For the last few weeks, protests have raged at some elite colleges between anti-Zionists in support of Gaza and Zionist in support of Israel. At Columbia University in New York City, the protests essentially closed the college. The cops were finally sent in yesterday to clear the pro-Gaza camp, but at this point there is probably no point in trying to resume the spring semester. At other colleges, police continue to battle with protestors in an effort to restore order.
The protests provide some insight into what is happening among the Cloud People and also some insight into how the Dirt People see the Cloud People. It has been a long time since factions of the anti-white coalition that makes up what we call the left have squared off against each other. As a result, the Cloud People are struggling to grapple with what is happening. Usually, it is easy for them to pick sides, as the protestors are always targeting Dirt People.
The first thing worth noting is that the pro-Gaza protestors are not white. It is anti-Zionist Jews and nonwhites, with a smattering of upper-middle-class white girls from the grievance studies programs. The pro-Israel side is primarily Jewish students organized by the network of anti-BDS organizations that exist on every campus. As a result, the pro-Gaza side uses the antiwhite language they have been trained to use against the mostly Jewish protestors on the other side.
One result of this is the bellowing about antisemitism has had no effect on the protestors or their supporters among the faculty and media. This is has been the most powerful magic in American politics for so long that no one remembers a time when it was not otherwise, but the magic seems to be fading. Amusingly, this has the conservative commentariat chanting “antisemitism” even louder, sort of like how English speakers shout at foreign fast-food workers.
One reason for this is the youth are not as white as they used to be due to the deliberate demographic changes over the last half century. This is especially true on the college campus where antiwhite activism is now admissions policy. Those nonwhites and post-whites trained up to hate whitey now look at the people carrying Israeli flags and repeat the classic Jared Taylor line, “They look huwhite to me.” It would take a heart of stone to not laugh at this development.
There is a serious element here. Young people are nowhere near as supportive of Israel as in the past, due mostly to demographics. Support for Israel remains strong with old white people, but support declines rapidly after the boomers. There is also an antisemitism fatigue setting in with whites. Decades of crying wolf has had the natural impact on the culture. People are tired of the complaining from people who have done better in America than any other group.
There is another angle here. The shuffling husk that is the conservative movement has been trying to do what it exists to do, which is get white people to focus on the how and why, rather than the who and what. They shout about the pro-Gaza side being communists and antisemites, so their aging followers will focus on that rather than the fact these people do not belong here. They do not want you to notice the two alien tribes from the Levant fighting it out on the college campus.
That is why they jumped on the image of the “frat boys” supposedly “defending” the American flag at UNC. It was a staged photo by the usual suspects because this sort of boomer bait always works to distract middle-class white people. The “frat boys” were part of some anti-BDS operation. They were also waving around an Israel flag, but that was trimmed from the scene. This sort of thing is a reminder that conservatism exists to distract white people from what is happening.
The fact is none of the people involved in these protests should be in the country and that is what people should notice. Thirty percent of the undergrad student body in Columbia is foreign. Less than half of the student body is classified as white and half of those identify as Jewish. If you are the typical white person, Columbia University may as well be located in another solar system. It is not just a foreign place. It is an alien place that rests on hostility toward you.
These protests not only suggest fractures in the antiwhite coalition, but they suggest the Potemkin opposition in American politics is losing its grip. The Republican response to these riots was to pass a bill banning parts of the Christian Bible and stripping you of your right to criticize foreign governments. The Antisemitism Awareness Act is probably the most vulgar and depraved piece of legislation to ever pass the House, and it passed with overwhelming support from Republicans.
The Republicans passed this, in part, because they are trapped in 1985. They still think their voter base cares more about Israel than anything else. The idiot who dreamed up this monstrosity is right out of central casting. He is the typical clueless zombie that gets recruited into Republican politics, because he is biologically incapable of noticing what is happening all around him. The GOP is the party of feckless, clueless goofballs who can no longer play the role for which they exist.
In the end, these protests matter to Dirt People only in so far as they indicate problems among the Cloud People. None of these people are on our side and all of them would lock shields with the other side if asked to put on their Antifa and BLM outfits in order to terrorize white people this summer. The hope is that both sides of these protests are committed to the theory of escalatory dominance. After all, revolutions often grow out of the cracks in the ruling coalition.
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Actually on this one I am cheering for the crazed leftist protesters. This is the first time there has been a mass movement against the tribe. What the tribe is doing to Palestinians they did to Russians and would love to do to us. These protests are forcing the tribe and their Republican toadies to take off the mask and show that they don’t care about the Constitution. They just care about what is good for the tribe and Israel. Only a conquered nation cares more about a foreign country than their own. The difference is that colonies are forced… Read more »
This. While Z makes a good point that the focus should be on the fact that none of the protestors should even be here in this country, a more important focus should be put on those who brought them here in the first place.
My take on Z’s piece is that the people “who brought them here” shouldn’t be here either. The Levant for Levantines, America for whites. Of course, that ship sailed so long ago it actually had sails.
Trouble is the first group of Levantines didn’t come over from the Levant or as Levantines, they came over with the other “Germans”, “Russians”, “Poles”, etc. (who all probably never should’ve been allowed into this country in the first place, if you ask me.) It should’ve set off alarm bells that the illiterate among this certain group would sign with a circle rather than an “X”, but they otherwise blended in with the rest of the 19th-Century or early 20th-Century invaders.
Yeah, but those invaders, of which I am one, were at least part of the same larger tribe. Even our host here is of Russian heritage. Except for the founding stock, this country is often mislabeled as being European. What it really is, is greater Roman Empire. Our various peoples were compatible within the Roman States and that’s what makes them compatible here. They’re also predominantly Judeo-Christian, another point of commonality. You can build a nation around that. (I’m not even against Latin American immigration, just the amount of it.) That’s very different from what they are bringing in now.… Read more »
You shouldn’t ever use Judeo-Christian, it’s never been a thing. Judaism is as alien to Christianity as Islam is. In fact Islam and Judaism have much more in common than any other religions.
To Mike:
You should start a movement to exclude the Old Testament from the Christian Bible, as it is word to word translation of Torah, 10 Commandments included.
Jews and Christians read and interpret them completely differently. I believe the Torah has excluded some of the blatantly Messianic predictions in the OT such as the last 2 chapters of Daniel.
Not true.
The oldest Biblical texts at the Nash Papyrus, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the silver Ketef Hinnom scrolls, and not one of them is complete, so there is no “word to word translation of Torah.” Such a thing does not exist.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are the most comprehensive, but even they don’t include any of Nehemiah or Esther.
“You should start a movement to exclude the Old Testament from the Christian Bible, as it is word to word translation of Torah, 10 Commandments included.”
This talking point does not understand/has not read the bulk of the OT, nor the fact that Judaism uses a completely separate book to interpret the OT.
Either Christians are wrong or modern Jews are wrong on the OT, but we not both right.
I always figured the OT was included for context, and to prove Jesus fulfilled prophecy and the Law.
Kind of like how America comes out of the Anglo tradition, but the American Constitution supersedes The English Constitution in America. We Americans are no longer Englishmen. Jesus brought a sword to divide. Christians are no longer Jews. But that might be heretical lol.
Christ is the fulfilment of the OT covenant (I wouldn’t use superseded personally, but I get what you are saying). Jews (and every other person around at the time) had their chance to accept the fulfilment – some took it and became Christian, some rejected it. So to say “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron/contradiction – one is the rejection of the other. Best analogy I can think of is a fulfilment of a contract: “Sir, here is the Messiah I promised you” – some accept it and say “Thanks”; others say “I don’t want it”. From the perspective of God, the… Read more »
I get the argument about Christians and chosenness, which is why I say my position could be heretical. The way I look at it: Paul was a Jew and a Pharisee. He was born again as a Christian, but imo his prior status as a Jew understandably lingers in his theology, and he was practically the first Christian theologian. The Gospel of Matthew seems written for a Hebrew audience, starting with Jesus’ genealogy. As mentioned, OT proving Jesus’ fulfillment of Law and prophecy. Etc. I wonder what influence these things had on the Christian preoccupation with continuity. People talk about… Read more »
My understanding is the Torah is only the first 5 books of the OT. That leaves 30+
Yep! Had enough of that bullshit. Just a Con Inc PR slogan to have us thinking Christian whites and Jews are “brethren.” A “Con Job.”
The Jews were decent flag-waving Americans overall and not even hostile to Christianity like they are today. Sure, you had some leftists, but they didn’t have much power. Something went haywire beginning in the 1950s, much like how the Greatest Generation gave us the baby boomers. Jews are defined by leftism these days, whereas I don’t think you could say that in the past.
^^^ for all you guys downvoting me, even the KKK didn’t dislike their local Jews. It was the carpetbaggers from New York but they despised.
I see your precious “degree” is not in U.S. history…
Their local Jews knew the lay of the land and probably were not trying to endlessly scam them or try to take control of them. Jews are not a monolith.
Every downvote was deserved for that ridiculous ahistorical post.
I’ve seen newspaper notices from that era where the KKK was imploring people to leave the local Jews alone, that they were good people. I can’t find the site anymore, but it was about the history of the Indiana KKK.
“Jews are defined by leftism these days, whereas I don’t think you could say that in the past.”
Well, yeah, if you don’t count the Bolsheviks and their fellow travelers in New York City before the Bolshies took over Russia–and afterwards.
Like, oh, I dunno, Trotsky.
Next time you are in that lovely city, you can visit the Trotsky House Museum and tell your story there.
Mazel tov.
American Jews, to clarify. I understand the history of Jews and left-wing radicalism, but the average American Jew wasn’t nearly as annoying. Like I said in the above post. There are old newspaper clippings that used to be up on an Indiana KKK website where the post-Civil War era KKKs were imploring people not to bother the local Jews.
“The Jews were decent flag-waving Americans”
LOL. Like Emma Goldman and Aleksander Berkman? Like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?
You should read Culture of Critique to see exactly how wrong you are.
I won’t deny there are some Jews who are patriotic, etc. and could live compatibly. But they are the rare exception, and nowhere near the levers of power. You could say the same about any group. And the problem began way before the 1950s. The trap was laid long before, 1950s is when the trap was sprung. IMHO the greatest single error was giving the Jews the central banking backed by income tax they wanted in 1913. The second was falling for the holohoax in the 50s/60s, which they have leveraged as a get out of evil free card ever… Read more »
Problem with that is that the guy whom Christianity is supposed to be built around was 100% Jewish. He wouldn’t have known what you are talking about.
He would have understood very well. Speaking to the Pharisees, who are the ancestors of modern-day Jews: Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I came forth from God and am here; for I have not even come on My own, but He sent Me. Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I say the truth, you do not believe Me. Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I speak truth, why do… Read more »
Don’t ever use the term, “Judeo-Christian,” again.
Yeah, I know that argument. But I side with Anna since we use the Old Testament.
Are you joking? What the hell is wrong with you?
We don’t use the Old Testament. Christians as whole take the OT way more seriously than modern Jews. Indeed read with any sort of comprehension, nobody would want to really be a Jew.
No. America is Greco-Roman-NorthernEuropeanChristian
Right, but you’re forgetting the other side of the Mediterranean. We had plenty of immigration from there and that was also part of the Roman Empire. (Lebanon, etc.) Likewise with Eastern Europe, with some of that stretching into places like Armenia and Georgia. That’s why I call it “Greater Roman Empire.”
Yes. This is the next step and it did not get that explicit. Who are/were Greeks, Romans, Slavs and Germanic/Nordic peoples. We are all the same:
Western Europeans an admixture of Western Hunter Gatherers and the Indo-Europeans (Bell Beakers descended from Yamnaya)
Eastern Europeans/Slavs an admixture of Eastern Hunter Gatherers and the same Indo-European/Bell Beaker warrior pastoralists.
We are all the same ethnos with differing levels of Indo-European/Yamnaya/Bell-Beakers. In short, we are all one people and our dominant cultural instituions are Greco-Roman and this is true from the Rus to North America and Australia/New-Zealand.
No more brother wars.
Is? You mean, was.
Temponick is right though, the heirs and of Christian Rome weren’t coming over here because they kept murdering their reformist tsars.
Yup, go home and make the desert great
Same with those weird Chabad tunnel ‘gophers’ from some months ago.
Jared Kushner bankrolls Chabad. For all the weirdness of their tunnelers, they have people above ground doing all the real digging for them.
I have to confess that I am old enough to remember “BDS” as “Bush Derangement Syndrome”, and that was as recently as 2008, a mere 16 years ago.
So I trudged muh way on over to Urban Dictionary, and now I’m seeing:
Big Dick Sex
Big Dick Syndrome
Big Dick Squad
Biden Derangement Syndrome
Big Dick Swinging
WTF does “Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions” mean, other than embezzling money and laundering it on over to Barry & Michael Obama?
Maybe they can hire a few new lifeguards to make certain that the Cabana Boys don’t drown in the creeks of Martha’s Vineyard?
Or swimming lessons.
They don’t swim
Absolutely! I don’t care how many Antifa are involved, burn it all down..,.
What, you’re rejecting the compelling call to action of “Hello, fellow white people”?
I really miss your podcast. It is one of only four I bother to listen to.
You haven’t set it up again. If you have chosen not to bother with it you do have that right, but I do miss it.
Blessings to you.
“They just care about what is good for the tribe and Israel.”
More specifically, they care about the bribes given them by AIPAC for re-election, and that the Epsteinish photos not be shown.
A mere few days ago I was discussing that “to learn who rules over you” quote with someone, and right on cue, the US House passes the No Jew Criticism Act.
It’s been said elsewhere that if the frat boys who “defended the flag(s) had done the exact same thing at a BLM rally, they’d be in jail for 20 years for committing a hate crime with the ADL leading the charge.
I always chuckle when the dummies at Conservative Inc try to get in between left wing factions fighting each other. They really are the Stupid Party.
At this point, Republicans have crossed into insanity…Banning parts of the Bible? Really?
Well, any talk of the Synagogue of Satan is right out, so there you go. Even the words of Jesus gotta get suppressed.
If only Con Inc. had 1/10 of this zeal for issues like illegal immigration and lawfare.
Nobody pays them to have that much zeal.
If only those gosh darn Washington Generals had pulled their finger out during the third quarter! If they put 1/10th of the zeal of their BLM knee-taking into their fundamentals, they might have a chance in next year’s BIG GAYME!
When it comes to protesting the savagery of the Israeli state, I don’t think the color of the people protesting really matters. We are talking about a state that is openly genociding a population and daring anyone to do anything about it, while also trying to spark World War III. This goes beyond some brown person who doesn’t belong at Columbia. However, the response makes it clear, as always, that our right to protest only goes as far as the people in charge let it go. It’s clear that protesting the savagery of the Israeli state is off the table.… Read more »
There was a funny exchange in a debate with Fuentes and Barnes where he asked, point blank, whether the world would be better or worse off if Israel was wiped off the map. This was supposed to be a gotcha, but Fuentes just smirked and said “probably better.” It’s too bad he became a cartoon character, because he really did have debating chops.
More and more people are inclined to agree they are a nuisance country, and it’s not just the anti-white, anti-colonialist faction.
Would the world be better or worse off if the Palestinians were wiped off the earth?
I don’t want anybody wiped off the earth. I want everybody in their own dam’ country and to stay there.
The Palestinians don’t own our politicians. The Palestinians haven’t been degrading the West for centuries. The Palestinians don’t have an ethnostate that’s trying to drag the US into WW3.
If they would stay in the Levant, the Palestinians would cause us no problems at all. Israel on the other hand…
I am all for letting these distant peoples sort out their own affairs.
But, seeing as how it looks like Biden & Co are getting set to bring all the Palestinians here, I am all for having the Israelis push them into the sea before that happens.
I can’t blame the Israelis; The Palestinians have proven incapable of civilized behavior.
We did the same thing with our own savages. Life has been good since Wounded Knee.***
***It has deteriorated somewhat since we started importing savages from Somalia, the Hindu Kush, the Congo, Mezo-America and every other primitive land.
It was obvious when this started that we get the Palestinians dumped on us and Israel gets to keep its ethnostate.
One of the principal aims of the assault on Gaza is to create refugees for the goyim to inherit.
And you say the Palestinians aren’t capable of civilized behavior (which is probably true), but you think the Israelis are?
The only reason the Palestinians are getting dumped in Ameriburger and other satrapies of the GAE is because of the influence of ‘Israelis’.
The IDF has done such a good job defending the Southern border after all. Heck of a job, Brownski!
Most likely inconsequential to be honest. But an argument could be made the world would be worse off because it would strengthen iz ree el.
I would be much more sympathetic to their cause if there weren’t people working to bring them all over here, people with the clout to make it happen. Right now every time one of them gets killed the feeling of sympathy at the suffering of a fellow human being is tempered by the feeling of relief that they’ll never be my neighbour.
Good fences make good neighbours.
My normie or left-of-center associates have been telling me that Netanyahu is “a butcher” and “went too far”, which I surprised me…they get their opinions from normie news sources of course, so evidently there is a lot of anti-Israel talk on the normie news networks. I wonder if this antisemitism bill is a way to clamp down on American media, which has gone a bit rogue here.
I feel like they (AIPAC/ADL/DHS, etc.) told the media to shut up after the food aid convoy. It really seems that was a turning point, where indifference to the situation or even sympathy for Israel turned to anger, and it is when these protests started to spring up. There is something about dropping bombs on aid workers trying to get food to people you are intentionally starving that hits differently. I don’t know how much the media is talking about it, because I don’t watch the media. I know the normie right-wing sites like Fox News and NY Post aren’t… Read more »
Mine are saying Israel has a right to defend herself
Who cares what Israel is doing to them? Really, this is what gets you fired up? How about the ethnic displacement of White people? These anti-Israel protestors hate White people just as much as they hate Jews. They are not on our side. They will NEVER defend our right to our own countries.
I could not care less about the Palestinians other than to the extent they can be used for propaganda purposes. Frankly, a nuke going off in the middle of it is the best solution to this otherwise unsolvable problem.
How do the Jews feel about White people, though? You left that part out.
I’m not defending Jews, I’m defending White people. I said a nuke going off in the middle of it is the only way that problem will ever get solved. Ain’t my people, ain’t my problem.
The people all fired up about the Palestinians never seem to get all fired up about 10s of millions of non-Whites flooding White countries.
Most Normies are not aware of the Chosenites as a force working their malevolent destruction. They are atomized in infancy, and heretofore they haven’t grasped what is happening to them. These protests are forcing Hand Tipping such as we have not seen in our lifetimes as the mask is flung aside like a Jew divesting himself of a BLT with extra mayo. We can rejoice because the Whites being displaced are watching all this unfold and waking up abruptly in numbers. Or we can rant about the kids these days, D3R, and about how we don’t like EITHER side!!!! How… Read more »
Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy. This freakshow is not demonstrating anything to anyone. This is not waking up White people to their displacement. I have no side in the Jewish-Palestinian fight. Either side is bad for Whites. These very same people would easily be doing an anti-White “protest” instead of protesting Israel. The fact that there are so many of these “brown” people in the US, especially in our universities is a giant L for White people. The only good thing that can really come of it is if it were possible to stop foreign… Read more »
Tars, I get what you’re saying. I do not identify with either tribe. These are not my people. One, to clear the air of this issue, the irony is the *ews are exterminating the Palestinians. Wow, what an inversion for the Levant *ews! That’s what they want. Second, *ews Hate Hate Hate Muslins, are going to cut the throat of Ms. Red Heifer and shove it up the Muslim rectum. They want the Temple Mount and Palestine empty of the other. Third, Muslims hate the Jews, they hate everyone else and particularly whitey and us. This is a Muslim thing.… Read more »
It ain’t your people, but it is your problem when one group is dragging your people into the fight and leading your people by the nose to its own destruction.
You are correct on that, buddy.
Yes, it absolutely does get me fired up, because I take the sixth commandment seriously. I take the idea of the USA gleefully supporting and defending genocide on behalf of a foreign nation to be a grave evil. What Israel is doing is outrageous and a violation of everything I value and hold sacred. The fact that they are doing it to brown people that are theoretically alien to me is irrelevant.
It’s called principles.
The Future is a mob of blacks and imported africans and cholos and muzzies rioting over EBT cards that don’t work while a frazzled Jewish bureaucrat tries to find an old White guy who knows COBOL to fix everything……
Assuming, of course, that some white guy has kept the electricity on.
As you say Z, it would take a heart of stone to not laugh at how the hubris of God’s Chosen has come back to bite them in the ass. It turns out that being able to play the “white when convenient, Jew when convenient” gane requires some amount of intellectual horsepower, and the 85 IQ imports simply don’t have the thinking capacity to see anything but the white skin. When I worked at a university I heard the “is it good for the Jews?” gag more times than I have fingers, and now it’s time for white Dirt People… Read more »
In a battle between Black Widows and Scorpions, the only logical course is to supply both with an ample supply of Raid.
The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.
The enemy of my enemy is someone I can utilize. The Tribe has done this to great success.
You know a bill is bad when the Daily Wire, of all orgs, is railing against it. Mind you, they’re doing so because it’s so over-the-top and clownish is makes the pro-Israel side look like a bunch of lunatics, but when those guys have a better grasp of the political winds than our ruling class, it’s getting pretty bad. It’s also funny how fast House Speaker Ned Flanders cucked on everything. This is why the accusation thrown at evangelicals about supporting “immoral” people holds no weight. Beneath the soft platitudes and God-talk, they are, at best, limp-wristed, and more often… Read more »
Maybe this latest congressional foray into speech control will finally make people rethink the ridiculous and subversive “JUDEO-christian” values moniker.
Christians aren’t the junior partner in this relationship. They’re more like retarded Down’s syndrome adults who are useful idiots.
Matt Walsh had an excellent take down of that ridiculous bill. I was thinking I can’t believe Shapiro is letting him do this. My guess is Shapiro knows the bill will only shed more light on the “tribe,” and their preferred victim hierarchy status and would amount to very bad PR for the tribe.
Shapiro can’t afford to lose Walsh, too, after he fired Owens. He and Boering can’t fire anyone else for a while and Walsh probably knows it.
I’m sorry to say that Owens is far more seriously Catholic than Walsh, later is of the modern hipster variety.
Owen’s is larping as a trad wife / MAGA. LARPING grifter.
I don’t think that is why they are, “against”, it. I think it is controlled opposition. They have lost a lot of credibility and this while everything of the past year is fresh in their audience’s minds would likely be the end of them. Remember they are still trying to repair their audience. This is the time to attach memes to all Daily Wire posts relentlessly memeing Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-Ben’s two most relevant statements: I don’t care about the browning of America I am here in America to help my country, Israel. Biden’s platform is, “Finish The Job!!!!” We AmeroEuropeans must take… Read more »
Never could stand Shapiro, pay him no heed.
Walsh does solid work, and has been calling out white discrimination like no one’s business. Shapiro cuts him a check, I can live with that.
One look at Johnson’s face and you knew he was a traitorous cuck at best, and probably fully blackmailed, too. Physiognomy is real…
I agree with the observation someone made here that he has that “closeted gay” look. Makes me wonder what kind of blackmail they have on him.”
Not to worry Margery Taylor Green will “expose him” give it time. 😂
This is the key takeaway: The protesters see themselves as antiwhite, not antisemitic. That is why they will eventually focus on the Republicans, who are indeed be clowning themselves with their over the top Zionism. “Biden” will slither out of this by calling for Netanyahu’s resignation and possibly prosecution (but not until after Rafah has been annihilated). He will laud the new, liberal Israeli government as dedicated to peace, while importing thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of expelled Palestinians.
As usual, Republicans will be left holding the bag.
I got a kick out of this video recorded after a Seattle Mariners game last weekend… A bunch of privileged white Liberal Seattle residents got a front row seat (with their kids in tow) to the America they voted for. A lot of them have bemused and confused looks on their faces as their brains try to square that stupid punk black kid with their romanticized White Savior suburban dilettante stereotypes. i wrote at CTH the other day that I often root for both teams to lose, but rarely get my wish. On college campuses this week, both teams… Read more »
Disgusting. Those weak-chinned milquetoast cucks just stood there while a small handful of ferals beat on them. If it were four White punks against a trainload of blacks, they’d be scraping pale remains off the platform after the stomping they took. Memo to Seattle, and every other gentile, White-majority cloister – Tribe up or die. There is no one coming to save you from the savages who are hell-bent on your destruction.
You have to assume that the black hoodlum has a gun or knife and low impulse control. Your duty as a parent (several boys with dads) is to protect your family. The people in the train aren’t armed – baseball stadiums have metal detectors.
its a pretty good example of Derb’s “The Talk” column in 2012. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you’re likely to encounter a group of young black males.
If now isn’t the time for indifference, I don’t know what is.
Absolutely. You can’t be indifferent enough.
I am rabidly indifferent…
I’m Rabbi Meshuggah Indifferentberg on all this!
I just wish the Florsheims would quit walking in my shoes.
I’m not indifferent, I hope for maximum violence. Even ultra-violence, if I’m being honest. That’s why I was so happy to see the black masks at Columbia.
Sadly, the streets are not yet running red.
Z man’s post is proof positive regarding my comment from a few days back. Young, white, males have no business attending college any longer. Four years minimum discrimination and being told “All white men are responsible for all the ills of the world” and that they need to be “eradicated.” For lots of debt and little prospects for gainful employment using that piece of paper in the “DEI” corporate world. It would be a miracle for a young white male to escape with any semblance of sanity. With the astounding irony that it was white men of European descent who… Read more »
“Young, white, males have no business attending college any longer.” This is way too harsh and self-defeating. Attending a private college or a University is key to advanced employment in most STEM fields, precisely what will generate the next (White) generation taking their rightful place in commercial areas of power and influence. Nothing wrong with the “trades” as we call them (I hate the term myself, it’s “othering” and somewhat demeaning), but we need White folk running the show—not just blue collar workers supporting a basic infrastructure for the benefit of non-Whites. We are not to be relegated to high… Read more »
AMEN! There’s nothing romantic about living the life of Joe Lunchpail. It’s hard on your body and does not these days get you into the best of social circles. That reverberates in all areas of your life, and often leads to living the life of that “coal miner’s daughter” in the movies. I’m not saying this as a snob. I’m saying this as the son of a union carpenter, one who took my brother and me to work with him to give us a taste of what he does. He did that so we wouldn’t end up doing what he… Read more »
Yes, indeed. My father was a skilled Blue Collar worker. From that I got a grounding in hard work through example. Alas I was a disappointment to him when I went to college. Best he could say to me after HS was you need to “do something”, which really meant come work with me in my “trade”. He never allowed me to tell him what I did in school or at employment. He simply said “I don’t understand these things” and shut down any further conversation. That I guess is the proverbial father-son conflict they base hit songs on. 😉… Read more »
I also understand the satisfaction of being able to do things with your hands. In fact, having a father like mine is why I am pretty handy myself, though nowhere near his level of skill. But things have changed way too much in society. The worst part about working in the trades is that when I was growing up, decent people with normal families was not uncommon. Now, it seems like you’re signing up for a life of social dysfunction. Divorces, drugs, tats, baby mamas and all the other things we find distasteful about the underclass seem to predominate. I’m… Read more »
If I could give more than one up vote, you would get it, Nick. Those who disagree with your analysis of the current plight of Blue Collar workers should read “Coming Apart” by Charles Murray. It’s pushing a couple of decades old, but he looked at the stat’s comparing White academic educated and Blue Collar workers wrt dysfunction. It’s a horror and sad. All I can say is, “Look at the source.” The Blue Collar background of my childhood was anything *but* dysfunctional. The institutions that made this country great were still in force: marriage, church, unions—were still ascendant. Today,… Read more »
The similarity between your life and mine is striking.
I’ve often thought of such things with others commenting here. An amazing range of backgrounds, but more important *wisdom* gleaned from life experience. So much so that if you came to this group thinking you’re “hot stuff” because of your academic resume, you quickly are humbled.
I was once told by my major professor, “If you are the smartest man in the room, you’re in the wrong room!” He was right, and I must acknowledge I’ve never had that problem…. 🙁
You keep sticking to your “degree or bust mantra” Yet keep getting down voted.
You must be a masochist.
And if you expect these young guys to put up with “todays” college environment you are a clueless sadist.
When you get your precious degree? Was this anti white man hate going on? Was DIE hiring the norm?
Im banking the answer is a big fat no!
Gotta be a leftist sticking to your guns despite all evidence to the contrary.
I merely compare the life my dad had to the life me and my brother have. And it’s not just that, you’re also consigning your kid to have to deal with and marry a bunch of lowlifes. It’s the tatted class with baby mamas, mixed bloodlines and all the social dysfunction you could ever ask for. If you can’t see that, you’re blind. When you see some fat woman at the grocery store toting around her little halfrican brood, it comes from the working class. What college educated types don’t do that by and large. That’s what you’re marrying into.… Read more »
College degree or no college degree, has nothing to do with your word salad scenario. Men aren’t getting married white collar, blue collar, beach bum, crackhead. Young white men aren’t even fucking these women anymore because they don’t want to deal with their entitled wack a doodle b.s.. The no one’s having sex stats for millennials and Gen Z are common knowledge. The whamens are screaming to high heaven all over social media because “they can’t get no man.” Get out of your stinky ivory tower. What you see at Walmart are dead beat unemployed and welfare cases. And fuck… Read more »
Yes, the upper class women just buy their African or Guatemalan offspring.
The fucking world has changed. Get with the program. Over abundance of “degreed” workers, shortage of skilled tradesmen “supply and demand,” skilled trades wages going up,” office cubicle schmucks wages stagnant,” if you haven’t been replaced by a DEI hire. Cost of college way way up. Simple economics. On top of the current “political climate” on college campus’s and the “white men need not apply” hiring in white collar environments. Skilled trades rarely have to deal with HR Karen hiring practices. They can’t play the DEI game or the A.I. game in skilled trades. Or small business’s who rely on… Read more »
I’ll repeat what I said the other day: Jewish mothers don’t push their kids to be welders. People complain they have all the money and power and part of the reason is that they don’t settle.
“Jewish mothers don’t push their kids to be welders.” Nick and Vinny, stop talking past each other. You’re both right. There’s plenty of overlap between your positions. As to the above quote, is the problem rather that we all don’t push our children (qualifier: to the extent needed) to be good and decent people in a fallen world? And by expansion, to recognize such in others—like a potential spouse? I recognize exactly what you say Vinny, but refuse to believe there are not as many *good* women around as good men. Train your sons to be good men and they… Read more »
And I want to make clear, I’m not knocking welding or any of the trades. Of course we need welders and plumbers. I just think you should be open-eyed about what you’re signing up for these days. I just don’t like hearing this stuff where people are telling the youth to skip college. It’s a fad and anybody who follows this fad may end up screwing up their kid’s life.
In a different political / economic climate a college education is the way to go. Do you not understand English? I went to college. In the late 80’s in a different time / universe.
Hell, 2012 was a different time. Things have went off the rails completely.
I think that may have to do with having connections more than not settling? Unless you mean the mother’s won’t settle for a rich and powerful co-religionist saying no to an ask for a job placement for their kid.
Of course, if white people, especially Christian ones, were to do this so blatantly like Jewish people do they’d be come down upon like a ton of bricks for racism and unequal opportunity hiring practices.
Yes!! We must not forfeit our position. The enemy would love nothing more than for us to make this fatal and finalizing own goal. This guy had some good ideas about home schooling and the nature of the curriculum. ( It makes sense to get our kids out of the wretched public/private school system unless you can guarantee a curriculum free of anti-white poison from pre-K – 12, but have them go to college prepared to be the top lawyers, doctors, engineers, business managers and to do intra-ethnic networking. We must not forfeit power and influence and we must send… Read more »
“The ideal scenario would be to cross network our tradesmen with our white collar class.” Yes. A thousand times yes. But if you are a White Collar worker, perhaps second, or third generation, don’t get ahead of yourself. We need to instill/maintain a respect for the working man—and by that I mean Blue Collar trades, or whatever. That someone in the trades may be a lowlife is his problem, most are not. There is dignity in all work if it means you support yourself and family doing whatever you can. We have enough parasites in society, thank you. I am… Read more »
Finally a man with some sense.
Yes. My point was that all would be held in esteem. The idea is to bolster our blue and white collar classes in economically and then socially cooperative relationships.
The thinking is that our white collar class would advocate for our blue collar class in racial solidarity. It is a tall order given how the cloud collar class has so thoroughly betrayed their folk. Perhaps a new arrangement can be made given the perils we will be facing together.
In short, I agree with you.
No point in going to college unless you are actually going to use the degree for a profession, e.g. accounting, law, engineering, etc. Most union “workers” (if you can call their entitled, cosseted lazing around on government-funded building sites “work”) make far more than most degree-holders. Get a degree in African Devlopment and you will likely end up as a lowly clerk getting your maxxed-out credit card rejected every weekend. Get a trade and you will always be in demand, whatever happens to the union.
Jannie, absolutely. To get a college degree simply to be “credentialed” is a mistake and leads to what we’ve termed here a “surplus of elites”. That was a problem even in my early days at university 50 years ago, although then the numbers of tertiary degree holders was much less. Today, the numbers of people with useless degrees are a joke. They graduate and are given pieces of worthless paper attesting to their completion of “studies” in faux disciplines. These newly minted “elites” hit the “job market” only to find limited, or no employment, which doesn’t pay their bills or… Read more »
Yes, it’s fine with me if both sides lose. So many people think they need to support one or the other.
What do you do for a living? Just generally, not asking you to doxx yourself.
Amusingly, this has the conservative commentariat chanting “antisemitism” even louder, sort of like how English speakers shout at foreign fast-food workers. While a side issue, it is hilarious to watch Con, Inc., get the sadz and twist themselves into a know when their leftwing overlords explode in an internal spat. Picking sides is so hard because it makes one of those groups mad! The Con, Inc., types are trying to no avail to label someone to their Right like Tucker Carlson as a Neo-Nazi but that also means some leftist faction still will be pissed off at them. Professional virtue… Read more »
I’ve been laughing at these Cloud People college protests for some time. People ask me why I don’t think it’s horrible. I tell them, I care not one iota about 2 fighting groups of people whose 2 religions both say you shouldn’t eat pork. I personally think if you are of such a religion, you are already a piss-poor American and I can care less about your “problems”. They all need to go somewhere else, and don’t let the door slap you on your ass on the way out.
As Kissinger would say, why can’t they both lose.
there is still hope from our overseers in that out of this will come the next George Floyd.
We know how that turns out.
Great point. Let’s not forget who the under-men are:us
The two sponsors of the bill have raked in over $2 million from AIPAC in their short time in Washington, and likely will never have to do a day’s work again in their lives. They may be feckless, but they sure as hell have f*cked us, and for all the complaining that I and others do, we keep paying their checks.
This is what I have been looking for. Finally, a discussion about the left eating its own. This is the most interesting aspect of the Gaza protests to me. Popcorn time. I don’t take offense at the idea that two tribes from the Levant are fighting each other. I have become interested in genetics and have learned that Jews are half Levantine and half European. Our paternal lineage is from the Levant and our maternal lineage is from Europe, the Mediterranean to be specific. We are basically half white (but 0% Anglo Saxon). This is why we tend to look… Read more »
The Hannity Pals are so fixated on their useless talismans, they don’t even want to consider reaching out to Pat Buchanan for a hot take and perhaps an apology.
At this point if I were Buchanan I would be demanding nothing less than honorable seppuku from them.
If They Were Serious, the heads of the police who are now allowed to bust skulls because Abe Leibowitz and Friends say so, when Abe was calling for Officer Friendly’s head on a platter a few short years ago, should be somewhere along the lines of “We remember what and who you are. You take care of your pets yourself. I’m not your slave to order about.”
The refusal of the right to recognize the nature of the police has already got a bunch of our guys (and MAGA normies) killed, and it’s going to get many, many, many more. In exchange for obedience, cops are allowed to borrow a little bit of the master’s power and live above and outside the law, to know some of power’s secret life. That is both the means and the END of their vocation. It doesn’t matter who the master is or what he commands. Every cop (or soldier, or etc.) will slaughter your children if anybody who outranks him—including,… Read more »
Yeah I chuckle at the idea that they are running all the white men out of the military so that they can have a brown military to turn against the people. As if the white men would refuse the orders. When have they ever refused? They are running white men out of the military just because they hate white men.
The Cloud People created and nurtured these Frankenstein monsters for decades. It was fine when they were attacking right wing white deplorables — the wretched Dirt People — in their Antifa and BLM incarnations. However, now they’ve broken their bonds. They are out of control and they are attacking fellow leftists. Well, too damn bad. It’s like watching some lowlife thug being savaged by his own pit bull.
I am in favor of a real slugfest civil war within the elite
I’m of the opinion no faction really is in charge at any given time and the anti-Israel/pro-Israel dust-up is more a symptom than a cause. I always give the edge to the Puritans, and one possibility is they are using their feral children and non-white pets against the Jews to remind them who is in charge or at least supposed to be in charge. While as Z noted all of these people hate us, their infighting is good for us, as is flushing out who the GOP actually serves.
Rightly or wrongly, I blame the Jews as the main drivers of flooding this country with POCs. The fact that they’ve lost their base of support in the process is absolutely hilarious to me. Protestant cucks support Israel. Catholics and third worlders, not so much
“Catholics and third worlders” ; but you repeat yourself.
That extends even to European Catholics. (And Orthodox are Catholics, just not Roman.)
The Orthodox are not under Peter and therefore not Catholic. EO in the US is generally the refuge of the Protestants who couldn’t stomach swimming the Tiber. They will discover at some point that they have joined national churches that are not interchangeable and not one Church. In any event still protestant heritage Americans will have lost every other belief, even in God, but will cling to the bitterness the Catholics done them wrong. It’s as American as apple pie and baseball. Also in fairness to the Protestants, American Catholicism is badly infected with philosemitism. You don’t want to know… Read more »
Catholic comes from the Greek word catholicos which means universal. (As in, the universal faith.) At one time, all of the patriarchs were archbishops, with the archbishop in Rome being what was considered the first among equals. (Most prestigious.) Rome was just another city where in archbishop was located. Rome at some point decided that they needed to control the other churches and the other churches did not want to be controlled by Rome. Otherwise, the theology is 99.5% the same. It’s only outward appearances and customs that make them seem different. A Serbian priest was giving a lecture on… Read more »
Elder brothers in “the faith “?
Blaming the Jews should always be your first move.
Even on those rare instances when you’re wrong, you’re still right.
You will alienate the conference-and-cocktail wing of the movement, but they’re tits on a boar hog anyway.
Nothing screams pre-revolution like the drool fest at the WH “correspondants” dinner. So much vulgarity, bad taste, self-congratulation and supplication packed into one hour. So much bad hair and ill -fitting garb! Even Ghaddafi, dolled up in his most campish caftan, came back from the dead to accompany Kampala. The scene was right out of Dr Zhivago, where the shuffling peasant rabble looks through the frosted palace windows at the Czar’s ball underway – well, you know what scene came next.
The Z Man steps up to the plate. Three runs down, bases loaded, bottom of the ninth. The pitch and the Z Man blasts the ball to right center field and over the wall.
Well Done!!
Yep Bugs bunny… “wham a homer! wham another homer!”
My saintly mother told me, several years later, that in 1968 she was seriously worried that the USA was falling apart. In a way she was right. It just took several decades, with some band-aids like Reaganism patched on, prolonging the agony. I’ll never tire of ranting about how the Republicans criminally ignored educational and other substantial cultural issues. They weren’t always so craven, at least to the degree that they are now. Recently I watched a Bald and Bankrupt video, touring Romania and Bulgaria. He noted that it’s understandable, with the gutting of industry and jobs in these countries,… Read more »
I guess a better way of putting it is that the Globalists saw their chance in the early 90’s and pounced. And the Left kept termiting away non-stop, converging in their interests with the former.
This is splitting the right, let us hope definitively. Trump called the protestors a “cancer” this morning and the Republican Party will spend four years chasing down hate crimes against Israel while the border remains open thanks to Federal Judge. Suitable for burning, all of it indeed.
My good friend Dan Bongino has done 2 podcasts in a row in which he rants passionately in defense of Zionism and rales against the “antisemitic” protestors. Every second sentence he shouts “kill the Jews” and genuinely believes that this slogan is somehow supportive of the pro Zionist propaganda agenda. Can someone please explain to me the logic of that technique of persuasion? Such is the nature of how far we have fallen. The new incarnation of Rush Limbaugh has nothing better to do than shamelessly suck Netanyaho’s dick in public and expect his followers to applaud. That is modern… Read more »
Your “good friend?” Name dropping for cred is douchebaggery.
He’s being facetious.
There’s a worthwhile debate with Gavin McInnes, Fuentes, and Adam King that made rounds a few months ago. Adam King is essentially a Christian hating Jewish guy and was bringing up all his beefs with Christianity. The part that made it go viral (at least on our side of the divide) was when asked point blank, Well if one had to go, Islam or Christianity, which would you choose?” King, without hesitation says, “Christianity.” Gavin was dumbfounded and walked off the set. I know it’s one person, and one debate, but I think his view encompasses more Jews than most… Read more »
I heard it best described as an inheritance fight, like Joseph and his brothers.
There is no hatred more bitter than that between family members.
The usual reaction to a cringing coward is to hate him *more* for his lack of the will to fight. Muslims get respect because they show the Jews a good honest hatred. Cucked Christians are rightly regarded as weak kneed cowards.
I’ve started to believe that at least part of the reason for the GOPs and Con., Inc.’s recent obsession over “anti-Semitism” is due to the fact that they’re also still mapping out the plan to remove Trump from the ballot and inprison and bankrupt him and they don’t want to tip their hand. Amongst all the gum-flapping and ink spilling by the so-called “right”, there’s only the barest mention of the attempts by the regime to trump up legal charges against Trump and summarily send him to prison to be “Chauvin’ed”. Even <i>if</i> one of those Con., Inc. poseurs mentions… Read more »
It should be obvious to everyone here by now that Soros funded these protest groups precisely to generate the political environment in which the odious antisemitism bill would sail through Congress. It’s the same game plan the Israel played in funding Hamas.
It takes time to write a bill like that. This plan has been in the works for weeks, if not months.
Thank you Guest- the way you say it makes it clear as day.
This bill is not that big of a deal, nor is it elaborate. Five pages total. But it was written last year, you’re right about that. The date on it is Oct. 2023. It just fine tunes the ways you can get expelled from college for saying naughty words. Which doesn’t really seem like something Soros would go to all this trouble for.
This is a good time, for those who hide their power level on a daily basis, to start linking Marxism and immigration to those with ears to hear. This is a great time to start sullying the idea of immigration. Most every normie dislikes Marxism on some level. But they also like immigration, on some level. Tell them that the antisemitism (which they dislike, on some level) is happening because of a blend of Marxist indoctrination and the importation of foreigners many of whom are not kind to Israel like Americans are. Except for heritage Americans, most of the world… Read more »
Normies are afraid to speak up. The average normie isn’t a fan of the darkening of this country either.
This is a superb article that should be required reading for all white high school students who are planning to go to college. They should be fully apprised of the anti-white maelstrom they’ll endure, not only at Columbia and the other Ivies, but the vast majority of less exalted institutions as well. (If they’re accepted.) Speaking of which, these anti-Israel protests are not just happening at the big-name schools. They’re also taking place at the tertiary state school in Texas where I work. Granted, nobody’s occupied the administration building, taken a dump on the provost’s desk or burned a box… Read more »
“box of bagels”
Well, I will give the Jews credit for that. I do like my salt bagel from the bagel store down the street. 😂
I’m a pumpernickel bagel man, myself. A touch of cream cheese, a little smoked salmon, maybe some minced chives, and you’re in bidniss.
Oh yeah, salt bagels, lox and cream cheese. Great stuff.
A white kid can still get a fair shake at Middle American State U. But I’m not sure the same can be said for his job prospects afterward.
Re: genocide, the term is underused, because it’s never applied to heritage Americans. I make a point to
Yes, it’s a soft, slo-mo genocide. You know that, and I know that, but you tell it to most heritage Americans and they’ll think you’re bananas. You’d have to explain in great detail why it is genocide and even then most of them will be a bit skeptical.
It’s incredible how the (((Sacklers))) reduced the white population by a good two million vs what it otherwise would have been today, down to the level of not just targeting specific geographical areas and populations but specific doctors, and nobody can even see it for what it really was. Even while they acknowledge that the (((Sacklers))) so targeted them.
Hasn’t the anti-white Hebrew Immigration Aid Society and people like Myorkas been bringing in anti-Semite immigrants for years? So now whites are supposed to play a part in their drama? I am sitting this one out. Burn Baby Burn!
See, whites create a “penumbra” of racism and anti-semitism that then infects the soft, spongy minds of ragheads, um, people-of-a-terrorist-persuasion. If some wacky grievance studies professorette hasn’t floated this idea, I’m putting it out there now.
Off topic: Steve Sailer was bullied into pleading with the (((elites))) for the sake of lowly whites.
Steve NEVER would have written something like if righteous bullies like our Silly Citizen weren’t jamming Steve’s head into the dirty toilet bowl every day.
I hope that I had some small part in bullying Steve into acknowledging the obvious truth:
‘Conservatives prefer to label anti-white racism “Communism,” “Marxism,” or some other 20th-century “ism” that’s hardly relevant in 2024.’
I wish that bullying was so often healthy, but it is.
Unz himself popped into the comments to mock him for losing two thirds of his readership over covid, Ukraine, and general establishment ass-kissing. All that could be put down to nerd error—believing that numbers are truth, merit will out, bad consequences are unintended, etc.—but he’s also become girlishly defensive of Biden, personally, so it’s probably an age-related hormonal problem. Acting mildly annoyed at some Jews for doing something that looks kinda dumb (it isn’t) won’t fool anybody.
I just think all these campus protests calling out the tribe members is hilarious – it’s about frikin time, but it’s also too bad it’s just scabs from the ME doing it. I guess no one thought of that as they were imported by the ton. As for the republicans, they and the rest of the government as well as all ancillary institutions need vaporization, pronto.
“They do not want you to notice the two alien tribes from the Levant fighting it out on the college campus.” Yep, I struggle with faith. 2000 year Hebrew civil war. They have their king killed, they lose their temple and their country. There’s your left (Jews) and your right (Christians). Or anti-zionists and zionists, or however we formulate it today. Your Judeo-Christianity. “They were also waving around an Israel flag, but that was trimmed from the scene.” At least how little stake we Gentiles have in the question (the JQ!) is becoming obvious. Yeah, boomers are of a certain… Read more »
“Thirty percent of the undergrad student body in Columbia is foreign. Less than half of the student body is classified as white and half of those identify as Jewish. If you are the typical white person, Columbia University may as well be located in another solar system. It is not just a foreign place. It is an alien place that rests on hostility toward you.” This is NYC we’re talking about and the city is not really white, not like the NYC of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Given the outsized Jewish population of NYC, one would expect a quarter of the… Read more »
I’m afraid that is incorrect. Geographic diversity is a big thing in the admissions policies of highly selective schools. What that means is they attempt to get a student body comprised of people from all over the world. Note that there is nothing in that policy preventing Finkels from being wildly overrepresented at Columbia. A guy named Milton Axelrod from northeastern Wyoming still helps Columbia’s geographical diversity quotient.
“What that means is they attempt to get a student body comprised of people from all over the world.”
I’m not saying otherwise unless my wording was more than usually maladroit. It’s part of the push to create a global governing elite.
“to create a global governing elite”
Nailed it, Arshad, we forget that the original medieval universities were a place for noblemen’s sons.
As pointed to endlessly here, they will eventually turn on each other and I’m rather enjoying it. Does that mean they know that the days of huwhitey are over??
I stand with Jerry!
Opponents say the bill violates protestors’ constitutional rights.
“This bill threatens to chill constitutionally protected speech. Speech that is critical of Israel alone does not constitute unlawful discrimination,” said Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.).
I consider it impolite to mention other web sites when posting here but there is a site, which many might read, run by a supposed conservative libertarian, that appears to have moved it’s headquarters to Tel Aviv. They have gone bat crap crazy posting repeatedly about this issue and how the protesters are all rat faced vermin antisemites, etc. etc. The mask has come off. During the Summer of Floyd , these conservatives made barely a noise about the numerous riots. Now, they literally want to eradicate the 1st Amendment.
Meanwhile, O’Biden finally manages to unify the country as protestors from both sides chant, “FJB!”
Way of the World got it right:
Unfortunately, picking “our side” really isn’t an option right now as the USA is (A) sending tens of billions of dollars to Israel so they can murder Palestinians, (B) planning to take in Palestinians as refugees so Israel can annex Gaza, (C) shielding Israel diplomatically from all criticism and accountability for its behavior, and (D) defending Israel with its own military forces, and (E) forcing its vassals to do the same.
In the meantime we get this pablum over at The American Mind:
We are uniquely chosen blah blah blah.
Blunt language is called for should dullards like Mike Anton and VDH be reading you or have quotes forced under their noses. So,… The civilian ZOGbots were finally sent in yesterday to clear the pro-Gaza camp… At other colleges, civilian ZOGbots continue to battle with protestors… and Support for Israel and Jewish supremacy remain strong with old whitetards, esp. those who need to have their government benefits terminated,… and The shuffling husk…has been trying to do what it exists to do, which is get whitetards to focus on the how and why,… and They do not want you to notice… Read more »
Great, this f%cktard is my brothers congresscritter, essay forwarded. A little aside from that rally around the flag at UNC was the black girl standing off to the left when they panned the camera around to view the crowd. The puss on her face as they were chanting “USA” speaks volumes.
Steve, I’m responding to your comment from a few days ago about “tribing up.”
If we don’t “tribe up”, what do you suggest instead?
Please don’t say that we must wait to be saved by the cavalry of brown and black natural conservatives.
I agree with tribing up, however you have me confused with another Steve here.
I think Z is wrong on this one. Yes neither group should be here, but that is not the issue. The issue is a schism in the ruling class and Regime. As near as I can make out, Obama/Soros/CIA/State/NGOs are fueling and funding and organizing the protests, and the Hillary! camp is equivocating “fine people on both sides.” etc. Of note is that the leader of the Columbia Group is some AWFL to be, her mother (AWFL) is the number 3 person at the State Dept. Why the Right Always Loses: it focuses on past grudges, feuds, “being right” instead… Read more »
The phrase at the end also “we need to empower the right people inside the republican party…”
If these youngsters, in viewing mainstream media material, also see it through the lens of this post-truth period and accordingly interpret that channel as proffering only the inverse of the truth, they may have found other alternate sides of the story: David Duke, David Irving, some interesting Unz writers, et al. Of course they cannot say it aloud yet, but can be angry about it.
Maybe someone’s already mentioned it here, but all these anti-Israel
protests seem to be controlled opposition. It’s no secret that Soros is funding many of these pro-Hamas groups. There was a NY Post article on it last week, but of course no where in the article was it mentioned that he is Jewish. It seems like the typical playbook of let’s create some opposition so we can control it for our benefit which, as always, is playing the innocent, forever-tortured victim.
Is that everyone’s default comment; “controlled opposition.” Not everyone or everything can be controlled opposition. I see it all over tossed around like a football. But never any proof presented.
At this late stage the Cloud ppl, puppet masters, PTB, have dropped the mask and they needn’t bother with the costs and efforts to maintain controlled opposition.
Trump, Musk, Tucker, Alex Jones etc… All controlled opposition. I can list a shit ton more.
They may start out as genuine, but I think there’s a case to be made that when your voice gets a wide enough reach, you are either co-opted or eliminated.
We all saw Musk go to Auschwitz with the yarmulke on his head after he said the badthings. I’m pretty sure that trip, and that fashion choice, were not his idea.
Unz has an article today positing Hitler was controlled opposition. I am not making that up.
Just so. When I see that term “controlled opposition,” my eyes reflexively roll.
Soros funding the pro-hamas groups is not proof? I guess he’s just another self-hater. Who knew? Juneau?
His Leftist ideology is more precious to him than his Jewishness. It’s a very common phenomenon among the Finkels.
Sure, Soros funds leftists, but Conservative Inc. is using his loose involvement to whip up griller support for crushing the protestors. Conservative normies are being played…as usual.
The script calls for normies to side against Soros and thus, with the Tribe. Don’t fall for it.
“See? See? Jews are the real victims here!”
I couldn’t agree more.
When you’re enemies fight, let them and hope that they destroy each other.
To take it back to sportsball analogies, I hope the Pally’s win the mid-east semi’s…
Not because I like them, but because we’ve played the Blue Stars in the finals many times and always lose; it’d be nice to have a different opponent with strengths/weaknesses that I feel like we could win against more easily.
I have another sportsball analogy.
It’s like the Serbian and Croat fans brawling in the parking lot at the Australian Open (tennis) — they don’t belong in Australia.
That’s the central thing. It’s their business that they hate each other. But why in America? It’s like Eskimo tribes harpooning each other in Fiji
‘It’s like Eskimo tribes harpooning each other in Fiji” Now THAT is funny.
My short criticism of Z Man is he does not take seriously how bad things are. Tribe up means tribal alliances. Between the two religions that don’t eat bacon, I know which I am more compatible with and which I can live with more. Which one I have a longer history with, and which one has the most incompatible goals versus myself.
I don’t disagree with his findings, I just find them irrelevant given the situation.
Here! hear!
Well said.