The French National Assembly approved the security accord with Ukraine struck by Emmanual Macron last month. The vote was largely symbolic and as much to do with the summer elections as policy with Ukraine. The mythical “far-right” has been doing well in the polls due to immigration and the economy, so Macron hopes to make the election a referendum on supporting Ukraine. The opposition sat out the vote, so the bill passed with a wide margin.
The security agreement means little, as it is mostly about sending equipment and money to Ukraine, something France has been doing for ten years, along with the rest of the NATO countries. The new thing here is that it opens the door for France to send troops into Ukraine with the approval of Kiev. Macron has been talking tough about doing this, but he has been cagey about if it will happen. So far, he has been trying to round up support from other NATO countries.
Meanwhile, the Russians have made clear that anything used by Ukraine in their war effort is fair game for Russian strikes. Putin recently made it clear what that means in an interview with Russian media. He said, “It would be right for Macron to remember how it ended for Napoleon and his soldiers, more than 600,000 of whom were left lying in the damp earth.” Obviously, Putin is referring to the famous defeat of the French army by the Russians that brought down Napoleon.
A reasonable question is just what the French could bring to the table if they choose to send troops into Ukraine. The French military is equipped with all the latest high-tech gear and it has over one hundred thousand people, but that includes the Foreign Legion and reserves. Realistically, the French army is about ninety thousand regular military, but how many are combat ready is unknown. France also has troops stationed around the world in former colonies.
Then there is the division of labor. The French military is split in thirds among the Air Force, Army, and Navy. There would be no role for the French navy in this war, so that leaves about sixty thousand people. Of course, they could bring in the Foreign Legion, which has most likely been operating in Ukraine since the start of the war and France can call up its reserves, so using the base of one hundred thousand is about right, using publicly available figures.
Realistically, what this means is the French could put twenty thousand ground troops in the trenches after months of preparation and assembly. Most of the French military, like every military, does not fight. Instead, they support the fighting units, with logistics, equipment repairs, planning and intelligence. To put that number in perspective, Ukraine is losing about thirty thousand men per month and that is according to the optimistic figures provided by Western sources.
Now, the French could bring in their Rafale jet fighters and CAESAR 155-millimeter self-propelled howitzers, which in theory would help Ukraine. The problem with the howitzers is the fact that there are no shells for them, and many have already been destroyed in Ukraine. The jet fighters would have to operate out of Ukraine airfields, which would need new air defenses and upgrades in order to base these planes there without the Russians destroying them on day one.
If you look at the other militaries in NATO, you see a similar story. In most cases, they would not be able to field anything without U.S. help. Even in the cases of countries like France and Poland that have significant military assets, they are not built for what is happening in Ukraine. If the French were to send troops into Ukraine to actually fight the Russians, they would be wiped out in a month. This is something that military planners have known long before the war started.
Surely the French military knows this, so they must have told Macron that his scheme to send in French troops is madness. On the other hand, generals are politicians and that means they tell the politicians in charge what they want to hear. We saw that with General Milley in the run-up to the Ukraine summer offensive. He told the politicians it would work and when it failed, he retired. That could be happening here. They could be telling Macron what he wants to hear.
Another possibility is that this is a bluff. Again, this new security deal is nothing new accept the Ukrainian permission to bring in French troops. Even that is symbolic as we know French troops have been operating in Ukraine. The Russians put a missile inside the hotel where French “mercenaries” were quartered. We also know that French troops were trapped in Mariupol when the Russians captured the city in 2022, so nothing really changes here other than the language.
If it is not a bluff and it is not just domestic political theater, then the most likely plan here is to try to repeat what was done in Syria. When Washington tried to regime change Syria, the Russians came into support Assad, who was able to weather the storm, but faced a Western backed army in the south. The U.S. then put troops, including French troops, in Syria as a trip wire. The idea was to buy time and hope to wear out the Assad regime.
Just because that failed to work does not mean it is not a great idea, so that could be what is happening here. France and some other NATO countries will garrison troops behind the lines, daring the Russians to advance further. Macron seems to have developed an obsession with Odessa, so parking French troops there would be a red line that NATO would draw this summer. This assumes the Russians would not put a missile on these garrisons.
The trouble with this scheme is that time is not on the side of the West. This has been the fundamental mistake from the start. The reason Boris Johnson was parachuted into Kiev to scuttle the peace deal in April of 2022 was that the neocons were sure that Russia could not sustain a long war. All the Ukrainians needed to do was weather the initial storm and then Russia would run out of gas. Instead, the reverse has proven to be true, and it is the West that is being bled white.
This is one of those times when logic says it must be a bluff or merely a political stunt in the context of the elections. Rational people cannot accept the irrational option, but the history of this war says that is the way to bet. For the last two years we have seen Western leaders pick the worst option, as if they have a death wish. Maybe that is the way to understand this thing. It is a long slow suicide of the West, and they will not be stopped until they bring the whole thing crashing down.
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Seems like yet another baiting strategy. These idiots live in constant hope that they can fool Russian into an attack on NATO. France is probably also trying to bait other NATO countries into the war.
Nobody is actually this stupid. The Russians know. The public knows. It’s just how the West rolls these days.
So… The French exiled Napoleon for getting his ass kicked by the Russians, but still want to fight Napoleons war with Russia 200 plus years later… With nothing to be gained. Viiva La France!
On the Other Hand-Analysis isn’t Advocacy- OTOH. We 🇺🇸 have absolutely secured Europe under our boot, there’s no more reaching for Russia, far less trade with China. Even France now our poodle. Strategic Depth is gained. Atlantic Rim secured. PACRIM also under our Boot, Japan rearms. Australia is quite tamed. War with China an option. The Factories return. This is evil, but it’s true. It’s competent Imperialism. Ukraine is irrelevant except as club to beat Russia, just as Israel by the way is used to beat Arabs. The Jew hate – hatred of the Jews here – blinds people to… Read more »
I’d say the first time, in 1990, was for Kuwait/Saudi. The second time, in 2003, that was for Israel.
Nah. They were both for Israel. Pat Buchanan nailed it in the fall of 90 when he called out the “Amen Corner” pushing for war. They were all tribe.
One of the things I’ve noticed about Macron is his timidity in the face of resistance. There is no strong resistance to helping Ukraine, so Macron appears confident. But give him a popular uprising and he turns tails and runs.
The one thing the French have going for them in NATO membership. The U.S. might not like it that the French are taking a leadership role in this (unilateral) decision to send troops. If Trump comes into power, he might be especially pissed.
It took humanity thousands of years to start talking openly about sex. How much longer before genetic inclinations of the nations will be discussed as openly? Russians were concurred and ruled by Tatar nation who were the greatest warriors of Middle Ages. It took centuries for these 2 nations to become equal and completely intermarried. The 3d Romanov Zar Peter the Great was 7/8 Tatar and a great warrior himself. Russian grit and devotion to the patriotic ruler in the time of war is legendary. Putin has close to 90% approval rating, as he is perceived by the Russians to… Read more »
The genetic inclinations of nations were quite openly discussed in my grandfather’s time, and without any opprobrium, but it was going out of fashion by the time I came along. Now it’s a hanging offense. So, a whole lot can change in 3 generations.
“Russians were concurred and ruled by Tatar nation who were the greatest warriors of Middle Ages.”
I think you’re confusing Tartars with Mongols and Mongols with Normans.
NATO’s new theme song!
a little molly hatchet
NATO’s sudden concern for Odessa is because the INternational bankers who will own whats left of ukraine when this is done will need the port there to export the grain and other natural sources when they own the place .
Russia taking Odessa would be terrible for Blackrock and the GAE, but an enormous win for humanity.
After the Cold War some fool said there would be no more industrial war, and the only fighting would be infantry combat units with some air support. The West believed it, and so are completely unprepared to face Russia or China. What combat systems are new aren’t appropriate for this conflict, and the old stuff has been outclassed by the enemy. If America was the America of the past then this would be a huge win for the Military Industrial Complex because it would me a complete retooling of the military with weapons development, manufacture and support, but we’re on… Read more »
Note to mention this:
We’re gonna fight WW3 with our DEI hires?
In the first turning 1940-1965, we had the full employment and “we’re all in this together” of WW2, then the post war peace and prosperity with new homes, new cars and TV’s, paved highways, The Beatles, then Korea and just a whisper of Vietnam on the horizon. Our money was safe, and blacks, Asians and Mexicans were kept in their place. Children could safely play outside on their own, and teachers, doctors and policemen were still trusted. The tone of society was OPTIMISTIC In the second turning 1965-1990, we had Vietnam, college protests, AIDS, feminist movements, blacks demanding equal rights,… Read more »
“Demanding” is indeed what spoiled children do
So you’re saying we’ve got 20 more years of clown world?
I think that “second turning” section was pretty much a Billy Joel song, no?
“We didn’t start the fire… “
“The jet fighters would have to operate out of Ukraine airfields, which would need new air defenses and upgrades in order to base these planes there without the Russians destroying them on day one..”
I may be picking nits again… but … I don’t think so. I will bet dollars to donuts the jets could operate off of Fwench soil… but mind you… the Russians can flatten them in Fwance too….
They would have to refuel multiple times and cross three countries. Russia would see them coming an hour before they arrived in Ukraine. I would assume Russia has S-400 and now S-500 batteries in Belarus. That means the planes would enter Ukraine airspace and then get knocked out of the sky.
Oh they’ll see them take off in real time. Even if they survived a confrontation with Russia their airfields would get hammered and they’d have no place to land.
This is all just stupid people posing for the cameras. At best they are only impressing other stupids. I don’t think anything will come of it.
At this point it’s only the crazies that are still in it to win it.
jet fighters would rock the casbah.
oh wait, wrong year.
Why wouldn’t those French airfields be fair game? Seems to me that they would.
Ukraine is a third party. Striking either French or Russian territory is a hit to the motherland. Retaliation need not be proportional at that point. French submarines and their sensors are world class. I could see Russian submarines, including boomers, disappearing left and right. Followed by missile attacks on French shipyards and aircraft factories. And then who knows.
Exactly….. and then who knows. This is how bit players start WWIII.
You seem to be pretty sure about the French, their stuff is no more world class than anything Russian. Do not underestimate Russia, you’ll be making the same assumptions as Napoleon and Hitler. It didn’t work for them either.
The French are at least a generation ahead of the Russians in submarine technologies. They are truly world class. Until recently, the Russian sub force was low quality. Now they are closing the gap but they don’t have much of a modern force yet. I am very familiar with Russians and have some as clients. I get along great with them. I studied the Russian language under Sergei Schishkoff (sp) who was Kruchev’s principal translator. I am a former member of the Russian skydiving association and have played around with Russian aviators at various Russian airfields and dropzones. Russia is… Read more »
“…you’ll be making the same assumptions as Napoleon and Hitler.”
Also, the same assumptions as Victoria Nuland, the rest of the Kagan Klan and Clown World
The French naval aviators (unlike the Brits they actually have serviceable aircraft carriers) have posted some amazing chillout videos on YouTube.
That said, the Rafale is a good aircraft, but it is not head and shoulders above the F-16, Eurofighter, or Saab Gripen.
As for subs, the Swedes managed to come up with a model that repeatedly sank a US carrier during joint exercises in the mid-00s. The US Navy rented it so they could study it.
Unlike little Putin, Napoleon was a genuine Great Man. Only one other man had a comparable military career in history:
Given that Putin isn’t a general, it’s kind of hard to compare to Napoleon, so what exactly is your point other than you don’t like Putin?
Speaking of which, what about Putin don’t you like? As best as I can tell, he reined in the oligarchs who emerged after the West’s economic rape of Russia. Then, Putin set about rebuilding the Russian economy and state and has largely been successful, at least in terms of Russian history.
Napoleon, in contrast, cost France huge amounts of men and left it defeated.
Putin will go down in history as one of Russia’s greatest rulers. And that history traces back over 1,100 years, incidentally. Not bad for an overgrown gas station.
You mean a leader who cares about his people? That’s a novel idea in the West.
There does seem to be a lot of Russia cucks on this blog.
You know how civnats revere Israel as an analogue for what they wish the US was, there are people here who do the same thing with Russia.
It is whites who dog Russia that are the cucks.
No Russian ever called me deplorable.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but were you sleeping the entire time between 2014 and 2022, when Ukraine was killing people in Donetsk and Luhansk because they did not want to be ruled by corrupt Western Ukraine? Particularly when Euro-Maidan was so obviously (and later admittedly) a Western intelligence coup. Yes, plausible deniability and all, even to the point that even Western media played film clips of all the Nazi iconography from Azov headquarters and barracks, but it isn’t like you can buy artillery shells and mortars on eBay. Someone with access to that kind of weaponry was behind… Read more »
I have never, not once, heard a civnat say they wish the USA was more like Israel. But I have heard a lot of dissidents say that.
The admirable thing about Russia (vs the GAE) is that it at least has the sense to act in its own interest. Which is really all an AINO dissident wants of his regime.
Many people fall for the “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” fallacy.
Answer this honestly if you can, how is Russia your enemy? Did a Russian touch you inappropriately when you were a child? What have they done that hurt the GAE since the USSR fell? Maybe you don’t like the anti-gay and trans stuff? Whatever it is wake up and realize that a free Russia is maybe the last place for white people left in the world.
Fact check: true
I’m American every nation is my potential enemy. Nations don’t have friends.
This is kind of interesting. I said not one word against Russia or Putin. I simply quoted a popular saying. I am seeing the same problem in the anti-Ukraine community I see in the antisemitic community that embraces Islam simply because it hates the Jews.
I’m not delusional enough to imagine that Russians or Putin gives a damn about me or mine. I’m also aware that win or lose everyone I care about will suffer. So no I am not enthusiastically anti-American and if you are then you may be mad, or not a resident of the United States.
“Cuck” doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Macron saw those ads from the interwebs that promise “With this one weird trick…”. Come summer he will need a weird trick like a hot war with Russia to announce some form of martial law (it will be called something else) and curfews. Last summer the Noires almost succeeded in burning France’s cities down and once activated by sunshine, they will try again. Late in August, after they brought in the harvest, the white rural population will join the fun as they are extremely displeased and have acquired a taste for setting fire to things in the city. Of course,… Read more »
Z: “For the last two years we have seen Western leaders pick the worst option, as if they have a death wish. Maybe that is the way to understand this thing. It is a long slow suicide of the West, and they will not be stopped until they bring the whole thing crashing down.” =============== Minimefred: “we are talking about a dwarfish ghoul married to a… something ancient. Also an Alumni of Rothschild & Cie.” =============== We would do well to consider the possibility that Macaroni was SELECTED to play the role which he is playing in this drama precisely… Read more »
Every dead Christian Frenchman & every dead Christian Russian is a Win-Win-Win for Rothschild & Cie.
Step me through this one, please. Or, really, just the bit of why Pharisees getting Christians killed is materially different than any of the other Satanists getting Christians killed.
Steve: “Step me through this one, please. Or, really, just the bit of why Pharisees getting Christians killed is materially different than any of the other Satanists getting Christians killed.” Because, at least to this point in history, the Pharisees are many orders of magnitude more successful in getting Christians killed than are any other ethnicity of which we are aware. Now that could change if the Chicoms were to decide to first-strike us with thermo-nukulars, but for the time being, the Pharisees are the all-time champions of getting Christians murdered. “Well, there is no famine,” Meyer Henoch Wallach Finkelstein,… Read more »
I am convinced that the Council of the Sanhedrin considers geopolitics to be mere THEATER***. The Council looks for a barebones script which has a plausible chance of attracting & capturing & cementing goyische interest, then The Council hires a few old hands to round & soften & smooth out the sharp edges, and once The Council has at least a “Beta” version of the script in hand, the Council begins hiring the goysiche actors & actresses whom they can trust to pull off the roles which are required in the production. And I wouldn’t be surprised if The Council… Read more »
Ah, yes, I see now. I’d much rather be killed by run-of-the-mill Satanists than by Zionist Satanists…
Currently reading Eric Zemmour’s book “La France N’a Pas Dit Son Dernier Mot”. In it he quotes a lot of elite figures who confess to him that they expect civil war in France, but they’re too cowardly to say so publicly, constantly toeing the woke line in public. They tell him he’s right, but then go on TV and gush over the moochers and looters sucking France dry.
Professor John Mearsheimer has been a counter to the madness of Western foreign policy in Ukraine for many years now. Some will remember him as the co-author of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. Then I watched this: He defines military power as a combination of wealth plus population size. He says the U.S. is in a good position to compete with countries like China, because (unlike China) we are a wealthy country with a growing population due to immigration. Will leave it to the readers here to find the logical fallacy with his argument. In the words… Read more »
Brilliant!! So all we have to do is import another 200,000,000, or so and we will rule the entire earth.
We always thought that it was about white replacement but no!! It is all about world domination through hundreds of millions with 60 IQs.
So all you need to do to increase the size of your army is invite the enemy soldiers to join up! There are also ideas like “we need Hondurans who barely even speak Spanish to get jobs here so the taxes can fund the boomer’s retirement”. There’s really a need to compile all this modern wisdom into a sort of Little Red Book of Statecraft for Tards.
Mearsheimer reminds us of an eternal truth: Nerds are wrong. Even when they reach a right conclusion they arrive via an autistic (retarded) path. He’s a follow-the-money guy because money can be counted. A side effect of this is that he “notices” JQ type stuff. He’s a count-the-bodies guy because bodies can be counted, so his idea of war is *body piling*. In a justly run world his profession would be winning that game where you guess how many jellybeans are in a huge jar.
At some point the Russians are going to realize that the West is going to attack Moscow, and they’ll have to act. They will not wait for the first punch.
A NATO “tripwire” force in Ukraine, without American troops, is a curious proposition. Because nobody should be under any illusions about a purely European NATO’s ability to stand up to the Russians. Without large scale conscription, they’d be overrun quickly. They just don’t have the manpower (or air power), any of them, or even all of them together. And if they did choose conscription, and the people didn’t revolt, they’ve nothing with which to equip the conscripts. The presence of American troops doesn’t necessarily cure any or all of these ills, but at least it makes the Russians have to… Read more »
Our troops are being inserted into Gaza so that anytime that the Palis fight back against their extermination, we will hold them down. We won’t attack without provocation, but we will always pin them down when they resist.
Look, I aspire to being a brutal realist. In some sense, I understand what the Israelis are doing because I benefit from manifest destiny. However, I’m not going to pretend that I don’t see what’s happening. Why is the USA’s highest priority the safety of Israelis?
Found it!
But first, it is now illegal to criticize… Pfizer!…in France.
I apologize for a previous Tedious Rant, but here’s the note I was looking for:
“The billionaire oligarch funding Haiti’s cannibal gangs.
His name is Gilbert Bigio, and you guessed it.
He’s Jewish.”
To make up for this outrageous noticing, I give you Kitler@Halp:
“We won’t defeat racism until cannibal warlords rule the cities”
Every single time!
queue BH Obama: “YES, WE CANnibal!
“We won’t defeat racism until cannibal warlords rule the cities”
It’s like the reason for all the other immigration – we need exotic foreign food carts everywhere. I’ll have a Manwich!
And I’ll have a Sloppy Duvalier!
Please, gentlemen, try the Baked Aristede.
Well seasoned with hints of gasoline and tire rubber.
Aristede flambé .
“It is a long slow suicide of the West”
Well, what’s the rush?
The French have no stomach for sustained military losses, Not since Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam has there been a French army that risked annihilation, Imagine the scenario. Their troops are dead, While the politicians wring their hands, the media falsely tries to spin it as a good thing, Public faith in the media plummets. The result? France is more receptive than it has ever been to a far-right coup.
Nowadays, anybody to the right of Trotsky is “far right.”
This is the reason that what the French say is dangerous. If they place NATO troops on the ground and those troops start to lose, then we have the insane in charge of the nukes.
And if the insane are in charge of the nukes, they’re also in charge of French nuclear power, the only thing keeping German lights on.
It’s okay. Macron is not insane, even though his wife might be a 70 year-old man.
That’s the same thinking that says female cops are faster to pull their guns because they are weak and afraid. I agree with it.
Dark, you’ve got a point there wrt France being casualty adverse. I seem to remember some French policing in the Serbian war where they pulled out and left the civilians they were there to protect to the tender mercies of the Muzzies. Same I believe happened in Africa as well. But these are old memories and not fact checked.
I think that it may have been the reverse, perhaps Srebreniza [sp.?]. The Muzzies of that community had been not to clandestinely supporting ethnic cleansing of the Serbs, the French were there as “peacekeepers”, and when the Serbs showed up in force to haul away and kill all of the Muzzie men, seeing their chances should they try to intervene, the French decided to leave the Allahu Akhbar boys to their fate. But your main point stands.
That’s the entire west, not just France. It’s why the GAE can’t win a ground war against Russia. Because it isn’t willing to take casualties to hold ground.
The French people are in a permanently bad mood with Macron over pensions, cost of living, etc. They are sick of Macron and won’t stand for any of his militaristic grandstanding.
That must be why they vote him into office again and again…
They’re probably a very well fortified democracy
Wikipedia informs us that the French sustained roughly 90,000 casualties in the Algerian War of 1954-1962, including between 25,000 and 30,000 killed. In the same league, anyway, as Korea and Viet Nam. Maybe not an “annihilation” but certainly a heavy price paid for a lost cause. All of this occurred after Dien Bien Phu.
“…and it is the West that is being bled white.” So, both sides are playing a war of attrition. Now that we’re running out of Slavs, it’s time to start running out of Hajnals. (There are only 144M Russians. Please calculate the burn rate, per nation.) “…and they will not be stopped until they bring the whole thing crashing down.” Proof? I’m skimming a megathread on South Africa at Gab at: Unakceptable_views @Unakceptabke_views Here’s a start: Warning, this is very JQ. Guess Who was at the very heart of the “anti-apartheid” and Mandela/ANC movement. Guess Who are the main… Read more »
Well said. If only most could see it.
True, but you must deal with the hand holding the knife regardless. However, if you kill the head the hand becomes confused.
I live a bit over 3 hours from Chicago, and was about an hour away for 20 years. Confusing the hand holding the knife makes absolutely no difference in the murder rate. If anything, “the other hand” reins them in to some degree, like when St. George Floyd riots are no longer useful.
The only thing that seems to make a difference is winter. Maybe if we could have an ice age, we’d get the continent back.
Very disturbing, this suicide of France. Macron must change course, if for no other reason than concern for the kind of nation he is leaving for his children.
I applaud your irony.
Macron? children? Like many European politicians, he has none. I have to ask, why would anyone vote for someone with no children hence no stake in the future?
If he did, they’d be like the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson; they’d be adopted black 13 year-old boys. Totally natural, that.
Well, in defense, when you marry your mother, it’s hard to have children. 🙁
Not when you live in eastern Kentucky…
I kid! I kid!
The dirty little secret behind the insanity in Ukraine. Western governments have been spending well beyond their means for decades now and using those funds to buy votes and enrich their elite patrons. The bill is coming due and the globalists were counting on raping Russian and Ukrainian resources as a means of keeping the plates spinning. Hence, the absolute necessity of removing Putin and fracturing Russia into exploitable components. As such, the war in Ukraine is existential for both the West and Russia. But Russia is getting stronger by the day and the West is verging on collapse. When… Read more »
I wouldn’t confuse the West’s Power Structure with the West. They do not represent the West but rather the savages they’re importing to destroy it.
The worst damage to the west were the ill advised sanctions against Russia and others. That caused the rise of the Brics + economic alliance much sooner that it would have.
This is why the war will not end. Just like in Gaza, it has become existential for both sides (hmm…common denominators, anyone?). If Russia is not essentially conquered, eventually BRICS will sponsor a commodity-backed reserve currency to compete with the fiat petrodollar, and then it’s game over for the GAE ( it’s pronounced “gay”). There are cultural reasons as well. Russia is the last bastion of uncorrupted European Christendom. That’s hard to believe for anyone who lived through the Cold War, but it’s true. Mainline Protestantism has been taken over by homosexuals, Evangelicalism by Zionists. An antipope sits on the… Read more »
There’s a darn good reason the main BRICS players have been buying up gold and dumping Treasuries as fast as they can; they’re planning a gold and commodities backed alternate currency (that isn’t dependent on mining electricity).
Uncle Dolphie, Saddam and Ghaddafi are waving sadly in the distance.
Putin won’t let them “freeze” the war. He will dictate terms and NATO will submit. The only choice they have is whether they do that now or they do it later after extreme pain.
This seems like very irrational, Nuland-esque type behavior from Macron. It could be that France’s Prime Minister and his ex are the ones influencing Macron and pushing this.
I admit to being reluctant to accept that we may be approaching a 1914 moment — starting World War III over the Ukraine would be utterly insane — but very few Britons in January 1914 believed that an unlikely event such as a German invasion of Belgium would have anything to do with them. Americans, meantime, assumed a European war would be none of their business at all.
And we all know that our present-day politicians and public are much more intelligent now than were the people of 1914-18, right?
We are not nearly as intelligent as we were in 1914 but we are much, much, much better informed. The sheer amount of noticing going on in Twitter and social media, as well as the refusal of the multi-generational, Scots-Irish “military” families to let their sons enlist, gives me reason for optimism. The propaganda from 2003 Iraq or even 2012 ISIS is no longer working, not to mention the levels of propaganda that would be required to actually support WW3.
Hope you are right!!
The might of the Empire is only made possible by Southern Scots-Irish men. They were our military caste.
“Were” is a nice word, a wonderful word.
“The might of the Empire is only made possible by Southern Scots-Irish men.”
This explains why America can’t win a war; the Celts are losers who’ve been losing to everybody for two thousand years.
Easy, Mr. Ploanski…
Beating everybody but the English would be more accurate.
I find it very hard to believe that Macron could bear the thought of sending young, in-shape French men into harm’s way, particularly if those strapping young lads are black.
I don’t know – have you thought about the tight fitting uniforms and how much they would sweat? He’d, of course, have to visit the front lines often…
Macron is far too much of a coward to risk the fate of his gay compatriots when hit by a Kinzhai ……
Macron specializes in “rearguard” actions…
The specter of the Orange Man lingers over Europe, so we’re seeing some very strange stuff from Macron and others too, especially the Poles. I think some of these folks want to Trump-proof their Ukraine policy. If they put French/NATO troops in Lvov, outside Kyiv or even Odessa, I guess they think they would present Trump with a fait accompli. Trump may find it politically impossible to reverse the act. Some of this may be driven by Macron’s domestic political situation. But I think his thinking certainly reflects a substantial faction of the NATO/EU elite. They have been pushing this… Read more »
They are about to lose… and they are throwing a temper tantrum.
Or maybe it’s just that they are just setting things up for Trump to take the fall for the loss when it happens. “Not our fault. We were winning until OMB stabbed us in the back.”
entirely possible
“The specter of the Orange Man lingers over Europe”
LOL, classic!
He hypnotized them with his words! He sounds so angry!
I was under the impression that Cheeto Jesus is all in on the Ukraine fiasco.
No he is looking for offramp
I think a big part of his campaign is that no wars broke out under his watch and that he can out-negotiate all our potential foes
Trump was quoted as saying that instead of giving money to Ukraine we should make it a loan. A distinction with no difference. However Orban said after he met with Trump that, if elected, Trump would send no money to Ukraine.
So who knows. It seems Trump has the opinion of the last guy he talked to. Orban said that Trump is “a man of peace.” Except for the Gazacaust and the eventual invasion of Lebanon. That is A-OK with Trump.
There was a short article the other day about Dems manipulating and hardening the bureacratic system to prevent an incoming Trump from terminating bureaucrats and at will positions within the executive branch. Essentially Trump-proofing the Swamp against a gutting. I imagine SOTUS might have to sort that separation of powers argument but who wants to depend on 9 high priests to uphold whats left of the Republic? Anyway, I saw it as a blip in a news feed and IRL activities have kept me from digging further. Just wondering if any of you astute people have knowledge or thoughts on… Read more »
Russian media reports that majority of Ukrainian soldiers are around 50 years old. Young men are KIA or escaped. Some drowned crossing river between Ukraine and Romania while trying to escape mobilisation. And still Ukraine rules out peace negotiations.
Male life expectancy in Ukraine before the Russian invasion was 65 years. By 50, many of their men are already entering “old age”.
“Macron has been talking tough about doing this, but he has been cagey about if it will happen. So far, he has been trying to round up support from other NATO countries.” The salient thing to understand about Macron is that he is a sly, conniving, weaselly faggot. All this talk of sending French troops to Ukraine is hogwash. The European “powers” are pygmies who can attach themselves in subaltern fashion to the US behemoth but are incapable, individually or collectively, of waging a major war. Everyone know this. This bravado by Macron is garbage and everyone knows it. But… Read more »
European countries did not attach themselves to the US, but instead they are US vassal states. The US is threading a balance between keeping them harmless to the master and still being somewhat useful.
If Turkey was the sick man of Europe, France is its banty rooster.
The GAE and MIC have to be worried too, because the Russians have now shown that multiple M1A1 Abrams can be smoked on the battlefield by them drunk dumb Rooskies with those ancient T-72 tanks, which mysteriously now possess thermal imaging. I guess Russian washing machines must contain incredible technology. Surely they haven’t upgraded their armor since the collapse of the USSR? They’re just a gas station with nukes! A gas station that has destroyed 3 or possibly 4 Patriot missile systems, estimated value of $20B. Anyone shopping for military hardware has to be taking a hard look at Rostec… Read more »
Supposedly the Abrams’ turbine engine throws off so much heat that the infrared signature is easily picked up by satellites.
Similarly, the Patriot missile’s tracking radar emits such a stong, unique signature that it is also picked up by satellites with the right sensors.
I’ve been told that the GAE’s infantry troops are so heavily soaked in perfume that enemy bloodhounds can easily detect them from 30 miles away…
I plan to buy all my warlording hardware from them when the zombies come.
The wall of propaganda was all the more astonishing considering that until Musk Xed Space, the US astronauts had to hitch a ride on Russian rockets to the Space Station. The US had lost that ability, Russia had not.
‘The salient thing to understand about Macron is that he is a sly, conniving, weaselly faggot’
Right. He’s an anti-male, married to someone’s granny. Exudes evil.
And he’s a schemer. The Joker at least was correct about how to handle schemers.
Well, France is after all one of the world’s oldest nuclear powers. Run by lunatics and narcissists, it is every bit as dangerous as Kim Jong-un with ICBMs. As France degenerates into a muslimized anarcho-tyrannical nightmare, those go-buttons are still out there, just waiting to be pushed, by whatever clique of weirdos the French “elect”.
“The salient thing to understand about Macron is that he is a sly, conniving, weaselly faggot.”
Stop talking about his most appealing attributes so much.
if a biological male(can’t call macron a man) is willing to marry a decrepit tranny, you can’t rule out anything with him.
But I don’t see Britain & France engaging the russians directly.
Now that Borris is gone, globalists need a new agitator and that’s Macron.
His role is to agitate slavs under the servitude of Zion against russian slavs so that their j-ish masters can get an extra nut. That’s pretty much it.
Macron is a victim of grooming. The old tranny was grooming him since childhood and then abducted him when he was a teenager. This is just one of the ways the demons that rule the West operate. The other big way is blackmail.
It’s pretty uncommon to see a rich, powerful man married to a woman old enough to be his mother. Strange indeed. He should have a hot woman 10-15 years younger than him.
It’s probably a sham marriage to cover his being a homo or something.
Why would he need a cover for homosexuality, which is holy in the West?
I don’t mean to minimize the threat of pseudo-western madmen provoking a nuclear conflict with Putin . . . but . . . to be honest, I am more concerned and disgusted at present at US troops being sent to Gaza and Haiti. The Gaza mission is just screaming for escalation – who will be provide security to and vetting all the ‘aid’ ships from wherever? And how convenient to have a floating dock so Israel can offload all the Gazans to the US and Europe as it has been telegraphing its intentions for years. And we can offload US… Read more »
The scary thing about the people hyping the DR is they appear to be aware that somewhere around 3/4 are mixed race. Whether sub rosa or openly, the case they are making is that all one needs to do to make a sub-Saharan capable of sustaining a functional modern economy is to mix a couple generations of Europeans into the blood.
The DR, incidentally, rigorously enforces its border with Haiti, even to the point of shooting Haitian invaders. They’re under no illusion about the damage nuggras do to any nation they infest.
“ They’re under no illusion about the damage nuggras do to any nation they infest.”
You can say that again.
Take a look at any set of satellite images of the island Haiti and the DR inhabit. One side (Haiti) has been made barren as the moon, the DR is still livable, tropical, and by comparison a paradise. If the inhabitants of Haiti were not considered human, they’d be the subject of “depredation” hunting. Something like we (Game and Fish) used to do here with coyotes to protect native wildlife.
Yes, boots on the ground in Gaza would be a huge blunder. Just when you think GAE can’t pull off another military blunder…
Israel can’t invade Lebanon without U.S. help. Good ole Bibi seems determined to go there so we will probably be directly involved.
What could go wrong?
When the Haitian earthquake hit in 2010, race realism was new to me and, of course, I didn’t want race realism to be true.
I remember watching a little of this tearjerker telethon and wondering, “What if there is literally nothing that we can do to improve this?”
Although I can’t find a clip of it, I remember one of Bruce Springsteen’s guys, Little Steven, crying to the camera, “There is no reason that Haiti should be so poor.”
Against my will, the wheels started turning in my head.
Watching footage of the current Haitian ructions reminds me of this quote by some guy, cant’t remember his name, “The gulf between the lowest creature which can still be styled man and the highest races is greater than that between the lowest type of man and the highest ape.”
The Dominican Republic and Haiti sharing the same island is proof positive of the magic dirt theory (soon to be replaced, I think, by “the law of”). You see, the verdant and tropical part contrasting sharply along the line of the border with the eroded and almost barren part clearly demonstrates why Haitians are quite literally dirt poor. Now, if we were to evacuate them to the abundant lands of the U.S., they would be even better off than the Dominicans, at least those who aren’t yet themselves in the U.S. Same could be said for the desert strip of… Read more »
I still cannot understand how so many people fell for Diamond’s circular reasoning. Particularly when White Flight explains things so much better from at least the Paleolithic. “You stay here and screw this place up even worse than you already have. We will go over there and build a civilization. Don’t call us. We’ll call you.”
I´ve visited both the nations on Hispaniola, albeit 40 years ago. Even then, the DR was the Garden of Allah in comparison with Haiti. I never went back to either and certainly wouldn´t now. My very decent and delightful former sister-in-law whom I’ve known since adolescence, very much the “Admiral´s Daughter” type, went to Haiti with her humanitarian aid church group after the earthquake. No tourist activities for them, not without a native guard contingent. She had little to say about the experience and more remarkably had very few photos. Now 74, she travels to more photogenic places in Europe… Read more »
It is remarkable that, as the Ukraine disaster winds down to its inevitable conclusion, the Bidenoids are brewing up new foreign entanglements in two of the world’s shittiest and stupidest places, Gaza and Haiti. It’s like we learned nothing from… well, basically anything that’s happened to Team America World Police in the last 50 years.
I think we need to start bombing Antarctica and the Moon next.
Watching what were once great powers impotently posturing their great war powers like they are still the empires from times past is just embarrassing to watch. Sadder still is the realization the USA is speed-running the same decline. It all stems from the same source, the erosion of national identity and only empty platitudes and sterile culture in its place. Ends up people aren’t willing to sacrifice anything to live under an HR manual.
It would be fun to see these nations make propaganda ads for their military adventure just to read everyone mocking them.
It’s hilarious that the WEF regional managers have yet to realize that no one is going to march off to die at their behest.
Reading military families telling the government they will [redact] press gangs coming for their kids is the most drastic cultural change I have ever encountered.
WEF Regional Managers. Brilliant. Imagine the spite and anger that the WEFRM must feel when they come into contact with the reality that they do not have the support of those who they look down upon, but who they need in order to be important and truly potent. Imagine the fear and shame when for all of their self-importance and grand ambitions of changing the world, they can’t marshal real power – martial power. God help Europe that this spite will probably cause them to triple the number of invaders and colonizers they bring in per annum. Are there any… Read more »
It sounds like the Ukrainian army is starting to collapse and have no ability to hold ground wherever the Russians decide to advance. A few thousand French light infantry will make no difference. They’ll be few into the grinder same as the Ukes.
The nice thing about using the Foreign Legion is not having to explain to French parents why their son was killed for no good reason. So maybe Marcon will throw a regiment into the grinder before coming to his senses.
They are acting more insane than I thought. Get iodine tablets if you can and maybe buy a Geiger counter. This is like watching a horror movie play out in real life on a continental scale. But now is probably not the time to stand frozen in the headlights of total insanity. Better to focus on what you can do for yourself and family.
Moran says, “They are acting more insane than I thought.”
Z Man writes, “For the last two years we have seen Western leaders pick the worst option, as if they have a death wish.”
What if the logic of our elites really is, “What’s better than fields of dead Russians and Ukrainians? Fields of dead Russians, Ukrainians AND French men.”
It’s almost too monstrous to contemplate.
Yep, those are fields of dead *White* men. We (DR types) need less of this. We need to wake up. Choose any side here you want, but know that the side you’re taking is against yourself and your kind.
TPTB are monsters for sure but I still find myself surprised by their callousness. Especially here where nuclear war is absolutely a possibility
Hey, the French Navy can contribute by evacuating troops from Odessa like they did in 1920. If the Turks let them transit the Bosporus, which they have not let any NATO ships do since the war started. What I think might be happening is Macron trying to be a tough guy, by claiming that the Bad Russian man wants to occupy all of Ukraine because he’s possessed by the spirit of Hitler, but I have argued for two years that the Russians are fighting an 18th century style kabinetskreig, and that occupation of all of Western Ukraine was never a… Read more »
I wonder though, have Russian attitudes hardened since the start of the war? I kind of want to believe that now Odessa is an objective, if only to deprive the rump 404 of an outlet to the Black Sea. At some point Russia will have to make it impossible for the Ukraine to be troublesome ever again. Once there is no outlet to the sea and no real resources to exploit the West will drop the Ukraine like a hot potato.
I have said Odessa is an objective for two years. However, it may not be taken in this war, if my reading of Russian grand strategy as a modern kabinettskreige. Putin and Russia now know that when this war ends, it will not end with total WWII style victory, nor do they want endless occupation of a sullen foreign puppet state, like Poland or Afghanistan. What they seem to understand is that the end of this war is only an extended armistice, an interbellum, much like the sequential wars of the 18th century. Thus Odessa might be taken and annexed… Read more »
I’m not sure they will have to “take” Odesa. A plebicite would probably go Russia, even though they have been slaughtering ethnic Russians since at least 2014.
The trick will be in figuring out a way to make the West play by it’s own rules — legitimacy by consent of the governed.
No, it will have to be by “Right of Conquest”. The desperation of BlackRock and other players hoping to scoop up winnings with no risk makes this a necessity. Remember who these “people” are. You know, following one of the Rothschild patriarchs to buy heavily when there is “blood in the streets”? When you were heavily involved in generating that flood tide of gore in order to attain your ends, could you be expected to suddenly permit the likely result of a free and fair election to carry the day? The supposed “Minsk agreements” enter the chat. The Russians will… Read more »
You can almost forgive the myopia of the American foreign policy establishment, as we are a younger country. Modern France only dates to the 18th century, but Gaul’s antecedents are pre-Christian era. Also France’s revolutionary foundation, unlike America’s, is very much a result of their rulers being overcommitted to funding foreign wars, namely ours. Then again, it’s not like our “strategists” have to go digging deep into the past to see America ain’t what it once was, even as recently as World War II. We lost to goatherds in Afghanistan and paddy farmers in Southeast Asia. You can argue the… Read more »
Not a huge fan of France but fantasizing about them being slaughtered and raped is despicable.
But then I’m not an American so I don’t hate white people.
I’m not fantasizing about the French people being slaughtered and raped. I’m fantasizing about the French leaders being slaughtered and raped, so that the French people have a chance to be something besides slaughtered and raped in the future. Let me know if you need any further clarification and I’ll be happy to provide it.
(“But then I’m not an American so I don’t hate white people.”
~upvoted for une bon mot: the No True American fallacy)
A WWII general with an office in the Pentagon after the war, had a sign in his office.
There are three levels of stupid:
#1. Stupid.
#2. Really Stupid.
#3. Starting a land war with Russia Stupid.
And then there is “deGaulle agitating to make Algerians French citizens” stupid.
Can France surrender without putting troops in the ground? I think French-style surrendering is what Macaroon likes to do, but he has not worked out the details.
I think there’s a legitimate question of how many beatings a country can take — the French got thrashed in 1870, then in WW1, then again in WW2, then pulled out of Algeria and Vietnam with their tails between their legs.
It does seem that military adventurism, to continue as a policy, needs at least an occasional big success to keep spirits high and prospects bright. The GAE had the Spanish American War, WWI and WWII for this, then came Korea and Vietnam to dampen the fervor. Then Desert Storm happened at the perfect time that the unipolarly ascendant GAE needed it to renew the martial spirit. Now dampened once again by the subsequent 30 years of stupidity. Lacking such success, an empire becomes more limited to seemingly low cost, low intensity adventures of a such a nature that the folks… Read more »
Algeria was literally France’s Vietnam.
France regularly slaughtered partisans trying to enter from Tunisia and Libya using motorized infantry, helo-borne air cav, and close air support.
French air cav regularly raided mountain villages with impunity.
The problem was that the French military lost popular support in Paris. They also lost in the court of world opinion, being repeatedly badly beaten in the UN by the Algerian delegation and JFK.
What’s your realtor’s number? Maybe we should all get a place in the mountains if these lunatics are going to blow the world up.
You mean you haven’t yet Brother… You’re behind the 8 ball better make it your highest priority…
I can’t believe there’s any popular support for sending troops to Ukraine. Very few pay attention any more or care for that matter. These GD supposed western leaders just do what they want and damn voter opinion and the torpedos. Further, would Russia actually respond by sending missile barrages into Paris, Berlin or London? That’s pretty frightening to contemplate. Damn, these western governments to a man and woman need to be eliminated.
Recent polls out of France show a weird split. A majority favor continuing support, but a larger majority oppose troops on the ground. Not that it matters, but with elections this July, Macron needs to avoid an embarrassing loss. On the other hand, maybe he wants a loss so he can then retire and hand out with his old lady.
“These GD supposed western leaders just do what they want and damn voter opinion”
Voters opine as they are instructed, at least since 1945, and the panic among the Cloud People when the instruction set starts failing is wonderful to behold.
They are by no means beaten, they will spin more and more complicated schemes to fortify their elections and to defend Our Democracy™
The Democrats have the same issue with their strategy of trying to blame the Ukraine failure on Republicans. Nobody outside the beltway gives a sh!te about a war that is essentially a border dispute between two countries that most Americans could not find on a map, particularly when nobody in our government will protect our borders.
Most Americans couldn’t find America on a map…
France also just legalized Canadian-style assisted suicide, and put the “right” to an abortion in their constitution. Soon the Mohammadans will take over and reverse that.
Euthanasia is another expression of Globohomo s extremely creepy fascination with death.
Good. Post-1789 France is a trash country full of trash people. I won’t be sad to see them go.
It’s one of the most beautiful countries on the planet, once heir to a great civilization.
Two things that come to mind. Logistics tail and observers. One, aside from ammo (scarcity aside), how do you replenish and resupply a battery of artillery (self propelled!)? Second, how may folks can you have as an observer? Or is that and old fashioned notion. Sneak in a few thousand observers/techs, and you got yourself a force!
I’ve always been concerned that the NATO would put troops in Ukraine for “humanitarian” reasons, creating a very dangerous situation. Putin should just make clear that any troops on Ukrainian soil for any reason will be considered the enemy and, thus, fair game. A Z noted, I just assumed this Macron talk was a political stunt, but these guys have shown themselves to be dangerously unrealistic. That said, everyone seems to be acknowledging that the war is effectively over, so why do something this late. The real question is whether Ukraine can hold out until the election. Very few Americans… Read more »
A year ago important Russian pols were saying the war ends by the end of 2024. They never provided reasoning behind it, but that was the timeline and it is looking that way. Back when the offensive failed so spectacularly, I did a little back of the envelope math on Ukraine troop strength and barring some major change, 2024 was the limit. I am starting to wonder if things might happen faster. The reports coming out of Ukraine suggest the military is having trouble all along the front and Russians are planning a large summer operation. This may be why… Read more »
At some point Washington/NATO has to sh*t or get off the pot. Ukraine only has a chance in this war if directly supported by large numbers of American soldiers and arms. This means WW3. GAE needs a Pearl Harbor/911 moment, but thus far Russia has been too smart to give it to them.
I agree. It’s all about the election and the timing is looking bad for the WH. I think that the Sullivan wing figured that they could keep Ukraine alive until the election, and then could let them collapse. Sure, it looks bad, but, whatever, we won the election and no one will care in a year. This would fit with the Russians saying the war ends in very late 2024. Unfortunately for Biden, that timeline might be speeding up. The Ukrainian military is showing serious signs of stress. Losing Avdivvika seems to have been a serious psychological blow along with… Read more »
I think you’re spot on.
GAE leaders appear to believe they can insert their troops into Ukraine and force some kind of Korea-style DMZ setup on Russia.
It’s hard to know if that would work. It all depends on how far Russia is willing to prosecute this war. This scenario also significanly raises the chance of tactical nukes being used.
It’s not a crazy scenario. Ukraine starts to collapse, refugees start heading to the EU, general services start to break down. US and/or European countries – not as NATO but as individual countries – move troops into western Ukraine to distribute food, maintain order and keep the power on to keep people warm.
We’d claim that we’re not there to fight the Russians but to help the people of Ukraine. We stay on our side of the river.
Thankfully, the US and European populations don’t want any part of something like that, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t happen.
That should work out well. US has such a stellar record at holding up their puppets. At least until they become inconvenient.
Putin would laugh his butt off if NATO did anything that stupid. Let NATO become the bad guys tamping down the inevitable real or astroturf pro-Russian protests.
Just to get it over with, because someone inevitably will: the French “military”. Lol. The Foreign Legion ain’t actually half bad.
This always follows the same pattern. We are now approaching the MAC-V stage of the inevitable.