was not unsubscribing—even though that does not often work, but is being subscribed without prior permission. I always hate “opt out” options and prefer opt-in.

That your inquiry to *your* Congresscriter puts you on a mailing list was poor internet etiquette when I started out years ago. But that was another time and another world.

8 months ago

The international cabal certainly seems to be content to burn all of the USA’s remaining legitimacy don’t they? Very public and obvious kangaroo courts, Proxy wars against the entire world, Blowing up our own allies’ vital infrastructure (very obviously and publicly), Debasement of the currency on a massive scale not to mention undermining it’s credibility by using it as a diplomatic weapon whenever it strikes their fancy. That last one especially is dangerous. If the petrodollar goes, I’m not sure how much, but a very large portion of american power goes with it. Is there a secret plan I’m missing?… Read more »

Reply to  NeoSpartan
8 months ago

“What was it Schumer and Pelosi said? “If the USA burns to the ground, the one thing that will remain is our commitment to Israel”

It was Pelosi. The most incredible thing I’ve heard a politician say during my many many years alive.

Reply to  Alop
8 months ago

Right, I had to look it up as I was typing. Amazing… the chutzpah on that hag. Also not very bright, that’s the kind of thing you should only say when you aren’t being recorded I would think. I though Schumer said it too, but I guess he’s less senile. Has publicly said close enough things though. Anyway, I guess posting links get your comment put on hold. Makes sense. Or maybe there is a language filter? Also makes sense. I do think the N word needs to be brought back though. I feel like a coward even typing it..… Read more »

Reply to  NeoSpartan
8 months ago

NeoSpartan: The filter does what it does without any discernable logic. I have had comments held even when I’ve gone through and found nothing that I thought could possibly trigger anything. I just wait until Zman has the time and inclination to clean out whatever the filter has caught. No one here – aside from possible newer readers more accustomed to and comfortable with no one using icky words – cares.